The Straits Times, 13 June 1955

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Sew*"** 1 Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1955 if 15 CENTS
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  • 295 1 Threat of general strike is political coercion: It endangers security of the people, says Gort. Transport halted as busmen stop work LIGHTNING strike by 6,000 bus workers yesterday paralysed Singapore's transport after the Government had ordered the arrest of leaders responsible for organising the general
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  • 416 1 The five etained men prH si \N. the of the rd. is a •wenducated High general f the rkers" ik a n the ■mtr W C Goor.-: the Adminlslerrnment, Secrethe :nbl y People's leaden In the Ing op to May 12. h ted from a Fone at a Iv of
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  • 245 1 Arsonists attack 7 cars in one day OEVEN more cars were damaged by fire in Singapore yesterday. Arson attempts have now been made against 21 cars in the series of attacks which began last Wednesday. Three cars belonging to Mr F. C. Bennett. Major J Hay and Mr. W. M.
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  • 1694 1 A LARGE number of Malayan Communist Party documents were seized during yesterday's five arrests, the Singapore Po! ?e announced. They were not found in the premises of the Singapore Factory and Shop Workers' Union in Middle Road which was raided by the Special Branch just before midnight
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  • 152 1 CHILDREN AMONG VICTIMS AS CAR AND LORRY CRASH FOUR people were killed and four others injured in a head-on collision between this car and a Royal Air Force 10-ton lorry (Straits Times picture above) at the milestone East Coast Road. Singapore, last night. Kamalludin bin
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  • 80 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Federation of Malaya Olympic Sports Council at a meeting today decided to send a team to the Olympic Games In Melbourne next year. It Is estimated that 50 people, including women, will make ud the team. The meeting discussed
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  • 351 1 POLITICS FOR YOUTH— AS LEARNERS ONLY It's the Progressives' plan to put them on right track rfiHE Singapore Progressive Party at its annual meeting yesterday decided that boys and girls should be encouraged to take an interest in politics but only as learners. The decision was passed after a heated
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  • 615 1 84 KILLED IN DISASTER AT LE MANS Racing car crashes and explodes in a packed grandstand LE MANS, Sunday. VIGHTY -FOUR people were killed and another 94 were seriously injured here yesterday when a flaming Mercedes racing car exploded and sent its engine and front axle hurtling into a stand
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  615 words
  • 30 1 SPOIti: CRASH VICTIMS STILL GRAVELY ILL At 2.30 a.m. today thr tfanc East Const Road crash victims in the General Hospital were still sravel> ill. (Sec this pane).
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  • 59 1 HONO KONG, Sun.— Police today offered a reward of $100,--000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person responsible for the sabotage of the Indian airliner which crashed in April while flying to Indonesia from here. Fifteen people, including right Chinese Government officials,
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 18 1 HOLLYWOOD, Sun.— Famed Shakespearean actor Walter Hampden, 75. died here today following a stroke on Thursday.—UP.
    UP  -  18 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 4 1 (Olympic progress. 9. 2)
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    • 62 1 Gifts from SENA'S Articles of rart beaaty an 4 intrinsic »al»«. simple gifts, ornamental •nd mM f iftt, all rti« work of fine craftsmen. The name of SENA M"f the box conveys a compliment mote eloquently than words. H. SENA LTD. HIGH CLASS JEWELLERS Singapore Pensng Imghofc b^bw. -d firm
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  • 352 2 STADIUM WILL BE READY FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES MELBOURNE, Sun. BUSTLING gangs of workmen swarming over the rapidly-rising skeleton of a giant new stand at Melbourne Cricket Ground are a visible sign of this city's preparations for the 1956 Olympic Games. Strikes, over strict control of spending
    Reuter  -  352 words
  • 28 2 TOKYO. Sun.— Japan today started an -anti-prostitution month" to take its hal/ a million prostitutes out of brothels and off the str3ets into respectable work. U.P.
    UP  -  28 words
  • 200 2 Released bishop says religion is being strangled in China HONG KONG. Sun. FATHER Frederick Donaghy, an American Catholic bishop, expelled from China yesterday, said hero today that the statement of the Chinese Premier, Mr. Chou fn-lai, that there was complete religious freedom in China was -aDsoli'tely
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 315 2 'A LESSON FOR MALA YA '-LA WYEB LONDON, Sunday. A LETTER in the London Times yesterday argued that until the Chinese in Singapore show greater support for the authorities in their fight against Communism "there will be many cogent arguments against increasing the proportion of
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 48 2 TORONTO, Sun. A 19--month-old girl had a heart operation here while her blood passed through a lung removed from a monkey. The operation was performed by Dr. W. T. Mustard. The monkeys lung was chosen because it most closely resembled a human lung. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 65 2 PORT OF SPAIN (Trinidad), Sun. More than 2,000 people are homeless as a result of a fire which destroyed half the town of Soufriere in the colony of St. Lucia, it was learned here yesterday. The fire occurred late on Thursday night but due to poor communications
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  • 38 2 HONG KONG, Sun. A 24--year-old Chinese seaman was sentenced to four months' lail and fined $5,000 for having about $23,000 worth of opium. Police found the opium in the Panamanian freighter San Rolando— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 311 2 Minister asked to explain ban rpHE PREPARATORY comL mittee of the Singapore Chinese Middle School Students Union has asked the Minister for Education, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, to define what he means by "political activities." In a letter to Mr. CJhew, the committee said they wanted
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  • 55 2 HOLLYWOOD. Sun. Actress Jane Russell fell and sprained her ankle severely yesterday while climbing from a bathtub during shooting of a film scene. She was sent home for the weekend after the accident on the 20th Ceiitury-Fox set of "The Tall Man" In which she
    UP  -  55 words
  • 137 2 —New Zealand's Antarctic team WELLINGTON, Sun. QIR EDMUND HILLARY, O conqueror of Everest was tipped yesterday as the leader of a New Zealand team to Join a Commonwealth expedition to the Antarctic in 1957-58 A Wellington newspaper, Dominion, said he had been selected by the Ross Sea
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 73 2 THE INDIAN PRIME MINISTER. MR. JAWAHARLAL Nehru, reviews a suart iIH oar with the Soviet Prime Minister, Marshal Nikolai Bulganin on Us amu! it* cow Central Airport. After a tumultuous welcome in Moscow. Mr. Xc hru and us W ter, Mrs. Indra Gandhi, left on a
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  • 140 2 Rail strike forces Postponement of Royal Ascent npHE Royal Ascot race meeting I 1 started on Tuesday has hi?* hhri 'r I the rail strike. een Postp*: I A statement issued last I night by the Jockey Club said "As a result of the further adjournment of the railway strike
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 22 2 Malayans at the Co mmons S IR lAN nfiSS delegate! fe S3 A. *S wh «eh bound k and °f the hi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 "-^MJSTIN 5-TONNER W? 398 L Eg Among the distinguished features I B Of this Austin truck Is the powerful 4 litre B B engine making tills s tonner truly unbeatable; B Eg outstanding in operating economy; dependable B H and versatile In any lob giving tne truck a B B
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  • 307 3 DON'T IGNORE VOICE OF ASIA 0lo: The West must fry to see things wugh Eastern eyes NEW YORK, Sunday. R IOS P. ROMULO reminded the Bi Xt t( ,H;,y that in any coming talks at the the- pe°Pie» As| a and Africa have 5 their riixht to I "voice and
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  • 177 3 WAS called 'Malayan alleges student LONDON, Sun. LflAB-OLD Pafcfa- t txlu l Martuza Ulegei in laj i«> have to a student Ulara threatening inkrhim. Matafaa dog. alleged to oil Bf prepared to >treet cur on <l HSS. You need tttktl \uiir lather 0f fallxr Mill be jisavf >(> u' p^
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  • 37 3 VIENNA, Sun. a valuable manuscript from the library of the 15th century Hungarian Kinu Mathias Corvinus has been found in rubbish collected from cellars in Hungary by schoolchildren, the Budapest newspaper Magyar Nemzet reported.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 95 3 NEW YORK. Sun. Samuel David Hawkins, an Oklahome City soldier, who remained with the Communists after being captured in Korea, has fallen in love with a Russian girl in China and hopes to marry her. his mother said. Mrs. Carlos Jones said the girl was employed
    AP  -  95 words
  • 83 3 EDEN MEETS SIAM'S PREMIER AND BUTLER MEETS GINA BRITISH GOVERNMENT leaders aave been receiving distinguished visitors lately. ABOVE: The Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, meets the Prime Minister of Siam, Field Marshal Pibul Songgram. at 10 Downing; Street during his six-day visit to London. and BELOW, the Chancellor of the
    AP  -  83 words
  • 133 3 New traces of the 'snowman' NEW DELHI, Sun. THE leader of a French Himalayan expedition said here last night he has found new traces of the "abominable snowman." M. Jean Franco, who led an eight man team in a successful assault on 27,790-foot Mount Makalu, said he saw the ••snowman's"
    AP  -  133 words
  • 240 3 'DON'T WAIT FOR THEM TO STRIKE 9 SAN FRANCISCO, Sunday. THE Most Rev. Jose P Cuenco, Catholic Archbishop of the Philippines, said yesterday: "We have to stop Communism by force, if necessary, in the legitimate excercise of self defence. We need not wait for the
    AP; UP  -  240 words
  • 139 3 KHARTOUM, Sun. TiHE former Sudanese Defence Minister, Mr. Khalafalla Khalid, told a court hearing a sedition case here that Egypt paid most of the National Unionist Party's funds at the last election. The former minister, who was treasurer of the party ana a member of
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  • 182 3 Girl sees mother kill herself HOLLYWOOD. Sun. IITHILE her daughter watch TT ed, a woman shot and killed herself in front of a hotel here yesterday following a family argument. Police said that Mrs. Marjorie Frodsham, 41, shot herself through the heart. The daughter, Merllyn Jean
    AP  -  182 words
  • 208 3 Boos for Kesselring as police quell mob BONN, Sun. ABOUT 500 police wielding rubber truncheons yesterday forced back crowds chorussing their disapproval of a soldiers' rally called by the rightwing Stahlhelm (steel helmet) of Field Marshal Albert Kesselring at Ooslar. About 25 people in the crowd, which had pressed up
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 129 3 COMMISSAR SHOT AT CONFERENCE RANGOON, Sun. A young Communist shot dead an important commissar of the illegal Burmese Communist Party at a conference in Upper Burma to resolve party differences, reports reaching here said. The commissar, Maung Maung, had spoken for. several hours defending Thakin Than Tun. the veteran leader
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 MOORHOUSES DELIGHTFUL IN FLAVOUR UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY j^ 01 o q r K ou6 e s 1§1§»1 FOR VER 6 mRS <*- J^iiilli^i EM6UNDS FINEST JAMS SPIOAUHES rsWMßS^BSssssss^Hsißp I 01l Inn f>(i Al I QP^t SE?=: I *lk.^ lo uivUl llUUvvw B^^S Finest." l aot., SHBIRO (CHIMA) LID (Incorporated in
      51 words
    • 220 3 Ufll!MlMf('ir|rM|r||||||||tffi|||i|Mi|fiM»«i'|i|'|M-..iM-Fr>iMM'll|Mlflllll||||l YOU HA YE HEARD ABOUT THEM. I NOW I YOU CAN SEE THEM! s o I HAVE THEM- J3 j I STRAW JSm I I SKIRTS JP?! from ITALY— «*f:*iF^L I THE LATEST FASHION i§T T CRAZE IN EUROPE. 1 LIMITED STOCK j& IN VARIOUS COLOURS £T AND PATTERNS.
      220 words

  • 135 4 $5,000 FOR NOT GIVING UP Doubly happy wife IPOH, Sun. 'TFHIS is the reward for never -I giving up hope," Mrs. Lee Tong Loon, sole winner of last week's $5,000 Straits Times Word Puzzle Contest, told a Straits Times reporter who broke the news to her early today. Ever since
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  • 38 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Ngo Keng was fined $500 in the Sessions Court today for having 13 chandu pills, two rhandu pipes and other chandu smoking utensils in a room at Tampoi new village on May 4.
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  • 37 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Mr. N. L. Cohen, in the Sessions Court today fined a woman. Liew Kwook. $250 for taking three rice cakes from Kudai Oil Palm Estate, a restricted area, on April 9.
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  • 23 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The Postal Staff Services Union has provided a canteen for the staff of the Johore Bahru Post Office.
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  • 53 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaya needs more philanthropists, the Member for Social and Industrial Relations, Inciie Mustapna Albakri, said today at a meeting here to discuss the formation of a Malayan Association of social Service. He said many voluntary organisations were handicapped by shortage of money and lack
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  • 248 4 But it's just part of plan to protect Malaya From WILLIAM FISH ABOARD HMS CONCORD, Sunday. PEN. SIR CHARLES LOEWEN, Commander-in-Chief Far East Land Forces, was this afternoon "rescued" by the Navy. Accompanied by staff officers and a naval liaison officer, Sir Charles
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  • 57 4 THE GENTLEMAN in the high hat above is Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, the Commissioner-General, dressed as a pierrot 1 His table companion is Mrs. Ton! Leong. dressed as a camel driver. The occasion the fancy dress ball organised by the Singapore Chinese Ladies* Association at the Victoria Memorial
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  • 122 4 Sir Donald's warning on new Govt KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE High Commissioner.^ir Donald MacGillivray, told the people of the Federation in a broadcast this evening not to expect "miracles" when the new elected Government is formed. "Some of the new Ministers may not be accustomed to the
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  • 53 4 A motor-cyclist, Tan Keng Joon, was killed on Saturday night when his machine collided with a post at Tampenis Road. Singapore. Tan, who was flung from his seat by the impact, was unconscious when taken to the General Hospital in an ambulance. He died of severe
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  • 157 4 Suspected murder: Body exhumed fTHE body of 70-year-old Poh Cheng who, the Singapore police believe, was murdered before 2 a. m. on Friday, was yesterday exhumed on the order of the Coroner, Mr. K. T. Alexander. Mr. Alexander supervised the exhumation at 5.30 p.m. at a Chinese cemetery at the
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  • 91 4 rPHE Singapore Cinema and Entertainment Workers' Union and the Malaya Kwang Hwa Theatres Ltd. signed an agreement on Saturday fixing wages and other claims of the employees of the Jubilee Theatre. The agreement was signed by the managing director of the company and the secretary
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  • 38 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Ng Soo Tang was accused in the General Hospital of attempting to commit suicide by drinking poison. He will face trial in the Magistrate's Court when he is discharged from hospital.
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  • 20 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Heng Meng Seng was fined $160 in the Magistrate's Court here today for overloading his lorry.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 btiC Mazda Umger 8 sv (Cb\ BORNEO^ m y-» Fashion right wonderfully washable JQ fabrics guaranteed FIRE! OUR RECORDS LOST BUT FOR NU SWIFT? "So unexpected, to quickly bbtei everywhere three oldfashioncd extinguisher failed but reliable Nu-Switt had Hie tire out in seconds." When will you get up-to-date? NU-SWIFT LTD.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 506 4 DAIIIA mf At AVA cussing the Discs; 9.30 News; 9.45 JWJm*«J»JIJt» Three's Company 10.00 Musicale: ('Procrammcs thus «»rked can k« ".30-11.00 Percy Proctor. received by listeners in Malacca hmbmbhbhmb| Short wave 49 and 62m. Median I^^^^^^^^^ wave 476n.. 34Sm^ 366 m. and 297 m.) ■HHHPHIHHHHHi A.M. *8.57 and 11.10 English
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  • 1630 5 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURES Pioneer health reformer was booed in press, pulpit ,f»fflffflflfyiTß^ iiiiiiiiiiii ONE summer's day in 1849, a party of gentlemen, holding vinegar-soaked handkerchiefs to their noses, stumbled down the rickety staircase of a slum tenement in St. Giles, London. Above them, in the noisome garret they had
    Daily Mirror  -  1,630 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 pi Jeasuri 1 t° own J if -< if t fa ItM «lnd- i'\xl tor Rsnten Senator J ;l will a man's I nr after jy NEW! f FAMOUS "ONSONOL LIGHTER FLUID *OLO NOW «N I' TINS iL A ■■'-"yi in«t«t on Hi t-nu,ne Ronson |!>'ONs -toe*
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    • 7 5 TOMORROW Drnry Laae Actress j Annoyed King
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    • 195 5 The right choice at all times SCOTCH WHISKY %J^ Sole Distributors: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. The car of a lifetime The completely NEW It's the car yonil set your heart on from the start. The latest most exciting of a great English breed. Powered to give high speejl and all
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 50 5 Sherlock Holmes fW street **HJ tS^jSowe^vBs «lse! A vwat ues bcwp -rats rxxz umi srceErj Scott tar »^r. r uUz-Tkrt I r UNTIL VflU "V VOU'K *AICIN<7 IT Ml*WTV I H^^ AT -^POU^ f«fS»S^; i FORKOUTOUIlJMSTOeMi.AtfMfv. 1 MM v V cSwN-- PACK. FfcY.' >f Ml^H^V HAttR B4JT UET^ J rLOmfrMO
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  • 50 6 20 Wordt 110 (minimum). EE: Mrs Ec Cheok passed nuav peacefully on Saturday 1-6-55. Funeral cortege leaving Orneral Hospital for Bidadari at 3-45 pm. SEWEI.L FRANK BLACKWOOD peacefully away on June 12th 1355. aped 72. at Kalamunda Western Australia bereaved by his wile. son. three daughters mnd grandchildren.
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  • 35 6 20 Wm4t tin (minimum). CHE JAVA WARAS ABDULLAH r.ri Che Adeda Al-Johary (Swamiwitb to thank all Fnends fi n<i Relatives tor their Presence and Beautiful Gifts on the Occasion of their Muitagi on 9-6-55.
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  • 114 6 !0 Word* HO (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day in the Malay Mall' if you want to win 000 word puzzle E CONTINUES all this week. Salon opens Daily until 5.30 p.m. Tommy Thomson, G. H. Bldg., v Road. Spore. CONTACT JOAN TOOKE S 6c( raterial and Employment Agency for
    114 words
  • 783 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon. June 13, 1955. Grasping The Nettle In spite of the desperate inconvenience caused to thousands yesterday by the stoppage of work by all public bus company workers, Singapore breathed a deep sigh of relief at the Government's decision to meet firmly the newly emerged plotters
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  • 499 6 On Saturday thousands of people in the Colony found themselves without transport. Nor had they forewarning that the Singapore Traction Company's buses would be off the roads on that day. Hundreds of workers and housewives, caught unawares, waited hopefully at bus stops. If these went away angry with
    499 words
  • 1290 6 The 'Appalling' dilemma of the South Tht> first at three artfctes mm Mndo-Chin* by GRAHAM GREEi\E\ I AS one drove Into Hanoi, the capital of the new Democratic Republic of Vietnam, passing under the portrait of Ho Chi Minh hanging from the arch of the great Doumer Bridge, one was
    1,290 words
  • MAN in the STREET
    • 169 6 AFTER reading abort a woman being fined SM-for parking a ear in front of a port office, I am beginning to -wonder why the Traffic Police are not taking action against the cars and lorries Parked for hoars at a time along very busy Geylang Road opposite
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    • 348 6 I MUST draw "Dominie's" attention to the fact that the letter addressed to the Chief Education Officer was from the Parents' Association of Selanßor. which submitted views after several representations had been made to the Education Department by anxious parents and pupils. They are
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    • 136 6 T WAS Interested to read the letter by "Interested" on why the Seraneoon Garden Community Centre was holding; its inaugural meeting in the small compound of a private residence instead of the lamer so-called vacant ground available. The letter is obviously written by a committee member, presumably
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    • 141 6 GINCE the enforcement of a 40 m.p.h. speed limit on the 20-mile stretch of road between Beremban and Port Dickaon and the vigilance of the traffic police in laying speed traps, it is gratifying to see that the number of road accidents in that area has considerably
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    • 44 6 IAM sure Che Rahma Posed for the photographer with good intention and her conscience is clear. Islam does not interfere with Individual freedom. Religious teachers should correct errors in their midst instead of making an unnecessary fuss over a picture. NOMAN AJAR.
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    • 127 6 THE Central Provident Fund scheme is to compel all employers to donate five per cent Most of the European firms are very generous and have provident schemes for their staff. Only few firms and merchants In the Colony do not have such a scheme. I am of
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    • 68 6 NO FREE doctor. no gratuity for theme workers rE servants and clerks in mission schools have served some over 20 or 25 years, but have not been considered for a gratuity or free medical facilities. Can't they be put on the same footing; as Government servants? They are only a
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    • 206 6 rpHE recent observations of X a Singapore magistrate, which appeared in your issue of June 2, castigating counsel, who was unable to appear in Court but who. nevertheless, provided a substitute, may (despite his qualifying statement "it almost amounts to contempt of Court") lend themselves to more
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 763 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 29 Word, |ie minimum). BINDON. To Mollie and Dennis. n daughter Sandra Vicky, at K.K. H<*pital on June 11th. 2* Wmr4* (minimum). OWEN JOSEPH Mayo, second Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Owen of •re was engaged to Ruth, only cr n( Mr. and Mrs. C. A. of Alor
      763 words
    • 20 6 W* ftV'*y x vT ''/v '^mM '''//"VmLu '■1 '1 1. i^vUk > /--> I fJSMHMIffjhA ftllmmk %l 14l I to**"** JB I
      20 words
    • 43 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE 'PHONE ***** X^. OPTICIANS^ K. E. MEYER f.n.a.0., d. opt i.o^ K. W. BELL DIP OPT ASTC r Z_ *5 Always Milder p. Better Tasting J /■> 0 Cooler.Smoking '^AW^r\ "SSI* CHESTERFIEU th.. err, *>-.— <-'- ty.Vl LANKA nmuJ^ 20. lATTIRY ROAD. SINCAPQW^
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  • 24 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. it was all quiet on the Emergency front today. No casualties either to terrorist or security forces were reported.
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  • 706 7 L.C. TAN SAYS LABOUR FRONI WILL SACRIFICE FINEST MUNICIPAL SERVICE IN ASIA il)(i inofl'- pOWTI '*,> p rrpar m eat, rty, Bth the to -he the «md f S i#d bit tl >ns atbe and tolerate any tempering with the elections. Earlier Mr. Tan said thr
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  • 99 7 PLANS for the $400,000 town hall to be built in Johore Bahru to commemorate the 60-year reign of the Sultan have been pssed by the Johore Diamond Jubilee Permanent Memorial subcommittee. The Sultan may return from England and lay the foundation stone of
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  • 88 7 The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, was at Kallang airport at 7 ajn. yesterday to say farewell- to four members of his family who have been in Singapore on holiday for the past three weeks. Mr. Marshall's brother. Sonny, and his bride, Norma, left by Air India
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  • 47 7 LPOH, Sun. Ipoh Police Volunteer Reserve today won the seventh quarterly shooting competition for the Ng Brothers Challenge Shield at the Kinta Valley Home Guard Rifle Range. Mr. J. G. H. Brett, Commander of the Kinta Valley Home Guard, gave away the trophies.
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  • 33 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A feature film of the Thomas Cup badminton matches in Singapore inter-aone and challenge rounds will have its Federation premiere at the Madras Theatre here on Tuesday.
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  • 256 7 Think as Malayans, chairman urges MALACCA, Sunday. 1I T HILE youths contribute their share to end the Emergency they must be careful of the canker of communalism. Mr. A. Kajapathy, chairman of the Malacca Settlement Youth Council, warned the Council's annual meeting last night. "Communalism can
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  • 102 7 Sultan opens new road KUALA LIPIS. Sun. rpHE SULTAN of Pahang yes--1 terday told the people of Kampont, Awah. one of the villages which have sprung up along the new Maran Road: "Finish off the remaining terrorists in the area The Pandits, he said, had been one of the main
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  • 52 7 Madame Mak Kwi Tong, 65, mother of badminton champion Wong Peng Soon, died yesterday evening at her residence in Johore Bharu. She was suddenly taken ill, and collapsed in the bathroom. She left behind five other sons. The date of the funeral has not yet
    52 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 The Whole World Wants 3-D!! j hi w m I rPsB i i' speakers) W^S* I j HEW THRILLS UISTtNING. I Spot" Distributors or Ayents: i HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. ROAD S PORE-9. PHONE: ***** b *****. i R OAD, KUALA LUMPUR. PHONE 3451. STREET PENANC PHONE 4154 b 4155.
      139 words
    • 230 7 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION BRIGADE Appeal Week Saturday. 25th June GAR D E N FETE 12.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., at the Police Training School. Thomson Road, by kind permission of Mr. N.C. Morris, Commissioner of Police. All the fun of the fair for grewn-ups and children Admisiion: Adults $1.00
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 78 7 High tides TODAY: Singapore 3.03 a.m. (8 ft. 2 In.) 4.17 p.m. (7 ft. 6 in.); Port Dickson 11.04 ajn. (7 ft. 6 in.) 11.29 pjn. (6 it. 8 in): Penang 5.11 a.m. (6 ft. 1 in.) 4.48 p.m. (6 ft. 5 in.). TOMORROW: Singapore 4.04 a.m. (7 ft. 7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1218 8 T.i: 2405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. T«it 2.412, (10 lme») (Incorporated in Singapore) (12 lln**) s^p.n, the BLUE FUNNEL LINE T D D Corner* option *o pwwl via other portp to load and dischorge corgo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Sort! P. Shorn Penong Cyclops for
      1,218 words
    • 1179 8 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden. Part S«id, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Cop*nhag*n Gotmmkurg ft Oslo Spore P. S'riom Pnong "MALACCA" 3/5 Jut, 4 4 July 7/ 7 Jut, "MEONIA" .I.."" »/24 Jut, 25/24 July 27/20 Jaty x) Calls London (passengers only), Gdynia. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT Spore P.
      1,179 words
    • 1011 8 a M THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD, nL -j$X SINGAPORE (incorporated in th* United Kingdom) I LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PO«TS S'por* P. S'hom Penong ■^SBnA^^ "/!4J~ "/10J— Oamrannaek for London, Hull 14/22 Jan* 2J/2aJana 27/29 Jaa* Um oS t vH >f f^' V 4 ""r&JIZ,^*™ 10 22J«H/2J«lrß*artarrt*«UM*.2lJar,
      1,011 words
    • 693 8 au-^ J'Zy J SW CITY V I" 00 *"^«al Coll. Hull 2nd holf A »9 J4^ 30 July (Incorporated the F M V i llj)^" Corrmt. option to proceed^ i*^ GLEN Ui ow OUTWARD FROM U.K.,CONT,, tNT o E R > &59SS. 1 < Col p^°"omit SJopon: <?&}** radwrhiire »"vr
      693 words

  • 586 9 ,O%ntonjTT 3MAHKET REViEW pgS OF SHORTAGES (hir Market Correspondent ,niy iiorniaf aw one of the most active IteUs for several months as heavy j ns and short-covering continuj fr fearing a shortage of rubber due n rt -1 in the Colony. her was done up to
    586 words
  • 346 9 SHARK REVIEW IVHEN the Singapore fT Share Market closed on Saturday, at the end of a week which had seen the rubber and tin prices reach the highest levels for the current year, it was on a sombre note. The increasing industrial unrest la Singapore, coupled
    346 words
  • 176 9 idrnds 1 .pera- CO. dendf of i lively, t on 'r pre8^ l>refevear payable its on Iwi tha' date. i.IIDA- dividend of 20 r *irt, le^s 30^ c M inromr tax. for her 31. t j a 19 I i mtcfiiter July 9. HIT\M TIN \n inly
    176 words
  • 832 9 rE Malayan Share Broker* Association. Singapore section, issued the following full list of revised quotations following their 4 p.m. meeting on Friday:— EKDCBTBMU Alex. Bricks 2.0s no Ora» j jo jie BM. TnutoSS IH 100 Con. Tin Smelt. Pr«f 3»/- Ords jj/. 33/. Onlls* 9IM NlM Fed
    832 words
  • 286 9 rpHE following business done A done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period June 4 to June 10:— INDUSTRIALS: Alexandra Brick Ords $2 20, British Borneo Pets. 31s. 6d., Consolidated Tin Smelter Ords. 325. 9d.. Praser and Neave
    286 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 390 9 KNUTSEN LINE FaSl 3nd Regular Service Bjtf CANADA 'U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sa'lmc Arriving Singapore P.Swer Penang Fremantle In port 17 |une 18 June 26 June 11 |uly 13 |uly 14 |uly 21 July SAu? 10 Aug 1 1 Aug 18 Aug 13 Auk 12 Sept 14 Sept 15
      390 words
    • 841 9 TENDERS P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Claa* "W UK above registered P.WB. Contractor! will be received by the State En gincer, Johore. up to noon of th< 20th. June. 1955 for:— CONSTRUCTION OF LABOURER! QUARTERS AT KLUANG Full particulars may be obtatnet from the Senior Executive Engineer P.W.D. TENDER NOTTCE~
      841 words
    • 876 9 NOTICES SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING UNITED (Incorporated in England). The Board of Directors has declared an Interim Dividend, for 3 the year ending 90th June 1965, ol 4d. per share, leta Income Tax at 1 8/6 in the t, payable In London on 30th July 1955 to all Shareholders I
      876 words
    • 527 9 NOTICES NOTia OF AUCTION SALE FEDERATION OF MALAYA State of Johore. In th« Supreme Ceo* at Mw. Civil Salt No: M «f 1934. Valuable piece of land comprised under Johore Government Orant Mo: *****, area oa. lr. 03.6 p. and situate in the Township *of Benut. District of Pontian, State
      527 words
    • 299 9 NOTICES CITY COUNaL OF SINGAPORE NOTZO U hereby given that Dunbar Walk. Pranke! EsUte, will be doied, with effect from 22nd June, 1986. In section, to traffic until further notice for the purpose of constructing a sawer. BY ORDER. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE SECTION 103. MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE (Chapter 133). Mafcliaj
      299 words

  • 119 10 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sun.— Abdul Aziz was awarded the best performance trophy at the Bukit Mertajam High School sports here yesterday for setting a new pole vault record of 10ft. lin. Aziz bettered his own record of last year by two Inches. He set up the only
    119 words
  • 470 10 THE BOSUN'S BIG WIN BROKE RUN OF 38 DEFEATS v JEEP REVIEWS SATURDATS RACES AT B. TIMAH THE BOSUN, in the twilight of a colour- ful career oh the Mabj yan Turf, staged a magnificent come-back to win the Class 2, Div. j 2 mile handicap at Bukit Timah on
    470 words
  • 514 10 Tail helps Surrey to useful 243 against Essex LONDON, Sun. SURREY, the county cricket champions and current leaders, were without star batsmen Peter May and Ken Barrington— both playing in the Test mateh when they faced Essex at The Oval yesterday, but they ran up a useful 243 before the
    Reuter  -  514 words
  • 335 10 LONDON. Sun. ENOLIBH county cricket championship placlngs at the end of yesterday's matches were: 1st Inns P W D L L DFtl Surrey 8 8 0 0 0 0 96 Yorkshire 8 6 2 0 1 0 76 Middlesex 8 4 2 2 3
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 145 10 WASHINGTON. Sun. T*HE United States maintained x their lead at the end of the third round hi the Canada Cup golf tournament here yesterday. Their representatives, Ted Purgold and Chick Harbert. returned a combined score of 139 for the round for an aggregate of
    AP  -  145 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      65 words
    • 144 10 Whether he writes //f3J|^| or love notes... ■rat^| He will be thrilled with this Personal Typewnt. AM New Reminqfon 71 i, p Opu ar wifh ft ".rywhere. Superb st y |> rugged construction performance anyone Your neqre st Re mi *«nd deoler wi POST THIS COUPON TQDayi I REMINCTON
      144 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 224 10 Straits Times Crossword ACEOSS back (6. 4). 9. Dare we run about In it? (9). IS. Such a voice was heard by l 6 UUtOr £2» a^und th« flgure. 11. Rowing touching mUM* I^^. may be lagging 12. Nearly bald and so stuffy (7). 13. A chance taken In th
      224 words

  • 529 11 Wardle ends the Springboks' back to wall effort It was slow, slow batting to save follow on NOTTINGHAM, Sun. gOU T H AFRICA fought back hard on the third day of their first cricket Test against England here yesterday but, after being forced to follow on. they were still 107
    529 words
  • 149 11 LONDON, Son. pHRIS CHATAWAT, who helped to pace Dr. Roger Bannister and John Landy in torn to beat four minutes for the mile, yesterday ran 2,000 metres at the White City stadium in Smin 9.4aee. This is the best time ever accomplished for the
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 83 11 BRISTOL. Sun.— Enrique Morea of Argentine won the men's singles championship In the West of England lawn tennis tournament when he beat Sid Schwartz of America 2-6, 10-8, 6-2, 6-2 yesterday. The women's singles went to Doris Hart, who had little difficulty In beating her fellow
    83 words
  • 32 11 TAIPXNO, Sun Talpmg Tigers trounced Combined Volunteers of Ipoh, Tapah and Talplng 8-1. Jamaluddin (5). Mahadevan, Sulaiman and Cheng <tal scored for Tigers and Ambrl for the combined side.
    32 words
  • 52 11 BECKENHAM. Sun. Tony Trabert of America won the men's single title In the Kent open grass tennis championships when he beat a fellow American, Herb Flam, 6-4, 6-2. The women's singles championship also went to America when Louise Brough beat 20-year-old Mary Carter of Australia 6-2,
    52 words
  • 428 11 WEIGHTS for mil seven races on Wednesday, second day of the Singapore Turf Club Jane Meeting, are: d. I, Dlv. I— 6F. Bite Fire 9.00 Man About Town B.IS Uttle Chorrlnfton 5.12 Determination 8.11 BUm Winnie MS Who Regrets 8.07 Lanpton Lady B.OT Kentucky Pride (I.
    428 words
  • 209 11 KINGSTON, Sunday. 4 NOTHER fine innings by Clyde Walcott, who was out A in the last over for 155, helped West Indies recover from a bad start against Australia in the fifth and final Test here yesterday. They were 327 for six by the close.
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 25 11 NEW YORK. Sun. Nashua, son of the British sire Nasrullah. yesterday won the Belmont Stakes last of the three top American racing classics.
    25 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1604 11 lliJstf4swbiM*MM IsMMsUstXlsCsislUilslllsCJ I 1 V The I'omm. j .xtr.. requires j < expeed andj VlB.) R3O to Hotel, and n \G at Best .:;ioned 0\ 10 I M Via i own at v.... Rice. Road. Furop- Hotel. ST. Bar. I Food. H Cor.riiM Moderate Hotel, H FFERS Many O'lr Swiss
      1,604 words
    • 691 11 KIM TIAN ROAD Tiong Bahrn r •»""jt'St SJ%Sj'WBBI _sl SS^^^y ***"Osaotwawi* >■<<■ TODAY: 11.30 a.m.. 2, 4.15, 7 A 9.3* pjd. A Super Cantonese Picture •UAH FUNB HWAN6 lIMG CH JUT NEXT CHANGE: flfb/BSffSSSC J^a^J^^ Voo needn't suffer ACIDITY As you suck a Bennie tablst. powerful antacid \£jj|g ingredient*, dissolved
      691 words

  • 225 12 MEN'S SINGLES FINAL: Ferry Sonneville (Indonesia) beat Jorn Skaarup (Denmark) 15-5. 15-4. SEMI-FINALS: Ferry Sonneville (Indonesia) beat Wong Peng Soon (Malaya) 8-15, 15-3. 15-2; Jorn Skaarup (Den) beat Ole Jensen (Den) 15-4. 14-18, 15-6. MEN'S DOUBLES FINAL: Ong Poh Llm and Ooi Teik Hock beat
    225 words
  • 970 12 Malaya salvage some prestige by taking the doubles final Scores 24-minute win over Skaarup By NORMAN SIEBEL KUALA LUMPUR Sun. INDONESIA'S Ferry Sonneville, conqueror of Malaya's All-England champion Wonjf Peng Soon in the semi-finals, won the men's singles event of the Malayan Open Badminton
    970 words
  • 37 12 FERRY SON NEVILLE, Indonesia s sensational young champion, seen at play agai nst Wong Peng Soon whom he beat in three sets in one of the biggest surprises of the game.— Straits Times picture.
    37 words
  • 781 12 PENG SOON WAS NOT HIS USUAL COOL SELF WHEN Ferry Sonneville beat Wong Peng Soon, Malaya's All-Eng-land champion, 8-15, 15-3, 15-2 in the semifinals this morning admiration for the Indonesian champion was mixed with sympathy for the greatest player Malaya has ever produced. Sonneville was superb. He played fast badminton
    781 words
  • 446 12 NO MORE THRILLING FINAL THAN THE DOUBLES EVENT T<HE men's doubles final x produced the most thrilling finish seen in the Selangor Badminton Hall for a long time. After losing the first set 7-15. Kobbero and Hansen struck a brilliant combination which put them into the lead several times. Teik
    446 words
  • 126 12 Mrs. Cecilia Samuel gained her second title when she took the women's doubles with Miss Phua Yoke Chin. They beat Miss Amy Choong and Miss Lam Kit Lin of Penang 18-15, 3-IS. 15-8. It was a keenly fought out final where the experienced Mrs. Samuel's steadiness
    126 words
  • 27 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— The Malayan Hockey Federation today agreed to Individual states playing friendly matches against Singapore provided they did not clach with local fixtures.
    27 words
  • 152 12 The only Dane to win a title at the Malayan badminton championships was J. Hammergaard Hansen who partnered Mlas Amy Choong of Penanr to win the mixed double Utle, dethroning last year's champions, Mrs. Cecilia Samuel and Chan Kon Leong, 17-18. 15-11. Incidentally, this
    152 words
  • 118 12 Colony's new loop team were too good for Johore SINGAPORE scored their second l p Malaya Cup competition wSS t! CCess *th team turned in an efficient a n hoir >tor Johore 3-l^before a SS^d^^ P l ayors U h y* I i, Omar was m "t(f by t AURidi"
    118 words
  • 167 12 MANCHESTER. Sun A GREAT victory by Roger Becker over the young Indian champion. R. Krishnan. gave Britain a fighting chance In their Davis Cup European zone quarter-final against India here yesterday. Becker won by 13-11, 6-3 6-3 to level the score at 2-2. India were well
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 54 12 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. Persidja, the touring Indonesian soccer team, beat Federation of Malaya 2-1 at Princes Road here today. Persidja opened scoring in the 20th minute through Pattipeilohy but Federation equalised just before the interval through Slang Hock. Ang Hel got the winning goal four
    54 words
  • 236 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. OINGAPORE Police won the 13 Macintosh Trophy when they beat Federation Police by an Innings and six runs in their cricket match at the Police Depot here today. Singapore scored 261 and Federation 84 and 171. Scores: FEDERATION IST INNS
    236 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 781 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. out in in H from Page 6) SITUATIONS WANTED 1» Horrf, JU (tfin.,l— Box SO elm. extra. FIRST CLASS Modern Teamaker/ Clerk, Experienced in Ceylon/Ma--reks cither positions. Please upply Raj. c/o The Clerk. Buklt Hilam. Puchong. KNGINEER. MECHANICAL (Alrconditionmc Refrigeration, Diesel Equipment and Allied Plant: Wide lence in
      781 words
    • 147 12 outfor vm!^ JKj! Mi NO score a*ain! The Afterwards a W_"JJJ match lost only my eyes are always rubb«« had not been so tired -w« When they mlcnt have won. *P°t < hos n e "I 0 should use Optrex f v* _-_r^ i£ i -'j?\ h 1 How right
      147 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 33 12 SOCCER Persidja (Indonesia) v Malays, JaUa Bcaar, 8 p.m.; 8.AJ.A. Learur, Div. 3A: Woodland, f R.E. CivilUm, Geylani; Serancoon M.Y. Dockyard. M.F.A.; SeUa Jaya v Kebniaran Club. Farrcr Park; CorinthUns v Jolliladn. FAN.
      33 words