The Straits Times, 8 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times tie**** Estd. 1845. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 368 1 A glimmer of hope in transport sto L K l,i\ ASKED: LET TALKS BEGIN jnHLETHE STRIKE IS ON 9 nion s yes toT.U.C. plan LONDON, Tuesday. engineers and firemen now on accepted a "peace formula" aimed nations 10-day-old rail walkout. r by the Associated Society of
    Reuter; AP  -  368 words
  • 37 1 hur days we to go V E you n your The van Iy s Must-s-Won ConIf not. aid do :NOW. corncloses Saturday, me 11 OUR days ay. Post your Npon. with K*a! order, at '"•■•v.v.v.w.v. v
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  • 134 1 BEHIND THE STRIP ...a brave boy in peril because he tried to save a life HIS NAME IS SECRET. In the Singapore Coroner's Court, where he gave evidence at an inquest yesterday, his name was scribbled on a piece of paper and handed to the Coroner. Kept secret, too, was
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  • 64 1 After 4 months For the first time since February 15 rubber rose to the dollar level in Singapore yesterday. This followed the settling of the Ford strike in the U.S.A. Big business was reported on the local market but the price closed at 9fc cents, a cent
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  • 39 1 MOSCOW. Tues.— Mr. Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister, arrived in Moscow today by air for talks with Soviet Government leaders. Mr. Nehru is on a two-weeK visit as the guest of the Soviet Government.— Reuter.
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  • 52 1 OSLO. Tues. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be shown the famous Kon Tiki raft, when they visit Oslo at the end of this month. The Kon Tiki sailed 4.000 miles across the Pacific In 97 days with a Norwegian crew in
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  • 25 1 LONDON. Tues.— Russia and Japan resumed discussions today to end the state of war which still exists between th« two countries.— A.P
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  • 166 1 5 men vs 10 Reds -SPECIALS WII KUALA LUMPUR, Tues^ UIVE Special Constables r routed 10 terrorists, who laid an ambush inside the perimeter wire of Kangar Pulai village in the Gelang Patah District of Johore at dawn today. They killed one bandit. Special Constable Abu Bakar bin Rawi 32,
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  • 53 1 LONDON, Tues. Britain. France and the United States today formally Invited Russia to a four-day meeting of the "Big Four" top leaders at Geneva from July 18 to July 21. The invitation was contained in identical notes handed over in Moscow by the envoys of the
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  • 55 1 HONG KONG, Tues. A Northwest Orient Airlines DC--4 turned back to Hong Kong on a flight to Taipeh today when a false alarm was sounded about enemy planes being in the area. The plane took off again, from Hong Kong soon after returning and flew
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  • 269 1 TOO EARLY FOR TIME-KEEPER OACING driver, Joy Me- Naughton, 23, reached Singapore at 3.18 p. m. yesterday after a record breaking 508-mile run from Penang, only to find she had arrived too early for the official time-keeper. Fortunately for Mrs. McNaughton, Mr. A. Balch, a representative
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  • 163 1 But grim task of settling crisis lies ahead LONDON, Tues. THE British Parliament met today for the first time since last month's general election, at which Sir Anthony Eden's Conservatives increased their majority over all other parties from 18 to > 59. Sir Anthony, debonair and
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 71 1 LONDON, Tues. Yesterday was the hottest day in London since Sept. 1, last year. The temperature at 2 p.m. was 71 degrees Fahrenheit. Bright sunshine started a fire which flared up among 300 square yards of, packing cases on the south side of the Thames
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  • 45 1 HONG KONG. Tues. —The plane carrying Prime Minister Dr. AH Sastroamidjojo of Indonesia home from a visit to Red China was surrounded by a heavy police guard during a 90 minute stopover here today. Reporters and photographers were kept at a distance. —A.P.
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  • 22 1 VIENNA, Tues.—The Austrian Parliament unanimously ratified today the treaty of independence granted this country by the Big Four recently A.P.
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  • 28 1 BAYREUTH. West Germany, Tues. A couple, whose ages totalled 161 years, were married here. The bridegroom, a retired Linotype operator, was 82. His bride 79.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 166 1 IPOH, Tuesday. f|ATO Sir Onn bin Ja'afar. Secretary-General of Party Negara and Dato E. E. C. Thuraisingam, a committee member of the party, today held informal discussions with officials of various political parties in Perak that are in opposition to the UMNO -MCA -MIC
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  • 213 1 OFF TO CHINA -A BANKER'S DAUGHTER She defies her millionaire father MISS LEE HWEE HUANG, 19, daughter of the Singapore multi-millionaire Mr. Lee Wee Nam, has defied her father and gone to China, it was learned yesterday. Miss Lee left Singapore in the TJiwangi on May 24 without telling her
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  • 20 1 SEOUL, Tues. South Korean police have arrested four North Korean Communist guerrillas and 11 suspected collaborators.— A P.
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  • 88 1 Dragnet for gem stealing couple HONG KONG. Tues. IjOLICE have asked authori- ies in South -East Asia and in Europe to look out for a Chinese couple wanted for the theft of HK$4l.OOO worth of diamonds Manila, Singapore. Bangkok and Amsterdam are among the cities asked for help. Police said
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  • 118 1 1,250 in new Colony strike ABOUT 1,250 employees of Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd., went on strike at noon yesterday. The workers, members of the Singapore Factory and Shop Workers' Union, downed tools after "negotiations on their wage claims had broken down. Union representatives and officials of the company discussed
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  • 50 1 IS. CLAIMS SI.B MIL AGAINST RUSSIA THE HACiIK, Ti-cv— !hc liUivnulional ourt of Justice iinnomirt <i i tdajf thai Initctl st.itcs Governni'Mit has lili-d a US$l,--(>2n.>r).-> (S4.800.000) claim Kgalnsl IJussi:i r.»r the low of B-2S Superfortress, shot town with its rir.hi crewmen off Japan in October, 1 !>:>:».—
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  • 60 1 KAMPALA, Uganda. Tues.— Mr. Y. Sekabanja, President of the Uganda Nationalist Party, said here that Africans should marry as many wives as .they could afford and aim to double the country's population in live years. Addressing a meeting, he said this would protect the African customs
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 JO P HIES '"shields, medals. ",I(W»S ETC. a.-* 1 HENDRY, |P 1 fh endue Road. Kmli Lumpur. uf>p^j&cuvfcext $TSTE(XPRESS Ota. *Bii*t
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  • 150 2 JAKARTA, Tues. THE General Elections Committee of West Java has warned the central Government it mist have more money if the general elections in autumn are to be carried out. In view of increasing prices, committee thinks the budget should be increased. It
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  • 59 2 HONG KONG. Tues. The Indonesian Premier, Dr. Aii amidjojo accompanied by rtfe and party arrived here by air on their way from Canton to Jakarta after a poodwill visit to China. Dr. tfastroamidjojo left lor Jakarta alter a 90-minute refuelling stop in Hong Kong, i
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 105 2 Make Govt. do it, says peer LONDON. Tues. ADMIRAL of the Fleet the Earl of Cork and Orrery .said here that the plight of distressed ex Servicemen should be a Government concern. Speaking at the 13th biennial conference of the British Empire Service League yesterday, he said "I understand it
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  • 22 2 BERNE. Tues. Germanborn novelist Thomas Mann, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1929. celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday. A.P.
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  • 85 2 A-BASES? NOT IN JAPAN TOKYO, Tues. PRIME Minister Ichiro Hatoyama said today that Japan should refuse the United States permission to use bases in Japan for launching atomic attacks. "In the event the United States brings atom bombs to Japan. I believe it will be after obtaining Japan's consent." he
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  • 26 2 CAIRO, Thurs. Egypt announced yesterday that it has rejected Israeli proposals for high level talks to ease tension over the "Gaza strip." AP.
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  • 203 2 V7ERY little is known m medical circles in Singar of the virus disease "Menlngo encephalitis". a ■tudy of which has been pub- in the latest issue of the Bulletin of the World Hea'thl Organisation. The Minister for Health Mr. A. J. Braga. said that
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  • 38 2 MELBOURNE, Tues. A former Australian Test cricketer, Sam Loxton, yesterday won a seat in the Victorian Legislative Assembly by 15 votes. He stood as a Country Party candidate for the suburb of Prahran.— Reuter.
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  • 231 2 BIG 4 TALKS MAY START GENERATION OF PEACE EFFORTS, SAYS IKE NEW YORK, Tues. PRESIDENT Eisen- hower said today that the coming fourpower conference of heads of Government was only the beginning of a renewed effort towards peace "that may last a generation." Prudence urged
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 282 2 Scientist shows cricket IS slowest game CHAPMAN PINCHER investigates sport and food for felines L- THE slur that cricket is the world's jJBb slowest sport has been strengthened by a British scientist who has mea- sured the energy expended in batting, inLjf X*» bowling and fielding, for the first time.
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  • 175 2 YOUR CAT MAY BE A LEFT HARDER uses LEFT-HANDED cats are twice as common as right-handed cats, Mr. John Cole, an Oxford University scientist, reports after careful catwatching experiments. Mr. Cole tested the paw preferences of 60 cats by showing them a piece of meat In a glass tube. The
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  • 57 2 NEWCASTLE. Tues. A heavyweight boxer, Dinny Powell, was knocked out in a professional fight here last night but not by a punch. Powell slipped through the ropes in the fourth round and was knocked unconscious when he crashed to the floor. He was counted out by
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 21 2 BELGRADE. Tues. The Burmese Premier, U Nu. arrived here last night for a 10-day official visit.— UP.
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  • 50 2 Miss Tan Sock Poh. a former student of the Fairfield Girls' School, Singapore, recent'y received a Bachelor of Arts degree at Wheaton College. Norton, Massachusetts, where she majored in chemistry. Miss Tan is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Boon Khak. of Meyer Road.
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  • 179 2 ...with her in chartered plane go her 23 dogs and a tractor THE HAGUE. Tuesday. ILfISS JACOBA BERGMAN— a small farmer— will i leave nothing to chance when she emigrates from her small village in Holland to Canada. Miss Bergman, who is 47, will take almost her
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  • 61 2 SERGEANT'S WORK WAS OUTSTANDING KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Sergeant P. N. Barnes of the Army Intelligence Corps received the Commander-in Chief's certificate for "outstanding work" today. The award was made by the C-in-C Far East Land Forces. General Sir Charles Loewen, at Headquarters Malaya Command here. Sergeant Barnes received his award
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  • 48 2 NEW YORK, Tues. Raymond Hoey, 18, was sentenced yesterday to die in Sing Sing Prison's electric chair for murdering another youth during a gang fight. Hoey was convicted of killinz Jesse Lipscomb, 15, in a Brooklyn gang battle last Oct. I.— U.P.
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  • 134 2 PORT SWETTENHAM, "Tues. ELECTRICAL goods ranging from torchlight batteries to X-ray equipment turned out by 40 Yugoslav factories are on show in the ship Pula which arrived here today. The "floating exhibition" will remain here until Thursday when it will go to Singapore. It
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  • 26 2 PARIS, Tuea. A French pilot, Jean Boulet. yesterday claimed a new world altitude record for helicopters by reaching a. height of 27.0W feet— Reuter.
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  • 194 2 Mrs. JPAN STILL LISTEN TO THESE TALES 50 do's and don't* fnrch THE modern Japanese wife „***<>, r^ manent-waved. but the chaSi*'* bellevw In many "don't do- JS^ U* ZS tions about pregnancy and ri.iUk- l%t ear Post-war Japanes'.Mh d rth have shown keen interest i n adont n and
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 38 2 'Keep China out, Olympic bo v '«tt the y3* £xg h cK$S i Dr Hoh told a afttfa £§31 ggZVS Jhina an d the o th <<r a discussion ,f 1 mi as practise b ,E ■W eoiintm-C
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  • 32 2 c Mr T. H. H Senior ArchJti I Works Depu' talk on "Col J times to the rC Singapore at ,gether at Buk:t r» ißukit Timahßoada'Sl on June 21
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  • 66 2 A man entrusted with money Furniture Conn iisappeared and seven days guilty to cheai:r''~ t later was found loitering in panv of S6 front of the Supreme Court, a He \va ami Singapore court was told yes- j months' fall, terday six months' police sjn Ang
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    • 39 2 A meal in it sell! /^pN NO TIMi N g^9 LA Lmw C x& PREPAUm yMK^ )l AHDmm j4ssMl) TRY 1 s l^^ ALSO NK^- "l**]^^r CHOCOLATI It's ready cooked-just heat sffj Ogiiml SWISS MADE \MX Obtainable at all
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  • 55 3 MARSHALL IS ROUNDED IN DIGGERS FOR MALAYA CANBERRA, Tuesday. u s; I XTERNAL AFFAIRS Minister, sey, -aid here today that Singati r. Mr. David Marshall, and the natic officer there had friendly t of sending Australian troops io formal communications with on the subject, he told the I n trap'
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  • 137 3 IN LONDON Premier to discuss Seato SONGGRAM DUE LONDON, Tues. T^HE Prime Minister of 1 Siam, Field Marshal Pibul Songgram, will have talks here with British Ministers on the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation of which Britain and Siam are members. The Marshal is due here by air from Copenhagen today
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  • 19 3 A Man Makimc British Kiabu 'iflicial rday. :i!ed 74 27 and of anndcred The ispecta orted.
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  • 9 3 M.ix--8 I todaj the Far definite!] three
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  • 57 3 The Prime Sir John 8 memI Family to marking million 1 1 binary the High Commissioner's Office said here yesterday. It Ls not known which member of the Royal Family was invited or will accept, but it is believed the Ceylon Government is hoping that the Queen
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  • 56 3 THE HAGUE. Tues. The United States has filed an application with the International Court here asking for an award of more than U.S. 51. 500.000 damages from Russia lor the shooting down of an American plane by Soviet aircraft off Hokkaido (Japan) on Oct. 7.
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  • 42 3 It's the latest fashion at Oxford University. ROWING MEN j. H. M. Edwards, H. N Cannon and J. N. F. Turner, of Christ Church, Oxford, wear the latest in sports shorts in blue and white (the college colours) check. A. P. photo.
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  • 271 3 War fear recedes, says Dulles DE FACTO CEASEFIRE IN CHINA WATERS WASHINGTON, Tues. THE Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, at his news conference today said he believed that the danger of war in the Far East had become less during the past three or four months. He added
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  • 167 3 Remarks were 'inappropriate' MONTREAL, Tues. THE chief of the Royal Canadian Air Force technical services. Air Vice Marshal John L. Plant, has been removed from his position because of statements he made in a speech at Toronto last Thursday, it was announced yesterday. The Defence
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  • 90 3 LONDON, Tuesday. ETON, Britain's most famous public school, announced yesterday that a robbery took place during the annual gathering of former students last Saturday. While distinguished and wealthy "old boys" were attending one of the big social events of the year someone slipped into the
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 55 3 EASTBOURNE (Eng land Tues.— A woman fell 150 feet on to the rocks below Beachy Head, near here, yesterday and suflered only a few cuts. There is no record of anyone falling from that height at Beachy Head without being killed or dyine on
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 111 3 DETROIT, Tues. The Ford Motor Company today agreed to a demand by the United Auto Workers Union for a guaranteed annual wage ending a strike of 68,000 Ford workers. The strike began at midnight last night. By this afternoon work had stopped in more than
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 403 3 LONDON, Tues. THE stock market* were again cheerful here today despite the continuation of labour disputes and the publication of the Economic Commission for Europe forecasts for the United Kingdom. Investors were reluctant to sell and new buyers found the market short of supplies so that advances in
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  • 31 3 LONDON RUBBER LONDON, June 7.— Spot 30 Hd., July-S«pt. 29Md., Oct.-Dec. 28'4<J.. Jan.-Mar. 27% d., Apr-June 26 7 »d., June c.l.f. 29>sd.. July c.i.f. 28' ad., Aug. c.i.f. 28Ud. Tone: Firm.
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  • 25 3 LONDON TIN LONDON, June 7.—Cash Buyers £719; Sellers £720; Forward Buyers £719' 2, Sellers £720%; Settlement £718' Turnover a.m. 80 tons, p.m. 90.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 Wang Shee Ming drew this picture. His age is 13 and he attends the Chi Hwa School. Seremban. >*3fPV Ml and LO Mmg shows a grand sense MTI jW^"^'^. >Our is well-reflected in -^Srf /IIM P^S3 ••"I The differing moods Vi I \u{ ]S? subjects are effectively < *^oJ/
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    • 227 3 FULL OF VITAL HEALTH-GIVING PROPERTIES S. C. S. WHITE BREAD sustains, strengthens and nourishes because it's VITAMIN- ENRICHED H.M. THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY 9th June, 1955 Singapore: All Shops close at 1 p.m. Deliveries as usual. Federation: All Shops closed No Deliveries. MADE BY COLD STORAGE BAKERIES SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
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  • 498 4 JUDGE DECIDES:I'LL NOT HEAR this CASE Reference in poll suit to magistrates during JaDop^ m A SINGAPORE District Judge yesA terday decided he would not try a case after the defence counsel had drawn his attention to references in the suit to a magistrate's duties during the Japanese occupation. The.
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  • 71 4 Sultans attend Malaya Ha party in London THE SULTAN OF PERAK (left) and the Sultan „t i nhn Raya Puasa celebrations at Malaya Hall in London ti,!^,, 11 recently visited Southend. It was one of several visits tLvi to the popular Essex seaside resort because, said his Lrl P^l and
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  • 41 4 TAIPING. Tues. Inche Shamsudin bin Abu Samah. a welfare officer of Alor Star, Kedah, and Che Farldah blnte Abdul Rahman were married at Asam Kumbang. The bride has won "sarong-kebaya" contests in Penang and Taiping.
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  • 39 4 KAJANO. Tues.— The Catholic Welfare Committee In the United States has given eight cartons of cotton seed oil and 60 cartons of milk for distribution to the needy and sick <n the Kajang district.
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  • 112 4 UNEMPLOYED people in Singapore will meet to form an organisation to represent their problems to the Government. I The meeting will be held at the Singapore Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union premises in Rangoon Road at 10.30 ajn. on Friday. They will discuss the Government's
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  • 21 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A recruiting team from th« Ist Battalion, Federation Regiment, is to tour the country this month.
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  • 147 4 and Govt. jobs back if they aren't elecki KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Junior civil servants in many non policy making Division Three Jobs with the Federation Government will be given leave M they want to contest the Federal elections. If they do not get elected the Government
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  • 188 4 New line-up heals the Alliance rift INDIANS TO CONTEST TWO SEATS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. rpHE powerful executive committee of the UMNO--1 MCA-MIC National Council last night decided on two major changes in the Alliance line-up of candidates for the Federal elections on July 27. The Chinese partners will now have
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  • 76 4 JOUR SPECIAL CONSTABLES ARE ACCUSED KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Four special constables were charged here today with stealing $41 from a colleague at Killinghall Tin Mine, Puchong. on Saturday. Ahmad bin Hamid, aged 21, pleaded guilty and the others, Othman bin Hassan, aged 24, Mohamed Zaln bin Sa'ad, aged 22, and
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  • 37 4 Planter saved— by armoured car KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Terrorists missed when they shot at the assistant manager of Telok Sengat Estate In the Kota Tinggi area of Johore on Sunday. He was travelling in an armoured car.
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  • 48 4 The Commissioner Genera 1. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. will lay the foundation stone the Children's Convalescent Home. The site is next to the Reel Cross Handicapped Children* Home of the Singapore < dren's Society at Tanah Mera Besar. Changi. at 5.45 P™ June 14.
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  • 30 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. terrorist yesterday sunend<:<' to security forces on the Ben-tong-Karak Road in wes' Pahang. He is Sook Hee \vn« went into the jungle in 194'
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  • 74 4 7 YEARS ROBBER WEEPS COURT a YOUTH. Ue I A Bock, 'ye:: I j Sinsapore 4J* i yesterday wM tenced to seven year for robbiMa l^ gold bracelet in this year. Lee said his« ie .J aa The coiir: Pong Foad two youths. one pushed the other sW it.;, worth
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  • 11 4 New official of union o'nara. > y;--w% The other ol and Hup.
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  • 8 4 Cigarettes round A JOHOKEf! Sri After 1 \..A\
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  • 150 4 rpHE Buklt Timah Youth Club JL yesterday presented a petition to the Buklt Tlmah Rural Committee asking for a community centre in which to hold their meetings. The Youth Club, which was formed on May 7, has* more than 160 members, and it is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 arc proud to onnounc* that they have been appointed Sole Agents in Singapore, the Federation of Molayo and Borneo for olivetti •A company giving employment to over 13,000, Olivetti is recognized at one of the leading manufacturers of high precision office machines; its allied companies, agents, and service points are
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  • 232 5 igT MEWT SETS OUT JUST What it wnx DO-AH|> WHAI wolri ffERE HANDICAPPED OVRE BY LACK f I POLICY— OFFICER Ki\KA LUMPUR, Tuesday. ,|,KK\Ti<>N'S Social Welfare Departannminrcd a ten-point proh h «ill enable it iv concentrate on v;) x! ;i The Uer homes he department
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  • 315 5 Oh, no! Mr. Marshall: 'Your bogey' OPPOSITION HITS AT COLONIALISM' OPPOSITION parties ■in KJ the Singapore Legislative Assembly and former Legislative Councillors yesterday hit out at the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall. for saying that if the majority of the electorate asked for a return to pure colonialism, he would
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 5 MKS. LEE SI TEE (above >. nhu will appear in a Sinsaporr ball in a court dress worn by Hsi Shi, one of the four famed beauties of China who became queen of the Kingdom of Wii about 500 B.C. The fancy dress ball is being held by
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  • 366 5 LIM CONSULTS MARSHALL on DOCK STRIKE ■THE MINISTER for Labour, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, consulted the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, yesterday on the 39-day strike by 1,300 members of the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association. Nine waterfront unions, representing more than 10,000 workers, have threatened to meet to discuss
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  • 97 5 ALTERED FIGURES PEN ANG, Tues A former bank clerk. Tan Cheng Ean, 22. was granted $750 bail today when he pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust of Sl9l and to two charges of falsification of accounts between M^rch 21 and May 16. Tan altered two sums
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  • 42 5 The New York University has conferred a Doctorate of Philosophy on Mr. Oliver Thevathasan of Arthur Road, Singapore. Dr. Thevathasan. an old boy of the Anglo-Chinese School, is a son of the Rev. S. M. Thevathasan, retired Methodist minister.
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  • 24 5 Mr. Aboobakar bin Taha Alsagoff. former principal of tV Aliiinirri Islamic School, Singapore, was entertained to a farewell dinner party last mjiht.
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  • 171 5 'Murder over bananas' COURT TOLD OF FIGHT JOHORE BAHRU. Tues A MAN killed his cousin after quarrelling over some bananas, Mr. .Justice Storr was told at the Assizes here today. Mustapha bin Lasalt, 26, was charged with the murder of Lehek bin Ambok Bokok, 22, a cripple, at Parit Kongsi.
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  • 95 5 PENANG, Tues. Electricity and a pipe water supply may be extended to Juru new village in central Province Wellesley by the end of this year. Mr. M. A. Kidner, District Officer, Bukit Mertajam, told villagers on the election of their headmen yesterday. Messrs. Ong
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  • 58 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The C-in-C Far East Land Forces. Gen. Sir Charles Loewen. today presented testimonials to two civilian employees of the War Department. They were Mr. Koh Kirn Chong. chief clerk of a Pioneer Corps labour unit and Mr Choong Yean Kwai. a chief clerk
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  • 31 5 The Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, will open the Singapore Camera Club's third pan Malayan photographic exhibition at the British Council Hall. Stamford Road, at 5.30 p.m. on Friday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 Check its EXTRAS 9 n the road... The New MORRIS oxford 1 i EXTRA POWER J EXTRA ROOMINESS f EXTRA COMFORT *J t family car of the year desipned to provide i .milled with real economy in running costs. V -n«ine Wide, modern-styled body. 16 cv. ft. thin-thc-uheelbase. Torsion-bar front
      72 words
    • 116 5 where do they 83 get their energy?^ SHREDDEDWHEMSJ SSI Shreddies Made from 100% whole aßm *k^oosk V »hcat. "SlireHdirv" rrrral V^J* fyffjj brings you the extra tt t i appetite appeal of malt, R "^f»^»V ■i^~ m I ingar and «alt. X'^^l^(f Trade Enquiries to: GUTHRIE CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 496 5 ¥/> C..S iui For Music. 10.30 11.00 InstrumentRADIO MALAIA Mai Intelligence. i Pi icrammes thus marked cm be received by listeners in Malacca. ■^^^^jf^l^^nl Short wave 4P 62m. Medium wave HH^^^7;^^^H_^^H^H 476 m 343 366 m. and 297 m. i A.M. ■HBHHhrifIHHILHHHI -8.57 and 11.10 English Schools n^nci Broadcasts. P.M.
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  • 691 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. June 8, 1955. Equality Plus The memorandum on Chinese education to be submitted by Singapore Chinese organisations to the Legislative Assembly's All-Party Committee will be notable for what it omits rather than what it contains. All of the five points on I which the memorandum
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  • 118 6 :n W,,rH< $10 (minimum). THE KAMII Y of the ];ite Mr J V ttMDfei tiio-f who sent s. Mone'ary Gifts. Condoland Loaned t 1 :!y of the l»U Mr. i i.di 'Ihu;ir.. John, wishes to U( to all and Associations >. Condolcn- Hex ■eived Thank 0 V. HWANG
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  • 557 6 The spectacular achievements !of Communist China, say the pessimists, make it the inevitable model for backward Asian countries which are determined to modernize themselves with the least delay. The transformation of China from a backward, divided and corrupt country into a world power within less than a
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  • 1828 6 Passionate selflessness is only weapon to fight Reds in Chinese school. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The writer of this article is a China-born Chinese who has lived and worked in Singapore for more than 40 years and has taken a close interest in Chinese educational problems. PDUCATION in China has always
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  • 458 6 CO BY implication *J Inche Rashid bin Ahmad, Federal Legislative Councillor, also "wished for freedom." This certainly is a very good beginning for I hope sincerely that he thinks and dreams of freedom. Where his political opponents are alleged to insult the Sultans
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 820 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Ifl HorJ* (minimum). HEWITT To Milrlel and Leslie g Priumc Maternity Hospital on $lh Juno IMS, 1 Ban. PROCTOR: To Mavi.s wife of Perrival Proctor. .son. Gary, at C:rrnhlll Nnrstni Home, on 6.6.55. 20 H *»r it %t% 'minimum). \RKE LOOMES. The Enpumounced between lain Kempe. elder *on
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    • 42 6 The Brides \m T^^^^^^^^sWsmssssssssst™"** I LIGHTWEIGHT EFFICIENCY BEAUTY and LONG l' f£ M()!)H. I' )0 "*»*•■•■>■ vSSi*. 4^^ Advertisement of THE CENERAL l\K Representing THE GENERAL U= gV I I; y i CHEAP *£sj& fro-' t»% NANKHENG^f RADIO 9 ri $,n|^. ,03/105. SeM,
      42 words

  • 183 7 THE FLEET IS IN— BIGGEST SEEN HERE IN YEARS THE FLEET'S IN. Destroyers and frigates taking part in the maritime exercise "Anzex' in the South China Sea daring the next II days are shown in this Straits Times picture steaming past Changi yesterday morning on their way to the Naval
    183 words
  • 1746 7 S S CALLER TO STUDENT: TAKE CARE WHAT YOU TELL SYMONDS INQUIRY THE STORY SO FAR E*WO*"CI at the coroners inquiry into the death of: s, js» ss ram sruySmSrsS An early witness was a Malay taxi driver. Abdul bin. ,!iw°, tiTOVe S y monds
    1,746 words
  • 114 7 City Council meet on Friday SINGAPORE City Councillors will attend a special council meeting on Friday to formally adopt a resolution conferring the Freedom of the City on the Commissioner-General. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. The resolution says the honour is "in recognition of his ov^standing
    114 words
  • 44 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Suppiah. 35. of Loke Yew Road labour lines, claimed trial today here to trespassing into a woman's room on Saturday and trying to assault her. The case was postponed to June 28. Bail of $500 was allowed.
    44 words
  • 47 7 BENTONG. Tues. Three [men were seriously injured 1 when their car collied with a lorry at the 80th milestone. Bentong-Kuala Lumpur road on Sunday. Lee Guat. 43, Lee Cheang, 32, and Ong Kirn Teng. 26. were admitted to hospital here
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  • 63 7 An Italian troopship, the 8,000-ton Flaminia. which has been carrying Italian immierants to Australia rrived in Singapore from Townsville yesterday bound for Saigon to take on her first load of troops since the war. For her return trip to Italy the Flaminia has been chartered
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  • 74 7 PENANG, Tues. A fowl seller. Chor Kum Chye, 58, was fined $50 in the magistrate's court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to nine doves and a squirrel. Court Inspector. Ahmad Mydin, said that on receiving a complaint from an RAF Sergeant,
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  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR Tues The children's playground put up by the Selangor Playing Fields Association at Coronation Park. Kuala Lumpur, will be officially opened on Friday at 5.30 p.m.
    31 words
  • 328 7 Woman welfare worker denies false report charge r7AHARA BIN T E NOOR £j MOHAMED, president of the Malay Women's Welfare Association, pleaded not guilty in a Singapore court yesterday to a charge of making a false report about a girl in her cusZahara had reported
    328 words
  • 272 7 Detainees* cinema request is granted IPOH. Tues. IJOR 15 minutes this morning r men and women in certain sections of the Ipoh detention camp created a noisy demonstration. After that they quietened. It was the third day after the incident on Saturday nipht when
    272 words
  • 66 7 Thieves broke into a shop in Clyde Terrace, Singapore, on Monday night and stole three propellers worth S9OO. DEATH KHOO ENO HUM. 64 years, passed away peacefully at 11.45 p.m. on June 6th. 1955. leaving behind wife. son. two daughters, one daughter-in-law, two soas-in-law, eight Grandchildren to mourn
    66 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 171 7 The weather It rained at last in Singapore and most parts of the Federation yesterday. MINIM I'M TEMPERATURE: (7.30 p.m. on Jun e 6 to 7.30 ajn. on June 1> Singapore 72 degrees. Penang 74, Kota Bahru 73. Kualn I,umPur 74, Ipoh 73, Kuantan 71. MAXIMI M TEMrERATIRE: (7.30 a.m.
      171 words

  • 480 8 Doctor says wound too small for knife KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. UIOHTEEN-YEAR-OLD schoolboy, Khoo Teng Chwee, denied in the High Court here today that he had stabbed another student, Tan Swee Lok, at the Rex Theatre on Jan 9 He said that he had been attacked by
    480 words
  • 238 8 45 YEARS AT SEA, NOW HOME TO SCOTLAND FROM Shanghai to the Suez, from Naples to Tokyo, seamen know and like "MacTavish of the Glengarry." Yesterday in Singapore, genial, softly-spoken Captain Duncan MacTavisih told the Straits Times he was "both glad and sorry" to be retiring from the sea. The
    238 words
  • 197 8 QUIT NOTICE MEN SEE MINISTER ABOUT 100 people living in houses in the Rochore Canal Road-Albert Street-Short Street area of Singapore called at the Ministry of Local Government. Lands and Housing yesterday to demand a two-year stay of an eviction order issued by the Improvement
    197 words
  • 70 8 Jail now for 3 -abreast cyclists SEREMBAN. Tues. RIDING three abreast on bicycles on any public road in Nepri Sembilan is an offence. This rule which was framed by the Chief Police Officer. Mr. V. W. Powell Evans and approved by the Mentri Besar. Inche Shamsuddin bin Na in— came
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  • 27 8 Nino employers of William Jacks Company gave blood at the Singapore Blond Transfusion Centre yesterday. About 25 others of the company will give blood.
    27 words
  • 113 8 Leaflets say: It's time to quit KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. [Thousands of leaflets today i floated down into the hilly deep jungle area of Sepang in south Selancor calling on a terrorist gans to surrender. Voice aircraft droned over the jungle and swamplands appealing to the gang to
    113 words
  • 123 8 SEREMBAN, Tues. A call to community leaders to align their people with the present Government and to suppress terrorism before "clamouring lor independence was made by Mr. G. Charles at the annual meeting of the Federation Forces Civil Staff Union today. i Mr. Charles, a
    123 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 B-55-2 CAN «o It makes a delicious /wP^OSSfIB Is the concentrated, essence of prime, lean beef. It builds energy, strength gives new vigour and vitality. A little D w V 1% I goes a long way S">saDC r f, Kua'a Lun^pu'. Irx ll^. P#"a"g Kuc^mg ia'awak and Prune" Handsomely styled.
      157 words
    • 228 8 i^f^fe 'W si sSifeylM/""" 1 icr fins. Give your hair thi vou "'f«i lov,;;" Give JTOUt h.iir this soft, youthful lovdi. ■ofer-scn easier. You'll rind that "\Z I dnnsn jroui hair so I fra^rMOt sh.mipixi you sec I youthful sheen. "Vaseline"' Li( BKCS to your »calp— cleanses ay y..urh.ur And
      228 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 412 8 c 22. Here's a complete upset (5). Straits Times Crossword rj^^*^"^ i ,ji I 1111 t t* ill' l m 25. At a rare course, deteriorated I 5 4 5 6 §1 ( li^ 5--, all down sil Hi iii sis iH is! 2 Control soon brlnss s'imlii i 9).
      412 words

  • 1635 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURES Her low neckline and manners shocked Queen Victoria ings. Maria fled from her shaking house in the Calle de Moret to the safety of her garden. There under an awning amid the wistaria, her second daughter Eugenic was born Fato had ushered the future Empress of
    Daily Mirror  -  1,635 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 Rise and Shine f Every D. S Rtvtr worried by CONSTIPATION IRREGULARITY. 1 wake up feeling simply wonderful every morning because I tak e MILK OF MAGNESIA A PRODUCT OF PHILLIPS j|^jjjSSJk at bedtime, every night Jral Bk\\ MILK 0F MAGNESIA K^Hb^A acts gently and effedi!fti*H* l^fi3\ V Mtt wltlMHrt
      240 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 76 9 Sht'riock Holmes JVo assistant QJpjpt^ yJy I TWERE IT 15, 9K!COdUZ6 ST2EET (SWt) SIM6ULAZ X^UR SWOP '5 OPEM, 3UT I J Divk Travy iVo kind hone 1 -Jfel i rWEt?E MOVING. UtOi. WP'Pp] ARCXJNDTWE CORNER. 1 rOH.'OU WOUUXT UNDER-^ r ni*rr WUATIS COMC> COIN' BACK TO OMO TO BE »GOT
      76 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1219 10 th: 2405 MANSFIELD «Sc CO., LTD. t«i; MM (10 lines) (Incorporated In Singapore) (12 line.) mgm T HE BLUE FUNNEL LINE K? 1 SAlirNGs" n »a"Llv'ER t POoT,'fcLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Soil* P. Shorn Penong Polvphemui tor ivrrpool Ju Crc T f ;;/j Ho^r. ii j— ii *r
      1,219 words
    • 1200 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Sold, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg Oslo Spore Sham Penang x) "SELANDIA Gdns. 19/20 0/ 0 June 9/10 June x>) "MALACCA" 3/5 Jury 4/ 4 July 7/ 7 Jury "MEONIA" 20/24 July 25/24 July 27/20 July x) Cells Beyrouth, London
      1,200 words
    • 1000 10 SSISSn. THE BEN UMB STEAMERS LTD."^' SINGAPORE (Incorporated In the United Kingdom) S UNIS SAIliriGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Shorn Penang Bonvcirlich for Avonn'outh, 9/10 June Liverpool, Glasgow, Hamburg Benrinnes for Rotterdam, m/t» Homburg, Hull »/lvJune '^EbV^m^ri 01 !HS? W»»mm mimmf* V* 0 1 0 22 i-*/
      1,000 words
    • 519 10 "MWtAM BOC«L"V P. Silom: Harrison CrotfVw -n </$ U 1 's Penan.: McAHttor t Co. if, l>d >SW S'oore. P. S'hom. K lT b. iDoh, Mot,,, Carrier, eption to pwSjft rS*» GLENGARRY gCTr'n 1 (C^ .r RADNORSHIRE Is /1»j m I; i GLENARTNEV 9/ S 1 r P j&Si BRECONSHIREt
      519 words

  • 332 11 JTpSk •/11, „r P«" 1 prr BROKERS' REPORT MatejrU Share Brokers 1 A.s.-o--n, Singapore section, reportedWith few exepptioas industrials mi the local share marille tin., were dull and Rubbers continued firm but business vu restricted due to lack of .-llßhtly hißher quota- i 'inn-/' Singapore member s
    332 words
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  • 23 11 white .tii'ti 4 net: 5 M •I; doslnt m results c the md 70 palm oil (HJTPUTS unced i'lmsah in i!;.imated
    23 words
  • 34 11 May rubber crops announced are: AmaUamatrd Malay 39.900 lb: Bo- i rclll 6'J.000 lb: Conriemara 49.300 lb: New Serendah 60 000 lb: Basset; 28.000 lb: Kuala Sidim 85.859: Bukit KrnonK 16.000 lb.
    34 words
  • 149 11 June first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 99 cents a lb., two and threequarter cents above Monday's close. The closing tone was steady. Closing rubber prices yesterday in cents per lb. v.ere No. 1 R.S.S. spot i loose buyers 99' 2, sellers 99' 4;
    149 words
  • 76 11 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes in its rates to merchants yesterday: Canada: buying airmail, T.T. 32! 5/16, O.D. 32 7/16, 90 days 32 11/16 credit bills. 32:! i trade bills. Selling T.T. or O.D. clear: Canada 32 On the free exchange market In Hong
    76 words
  • 115 11 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected are: Glenggary 1/2. Cracker State Mariner 4 5. Muiderkerk C.P., Francisville 67, Corfu 8/9, Encho Maru 11, Sunda 1314. India 15/16. Cyclops 18, Selandla 19 20. Merllmau N. Wall 4, Lipis N. Wall 5 to 7. Landak N. Wall
    115 words
  • 20 11 Tin-ore outputs for companies In ihe Burma-Malay Tin, group for Katu Tin 700 plculs. Renong Consolidated 943 piculs
    20 words
  • 573 11 RUBBER CLIMBS TO DOLLAR LEVEL BUT CLOSES EASIER Ky transaction Singapore at $1 a poi failed to establish itself at speculative profit-taking June first grade buyers pound after a heavy turn trade and speculative buyin is in rubber took place in •und yesterday, the price t that level owing to
    573 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 360 11 KNUTSEN LINE F Ist »nd Regular Service «M CANADA US. PACIFIC PORTS— 3O DAYS SaXftf Arriving Sinstanre P.Swct Pcnang Frcmanrlc 10 |unc 12 June 13 |une 23 |unc hi: 11 |une 11 July 13 luly 14 |uly 21 July W. 9 luly S Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 1 8
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    • 741 11 TENDERS P.WJ). TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class "E" registered Contractors and above will be received by the State Engineer, Seinngor, Kuala Lumpur, up to 3 p.m. on Uth June. 1955 for the 1 Construction of Timber Bridge. R. C. Pipe Culvert. Widening exlsti ing path and laterite gravelling at i
      741 words
    • 905 11 TENDERS TENDER No. M/l/55. MILLING OF GOVERNMENT PADI Tenders are invited from Licensed Millers for milling into White Rice all or part of 6,155.17 tons of Government Padl (Selangor crop) lying at Government padi godowns situated at Kajang, Selangor. 2. The successful Tenderer (hereinafter called "The Miller") will be required
      905 words
    • 698 11 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE la hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Oel Tiang Bie, Lim Hon« Fong and Chan Yong Kwee and carried on under the style or firm name of "HOON SECK TRADING CO." at No. 1, Raffle* Place, Singapore, has been dissolved as from the 6th day
      698 words
    • 306 11 NOTICES ANGLO-ORIENTAL (MALAYA) LIMITED KUALA LIMPLR. Output of tin concentrates for the undermentioned Companies under I the management of Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Limited for the month of May. 1955, are as follows:— Pirals Ampat Tin Dredging Limited 2,088 Berjuntal Tin Dredging Limited 1.380 Kamunting Tin Dredging Limited 1 626 Klang River
      306 words
    • 227 11 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that as from the Ist June 1955 Mr. Choo Antr Guan is no longer a member of the staff of The Firestone Tire A Rubber Co. iS.S.) Ltd. and has no authority to hold himself out as so being. RODYK ft DAVIDSON Advocates Si
      227 words

  • 941 12 Holiday By The Sea Teddy, Golly and Rosemary m Tl>nnv CfltfQ. FOR A WALK i go for a sail, but a storm V TEDDY UUfco *UK A# "ALA "K j blows UP and they are carried niCAPPI?AD<J IN A MOST i on to a small island, where AND DlbArrlJ<AKo IN
    941 words
  • 392 12 Uncle Ollie wishes you to write poem about him > Dear Roys and Ciris. Here are the six winners of > our drawing contest, when I ,i.\c« you to draw Uncle Ollie. Johnny Chew, aged 15. 675-D Kampong Kolam, Kuala Trengganu, and I must say here that have never seen
    392 words
  • 302 12 The man who was born fifty years too soon CINCE the Republic of the Philippines celebrated their one-hundreth anniversary of the first postagp stamp issued in the islands, there has been a steady issue of attractive stamns Many of these depict the forests of the Philippines and others dramatise nthei
    302 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 136 12 I KIWI POLISHES PROTECT S P R E SERVES y'—and what f a difference! and for really bad colds the new handy ANDIES /^^S*"i Thrv look and feel tikr luien Th.m I /M ihicinf»srj of super soft MM, hrin s IjH stiicbrd' and squair, "handy A.vDlts air m«lf 1^ I'll
      136 words
    • 22 12 DLEASE enrol me at a member of the Children's Corner Wise Owls and send me a badge NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      22 words
    • 72 12 Served on th c ...all over Maku and in Borneo foo! I '-<„. II YEASTVITE DID I] Get back lost vigour and vitality with IM Ycast-Vue. Rich in tonic B vitamins and \ffiM stimulating caffeine, it works at once! A!*' fj; soothes away headache, neuralgia. *n cor f I J
      72 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 155 13 I ,OMS. 1,.;- OarI ST. well 1 1 B<>dRr»ad. I M I Adam I .r H C :ator: Box Flat. Apply VNTED extra. ■ingle I'nfur- i Oar--5 With ■i S T. FAMILY juached or stood fers to Child C.ancery Approx. rnishy for B ingalow. es, General Unfur- ntile rerm*. Fur-
      155 words
    • 880 13 DANCING I M l»ord« $10 < minimum). />,<//« 1 mnnth. It Word, $2.50 (Mil,.) I RAFFLES HOTEI^-Nlghtly Dance I and Floor-Show from 9 to 12 Dm EMBASSY HOTEL Enjoy your fiance at our Roof Oarden nightly WEST POINT OARDEN. NlghUy Dance from 8 p.m. to Mldnighl DANCE In the Open
      880 words
    • 932 13 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE 20 Word, $s (Mln.)-Box SO tt.. txtra. j SEASIDE HOUSE at Nallur Road. 1 4 Beorooms with attached Baths. 1 ,T!w Van i Quart r Fenced, Seawall, l^lde Sea Frontage. 6.023 sq.ft. jWant possession. $45,000. Tel. MODERN Bungalow, situated off «o"and Road, within four miles of
      932 words
    • 914 13 FOR SALE 20 Word, SS (Mi*.)— Box SO ctt. txtra. GOOD NEWS. The new model Hoover Washing Machine with a water heater is now on sale. Ask for a demonstration at the Emporium Ltd.. Battery Road, or at any authorised Hoover dealers. DACHON WHITE SHIRT Just one shirt Is enough
      914 words
      906 words
    • 864 13 panles In New Zealand and South Africa both of which had successful years are of Importance to us. In Pakistan we look forward to the early start of operations In the Factory In which we and certain other companies In this country are Interested together with Pakistan Nationals. During 1964
      864 words
    • 956 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Assistant Port Officer in the Marine Department. Singapore. The .vtlary scale Is $690 30A 930/ B/960 35A 1,240 per month plus variable allowance. Total emoluments at present range from: For Single Officers $840 pm. with annual Increments to $1,390 p m
      956 words

  • 130 14 NEXT IS SE-ASIA TOURNEY THE president of tne Badminton x Association of Malaya. Mr. Heah Joo Seanp. last night made reference to a South East Asia badminton championship at the official dinner of the BAM. to the Thomas Cup teams that participated in the final rounds in Singapore. This had
    130 words
  • 93 14 Four fine goals, including a hattrick, scored by inside-right Hussein enabled Sinpapore Corinthians "A" to beat RE. Civilians Association 5-2 in a SAFA. Div. 3B league match at Geylang yesterday. Centre-forward S>;iahon was the other scorer for Corinthians, while Ayari and Ahmad Abu replied for RE. In
    93 words
  • 71 14 LONDON. Tues. Next week's Royal Ascot race meeting, one of the social and sports highlignts of the year, will be cancelled if the British national rail strike continues until next Saturday, the Jockey Club announced today. They did so with the approval r.' the Queen,
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 857 14  -  EPSOM JEEP uMiik. w *r Sf /Mffnt! *<f n rfp Mr '•ifliiif*l ■■■■■■■i «r ii ■■■■mi mt m fi I iir j<■ > H "liliifl m ml W f fH' '••MiIWWW *m it ■•><•' f it t i N r *«I|HH#H
    857 words
  • 249 14 First day's ties KUALA LUMPUR. Tues POLLOWINO are the opening 1 day's ties in the' Malayan bad- mlnton championships starting here on Thursday: 9 a.m. Match No. 1: Toh Boon |Teng v Chan Teng Kok; 9.30 No. 2: Lee Si Mm v Robert Lim; 10 a.m. No.
    249 words
  • 39 14 Old boys of the Anglo-Chinese School Singapore who wish to represent the Old Boys' Association at cricket and hockey matches should ccntact Mr. Teo Tye Hin c/o See Hai Tong Bank. Chulia Street Sincapore I. (Tel: *****).
    39 words
  • 333 14 LONDON, Tues. T»HANKS mainly to Alec Bedser, who took five wickets for 38 runs, Surrey won a thrilling battle against Yorkshire today to win by 41 runs and so keep their hundred per cent record in the county cricket :hampionship. Surrey, who are the holders
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 371 14 jottings! 31 horses deleted at one stroke T EADINO stables have mj begun to weed out their strings in earnest. The latest SRA amendment list shows that 31 horses have been deleted easily the biggest batch of horses to be disposed of in one stroke. Shaw Stable, owners of the
    371 words
  • 120 14 NO 'BEST A WARDS' AT MAAA NIPOH. Tues. O "best performance" trophies will be presented to either men or women athletes at this year's Malayan amateur athletic meet, to be held at Ipoh on Aug. 26 and 27. The 27-man Organising Committee for the meet decided unanimously last night to
    120 words
  • 109 14 Fathul Karib. S.A.F.A. Div 2A league leaders, maintained their 100 per cent record by beating bottom-of-the-league Singapore Recreation Club by a solitary goal on the padang yesterday. But it was a lucky I3th-minute goal that enabled the league leaders to gain their eighth win
    109 words
  • 50 14 MANCHESTER. Tues.— Heavy rain washed out the final day's play between th e South African cricketers and Lancashire here today and the match was abandoned as drawn. Final scores were: South Africans 154 and 233 for 4 (Endean 51, Cheetham 45, Mansell 79, Goodwin 3-47), Lanes 201.T-Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 397 14 PROGRAMME (late Queen's March) and Gab p» miere (late Full Plate), two promising three-ve ,r olds in the Spencer Stable, galloped in fine style on tii training track at Bukit Timah yesterday mornlnc Both have improved since their first races in Mn and
    397 words
  • 258 14 IRISH ELEGANCE PINK TICKET AND SOOKA GO UP TO CLASS 2 piNK TICKET. Sooka and Irish Elegance, rrrent winners at Kuala Lump.,. have been promoted from CUss 3 to Class 2. aooordinto the latest SRA amrndmoirt The Camel, third to irM, Elegance in the I '4 -mile trophy race at
    258 words
  • 206 14 Colony golf tournament THE Ladies' Colony Golf Cham- pionship for 1955 will be played this year over the Royal Island Club. Qualifying rounds will be 36 holes, i.e.. 18 holes at the Royal Singapore Golf Club on Sunday. June 12. and 18 holes at Royal Island Club on Monday. June
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  • 135 14 The June Medal (Stroke) competition "A" Division held at R.S.G.C. last Saturday resulted in a win for N. A. Harvey 79—10-69. Other cards returned: R. W. Oooper 79—10=69. W. G. Murchlson 79—8=71. T. A. Roper 82—10=72. J. T. A. Paterson 83— IK- 72. J. D Donnelly
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  • 25 14 Entries for the Chinese Swimming Club billiards championship and handicap tournaments will be accepted until June 15 for members who wish to participate.
    25 words
  • 111 14 BABI GETS 4 TOURIST 6 GOALS ?ouf, ill for a •£?»>«« il iard Penn'*^' ,nH i' nOt ata en »h*nßi2a The CW entirely out The In ninth minuttuj?* il shor; cornctftTl ?o ce m n G B andtap-, I After a Babu mar. next minute ius)S "> centre Jreai^J 1
    111 words
  • 69 14 THE Indian Wandereis. who leave te this morning on thei: hockey i!; tour of New Zealand, are not certain the Federal;' If they will pass through Singapore play on their return. might be able ki» The present tour plan- team are for them to return by through
    69 words
  • 216 14 NOTTINGHAM, Tues. JACK GARDNER knocked out Johnny Williams here last night in the fifth round of a final eliminating contest for the right to meet Don Cockell for his British and Empire heavyweight titles. Gardner and Williams are both former British champions. It was their
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 898 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. i Continued from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT 10 Horrf.t fS (Win.)— Box SO rl«. extra. WANTED a Junior Clerk. Indian. Apply Box A 4196. ST. WANTED by British Firm Lady Junior Shorthand Typist. Preferably Fresh from School for Training as rrh.>te Secretary. Box A 4186. S.T. OFFICE Equipment
      898 words
    • 152 14 THIS SUPERS NEWTAP%% IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOX™ FOR those who really lov* 1 v need a compact, ecojj /111 recording instrument, the ne*v/ \M) TKI2 provides a per: m higher speed ofters quaii v jv t.on of the widest range^^ffl the lower speed available a switch— still gives acceptdDle qua
      152 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 148 14 iWmbwibmWmiiiibß| soccer FRIENDLY: Persidja Indonesia v Singapore. Jalan Brsar. 8 p.m. LEA(iI K. Div. tA: Customs S.C. v Kinta Rangers. JaTan Besar. t p.m. GOVT. SER. LEAt.IE. DIV 1: M R.X.V.R. v Woodbridge. P A T. ground: P.W.D. v M.A.A.F.. Printing ground. SBHFA LEAGI'F. Cl'P tiROIP -A 1 F N
      148 words