The Straits Times, 4 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times >tfati°' tal Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1955 15 CENTS
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  • 295 1 250,000 workers laid otf-a million will be jobless within two weeks Out of action: 1,000 Reds BUT PARTY STILL TRYING TO OVERTHROW GOVT. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. 'THE number of armed Com- munist terrorists in the Federation is now estimated at between 3,500 and 4,000 a drop of
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  • 72 1 steel works forced close IIOEDES cr <>!' million Hritish lay-on ,nJi! in a natouards nu'iit ;i> iirike en'..•\th day. the Uready will it irmu- nsport the cost— ci mil a day Sir Ca- n is con- iwed Saturis >topp- of Bt- day of the I the trawilready the 1 College
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  • 55 1 Three labourers working on a building in Leng Kee Street, off Alexandra Road. Singapore were seriously injured yesterday evening, when a scaffolding they were standing on gave way. The three fell about 30 feet. Two were women. Mok Fong Kwa. 55 and Lan May. 40. The
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  • 36 1 BANGKOK. Fri. Siamese police killed a terrorist and wounded and captured another in a clash in southern Slam on May 29 during the Siamese-Malayan "Operation Unity." the police said hero today.— Reuter
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  • 35 1 TAIPEH. Fr^— The Forniusan administration is to be dispersed to central parts of the island as a safety measure aeainst possible Chinese Communist air raids, the Governor. Mr. C K. Yen, said today.Reutcr.
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  • 142 1 GENERAL TURNS BEGGAR -it's all strictly legal pEN. PHAO SIKIYANONDH. \J Siani's polity thief, will soon be padding the streets )f Bangkok with a begging liowl. according to the llangkok Post. Quoted yesterday by Reui r. The paper said Gen. Phao would enter the Buddhist priesthood in July for three
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 142 1 LONDON. Friday I>ETER BARR. 34. had a row with his wife and re- gained his sight after 10 years of blindness. Barr, an uir force man, was blinded while flying in the clos- 1 Ing months of the war. He was married
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  • 61 1 5 Frenchmen die SAIGON, Fri. —Five Frenchmen two civilians and three soldiers, were killed today in a new outbreak of terrorism here. The civilians, employees of the Vietnamese Mint, were shot by unknown assailants as they entered their homes in the residential section. Th soldiers were killed
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  • 287 1 Uranium in them thar hills POSSE GETS READY FOR BIG STAMPEDE HOBO HOT SPRINGS. Cal.. Fri. ABOUT 200 men, some carrying guns, and several women camped in a steep, rocky canyon near this tiny mountain resort last night, tensed for a stampede to stake their claims to a fortune in
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  • 70 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Lance Corporal Ranbir Rai, of "D" Company 2:10 Gurkha Rifles, has been awarded the Military Medal for his "superb shadowing of two terrorist food suppliers and excellent siting of an ambush." A patrol under his command killed two terrorists •in the Rompin district
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  • 21 1 BAGHDAD, Fri.— Four Iraqis accused by the government of working for foreign powers lost their Iraqi nationality yesterday.— A.P.
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  • 71 1 LONDON. Fri A United States Air Force base in Gloucestershire has offered t.o help a circus hit by the British rail strike. Officers at the base have offered to move 10 elephants weighing 22 tons from Chel- tenham to Bristol by Sunday to meet a circus
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  • 217 1 T*HE price of opium shot up between 10 and 20 per cent in Singapore yesterday following.the Customs seizure of $1,000,000 worth of the dope on Thursday. The seized dope was meant to replenish dwindling stocks in the Colony. Before the seizure, the
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  • 59 1 CANBERRA. Fri.— The Prime Minister, Mr. Robert Menzies, said today that no decision of any kind had been made so far on whether Australian forces to be sent to Malaya should be stationed In Singapore, Penang or any other point in the country. He was
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  • 52 1 WELLINGTON, Fri. The New Zealand External Affairs Minister, Mr. Thomas MacDonald, announced today that the Deputy Secretary for External Affairs, Mr. Foss Shanahan, had been appointed New Zealand Commissioner for South-East Asia and New Zealand member of the SEATO Council with personal rank of
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  • 28 1 NEW DELHI, Fri. India has made a gift of 5,000 tons of rice to Cambodia to help tide over the rice deficit in that country. Reuter.
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  • 165 1 MR. UM PEN txAN, well known racing motorist, escaped unhurt when a saloon car he was driving left the road at the Gap, Singapore, and rolled twice over down a 10--foot slope on Thursday night. His wife, who sat next to him, received a slight
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  • 47 1 HOLLYWOOD, Fri.— Actress Martha Vickers yesterday gave birth to a daughter weighing 6lb 3 oz. She is the wife of the Chilean actor Manuel Rojas. The former wife of Mickey Rooney, Miss Vickers has a son five years old by that marriage. U. P.
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  • 118 1 Police will summon them THE planned march of 50 placard-carrying Jobless men to see Singapore Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, this morning is illegal. The police said so yesterday, but hinted it would not be stopped "unless It Is likely to cause a breach of the peace, or
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  • 99 1 SHELL EXPLODED PREMATURELY IPOH, Fri. CiIVE British gunners 1 were wounded when a shell exploded prematurely in a gun they were firing at terrorist hideouts in the Telok Anson area. All firing from the gun has been stopped and all ammunition is being checked by ordnance experts
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  • 45 1 Field Marshal Plbul Songsram. Prime Minister of Siam will visit Singapore later this month. He Is expected to arrive here on June 20. Marshal Songgram will be paying an official visit to Singapore on his way home from a world tour.
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  • 52 1 TOKYO. Fri.— A foetus containing an almost complete baby has been removed from an 18-month-old girl the newspaper Asahi said today Doctors said the foetus was that of the girl's unborn twin. It was removed on Tuesday at a hospital In Nalgo. 100 miles from
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  • 184 1 Striking trainee teachers sacked BRUNEI, Fri. THIRTY FIVE Brunei trainee teachers have been expelled trom Batu Lintang Teachers' Training College, Kuching, and sent back to Brunei because of "unreasonable and truculent behaviour," the Borneo Bulletin reported today. The Brunei Government is to take disciplinary action against some of the teachers
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  • 51 1 STUDENT DIES IN RASH: BUST Chinese school student killed and two others injured in ;ui.oVnt involving two lorries at It! M.s. hua tin Kang Ito.ul. Singapore, last Bight. Dead student was l.itn f lioon Hng, It. and injured students are Chita Tian Flai. 81, and N's; KM
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 By PACK E. 50 SERVES FOR ,CE CRf AIVI He Proud Record of OVALTDNE at the MVMIMC GAMES x^Hb Hi^ '^c l«t (our Olympic Gimei and hat 1 '»<*, aw> j,,«» cup, MM »rt*i 19 MkleUl) Im.fiton ttim OVALTINE wis th« only Q W OVALTINI .1 prtp»r«j A\>T >.n, n{
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  • 440 2 The 2 a.m. touch: 'Come to Russia, everybody/ beams Khrushchev, and is helped into car BELGRADE, Fri. RUSSIA last nijfht won back the hand of Yugoslavia after a week of wooinjr which began with apologies for past behaviour and ended with a caviare and vodka
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  • 184 2 Home-made torture chamber was intended for murder— police ROSENHEIM, Germany, Friday. POLICE here say that a German electrician and his girl friend, who combined the modern and Middle Aires to build a secret torture chamber, will probably be charged with planning murder. Edgar Groth. 38, and Rosina \<>
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  • 25 2 TOKYO. Fri. Nine thou- sand brewery workers went on strike today for more pay. Boer production was stopped throughout the country.— U.P. I
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  • 73 2 AND STARTS A RIOT CALCUTTA, Fri. A street explosion killed four children and injured 10 other people yesterday. It also started a riot in which two people were stabbed. The cause of the explosion was not determined. Three of the children were killed on the spot where
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  • 23 2 CHICAGO. Fri. -Mr. A. Z. Baker. Cleveland, was elected President of Rotary International yesterday to succeed Mr. Herbert J. Taylor. Chicaia—UP.
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  • 381 2 JAP FILM STAR TELLS OF NEW LOOK IN BOSOMS— FALSIES? SHE WOULDN'T KNOW HOLLYWOOD, Fri. JAPAN has become the land of the rising bustline, according to film star Shirley Yamaguchi, who says American fashions are responsible for a new look in bosoms. Shirley, wearing a
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  • 36 2 NEW YORK, Fri Mr. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister, will arrive in New York in June 14 for the 10th anniverthe liner Queen Elizabeth on sary celebrations in San Francisco of the United Nations. Reuter.
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  • 180 2 'Miss England* is English all right but her statistics are not LONDON, Fri. rpHIRTEEN judges of beauty X who selected this year's "Miss England" stirred up a row among connoisseurs who like beauty of the traditionally unsultry British pattern. The winner, who is headed for the "Miss Universe competition at
    AP  -  180 words
  • 233 2 He will fly planes to pay up LONDON, Friday. THE Hughie Green case, which had taken 105 hours of legal wrangling, was finished by a jury in 20 minutes. I At tea-time after 27 calendar days (20 in court) after 750,000 words had been spoken
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  • 69 2 FIRES HIT ESTATES IN SUMATRA JAKARTA, Fri. Heavy losses have been caused by fires raging in coconut plantations in j East Sumatra. The fires, which started on May 28. are centred in the plantations of smallholders in the Indragiri region. More than 2,400 acres of coconut plantations, with an estimated
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  • 52 2 THE HAGUE, Fri. The Premier, Mr. Willem Dress, acting on a request from Queen Juliana, last night withdrew his resignation. The premier submitted the resignation of his government to the Queen on May 17 after his coalition cabinet was defeated on a domestic issue involving rent increases.
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  • 28 2 NEW YORK, Fri.— Two subway trains jammed with workers on their way to their offices collided yesterday morning and at least Tl people were injured. A.P.
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  • 104 2 PENANG, Fri.— The Federa-. tion Regiment wants more recruits and Is sending Its football eleven to tour the country as an advance publicity team. The side has so far played in Balik Pulau, Alor Star and Sungel Patani without being beaten. The
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  • 226 2 BUT HE WONT WEAR DIAMOND PENDANT LONDON, Fri. rpHE first official job of 1 the new mayor of St. Pancras, Mrs. iris Bonham, has set the council a problem. Mayor Bonham has chosen her husband as mayoress, and insists on calling
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  • 27 2 LONDON. Fri. Britain has rejected West Germany's protest against provisions in the Austrian state treaty concerning former German property, diplomatic sources said here. Reuter.
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  • 97 2 'WIFE EXCHANGE WOMAN DIVORCED AGAIN HOLLYWOOD. Fri. Mrs. Arietta Gastei, 38, central figure in a "wife exchange in which she divorced band leader Billy May to marry his business agent, yesterday sought a divorce from Carlos Gastei, 40. The "wife exchange" two years ago culminated in the former Mrs. Joan
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  • 43 2 '7 years or Malay, Service^, s. gnash "I ml racks, Derby. would agr,; I ar sold would nwVj la f,a but to g What is Party cloi-o t bribery and (J£2 asked. The ParJark Bailey I speaker would he would tr takrn up
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  • 45 2 BOAC new del BEIRUT F- .2 Thomas, chairr Ush Overseas Ainrne tion, announced h»i that boac companies hi tenance and in the Lebar g affiliated aircraft East routes. Thp new conea Middle Ear Aircal Company. The cie companies are Ez& Air Transpr.r: \S Skyway.s Limited-Id
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  • 18 2 The death has nfl Bournemouth L*.:.'H Harvey CaldicoM H the P.W.D. ;r. liufl was 96.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 CONSTABLE:"^ had ttie same sort of trouble at Piggleswick Parva, until they installed \/L~^ Mazda lamps and lighting equipment. rWhen lights are dim, then crimes are rife I It pays to make your lighting stronger. (<£& Wise borough councils bet their life i That Mazda lamps stay brighter longer. jf**b
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    • 12 2 OOW ifALL BEGAHI ll! il l I'^'l |l |j 1 1 BRAND^
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  • 305 3 world tension easing— Menon 0V> ROVING ENVOY FLIES INTO LONDON FOR FORMOSA TALKS U dip aiscussions I** hours of •lit fr ni NrU vrport quiz new and r here, nt. the -»ir- port, reporters asked Mr. Menon for his views on the release of four American fliers earlier this week.
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 44 3 Fri. 1 plus ne of :y for there 8 n -<>on risen. ild be .-peak nortem way meets saved the re the ttack on in a hnical ip for wrote. can subind a dinir over r.auer. Chancellor f For- :r.nch mbiried .irs.
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  • 88 3 Daughter cheated life... NEW YORK. Fri. LAST TUESDAY. Mrs. Rose Bergen and her 37-year-old daughter poisoned a bottle of wine and drank it to try to die together in a suicide pact. ■'\Ve hone to find blessings in another world." they said in a note. Mrs. Bersen. aced fi7. died.
    AP  -  88 words
  • 33 3 HOLLYWOOD. Fri. Film producer Fred M. Packard, aged 36. receiver" a decree absolute yesterday against Mrs. Sheiagh Mary Packard, aged 32. daughter of Mr. J. Arthur Rank. British film magnate. U.P.
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  • 36 3 GENOA. Fri. Two more soccer fans who received permission to leave Yugoslavia to attend last Sunday's Italy-Yugo-slav match at Turin asked for political refuge in Italy yesterday, bringing the total to 12— A. P.
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  • 62 3 r Arr.eriraham, rusade ithollc J( t> ped to :nen to their to his revival meetings, even though the meetings are sponsored l»y Protestants. Billy Graham, who has Just ended a sefen-week campaign in Britain wbere ne preached to millions, said that he was counting on only three
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  • 20 3 LONDON. Fri. Britain's television network announced today it will refuse advertisements from marriage bureaux, fortune-tellers and undertakers.—UP.
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  • 123 3 Millions of dollars to tackle Reds WASHINGTON, Fri. THE Senate last night passed i President Eisenhower's U.S. 53 .408 million < $9,144 million i "block the Communists" foreign aid Bill. The measure was approved by 59 votes to 18. A preponderance of Democrat support for President
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 219 3 "PHE second phase of. the ANZAM Maritime Exercise, 1 which started at Darwin, Australia, last month. will be held along the east coast of Malaya and in the South China Sea, it was announced in Singapore last night. j Twenty-one ships of
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  • 143 3 BACK TO THE REDS GO TWO HIRED ASSASSINS FRANKFURT. Fri. r'O confessed Communist assassins, who surrendered when their Russian secret police boss could not go through with murder, have returned to the East mysteriously after more than a year of Western arrest and investigation, Allied officials said yesterday. Hans Kukowitsch,
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  • 47 3 NAIROBI. Fri. Security forces killed 230 Mau Mau terrorists, captured 85, including 14 wounded, and detained 996 suspects during May, an official statement said here yesterday. During the month 13*5 terrorists surrendered. The security forces lost five killed and 11 wounded. Reuter
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  • 50 3 BERLIN, Fri.— West German customs have broken up an international ring which smuggled strategic metals to Communist East Europe in the past three years. A spokesman said that the alleged head of the ring, a 50-year-old businessman whose name was not disclosed, had i been detained. AP.
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  • 238 3 JAPAN PUBLISHES AIR SECRETS America orders probe WASHINGTON, Fri. HTHE AIR force is investigat--1 ing how detailed drawings of America's fastest operational fighter plane, the F-100 Super Sabre, came to be published in Japan. Air Force sources disclosed the investigation after American Aviation magazine had published the drawings. It said
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  • 84 3 SAIGON, Fri.— Chief Engineer Wilhelm Schottke and Chu Heng An. a cook from Singapore, were drowned when the 6,700-ton German freighter Petereins sank in the River Mekong at Tan Chau. on Wednesday, her agents said today. Second Officer Zakarla bin Isahak. also from Singapore, said the
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  • 36 3 LONDON, Fri. The British Legion yesterday cancelled a land and sea pilgrimage by 850 relatives this weekend to the unveiling of a Commonwealth war memorial in France because of the continuing British railway strike.
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  • 151 3 VATICAN CITY. Fri fjRESIDENT Juan Peron of 1 Argentina is in danger of excommunication and already may have incurred this penalty of the Roman Catholic Church. M A Vatican spokesman said today: "We cannot yet say whether he has fallen into state of excommunication,
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  • 26 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. The government today said that the number of beggars in India had dropped from 2,500,000 in 1911 to 500,000 in 1951.-A.P
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  • 401 3 LONDON, FH. \yiTH hopes of an early settleTT ment of the rail strike receding operators moved cautiously today while many of the recent favourites encountered profit-tak-ing. Oiltedgeds lost ground on revived talks of a higher bank rate and disappointment with the May gold and dollar figures. With the
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  • 32 3 LONDON. June 3. Spot 28 T vd July-Sept. 27\d.. Oct.-Dec. 27d Jan-Mar. 26'; d.. Apr.-June 26d.. June ci.f. fl%d., July c.i.f. 27 4 d Aug. c IJ. 27d. Tone: Steady.
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  • 23 3 LONDON. June 3 Cash Buyers £718; Sellers £719: Forward Buyers £718: Sellers £718,';: Settlement £719. Turnover a.m. 55 tons p.m. Nil.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 MTFFT II I I I that's the word j rt,ect,on.ble noi.e .«d vibrttion. fj if MM fi U tl£* «oo entirely njw pleasure, entirely new comfort f outboard boating. Theie are the better than bt'ore (or '.s .> |Hlif^=\ i~l f J 3^ (JKm^~^T^l c ~^j^^ the wjtcways of the
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    • 311 3 You're up very early, dear. I thought you said you were taking this morning off. So I am, lastie. to I am- but I must awa' to Cold Storage early on a very important matter. Now, John, I will tolerate no interference in to-night' i dinner party the menu's planned.
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  • 287 4 2,000 WILL PARADE ON COLONY PADANG ALMOST every type of Royal Air Force aircraft in the Far East, including those of the Royal Australian Air Force and the Royal New Zealand Air Force, will be seen by thousands in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on
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  • 52 4 $8,000 fine on woman BUTTERWORTH, Fri. Udah binte Haji Mohamed was yesterday fined $8,000. or two months' jail for possessing 5? tahils of prepared opium. The drug, worth $2,000 and wrapped up in five packages, was seized in a Customs raid on an attap hut at Pern at;.ng Janggus on
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  • 53 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Dr. R.. Anderson, Director of Medical Services, and Dr. P Tomlinson, State Health Officer. Negri Sembilan. will represent Malaya at an international conference on tuberculosis to be held shortly in Europe. Dr. Anderson will be sole Malayan representative at a similar conference in
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  • 61 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. The new officials of the Johore Civil Service Club are: Mr. K. Bruce (president), Mr. A. Renwick (treasurer), Mr. E. F. Munns (secretary), Mr. E. L. Lawley, Mr. O. MacPhersoh. Mr. R. Bradley. Mr. A. F. Davies and Mr. A. Baker members
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  • 45 4 Tan Kak Khong, 17, pleaded not guilty in Singapore yesterday to possessing dutiable liquor at about 10.30 a.m. on Thursday in Lorong Beng Kok. Tan was alternatively charged with distilling intoxicating liquors. Bail of $2,000 in two sureties was allowed.
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  • 33 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A Chinese rubber tapper was shot dead by three terrorists yesterday at the 4th mile, Pulai Road, south of Gua Musang in the Kuala Krai area of Kelantan.
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  • 336 4 PEER LAUDS ANTI-RIOT ACTION LONDON, Friday. THE Parliamentary Under-Sec retary for the Colonies, 1 Lord Lloyd, last night paid tribute to the Singapore Police for their "firm handling and admirable self control" in the recent riots. He told the annual dinner of the Association of British
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 92 4 This man hit bandits 100 times WARRANT OFFICER Ron Francis, of No. 1 Lincoln Bomber Squadron. RAAF. has completed his 100 th mission against terrorists in Malaya. WO Francis came to Malaya with the original No. 1 Squadron and is now in his second tour of operations. His 100 th
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  • 38 4 The Singapore Blood Transfusion Service had 151 donors last week, mainly men and women from the RAF base at Seletar. The number of transfusions given was 103, leaving a stock of 101 flasks in the bank.
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  • 149 4 rE Singapore City Councils draft provident fund rules —against which the local staff organisatl6ns protested will go before the newly formed Whitley Council where differences can be thrashed out. Mr. J. T. Rea, Deputy President, said yesterday that the I draft rules embodied principles 'which
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  • 35 4 The Hindu Temple in Serangoon Road, Singapore, celebrated the Lord Subramania's day last night. After a special ceremony, attended by about 200 people, the god was carried round the temple.
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  • 200 4 rE Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga. visited the opium rehabilitation centre on St. John's Island. Singapore, for the first time yesterday. The centre at present houses 106 patients. It Is under the direction of Major R. W. Heal, who for six years was In
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  • 22 4 PENANO, Frl. Two four., tain pens valued at $14.50 were reported stolen from the subwarders' quarters In Jail Road yesterday.
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  • 387 4  -  JOHN WILLIAMS It might be the Duke oi Edinburgh or Duchess of Kent By SINGAPORE'S new international air port, Paya Lebar, will open about August I, but WHO will open it? Rumours have named the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Kent and
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  • 82 4 HE WANTS ROYAL WITNESSES JERANTUT, Fri. Abdullah Razali bin Haji Hussain. 22, accused in the Sessions Court here today of unlawful possession of arms, said that he intended to call the Sultan of Pahang and Tengku Abdul Rahman, president of UMNO. as witnesses at his trial. Abdullah is alleged to
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  • 56 4 A meeting of representatives of all Malay educational institutions in Singapore will be called on June 19 at the AllMalayan Muslim Missionary Society's premises to discuss the present system of Malay education in the Colony. The meeting is being called by the Malay Education Committee which
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  • 37 4 Delegates from branches in Butterworth and Kuala Lumpur will attend the annual meeting in Sirigapore today of the Air Ministry Local Staff Union, to be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 3 p.m. I
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  • 99 4 A murder case witness KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The I Rex Theatre murder case in which a young schoolboy Khoo Teng Chwee, is alleged to have stabbed to death another boy. Tan Swee Lok, will b« heard before the Chiefs Justice in the High Court here On Monday. The police
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  • 39 4 The Russian freighter Andreev arrived in Singapore yesterday from Vladivostock with 1,500 tons of iron ore for the Black Sea port of Novorcssik. The Andreev called to take on water, bunkers and sup- plies.
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  • 56 4 JERANTUT. Fri.— A business man and a woman tailor were each fined $5 by a magistrate, here today for fighting with! pieces of iron The man. Lee Slew, 47. who I appeared in cor rl hoid heavily carjJ said to have got '..'il the encounter. 1 The
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  • 46 4 THE v h 'Hfj There w as ment whenu* 5 f l>'bb.'ci a s group led? o^, Th(l mpptine aic beSS grounds thatttt,! So far the sub-con*, registered 502 "2 *hich are eligible t^2 meeting on Chia£S -Double suM It has also r Iranda.
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  • 59 4 JAMES (HEI VOLUNTEE TO WAR) KUALA LUMPUR W. M. Jame>, the Selangor Volacte^l lion in the Second w«t died on his farm a fa month. Be m 2 j Malaya Mr. James ns a jna war in Siam. A:> j surrender he pen ii; party to rep«rt«( Indians who had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 PL»I lUj %3ffilr mJ' lk\ Mr mm! 1\ gp?^ WATCHES OF PRECISION DiSTINCTIOffi with "CLUCYDUR" Balance "DUROFLEX Unbreakable Spring "INCABLCC" Most Reliable Shockproof System Obtainable at all leading watch dealers. 7 A L I OPEN I << op. m. Grand Prices are Lower! COME EARLY BUY YOUR GIFTS China Crafts*
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    • 89 4 Good News! CRAVEN 'A' ARE BACK IN THE TRU-VAC TIN Just like they were before the Now for the first time for fifteen years you can buy Craven 'A'— just as they used to be— packed in the famous Tru-Vac tin. No other tin gives such perfect protection— suitable L
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  • 7 5 MENT GUN Fri into riu 1 \r.nd
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  • 44 5 A larnier hanged him.selt h< cuiid not mak' nough money, a Singapore roner'a Court was told yes- > rria\ The Assistant Coroner re- a verdict of suicide on c S' ng. 53. found ri<ad n a hut in Yio Chu Kana Road
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  • 22 5 "Members of his family were allowed to see him today, and i limited number of visitors allowed next week. -I
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  • 277 5 'No blood bank— patients died' Council told: Four donors were called to hospital but their group was wron MEDICAL DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATES COUNCILLOR'S CHARGES K ALX LI'MPVR, Friday. JHL Medical Department is investigating charges by a member of the Klang Town ounciL Mr. L. Labrooy, that patients at the klanj: District
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  • 126 5 It's a new way of wooing for votes KI'ALA LUMPUR, Fri. The! Government is giving candidates in the Federal elections a chance to woo voters through the post free of charge. I nder new regulations, a candidate will be allowed to send one "communication stamp
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  • 71 5 A younp woman, charged with having chap-ji-ki documents, told the Singapore Eichth Police Court yesterday she was arrested by mistake when she was having her hair permed on Chinese New Year's Eve. But the magistrate, found Tang Ah Tee. 21, guilty and fined her $500 or
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  • 46 5 Indian committee MALACCA. Trj. Officials I I of the Malacca Indian Associa- tion for this year are: President. Mr. M.N. Dutt: vice- presidents. Mr. CM. Seth and Mr. F C Dossan: secretary. Mr. V Karunakaran. assistant secretary. Mr. A. M. Doraisamy: treasurer. Mi. V Alasappah Chettiar.
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  • 82 5 Dato Ibrahim of Johore is dead DAK) IBRAHIM BIN ABDUL RAHMAN, former Deputy Mentri Besar of Johore. who died of illness on Thursday night. The Dato retired earlier this year after 36 years' service with the Johore Government. During his distinguished career, he had been State Treasurer. Deputy Commissioner of
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  • 37 5 Three men. Muthu Munlyandi. Vengadasalam Vedarya and Muthu Pandithan Pitchai. were each fined $5 in Singapore yesterday for fighting in public at West Hill Road. SemAll three accused pleaded bawang on Wednesday guilty.
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  • 42 5 PENANG. Fri The Penang and Province Wellesley branch of the Malayan Indian Congress will hold its annual meeting this Sunday at No. 4 China Street Ghaut. The meeting is expected to I discuss the forthcoming FedeI ral elections.
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  • 30 5 The German freighter Simon von Utrecht arrived in Singapore yesterday from the Red China port of Taku Bar with 8.230 tons of eenera! careo for European ports.
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  • 177 5 when Colombo Plan men meet THE biggest international conference in Singapore* history will open on Oct. 17, a Government spokesman said yesterday. The conference is the annual meeting of the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee, held last year in Ottawa. Cabinet Ministers and senior officials from 18
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  • 24 5 MALACCA. Fri. The U.M.N.0.-M.C.A. Alliance last night held a fun fair in aid of its campaign fund for the first Federal elections.
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  • 69 5 KOTA BHARU, Fri. The Kelantan Malay Chamber of Commerce has asked Malay businessmen in the Federa- t:on to confer here on the I formation of a national Malay chamber of commerce The conference will be held at the Balai Istana Besar on June 30. The Sultan
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  • 32 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— Chong Diow Kirn, of Sungei Ringit. who moved ice cream out of a restricted area without a permit, was fined $100 in the Sessions Court. Penggerang. yesterday.
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  • 27 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Mr. R. G. Ritchie. 24. was admitted to the Federation Bar by Mr. Justice Wilson in the High Court here today
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  • 158 5 A call for greater recognition by the Education Department of the just claims of English teachers in Chinese schools was made in Singapore yesterday. The English Teachers' Union (Chinese Schools 1 issued a statement declaring that the future of English education in the Chinese Schools depended
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  • 139 5 A MAN had to call off his wedding because he bought a stolen bicycle, the Singapore Fourth Police Court was told yesterday.' Buang bin Sarpin. 21, pleaded guilty to retaining a stolen bicycle belonging to LAC R. Levers, of R.A.F. Changi. Inspector T. S. Zain.
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  • 34 5 BENTONG, Fri. A recruiting team from the Federation Regiment will visit Bentong on June 21. Intending recruits, either Chinese. Indian or Eurasian, must be 18 to 25 years of age.
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  • 65 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri— A Royal Malayan Navy cadet. Syed Mustaffa bin Baki. 19. was today sentenced to six months' jail by Group Captain G. V. Howard, the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate. for maiming a bullock at Kampong Tangga China, on May 27. The, bullock worth $600 had
    65 words
  • 134 5 Killer of two detained JURY SAYS: MIND WAS UNSOUND A SINGAPORE Assize jury yesterday found Yip Teng. a tnslia rider, guilty of double murder. It held that he was of unsound mind at the time and Mr. Justice Knight ordered Yip to be detained during the Governor's pleasure. Yip. who
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  • 39 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The High Commisioner. Sir Donald MacGillivray, today saw how Malaya's youth magazine. "Youth Malayans" was produced. He visited its office and spoke to te staff lor more than half an hour.
    39 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 ability... for your roughest, E hest days J ■-'7; v43§jH tntimagmtk, shock-protected. MEGA-, O y British Govenuneni uantcd. ..nd the steaming heat of tropical Me storms... the gritty dust of hncga made it. ai the Omcua was and is all nded. Thar is u-hv the British Ofncial Suppliers to the
      87 words
    • 74 5 E 22/54 Quasi- Am REGD. TRADE MARK '^J^j WELDING EQUIPMENT AND Slecfoottes -^_^-<r To provide the best welding conditions a full sT^ range of specially designed AC &DC welding I\\>NS^ plants and accessories is available as well as /^?i/11l V\V^ various types of electrodes for welding mild steel. y/i/lA^IMX^ h
      74 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 590 5 RADIO MALAYA n-" 0 Ci 'p ™im«ff Programmes thus markrd can be received b> listener', in Malacca. P^^| Short wave 49 ti2m. Medium I iXIJ f| J I V", 1 I wave 176 m 343., 366 m. and '.'97 m.) LOO p.m Pro, Summmary. r TNrAPftnF j 1.30 News: '1.40
      590 words

  • 89 6 20 IT«rrfi >/« minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day in you want to win DM word pu/yJe. WHIN Y<>! AX 1 ISH t<> fry ur-wick by! Remembef Alrnpieasanf indoor odours. ,r dealer. JACK and Daphne Barker, j the well-known London entertainers. are now appearing at the Cockpit OUig except on
    89 words
  • 738 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. June 4, 1955. More Jobs For Tomorrow Among the visitors the Chief Minister may expect today are fifty placard-bearing jobless men who intend to march from the City Hall to the Assembly House. This delegation has taken upon itself to -champion the cause of the
    738 words
  • 381 6 While the Johore Government can congratulate itself on having secured a special grant of $765,000 from the Federal Treasury, the Legislative Council can hardly be congratulated for having overruled its Finance Committee's decision against the grant. Johore no doubt had reason to be dissatisfied with its
    381 words
  • 107 6 Marshal Tito seems to have scored a victory over his embarrassing visitors from the Kremlin. The statement that both signed yesterday contained nothing that could be regarded as giving way to any Russian schemes for drawing Yugoslavia into their neutral zone, and Marshal Tito's has kept his hands
    107 words
  • 1078 6  -  hy CYNICUS AT meetings of the Singapore Legislative Assembly, members of the Labour Front have extracted a good deal of amusement by calling the Progressives "converts, to 'Socialism." It now seems thatMr. Lim Choon* Mong and his colleagues will be in a position to embarrass Mr.
    1,078 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 NAVY BUGLER Picture oy Kok Ah Cheong.
    9 words
  • 930 6 Fighting the umidity MALAYSIA* ntptvbook "IT'S not the 'eat mate, but the 'umidity which gets me down." said the New Arrival, looking defiantly into the perspiring glass of beer. "As a matter of fact," he continued. "I like 'eat summer and winter. But this blarsted 'umidity Personally I have- no
    930 words
  • 119 6 rrurn me siratts Times of June 1, 1905. THE "iron horse" will very soon, in the opinion of the Straits Echo,' 1 make its presence felt in that sleepy hollow, Malacca. The last rail Jo connect Seremban with this town was,, we hear, laid on Monday before
    119 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 783 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Wards f.lO (minimum). IKH HO: The Enea^finenf was announced cm I.C.M Of Mr. Teh ill <>f Kuala Lumpur and Mai Bo tick Weo Oi Malacca. CHOW-KOH: Between Chow Wing How. son of Mr. and Mrs Chow Kee Wall and Rosary Koh. daughter of Madam Gek Keow an
      783 words
    • 83 6 Now foolproof Movie-Making with the World's f* Most AmazingnU/r THIS famous "dream" camera takes the guesswork out of movie making, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of dulkv exposure meters. Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-in governor coupled to both lenses in a slide turret. You look
      83 words
    • 149 6 A Crowning Achievement, fl &I rcprnkw experience ."■'<■' fl W2 facilities arc w* ml rtrwtfWM record rcp^ In ALL THINGS there is "I the highest possible standards arr compromise. To thfs category Faberge and Benvenuto Col Guarnerius; of Adam. Hrpp.< manifestations of artistic geniu; and complete mastery of the mw
      149 words

  • 62 7 MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAM PASS IS wow a TicirnT TO THE UNIVERSITY (lli i:\TRANCE TEST THESE STUDENTS I Malaya yesterday announced i which would have the effect of open, for the first time, to luitese middle schools. c by the University Council. school examination held
    62 words
  • 114 7 ENGLISH LASS SKIRLED AT CHAPEL WEDDING— rtiit- skin of the pipes. Miss Gillian Clarke was married to Mr. Peter Henney yesterday at St. George's Garrison Chapel. Tanglin Barracks. Singapore. Mr. Henney, of Greenock, Scotland, wore full Highland dress. His English bride wore a dress of cream brocade. She was attended
    114 words
  • 82 7 Bourne tells guards: It's splendid' KUALA LUMPI'R, Fri. TIIK Director of Operations. Lt.-Gen. Sir Geoffrey Bourne, and the Inspector(Jrneral of the Home (.u.ini. Maj.-Grn. E. B. de Fnnhlanque. have sent telecrams of congratulation to the Home Guards at Kamponß I'lu Benut, Johore. who on Wednesday routed a eansr of Communist
    82 words
  • 56 7 A special constable who told a taxi driver it was better to <rttle a minor traffic offence with "two or three dollars In preference to a summons" was fined $60 in Singapore yesterday. Jaafar bin Fazil Moharaed pleaded guilty to corruptly accept me S3 from
    56 words
  • 404 7  - Tax on horses would be 'bad bet By EPSOM JEEP WHY NOT ONE ON CATS AND DOGS' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. WITH the decline in TT stake money and the steadily increasing cost of keeping a horse in training, racing in Malaya is facing a grave crisis and a tariff on
    404 words
  • 213 7 MARSHALL IN NEW BID TO END STRIKE T»HE Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, invited officials of the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association to his office yesterday to end the 35-day strike by 1,300 monthly paid workers. They talked for 75 minutes, i The association officials reaffirmed that arbitration was not
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  • 85 7 Goode takes over as the OAG THE Chief Secretary, Mr. W.A.C. Goode, was yesterday sworn in as Officer Administering the Government of Singapore at a meeting of the Council of Ministers at Government House. Mr. Goode will be the O.A.G. until the arrival of the Gover-nor-designate. Mr. R. B. Brown,
    85 words
  • 74 7 PC. LOST 10 BULLETSHE'S JAILED KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Police constable Sam Man, 19, of the High Street police station, was today Jailed for three months here for losing ten bullets. The prosecution said Sam was entrusted with a rifle and 25 bullets when he went on duty on Sept. 9
    74 words
  • 69 7 KAMPAR. Frl. Judgment was reserved till next Friday in the case in which 24 strikers of Tronoh Mines are charged with continuing an unlawful assembly after being ordered to disperse and preventing by show of force new employees going to their work. Fifty-two other strikers charged with
    69 words
  • 30 7 II by ol the I social gathering yesterday, learning folk dancing under the guidance of their teachers-of-English. There are 130 members. The club meets once a week.
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  • 19 7 The Eastern Queen yesterday brought back to Singapore 218 Gurkha troops, who had been away on leave.
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  • 84 7 npHIRTY-SIX workers at Tan Thong Hai Quarry in Mandai, Singapore, have gone on strike over where an agreement meeting the workers' claims should be signed. The' management wanted the agreement to be signed on "neutral ground" at the Ministry of Labour.
    84 words
  • 290 7 Old man told lie to help lovers AN ELDERLY Sikh watchman who made a false declaration to enable two young lovers to get married was sentenced to a day's Jail and fined $250 in a Singapore court yesterday. Joglnder Singh pleaded guilty in the Second Criminal District Court to a
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  • 287 7 rpHE Singapore Government has engaged an expert from the international Labour Organisation to help deal with the problem of mounting unempl An men employment advisory committee will also be formed to help run the employment Announcing this yesterday Mr Lim Yew Hock, Minister
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  • 95 7 -RACKET CHIEF IS CAUGHT AFTER TIP KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.. A"WAH KEE" secret society leader, Foong Wan, 34, was arrested on a banishment warrant here yesterday. He was sought by the police in 1953, but fled to Singapore. He returned to Kuala Lumpur three days ago. On information received. Mr. J.
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  • 33 7 A $350 diamond and saphire ring was stolen from an office in Battery Road, Singapore. The ring was lost sometime in the last two weeks. The loss was discovered yesterday.
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  • 26 7 Mr K. M. Oil Mohamed, a City Councillor, will return to Singapore by air from Madras this morning after a fivemonth holiday in India.
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  • 182 7 HE USES NO PISTOLS— ONLY A TOLL GATE TO EXACT $1 MALACCA, Friday. TtHE Jasin District Officer, Mr. G. C. Norris, ha promised to look into a complaint by a man who reported that he had to pay a dollar at the 20th mile before he could use
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  • 114 7 QUACK EXAMINED WOMAN POLICE CORPORAL V KUNHI KANNAN, proprietor of the Geylang Clinic, was fined $500 in Singapore yesterday for practising as a doctor without being registered. Kannan, who issued a medical sick leave certificate to a woman police corporal, pleaded guilty. Inspector T. S. Zain. prosecuting, said
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  • 89 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. THE Federation Agreement was amended by declaration today to enable a major chief of Pahang to stand as a candidate in the Federal elections. The candidate is Dato Abdul Razak, the acting Mentri Besar, who holds the major Pahang office
    89 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 281 7 tGGA&gI I .2'Ct LAYING RECOKDS 33 rp«n I HIS OK( H. Vol. I— Easy to Love; your Lips; Love WaJked in; Lady of Dancinc in the Dark; I'll follow my love with Love; They did'nt \!\T\ complete recording) with Chorus l.mia Di Santa Cecilia, Rome, o Molinari Pradelli. ut i
      281 words
    • 115 7 A REAL ENGLISH DISH! T¥7hether they are served in an English Inn or in your own home, the true flavour of Wall's sausages is unmistakable. See them sizzling, golden brown in the frying pan taste them pipings hot on the table and listen to everyone say, These sausages are delicious
      115 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 76 7 High tides TODAY: Singapore 10.46 a.m. (7 ft. 8 in.) 10.01 p.m. (8 ft. 8 In.); Port Dickson 5.39 a.m. (7 ft. 2 In.) 6.10 p.m. (8 ft. 4 In.); Penang 12.02 p.m. (7 ft. 5 In.). TOMORROW: Singapore 11.27 am. (7 ft. 9 In.) 10.36 p.m. (9 ft.); Port
      76 words

  • 193 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. EMERGENCY conditions and poor communications will mean that in practically every State in the Federation there will be constituencies in which vote-counting will not begin on election night but the next day. In Johore, Trengganu and Pahang counting in any constituency
    193 words
  • 58 8 PENANG. Fri Forty eiaht members of Settlement Home Guard operational sections were yesterday presented with disbaiidment certificates by the Resident Commissioner. Mr D. Gray. "You have proved that you are true citizens of Penang," Mr. Gray told them at a parade at the Residency. He urged them
    58 words
  • 47 8 PENANG. Fri. The Penang and Province VWlesley Arts Council hopes to sell 2.000 tickets for Larry Adlers forthcoming recital in Penang. The famous harmonica player will open his Malayan tcur in the Chung Ling High School at 9.15 p.m. on Sunday. June 12
    47 words
  • 378 8 'GO BACK, GO BACK, THIS IS A QUEUE' IPOH, Fri. A YOUNG planter, Patrick Edward Hutcheon, who brandished a revolver to get a passing motorist to queue up at a flooded stretch of the main trunk road, was today fined $150 or two months'
    378 words
  • 214 8 QUIT NOTICE MEN BURST ON THE MINISTER TWO HUNDRED tenants of shophouses in the' Rochore Canal Road, Albert Street and Short Street area visited their Legislative Assemblyman yesterday to protest against eviction notices from the Singapore Improvement Trust. A hundred of them burst Into the office of the Assistant Minister
    214 words
  • 44 8 TAIPINGt Fri.— Red Crass cadets of Taiping district will hold a competition on June 28 and the best cadets will oe selected to travel to Ipoh for the Perak finals on July 2. Other districts will organise similar competitions.
    44 words
  • 173 8 11/ HEN Singapore's Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, goes to Indonesia on a goodwill mission later this year. -he wiU open negotiations with the Indonesian Government to lift the ban on the import of salt-ftsh from the Colony. Representatives of the East Coast Traders
    173 words
  • 32 8 IPOH, Fri. More than 100 Indian labourers and their families of Kampar Estate, 30 miles south of Ipoh, were in a festive mood today when they celebrated the "Vigazi Visagam" festival.
    32 words
  • 82 8 Child was illegally handed over PENANG. Fri. A mother, Koay Chooi, was today charged with having unlawfully transferred permanent control of her 10--year-old child to a farmer. Tan Hee Hoon. for S3OO. Tan was charged In the Second Magistrate's Court with having control of the child. Choo Ah Liew. without
    82 words
  • 24 8 TAIPING. Fri.— The Perak Youth Council will hold its annual meeting at the Peru* Library. Ipoh on June 26 at 10.30 am
    24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 351 8 AJAX *DE UJXE* \YLOPHOXE Th* outstondinq instrument of its kind, giving a clnr, ■onotort with s«o»oned rosewood nores mounrca on springtemiened whipcord, preventing tog. Elevated back raw. Chromium plated resonators end frame, with end-blocks in cream cellulose Frame designed for rapid toka-down. Rubber-tyred wheels with brakes. Built in low pitch
      351 words
    • 221 8 DULUT GLOSS FINISH PENTALITt EMULSION PAINT For colour, long life and bette decoration indoors and out Say DULUX PENTAIITf to your decorator IT'S AN USJ.) PAINT soft. silky. perfect for m new, tibiuzed* ZTUId With the help of t V-i your clever cutting I* i r :*l and sewing, Trula
      221 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 312 8 Straits Times Crossword fHH 2 I p I f* I I 8 9 7 18 »9 20 2. §||2ir 28 29 ACROSS 14 Don't speak— act (3) 2 Non-smoking compartment un- IS Diplomatic bag.' (7) der carriage (4. 3> 16 Faint suggestion of a boundary 5 The person speaking (5)
      312 words

  • 1812 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE perak has no successor to rank of Maharaja Lela HE was a short, thick-set figure of a man, dark of countenance. His moods were variable and violent— at one time brooding in suilen resentment, at another jubilantly on top of the world, and yet reduced at
    1,812 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 6 9 > iiiiii IMA a JQD'S RE »VICTA"
      6 words
    • 197 9 V||M 1.1 CN A> LIGTON chairs are of high quality, comfortable and durable. They have all the advantages of the excellent Czechoslovak production of bentwood furniture. TRADE <^Jp^Jf $S> MARK So.cA B ents: CQ Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang. PRESSURE, VACUUM, COMPOUND HYDRAULIC GAUGES PURPOSES i^^^^pk AND IN Flf bin /(im-;\»
      197 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 132 9 Sherlock Holmes A caller Dick Tracy €igar smoker s^s^sfls^BßHHl f. py |Kjn rjD cawed TWEM 1 T NOW T FIRST. SAM. WEVE 1 fTWE SWOCK OF TUBR BEJNO ■■HSl^^fl H^iSSi Bra&l£i€S££ s?S£Ki&> i KS& fe^ssls&vl BHS2I ayp&saggg A 9!= l^__*r- ni i^Sai-J UGHT KEPT THEM FROM /tuMtBCRTOBOARDUPTUEMOJJSEN nTrCC ME^~* BEING
      132 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1313 10 t.i. 1405 MANSFIELD «5c CO., LTD. t.u MM (16 lines) (Incorporoted in Singopore) (12 llnea) "iffi THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Corner, o -*,pn to prrcred vio oihrr ports to lood ond discharge cargo SAILINGS t. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Soils P. S'hom Penong Lyeeon tor Dublm a
      1,313 words
    • 1130 10 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Ad.n, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Goth.nburg ft Oslo Spore P S'hom Penang x) "SELANDIA" In Pert 0/ 0 Juna 9/10 Jun. "MALACCA" 3/ S July 4/ 4 July 7/ 7 July X) Calls Beyrouth, London (passengers only), Gdynia. SAILINGS FROM
      1,130 words
    • 1034 10 b U uTdIngTHE BEN UNE STEAMERS LTD- ,»in SINGAPORI (Incorporoted In th. Unitad Kingdom) LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S'por. P. S'hom Panono Benvorlich for Avonmouth, «./i» A June 7/ 8 Jun. Liverpool, Glosgow, Hamburg G. IS/16 'I Benrinnes for Rotterdam, mm lOJuna Hamburg, Hull t ~E£gtf& lon
      1,034 words
    • 603 10 ELLERMAH BUCKN^' '"^^Tjl ond for p.SA North AM*- *****fi* I* 1 Spore P r h ln 14/19 July 20/21 jl P S?"«] CITY Of WONA i-V" <»?W Coll* Hull. half Wt P. S'hom: Harmon I CfOaftsU v S P.nong: MeAlMtr I Co, Ltd Lt P $h,, S'poro, P. $'h« m
      603 words

    7 words
  • 265 11  - GAINS OVER ONE CENT ON VERY ACTIVE TRADING By Our Market Correspondent THE price of rubber in Singapore yesterday shot up by one and three-eighths cents to close at 95 short covering by speculators for nearby rubbpr As had been expected, shipments of Malayan rubber in May at 79.745 tons
    265 words
  • 386 11 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association, Singapore section, reported: "On the- local share market industrials were quietly stea«y with only a few narrow fluctuations. Tin snares showed an Increased turnover with sterlings again appreciating on London bids but local counters were Irregular. Rubbers were nrm witn lacs of scrip."
    386 words
  • 91 11 Ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or exp.-< led today are: Wnvf Laird 12. Releus 4 5 Polyphemus C.P.. Kaiang :vec 7. Mandama 89. Presi- 11 Glenorchy 13 14. I:idia 15 16, Bencleuch 18' Saioe Hong Tat N. Wall 4. Sadao N Wall 6. Larut N. Wall
    91 words
  • 150 11 June first grade rubber buyers I ■i ■o b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 95 cents a lb., up one and three-eiehths cents on Thursday. The closing tone was quiet after firm. Closinp rubber prices yesterday in cents pc" lb- were: No. 1 R.SS. spot loose buyers 95
    150 words
  • 316 11 THE keynote of the rubber market this week has been j one of quiet confidence, based on a sound statistical situation and underlying optimism, states the weekly report of Holiday, Cutler Bath Co., Ltd. The terminal markets have responded well, which leads to the belief that
    316 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 305 11 KKUTSEN LINE Regular Service 5 PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Arriving 3o:c P.Swet Pcnang Frctnantle |unc 10 |une 11 |une 23 |une ul\ 13 luly 14 |uly 21 |uly Au? 10 Aug 11 Aug 1 5 Aug j Aut lZSept 14 Sept 15 Sept 22Sipt MM* passengers for FREMANTLE -ERN AUSTRALIA—
      305 words
    • 850 11 TENDERS SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT j TRUST TENDERS are Invited for the I construction of roads and drains at the Clementi Road Housing Site. Tenders form etc. may be obtained on payment of a deposit of $100 which will be refunded if a bona fide tender i s submitted. Sealed tenders are
      850 words
    • 882 11 NOTICES NOTICE THE Directors of Austral Amalgamated Tin Limited announce that the Sungkai dredge commenced productive operation on Ist May 1955. NOTICE HAYTOB RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) APPLICATION has been made to me to issue to the under mentioned a duplicate share certificate in place of the original
      882 words
    • 679 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD APPLICATIONS are Invited for the position of Assistant Traffic Supervisor in the Board's Traffic Department. Commencing salary Is $450 per month with annual increments in the salary scale rising to j a maximum of $690 per month. A Variable Cost of Living Allowance I
      679 words
    • 801 11 COMPANY P. 0. STEAM" The One Hundred and Meeting of the P O St was held in London on the The Chairman, Sir Wil >by thanking the staffs a Agencies for loyal and effl Management's aim to foste make those at sea feel par ashore. THE FAR EAST The pattern
      801 words
    • 529 11 MEETINGS Navigation co. Fifteenth Annual General earn Navigation Company 25th May, 1955. liam Currie, G.8.E., began shore, afloat and at the Icient service. It was the ■r the "human touch" and t of one family with those so many unknown factors such aa type, number and cost of ships; secondly,
      529 words

  • The STRAITS TIMES Saturday forum
    • 292 12 WHAT CHINA'S CULTURE MEANS OF COURSE, it is the duty of every Chinese to flght to preserve Chinese culture the "wen-hua" of our race, which our forefathers have handed on to us. "Hua" means change or fermentation. "Wen" is the opposite of "wu," which consists of two radicles meaning "making
      292 words
    • 152 12 Zeal' at the customs barrier YOUR editorial "The Involuntary Taxpay- er" describes the customs officer at Butterworth as 1 I "over-zealous". This is j putting the matter very mildly. To thousands of people crossing to the mainland I from Penang. it has been I their unfortunate expe- I rience to
      152 words
    • 122 12 AS a Serviceman who has to be careful about spending money on amusements, and as we only have two, either the pictures or the cabarets, which both cost money. I'd like to bring what I think is a general grouse against local audiences. We are forced to
      122 words
    • 293 12 /CONTROVERSY has arisen \j because a Muslim woman. Che Rahma, posed for a picture arm-in-arm with two American sailors on board a ship. A certain association, of which Che Rahma la a member is also contemplating some sort of action because they say her behaviour
      293 words
    • 60 12 IT is a pity indeed that Mr. Brazier will no more be available to Malayan workers for advice. Mr. Brazier saved the workers of Malaya from beina misguided by Communist thugs: saved them from the suppression of employers by disclosine their hidden strength. Trade unionism js
      60 words
    • 723 12 IT IS refreshing to hear that the Road Transport Board have thought again about killing off the Land-Rovers entirely. This is probably due to a few words from the Member for Transport, for which the Public is grateful. However, let us see what this
      723 words
    • 190 12 IX lIIIIEF AN elderly labourer died of natural causes in a Government hospital. At the time he joined the EP.F. he nominated his wife as his sole beneficiary. After his death, the widow applied to the EP.F. authorities for the refund of the benefit (which incidentally
      190 words
    • 78 12 A FTER listening to Geoff Raymond's commentary on one match in the Thomas Cup tie between India and Denmark, I and many of my friends feel that Radio Malaya should get him to do commentaries on all the matches between Malaya and Denmark. Raymond's commentary on Wednesday
      78 words
    • 73 12 I HAVE two children who cannot be admitted to any of the Government schools in Singapore. One is considered overage for next year because he could not get admission for this year or the previous year, and one is too young for 1956. I am wondering why
      73 words
    • 68 12 UNEMPLOYMENT benefit for those who are prepared to work but cannot find work is generally accepted in most democratic countries today. While we are m no position to afford luxuries for the unemployed. I think we must, as humanitarians, accept the principle that unemployed persons and their families
      68 words
    • 32 12 1 suggest that the bus "request stop" along Orchard Road be restored now that the repair to the bridge near the Orchard Road Market is over. TAN KOK TECK Singapore.
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    • 64 12 MR. T. A. Simon, President of the Singapore Buddhist Association, desires the priests to be blamed for the apparent negligence which "Magalun" has pointed out. I wonder where Mr. Simon Fathered the information that properties consecrated belong to priests. If the old temple could be restored to a
      64 words
    • 62 12 YOU report that a "horror comic" may be used to awaken the smallholder is most interesting. May I suggest, however, that it be used to awaken not only the smallholder but the government and the replanting officers also, to the importance of replanting a part of every smallholding
      62 words
    • 41 12 WILL you please correct a statement published in the Straits Times of May 25. Kuala Selangor Estate Staff Union is not a party to the court action taken by K. L. Estate Staff Union. HON. SECRETARY. K.S.E.S.U. Sungei Buloh.
      41 words
    • 51 12 RECENTLY Klang cleaned up the town, partly as a result of criticism. It is sad that the clean-up should be a seasonal affair, and not an everyday one. Klang North is an eyesore. Keeping a town, especially a small one. clean is not a task beyond accomplishment. CITIZEN
      51 words
    • 171 12 NEWS of the agitation and arrests of Sikhs in the Punjab is very much misleading. The Sikhs have never asked for a separate and autonomous state, as often stated by certain news agencies. This is misrepresentation of the just demands of the people of the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 66 12 1024-X wm^ f /f? SAVE CO DOWN COSTS SAVE OH PACKIHG SAVE OH INSURANCE BE FIRST IH THE MARKET FLY YOUR 1 FREIGHT] BY SPEEDBIRD Your local 8.0.A.C MM M§ Mm -or consult Malayan Appo.nttd Cargo W\* M M Mm\ Airwayi (Tel: JIM.'); Agent wilt kelp you MM MM MM
      66 words
    • 192 12 SCRUMPTiQrM I j Visit our Confectionary D Gpt your choice from over a hundredl j kinds of sweets including b» c j Toffees. Boiled Sweets and Chew!^ 1 HOME-MADE CAKfS SAUSAGE KOUS j CURRY PUPFI FRESH DAILY 25^ j THE STORE WITH A T0 J i I AVAIL YOURSELF OF
      192 words

  • 227 13 EPSOM JEEP'S STAR 3~* Hunter's Call Wedding Day Scots Grey IRISH ELEGANCE A should gain consolation for his defeat on Wednesday by taking the Class 3, U-m. trophy event (Race Six) at Kuala Lumpur today, concluding day of the Selangor Turf Ctub MayJune
    227 words
  • 158 13 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 2.30 HI'NTEKS CALL Ermine Marcelle ORISSA Hunter's Call Ermine HUNTERS CALL Bed Hat Marcelle Rare 2 3.00 KEMPTON Cynosure Tauakal TAWAKAL Kempton Cynosure TAWAKAL Kempton The Cydaris Race 3 3.30 WEDDING DAY Gallant Scot Good Manners RED WOLF II Wedding
    158 words
  • 1054 13 Race 1—2.30: Class 4, Div. I—61 6 Furs. 1 514 Red Hat 5y Franklin 9.00 W. McO. Watt Hobbs 2 321 Marcelle 4y Tait 8.13 Mr. Unicorn Donnelly 3 716 Roman Flyer 5y Awl 8.12 Chew Tan Kongsl Daniels 4 235 Strong and Free 5y Mawl 8.11
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  • 138 13 PINK TICKET won over s "if. with 8.12 in Div. 2 in the style of a useful sprinter on Wednenday. This four-yeiir-old ran improve and I think he is worth following in Race 8. Beerhnut is the obvious danger. This Minn II gelding won over 7f.
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  • 927 13 JAMBATAN MAS TO IMPROVE ON HIS FIRST-RUN RECORD l AMBATAN MAS (Race Seven) came from nearly last at the half mile to finish a splendid second to Pink Ticket over s£f. with 8.3 on Wednesday. On that display this Drawbridge four-year-old looks a pretty safe each-way bet In spite of
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  • 36 13 THE rolnj up to last evening was still on the firm side. There is little likelihood of any break In the present dry spell. RADIO Malaya will broadcast all races at Kuala Lumpur today.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1965 13 m/ m i 1 T i I V i d I I Bedok, Ocean iri-tf- Breakfast. :'»rr.oon I t rtira. \RIAL i: 1 BOX I I h Bos i ana FYanrls En; -nan BOUT After- 247 A. Joo mntlng, Short evening mun i I l_ 4 Rr>bir.- 6TH Booki I
      1,965 words
    • 622 13 n W- -«ia- coaemowso ravwaaaa s^ KIM TIAN ROAD. TIONO BAHBC NOW SHOWING 11.30 a.m. 2.00 4.15-7.00 9.30 p.m. 1 LOVE-MAKING MUSICAL ;ciNEM^sc(M>fi fj b'I,COLOR! igfSEVIEH W BRIDES J*L FOR SEVEN M BROTHERS J#WWEjP|WARDKEEt To-night Midnight "JUNGLE GIRL*' (Mandarin) To-day 9 a.m. "WITH A SONC IN MY HEART* (Technicolor) To-morrow
      622 words

  • 54 14 Blue Rovers beat Katong S.C. 5-2 in a S.A.F.A. Div. 3B league game at CYMA ground yesterday. Lumri (4) and Jumat scored for Rovers, Quintas Chan for Katong. Alexandra FT. beat S.C.S.A. 4-1 in the other Div. 3B game, at Geylang. Kebenaran Club recieved a
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  • 47 14 ST. JOHN'S. Fri. THE AUSTRALIAN cricketers scored 499 and then dismissed Leeward Island for 99 on the seconcl day of their three-day gams here yesterday. Following on 400 runs in arrears, the Islanders had scored 18 without loss at the close of play.
    47 words
  • 553 14  -  By The Sports Editor THOUGH Denmark are going into the challenge round of the Thomas Cup at the Singapore Badminton Hall tonight and tomorrow without any hopes of heating the holders, Malaya, they are determined not to be beaten nine-nil.
    553 words
  • 43 14 THE GAMES TONIGHT SINGLES: EAfie Choong v Finn Kbbt»ro; Wong tmg Soon v fern .Mtaaruffc. DOUBLES: T«n |in Eong »n4 Mm M«rt* »"d Ov« EiWtseit; Ong Poh Urn and Ooi T«ik Hock v Finn Kobbero «nd Hanwnertfaard Hansen, REFEREE: L. R, Agaskar (India).
    43 words
  • 124 14 Now Gurkha royalty join Cup fans rpwo members of the Gurkha A royal family, not yet identified, are likely to be at the .lalaya-Denmark Thomas Cup matches tonight and tomorrow. This year's competition has brought into the badminton stadium one of the most cosmopolitan gatherings of an international event. Late
    124 words
  • 63 14 FiNN KOBBERO (leu. and J. Hammergaard Hanson, the All-Englaim doubles champions, take »m the 1954 world champions. Ong Poh Lim and Ooi Teik Hock, in the last match tonighf The Malayans are strongly favoured to score a point, but the young Danes have different
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  • 274 14 FIRST ROUND ENDS TOMORROW IN SENIOR TOURNEY TOMORROW'S matches in the Singapore senior 1 cricket tournament will end the first round of the competition. With only six points separating the first three teams in the championship table, the games tomorrow are endowed with special interest. The leaders, S.C.C.. take on
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  • 212 14 LONDON. Fri. YORKSHIRE met their first setback in the county championship by being beaten by Sussex at Hove to- aay by 21 runs. Surrey, the holders, went on to i their seventh win in as many matches, beating Glamorgan by 8 wickets. At Hove. Sussex beat
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 99 14 32 TEAMS FOR LEAGUE CUP The Singapore Business Houses FA.'s League Cup Competition will begin on June 8. Thirty-two teams have entered and they will be divided into six groups, as follows: Group A: Hongkong Bank, Singapore Telephone Board, Chartered Bank. Fraser Neave. Singapore Traction. Group B: Malayan Airways. Ford,
    99 words
  • 45 14 In a Business Houses F.A. Reserve League Axture at Fairer Park yesterday Slme Darby beat Traction Company) 6-3. Scorers for Sims Darby were Hind (3). J. James (2) and Wing Fatt. Rahim Minhat and Tian Soon scored for S.T.C.
    45 words
  • 324 14  - SHA putting schoolboy stars against the New Delhi Wanderers Our Hockey Reporter By T*WO schoolboys have been selected to piay ior bingaA pore against the New Delhi Wanderers who pass through the Colony on Tuesday. They are Chin Kirn Foh i i Rallies Institution and S. Jeyathurai (Victoria School) who
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  • 65 14 HOVE, Sussex, Fri. LEX HUTTON, England captain and Yorkshire opening batsman, is troubled with a recurrence of his lumbago and it is doubtful whether he will be fit enough to lead England against South Africa in the first Test beginning at Nottingham next Thursday.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 70 14 MANCHESTER. Fri Ramana than Krishnan, 18-year-old Madras student, who yesterday beat Wimbledon champion Jaroslov Drobny 7-5, 6-4. was eliminated today in the semifinals of the Northern lawn tennis tournament here. He went down 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 to Roger Becker. Britain's young Davis Cup player. In the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 77 14 ALOR STAR, Fri. Kedah beat Perils 3-2- in a Malaya Cup soccer match here today. Perils scored in the 31st minute when goalkeeper Mohamed fumbled a grounder from Ismail Saud and let it into goal. Minty scored Just before the interval for Kedah to be level
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  • 34 14 COLCHESTER, Fri. E.<v>ex drew their match with the South African cricketers today. Scores: S. Africa 503 for 8 dccl. Essex 350 (Insole 129. Trevor Bailey 107) and 89 for s.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 22 14 Sime Darby beat Singapore Traction 6-2 in the Business Houses reserve league game at S.T C ground yesterday.
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  • 46 14 A hat-trick by centre-forward Purasamy enabled Farrer Juniors to defeat Balestier United 4-2 in a SAFA Div. 2B match at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Ramasamy scored Farrer Juniors' other goal. George Chua and David Chan replied for Balestier United David Lim refereed.
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  • 32 14 MANCHESTER. Frl. Major Lionel Holliday's flve-year-old horse Chatsworth. won the Manchester Cup run over 12 furlongs at the Castle Irwell course here today Torbango was second and Dingo third.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 217 14 Kesavan Soon, who was first in four events in Division 'B, was awarded the best performance trophy at the Victoria School athletic meet on the school ground yesterday. Soon won the 100 yards. 220. 440 and Discus. He broke the school records for the
    217 words
  • 317 14 pERSIDJA, the Indox nesian soccer tourists, opened their Colony visit with a convincing victory over Combined Services whom they beat 5-1 in a thrilling match under floodlights at Jalan Besar stadium last night. The first 20 minutes of the ficst half will best be
    317 words
  • 43 14 SINO-MAL vs TOUR The Btao-V Persidja. tb( tourists, a; Jjljj |J 1 1 from: Chu Ch,e !fc oa Low Koi C..«i fc Chene K Wen;. Omar a^ Song, Dcllah &j3 Seonc. Radia as S, Awanc B Ismail Y 1 Omar. Bwr. Km V;.-i,:T.
    43 words
  • 192 14 PARIS. Ft. TONY TRABERT. the No. 1 seed, j will meet Sven Davidson < Sweden t In the men's singles final I of the French lawn tenni. s charn- Dlonships here. Both were not unduly worried in their semi-final ties. Davidson beating giant-killer Gulseppe
    192 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 808 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. H ■•iiiiiiiird from Pane 6) ACCOMMODATION VACANT ;</ H..rrf> U < Win.,l— Box in els. extrm. LARGE AIRY ROOM In tounsa]nw trndtm sea-lronl modern sanit ition. telephone. Apply 40 Amber H.Md Telephone *****. FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION Unfurni.-he;i House, three Bedrooms. Lounge Rent very reasonable. Apply p Fiinpigii Avenue.
      808 words
    • 45 14 You can benefit by the cxpen knowledge we have acquir and servicing Swiss watches ii over the last 45 years, fl deserves good service, our watchmakers are qualified attention with modern equip watch you buy from us is give satisfaction. chari co i« 801 I
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 197 14 aODAY BADMINTON THOMAS CUP: Denmark t Malaya. Badminton Hall. 8 p.m. (ilrst ni K ht) SOCCER MALAYA CLP: Singapore v Malacca, Jalan Besar, 5.15 pan.; I'ARKEI! CUP: Royal Signals v R.A.S.C.. Ayer Rajah Road. 5 p.m. CRICKET FRIENDLY: Woodbridge v S.C.R.C.. Hone Green; NonBenders v Ceylon S.C., Balcstier Road;
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