The Straits Times, 3 June 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times New** I**1 Kstd. 184 J. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1955 it 15 CENTS
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  • 480 1 Angry people with paranns and sticks chase 20 invaders from their kampong \oot BID 0 <■' v> iotgun ietua ids the irsuit ;V ,\M. Thin*. Q)i hail ol lire their Home i the peopl« ol m riu IS"" 111 johore rec miles j pans Renihased nho had
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  • 23 1 GENERAL VIKW of the tfcene wiiere i(» icirmili were ihas«d into ihp jurmlc. Straits Times picture.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 Hit. i'tVO ili.iiOKN. Ilon.e Uun commando:, ito 1 ii..i l.ial (left), and rx-Special Co.nstable Hussin bin I.^har. who helped to rout the 20 terrorists. Straits Times pic ture.
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  • 434 1  - THIS COUNCIL is ONLY a MEMORY NOW Hv HARRY MILLS* After last farewells, all thoughts turn to future KUAL-\ LUMPUR. Thurs. ItriTH expressions or gOOdW will and good luck in the Federal elections, members of the Legislative Council tied up their papers and folders for the last time at 4.40
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  • 62 1 —for first time LONDON. Thurs. Prince Charles and Princess Anne will fly for the first time on Sunday, it was announced today. The decision to let the Royal children fly from '^Scotland to England resulted from the rail strike, which "stranded" the Royal family at
    UP  -  62 words
  • 44 1 LAUNCETON. (Cornwall!, Thurs.— Prince Charles, who is Duke of Cornwall, won first prize for his entry in the young Devon heifer "lass at the Bath and West Country i Show here. He also won fourth prize for a young Devon bull. Keuier.
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  • 61 1 $20,000— AN EXTRA WEEK THE closing date for The Malayan Monthly's $20,000 Must Be Won Contest *X' has been extended from tomorrow until Saturday. June 11. The extension has been made at the request of readers to make up for the holiday week-ends which have fallen in the competition period.
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  • 210 1 'Treatment better than expected 9 HONOLULU, Thurs. rpHE four American jet pilots, released by Red China, sat in the tropical garden of Hickam Air Force Base here last night and spoke of their two-year imprisonment in Mukden and Peking. They said their
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 217 1 LONDON, Thursday. THE leader of the 400,000-strong National Union of 1 Railwaymen, Mr. Jim Campbell, said today there was "no immediate hope" of a settlement to the rail strike which 1s crippling Britain. He said this after an emergency meeting of T.U.C. leaders
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  • 45 1 TULSA. Thurs. Grandma Nannie Doss, who admitted giving rat poison to four of her husbands, was sentenced yesterday to life imprisonment. She was found guilty of murdering Samuel Doss. 58. her fifth husband, by giving him poisoned prunes and coffee. A.P.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 52 1 Fifty placard-carrying Jobless men plan to march to the Singapore Assembly House in Empress Place tomorrow morning to see the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall. The delegation, led by Mr. M. Retnasamy. will first assemble behind the City Hall at Colombo Court, before going to the
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  • 47 1 Slacks if the girls prefer LONDON, Thurs. Women volunteers for the Civil Defence Corps in Middlesex County are to be allowed to wear slacks instead of uniform skirts if they want to. The corps said that skirts were "quite unsuitable for more active types of training." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 27 1 LONDON, Thurs. Gold bars weighing six tons were delivered by Russia to Persia at the frontier of Julfa today, under a recent agreement, Teheran
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  • 41 1 SHAFTSBUR V, England Thurs.— When a postman called today at a letter box at the village of Donhead St. Andrew near here, he was unable to clear it the box was occupied by a swarm of bees. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 243 1 FAREWELL SIR JOHN AND GOODLUCK FHE retiring Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll, sailed in the Oranje for London late yesterday afternoon. Sir John, in ceremonial dress and red and white plumed hat, took the salute for the last time at a colourful dockside review of Malayan service units. Light
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  • 24 1 DALLAS. (Texas), Thurs.— A three-story building in Dallas collapsed last night, burying at least 15 people. Rescue operations are going on. A.P.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 55 1 Messages from London yesterday said that Russia, after nearly three years, had started large-scale rubber purchases in Singapore via London and other British ports. No rubber has been purchased direct by Russia from Singapore since 1953. Yesterday the Singapore price closed at 93% cents a lb.
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  • 494 1 $1 mil. opium seized Flung into sea from freighter jtiORE THAN $1,000,000 ITI worth of opium was seized from the sea by the Singapore Customs yesterday after days of close watch on a ship from the Persian Gulf. The consignment was for a large smuggling ring operating in Singapore. The
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  • 47 1 T.f.C. SAYS: NO PROGRESS Sec this p;i;c LONDON. Thurs.— Trades l"ni(m Congress amiounrrri ailer all day and nifht meeting that no progress had been mad*- in bid to settle rail strike. Thousands of workers laid oft" tonight in steel factories as production dropped further.— U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 K^ Sc c ction of m REDDING or aCE ment ring 4^ OF DIAMONDS md f p.RTHDAY CEMS $ILVA BROS. blisters for &1 Manila £J7 Ropes Wactured in Manila
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    • 53 1 1 HAVE YOUR NfXT»ROLL OF HIM rf/ g FINISHED IN LARCF SIZf On Album Prints O MOW HfTtiK CENTS BACH. K A I k Kodak (Malaya) Limited 1 %L 3 30 ROBINSON ROAD. i^J I P O BOX 687. SINGAPORE. J iHjsK;::' 1 T I r y COLD V, y
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  • 195 2 BRITONS CONQUER 'TREASURE OF SNOWS' DARJEELING. Thurs. ryHE BRITISH expodi--1 tion led by Dr. Charles Evans has conquered Mount Kanchenjunga, the highest unclimbed mountain in the world. Tne expedition stopped only b few feet from the summit of ;;.14G-foot Himalayan peak void offending the Sikkipeople. who believe their Live there.
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 25 2 CAIRO. Thurs. Three men nave been arrested by Saudi Arabia on charges of Commrnist activities, the Saudi Ara bian embassy said today. U.P.
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  • 51 2 LOS ANGELES. Thurs. I Beverly O'Malley. blonde bar- 1 maid who got her thirteenth divorce made final at Los Anis ready to marry again. She la 44. was married at 16; has no children, and has collected maintenance from only one ex-husband. "I'm no ali-mony-hunter." she
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  • 137 2 To keep Ike and the White House in smooth running order NEW YORK, Thursday. i TT COSTS U.S. $15,000 ($45,000) a year to keep Pre- sident Eisenhower cool, this being the amount that goes on electricity for fans and air conditioners at the White. House. The
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  • 66 2 Delegates from Singapore and the Federation will attend the 13th biennial conference of the British Empire Service League (ex-Servicemen) at Church House, London, in June. Singapore will be represented j by Major J. K Gwinnell, Major E. G. Holiday and Captain E. F. Middleditch; and the
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  • 33 2 NEW YORK. Thurs. Marilyn Monroe and her former husband. Joe DiMaggio. stopped traffic in Broadway last night when they attended a preview of her new film 'The Seven Year Itch."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 72 2 LAS VEGAS Thurs. JOE LOUIS has started work as official host at the £1,000,--000 Moulin Rouge, just opened in Las Vegas. It is the casino city's first Interracial hotel. Servants, like guests, are Oriental, white, and Negro. So is the 25-man board of directors.
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  • 51 2 HONG KONG. Thurs. Ten Chinese manufacturers left today by the Dutch liner T.iiwangi for Singapore to hold the third exhibition there of Hong Kong products due to open on June 10. The group is headed by Mr. Hfikino" Wong, vice president of Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers
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  • 29 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs. A total eclipse of the sun lasting more than seven minutes will be observed in South-East Asia on June 20. the National Geographic Society said.
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  • 478 2 I j WHAT'S IN A NAME? WAS SHAKESPEARE, THE IMMORTAL BARD, JUST A HACK WHO 'FATHERED' MARLOWE'S PLAYS? LONDON, Thurs. 4 300 YEAR OLD tomb may next month reveal secrets that could brand William Shakespeare as an impostor. It will be opened by
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 72 2 3 KILLED AS BANDITS CRASH TRAIN JAKARTA, Thurs.— At least three persons were killed and scores seriously injured when terrorists sabotaged a train in bandit-infested northern Sumatra, delayed reports from Medan said today. The incident took place last Sunday. Terrorists sabotaged the track in an isolated sector of the Atjan
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  • 31 2 HONG KONG, Thurs.— Gen. Paul Ely. Commander-in-Chief of the French forces in IndoChina. arrived here by air today on a two-day unofficial visit before returning to France. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 38 2 SYDNEY. Thurs. A total of 3,000 fans broke through police lines last night to greet Bob Hope when he arrived at a cinema for the world premiere of his latest film "The Seven Little Foys."— U.P.
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  • 148 2 A SENIOR representative of the United Press Associa- tion, Mr. Earnest Hoberecht, has arrived in Singapore from Tokyo to attend next week's inquest on Mr. Gene Symonds, a U.P. correspondent, who was killed in the recent riots. Mr. Hoberecht, who is vicepresident and general manager
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  • 47 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Russia and China were buying time by dangling olive branches in all directions Senator Alexander Wiley told the Senate yesterday. He sought approval of the U.S. $».408,000.000 military and economic foreign aid bill as a vote of confidence in President Eisenhower.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 31 2 The Singapore Government Administrative and Clerical Services Union will hold its eighth annual meeting at the Civil Service Association canteen. Government Offices, Empress Place, at 5 p.m. on June
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  • 44 2 The Singapore Rotary Club raised more than. $3,200 for th«« Children's Convalescent Home from its charity film show "Interrupted Melody" at the Cathay cinema on May 25. The convalescent home is the club's community service project for this year.
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  • 31 2 The Singapore District Methodist Youth Fellowship will hold an M.Y.F. Week fancy dress social at the Shaw Auditorium, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School, Boundary Road, at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 56 2 TAIPEH, Thurs. The U.S. Symphony of the Air presented its first concert here last night to a capacity audience, including President and Ma- dame Chiang Kai-shek. Every seat in the stadium was filled, it was the same in Japan and Korea, where the symphony orchestra
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  • 215 2 Dignity does it, says the colonel THAT'S THE WAY TO GOOD MANAGEMENT LONDON, Thurs. THEY call him Mr. Efli--1 ciency. For 20 years ho has travelled the world grooming youth for bossdom and blueprinting economy plans for big business. Now, at 64, Colonel Lynda 11 Fownes Urwick, son of Sir
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  • 36 2 Revolt in Red China BBSS 'Secret age!lts They addec Expeditionar- 1 tea, secret agents g ft Police who a of the -huge tion" seized a and National,The reports sa:d 'h. Expeditionary 12 formed in RAmi Router.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 17 2 NEW YORK five-power (UaißM committee y, indefinitely Soviet delegate 2 i Sooolev. sa:c •.successful meetinT-fl
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  • 42 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. Five-year-old Norberto Garcia, son of a trousers-presser in New York, was awarded USSI9O.GOO ($570,000) damages today for the lea ol hfa leg. He was hit k It is said to h payment em 'hired minor.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 THIS WONDERFULLY BENEFICIAL DRINK IS AROUSING GREAT ENTHUSIASM ALL THROUGHOUT MALAYA! AKTA-VITE' is not only the most delicious, choco- These vitamins should come from the food you eat. late sweet drink you have ever tasted— it is some- but food frequently lacks these vitamins for various thing far more important.
      269 words
    • 107 2 yotixam i i ,V j Super Shock Resisting 1 1 V j Waterproof •Xjj jfjS Anti-magnetic Tropicalised :^v%, j 17 &21 Jewels M/i i Wi j Sole Agents: j shriro (china) ltd (Incorporated n H I -gfr il 9vtfo TcxKs MU& Jcitis New science conquer* mH^Ji 'FIBROSINEUJ goes through the
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  • 9 3 last chance world jeace s I rticy agree j
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  • 10 3 men fire at bus crow inmen i by v but
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  • 2 3
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  • 109 3 cat out of the bag dead 1^ n It obtained a summons. Ing Lt-Cmdr. L. s. Hinton, a messing officer on the to appear next nesday at Southsea magistrate's court. The summons charced that lid unlawfully and cruelly a cat by throwing it into the sea." A sraman later rescued
    UP  -  109 words
  • 28 3 BANGKOK. Thurs. The meeting of military advisers of SEATO has been postponed from June 6 to the beginning of July, the Siamese Defence Ministry said today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 142 3 FREED AFTER TWO YEARS IN COMMUNIST JAILS THK POD! American fighter pilots released by the C'hiMM ommunists on Tuesday, They had been prisonit -n for more than two years alter being shot down during the Korean war. All were convicted in (hina by a military court of "in- >ruding" into
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  • 85 3 LIMBIRC, Germany, Thurs. NINKTKKN" people were killed yesterday when a bu with members of a church womens club went out of control and sped down a hill at N 111 ph. It ran off the road at the bottom, trashed into a tree
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  • 23 3 GENEVA. Thurs. Dr. Fernando Garcia Oldini. Chilean Minister to Switzerland, was elected president of the 38th international labour conference yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 23 3 OTTAWA. Thurs. Immution of at least 3.000,000 Canadian children with Salk vaccine is planned by March 31 next year. A.P.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 150 3 WASHINGTON, Thursday. 'Till Inited States has demanded that China free 63 American servicemen and civilians believed still held by the Communists. They include 52 Americans known to be held by the Chi- I and 11 more navy and coast guard men whom
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  • 184 3 This family will die if they walk in the sun CHICAGO. Thurs. SUNSHINE means death to one family tn southern Illinois, a skin specialist here reported today. To prolong their lives, the family members work in the mines by day and venture outdoors only after sundown Dr. Otto C. Stegamier.
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  • 251 3 Russians learn from Tito HOW TO MANAGE THE FACTORY BELGRADE, Thurs. MR. NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV, first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, told Yugoslav workers during a factory tour in Zagreb that Russia might take J lessons from Marshal I Titos workers management system. Mr. Kbrushchev, with the Soviet Premier Marshal
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 37 3 COLOMBO, Thurs.— Colombo port went back to normal today when 435 coal yard labourers who staged a lightning strike yesterday over the compulsory retirement of an overaged colleague returned to work "unconditionally.— Reuter.
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  • 32 3 LONDON, Thurs.— the heads of the Soviet and Japanese delegations held their second meeting in 24 hours here today to complete arrangements for their secret peace negotiations in London.— Ruter.
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  • 223 3 KARACHI. Thurs. THE Pakistan Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Ali. said that Pakistan was now in the final stage of negotiations with India on the Kashmir dispute. In the event of a failure in reaching a settlement at his next meeting with Mr. Nehru, the Indian
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 68 3 WASHINGTON Thurs. A; i!aln brow" envelope conta'ining $Ij/MM) conscience money arri ■'V at the income tax office iere yesterday. It was one of the biggest, •conscience" con t r i buttons received in many years. But someone in Seattle, Washington, has been sending contributions since May
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  • 346 3 LONDON, Thurs. THE STOCK markets showed a cheerful tone here today and yesterday's rally was extended, with prices Improving and sentiment helped by optimism, despite the I continuaticn of two major strikes. The industrial market was strong and active with many leaders re- '/ording substantial advances. United States
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  • 36 3 LONDON. June 2— Spot 28' 2 d July-Sept. 27K, d.. Oct.-Dec. 26-»d.. Jan-Mar. 26'« d.. Apr-June 25 s d. June e.i.f. 27' id.. July c.i.f 27d Aug. c.i.f. 26 :l ,d. Tone: Quietly ."•teady.
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  • 25 3 LONDON. June 2.— Cash Buyers £718: Sellers £718' 2 Forward Buyers £718: Sellers £718^: Settlement £718. Turnover a.m. 75 tons p.m. 90 tons.
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  • 23 3 LONDON, Thurs.— The Queen has approved the appointment of Vice-Admiral Sir John Eccles as Oommander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 TANDARD TEN! "^■2*si2^*iS3Lr^i3&i lw\ c The car that swept to victory R.A.C. International Rally Standard Ten emerged as the hero of the K-A-C. j ml Rally this year. It won the Rally outng ht »rom 238 starters, gained two of the first three places .md d away with the team
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    • 198 3 'M 4 St. ANDREWS fe? MISSION |!\Wy HOSPITAL Tilly WEEK GRAND BALL at SEAVIEW HOTEL TOMI.II I it p.m.-l a.m. Tanglin Club Band Floor Show Aafe Twirrup presents Singapore Fashions for Men! Tickets from Robinson's or Seaview Hotel Space kindly donated by SINGAPORE COLD STORA6E CO., LTD. 'tfJlmtUC FLEXIBLE a
      198 words

  • 128 4 REMOTE PERAK AREAS SET POLLING PRty^ IPOH, Thurs. T*HE 150 voters of Temengor in the Ulu Perak Hilir ward have set the elections office here a problem. The area is so remote that getting ballot papers to them and back to the counting station is causing
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  • 411 4 JOHORE GETS THAT $765, 000 Council over-rules Finance Committee decision KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Federal Legislative Council today over-ruled a Finance Committee decision and voted Johore an extra $765,000 for development work this year. Johore had asked for a supplementary vote of $2,729,100. The High Commissioner recommended the State be
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  • 127 4 Visitors have tips on homes TWO American tourists said on arrival in Singapore yesterday that they were willing to help the Government solve some of its housing problems— if they could. Mr and Mrs. W. Wadsworth Wood. publishers of two American national home building magazines, told the Straits Times: "We
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  • 53 4 IPOH. Thurs— The Rotary Club's plan to establish a chest clinic In this town has been abandoned because of the many difficulties confronting the project. There is now a move by the Club to donate a hut costing about $5,000 to the Perak AntiTuberculosis Association settlement
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  • 31 4 The Catholic Young Men's Association will hold a funfair in aid of its general funds at 96, Bras Basah Road. Singapore, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 64 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Technical College students here scored record 100 per cent success in the diploma examinations held last month. All 59 candidates passed 51 in Class 2 and the other eight In Class 1. Fifty eight graduates are being posted to various Government departments throughout
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  • 60 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. V. Kumba, a constable attached to the Orchard Road police station in Singapore was charged here in the Magistrate's Court today with having used criminal force on Norman binte Kassim on May 4 in Johore Bahru. He claimed trial and said he
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  • 49 4 'Good luck' he tells the Chief Minister "GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL." says the ntirinu (iovrrii i." hand with the Chiei Minister. Mr. David Marshall, on fore the liner strained away. Waiting for his turn W W Education. Mr. Chew Swee K^ (loft)-*" 1 ~i
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  • 115 4 Ex-councillor will wed in Singapore FORMER Penang Municipal Councillor, Miss Nancy Yeap, will be married in Singapore on June 18 to Mr. Roy Clayton of the Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Miss Yeap, a lawyer, was the first Penang woman elected to the Municipal Council. She sat on the Council for
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  • 60 4 TELUK ANSON. Thurs.— The telegraph office here will operate from 3.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 430 pm daily instead of from 3 a.m. to 5 p.m. as previously. It will be closed entirely on holidays and Sundays. Formerly the office was
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  • 23 4 The 3.300-ton Hoi Houw arrived in Singapore yesterday from the Red China port of Swatow with 275 passengoi. for the Colony.
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  • 188 4 Y"fE THIM, a mason, told Mr. Justice Knight in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday that a neighbour stabbed to death his wife and two-year-old son in their room one early morning in September 1952. Yee was giving evidence at the trial of Yip Teng,
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  • 213 4 Witness says: know the killer' WARRANT jJ m 'MISTAKE [HE Singapore rJ !trda >' issued 7, ()f .^ree alWj SO( "-< ty mem!>r\ .J 111 the "murder J! take'-ofahawkeS munt of April 2; (TOlrv into the da Choo Yons 21 Village. Yioai I -■ealerwhohidJ ■■•c .scene of the, said h
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 890 4 ENGINEERING NEWS! HENRY WAUGH ARE NOW AGENTS FOR HOFFMAN INDUSTRIAL BEARIN6S 5 J 3 Double Thrust Bearings Single Thrust I Bearings S ThPy »r» designed to take S\.^r^^\. Thei* oearingk were llrst .^^^Sji'i .^V Ihmst lo«d in either \j m-"! b y us "'"rly 50 ye»ri f ,'jlV direnlon p»rallel
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  • 7 5 BUILD iiHOMI 'drrn i low
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  • 4 5 tenance wife A is
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  • 4 5 Naval
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  • 60 5 Ten two ibber B, today. R( mbia, B tar, also of Rcmbia, who owned the othrr mx. were each fined 525 whon they pleaded g\iilty to allowing the animals to stray on Bertam Estate "\nd destroy trees. The magistrate said he was not ma kins any order
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  • 256 5 Marshall thinks City Council decision is annoying interference Attorney-General asked to find loophole T HE SINGAPORE Government may try to stop the City Council .taking over the Singapore I rartion Company which runs the Colony's bijjuost mix fleet. The Minister for Communications and
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  • 97 5 THE Nanyang University's preparatory classes will start in Singapore on June 15 with courses in arts at the Chung Cheng High School and in science at the Chinese High School. Of the 497 candidates who parsed the entrance examinations last year. 400 have
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  • 65 5 Leadership course The Singapore Youth Council may send a representative to Arra 'Gold Coast next 1 October for a course in leadership training. The Council will make its decision at a meeting on June 14. The course is part of a general plan by the executive committee of the World
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  • 74 5 MR. BILL HACKVVOOD. who will appear as the "Pride of Si. Trinians". at tonight's floor show of "hilarious hats by Aafa Twirrup" at the Sea View Hotel, Singapore. Fourteen young men arc mannequins in the show which is a review of Malayan hats
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  • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Federal Legislative Council today passed a bill which enables state and settlement governments to extend water supplies to rural areas. They can raise ratefc in order to recover a reasonable contribution for maintenance of the water supplies. Authorities can also take action
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  • 25 5 The Singapore Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship will hold Its annual talent competition at the church ball. 4 Fort Canning Road, at 7.45 tonight.
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  • 122 5 U.S. GETS NAVY PLEDGE Every effort to raise launch THE Flag Officer, Mala- yan Area, RearAdmiral E. H. Shattock, has assured the U.S. Naval Attache in Singapore, Commander T. H. Suddath, that every effort will be made to salvage the U.S. Consulate launch whic^ sank off Changi two days ago.
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  • 33 5 Seventy six Singapore men and women who paid $300 each to master the eight-week Dale Carnegie course conducted here recently will meet on June 16 to form a "Dale Carnegie Club."
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  • 102 5 Magazine report on riots A HONG KONG magazine's reference to the Communist organisation's People's Livelihood Society has the Singapore police guessing. "We have no information of the existence of such a society." a Special Branch spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday The magazine, the Freedom
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  • 51 5 PENANG, Thurs. A serviceman spending his leave in Penang has reported to police the loss of $280 last night. The soldier said he passed the night in a hotel with a woman companion. When he awoke in the morning, the woman had left, and his money was
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  • 47 5 ALOR STAR, Thurs. All land revenue will be collected according to the Gregorian calendar in Perlis as from Jan. I next year. The Raja, on the advice of the State Executive Council, has approved this change. At present the Muslim calendar is used.
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  • 150 5 Plea for time rejected Chinese set for mass meeting jtf ß. CHEW SWEE KEE. iTI chairman of the allparty committee appointed by the Government to investigate Chinese school problems, has written to the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, rejecting its request for the extension of the committee's deadline for receiving
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  • 48 5 TAIPING, Thurs.— The King Edward VII School. Taipin?, will celebrate its golden anniversary from July 2 to July 9. Old Boys will hold their annual reunion dinner on July 9 at the premises of the Kwangtuns Association, followed by a dance at the Town Hall.
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  • 62 5 IPOH. Thurs. A reporter for a Chinese newspaper. Lee Thiam Soo. reported to the police yesterday that a gold bangle worth $170 and $10 had been stolen from his room in Hugh Low Street. The jewellery and money were kept in a drawer of an almeirah.
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  • 24 5 The Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, will open the Singapore Safety First exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 21.
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  • 63 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Tamil Representative Council today demanded that one of the five reserved seats in the new Federal Legislative Council should be given to its nominee. The council was formed early this year to advance the economic and cultural interests of Tamil-speaking Indians in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 < I iSUPERPOISE RANGE WITH 85 B.H.P. ENGINE "OVER THE ROUGHEST TERRAIN heat the Superpoise range for brute strength, lifelong «nd sustained economy! Fitted with the 85 b.h.p. engine, it 1 a four-speed synchromesh gearbox for improved manocuvraJ the specially strengthened rear axle makes this range ideal i under exacting
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    • 377 5 CUTEX StatfFaAr INDELIBLE LIPSTICK Creamiest, smoothest lipstick ever created because it's so rich in creamy soft lanolin. All day, all evening jour lipstick stays on perfectly, keeps your lips alluringly fresh never leaves a kissprint! A complete range of flattering fashion shades tfor you to choose Cutcx offers a harmonizing
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 635 5 11.00 Dance To The Harlequin RADIO MALAYA H^^jj^^^^^ (-Programmes thus marked ran I I be received hy listeners in Malacca. i Short wave 49 62m. Medium iwave 476 m., 343., 366 m and 297 m.) SINGAPORE (Short wave 6-ra. Medium wav» •9.45 a.m. Housewives Choice, 476 m.) 10.30 Friday Matinee;
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  • 34 6 20 Word, $10 'minimum). CHICO: Joachim Maria Chico J on 2.6.55. leaving behind ridow, in X.L.. and Children in I tege will leave 12 Kam- today 9 a.m. for Birch i Manila Papers
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  • 31 6 :o H nrdt $10 (minimum). MR AND MRS. Maurice B. v thank all Friends and r their kind Wishes. arm Assistance on the Occasion of their Marriage •j 23.5 55.
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  • 162 6 20 M urn* J>/'' i fni ni fttufn f FOI I,OW PEDANT Every Pay in Mail' if you want to win <id puzzle. NSION CAN SPOIL a r Many of US associate the and medication pain. Dsstioy odours use VARICOSE VKINs: I.astonet •:ct<h round the perfect and comfortable.
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  • 685 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. June 3, 1955. A Workers' Charter Twenty years ago, the Employment Bill which was ap- 1 proved by the Federal Legislative Council on Wednesday would have caused consternation among some employers. But it is sign of the new outlook on employee-employer relations that the Select
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  • 594 6 The Singapore Government must not expect a round of applause for its plan to build $5,000 houses for sale to people in the low-income groups. At first sight, the proposition is not without some superficial attraction. Payment will be by instalment, and the Government will make "no
    594 words
    • 293 6 YOU report that the Federation Government and the Whitley Council have agreed, among other things, that teachers who obtain a London Chamber of Commerce higher qualification with distinction in bookkeeping or typewriting and shorthand, or a handicraft subject, may be granted a non-pensionable allowance of $10 p.m.
      293 words
    • 223 6 NOT so long ago a present member of the Public Services Commission sponsor- ed the candidature of a Progressive councillor during a City Council election. We now see a report of an attack by Mr. Cres.son, a member of the present C o m m i ssion,
      223 words
    • 192 6 A GREAT injustice has been done to Malayan youths for some years and is still being done now. Every year many hundreds of young people accept posts as student teachers. Out of these a minority is sent to England for training but they are not selected according
      192 words
    • 75 6 I AM greatly surprised to learn that the Triple Alliance will not field M.I.C. candidates in the coming Federal elections because the number of Indian voters is much smaller than that of the Chinese Will the Alliance National Council please say what is meant by "alliance?" If
      75 words
    • 125 6 T<HE pipture painted by x incident in Kuala I needs clarification. The public should approach the Director, of Medical Services directly with their complaints and demands. The D.M.S. and his staff are working under very trying conditions due to lack of facilities and personnel. Nevertheless,
      125 words
    • 87 6 IN most Government Departments some who had retired have been reengaged at 75 per cent or 80 per cent of their salary. Does that not impede the promotion of the Juniors? Some of the salaries drawn by re-engaged teachers are fabulous and they are given elementary classes
      87 words
    • 107 6 REFERRING to the speech that Mr. David Marshall .made at the Youth Conference on Malayanization, he made mention of the Governor as an expatriate officer who might, from time to time, put obstacles to the programme or policy of the Labour Front or Government. To say
      107 words
  • 1086 6  - Obligations of the COMMO man under nationalisation By LIM CHEE POE iimo can expect vie common man to have a clear idea about nationalisation, or the meaning of State control and ownership, when even Socialists are not in entire accord? The controversy continues on the precise form which control is
    1,086 words
  • 251 6 TT is astonishing that one EJ- statement by Mr. Rajah in the City Council should have passed without E comment. E Mr. Rajah said that the E Singapore Traction Com- pany was a foreign comE pany and the money It E earned was being given to shareholders overseas.
    251 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 674 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 7* H orix fit minimum). SMITH: To T<x> and Marion, a son. Boss Edward, at Kandang Kerbau al, 2-6-55. Both well. THOMPSON To Margaret and Trevor, a daughter, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, on Ist June. KMAN: To Joy (Nee Alder- i man i and Arthur, a son Brodrick.;
      674 words
    • 65 6 just OUT! FT How to Improve Your Speaking Voice Step-by-step advice on tow to overcome rocal faults, make your voice warmer, more appealing. Why You Need Aches and Pains Did you know that pain actually protect* your body from harm Enthralling reading condrnscd from leading magazines, current book* MAY ISSUE
      65 words
    • 34 6 ji i »m (11l jV PIANOS OF QUALITI Ml DANEMANN Ii MGUTRIE i r SAUTER i""*"" 1 I II (HAPPEU ij (above jkw"^*" W MARSHALL* "W S. MOUTRIE CO., P** j JOHN LITTLES BUILDING
      34 words

  • 66 7 I tt r CHANGES IN SET-UP WILL ABOLISH PRESIDENTS, GIVE MORE SAY TO YOUTH 00SSIVE8 PLAN A p WOK' AIMED .fOPULAR APPEAL did political body, the ProgresM, thoroughly re-organised vx constitution with a new Kf public h Mr. Kevin Mallal, one of fibers,
    66 words
  • 142 7 The dividend mystery at K.L. races is cleared up KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs nlßAfn TIMES offico in the Federation had a stream of phone r.tlls today from puz/lid punters inquiring whether the S9 place dividend for Sooka, winner of the sixth race here yesterday, was i orreet. Although Sooka was iredited
    142 words
  • 3 7 I
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  • 52 7 Goode takes over The Chief Secretary. Mr. W. A. C. Goode. will act as Officer Administering the Government until the arrival of the Governor-designate. Mr. R. B. Black, on June 30. the Singapore Government announced last night. Ml. A. A. Williams, Deputy Chief Secretary, will act as Chief Secretary during
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  • 96 7 DOWN BUT NOT OUT— SO IS BACK IN THE FIGHT RKMEMBER this helicopter? In March it crashlanded in the jungle near I.ayang Layang, Johore. The crew stood guard over it all night until they were reached by Gurkha troops. Then it took a week to salvage the machine. It was
    96 words
  • 147 7 The $1,500 April fool's joke STRIPTEASE NEWS WAS FALSE T<HE Singapore Fifth A Police Court magistrate, Mr. R. B. I. Pates, ruled yesterday that a false announcement in the Cheng Fong Pau, a "mosquito" newspaper, concerning Miss Mok Sui Ying. a nightclub singer, was defamatory. I He fined the Cheng
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  • 93 7 That school uniform: No scolding liHE committee of the Bedok Girls' School's ParentTeacher Association yesterday refuted allegations that pupils without the new school uniform had been punished or scolded. A spokesman said the committee had. after investigation, found that many pupils were without the new uniform. "The material chosen for
    93 words
  • 44 7 Ng Kah Chwee claimed trial in Singapore yesterday to a charge of pretending to be a police detective and threatening to arrest Yeo Scow Keot at Narayanan Chitty Road on May 28. Bail of $1,000 in two sureties was allowed.
    44 words
  • 275 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. A 15- YEAR-OLD schoolboy told a preliminary inquiry A here today that he chased a man one evening, little knowing the man was wanted in connection with a murder. Kuah Moh Tuan, of the Kishan Dial School, said he
    275 words
  • 82 7 Warrant is issued for woman BANTING. Thurs A WARRANT for the arrest of an aborigine woman. Bileh Subam. aged 39. was Issued here today. With another woman. Ong Sim. aged 49. and a man. Ching Chye Lai. aged 31. she had been charged with taking part in an unlawful transaction
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  • 37 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The R.A.F. (Malaya) Is to recruit men between 18 and 33 for its next training course, starting on June 20 Applicants must have at least sixth standard English school education.
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  • 37 7 Loh Twa Phon. 21. pleaded not guilty in a Singapore police court yesterday to a charge of having 140 packets of dutiable cigarettes on Wednesday. He was allowed $100 bail until July 26.
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  • 128 7 'Oscars' for i A BEAUTY queen and two Malayan "Oscar" winners will be named at a contest at Johore Bahru tomorrow night. The St. John Ambulance Association of Johore Bahru is sponsoring the contest at the fun fair ground. "Miss Johore 1955 will be chosen from
    128 words
  • 32 7 IPOH, Thurs. The Federation Regiment Corps of Drums will play at the Chinese As* sembly Hall ground on Saturday when Perak meet Penane in a Malaya Cup football match.
    32 words
  • 333 7 A wedding guest and a gun: Then bang SOLDIER WAS SHOWING RIFLE TO A GIRL A YOUNG British soldier, who got drunk at a wedding reception, fired a bullet from his rifle while trying to show a Servicewoman how it worked, a Singapore court-martial was told yesterday. Lance Corporal Morris
    333 words
  • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Fire Brigade dealt with three fires this afternoon. One was a lallan? fire behind the X-ray department off Princes Road. A house caught fire in Ipoh Road, but the brigade quickly beat it. The other fire was in an old house at Jalan
    54 words
  • 172 7 NAVAL BASE DISPUTE ENDS Strike notice to be withdrawn npHE Singapore Naval Base Labour Union is to withA draw the strike notice it served on H. M. Dockyard authorities last week. The dispute over the dismissal of a shop steward for insubordination was settled yesterday. The case was re-heard and
    172 words
  • 151 7 Firestone men send in demands fFHE SINGAPORE Factory and •I- Shop Workers' Union yesterday submitted a list of claims to the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company. The union demands higher wages and better working conditions for about 800 employees. A spokesman for the firm said that the claims were now
    151 words
  • 80 7 BURMESE AIR CHIEF IN the capital KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Air Commodore T. CUft. Chief of Air Staff, Burmese Air Force, today visited the RAF station here and flew in a Pioneer and a Sycamore helicopter. Air Commodore Clift. accompanied by the British Air Attache in Rangoon, Group Capt. A.R.L. Griffiths,
    80 words
  • 71 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— More than 1,000 men from the three Services and the Police will take part in the Queen's birthday parade here on June 9. I Mechanised Army units will ;oin in the parade, which will be led by men of the Royal Navy— a
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  • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Four labourers hunting with spears on the Diamond Jubilee Estate nine miles from Jasin, Malacca, stumbled on a terrorist near the jungle fringe.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 =s =a== s==::=S= L4P2/64 •HUTED BY SIME DARBY if you caht Mrt I Trulc4l«H\£ >Cu'< ct)O JOB MAW SE RVICE, KNOW-HOW f W: *****
      24 words
    • 105 7 Wortd Wide Renowned r^*Sole Agents: KEE HUAT RADSO CO.. LTD. 122-124, ORCHARD ROAD. SPOKE -9. PHONE: ***** 221 S3. 223. BATU ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR. PHONE 3451. 24. BEACH STREET. PENANC. PHONE: 4154 4155- hair dressing [WKf|f lavender flowers solid brillianline I j^ This delightful prrparation \J|t »pc< ially made to
      105 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 151 7 The weather MINIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 pm. on June 1 to 7.30 a.m. on June 2): Singapore 82, Penang 72. Kota Bharu 76, Kuala Lumpur 74. Ipoh 71, Kuantan 74. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on June 2): Singapore 89. Penang 90. Kota Bharu 90 Kuala Lumpur 90, Ipoh
      151 words

  • 222 8 COUNCIL HEARS A CHAMBER MONEY-GETTER GOVT. TOLD: YOU TAKE ALL AND GIVE NOTHING KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. JHE PENANG Chamber of Commerce wants a tariff on racehorses, the acting Financial Secretary, Mr. O. A. Spencer, told the Legislative Council today when he introduced an amendment to the
    222 words
  • 93 8 MR. TAN IS MARRIED 12 HOURS AFTER BRUSH WITH DEATH MR. TAN BOCK LENG, a shop assistant of Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore, is seen here with his bride. Miss Quah Geok Lan. after their wedding yesterday. The wedding very nearly had to be called off on Wednesday evening. after Mr.
    93 words
  • 231 8 UNION CLAIMS ON NA VY REVIVED Higher grade posts are wanted THE Singapore Admiralty Local Staff Union, which 1 represents 500 monthly-rated civilian employees of the Navy, intends to revive four claims for higher wages and better working conditions. The claims are to be pressrd at a joint consultative committee
    231 words
  • 51 8 Officials of the Singapore Improvement Trust Junior Officers' Association are: President, Mr. Heng Joo Seng; vice-president, Mr. A. D. Ponnambalam and Mr. K. T. Zachariah; secretary, Mr. Seah Kirn Bee; assistant secretary, Mr. A. G. S. Danaraj; treasurer, Mr. Charlie Chia; assistant treasurer, Mr. Lye Kum
    51 words
  • 54 8 KELANTAN'S NEW DISTRICT CELEBRATES KOTA BHARU. Thurs.—Kelantan's eighth and newest district. Tanah Merah. will be officially constituted at a ceremony on June 7. The Sultar. will attend. The new district is formed from portions of Pasir Mas, Machang and Ulu Kelantan. It has nearly 25.000 people. The new district will
    54 words
  • 28 8 Thr Singapore Mvsical Society will present a "Symphony of tlio Air concert at the Badminton Kail. Guillemard Road, at 8.45 pjn. on June 18 and 19.
    28 words
  • 42 8 V, 5; S- WISK 1!l3( Sinsapore tennis champion, and Mrs. K. fc. Spurgeon. who were married at the Singapore Registry re a> Mr> Wise is mananer of the National Employers' Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd.— Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 152 8 Quemoy plan dropped IT CAUSED A ROW A ROW among Singapore Kirn Moey Association members has led the association to shelve a proposal to help Quemoy, off China— a Chinese Nationalist stronghold which Red China wants to annex. The association was founded 124 years ago by Chinese pioneers from Quemoy.
    152 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 rp iV U Is II l/¥^°ts\- feoiards you apainst kik ah ''j/* fi s^-'''''' c^ e germs which shin complain r^W|p^J i c^s- .-ause «kin diseases. A <DW4JtO OUOS A GO. LXSw LOMDOW, WlfH IW youseeL £very "A** BEDFORD P^sPfi uS jpS' §-j.~~~~ i=h v3n til f*M TRUCKS TIPPERS Bedford
      195 words
    • 72 8 King Qustav J P Sir Winston Churchill Mrs. Roosevelt La Grande Ma J IHSIHQAPOSHntu g fo« you '•coon ac fewwag^ JACKSON (0., IF OTHERS FAIL- TRY m¥ I Hlj */l i p 4 La'a r f >-----•■"; INSURANCE IS M*"*' i BE FULLY COVERED BY (o^\ nion lnsural>Ce SOCW of
      72 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 430 8 r__ information (9) Straits Times Crossword H 3SLTB ir %> -t 1111 by 26 Root of sweet odours (5) I I i 27 Lumberjack's business end ("I 4 sH *> ft i 8 28 Painting; is undefined for tht craftsman (7) l>\s DOWN —^_M_M_ H H 1 2SS l p^
      430 words

  • 1340 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE 'Man from moon' warned world of new Pacific invasion HE WAS DEITY AMONG TRIBESMEN ONE of the best-known residents of the Sydney suburb of Watson's Bay in 1884-6 was a gnome-like, bearded, energetic Russian scientist, with the high-sounding title of Baron Nicolai Nicolaevitch Miklouho-Maclay. On a
    Daily Mirror  -  1,340 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 I ISafcly I WES r Uafu/ symbol 0f KAKABLE fe\% i i Oblainablc K''' TITONI at all SWISS MADE I l«V,ost Experienced Airline to H UROPE 1 I BANGKOK I THURSDAY* SATURDAYS W I Uant or Phone 2412 W I .a BHp., Singapore m 11..<■. ■..<■ ir I'enanj l^af i
      53 words
    • 149 9 wiiuiuiiimnvv V W^p Mulsified o COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 9 is a natural shampoo, made from I^P**^!^! the purest blend of cocoanut 1 „..>^oo I oils. Mulsified Shampoo will bring out the natural beauty of H your hair, leaving your hair soft, fragrant, lustrously radiant. filostora J^S lUST A FEW DROPS
      149 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      116 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1345 10 T«it 1405 MANSFIELD <Sc CO., LTD. T«it MM (18 lin.s) (Incorporated in Singapore) (12 Hn«.) TSS THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE llV," Corr'»'« option to procred vio other ports to load and dischorge cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS Singapore Due Sails P. S'hom Penong Lyceon for Dublin Liverpool
      1,345 words
    • 1144 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg 1 Oslo S'pora p Sham Penang X) "SELANDiA" 4/ June 7/ 8 June 9/10 June "MALACCA" 3/ S July 6 July 7/ 7 Jury x) Calls Beyrouth, London ( only), Gdynia. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT
      1,144 words
    • 996 10 .T'fr.V THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. TIL imV SINGAPORE (Ineorporoted In the United Kingdom) LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Penano Benvorlieh for Avonmouth, .«/i* a i un |j u Liverpool, Gtasgow, Homboro 7 BonrlsMias for Rotterdom, s* i Hamburg. Hull LOndOn J Benv.nn^h for London,
      996 words
    • 524 10 ond for USA., Morth An "•^UnS^ti Soor. CITY p* .••OOKIYN U/20 J^^ 21/22 Ju 2 cityoppoona ..rr. teTssfei?^ s'por., p. $>,„,, p tno kl «7^kV;;;- Jl -U™^sv Carrier, option to vr^"* y t >*»*< Jig S <Hrt»ard Iron, Wr *JJ Ll^ GLENGARRY RADNORSHIRE 15 "*W '«1»? Ixpr tt ,-S.rv,» for
      524 words

  • 4 11 afpRICES It
    4 words
    3 words
  • 638 11 RUSSIA IS BUYING RUBBER AGAIN, PRICE GOES HIGHER By Our Market Correspondent RUBBER in Singapore yesterday rose to its highest price for four months and June first p-adc was done up to 91- cents a pound, as a result „l Russian interest in the market UP reports from London said
    638 words
  • 157 11 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were: Copra: quietly steady. June $28 buyers. $28 > t sellers; July $28' buyers. $28'- sellers. Coconut oil: auietly steaay; bulk $42 seller*, drum $45 sellers. Pepper: quiet with no business reported: Muntok white $177. Sarawak $176. Special Sarawak
    157 words
  • 139 11 June first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed in Singapore yesterday at 93 cents a lb., up half a cent on Wednesday, The closing tone was uncertain. Closing rubber prices yesterday in cents per lb. were: No. 1 R.S.S. spot loose buyers O4'», sellers 94 5, No 1 R.S.S.
    139 words
  • 80 11 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association made the following changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday:— Canada: buying airmail. T.T. 32 3/8. O.D 32 1 '2. 90 days 32 3/4 credit bills. 32 13/16 trade bills. Selling rates. T.T. or CD. ready: Canada 32 1/16. On the free exchange
    80 words
  • 89 11 Ships lying alongside the Singaoore Harbour Board wharves or exported today are: Ordia 1 2. Peleus 4 5 Polyphemus C.P.. Santos Maru 6 1 Mandama 8!9, President Monroe 11 Glenorchy 13 14. Benvorlirh 1516. Bendeuch 18. Satoe 19 20. Sulao N Wall 4. Seudai N. Wall 6. nm'lr.s MrLeod
    89 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 400 11 MARINE j^q\ PAINTS t*****f* F °r all .super. \^^^^jf structure. Longlasting protecC p^ tion. Favoured "V by many of the J World's Great est Shipping Companies. Cut n^^ down mamten- anc« costs and lj*^' Overheads. KNUTSEN LINE Ri Service S PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Arriving P.Swct Penan; Frcmantle '0 June
      400 words
    • 701 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD APPLICATIONS are Invited for the position of Assistant Traffic Supervisor in the Board's Traffic Department. Commencing salary is $450 per month with annual increments In the salary scale rising to a maximum of $690 per month. A Variable Cost of Living Allowance is also
      701 words
    • 764 11 NOTICES REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSION To GoVernment English Schools In Nrjtri Srmbilan, 1956. Registration for admission to Standard I will open on Ist June and close on 31st August. 1955. The following regulations are brought to the notice of parents or guardians concerned: (a) Applications are required only In respect of
      764 words
    • 544 11 NOTICES TANARA COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office. Bungsar Estate, Kuala Lumpur at 11 o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday the 11th June 1955 for the following purposes: (1) To receive the Directors' Report
      544 words
    • 353 11 NOTICE NASSIM CO., LIMITED will sell by Public Auction in their Sale-Room* No*. 4 A 4—l, Collyer Quay, On SATURDAY, 4TH JUNE. 1955, AT 10 A.M. Wardrobes: Dressing Tables: Beds with Mattresses: Cane and Teak Lounge Suites: Large Teak Writing Tables; Bookshelves; "Olivetti" Portable Typewriter (In perfect condition); "Underwood" Electric
      353 words
    • 116 11 NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED KUALA I IMI'I n* The Borneo Company Limited have pleasure in announcing the appointment of Mr. E. M 'Trd> Scarfe. the well-known Office Equipment Specialist, who has now taken charge of the business of DUNCAN ROBERTS LIMITED, for whom we are Agents in
      116 words

  • 356 12 COLONY FRUIT TRADE PROTEST PROTESTS have been made by a section of Singapore importers of Australian fruit against new regulations for the import of apples and pears from Australia. These traders complain that they cannot now place direct orders to Australia, but must go through the Australian Apples and Pears
    356 words
  • 404 12 pOODS worth about XI Malayan $1 million will be put on display at the third trade exhibition of the Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Union to be held at the Happy World Stadium in Singapore from June 10 to 26 An eight-man advance
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  • 424 12  -  Ifl^oajk^^io^v Hi PHE importance of rubber to the economy of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore is once again admirably illustrated by an analysis of the detailed Pan-Malayan trade figures for the first quarter of this year. Overall Malayan trade in the first three
    424 words
  • 260 12 PRODUCTION of tin in Indonesia this year is expected to decrease by 3,000 tons from the 1954 output of 23.000 tons, it has been announced by a spokesman of the sales department of Indonesian Mining Products, writes the Straits Times correspondent from Jakarta.
    260 words
  • 217 12 Members of the Malaya-China-Janan Shipping Conference i Singapore are to con tinue to keep their rah open for the shipment of rubber and latex from Singapore and the Federation to Japan At a meeting last Friday th, conference once again to come
    217 words
  • 198 12 THE North German Bank in Hamburg has published a 16-page special report about the economic situation in Malaya to inform its clients about possibilities of German-Mala-yan trade. The bank said Malaya's imports and exports in 1954 were considerably higher than before the war but decreased in comparison
    198 words
  • 100 12 HE VISITED CEMENT WORKS IN FEDERATION MR. L. VV. BARNETT, general manager of Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., Australia, arrived from Sydney last week and travelled to Kuala Lumpur to inspect the works of Malayan Cement Ltd. Mr. Barnett is making a three month round theworld tour of cement factories. He
    100 words
  • 190 12 "\IORE than 101,000 passengers have travelled in aircraft operated by Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. since its re-organisation in 1948. During the period. the aircraft in service have covered a total of 8.*****0 miles, announce the company. C.P.A. is an independent British airline which
    190 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 282 12 *^j FLORUT IXI'I Rll PORTVS Mj The PORT of LONDON AUTHORITY A Self-governing Public Trust for Public Servics Premier Port of the Empire; equipped for all types of ships and cargoes. far fufJ particulars a?ply. GENERAL MANAGER. PORT OF LONDON AUTHORITY, LONDON, L6J i Hi 7 G/fZuiOTUII ADDING MACHINE Your
      282 words
    • 361 12 Cracked cylinder block A permanent repair f^r In- i^§l.-F- r \f ii ft ternal or external crarw-s. i-fflfiS Iff II ii I Bumble for cast-iron and W mf aluminiifra. Repairs in 30m;n- r >k \-^S£g w ut«*s without dismantlin*. r- f *=Jt Withstands vibration, heat ard jP^j39 a I pr<Rvir*.
      361 words
    • 25 12 NeJ F h boll 1 m V i: combintaj Cortri^g, NEMGH 1 J SINGAPORE KUALA m ■■111 SCOT aj JAMS MARMAJ Fm d Finpii in
      25 words

  • 449 13 FINAL GALLOPS FOR XX. TOMORROW By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR Thurs MARVEL OF PERU II (late The Minch) showed a nice turn of foot in a testing tryout with an unnumbered horse on the training track at Kuala Lumpur this morning. With Tom
    449 words
  • 337 13 YVKKHITS for tomorrow, la-st day awr^ Class 3— 1 Miles The (aiar. h.oo Sooka 5.13 So Sorry 8.09 ticlfang Slar 8.07 Tadi Field 8.07 Knola Gay 8.05 Marshal Foch 8.04 Irish Klegance 8.03 Rubber Packer 8.02 (.olden Serenade 8.00 FlTrneT.he Forest 7.12 Harwood „11 >ictonous
    337 words
  • 153 13 ST. JOHN'B (Antigua) Thurs. AFTER losing Arthur Morris at 23 on an easy-paced wicket, the Australian cricket tourists totalled 345 for five at the close of the first day's play in their three-day match against the Leeward Islands here yesterday. The Australian innings was featured
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 58 13 MANCHESTER, Thurs.—Wimbledon champion Jaroslav Drobny took only 25 minutes to beat Michael Brown 6-0, 6-1 in their second round match in the Northern lawn tennis championships which started here yesterday. Doris Hart, the top American woman player, also won 6-0, 6-1 In her fourth round match
    UP  -  58 words
  • 37 13 tT MUNICH. Thurs. Newcastle United, the English F.A. Cup holders, suffered another defeat in their Con'i.iental tour when they lost by 2-1 to a Bavarian eleven here yesterday. Newcastle trailed 2-0 at the interval. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 35 13 CALCUTTA. Thurs.— Players from 70 countries are being invited to compete in the fourth Asian lawn tennis championships to be held' here towards the end of the year. It was announced today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 77 13 dACING schedule isFIRST DAY: Class One, Div. I—l M. Class Two Divs 1, 2, 3. and 4 6 F.; Divs. 1 and 2 l M. SECOND: DAY: Class One. Divs. 1 and 2 6 f; Div. 2—l M. Class Two, Divs l and 2 6 f. and
    77 words
  • 705 13 THE total of 152 entries, comX prising 66 Class One and 86 Class Two, received by the Singapore Turf Club for their June Meeting on June 11, 15 and 18, is one of the lowest received in the post-war period and
    705 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 32 13 Risers l( iieuß. i r i H'>\ U WTKT) fxlro. I Flat i Tel: Mount "3 ST. feC COUP] i: rom•"pound L city Box -rlra. 'Urn 1 ADS. j IS* Uu 1
      32 words
    • 834 13 TUITION >• ,v; (Hin. I— Box SI) r/.s. extra. VBISAL DRIVING SCHOOL. up to date, greatly lmroc your tuition Complete 12S. Individual lessons $5 .726fi. VACANCIES ALL CLASSES. Join t LCC Cambridge ExaminAppty Mr. Menon. Eng-han te, 8. Exeter Road (opp: Road Market). I EARN TO DRIVE The Correct ['he
      834 words
    • 1241 13 REACH 75,000 FAMILIES WITH A STRAITS TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERT, fl BOOKS PUBLICATIONS 20 Words Si (Min.)— Box SO ets. extra. QUICK MALAY For Beginners $2.50 per copy. Obtainable from all Booksellers in Singapore. S.B.A. P.O. Box 579. Singapore. LOANS 20 Words SS (Min.)— Box 10 els. extra. WANTED LOAN SSCO.
      1,241 words
    • 372 13 MISCELLANEOUS 2» Words $S (Min.)-Box SO els. txtrm. COCKROACHES In the Kitchen? Then Spray with Shell Cockroach Killer for Your HealthJs Sake. $1.60 for 32 oz. Tin. CAMERA ENTHUSIASTS should Investigate the Canon System of Photography. Canon Cameras, lenses amateurs. Agents: Henry Waugh. EUROPEAN BEAUTY SPECIALIST. Treatments at private residence.
      372 words
      553 words

  • 1148 14 THE DRAW CAN PUT MALAYA ONE-DOWN AFTER THE FIRST MATCH By The Sports Editor MALAYA, holders of Jl the Thomas Cup since 19 19, defend badminton's golden trophy against Denmark at the Singapore Badminton Stadium tomorrow and on Sunday.
    1,148 words
  • 74 14 Order of play out of two silver bowls MR. MALCOLM MACDOXALI) (left) ana Sir George Thomas made the draw for the challenge round of the Thomas Cup competition between Malaya and Denmark. Holding out the two silver bowls is Mr. L.R. Agaskar. manager of the Indian team who will be
    74 words
  • 267 14 'FHE Singapore hockey selectors, who .-t season A looked without success for a tuitaule centre forward, had two of the best prospects for years on view on the S.R.C. padang yesterday. Newcomer Ajit Singh, who i turned out for Sclangor
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  • 77 14 Yesterday's results In the S.A.F.A. Div. 3 A league were: Corinthians *A" beat Woodlnnds S.C. 7-0 at CYMA ground Scorers: Salam (2), Ahmad Osman (.2), Samaon (2) and Ismail Latiff. At the Clerical Union ground, Junior A.A. beat Setia Jaya 4-1. R. E. Civilians beat Serangoon
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  • 37 14 DON COCKELL, the British heavyweight champion, will meet Carl "Bobo" Olson, the wqrld middleweight champion, in London if negotiations succeed. Olson's manager, Sid Flaherty, said yesterday the fight would probably be in September. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 32 14 Seletar Spartans and Seletar Athenians drew 2-2 in a United Services Div. 2 soccer match at Seletar yesterday. Slade and Tawe scored for Spar- tans: Fletcher and Haye replied.
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  • 199 14 AN Alfa Romeo 1900 super saloon will race for the first time in Malaya at the Bukit Batok Hill Climb on Sunday at 9 a.m. Lim Peng Han. the Singapore racing ace. told the Straits Times: "I feel this car will set new
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  • 71 14 I Singapore Crirkel Club, strength- ened by the return of Davids, forI mer Malaya Cup fullback, at centre half, beat Kinta Rangers 3-0 on the padang yesterday in a S.A.F.A. Div. 2 A match. S.C.C. were two goals up by the eighth minute, through
    71 words
  • 49 14 Woodbridge Hospital S.C. were no match for Star Soccerites in the S.A.F.A. Div. 1 match at Jalan Besar yesterday and were beaten 5-0. Charlie Chan and Thian Huat scored in the first half and Roberts and Dollah Zainol (2) after the interval. Adnan Isa refereed.
    49 words
  • 251 14 LONDON Thursday OOWLERS had a good day in the county cricket pro- gramme which began yesterday and in ten of the 11 major games an innings was completed and the other side started batting before close of play. Top
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  • 76 14 Government Services Div. 2 soccer league matches yesterday resulted Prisons beat Income Tax 12-1 on the P& T ground. Houdri (7). Yunos (3), Ibrahim and Samad scored for Prisons and A. de Cruz for Income Tax. Radio Malaya and Land Office drew 2-2 at
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  • 39 14 The South African tourists who were 390-3 at close on the first day against Essex, were 503-4 at lunch today at Colchester. Main scorers: MrGlew 118. Brnlean 64, Keith 94. Mansell 99. McLean 101 not out.
    39 words
  • 331 14 PARIS, Thurs. IT was doubles day in the French lawn tennis championships here yesterday and the Americans dominated the men's event with their two pairs Tony Trabert and. Vie Seixas and Budge Patty and Ham Richardson— winning their ties into the .semi-finals. Trabert and Selxas, who
    Reuter  -  331 words
  • 83 14 TOMORROW SINGLES. Eddie Choong v s Finn Kobbero; Wong Peng Soon v Jom Skaarup. DOUBLES: Tan jtn Eong and Lim Kee Fong v Eilert--sen and Mertz; Ong Poh Lim and Ooi Teik Hock v Kob bero and H. Hansen SUNDAY SINGLES: Ong Poh Urn v Ole Jensen; Wong
    83 words
  • 111 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. •T^HE starting times in the Malayan open badminton championship? to be held from June 9 to 12 at the Selangor Badminton Hall here are: June 9 to 11: 9 a.m. 2 p.m. and from 7 p.m. June 12: 9.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m. and
    111 words
  • 153 14 daw FIGHTE fin-, won bj L Slnj scor t mark,, <1) th, qualit v and fit, Rreat showed notch, 'hat m &l covery. -ne Hrn night?! Danish Sr saj Skaarup ,75' rail, up prodnta Hp sot to i 8-14 S<? Aw °rld}> m "•year-old ffi firmly c near fot ness
    153 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 759 14 CLASSIFIED ADSJ K ontinurd from P»te 6) SITIATIOXS VACANT !i, H,.rW« H (\tm.)-B«x JO cU. rxfra. nqonte qualified lady ■ment Operator witn lAlxricnce In Europe. Apply Box A 4083. S.T. JOBLBB8? Let G.S.O. Overcome Warrtn. Imawdtetc Vacanclea itoHDU, As.-ustant Storcimi Male Stenographer. Call RoUnaon Ko;id. OPSAM FIRM Require lonists. Salesgirls.
      759 words
    • 52 14 Most Famous Liqueur jfo^ r\ eDlCtl| for many centuries. W /SEN* g] A great and ancient Sai^ discovery cont.nnin^ I I Ffl vital health-givins herbs MJ \J I tuf PASTERN AGENCI^>j Sole Agents: THE EAb t""^,^^ ARRANGE YOl -,/jf l STRAND m Central oil mff\ 0 SINGLE -W s7 DOUBLE
      52 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 78 14 SOCCKR PERSIDJA INDONESIA v Combined Services. Jalan Besar, 8 p.m. SAFA LEAGI'E. DIV. 2B: Y.M.S.A. v Balestirr I td., Jalan Besar, 7 p.m.; DIV. 3B: Alexandra F.T. t S.C.S.A., (ir vlang: Arab Union v Kebenaran. MFA ground; Bine Rowers v Katong S.C, CYMA ground; Sukaramai v Rajaji, Farrer Park. SBHFA
      78 words