The Straits Times, 26 April 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. Hot*** 1 Kst«l ik«;,. SIMiAPORE, TI tSDAY, \rKII 2fi. 1955. 15 CENTS
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  • 667 1 .year n to aye bber DYING RI IlliEli TREES CREATE WORST CRISIS LX THE INDCSTRY'S CHEQIERED HISTORY «cad Htorcad ot Kept a v''l. I H ibb« R'4bb*r U r. U m^anv proving i n of th« natural rubb* r HIM association* The pour.cil however recorded •rt
    667 words
  • 96 1 Kl\l\ II MIM i: Mvii !)< il M r ,nri lor i "lino i < ••in mi in] Hc.idqu.u n l<-r bin >h» his brrn P !'«la\ |i lefi h.imt md was .i^! wm 1 1 n". .i I r M| |>ih>|
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  • 13 1 i>n mat ion off v hen rr-< I
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  • 344 1 itus is surcical tear against synthetic- m »i i MMlii; Man 1MB! I r«f l.»nomn M s,p, n rr li- d ilm •m prapaaad m rubbrr s< hrmr x iTttet p ■■■ri! suh '■»t lut> J,. r ,i hi;. tin tion in \p>>rt dutx H il' (I
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  • 3 1 ndtag
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  • 128 1 She s Singapore 'g hope for title MISS I.I.YKIS McISTOSH iiiii.r well known in sinoporc »at«-r sknnu «ir- Irs h.t«» entered th»- 'Queen of the \ir' («nlivl «<• rw held in Johannrshuri: noon \UNtralian-rxirn l.lvn* is «>antav l.mpii< \iru.i»s' m trant in thr rontol argaaisrd
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  • 299 1 From now on it's talk before you shoot, says Ceylon Prime Minister THE Prinw Minister of 1 Ceylon. S.r John Knt«-l;iuaia. said on .irnviil in Slngapon 1 ithout a-s--suminf th«- role of a prophet, he thouuht there was not nr.ich d;.n- war In the near future
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  • 691 1 and the friend of a friend upsets Marshall Tlit Chi' M porr Mr D saw rad n^t-th--,-le conference when a voum: h,. con.' on >• tno t. Jm the rniintry 1 <-d the outbi;r«-; a second request which the n Mr i K Khoo.
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  • 118 1 Left at the aisle the bride ABOUT-TURN BY GROOM -AND MM IS OFF BllitPOW B :.<>. Mon THE blusnmu 'bride »a> at the church door, th« "d waiting, .md thr hi.- bADdI to play tht first chords of Hert' Corner thf Bndr whrn out wont the bridP- > >m which
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  • 27 1 PARIS Mon All par ■i'.iding the Communist r. I h< Id h« re on the last two Sunday v it waa announced rod;<\ R' It
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  • 30 1 PUS\N M" n !>. pic r- dX -*n.d y t< rday when a K<>n in Nhip -arm aftt r hitting a .submerged ret f n»ar r of here AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 25 1 C hou: $14o a time BANDOENG. M< n A. r., craphs o! Sir Cham En-la: ..c «o\6 to his admirers r Ml rupiahs $IW> UP.
    UP  -  25 words
  • 80 1 DALLAS Trias Mon thief «tolr IS* »KTO, from a printer*, toat po< krt at rm shop U«t wrrk H< jlmi !>• k Mimr clothes from a linker rmim Thr print, r lookrd into thr |o< krr room found a pair
    80 words
  • 179 1 ASSEMBL) YES EXPECTED TOD A) TUIE Singapore Ifglilillif Assembly la expected I to approve a salary list for the new Ministt rs will give the Chief MinlsU I V*: D.ivid Marshall, a salary o! $3,500 a month and the other flv< lUn 12.500 .1 moot!) each.
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  • 24 1 LONDON M n Union la eoaaldi r:nc a plan I lunar trips by ny n would soon foll>«w P
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  • 23 1 VinltiT i <■> ri uith hr KINO'S I YNN I Mon An m-m'inth-oid bah; d !n>m her Mm.' r carrying
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  • 36 1 BYRACUSI ••■d ir> b< d ar nt his last morning paintine at a ,f hij, V:ll.. lay H- return to Londor, tonr>rr'»w I Wrmdford Bate) *t in the l] election. Rrut<r
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  • 23 1 LONDON Mr. ill h'-'d a pr> m r.t »> d> n. fi r< r.ual Ruya* u^rddi B'i'-kinKhim Palace Thursday July 14 R
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  • 18 1 LONix >N Man Reynolds ".ne f r >" .lohrnv Ray and Holl>- Terry Moore AP.
    AP  -  18 words
  • 22 1 LONDON H rip ught in thr I ond->n i continue d jresu rdar Pain n (■"rriM at K RrutT
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  • 52 1 'Sack Diem or it's war' threat N Mon. VRI ;i.-n(d En In I civil thai woald >r the Pin) 1 a hich spearheads -mcd str ußem deliver--Ins came Jen r to flood the I nto l nationwide end urn the leaflets md dac- i 1 in five la>t ■v Hich
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  • 20 1 krii\i\ ro rK »ni r >«M K M IM I OMDOf i. .4i i-ti-r i d.n l»t utT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 63 1 ATLAS "uteA and JiXmqs HARt SONS USTIR INC LTD Smf.poM Rflgh Lumpy P. n>»« HK The greatest little radio ever Price in tin- Federatv-r.: $340 hT PHILIPS radio record layer A radio record [> la; i> rv kau tin ordinary U rmdk I his Philips mtklel fines a Wtmdtifui V.
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  • 24 2 Just a look it put him in the picture A DETECT! VI d tor published in U j court \v.; iaed him bim, ha
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  • 21 2 Seven Algeriaians arc killed ALOII t by .sec 1. inoun'.i Two Alger bound and theli throat cut n no immediate AP
    AP  -  21 words
  • 60 2 MPUR Mon.-The •mem is to >rop. rty ol C v :n (Juan and Company. ition to pay his $2 Tih. oy monthly Instalment.* ol $liX) was turned down by Mr Ju>uce Wilson in Th. t.tx was on hit personal Incouu in 1948 t< >
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  • 138 2 Indistinct* impression of Chou (.1 M 1; \l irlos P Romulo 1 li.tirman of th<- Philippines •Ii IcKJliou lo the \fro\siaii Conference in K.iniloeiu arrived m Hagaawv »esterda> and di;iloiu.itn iIU K a\e no serrrts .iw.i> \skrd if he Wiiuld accept Mr (hou hn-lai's Invitation
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  • 149 2 The wife who returned goes for good VMAN who neglected hta vtfe kflt r n tWßed rlered by the Smga;>- re 81x1 I Court to i monthlj un.-( of tl Mai 1 The woman TtO Ml L«r husband Kin. an i hb. ■hok< (i punched unit k «d her
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  • 58 2 Officials of the St Andrews Cathedral Youth Fe. Singapore, lor this year arc President. Mix- Ail. vice president. Mr Michael Tan secretary. Mr. CharleN Chum; treasurer Mr Raphael Scow. Metal Mcretary, ml^ PaUv Teo; sport, ■ecretary. Mr. Noel Yeh; committee Mlv Joan Feireira. M.v Ruth Gwee; advi.-ers.
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  • 81 2 KIDAAPPED HIS FUTURE BRIDE JOHOKI K\HRI. Mnn. I •i>\ of hariirk Ivt.itf. whu on 11 kni napprd Miini-imah. a(ed 1">. from her niolhi-r was sentenced in the Sessions Court. Kluunc to a day in jail and tined S.'IMI or t« > months' jail. The mother told the court thai
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  • 21 2 A Singapore .schoolboy T Thlrugnanam a-«ri is was found hiinuiiiK ln»m a mango i- R ad. off Pasir rday.
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  • 213 2 7//.s tongue teas hanging out' A MAN who saic he could drink .six txittle.* of beer and .stiil drive correctly w.i.v fined $100 by a Singapore court yesterday for driving dnmkenhr six and a half :ter he had had only one bottle A. Arumugam. a
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  • 101 2 JOHORE BAHRU Mon. Sheikh Mydln wa* acquit tid today In the Magistrate's Court of a charge "i obtaining muncy by pretending to forttcll the future Mvdin. dM magistrate *ald h id h« hi eluurged vi. Offeno Bni I b\' no- and that
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  • 144 2 HIS PALS WERE ALL THERE Airport surprise for Forum man V'IFN KUM CHUKN 17-\ i ar-old Singapore Herald Tribune hold In Htm York hist month, rrtur:. id surprise when his clasn .-a ites turnt (i up in full im< him at Kallaim Airport Kuan < Meat Chine--' 8 Singapore >
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  • 7 2 KUAI i i md 5
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  • 45 2 Make atom* work ft, says Petal JS IPOH 11HFN Mai P t ariy in 1 1 solution callim nuclear The resolution to aw- 0] hvri: a:m other nuc,' •Continue effoi But effc for th' shoul 1 SOlll!. the party decided
    45 words
  • 55 2 "Treat schools I>K Chin on Saturday to m school and orfa be i: i\ at Urn the Chirr se 8 < meat fi He A raining H< warnrrt tl t 1 I'hi ::it b»> called b^ Chamb' It ira the tneetin concerned munity .^> a whol.
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  • 4 2 Dead had broken i
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  • 3 2 Big mo China
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  • 3 2 prop.,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 For straight backs and sturdy limbs— give your baby this pure milk Ostermiir, is the nourishing milk food that babies need not successful. Vitamin Dis amhmulhinttomotmmi added to this pure milk ti>bi:ild >trong hones and teeth; ft™. -hJH A rmn>. mioa «*wl c«4 »airf and a kNo iron lo enrich
      134 words
    • 62 2 COMFORT FOR THE PARTICULAR r a v m 9^attL^a^a^*W^HfT"'>fl BY VnBMHB'^MBBjdV Mr STANDARD Tl For Families EvtrywherJttt Standard Ten n j modi I of t in .m» „-n' Jiteciatcd »ith much lugir car» The lively 948 cc engine gh«l »h. .ir eta j petrol oniumption or 40 mp or over
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  • 3 3 out Red linese
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  • 100 3 AUSRITIAN ALL FOR FORMOSA PEACE I kn: /here's a but... B I i<> ixnnuiniM and it k.ii.ili^i hina. h.ul ii thr ptime purin- iiluris during .< i-i ko n i< 1 Stttawetl (tinner I I'mur l>efence Minister \|i MnMillaii if In- i^r. the I inted 1 :|iul it Inn
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  • 44 3 ng Radio i thai rellel be- i Kmtans a city v. China which has been hit bj an earthquake Tills preMimably was the •roas pro- portion.- which Japanese mocrajih.-. recorded in west err. a on April 14 AP
    AP  -  44 words
  • 31 3 BANn<)FNO Mon Tl Egyptian Premier Lieut. Col Oamal Naawr, left here by today lor Jakarta where [he will b»- the official Ruest ol Pre.Mdent Sim karno until Wed- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 22 3 BANDOENG. Mon Indonesia and Afghanistan slcned a treaty of friendship laM night at the end of the \>:in-Afn-ean coßfereno uP.
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  • 24 3 PORTLAND DoneUhlre, M The Diike o: Edinburgh flew' from Windsor Castle by ter "<l.iv to inspect the H N n at Port.and
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  • 185 3 fmm I .S.—it trill go thousand* mile* irithout reluelling >lI)KAT KISKMIOWKK tod;,x discloMKl a .111 to M-nd ;i mm ;itom-powrrtd men hant iroand Ih. w.»rld in ;< dramalir tmm&m*n--1 .1 :ht- I mtrd Statt-N drtrrmination to win 'a ul I i-tin^
    185 words
  • 67 3 China told: how faith bu elections .him. ion Man 111 111 KOKI \N \in Mr You h 111 .id i" ill it if lh« 1 ,Miini>u rrall\ I to 1 i»e tensions in •1. 1 ilmmM 1 I N Ith t I lull ll lliotts sUD<T--1 I. fl l"t
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  • 45 3 The Crown Prince is a carpenter, too CROWN PRINCE Carl Custaf of Sweden, sen ol Princess Sibylla and the late Prince Gustat Adolf, celebrates his ninth birthday anniversary on Saturday Fh sAP picture shows the young crown prince at the carpentry bench in his nursery.
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  • 126 3 MURDERED HOY'S GUN IS FOUND NAIROBI. Monday. TROOPS AND POLICE TODAY raptun d 10 HftU Mau 'ndudine thr< <• worth n and twu children battered by the police to be numbers ol tht gang reaponsible for the killinu of two Brttlah schoolboys on the outskirts
    126 words
  • 30 3 PAW \MA Mon A Bw< will be towed Iron. CrLstobal In th« I Canal Zone to tlie Dutch ick of j.>r her 18.000- ton carco of oil AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 29 3 NUREMBERG M The German Inventors' Association Mir award ol Oold w dal 4 MagoUcnl Jamaoka of tin Japam D Work^ for his dcv. small dieM-1 engine i:
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  • 69 3 The travels of a stray bullet iOUISVILLE Kentucky Mi n TWO rr.< n v.' r arfUlnt in .i wd< d r>u station jre« n m< >i;ddc nly bullet -old Arthur n the stomach Th- other went throuch tin :i .m where it any I oi malli that h( .inri
    69 words
  • 47 3 ONVENTRY Mon Two worker* employed the Corentrj facton of Pun- Company walked "'it tlui morninc and held man meeting to aweosa :h« linn's r<M-;tl to PM hoi:- ta| tokrn ten Monday until their ii mandj for negotiations <^n '•i. doiiu- are met. K
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  • 119 3 TOKYO FLANS CLEAN -UP TO STOP SEX CRIMES TOKYO, Mon JapancM authorities disclosed today that they will launch a dr: month to clean up literature, cinemas and record.* in an effort to halt the increase Of teen- i x .me.The Welfare Ministry will call on book publishers, film companies and
    UP  -  119 words
  • 180 3 Equitll approves 'conscience' move on audience pntblcm LONDON Mob Kquity 8n,,1.. Union. today refused to order it.s member not to appear before audiences from which neople were excluded on £ouncfc of racial, politico 'r rrlicio-.^ beliefs The union.- annual meeting here defeated a resolution Migßc.stin* this
    180 words
  • 24 3 BANIH>FNO Mon Jndom- i>» rt today th;it it ha.-. held informal talk* wtth on v.;ir reparations durum tin- Alro-A-sian con:c U P.
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  • 263 3 liF.AHF.H tn .r: :r MnUarni in nan Main km a t««ed a unall m duflaaß bu'. pi<r#< *nr 1 on 'ii* rta> 1 atv»rp ad\aiur in Oltnca* rinpmrntA 1: I Sue* ««amini« and el<- I rqutpmen a lot (round »net mn»t «l •nurd OIU +nr und*»»<lecl but rubber
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  • 19 3 I ONDON April C B tin ITlfi .Sellers £717 Sr''lemrr.- I Turncver v.m 6<i ti p m
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  • 6 3 l ONPON M I
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  • 27 3 HARTSEIXL. Alab:.: M j A trnado killed four pc" inhircci 25 destroyed 40 hoti hurebei alnnu a '2c\ :n::e.- Dath of di here ye.sterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 m \Hiinniiifi ■sn£\ I THE TEST OF TIME HAS i OVED ITS QUALITY I FAVRE-LEUBA 1 I I SINCE 1815 I FOR ALL CLIMATES H 0 uaUh dealers I ;BA WATCH CO., LTD. r ROAD. SING A POM i^cJiTTr- I By THE FEEt I OF IT 1 1 irp«-u BvaflaMi
      50 words
    • 186 3 START THE DAY ON KEY KEILLERS THICK CHIP L'HLE CHIP SINGAPORE COLD STORAGu (0. LTD. 'fi^^MV AgomsT all achc^. o~ m CafaSpin (b ay c r j I* Labour is Safety inst.illod m Power! They arc pledged to rcdoci cost of livmt; I KIIII>AI.S».\S h", \rjl. OpH I'll I I'"-
      186 words

  • 24 4 19 wlu,-h La t< have been teed to claim the bicycle from Insp Nai'ii! .it the Central Police Station
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  • 104 4 AIRWAYS STAFFS FORM A UNION T" H V Uon of a Malayan Airways Stafl Union ls not it to antagori employers but to pro- better employer- < mployee relationship. Mr Royston Norrus rotary of the Interim t .mmittee. iaid last nu?ht. He was speaking at the lnon of the unlo
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  • 35 4 A toJ< on the Air Reai-stra-tion Boaid will be gn Mr J Johnson to member.s ot of the Singapore branch o: the Royal Aeronautical Society at 830 p.m. In Shell House today
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  • 23 4 Tr.r 7.500-tnn tanker Kelletla wa.s towed out ol Su harbour ye.sterday and will go to Hong Kong to be broken up
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  • 44 4 rauh Mod a n. .m v a.s '"harged here with mvui" a r > racamag aw toOoounan P Kirn Boon 28. a former bus conductor in Mentakab. claimed trial to the charge. The ca.v war postponed May ib for hi I
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  • 371 4 NEGRI SEMBILAN OFFICE HOURS DURING FAST MAY BE PERMANENT 35-HOUR WEEK (MORE EFFICIENCY AND BETTER WORK') SHOULD BE USED THROUGHOUT MALAYA, SAY THE STAFF SEREMBAN, Mom v M.XI Srmbilan <mv*- rrnment servants today hailed their new working hours during the fasting month and wished that
    371 words
  • 107 4 PENANG. Mon ABOUT 240 piß.s will R ,t a We.sak reprieve on th> night of May 5 Penan^ butth- tgnad not to dj slaughter on the eve ol Buddha.* birthday On W< lak Dlght M.i% fi ItJM Buddhist will take part in a flaK-and-flower pr
    107 words
  • 49 4 IPOH. Mou Inche Abdul Kadir bin Yasof. formerly of Johore Bharu. who recentlj returned frorr. I .fte'r a three-year ludictal department acholarahlp gummed duties aj Ipoh macustrate today. He takes the place of inche Abdullah bin Gha/alli who hit for Britain o: the course.
    49 words
  • 215 4 and explanation of Bandwng handout I ABOI R FRONT rxrcutivrs and members of the Parliamentary Ciroup were disturbed yesterday by the issued in Kan ilnrni; by Mr II Koh. a rront executive, and Inthe Samad bin Haji l-ni.u| of thr Proplr\ Action Party. Thr
    215 words
  • 89 4 CANADIAN HELP IS PROMISED Mlt D V KMMI.FTT thief of tli. anadian Technical Co-operation Servire*. who has just tompleled 1 tour of Malatjra durins wiiuh lir discussed various aspet ts of technical aid under thr Colombo Plan 11. said tli it Canada will do all it can to extend the
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  • 95 4 FEMALE OF SPECIES WINS— BY ORDER JOHORE BAHRU. BtWIJIJ T"HE slaughter of she-gouts in Johorr has bvt D for- bidden until further n -tire. The Government ru-.s mad' the order t o check a d-?c.:: the number of '4Oat; ir. I Bl In 1053 there were 46 443 I in
    95 words
  • 58 4 KUALA lUMPUR Yon- A. JohOM man. Muk K;m Je- u.,.--harged in the magistrate I court here today with Hiring t mb Ignatius Muthu with a dum:: Hi pleaded not i guilty. Th. ofti n<-. wai all< R i to t»»n comm.tted at Kampont; Pandang on fprll 7.
    58 words
  • 120 4 NANYANG: FIRST CLASSES IN JUNE T'HK Nanyang I sity irUl preparaforv June 1. it A.i^ o:' mnounct Tru classes will b the Chinese High Bel Bukit Timah F I Chung Chen* Hiuh B Goodman Raid Bcten be taught at the school and art* ■■>' Other rl.i in Penansr for north
    120 words
  • 38 4 /My> underground KUALA I.IMPUR II Min>-: n iode Uo mine. thi P lldatcd Ko 8 Lembing:. Pahang. won>ned comfort Thi. and humidity "will %v a way to reduce th< .'s a month.. <>f the {•'•'d<-rati(»n Department.
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  • 2 4 Society attack
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  • 3 4 Falls35 from A
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  • 66 4 Singapore Budri-m.->t.s u< r« at Kallang Airport to v ome Dr G. P. ra. pre*ld< :u World Fellow.slup ol Buddhist.s who arrived in :erday evening Dr M. v ra is. on a our of South-East Al .v> with leading I j Buddhist Encyrlup.i Its kind !n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 PLATYPUS TKACfOKS l^ft^^afffe^=^ FOfc ESTATES PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTORS EARTH REMOVAL ROAD MAKING a^S S^^MiJll& Compact Power Rugged Build /^^^^^^M fcS^^^^^HJ Easy Runnimj Economical Generally as illustrated but to following specification Ol Tmf^^^SSS^Bf^^^ Perkins L 4 Diesel Engine developing 51 BHP a 1600 RPM < iPf lK^ -rSg^l^ 2 Rotio Gearbox
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  • 499 5 Ministry's bus strike offer MEfiIATIOS: BIT THERE'S SO REPLY r rHK Labour Ministry offered ye>terrla\ to mediate in 1 the dispute between the Hork Amalgamated Bus Company and the Singapore Run Workers' tnion. Mnr. thar. 200 m« -\v.\v rs ot thf muon wor rii-<-BataMd on
    499 words
  • 24 5 tri/ ticket* $5 <mh hovk > to hnnc one "ithout chnrTO the lone tri -ked to ttO Tel. ■•< c hovra. nilndvill co
    24 words
  • 71 5 Parents ask irhy TENANG Mon piY TKNANO Parents As-.-o'lation may call < ■on to collect view.--4 i.-.telligence profor all children .seeking >ion into English school- epr A :epre.seiitative of the Education Department will be I to explain the need for At present children inutted on the
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  • 34 5 The n < w $95.00(1 market :n 'i:s»rict in Singtper.ed yesterday hv Legislative Assemblyman Mr L<. CboOB) Eng When Mr. Lee cut the ribbon the 150 stallholder* rushtheir stalls and began bualn<
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  • 35 5 The troopship Empirf Orw« i: brought st>o troops and 142 arrvi-e families to Singapore from Britain yest<rday. A lota] oi 400 troop- and 94 fami'ies were aboard (or Hong Kong.
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  • 131 5 VN ;ipplicatl. ii by Mr. Eu Eng Hock, owner of a landing and sluppmc busiit Port Swette nh.iin, to pay a sum of $15,437 owed U income t;ix in five monthly Inttalmwitl was allowed by J 'istice WIIBBB at the Kuala Lumpur hifih
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  • 147 5 NEW PLANS FOR POST OFFICE Two Ministers get down to work SINGAPORE S Minister of Communi -ations and Works, Mr. Francis Thomas. y< stcrday studird nrw plans to lmprovr facilities at the Grneral Post Of!: < They include building a • at tha mam entrance to ||vc 'he pub'K easier
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  • 114 5 Singapore to have better library ni MINIS VVR for Educ.ition. Mr Chew Bwee X. paid hLs first official visit to R.iffle.s Mu.s( urn and Library > U After s;»endlnj! 90 minut'ther" Mr Chew .sa:d One thinu which impressed mr most was the attendance in the library ana the miusrum He
    114 words
  • 33 5 A thief ne I-;, ri into ,i petrol k:c> k in Bukit Timah Ro;id. .Sll 1 IDOI 'rj-i-, morning whil< SlUi watchman wa> asleep and stole $104 from a till
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  • 161 5 WA(ih NFX3OTIATIONS > tween Xhr Sinsapore Harbour Board and the RHB Stiff Association were dead )oc-ked ye.stfrday. The association has callec! an executive coumil BMetlrg for 530 pm today to coi^idthe next vtep The a-ssociation l.s empowe--ed to .strike without further notice were the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 bwever rough le job— there's a I HENLEY I/N. Jf tyre fo >(r 4 m iri I x B .r*riaii» a**icfl«« B^^V. ft a ;.ir -><» I Vi'V X x1 x BL f«*sU I WLEYTYRES C/r-£S Io^£/? Iff 4/? Jwe Hin To. 11l KO4" A- ***** r.MirR TEL 6766 1
      93 words
    • 98 5 yv /y r- I < GOOD BRANDY fp Just arrived/ it* Four Square CIGARETTES mm&\ mm FocrSi^lari Qgatctaa Binyfai inrni h\ tawßMl n 0/ the fHMM Fn R ixfl \M quality lob they're good— very good Sole u^rnis for Singapore and the F> deration Harper, Giliillan \M» 1 »\ii- \nn
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 239 5 £9M I I'J i M atti RADIO MALAYA I" -s' immr thus markrd ran br tr.rurd hj liMrnrr* in Malarra. Short mt\r |i A Him Mrdiiun >i\r 178 m 111. >mh and !9?m.| I'M I M Sp. nigh! on Charm. •1 30 NV>- 4S I (K) H»t Rhvhm t> 90
      239 words
    • 235 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY LF.«.ISI.%TIV»: iiitHii shell Him** Coajrw Quay LMmb BJHtBI (Hi Ri H W*aMri I matins at A.s»«nblv Hoase Eir.prrs- SIN«.\POKI *BT THI \TBt Hrvietv of rhriv.«n Se n;f sening Place. 10 a m R«iiearsal for Spirit Joan 11 T^a- mee'lns 910 am c h\irrh prayer roue 1 BAND
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  • 5 6 f < B i t
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  • 9 6 Wm4t W* ,m,m,m,,m I HATS < 1 N 1
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  • 837 6 The Straits Times. Singapore. Tues. Apr. 26. 1955. A Workable Scheme ■•deration Government, Member for Kconomic bss not departed from pirit of the Mudie Report in formulating it-; scheme f"r rubb. i •:rk which is Nt (i.>.-s it '.' the main conclusions ol tf-' whirh had before comprehensive <i..t* assembled
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  • 420 6 Tho Federation Government, it is to be hoped, will think again about its plan to make students training for senior Government posts pay b*ck one-third of their training The idea wa.x conceived last October when, during the debate on education, it w.isuggested th;it Kirkry. student* should return
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 990 6 FVIEW of the publication of the White Paper concerning taxation and replanting it is. I think, now opportune to refer to the MM item in your issue of the March 25, headed "Save rubber plan is ready" Ido so. not by way of
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  • 1023 6  - The war they break men's% mi nids WALTER BRIGGS I By 1 1 HONG KONG. 1 PRISONER stumb A les and falls. You extend a helping hand. "All," exclaims any one of your dozen cellmates, "von syni- p:ithi/c with this re ui'lionnrv." Another i pointing ;i finger at fOU, shouts
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  • 7 6 On the Margin Moi I n t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 TifflM k Fff. Prrn foe tfc« CMitoiCflt at •<-c. tt—n rtfiM.m,,, Id »l^». WNCArOU COIO JTOIAGI i OtCMARD «OAJ nnln to H*tm Ct*<M*M« N<t^iM«<>ti mmr CITY SOOK STOtl IT iC*««T*' QIMT. 1 I CLASSIFIED ADS. M (I* im.m.mmm. To Una at R:ini i Ar.nabfl rOT and Rtr, M.rW. lit ,m,m
      155 words
    • 45 6 G ARRAR D s THREE-SPEED AUTOMATIC RECORO CHANGER MODEL RCBOM. *> N ri, illy I rnpicaliud. Available attractue caHnett of variant design* nnrf. beautiful assorted colours. I M.ENTS KEE HUAT RADIO CO.. LTD. M OKCHARD ROAIi SINOAPORE-* J.'J BATU ROAD. KUAIA LUMPUR 2* HF.\CH SI-RETT PENANO
      45 words
    • 69 6 fOCXXXXXX PORTABLE.. Q (Mains/Battery Q *s A^sMMM^Hn^BC_.JWBab3ES3XRL j *C^ "J**"^HHUflliS/i' I I srf m S I^—^!TTr?^*^^^-J_ a> MODEL 94MBQ Me»e it the rjngc *n<i I table rcccivrr. with MM maint jnd battery in anywricrc. Prlf; Singapore $260 Le.i 10 Fart T.V.MITCHEUtCO SINGAPORE KUA. ANN PENG TRAD 59-61 STAMFORD K3 IsssafeM
      69 words

  • 82 7 ck all the Govt, expats in next }V years' vt/, HOAX TO SAY THEY ARE NEEDED VT SCALE. SAYS REPORT BY UNIONS UMPUR. Monday. cration Government by Asians within the ort by the Federation of standinn i ortmg on »f the Ooverni: il ton i rnmitanrt In: tment Malayans to
    82 words
  • 351 7 ONE YEAR? WHY NOT GIVE ME FIVE?' MALACCA. Mon. THE allegation of a man who last week told a magistrate here that he stole a biryrle after failing to get help from the police, was refuted today V Karupplah. 30. told Mr Ramanatha fyer
    351 words
  • 160 7 DARING RIVER RESCUE Teacher earns top airard in a week AKLANO teacher and athlete Mr Fn.ncis Koh Teek Chonc. has been awarded the Royal Life Saving Sotjr*i t..p award the Mountbatten Medal, fot rescuing a 74-year-old man from drowning He lr.ade *he rescue only a rtTtOf the sonety.s Bronre M.
    160 words
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  • 23 7 a conductor, v .n a Singapore tv .irh >>: in i rnts from th< C U red and •or May 2
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  • 12 7 Anti-Tuber- 'on has received i linn $430. Mr iU
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  • 24 7 Mr Dcnald Davtea will talk about Old Sinn a pore at toI luncheon meeting of •apore Rotary Club at Itol Bhi<- Room.
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  • 159 7 KUALA LUMPUR MM. A SUPREME Court judge to-rden-d a Boris* bu.M--:n Kuala Lumpur to be ■oM for $30 000 to pay its debus The bu.- Fleurette" Market Street, owned by 1 loyd dt- him against whom Mr" Claude C Footner a horticulturist in Cameron
    159 words
  • 93 7 First night in Colony tomorrow I- THI: tlirrr voting Sadler's Wells dancers, doh Soonee. (ion Chun (hiat and Blossom Shrk had a full drrvt ri h- irs 1 o f thrir programme at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. The\ will give performances tomorrow and on May 1
    93 words
  • 205 7 IT BROUGHT DEATH TO LOGGERS RAtJB, Monday. r rHE 1 ommunder ol v Sonicrsct I.iuht Infantry patrol I said at an inquiry here tlftfct the "uun" nr thoutrh' a Chinesr loeijer was carry inp tiinu-d OUI to be nnly a billhook with a foot
    205 words
  • 135 7 h Ll'MPl'R. Mun VS(HIMIITK\( 111 I! Low ih^--for-mer boxer llab> I was lailrii for a Month h> the Sessions Court h. n i.iii iv for drunken driving He was .iso fined 4 total of SIM In driving with an espirrd pro\i
    135 words
  • 26 7 Mr N H Pearson, market •rh ftdvsstr of the Shell Company tB London, arrived in Singapore yesterday on a South- East Asia tour.
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  • 255 7 Buyer can't enforce contract he made when he teas 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. f»HOO KONG LEONG. who has had a piece of land at Kuala SrlanKor for more than 10 years, is to lose it because he was one year underage at the time
    255 words
  • 149 7 Future of 600 people in the balance but Mr. Ong didn't show up THE members of the balloting commit tit sat before th? ballot box and waited, and waited, and waited. At last. Mr. R Middleton Smith. Secretary for Defenrr and Internal Secretary. Singapore, stood up and
    149 words
  • 51 7 IPOH. Mon A wire.TKin. Loy Hoy Wan, 26. was today sontrncrd to six months' jail by Inrh« Mahmud hrn Hashim president of he BeMtani Court, for tamjx'nnc with an I electrl I illation that was human life. from a village and left the .rd fxJXISI
    51 words
  • 43 7 ANZAC DAY SERVICE AT CENOTAPH A day 'thr Cenotaph in Sineanorf marked AnIt wi of the land: traiian and New Zealand troops at n World War I Aboir 100 nun mainly servieem<: "to pay tribute to the AuMralian and New Zealand war dead
    43 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 33 7 JvenSeaS OD LIVER OIL sea-fresh food or mother and child L ?'"iuin'ii'nu^ n| 6 8 or 16 I so captuiei I Iroitl $Q HS( A' &CO.LTD p nwM hi in )N RUBBER CABLE.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 71 7 High tides TOIIW: .SiniiHporr 1226 am »:n i 1 47 pm 8ft Im i; Port DKkMB 8 53 am 811 4ln> 28 pm HI' 91n.>: Penury 3 a rr (!:n i 3 i'7 p n; .711 Gin > TOM'iltKim Singapore 1 09 m 'I'- Mb 2 4! p m 7f
      71 words

  • 572 8 CROWDS WATCH AS DEATH WAITS FIFTY FEET BELOW A Berlin creation DOROTHY ROE tills tht itory of I Cireis family which tragedy has struck four tints WHAT makes a beauti- ful younK Rlrl risk her life twice daily, balancine perilously on a tl-.ln thread of steel 50 feet in the
    572 words
  • 463 8  -  ESME BAPTISTA ly 11OST wives find that A rreating a home is a rewarding full tin;. activity. When it works out that way. a wife at home and a husband with an adequate job makes a perfrrt combination financially and rmotionallv. On
    463 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 a^ y/ /n^s J f\/' f W i > jCfc TO EXPECTANT AND! 1 1P NURSING MOTHERS' I I RECORD BOOK f l-«- Ihi* «ltrarti»e 18-pase book to reror« the dVtaiU of r«ur l.l-% birth and his progTe«< through the early year». Include* -[u<r tor phctrographo. S I IH.tM FHL
      127 words
    • 358 8 Just a mattvr *f ln MOMMY DOROTHY trlls rrr sh^ hn'icht hrr son .some cowboy transfrn which hr immediately stuck all vr: W.lli.m nrw light tea* desk 1/ What did you do that for 0 shr W < JCT"^-. aslted anc H flLifJfr> nlv Dad- f J?2w'+ dy 7 will
      358 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 309 8 Straits Times Crossword I I |2 I |3 I 4 I^\J b 6 8~ pll I I 15 i« ii I ito i/ ib '9 :o r 77" |H 77" I IT 2/ I "ill l~g bs a~ "n l [tb ?9 i iil ii ACROSS I Otif-fiPi: BMMH (tj
      309 words

  • 746 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE Lonely survivor of mass killing came Apache saviour •t i i 1 1 r l.t jTiT^ i i >i i^^^wiTT^^w I^ r i TTk^^B i k white \n/.<»na. that i h id !«.'cn revoltiri' \p.i< hr» ;i« tht (i th. j "ln- rt- M {\hw wriM
    746 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 TOMOHNOW i lllcmml I usliiiu Judit* MrrU II ilh Jiivii<i
      10 words
    • 193 9 For every manthe TOOTAL p |an TOOTAL make <v»mr>l'-*« r*nge of w«*»r kf m«» an d«-«i«iL« they like ari<l r •t pnc«>« they <an afTorti. i All Ttx>TaX guaranteed. ,-^H > v^B^dpdw^ \9 M Tmul D>w.| C»n .i.i i.« «n\ i. ADBS^DSVmIjWIi f a V 4 Tt A&EB^BBtßl&ttSfßr x trJjw
      193 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 42 9 Sh+rimeh ilolni's Siolon h*>y few.^^- --=:u va:-c-£— 2z>-ccz 1 vr.^. "-.'.••■=s =.-.£>:\ ##tVA Travij Xobotly hoinv **>t Si tut Vmmtwr wmwrnrng *>v- I M LALtv«X»SA ..BUTOHyf MCmi-iT AT HA& <T5 PG Ot* \f,BA&f' -a JJUHTY WCL PtTlPt TMf tftfP 6C<HT>PaCTJ rA»rrE2 SJ»?»i v
      42 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1118 10 T.i. »4os MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. T.i: »«i» THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE ->* rl'\<hrj'ga "lrv SAILINGS fo LIVIRPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON 4 CONTINtNTAL POUTS Jmajopore I Dua P '«m Pennno Adr«ttw< I Apr 24 20 Apr 2*/24) I I Aar 2* May 2 May 1/ 4 May 4/ 1 BrH.rophwn Apr
      1,118 words
    • 1195 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTININT 'SCANDINAVIA Far Ad*, v..d Genoa. Antw.rp. Rort.rd.-*. Nantawnj). C.Rinhiß— «.H>onw»r t 4 O»t. p^'. P S *om Pe-'tnq i "LALANOIA la Part "JAVA 2* Aa*/ 1 Mar PATAGONIA 12/10 May I/1 SILANDIA 1/ <|>» S Jwne Jwn. Rj CafH London pai..^.... mi. Howmhl ■■j
      1,195 words
    • 961 10 i^S^TH* BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. lIMCAPORI inrnrprrorarl n t»< L"nrl»w K ">»ln- 1 LINES SAILIM4U TO U K ANO CONTINtNT AL PORTS S pexe P i >v <w Pr>rving aWdhpr^ Ml Movra. Lorvton. fc off Ap •~*ZZj?>£Zrr C 4/ »*WI-1 ■"T^dSm LOOfl< S«* M-" D.^t tiu. Lor^n 24 May •"^.Tg'rr
      961 words
    • 341 10 McAUSTER CQ I BIXBRMAN <k BUIKs UL LONDON. MA.V.I, »OTT|i OAM BW HA».»URG V ajtvl f^r O^"t i tf CITY OF IOHANNEBttr Gd II 2S Apr 2* 2 7 Ap. •CITY OF KAIACx, k*«•CITY O» MOOrpN P S'nam Wanlwi M Penong McAlitt.. 4 c Bbusir-, Sp«re. P Sham r o
      341 words

  • 1 11
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  • 2 11 I
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  • 2 11
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  • 2 11 I
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  • 60 11 1 yan 6rure Brokers A_— I 'll Ul I few '<' »f s I f 1 80, Veame Bros aj 14 .C '"ing t K Ma!av $1 4 84 cc K pas I •<■ ii nos. n :r.ber» revised the Ihet 4pm im.i rneaiji Mv .r. >fll»r» 1
    60 words
  • 42 11 co«fi of Sclan- r.<r uprooted iver 3000 tracs on Telok FMS atf near Klang. tit: O''. n C, nirkvin^ ■!.'i t ifrr.ent to I outpui but pvpen-»-r:fd to :.d B u i prun- .•> d.ttr.aRed -f* »rrount»d A pro-
    42 words
  • 495 11 STEADIER TONE ON SHARE MARKET BUT BUYERS SCARCE B) Our Market ornspondtnt rfll -.rm.ijM.rr >h;irr Market optned the *e«?k -I* rda> on a full} steady tone hut, while ten WK prepared to increase prices *iightl\ iMim po»\rr w.iv not strong. that while the market has steadied riea rc Lab J
    495 words
  • 75 11 >hip> l»mj; alongside the Singapore lljrtM»ur Board wharve* or e»pnlid loda> are W.lifm Ru>» 12. Dg CP. Oostkerk Banvm ic:e 89. Bjli It. Surat 13 14 stee; Vojragar is 16. oienorBl r Arrturas !9 20. Malim N v. Sedili ,:i 8. UUnder 21 22. Tam..ra I Sylvia Lykes 25
    75 words
  • 31 11 nge m.irket in D s dollar was quoted at 580 for ca&ti and 5 82 for IT \»a.s quoted at 15 o ana one of sold .it I
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 170 11 I* KHTSLN LINE •mCC rQRTS— 3O DAYS Pin in* FrcmantL 15 May 26 May 3 l«ne M 1 |unc 19 |«ne i ,uly M |uly 21 |uly M Au« I 8 Aug fREMANTLE a t, DAYS |jp*n Vancouver Ap, I May 20 May 22 May 10 |unc |un-^ I |uly
      170 words
    • 130 11 URODONAL n the Form of easily solybU grsimles *■»»> »he noil agreesbli •ntc ii recognised i% bc^ng th« .«o»» pow«rtul o* all Uric Aci^ Solveati. ll h'«hrv recommended ror Hie treatment or Arthritis Rheumatism Cout. Sciatica. Nen«tn Lumbaco. and n eiccllcnt for CaitrK complaint, What, more it ends all
      130 words
    • 878 11 NOTICES TONGKAH HAIBOUS TIN DREDGING LIMITED 'Incorporated In the Federation of Malaya > Notice is hereby given that an interim dividend, the eleventh, of n:nepance i9d per snare, leas incotne Ut at the rate ef thirty per cent, has been declared due r.d pa>able jo shareholders on the ieglater at
      878 words
    • 984 11 NOTICES QUOTATION PI E4JC KOIKs MPIKTMEXT. MB! ft IB %W IK Quotation* are Invited for' a Metal framework roof truss and roofing material* compiete r> Roof Xxmms and roofing materUi* complete witnout framework ;n the follow '.ng appnßlnatea slaw 1 Store. 530 ft xV> f 3 Workshop ITO ft xJOft
      984 words
    • 694 11 NOTICES CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS IN MALAYA 1955 ArctPTAx i o» ran ATt %\DID*.TEft. ImawrUni The proper authors referred i.n this iwtrf m the ces> of Federation landtdates is the Chief Education Officer of the SUte Settlement in which the candida'e reside^ In the case of Singapore candidates, tne proper authority is
      694 words
    • 490 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE LADY TEMPLER TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL FUND APPLICATIONS sre United from Cncluh speaking women lr prwt of Warden to M>e Nurse* nn-1 ButerV Hostel at tn* Lady Templer Tuoer. u10r.1% Hoapltal. KuaU Lumpiir AppltcanU srrould have had experience In running »n es-abllsh-menl providing board and lodging for resident females
      490 words
    • 358 11 PIBLIC APPOINTMENTS wi ::an*Utnr at t v, < :i' -wr» K iJimpur. The eapolaunent v lemu «iih Seruor Em mm w ...v.-ior. aril i* roiuMered far permenetit eppowt- rl SaUr» «»r»l» 114 s «-lM (fcsminatl"]i»\ i:-a«4 I Bar> 2MXI2-1M bar 3Wxi: 40t Nalionalltv Applicants rr.iw >■■ ;*c'.n born In Blnt«port
      358 words

  • Cokmmercial news and views
    • 359 12 seek help to save industry SINGAPORE'S hard hit *alt lish traders haw in a letter asked the new Minister of Commerce, Mr. David Marshall to help them re-open their former Indonesian market, Mr. I^e Kirn (hoo, the vice president of the KaM Coast Traders and Salted
      359 words
    • 70 12 MALAYA BUYS MORE LAWN MOWERS FROM BRITAIN MX. \ii!.in\ Push, manatinc dircctnr of Charles II Puch Ltd.. Rirmineham. Knul.ind whirh annual!) exports over Mi i>"" \tci> lawn mow* tv said Mala>a was a crowinc market for his company, when he visited Singapore last uerk. Mr. Charles Puch. his grandfather, founded
      70 words
    • 101 12 RESULTS of the official trials on 14 tractors including British made tractor.-, condacted In Finland by the Finnish Work Efliciem-v Associatioti t. .wa-rts th<' end of last year haw feessi made known The tests were carried out in three .stage.* for ptouchins ealttvattam and htmimf >:k and
      101 words
    • 361 12 Sub-branch in Katong 4 S PART of its plan to •bring the bank MUM W> :t- customers." The Oversea-Chinese Barnum Corporation Ltd. of Chulia Street. Siniiapop will soon have three sub-branches in the Colony in addition to its two present branches. of the building will be
      361 words
    • 307 12 EASTERN LIFE BUILD 88 FLATS WHEN in. c>nut la t-rn iiU- Awrarancc Co. Lids $li niillmn housing project, on their five-aerr silt 1 m Hiiiu Road. Singapore, is completed by the end of this year, a total of 88 flats will be available f,>r renting out to the public, said
      307 words
    • 297 12 TAX HELP FOR TEA PLANTERS IN MALAYA IS ESSENTIAL rIK Mala) an Omrrn m' nt s taxation p«>lii > should fin «»u i 1.. rubber iMantrrs to ktow Ira. in thr view of the Kub i" t Journal (tandon). Rrferrins to the dei i M..n of I itiui Plantations to
      297 words
    • 255 12 J VDOKESIAN economic ex- 1 1 pert- recently a.sked their I G<iverr.ment whether it realised that exports destined for certain countries were being diverted to other countrlsSj generally throueh Singapore, cables the Strut Timrs Jakarta Correspondent The indone.-ian Government s reply was. One of the conditions
      255 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 227 12 Tlbo/c *N 1 Constellatiuns alonjj all routos j east MIOOIE EAST SOUTH AFRICA FAR EAST AUSTRALIA Knioy ail three hy l to thr Ki«t! i' mSSS. m«li,me Hnnk/ I CALL MANSFILLDS JUSI A FEW OF THK TYPES OF UPHOUTERY THAT CAN BE MADE WITH I "**»^i 1^^ f /l Beds
      227 words
    • 102 12 tt nfrn d«»ifn is FL I JID >^ I projrmivf Jjr S«J manufacturers i^^«a|^fl look ahead to fM^WA CIRLINC J .m usi uuk» n: m *tax\ j ii, I I HYPRAUL^S I 1 TELESCOPi; HI DIRECT AC' I I DAMPERS f^, FAR EAST MOl I The Tsubakimoto Chain Mfg. I
      102 words

  • 17 13 r.vA Stat*> a tieatlns «lth Malcolm be.i 1 Mn!k>\ r.c Rene l .c »ent
    17 words
  • 703 13 The Old Brigade likely to aominate finish of Governor's Cup SHORTAGE OF TOP CLASS STAYERS IN TRAINING B> EPSOM Jl EP THK >on on the Malayan Turf La now months old and it alread] erldent that •ill hardly be a tor Rood- < lavs ,v? avers >r the Singapore Cup
    703 words
  • 63 13  -  i imim .11 1 r M SCHOLAR K >! Fol;ai:» by been re- 1 Tuo she *tgtt two- .:.nrr in b in i n« T+* Way I r,« m (lav* four: Thf Mae- Hi Pearly. PomI MM to < |;»vv J Mr rtetd, WE«
    63 words
  • 3 13 r
    3 words
  • 777 13 FROM EVE TO BL ANKERS KOEN AND CHUDINA Pallett 's history of icomen's athletics T"HE orißiiiaJ Eve was 1 not an athlete II she had been, mjft Pallett. the Bn- b Amateur Athletic viation coarh. the I world might have been a different placx to live n. ;i.<: Eve might
    777 words
  • 232 13 UTRECHT, Mon. JAPAN'S Toshiaki Tanaka a 20-year-old student, took :m minutes last night to win the world men s -incles table tennis championship when h* beat Dolinar. of Yugoslavia. 21-12. 21-9. 21-14 A near-capacity crowd of 6 000 w atched the Japanese outp»ay
    Reuter; AP  -  232 words
  • 102 13 UTRECHT Mon A BELGIAN proposal to ban the use of sponge bats in competitive table tennis was defeated by 37 vote.*- to 21 at a meetine here last nipht At the end of the meeting, the official.- s'-e<imgs tor th. \thline and Cc rbilaon Cups were
    102 words
  • 50 13 f >J >hi> lion I i' me: lntortm I fealhennriß^ 1 «orlc < hampioi. Perry Baaaett of the United State* vej.tera«v defeated the rhaunpton berapnin he ri.n »j,ij Urn round DOO-tltat bO. FrTrer'jt manager thre» •pong* to m\ p hi* boxer Irom further puQV-hment U
    50 words
  • 234 13 ALLAN DID BEST WITH HIS SIX HORSES R> FrM>M JFFP TRAINER Ivan Allan had good succ-s-i his Class Fire horses at the April Mating o! th- Selaneor Turf Club which onc.ud^ on Saturday His slx-hirse tt-am »-nn five r.c«s with one of them Fancy Light sccrinf a kplt-ndid double
    234 words
  • 39 13 PE.SANG Mon —The Federation of Indian Srhir>l Teachers Cr.lor. will hoM :hfir ar.riu«: badminton Bnv or. Itiursaay and Fri- itJaaaM BA H.,!. K. Kua'K Lumpur Therr will be onlr j two event* the mer. mngle* and' aouble.-
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 399 13 S A. aY C Qii^-U* ***ilaM I/'-'- v^_ *<g aj^\gll i?>^rT(l a V > THE INTERNATIONAL self-winding calendar watch The INTERNATIONAL a rr^wrvng «chieveri»<~' godsend to ever. bu»in«i~- 1*- date wtH tne v*-"- 1 1 add>tinnjl taMMN a 'e""j'ns flat jid THI WATCH WITH THE FAMOI S MOVEMENT Sold and
      399 words

  • 616 14 Argonauts, Fathul in close tussle WHILL Marines full points from eight cames. are firmly •■stabli.stv-d at the top of the first diviMon rif the SAFA League rathul Kanb and Argonauts are engaged in n. <k and Becfe tussle for the leadership in Divisi-n 2A Both trams have won thHr
    616 words
  • 53 14 Result* of the Rifle A»oc;at»on s S!HH ln Shoot held at Buklt Ttmah R.nn c on Sunday were SR in Oun tan WO r Mlt < hell 94. Handli ap mom CI'O I. Nex ***** SR ,b> Gun Score WCdr A D Orare N Score One
    53 words
  • 200 14 VIENNA MM AUSTRIA and Hungary drew in thtlr 100 th soccer international here yesterday wtth each sldt srornu twtte. All the goals were in th«- first half Twice Hungary led but Au.vtna levelled each time In a thrilling first half, which kept the 60.000
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 184 14 EDDIE CHOONG, WORLD'S MOST TRAVELLED PLAYER, NAMES- BETTER FACILITIES, ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOUNGER MEN PENANG. Mon. VIORE HALLS throußh--4'* out the country and more trips abroad for younger players arc the two main needs for Malayan badminton. said Eddie Choonß. former All England champion and this years runner-up
    184 words
  • 257 14 Rashid saves Argonauts a vital point AFTER I-EAOINO 30 midway through the second half In •r.eir SAr A IV\ 2A match at the MFA Kround Arconautu fC <>\er<onftdcm and at the nnal uhLstle mere ftghtlng hard to prrien' RAF SeleUr from lalninc .< dra« The 3-2 marcin in favour
    257 words
  • 99 14 SEVENTEEN cydidt. including MX uemer. '^>k p«rt in the 'S-mile open massed-start meet at ItM R Au Ptorce Changi i lrcuit >n Sui Sulaiman Avians Selamat CC i «a* first »lth a time of lhr second m C William* I RAF Ch.tnuii and tnird Mansoor
    99 words
  • 209 14 HARVEY IS AFTER HUTTON'S RECORD m.iii JA( K I IM.I.t.TON WiilKiM M<m >TEII. H.\R\KY h.»^ I been ins'.rueted In try and im.ik I• n >lulton'» record Test M-.irr when the third I<-t ac.iinst West Indi's kt.irtA tomorrow. itcordine to th«- S*dnev Daily 1 1 li-tr i|ih cricket writer. K Whitlni
    209 words
  • 52 14 MDOM M'.n COUTH Afr:.iV cricketers arrived I >iiti<in Alr|x>r: %esterday in bnuhi sunshine which they hope will be ;i cood om«-n for their month low of Ensland The South African* will start f "oniorro'A t prep. re for their opening match gainst Worhlre on May
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 369 14 /X)MRINED SERVICES will flrld an Oxfo: their team to meet Civilians in Uli Cricket Association's annual fixtu:--padanß OO Saturday and Sim:. He It C'apt. H E Webb, a brilliant richt-hand batsman, who arrived in S:ncr:tpi t> recently and win make hit
    369 words
  • 43 14 BO! I THf BUI 18H tentu here today v >lngl« are col ■.s challenge T!iu in. me- I I ,n. Bi •he UUc iii.m 10 do Bw-ita^e of lisa tram had the f rhe flr-t earned h \er\ <• K
    43 words
  • 24 14 LTRASIANS «rho vrnr i Coma unii 41 In tlie S I but when who had (lei whli< bi ed PMM
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1193 14 75,000 FAMILIES WITH A CLASSIFIED AD. OF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS 111 KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH PERANG Thr Ijt. »r '.m.t for fcjwdmg j in Cl \%\<t«~4 Ad»«rtn<«i to I krinik oMko at Kotli LiMopU' Ipoh »n4 Pcrnnf tr> aubliCJtlON the follow-ng «<r t or H*c Srrjiti Twii I BM I rollewt
      1,193 words
    • 130 14 EPSOM JEEP'S NOTES FROM B.TIMAH-P.13 RtACH 75,000 FAMILIES WITH A STRAITS TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERT. VEHICLES FOR SALE ».r*. h i «i> i-l.i it ri, mtm FIAT 500 c.. Oct 53. 8000 miles only, one European Owner, excellent condition cnrefullv m.iint.«lne<: In >ureti Mar 55 Box A 3354. ST FOR SALE
      130 words
    • 293 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Morrfi W 'Win.)— Sax M rl. rxiri CONFVI. First Registered Dec "51. Comprehensively In«ured January ">6 Battery Tvreo almost ne». $2 100 ono. Box A 3382 ST il CITREON I IGHT IS. Tip- ond.tion Regularly Servlred V.rvi at No 6 Kirn Pong Road or Ring 9^717
      293 words
    • 296 14 FOR Ull tt H.rrf. $i tm U rl. ,>,-, ALSATIAN ramn ft* Sale 7 Wrelu Old Mr *'.fW Female $150 Rins «s V,,ng CHAU.EN PIANO Three Pedal* ln Lxrellent munition f 1.000 o.n o Apply No 5 LinroiiK 3') Orviang. after 6pm BMM LKNBI rwm Cine I Uli I':., r,
      296 words
    • 199 14 I MIM KM WKIII s SA! Ef> Ac SERVICE Outboard n Mowen »nd WeighlnK Marhines. Chop Kirn Serig Cheone 103. Haviork Road. S:nga;v,re Phone :::i ROSY OLOOD Permanent Wave v. 36 Dhoby Ghau 1 Phone ***** l/>nc establish* in rutting and mvtaf Minimum rharge SWEDI-sJ! MASSAC.r Kx.rllent NT we^rinew Call
      199 words
      17 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 63 14 I K RAT*, ll w.i i i»iv i 1 1: i V Mai >im crilliv I I). *K I Ii *R| padanx. Km vii it r,.h, GeylaHi i B .riv > M<« llei* ......mhi i., 1 i; c r RAF fh i: .in. i;...i.i i: \l *< l.nt.ih l>
      63 words