The Straits Times, 19 April 1955

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times f t I 1845. SINGAPORE, TI'ESDAV. APRIL 19. 1f»55 15 CENTS Mala'! 4
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  • 153 1 udent fying Red renge BapORE p o I c < M ffcrcc H. »orrr»J „to the ar ,nmcr t,t to death Lee W7-m l servo' I nc Chinese Cairn Sunday Hgrms lind Wpical of .he ■onfflumsts' of Arts Club, where the murder took place, were again questioned
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  • 62 1 PRESIDENT SOEKARNO of Indonesia addressing the 29-nation Afro Asun conference which opened in Bandoeng yesterday. Behind him are the heads of the five Colombo Powers who convened the meeting. The conference adopted a broad five-point agenda and revoked »n earlier ban on opening speeches. President
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  • 70 1 Will keep the (up again' MM II \S badminton -Mr hiHinv ri'turn •d to su»E.ip«ire festerdaj ni that Malaj i ■hi icun retain th< 1 Ininn- up 1 ild ii- Him Mill play M "'id ulnglea .ittrihuted his drlrat h> Joe I m m mi mr I
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  • 26 1 tad that T. !iour- t!h. my body s 'h an amount be deternnned >• n lire that :n\ occurred, anri that I ip in my cof!i:i
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  • 906 1 GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE— ALL DAY I THE Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, vrs1 1 rday listened for seven and a half hours to the grouses, the plradlrms and tht somewhat unusual requests of Mr and Mrs Singapore A* a lesson in what some peo:hink the Chief Mm. run do for them,
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  • 31 1 MISS S. COOPER an 18-year- j>d English, qvl. uhn hold* an English driving licence, wonted the Chief Minister to get her a Colon}/ I'cence.
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  • 32 1 CHICAGO. Mon Hundred-; ol thousand.- ol American ■.■minsters received thttr first inoculations <>. Salk Tlfflnr today as thr bieeeM n >aw!t on polio in hi" I »ay v p
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  • 23 1 WINDSOR M r QiKt-n and thi Dnk i 'l nburu". riji-ri ;n th<- pr.. .:>. i bi WinO- r yest« rday R/-ut<r
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  • 158 1 It*9 cruel, say police- so alleged trappers icill be charged KUALA LUMPUR Mon._A I tiger was the centre of Interest in Kuala Lumpur today. Hundreds stopped to see the bound tiger in the boot of a car parked behind the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank
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  • 24 1 TOPEKA Kansas Mon A man who wouldnt let U--■tepnn co to Sunday srh-K,; w;i- shot dead by thr boy yeslerday- A P
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 1 dies His led to atom dgv PRINCETON. Ne» J« i sey, Mon. World-fatn«d physlcisi Dr Alb i r 1 Einstein died today at Princeton Hospital Tin whi'i haired math) matielan. who.-' Bettlui With al mat hi matica led lo the Moai and hjrdrof< n I T»i yi ar- old
    UP  -  74 words
  • 26 1 LA PAZ. Mon The Interior Ministry day t had discovered a plot to itr pn sldent VI t- Estcn.ssoro of Bolivia A 1'
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  • 84 1 Children see mother slain \M\I Mon. THREE .hildrrn this morning saw "the atrocious murder perpetrated by Communist terrortata In en;Th' api then 33-year-old •pine rubber about a mile from the road The terrorists took the Short about 9 a :n the children found >ther dead with .-tab wounds in the
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  • 35 1 lUM M\\ fALH I i \imi\ Ha n| I (Hindu., v > '(•in iini l ll'iiltueil I M i mtoi .■I. ||||I| In .111. l>|i| 111 U l» i!• Ri Mi- 1 lee Pa
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  • 34 1 DR. EV ATT: Out and in CANBERRA Mon Dr ti Australia's Labour leader, won ref the Parliament rity Di )M».st and stood lor re-eli I In a dramatic move to silence RiKht-wmc critics AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 P'g&y^j c P»K«'all you want, k all smoke IH *w ft BY m M F.d. JI.M "0 'Oaf s content mam m .mgiano "Maurier ""CIO*HMi I .....WO
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  • 251 2 K \\ln»l N(. Mon rtl tirot Drmnrkk thr \fr« \sian onfrrrnrr pliMi. rt in |..(l i> ill. noon srssion when Iraq's Mr I adhil II Janiali tharcrd that oni muniMn is a matr i talistic r'liKion Hi it .>r ■rK h.ilnd ilixnit i I
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  • 458 2 HISTORIC AFRO-AMAH CONFERENCE OPENS AT BANDOENG BANDOENG, Mon. pRKSIDENI SOI KARNO r»l Indoliml.ix made the opening spec; h .it the Afro Asian confer enre here in Knglish. And then; \\;is hardh a 'l< legate t row I li« 'JM u.ilkiiis attending \\li>» did not under si.
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 100 2 IN BRIEF DX \l I s\s||[in MIDJOJO In, lnn. lla'i l*i inn Mnnvti i .is i Ire 1. d c n| the lunferenti' He Ml pru !><»n.() h> vi N is-, t the I t\pl i. in Premn i .t rid i -itid. ,i In
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  • 447 2 Sir John tayi Let vi mediate between Communism and anti-Communism' 'PHE Prime Minister it Ceylon. Sir John Koielawala, called on the conference to offer Iti m rvics as "mediator in the dispute between rhe Klanta of Commun:id anti-Commun-Ism." Sir John said: "In a world :o
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 29 2 lilt CHINESE Prim. Miml.r \lr (hou Kn-lai listens inlentlx v. 4 Burmi-M' dH<i;at» just before thr opening of the h iiidn. -:i_ KinfirciKf P pii tur.
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  • 92 2 Singapore Chines*- middle school students have appealed to leaders attending the AfroAsian conference at Bandoen? to ask the Colony and Ft tion authorities to allow Malayan .students fr«-«-riom to pursue their activities They sent a memorandum to I the conference yesterday com- :amnv that the
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  • 403 2 Pride and colour, gaiety and cheers ID THE OLD DUTCH CLUB. COKTIHENTS MEET Irom VKKNON BAKTI.FTT BANDOFNG. Mon. This li the tir>t intercontinental conference of so-called coloured peoples in the history of mankind. The applause which greeted these words in President Soekarnos opening speech at the Afro-A-sian conference iti the
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  • 29 2 BrlgadD-r M Railton i I r Of the Wnm< n i R Army Corps will ajriv Changl today and will WRAC units in Stngaporr and the Ftd»rqtion.
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  • 126 2 SINGAPORE'S V for OooununJ and Work<. Mr V Thomas, pair! a to the engineers men engaged In I struct ion of th< n million doliai Binga Airport uh<n iv the ain>ort UU In L<'bai" Ypstcrti.i "They have done a fir.^ 1 job. he added,
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  • 154 2 Indonesia's 5-man r rHE Indonesian Qovernmei j commission to en I India Constellation Kashn j Hi flames off North Born* started work. The C(im:ni>.sn>r. UTIVi Bombay by air ji'stiTrtav .i!'«-r visitint ■eene ol the rr.» RcUt.T it w;i! collect inforn from Air India oAcla Bombay and then retort Singapore
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  • 12 2 I 1 Mi M Mi II .ii i ii I)IM linr.
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  • 36 2 Car hits post man hurt I U) the 81 Hospital la>r nlghi nla car was in coUlsti o f )-post at the :irci D stone. Thomson Road Atnswortn reo ■> His condition >t this morning (|inte comfortable
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  • 25 2 AFTER 6 YEARS— ELECTION JAKARTA MOO I held in Septemi. D r r tl Uoaj committee am lay For the Parlia the official d M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 SB jf f JC^Ts^i^' l^^' t^i And Scott b Cod Liver Oil %Wr^fW^ I I Capsules, with their cont S m v centrated vitamins AAcD will build resistance, inCo d Ii v r r nil rnnc n I a c crpa kef P > ou UU MVCr Oil CQpSUieS flt
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    • 143 2 New Plastic Metal repairs PERMANENTLY DENTED, HOLED, RUSTED OUT METALS' LOYc»BSruwdmrfjuiiillt)r c ii'(ii«iii- LOI > •Cfd mrtilwork alto (l»»«. iru! pl»%t ie mtrt^ct I OrCMnmtk Mm!.« ill thai 4\ g^, hrtquircdi.., h<-lr. lOY W y a,. m Sh«ting it ncic»»«ry lor i..verm« |jr»r hoW» or ni«cd irc.^ heforf
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  • 49 3 I premier f/fe for npori» on newspaper stoppage and rail dispute Postpone the election call by Gaitskell IONDON. Monda>. j \l K-«d al a\ ortinis a nMumrt ra.l strike and Mttl.ny London 2', da>-old >.<^p»p r .trikr i »ofh coocefntd *ut»i m e thrdav to S,r rnanci
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  • 17 3 Rebels form anti-Red labour party t"ANPF.RRA Herl *rty Anti-Commun- I m curing other pUt in th I
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  • 22 3 BATNA Aleeria Mon French For- n.ent has killed five of a h t Am el Hi the Aures Mountain' I
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  • 70 3 f.4Anrp ground, total destruction f THIn (onrrrtt and *lrr\ shrl ler i» being built at the Nrrada test site for an atomic explosion s<hedulrd for %pril 26 After the explosion thr shelter will be examinrrl to Hi t«-rmine if it i» »uflßi ientl.i ert retire for
    AP  -  70 words
  • 446 3 One of world greatest scientists, his theory of relativity foreshadowed the atomic age PRINTFTON Mon |>ROFESSOR Aih. Binsttln, wh" renown for his theory of relativity, v the j ff modi m times <ma one o: ttu IfA n the present tfi :n b» lined I unkind the
    Reuter  -  446 words
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  • 3 3 Wf K
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  • 4 3 ii€ at Ma
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  • 68 3 FOUR to ONE OS FOR TORY WIN LONDON. Mon One of LondtM. Iradlnj: bookmaJters is ofT( nc odd.s of four to eni cv in uvour of a OMMtn I :v and of five to two rut a Labour win in the Genera! Election Hr kMI •DupKJf Stuart who :icd nls
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  • 157 3 SYDNEY Mon A w, man. acquitted ol a charg' ■< t try:nc ta poison h»-r iaw »rh thallium. was found .-hit last night in a T'«>m here with a pistol ncr She ;s Mrs Veronica Mat> 1 M<>nt> 47. «ho was employed
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  • 157 3 llul he is accused of stealing from master ST NH»TS. Huntinjdonshire. V.on ABrTI.FR. amattmc trial here charted »ith inc TalusMe art trea.ure* from hi> master ha* hfrn named a Keneflciarr under the masters »ill H, ,s Rod«ell Patience. »ho ,mp|n«fd hv (aptain Noel Thornhill of Diddmcton
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  • 279 3 LONDON. Mon THERK im Bttle to fno.-Ki.-gr MQ I 'xttnaton nf cwwiMainu on Ihe vt here ior.<n* (Iky »v ■> and no« »nnr>unc«l rnrc* urxted to Mtf under tonr pr* »r.-: wlUnc Oiitadced Mocks tost rnwnil :orc*n bond? wer* n«ifi«i StceU opened aull but unprofrt I :ng
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  • 13 3 :on don Ar- :8 c.-ii b..v»- s naa sen<r> fa: -"tleme.-t
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  • 17 3 :ON DON Ap:;. 18 Spr.; 2^ Oct.-Di Mar. ton r. 34 J\ine c. I inf
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 I joyable trip WfhConvair Liner Ate iu^ Or T z T <^ ravel agent WDON£S/AN A/RWAYS -D NC It* Floot .'6597 8 3^y will *1 r this supper! A i fr*. '"Ok.-, > To
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    • 189 3 SCOUT JOB WEEK APRIL 16 —23 HELP OUR SCOUTS Mm THEIR FUNDS TELEPHONE *****. BSs7i> OR 4469: space donate I SKGtPORE COLO STORAGE CO. LTD. ■I TONIC I P^^- To strengthen I||l| i x dn(lbui Id up the tissues of the body in alt conditions 0/ weakness and exhaustion CM
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  • 238 4 REDS HAVE OWN FORTS-HARDER NOW FOR MEN TO COME ACROSS ARM) MAN: NOT LIKELY IF THE TERRORISTS MO YE INTO DEEP JUNGLE KUALA Ll.Ml'l R, Monday. A U ARMMi that the terrorist war could continue indefinitol> »a> (tan here today by (apt. M. A.
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  • 150 4 March toll the highest since August Xl ALA lIMPIh Mon Fort>-nlne terrnnsU died in battle with security force* la»t month. This was S3 more than that in February and the highest figure since August U»t year. Nine were captured, the Inch e»t since June 1953. But surrenders
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  • 37 4 Tree crash on house injures two 'I i Chan •t/-,i to boy Tn another Incident at I Kurau Rtxid. blnte Abdul Kadir 11 heart injuries wh«n n roroni:t fell on her She was admitted to the hespiUl
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  • 30 4 JOHORE BAHRU Mon. mdl of st.;t-' will rx asked tomorrow bjr Mn Omar to ■ppotnl Inquire Inf ii thr workinßs of the Johorp Mcdii .il Department.
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  • 20 4 h-MiAMAT. Mon— The MCALN'.NC) Alliance is staging a fun fair here to raise funds for •.hi' Federal elections
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  • 52 4 ■pvn Mon lion t iar. paid out by Mnent lait month for leading io the capklllinc "f terrorist* mbilan top|)ed the lust with $17,000. followed by P rak Aith $14,570 and Pah'ann with $9,500. Cther amounts were: Johore $3.2 V. SelanKor $3,000. Penang $2621 Total
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  • 87 4 4 hurt by bomb Premature blast KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. JiXXJR MEN ol in.- 2nd Bn.. Royal Welch Fxsiliors. were slightly wounded last Friday when a two-inch mortar bomb exploded "prematurely on Ladang Grddes estate. Nepri Sembilan. a statement from Headquarters Malaya Command said today. They were in a patrol operating
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. HQ Malaya Command announced today the names of two .soldiers of thr Ist Br. Exst Yorkshire Remment who were woundrd in an anti-ter-rorist operation in the Layang Layang area of Johor*- on Thursday They were Cpl. N. F. B Goaten and Private
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  • 82 4 DOCTOR HERE ON VISIT IK G I! It \K«.Kr \\r v thief of the Medical Health oettiun of the World Health Organisation in (i<-ieya flew into Singapore in a BO\< Constellation from Hong K..n_ >esterday for a week's VIMt He told the Straits Times that duriiu hi* sta> he would
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  • 75 4 CAMERA CLUB WANT'S OWN BUILDING KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Seiangor Camera Club will find ways to raise at least $6,000 to put up its own building at the Kuala Lumpur Lake Gardens This was derided at the club annual meeting tonight when it was told that the Archery Club had
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  • 54 4 Thr> t Malayans ar«> among 28 police officers from 19 colonial territories who recently enrolled fur a five-month MUM in modern polu-. mi thnd> at Hrndon Polio< College n<-ar London. Th<y -\t<- Inspectors K. M. Chenyan 'Singapore!. P Ala gendra and Ismail bin Abdullah <both
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  • 184 4 The case of the shoe that fitted THE man in the dock was no Cinderella and he mus have thought that the prosecuting officer. Inspec tor E. J. Walker, was no Prince Charming either. But when Inspector Walker < pirked up a slipper and placed
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  • 92 4 Alliance bid for elected majority KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. MR ONG YOKE LIN. an UMNO MCA Alliancr member of the Belanßor State Council, will introduce a motion for an elected majority in the council when it meets tomorrow. He will ask that the new council, to be formed after the state
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  • 242 4 Oincers back from Britain sty: THE three young Sadlers Wells ballet dancers. Goh Soo Nee. 20. Blossom Shek 20. and Goh Choo Chiat. 17. said yesterday that they found the heat of Singapore very trying for ballet practice. Donald Moore Productions have arranged for
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  • 28 4 The Singapore Council of MhlMan and their wives were guests of the Governor. 8u John Nicoll. at a Government Hoi».-»> dinner party last night. R VELU
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  • 90 4 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Mon The Province Wellesley UMNO division resolved last night to ask Federal UMNO headquarters to nominated more Malay candidates for the coming Federal elections The meeting decided to group Penang UMNO into two divisions in line with the num- ber of Federal constituencies «o
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  • 166 4 Islanders were heroes CAPTAIN'S STORY THE 600-lon freighter Taype. owned by Heap Eng Moh and Co Ltd.. which picked up three survivors of the Air India Constellation crash last week and transform! them to the survey ship H M.S. Dampier. arrived in Singapore yesterday Captain Eric Hebbl-whltr told the Straits
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  • 104 4 OUT: 4 DOCS IN: 4 DOGS AND A TIGER Xl .AMI. >lo" slx huntrr who sent out their drive a boar t'> w lr them got a shock vesten! i when their dog* was chavr.i back by a full grown ticer Four shots from the huni< i killed the ti«er.
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  • 32 4 A 14-year-old girl, who rush ed into her parents roofl shr saw smoke romir. it found her mother bi;: death, the Singapore Ooi Court was told yesterday Mr Glam Chong Hinc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 S s^i i i FOR ALL THAT'S BEST IN TOURIST AIR TRAVEL I m BETWEEN SINCAPORE AND HONG KONC. m TOKYO. THE MIDDLE EAST. EUROPE. CREAT a BRITAIN AND NORTH AMERICA. m I Jk&?\ Lots or Comfort Plenty ot Le? Room. L" J •^^mr"- Q uiet Roomy. Four engtned. Pressurized.
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    • 110 4 Charles Hor *T m Kualt Lumpur W I Site Salmah htr V Basah bin M. Jafai Thene lovelj- babies cnnir tr>nii liome« that nf thing in common the t'""l healtli ;in<l II r>«-ii r,f L.UTOCKN istbiea progi .-i.liU weigh! i« limbs prow vtcoagei anH MMnd, peaofal sl««fi enrari LACTOCEN supplies
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  • 182 5 Two-hour lay-off hits public in an I'romotinriN Jor thr 'hr mana- and had also vk>•ne agrerHe meat ■iat nxaibtu of thr .-BWU would n« utvm nr»t nre in jobs because x^y •< but instead the manag« irThe r.rmorrt ol the Hoefe I. Bui hich wan started
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  • 3 5 I iccuscd
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  • 21 5 I I I ttttt ACby vknt:r -kme M hamed I»m bin had got permission to In poi M«hamed Dom I
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  • 84 5 Sergeant's wife gets decree KUALA LUMPUR Mon \ins JOAN Cecilia L< *»li»ift> of a scraeant at the Fedtr.i. Polic< Stores, alleged in the Kuala Lumpur D:\ Court that her husband had committed adultery wi': Indonesian «oman. She >aid she knew her husband. Stephen Joachim LessiMd spen; a night with a
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  • 67 5 KIAI.A LUMPUR. Mon Mr E C Chtrrtngton has been riveted president of the ExService Association of Maiaya for this year. Committee members are: Mr J H Shak.-spear. Mr G W Somerville. Mr D I Todman. Ml A I Hove. Mr E M. Mac Donald Mr J D C
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  • 139 5 THE LEMON- DROP' STORM Iras only hailstones on a tin roof \ir'|N(. >«■•!. I h. rrder f MaaraaM l>r <• l>- <• oif\rkiiu d < handful of hail stoi <i> hh mus4iini h.- «Mrrnifiii rt.upj.. d rluri: •rm n\ 1 r 1 «ipin^ it Hi d< irribrdl Ihm <- rathrr
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  • 104 5 4 tralian Qgh( ti Malaya will v their first home m k< Sini. Army .>pok(.-man told the Strata Timrs day. hrn but no rirci.sion has riecn made about whor< >tablish permanent ts. h^r ha-s it been d. vhat rolo the Austr.! <c in Malaya A
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  • 15 5 >RI BAHRT Mon. mploypp \>f 1 rip .T.d 101 l to
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  • 16 5 •M) Of I I Mr H'-ah Jrxi Rranc ouncillor. Ca m
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  • 50 5 KUALA I UMPUR. Mn— To •he confidence of the •a omen should do ..ocial work In rural are?s M- I G Thavrr. ;>re.,i- the Kuala Lumpur h of *.he Putrj n rday rlv 30 g;i: n attendf ther the newly-formed the w omens the I
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  • 33 5 An official of the OversraChln< -v Banking Corporation Singapore, stated vr>t<>rda\ h> bank tra> nit concerned in the trial n Hony Kong of Yiu Lim Kmong on n of fraud
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  • 88 5 TEACHER WINS $7,500 >ll» K. 1 111 M. of I npnu one of the tun winner- of the sl.vniMi Malayan Monthl> word punle prite She is a leather at the King t.dward VII School "I'm ion h mp\ fur words." she said when asked what she intended to do with
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  • 53 5 Sir Han He l.:m the ProChancellor o{ th*' Un:\rr-:*v S| Malaya. b« cam»- thr first member oi thf- Jon Chiat Community Library which he ■p< n< d at J«>o Chiat. Singapore yesterday Thi.s is the first library lo be formed at a community I tn
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  • 49 5 KUALA LUMPUR Mon The Malayan Traoc Union Council decided t<i l| H to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the British Trade Union Congress a foil report of the police with strikers at the Tronoh Mine village K.tmpar last Sa'wrdav
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  • 26 5 KUALA LUMPUR Mon Thirty students, including five yirls. from the Clifford School ■Kuala Lipis. science H !<*v arrived here yesterday on a five-day vi.-'t
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  • 234 5 UNION REJECTS $30 PAY RISE 'THE Singaport Harbmir Board Btftfl A>soriation ycitc rdtj rfj^f^d the Board s offer of a timr-sralr for clerical staff beginning at Jll-^ hMftC .inri rising in 20 years to $1:55. with 42 per cent varinhlr allowance instead of th^ pre- Mt 33 l 'A per
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  • 64 5 Otfuv-!). ar< r* tlect.d the Jewish Welfare Board for •hi.- ra: Preside;.- Mr- s.illy Meyer. presidents; M« ri I Nathan and A Jacob, .suretary: Mr S E Shenda surer: Mr. E. Albert Committee Dr M Marshall Dr B Waehs. Dr F B c Kampfner, Iftam V
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  • 48 5 PENANG. Ifoo A sum of $2 821 was paid to members of the public for information leading to the killing of a Communist U rrortt .11 I settlement last month Another sum ol |1 paid for information leading to a contact with b.
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  • 52 5 IPOH Mon Tun mem r>. n Ol tn< Per Ik F"! Club did their first ghl month rh< v ar«' Mr R V L>i n; ip, h and \!r I V Lurr.u' Last month planes of flying riub did a total of 30 os in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 1 1 low long docs it take to build X f 'km m*^^^"^^^L m I *^X.b™ b\ 'e«d« ?5 pm >■' fc" 'o*d» l"dl iran^rHirtJtion JBb -"^>^^iß— he Sinl. Ijxtrr th^n J?^ 1 TYRES
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    • 150 5 I in °ir>st(mH wnisi" "KinjOwrach _*L_ So'? Ageots Si n sa; cL- f jratcn ot Malays' BOUSTEAD CO, LTD. Synthetic fobrio •uperlor^to silk FABRICS igSgpa^" I in 7 000 Oto'tott C'< r y I AX 7,050 Geor«c»«« Ci 1 A K 5 400 tciti I -n. r^^M^^^^"^3TT^^^ I»H 5 000
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 434 5 RADIO MALAYA 1 •Programmes thus rr.rtrkrd tan be II ■rrmm by ll.M«irr.» in Malarra Short »»\r 49 62m Medium «a\r HBHBHBHHiHiHHIHH 476 m. J43 3««m and 297 m .1 PM CfWf* ADABIT •100 Spotlishf On Charm -130 BIUUArWRI* Sn, .145-30,, Hmß,. Z T^ Proer^mme fi 02 Happy News SS
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  • 6 6 .Mil i i Mnuin «nrt
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  • 8 6 I > •>-,■.,■, MI n »ith Pro••n all Flrst--1
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  • 769 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Apr. 19, 1955. Mr. Marshall's Aid AiJ day yesterday Mr Diivid Marshall kept open in ''i.u-o for the man in ii fulfilment of a promise that be would sot aside i ;n tho week t>> moot tho p< -opli .>ikl disv;js> thoir |>ri)l)lcms It
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  • 322 6 The Danger In Asia It Li of sornp relevance that while the President of the Indonesian Republic was ex- rig his detestation of colonialism at the Bandoeng Conference yesterday, his government announced that the country would hold its firM aJsctkms n.xt September 01 October. Some parts of Asia tmk Africa,
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  • 145 6 Feasts of entertainment are in store for electors and nonelectors alike in the campaign for the forthcoming Federal general election. So many teams of cheer leaders, explain?!*, encouragers and entertainers are being planned that the Federation's Director of Information Services is already taking steps to see that
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  • 1040 6 Only the Reds are likely to benefit from \\m irnopn for .Umlm/fn' rantpaipjn may by distrunHvd in lanborra #o«/«w Trit+n MASSKY STAXt.EY Evatt's drive against 'rebels' CANBERRA YIALAYA has a special x interest in the session of Australia "s Federal Parliament IMBt)linK today. It ki in this session that Parliament
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    • 405 6 MR. DAVID MARSHALL has admitteed that tho Labour Fronts victory in the recent elections was unexpected, but he did not doubt that he could fulfil the promises he made to the voters Among other things. Mr Marshall promised the workers a welfare state,
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    • 62 6 BRING IN THE LAND BILL SPECULATION in land is believed to he one of the factors contributing towards high prices .hkl hindering planned development. There should hr early rnlori i-nent of the Land \i quisUMui Bill and in future only those born in Malaya Federal citizens and naturalised British subject*
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    • 120 6 JOB FOR THE UNIVERSITY THE University of Malaya is at present the only institution in Malaya which for higher studies. Although many Malayan .studcnta co ovrr.-eas. this is i the average student became of the expense. aient in local private and evenine schools Is one of our many ambitions. It
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    • 171 6 CASUAL visitor to Hong K"ng seeing the extraordinary way in which many Hong Kong schools are built, perched on the steep rock of Victoria. Is immediately impressed The vast school building programme of Singapore Is duplicated In this British terrorttory. where school building in recent years
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  • 6 6 I m i tn mi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 LASSIFIED ADS. N.r4 w» wtmttmmt and of imii^l nuunbiA). \bra- 1 to Mlm Joy M»noh«r: I m (Uuvhtcr of Mr M I n i;s«»\\i 1 m» n 153 111 \IIO\n t* H.rrf. fc. <*t,m i Kb* M rt. r Position Jllled ird for .'unior i 'ier valirt to late '.nurtl
      73 words
    • 31 6 DIATONIC ACCORDIONS MODM. IK MMI mtm i in bj reeds M7J#| mmm m md Packing S3 r «tr4 From ail good .S7or. v ur T. M. A. LTD., Huh Mrrel Mn(»piirr.ii
      31 words
    • 20 6 t I nn i.i m it\i iin 1 EflVß^^^T**^ th.-'-" s ifT% LANKA JEWLLLi :0 BATTIRY ROAD s -N- I
      20 words

  • 33 7 I^IONWASTOBE fcrjiCAPORE SUNDAY SCH °OL TEACHER KILLED IN CAR CRASH Is «I'AN. 1* Sin*.n;id al»;i> dream~h« u;in buried i yet tht lo\tl> Ith friends I Road to P which starts at I
    33 words
  • 8 7 HOLIDAY ended in TRAGEDY MIBI M (111 \N(.
    8 words
  • 364 7 Call for a dental service probe MALAYAN GRADUATES CAN T GET JOBS THE Alumni Association of Malaya v»-st<rday fl<*manded a review of thr position of dentistry in this country. In an editorial in their quarterly journal Th« Proceedings of the Alumni Association of Malaya, the association asks thri-e questions IMi
    364 words
  • 282 7 RACE DAY RUSH FOR LOANS SI SG A PORE SPEST $WM. IN MM O\ THE TURF 'THE Singapore public last year spent about $.10 rml- lion on horse racing. Of this about $4 million was paid to the Government as duty on betting. Mr A. H. Harrison. Commissioner of Stamps,
    282 words
  • 1 7
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  • 27 7 The Bumthe main b of the Pro- ih border I for ur:ent rei:u' tomorrow U. and 6 30 I I proceed by serai
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  • 2 7 E^
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  • 18 7 md Lian vrster- i| ire court to the 60 gallons U d nee. Sued $300 each.
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  • 34 7 ■■■.llageri llectlve effort. .i>:. thr threr 1 a sundrv shop *Mpp'd out tx lli till of iv.- the chased I B<-ng in tie i rr- rhe robhl» shotgun wa> •MflcatP Of I :nrcme
    34 words
  • 205 7 Union pica for higher salaries of English in Chinese schools have asked the Singapon Minister for Education. Mr Ch» w Swcc Kee. for higher salarnThey also want the obst to their advancement in th<education service removed. In a letter to the Minister. Mr T K Chiam. general
    205 words
  • 26 7 A taxi caught fire in Scotts R'>:\ri. Singapore. ye.sterday. The driver, however, had already put out the flames when the fire brigade arrived
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  • 55 7 STILL ALIVE this tig*r securely bound was hmuchi to KuaU Lumpur yesterday in the boot of a car It had several injuries and wu later srnl hy the polire to be killed. The man who brought him to the capital is to
    55 words
  • 239 7 THREE CANTEEN ME.\ IS COURT KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. \NAAFI canteen manager and his two MrillUlta were found before dawn oik day adulterating the c anteen beer with water, the Sessions Court here was told today Tlie prosecutor. Mr. Bmgh, ASP, .said the men had
    239 words
  • 101 7 Driver accused JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Tco Yon* Bing. 19. and Tan Ens Khooh. 20. both oi Sincaporc. dird in an accident involving a car at the 3rd milestone. Jalan Srudat, Johore Bahru VMtcrdßy afternoon. Tto died instantly and Tan about four hours after ad:r.i>slon to the
    101 words
  • 37 7 KAJANG. Mon. For Dm second rime In succession U'u Langat DLstrlct H>m«- Guards M;«v»- won at the home guard annual weapon meeting They emerged winner* \uth nine points out of a possible 10.
    37 words
  • 60 7 The Singapore Chamber Ensemble has revived an < 'Id Elizabethan custom rf meeting In small gTOOfM at private homes to eiiciuragt- muhic appreciation and talent. Two pr grammes have already b< < n held. The next musical evening will be at th>' home oi Mr C. P
    60 words
  • 52 7 INCOME TAX MAN I TAKES A BRIDE Kuala Lumpur wedding MX. JOSETH lAN VONG Bl Vl l ol the Income Tax Depart nient 111 Kuala I.umpur. and his britle Miss I.urv Ne So«» (•noh. smilinc to Irieiulv aa t!u\ leave the hureh of tli? Holy Rosary. Kuala I.umpur after their
    52 words
  • 82 7 THREE GIRLS ESCAPE WITH DUCKING Xl M I I MHK. MOll Three teenage eirU Uiml line in a ear to KuaU I.iiki pur from Xl me this afKr iiiMni gut a duikini; in tin shallow Klan- River near Lorn ie R»a<t The car ski ilcd off the r<»;ul then pluncert
    82 words
  • 46 7 NEW SHIP IN RECORD MAIDEN TRIP T! .ckie. th< Ben Line's new st ir> the Colony The Ht nvrack. '-ond of three Ben ships on ---day m -rvic between Sinsaiwrc and n The new freighter clipped a day oil the time, doing the Lone: pore trip
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 Ke Hoarseness iH^ eking Coughs w$ pain it "Tj| Woods 11 PEPPERMINT CURE peM germf .pplemen internal K on, mended i sti.maih. UMILY REMEDY Free from habit LWAYS KEEP A E IN THE HOUSE Ipods' TERMINI CURE BY SIME DARBY
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 170 7 The weather minimi m fIMMIM: 1 7 30 pm. on April I" to 730 a.m en April 18' Singapore 81 degrees Penans 78 Kota Bahru 74 KuaU < Limpur 75 Ipoh 7S. Kuanun 71 1 MAXIMIM T»:Mr»RATI K» i 1 7.30 a.m to 730 p tn. on April 18 Slncaporr
      170 words

  • 321 8 VIENNA HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN LEADING the rrvolt against thr H-luu are the women of Austria, whose natural grace and restraint mask a determined will. Fashionconscious Vienna is ovrr n ;idy to observe critically the "latest" in hautr couture, but never prepared to accept slavishly thr dictates of
    321 words
  • 370 8  -  "I CANT stand tfcil pseudo Enclish atmosphere." said John. The remark came completely out of the blue and it took me a few moments to grasp that he was referring to the building we had just pa.ssed. It was a house that might have come straight
    370 words
  • 501 8  - Amah brings a friend for an interview Chr sliiu WHAT A LIFE! By MONDAY I WASH my hair thifl evrnini: and it is still soakintr wrt when Tom nnes up and says will I Join him as hr ha.s Just met old Jack and his wife who have asked us
    501 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 8 A SUM; I girc\ <:> party d'
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  • 45 8 THE Duchess of Win portrait appear- d New York on Sunday in a lipstick advrrtisrment in b section of the Nc Herald Tribune devoted I benefiting the New York nrmary The advertisement I the sellinc line W! her favourite tlpgtlck" In a photograph
    45 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 351 8 JlTt> t/ITIS J»T J E Ylii A NECESSITY in every" HOUSE fJ JftS JfYII JIY -^SP; JEYES J*** **"*>- HY G'^ N| C TOILfT r»Ar»l» y4tos^ a^SS^f i J I f B^BRVtatfE < H./jhcst Oode tissue, I "C sheets, (^^^^3X2 B^fl^±^xV JEYPINE *r-^^-x^^^ iJ^> FrQgronce OO d WJ^ Hygiene #jL^^
      351 words
    • 38 8 ffehtac New* I Mi I i ISs< n x H*m* hA 7 TL3 <^<W Z-^ I f^ pn^a I I They are all m t** be smart be sure -TOOTAJ SSSgg Guaranteed f** M*/« r) /i AaprMent«Ur«i Wi'>i«m *>
      38 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 278 8 Straits Times Crossword 19 J 2o^^ j ~H 1 pai "i "H n n rl nHn A< XOSS (i p or him. a »ilf mlxhi ne\ei 1 A StotlUh timber projection f. xlst 1 7. 3. si. N ho»e\er the rolouM of 1 m*ht easily have made thl, k l
      278 words

  • 1030 9 Son's disgrace hastened end of brilliant poet mother ONI! uintrr afternoon early in 1896 an old woman >at dying of bronchitis, propped uocaded chair in the candle-lit jjloom of |^r Chelsea drawing room. th< "pposite direction taf the life" J»-ne Elg«-,.. beautiful, romantic and Bch-mun by *:t- fascinated by t.i".
    Daily Mirror  -  1,030 words
  • 304 9 Prratdlnc over Uh gaini ings sat "Speranza. dressed '■nmson gown. with a gilded laurel wreath in her hair, her face heavily red With powder and her cheat covered with large brooches containing miniature family portraits. She looked like a peramoulating family man-oleum," said one of her
    304 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 156 9 Slu'riork f#o/fff#'.s- Flvsh antt hi WJ PEu. -2Cv -£i /<<* "^^a^^ s 3-3CP M -1 r T~~~~. M a^m^m^m^k^m^m^m^m^m^mm (yAND WMEM r SLIP CCP A --^^^■T^^J^^^^m^m^m^m^mm -^M^^MBHH rjPWE COULD JUST GET -TDI i A-(A» BUT WE DON'T 1 T TWAT DOES IT' iVI GOfJG pu>3e» I coucd call I even
      156 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1091 10 mtk 1 40, MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. t.. .411 ill Bjaaj llnxaiaotaead) m wjaan I) (11 kaei' THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE IT" aa peacaadj ta ornat portt ta kxH mi dnrfcarge nrgo SAILINGS ta LIVIRPOOL. W.ASCOW LONDON ft CONTININTAL PORTS Smgojpora j Dua So P S'nom rtojr*. Cakkat >.
      1,091 words
    • 1182 10 jy Mu^^^^Bl^w I M M Mk. ImJ—La-l^l EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONIININT SCANDINAVIA Far Aa*n. Part SaMl. Gaaaa. Antwerp. RalHtaax, Haaikarg, Capankaaan. C«k<>k,,, 4 O«N> ipore P S"O-" r r-v,o, I AIANBiA 19/11 Apr 11/ M A,. IS/24 Apr "JAVA" 17/» Apr '»T«*Oni» 17/1* May V. land* 1/ 4
      1,182 words
    • 927 10 u «".rS-.THE BEN LWE STEAMERS LTD. UIIOINC —v^ 1 L |N mmm mmJtW&MmWSeam •"^^^r^r^r- M/tT mm APT B MM MP, py Mnvr,. L-rW-. Ap Ap. •^TfiTdrtm LOOO 2S Apr/ 4 May •^rbX'rtr 0^ wmmm Baaaskar for London. Rotterdam 11 May/ s^s:; 1 ,n to 'HonrrT' 1 /ij 14/ •^r^p^ 'g^^mum
      927 words
    • 441 10 TCCALISTER ELLERMAM BUCKMAIL LONDON MAVM »OTTK OAM ,-J HAMRURG 'Jl and t" -J{ •nrj Co~wi Hi! CITY Of lOHanmijUj,, us A*. 14 17 A,, •CITY OF «CA«ACMI •CITY Of MO' f 2*^ 1 Ham M f^,! *»f»ai<t McAlntcf 1 c ff' •-v; nyv' S>«r*. P S ham. ■r Corel* f
      441 words

  • 1 11
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  • 563 11 STRAITS TRADERS FALL SHARPLY ON $2 DECLARATION By (hir Market orrespondent wature of the Singapore Share Market Mfr M |.,v \%a* a sharp drop of $1.55 in tiie price of I i ider*. follow inn the announcement that mpanv will pay for the vpar a final dividend I of $1
    563 words
  • 64 11 .utx-r". quieth '•rda> I I $3 10 $1 SO. fid Sd xd Am.d Ken pis $1 37 »1 37'^ <_■•• ?HH» 7 > \i ,o\er--1948 »88 75 B E 3 Wai ••1 T he 4 p m 11l INI M no I »2i 11 S* NIMS'C < i«
    64 words
  • 11 11 II i'.ii,!i. Tin* /put tor *nded March 31 was
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  • 175 11 Singapore- < hinrsr Produre l'\chAnc': mmm price* per picul ye*terd..y were Copra quiet April $28 3 8 buyers. $28 5 8 sellers. May $28 18 buyers. $28 3 8 sellers Coconut oil quiet bulk $41 12 sellers, drums *44 sellers Pepper quiet, no business reported prices unchanged: Muntok
    175 words
  • 35 11 The Malayan Exc' Aviation made the fottwtaj tu rates to merchants s.. fc: buying. .IrwU^TT 3' 8 OD 33 90 days 33 1 8 credit ■svz 1-lter.^^S-..^^ one tael of gokl at 251
    35 words
  • 3 11 .MIE^
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 144 11 IKNUTSEN LINE rvicc qcts -30 DAYS Pei»n( Frcmjntlc 23 Ape M,, 26 Mjy i |«nc 12 |ync 19 |vnc 14 |uly 2 I !ul» FREMANTLE a k DAYS af |.ipjn Vancouver 1 Mjy 20 Mjy 12 Miy 10 |ync 1 |uly 20 luly luly 23 |uly 11 Aui -1 C.n»da
      144 words
    • 773 11 NOTICES NOTICE THIB IS TO NOTIFY that my wile Dorecn Allan Pacchtanl ha* >tt m« *dc* 3Slh March ltU without my ronreut A* from Xtoi* dat* at* has hum to be my wife »nd I thai] not be whatsoever for any of her debu incurred by her NOTICE Tr.iß
      773 words
    • 644 11 NOTICES by «>ki. i r or Tin MMTTHnI K ol CIKTOMS AUaiON SALE OF Blryrlcß 1 be sold arpars:eh Lying at H M < utonw° Backyard Maxwell Road 3 OMtor-lorne* Noa SA 144* and SA 2347 anJ bags white net Lrtng it HM i --"ms 1 Barkyard Keppe! Road 1
      644 words
    • 520 11 PUBUC APPOINTMENTS TRAINUKC OFFICERS TWO MIVhTI) HI ÜBOtR A XHIAL Himiil LABoI K DLPABTMIM Applications -re inMted M poftti i two i of Tralnlnc Ofßcen in the Labour Department. Singapore Appointment will br on rontrar' for 3 years In the Orat butancr MM arale M2''-30A-»40 pr: month plus variable allowanc
      520 words
    • 251 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Lrjdinf tntitH Comtixy have a E«roa««n to coo»di»Jtc »d»ertinm arrjKtrmrntt Reattr «i»i«« M'*o"*' pjrticwljrt jnd dcttilt of prcvioui c«»xriK»ct to lot AJ266 S T UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA M'PLICATIONS are invitaxl for «rr>o|ntm«nt to a Lartureshlp In Zoology. iidate* mint have M least a pood Hcnours degree, with some
      251 words
    • 267 11 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APfl tCATaBM ar» fr-«n ">«1«t«1 <ltu»nj ppotntmani of a Ratfkxrra;>.' of IHO AII-4M/ 4M-AlB-552 p m pi'i COI .-s mn»t bm be hoMM !)ipl<«B.i ths> Sori«-rjr of Radtosraphc- should hay* hart ftperlenre aft«r Dtplnma 1~*"- ill bt posted to Milv IB flr«t ir.>tano but i» Uaa 0 any
      267 words

  • 433 12 yilK \fn>-.\*>ian Conference of 2!> nations, which i> lu-ini: held in liandoenu. rannot I ul!\ explore the Asian trade .situation because important trade centres such as Singapore and Honir Kong are not represented, cable* the Straits Times Jakarta Correspondent. This is the view,
    433 words
  • 263 12 Latex aids Malayans' comfort r\E Dtmlop Rubber Co 1 <Malaya Ltd recently introduced, into the Malayan market, a chair which DM been scientifically m.ide with latex foam cushion^ to reduce fa! ":iir and cue thr maximum comfort Now on display in the comp.inv's showrooms m .Singapore. Kuala Lumpur and P«
    263 words
  • 281 12 CM U.S. process brought here 11 AM. paintine kits tor interior decoration will soon bo made available to the Malayan market by .Sherwin-Williams Co. of America, the world*! largest i paint manufacturer? The kit NMMI M wnal latpx-ba.scd translucent point* railed Applikay and rubber rollers on
    281 words
  • 244 12 Till Coloftt's nlrirst rstahlishrri firm nf aurtionrcrs. hronc K i Sr«iß .md Co. I ill 1 1 i\. 1 111 mid i separate sut>Mdiar> linancr>. uith a capital of over S.iiHHMM). Thr expansion plans rrsultrd from thr recent rr nrcuiisation <>f tin
    244 words
  • 185 12 MR P S Sunaaram, cer.nnlM expert of Feroke Tile Woffca, South India leaves Ma- laya today after having spent a month making plans to intn.duce completely leak proof :(»>t'.i\'z tile.s, he himself signed. A B Sc. "ceramic technolOCfl <>f Benares Hindu University.
    185 words
  • 247 12 BRITAIN MEETS TEXTILE THREAT BRITISH t.xf.i. manui., iun <■•• holding thnr own au.unst Ihnr Japanese competitors in Eastern markets. M: W. B1a«• k 1 d managing director of J Blackledgc Son Ltd.. Chorloy. Lancashire, when he visited Bin pore last week competition Ul ,rvi re and in mam prices
    247 words
  • 96 12 IN the fir.vt national d contest held throughout M.>..iy.i ;n Coleate-P Ltd. to pub:. the:: r.ew washing deU i jent. the Dni prize of $500 «v awarded to Mr A I Da wood, lacca. ;H)re wliincr.v also n edTlng pn/.t > were Mohamed Lsmail
    96 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 171 12 KUNZLE CHOCOLATES Urir r-intr of mmmmm, f* Bn\rs and Tin* of J- '<■ m^ sprrlallv rhiurn *I^' frC*(si 4 rv»r> pa!»lr al*o 1JT ***> *£f I hncolatr Tjhlrts. jIA X2^ -.n'v which arc tin foilrd F^^ wrapprd in /•\x^ i oloiirf ill wr.ipp«rs .lOII\ LITTLE A 4 0.. I
      171 words
    • 117 12 it nl trnW VawJ CRAVTinC Imported froa 1 v AROUNO HJHJ THE f™ 1^ lU' ON 14 XT. COLO POINTS TIPPED a. WITH COSTLY RUTHENIUM SOLE AGENTS l/V////l| ARCADE BUILDING RAFFU ___^-i«» ai^ mn^ «b^^^ BJ INOINIItINO UD a 4 I i//r most comprehen I uirconditiojiinx ami refrigeration a 1
      117 words

  • 438 13  - Flower Queen Pink Ticket show promise EPSOM jeep CLASS THREE NEWCOMERS DOMINATE Kl. WORKOUTS r.s 1 1 UMPUR M V^EVERAL Class ThlW rujagrd on the m cano day of the Selanßor Turf Club April Moptinu on Wednesday, wrrr put fhrouuh tliell par. in. traininf track this Ci^xl pcrformp»re put up
    438 words
  • 106 13 LONDON. Mon. |\ON REVIE. the Man- Charter City and Eimland forward, has voted Footballer •:ip Year" by members of the British Football Writers' Asso<-iation. He will nvoive a silver sta•;n ft at thr Association ■> aniiual dinner in London on May 5. Bart ram
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 22 13 ENTRIES OPEN FOR ASTON BILLIARDS Club« bllliardfi rh.impionI or. April I I cMin Chi Oter, :hree-b.ill llraps and th« lour-b*ll hand leaps
    22 words
  • 198 13 Jeep Jottings I r \lU\<. i«»<k,% \tho| Mullen will miss the remainder of the April meetinc at Kuala I unipur and possibly the Wax meeting at Bukit Timah He is k-avinc for a short vai ation in Australia With the departure of Mullet
    198 words
  • 607 13 Six teams still to drop point SIX (run in the Singapore Amateur Football .Kssocui- .-till h.ivi i hundred per cent record. Thi-v ar< M.. nne Dcpartrr.tnt. the lirst divwijn lead- i.s. Aruonauts and Fathu! Kanb in Div 2A. V M S A and SH B Police in Div 2B and
    607 words
  • 42 13 1081 M\Xl>l staggers before hitting thr ranxas in the ninth round of his 10- round light Against world middle wricht ii.i.Mi|in>t. Carl Kob<>° Olson in Nan KrancLMo tin April 13. Olson won a unanimous virtor> nn point*
    42 words
  • 304 13 LONDON. Mon tirHEN England meet the ff touring South African > this iimimif England will be all out to confirm that they ar* now probably the strongest cricketing country In the world The men who did so well in Australia are
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 25 13 DAI I.AS Mon lonv Traber» upcet defending champion Vie Sei- 'rd.i> <o »m ■>,r lei.tli MHMI DalUi Country Club inMUt»onal tennu tournamei AP
    AP  -  25 words
  • 245 13 ENGLAND v REST GOLF DRA W THE ROYAL Singapore Go.: C!ub^ annual England InRest fixture will be playeo mSunda'. The dran an<J star'ini; times .<.-' i Ens land players men' toned Ml Bi, M R Oardiier i 3. <k I»her«ood 'in Crajk <3 k O:bb ■A. 815 Tabor Haddoi 111
    245 words
  • 109 13 NICE. Mon WIMBLEDON tennis champion JarOs.'iv Drobny withdrew from the men's ttn:U "f the Met tourney yesterday on the advice of his doctor Drobny lelt by car with hu> wife for Lonrton where he may have to undergo an operation for the removal of
    AP  -  109 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 60 13 SEA LORD MARK I y I WEARNI BROS. LTD 1 B^ -»»«™aaa»«aa«»alaa»j V OF TIME HAS QUALITY I favre-leubaH m I SfNCI 1815 H I CLIMATES slcri FAVRt-LfOBA WATCH CO., LTD. )A0 SINGaPVKI ■aaaaft lift I fc B^ittaaf^aaf^Jßßa^"**^— »*aW** IfEL TOKYO aT IIjAVEL SICKNESS lIELI i Iml von ran E
      60 words
    • 430 13 r^ -^^^^^^^a^aaaaTZ. ll sw^^aaar_^^*^^ w j^i a^i J a^a^s^^^ s aaa*.^3ia^^^^fl^*^^^^^ r% s^ WATERBURYS COMPOUND yaw you exfaa exetqi/.Jjtui&c/ aW i t .^aaaWo>^v n—4 >a BBjaajßi aja^ paaaaf) P"» I j > h WATERBURY S COMPOUND to hip (/ou fit M ■»aaaa^aa»^Pfi*«t;.v,'»j'v- nOAIMS M:J COUCH fisdg MIXTURE //Sw^ tc-.t if
      430 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 68 13 BM Mi -uitui...!, V Mil»v JiUn I laaafJH, l>i» M P«»IK I IPH ground I>i» 3\ HinUnc BuJan »m><lUii<l«.. «i«-> lane setia J*>» Tuin Mniu l.riiul 1 m.»n JollilMls RIMI I iMliinv «lir eround Mint RM« Le»«u*. l>^. I H\t I.nt»h \a»»l Windfrm |.nc»»< K\K h»n»i R\l >?'*' Inn IM»-.
      68 words

  • 589 14 EDDIE CHOONG, BACK rO HELP IN CUP DEFENCE, SAYS: LADDIE CHOONU ha» rrturnrd to Mulaya to help defend UM Thomas Cup next J me only because of a drastic letter he «rot to the Badminton ..ttiun >f Malaya irlier UIII year. E<lqic
    589 words
  • 15 14 MMMI (HlMlNi, mi hi. .iri^ Kall.'-u trn'ix S'.riit* I im puttirc
    15 words
  • 217 14 r -:nc;apore M Club's annual Oap hill Id at the Gap •11 Sunday haj attracted 86 r■ > m nly two hin nt< re<-! Mrs. J. D. 8 md Mr-. Jos Bk Naught 1 wl n tc In Only three liKnur from the
    217 words
  • 16 14 ppel Club he.i* the Roy..; 1 I C!;;r> by 6'- points er 'he
    16 words
  • 42 14 pHINESE SAFA lit (1 The n touch-and-i Pula Bl the BCortoß 1 tan taland rs D| 1 brilliant di>pl < I in t In the 32nd n rly weav.-d H Brai me Equaliser hiiif-«- \lhlrl»r I>< X: riii.«u Btjni K \!»1 An
    42 words
  • 12 14 K B.C Orrharri B P two 111 .1 Irlrnrth I
    12 words
  • 5 14 TUaka and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 275 14 <£ACH 75,000 FAMILIES WITH A CLASSIFIED AD. OF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS I IN KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH PENANG S Th l»tr»» time* ftt Sj«d'i«« J J if) Clat«i*i(d Ad¥crtn«mtfiti »o 1 I oyr brinch oHkci jl Xt lumpur Ipok **4 *Nt J publication m 'he IcMowmj I day t imuc of
      275 words
    • 418 14 Mil %TIONS VATAM m.*4. v ,m*m „—B mu RETRIOBKArOR and Air Cot Mm hanti required b> Brttlan merchant hou.«e Apply Box APPHFMICB for PlaaUc IndurAce 17 to It Bui Pl»e or Chtnew Middle School Apply Morn- H 'rrFERINO CON Require Oat n :H> tor immedta-. I gaiiit cwnpetent Copy I
      418 words
    • 194 14 REACH 75,000 FAMILIES WITH A STRAITS TIMES (LASSIFtED ADVERT. TI irlON pi m. .j i tf<K ,n .i. aatM KTROPEAN lADY would like to from mini tion App B T. UDOI rr.FTMT Return »d Fr. noon. ■.j ;aiiI i-.uhfr. po B. POBTAL ITITION P-ook Keep .-lr.ev- Correaponnf !or IX'C Kva-
      194 words
    • 367 14 HOI SF.S A. LAND FOR SALE h.^. %t f.«rr« B. M it t t, aa*M f-t>l SAI E Ten \cre* of exre'.ent B Chu K»nß I Serancoon Oar'len Est.-rr La vou l PI n A <<\ Pti»ne ***** Mr Wee The Arra' c FOR SAI E or Rent at Thomson
      367 words
    • 282 14 FOR HIM H,.rrf. Wife X... A FI£F.T of Srlf-Drlvp Moderate Term« \lre. 3.13 Orv!.<ng Road i L A Hock a: AUTOHALL BBJ DBJVI Largr fl**t of o\c: twelve diftrrer- modrls Ji r I Britain and Europe tnm flay. Also rr-p..:i is* Spei <i'.s< Send for free 4 Autohsll. Dep: Street.
      282 words
    • 37 14 I OK -s\l H I rxtrm MTIXION IK 8«r«" ra plu 4 Mist hi I Ufl 01 > k| <«m Bm rf- mtm v. 1 1 s wt I:f mUI I*. Fre« POR t3TICIEI H Tapping 1 4
      37 words
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