The Straits Times, 29 December 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 -VI The Straits Times. /Hat*** lie** o**0 Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 381 1 SIAM GOVT. TO HAND TRADE BACK TO PRIVATE HANDS Now Malaya can expect price tumble E prices tumbled from 15 to 20 per cent on the Bangkok market yesterday morning on the news that the Siamese Government n .1 return ihe rue trade to private
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  • 190 1 'A dynamic revival in rubber' AND MORE GOOD -HEWS for 195S 1 KUALA LUMPUR Tues t PANEL experts in n the Inited States -ummed up th c rubber outlook for IMB as brine better than this year but falling short of the boom year of V*:-,?, gays Natural Ruobrr News
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  • 35 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuos. Three terrorists yesterday murdered a Chinese at Ulu Choh new village. Gelang Patah district of Johore. Four bandits today clubbed to death another Chinese in the same area.
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  • 89 1 THIS \l KIAI. PHTt'RK showi the most dancerous part of yesterday's beaching operation. The tug Pitho is about to start pulling the l.exa Maersk around for the final run to the beach. As ihe ship was listing in the same direction,
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  • 142 1 1,000 TAX DODGERS MAY LOSE PROPERTY KUALA LUMPUR, rues. > T EARLY 1.000 people in 11 the Federation lace leisure of their property j next year unless they pay J up their income tax arrears soon. Court judgments have been Issued against these people, the Comptroller of Inland Revenue. Mr.
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  • 27 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuo.s A terrorist and a Malay sold-, irr of the RAF Fr-Rlmrnt wrre wounded in an engagement in the Kuala Sclangor district yesterday.
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  • 24 1 A total of 25 people were injured, none seriously, in the 221 traffic accidents in Singapon between ChrLstmas Eve and Dec. 27.
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  • 61 1 INVESTIGATIONS into 1 the cause of the fire which broke out in the Lexa Maersk on Christmas Day and destroyed 3,000 tons of cargo will begin today. Mr. Victor Jensen, superintendent from Messrs. A. P. Moller, Copenhagen, the ship's owners, and Mr. Brae
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  • 460 1 RED-HOT ANCHOR CHAINS HAD TO BE CUT FIRST THE Danish freighter Lexa .Maersk, still ablaze from a Christmas Day fire, was successfully beached yesterday in a hazardous 140--minute operation. Singapore Harbour Board tun cut her redhot anchor chains and towed her on a
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  • 310 1 PROMOTION— EVEN IF THEY FAIL TESTS New plan for Singapore scholars IJRESSURE of space in Singapore schools is so great that a new system may be introduced under which a primary school child will be promoted every year— whether ho passes or fails his test. Mr. R. M. Younß, the
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  • 47 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuos. A patrol of thr 6th Battalion. Malay Rpgiment, killed a terrorist supportrr at Trlang new village, Pahang, at 4.30 am. today. The patrol saw him between the perimeter fence* and challenged him. He start- ed to run and was .*****
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  • 410 1 JOHORE will have to consider leavirg the Federation of Malaya unless it receives a more Equitable share of Federal in uN in future, said Mr. Yap Kirn Hock in the State Council yesterday. He and other unofficial protested strongly in a two-hour debate
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  • 218 1 China is Asian PMs' problem JAKARTA, Tues. riVE Asian Prime Minr isters toaay opened a two-day conference at Boßor that will decide whether China will sit as an er.aal in the coming conference of African and Asian nations. Mr. Nehru of India, Mr All Sastroamidjojo of Indonesia, 1 Mr. Mohammed
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  • 44 1 RMI Ml S BEJI T M) 11. IKI (II I LONDON r.n kadi 1 <<( III" i|f)o Bnti li rail winki 1 t-id 1 a (■imtninint appr/<l to ,iw Ihnr c.»!l for i ratinn-Mitl pi rUim Ink' on I m I Beofc 1
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  • 36 1 HONG KONG, Tues- Eight tubs of goldfish and two stuff- ed deer are among 30 crates of Rifts which arrived her. ria\ from China for Prime I Minister Nehru of India. -A P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 M ODE R N RINGS Distinction r€ry O€€as 'on. P. H. HENDRY, .Irwcllrr* lh Bridßp Rnad .iM,\roßi: K 1 1 Mrt-R. *l All ■/'n| V\ A Two's Company /^bT^- I Player's N?3 ikh^em'Sl GUIS Quality IV o> Q U nh^ J IjV \9«n^'y Cigarette
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    • 81 1 Jot Sound in a /jV\ Verier t Setting f 2! consult '4i» v BRIGHT RADIO CO. 101 ORCHARD MOAD SINGAPORE r Each age has deemed the neiL-born year The fittest time for festal cl< SW WALTER SCOTT The makers of rant's Scotch Whisky wish everybody a happy and prosperous new
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  • 409 2 CEYLON'S PREMIER SPEAKS UP FOR THE HUNGRY NATIONS 'U.S. SHOULD JOIN COLOMBO PLAN— AND GIVE US MORE TRACTORS, NOT CASH' THE INITED STATES should help Asia by joining the Colombo Plan, Ceylon's Prime .Minister, Sir John kotelawala, said in Singapore \esterday before leaving for Jakarta
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  • 224 2 Hatoyama steers Japan into Red wind TOKYO, Tues. THE Japanese Prime .Minister. Mr. Hatoyama, today laid down the new Japanese Government's six-point policy calling for rearmament and closer relations with Russia and Red China. Mr. Hatoyama. who succeeded Mr. Yoshida earlier this month an Premier, addressed the inaugural meeting of
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  • 36 2 OWALIOR. Tues President I Tito, continuinp hL< official visit In India, yesterday rode in an open car driven by tinMaharaja of Owalior and spent nearly two hours inspecting the 1.400-year-oid Gwaiior Fort— Renter.
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  • 27 2 LONDON. Tues. Tlie Queen. thp Duke of Edinburgh and their family hou>e party rested ouietiv at Bandrmgham rday after th'ir traditional ChrUtmaa weekend. Reuter
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  • 26 2 BRUSSELS. Tuo.s. Trade unions representing Belgium's 150.000 miners yesterday called on them to strike on Jan. 3 for a bonus and higher wages Renter.
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  • 57 2 BUENOS AIRES Tues. The Rector o» Cordoba Uni\irsity has announced the dismissal of 43 professors and assistant* mainly in reliuious and moral farultn alter a pur^e whicn began las' month. The pur^e followec the out- break of the conflict between the State and the Roman Catholic
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  • 155 2 THE unofficial member of Johore State Council. (Jngktl Abdullah bin Omar, who pleaded in vain for five more minutes to continue his adjournment speech at the last meeting, came back to finish it yesterday. He said in his last speech that he was trying
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  • 88 2 Part-time firemen save homes POMPT action by i 4 members or the staff of the Malayan Breweries, Singapore, saved a kampong near the brewery from beinu wiped out by tire yesterday The 14 members of the Auxiliary Fire Service, went nTo action within three minutes i>! tire starting In one
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  • 15 2 BELGRADE Tues China and Yugoslavia are discussing the establishment of diplomatic relations Reuter
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  • 81 2 MADRID. Tues. General Franco is expected to meet Prince Juan. Pretender to the Spanish Throne, at a rcude/ vims ii"ar the Portuguese frontier tomorrow, a Monarchist source dlacloaed here. The meeting of the two men i who have met only once bef«W In 194H will be to
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  • 23 2 A NEW AND CHARMING study of the Queen and her children, Pr nee Princess Anne. By Marcus Adams.
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  • 89 2 It's in the stars, say astrologers HAMBURG. Toe* ASTROLOGERS predicted here yesterday that in A 1955 there would be peace in Europe out an armed conflict would break out over Formosa Involving Brituin. the United States and China. TK 1 astrologe:> w ln|| in a 'radltional
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  • 44 2 COPENHAGEN. TUW. lira in Butler. American woman and former OooUDtMl who tv ordered to leave Britain ha* arrived in Denmark by atr She is staying with friend*in a Copenhagen suburb. Her fiance. Mr. Cllve Jenkins. U also there- Reuter
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  • 48 2 MRS. AMY EDE HAS A DAUGHTER \D\i (.Hint was Mrv \ni. I daai Kerbau Hospil gaawre. m Mi>a»; n a ii.uni'i \niti Her father Mr John I ■eeretarj ol th t PatU Ml 1 htft >!r. John I ayi ock Sii -l.iiiu- < ouncilli lavjrer. Mother and daught( v
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  • 7 2 said t: The
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  • 34 2 MANILA. Tues President Ran. on Magaayaav yesterday >a:n that t!w Philippine Govt rnnietit would rely almost entirely on the United States ti> a the Philippines from external auures.sion Q P
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  • 38 2 LONDON Tuts. Admiral Sir Denis Boyd «avc cricket teaaona to 46 Am rican duatea from K.ilan j.v during a recent dx-week study eour ;p II Ashridge Hertfordshire, it w.i> reported UMta] k Her.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 ***************00 NEW 1955 VAUXHALL is here Orchard Molars OKCMAKO MOTOII COMPANY (JMITtD SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR Represented elsewhere in the Federation by Borneo Mofon Ltd. and in Borneo b> Borneo Motors Ltd. in, Borneo Company Ltd. OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO pP I would not V £$r~\ believed it possible I was amazed at
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  • 28 3 G KONG, Tues. ihercd at the Vcademy of Sciences ■terday to mark anniversary of the ol the skull of the Man," the New China ncy reported.
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  • 34 3 AUGUSTA, Georgia. Tues. President Eisenhower's PreM Secret; :y. M: Jamr.s H.igerty. said here today he knew nothir.u about reports that Sir Winston Churchill misht meet Mr. Eisenhower in January. I Reuter.
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  • 59 3 RTA, Tues. An tion calling itself in Youth Outside Macongresa here on -nlved to call on i ol the Ai;> pecially India, Ceylon. Pakistan. Burma and Indoi, to put Malaya's freedom before the United Nations The resolution urged |OUng people in Afro-Asian countries and France. Britain and
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  • 292 3 GERMANY— DECISION TODAY France win. R oun<l 0 »e and give. A-embly time off tor a breather With the opposition split Premier stands good chance to pull off a win IMRIS, Tuesday ft MENDES PRANCE today th, French National Assembly another breathing ;i>«ce keforc he demands a final decision on
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  • 127 3 Spit in their faces, says Kardelj SARAJEVO. Tues. Till Vice President. Mr. hd«;ird Kardelj. yesterday rilled two of his former eolin the Yugoslav fnminu n i s t Government ■d rt.v blackmailers" and Any honest man would spit in their faces." \ir Kardelj, Yugoslavia's forplanncr and acting chief of state
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  • 49 3 Tue.s. M. Pierre ance presided over a ."ii among some /misters on whence should build her m bomb, it was learnministcrs Insist that hould make her own weapons on the thai this would be a strength and would nee added weight in mal councils. Reuter.
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  • 44 3 WINDSOR. Tues. Tin datnaged a bedroom and destn vcd furniture today at the entrance lodge to Royal Lodge. Windsor, country home of the Queen Mother. The entrance lodge is occupied by one of the Royal Lorim >;x n Reuter.
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  • 337 3 HUGE OARS IN SOLAR BOAT (5,000 YEARS OLD) CAIRO, Tues. FIVE huge wooden oars were found today on the starboard side of the 5.000 year old "solar boat" discovered in the shade of the great pyramid of Cheops outside Cairo when workmen removed 25 of 42 limestone blocks roofing the
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  • 57 3 WASHINGTON, Tues The United States Navy, looking for experts to run its atomic powered ships, has increased from 12 to 44 its quota of officers who soon will be au- thorised to .study nuclear engineering at the MasflAphusetts Institute of Teehlrology and at the naval
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  • 108 3 Peter— born during Singapore evacuation —cuts his 12th birthday cake ABOARD the ship on which he was born during the evacuation from Singapore. Peter West Point Leslie Sheldrake cuts his twelfth birthday cake at a party .staced for him by the I'nited States Lines on the liner America at Southampton
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  • 230 3 4 Japan has kept to agreements' LONDON. Tuesday. ORITAIN has no intention of protesting against three sentences of imprisonment passed on British soldiers for armed robbery recently, a Foreign Office spokesman said today. Japan has observed "both In the Utter and the spirit" the agreements regulating
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  • 132 3 SOEKARNO'SNo.2 WAS NOT AT THE PALACE TO GREET PREMIERS I'.im.oi: Tu«s. TIIK second wife of President Soekarno. Madame Hartini. was missing from Bogor Palace today when the fivi- Asian Prime Ministers held their "Little deneva" conference. The burning question in local social circles was whether Madame Hartini would meet the
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  • 18 3 BELGRADE. Tues. Yugoslavia and Russia are to exchange films for the time since 1948. Reuter
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  • 28 3 VIENNA. TOM. Three Americans are In a Soviet prison camp awaiting repatriation. Austrians who returned today from years of captivity in Russia reported. Reuter.
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  • 197 3 NEW DELHI, Tues American airliners will not be allowed to pick up passengers in India after Jan 15 if India and the United States fall to conclude a new air agree- i ment. It was learned here India has given a
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  • 415 3 LONDON Tue». CONI ITIONB in the stock market* toCay were somewhat, contrary to the Usual ex.)erience after a Christmas holiday ta there was a full attendance nrw tne undertone was firm The one exception wax British funds where MBtaMßi was again Influenced by the upward trend in the
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Dec 28— Cash Buyers tH9O; Sellers C 692; Forward Buyers C6!U; Sellers ¥mt; Settlement C 680: Turnover a.m. 80 tons p.m. 25 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. Dec. M Bpo< 28d.. I Feb. 21\d., Mar. 27 .d, April- i June 27', d., July-Sept 26 T »d. Oct Dec. 26 »d. Jan. c.i.f. 27',d., Feb r.l.f. 27 7 16d.. March c.i.f. 27 5 16d. Tone: Uncertain.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 189 3 STRAITS TIMES, which has pioneered the use olour photography for magazine journalism in South East Asia, Announces a New SERVICE...! Sales of a selection of the superb full-colour illustrations from The Straits Times Annuals in the form of 11 x 1 4" dye-transfer photographic prints. These prints, suitably mounted, are
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    • 125 3 FOR THE BEST RESULTS USE S.C.S. SELF RAISING FLOUR Make sure that your Cakes, Scones, and Pastry have that fine texture, lightness and super quality which are the hall-marks of S.C.S. Setf-Raising Flour. FRESHLY MADE at COLD STORAGE BAKERIES Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang Hf mm 4 i i. \IN CONSTELLATION
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  • 257 4 Retain the men? But there's no work for them, says Rea -they'll get first refusal SINGAPORE City Council workers, employed ut the Tehran Waterworks, have not yet been served with dismissal notices. Mr. J. T. Rc-x, the Council's Deputy President, said day. Mr.
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  • 74 4 Trader dies after road smash Bl KIT MKRTAJAM. Tues. A MERCHANT, Air. Tan Bok Chin, died in Bukit Mrrtajam Hospital yesterday alter a motor accident while returning to Penang from a Province Wellesiey weddtaf. Mr. Tan, who had attended 1 dinner on Sunday, was injured when the car in which
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  • 47 4 K. F. Falck was acquitted in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday on a charge of resisting arrest and et rom Holland Road Police in at 2.30 am. on Nov. 6 while being detained for d drunken dri\ 1 Thr pr withdrew the chi
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  • 39 4 A Singapore merchant. Teo Slew Chuan. was yesterday acquitted on a charge of hi paid, without p> the Controller of Foreign Exchange, a sum of 513.500 to another Colony merchant. I :ned. on behalf of person in Bangkok
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  • 105 4 They were arrested just the same IPOH, Tuesday. LX)UR men who went to help a Catholic priest when 1 his car broke down in a curfew area on Christmas night appeared in the Magistrate'? Court here today. Pin Chec Mm. Wong Seng Chew, 30.
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  • 65 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The executive council of the Federation's Indian Education Committee, an independent public body, has ruled that It waa not passible to introduce 1 national type classes in the present non-Government In- dian schools in the country However, the council decided that the Governments
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  • 65 4 Lights will go out for a few minutes at midnight on New Years Eve during the Watch Night service at the Singapore Wesley Church. Fort Canning. Road," to mark the end of the year. When the lights arc switched j on again, the service
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  • 21 4 SEGAMAT. Tues. The Begamat International Club will hold a New Year's party with a dinner and dance on Friday.
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  • 24 4 A thief broke into a hnuse in Lorong Tai Seng. Singapore, on Monday night and stole $646 and jewellery worth $128.
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  • 123 4 PENANG VISITORS' CONCERT School orchestra plays tonight THE Chung Ling High School Orchestra from Penang which arrived In the Colony on Sunday will stage a public performance at the Vie- 1 toria Memorial Hall at 8.45 tonight. The programme, consisting of seven items will last about two-and-a-half hours "We left
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  • 25 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A Police party found two box<> containing 1.000 round.s of shotgun ammunition in the Kanear district of Per.:* on Sunday.
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  • 66 4 PENANG. Tues— For breaking 1 bond to be of good behaviour for five years. Cheah Guan Chuan. 22. was sentenced In the Sessions Court today to four years' jail. Cheah signed the bond on Oct. 20 this year, but last week he was sentenced to
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  • 127 4 SEVEN Federation student nurses who left Singapore yesterday in the Charon for Australia to study for two years at a Perth hospital under the Colombo Plan. They are, from left: Miss A. Annrthavalli, Miss Dorothy Foenander, Miss Chew (h>e Im, Ungku Otaimunah
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  • 144 4 OUMAN bones and a skull were found near a spot in the compound of the Middleton Hospital, where a few days earlier a rusty bayonet was discovered, a Singapore Coroner's inquiry was told yesterday. A pathologlsts report said that the bones were those
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  • 60 4 BUTTER WORTH. Tues. Rice millers In Penang and Province Wellesley UMNO have given about 50 bags for the victims of the Kuala Muda fire. Province UMNO and MCA have sent clothing The 15-man rellel committee distributed a gantang of rice and $1 to each victim as
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  • 31 4 SEGAM.VT. Tver —Bail was refused Yap Swee Kian. a 33- year-old woman, charged here with possession ot 24 katls of uncooked rice 'presumed to be for bandits
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  • 23 4 17-ytar-old girl. Tang M«-i Ytng has be;-n mil from her bouse in Race C Road Sinu.ip. r< since Christma> Day I
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  • 121 4 Six nurses ot the St. AndrewMission Hospital. Singapore, have been awarded certificates and badges after completing a three-year training course in nursing sick children The presentation was made by the Bishop of Singapore thi Rt. Rev H. W Barnes. I The nurses will now continue their
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  • 17 4 Four Australian Re nurse> \< Federatio;. year.s sailed for I terday. land O'Brien, a
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  • 216 4 WHERE ARE OUR AMBULANCES. ASKS THE MCA. Red Cross and St. John exm A DEPUTATION «f two from li, Uev n Association last night m<t v aIa Red Cross and St. SJnXbX^! of 70 ambulances and vans tost,,, ;ib "ut th f MCA gave for work in new ,35*3 anS?*
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  • 27 4 Indian dian s h,-, vesurn li and y wuini th«, "P to be laboured H, called upor ™l co-op, ■Governments ai
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  • 43 4 Singapore Rotarians will hold a symposium or. "Looking Back on 1954" during their weekly meeting at the Capitol I Blue Room at 1 p.rr. today The speakers will be RotaI rlans John Ede. George Thomson and Alligton Kennard
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 322 4 HILLMAN present 5 new leaders in the light car class including three new O.H. V. models B^s^B^B^B^B^Bjua^^^^. f^tN There s a car for everybody in the new Hillman high performance range 1 1 The exciting new Dc Luxe saloon, the Californian and the Convertible ha\r \*«Mr^^Tsi^^!^v^ Sr"* i''^rf'\\ new O.H.V.
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  • 101 5 NOBODY SAW THE ECLIPSE 1 4 PPARENTLY no one in Ma- laya after eating his Christmas dinner noticed the eclipse of the sun on Christmas Day between 4 p.m. and i 6 30 p.m. The Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Malaya. Prof. J. C. Cooke. watched for
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  • 56 5 The Administrative Officer. Muar. has sent a letter of thanks to the Royal Malayan Navy fo: the fine work rendered by officers and men and motor launch No. 3502 during the recent floods in the Federation. Commander of the R.M.N. launch was Lt. L.
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  • 191 5 SINISTER ANGLE OF RISING PRICES: ESTATE MANAGERS' WARNING DANGER THAT TERRORISTS MAY ORGANISE RAIDS TO BOLSTER FUNDS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. J'HEFT of rubber is on the increase now that prices have risen. The fear is that the terrorists will, as they did in 1949, 1950 and
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  • 64 5 $1,000 for her Chinese New Year spending MISS ANMK TAN. 21 a Singapore stenographer, who will share with 14 other first prize winners of Ihe Malayan Monthly Word l'll7/lf (ontt'st 'X". said yesterday that it was "first time lucky" for her. Misv Tan. who livrs in Marshall Kn.iil. will receive
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  • 83 5 One of the oldest ships to call at Singapore and FederattOß Dorts. the 5.300-ton Fionia, I has been sold. Her owners, the East Asiatic Line of Denmark, built the Flonla 40 year.s ago specially to ply between Scandinavia and Bangxok via Malayan ports. One of the rew
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  • 29 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tup.s New postage stamps bearing the portrait of the Queen will he on .sale at all post offices in Malacca and Penang on January b.
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  • 302 5 NO FUNDS —BUT HE WROTE CHEQUES KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. AN engineer admitted in the Sessions Court here today that he had, "indiscriminately drawn" cheques •wnen he had no funds in the bank to meet them. He was Colin Phillip Ansell, 32, who said he had made out Mvcral cheques on
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  • 151 5 Mysteru sender signs letter: Penitent 4 LETTER which arrived during the holidays has mystified the City Council. In an envelope postmarked Singapore were three n >% w $100 bills and note addressed to tb»> Secretary of the Council. The note, typewritten, said: I "Please lind
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  • 53 5 Mr. SIM FACES PARTY COMMITTEE Singapore Progressive Party's "rebel" City Councillor, Mr. Sim Beng Seng, had a showdown last night with his party's executive eommiftee. Mr. Sim faced the committee to an.swer two charges of having voted against fellow party members at recent City Council meetings. The committee will announce
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  • 79 5 LAWYER WEDS IN THE CATHEDRAL A Singapore lawyer. Mr. A P. Godwin, of Donaldson and Burkinshaw. and Miss Queenie Smith, eldest daughter of the I firm's senior partner. Mr. C. H. Smith, were married at St Andrew's Cathedral on Monday. The bridesmaids were Cynthia and Joan Smith, the bride's sisters.
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  • 49 5 A learner-driver. Koh Siak Moh, who pleaded guilty to 1 riding a motor-cycle within jcity limits during restricted hours on Oct. 15 last, was fined $25 by the Singapore First Traffic Magistrate. Mr. J. P. Trainor, yesterday. Koh was found driving the motor-cycle along River Valley Road.
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  • 163 5 PIN PIN MEETS GRANDMOTHER LOW (70) FOR FIRST TIME A PRETTY Singapore girl student returned to the Colony from Sydney yester- i day to meet her 70-year-old grandmother for the first time. The uit I was .Miss Ho Pin Pin. a former Nanyang; Girl's High School pupil, who returned to
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  • 159 5 THE 'BLUE BABY' IS BEING EXAMINED f'ENERAL HOSPITAL doctors had no-, completed thfir pxaininat.on.s yrst.rrday of ?ho four month old "blue b;tby" flown to Singapore from Kuantan in a spe-eiaHy-rhartrrrd plane on Monday. But the doctor In charge nf tru children's ward, to which the b;iby has h< < n
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  • 33 5 L'm Meng Tiak. who drove a car along Seranßonn Road to fo miles an hour <>n '22 last, and thus cxc c :;<> m.p.h. limit. whs fined $50 in Singapore j terday.
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  • 142 5 PENANG. Tues— The jobs of union leaders are always in daneei from men with antiunion sentiments, Mr. Yeoh Cheane Seng, secretary of the Penane Municipal Sei S'afr Union, said in his 1954 report presented at today's annual meeting of memh. Ml Yeoh urged the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 144 5 genuine BAUSCH LOME ■>* rsTI w b fA ANTIGLARE Z+m CLASSES W CAN ONLY BE W PURCHASED W THROUGH W REPUTABLE W OPTICIANS AND W I.E.\m\(; DEPARTM MENTAL STOKES in factory Mated packing Jmf with the necessary iden tification BEWARE O/ I#/O\S fiuivo L*a ML Recognized mark of dulmction I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 511 5 RADIO MALAYA Bgyj Music of America; 10 3U 11.111 l Mumi At Nlghl. (•Protrammrs Ihus maik<fl can b<- rrci-iM-d by lislfnrrs in Malacca. I „*S^,.j 4 Shortwave l!t and 62m. Medium I '^^^H^^M «ayr 176 m., 543., 366 m. and MiTmj. I H|^J|^i|MKl P ■>,< 1 ihi Favourite nunce ■BMB^Bl^BßllMMßßMW^Bjwafjwa^BSl
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  • 29 6 MR AND MRP ANTHONY YEO BOON TAT Gift*, OOH sin ended i c in 1 \N BOON Re:.i. It lor pit end- u-e of fielr third son. Tan
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  • 14 6 :0 Hordv ?IO (mmimam). IN EVERLCVIV Lee. •>1 one I lo: Soon.
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  • 78 6 minimum/. FOLLOW PLDANT Even,- D the v :L)'v.-in A NEW YEAR BurpriM That inuny IE FROCKS lor >: p.m IT but "Anßt chem: MRS. CECILIA ROBERTSON wishr takir.. John Littles Building, as from 3rn January. 1955, and will velcerr.e patron.s old and BA i and beauty of Port 7th
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  • 665 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Dec. 29, 1954. Outside Aid for Asia Forecasts of the amount of kctfn aid likely to be available for Asia next yea'--i that the Asian Pr .ie Ministers at Bogor will not need to devote much time to discussion of their attitude towards the little
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  • 353 6 The Singapore Fire Brigade has drawn attention afresh to i fire hazards in the heart of the city. By a coincidence, the results of its survey of the kampongs have been reported !to the City Council when the public are still much occupied with disaster and the problem
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  • 270 6 Siam is to end its government rice monopoly and put the export trade back in private hands. The price of Siamese rice, says the Director General of Foreign Trade, also will be revised so that Siamese oxporters can match their competitors. It is not doM whether he means
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    • 1055 6 Language policy is a threat to racial cultures I WISH to refer to your 1 editorial "The Ghost of Barnes," dealing with the education policy of the Federation Government. Is there a threat to vernacular education? According to you, the fact that, in future, Chinese and Tamil will be taught
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    • 483 6 YOUR article regardtng the termination of Inche Wan Abdul Hani id' s scholarship ll very interesting, especially when the authorities are stated to discourage "visits to iron curtain countries. But did the authorities know that the trip to Moscow and Peking was
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    • 93 6 FIVE-YEAR REPORT WANTED rE secretary of the Hindu Advisory Board is reported to have said that the Government should dissolve the Board and set up a new board with a revised constitution. His idea of a revised constitution is to widen the scope of its functions The Hindu public knows
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    • 131 6 GUESTS DIDN'T TURN UP ON Saturday. Dec. 18. the local Malay school held its annual speech and prize giving day. Only the District Officer, Port Dickson, and his wife, who was requested to distribute the prizes, replied to the invitation giving intimation of their inability to attend. Apart from about
      131 words
    • 142 6 BY the inauguration of the Flood Relief Fund the Immediate needs of those most affected were met. The loss of paddy crops ■hortly due for harvesting, and the damage done to property, will greatly affect many Malayan communities for many months to come. I have Just returned
      142 words
    • 179 6 NATIONAL PLAN IS NONE TOO SOON SOME of the Chinese in the Federation have expressed strong views against the national plan of education. They have even quoted the UNESJO manifesto. It is true that UNESCO provides that all governments should prr not and assist the .arioui peoples domi' 1 d
      179 words
    • 57 6 THANK YOU, PROF. MASON THANK you. Prof. Mason, for expressing very frankly what many a graduate teacher has often felt but has never stated openly for fear of jeopardizing his future In utter desperation his only resort is to ask his Maker whether It la an unpardonable sin to be
      57 words
    • 37 6 I SUGGEST that a shed be erected at the request bus stop in front of St. Joseph's schoo'.. On a rainy day one is often soaked aliuhtir.waiti" for a bus TAX PENG Jl I Singapore.
      37 words
  • 57 6 On the margine tau Sec;. at P polii POli! But who, poli: the unrev are, not sell M that t0 S Gandhi, s nev< schi. othi of th rammed hea^l nave i mast to ins 1 they Sic up th thing only Art anH ideo] T HAVI 1 crar Did
    57 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 409 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. ;n H'ord. »1« (minimum). TKTCH: To Joan nnd R' on Xmas Day. a son. Mark riTT: To Patricia Ann. fp of R. A. Pi rr. on December 26;1. ECerbau HobpJ 10 Word* flO (minimum). menl waa announced on 'Jo- 12- 54. between ■:i or Mr. <v Mrs. Yeo
      409 words
      11 words
    • 60 6 There is no wav of doing juti pleasure of MURRAYMIN R yourself. You'll find them ■btotutd; They're hard, with a crcamv smoothness, and they have a delicate -wrif> a delicious hint of tin lOpponN Katoftfl 46 Mover R..d. Si-* DiMi &s»?^sr TWO BANDS IN A^^vjENSlON NEW YEAR S EVE A
      60 words

  • 326 7 NEW YEAR IT WILL BE THE BOURNE PLAN PLUS 10CAL LEADERS IN EVERY STATE WILL HELP TO WAGE THE JUNGLE BATTLE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. 1 0(\L political and community leaders will v Income members of all State War Executive Committees from Jan. 1. Invitations have
    326 words
  • 84 7 MAJOR IN HOME GUARD IS ACCUSED OF $21,909 FRAUD irOH Tues.— Fnrtv six ■Id Major C. H. i assistant State Home (iuard Officer, was d at the magisI court with crihreach of trust of between Jan. 1 and Dec, 18 this year in I wag recorded. proseeatlnf officer, Mr. (i.
    84 words
  • 30 7 ..ikrishnan. secretary Workers' Un- In Singard ij on a charge of furnish to the Re- Trade Unions state* nditure and the union. prosecution withdrew rge.
    30 words
  • 21 7 rs of the Ist and 11th. Singapore Boys' held a combined bind display at the i Street Presbyterian rriay.
    21 words
  • 63 7 Ties. Three mukims aang Padang district. b food has been gon large quantities to have been pubeing put on opera- :e ration. The muklms are Bidor. Sungkai and Slim and the operational rice ration is three katis for men. 2J katis for women and two
    63 words
  • 420 7 rpHE crew of the burn- ing Danish freighter Lexa Maersk complained yesterday that they had been neglected by officials since they were forced to abandon the ship on Saturday. The 41 men lust all their belongings in the flre and declared
    420 words
  • 54 7 Llm Khim Teah, 19, and Teo Hea Swea, 17, claimed trial in Singapore yesterday on a charge of stealing two model aeroplanes, worth $140, from a car at the Jalan Besar Stadium car park on Monday evening. They were offered $500 bail In one surety
    54 words
  • 64 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— The Johore Social Welfare Department today announced it has distributed $84,493 to flood victims in the state. A total of $105,000 was avail- able for relief, but goods worth $9,000 were brought from this money, leaving a balance of only SI 1.507. This
    64 words
  • 1107 7 THE combined Singapore and Federation Flood Relief Funds yesterday reached a j total of $445,916 22. Singapore's share of this total was $269,344.72 and the Federation's $176,571.50. Yesterday, a further $2,469.91 was received for the Singapore Fund. They were contributions from readers who sent in
    1,107 words
  • 268 7 rAMS of Government and volunteer relief workers were again distributing money, food and stock to flood victims in Singapore yesterday. Officials said that the rehabilitation of farmers was going on so fast that many would soon be earning a living j again from their floodwrecked holdings.
    268 words
  • 77 7 Debts drove him to the grave A MAN heavily in debt was found hanuini; from a tree i:i a Chinese cemetery in Upper Serangoon Road on Oet 14. the Singapore CoroCourt was told yester Rour, his neck was his own trou.sers and on his face were acid burns The man,
    77 words
  • 228 7 'THANKS GURKHAS,' SAYS SEGAMAT SFUAMAT, Tues. THE people of Sogamat said a far p v. "Thunk. you" today to 2nd Battalion of the j 6th Gurkha Rifles, who _r transferred to ,i Sombilan, after ai m this lor the past 20 I Him, v .vtid It with a prof two
    228 words
  • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Po::;e Constable Yeo Ah Foo, of Huh Street police station, manded in ciutody charged here with attempted armed robbery It was alleped that Yeo, while armed with a revolver, tried to rob Tan Chin Chlew, of Kuala Lumpur, on Dec. 8 at Tiga. off Chan
    53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 «5. Barone Ricasoli ps ARBIA j r (WHITE) \jp^ Barone Ricasoli IP BROLIO j (RED) Sole Agent, THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. ASll N J^h OBTAINABLI AT ALt LiAD.NC WATCH OIAUBS
      31 words
    • 139 7 /■TFI P|\ sound \^l Ml PROJECTORS /^Tr^is. Playi Back Immediately ($SJ\Sj\ Record* Any Time [iv **^*il Any piacc \(X~}*~<U' tas V and Economical \/Jj^y^-y to Operate *'i tzOj&V DcLukc RCA 400 Seniot =s j \g/K Quality Sound-ProiCCtion 1 Ki~l Records Magnetic Trick SfcllV^ J Rcproduccj Optical Track 3 Reproduce, Ma«n«t.c
      139 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 163 7 The weather MINIMI M TEMPERATIRE (7 30 p.m. on Dec. 27 to 7.30 am. "n Dec. 28): Singapore 73 degrees. Penang 72. Kota Bahru 72. Kuala I Lumpur 71. Ipoh 70. Kuantan 68. MAXIMIM TF.MPf.RATIRE (7.30 am. to 7.30 p.m. on Dec. 28 1: Singapore 86. Penang 90. Kota 1
      163 words

  • 678 8 A Very Happy New Year For Uncle Ollie HOORAY HOORAY! IT'S THE NEW YEAR TODAY." carolled Uncle Ollie at the top of his voice. "My goodness me. I made up a rhyme. Did you notice? Ah Chan grinned. "Well I never, I think you are clever." he said. Now I've
    678 words
  • 242 8 Dear Boys and Girls, A very happy New Year to you all I hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday. Have you decided upon your New Year resolutions yet? There is a colouring contest for you this week and I'm sure you will have a lot
    242 words
  • 887 8 THE Scouts were tying on the fioor trussed up like Christmas turkeys. The two men had done their work well. They had bound the boys' hands and feet with strong rope so tightly that they couldn't move an inch. "Stay and watch them
    887 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 ICE fmSgS^ CREAM Served on t/te ...a// over Malaya and in Borneo too! E\\ The famous model «fi*tte»tMHJt. ever-made Movado Auto«k sc\ matic 351 ■>, is not only the y"*" i§± u^ °f *h e town but nas created a stir everywhere. jg&" )U^ ■'^**'x m J ust P ut
      224 words
    • 25 8 pi EASE enrol me as a member of the Children's Corner Wit* Owls and tend me a badge NAME ADDRESS t.j.j v. DATE OF BIRTH
      25 words
    • 100 8 II fjW j 'J *<yrf, I)f I fc. J I C M !> f w V .Ml 111 mo i iii' i j I tIV WHAT S *f/tf?J§ ¥p v r Throughout Malay* MILO is known Vas a valuable health giving d' r K It has a wholesome chocolate flavour.
      100 words

  • 1706 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURES Nazi raider ran British gauntlet to face a fiery death OVLR the icy Arctic waters off Norway on Boxing Day, 1943, drifted snatches of a sentimental German song: "On a sailor's tomb, no roses bloom. 1 The voices came from 36 battle-grimed men, sole survivors of
    Daily Mirror  -  1,706 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 334 9 MSblikan, *HT Obtainable at all leading ff Book Stores and Stationers Relief for indigestion sufferers If is not often realized that f the stomach upsets er mealtimes d, it ulenoe and a reeling r,m genended quick] aeatr&lising the i-xcess acid. Simple to take will do this safely and taken after
      334 words
    • 7 9 TOMOIIIIOtV (tnlVilt, v fired >r»» York
      7 words
    • 295 9 P«.4MI I Rise and Shine Every Day jM, \j\ y" I because lam never bothered by the usual ills that trouble in If? i/ EXPECTANT MOTHER j\ 111 (I During my Pregnancy kk^y)l y 7 I always take MILK OF MAGNESIA A PRODUCT OF PHILLIPS /gggL EVERY DAY. becausa JL^jS
      295 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 166 9 Shvriock iiointes Thy piper vntvrs iPick Tr€ivt§ 3iurdvrvss an TV ■HHP|HHHBam_Zr~I r^ 00 ALEX. WWEN IGol V DRESS UP AS A 1 HEY.' y^STUCrV TUS PACE f^ fpAWnPFrTl\lun TAKINJC a n AFTER A MAN. I MUST SHOESHINEf POLICE LOOK NOU ARE LOOKING jc£f£^ N renr- k-TCAT V KNOW EXACTLY WMAT
      166 words

  • 846 10 JANUARY first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. cUaed in Singapore yesterday at 94 3 4 cents a pound, 32 cents above Friday's closing price. At one stage during market hours business was done up to 95£ cents, following a speculative buying wave set off
    846 words
  • 122 10 I*HE largest .single crusher of Its type ever built by a BrltLsh engineering company. Sheopbridee Engineering Ltd Chesterfield, is being despatched to Malaya fc- work at Batu Arang opencast coil mine near Kuala Lumpur. The machine is 48-ton slugger-roll crusher which is needed to break up
    122 words
  • 4 10 s|N Mf'<n
    4 words
  • 18 10 SINGAPORE SHIPPING P^VSriW'*,, Kyoe, son Arnhi Wall i3ronk»' I 25 2<; Sunnas Serin; Lor. Sii H uaf S
    18 words
  • 63 10 January fi rs 6 buyers f.o.b. closed in s ne J 5 today at B4\ cents a S Th", .fto*. 95. No. 2 buvm 9, No- 3 buyers 9 r. Tuesday lD e,e mber2BlU I Buy™ SHim Spot No. 1 RSS. fob. bale> No. 1 R S 8
    63 words
  • 52 10 Sineapor' CUaCM Prndurr f x rhanfr: noon prices pf 7 8 buye-s, %v. 14 oil q. Pd M II < B. Ltd. rln»in< prii II ill I lers; I I s3l I I $31 b.. .■■•pariseller^ a.m. $3n 7 R noon $31 b p.m. $31 1 4 5
    52 words
  • 20 10 On Hone Ken; dollar was quoted at and »Jl4 for T.T Ster one tad n: §o d a-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 577 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for appointment as Temporary Stenographers and Registry Assistants Timescale In h. Federation of jra Police Force. Appointment* are on a month to month basis in the salary scale I192-A12-336 per mensem plus current rates of cost of living allowance Vacancies exist In formations throughout the
      577 words
    • 407 10 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION ALL MEMBERS of the above Association In the Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Friday 31st December 1954 and Saturday Ist January 1955 being Bank and Public Holidays res- peetively. THE ASIA INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporatec! in Singapore). ASIA (iARDKN off
      407 words
    • 569 10 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDIRn ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Supply ol 10 x 750 KVA Transformers 15 x 500 KVA Transformers 10 x 300 KVA transformers. Ratio 8.600 433 volts. Winding! I>elta Star. Vector Group DVII ON. type for outdoor service with "ofT load" u»p changing gear. Close N00N— 26.1.55. Forms
      569 words
    • 1002 10 COMPANY MEETINGS MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LTD., AND SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LTD. MR. ER\EST V. PEARCE'S STATEMENTS The annual general meetings of I Malayan Tin Dredging. Ltd and Southern Malayan Tin Dredging. Ltd were held on December 15 In London. Mr. ERNEST V. PEARCE, the chairman, presided. The following are
      1,002 words
    • 996 10 In conjunction with one of our associated companies we have examined certain areas of the seabed off the coast of Malacca with. I regret to say, negative r«*ult«. If Malaya Is to retain her posi- tion as a large tin producer It is essential that every encouragement be given to
      996 words
    • 308 10 SHIPPING NOTICES ■t. "TJIPANAS" 11.-nh.-d H 12 54: SUB <;dmi. 1/* The senfral survey of a!l dumaeed package will be held on Frt., Slit I>«*. Mi No further surveys will be held after this date. XV. KF.M ■OVAL IXTEROCrAX l.!Vr» «t. "SIAOE" Rrilhrd 14 1? 54: SHR Gdn. 7 The
      308 words
    • 319 10 KNUTSEN LINE Fast and Regular Service FROM CANADA/U.S. PACIFIC PORTS 30 DAYS Sailing Arriving ian Franrisco Singapore P'Swrrt Penang frwiwiH* Elisabeth Bakke 4 |.in 6 ha 7 h* Ogeka Bakk* 29 Dec 30 tea 1 Fcb 2 Feb Ann* Bakk* 8 jan 7 Feb 9 Fcb 10 Fcb 17 Fek
      319 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1053 11 llflI Ifl X405 MANSFIELD <Sc CO., LTD. T.I: 4 .i THE BLUE FUHHKL LIMB "l*,.^ Dopt Smgopore Liverpool S 1 P in m Penong Doc 29/ JO G 29/30 Jan 4 i._ Jan Jon 5 Jan 4 Jan 7/ 8 Jan 4/IO Jon 4 Jan II j., 2 n Jan
      1,053 words
    • 1134 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwera, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg A Oslo S'pora P Shorn Penong I -ANDIA" 8/ 9 Jan 10/10 Jan 11/11 Jan "ASIA" .8/20 Jon 21/22 Jan Calls London (posting. rs onl, Raj Colls Beyrouth, Gdynlo. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK /CONTINENT P.
      1,134 words
    • 1032 11 Su.'l o dln C THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. m N 7 SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kinodom) 5 LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora S'hom Panong Benv.rfich tor Avonmouth, London, Rtterdam, Antwerp 8. M/M 11 Dae/ 2 Jaa 3/ 4 Jan Bonvenue tor Liverpool, Glosgow, Rottardom, Hamburg
      1,032 words
      1,218 words

  • 460 12 EDUCATION CHIEF SAYS: 'BUT I LACK THE FUNDS 9 A MOTION attacking; Johore's new sixyear education policy and calling on the Government to provide afternoon classes and vocational training schools, found unanimous unofficial support in the State Council yesterday. The motion, which was carried.
    460 words
  • 36 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Inche Hashim bin Abdullah, of Gri&ek, Mr. Cyril Chew, of Muar and Inche Mohd Yasslm bin Hassan, of Simpanß Rengam, have been appointed rubber supervising officers for their areas in Johorp.
    36 words
  • 89 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday THREE senior R.A.F. officers escaped unhurt today when a Whirlwind helicopter of 155 squadron crash-landed near Semenyih, 18 miles from Kuala Lumpur. They were Squadron Leader N. H Jackson-Smith. O.C. 155 Sauadron; Wine Commander W. R Williams O.C. Flying Wine RAF.,
    89 words
  • 92 12 Woman loses $4,000 diamond clip 4 SI.OOO diamond and plati- mini dress clip belonging to a European woman living in '.(hlrt'ot t Hill ite. Sincapore. was reported lost vMrrday A polite spokesman >aid it was one of a pair, which the owner wore on a visit to Prim r's
    92 words
  • 21 12 A lorry driver, Chene Shek Hone, who carried 12 extra 1 Dassencers, was fined $50 in i Sincapore yesterday.
    21 words
  • 62 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A Home Guard on Sunday opened fire and wounded a t terrorist as he levelled his rif> to shoot him in the Chi- kus forest reserve in the Tapah area of Porak. A gang of 10 or 12 terrorists were cutting trees when
    62 words
  • 239 12 MR. TAN CHIN TUAN. Chinese Chamber of Commerce representative in the Singapore Legislative Council, was yesterday urged to resign he showed indifference to the Chamber's case for multi-lingualism. The suggestion was made by Mr. Chuang Hui Tsuan. a committee member, during discussions on the
    239 words
  • 42 12 Inmates of Trafalgar Home. Yio Chu Kang Road. Singapore. will present a Christmas play at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow, and on Jan 2 and 6. The public 18 years and j above are invited to all the three performances.
    42 words
  • 139 12 Goodbye and thanks to Mr. Marsh AFTER nearly a lifetime of loyal service. Mr. Thomas \V. Marsh, cashier and chief i clerk, said goodbye to Evatt and Company. Singapore, at a touching ceremony at Robinson^ Restaurant yesterday. He retires this week after 38 years of service. Souvenir gifts, including a
    139 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 112 12 t?3 2£& fc& <^ <oT«fc Vj\ *>- be I tarlsberti Why put up with Jtr*- 2 slow hand figuring y ,when you con have fast; easy machine figuring at no extra cost JSjfc^^SSiit With the new Burrought S«nsU Bs^ mafic all your accounting can ba sjpAf^H done quicker, easier, more
      112 words
    • 209 12 "Grow your own £SP*^fe I ...It's child's play!" wT WT v r l I "EUAILE $EEOS^\/( OW Tom, Ihr Yalr. «.,r.!,,,,. l*Hinnrr« lind it'- l>r,, and mVMMm f,, r ih. h.,m,. «i,h t 1 sh n "»'r. Sr«-H.. Th.-.V, prr-i..|r,| f,, r ||lr^ rr«iilu. Sold onU in s your protrrtion.
      209 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 235 12 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS n. High up but finally painful 1. Skill and cunning? i6t. l s> -3. Pride helps to be fearless (8) 16 Bitterness with the CO.? (7). 8. Joint from end of bird (8) I 7 P"*" "o" 1 out an «l P'c^ 10. PorpoUes. thought or
      235 words

  • 196 13  -  I I'sOM JEEP Mont Clare ■> Constellation Special Feature By ENJOYMENT II has r> regained his best md, with Ore and rock Slipper out. Hir-year-old apaa a safe oach- In Cl. 2. Div. 1 Race Four) at today, third day Christmas-New Meeting. There was
    196 words
  • 887 13 Race 1—3.15: Class 5, Div. 3—l Mile. 1 367 Jimton 7y Mulley 9.00 Cheong Thlam Chye Rodgers 2 724 Fort View 6y Talt 813 Kla Ora Stable Tjoa 3 905 Jimmy Bey II 4y Younger 8.12 Tan Cheng HocJr Allan 4 800 Problematic 4y Donnelly 810 Belmont
    887 words
  • 118 13 i PSON ii i r mi it l VIEW limmy B<i\ II (..,rin B .ii mn roiKTM orin «iorinr >l(i\l I. ARK >plendour I krlrlr i u\>ll 1 KiN (SUtteriac Muni re >l'IINIM)l R RO(; Mont (l»re al Uthl Kincsbrau Mont t|mr (.IITTKRIN,. M> f N(l VI1(
    118 words
  • 559 13 Philip Povall the mark on la; on liie Malayan Turf ie Brown Booty in ■>day. his good seKUOQ OVW Brown Booty appeais as each-way propoMfim. He Kumar on fi-lb. hotter •i.K'h beating Is !is rlghl distance OTOd rasily o'er I imipi r
    559 words
  • 149 13 TALKING. Tue*. SINGAPORE schoolboy N. K Devan won the men's singles title at the annual Peralc IndoCeylonese badminton champlonsnips which concluded here yesterday. Di \an beat F.A.L. Ocnzaga. the Selangor Foong Seong Cup player. In MraUnt set!, of 15-11. 15-8 Devan also won another title
    149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 13
    2 words
  • 149 13 EVERTON TOPPLE WOLVES AGAIN LONDON, Tver. •THE Christmas football J 1 league programme, though lighter than usual, provided a serious i setback for the cham- pions, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Top of the league, one point ahead of Sunderland before the holiday matches. Wolverhampton crashed twice aealnst Everton and lost the lead
    149 words
  • 251 13 LONDON, Tues. BILLY WRIGHT, England and Wolverhampton soc<er captain, was taken to with concussion I after playing for his club against Everton yesterday. Wright sustained the injury just before the end of I the match and afterwards was taken ill. He regained i consciousness
    251 words
  • 1285 13 hrl**a 1 Arsenal 1 Huddeninrld 1 Sunderhtnd > Everton 3 Wolves 2 l.nrrslrr 0 Mirtfu Id I Id 1 Manchester I. 0 A*ton VilU I \i vi, .i-ii, 2 Manchester C. 8 Portsmouth 3 Blackpool m -i.hi 0 Burnley I Sheffield 2 < harlton Ath. I
    1,285 words
  • 143 13 LONDON, Tues. OfcSULTS of rugby Union matches v played yesterday are: Blai kheath 12 Oxiord and Cambridge Past and Present 6; Harlequins 6 Richmond 13. Old Millhll- tiis 8 London Irish 8: Aberavon 0 Neath 0. Abertlllerv 3 Kubw Vale 10; Bath 19 Old Blues 9 Bedford
    143 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 29 13 MALAYAN MOTORISTS £fer r -on the right trackhave discovered mmm'lmmV I (J)aH,..DUNLOP the tyres with "teeth" to bite the road THE DUHLOP RUBBER CO., (M»L»VA) LID., IHWWE-HWU UWII HMH
      29 words
    • 608 13 WM The largest stocks of B Plant and Machinery in the ■K British Commonwealth mm ''*> hr (,oaHir, n B» r v r,,mpr,-io« fo,ir-wh«-l rh...i. w ,tK iKivrUmj fore. .rr.» f r „rrym K I*,' j M r i,.hrr Wl th I <h.,n «n<l MM tIt«MH lrr,l, D f(v- r
      608 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 46 13 GOOD WEATHER CONTINUES j PFNXNCi had another sunny broadcast commentaries on i day yesterday and the today's races. Sv K ood a>t THE TREBLE TOTE will be on Three. Five and Six. in, Big Sweep will be RADIO MALAYA uill not drawn on Race Six.
      46 words

  • 296 14 kl \l M'MPUR, Tuesday. LIEN HUA Badminton Party of Kuala Lumpur may appeal to the International Badminton Federation against the sixmonth suspension of ex-Thomas Cup player Abdullah Piruz by the Selangor 8.A., the Straits Times was told today.
    296 words
  • 283 14 MAY HITS A MERRY 157: M.C.C. GET 438 NEWCASTLE. N.S.W.. Tues. PETER MAY. the young Surrey amateur, hit 157 to lead the way in an M.C.C. scoring spree against New South Wales" Northern District here today, second day of the game. With the third Test only three days off. the
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 118 14 MELBOURNE. Tues. ARTHUR MORRIS. Auitralias f opening batsman, scored 78 not out today for New South Wales against Victoria tn 'heir Shef•leld Shield match here. Morn* bated with sureness and freedom and hit five four*. He was helped by Jim Burke i36i in a second wicket
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 20 14 TAMPIN. Tues. E" Troop of 93 Field Battery beat Battery Headquarter* 3-2 a' sourer here »od«v
    20 words
  • 31 14 RL'GGER S.C'.C. 'A' roll P.T.S. ground: R.A.F. Changi t R.N.A.B. Srmbawanc, Chanel. HOCKEY FRIENDLY: S.R.C. v Indian Awn.. S.R.C. padang. RADMINTON SIM.APORF Badminton Aiwn. srnior intrr-rluh championship Badminton Hall.
    31 words
  • 405 14 j 1 VyEIGHTS for all TT eight rare* on New Year's Day. last j day of the Penang Turf Club meeting C-C's Cup, Cl .1, It miles Golden Lotus 9.07 Broadside 9.05 Bearer Bond 8.12 Campos Belle 8.09 Elturius 8 07 Cinder* Prince 806
    405 words
  • 77 14 WELLINGTON. Tues. Otago Jus 1 failed to defeat CMn'crbury after declaring twice In their Plunket Shield cricket match here today The ma'ch ended In a draw with Canterbury s-ni 115 runs behind and only one second Innings wlrke! left Scores: Otago: 392 for 9 dccl. (B.
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 25 14 PENANO. Tues Penang Com- blned Schools will meet (he Unl\ersity of Malaya in a friendly hockey match on the Free School ground tomorrow.
    25 words
  • 245 14 ONG Poh Lim (Fraser M\ Neavej, the holder, will 1 meet Wong Peng Soon (Mayflowen for the Singapore Badminton Association's singles title. Poh Lim beat his Foong Seong team-mate, M. Sadah iMerrytlme' 15-5. 15-9 in I their semi-final at the Sin gapore
    245 words
  • 248 14 %|ARIGOLD and Mayflower won 1 their first round ties In the Singapore Badminton Association senior inter-club championship at the Badminton Hall last night. Marigold beat Lucky strike b\ 5-0. and Mayflower beat Flower by 4-1. Rc> Marigold beat Lucky Strike One P>h Lim beat Low Poh Hye
    248 words
  • 413 14 Rosewall and Hoad drop five service games to brilliant Americans DAVIS CUP TO U.S. AFTER 4 BLANK YEARS SYDNEY, Tuesday. 'THE UNITED STATES regained the Davis Cup iawn 1 tennis trophy by t. iking the doubles for a winning 3-0 lead over Australia in the Challenge Round here today. Vie
    Reuter  -  413 words
  • 112 14 ADELAIDE. Tues GIL LANGLEI, Australia's vickptkeeper. was injured n the Shefneld Shield natch here today but hopes to he fit to play in th< Third Test against England beginning in Melbourne on Friday. Lanjtley's left eyelid uas badly cut
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 82 14 LONDON. Tues. Yesterdays Rugby Leasue results were: Batley 12 Dewsbury 5: Belle Vue Ranger^ 3 Rochdale Hornets 13; Bramley 4 Doncaster 12. Featherstone Rovers 8 Castleford 8; Halifax 7 Huddersf.eld 3: Hull Kingston Rovers 19 Blackpool Brough 16. Hunslei 16 HuU 0; Keighley 6 Bradford Northern 5; St.
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 35 14 BATU PAHAT. Tue> -First Fijian Infantry Replment Sercants and Wan-ant Officers be.t tne Officers 9—6 in their annsial rugger match here yesterday. I Officers and I I I :odro reff rwc I
    35 words
  • 78 14 PENANG. Tu.-s a strong rally j In the second half enabled Penang Sports Club to beat University of i Malaya by 11 points (goal and two tries) to eight igoal and try> in j todays rugger match at Western I Road. University led 8-3 tn the first
    78 words
  • 52 14 CALCUTTA, Tues.— Efforts are to be made to bring an official Amtr*- Han cricket team to India next winter. A. N. Ghosh, joint secretary of the Indian Cricket Control Board, will visit Australia .shortly If hii team cannot be sent, an unofficial side will be
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 70 14 TOURISM FALL TO FITTER BLUES XV T Hf: tomanS •h S Road v^JV pointing. S ri F beatr of thi amor. Sinsh a: Bcharengulv, Btngap fence nc chai Ceyion I defer. The play The bml citing hair ball diil i r* vi*" Sl!._ I side Bin Kee s nnisl.r betwrrwide
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