The Straits Times, 21 December 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times /tail* 1 1 He**** Estd. 1843 SINGAPORE, TI'ESDAY, DECEMBER il. 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 351 1 We cancel treaty if you go on with Paris pacts' MOSCOW. Monday. Rl SSIA threatened today to abrogate the 1912 treaty of friendship between herself and Britain if the Paris agreements on German rearmament are ratified. The threat was contained in a Note handed to the British
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 97 1 SOEKARNO and HARTINI a second wedding JAKARTA. Mon. i >Xi »liv I Sorkarno and I his second wifr were married for the second time on Oct. 2 because of lejal objections to the first ceremony Jakarta newspapers reported today. The second ceremony was held sccretlv at Mr. Soekarno's mountain resort
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  • 85 1 'HE PLANNED S'PORE MASSACRE' TOKYO, Mon. A former; Japanese General tonight ac- j rused a member of the Diet of beini; the brains behind the, World War II execution of] Philippine Chief Justice Jose Abados Santos and the massacre ol niore than 300 Chinese in Singapore in 1942. Kivotuke Kawamichi.
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  • 29 1 NEW DELHI. Mon. India will soon .start a direct tele- phone service with China. Raj Bahadur. Deputy Minister for 1 communications. stated in j parliament todr.y Reuter.
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  • 47 1 Biggest ever variety show lJJhts the night vrarten the it ;it r.ton take the threeis beil dei :t num- lire city, the llvi r i bookthan 10 Win Chinese Any tic- callI gram- nnd mond meT mnp ma* aero- hoonf. nnor. na Asian Boys. Ihe dar.c? Bast
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  • 15 1 attacked three I Idlers were 'he 11> 2 Road, received kept in The third out-patient.
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  • 44 1 SI R JOHN SAYS THANKS I Singapore, exprmed Bedok yock Eng Ir efforts to alleviate the wretchedn, -ss of those whose homes h been damaged by the fl"«'"> Sir John's appreciation aplin a letter frpm Wa private .secretary to the pnncipals of both schools.
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  • 430 1 Combined flwd funds top $300,000 THE combined Singapore and Federation Flood Relief Funds topped the $300,000 mark yesterday, a week after they were opened. The total of the two funds was $306,701 at, the end of the clay. IX SINGAPORE. $26,706 was collected
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  • 48 1 THE WETTEST DECEMBER FOR 85 YEARS More rain has fallen in Sto(ore this month than in ;,:iv December f«r near!hundred years. In the period <*"« floods from Dec. 7 to Dec. 17. i inches WU recorded. This nearly three times asmuch as the a verase December rainfall since 1369.
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  • 25 1 PARTS. Mon. U- H^J 1 Franc* announced In thr N^ional Assembly today that Fiance has asked to be admitted to the Colombo Plan.
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  • 12 1 ROME. Mon. Pope Pius passed a fairly tranquil muht
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  • 31 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The forces, police and social welfare services received lett ra of praise todny from the High Commissioner. Sir Donald Ma^Gllllvray. for their work during the floods.
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  • 28 1 PARIS. Mon. The Govern- merit of M. n ierre Mendes France today won a vote of' confidence on Indo-China by i 310 votes to 172. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 397 1 England MAY yet win this Test 130 AHEAD, SIX WICKETS STANDING -THANKS TO PETER AND COLIN SYDNEY, Mon. A FOURTH WICKET stand of 116 by the two young amateurs, Peter May (98 not out) and Colin Cowdrey (54) left England with a fighting chance against Australia at the end of
    Reuter  -  397 words
  • 62 1 HONG KONG Mon One woman and four children leaped to their deaths over a 70-foot cllrT today as fire jswrpt through a squattrr settlement here. Thirty-five others were Injured. The nre. which lasted for about two hours, rased more than 500 huts perched on a
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  • 303 1 Xl ALA Ll'MPl'R. Mon ON what is believed to be the first occasion on recor.l. a Federation political party —the Malayan Chinese Asm. eiation— today announced its willineness to act as a •p,,vtbox' for information about terrorists This follows the decision
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  • 145 1 NAT 'KING' COLE AND SINATRA Colony may see them in the New Year SINGAPORE may sec vocalists "King" Cole. Frankie Lame. Frank Sinatra. Billy Daniels and Johnny Ray early next year. I Two American showmen— Mr Lee Gordon, of Florida and Mr Benn Reyes, of Hollywood—arrived in the Colony yesterday
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  • 208 1 He complains of being hamstrung From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Monday. (MDLONEL Arthur Young, former Commissioner of Police. Federation of Malaya, has asked to be relieved of his command of the Kenya Police Force, aecordirm to a Daily Express report from Nairobi. The report says tna:
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  • 43 1 CARACAS. Venezuela. Mon —A Venezuela air line cargo Diane, with a crew of two. crashed at the *eck-end in the mountains of eastern Venezuela. Some planes flyine in the area said there were no siens of life— A. P.
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  • 77 1 BRITAIN > PQLU V ON FORMOSA lOMJO.V, Mon.-Bntih Cimcrmnrnt said torn hr Britain is under no olilip.Unn to defend I•• ntht r than that ari>>in*. <iur of its I intcd Nations nn mbrrshiik Lord Kradin?, Mini I St.ttr fiu I nrnr.n Allah told Hour-c of lord', <.n\ ernrmnt
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  • 56 1 Six thugs entered the homo of Mr. Walter Neubronner in Waterloo Street Singapore, last night and demanded to se? him. They went off after being told that he was not at home. Mr. Neubronner. who has been commended by the police several times for Ms public
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  • 139 1 Through trains again today K. LUMPUR. Mon. I^AY and night mail trains will run again tomorrow between Singaporr and Kuala Lumpur, the Malayan Railway announced today. Repair worK on the damaged stretches of line between 1 Gemas and Segamat Is Rolng on satisfactorily but the Railway authorities warned pas- •>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 27 2 RANGOON. Ifon The Burmese Premier. U Nu. and his ■> n turned by plan,' Irom H.'i.nj after a bckmlwiU rlstt to Ch'nn r»n Sund.iv eveninc
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  • 245 2 NEW PREMIER DEMANDS: 'SCRAP THIS OCCUPATION CONSTITUTION' AND THAT'S ONLY NATURAL WHEN REDS HAVE SHOWN HAND IN KOREA, VIETNAM TOKYO, Monday. pRIME MINISTER ICHIRO Hatoyama toda> called tor the revision of the "occupation con stitution" with the elimination of Article Nine in which Japan renounced war,
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  • 173 2 Third victim of car crash dies in hospital KOALA LUMPUR. Won. MKS. Mary Mjrlea, «4. who was .seriously injured in a car crash at the seventh mile Klang Road last night, dird at the General Hospital herr early today Her husband. Mr 11. Myies. tiS. and thrir nine-year-old grand-daughter Freda
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  • 56 2 WASHINGTON. Mon—Children of foreign diplomats broadcast Christmas greetings and I prayer fo r peace in the language Of their countries over the Voice of America \i iterday Bhiir. Khemain. 10-year-oM Mr. S P. Khemani. an att&che of the Indian Embassy, drew loud applause tor ln> serious
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  • 54 2 HONG KONG. Mon —The ( Communists have re- Captain Alvaro De Andrade Salsado of the Portuguese army after holding him nearly three years Captain SaUado was returned in the same uniform he wore when captured on March 22. ]°52 while on a cruise between Macao and
    AP  -  54 words
  • 38 2 EDINBURGH Mon Fivt mountain climbers plunged 900 feel to their deathi yesterday near the summit of Ben NevLs The victims were all British Navy ofticers three petty officer.- a midshipman and a WREN AP
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  • 29 2 MOSCOW. Mon. The Gove!naient organ Izvestia ye.sterappealed to the "political ity. honesty and patriotism" of French National As.semblymen preparing to debate the German rearmament pacts. U.P.
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  • 27 2 LONDON. Mon. Celebrations will be held throughout the Soviet Union tomorrow to mirk the anniversary of the birth of Joseph Stalin. Moscow Radio reported. U.P.
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  • 27 2 BASRA, Mon. The first shipment of U.S. military aid to Iraq motor vehicles, arms and ammunition arrived here yesterday in the Steel Artisan. Reuter.
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  • 194 2 I^HE Indian Premier. Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, w ill stop at Singapore's Kallang Airport for only 45 minutes on Monday when he flies on his way to Jakarta to attend the conference of Colombo Pact nations. This will be just enough time for him
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  • 70 2 BIRMINGHAM. Mon. The Chief Prosecutor of Alabama has been accused of murderin? the man who wa.s to sue- i ceed him. The accused man li State Attorney-General Silas Gar- rett. HLs alleged victim wa.s Vlu attorn *y-Teneral elect Albert Patterson, of Phenix Patterson had promised to
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  • 160 2 He had money troubles, so he killed wife, three children with a hatchet PASADENA. Calif. ).Mon. 4 BUSINESS man who was in financial difficulties killed his wife and three ihil dren with i hatchet as they sl~pt last night, then tried to i commit suicide. Police said Harold Oilar attempted
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  • 314 2 Tomorrow is decision daij PENANG. Monday. •phk executive committee of the Renang Harbour Board stair A.-sociation. after lecrei meeting tonight, decided to ask the High Commissioner to clarify certain point- in a letter received tocki\ from the Federation's Commissioner for Labourer, Mr R. H. The
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  • 38 2 NEW DELHI. Mon— Nnca I hPiidhunters irom the village ,of Pangsha acted in prejenratkm" whm they murdered 57 people in a"nci-h--bouring villapc and carried off their head.-, according to tht Indian Government —Renter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 28 2 WASHINGTON. Mon —Film i actress Terry Moore will head let* troupe on an Atlantic tour thii Christmaa the Military Air Transport Service said yesterday.— A P
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  • 25 2 LONDON. Mon KingHu>s» in ol Jordan flew into London yesterday to pres s for revision of the Anglo- Jordan Treaty of 1348.— AP.
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  • 7 2  -  Walter by
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  • 124 2 CAMPAIGN OF HATE IN GREECE Athens. Hon. Greek nt.» y. r: ■•tiatr Britain- can throughout th< country i A resolution passed by 1 Students' Nation:.! ti'in demanded n all oi all student^ now tudj li Britain un It r riola and the dismissal of all Br; tish advisers working i<
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  • 47 2 NEW DELHI. Mon tre now more Indii forelfnera in managei technical pwU in ton I trolled firms In I bit to Government In 1947 i when India independence' there 2.729 Indians compa 7.460 foreigners TT.Lv them are 10.842 Indian 7.658 foremnei.- -AP
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  • 9 2 52 MEN FIGHT 'BLAZING' PLANE I ln s: seen*
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  • 34 2 KARACHI. Mori women are on the wai my The modern wiv i ol Kai hi v- mapped out I campaitiiV of battle with men to wipe out tht rlghl I
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    • 330 2 rixrio 10RN 1820 V WaL STILL V 3. COINC STRONG PI .Make sure it's Johnnie m Walker in your glass Q@ fiNE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY SOLE agents CALD6ECK MACCRECOR &CO LTD (INCORPORATED IN HONG KONGI GRAND X MAS SALE IMMENSE REDUCTIONS w j^T~ "^"v. We have just raoeived s\ large
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    • 43 2 For every manthe TOOTAL* T( )TAL mnke a onmpleta ■Mfi of w.'itr for rnon in <)e«i|{iu< tliey liLe and M ptioM iii'> ran aStaad. All Kinni. piaiiint<t*d JKK^^/^t^k '••if!'. JmSS^^SSd ~"aJ i j tiinl »»«h»l,lf "fMmSnKg^tmM d rk > i1 tmhi.i/h> \^4>^ i I
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  • 213 3 O.N. Secretary-General prepares to meet Chinese Premier but- Ual wrangle on jailed U.S. airmen now STOCKHOLM, Monday jR DAG HAMMARSKJOLD, Secretary.'l General of the Inited Nations, yesterday thr Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Serai Konjj Pi»o, to discuss the "practical' fctiils" of his
    AP; UP  -  213 words
  • 123 3 LONDON, .Mon. I MAINTFNANC E engineers at London Airport were asked today by their trade union not to take any action in support of 315 engineers dismissed on Friday before tney have hoard "the full history of the case." Shop stewards representing 4.000 maintenance
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 24 3 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Swedish author Frans G i Bentsaon, 60. author of '.ho book "Roede Orm" <The lone i Ships'") died yesterday.- Rcuter.
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  • 96 3 FORREST AL'S WIDOW LAUNCHES WORLD'S BIGGEST WARSHIP TIGS move the I SS Forrestil to a new berth after her christening in drydock at Newport News, Virginia, by Mrs. James V. Forrestal widow of the former I'nited States Navy Secretary The ship has a displacement of about 60 000 tons, i-ost
    AP  -  96 words
  • 202 3 SHOWDOWN- AND PEACE, TOO will come, says Adenauer NEW YORK. Monday. THE West German Chancellor. Dr. Konrad Adenauer, writing in the magazine Foreign Affairs, said yesterday that sooner or later a united West will seek a peaceful showdown with the Russians. This, he indicated, will Rive the opportunity to reunify
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  • 149 3 NEW YORK, Mon. B Kid. -Gen. David Sariini. chairman of the Radio Corporation of America, said yeslerc'av i international television "is not far away." "It is bound to he achieved in television as it was in radio. 1 G«*n. Sarnoff said in
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  • 36 3 NEW DELHI. Mon. The I Ministry of Education says an average of 460 Indian jtndents have been enrolled evrry year in colleges uu Universities in the United i States since 1948— A.P.
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  • 233 3 NEW DELHI, Mon. BROADCASTING last night I over All-India Radio, PreI sident Tito of Yugoslavia said that all nations faced the same alternative "existence in peace, or an ineluctable new catastrophe." •'On the basis of this prlnci- pie of i o-existence our two
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  233 words
  • 38 3 LONDON, Mon Mrs VI- 1 lav .i Lakshmi Pandit, India's) New High Commissioner In London and first woman to head a diplomatic mission hrre, arrived yesterday from Bombay I to take up her appointment. Router.
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  • 31 3 BONN, Mon —A now trade agreement for 1955 will be .signed here today, liberalising about 90 per cent of Aurloj German trade and fixing quoUas for the rest.— Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 359 3 LONDON. Mon. IT has been a satlafactory day in the London stock markets even If the buying has been less vigorous Interest has been tenured mainly in industrials and the Hit of pains was quite substantial although some were rpdured by profit -tHKinu later. The light of Industrials
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Dec. 20— Cash Buyers tWHI. Sellers fTOO; Forward Buyers tI8971:: SelIrrs <C m ,oo: Settlement tfifl:!!. Turnover a.m. 100 tons p.m. tiO tuns.
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  • 41 3 LONDON, Dec. 20. Spot 26d Jan. i!6d., Feb 25 d. Mai 25 d April-June 25 -d July-Stpi. 25 \d., Oct. -Dec. 25',d.. LVc. (if 25 .'an. elf., 25 11/16 d.. F?b. c.t.f. 25 „d.. Tone: 1 Sti on,'.
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  • 26 3 ROME, Mon. Prince Enrico Orimaldi, 15, a Sicilian nobleman, died on Saturday night He was a relative of Prince Rainier II of Monaco. A.P.
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  • 16 3 HONG KONG. Mon.— China* Statr- Council has parsed draft regulations on military service
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 Fly home FOR XMAS BY GARUDA CONVAIR LINER m IOOK/NG OFFICE w£T\\ MOUND FLOCR V-« mON BUILDING V*^^ PHONE 780 JJ ,^f i \kh 1 7/s>~ ''eshest foods you con bi>y. Vo H&sfe-yo</ Gdtatfyw buyf Singapore cold storage co., ltd.
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    • 345 3 SOMETHING NEW DELICIOUS FOR CHRISTMAS I 66LDEII LEE GOLDEN WHOLE PINEAPPLE For an suci-t. fill icnlrc of fruit with linclv hnppvd nuts .uul thru pla. p lenythwisi- in a fiiirly d«-rp dish. Surround and te— rate with ;I.iit chernrs. Mafea a pinrapplo jolly li'sin^ juice from thr tin) and.
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  • 349 4 MANY TABLES IN RESTAURANTS STILL AVAILABLE FOR FESTIVE SEASON DELA YS THROUGH FLOODS MAKE XMAS TRADE MORE HECTIC THAN EVER ITU only four days to go to Christmas, all except one of Singapore's leading night-spots still had tables available yesterday for the five gala dinner-dances
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  • 118 4 RIDDLE of the GREENS that are BROWN KUALA LUMFUH Mon. SIXTI.KN of the 18 lush :;rciiis on tkt tliampiomhip Mane at the SelaiiKor (>olt Club in Circular Road have myutrrltnilj turned brown .mil no our knows wliy. Baijlri of the turf h.ivt been to tinRahbet Re— it lu>titute for analyviv
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  • 34 4 Th publicising Singap. t hate been and mpanles. 1 1 EUld hotels. They were issued on.. ago The Public Do partment. which issued the! labels, is now planning i prin:
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  • 56 4 NO PLACE LIKE HOME- 113 SAIL IN TODAY A BATCH of 113 Malayan children studying in Australian schools is expected in Singapore by the Charon to-, morrow. Specially-chartered Malayan Airways Diane* will fly "the Federation children fro:ii Kal:o Kiiaia Lumpur, ipohi and Penan-i lUU batch of 93 children will arrive
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  • 70 4 v\ HAK-OLI) POLIO VICTIM Toh Kirn Hual «ets i u nt from Santa lavs at i party given by th c British Ked CMM Society to H7 crippN-d childrea of Singapore at the Oxley RIM home of MhW (iwen Nirolit-h »left> \esierday. Lookiiu i n
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  • 114 4 He let process servers in then got a knife Sudarno bin S Uam wwoa o M-n--teiu-ed to Iwo monthi jail in Singapore .e~t .day for hurting two proeMt server* who a., v i n him with I gummorm on a complaint by his wife The COOrt vas told Uiat the
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  • 238 4 Two majors on leave climb the mountains rpWO officers of the Brigade of -Gurkhas from Malaya have spent the last three months mountaineering and exploring in the snowy region of nothern Nepal. Thpy are Major J.O.M. Roberts, of the 1 2 Gurkhas, and Major G Lorimer of thr 2 6
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  • 60 4 1,500 MUST MOVE BECAUSE THEY ARE STEPPING ON OTHER'S RICHES fHREE HUNDRED families of 011 N 1 children living i,, RamLn will have to find *,ew hSe?eL^ an > cause there is tin under t», ■•■ss* They must make v. ""I Larut Tin Fields which will on Christmas Eve from
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  • 73 4 Not wanted, Penang Radicals told PENANG THE executive coma Penang UMNO ed the inclusion o| the Malayan Indian C( the present UlfNO-MCA-Muslim League A!h. the settiem<n f bur 'not to favour' the admission of the Radical Party At a meeting h( iv dun: week-end, th* eommittei contended thai inclusion the
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  • 86 4 A motor-cyclL-t. who .sued a taxi owner for injuries which he sustained in an accident in Bras Ba.sah Road, was awarded 12.500 damages by Mr Justice Taylor :r the Btafaporf Court yesterday John Joffro Bheein. Inspector of Pasts was riding his motor-cycle along Bras B. 1953
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  • 4 4 PENANG
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  • 35 4 KLANG. Mon. T« scouts from Batu I 1 Johore. led by Troop I. Rahlm BM, visited Klan terday during a cyclin I the south. After a few hours the. for Morib.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 II a ww m The ever beautiful classical You pay a truly royal compliment when Wk \^^^^^^£M^9*W* gV f enhanced by elegant attachments, set with you give her a sparkling new ROI.EX IS- mt X fwo lustrous diamonds merging into a grace aiL leaders in style leaders n precision 8106:
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  • 2817 5 More and yet more for the fund 'Dollar for Discs' appeal alone nets $3,068 I\ONATIONS to the SlngaV r>" 1( F: '"»i Roller Fund re- ived yesterday were: R<;dif fusions < Singapore! fsn!i l rs i for Discs APPeal '<Jnd instalment) $3,068 The independent Missionary Movement $1,001.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 Wr^ -^A ''i 1 1 I i i AND RECULATINC OF THE DELICATE AIRSPRINC. TITOS WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCHES IKES... PNPHHHR^ SCUITS... /xz^ jM Bflfi .ddings... ywimmm RtEO N^^ Wi lODS Jfl| Dsl TWICE as NICE I WHEN MADE WITH TREK "c pure, easy creaming cooking fat **^^^3t j In
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 298 5 v AVA Mlll On The floss 1 10.30—11.00 RADIO MALAXA In H.iu..tli t n_Mood. I Programmes thus marked ran br 1 >„,, rrrrivrd by IMrnrrs in Malacra. I 'I fTj flhM l^P Short wave 19 A 62m. Medium I 176 m., 343. 366 m. and ."'Tm.) l^M^a^^^H^l^l^^c^a^a^H PM 00 The
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    • 123 5 HHM tMXJk. 'Xlrelr 1;...,. i. Tablr-trnnu I|> in to 9 p m h iilrlmg J p.m B »rd ot Dlr"tnr~ Btwtlni pm wrrstllng 7pm frrr EngliMi p m \\M M»l \RI HANOI CUB: Soda! mating, YWC A R«fTIM Quiiy. 7M p m rl BIH' RKLATIOXS: Mnbllp Film Unit* frrr thnw
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  • 82 6 Red Cross rush to flood baby KUALA Ll'MPl R. Mon. BABY was born four days ago to a Chinese woman stranded in a flooded kampong in the Padan area of Johore. News of the birth reached a Red Cross detachment, doing rescue work in the district. They called on the
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  • 49 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— A recruiting team will visit Kuala Lumpur in January to select Malay recruits fr>r the first Singapore Regiment of |R. y.ii Artillery. The team will interview youths between 18 and 25 at the Kuala Lumpur Central Police Station on Jan 12 and 13.
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  • 23 6 International Women's Club will hold a "Bring and Buy" sale at the Singapore Y.W.C-V. Raffles Quay, at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 348 6 A FINGER SEVERED, ARM BROKEN AND BURNS ALL ROUND, SA YS DOCTOR jftLiiALM*.. 111-teeling existed between two Singapore Chinese families on an estate at Jalan Sam Kongsi, off Tempenis Road, they battled with bottles of acid and sticks, the Third Criminal District
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  • 196 6 Halt! Jumbo ahead- the relief men get a shock JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A RELIEF party taking supplies to floodstricken aborigines in the Merging district over the weekend, had startling encounter with a herd of wild elephants. The herd thundered across the road ahead of a group of members of the
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  • 47 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The I Deo^le living in the Peel Road area of Kuala Lumpur yesterday entertained 200 children to a Christmas party. The three Imbl Ward municipal Councillors Mr. Cheah Ewe Keat. Mr. Chan Chee Honi: and Mr Douglas Lee— were present
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  • 36 6 Members of the Singapore V.W.c.A yesterday gave a farewell party to their secre-tary-general. Mrs. Shufen Khoo. who will be leaving soon for Britain on a one-year trip with her husband. Dr. F V Khoo
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  • 27 6 The next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council will be h»ld at the new Assembly House. Empress Place, at 10 a m on Jan. 18
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  • 175 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Monday. f\Ol SENG KEE. a restricted residence man accused of leaving here without permission, complained in the Magistrate's Court today that every time he was brought to court from prison hv missed his meals. Ooi. whose case was post- poned again today,
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  • 93 6 £17,500 aid for students SINGAPORE has so far sent rA17.500 to helo build International House in Melbourne for the use of Asian students studying in Australia. This includes iA73O from Sarawak. An Australian Commission statement yesterday said building operations would probably begin next month. A recent contribution oi CA50.000 by
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  • 45 6 Paul S Markandan was acquitted without his defence being called, in Singapore yesterday, on a charge of cheating by giving a cheque to a coffee-shop proprietor to setup a credit when he had no account In the bank on Aug 16.
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  • 33 6 The Rt. Rev Henry W. Baines, of Singapore, will speak on "The Christmas Story" at tomorrow's lunch meeting of the Singapore Rotarkins at the Capitol Blue Room at 1 p.m.
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  • 136 6 S.I.T. TO SELL THESE HOUSES THE Singapore Improvement Trust has built two terrace houses in Dawson Road as models of the type it will sell. They will cost about $5,000 each They are two-storeyed, with two bedrooms upstairs, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and modern sanitation. The Trust wants to
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  • 63 6 Two Singapore policemen were injured yesterday when the motor-cycle on which they were riding overturned and crashed at the junction of Chancery Lane and Duneam Road The men. Hussein bin Shariff 30. and Osman bin Jalet 28. are both attached to th^ Radio Division. Hu.s.seln
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  • 48 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Loo See, alias Loo Lian. 42, was found guilty In the Sessions Court here today on a charge of possessing an illegal sanis^ still at Sakik South new village or. Dec 12. He wrs fined $200. in default, two months Jail.
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  • 38 6 KLANO. Mon. More than 300 children will be entertained to a party by the Klang Union Sunday School at the AngloChinese School hall tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. Christmas cifts will be given to the children
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  • 22 6 PENANG MOO. Government pensioners in Penang and Province Wellesley will receive their December payment on Wednesday it was announced today
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  • 134 6 SEVEN members of the Singapore Auxiliary Fire Service and a Police Constable last iii"!:t rescued a doR from a 20-foot sewerage pit at the Woodleigh pumping station. The dog had been swimming in the pit for about two hours. The water was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 49 6 |3 Wishing You Good Health and m Luck at the festive season. (W l1 agents: r ~i j i? if "Mil YOUROWH I I POWER PLfINT I v r 4i anywhere in j ■>.. the world 1 I sL^K^H *HH 111 *m. j P C.*ci.*j I jl.t,rf am* ¥to* I
      49 words
    • 131 6 und pleasure for years to t convergence is a typewnter in a smart c Mm&MnlnMjttnt portable TYPEWRl TE| Choose from Ren Remington Person writers of superb performance and unsu Hire purchase terms n your nearest MMINCTON RANoJ POST l HIS COUPON TODAY. REMINCTON RAND INC I I bit Tvdc*- i
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  • 270 7 $137,000 STICK-UP -WITHOUT A WORD: COURT TOLD Clerk recounts visit by 3 tight-lipped men 'THREE armed men x robbed a shop in Middle Road Singapore, of $137,000 without once opening their mouths, a preliminary inquiry was told yesterday. Two men, Wan Chuen and Lrong Saik Fong, were accused in the
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  • 91 7 Tiptoe men make a $6,000 haul Xl AI.A I.r.MPIR. Mon. THE house of a contractor. Mr N| (.cum Han. was burgled early this morning and rash and jewellery worth SC.IOO was stolen. Mr. Ng was asleep in his home at Tioiit: Nam Settlement behind Batu Road, when the burglars sot
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  • 57 7 IPOH. Mon.— Harold Creen. 26. a Public Works Department engineer, of Kuala Lumpur. wa.s fined $100 and had his driving licence endorsed here today for dangerous drivinp. Green wai returning from Kuala Kangsar on March 21 when hLs car grazed an oncoming car in the Gopeng
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  • 49 7 Old Boys' to get together KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Malay College Old Boys" Association, defunct since the Japanese occupation, is to b*> revived on Jan. 22 The Selaimor branch of th* association is orc;at:i.-;inß reunion dinner that day for the ■Id boys of the college in Malaya and Brunei
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  • 198 7 Reply to Statistics men tomorrow THE Singapore Government's offer on the demand by 60 of its storekeepers and coding clerks in the Statistics Department for wage increases will be made tomorrow. r The offer will be madp at a meeting of the clerical division grading
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  • 87 7 UNDERNEATH THE ARCHES HE DREAMED HIS OPIUM DREAMS a MAN who was fou»«d smoking; opium under foleman Bridge, Singapore, on Friday evening had to pay up for the pleasure yesterday. A police constable on his brat sinelled opium and looked round but walking across the bridge could see nothing. Then
    87 words
  • 79 7 -BUT THIS ONE DREAMED OF GOING TO JAIL Earlier, in the same runrt, Loh Yau Kcng, uho vent to a police station unC handed over opium, ua.~ fined $15 for unlawful Ifffftfllffffi of opium. Loh. the court was told, went to Bnkit Timah Police Station on Friday t. cninp and
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  • 68 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Mr. Lee Khee Wee. assistant lecturer in Dentistry at the University of Malaya, and MK^ Fong Yuen Phill. a Social Welfare officer in Singapore, were married at the registry hentoday. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Form Sin Mm. of
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  • 55 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Kuala Lumpur Traffic Branch headquarters. now housed in a nlssen hut. will occupy a new two-storey building In April n^xt year. The Selangor P.W.D. U calling for tenders. The building will be on the site of the present officeHigh Street,
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  • 54 7 KLANG. Mon— Forty-seven members of the 11th Selangor detachment < Klang i and the Junior Red Cro.s.s units of the Hiuh School, Convent and M« thodist Girls' School here spent a fortnight of their holidays doing public service. They collected and distri- 1 buted toys, Christmas
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  • 28 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. More than 250 children will bo entertained to a ChrLstma.s party on Thursday at 4.30 p.m. at the Selaneor Eurasian Association premises.
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  • 89 7 'JAILED' BUT HE WALKS AWAY FREE KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. bin Dams. 18. of Gombak Lane, walked out of the Second Magistrate's Court a free man today after he pleaded guilty to stealing $53 and a cheque for $560 from a European. Mr. K. K Pillay, tne prose- rutinß officer, .said
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  • 50 7 'Let 's help end Emergency' KLANG. Mon. The reelected President of the Klang Estate Stall Union. Mr. M. N. Rajah, urged members at thf annual meeting yesterday to help the Government bruit the emergency to a quick end The meeting also supported the pioposal for a national estate Matt union.
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  • 25 7 IPOH. Mon -The Kampar Recreation Club will hold their annual social and dance at the club's premises on Wednesday at 8 30 p.m.
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  • 41 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mohamed Zain bin Budin. 18, plcadod Ruiltv here to fraudulent possession of a woman's suit of i-lohes. Raja Rrdzuan, the magistrate, postponed sentence until Dec. 27 for a probation officer's report on Zain, who was remandod.
    41 words
  • 145 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. A i 19-year-old Chinese girl and her t'jvo brothers, aged 16 and 17. were accused in the Kluann Sessions Court yesterday of unlawfully havin« ammunition. On Oct. 3 when police raided their house at Cha'ah they lound hidden two rounds
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 246 7 f l,,llllllllllllllli!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||| H Jhe Show of the Year! in aid of SINGAPORE FEDERATION FLOOD RELIEF FUNDS RA DIO MALAYA STAFF presents HIGH, TIDE All the talent in Malaya in one gigantic VARIETY CONCERT with ZAINAL ALAM Malaya's Top Comedian |ohnny )ohnson Wally jcannc Nash Fayc Cassclron Trudy Connor Hwa Ipoh
      246 words
    • 317 7 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllilllllH The STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL FOR 7955 has been widely acclaimed it the BEST yet produced. Here it a quality publication pages of superb colour pictures. 25 fully- illustrated articles, beautifully printed on art paper HHbk ;> Fresh supplies of the Annuai are now available. Tf you have not already
      317 words

  • 79 8 it >lo minimum). RICHARDS FREDA Age 9 at Kuala Lumpur on 19th December. a ret and -WID AND MARY at i Lumpur on I9*h December. Margaret Richards. I i* received from iday) of the ".or Deopillal. the father of Mrs. P. M Thamboe, of the ■<<-remban. Deceased ■•>< dauphters
    79 words
  • 29 8 AC KNOWLEDGMENTS (minimum) Dob k all friend* nnd relatives for rendered, r.: tha, etc. and attendance at her CH Quec. Relatives who M \i Attended the Funeral |t 71.
    29 words
  • 588 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Dec. 21, 1954. Schools And Politics In suggesting that a public corporation might take over the organisation and control of all t\pos of education in Malaya. Mr. L. D. Whitfield was emphasise that he M a private per- the Federation's Director of Education. Neverts, it
    588 words
  • 673 8 The least acceptable of the recommendations made by the Rice Production Committee was an increase in the Government guaranteed price for padi. At the time the Committee reported, the guarantee was $17 a picul. An increase of $3 was recommended. The proposal was made at
    673 words
  • 1533 8  - Monitorial system slows up satisfactory recruitment of Malayan teachers FREDERIC MASON By Professor of Education, University of Malays DEFERENCE has al- ready been made to the difficulty of understanding the report on the Malayanisation of the Government service and to the fact that some of its statements have already been
    1,533 words
    • 220 8 Mixed marriage: Its effect on racial harmony IF there is any country in the world which is "conditioned" for racial intermarriage it is Malaya. Many racial groups are represented here and in large numbers. Their contact is not casual. They have lived here for years, and some lor centuries. This
      220 words
    • 157 8 THEY MAY HAVE TO BUY BOATS DURING the Talping Town Council election campaign the Alliance candidates, particularly Mr. Oon Chong Eong. went from house to house promising us that they would immediately attended to our urgent problems, especially the improvement of roads and drains in our Groen House area, if
      157 words
    • 93 8 I WRITE to express gratl- I tute for the way in which the Malacca police carried out the work of rescuing the i unfortunate people who were flooded out of their homes. Without a doubt, a great many lives have been saved i through their humane
      93 words
    • 91 8 I WAS a clerk/typist In a certain mining corporation in the Federation The salary with which I commenced was $231 a month. At the time I was a bachelor. After some months! got married, but rece'ved no increment Time passed, and my family increased to
      91 words
  • 46 8 On the margin Who for] T I Sine.-. ail H save bane H WhJ? I band I I ■f pa i W 1 I for tn ano' H or ha barm I B HM Sk A l and > I add?:: H I VEST 1 w I
    46 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 628 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. ;n W<.r<l« $10 (minimum). O'REILLY: To Leo and Bnrbara tfeCnath) son. Mafhew, a brother for Grepory on 17-12-54 at Adelaide. Australia, ;n Wo d* $10 i minimum). HOWES ROGGEVEEN: The announced between Peier Jeffrey, only J-on of Mr. <fc .of Peterboroucn. w ilielniina Bcrtina. est riauslitcr of Mr.
      628 words
    • 33 8 Leak-proof in all Climates! GERMAN PEN ▼imite with Ink Filling of incompjrjbl? capjeity. Agents Si Service Station*: EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO 19. Chulia St.. S'pore-1. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO.. 8. Ah Qurr St.. Penatif.
      33 words
    • 30 8 THE NEW PE7O BELONGS <><& iv** in the sql model T-. Fjcfory liaMMtf I V MCTCHCU i CO- Mi!** 1 1 Distributors ANN PENG TRACERS LTD For Some.l.. \?i>' v flic
      30 words

  • 127 9 tUINED 60 PER CENT OP GREEN CROPS .I.VO GOVT. RUSH TEAMS p FIND OUT HOW TO rt FARMER ON HIS FEET IK t ion in Singapore has been cut 60 '>> the floods and housewives may iopl)l up wiih hijfh prices for the next two
    127 words
  • 43 9 Mon.— The 'r.imber rnacu- from 180 minutes to 420 mm- I a week, a live-man depu- tation of the Federation of hinese School Teachers Assoins v as tcld today by the Member for Education, Mr. L. I Wi.itflp'.d. 1
    43 words
  • 36 9 THK President of the Singapore ity Council. Mr. T.P.P. McNeice. talks to members of a Government survey team making an on-the-spot assessment of flood damage at Potong Pasir. Straits Times picture.
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  • 38 9 The 12.600-ton Dunera brought 300 troops from Brli tain for Malaya yesterday. She ali;o disembarked 64 service families. In transit to Hong Kong in 1 th< Dunera were a further 500 troops and 154 families.
    38 words
  • 156 9 Air cadets to fly on exchange trip soon KUALA LUMPUR, Mon ELEVEN cadets of the Federation Air Training Corps i will leave here on Dec. 29 for Singapore, from where they will fly to Australia at the end oi the month. They form part of the Malayan contingent of 20
    156 words
  • 42 9 PENANO. Mon. With the approach of Christmas and the Chinese Tung Cheh (winter solstice festival) on Dec. 22, poultry thieves have been very active. Elßhteen fowls, valued at $60 were stolen from a farm in Batu Ferrtnghi yesterday.
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  • 26 9 Telok Ayer Methodist Youth Fellowship, Singapore. will hold Its Christmas social In the church hall, 235, Telok Ayer Street, at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 385 9 CITY PRESIDENT CALLS AT THE FARMS pOTONG PASIR, one of Singapore's worst flooded areas, was almost normal again yesterday. Except for a few patches of debris and large areas of ruined vegetable crops, it would have been difficult to believe that only
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  • 173 9 A MILLION-DOLLAR company has been formed by the Automobile Association of Singapore to give cheaper insurance rates to its members. The <company called the Malayan Motor and General Underwriters Ltd.. will be run by a fully qualified Underwriter Manager. The scheme now awaits the
    173 words
  • 64 9 The Napier Road thieves at it again NIGHT prowlers along Napier Road. Singapore, are still active despite intensified anti-housebreaking police patrols in the area. Another family has lost valuables and cash while they slept. The latest robbery was reported by a European who discovered that cash, a fountain pen and
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  • 24 9 The Rev. A. C. Dumper. Vicar of South Perak, Church of England, has been appointed Archdeacon of North Malaya from Jan. 1.
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  • 67 9 Singapore firemen yesterday put out a tar blaze which threatened an attap village near the flood-devastated district of Bedok. The fire started in a drum where workmen were engaged in road repairs. The fire, fanned by a strong wind, endangered a number of squatter huts
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  • 253 9 More rice, milk and clothes given out AID for flood victims in Singapore continued to flow out yesterday from four centres. Ninety bags of rice, 60 cases of milk and 450 parcels of clothing were given away --but no cash. "Now that the crisis is nvtr, we're Investigating vtry carefully
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  • 59 9 Nanyang Flood Fund at $60,011 TK.E NANYANG Siang Pau Flood Relief Fund reached a total of $60,011 yesterday. Gifts to the fund yesterday totalled $6,885. Clothes, milk, foodstuffs, biscuits and medicine were also received. The Nanyang Siang Pau will today distribute the gifts at the relief centres at Poton? Pa.-:ir.
    59 words
  • 59 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Less than 48 hours after killine a terrorist, three home guards in an isolated flood area of Johore this morning received cash rewards from the State i British Adviser, Mr. D. A. Somerville. They were Khalid bin Ahnnd. 27, Zakariah bin Mohnmed Ali, 17,
    59 words
  • 272 9 IT'S GOODBYE TO MALAYA FOR TWO TOP COMMANDERS KI'ALA M'MPI'R. Monday. TWO top commanders in Malaya will leave next May K at the end of their tours They are Maj-Gfn. W. H. Lambert, general oflicer commanding the Ist. Federation of Malaya Division, and Ma j -Gen. L. E. C. Perowne,
    272 words
  • 136 9 Progressive Party rebel to face party 'trial' THE EXECUTIVE committee of the Singapore Progressive Party has dirided that Mr. Sim Seng Seng, one of their members oil the City Council, must face charges for his conduct at last month's council meeting. He voted three times against his party colleagues on
    136 words
  • 44 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Yau Kee See was sentenced in the Kluang Sessions Court yesterday to 12 months Jail for i housebreaking. Yau, who had three previous convictions, will be subject to 18 months police supervision on completion of his sentence.
    44 words
  • 28 9 The Asia Foundation hes etvcti *1 000 to the Singapore Federation of Community Centres to usirf leaders ot centres speed up reHef measures for flon<i victims.
    28 words
  • 39 9 The remain- of the late N X:i\ier. brother-in-law of Joseph Mirhaol, Road Transport Dopt will be remc.rd for interment from No. 1, Tteacher Road. Kuala Lumpur, to Chrra-. Road Cemetery tnci;i (31 12 54> at 4.3 C p.m.
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 BevesiSeaS PURE COD LIVER OIL A sea-fresh for mother and child i In bottlej containing 6. 8 or 16 Y^ fluid ojncei. Also capsulei in jars containing from 50 SON CO.. LTD LUMPUft. IPOM. PENANG. JESSELTON N.B. ELECTRIC I WATER ill HEATER y J Efficient Reliable Attractive RLIANCEiRfI-caim Is^E K
      53 words
    • 93 9 ANNOUNCE 30 DAY EXCURSION RATE ROUND TRIP SINGAPORE-BANGKOK $336 PHONE ***** PASSAGE ENQUIRIES SIME DARBY 5, MALACCA STREET, SINGAPORE. Jfcfe I it's 4'ttsff to kvi>p Wp A^^^^B ***<* luratorff ij^^\\\/\ m Sn^f some Harpic into the |uSj«\\O^~~~_ J I bowl leave overnight then I ush -That'sall Nobrushisneed■HHHHk e j n.<:picV
      93 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 150 9 The weather MINIMI M TEMPKRATI'BE (730 p.m. on Dec. 19 to 7.30 a.m. on Dec. 20): Singapore 73 decrees, Penang 73. KoU Banru 71. Kuala Lumpur 70, Ipoh 71. Kuantan 72. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7 30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Dec. 20 r. Singapore 86. Penang 89. Knta Bahru 85,
      150 words

  • 665 10  -  CHRISTINE WHAT A LIFE! By I \V r HAT on earth can TT we do for the I children's party this year?" I asked my husI band. "We've had con- jurers. and Father Christmas and the pilliI tri Hi man. I'd like to think
    665 words
  • 430 10 It you've left it too late... if your purse won't take too much can still be smart at Christmas, says "MAXINE RAKICH VOW that we are actually approach ins the Christmas season, you have perhaps discovered that you are attending far
    430 words
  • 77 10 The cost is as pleasing as the dress PDMMT ORASGF (V li>:c>. Note the 'tied and dipped neckline and the thrte-qumrter tleevei Thit it a ptrfeei trttt for the *.»iaU Iwnk balance. It can be NM'rf up and down. S for almost a>:v OCCi ami proportioned you can just about
    77 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 n so^ ble \v^^\ *0* 1 v)))t (ame ia the toft, safe way to feminine hygiene-with rounded •ndt that flatten to neatly and extra abtorbency plut a really waterproof back for confidence. Be ture to ask for Camclia, rhc soluble sanitary towels that have all fSc advantages at no extra
      196 words
    • 180 10 the best! I I Johnson's Baby Pouder WfifflZ' A isthevtftest. finest pour! cr M&fiw in the world. It is so sooth- #3^ll^ ing and comforting; it pre < /^fitl UK^^l vents irritation; it is kinj r,, Mfflfc T\ft the tcndercst skin. '&SI VlWlllM use Johnson's Baby Poster WW^- Ngdhrfr .a
      180 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 311 10 Straits Times Crossword 28. Geometrical mass finally con--7 H HI Nil [Hi WB^ 2A Nf rd winclow? (V1 £S£> vEjifl h^^* P^^ i§sS§l p§SSSI 3. N. E. Lslet can be stretched I **|tJj 1 I I f I I I 4. The first of AuruM 12 1 f I f
      311 words

  • 1758 11 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE Slick, $500-a-tip swindler, toured with shapely 'guests' SLIM, hawk-faced, fast-talking Canadian circulated among his guests at a dazzling party in Shanghai on March 25, 1934. Wealthy American tourists and exquisitely-gowned women roared at their host's brilliant conversation. Suddenly he swung on his heel, hurried to another
    1,758 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 C| The some of fuel A I Can take you li )0% farther r-)uipped with on Spark Plugs, I in depend on get- more mileage and ..r- For Champions produce a c.'\ the 1 on chombrr. H4MPION SPARK PLUGS TELS CO«. TRADING SOCIETY •TOKVIS. (M) LTD. ■aHIAItIIIOHHIimUUKNWm YOUR IONBO DIARY
      126 words
    • 297 11 HRbRW. W I m &<. flfe, RRRRRRk '■'<, 7k. HRL »-^L. at St r v Hi I M it wAr /^^^||^f^afl "Im atkiifm Rnuon U Htifl ctfnU", Sir" Fitting accompaniment to smoothly luxurious u-avel, BE\SOXa»<iHlt)<,i;s Sujk r Virginia cigarettes are made from the finest of line tobaccos with unhurried, untiring
      297 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
      153 words

  • 771 12 RUBBER UP AGAIN BY ONE CENT ON STEADY MARKET T»HE price of rubber in Singapore a^ain yesterday rose sharply in price by on* cent and January first jrrade buyers f.o.b. closed al 87 7 Ifi cents lb., the highest price since January 7 1 The price has now firmed by
    771 words
  • 20 12 SINC APORK. Doc ->n TIN: «MCn po r (down )0 cents. RIBISFK: trnts a id. (up one cent).
    20 words
  • 117 12 MELBOURNE. U Little activity m dispi Investments on the Stork today. Prices recorded tone. A firmer trend in minings as better rapp for several „f the more m stocks. Commonweal- firmer on active tradiwj Loans 3., 1956-59 CM 15/16 Loans 3V, 1956-03 £96 15/3^ Bank of N.S.W. CM
    117 words
  • 114 12 Sinirapnrp f hincse I'mdn. f\ change: iocn prices |,er i day were. Copra: fuiet: December buyers. $3U'. sellers; January $3i buyers. $31". sellers. Coconut quietly steady: «.^0 teUei quiet, no buslneai reported- unchanged. Muntok white Sarawak $204. Lampong black I Chos ihr sir vhr 2r sh H. B.
    114 words
  • 50 12 The Malayan Exrhanse Bar/ sortition made the followinc cites to merchants day m*£ n h dOn buying 180 d/st or fi months sight, air mail etmi On tbj free exchange Mil Hon K Kon« ywUfcj th« -ne was quoted at 15 71 one tael of gnld a: J
    50 words
  • 136 12 January first grade rubber kun f.O.b. closed in Singapore ye*i> at 87 7/ 16 cents a 1b one tent above Saturdays closing price. The cloMng tone wa s Irregular after steady. Closing prices yesterday In cen's per Ib. were:— No. 1 RS S Spot loose buyers 87, sellers
    136 words
  • 80 12 Kpa tyln* aloninide thi> SlniraHarbour Board wharvt* or ted today are: Dunera 12. 4 5, Lcxa Maersic C.P.. Ben--89, Toreador 11. Brnvenuc Glenroy 15 16. Automedon 18 Inverbank 19 20. Scudal N Wall 5 Luiißsa N. Wall 7. PelalliiK N Wall 10 10. Kaloekoe 21 1!2, Star AlcfOM 2-i
    80 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 764 12 APPUCATIONB are Invited from Malays for appointment as Cadets In the Malay Administrative Service. Applicants for appointment, must have a Pass Decree of the University of Malaya nr other recogni.srd University and should not ha\e alialned their 25th birthday. Cadet* will be appointed on a salary of $330 p.m. rising
      764 words
    • 429 12 X'MAS/NEW YEAR MEETING. 1954/55 i Alteration of Schedule of Kacinr. The Committee have decided to run Class 1 Dlvs. 1 A 2, 1 Mile I Races on Second Day. 27th Decem- I I ber, 1954. and Class 2. Dlvs 1 A 2.1 7 Fur. Races on First Day. 25th December.
      429 words
    • 650 12 NOTICES NOTICE THE ENGAGEMENT between Miss Rosalind Chiin and Lawrence Ang has been dissolved by Mutual NASSIM CO., LIMITED. WILL BELI BY PUBLIC AUCTION In their Sale-Rooms N«s. 4 a 4-1. (Oliver Qoay. On WEDNESDAY, 22ND DEC, 1954. AT 10.30 A.M. 170 Cases Exhaust Pans; Celling Pan Bodies and Regulators;
      650 words
    • 301 12 foauJ I i fofc more.for J.M ttlilf h they.bow to^B '"Fnor quality, T!ia 81 8 •rtmVAOp I made from grapes 0 ,9 mlity font M 'not of France T I too th U I this gupori-.r I WtTSC. J The I I Ephorir for al I KNUTSEN LINE r ast
      301 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 923 13 1^ MANSFIELD <k CO., LTD. X.i: 4 i» THE BLUE FUNNEL LIMB tUl'2"' Singapore Duo So,l, p. Snom pcnong D 21/22 Dec 23/24 G. 13/14 Dec 23 D. c J4/28 Dec 29/30 Dec 27 Jen 4 Jon Jon t/ ■>•" 3 ■>»" Jan 7 Jon Jon Jan U Jon 2/13
      923 words
    • 1135 13 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Genoo. Antwerp, Rott.rdom, Hamburg. Copenhagen. Gothenburg ft Oslo c oore P Sham Penong "SELan'SiI 1 «<"» »/26 22/23 Dec k«\) "lUa^°' A 8/ 7 J.n 10/10 Jon 11/11 ion Co Beyrouth, Gdynio ond Kortohomn ,11 r Ji 1 i° B<|
      1,135 words
    • 1062 13 buudlnc THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. m 2J N 7) SINGAPORE Incorporated in the United Kinodom) 5 LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penong for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg 21/22 Doc In Port Benovon for Havre. Rotterdam, 6. 34 23/2J Dec Benvorlkh for Avonmouth, London,
      1,062 words
    • 1236 13 McALISTER CO., LTD. TEL. No ***** ELLERMAN «fc BVCKNALL KLAVtiNESS LIME LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. LOS ANGELES, S«N FRANCISCO, HAMBURG ft HULL PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER ond for USA, North Atlantic PorK Accepting «ora* for Centrol ft South ond Canada via Colombo Amenee CITY OF CHICAGO SUNNYVILLE S^ore PI horn Dee/1
      1,236 words

  • 381 14 Rubber exports to be protected against rain by strict rules rpHE Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board, which for nearly two years has been functioning as the watch dog of the quality of Malayan rubber abroad, has introduced now rules to ensure that all rubber packed for export will be protected
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  • 172 14 RECENT tests show that British man-made fibre is emerging as a competitor with sisal. A ropemaking firm. It I and Gourock Ropework Company, (ilascow. which has done much pioneer work with artificial fibres. has found that onr of its artificial ropes had a working life
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  • 166 14 Singapore, Penana man follow THE Malaya Provision Wholesalers' Association was officially inaugurated two weeks ago by the Kuala Lumpur municipal president, Mr A. D. York. The association Is a noncommunal body, its 23 members including merchants of I several races. "Our object." said tin president.
    166 words
  • 144 14 Rubber land in Perak to be sold 4 MAI.OAMATED Bruas Rub- ber Estates Ltd are to Mil their Buki? Klian estate i in Perak Bukit Klian is isolated from the company's other properties, which are convei.icntly grouped for supervision. The company's acents in Ma lava recently received an offer of
    144 words
  • 274 14 BROKERS TO START BETTER SERVICE TEN YEARS after reopening in Malaya, Edward Lumley and Sons (Malaya) Ltd., insurance brokers are to break away from the Malayan insurance tariff book agreement and revert to their pre-war policy of quoting independent non-standardised terms. The company will quote the non-standardised terms with Lloyds
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  • 241 14 M°TO R companies in Malaya would seriously consider changing their diesel driven vehicles back to petrol engines if Government's present high rate of taxation for diesel engines was not lowered, said Mr. MnS™ t°?h Si retirinß »«M»«Itot director of Borneo Motors Ltd Singapore. Sales
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  • 147 14 MR. W. R. Cockburn, chief general manager of The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, will retire on January 15, 1955, after completing over 43 years' service at home and abroad. Following upon his retire- 1 ment it is the intention of the directors to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      22 words
    • 129 14 M^ Jfr. FOR SMOOTH CLEAN SMOr, Largest-selling cork-tipped cigarette in the world. Imported from I ondon j M***! 'A TIPPERS FARGO r*RCO lh« Inack you cMi trust "^^B^ FARGO Chassis supplied with Hydraulic Tipping Gears from 2; I to 5 cubic yards. CYCLE CARRIAGE CO (1926) I ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE-?
      129 words

  • 212 15 Five new caps in Scottish XV v France EDINBURGH, Mon. SCOTLAND'S Rugby Union team to meet France in Paris on Jan. 8, announced here last night, contains five new "caps". The choice of a nev captain J. Greenwood was a surprise as he has played in only one previous international
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 381 15 SECOND DEFEAT FOR INDONESIANS 4iVZ) THEY WON'T EASILY FORGET COUTTS—THE MAN WHO BEAT THEM By Our Hockey Reporter JHh Indonesian hockey tourists will not easily iorget Coutts, for this wizard inside left deprived them of victory for the second day running when ihe visitors played a
    381 words
  • 44 15 The Singapore Delt.i Ganges Welfare Association will hold an athletic meeting at 3 p.m. on Dec. 27 Ht the Mekong Walk padang in Delta Estate. KUALA LUMPUR Mon. V.V. li.uer won the Selangor Eurasian A -x-iatlnns open three-ball blllurds championship last night.
    44 words
  • 117 15 THE Singapore team to meet the Indonesian national) bockei tram in a return inter- 1 national at Jalan B«'sar stadium tomorrow shows one change from Sunday's .side. Sq/Lc!r lan Dunn, the Seletar captain, comes in at centre forward in place of I Percy Pennefather. who goes
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  • 28 15 BOMDEZ VONGTRAKIT as Ray Rico will see him at the Happy World arena on Sunday night. Straits Times picture.
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  • 296 15 By Our Boxing Reporter ORIENT welterweight champion Somaez Yongtrakir is said to be the best welterweight Siam has ever produced It is no exaggeration I watched thL< compact bundle of muscle— he Is only sft I 6in— work out at
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  • 272 15 MAI VAN HOA. who retained his Asian table-tennis men's singles title, was given pride of place in the Asian Table Tenni.s Federation's official rankings issued by Mr T I) Ranga Ramanujan. the hon general secretary, on Sunday night. Sih Su Chu ol Hone Kong.
    272 words
  • 163 15 NEW YORK. Mon VtISS DORIS HART was today 1 mimed Americas No. 1 woman lawn I '-I) nls player for 1954 by the United States L. T. A. ranking Mi lmlttee. The D S. women's sineles champion. Miss Hart, undoubtedly MM! her elrvation from second
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 80 15 IPOH. Mon. Perak will lose one of its keenest rugby officials with the departure from Ipoh this, week of Mr. M. J Long. Hon. secretary of the Perak Rugby Union for the past two seasons. Mr. Long did much to popularise thr ti.ime amongst
    80 words
  • 229 15 'THE Asian tnble tennis champlon- ships will be held once In i mrj two years in future This was decided at the Third Asian annual congress meeting held in dingaporc'. Manila has been ihosen as the venue for the Fourth Asian cham- 1 1
    229 words
  • 26 15 MSBON. Mon. Wwt Urrmanv be«l 3-0 aftrr Iriulint; I -d at half time In an international MOM*< ii hut today* Renter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 147 15 W PARHER "51" 4AGNETIX DESK SETS gift of true distinction different in style, -inn. performance magnetic holder pivots to any MHde. fio/z/or r^J »<"-*IH ».r>c. narrnit'w. *».SG«>Q.t IMEAND DANCE AT THE GRIFFIN INN Special Dinners and Attractions for Christmas and New Year festivals itii 25th, 31st DEC. 1954 and Ist
      147 words
    • 607 15 \vl 'mf\B zrT ~*^*"^"fte9"lu«ift4»« J 'i. J \A Vb^l 9 *I For HOniß L63V6... order your Austin NOW! vlEj nr BORNEO MOTORS lAlflifllilflfl SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PINANC EUTTIRWORTM IPOH SEtEMIAN MALACCA |ESSILTON KUALA BELAIT. Spore K. luapvr ipob Residents ITTiMTItI PLEiUfel V/c offer Special Competitive II Iff V f*T %S
      607 words

  • 675 16  - May (98 not out), Cowdrey 54) revive England hopes JACK FINGLETON THREE OUT FOR 55, THEN A 116-RUN PARTNERSHIP CABLE from SYDNEY, Mon. ENGLAND still live in Sydney's vital second Test. Just before lunch today, English stocks slumped to bedrock with Hutton and Graveney both being dismissed in the same
    675 words
  • 43 16 35 MINS. NO SCORE— THEN THIS tNGLISH .m-miu batsman Trevor Baile> ha«. his middle stump sent flvine h* vnrkpr from Ray Lindwall for a "duck on the opening day of the second Test Bailey w« as mtnutes at the wicket before this happened.
    43 words
  • 397 16 Fast game despite icet ground KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. UNIVERSITY of Malaya opened their Federa--1 tion sports tour with a rugger win over Selangor All Blues by 18 points (three goals, penalty) to 15 (three goals) on the Police Depot ground today. Ground conditions were not
    397 words
  • 110 16 But the Varsity hockey teams are well beaten KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. THE metis and womras hockey teams of the University of Malaya were beaten in their first mntches of their Federation tour today. At Taylor Road ground the nun s team lost to Selanjtor A" by 3-1 and the women's
    110 words
  • 113 16 LE HAVRE. Mon t SWEDEN last night completed a 9 o victory over France In 1 their European zone o, iof the Thomas Cup badminton tournament and qualified to meet England in the zone seml-flnal. The Bweden v. England winners will meet Denmark In the final
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 141 16 De Souza on change to 'Federation' KUALA 1.1 >IPIR. Mon HLKMAN de Sou/a, prrsident of the Mala>an Hockey Federation, today explained why its name had been (hanged from the former Federation of Malaya Hockey I'nlon." He said in letters to the F.M.H.I'. the International HiM-kev Federation and national hockey bodies
    141 words
  • 52 16 SAP A. Dlv 1 teams will meet at Jalan Bosar .stadium at 530 p.m. today to ele> t a council member and two members for the league and Cur) committee. Junior teams will meet nt A p.m. to elect two members for the In up and
    52 words
  • 243 16 I/ING EDWARD VII School of Taipin? retained a hundred per cent record in their Colouy tour when they beat their toughest opponents, St. Andrews School, by 11 points (a poal. a try and penalty) to six tiwo penalties) in their final game, at
    243 words
  • 18 16 A hockey "friendly" will be played between B.C.C. and the Indian Association on the podani* today.
    18 words
  • 99 16 KARACHI 'THE Selection Con-.mut< Pakistan Cr.cket Board of Control hat i»nno meed the names ol players from whom the t«am will ;k o meet India in the first Test, btjrinnlug at Dacca on Jau 1. The final team will be announced on Dec. 30. Of the
    99 words
  • 23 16 ENfi, llu 'l->,,, P To h» t T, B(,. .llr h r .Inhn M( n ••♦'fiaud It *s J^ re bund ball
    23 words
    6 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 704 16 REACH 72,000 FAMILIES WITH A CLASSIFIED ADVERT. (C'ontinurd from Pace 8) SITUATIONS VACANT 10 Word, U (Mim.)-Bnx S» r(«. txtrm. EXPERIENCED English Nanny required for English girl age seven. Box A 1205 S.T CIVIL ENGINEER required urcently as resident on water supply scheme in Borneo. Apply Box A 1213 ST.
      704 words
    • 789 16 j ACCOMMODATION WANTED f» Wordt $S (Ml*.)— Box it rtt. txtrm. REQUIRED FOR OCCUPATION January Ist Furnished 2 or 3 Bed rooms House/Bungalow. East Coast Road area. Box A 1228, ST. LOCAL BACHELOR Requires Bachelor Flat or Comfortable Furnished Room, preferably with Light. Cooking facilities in good Locality. Box A
      789 words
    • 774 16 tvi-e^ Bond S4 nnn «■> Jn" 8 r^» Al2lO. S.T. SALE. Purchase, Cash/Terms on any good Cars, always call at Used Car Traders. 265 River Valley Road Tel. *****. LATE 1951 AUSTIN A.40. Steer Ing Column Oear Change Genuine 16.000 miles. European owner driven. Mechanically excellent condition first class throughout
      774 words
    • 10 16 r -M- V State gjPßps jRBSKDPF^-' mains*** AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MAUVAf
      10 words