The Straits Times, 11 December 1954

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 35 1 Gcylang Serai. Si?igapore. were still knee-high yesterday. by a Straits Times cameraman from an Auster at 5.30 p.m.. ■:ldren paddling and using the wall of a collapsed hut for a raft.
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  • 1720 1 I'ical officials last night forecast more rain all t(klay the I. list Coast and in South Johore lood waters the most is flood threat to .Malaya •;i-Ur of 1926 yesterday outhern .Malaya from a Xt north of Johore Bahru to Smbilan-Johore > mile stretch
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  • 50 1 LONDON. Fri— Artist Gra ham Sutherland, who painteo the controversial 80t,h birthday portrait of the Prime Minister. Sir Winston Churchill, was found guilty of .speedin K ve.sterday The West London Magistrate's Court fined him 3d shillings for driving his car more than 40 miles an hour.
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  • 153 1 S'pore-K.L. train services suspended KlAI A LlMPl R. Fri ALL night and day trains between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur have been suspended owing to the Johore landslides and floods, the Malayan Railway announced tonight. It is understood that they may be suspended for at least three days. Both divisions of
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  • 35 1 TUNIS. Fri— The Frencn and Governments today warned that ai] Tunisian outlaws who did not surrender under the amnesty offer which expired at midnight last night would be "wiped out." Reuter.
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  • 34 1 TOKYO. Fri Mamoru Shtgemltsu. named today ax Japan's new F< rign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister said his nations "position Is quite fixed we definitely are I in the democratic camp." -U.P
    UP  -  34 words
  • 314 1 AVA SHAKES UP STORE WITH HER CHONGSUM IjMLM star Ava Gardner provided a surprise at hrr first public engagement in Singapore last night a Press conference when she arrived in a striking chongsum. And she proved her own point -that the traditional Chinese dress is the "sexiest thing" she has
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  • 29 1 LONDON, Fri. -Mr. Henry Ridlry. the man who founded the rubber industry in Malaya, celebrated his 99th birthday today at hi.s home near Kew Botanical Gardens.
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  • 22 1 HOLLYWOOD, Fri. Frank Sinatra, yelling "I hate cops and newspaper reporters," punched a press agent outside a nightclub here yesterday.
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  • 21 1 PUSAN. Fri. Fire fanned by strong wind.s destroyed 700 rafßgt .sharks and other buildings in Pusan today. Reuter
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  • 213 1 DUBLIN, Fri. Thousands of people moved back into their damaged and mud-covered houses today after the worst flood in Dublin's memory. Falling waters uncovered the first known fatality. Rescue workers found the body of a 70-year-old woman, drowned in her bed. Streets that were rivers
    AP  -  213 words
  • 232 1 ACID IS FLUNG IN FACES OF COUPLE Vf R- J. L. V. Revel, secretary 1»1 of Moine Comte Co. Ltd.. a French firm in Sin- gapore. had a quantity nf caustic soda thrown in his face as he and his wifr Elena were driving out of a cinema car park
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  • 20 1 VATICAN CITY. Fri. The Pope spent a restful night and ate a ,;oft-boiled egs for breakfast today. UP.
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  • 31 1 Floods ebb but it rains again IN SINGAPORE TWELVE hours after Singapore's worst flood since 1934 began to recede, more rain fell last night. 3ut hundreds of people w'io were forced
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  • 768 1 Dl T H V.iINT 1 Al K OH NEW GUINEA TMF HAGI F I ri Dutch f.furrnnirnl toi rei«i t 4 1 rt n.. c man to mi n• (.uiiK-.j and exrliH. d fui !h' BegoU t'.ions wftb Tnd"n<- n f* to lravp their homes on Thursday are
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 j ICE CREAM ch»ict miti i <•» your pleasure '•'UK lWlitl tour ChllCt .[■»c«iu it* -mi n««< atieet accompaniroefl* o r,ertact dinner... JS&F^ Nuuif "EBFRAUMILCH H. SICHEL SOHNE advice on the selection of for your next dinner phone our wine 5324. Us TERM AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Vcialists in choicest wines.
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    • 118 1 MO NONA'S PALM TREE CASHING «OAP QptiL em tht, ktnUt HO HONG SOAP FACTORY HO (HUM! "O«l > fll S«M-I*il (Guess what\ B, f" y2±s*\' j I f don't knouj. but J\ its simply delicious! Your first taste of 'Ovaltine' Cold s y^ will be a revelation. It's cool. )\f
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  • 327 2 1,500 WAIT IN FRONT FOR STAR WHO WENT IN AT BACK Singapore let its hair down last night for Ava Gardner. There was a near-riot at the Capitol Theatre where Ava made I personal appearance at the premiere of her latest film, "The Barefoot Contessa." A crowd of more than
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  • 73 2 LIMA. (Peru*. Frl.— Lloyds underwriters ar» reported by authoritative sources here to havr asked for 15 days' grace to consider payment of the million fine Imposed on five fhips of the Onassls whaling fleet seized by «he Peruvian Navy. The official time limit for payment
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 34 2 WASHINGTON. Pri— India and Pakistan have resumed discussions here to try to end their seven-year-old dLsputr nvor u 10 diversion of water from six rivers of the Indus River basin.- Router I
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  • 24 3 ■littrc Pars'' on partpublic I tied a| In ex- Even a i year. i year, free j I from m by which vern-
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  • 12 3 Lin will near future .-nd ol herself Au«Reuter.
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 17 3 Briift cars been will be to tho i unbell, of the would betneuter.
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  • 18 3 A i that Id Pakis■re, is in the '(".day that, alRritain id only to help v busi-
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  • 78 3 f> The millionaire laffar, who nin Narritrlier this -missed from Royal lied from wnkhdniv Kuwait, report! here 1 t»ll. bearded and I in, vu duhbed the "fiance of the year" after his reported wooing of the ex-queen, has received marriage offers from blondes and brunettes all over the world
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  • 40 3 NEW JERSEY. Fri— Ladv Sylvia Ashley was married here yesterday to Russianborn Prince Dimitri DjordJadze. The bride, who Rave her ace as 44. was recently divorced from Clark Gable. Prince 'Djordjadze Ls her iitth husband.—UP
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  • 405 3 RUBBER INDUSTRY DIES, S-E ASIA WILL BE LOST' AKRON, Ohio Friday CIR John Kotelawala, the Prime Minister of Ceylon, warned today that the synthetic rubber industry in the I nited States was threatening to "exterminate" natural rubber producers in Ceylon and other
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 152 3 ADULTERY IS NOT GROUND FOR DIVORCE: ARCHDISHOP LONDON. Fri. DR. GEOFFREY FISHER, Archbishop of Canterbury, said yesterday that the Church of England would wholly approve if the law was no longer content to accept m single act of adultery a s a sufficient ground for divorce. He said the proper
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 114 3 LONDON, Fri. The British Government is considering taking legal action to prevent the sale in Britain of horror" comlca and publications glorifylng violence and torture. Mr. Gwilym Lloyd Georse. the Home Secretary, told the House of Commons yesterday he would much prefer to see. the
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 39 3 SERIA. Fri. The British an Petroleum Company's oilfield here is to be used as a training centre for youns British recruits to the oil indiutrv who want to become drillers, a company spokesman i said today— Reuter.
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  • 36 3 LONDON, Fri. A record total of £952,000.000 was spent on food in Britain in the third quarttr of this year Household goods also claimed a record with £231.000,000 though clothing dropped substantially to £215.000.000.-
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  • 195 3 LONDON, Friday. MR A. C Manuel, a Labour Member of Parliament alleged in the House of Commons yesterday that prisoners were being chained in some British colonies and protectorates. He auoted a newspaper report that attempts had been made by prisoners to escape after
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 289 3 BUT WINSTON HAS LAST WORD LONDON, Friday. •THE Prime Minister. Sir Winston Churchill, strongly A criticised a Labour member in the House of Commons yesterday for suggesting that Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery should be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. Mr. George Wigg. a
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 287 3 EMPIRE IS BEHIND WITH THE NEWS MELBOURNE, Fri. MR. H. A. M. Campbell, the chairman, speaking today at the annual meeting of the Australian Associated Press, declared that some ac- tion was necessary in the field of Commonwealth communications. Last year AAP brought into Australia 9.000,000 words of overseas news,
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 60 3 LONDON, Fri. The £2,100.000 Royal yacht Britannia will join in combiner! Fleet exercises with the Duke of Edinburgh on board in the Mediterranean next March it was announced last night The yacht, subject of controversy over Its cost, will ioin the exercises after it has
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 44 3 BRISTOL, Fri Some 2.000 dockers struck work at Avonmouth, port of Bristol, yesterday to back a protest over new handling methods for relricerated meat from New Zealand. Work on all 17 ships In the port was brought to a standstill—Reuter.
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  • 38 3 LONDON, Fri Mrs. R.A. j Butlrr. wifr of the Chancellor j of the Exchequer died yesterH:IV The Butler* married in 1926 Thrrr arc three sorts and a dauchter Yesterday was Mr Butler's 52nd birthday. Rcutcr.
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  • 56 3 FIGHTING AGAIN IN INDO-CHINA SAIGON. Fri. NEW fighting has broken out between the National Army and dissident troops of one of the powerful Hoa Hao sects, it was announced today The National Army launched operations against 2.000 Hoa Hao troops in west Cochinchina, authoritative sources said But the "private army'
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  • 19 3 LONDON. Fri —Motor vehicle licences in force in Britain total 5.622.000 the hißhest number ever recorded. -Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 320 3 LONDON. Frt. n lias been a day of mixed condl- tions In the si-ock markets. There has been little desire to open commitment* for the long account but some l>earcoverlng h»s been going on In the belter class Industrial shares. Clewing middle price* or .selected stocks not including
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  • 25 3 LONDON. Dei 10— Cash Buyers BTMtti Sellers t717 Forward Buyers ETMk; Sellers C 715; Settlement ETltt; Turnover a.m. 65 tons p.m. li tons.
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  • 39 3 LONDON Dec 10 Spot 24\d.. Jan. 24',d F*b 24d Mar 23 T d Jan. -MT 24*1 April-June 23' 4 d. .July-S*pt 23 ad.. Oct.-Der. 23>.d Dec. cl.f. 23" k d Feb. c.1.1. 23 \d, Tone: Very steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 \l( STAYING POWER Holt:; Lister Knqineerinq UdJ r^arTTTTOnn ii |"i -jj i
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    • 282 3 j,. W^__ FOR CHRISTMAS, 1954, drink mm&s^ *»P*- fiS 2 Bfs.. l Bfi£§Pi^^sl San Miguel BEER FVZIYAMD. TPVIY GREAT! 1 MEWIO AND BOntED BY SAN MIGUEI 6REWHtr Ma>iMa P*.il,po-.i fit) r V^y MNOAPORt COLO MGHALI CO LTD >IN6APORI (Br>ncn U Mroultiayt MM Z. ANNUAL CARPET S A 1 1 E
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  • 331 4 TAPPING WAS HALTED THROUGHOUT THE FEDERATION BUT THE WORKERS WONT LOSE THEIR WAGES, SAYS EMPLOYERS' SPOKESMAN KUALA LI MPIR, Friday. J^l BHER estates in the Federation lost three million dollars yesterday because of incessant rain throughout the country. This represents the quantity of rubber (1,600
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  • 79 4 Six-month sentence cut to a day KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. MR JUSTICE Wilson. In the Kuala Lumpur High Court, today reduced to one day a six-month prison term on Anil for criminal intimidadation against S. Nadarajan. He warned Anil: "If you do thus again, you will not be w lucky next
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  • 42 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A British officer was wounded in the shoulder when a patrol of the Royal Welch Fusiliers attacked a camp In the Bahau district of Negrl Sembilan yesterday. The five terrorists in the camp escaped.
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  • 34 4 KUALA LUMPUR. F:-. Mr W F Grieve, who was District Officer. Kuantan. is to replace Mr G W. Rothery as Petalinc Jaya Administrator in the New Mr Rothery is going on aye.
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  • 75 4 IPOH. Fri. Two Chinese and a Sikh, who oleaded guilty to carrying foodstuff in a food restricted area, near TanJong Rambutan. were fined $200 each In the Sessions Court today. (Thong Song 37 and Poon Ah Tew 22 were arrested on Deo 4 bj i patrol
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  • 182 4 Catholics begin war on horror comics -MEMBERS of the !iTI Catholic Legion of Decency in Singapore now include the banning of horror comics in their pledge. The comics were attacked in a Mrmoa preached by Father J. C. Kearney, to Legion members before they renewed their pledge at the close
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  • 76 4 KUALA L.MPUR. Fri. The Franciscan Sisters will run a primary school for girls in Petalmg Jaya next year. th the school will have eighty pupils. will br one class for nveraged till* between eight and 12. who are unable to set Into the other >eho->is. The
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  • 38 4 Luan Kai Wong was charged in Singapore yesterday with stealing two coconuts from a house in East Coast Road on Thursday morning. He claimed trial and was offered $250 bail In one surety till Dec 21.
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  • 29 4 PENANO. Fri The new Queen's dollars were changed when they were released in Pcnane today. Each person was allowed to change only $10 at the banks.
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  • 39 4 ONE OF THK boys. Tan din rhean*. son of Mr. Tan Ketig Soon of the Kuala I.umpur Road Transport Department, is being shaven hald by the priest of the temple. Yen. Damananda Thera.
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  • 37 4 A 50-year-old woman. Lim Lt. Wu.» fined $50 in Singapore yesterday when she pleaded cu:ltv to unlawful possession of one bottle of dutiable samsu at her house in Juronc Road on Thursday morning.
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  • 194 4 The man who pines for Malaya PENANG. Fndaj. JHE PAN-MALAYAN LABOUR PARTY today ap- pealed to the Singapore Colonial Secretary. Mr W A. C. Goode. to expedite the return of Mr. P. V. Sarma. former president of the Singapore Teachers' Union to Malaya. Mr
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  • 66 4 PENANO. Fri. The general purposes committee of the Malayan Postal Uniformed Staff Union last night pledged financial aid to the Pe:iang Harbour Board Staff Association which has decided to strike on Dec 23. Mr K Balasundram sident of the MPUSU. t I Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 4 J Malacca taj New centr I I I I a
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  • 59 4 The floods prevented so many of the Singapore Musical Society's 145-strong choir from turnlns up for the rehearsal fo>- |fe«lah on Thursday eveninc that an extra lehearsal will be held today at the Victoria Memorial Hail at 4.30 pm There are still some t ckets left
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  • 50 4 Tickets for the Notte R"mana" ball at Raffles Hotr! on Dec. 15 and Dec. 16 in aid ol the Singapore Leprosy Rr\y Association are on sale at Raffles Hotel. Mansfield ar.d Vanity. Tickets should be obtained firly and tablr made to ensure seatins arrangements.
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  • 92 4 SUNOEI PATANI. Fri. pENTRAL Kedah police today were lookinc for a man vho was reported to have attacked a seven-year-old girl op Wfdne.^day night. The girl was playing fri- nds at 8 p.m neai Hongkone and Shanghai Ba: k buildini; when an Indian asked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 ***^§j^ vL^ < '^t are nghi in strp with thf»ra- j| W*. 1 son's fashion mood. They are l^H K j^MI -WF 4 *W$ |^f^ ■'1*1^ J^;- ia^f «*J!F washable, shrink resisting x < H v '.<. »'>*. Jl*^ I HBH^^ 1^* rolour fast Th'd"ign A^ w I fl Mm
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  • 157 5 Council to pay tribute to Paglar T»RIBUTE to Dato C. J. x Paglar, who died on Thvirsday, will be paid by officials and unofflcials when the Singapore Legislative Council meets on Tuesday. Messages of condolence continued to pour into the Paglar home yesterday for his widow and three children. The
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  • 56 5 Fire brigade beats two blazes THE Singapore Fire Brigade tackled two fires yesterday. One was at New Bridge Road, whrre a short circuit started a blaze in a Singapore Traction Company box. The other involved a taxi. which caught fire at the lunctlon of East Coast Road and Telok Kurau
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  • 34 5 The Telok Aver Methodist Youth Fellowship. Singapore, will hoid its annual Christmas dinner, followed by house-to-hou^e -arolline. in the church hall at 235 Telok Ayer Street from 7.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve.
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  • 36 5 The Singapore branch of the Royal Engineers Association will hold its annual meeting at the welfare centre. Gillman Barracks. Alexandra, at 8 p.m. on Jan 6 The meeting will be followed by a "smoker."
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  • 74 5 After completing 117 ye.irs of service in the Postal Services Department, four members were presented with valedictory letters yesterday. Mr. Si. L. Durrant, Director of Posts Singapore, presenting the letters, said the services of the four officers had been recognised by the Singapore
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  • 21 5 Preliminary official statistics ouhlished last night show that in September Malaya had an adverse trade balance of $4.8 million.
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  • 22 5 The Singapore Filipino Association will hold a Christmas dance at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 9 p.m. on Dec 21.
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  • 19 5 The Singapore Police Band will play at Katong Park from 5.30 pm. to 6.30 am. on Tuesday.
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  • 372 5 The direct approach now in spite of opposition by students —and Mr. Yap Pheng Geek says this in order SEVERAL middle and primary Chinese schools have sought Government aid, in spite of student opposition. Tho Director of Education. Mr R. M. Young, told the
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  • 168 5 IPOH, Friday. >TO PROVISIONS have been made in the Perak Budget for the $56.9 million needed for building English schools next year, said Mr. A. F. Hunter. Chief Education Officer, yesterday, to state councillors. "Our only hope now would appear to be a contribution
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  • 231 5 He went on spree too soon: So no promotion PATRICK Neel Winter, 22, an actinß corporal in the Royal Army Mediral Corps, would have had his rank confirmed on Oct. 15. But he went out to celebrate the night before and celebrated too well. Yesterday, in the Singapore Assize Court,
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  • 25 5 "Wedding Bells" will be shown by Singapore V.M.C.A Movie Circle at the association hall. Orchard Road at 8.30 pm. on Christmas Day.
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  • 61 5 BATU PAH AT. Frl.— Johore Information Services will hold a civic luncheon at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Batu Pahat tomorrow. The guest speaker will be the State Secretary. Dato Seth bin Mo-hamt-d Said At night, the Information Services will hold an exhibition of prize
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  • 33 5 A misadventure verdict was recorded at a Singapore inquest yesterday on Koh Choon Bock, aaed 18. a cyclist, who was knocked down by a Singapore Traction Company bus in Upper Serangoon Road^
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 gfl (MSafeis fethe "^^v heat j and here's why... Easy Mting: Juit Nm th« nib housing (i). Fill the body (2) with the dropper. .Replace fmm Ouocaaß«*vtiUmitoi,ll a »attenrßMtf.Sia sa 9M«. i« BISCUITS f^M A ge r.uine old-Dutch IV// A cookie, rich in flavour jfl because of the broken JTm
      251 words
    • 86 5 Particul. -J at night TflBU Cologne The to.OiQjcn 1« unleashed tor delightfully ujc. But tak« care »"i potent! KIAN GWAH (MALAYA) LTD. Si"?apore Penini; Ku.iil Lumpur. tr -1 t ■'■'<*.:■■ I v '•^tm^ ®m**&* *mg anchor o > m K //I w J y y **v-rf -3 ///a
      86 words
    • 32 5 iiisist on "INVICTA" Brand Inhrrak-M \TN -> p ii ii i; I. iivrd. MalnUlm \<<urali- I inif. Witliin of .<U r*rkHa. ih.iiiil.iiikml ilI l|llll.lllOll viIKC un. MALAYAN WATCH TRADERS, NMJN V A BORM <)
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 606 5 DATlfA If AI AYA M* Rliyihm: 10.00 On The Trail; KAU1W mi*ij***** iu.:u>— n.oo Spt.iking. I'Programnies thus marked can be -_^________gg«««jj^«iM received by listeners in M;ii. fj^^^r^^^^Tfl Short wave 49 A: 62m. Medium wave I rjj^^^^^j M 476m, 343.. 366m. and 297m P.M. BHHm4IBHHHHH •1.00 Programme Summary and 1 GlwrADAIiV
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  • 33 6 The floods— from the air CAM WHICH STALLED m MH| Serai, 5,,,,.,,,,,,, still bogged down yesterday. Cyetteta f..uml it easier t.. push ,i was taken from the air by a Straits Tim. ramei
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  • 37 6 KKDOK vill.iui- under m\ feet of water on Thursday, w.w still Hood waters, though fast receding, were still three to fcuir feel «jn taken from the .«ir by a Straits Times ran
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  • 173 6 r)l'R Malay expectant mothers were removed by sampans to the homes of their relatives when the floods reached bed-level at the Malay Farm, Geylani; Serai. Singapore, on Thursday ni"ht. Yesterday more than 150 families joined the fl people, mostly Malays, at Yock
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  • 197 6 Later a team of clerks from the department begai. paying out $10 each to every person who had lived in the resettlement area. Mr. E. F. Middleditch. of the department, said the payments were emergency relief. rhe fl x>d water
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 207 6 natte rownana at RAFFLES HOTEL on Wednesday, 15th December Thursday, 16th December from 8.30 p.m. 2 a.m. ITALIAN BUFFET ITALIAN UIMS DANCING afV#.v/fffOff #i rutii> by 1 <t nil f/\ IN AID OF SINGAPORE LEPROSY RELIEF ASSOCIATION TABLE RESERVATIONS AT Raffles Hotel and Mansfield O Co.. Ltd. Space donated by
      207 words
    • 59 6 oanta oays Get the Lest" r 7. BTCOI4 mowers and scythes Trade enquiries invited- I f Q ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING 132/6 ROBINSON RO. SINCAPORI. TEL 3J523 6 Brmchc. MAL*tt» Suh-Apeiits in Si'iyapore and Johort: $\H^ f KIM SENC CHEONC. 103. HAVELOCK D Sub-Agent* m the State* or I O D '"La**^
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  • 238 7 $19,000 judgment in two civil suits on lawyer who ran away HIS POST-DATED CHEQUES BOUNCED IN THE MMGAFOU High Court x yesterday the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, gave judgment against C. (J. Menon, a former Singapore lawyer, now in Madras, for a total of $19,000 in two civil suits.
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  • 268 7 Bad village to get new home N0.2 (permanent) near Tanjong Malim •TOO RISKY' TO RETURN TO OLD KAMPONG SITE I POH. Friday. LMFTY-EIGHT Malay families of Kampong Simpang Ampat, near Tanjong Malim, who were temporarily evacuated nearly three years ago. following a major terrorist incident near their area, are to
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  • 150 7 He's accused of giving dud cheques KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. r"OLIN PHILIP ANSELL. 32. of Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, was charged in the Sessions Court here today on six courts of cheating. An-sell who claimed trial waa alleged to have cheated Abdul Salam bin Mohamed of Mubarak Restaurant. Kuala I un
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  • 58 7 A TOTAL of 11.143 me n and women attend 370 literacy classes run by Singapore Coun- cii for Adult Education, latest figures show. Of the rIMSn. -~V teach [English, the rest teach Mandarin and English. Two of the biggest centres af the People's Education Association, with
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  • 62 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri— Ooi Phee Sun. 23. a police constable, claimed trial today in the in Court here on a charge of extortion. He waa alleged to have induced Hun Yu Kuang to pay him $200 by putting him in fear of arrest on Dec. 7.
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  • 172 7 BALLOT PAPER EXHIBIT IN CASE AGAINST POLLS AGENT MALACCA, Fri. IjMU'R torn pieces of a ballot paper said to have been used in the rerent Malacca Municipal election were produced in the Magistrate's Court here today at the trial of Haji Hashim bin Olhman, an UMNO-MCA Alliance polling agent. Haji
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  • 177 7 He didn't pay nmd tax dues IPOH. Friday. A CLERK, Chung Chye Wens:, 37. who misappropriated $735 was sentenced in the Sessions Court today to a days imprisonment and a fine of $500 in default three months' imprisonment. Chung: was Riven $1,932. in
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  • 85 7 250,000 th round and 'a present from the C-in-C' KUALA I IMPIR. Frl. A shell thudded into a terrorist tars«'t in the Kluang district of Johore. Chalked on it were the words: "A present from the com- mander-in-thief." I The man who fired it was Kriuidier II Thorne of the
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  • 32 7 Mr. George 8. Anderson. Australian Trade Commissioner in Malaya, is resigning from Government service and will re-enter commerce. He will leave Singapore by sea on Dec. 30 for Sydney.
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  • 48 7 Singapore Chamber Ensemb'e and choir will present "An Evening of Christmas Musk-" at Radio Malaya's auditorium. I Thomson Road, at 6 p.m. on I Dec. 19. Admission is by invitation, j Those interested should apply to the ensemble secretary. 2, Astrid Hill, for passes
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  • 45 7 The Singapore Government has banned the sale and circulation of the publication "Will Power Training" by Loh T and printed by Wen Vi Press at Geylang Road. A police spokesman last night said that the publication was banned under the Emergency Regulations.
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  • 43 7 Chew Cheong claimed trial in Singapore yesterday to a Charge of injuring a man on board the Metula at the Singapore Harbour Board on Nov. 30. He was given $300 bail in one I .surety till Dec. 17.
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  • 195 7 KILLER TOOK ME AWAY— GIRL SAYS A MAN fled, dragging j with him a 10-year- j] old Kirl because she saw I him kill her father, it j was alleged in the Singa- j i pore Eighth Police Court j yesterday. But Appavoo Thayan was caught, the court was told,
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  • 58 7 HANTS HIT A CAMP AND KILL A RED KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A i Patrol of the Ist. Royal Hants attacked a camp in the Kuala Kubu Bahru district of North Selangor yesterday and wounded one of five terrorists in.side. The terrorists, who fled, left behind three packs containing clothing and
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  • 64 7 Careers by four Govt. men Four Government officials la-t night spoke on "Scientific careers in Malaya" at a forum organised by the Science Society of Malaya and the Malayan Mathematical Society at the British Council Hall. They were Mr. R. S. Anderton (Education); Mr. A. F. Cald\ve.; i Medical Services);
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  • 48 7 St John Presbyterian Ambulance Cadet Division will hold its annual parade and inspection at the Presbyterian Boys' School. Koon Seng Road, at 4 p.m. on Dec. 18. The inspecting officer will be Dr. P. C. Kwan. Colony i Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 208 7 1 "LOW CUT BROADCLOTH 372" Exquisite Form's new low cut version of f its famous Circl 0 Form (Style 372) with the S^ free-as air Floating Action" feature that assures comfortable fit and control. An elastic insert, front center, gives added freedom. WHITE only. A CUP 32 36. B CUP
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 284 7 22. The incendiary professor of HetStraits Times Crossword 24X^^^60*1^^ VTV -imm 25. Clears a check (7). f j i J j j j K^fe a ic^H b I I 26 Money-calling system of play I I j I I I J 1. Made of thinned concrete for I I HHH
      284 words

  • 319 8 ;u Horrft S/fl (minimum;. K-LAST DAY at Mulchaads. Bras Basah Road. Your r rty Dreuea :>' Reduced Prices. FOLLOW PEDANT Every Day In :.Uay Mall' if you vim that $5,000 word puzzle. BOY! I'VE DECIDED on a bottle Gilden-Krone Llebfra.imllch 1950. finest dinner wine I fcnow! Robinson's. ISS THE
    319 words
  • 32 8 Ifl Word, t!.SO (minimum). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Singapore, 8, Orange Grove Road, ?i:.^'.ipore-10 (ofT Orchard Roadt Services and Sunday School 10.30 -t m. Testimony Meetings Ist and 3rd Wednesdays 6.30.
    32 words
  • 847 8 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. Dec. 11. 1954. The Rubber Puzzle The controversial Mudie re- port on the rubber industry continues to attract the odd shot from leaders of the industry, and it is as well that it ~-aruld. While opinions may differ on the recommendations which the mission made,
    847 words
  • 259 8 Beginning next year, every Singapore prisoner on discharge will be given a little money to keep him going until he rinds his feet. This form of aid reflects the increasing emphasis on rehabilitation outside the prison walls. It is a proper sequel to the many penal
    259 words
  • 185 8 The Federation's Controller of Immigration, in a letter which we published yesterday, has made it clear that a British Protected Person is not classified as an alien in the United Kingdom. Mr. Bigley, however, appears to have missed the point of the complaint to which his explanation was
    185 words
  • 666 8  -  CYNICU* AM ALAYA is customarily iTI affllicted at this time of the year by anticyclones, and it is hardly necessary to be told by the weatherman that an anti cyclone is a deep depression. There has been plenty to be depressed about, a depression which has
    666 words
  • Article, Illustration
    101 8 SHIRTS TIES there is training schi to fit land bailifTs for higher appointments, and if not whether the Singapore Govt rnment will censid' scheme for sending them over.seas to qualify the:r. Qualify them for what? Perhaps for high appoint:. M land grabber- on the Master Plan staff, taught to b
    101 words
  • 923 8 DEGULARLY, year by 1V year, the rains sweep over Singapore at this season and regularly authority is amazed. Year by year we hear those precious voices, void of all emotion, tell us across the radio that these floods are the worst since the last. Wiseacre.s shake their
    923 words
  • 138 8 From the Straits Timex of Dec. 14, 1904 AN extraordinary incident, which had its sequel in Chambers before the Chief Justice, has just come to light. Mr. T. Sarkles. the popular co-proprietor of Raffles Hotel, recently made arrangements for a trip to Lurope; but he was astonLshed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 489 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. N Words M 0 (minimum). BESCOBY: To Dorothy, wife of Flt.-Lt. F. K. Bescoby. Twin.s. n and Jeremy, at B pore, on 7th December, 1954. ;o Hard* HV (minimum). ERSON BUTTEN: The en, •mounced between Alan ir, ddest son of Mr. and Mn. \V I 1 H Erson
      489 words
    • 84 8 Now Foolproof Movie-Making w»h the World's f* Mo-t Amazing*!!* THIS famous "dream" camera takes the guesswork out of movie -naking, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters. Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-in governor coupled to both K-nses in a slide tu.'ret. You look'
      84 words
    • 84 8 Tin: I loiumj a brilliant Vhristm* for ike tmmib vith the HISMASTERSVOtf PORTABLE RADIOCW tj_ Model 5323 f" Arnold j^pr (tptoi^ Fu//« fll< Fad,ogram Plays 78, 45 ani 23\ r.p.m- On/y $375 /es« y .O forcash(S *Yaurs an EASY ''Hi* Moste^ W\ Terms Deposit 573 P*« instalments ot $22 co.
      84 words

  • 428 9 and out at Kallang all day ILAME- AIRCRAFT HURRIED IN TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME BUSIEST ON RECORD— 39 JJJSS TOVCHED DOWN fOQK OFF FN 12 HOURS lUjgt; Kalian* Airport yesterday had its jjjj since il «as opened nearly 15 years bt :*9 aircraft arrived and took inn the
    428 words
  • 45 9 linping !110,--il up poi c rvos lines :■.;>- 'ii done in ■nl O. .I'.t nm ml hilt .irk in vrsliner Line day. Acre ur--1 who to 000.--i.itOS Jit. with /on ;tfd iin. on the md mri.iin. itei lorTi»'d i;.ird. work in ■in had l>> ■mrv
    45 words
  • 6 9 Ttor Incc. at the on
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  • 63 9 THE STRAITS TIMES STAFF in Singapore > estrrday presented a pair of silver Georgian candlesticks to Mr. T. Aiken. chairman of the Board of Directors, who is retiring soon The presentation was made by Mr. Michael Pascal. Picture shows Mrs. Aiken receiving a posy of orchids
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  • 287 9 High Commissioner trapped by floods KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TTHE High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, A was stranded by floods during a tour of north Johore today and rescued by a helicopter, which flew him back here. Ye&terdav Sir Donald travell- Ed from Batu Pahat to Parit
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  • 24 9 The Singapore Young Malayans Club will hold a general council meeting at the Youth Council premises, Orchard Road, at 3.30 p.m. today.
    24 words
  • 147 9 $339,000 for varsity hostel rpHE AUSTRALIAN Govern--1 ment has given $339,165 to the Melbourne University for its International House fund. The gift was recently presented by Mr. R. G. Casey. Minister for External Affairs, to the vice-chancellor. Professor G. W. Piton. and the appeal committee chairman. Sir lan Clunies Ross.
    147 words
  • 27 9 Singapore Medical Services Union will celebrate the openIng of its new premises '•Vickers Pavilion"— with a cocktail and dance at 7.30 p.m. on Dec. 18.
    27 words
  • 123 9 The lights go out: Blame the rainfall LIGHTS went out in several areas in Singapore last night. The fir^t power failurr occurred just hi-fore seven (i clot k, affecting the part of Chinatown alone Cross Street. Robinson Road. Cecil Street. Tclok \>.» Street and the surroundIne area;;. The fiilure continued
    123 words
  • 78 9 Singapore Government last night named 11 people to form a Civil Defence Advisory Committee, with the Secretary for Defence and Internal Security as chairman. The Civil Defence Commissioner will be vice-chairman. Other committee members i are the Director of Medical Services. Secretary for Social Welfare Public
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  • 44 9 Ten members of the International Brotnerhood l of Magicians. Singapore Ring No. 115 who planned to give a lone-night show in Muar tonight, have cancelled their visit due to tho floods. proceeds would have gon. I to the Gandhi Memorial Fund.
    44 words
  • 129 9 VERY cheerful Mr. Mali\ Colm Mac Donald returned to Singapore in a special RAF. plane from Saigon yesterday. The Commissioner General landed at Kallang airport half an hour before the arrival of Hollywood film star Ava Gardner. Meeting reporters and photographers outside the
    129 words
  • 118 9 The students strike No lectures I TNDERGRADUATES of the U University of Malaya will stay away from their lectures today in protest against the recent eviction of four students from the Dunearn Road hostels in Singapore for "behaviour prejudicial k. the> good name of the university." The students were tried
    118 words
  • 31 9 Dr. Hermen Kartowisastro, Consul -General for Indonesia in Singapore, will leave tomorrow for a week's tour of the Federation. Mr Susman Prawlrokusumo will act as consul during his absence.
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  • 184 9 See the frills yes we are modelling A CHILDREN'S mannequin parade, with fashions by SATA Rehabilitation Centre, will be one of many attractions at a big food and fun fair at Raffles Institution today. The fair, which will be open until 6 p.m., has been organised by the Family Planning
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  • 215 9 THE BOY WHO WOULD NOT LOSE HIS WAY IS— MISSING 1 A "BRIGHT and obedient" seven-year-old boy "there Is no question of him losing his way," said his mother has been missing from his house in Weld Road, Singapore, since Monday morning. The mother, Madam Tan Ten Nia, told the
    215 words
  • 120 9 Robbed, then assaulted, says woman ]yjRS. Joyce Iris Hawkes, wife of a British Army sergeant, told Mr. Justice Whitton and a jury in the Singa- pore Assize Court yesterday I that she was robbed of $40 by a man carrying a knife at a Pa.sir Panjang, Singapore. hotel on Oct.
    120 words
  • 141 9 THEY DIDN'T PAY, WERE ATTACKED REPRESENTING him- self as a secret society official and "throwing his weight j around," Onj? Meng I Chuan waylaid two men who had known him as "The Pirate" and tried to rob them. The two offences took place within three
    141 words
  • 63 9 The second recruitment of 400 National Servicemen for the Singapore Military Forces will I be made in February. A ballot to draw the names i will be held at the S.M.F. headI quarters on Jan. 7. The second intake of 600 recruits for the Civil Defence
    63 words
  • 173 9 MALAYAN AIRWAYS in Sin- gapore would not comment yesterday on the delayed re- I j turn of the plane from Palembang after it had delivered an iron lung there for an oil company officer suffering from a chest complaint. The plane, chartered
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 84 9 NON-STAINING INSECTICIDE REGD. iittecti fatifex! fO.D.T. WONT KILL |PM?I Kidsect will KSjiP r ted rid sect) I C^^^^^T.* 1 Qff' ALSO AVAILAB'c II^P IN POWDER FORM Ltd., S ngapore Federation Modern Furniture in CANE WROUGHT IRON OUND TABLES /^S^*^V RECTANGULAR TEA-TABLES L.35", B 18". H.IW 532 Pr-dne $29, Hr.dge
      84 words
    • 163 9 Ia ffs* #r«i #«i ff*k ttsL iM i^a #5a "ff£ o Suciuestions I for 1 luseful presents! for Men. Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases, i Engine Turned Gold and Silver gs Cigarette Lighters iK Sterling Silver Ash Trays; Propelling h Pencils in Gold and Silver |J Snake Pattern Key Chains,
      163 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 100 9 The weather MINIMIM TEMPERATURE (7 30, p m on Dec. 9 to 7.30 am. on Dec. j for Singapore 72 degrees. Permng 73 Kotu Bahru 74. Kuala Lumpur 71 Tixili 74 Kuantan 77. MAX Ml -M TEMI'ERATI RE (7 30 m to 7 30 p.m. on Dec 10): Slnga78 Penan*
      100 words

  • 352 10 Stop this fumbling and DO get going, they tell the Govt. FLOOD-COUNCILLORS ARE IN A TEMPER SARCASM and anger tinged the comments of Singapore Legislative and City v ouncillors yesterday when they spoke of the Colony's lood alleviition bungle. "Get cracking," they cried, before things get worse. hey are bad
    352 words
  • 318 10 RAINS COST ONE MAN $4,800 IN PIGS AND POULTRY SINGAPORE Legisla •3 tive Councillors said strrday that the Govt nment should comtisate farmers at the 1 dok resettlement aroa r losses incurred be- > iuse of the floods. Mrs. Elizabeth
    318 words
  • 61 10 Members of the Singapore Film Society who wish to see the show The Italian Straw Hat should apply to the British Council for seats from 9, a.m. to 4 30 p m. today. The film will be shown at nil?.- o'clock tonight and 630 p.m. and
    61 words
  • 54 10 <UALA LUMPUR. Fri. Aj n asking the Federation Government to revise the new import duties will be disi at the annual meeting of the Associated Chinese Chambers cf Commerce of Malaya here on Dec. 19. The meeting will be told that business had suffered as a
    54 words
  • 180 10 A 'GHOST TOWN' COMES TO LIFE AGAIN RAUB, Fdl. tXDR almost a year the r 20,000 people living in this West Pahang district have had no night life their day beginning at six in the morning and ending at seven in the evening. But now the 11-hour night curfew has
    180 words
  • 56 10 The Singapore Labour Front last night announced the divisions for two of its candidates who will contest next year's Colony Legislative Assembly and City and Island Council elections. The candidates and their divisions are Mr P. V Krishnan tPasir Pan jane Assembly > and Mr Chan Tuck
    56 words
  • 45 10 TELUK ANSON. Frl. A misadventure verdict was recorded by the Coroner. Mr D C. I Wernham. on a woman, Kau Git Lens. 54. who was knocked down by a lorn- at the Bth mile. Teluk Anson-Utan Melintane Road on Nov 17
    45 words
  • 6 10
    6 words
  • 71 10 liHE British Council in Singa- pore, has organised a of free lectures early next year in phonetics speech traininc and spoken Enplish. A three-month course in phonetics and speech training, by Mrs. Lunisden Milne, will be on Tuesdays at 6 30 p.m., beginning Jan. 4.
    71 words
  • 5 10 Entire tab be air-cinji
    5 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 629 10 THE GREATMEDICINE USED BYALL THE WORIM FEVER Your fever is -l^% <\ I HEADACHES O /^Bkl _,Ji^^X quickly cured by 'ASPRO' )if C Stop theßl instant with fISpRO f- >U^X\ Do not be »f raid of fever. Tike ASPRO' tablet* joJ you /MvJJTVS f* 5T* F s' will be fit
      629 words

  • 1330 11 Travelling Scot anticipated Kaffles by a century iVI v *"*«*>** would have been saved those earned gentlemen who wrestle and dispute about Malaya's social history in the rs before Europeans acquired a first hand knowledge of the country if they had only read he journals of that delightful and observant
    1,330 words
  • 423 11 washed by the sea and bounded on one side by a shallow deep river and on two by a ditch, and how the Dutch had a church on top of it, the only one, and hoisted a flag when ships were .sighted, "but the road for
    423 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 I beauty lire* I H H I IVAUO'S I I
      10 words
    • 146 11 i j_i- i mrfvaf SWISS MADE fjftt Tropicalised with Waterproof UNBREAKABLE tm magne l€ SPRING Incabloc 17 21 jeweis Rotarex LADY'S WATCHES ALSO AVAILABLE Obtainable at all leading, Watch Dealers. ■■i 4Bk. sat ass warn llv KCSr C THB WORLDS FINEST j 3P^^s^L- Sole Agents;. THE EASTERN A6ENCIES (1945) LTD.
      146 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 170 11 Sh€>rtovk Haitnes An unptwtsuni vhap X^'^ggf^P^l^j^StJ^^^' jnlESS Atf CLEVEE VECV WELL '-EV V' W h£A a -A" N r I C\L^ d/T'^ ENOUGH TO DE6T?CV 7 A &ATTL.E TO MO \AN UNPlEASAMT K.NEW VVWiCJ jJ Pi V\ACN VOU, MB. HOLMES VOUPiR6 T »r--^ TW E PEATw MOLD6 INDIVIPUAL OP /A
      170 words

  • 403 12 SHARE MARKET HAS SMALL DEALS IN INDUSTRIALS DUSINESS on the Singapore Share Market y terday was the smallest during the present week and transactions were mostly confined i industrials. The quotation for Wearnes eased slightly to S2 or buyers, $2.95 sellers cd cb on the announcomont a final dividend of
    403 words
  • 381 12 AS there ha* been only one cent between the highest and lowest price of the week, businexs transacted has been en a somt what reduced scale and no definite tendency has developed in the market, the weekly rubber review of Holiday. Cutler. Bath and Co. Ltd.
    381 words
  • 125 12 Singapore Chinese Produre Exchange: noon prices per plcul yesterday were: Copra: steady: December $30 v 4 buyers, $31 sellers: January $31% buyers. $31'- sellers. Coconut oil: steady quiet. unchanged: $49 i sellers. Pepper; .steady with four tons business reported: white variety up $1 black unchanged, Muntok white $207.
    125 words
  • 38 12 On the fru iwrkpt In Hong Kouk yesterday, the VB. dollar whs quoted I H8- 4 for CRJih «nd S9l-\ for T.T. Starling was quot*d at is 69 and onf tael of gold at 256- V
    38 words
  • 121 12 The Mala van Sharp Broken 1 a«*. elation reported: Trade wi restricted scale on the market yesterday with firm and tins and rubbei ly neglec ted Members reported the followm. MM done ye.stet.l., P l,' Dispensary $3.22 ■<; Gamn Malayan Cement $140; Mcl $140; Cold Storage $182 Austral
    121 words
  • 25 12 November rubber crops Pahang Consolidated t» concentrate.;; treated, Suneri Tinla 170 piculs; No. 3 Dredge Ipoh Tin iParhonr ser(ion) 491 plr 390 piculs.
    25 words
  • 2 12 I
    2 words
  • 2 12
    2 words
  • 3 12 I I
    3 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 429 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC SERVICE OF THE TERRITORY OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA. VACANCY AGRONOMIST ORADK HI £A1442— »A1532 per annum. QUALIFICATIONS Degn<e In Agriculture or equivalent also experience agronomic research; wide experience In commercial j rubber planting. Salary shown in actual. An additional £AlOO per annum i.« paid to married
      429 words
    • 940 12 I NOTICES FOR SALE PATTANI TIN LIMITED Steam Electric Dredge 14 Cubic Foot Capacity Maximum Digging Depth 84 feet Treatment Plant Hartz Jigs Electric Power 440 V 400 A 3 Phase Total Steam Power 1071 HP. What offers. Would ProI 1 bably consider a scrap price offer. I Dredge situated
      940 words
    • 595 12 NOTICES CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD KUALA TKENOGANU. Interruption of Electricity Supply. The entire electricity supply fed by substations In the Batu Burok, Jalan Wireless, Oong Kapas. Oong Wan I Abas, Mengadang Akar, Jalan Mas--1 Jld, Jalan Tanjong. Jalan Ayer Jerneh, Jalan Batas Bharu, Buklt Beaar. Kuala Trengganu will be interrupted between
      595 words
    • 801 12 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT: Dredging and Removal of all Silt, Sand and Debris from the Kampor.g j Bahru Road Main Drain to Nelson Road and Spooner Road Main Drain to the Box Culvert Crossing Keppel Road. Close NOON 14.12.54. Details from City Engineer's Department (Room 218).
      801 words
    • 291 12 SINGAPORE RED FUNNFtmJ HEAP EWG MOH_sSjjngl SOON BEE STSAMSHIP CoTTM 'M\j:\7y. Telnk \\<r Slrffl ft* Passenger Freight-StrviJ SAILINGS TO I>.l\K\RT\ A CBEUBOXFORTNIGHTI.t SERVUI s.«. "Indrajsiri V iy M m.v. "Giant Sent" iff M SAILINGS TO P\N(.K\I ri\\\(. i r.l ■.s. "Indraft, 1 I H SAILINGS TO T\M>in\(, riMM, i »snß\(.ißi
      291 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 894 13 w cFIELD CO., LTD. T.i: 141 a HA" 3 (12 Una,) 1 iH e b lue FUI fEL t d°.;:' por'v to load and discharge cargo LASGOW, LONDON, 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS sngopor. Dut Soil» P. Shorn Pcnang Dn 1) G 33/14 Dee 14 Dae 14/1* Dec 17/H p« 12 Dtc
      894 words
    • 1080 13 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA for Arlen, Port Said, Genoa, Ar.t~.rp, Rotttrdam, Hombjrg, Copcnhovcn, Gothenburg I Oilo Spore P S'nom Penong *l "PATAGONIA" 17/20 Dec 21/22 Dm >»! "l^ o'*"0 it 10/10 Jan 11/11 ta IJ /1S Jan 11/16 Jen 17/1* Jen ■NOIA" 15/17 Jan i *>" out Gdynia
      1,080 words
    • 818 13 Siding IHE BEIf LDf E STEAMERS LTD. "hJfl SINGAPORE (Incorporotod in tha United Kingdom) J LINfS SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS S pore P. S'hom Penang Benrinnas for Havre, London, Rotterdom, Hamburg, Hull 4A Benmecdhvi for London, Rotterriom. Antwerp r »*J •■^SJJti^aStiT^.... 17/ it Dec 1«/ M 0.. fo^
      818 words
    • 1181 13 McALISTER 6c CO., LIU. TIL. No. 283*1 ELLERMAN OUCKNALL KLAVENBSS LIMB LONDON HAVRE ROTTERDAM LOS ANGtLES, SAN FRANCISCO, mV|U«6IHUU PORTLAND, SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVER Acctptlng cargo for Control A South and for US A North Atlontic Port* America and Conorlc via Colombo CITY Of CHICAGO SUNNYVILLI S'porc P Shorn Pcnor-j S
      1,181 words

  • 246 14 UNIVERSITY DISPUTE MUST KEEP ITS LEVEL MR. RASANAYAGAMS letter attempts to raise the dispute between the authorities and students of the University of Malaya, to a very hißh-fallutin' level. He would have the public believe that the basic human rights of the students are being
    246 words
  • 165 14 Try the students in public rE students of the University of Malaya must be singularly lacking in imagination if they can think of no other way of expressing their great concern in a matter which seems to them a very great danger" than by going on strike. One can scarcely
    165 words
  • 69 14 THE Public Relations Officer has confirmed that the Government of did not send a £:r Winston Churchill occasion of his 80th birthcav. It seems singularly unenviable distinction for the Government of a Crown Colony to line up with Mrs. Braddock M.P.. as ignoring the birthday of a
    69 words
  • 245 14 MRS. Joanna Moore seem.s to have read more into my letter than what I have written. I did not say that the councillors concerned were opposed to the principles of family planning, and the word "religion" where to be found in my letter. My comments were
    245 words
  • 134 14 Johore Police thanks for planter's gift E \|AY I thank the anony- S ±*1 mous donor, believed 2 =to be a planter who kindly sent a chenuc for E $100 to you. a.s a inUen of z E sympathy with and as- E E sistanre for the next of E
    134 words
  • Article, Illustration
    110 14 rE letter proposing a double shift scheme for teachers is no doubt a price Imm brainwave Nevertheless I can think of one b»u<r Let parents teach their own otf spring by devoting tour to five hours daily to this task and so solve this vexing question of their
    110 words
  • 135 14 ml* ***** l I IT doesn't seem fair that whatever money Ls due to a Malayan ex-PoW goes to ;he War Dnmace Fund vhy? Our British brothers have ilreadv got their money and will be havine another amount shortly. What about the foreotten ones
    135 words
  • 80 14 /CONGRATULATIONS to v^ the Police for refusing to allow girl wrestlers to appear here. Let no one think that this is an American sport because the only thing American about the whole rotten business are the girls. German girls were made to give these disgusting wrestling exhibitions in
    80 words
  • 29 14 WE shall be grateful if the President of the City Council would enlighten the residents living in the new houses within the perimeter of Frankel Avenue. Sig!ap
    29 words
  • 35 14 PLEASE remember at the end of the month to take cheque books out and date all the cheques "1955." Everybody will then be saved an awful lot of trouble. T. I). RICHARDS Singapore.
    35 words
  • 108 14 I have not heard the war siren for quite a Ion" time, but yesterday evening at about 6 o'clock, .suddenly it sounded about some distance away from my house. All at once I remembered the war days in Malaya and my relatives and friends who had fought and .sacrificed
    108 words
  • 50 14 'pHE time is ripe for planters to get together quite independently of existing institutions. If this is done, planters will definitely be better respected by agrncy house* Thr planter alliance of to-day resembles a block with face* of different mindvalues. Who is for It? PI \NTKK. Jasln.
    50 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 34 14 .v a lt J^m^ r j^ $£?ss& vßr vC£9t JH If fitI IMP Bbjm^ '> J^^ii^wlßV j C CHESTERFIEIfttt^\ I A GIFT for HIM! I F 0« HER! g FOR YOU! m m m ~> i
      34 words
    • 125 14 1 00% wattrproof Jl »hock itfcUtant Obtainable from ill Miuh i 'irnuehout Sitiaaporc I i-di r ii,,, n ,'< :< H •«nd Sarawak For your X'MA$,l Special packs 0f.... El i/CC RICH Fl|n fijl ELI\C«f RICH CHERRY \AH MALAYA S MOST POPI/Ulcl Now m stock a Urzc wUcli— I Novelties.
      125 words

  • 299 15 JEEP'S STAII .1 a Yutoi a Afit Magic Eye By EPSOM JEEP VI'TOI II has regained his early season form which enabled him to win the Singapore January Cup over 9f. and run Gold Cup winner Three Rings to 14 lengths
    299 words
  • 1388 15 Race 1—2.15: Class 2, Dlv. 2 51 Furs. Str. 1 -09 Jeauelton 4y Elliott 9.00 Belmont Stable Spencer 2 S12 Ascot 4y D Jones 9.00 C.P. As E. K Llm Heddle 3 788 Enjoyment II 4y Sawyer 8 12 Shaw Stable Spencer 4 537 Percussion 4y Talt
    1,388 words
  • 212 15 KPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTEB Race 1. ASCOT SPORTER 2.1S Sporttr Prrruiaion lint Trirk Asrot rim i tick /»»c-o* Eace 2. SINGAPOREAN EMINENT PRINC! 2.45 i Forcrt Mr Not Forrrt Mr Not l.minrnt Princr Thr Slntaporran ASCOT SPORTER Snorter Prrcniaion M Trick w-i SINGAPOREAN EMINENT PRINCE Forfrl
    212 words
  • 932 15 ROBBIE BURNS <R«ce Five) ha« had only four outings and has won twtc* over 6f. «t Penang in June and In October HU short head win over Wide Srre«n on a heavy track with «.7 wa< very lmprewlve. A furlonu out It looked as If Wide
    932 words
  • 78 15 JOCKEY DON Pitterson. who Unded a double on Monday with Mattrlrk and Movie 11. will not ride at Ipoh toiav He has been stood down by the stewards for one day. THE GOING at Ipoh w»* on the yielding *idr last rvrninr Weather conditions remain unsettled. THE
    78 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 278 15 r BRAND NE9 PICKLES X jnclan" ju; w*j W rrin c d HmUHl^*s| ,lly- Melted JKV> N ,ckci- Alloy Steel W Kftihr rhf cutting of Wi Ej-Stock. HB^ft^T i"x it ff 9) Impani lC<>:id. Kuala l.umpur. Malaya :ii7. 7145. P.O. Box 121. fo IS Si "^ai %fe *#<& m s
      278 words
    • 365 15 To HAW MM HONG KONG, SAIGON, RANGOON, CALCUTTA. HAIPHONG, HANOI, MANILA, JESSELTON, SANDAKAN, LABUAN. IfpA British airline, with British Pilots and Maintenance Engineers; and able, as a regional service, to offer low fares with a very high standard of comfort, efficiency and punctuality. Consult: Malayan Airwayi Ltd. Ocean Building Singapore.
      365 words

  • 130 16 BAILEY SUCCEEDS WHERE OTHERS Have MELBOURNE, Fri. AFTER an opening A stand Of §7 by Len HuUon and Trevor Bailey the besl of the kW— M.CC.*« batting again i ailed, and they were 259 for eight when bad light ended play
    130 words
  • 417 16 THE SINOAPORE AX A. touring team returned home yesterday I after their Hong Kong Manila viMt Their record: one draw, two defeats In Hong Kong, three victor- |l les In Manila The team manaerr. Mr. H Wan.scherx. said at Kalla:^ Airport ye»- j terday
    417 words
  • 34 16 KUALA LUMPUR Frt. Owing to the floods In South Malaya. The Singapore Police sports contingent to meet Federation Police In a series of games here this weekend are unable to come
    34 words
  • 18 16 Today.* rugger match between University of Malaya and St Andrews OB. A has been cancelled. l
    18 words
  • 186 16 M.C.C. l*t Inns Huttnn ll>« Loxton Bailey c Maddorks b lxt\ton tin May c Maddock* b .InhntUin i Graveney r Power b Johnston 4* Cowdrey not out 44 Stmp*on i- and h Hill F.van* r Maddm ks b Hill Wardle b Power Tyson c Hill h Power MrConnon not
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 55 16 LONDON Frt. POGER BANNISTER, first man to run a mile in less than four minutes, announced last night hi* retirement from international athletics Bannister said at the annual dinner of the Sports Wri'ers Association that he taking up resident hospital appointmer.t and would not
    55 words
  • 288 16 CINOAPORE soccer continues to be the top money-spinner In amateur sport In Malaya. The Singapore Amateur Football association made a net profit of $33.***** during its 1954 season which closed on Oct 31 And this sum does not Include $33,306.67. which has been se.
    288 words
  • 160 16 THE organisers of the World Cup soccer championship have confirmed that Singapore will be the venue for the first Asian zone finals in the championship, said Mr. H Wanschers. manager of the Singapore touring team to Hor.g KonK and Manila, at yesterday*
    160 words
  • 355 16 By W. E. TREVOR pOMBINED SERVICES, in a desperate attempt ti stop Johores triumphal march to the final of th H.M.S. Malaya rugby competition, are introdiu-inc fou new players into their side. It Is a bold gamble but. with nothing
    355 words
  • 62 16 Xl (.GIR HM MALAYA < OMFI 1 1 T1ON: Combined »ri\ir.>s .lohorc. lalan Be.sar Stadium. RIM I A v H.R Km Ayer Rajah Rnari R\ hawanc R \F hangi hanpl (round; S( r. Tengah. padanc. Virti>n.< x Anderson School. ln«h. at HO. Xl rRIKMH.Y: S.R.C K I Srletor.
    62 words
  • 16 16 •n-nd I The In* I *j»»w I ■ft; Ma man 10RB VICTORIA J v iNDENH
    16 words
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    • 779 16 ACCOMMODATION VACANT JO Word, ti (Min.)— Box it rt: txtrm. LET.' SALE 311 Ouillemard Road. I 3 Rcoms, modern sanitation. Let 2 Rooms, Oarage, Kitchen in Prl vate Bungalow. 3 Topaz Road, 1 Woodsville. *****. GEY LOH BOARDING HOUSE. 177-B Haic Rd. Double rooms, j Modern sanitation, own cooking, moderate
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    • 969 16 i I, VIIIIi I KS FOR SALE Word, ti (Min.)— Box it rt: txtrm. STUDEBAKFR 48. good condition, new Cushion. View 62- A Outram Hill. Outram Rd Singapore 3 ARIEL HUNTER 350r.c. Spring Frame 1954 6.400 milrs only. New rondltion. Chenp. Quirk Sale. Hall, 8 Wilton Close, Wessex Estate. MINOR.
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    • 80 16 jE3P!SSy» swiss precis: Sxfi^it £chhcs offai oak '0 fOX 111. »IN6AP6" W !c for ill:. >f J i ~~T7~1 +A JVICTOR^J [.rntroul Parker Pens I Precl.ion-made in modern fi S.nier Ouofold-a large pen wi'h a big ink capiaiy-Vkto^y-shorter and Oimmcr than the Duofold. MMr Sllmfold -slender and X —a
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