The Straits Times, 1 December 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Kstri. 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1954 15 CENTS $al<* exceed 72.00°
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  • 762 1 10$ FLOWS IN— AND RARELY INDEED HAS A STATESMAN ROUSED SUCH A WORLD-WIDE SALUTE TO HIS LIFE AND WORK MMUIIIMlHIIIMIIinilllMllltltllM? Tears as he says: Tm nearing journey's end 9 LONDON, Tuesday. WINSTON CHURCHILL on his SOth. birthday brought tears to the eyes of a parliamentary audience and
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  • 141 1 POLICEMEN armed with 1 batons and tear-gas today quelled a "riot" at No. 4 Police Field Force training centre near Kulai, in Johore. Forty Malays and Chinese, .iriin-il with sticks and stones, started an uproar while the riot squad was at the other
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  • 290 1 ome thday some man I I K roll out i V sign to •ith letters of gold .r Prime Minister with an ornate book signed by mast members I of Parliament. Sir Winston was greeted by cheer.s and prolonged applause when he rose to reply to the tributes. Clapping his
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  • 19 1 KARACHI. Tuos. The first shipment of United States military aid has arrived in Pawas announced toU.P.
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  • 64 1 Send in your entry NOW THE MALAYAN Monthly's $20,000 Mustn Word Conto^ "E" closes nil December 17. In view of the possibility ike of postal workers, entrants are urßcd to Ret their postal orden AT ONCE. They should send their entries i:i as soon M possible. The December issue of
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  • 47 1 Two orchid plants have boon stolen from the garden of Mr. J. O. Kiddle in Nassim Road, Singapore. One plant. Dendrobium Fairimi with orchids in dark mauve and light mauve shade is a rare species, said Mr Kiddle. The plants were valued at $100.
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  • 89 1 JOHANNESBURG, Tues.— Mr. J G. Strljdom. an extreme advocate <>t racial segregation. wa s elected Prime Minister of i the Union of South Africa today. The ruling Nationalist Party choic Mr. Strijdom over Mr. N. J C. Havenga, a moderate, to succeed the retiring
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  • 47 1 ROME. Tues. Doctors and nurso tudav began a round- i the-clnek watch on the Pope. Vatican sources said. I The Pope is reported to have had a mild recurrence of the t gastric disorder from which he I suffered last winter.- U.P.
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  • 174 1 LONDON, Tues. THE 7.300-ton British cargo ship Tresillian i sank in the Irish Sea today during a storm, and heavy loss of life among her 40-man crew was feared. The P 61 O owners of the ship, said that the Shell tanker Leparus
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  • 348 1 It's official— the date is Jan. 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. DATO Sir Onn bin Ja'afar will give up his appointments as Member for Home Affairs and Chairman of the Rural and Industrial Development Authority on Jan. 31 next year. An announcement by the I High
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  • 186 1 It pageboy felt warm -so 60 are still alive NEW YORK. Tues. THE 60 tuests at Hotel Danville, in Danville. Virginia, slept soundly for two nights, unaware that under the 150-room-ed building was a "powder keg" that could have blown them up. By accident 4,850 gallons of petrol with an
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  • 38 1 TAIPEH, Tues. Nationalist Chin:i and the Philippines have reached an amicable .settlement for 2.400 Chinese nationals who had overstayed their visas in the Philippines to remain in the islands indefinitely, it was reported today I Reuter
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  • 151 1 TOKYO. Tues. JAPAN has agreed to pay J £4.500.000 compensation j to prisoners of war of 13 nations who "■offered undue i hardship' 1 in Japanese capti- i vity during the Pacific war. a usually reliable government lource s;iui today. Japan agreed to
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  • 34 1 MOSCOW, Tues. Mr. Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister, told delegates of Communist nations here last night they should strengthen their forces in view of the Paris treatio.s to rearm West Germany. Reuter.
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  • 30 1 NICOSIA, Tues. Gen. Sir Charles Keightley, Commander ol British Middle East Land Forcos, arrived here last night to take over the new Middle East headquarters. Reuter.
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  • 110 1 A 'six' earns Bailey $700 gift BRISBANE. Tues.— "Stay-put Trevor Bailey hit a six off Australian captain lan Johnson this morning and won a At 100 (MS7MM reward from a Brisbane estate agent. The agent Mr. C. J. Coles Smith, offered the reward after seeing the Australian batsmen knocking sixes
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  • 16 1 SEOUL. Tues.— South Korea^ air force is organising a Jet fighter wing— A.P
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  • 50 1 HONG KONG. Tues. Clark Gable is learning to speak Chinese. Gable, who is here making a film, "Soldier of Fortune, is taking Cantonese lessons from Frank Tang, a Chinese actor from Hollywood. Tang has a part in the film which has a Hong Kong background. A P.
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  • 20 1 HONG KONG. Tues.— An eight-man Dutch trade mission arrived by Dlanp day on its way to Chim AP.
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  • 124 1 Floods cut off two towns K. LUMPUR, Tues. FLOODS raused by almost non-stop monsoon rain have cut off Kuala Trengsanu and Kota Bharu by road from each other and the rest of Malaya. In the 12 hours ending yesterday morning 4 1/2 inches of rain fell in Kota Bharu. Social
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 335 2 AMERICAN PFOGRAMME MAY CALL FOR JOINT ACTION WITH BRITAIN IKE TO ASK CONGRESS TO VOTE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR BATTLING POVERTY WASHINGTON, Tuesday. PRESIDENT Eisenhower will ask Congress i .la luary to approve a big: new economic ai projrr.:mme to throw into the battle against
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  • 106 2 NEW YORK, Tues. TAJ-GEN. William J. Dono 1 van, former U.S. ambassa dor to Siam. today wane that f-iam probably would b the n xt target of the Com munlfts in South-East Asia. Donovan added, however, tha .°:am would not become tin i.unists
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  • 26 2 PARIS. Tues. The Finance Mr. Ecipar Fauer. yeslid Out 1954 has been France's best and strongest economic year since the war A.P.
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  • 38 2 SAIOON, Tues. Mr MalI cDonald, Commission-er-General in South-East Asia id talks here on the situation in Indo-China with Gen. Pail Ely. the French Com- r-General, and the Premier of Vietnam. Mr. ffgo Dinh Diem. Renter.
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  • 79 2 LONDON. Tues. Stanley Beir advertised for i voman with a Scottish accent to baby-sit with his boxer dr>p. Ed 14 months. Mv wife is Scottish and Mitzi feels at home when she can hear a Scottish accent I about,* 1 Mr. Bear explained He said
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  • 86 2 FIVE YEAR OLD Krishnan, who disappeared from the Smzapore General Hospital last 1 Thursday and was found four days later by the poliee, was admitted to Middleton Hospital yesterday. Police are still investigating the claim of an Indian woman, B llama h Appavoo, that she i.s
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  • 80 2 I CANBERRA. Tues. The Japanese "sampan" arretted hv a Queensland Government launch near Thursday Island last week, left yesterday without anv charges being made, according to a message received here today. The vessel left after an investigation had shown that there had been no infringement of Australian
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  • 27 2 TOKYO. Tues— A whirlwind yesterday sank five fishing boats with a reported lass ol 10 lives, the Maritime Safety Board said today. UP
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  • 19 2 LONDON. Tues. Moscow Radio last night said that Russia wanted to improve her relations with Turkey A.P.
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  • 20 2 TOKYO Tues Peking has had Its first snow of the winter. Pektng Radio said yesterday .—A P
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  • 164 2 Oxford wallflowers can shake a leg, but (oh dear) not in public OXFORD, Tues. rkXFORO University, one of I y' Britain's strongholds of tradition, has made a shuffling concession to modernity by decreeing that undergraduates may attend public dancing classes. 'Up to now. undergraduates have been allowed to learn dancing
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  • 142 2 Red strike threat wavers under cash offensive TURIN. Tuesday. ITALY'S BIGGEST industrial organisation, the Fiat 1 Works, spearheading a new attack by the industrialists on Communist control of Italian .abour yesterday announced a bonus to all non-Communist workers who have collaborated fully ln tne progress of Fiat."
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  • 40 2 LAGOS. Nicerla Tues jMrs Veronica Davies mother of "Boko" the Mirvivine Siamese twin of the pair separated ln London last year. has atrain eiven birth to normal twins The babies born prematurely have died Reuter
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  • 47 2 NEW DFI.III Tues rhe Indian Prime Minister. Mr Nehru, has been officially invited by the Soviet Government to visit Russia He IMS accepted the invitation, but was unable to set a date. Deputy Foreign Minister. Mr A K Chanda. told the Indian parliament today UP
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  • 276 2 They give report on how to live to 1 00 MIAMI, Tues. yOU have a pood chance of living to be 100— if you can get past a curious invisible barrier between the ages of 60 and 75. according to doctors of the New York Medical College. This barrier is
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  • 20 2 rtELCiRADL lues |>resi d»-nt Tito left h»re last nich 1 for an 18-day vt.Mt to India I
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  • 99 2 LONDON lu.s-.Thr H2.--500.000 a year British Comic!! which carries British culture and point ot view into 60 countries in its annual report. Just published, said that cuts In It* nurieet hart done damafi out of all proportion to the money saved On. of the Brush
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  • 49 2 SARMA APPEA TO GOOD LET ME COME BA two years' exile in president „f Y h ndla llnion. wants to return s:;^ I Re was detained fo P r" regulations before bo Won he left the Colon' to the Colonial Secret; flowed "to return ton. i i i 'No
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  • 126 2 /I'KK'II. Suit/rrlund. Tu.- V K'NG Tribhuvana si Nepal has post polled a visit tn the I nitcTl S(atr s because American law li.iiv the id mission of his i v wives i| was announced iod.iv Thp 19-year-old kin- i planned to seek
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  • 49 2 Hungarian Red reappears LONDON. Tues V Rakosi. the first Seen I the Hungarian muni.-ti r. his holida\ today." the Hungirian New.s Atcnrv MTI o(''too yesterday There iiavp been reports it; recent weeks I in disgrace or sertoush U has been abeent from oi receptions since earh A I -Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 BALDWIN-LIMA-HAMILTON CORPORATION >*#! CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DIVISION- LIMA, OHIO, USA X Announce with pleasure the appointment of WILLIAM JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD., As their Sole Agents for Singapore, The Federation of Malaya and Borneo Territories. \//OJ To future Spare-Parts and Technical Service, \~t^ D Register your Equipment with
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  • 221 3 lles: 'We will be provoked atomic war' r- JRIES A NEW WAY v1 riiK FREE WORLD CHICAGO, Tuesday. rctary of State, Mr. John sa id last night that the United '7 -v'xhaii-i peaceful means of sus•jlteriiational rights rather than resort mh a^ n:nal and air Wockadt pf I! a major
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  • 10 3 COOKING EAKS THE HOME It sill 1 lit »O nonif*
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  • 3 3 killed in floods
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  • 16 3 BADEN-BADEN, Germany. Wtlhelm Furtwaenclcr. ternatlonallv noted conduc- riieri tonight from pneuw&a 68 a.p.
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  • 42 3 Nehru sits with his young friends THE INDIAN Prime Minister, Mr Nehru, shares a front seat with young friends and watches pageants, dances and a march past at a children's day ceremony in New Delhi. A.P. picture.
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  • 34 3 LONDON. Tues Capt. Peter Baker. 33-year-old Conservative M.P.. pleaded guilty here today to six out of seven forgery charges involving more than 1 100.000 and was jailed for seven years. Renter.
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  • 258 3 The Prime Minister In a clear voice sho-ving little sign 'of his 80 years raised more laughter by his comment on the Sutherland portrait of him which has roused nation-wide argument since it was reproduced in newspapers this morning. Turning to it he said: "The
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  • 178 3 The Prime Minister tood I silent for a moment. Then gently he said: "Ladies and, gentlemen. I am now neariiv.! I the end of my journey. I hope I 1 still have some services to j render. "However that may be and whatever may befall I
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  • 108 3 —An understanding with Russia based on Western unity LONDON. Tues. THF QUERN declared in her .speech at the opening ol session of Parliament today that the Government trusted that its policy of .strinethenine Western unity would provide the basis "on ich an understand.^, with the Soviet Union
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  • 208 3 BANGKOK. Tucs THE Government of Siam has i imposed a ban 'fl«; five from Nov. 26. on the im- Sort of ov.t 100 items in an MTort to •conserve foreign change and aid toed »uiustr The list, says Renter. ln- eludes- fats and oils,
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  • 417 3 LONDON, Tuen. WITH the end ot the account coinciding with a good deal of talk concerning a possible in monrv rates, conditions were somewhat unsettled In the London stock markets today and a fairly long list of falls was established. Chief sufferers were giltedged securities hikl to
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  • 24 3 LONDON Nov. 30 Cash Buyers VJ7I7; Sellers C*I8; Forward Buyers 1:714; Sellers C714'..; Settlement t7l7>-; Turnover a.m. 90 tons p.m. 55 tons.
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  • 43 3 LONDON Nov. 30. Spot 24\d.. Jan. Feb. 24d Mar. 23« d .I;in 24d.. April-June L' 3 ,ci July-Sept. 23' d. Ort -Dec 23 '«d. Dec. c.i.f. 23 13 16d.. Jan. elf ->:i ,d Ptt>. elf. 23\fl. Tone Quiet but steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 r machine does i offihesejobs The Burroughs Shorf-Cut Keyboard figuring machine the adding-flubtractmg machine I^BBB^S^W fiat oes so much work, so fast, it soon pays for itself! Qurroughs Man to show you how! Jus 'ness Machines Department 'SUMATRA TRADING CO., (M) LTD. "-3NSON ROAD SINGAPORE. Tel- ***** f AI XMAS
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    • 168 3 ~^^&M&^' turkey "^SpS^ TOPIC "HAVE YOU HEARD the news Stop Press From to-day we're costing less?" "Yes, indeed, and what is more, We're even better than before". (Singapore $2.10 per Ib) (Federation $2.14 per Ib) SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Substantial reduction to MADRAS COLOMBO jft -*r ft j* ft
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  • 177 4 WEEKLY PAY COULD KEEP BILLS DOWN PENANG, Tues. 1 A DOPTION of the British system of weekly paj packets would help wive* to keep down their grocers bills. Dr. N. K Menon (Radical. Jelutonn) urped at today's Penans Municipal Council meeting. Such a change, he said, would be a further
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  • 52 4 SEGAMAT. Tues. Chiew Hien How, 21. driver of a car with a Singapore registration. was killed when his car crashed into a post on the main road ab(ut tour miles south Of Segamat. A passtnger in the car was treated for minor Injuries at
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  • 26 4 SEGAMAT. Tues. Police Constable Haji Hassan bin Haji YusofT, aged 28. charged at Segamat with inconsiderate driving and hitting a lorry, was fined $25.
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  • 283 4 PENSION RIGHTS POSER FOR PERAK STAFF UNIONS IPOH, Tuesday. CHOI'LD women in Government 0 service who have been made "temporaries" on marriage be restored to the permanent list with pension rights on divorce? This question is now being discussed by certain Government service
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  • 252 4 WAS THERE A KAMPONG BEFORE TANJOSO PVTHI? r rill-.Ki: is no simple answer to Johore Bahru dilemma over when to hold centenary eelebra tions. But the solution depends partly on whether th« town wants to commemorate the first
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  • 86 4 Sailor fell into tug's engine KAMADIN bin Amad. one of the crew of the Singapore Harbour Board tux Pitho was killed yesterday while working in the engine room of the vessel. Kamadin fell Into the engine. Another member of the crew saw Kamadin being drawn into engine by the turning
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  • 78 4 MYSTERY GUN WOUNDS A CLERK SEOAMAT. Tues.-Mohamed bin Yu-xoff. a young P.W.D. clerk, was admitted to hospital thi.s afternoon with a gunshot wound in the left shoulder. He said he was cycling to his office after lunch when near the military garrison area, he heard the report of a gun
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  • 48 4 PENANO. Tues.. Malay youths in Province Welloslry will mo»t at UMNO headquarters in Par.tai Road on Dec. 10 to consider the formation of a new organisation to be named The Province Wellesley Youth Brotherhood." Inche Mohd. Sopiee Federal lepislative councillor, will address thp meeting.
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  • 33 4 JOHORE BAHRU Tues— Mr I. TaloK Davles. DPP Johorc leaves for Ipoh on transfer in thr .serond week next month He will sail for Britain on leave in February.
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  • 41 4 MERSING, Tues.^At the rest' notice here. Kovernment servants Rave a farewell dinner for Tuan Syed Mohamed All, of the Customs, and Che Hashim Putoh (Supplies Depti. Thry have been transferred to Jo- hore Bahru and Muar respec- tively. I
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  • 32 4 A 53-year-old coffee-shop assistant. Wong Fatt Chin, collapsed and died while drinking beer with three friends in a i shop in Jiilan Besar, Singapore l yesterday afternoon. I -j
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  • 42 4 PENANG. Tues-The Penang Government today appealed to eye-witnesses to come forward and describe the two gunmen who fired eight shots las! Sunday night, at the Nlbong Tebal home of Inspector Tan Kean wounding him and three children.
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  • 39 4 The 11.000-ton Japanese haling ship Kinjyo Maru ar- i Ivcd in Singapore yesterday to i ike on water, provisions and 1 linkers. The ship leavp* today for i haling prounds In the An- i irctic.
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  • 152 4 A PROMOTION— AND CLERK TOOK $6,200 iFTER promotion to chief clerk of the Federal Di.s•nuted $6.245, Mr. T. Kulasekarum, a Colony judge Detective freed After a two-day trial a npapore detective. Chan e\v Koon, was acquitted yesrda v in the First Criminal strict Court on a charge of iving improper
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  • 169 4 Life policy to keep licences court told M M.fl PUAM l.i.s 4 KtDAII rite miller N« Sok Lee alleged in the magistrates court here toil.o (hit he va> compelled m take uut a life insurance policy from Price and Kood untroi Inspector heiause hi- «.i» afraid his licence niiuhl be
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  • 64 4 SEGAMAI run \b\ Balor bin Meera Sahib. 38 appeared in Seeamat cour yesterday on five charges. I| was alleged that whll< holding a learner's driving licence, he drove lorry with out a eonpetent driver by hi: side and Withoat 'I.' plates and that he drove neslieently
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  • 44 4 SEGAMAT. Tuos to mak. Kampong Abdullah, a new village, just outsid mat on tbc mad to Singapore sau :rom Hoods had Ixvn shelved due to the high co&t.s I it was stated at a meeting of the Town Council
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  • 83 4 cipal President, Mr. J. S. H. Cunyngham-Brown, said today that mechanisation of Muni:lpal treasury accounts would not mean retrenchment of em- 1 ployees on the permanent staff I "During the last 18 months :lerical vacancies In all Muni- rilled by temporaries and these are the ones
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  • 49 4 KLUANG. Tuea Police invo.stifr.u ing the deaths of K. Krishnan and hi.s fou--ycar-old .son, Unni. today said that the chemlsti report indicated arsenic poteonlnf. The inquiry was (roiim on KrLshnan. a Red 39, a contractor employed on Menpkibol Estate, leave* a widow ;>nd four children.
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  • 174 4 SINGAPORE City Council listened in silence last night to an attack by one of Its members on a proposal to recover $2 from Mr. J. Hill, of East Coast Road, as an outstanding night soil removal charge. Then it continued toe proposal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 One it Mi world's moit dttirW Witches The ROAMER watch is one of Switzerland's precision products. In a factory established ♦n 1888 over 1200 highly skilled craftsmen produce and assemble every part that goes into Mm ROAMER movement 100% waterproof tft: W>vL vLwr Shock resistant JS\ m Antlmagoetio vCSSs.*^-* *^iiP^
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    • 126 4 Leader I Men! C > Ycs?No?!!.. .well perhaps itis t^ it's certainly very like him! "Now who on earth arc tt about," says Baby "I'm j little self— determined to have way of^urse, but quite content so as they continue to give me that deH^ Cow Gate!" "Yes, yes, you
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  • 34 5 H T!i M THER TAKEN AWAY IN THE KAMA fO SPLND THE NEXT 6 MONTHS IN JAIL 0 $SCE I I I i noon .1 I charged ospital s ft
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  • 118 5 iINGAFORE CYCLISTS will MM be ahlr to lit portable radii l <> their ni.uhines. biu shipment of these radio-, will arrive in January. set will co->i IISLM. Ihe r.ulio sets, made in Gernuny. are fitted with telesCOpie aerials arul can be fixed to the
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  • 65 5 KUM.A LUMI'UK. rues. Ir. T. R. P Dawson. indepenent candidate for Bungsar ard in Saturday Kuala Lum ar municipal elections, in his tued today -ht for roads in squatr areas and better rtreel anting. lie also promised mor> irt facilities, a maternity hosItal and an outdoor dispeniry
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  • 48 5 Lhis Council should .strive to attain the status of a city when Penanp celebrates her < ntenary in 1957 he .said. \> ant the people of the setCement to believe and realise that our municipality, by virtue of age and development, is the best in the Federation.''
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  • 21 5 An Indian Air Force good will mission to Indonesia will arrive at Changi. Singapore tonight for a short visit.
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  • 249 5 3 ex-terrorists help nail him JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. pVIDENCE by three surrendered terrorists two of them are now serving in the Special Operations Volunteer Force-enabled the Sessions Court to convict Chons Sim for consortiim with armed terrorists in the Pengarang area between March 1950 and
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  • 54 5 Jenepher from New Zealand is London-bound PRFTTY Jenepher Fitzgerald, 20, a graduate in arts and ■MM of Otaco Tnivcrsity, New Zealand, arrived in Singapore yesterday in a Qantas8.0 A.C. airliner from Sydney on her way to Britain where she will work as a secretary for two years. Shp leaves this
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  • 363 5 BSIC PAY UP— BUT ONLY FOR SOME AFTER an hour of lively << debate, Singapore *< City Council last night x decided to increase the S; basic pay of its monthly <; paid staff by adding a I part of the existing al- >! lowances to it. The council was
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  • 38 5 More than 150 Methodist pastors, missionaries and their families in Singapore will be guests of the Wesley Church ■I a -Pastor Kids" Christmas partv at Wesley Hall. Fort Canning Road, at 4 p.m. on I Saturday
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  • 34 5 Mr Kaan Se-Leuk. a Hong i Kong photographer visiting Singapore, will give a talk to members and friends of the Singapore Camera Club at the Hollywood Room at 8 p.m. on Friday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 hr dependability safety. long service SOLE AGENTS < COMMISSIONARIA Sj^'WORE KUAU IUMPUH PENAMC JESSEITON
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 575 5 -k-rf^ xwa. V A. I Sound By Request; 10.15 Follc Music RADIU NALAIA nf >mtnn>; n> 30 1100 Alam At Programmes thus marked ran be I received bj Hstenen in Malacca. flMUfl J^^i>Msk^ Shortwave 19 uid i..'ni. Mt-dium I HiPplaWa wave 47tiin., a 43.. 366 m. and 297r0.).' h m
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  • 896 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. Dec. 1, 1954. Postmen's Case The Malayan public may b< forgiven if it now has the impression that postmen in thi Federation arc determined h strike. The union has changed its ground more than once, anc in giving strike notice has made at least one
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  • 40 6 20 H'orrfj flit (minimum;. MM RUTH I ll'. «g, TnctMr of Chinese Girls' School, p.issrd away In Hospil I, Singapore, on November 30th. 8.3d a.m. The funeral will be held in Holy Trinity Hamilton. 4 o'clock this •ftcrnoor.
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  • 433 6 Mr. Edwin Dutton. a British Protected Person from the Federation, was denied entry into Rome. But Mr. Chia Boon Leong. who is Singapore-born, got his Roman holiday. This episode of the two footballers will not surprise the many Malayans who have learnt, perhaps at considerable inconvenience, that the
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  • 1163 6  - He still makes those one a. m. phone calls to ministers FRANCIS CASSAVETTI a iNimiH StR WrXSTMX CM HUM J, MAX OF HOI TIXK nun, r jifOST of us have heard some version of the story—prob- ably, but not necessarily, apocryphal— of the wartime ex- change between Prime Minister Churchill
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  • 11 6 On the marge I) i A j A In other 5
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  • 252 6 Radio Malaya no use to him ]i|R. DALLOWS' statement in your columns on iT radio reception in Malaya tends to cover ud the poor quality of broadcasting from Radio Malavas transmitters. I live on an estate in the Federation miles away from any source of electrical interference and even on
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  • 147 6 IT is beyond me that there can be any argument as to whether we should have a. multi-lingual Legislative Council. There seem to be ruiiy two reasonable alternatives, either we use English, or the lingua franca 3f the colony, bazaar Malay. As Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, md his
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  • 61 6 AN EVIL WHICH PERSISTS IN spite of all the endeavours made by the Government of Singapore to eradicate the tea-money racket this practice still prevails. It |g the learned and the rich who are becoming more and more tea-money minded and takhiß advantage of the poor. They keep their houses
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 761 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. M »<>rrf» >/» minimum). KEARNEY: Jt M I and Li;»m, n daughter, on 28.1 1 r>4. at Buncsar Kuala Lumpur. TONG: To Uiizpi and Reg, twin ■ons, :it BwncHti Httpttal, Ku.ila Lumpur, on L'iHh November, 1954, •11 cioinu well. !0 H'urrfx $10 (minimum). THEENOAi.KVI.M tl announced and t
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    • 11 6 mo®on 5 WMMKISIEIIII" C&EMORTONi-^ wl Singapore K TgL^3 IP YOtt CAJ^TJIIM]^^
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  • 8 7 man is son
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  • 3 7 go into rantine
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  • 30 7 I pur's satellite town. A Customs spokesman said today: "Our only source of revenue in Raub was the disWhen It moved we r.o longer needed an office
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  • 371 7 TO DEFEND SOLDIER-HE WALKED OUT HALF WAY 'PRESIDENT TREATED ME LIKE SCHOOLBOY 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. LAWYER, Mr. Morris Edgar, said today that he would protest to the War Office and the G. C, Malaya, about the way he was treated at a court
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  • 67 7 SHE iS BACK FROM ADELAIDE-FOR CHRISTMAS AT HOME \ll>^ CHOONG Sl( K UNO, a third-year dental student at I 81-entty of Adelaide. irho rrtiirnpd to Singapore retard*? to spend her I hristmas and Htm Year with her parents in Ipoh. Mm- is the daughter of Mr. hoong I. re dan.
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  • 36 7 Mr D K. Broadhurst. Deputy tnisstoner of Police, Singaleavea by air this mornor England on six months' acation leave. Senior Assistant Commission- Mr. W. J. Parks, will act for r. Broadhurst in his absence.
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  • 25 7 An 18-month-old girl was found drowned in a pond about 15 foot from her house in Jurons Read. Singapore, yes- I •orriay morning.
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  • 52 7 blonde dancer Jeanne Nash, of the Australian variety team >f Wally and Jeanne, now performing in the Colony, breaks into the hot tempo of some "low-kicking" during the Singapore Musicians' I'nion annual ball and picking of "Miss Music" at Raffles Hotel. Straits
    52 words
  • 129 7 'Love must be discreet for the Muslims' KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. SELANGOR Muslim lea- ders today agreed with the Alor Star Magistrate. Tuan Hussain Jamalullil. that lovemaking must be discreet for the Muslims. The magistrate had warned s Malay husband and his wif< for kissing in public. Inche Abdullah bin Haji
    129 words
  • 121 7 8 bandits fire and miss him KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Eight terrorists fired on an European security officer uf Johore Labis Estate as he wat travelling in an armoured Jeer m the Rengam district yesterday He was unharmed. On Sunday evening a European motorist was fired at in the Kulai area
    121 words
  • 74 7 MALACCA, Tues— A detective' sergeant and a barber were injured in a fijjht in a restaurant here today. rhe detective, Mohamed Noor. had head injuries. The barber, Adam bin Osman, had a wound in the fare. Roth were admitted to hospital, where their condition
    74 words
  • 271 7 —On 'plot to cheat bank' charge MALACCA. Tuesday. TAN KEL (JAK, a millionaires son, and Lim Hong Chiow, a merchant tailor, were today committed to stand trial in the High Court on a charge of conspiring together with a person or persons employed in the Oversea-Chinese
    271 words
  • 76 7 yiK Michael hmii; is to b« in charge of srout training courses in Singapore. le will become Assistant Chiel Commissioner (training) ol the Singapore Boy Scouts Association and will be aided by a deputy ramp chief and three assistant deputy camj chiefs. i month ago
    76 words
  • 180 7 SEREMBAN, Tuesday. WR. STANLEY Ponniah, Independent Town Council lor, and Mr. B. Kehar Singh, president of th ieremban branch of the Malayan Indian Congress ast night supported a Triple Alliance candidate at i public- meeting here. i The Alliance candidate U Kf'VQ fmiliH )ato Mohamed Haniffah,
    180 words
  • 159 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Defence Department announced today the alliance of thf soven Malay Regiment battalions and the Federation Regiment with nine RriMsh Regiments. "AlliJince" Is a traditional British Army custom. It aims at fostering closer and frieidlirr relationship between British regiments and tho,ie of the
    159 words
  • 301 7 TID-APATHY-THE DISEASE THAT MALAYA MUST LEARN TO BEAT PONTIAN KECIIIL, Tuesday. IALAY.WS cannot afford to become complacent over the Emergency situation or the political iture of their country said the Johore State Inderecretary, Che Abdullah bin Mohamed, here today. "Tid-apathy is a disease which attacks all who ay too long
    301 words
  • 153 7 Strike will raise cost of greetings KUALA LUMPUR. Tues IF the Federation's postmen carry out their threat to strike on Monday there will be severe interference with traditional Christmas mall. It will cost ten cents to post Christmas cards durfng the strike instead of the usual four as they must
    153 words
  • 52 7 Mr. G. E. N Oehlers, Speakerdesignate of Singapore's new Legislative Assembly, will the Colony for Britain in the Oranje on Saturday. Mr. Oehlers, who will be accompanied by his wife, Aill study parliamentary procedure. He is expected to return to Singapore at the end of March
    52 words
  • 20 7 KLL'ANG. Tut\s. SU men were fined a total of $1,250 here for having chandu or ■moklng apparatus
    20 words
  • 55 7 MR. LIM CHENO SWEE. of 71, Hillside Drive age 11 passed away on Tuesday night at the O H. Funeral on Thursday at 4 p.m. Bidadari. Leaves behir.d wife sons Pene Soon. Penc Ann, Peng On? 1 and daußhter.3 Doll. Bee Neo. Mrs. P. S. Raman, Mrs. B. J.
    55 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 Mt air """"'ins at: /?£^9V M.w»ioldi ivCVjIl BuOl \f\ (A *****54) WVVylyll L»«k for thl* »al ■fn, *-**V-r M ty ry boHit •til I i f ■■ol i o trm CW.nti. I ■^^__^TERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. |NDXMASSALEg I NOW ON S 1 l( XiST REDUCTION »n Prices k TS Wm
      96 words
    • 142 7 k iTgfo I sound XjE^jW/ PROJECTORS /^^X^^\ Play* Back Immediately (r*\*~L L-J^A Rccordt Any Time \C\~\ /~^Sy t**y »"d Economical E 73&F~^ Deluxe RCA "400" Senior fl_jS__ Quality Sound -Projection P_b| S v << r ~7s> v Records Magnetic Track s J pTfis*y^>vV /r^\ Rcproducci Optical Track _S_l_ _L <
      142 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 162 7 The weather MIXIMIM TF.MPERATIRE: (7.30 p.m on Nov. 29 to 7.30 ajn. on Nov. 30) Singapore 74 degrees Penang 72. Kota Bahru 70. Kuala Lumpur 73. Ipoh 70. Kuantan 71. MIMMI'M TEMPER ATrRE: <7.30 a m to /30 p.m. on Nov. 30) Singapore 84, Penans 87, Kota Bahru 80. Kuala
      162 words

  • 361 8 FOREIGN MILLIONS BYPASS SINGAPORE EADING SINGAPORE architects complained yesterday that it was taking many months, and sometimes even a year, to get new building plans approved by the City Council and the Singapore Improvement Trust. They said unreasonable delays were causing big losses
    361 words
  • 397 8 'We knew all along that this could happen 9 SINGAPORE Govern- 1 ment last night called on the public to help make the Colony's electoral register effective and as up-to-date as possible. A Government statement said the public has an equal
    397 words
  • 101 8 Ship calls for one passenger pHE 5.1664- 1 ON POLISH freighter MikoiaJ Rej nade a special call m Singapore yesterday to take on Feliks, a Pole, wno has teen in lospital from Sept 23 Feliks. a former crew mem>er of another Polish ship the ■nterstwo, was taken ashore n
    101 words
  • 22 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues *IDA has allocated 51 6.608 to mprove kampong bridle paths md cycle tracks in Pontian iistrict.
    22 words
  • 130 8 YAP PHENQ GECK vice-president of rh«Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, in a ietter to a British Labour M.P.. Mr Stan Awbery, yesterday again attacked thi "Inneuaer Oarrier." I have a strong conviction that the language barrier is going to divide the Government and the
    130 words
  • 149 8 Diamond restaurant to be rebuilt AFTER almost five years of litigation, the Diamond Restaurant one of Singapore's best known Chinese restaurants is to be demolished at the the end of this year. In its placr at the Great World park a new $50,000 building will be constructed. The manager O
    149 words
  • 30 8 JOHORE BAHRU Tues Johore Bahru town has been extended to include Mengkalen Renting. The new area will form part of the electoral ward of Nong Chik
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  • 42 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuos.— The last election meeting in support of Mr S C E Singam. independent candidate for Bungsar ward in the Kuala Lumpur Municipal elections. wll 1 Of neld tomorrow at 5.30 p.m at the Mountbatten Road car park
    42 words
  • 31 8 More sifts, totalling $970. have been received by Singapore branch of the British Red Cross Society after tne president's annual appeal :ett»r The fund now stands at $5206
    31 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 20?«Sk i^<& i^f^ i9?«k Gifts for Sporlsnt<»gi IK^ "RANGEFINDER i I de LUXE" I STEEL SHAFTED GOLF CLUBS S IRONS Jg(\ WOODS Rustless flP^|7| Selected S |f—f P ersimmon 'I S straight 1/ hand made \m»MI throughout, '■> c: sockets, §.> deep mahogany enamel ■■■ygX te Apollo r%m v
      135 words
    • 51 8 Served on /fa I ...all over Mak and in Borneo k m -iy* B 1 01.01 ki 1 1.. "W.sife I V AND HYI U SEMASTI mf m VINYL TIL£S A PRODUCT OF SEMTfcx THE OUNLOP R'Jdßt" tnq I HRITISH (MALAY/ I I I Th^Malayan Way Soft lights, Mmm I
      51 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 132 8 Straits Times Crossword AC ROSS 16. i n shopB the ha stopp^j \t SK i* 23 I*^» S^ questionable 17. Contrary view oi dated poem? 25. than human on the 'rozen 2 J. Borrow .sTnT.ter'le;^ 110 t6 S lut n P""ll<hed .omo.row. 30. Friend permitted to occupy a YKSTKRDWS SOLITION
      132 words

  • 1884 9 Suicide bullet ended life of star who lived on drugs ON June 17, 1926, Mile. Regine Flory, most animated and beautiful of French revue stars, sauntered from the dress circle at Drury Lane Theatre, London, to the private office of Sir Alfred Butt, the great theatre magnate. The hour she
    Daily Mirror  -  1,884 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 42 9 t Book will fROVE POSITION ftl «O(IFOLK$T, 0, it all leading Stjtioncn ill I PAW! j! [lex II the Champions -approved •*««jl Tjblt Ttnnli bus Out bill bill CO 11O. fmET Gate i W.2 ONOON. pM£Nf OF Pbetes Nna INLETS I H
      42 words
    • 7 9 I TOMOIIHOW Thr ail»«-iiliir«s of John Gould
      7 words
      50 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 33 9 Shoriach IMohnvs i shnll vnjnt§ rvcvnyv! ■^^■^BM|BB^^B^F-rrT~3aeEC=\ T WA^ EDIN&UC6H COLONEL \OCA^. &LA£T tHvh Tracy H**U svtnv Ac>ro,v<»#t#* Jmi Svvtt ir GREGG tc T T ATION SHOT y'Cu^^^C" >"**" r t^^^^kJ^K^^~*jm^^**''.^^*^^X t SL\'4r^*~ ""^L/
      33 words

  • 134 10 TIN COUNTERS ARE EASIER AGAIN WITH FEW DEALS I TINS were easier igiin on the Singapore sh »j Market yesterday when business wu re^tri? id in volume. The easier tendency v. as produced t<> by a decline in the metal price by $2 B There H es H Kuala I
    134 words
  • 32 10 quiet ti. tion* showed Gammon and Co. cd i: Co. ordj ■rds $13 2:.. W< i2.Bb. I Liu Bei n Mil 1 I. I M VIMS.. Rl BB1R> I <-.
    32 words
  • 125 10 "hip-, bins alongside thr I pore Harbour Board whan. e\pccted todav arr: Glei :eus 45. Benrtm .er 67. I m It Arnhrm N \:"hur 2T 28 29 30. Kelletia 31 32. BI:• n 38 3Q. Charon 40 41. I 44. Outer Roads: Aslia. Zeeland. Tasman. Zr!:Carrier. Chip Lam V
    125 words
  • 33 10 On the free v In Hone Kong j i dollar a.; quoted a: 091 for ca±n and I 93 >« for T.T. Sterling was que and one tael of gold at 256.
    33 words
  • 25 10 - Applications may now N mltteid for licences for the Import of pressure lamp> from dollar sources anno:;;.;,- Controller of Imports and F Singapore
    25 words
  • 28 10 October rubber crops announced are: Changkat 33 500 lb Chcrnum 116,000 fb Indrafiri 101.204 lb.; Lunas 57.600 lb Nyatei lb 45.867 lb.; Tapah 66 174 lb
    28 words
  • 12 10 ASTRAILIA STOCK RUBBER PRODUCE i i H. f. B. Lid «l| I
    12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1333 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PETALING JAVA APPLICATIONS are invited fro trained firemen between the agi 25 35 for service In the Petallr Jaya Fire Brigade as Leading Fin >I men <l post) Firemen (2 posts j Applicants must have served 4 yeai D In a recognized Fire Brigade, possei 4 a working
      1,333 words
    • 890 10 S NOTICES THE EASTERN UNITED 5 ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED X NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE! rs that the Tiansf»r Register of th H above Corporation will be clot* d j from the 13th to 20th Decembei 1954, both days inclusive for th preparation of Interim Dlvlden Warrants. By Ordtr of the
      890 words
    • 995 10 NOTICES FEDERATION CUSTOMS 1 WB UNDERTAKE to clear Duti able trmiflc by rail through th Federation Customs and the pay ment of Customs Duties, Import an J* Export, on behalf of bona fid 2 Traders. Por conditions and Charges, Please Apply: a BAN SENG TRANSPORT CONTRACTORS CO. 171, Havelock Road.
      995 words
    • 852 10 TENDERS STANDING COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FAR EASI LAND FORCES d He: Major Oeorge S'anton DAVI£ c (P/ *****4) RA formerly attached U FARELP Training Centre. NOTICE Is hereby given: FIRST. The estate of the abovenamed officer who died ir Malaya on 9th November 195< I. is being dealt with by
      852 words
    • 357 10 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders be received from Registered Contractors Clai -d anci above at the Office Engineer. Nr of 4th December the Erection and Completion of a National School, Semi Transit Quartc:>. Bicycle Shed. Pit Latrine.,. B.r Well, Fencin anf. LivcUlng Footbail pitch at Llngpi. Ptut Dickaoc. Plans and Specification,
      357 words
    • 215 10 KNUTSEN LINE Fast jnd Regular I FROM CANADA U.S. PACIFIC PORTS i:Jj Sailing Arrom; San Francisco Sin?aporc PS» Cjcr'rud Bakke 9 Nov 10 P.-c Elisabeth Bakkc 4 Dec 3 jan O*cxa Bakkc 1 8 Dec 17 |m Anna Bakkc I |an 31 |an 2 Fcb Accepting cargo and pancrt«cn tor
      215 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 711 11 rtirLD CO LTD Tel 41 4rfs' 1 .-ioopore) (12 lines) f" Md ond di;harge cargo MDON, I CONTINENTAL PORtS P. S'hom Penang 5 Dec 4/S 4 Dec 4 Dec 9 c c 9 Dec 10 Dec 11/14 13 Dec 14/14 Dec 17/18 Dec 18 Dee 19/20 Dec 22/21 ,0 Dec
      711 words
    • 1069 11 ■ass yp** l T ma T s TRF*SiIM l fiNU'k 'V'tIIW- EAST ASIATIC LINES j SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA rot Aden, Port Sold, Gonoo. Antwerp, Rott.rdom, Hombura. Copenhagen, Gothenburg A O«lo Spore p Snom Penano '■SEL A A T Nr^ NIA 15/18 ">•« -Iwa^ 5/ 7 Jon 8/ 8 Jon 9/
      1,069 words
    • 912 11 Bu,'l°dlng THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. "S, 1 SINGAPORE (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) 5 LINKS SAILINGS TO U.K. AND CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Shorn Penang i 0 lenrlnne* tor Havre, London, Rotterdam, HomborQ, Hull G*> 13 HrbTrj- Gl 0-- 4/7 Vita L '"ToneSorn! %A »/.D.« 9/10 D^ 11/12 Unt^J,Z^HZL^"°\
      912 words
      1,168 words

  • 910 12 "f OOK Ah Chan. I'm poing to play a joke on Uncle Ollie with this stu fifed owl. I'm going to put on my magic shirt to make myself invisible, then flap it's wings and make it fly." Ah Chan took the bird
    910 words
  • 231 12 CHRISTMAS is coming and you'll want some party games to play after your treasure hunts, and other running about activities. Heie i,-; a eood one for which you will need pen> i and paper. All these sets of words need one word put
    231 words
  • 229 12 An interesting stamp from Portugal One of the JjL j colourful a\ jjf I which have •>j II been issued |N 1940, when Great Britain 1 wa.s waging a life and death struggle against N;izisin, there I'lfurred an event in postal history, that was marked not only by Britain, but
    229 words
  • 334 12 i>EAR Boys and Girk Lots of you sent in suggestions for different competitions last week. Some wanted more crosswords, some were anxious to write poems and stones and many of you said 'let's go on as we are because at present everyone has a fair chance of
    334 words
  • 563 12 I SAW a large party of young boys cyclirm op the East Coast Road last Sunday. "They all looked vt ry cheerful and I suspect they were bound for a picnic on the Tanah Merah beach I wonder If you realise
    563 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 233 12 THATs°fVEIL! \j^ I 'nlikr finlinjn >.h.imp«n« "Vnclinr" I n,ui<l V^/ Shimpnn innt.imv no Imp.., us hiil<r>K tr^-y 1 i.uhcr rinsrsout rnmple»cl\ -leave* your hail jj^^L^ IntllCl J'ul lovclici Give your hair this soft youthful loveliness.. »^»i i^B^d N 'J^^^F N^^E*lH« s^ /vSr-' -Tu^ y^^B, (.:\r wur hail k soft, vciulitiil
      233 words
    • 87 12 I I^B^Bc Cafe*, i Kill h^A "T 1/xe/H/io hvj Hum I -,J Ty? se in me erm sb»«a\ *B 1 %m I Be bright, drlni noon and night. valuable vitamin] ment to one and all 1 iWlHiiiq^ MANUfACTURCD By ty j^ Of TH€ FAMOUS |JC edar UQUID PI WETW "Jim
      87 words

  • 373 13 LIALF the Singapore team 11 Federation XI on Sunda travel up *o Penanr for the ment on Dec. 11. Four of the players S. Vellupillai. P. Pennefather. V j Devadas and Dalbara Singh will be going up to Kuala i Lumpur to play
    373 words
  • 525 13 EPSOM JEEP'S TRACK NOTES FROM IPOH *BIK BURNS and Above All, two smart sprinters in the van Breuketell stables, who are well on their way to the top class, were associated i a splendid workout on the training track at Ipoh yesterday morninjj.
    525 words
  • 285 13 rRAINER Marinus van Breukelcn will introduce at Ipoh a good-looking Denturius three-year-old in Mister Mole, renamed Royal Worllngton II after a t prewar Penang Gold Cup winner. *nyal Worlington 11. with Mawl up. showed a good turn of speed in a workout with Canterbury (Bougoure).
    285 words
  • 290 13 BOMB AY WANTS 4 MALAYANS BUT B.A.M. IS SILENT i;nii; Malayan badminton players- <>ng Poh Mm. Ooi Teik Hock. Wong I'cnj; Soon and Ismail Marjan have been invited to play in an invitation tournament at Bombay from Dec-. 11 to 15. This invitation was sent to the Badminton Association of
    290 words
  • 149 13 Sugar Ray shows old prowess HAMILTON, {Ontario) Tiles. I,'oi;»ll U middleweicht Cham--1 pion .su(.ir Kay Kulunson started Ins comeback here la»t me hi with a convincing di>play o( superiority over dinr Burton of New York. Rnlnrison appeared to be in excellent < ondilion Inllowin^ two year> at a -•■li. and
    149 words
  • 73 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.—Abdullah Plriu, Selangor's Thomas Cup badminton player, declined to comment on last nlcht' s decision of th« Srlnnenr Badminton Association tournpment committee to recommend him for a two-year suspension for his failure to turn up for hLs match ac.iinst Singapore's Sadali in the recpnt
    73 words
  • 74 13 BERLIN. lues Emil Zat pek, the Czech triple K'>ld medalist at the last Olympic Games, .-aid in East Berlin that he planned to defend hLs marathon title In the 1956 Olympic Games In Melbourne He said he would concentrate his training on the marathon distance
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 482 13 REST BEAT SCOTLAND: THE BACKS ARE BEST By TEOH EN(i TATT CREATURE of yesterday's rugger match, in which The Rest beat Scotland by 17 points (a goal, two tries and two penalties) to nil, was the high standard of fullback play by Max Parker for The Rest and S. Bland
    482 words
  • 74 13 The team to represent South I Johoie R F.C. against Ro>al signals at Princess Mary himb, Ajer Rajah Road, on Saturday will be; E. I. Ijiwley; P. Spark. W. J Robert SUH, A. Fitiherbert, C. H. E Tanoley; P. Edington, J. Edincion WUde: Cpl.
    74 words
  • 38 13 Malayan Royal Navy Volunteer Reserves Singapore Division, was the Malay Other Ranks' soccer knockout, cup comoetlt ion when thev beat 30 Bn R A.O.C. by 2—l in the final played on Sunday.
    38 words
  • 209 13 Till: Singapore H"rkry Asito.ia(lon Iragur* muit br romplrtrd by l>" K. An offictal Miid U*t nlghl that club* Hill hr rlrrulalrd to i lus i rr.i I The pri'vnl Iragur pokllluns «rr: DIVISION ONE r. w. d. i.. f. a. ru. s.ii.c. in
    209 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 267 13 nC oolonlhe {{cS days with an MMOWI c ark"\v spnrts shirt? d how cool and comfortable all day. You'll be even I you can pet these c-o-o-1 wide range of stripes and the new paste) shades). Treat I <;c\eral of these arrow :cl the difference not only in Sec these
      267 words
      536 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 25 13 RIGGER ALL MALAYA Service r Fijians, Jalan Brsar, 8 p.m. BADMINTON FXHIBITION for school i liil'lrrn hv Ken Davidson and compa'iy. Badminton Hall. 2.30 p.m.
      25 words
    • 128 13 V.%.\V.W,W.V.V.'. I .V. 1 .V.%V. 1 I .V,V.Vi 1 i I AViW.%S must be a Straits Times WEDNESDAY j WORD PUZZLE •'DDD 1 I Cut out md pin with other coupons Potting inttructiont appear below Name Addrett a |O|R C TBE fill in TpT A D DlLlEl JJJJJ j i
      128 words

  • 1394 14 SUMMARY: Two days to go, and England (Hutton and Simpson n,,n oul still BRISBANE. Tues. L^NGLAND, fighting a Ml bitter rearguard acH tion all day, had only H a glimmer of hope left H when stumps were drawn here today with
    1,394 words
  • 136 14 IMIE visiting English and American women badminton stars will plav for the last lime in the Colonv today before they leave on Friday. Thev will take part in an extended exhibition programme for hoc and girls at the Badminton Hall at 2.30 p.m this
    136 words
  • 106 14 PENANG. Tues. IJS.NANG are confident of being th» northern zone finalists in the HMS Malaya rugger competition this season. After their two victories over Selangor ■-■nd Krdah. the Settlement te;im should repeat their siijvrioritv over Perak when thev meet on Saturday at the Western Road ground.
    106 words
  • 33 14 CORTINA, Italy. Tues— More 'hin I 300 competitors an all-time recoid. ire expected to take part in the ieventh Winter Olympic Games here rom Jan 26 to Feb 5. 1956— Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 363 14 A SEAT FOR ALL OR NONE Senior clubs to try again for 'democracy' in the S.A.F.A. Council By SENTINEL AT the annual general meeting of the Singapore Amateur Football Association, towards the end of this month, the senior clubs will once again make a bid for full voice in the
    363 words
  • 78 14 HON(i KONG. In. Honu Kong CUmtm Mnsapore 4 3 before crowd of IJ.OOII likli' The half-time tettt ni 2-all. Centre-forward Knk Peow scored Bhljipwi first goal, from p;i^> Rahim Omar in the !.">ih minute. Shortly half time Rahim Omar ■>c orrd with a i
    78 words
  • 144 14 BEOAMAT. Tues. 'THE JOHORE Hockey Association will run an Inter-district competition on Thursday and Friday at Batu Pahrt between she teams Players from Jchore Bahru. Batu Pahat, Kluanp Muar Secamat and Mer»ing-Kota Tinggi will compete In the meet which ill serve as a trial
    144 words
  • 120 14 CARDIFF, Tucs. lAKETUM (South Afrirai the foru mer British Empire flyweight champion scored hi* .second victory inside the distune over Renk Vander Zee of Holland v hen the referee stopped their bout here lust night at the end of the sixth round. The fUsht wmi planned for
    120 words
  • 6 14 in-!" 3 Im:;.' V '"I >■.'■.
    6 words
  • 3 14 Seixas Rose, meet
    3 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 805 14 REACH 72,000 FAMILIES-- WITH A CLASSIFIED ADVERT. (Continurd from Page ♦>)■ SITUATIONS VACANT 31 Wnri, U (Mim.)-Kox $9 rl,. txtt WANTED A Copy Typist for l Insurance Comp.iny. ric; app P.O Bnx No. 644. CRANE DRIVER with cxpenem on Diesel crawler Crane.s required I British Cn ll Engineering firm. Phor
      805 words
    • 736 14 Ill 1TION Word, (Him.)— Box it cl: exit PAYA LEBAR COMMERCI/ INSTITUTE near Upper Bwanga Post Office; Provides Successf Tuition In all Commercial Subjec and English, Mathematics, etc. LAMBERTS DRIVING SCHOO Qualified European. Asian in tractors. Duo-Controlled cai Oounw from *IOO individual lessoi »10. 410 Orchard Road. Tel. *****. CITY
      736 words
    • 781 14 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 20 Vavk ti (Mln.)-Box it et: extra. X, WK SUPPLY RELIABLE efflcleni m service for any building" repairs ul decoration*. Competitive price ts Power Construction Co., 17A Cross Street. Tel. *****. L. WANTED TO PURCHASE g 19 W.r4, SS (MlH.)~»ox it H,. ,xtr.. u WANTED Small Seaside Bungalow
      781 words
    • 48 14 C r§^ 1 murphy more signal... iess nois A fully tropicjlixed tniniaru" priced AC/DC superhef ">"" M and medium wave-ban^ SIMILAR MOD2L FOR ALL 0 SINGAPORE 5 FEDERATION b BORNEO Sole Agents: I S.P.SHOTAM&CO-; 12, ORCHARD RD SINCA /ROSKOPI «-'u< Famous since i 867 i I V^ AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT
      48 words