The Straits Times, 28 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times i.std. im:> SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JU,Y 28. 1954 15 CENT? Halted
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  • 191 1 liey flew in lose: French Hot tells of tew incident HONG k()N(;, Tuesday, id hi ,i French airliner said on landing ihit lour fifhleri "the nhape and MiGs" had "l»u//.i'd" his Constellation nil Hainan Island where n British w;i- shot down last Frida\. Jack Brucßcr, from Puns,
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  • 72 1 PLANES TO FLY WELL CLEAR OF HAINAN ISLAND NOW SI KM is riMMM mni slums Ihe old and MM S roiitrs )or aircraft tlynui E between Binuih-ok and Hong Koiiq The neir S rnntc is vnnsidrrahh/ It, thr and cast nf (hr 5 former international air 5 corridor which itself
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  • 38 1 COPENHAOKN. Tues. Mr>. Ruth Rohde. Americas rim woman diplomat, died here yesteroajr from a heart attack. She was 6H. Mrs. Rohde wa.s US Minister fo r>. nmark fmm 15W3 to lf)jr>. A.P. I
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  • 32 1 HONO KONG. Tups Si.\ Britons, two Filipinos. thr« Germans, three Portuguese, twi Poles one Chinese and one stateless person arrlvpd henfrom Shanghai today in the British freighter Pakhoi. A.P.
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  • 31 1 BKRLIN Tue.s Tin Supreme Court of Czechaslo vakla has sentenced Stepan Trochta. Roman Catholic Bishop of Litomerice. to ?.-> ears' gaol on charges of sp>ing lor the Vatican. -A P.
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Tues. Police ye tridav took possession o f tw apparently live hand grenade* found on the floor of a .streel telephone kiosk in North London.—Reuter
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  • 34 1 Leaflet raid TAIPEH. Tues Nationalist planrs carried out a lea I let raid on Red China on Sunday and returned to their base in Formosa without loss, it was announced here today. A. P.
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  • 248 1 for first time in eight years as cease-fire becomes official PARIS Tuesday. PUNB were silent throughout Northern Vietnam this 11 morninc for the first time in eight years after 'Operation Ariana"— the code name for the cease-fire wont into effect. French Commander .n all lectors of
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 163 1 _R. rafi fMnc I. in- Illfl h.ul thru to t ikr I t II tin in I i Minislrv m m* nailed to I h-t Head I Sinj innir 1 1 1 1 i inn. the il 111 M-rll Dirknon. rhlel .1 I\.
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  • 83 1 U.S. JETS FOLLOWED A. INDIAN CAPTAIN Ii ipt.iin (rom B*m in W< liuli. i < on i Mini Rom I II uM t»" 'bussed" farlj tins n p.isvcd Is lighters stood off about a further six miles. apt. NMrj piloted the AllIndia Constellation Rental Prim ess m hit h
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  • 19 1 COLOMBO Tup* Crvlon I having trouble disposing of its 20 000 tons of surplus rice. n.
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  • 129 1 SHOOTING: PEKING PROTESTS America blamed HONG KONG. Turs. (IHINA UMlajf prntcstort " st ronsly" aya.nst ihf shnotinK down of two Chinese Air ftaree planes by L's. carri'-r-ba.M-d aircraft vi'siitday nil Hainan Island. Peking Radio reported. Tlic radio said Mr. Cham: Han Fii. Vice-Minister fur Foreign Affairs, protested in a
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 108 1 T'HL Malayan Monthly is on sale throughSS out Malaya TODAY. Here L« something en- tirely new in Malayan SEE Journalism, a strongly pictorial magazine, packEE: rd with topical articles. features and first-class I tinn. EE For the first time in this country, brilliant rnloun;ravure is
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  • 27 1 LONDON. Tues. The Speaker of the indonr.Man Parliament, Dr. Sartono. arii vpd hrrp yesterday by air from Amsterdam on a week's visit to Britain. Reuter.
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  • 378 1  - I refused bandits' pillsshot QC PAT MORGAN SHAWCROSS SAID TO TERRORIST PHOTOGRAPHER, LET ME HAVE A COPY, WONT YOU? By VIR. CHRIS 1 OPHEK iTI SHAWCROSS. QC told the Straits Times in a dramatic hedside interview yesterday how he escaped death in a Communist ambush In Johore on Sunday. Still
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  • 33 1 I'll IS MASS harem-slylr is a train of Mr. Malcnkov's .ithlrlev Tiiev ar«- from I'/ Ixk. iinl arc ni.ircliiiit: in tin- biK all-Kussia sports festival i n MostoM.
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  • 117 1 Sgt. faces 'cruel to troops 9 charge NEW JERSEY. TUES. Srrct I. G R J Witbeck. as,rrt 24. will appear befnrp I i 'lit t -martial at Fort Dix tomorrow no charce.s of cruel and unusual mass punishment" by ordering a 1 company of trainees to .stand at attention In
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  • 164 1 The Suez Zone row is all over c.mro. Tues. i British Embassy spokesman said here today amcfMi'nt had born reached with Egypt on all outstanding pom 1 in the Suez Canal dispute. The agreement would be Initialled later tonight, the spokesman added. The first ipmlom of thr I ilkx. itti
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  • 62 1 MIIM lON nil I 111 ia mm mm LONDON In. poils gained CUTi ii' i Mta] t h.< i "f ">t.l(r f«»r the t Mi uhM-r Lyttrli... ulliTt-d his rf sien •t in Pruiif Minislcr. K trd hf .led by Mr II in I .fnnux Bvyd Mm'
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  • 226 1 Strike now hangs on lunch- break HOKKERS REFUSE EXTRA .10 MIXS. THE differences between t 1 and its 10.000 striking down in a surprise move y For the first time since the strike started a spokesman of the council's finance committee said that the workers' back pay demand would be
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  • 42 1 MANILA. Tue.s. Gabriel Capas. aRPd 4^. adored his flßhtinc cock Texas. He used to bruih his pet daily and feed him well. Texas lost a cocktiuht and was killed. Capas was found hanged a few minute.s later. A.P
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  • 20 1 MUNICH. Tur,, In;nri Bergman arrives here this week Ito star in a German film.— I A. P.
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  • 43 1 RIO DE JANEIRO Til > The world power oonfert nc« at Petropohs near t without power. Due to an electricity short pn countries arc power pr> hi' m thi conf< r< nee has had to re'.Mirt to candles and lantrrns.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 80 2 WASHINGTON. Tues— Admiral Felix Stump. Command-er-ln-Chief of the Pacific Fleet told a Press conference herr that U.S. fliers were imder instructions to br 'quick on the tri«jter" if an attack is made on them. Arimiral Stump said the policy was: "If any U.S. plane
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  • 293 2 as/cs a tfruisn newspaper LONDON. Tuesday. DRITISH newspapers today devoted much editorial space to comment on the recent shoot me incidents i off the China coast. The Daily Mirror displayed most I of its front page with big type asking "Whose finger on the trigger?" Referring
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  • 56 2 LONDON SEES A TOUCH OF MOROCCO HERK.S li.Al inuti a -tin nie>r rliirrate to rompensatr Britons for the latent*** of th*ir summer. Modrllerl in l/ondon by June Oakes. ihr hat is a ropy of the lurhans worn in Morocco and is railed '•Saidia" after the film of the same name,
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  • 33 2 BIRMINGHAM. Tues Thirty Russian students in Britain on an exchance holiday visit toured the civic centre here yesterday before gone to nearby Derby to .see the British railway works -Reuter
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  • 339 2 >|l i,j t m j^B mJ m i if. I j^Mj i j^B jw'a^MjU I V^B !iJ7 Oil JI.W- 1 )m9 M k^^mij Uik i [FjlK ALL PART OF PEKING CAMPAIGN— EXPERTS LONDON, Tuesday. fHK LATEST shooting incidents involving Chinese planes were attributed by
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  • 72 2 Sold secret: Ex-Minister is gaoled KINGSTON. Tups FORMER Cabinet Minister A and a newspaper reporter were »entenced In Jamaica to 15 months' gaol for disclosing official secrets. They are Lester Slmmonds. Education Minister In Bustamante's Government, and Vincent Madden Truman, reporter for the Dally Gleaner. Th*> two were convicted of
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  • 149 2 but thcu saw no fleeing bandits ALOR STAR. Turs SIAMESE and Malayan forces this mnrninu ended a sevrn-day hunt for terrorists infiltratine into Siam from 1 Malaya. A sen.ur Ki'riah nfnci'r said hrrn today that 200 Siamese mn.stable.s join rd Malayan forces in a b^rri<r
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  • 52 2 PARIS, Tue.v Supreme Headquarters Allied Powr Europf went into the field terday to test It* ore:*tionai conditions. The exercise will last a week. This is the tinthree and a half yt tencp that SHAPE has tr:cd out the conditions it would fac in case of
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  • 24 2 VIENNA, TOM A raspberry developer! in Czecho■tormkia has been namrr! "Lloyd George.' 1 aecordlnj the Prague newspaper Lid DemoKraric Reuter
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  • 14 2 BAGHDAD, Tues. Iraq's new parliament was opened by King Felsal yrstrrday. A.P.
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  • 166 2 THIS MAY START NEW WAR -GARCIA MANILA. Tues. VICE PRESIDENT and Foreign Secretary Carlos P. Garcia said today the aerial shooting incidents over the South China Sea could lead to a new war, Commenting on the shooting down of two Chinese Communist planes by American carrier aircraft over the China
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  • 25 2 BRUSSELS. Tues. A package of gold weighing 9 Ib. was missing from a Belgian alrlin•T which arrived from Leopoldville. Belgian Congo, yesterday. Router.
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  • 62 2 SAN JOSE. Costa Rica. Tue.s v -The Costa Riran Army hag tltspersed a small rebel band near the Nicaraguan bordeT after a fight in which five were killed. Claudlo Mora Molina, head of the band that had attacked plantations and robbed banks, ft>d. a communique said. Eight
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  • 40 2 VATICAN CITY. Tues. A two-hour breakdown of the Vatican Radio was repaired in time for Pope Pius XII to broadcast to a large gathering of pilgrims at the Sanctuary of Saint Ann of Auray in Britanny, France, yesterday.—Renter.
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  • 89 2 LONDON. Tuei.— The Privy Council yesterday rejected a petition by two Sikhs who asked leave to appeal against the death sentence passed on them for murdering another Sikh in Malaya. The petitioners were Ramnath Singh and I. all Singh, i alias Teja Singh. Kuala
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  • 216 2 GOVT. OF COLONY SCARED, HE SAYS TORONTO, Til's A TORONTO SIAK correspondent. William Stevenson. >aid >rvterday in a di>natch from llonc Konc that man) Briton., in the Colony were ■•humiliated and angry" at the colonial government's ■•frightened" reaction to the shooting down of a British airliner. Stevensnn. who was In
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  • 71 2 NEW DELHI. TilM About 30C people, includine 33 Indian soldiers, were killed in the Tibetan tradine town of Oyangtse. which ha.< been ashed a'vav hv floods, it was 'nnounceci here Report* from an Indian relief party which was sent from Yatunc last week,
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  • 47 2 'Cold fe Provenet unity says Rh 1 1\ r CIO I M» I em 5 I I me Ma col »di Mi cai Ml Ml r ijrht np i, Ml op m< In' ictt a I 01 c w oc t U R I n I 4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 26th Anniversary I SALE I From 28th July to 21st August, 1954. You get one FREE if you buy two pieces of: Child't Cotton Singlet* $0.80 tich S Child« T Shirt« iTerry Clothl $1.40 each Child't Cotton And Rayon Sockt 50. 85 prr pm Child't Cotton Panrcri $0.80 per pair
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    • 62 2 MALAYAN CEMENT LIMITE "TIGER" "TIGER" IMPORTANT TO ALL BUILDE If you want good cement buy "TIGER" Quality uar a v I <• <l lo be in exeett of British Standard Spfrifiratinn PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW WITH OUR SELLING AGENTS William Jacks &Co (M) Ltd. df^L Guthrie Co James Warren Co
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  • 58 3 HOODED MEN PICK OUT MAU MAU »B1 Tues. rmer d( talned OUi Man tors after a British 'o p s wnshlp, 0 Afntected wrrr 1 past 2 Man Man 21 oath food and a okesman in of 'joneral combthree months Id re- ..:.<<■, 80 termturrd ment anixlmum Ing Kikuyu tx
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  • 7 3 Ia *en r. s r
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  • 72 3 REFUGE FOR MOTHER MIMED BY REDS II Ith her the Kajiiis Th< n th( v will ro on t" Midland. T n Eva who ts aln :iriv there, and make their A granad< thmwn by a an border guard blew Kapus leg as she and her husband >;ng lnDr. Kapus
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  • 151 3 NEW DELHI. Tues. rE INDIAN Government today extended its neutral foreign policy to the cinema, explaining that it banned an American-made film about the Korean war as propaganda and that it would do the same for films favouring the Communist side. The banned American
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  • 53 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues. Claims for U*****,000 have been filed against Lloyds for damage done during the recent civil war in Guatemala, it was reported here. The claims arose from riot and civil disturbance policies taken out by the New Iria Mining Company, a subsidiary of a United
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  • 512 3 We'll shoot down Skymaster rescuers,' Reds said LONDON. Tuos rilK British Foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Kden, revealed today that the Com munists threatened to fire on planes going to the rescue of the athay Pacific Skym.tster shot down last Friday. He told the House of Com MM that the Canton
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  • 28 3 MISS M.\l..\\.\. Singapore w.n.ione Wee. meets the Tar/an of the lilms. I.ex Barker, during a visit to the Iniver-sal-International studio in Hollywood. A. P. picture.
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  • 39 3 HELSINKI, Tuesday. The A.-si.stant Minister of Foreign Trade of the Chinese Peoples P-epublic, Mr Lei Yen Mm, Will arrive for an official visit to Finland tomorrow Mr. Lei will travel from Geneva to Finland via Moscow. -Reuter.
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  • 19 3 LONDON. Tues. Britain yesterday aerorded full recognition to the new Guatemalan Government, the Foreign Office announced here. Reuter
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  • 143 3 MR. NEHRU APPEALS TO U.N.: ADMIT COMMUNIST CHINA NEW DELHI. Tuesday. VfR. NEHRU, the Indian Prime Minister, yesterday ITI appealed to the United Nations to admit Communist China as a member "To regard Formosa as representing China is as sensi- hie v it would be to regard the Andaman Islands
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  • 44 3 LONDON. Tues— A total of 364 people were killed and 5.105 seriously injured on the British roads last month Durine the first six months of this year 2.101 people were killed and 24.000 seriously iniured in road accidents. Reuter
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  • 27 3 VIENNA. Tues E. Zatopek, Czechoslovak Olympic champion runner and Army Major, has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, the Czech Socialist newspaper. Svobodne Slovo. reported Reuter
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  • 86 3 Toasts to Stalin got them down STOCKHOLM. Tues. ffjMVK Sweden ratines. f charged with drunken behaviour during a recent visit to Leningrad, told a magistrate's rourt here yesterday they regarded drinkinc vodka as part of their duties. One of them said Russian police took no action against Swedish sailors lying
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  • 42 3 MOSCOW. Tues Five officials of the British Ministry of Agriculture have been invited to the Soviet agricultural exhi tion opening on Sunday, the British Embassy said. Invitations were also sent to the United States and Canada. Reuter
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  • 163 3 BERLIN, Tues. An American counter-intelligence agent, known to be a friend of the missing West German security chief Dr. Otto John, has committed .suicide in his B-rlln quarters, it was learned today, i Fellow officers found Human, a naturalized American with the rank of captain in
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  • 336 3 LONDON. TUW \FTKH an initial nethack followlns the Par Eh.M »lr Incident thf 'fork market'- developed a dteadlor appear;) nre bu' it was a rase of miniL* .'lgng predominating at the 'lone. Small I<k»#* were widespread In Industrials with only an occasional nrm »po» here an.! there Motors
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  • 27 3 LONDON. July 27. Cash Buyers M'bO; Sellers iiTSQi 2 Forward Buyers €746; Sellers C 747' 2 Settlement M'bO. Turnover a.m. 175 tons; p.m. 75 tons.
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  • 38 3 LONDON M| 27 Spot 2O'.d. S*pt 20-.d Oct -Dec 20.-d JanMar. 20.d Apr -June 20'; d. Aug r I f. 20\d Sept < 1 f 20 d Or t -Dec c if 20 Sd ~one Qul»but steady.
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  • 25 3 LONDON. Tues A 35-year-old labourer. Ronald Hector McGuire. was gaoled for two years yesterday for indecently assaulting a nun in a convent Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 TYRE TONIC! IlirM^l!! 1 I PROCESS vacu. lug wf/Mm mL\fA TREATMENT WmmW mL^'^kTo be used by SM m^H^mm w Tractor Owners fit f liilw C^ whenever M w\ required. l|l|| JBVVm^/ DUMPER. IvARTHMOVKK TYRES. From 100-15 TO 2100-25 C PROSPER LISTON— SOLE MALAYAN CONCESSIONAIRE FOR> THE VACU LUC TRACTION TYRES
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    • 212 3 SanlUiguel BEER The m«fcM.ii quality o^ San Miq-iel Beer h backed by mm h4 y««r» ol brewing experience and tradition. lt» full-bodied flavor has made it one of the bett beer* tine* 1890. San Miguel Beer it fully aged, truly great. rr »>^ BREWED AND BOTTLED BY SAN MIGUEL BREWERY
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  • 235 4 MR. LOKE HANDLED DEALS PERSON ALL} EQUIPMENT worth $1,000,000 has boon ordered in Coventry for the Singapore Telcphon< Board, its chairman, Mr. Loke Wan Tho, s;m j esterday. Mr. Loke returned to Singapore yesterday b BOAC after a round-the-world tour with his wife. He
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  • 122 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues KANTAN THURISAMY was today sentenced in the Sessions Court, here to six months' goal for cheating a woman of her Jewellery He met the woman on Rompin Estate and induced her to travel by train with him to Singapore to vLsit
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  • 40 4 JOHORE BAHRU Tues Cheng Ah Yue and Goh Ah Yong were each fined $200 or six weeks' sao! in the Se.-v;nn* Court. Pontlan yesterday for frequenting a place used for the purpose of smoking opium
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  • 46 4 Singapore Chinese YMf A has invited 15 doctors to ludse !U third annual baby show The doctors will meet at the .i.svx-intion premises in Selecie Road at 5 pm on Saturday to i decide the date and time for the finals
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  • 58 4 Storekeepers anU their assistants, who haw complete charge of Singapore City Council stores may in future be asked to provide securities A committee has recommend -d this At present only council cashiers are covered by guarantee bonds. A councillor has suggested that only long service officer* should
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  • 25 4 KUALA LUMPUk. rues An idvisorv committt-e nas been set up to look alter the Lak* Gardens, one of Kuala Lumnur's h. uitv spots
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  • 38 4 The National Service Apnea: Board, Singapore, yesterday c':>missed applications for >ostponement from Tan TUB Seng. Chua Tong Fonc and Nz Kian Seng It adjourned to Aug 10 the hearine of nine other applicat ion*
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  • 122 4 Fined $15— now Ik g( WHEN Cheah Nroh .>■ for illegally having his six children were hun I 1 '.n their house and thai feed them. Now the Seti come to his aid. Mi R F Oidham. cl Penang Rural said Cheah hart >
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  • 9 4 The Reds are bit polite Shangha j i i
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  • 72 4 River sports at Pahang farm show TEMERLOH rE Sultan ed the r show on Saturday On display wen products, livestock handicrafts, demur silk-sarong weavin_ Drlnting and ropt from Manila nemp. In the afternoon. r:\> v re held on the I ttv< r The Sultan hem from a hottw-poal In the
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  • 74 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE AM 7 15 Time Sign. Ing Announiemeni Star; 7 30 New turf. 8 00—8 30 I.ivit 857 English School p M 1 (111 K;i', 1 30 Tim? S«n;i: Mid N< Tht Hammond t >: S( hook Broadi and Prefrmmin I.M Comr In Hand.- In M.ii:i 855
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  • 111 4 Harnun bin Ar.sarJ. tmplovtd by the Customs Depart J mont. yesterday aske.l a Slntapore r< -irt to let him withriraw a> a >un f y for his bro-ther-in-law. YusorT bin Abu Bakar aced 20. Yusofl was placed on two years' probation
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  • 135 4 TWO staff nurses at the General Hospital, Singapore, and a teacher of dear children at the York Hill School were guests of honour at a farewell party at the Telok Aver M.-ihuiiist Church yesterday The nurses are Miss Lee So«> Yong and Miss Lim Cheng
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  • 136 4 A QUESTION which threatens to revive the controversy of a year ago— that of how to punish Singapore City Councillors who disclose Council secrets Is to be considered by a Council committee next month The Council wants to know how it can compel Council-
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  • 2 4 Cocktails for
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  • 6 4 Chess title; last day for entire
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 t7 &M^#%^V^l^H^f mm^M^^mW m\mr W r v Yo\" v i ti r?r i ni T; v 7 A NEW MAGAZINE FOR MALAYANS 64 PACES COLOUR PICTURES TOPICALS FICTION 'Qfmmm i mmmt^^^m^mmfi^^^^^* 1 i il^^Pttl B^K *m^dW M M m W M wMw/M Jjm f^*3^' PSa^^u tk \W^r^Tfclm. Bl y* v
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  • 451 5 'NO TALK OF DOPE DEAL' 'l acted on DPP's instructions Officer tells of receiving money at home ■\JR. RAY WILLIAM WATKRS, an acting Deputy Superintendent, in the Singapore Harbour Board Police, told Mr. Justice Whitton in the Assize Court yesterday "I didn't ask Lian Teck 'hew to collaborate with me
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  • 42 5 About $1 000 worth nf binoculars and spectacles W( v stolen from an optical stor** In North Bridge Road. Singapore, on Monday night. The thief cut open a hole In the shop window to removi the foods.
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  • 153 5 THOUGHT DEATH WAS NEAR So he didn't get an identity card TAN CHEANG BAK, 75, had an original excuse when he pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to failing to obtain an identity card. He didn't register during the prescribed period, he said, because he thought he was going to die.
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  • 257 5 The govt gets a fortune in opium A QUANTITY of raw i opium, worth $200,000 in the "black market," was confiscated in the Singapore Third Crimin- al District Court yesterday and put under lock and key. And two men, Chua Gong and Yeo Ten Pow. convicted of unlawful possession of
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  • 74 5 Tay Peng Hong, aged 29 I ho claimed trial in Singapore yesterday on a charge of cheatinc K. Chandra of the East and West Trading Co. of property worth $2,348 50 wa.s offered bail of $10,000 in one surety. Tay, it was alleged, induced Chandra to deliver
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  • 24 5 PENANG. Tues— Models o! various nationalities will pose for the Penane Pictorialists at their n^xt meetine at Tanjong Bungah on Aug 8.
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  • 37 5 Mr. R. J. Webster will give a public lecture on "East and West" at the weekly meeting of Singapore Theosophical Society at its lodge at 8, Cairnhill Road, at 6. 50 p.m. p.m. on Friday.
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  • 123 5 THE Singapore City Police magistrate, Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, said yesterday he treated; doctors' certificates with great suspicion. "This court expresses great doubt in regard to such certificates, in fact on one occasion I Rot a doctor to come here and give evidence on oath
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  • 27 5 A watchman and moneylender. Chanan Singh, was acquitted in Singapore yesterday, Of robbing a labourer. Yusoff bin Lambek. at Tanjong Rhu on April 30. I
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  • 68 5 Indian hemp in ship seaman faces charge PENAXC. Tues. A seaman. Mahfuri bin Kidnan, 23. i.miiiii trial today to a charge of failing to' report to the master of the vessel l.akor the presence nf 18 kati.s of ;:.inu (Indian hemp). The hemp, it was alleged, had been concealed in
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  • 16 5 Singapore Rural Board will hold its monthly meeting at the Colonial Secretary's ofnee tomorrow
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  • 292 5 DA TO LIKENS THEM TO RUSSIANS IELUK ANSON. Tuesday. I^ATO Panglima Bukit Gantang, Mentri Besar of Perak and leader of the National Association of Perak, said at a meeting to form a branch of the association at Kampong Melayu that the JMNO-MCA Alliance wanted to
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  • 103 5 Control is our aim, says Tengku BL'TTERWORTH. rues. rpHE PRESIDENT ol UMNO. Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today the UMNO-MCA Alliance's most Important aim was to Rain controlling power in the Federal Legislative Council. "Once we have this majority, we can make use of the compromise plan." he told 1.000 Butterworth
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  • 43 5 A Chinese woman living in Kampong Tiong Bahru. Singapore, yesterday reported the loss of $250. her life savings. She said a thief broke into h'-r house while she was out on Monday. The money was removed from under a mattress.
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  • 75 5 Thr Sincapore City Council rrcarris the Hißher School Certificate, London Matriculation and the full London Chamber of Commerce crrtiflcntp a s aaeptable substitutes for the School Certificate. CompUlntl were recently marlr in a committee that certain Indian qualifications wptp rrjected, and that candidates for posts
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  • 50 5 Flvr Burmese sailors a.ssaul- j ted the manager and two assistants of a hotel in Owen Road. Singapore, on Monday night. The assault followed an ar- gument over women, the police wore told. The sailors wore later handed over to their ship's captain by the police. Mobile
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 370 5 ■a BL! p GILLETTE BLADES IN I' Gillette Quick-feed Dispenser jk You pay only I '-'0 for the blades, with the sharpest edge in the world Blue Gillette Blades give you the finest of all MM shaves and the most economical because they la^t the longest. In the handy new
      370 words
    • 383 5 U I Caster f 1 liiPi Icing JL Wf. $k^m Soft Brown \y& -'^'^v^. &M line Granulated V 1 1 taiimmSSUGAR SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. give you quicker. easier mowing at less cost I IDEAL FOR TENNIS p?J COURTS, LAWNS. ETC. M&i A POPULAR 14" 17* b 20* JHH^W^
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 296 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY ROT AR V CLIII: Talk nn Modern Johnson Y.W CA. Raßlei Quay, 10 pm bodybuilding 5 pm.; badmlnTrMids In Pri-son Administration by ,a m. I ton pm. vtainrW IP .Sorhnn Capitol Blue I CIVIL MTBNCB ASSOCIATION V M.C.A. iOr> hard Rondi Oym. Room 1 Dm Kllm .«-ho«
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  • 18 6 U M,,,rf> fl» i minimum) Chatswood. r m Ju t McCormirk late of Kuala Lumpur md R.iuang
    18 words
  • 51 6 ;n W«,i, J/ffl mm, mum,. TOI :OW PED m i Bverj Da.} in Hail II \nu ■ml to win Oiin wore ptiT7le JUST ARRIVED American Cott Draw b\ I .>bel Melville and I to 14 From $18 Harrow* Lt.; 7 Orrhnrd Road. FOR I %DIEB OV! V I itest
    51 words
  • 868 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. July 28, 1954. Quick On The Trigger A dangerous situation is in the making off the China coast. It has little to do with three mile limits or airliner routes. It is much simpler and much more perilous than that. The j skies between Formosa
    868 words
  • 448 6 Statements made hy the Representative of the Government of India and by the Undersecretary to the Singapore Government do not make completely clear the position of the citi/en of India who wishes, to claim the franchise in Sin- 1 papore. There is no doubt that Indians resident
    448 words
  • 28 6 I AGREE with ■Justice." that Radio Malaya should have M least two hours a week for the Federation "Calling All Hospitals' 1 requests. BORIS TAN. Klan*.
    28 words
  • 105 6 WE are now in the midst of a strike by the 10.000 workers of the essential services of the City Council. What will be thf consequences when the O.T.E.C. and the passenger transport companies are tak.-n over by the Government? Surely the public would not like to
    105 words
  • 367 6 man-in-the-street T«HE ALLIANCE settlement with the Government on the boyicott issue must be welcome to every thinking j citizen, but their attitude as to how the status quo must be restored appears to be unrealistic. If a man tendered his resignation as a
    367 words
  • 124 6 Scouting movement needs help I WAS amazed to read thr |rtter of 'Boy Srout 191 it teems to me hr i- in a little romantirisrr.. Surely ho ir-ah* have somewhat chang< he was a Boy Scout and I Scouting has now to combat a number of sxtivitli not exist in
    124 words
  • 54 6 I WOULD LIKE to t;. unknown Chinese man who helped :v. a KriOM rar crash on Ipoh-Chemor road o«. S evening recently. His knowledge of I (and his prompt ar>p'.: it) helped to .save n.v ■> would mo I have bird to
    54 words
  • 216 6 1 1 AM not. and never have been, a police lieutenant. but somebody should take up the cudgels on behalf of this much-maligned body of men. They have had to put up with prejudice and calumny, and have had little credit
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  • 133 6 6 am— 2 pm HOURS THE BEST HW.R." writing about day- light saving in Malay.i prompts me to suggest chance oi working hours 1 wh>ch I have lone thought to be obviously beneficial. H W R." observed that plantation workers have worked from 6am to 2 p m lor generations,
    133 words
  • 271 6 THE announcement hy the authorities tnat fluorine will be added to our water supply must please all Singapore parents. But before we get unduly exritrd or over-optimistir and before we relax our watch on our children's teeth, let me sound a note of warning. Let us
    271 words
  • 89 6 BECAUSE of the Strike of 10.000 City Council labourers, mast of the streets and lanes are heaped with muck and rubbish. The smell is very strong. Why won't the head.- of youth organisations, such a-s the Scouts and St. John Ambulance get their members
    89 words
  • 97 6 I AGREE with Messrs. Mahandran and T. M. Abdul Rahim about trouble at the Indian customs. About three months ago. some fr«?nds sent parcels of piece -goods to relatives in India for the festival of Ramzan as gifts Recently when I met them. I learnt
    97 words
  • 57 6 HAWKERS outside Sims Avenue market in Singapore do not cover their food Hence, the food is an inviting place for flies. Also, dust may settle on the food. When will the food inspectors teach the hawkers some basic rules of hygiene l But without depriving them
    57 words
  • 139 6 f WORK on a rubber estate and I say that as there already is an Employees" Pro- vldent Fund run by the Oovsrnment, there Ls no need tor the "Estate Staff Provident Fund." The latter does not benefit I ?statc start. If within five
    139 words
  • 168 6 DIPLOMATIQUE 1 states that the Press statement of the Deputy President of the City Council to dismiss the workers who may j?o on strike is "threatened victimisation" of the workers and contrary to union principles. I think his view is one-sided. Why docs he
    168 words
  • 35 6 I HAVE been danrinß for years in Singapore |a it fair for a person to set a partner who has been a professional, and enter novice and i amateur competitions' TRIE AMATKI'F. Singapore.
    35 words
  • 11 6 On the Marg D Wis I S Old hut \Y STAN
    11 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 853 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. :tl HW> (.in I minimum I. SHERRIFF: At Bungsar Hospital an 27th July to Martha and Fred a da lighter CHEW To Alexandrina. wife of Chew S/e Kam. MR CVS on 241h vtaterr-.lty Penang h incan Chew. To Margaret and E'.mie. a ilau^li r: Reverie-. Susan, at
      853 words
    • 114 6 POPULAR HITS M CENTS EACH— A Dear John Letter. Bell Bottom Blues. The Creep, i Cloud Lurkv Seven. Croiw over the Bridge Don't laugh at me, From the vine came the grape, Heartlens. Heart of my heart, I see the Moon. I'd rather die young. Love me. 1 Make Love
      114 words
    • 42 6 HERRI FRfSH or TOMATO SAUC AGENTS T i C E MORTON <M*L* Singapore Kuala I jmP" r r 77u- I'Matc Mat //,/</ nothing, She onil.hi! then With tyn lug and holts Till her kusi b\ .it nt 91. I\it.ini Row Matoya's onb h
      42 words

  • 72 7 I .$400,000 PKBT miTHOUT iKCrKfTY MPI K 1 ucs. ent-spon- null a1 F ng ;il lowed milling ral hun- d dollars unty .still outOne Yoke In written Srlanßor qucsi at tho mill. in i' 1 It hough It to turn it into tv "at provided (inn Iders, itx r will
    72 words
  • 16 7 Red dies in ambush i d and anIn I m Bunt rs- 9 rial i wprr
    16 words
  • 17 7 -.<*etinc of the t ..itivr Council i the i w t Empreu Place. at l
    17 words
  • 66 7 k MPUK. I m 4 C 0 lump s and pr< si hi 1 i wh' n I four Al- Uance councillor j who resigned recently lollowing the political boycott were back i:i their scats They took the oath again along with two new official members Mr
    66 words
  • 757 7 iSSESSORS DID NOT GET THIS PLEA THE PRIVY COUNCIL TELLS WHY IT SA VED THE MAN WHO HAD A GUN From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Tuesday. Hh judicial committee of the Privy Council 1 today gave reasons for allowing the' appeal of I
    757 words
  • 114 7 He brought his family as evidence Atrisha rider produced his entire family his wife five children and mother-in-law in the Smqapore City Police Court yesterday and said they were begging in the streets because the Registrar ot Vehicles had suspended his licence The trisha rider. Low Hang Yunc. had pleaded
    114 words
  • 33 7 The Stamp Corner of the Kiwi Members' League of Singapore will hold its monthly meeting and stamp auction at the ciub premise m P.-insep Street, at 9 30 am on Sunday
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  • 35 7 KUALA LUMPUR Tues. The Malayan Youth Council has acquired new headquarters, building in Kuala Lumpur. Inche Mustapha Albakri. Member for Industrial and Social Relations, will open it on Auk. 1
    35 words
  • 106 7 Welfare aid seeker bound over HUSSEIN BIN SAMAD. 40. a gardener at the Paya Lebar Government English School. was bound over for 12 months when he pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to cheati ing the Social Welfare Depart- ment on April 8 Hussein, it was stated, ap- I plied for
    106 words
  • 41 7 Tan Thian Khr. a labourer at the Ho Hong Oil Mills in Havelock Road. Singapore, was injured yesterday when a metal drum exploded while ht was welding it. He was admitted to hospital with severe head injuries.
    41 words
  • 62 7 Lim Hoe Soon wax charged yesterday with intimidating a City Council worker. N. Amurthallngam at Syed Alwi Roa<! on Monday morning, by compelling him unlawfully to stop work The offence is punishable under the Trade Disputes Ordinance the Singapore Sixth Police Tou.t was told Llm claimed trial and
    62 words
  • 137 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— A woman motorist, fined $3 In the Magistrate's Court here thanked the magistrate and then offered to hand the balance of a $10-note to MMMI Vera C Battersby. of Vicham Road, Kuala Lumpur. a.sKed the I court interpreter. Mr. Mag poor
    137 words
  • 72 7 A MM I r of models appearing in the f.ishion parade to be held this evening at Raffles lintel in aid of the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Week. A demonstration of hairMyliiiK starts at Ml p m. and the fashion dhow begins
    UP  -  72 words
  • 244 7 SYSTEM IS 'CHAOTIC— Mr. DOW THE "CHAOTIC SYSTEM" of numberinß houses in! Singapore is a major problem in preparing the! new electoral rolls, the actine Registrar of Statistics., Mr. Ft. Dow, said yesterday. In the new rolls, voters will be listed in their pollina districts
    244 words
  • 205 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. FIFTEEN delegates will represent the Federation at the forthcoming meeting of the World Assembly of Youth in Singapore. The loader of the delegation I will be Mr. D. R. Daniel, chairman of the Malayan Youth' Council Mr ChonuTln Huat. s'tp.irv .il
    205 words
  • 409 7 SHOT Q.C. SAYS REDS OFFERED HIM PILLS from Page One which appeared to com*from all directions. The Land Rover went Into a ditch and he and Mr. Gibson, who was wounded, tool^ cover by the roadside. "When the terrorists had odi viously put us all out of ac tion with
    409 words
  • 103 7 JUMP? NOT THIS FIREMAN Vm too heavy, he says A SINGAPORE City Council committrp has drcideci that a recruit fireman, who would not loap into thr jumping shc-et durine an rxrriso. ua.s a misfit nnd should bo allowed to make a fresh start rlsrwhere. Twice during rescue drill he refused
    103 words
  • 62 7 Dr. Michael Sullivan. who ha- Graduated In Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies. London, has bee n appointed a lecturer at the University ol Malaya on the history of art. Dr Sullivan who took up the study of Chinese art in the Fogg Museum.
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  • 19 7 Sinuapore Buddhist Union will hold n new moon service at 28. Jalan Senyum. at 8 on Friday.
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  • 51 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Recommendatlonj by Dr R E Anderson. Director "of if accepted by the Finance Committee, will decide the fate ol the Federations artificial limb centre here The main recommendutmn Lj that in future anyoiv in artificial limb will have to pay for
    51 words
  • 41 7 Singapore agents of Cathay Pacific Airways announced yesterday that it wu nop»'rt to resume normal services next werk Service, weic i pended following the shooting dowi week o( the airline's ->ni master n by flehtcr
    41 words
  • 121 7 Officer shot by his own men KUALA I.UMPUR, Tues. A 19-YFAR-OLD X;.- tlonal Serviceman, 2nd Lieut. R. M Townsend, of the Ist Battalion Queens Royal Regiment, was accidentally shot by his own men in the Sepanc area of Selaimor on Saturday. He died the following day. A few minutes before
    121 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 Barone Ricasoli h ARBIA j (WHITE) W fty'^fi C\\ If V poAuiw. vxhAU/i I -7 Barone Ricasoli BROLIO j M IKED i T HE EASTERN AGENCIES IH4») LTD. hcked with NOURISHMENT and so tasty .ii. slu»- ofinsp. crunchv Ut i hi- meal rastieT and more nourishI* r,,.u .ivailahle in the
      62 words
    • 121 7 A Meal is a Banquet iWITH WINE WINE has a subtle way of making food taste twice as good. It brings people together JHKs9|a anc makes the conversa- f^!H I Wm c sts s !ittie yet jßj> IMJ adds so much. A fine dry white wine suitable -> with fish
      121 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 178 7 The weather MINIM I'M Mtll'lMiiK '7 30 pm. on July 28 to 7 30 a m on July 27 1 Singapore 74 decrees Penan* 71. Kot« B»hru 72. Ktrnla l.iimpur TO, Ipoh 70. Ku«nt«n 71 MAXIMUM TEMPKRATIRK '7 30 a.m. to 7.30 p m. on July 21) Singapore 83 degrees.
      178 words

  • 461 8 THE Director-General of Civil Aviation for the Malaya-Borneo Region, George John Warcup, said in Singapore yesterday that there was only a moral obligation to provide fire services and first aid facilities at Kalian? Airport. "As far as I know there
    461 words
  • 190 8 He said that in 1948. when I the City Fire brigade could 1 no longer carry on at Kallang, the airport authorities undertook the responsibility of providing the lire services. That was so, said Warcuu. but in I^4B the present scales relating to airport tire services
    190 words
  • 100 8 He told Mr F. R N H Massey. who is appearing for the underwriters, that he did not consider the runway end was dangerous to aircraft. The configuration of that end of the runway would warn any experienced pilot to keep well clear," he said. Mr
    100 words
  • 198 8 "If you include that, you must include all kinds of other things like the seawall and the Supreme Court.' said Ware up. Mr. Massey: You do —Only when tney protrude through the line of approach of an aircraft. The grass was beneath it. I .suggest
    198 words
  • 136 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A UNITED NATIONS telecommunications expert. Mr. Alan Edwards, left here yesterday for Geneva after five months in Malaya. His Job was to instruct telecommunications radio engine< rs on the new very high frequency link to speed Malayan communications. Mr. Edwards was
    136 words
  • 60 8 Singapore Police Band will play at the following places from 5.30 p m. to 6.30 p.m. on the following dates next month: Auk. 3. Farrer Park: Aug. 5. Katong Park; Aug. 10, King George V Park: Aug. 13, Farrer Park; Aug 16. Katong Park; Aug. 19, King George
    60 words
  • 31 8 Lim Yew Jin was fined $20 ln Singapore yesterday for failing to return to the City Council his taxi licence and badge after the expiry of the licence.
    31 words
  • 14 8 The Governor of Singapore has granted certificates of naturalisation to 41 people.
    14 words
  • 168 8 He told Mr. Setb that the grass at the end of the runway did not have to bo marked, it wa* shielded on one side by th<> runway and on the other Dy the seawall, and both these were marked. It was difficult to
    168 words
  • 208 8 'Make it law, says Inche Hussein IPOH, Tuesday. YfUSLJMS Here are very interested in the decision of ITI the Council of Religion and Malay Customs of' Perlis to urge the Perlis State Government to pass a law requiring Malay husbands to compensate their' divorced wives.
    208 words
  • 88 8 The General Post Office, j Singapore, will open from 9 j am. to noon during the pubHe holidays en Saturday and Monday. All other post offices and I postal agencies in the Colony j will open from 9am to 10 30 a m except the post offices
    88 words
  • 149 8 Shawcross hopes to be back on Monday MR. Christopher Shawcross. QC. BOAC's senior counsel, is unlikely to be present at the inquiry till next Monday because of wounds he received in a terrorist action on Sunday. Mr. Kinsey said he had conferred with the corporation's medical advisrrv who hoped Mr.
    149 words
  • 43 8 Singapore Musical Society's Chopin festival, featuring its orchestra and Jan Smeterlin opens at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 8.45 tonight. Smeterlin will apprar in a .••010 recital on Sunday night The festival will end with another concert r>n August 4.
    43 words
  • 85 8 Mr. Thio Chan Bee. Singapore Legislative Councillor, will open the British Council youth exhibition at the Council Hall Stimford Road, at 5 30 p m on Tue.sduv The exhibition is open to the public from August 4 to 28 from 9 am. to 5.30 p m
    85 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 259 8 I C A J!ii Y i R i A i>i SAT jON ATTRACTIONS. alhambra ffss I tit :fl«OI1lO»t» tHOMI 6909 W^l*" *"*s^ NOW SHOWING I \T Akim TAHIROFF DoimM SINDEN II a.m.. 1.30. 645 Si 7» I p.m \^Z- and all thf nice mrM j I <3£/Z^tf^/THE OAMCF...THE 1
      259 words
    • 142 8 H^ifi H! 11l m r i #SHAW BROTHERS a todays! 4* MALAYAN C,^ 1 "TmilAY AT MIIIMMIi THK KMOTIONAI. SAGA Ol I" "AVAN" (IX TAMIL PAH II > IN POLOIR ~baHk holiday midnights ok SATURDAY SUNDAY Evttv Circus Wonder? Mickey SpiluneThkuv f CINemaScoPE M Clyde r&i*. m Mickey BEATTYi^SPIHAIIE 3Diur
      142 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 433 8 29. Constant state of penon without The Straits Times Crossword 30 requirement of *hoe- maker (4t. "I I? I la I I 4 I |b I E§^§i& I' 9 3I Ora *P her the players may SssSi change < 10 > 3§gs ikiws lii ll| Blew* me. a nay ln
      433 words

  • 1444 9 Paris shooting was Nazi excuse for attack on Jews \IMES special FEATURE EWISII shopkeepers peered fearfully from doorways as the roar of approaching mob swelled through Berlin streets on the morning mber 10. 1938. All day, the great city rocked to the most terrible t racial savagery since the pogroms
    Daily Mirror  -  1,444 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 143 9 Shvrlorli ffo/fff#'.v l*vrtnisfthnt dispvnsvtt with f^ TO OS- I VE9 BUT WILL WE SM4LL V 3 COHPOUHV IT V/ I WABNEP SI TES/MINE I I MR. BEEVES DISPENSE WITM 1 HOLMES' TWS W 'OU TO KEEP 1 I|bPsHß«B^Hbl|^^^^^^^ THE CON- I I ALLOW US CUT j I W*s PERMISSION ih
      143 words

  • 409 10 Industrials are steady TIN dropped sharply in Singapore yesterday bj $5.62] per picul to $373.75 thus reversin>f tru $S advance which had taken place since l;i>t Thursday. The drop followrd London's reluctance to follow Singapore's rise overnight probably because of th lessening of the Hainan
    409 words
  • 458 10 Ihe Mala\an Share Brokers' I Association reported: "Industrials 1 were fully steady on the local share market Tins as a result of I the sharp drop in the metal price and rubbers were MlMr, I Members of the Association reported the following business done yesterday: fraser and Nea\e
    458 words
  • 88 10 The Mr.laynn Exchange Banks Association made the followin changes In 1U rates to merchants yesterday. Canada: buying. T T 32 1 1«. airmail. O D 32 3 18 90 days 32 7 16 32 1 2 trade bill*; selling T T or O D 31 3 4 reartv
    88 words
  • 21 10 sin<;\pork. July TIN: 1573.75 per (down S.V* Rl RRKR ii'». eeata Ih. (up a quarter of a rent).
    21 words
  • 155 10 MEI.BOURNK Mining and indusin.. were both buoyant on 'h< change today. Uraniums *< the outstanding grou;>- lent price movements as (urtbd \elopmen;.s by 'he various com;. were rumoured or reported. In trials continue firm though were some reactions B..nds steady Loans 3,; 1956-59 £95 10 Loans 3' 4
    155 words
  • 109 10 Singapore Chinev Produce 1 change: noon prices pc: plcul Copra steady quiet A $31". buyers. $31 Mlh ber *3! buyers S3.' -< nut oil: quietly stead. Pepper steach reported, while pepper up $5 K Muntok white 131 I $212',. lampong black 111 H K.I id i liwnj il
    109 words
  • 128 10 Ship* lying alongside the Mnnaporr Harbour Board «hai\es m it prrled today Oran.'e 1 2 Ir.dsaI poera 45. Esan Maru C.P.. I' .6 7. Islander 8 9 .vhire 13 14. Theben 15 1' 18. AmagUsan 19 20 S-;.< N W Selangor N Wall 4 Benfffarai Brooke 25
    128 words
  • 41 10 MeMTs K. M G Anderson and H Hay have been appoin 1 tors of Kamuning iPen\ki Rubber md Tin Company Mr W M. Fenton ha* mineri boards of Seiansor t'ni'i Estates Lid. and Banteng i Bi Rubbei Estates Ltd
    41 words
  • 34 10 Ptialing Tin I Id has declarer! third quartet ly Interim dividend nl p*r rent in respect of endim: October .11. less in. M thirty p«r cent, payable 2" to shareholders reelsAtw s
    34 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 310 10 Butterfly" mantle mm NOTICE is IIKKKBY OIVSM Uiat WOO KAI 1 EA trading hs 1 FA HIN COMPANY of No. 231 '-nuth Bridge Road, Singapore, la the registered owner M the BI I IH<H V [tad* Mark depicted above and is used by him ,n respect of mantles for use
      310 words
    • 248 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Probationary Junior diatoms Offlrprs In the salary sr ilr $2.*>2xA 12-276 p.m.. on ronnrmatu. $336xA 1 2-420 Exam 43ft x AlB 800 j p.m.. plu* COLA, at current rates. Qualifications: Federal citizenship. Aite 20 to 25 years. Pass Degree of University of Malaya, or Diploma of Raffles College
      248 words
    • 1005 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Co-operative Marketing Officer In Department of Co-operative Development. Salary Scale: $438xAlB|l no Applicants will be selected I from tiie following group* of persons All must have some knowledge of principal crops of Malaya and their production. 1 Holders of a Degree or Diploma i such a* would especially
      1,005 words
    • 819 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that I the undersigned Madam Mm Poh Tin of No. 178. Albert Slreet. Singapore am no longer under the care and protection of my husband Choo leek Huat of No. 22 Chander Road, Singapore sml »m living separate nnd apart from the snld Choo
      819 words
    • 881 10 TENDERS PWD. TLNDER NOTICE i Tenders from Contractor* of Clasn "E" nnri above will be received at the office of the Senior Executive Engineer. P.W.D.. Central Perak, Kuala Kanntwr up to 3 p.m. of lfilh August. 1954 for the construction of One ill "O" and One (li Clas-s F"
      881 words
    • 119 10 Th OW|) I WATERP|3 t II unhp ?a >«; MA rr^ ANTiv, SHOCK I 4 I H et! u BR OoKinjfl uocoutt CONS T iPr -I m OVERNIGHT I t« V K KILLS PAIN ROM)! A HONCKOV HALB TABLE TEHHIS The Choice 10, MESSAGERIES MARIT ETA (ASTIOUND 19 Jury ANADYR
      119 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1007 11 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. J* An* P.,.mV' 'HIT. FUNNEL LINE o.pu )rr" r.ocrrd vio other port, to leod oni< dl.charao rorao .IBPOOI. GIASr,OW. LONDON 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS P.nono J«»Y 27/28 July 2*/30 Gll 12 Auo 2 Auo 3/4 July 28 Auq S Au, 4/7 Am 8 July 31 Au, S
      1,007 words
    • 1066 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES JAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA »or Aden, Pnrt Sold, Genoa, Antwerp Rotterdam, Hembur,. Gydnie, Copenhe,en, Gothenburg 4 O»lo j pore P S'norn Penong Si^'' Mjflff >/n; 4/ 7 Am "ii^? If/21 A 23/23 Am 24/21 Am i oi<oon JP»«»en,er. only Bremen and Hel.mkl. Omrt. ttd>a»e. Cell. Beyrouth. Halto, Nople.
      1,066 words
    • 1030 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spor, P. S'hom Penong em#*/Bjw foe Hflvr*, Lnfviort, Rnttarrtom. Hull GIB/1* 4/ I Am 7 Au, Bowrootb, for Liverpool, Onvynt, Rotterrlom, Hamburg 10 July/ S Am 4/ S Am Att Benvenue for Havre, Lonrion. RotterrJom. Momburg, Antwerp 21/27 Au, 28/2*
      1,030 words
    • 1106 11 McALISTER «Ji CO., LTD. TIL Ma 2*141 j CLLERMAN tfc BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTIHOA*, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND. SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVfB and tor USA, North Atlantic Port. Acc.ptmq cargo for Central 1 South onri Cnrulo wo r^i orf rK Am.r.cen Part. Snore 11 BOUCAINVILLE ;v: 3;
      1,106 words

  • 405 12 NO. bojfi ana yiris. thin v not Mount Fuji, it U Mount Yntci which is within t*ie Shikotst, Toya National Park, Hokkaido. Japan. Bepond the Sobetsu Falls is Taki-no-machi, which means the "Town et the Falls.'' and there is rather a strange itorf attached to this
    405 words
  • Article, Illustration
    866 12 AS the strange .space ship landed, Mercor shouted an order to the pilot and the base of the flyine saucer rotated faster and faster. "That's odd," muttered Jackson, He seems anxious to get away from the other chap." Ah Kirn saw the door of the r.fw machine
    866 words
  • 460 12 Dear Buv> jnfl -_>irK Uncle Oil sjvs I am it fh*nk you for all th< helc v-u gave him in solving the prrrv lem o* tne jnirl seller Hf i*»it h«d tr> Tianv lettfsince "i* Oirfn<tov Tre first correct inwfi ooened v*a? »ent hv Si«-Th-> o» 18
    460 words
  • 62 12 A life guard was instruct ins a small boy in a swimming poo' You nnust kr °l your mouth closed or youll swallow a mouthful of water," he s* id. "Why worry?" asked his pupil. -There's plenty more." "How dare you nmir to .school with such a dirty
    62 words
  • 170 12 I HAVE had the -amp question from two Wi>p Owls Oi.p is Rrneasamv who Utm at Serrndah and thr othrr i.<; Cheonc Siew China, from Sinsaporr. Thp question is "Why arc do^.s and cits enemies?" At-cordinc to a famous naturalist they are not in stinctivc enemies He nyi
    170 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 455 12 PFAFF UlcMZest Xthe only sewing^ machine with a i certificate of life- 1 TIMC GUARANTEE/ M btV^bV rf THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. I SINGAPORE MALACCA. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH T ANSON. PENANC S.n^.por. Show Roomt. 304 E F Orchjfi Ro^d. Tel. *****. and 39. Upper P,ck,r,n« Sfrtrt Tel: *****. Kual.t
      455 words
    • 83 12 '"'XsTkIjWI i IM i IA v vTi *t?3 YES.IHMI \f'( YOU MUST 'C. >■• I RE GAIHS3 I. I HOM HAM I STKiU-iTH I-=lI *ANAS;[)9 I [ISHAU HEMEVBW t£& la. }ii MILO <""■>* '>< y- V/V--VMJjE| \OJ*'SHMEST. atS'DCS S /JW I jßdl Soor^rss osi'c JS Throughout Malaya MILO v knowas
      83 words

  • 264 13 Penang agree to a new date for Cup replay KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. JUK Malaya Cup replay between Selanjfor and Penanj? to decide the finalists of the northern section, scheduled lor Au>f 7, has been postponed to Auir ft. The Football Association of Selanjjor asked Pcaaag for a new date -iiid
    264 words
  • 198 13 OTAR So<t«-ritev by losii•? mi; their "key" matrh by 1-0 to harrer Juniors at i.nlm? Stadium yesterday, lust their rhance of uiiiiiin, the SAFA Div. t( title. Sorreritt-s neeiled win in this lust lixture to tie with Vouiik Men's Sikh AvsimainiM (M points)
    198 words
  • 262 13 Landy run has them talking VANCOUVER, Tues JOHN Michael Landy. Australia's sensational mller. .served notice today that the Aub. 7 British Empire Games mile classic may produce the third undcr-four -mlnuti mile in history. 'The .shy 24-year-old runner who holds the world record of 3; 580 for the distance covered
    262 words
  • 140 13 KLUANCI. Tues. T<HE KOWI.OON Bus Co. soccer tfsm opened their Federation lour with a 6-0 victory over the MCFA Cup finalists- Johore Chines* jefnre a crowd of 5.000 here this e\enlng Kowloon op<Tied scoring In the 11th minute through Tan Ye«-klt Chu WinK-keung made
    140 words
  • 174 13 I.ONIK>N. Tues vi the heavy and widespread rHin ol the l^t lew riays. not a .single match m th< County championship produced ar. i mitrlftht »in for any Nam *l (il»ilont)ury. first innings to Hampshire Somerset 185 and MI for ri dccl Hants 221 and 93
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 57 13 CHRISTAIN O. B. A. TAKE SHIELD Lan Old Boys' Association ' Prt«Mll Boys by S-0 In thr itmual M.ciii match for the C C Tan Shield pl.iyed on the S.J.I. I'strrday. ivert V Kbiss a. Concenclao, r ailaami. P. Men, Justin Mortal E O Pprera rrftTeed. Mn C. C Tan
    57 words
  • 65 13 Johnny I tart and Klchard Bcremann. former world champions, are expected to arrlxc In binpapore on Saturday am! play exhibition games .gainst 'the leaoing players on th« same eventiiK l l Badminton Ouillemard Koad from 8 p m. Arranuements have been made for a programme of
    65 words
  • 112 13 VI AM HKSIKK Tue% I'Hr THIRD lest hetu.-cn 1 England and Pakistan was abandoned today be- ins,- of rain. The MIC announced tonUhl the team to lour Australia and »w Zealand. The team will leave I ill. .11 1 i... k. on Sept. IS. The tilde
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 73 13 HOMHAY lufi Thi- liwiiiii. bacmintnn te«m of five men, who rrret I!i:iiUn<l in the first round of the Thoauti Cup in Bancknk. leil by air this a ft. moon I"hey will play the match on Jul\ :in and 31 in Bangkok brforr returnlnK to Culrutta
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 154 13 THY. sin.'.ipoif schoolboys elinun.ition matdies amonK entries t>: the Malayan schoolboys' championships reaultad last mxht Sinci.-*: Imi Wrt lon ix-i.t Urn Chlan Vuiv 1.1-4 l§-7; Heni Bi»n tee t«..: Nik Yosof bin Yahavu 15-7 15-3 LaWM Kho») \>r.\\ Sjiii Inn Molul I'.-ltl IS-2. Nf Kirn iii kk
    154 words
  • 412 13 P,,li, P I. < lilnrse Alii. iIN spue ul I brilliant perloi inaiice by HNMaI Maurice Khoo. who scored mil K"'ls ■"'<' dkl thr hatin, k Chine* Athletic had to be (•ontriit 10 point.s «ltii l'ollcf 111 Iheir SAFA OK. 1
    412 words
  • 192 13 PENAXU luesday. pOOM KOK I. KM won the Penang I. awn Tennis As- soriation's men's singles championship for the tenth time when he beat defending champion. Cheah Wat Hun, 6-0. 6-1 in this year's final on the Penanr Sports Club courts today. It was liis
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 364 13 fife/ have performed 1000 dncs' in the Panama (aHal... aVclam Mr William Rarideri' Quite vpnnl inroiivlv Mr Rxrlrlers ha* ju«t addresterl thr follnwniE letter to us: (.rntlrmrn I to inform you ahout the pirfiirin.uuc of the .MOVADO Waterproof wrist ■ratcta r.iM No 'isl'i »hnh I houcht m«»re than 111
      364 words
    • 462 13 W, 1H UW k\ 1 \t.4.\Sieme*, Schmtker, Diesel driven Alteri.uor Set generating at ft ft kV. tSSSSSSSx VKAcleshuttanherei-finneciefifor 1 ikY MSSSSfiSS or rewound for 4nn .r.iK, 1 phase, 4-*-re; comSSSSSSSS prising x:s HP. venu-al »-t>lmder r ngine type oSSSSSSS (ll</ M) 2. speed <TS rpm; direct driving SNSSSSSx Alternator. |-n([ine
      462 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 142 13 -i; mi LEAVOtTI ft COT sOKIK CiROI I" (ITKI. Shell. Jit lan. 11. s.i. I A N v Minn k.. us Rank. LAN (round: I'ulu Huk»in Mm uililr Bank. SUB ground. (.Koi V B: Breweries: iCasr< Irrrd Bunk. Shrll (round: Simr l>arb> I M I'll.. GcjßMg; SIC. r S.C S.,
      142 words

  • 87 14 VANCOUVER Tnea. Jack Skinn»r. manager of th» Horg Knn^ team to :he British Empire Oames s«ld today that all hi* i \argr* ifi' in top form Joe Luz the Hnnv Kone bowler put up a good display when hr competed In the British Columbia Rowlir.s
    87 words
  • 532 14 SHANGRILA IS BACK IN TOP FORM AT PENANG By EPSOM JEEP. PENANG, Tuesday. pEPPKI) UP after a good, hard race against top-flijrht sprinters at Bukit Timah earlier in the month, Shanjrrila, outstanding three-vear-old on the Malayan turf last season, is almost back at his best. Shangrila with Hudson astride, worked
    532 words
  • 156 14 Prendergast ban is lifted LONDON. Jue> I EADINO Ii mi ira.nei P. J J PrendergaM. slated veiernr. thai he had received a let rr frr-m the English Jartoy Club. rerr.ovii K IM b^in on his horses running In Britain Prenriernast. »h,i trains the luges! of horse* in Ireland ear 801
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 76 14 PARIS. Tues OWEDEN -rrhn m ■iaada) qualified to meet the American Zone winners for the rmhi to ch.illenue Australia for the Davis Cup BMBV pleted a t-i win over France in Uai EuiopeHii 7,one final here yeslerdav Iciin.iri Bergelln bea: Primes Nfl 1 player
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 31 14 JOHORE BAHRU. Hies The competition for the Thomas Hussars Shield for rifle shooting will take place at Kuala Lumpur on Aug 1. Johore Police have entered a team.
    31 words
  • 129 14 THE Stnqapore Aniatrur Athletic Association has i vArrf the Frctcraiwi <•! Mnlatia tn join in the triangular inert being arranrird for a train I'inn Ceylon Mr. A. T Rajah, president 0/ the Colony AA A sairi Tr-.tcrday he had Written mqgestinq that
    129 words
  • 270 14 KUALA LUMPUR Tues CELANOOR will send a team of 3fi k men and 11 women to the Malayan Amateur Athlellc Association's championships next month. They are: 100 »d*.: Ronald Parry. Ki.h Knok. Tan Poo Keng. Chung Knk Wan, H HinchciirTe. Harold Parry yd*.:
    270 words
  • 380 14 Ooi in two finals. all set for third DEFENDING rhampion v finals last night wher Penang 1^54 badminton rl .>>i v cen I .alk'vrr iiv ay renre B: "-on'.--'~n i ~r.p t'nr mixed doubles, hi- .»nr! J.iiiii Kit Lin beat Tv Tonu Hoi .i".o S I. Lai Hhiane. Ou is
    380 words
  • 346 14 tjoa has 3 promisin newcomers-one ha beaten Derby winne .rpRAINKK S. K. who is kiradih a formidable tram, will in t rorlu. three-year-olds Flamr of the Foitsl li i\ Bore). Canterbury Bell (lat«- Blue I Chris at the Penan>r Turf Club Bank Holl Hame of the Forest II has
    346 words
  • 17 14 II -Ur -riu 1 anrl fta G i RECORD CI.MMI!
    17 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 728 14 IOF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS IN KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH PENANG Th. latest times for handing in Classified Advertisements to j I nut branch offices at Kuala j Lumpur. Ipoh and Penang for i j publication in Hte following j day t istue of the Sruits Times are as follows: i Penanß
      728 words
    • 1567 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT (Cnntlnaed from Pa«e f) ACCOMMODATION VACANT I M Wmr4, IS (Mm.)-B.x it rff. txlrm. MALACCA HOUSE and Bungalow ibnth furnished), To Let commenring Electric. Water mains. Modern sanitation, Sault. Tel: 550 Malacca. TO LET One large FurnLshed Bedroom, with Bathroom attached, and dining -sitting room. Suit married Couple
      1,567 words
    • 1033 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE •n U r*la.l-lu St rIM. txlrm. FOR SALE— MorrU Minor four door saloon In brand new condition. Phone Klebang Malacca 209. NEW CHEVROLET VAN at rr duced price. 30cwt. Panel Van with I body built to factory pattern, only $7 99.V Orchard Motors. Singapore. AUSTIN DIESKL LORRY,
      1,033 words
      63 words