The Straits Times, 24 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 .v^PLIMENl The St raits Times fie**** fcstd im > SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JI'LY 24. 1954. J5 CENTS*
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  • 843 1 Malacca boy is among 8 missing CHINESE GIRL DEAD HONG KONG, Friday. I/KJHT blood-spattered survivors were picked up off Communist-held Hainan Island 300 mile> i mm here today after their Cathay Pacific Airline.* Skymaster plane with 17 people aboard plunged Into the sea. The body of
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 123 1 *****93 Fo r the holder of this number: $300,000 $300,000 In i! and Wolry was won In Johore, on the $2S 000. were ila l.uniKuala plane N I Fourth *****25. *****25, *****10 *****37, Seventh prize (20 of $3,000 each>: *****70. *****57 *****38. *****95 *****53. *****27. *****89. *****25. *****89. *****58. *****51.
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  • 9 1 SO lb. \vn to Van 1 mpirr
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  • 9 1 pi- adjourned Ire p r riiourn- hen it -cuter.
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  • 119 1 THE PASSENGER LIST OF the 1? people on hoard the crashed Skymaster the following 11 embarked in Singapore: Miss Rnsr Chen and Miss I Mhi i Law. of Hong Kong, the iluht stewardesses. Mr. P. S. Thatcher, an American Mrs. P. M. Thorburn, British .Mr. Paul Yong Nam Ying. of
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  • 67 1 Husband murdered KUALA LUMPUR. Fn. A TAPPER and his wife were ambushed by terrorists in the Kajang district of Selangor yesterday. The man was murdered. The terrorists tied the woman to a tree and took her husband. Low Ken Len, away. The woman managed to free herself
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  • 38 1 NAINOBI. Fri. C'Honcl Arthur Young. Kenya and for- i mrrly Malayan Police Commissioner, nturmd her.' by air today from Britain Where he had talks with the Secretary Of State for the Colonies, Mr. Oliver Lyttelton. Router.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 171 1 after Eden sees the Queen LONDON. Friday. V|R. ANTHONY EDEN'S prominent role a? a peare- maker at Geneva stirred new speculation today hat the Prime Minister. Sir Winston Churchill, 79, nicht soon retire in his favour. The Conservative Dally >ketch. a strong suporter of he Churchill Government,
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  • 63 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Fri. Dutch and English antiques valued at more than US$B,OOO about M524,000t, were mistaken for junk and burned, the United States Customs Service said yesterday. The antiques were cathered during an eight-month tour of Europe by Charles Boogert. an importer and interior dpcorater. They
    AP  -  63 words
  • 27 1 WELLINGTON. Fri. Sir Edmund Hillary, the Everest conqueror, said today he hoped to make public in September photographs of footsteps of the "abominable snowman." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 32 1 HONG KONG Fri. The Chinese leader. Mr. Mao Tsrtung. today telegraphed congratulations to the Vittnunl] president. Gen. Ho Chi Mind on the Indo-China o I anreement. Pekins Radio reported. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 73 1 TOKYO. Fri -A bu.s driver and an attractive em bus attendant. In despair because their parents opposed their marriage, .swallowed heavy doses of sleeping pill s and then turned on the ea.s in a Tokyo hotel room early today. When the hotel maid discovered, the dead
    UP  -  73 words
  • 137 1 LONG BEACH. Fri. AS judging for the Mtes I'niverse finals was about to start contestants WPrP assured that there would be no bias in favour of the T.S in the judging. Mr Ovar .Meinhardt, the p.ireant producer, assured all the IClrls that American
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  • 59 1 VALERIE, 6, IS RESCUED Two survivors reach Hong Kong MX-YKAR-OI.I) VXI.K.KIK PAKISH. iiiic of the right siirvi- >rs of the Skymastcr crash, is carried from the I.S. res- iic plane at lione Kong. She was sufferinc from cuts and hmisi-s A P ridin picture AXOTHKR survivor. Mrs. P. M. Thorhurn.
    AP  -  59 words
  • 80 1 OUT NEXT WEEK j rpHE MALAYAN A MONTHLY, the new s Strait Times magaE zinc, will be on sale E throughout Malaya on Wednesday. 5 The August Issue Is packed with topical ar--5 tides, picture .storiei E and first-class fiction. I rpHE MALAYAN MONTHLY also inEl Produces a new $20,000
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  • 330 1 Unions stand firm on Ritson pay issue, but agreement reached on minor points 'pHE strike of 10,000 Singapore City Council labourers is to continue. The seven-man negotiating tram oi the 11 striking unions with their adviser. Mr. Lim Yew Hock, t'sumed negotiations for the first time
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  • 59 1 BIRMINGHAM. Fri. Mr Donald Campbell. 33. son of the late Sir Malcolm Campbell. British speed ace, will I make an attempt on the world water speed record in new boat of revolutionary design. The present world water speed record of 178.49 m.p.h. was set by
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  • 25 1 NEW DELHI. Fri.— A swarm of yellow locu-vta 25 miles long and six miles wide flew over Delhi yesterday, darkening the skies— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 BKRI.IN Fn The Chinese Prime Minister. Mr. Chou En Lai arrived here today by feir I from Geneva for a several I days" visit in East Germany
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  • 176 1 Attack as fort prepares for truce HANOI. Fn THE Virtminh attacked the French fortress of Virtri. 32 milrs northwest of Hanoi, just as the drfrndors received rirriors for a cease-fire next Tuesday at 7 a.m. local time. Announcing this today, the French command s:\Ui thf attack made last msht wi
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 38 1 FRENCH AMI HI M lot iMUUVING I'M. ls I n. I- r.«m c arid tbi v L niinli lia i iimntdialil all i.i.M't opcralioi^ in liuln- < linn <mii Man Hi hrr i>- afldall] m luriT Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 PASTEURISED f OR YOU* PROTECTION ES LTD That's f( your health's take /^T/^^B^S *"nk No I Beehive fw ~S K »oi over 50 ycjft in L*^*>»«* "j 4 Product ot Frinc* j 4k BEEHIVE Hf BRANDY *Hw
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    • 145 1 HO HONG OIL MILLS I I CIVf tl€ JPfUTMING J I COOI «N0 Rf»MsMi*G I WCK-Hf-UP TM«T 4KL T T 'S *f»U> COOP I xjfib -^f J U COuION T ■ftfjjp co BtTT£ T><aN I O»«lTiKt CCIO s WHY, BOP IT 5 I• AEV£t«TiON I IT'S Jf C7!J sinpi* otucioos
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  • 422 2 FRANCE AGREES TO FOOT THE BILL HANOI, Friday. PRANCE has agreed to pay the expenses for the evacuation of the Red River delta by French and Vietnamese not wishing to remain when the Vietminh take over. The evacuation may prove the biggest exodus
    Reuter  -  422 words
  • 64 2 SA.N DIEGO. Frl. Maurren Connolly. 19-yemr-old American tennis champion, announced from her sick bed today that she intends to defend her Wimbledon championship next year. Miss Connolly Is in hospital after breaking a bone in her lee and tearing the muscle when the horse she
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 48 2 NEW DELHI, Fri. During the past two years in Hyderabad State, at least 43 persons have been murdered by assassins who feared the vtetim.s were practising witchcraft police Inspector General Shiv Kumarlal told a meeting of the Hyderabad Medico-Legal Council today. A. P
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  • 44 2 Test flight No. 2 LONDON, Fri— The Comet 111 jetliner, which made its maiden flight last Monday, made a second flight of 40 minutes yesterday. De HavillamU' chief pilot. Group Captain John ('Cat's Eyes" i Cunningham was again at the controls.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 163 2 ALL POLICE IN CITY DISARMED Troops out to end reign of terror MONTGOMERY, Alabama, Frl. QUALIFIED martial law was declared in. Phoenix City, Alabama, yesterday and troops of the Alabama National Guard immediately took over the city hall and courthouse there. This action followed the slaying of Mr. Albert L.
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 29 2 NEW DELHI. Frl —India la crantine 5.000.000 rupees ($3--200,000 Malayan i to Nepal for the development of minor irrigation Drolects and villace drinkine water facilities.— A.P
    AP  -  29 words
  • 115 2 HONG KONG, Friday. T*HE death toll rose to seven today from a fire which x razed a squatter village in Kowloon yesterday leaving 30.000 people homeless. The Government has Invoked emergency measure.* to handle the homeless, some of whom clawed through the
    UP  -  115 words
  • 88 2 Million Borneo oil hope flops JESSELTON. Fri. DRITISH North Borneo hopes for early establishment of an oilfield, with a consequent influx in revenue to bolster the sagring economy, receired a blow today when the Shell Company of North Borneo Limited announced abandonment of drilling operations in Klias Peninsula. The oil
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 36 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. The U.B. Government ended its first full fiscal year on June 30 with a deficit of $3,029,000 000 (£ This was $245,000,000 (£B7--500,0001 less than the deficit expected.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 96 2 LONDON. Fri. RAF Flying Officer O B. Owen parted from hLs Sabre jet fighter at a height of nearly eight miles yesterday The rarefied atmosphere outside was 67 degrees below zero. but it was quite hot inside the plane had caught fire.
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  • 64 2 AMERICA'S first commercial Jet transport off the production line Boeing's new 95-ton, four-engined Stratojet roars skyward on its first test flight at Renton. near Seattle. Washington. The plane, a rival to the Comet is built to cruise in the 550 mph class. The test pilot
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  • 109 2 VIENNA, Fri. A Czechoslovak Rroccrv clerk escaped to Austria by swimming three miles under water in a "submarine suit" copied from a picture of a US. navy frogman. It was disclosed here yesterday. Olrich Lopada. 41. reached Austria in June after an
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  • 12 2 Race river danger in Africa 'SITUATE 1 77.A I At hi Dtie
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  • 7 2 i p roi rei
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  • 7 2 He wants to U.N. president w f
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  • 230 2 HER NURSE MAID WAS A SERGEANT PITTSBURGH. Fri. A U.S. Air Force srrgrant I** got off a plane at the Greater Pittsburgh airport yesterday, with a little girl Just 2\ years old. The sergeant, Saul Helpem. of Brooklyn. New York, walked over to a waitinß woman. I Mrs Gladys Boyd.
    AP  -  230 words
  • 77 2 DETROIT, Fri Little Jor\ Bednar's love for doss cost in. life yesterday. The six-year-old young.stei could not have a dog becau.-f he was allergic to dog hair. When neighbour found stray, and locked it in hiItarace until he could determine who owned it. Joe.\ climbed on
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    • 31 2 1 It I S|l>w >i£4jJ co&yi slide, w/jgit! BJSBelk/ 1 SMfI S rOU Stlo(S lUTnM I( ■=g!§^|f^^ 3 81 SUCKS rH(M. 4UTOM4T f tFKIITIFSS J^^^w' J&J SHRIRO(ch«na)L^ ff' V^*^ Sincopor. K
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  • 229 3 I BOMBAY. Friday. cpORTS reached here today that armed Indian c have seated <>ff Dadra. the Portujjuesen villajfe invaded by nationalists yesterday. rt Id the police units kept the vill- coast, separated from the neighK rritortea of Damao and Selwasa ,n force" led
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  • 56 3 .MRS RAHKSHWAK DAYAL. mid- o, the .mlian Utlegate to the I niu-ii Nations, pats Vijav a ninr-month-old tigrefts, which she has presented to Central Park Zoo. New York. Thr animal was a Rift from her nephew. VijaT Srivastava, who found it in an old
    AP  -  56 words
  • 124 3 EX-SECURITY CHIEF EXECUTED Mi»s( im\ fri. r ion <>f former Minister State h Soviet I nion. a is .iiinounrSoriel Prem t"<i n "iul' mncd to^ depart -I 0 tin- suM'i Supreme trial lasting t>l .111 It «|UII uiltj ,-f fmUlli rt< r «nd < ansing res t« s >'
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  • 39 3 Canton is not so risky port now I Fri. London terday dropratea tor ihlpa travelling n<>rth China from rive rnt. c n-'Ts war atm uifi civil commoI all ships from or t d at Baltic or ports excluding R.-utor.
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  • 16 3 I Four- I and two H hr:e nrxt U' :n Germany I A!>
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  • 28 3 WASHINGTON. Frl. The United Statrs Srnate voted yesterday to the Atomic Energy commission to build atomic powrr plants QOUgb to produce commercial quantities of power
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  • 29 3 WASHINGTON, Fri-Repre-sentative Alvin M. Bentley terday described as "false l churchmen" the 11 Iron Curtain clerics the U.S. State r Department .-ays should visit America. AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • 28 3 SANTIAGO. Chile. Fri. Strong earth rocked 0, Ovalle and La Serena early today. Therr was alarm among the residents, but no casualties were reported. AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 170 3 BERLIN. Friday. THE West Berlin police said today they thought it possible that Dr. Otto John, the West German security chief, had been drugged before he went to East Berlin. The police said all-night investigations had raised the possibility that his
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 147 3 The 'artist killer' gets death LEWES. Sussex, Frl. WILLIAM HKPPER, a 62--year-old artist, was sentenced to death yesterday for rr-irdering an 11-year-o!d girl »no was a playmate of his own daughter. Pearl. The girl, Ifanartt Bperirfc. 'was found strangled and raped 1 in Hcppcr's one-room flat at Hove, a fashionable
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 27 3 WASHINGTON. Frl The State Department yesterday i announced an agreement to 1 permit continued United States use of American air bases in Libya —Reuter
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  • 25 3 WASHINGTON. Frl The Foreign Operations Admlnstratlon is seeking authority to increase the number of its technicians in Egypt from 67 to 117. -AP.
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  • 21 3 RANGOON. Fri. A Burmese goodwill mission will leave on Aug 16 for a three-week visit to Japan- UP.
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  • 51 3 Output down Reds complain LONDON. Fri -The Russian Council of Ministers today rebuked some key industries for failing to meet their production quotas for the first half of 1954. Farms and fisheries, the timber industry and car and machine makers did not keep to production schedules. Moscow I radio said.—
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  • 169 3 Govt. blamed for visit by Princess LONDON. Frl. LIEUT-COLONEL Marcus Lipton, a Labour member, told thp House of Commons yesterday that a controversy in which the Government should not have implicated :iny member of the royal family" had followed Princess Margaret's visit last week to the British zone of Germany.
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 102 3 I.ONDON. Frl. rr. Qurrn and the Dukr of Edinburgh stood to attrntion at thr Intrrnational Hnr>r Show hrre whilr a Royal Marine band playrd thr Cirrman National Anthrm -neutschland Urher Ourrn S Kli»abrth thr Qurrn Mothrr. Prlncrs* Margarrt and 40.000 spectators followrd gA
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  • 115 3 300 buried when fort collapses NEW DELHI. Fri. More 1 than 300 people were buried i under debris when a fort on the river Namchung near the India-Tibet border collapsed, according to reports reaching Kalimpong. Bengal. Chinese military authorities have recovered five bodies believed to be those of Indian officers.
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 20 3 MICHIGAN Fri Mrs G Phetteplace. aged 59 commit- ten suicide here by locking herself in her refrigerator I
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  • 269 3 IXDNDON. Prt. STOCK murltrts ond^d the w«»k on ■n enrouraglriK noi* with nentlment cheered by the general advance on Wall Street overnight and further good company announcements. 1 1 riu.Mrial equtileK provided the nui.standing feature of the day and rinsed with extensive gains. Renter Closing middle prices of
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  • 28 3 LONDON July 23. Cash Buyrr« C 756> 2 Sellers C 757 Forward Buyers «;751; Sellers t752; Settlement C 756; Turnover a.m. 85 tons; p.m. 55 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. July 23 —Spot 2C .n Aur. 20 >d. Sept. 20' id Or t -Dec 20 d Jan -Mar 20'vd Apr.-Junr 20' d July all 20 .d Auc cif 20 7 16d.. Sept c.1.1 20 7 lfid Ton* Ea.Mfr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 103 3 f may we a suggest". .\^f < A LEG OF LAMB and BIRDS EYE GREEN PEAS Support St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Week 21st to 28th July SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. pa «-> mA^ Most p«opl« lo$« h»l« o' t>>* f _^SSnS9fl| b««or« th«y >• 40 md thu h Ur|*hr
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  • 110 4 rpHREK youths. Soh Ah Lai, 1 See Yonu Kwang and Tan Kirn Poh. were at the Singapore Assizes yesterday acquitted of robbins a 19-year-old schoolboy, Tah Ah Eng of $3 The jury returned unanimous verdict of not guilty. It was alleged by the
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  • 39 4 The Government English School. Port Dickson, ha.< formed a mathemat;^ society Frof. McMichen. head of 'he.' Mathematics Department, and --nior professor in mathematics at the Federation Military College. Port Dickson addressed the inaugural meeting on Wednesday. i
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  • 227 4 Secret agents arrange the $50 dates PENANG, Friday. Ponang schoolgirls are now supplementing their pocket money by becoming private hostesses. For a fee ranging from $20 to $50 an evening they can be "dated" for dances, shows, socials, etc. Those good-time girls arc contacted only through secret
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  • 45 4 PENANG. Fri.— After a short I lull b;cycle thieves are again active .n the Settlement I Fivo machines were stolen i during the last 24 hours, two > l in Penan? and three in Pro- j I :nn Welle.sley. 1 1
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  • 56 4 TELUK ANSON. Fri A m-year-old youth with two previous convictions. Amir, Khalid bin Ahmad pleaded guilty m a court here to theft < of a bicycle parked at the I Teluk Anson Social Welfare I Office on June 6 Sentence waj postponed till Auk 4
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  • 150 4 A 10-minute stop would make them happy MALACCA, Fri. UOPES that Madami Vijaya Lakshrru Pandit, president of the United Nations General Assembly, would visit Malacca during her tour of the Federation ran high here today. Disappointed Indians told Mr. M. Gopala Menon, the representative ol the Government of India in
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  • 52 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri -Railr»j Mcnalmen have formed a Tf\v union— the Sicnal Cabin Operators' Union The officials are; President rtr G Kumarasamy; hon ecretary. Mr. Teta Singh; ion treasurer. Mr. B P. Perunal. committee Mr Michael •ernande7. Mr. A Suppiah. Mr Raunkee and Mr K
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  • 79 4 Bt'TTtRWORTH. town an..,- enjoying far better condition! any cuts should be made on urban expenditure! and not on rural votes Mr M P. Mathew > Indian-Unofficial > said at the Bukit Mertajam Rural District Council yesterday Criticising the Settlement Government's reduction of itsi subsidy
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  • 172 4 Eight face gambling charge PENANG, Friday. 4 PENANG. lawyer and racehorse owner. I. K. Cheah. claimed trial with seven other men today to a charge of gambling at the Hu Yew Seah on the night of June 28 Two officials >t the club— Chong
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  • 51 4 Wee Toon Fons claimed trial in Singapore yesterday to charge of being cruel to an animal Wee. ;t was alleged, beat a monkey on the ground In front of a house in Orchard Road. He was offered bail of $100. The case will be heard on Aug.
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  • 48 4 Three Europeans robbed a taxi driver of his vehicle near the 7th milestone. Yio Chu Kane Road. Singapore, at about 2 am yesterday. The taxi was later found abandoned at the foot of a slope a mile away from the scene of the robbery.
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  • 145 4 IN— an assistant naval attache and a 'Girl of the Year' AMONCi the arrivals at Singapore's Kallanx airport yesterday were Lieut. R. H. Spindle, the New Assistant Naval Attache at the U.S. Consulate in Singapore and Miss Diane Bowser. Australia's girl of the year in 1951. Lieut. Spindle arrived accompanied
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  • 103 4 IPOH. Fri. PLEADING for leniency for a 1 shopkeeper charged at Ipoh today with carrying on a "characters" lottery. Mr. C. N. Lim said: Mv client, like many another man. was bitten by the get-rich-quick bug and has been foolish." Chan Kum Henc. aeed
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  • 41 4 KUALA LUMPUR Fri.— The O C P D. Labis and a police party were fired on by two terrorists trom a hilltop in the Segamat area of Johore yesterday. They returned fire, and the terrorists fled
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  • 115 4 Mrs. Goode revives a women's club I TifHS. W. A. C. GOODE. pat- iTI ron of the Y.W.C.A.. 'sent 150 invitations to busi- ness and professional women 'in Singapore in an effort to revive the Y.W.C.A's Business and Professional Women's jciub. The invitation la to a tea- time meeting at
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  • 25 4 Public business at the Aicacu Post Office. Singapore Cole Storage. Orchard Road, will b< conducted from 8.30 a.m. to p.m. from Monday.
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  • 85 4 T»HE Chief Justice. Sir A Charles Murray-Ayru-ley. in the Singapore High Court yesterday apportioned SI 000 out of a gratuity of $5,340 granted by the Government to a deceased bankrupt to be paid to the Official Assignee for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors.
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  • 35 4 251 'gho estates ar e foun CHE(K. n LOST ay,,,; KUAI A r<>; t tracer! her I: Ing) Fui troclui if mori ipplii-ti :he Rubb ristrar :ion. in :übb< i number I thr val The
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  • 4 4 Todays Radio SINGAPORE I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 It always pays to buy the Best always pays to BUY and 1 HI If if laV^^a^Hkli Btf lK* *I-( f^S^^J^aß a^a^T* 9V .^t^\ /'////l^a^a^aTmVafla^a^am^^ aHL/JaVvP^didfl Lv r^^^ii^^lln LnkV m^ ARE HAULED ON GOODYEAR TYRES THAN ON ANY OTHER MAX
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  • 222 5 Rice control lifted— but you get no more THE CHANGE IS ONLY 'TECHNICAL' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. FEDERATION Government statement said today that from August 1, the public can buy as much rationed rice as they like. "But in most parts of the Federation the total amount of rice, Government or
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  • 118 5 TWO ARABS claimed trial in 1 Singapore yesterday to a joint charge of importing unlawfully on Wednesday 744 gold sovereigns and 50 half gold sovereigns, which Customs said, were worth about $18,000. They were Sejipid Sheikh bin All Alkaff, 43, and Awadh Omar
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  • 70 5 PENANO, Frl. Mr. R. P. Bingham, Resident Commissioner and president of the Settlement Welfare Committee, will declare open a photographic exhibition by the Penang Camera Club at the Khek Association, Burmah Road, at 10 am tomorrow The exhibition, which is in aid of the Settlement welfare
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  • 48 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Abdul Razak bin Abdul Ohani of Singapore was today charged here with assLstine in disposing of four stolen motor car tyres worth $240 Razak claimed trial and was granted $500 bail. The •asp was fixed for hearing on July 30.
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  • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. A 54-year-old dealer in religious books and ornaments, Noor Mohamed. was gaoled for three months here today for stealing a gold locket from a nine-year-old girl, Mahamuda. at Jalan Hamzah. Kamporm Bahru, on June 8 Mahamuda said Noor Mohamed snatched the locket from her
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  • 122 5 KL'ALA LUMPUR. Fri. HEAVIER court fines are proposed in future on minor offenders in the Federation. ProposiU come before the Legislative Council next month. More than 100 offences are affected. In the majority of cases fines have been doubled. Others have been increased
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  • 33 5 PENANO. Frl. The Penang Library will hold a poster exhibition on Aug 3 to encourage reading The Resident Commissioner. Mr. R. P. Bingham. will declare the exhibition open at 5.15 pm
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  • 111 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Friday. THE Rural District Council here has decided to hold future meetings "among the rural folk which the 'council serves." These "on the spot" meetings will be conducted as a sixmonth experiment. The chairman. Mr. M. A. Kidner. who proposed
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  • 41 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Frl. Plans to hold a district welfare fun fair will be discussed at a meeting at the Boy Scouts' headquarters here at 6 pm next Monday Proposed dates for the fair are Aug 21 ami 22.
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  • 19 5 Jewellery worth $2200 and $780 in cash was stolen from a house in Dunman Road. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 172 5 A CHARGE of causing death by a negligent act against A. K. Krishnan was reduced to one of careless driving in the Singapore Traffic District Court yesterday after the court had visited the scene of the accident. Krishnan. an estate coffee shop proprietor, was originally
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  • 41 5 Miss Z. Locke and Mr. S. Lee were elected "Kiwi couple for the night" at last night's seventh anniversary dance of thr Singapore Kiwi Members' League at Raffles Hotel. About 200 members and cm Ms were present.
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  • 45 5 ALOR STAR. Frl. -Mrs. R. D. R. Hill, wife of the Kedah Assize Judge, has been reelected president of the Alor Star Women's Service League, with Tengku Baharom as vicepresident. Mrs. Sullivan was elected secretary. There are eleven members on the committee.
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  • 269 5 She tried to talk peace with Ho BUT MRS. FOZDAR COULDN'T FIND HIM MRS. SHIRIN FOZDAR, ATI founder-president of the Singapore Women's Council, has returned to the Colony after a vain attempt to meet Vietminh leader Ho Chi-minh. Mrs. Fozdar, who v also leader of the Baha'i Peace Plan in
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  • 49 5 Wee Cheng Hock was charged yesterday in Singapore with criminal breach of trust of $71,182 while he was in the employ of McAllster it Co. in Battery Road between March and July 22 this yrar. He claimed trial and was allowed $35,000 bail until Aug. 6.
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  • 163 5 Municipal workers study abroad KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. THE Kuala Lumpur municipality is sending suitable young men and women abroad for study courses to groom them for senior posts, Inche Mohamed Din bin All, the Municipal Secretary, said today There are now four men studying
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  • 42 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl.—Ahmad bin Abubakar. of Sungel Papan Estate. Penggerang. was fined V>oo i n the Sessions Court. Kota Tlnggl. yesterday for nw -nw without a Dermit restricted foodstuffs— 3J katls ot sueai and 10 katls of oulot rice
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  • 65 5 PENANO. Frl A labourer. Cheah Neoh Soon. 42. told the Penang sessions court today he had to feed his six hungry children with mcc noon be- cause there was no rice tn the house. Cheah was fined $15 tor havine one kati of mcc noon
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  • 120 5 Accused of stealing mail COURT TOLD OF TWO LETTERS ABU BAK AR BIN AHMAD. 38. an officer of the Singapore Post Office was charged in Singapore yesterday with stealing two registered letters, both sent from Kota Bahru, at Serangoon Road post office on May 31. One of the letters contained
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  • 60 5 TELUK ANSON, Frl. A meeting will be held at the Kampong Melayu Rifle Rangs ihere at 11 a.m. on Sunday to 1 form a branch of the National Association of Perak I Another meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on the same day to form another
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 232 5 PARKER "51" M4GNETIX DESK SETS nfl of truo distinrtion niffrrrnt in style, design, perfonMUMC magnetic holder pivots to aiiv unjilr. Wnilor luorinc And Tooth Decay 5 njtpc .lufhorifics working out j scheme to jdd pal to th, watw supply and combat the appalling rate •«t*> dcc.ty in children in the
      232 words
    • 129 5 84E7/5* H ,»w TDO P M 41 A 1_ Soot' 1 a^^H BBB£* Hi I IP I Manufactured at a higher viscosity than HI I IM paints manufactured in temperate climates m to aii w f r th reater thinnmg effect f adflfei IH Hesdif I tropical temperatures. Jg| ||g
      129 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 296 5 WEEK-END DIARY TODAY Oopala Mrnon. Jubilee Restaurant. *T. ANDREWS MISSION HOS- Nor th P m 4fl t PITAI.: Flag day. Movie Ball i O ROUP aValn? ?n«f MO? TV Hid of Hospital Week. VlrtorU °*°VP Brains trust. MO S hall. TEIOK AVKR M.Y.F.: Game. P" b«liiilnt«n 6 p.m.; Judo class
      296 words

  • 47 6 :n M »,rf, Jin (minimum) MR I IM KIM LEE and the family of the l»t« M»d«m tm Kirn Ne<i ihank all members if \nvlous asso- i.ttlons. friend* and relatives for tlirir n'ffhf visit? wreaths scrolls, .^fnglay.'. joss-papers, loan of car* and attrnrianrf at hPr funeral.
    47 words
  • 155 6 M Kor4> tin (mm,mum). FOLLOW Bvht) Day in the 'Malay Mull' If you want to win '.hat $5,000 word puzzle. FOR COCKTAIL TIME Jack Str»ms arf Just richt for Nfnka.ii KatetaU, On Sale Ht nil Rood More* Sole acent»—Robinaon'x. JUST ARRIVED Cot•on Dres.ii* by I or* 11
    155 words
  • 32 6 in Word. ,n (minimum, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Singapore. orange Grove Road, bineapore-in (off Orchard Road) Service* and Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Testimony Meetings Ist and 3rd Wednesdays «3n p m
    32 words
  • 953 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. July 24, 1954. The Lesson Of Geneva The more the consequences j of the Geneva agreement are j examined, the less treasuiahle < they look. We should wait, how- ever, says Mr. Eden, for the 1 publication of the detailed arrangements. The full text of
    953 words
  • 386 6 As a time when the Government allowance for Malayan students at British Universities 1 has beer reckoned inadequate at the equivalent of £500 a year, a correspondent points out that her son, an English student, is up at Oxford on £218 The money is not found; for
    386 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 6 FEDERAL SECRETARIAI Bl II DIM, Xl \1 1.1 MPI K Straits Times photographer. Kok Ah Chong.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1107 6  -  CYNICUS ■E2 THERE were more hopeful signs yesterday of a settlement of the strike of Singapore City workers. It is apparent that many of the men would be glad to art back to the job. Some of the points in dispute were disposed of at yesterdays meeting. The
    1,107 words
  • 775 6 The Sarawaki scene Malaysian Xotebook MERUDI, the old capital of Sarawak's Fourth Division, is a little place with much character. One does not see it at its best, arriving as I did, after dark, with rain slashing in torrents, its landing stage, dimly outlined by a swaying hurricane lamp, half
    775 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 719 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. JO H'ont* tin (minimum i TO DOROTHY W,(e of J Kordvl Ulu Paloh Eot on 19th July, at Auckland Hospital. Dover. a ighter Both well. MISSINfi :<• Knrtfj ttt imimimum) W. WALTERS mining engineer. Pfngkalan Lariat Perak. durlnz J^panes^ occupation mKMnc .-lnre :S4fi His wife Iw Walters. Bl
      719 words
    • 84 6 Now Foolproof MovMAoking w,h, World's n Most Amazing* lf* THIb famous 'dream' camera take* the sues out ot movi« making. Rives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky expmute meters Secret Is th« .(mazing photoelectric "eye" a built-in governor coupled to both lenses in slid* turret You look
      84 words
      89 words

  • 91 7 RIVER MAY BE CAUSE OF PAHANG EPIDEMIC MPUR, Fri. lieve that nic of caswhich has Pahang to river w belated kamPahani River. Medical Officer. ;iid from K.uib today Ide riweliers *od drink vi altering 1 nder control have oeen Pahang with and other :id the control. Director of Doctor R.
    91 words
  • 29 7 KANGSAR. Fn.— A ,i dealer. Ooi ri for :id fined $2,000 in default r helping with characters g\t( :i by Mr. j, Chinese AfPenang
    29 words
  • 30 7 II rJtaPUR. Kri. iym, the growlni vii n'-ar K:i:i 3 snnn have a id child welfare by the Si-strrs in Missionary. -.^dical i nts now.
    30 words
  • 54 7 I R. Fn. A was killed an forward m rapture a en woundV the Jrlrbu district of Negri Sembtlan. The special constable, Shanf bin Shaman, came in the line of fire from his ovn men. 4e received wounds from which be died later in
    54 words
  • 293 7 Constable's horse came up he won $29 PUT A MARKED $5 NOTE ON NO. 5/ HE SAYS COURT TOLD OF TRAP SET AT K.L. RACES KUALA LUMPI'R, Friday. POLICE CONSTABLE, R. Bubendra, told the First Magistrate's court here today that he placed a bet with a man at the Kuala
    293 words
  • 76 7 DOWN COMES THE ROOF: NO ONE HURT The roof of a two-storey shnphouse in Beach Road. Singapore, caved In at 11.30 a.m. yesterday, but none of the wren tenants was hurt. Mr. Tan Boon Soh and his wile win in their sundry goods storr downstairs and their five children were
    76 words
  • 30 7 KLANG, Fri. Duties of tenants registration officers were explained to group, sector. sub-sector officers and their deputies at a recent meetinc at the ClTl] Defence headquarters m Klang.
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  • 38 7 KLANG. Fri Fifty-four boys ;inri girls of the Hin Hua Hißh School, Klang. have joined the Qr*t St. John Ambulance firstaid class in Chinese to be organised here. The class was l early this month.
    38 words
  • 231 7 Coroner told of shootings at Harbour Board gate T<HE two Singapore Harbour Board policemen, Uon- stable Hussin bin Lombal, 22, and Constable I aurpnee Lange. 20, who were shot dead while on duty at gate No. 7. on June 21. were murdered by four unknown Chinese.
    231 words
  • 123 7 Newspaper's boss is fined $300 CHEW SOONG SEONU 38--year-old managing-direc-tor of the Feng Pao a "mos- quito" newspaper, was found i guilty In the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday of publishing "a certain lmputa- j I tion about a physician." Infa ndini: to harm him He was J fined $300.
    123 words
  • 62 7 New matron for Mission hospital MISS lAMCI 1.1.M CIIIU MEI. a former pupil of St. Margaret's School, who has been appointed matron of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. Singapore. She joined the hospital In 1940 When it closed in December 1941. she became a nurse at the Oneral Hospital and with
    62 words
  • 49 7 Colonel H. L. Mercer has been appointed Deputy Director of Public Relations. FARELF He assumed duty v-esterday. succeedinc Col. C. Tod The English Teachers' Union (Chinese Schools'. Singapore, wili hold a general meeting at the Chone Cheng School hall. Aliwal Street, at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
    49 words
  • 60 7 RESPONDING TO an appeal liy 'In- Singapore Vuuth Council, .ibout -0 young volunteers turned 'out' yesterday evrninß to remove garbage and clean the streets during the strike n the city Youth volunteers will again help to clean the .streets this evening. Picture shows some of
    UP  -  60 words
  • 163 7 pSAH BINTE AHMAD. 30, wife of a Customs officer, who admitted four previous convictions one for cheating and three for criminal mis- 1 appropriation was sentenced to eight months' rigorous Imprisonment in Singapore yes-. She war- ordered to undergo 12 months' police .supervision
    163 words
  • 117 7 Mother of 14 receives special award from medical chief Mrs M B. K. Whratley, of Cumberland Lane. Singapore, has donated more blood to the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service than any other person. During the past five years she has made 30 donations. To mark this, a special
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  • 97 7 BACKPAY SIGNALS GIVE UP after two years KUALA LUMPUR, Krl. rE Malayan Railway Signalmen's Union has given up its two-year-old fight for arrears of salary to be backdated to Jan. 1, 1960 instead of Jan. 1 last year. Its representatives took thte measure after a two-hour meeting with the Government
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  • 48 7 KLUANG. Fri.— The Dodv of a four-year-old girl. Wong MOl J Ting, was recovered from Kluane River today Wong had come with her rather from Seremban yesterday to visit her mother's home in Jalan Yap Tau Sah. She was missing an hour after arrival
    48 words
  • 60 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Madam Fang Poh Lai. the oldest member of the con--1 gregation. laid the foundation stone today of the $«0 000 Holy Light Church in Jalan Gertak Merah at Johore Bahru. The church will replace the former Presbyterian institution, which was built In
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  • 29 7 Ng Chew Yang. 61, was fatally injured when he was knocked down by a lorry at the junction of Changi Road and Bedok Road. Singapore, yestt-idav evening.
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  • 26 7 Indian Airlines Corporation will to operate its Sinca-pore-Banekok-Calcutta service from Aug 1 The last servir" to Singapore will be on July 31
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  • 113 7 Pirates raid Borneo SECOND ATTACK IN 3 MONTHS TWENTY TWO armed piratrs. holirvcd to be Sulwks from the Philippines, riidod Kampong Melalin at the north-Past of Jambonßan Island, North Borneo, on Wednesday night. None of the inhabitants of the kampong was injured but property was stolen. Police launches searched the
    113 words
  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Alliance roundtablp conlerence which was provisionally fixed lor today ha.s been ix. tponed till tomorrow. Rra.'on \as that UMNO representatlvefl did not arrive in Kuala Lumpur today. The conference will discuss the Rulrr.s' reaction of the Alliance demand for an independent commision
    58 words
  • 45 7 Mr Gror.-f Krnn'-dv a former prcv> nt:v officer of the SincaprTo Customs Department, has been awarded the Imperial Berrtee Medal by the lone and meritorious He join<d tlic Government sorvW In January 1928 and retired on June 14 thi.s year.
    45 words
  • 60 7 The Shtnnlhon Line freighter Tatsuharu Maru yesterday brought Singapore what is believed to be the first consignment of frozen Japanese cabbages. Stored in the vessel'i special hold-,. 1.250 crates wire kept fresh at a temperature of five I degrees above zero. Local dealers had l^rrirs .waitint;
    60 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 /i mv w^^r— w^w /> <-^g m^^KTJI^KKfrJWam 4 -x2 lilii&Mimi TEDDINCTON OBSERVATORY For 19 ye«r» Omega h»» 1 h only r*tision record officially recognued by lhi» f»--1 (I'th obtervatory 0 *<>rld has learned lo trust Omega So/ c Agents for Malaya B. P. de SUVA LTD. (Incorporate In S'poie) Mntapore
      71 words
    • 208 7 Hospital Week FASHION PARADE at RAFFLES HOTEL 28th July, 1954 Combined DISPLAY By 10 FASHION HOUSES Morning Frocks. Cocktail Dresses EVENING GOWNS HAIR STYLES By SIX BEAUTY PARLOURS All in aid of ST. ANDREW'S MISSION HOSPITAL (Spmc kindly ihtiatal by Serungnttn (mrden Estate) jjiiiiiiiiiiiimimi nun minimi ************************************ M. FUNTER S.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 170 7 The weather MINIMI M riMliKMill i 7.30 pm on July 22 to 730 a.m on July 23 1 Singapore 75 dejtr«es Perutng 77. Kota Buhru 74. Kuala l.umpur 73. Ipoh 73, Kuantan fi9 MAXIMIM II 11-n; \I i t i (7.30 am. to 7.30 p m on July 23i Singapore
      170 words

  • 250 8 'Give the men from gaol a chance' MANY MEN after serving prison terms in Singapore are becoming permanent social outcasts because firms are unwilling to employ them, the Commissioner for Prisons, Major W. L. P. Sochon, said yesterday. Appealing to employers to give ex-prisoners a chance. Major Sochon said: "Our
    250 words
  • 115 8 A JAPANESE freighter which recently broke the Yokohama-San Francisco crossing time of 10 days, eight hours, established before the war. U due in Singapore next month She Is the Mitsui Line's 6.900-ton Harunasan Maru, which made the crossing in nine days. 17 hours and
    115 words
  • 48 8 The Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray -Aynsley. in the Singapore High Court yesterday issued a warrant for the arrest of T. R. Samlwalla. a bankrupt. Mr. Denis D'Cotta. Assistant Official Assignee, who made the application, said that it was difficult to contact the bankrupt.
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  • 21 8 PENANG. Frl About $500 worth of medicine has been reported stolen from a house in Chain Ferry Road. Butterworth.
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  • 48 8 BRUNEI. Fri.— The Brunei Government has allocated $600,000 to build two blocks of flats here to relieve overcrowding in the poorer parts i of the town. Each block will contain 45 flats to be let at low rents to working class familltln. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 915 8 PROPER TRAINING OF FIREMEN MIGHT HAVE SAVED VICTIMS Expert tells Kallang disaster inquiry— 35th DAY OF THE INQUIRY AFIRE expert employed by the British Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation said yesterday that if Kallang airport firemen had been trained according to Ministry standards there would have been a good
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  • 208 8 AND THEY GET A WA V, SA YS D.P.P. KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. THE Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. E. Brown, said today there was an organised gang of youngsters in Kuala Lumpur, who stole bicycles and than sold them. Most of these thieves were
    208 words
  • 61 8 Chlng Bing Choon. 24. was fined $4,000 ln the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday for assisting in the management of chap-Jl-kee. As he was unable to pay the fine, he was sont to gaol for six months. He was found carrying slips i worth $3,000 when
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  • 20 8 Singapore Police Band will play at King George V Park from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 164 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. O RAMIAH, a 29-year-old clerk in the Telecommuni- cations Department here, was convicted today of criminal breach of trust of a total of $18.91 cents. The Sessions Court was told that Ramiah's duty was to pay approved vouchers. Between Sept. and
    164 words
  • 27 8 There will be a free show of "Films from the Commonwealth" at the British Council Hall Stamford Road, Singapore, at 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday
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  • 64 8 PENANO. Frl. The latest posting time of Prnang air mail to Singapore, Johore Bahru and overseas has been changed to 4.45 p.m. at General Post Office. Articles po.strd up to this time will connect with first deliveries next day l n Singapore and Johore Bahru
    64 words
  • 28 8 KUALA I.UMPUR, Fri. A tree film .show will be Riven by the Department of Information at the Lake Gardens here next Sunday at 7.30 p.m
    28 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 413 8 wmm^m. mm. »:::ar«ißiH|| BROTHEBS0::: WS^WMW&&HittFffl9tii LAST M fiPRMAfII DAY! /til\ IMifiuKlylfflili i'i^WP "THE EDDIE CANTOR STORY' 1 With Keefe Brauelle (Technicolor) W.B. 6$ Illli SEASON FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT^ SHEK HWEI AND FU CHI M "WHEN YOU WERE r 4 m NOT WITH ME" f^nL*' MANDARIN DRAMA |t-^ Kill MONDAY 26TH
      413 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 355 8 The Straits Times Crossword 29 f^ h 2B Dr«wn by a loglrJan (J). 'PI I" I I 4 I I' I X' SFH 2 i* nd D W!^r'b Ie M pec t §^j :^g; 'Henry V) (3, 3). IP 9 j I 3. WTiatPolly put th« kfftle on? ISa tftftl
      355 words

  • 1929 9 TIMES special FEATURE Marc^Polo^h^irst man to write Malaya iVI ARCO POLO, the Venetian, was responsible for a great deal. The TA enchanting and fabulous stories that he carried to Europe from the Far East, about palaces roofed with solid gold in Japan, for instated that race around the world among
    1,929 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 137 9 You fei more for \our money and tore for your beauty 4 iTEX •ICMfST RIDS DAINTIEST PINKS four fingcrtipi r ,H Cl'TtX lon« wearing M po'ilh hi »*>• imixini JMILPRUF bottlo jU,a CUTEX tmooth. crcimy rhat ne««f print 1. 3-D! HO»*»0 hu&HIS ME RUSSELL THE HEHCH LINE ICCHNICOLOR lE-'
      137 words
    • 133 9 l v_y If jl^ all ami ji Available at jII teadina watch dral*r« will save you money JHft Save money on fares, m7%J| ride a R.S.A., they are \fr^ strong, reliable and good looking. They will give >^ii/*^'R^\ ou a ct me T°uble C_jTj~>J |Vy free scr\ice. [ABSOLUTELY IN QIJ
      133 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 561 10 U.S.A. buys from Siam VOR the first time since .Monday the tin price in Singapore halted its downward trend and advanced by $3,121 to $371.t>2J yesterday following better overnight prices in London. The better London price was due to moderate and Continental demand and the
    561 words
  • 22 10 SISr.APORF July 23. TIN: U74.C21 prr pirul (up tut*). Rl BRER «0; ronts :> lb. (down a quarter of a cent).
    22 words
  • 62 10 M'ipx him; alnnttidr Ih.- Maj pore Harbour Board m-- or t\ peeled Ind., Stimati Hooffcerk h t President Polk R 9 City of Sydney 11. Docta 13 14. Benalbanacl IS lri (hv 18 Leu MMnft Wall Roku N Blinjoe 24. Javanese Prince 28 pus 29 30 Java
    62 words
  • 18 10 Rubber Pr keeps fir TIE I I •A I I c f This 1 I I I I
    18 words
  • 4 10 I i
    4 words
  • 8 10 sine l| Mil' I II I
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  • 2 10
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 920 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS! VACANCIES FOR 2 NO. FOREMEN OF TRADES MECHANICAL j Applications are invited for the I i post of Foreman of Trades (Mech.). Applicants should be familiar with the following items of plant, and be I capable of diagnosing, rectifying and testing fault* of a simple i nature: Water
      920 words
    • 946 10 COMPANY MEETING THE MALAYAN CHAMBER OF MINES REDUCTION OF TIN DUTY AN URGENT NECESSITY MR. A. <i. GLENIBTER ON THE DIFFICULTIES CONFRONTING THE INDUSTRY The Thirty-Sixth Annual Oenera.l Meeting of The Malayan Chamber lof Mines was held on July 14 In txmdon. Mr. A. G. Glenlster. the chairman, who presided,
      946 words
    • 838 10 NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given by Messrs j Kien Sing ft Co. of No. 136. Armon Road. Singapore, that the authority given by them to Mr. A. H. Nalck to transact business on their behalf has been cancelled as from this day. Dated this 22nd July. 1954. CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS.
      838 words
    • 562 10 TENDERS INVITED sipplv of pi-ri: nutSß Tonov TO THi: OOVEBNMCNT TOIMn SHOPS IN NBOBI ShMHII.AN AND MM \< < FOR PKKIOD ISI JAM ARV, 19..:, TO .-51 ST. I)K--(F.MBER. 1936 (TWO VI W! Tenders are Invited for the supply of pure fresh toddy to the Government Toddy Shops In Negrl
      562 words
    • 172 10 SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL L»g HEAP ENG MOH SS CO.. LTD; SOON BEE STEAMSHIP Co.,jgjs i 31 r>. Teluk Avrr Strr.t Phonf Passenger tfc Freight Service \l c.l\\(, DIKI I SMIIM < 111 RIBOV KOI rXUIHTI V Spnre appr .lulv I 1 soon KB"— BAILINGS n> I'Wi.KM j TAMIMONf: IMMM\ i
      172 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1085 11 I MANS FIELD tfc CO., LTD. lf^> afO m S.ngoporel Pa,,ag. I BLUE FUNNEL LINE Daat. r»r" .recced «io oth«r port, to load mt«t dltcharga earao "•"•"vjrpoOL, GLASGOW. LONDON 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS J*'l' Mos Soil* P S norn r,nao, G 13/14 July 25 July 24/21 July 2«/10 ■V July 24
      1,085 words
    • 1111 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Far Ad.n. Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Gydnia Copenhagen, Gethenburg 4 Otlo i Spore P Shorn Penong «> ASIA" In Port "KAMBODIA" 1/ 2 Aug 1/ 1 Aug 4/ 4Aaa 4 ?rf A Jr& fflj? Coll, Lelioe, and Kerl,hamn Omit, Gdynia. >> Call,
      1,111 words
    • 1065 11 REN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINTINTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Penong Bonvorllcb for livaroool, Gknoow, Rottartlom Hull In Part 3S/34 Ja+y Bennovi. tor Genoo. Avonmouth, Liverpool, Duhlin I" Pert Banavan tor Movre, London, Rotterdom, Hull 27 July/ 2 Aug 3/4 Aim S/ 4 Aag Banreacb tor Liverpool,
      1,065 words
    • 1189 11 McAUSTER tfc CO., LTD. TEL: Ha. ***** ELLERMAN tk BUCKHALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGCLES. SAH FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVE* and for USA., North Atlont..: P-v, Acc.ptm, cargo for Control 4 Sewth onri Cnrodc vio Ciiombo American Part. CITY OF SYDNEY imiriiNViui Spore P Shorn Peoooo
      1,189 words

    • 376 12 AIR REA is reported to have said: "There is room for honest bargaining over all the issues but the urtr of thr union officials has so far rendered this idea quite unfruitful. But I am certain that the stand by thr Council is correct
      376 words
    • 163 12 KATONG CANINE CHORUS YOU report thai la Watertown, Now York 81 it*. thrrf Is an ordinance which .-tipulatrs that "dogs are not permitted to howl or bark between the hou:.-. of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m." Hrrr. in Singapore a troDlral region, whrrr dog, are multiplyinc likr flir. 1 it
      163 words
    • 61 12 The real reason rE high percentage of failures in the Cambridge Certificate examination from private schools is not because therp are many teachers with Indian qualifications serving there but because untrained and inexperienced teach^r> are employed in most of thoso schools. Trained anil experienced teachers will not work In priratt
      61 words
    • 237 12 ON a recent visit to Malacca. I noticed that the old fort on St. John's Hill was still without a descriptive metalplate, such as put up by the Malacca Historical Society at other places. I was pleased, however. M see that the back entrance to
      237 words
    • 77 12 THE BUS service /or the Alexandra-Tiong Bahru area, which Us run by a private company, is very Door. during rush hour.s, from 8 to 9 am. and from 530 to 6 30 p m office workers and schoolchildren find it very hard to Ret a
      77 words
    • 427 12 DECENTLY a complimen- ji tary little item appeared in the London I Evening Standard regard- I ing the activities of the Federal and Colonial Buildine Society. It appears that the organisation is making a tidy profit on the capital invested by the Colonial Development Corporation
      427 words
    • 313 12 IN a recent report on cess collection, you quote the views of Mr. K. M. G. Anderson, chairman of the F'.M.S. Rubber Planters Estates Ltd.. concerning the collection and distribution of the four and half cents replanting cess. The views attributed to Mr. Anderson convey an
      313 words
    • 112 12 I AGREE with Mr Sre<'dharan I and "M.AA.R." regarding I the inconvenience to passengers in the customs sheds at Madras I had to wait nln> MOWfe >y a.m. to 6 p.m.) before I got away And it is an open secret i that there Is bribery ;imong
      112 words
    • 184 12 IT IS not surprising that •em Malay youth organisations are dissati.sticd with the choice of Mr Mansor Fadil la p present Malay youth at the World Assembly of Youths in Singapore next month. The delegate! were chosen without appearing be tnre the selection board. The names
      184 words
    • 82 12 A BANDSTAND I* quite expensive and Ls used perhaps once or twice a month. I feel there is no need for it at Queen Elizabeth Walk. What we want is the band. The King George V park does not have a bandstand (although one Ls to
      82 words
    • 79 12 PREACHING a new 'ism' for world peace, as suggested by Mr A. Sivadas. is unpractlcable. As the United Nations failed so will the apostles of a new ism". Peace is not a doctrine to be preached, it has to be practiced. Everyone knows what peace means.
      79 words
    • 185 12 SURELY all houses with compounds should burn and or bury their refuse thes, days ANTI-STRIKK. Singapore. I USE the Singapore Traction Company buses regularly. On many occasions. I have seen B.TC. employees refusing to give their seats to passengers. Mast of them do this when they
      185 words
    • 64 12 THE other day a youth approached me in town and asked for help, savin? that hi? family was in distress. I took pity on him and save him a dollar A few <Iny< later, he again approached me, this time with another Lile of
      64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 77 12 10M-X. SAV£ MONtY! HY l)[J 1 wami mmi To;- Single Return LONDON $*****- $2,73//- gg-ViV'.".}'!"^ HONG KONG 2951- 7J//- i EHGINEO TOUR I TOKYO 7551- 1,3591- IST AIRLINERS are.CALCUTTA 4631- 834/- "L"[. BOMBAY 566/- 1,0191- BAG HDAd, CAISSI COLOMBO 4381- 7891- DAMASCUS, BEIRUT, DACCA 4621 8241 NICOSIA, ROME, VAIIA 46J/-
      77 words
    • 140 12 AGE 35 C^| \^M You're looking at ytm* future. With you can go make more mono and years go by. Withtmi that training tl what you can earn. By the tine yi you'll be on the way down, inio rh, i paid. It's up to you to choose Voi your
      140 words

  • 587 13 Star Soccerites 2 Amit able A.A 0. nJTAR Soccerites kept their chances alive in the fijfht for the SAFA Div. 1 league championship with a great w j n yesterday over Amicables. Socrerites were without their star man Rahim Dmar. who was ill.
    587 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 13 IKI IHHf <.KKK.\. Mho rni-niii orokt- Hi. world thrrr milrs record, is srrn hrrr bratina; the Irish runnrr Vie Milligan ilk a close finish to thp mile rare at White City stadium oA July 17. Green was running for a t-ombinrd Kntland- Wale- team against a combined ScotlandIreland team. Renter
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 123 13 Junior champ is beaten PERAK BADMINTON ipoh. m CKHiED player Wong Van Ben l eliminated schoolboy Cheah Fook sen in the second round of 'lie men s singles in the Perak B.A. championships. Cheah. who is the holder of three titles In the Perak junior championships and also schools triple
    123 words
  • 105 13 PORT OF SPAIN. Frl AUSTRALIA will play five tests on their tour of West Indies next I >''»r. Arrangements, subject to Ausi tralian confirmation, have been made by the West Indies Cricket Board jof Control for one test each in B.i I), i (lns. British Guiana
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 76 13 COLOMBO. Frl. i THy Vc\ inn Tennis Asnoclatlon yesterday selected Bernard Pinto and Rupert Ferdinands to play In the Malayan law-n tennis championships in Kuala Lumpur next month. Douglas Fonsek.i was selected as a standby The associatloi) said that only these names were considered because of six
    76 words
  • 96 13 The weekend's tics :n the Malay Sport* A.sMvlat ion's tennis tournament are: Today at 3 p.m.: Open tingles: Shahailn Osman v Abdullah Hj Ahmarl' M K Shahbuddln v A. Stijak Hallm. Said Sulaiman v HJ. Jamil; A S B Pakir v Hamld Kassim: Has. San
    96 words
  • 85 13 Argonauts Football Club got :>uou«th the first round of the SAFA Junior Cup competition when they defeated Tuan Mon* OB A J-0 in tlirllllni; match at fWjhi Maduiin yestriday. After a scoreliss first half, in which there weir BfcM calls at both Ai'xonHiit' opened scoring in
    85 words
  • 45 13 Bottom of SAFA Div. 3B lmgue Windsor Rovers climbed two posiiinn.s up the league table when thry brat Btntanv Rulan SC 3-0 in their last name playexl at MFA ground yesterday. Robert Wong i2i and Sellk were the scorers. Mr. Quantlck referred
    45 words
  • 484 13 LONDON. Friday. iyORCESTKKSHIKE. with a double century by Don Kenyon and a 112 by Laddie Outschnorn, overwhelmed Leicestershire at Worcestershire today. winning the match by an innings and 136 runs. This was Worcestershire's fourth victory in 19 matches that they have played in the County
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  • 156 13 JOHORE BAHRU, ftl. JOHORL. HM.S. Malaya rugby champions, and Singapore Civilians will meet In the opening south rone match of this year's competition on Nov. 6 here On the same day Combined Service* (Singapore) and Nettrl Malncin will meet In Singapore. Thl» year s HMS Malaya final
    156 words
  • 120 13 HARROGATE i Yorkshire) FYI DOBBY LOCKE. South Africa I top ffolfer. won the- first prize of 1250 for the stroke play section o! the Swallow HarrosM'e Professional Golf Tournament nt Oakdale here vestcrdav latMaM the field throughout, the ;t7-\r:ii-o!d b.nlv Sputi'.'bdk had j .score of 276
    120 words
  • 31 13 RAX SSeletar A' b«»t Balestler United 3-0 In a SAFA Junior Cup tie at Farrer Park yesterday. Hughes <2i and Yearworth scored. B. Appavoo referetd.
    31 words
  • 52 13 i PARIS. Km The woilil b.m'.imweight title fi«lr between Frenrh. m..n Kobert C'onen iind CliHmroen j Songkttnl ol Ili;til»nd I>»k definitely 1 l>een set for Sept 19 at Bangkok li.isum Charles Raymond. Cohens m.ui.iKer announced today Haymopid .said Cohen will Hy to BanK-ok on Aug.
    AP  -  52 words
  • 211 13 SinjtHpore Indian Anorlallon* tennis tournament tlr» for the «eekenrl are: Today al 3.3U p.m.: Open Single*: Abdul Majld va Slvaraj; K C Charion v« Dr Menon *.3K p.m.: A 1 Perelra vs. S A. Rao. O. 8. mil Ganesan. S.IS O. E. MatlMWI is. Da&>. Balan
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 234 13 r0 WEAR 12 MONTHS WITHOUT REPAIR Wtra wide fitting -m I POST I _^-"-_flk I' C% FREE 3712 _^^KT"_^^^ STYLE 50 v P,,,,,. i "ocoiaia I'd.. Svv4* Llilhtr Apron From sV r >"» I m (JO mm i jt^,^^ s..l«v and Hkl< in Purt Fl—H |!^tek. '•<•" < orrufalrd <
      234 words
    • 515 13 I r piPl^S i^^^»ii_! H^^^^^ *TI comfortable longer if 1 1 f yled > I known all over the I. AgtfiH: LIM TECK LEE Co. Ltd.. Sinjapore Kuala Lumpur. Ptnang. Hon|kong. lndon»»i.. Thailand New Country Hotel 1 622, BARTLEY ROAD off Upper Serangoon Road. Singapore, 13. DANCING I I
      515 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 231 13 WEEKEND SPORT TODAY TOMORROW i SOf't'Eß MM I i: KOMI nON Itais XT. v Slnga- KOWI.OON Bus IT. v Singapore Selection, Jalan Be*ar pore. Jalan Brsar oladlum iiUdlum KAFA lIMOR (I P Xl Mr A' "M JUNIOR (IT: RAI' Kebenaran (luh, Jalan Uraar, Tenzah. v Rukit Timah. Jalan 4 p.m.
      231 words

  • 1226 14 Eng Yoon's feat was best S'pore AAA meet (SINGAPORE'S Asian Camesman Tan Kng Yoon was the top performer on the opening day of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's 16th annual championship* at Thomson Road yesterday. But it was only a supreme effort in his la 4 attempt that brought him
    1,226 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 14 OC7/OUL.k<Aoi I~R Tan Eng Yoon making a record leap in the hop. step and jump (47/ f. l' 2 m> nt the opening day 0/ the Singapore A A A. championships yestrrd<ni. Evg Yoon improved OH his otrii record for this ricut (it/ three inches. Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 72 14 MALA YANRECOR IS BETTERED IN WOMEN'S DISCUSS A 17-YEAK-Ol.l> Ipoh xrhooluirl. Vlpx-' Yuk Choy Hich School, established la Perak and Malayan onr. in the l» Perak Athletic championships Her throw of 85 foot 4 m> Malayan mark by 6 feel 11, Incho; dec:r Thf ■ountrv tamp;. Thr< c final I
    72 words
  • 111 14 PENANO. Frl. IT BALAStNGAM of Jun:or Technical 1 Trade 1 School, »ho won 'he One 880 yards yesterday gave another good performance in winning the mile event in 4min 54 1 eecond da} of the Penar.g and Province Wellesley Combined Brhaafcl itlile'n meet on
    111 words
  • 344 14 AI.OR STAI'THIRTEEN records were Dcner.d 1 and two equalled ?t the Kedah Amateur Athlcuc Awoclation c plonshlps held on the Sultan Hamld Collie ground today. In the men's section. 11 atm records were set up and equalled in 14 events The only I.
    344 words
  • 440 14 MAI ACCA. Fri. T'HKEE record! uere broken and one equalled on the owning day of the annual Malacca Amateur Athletic aawctattaa championships held on the Malacca Hlfrh School ground yesterday. New records were established by Ong Cheng Watt. Capt. Rodgers and Tan Yeow Cheng. Cheng
    440 words
  • 394 14 HAT!" PAH AT. l-riday. 'FAN KIM 1.1 A.N. who broke the discus and the sn»t putt records yesterday, was the besi woman performer at the Joriore AAA championships held at the new st.idium here today. She was awarded the pri/r when she broke the javelin
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  • 7 14 Fay runs in 12 sec I K
    7 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 814 14 CLASSII'IED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Page 8) i OF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH PENAN6 The latetl timct tor handing I in Classified Advertisements to I our branch offices at Kuala i I Lumpur. Ipoh and Pcnang for publication in the following i day's issue ot Hie Straits Times I
      814 words
    • 773 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M WmWmM I Kim.)— Bnx i» rt: txtrm. FURNISHED ACCOMMODATION suitable for European couple in pleasant surroundings complete with modern conveniences available immediately, phone ***** Daisy Cheong. TO IET Bungalow at Braridell Heights. 3 bedroom*, servant* room (ar por; with well-kept compound m.%.. light and water laid. Occupation
      773 words
    • 828 14 I HOUSES A LAND FOR SALE M Wttr4* iKm i »«t S* rt: txtrm. CHEAP SALE. Freehold Land— lots of approx. 7.000 aq. ft. Jalan Kembanean s'j miles Chanel Roan 1 40— 45 ct*. per »q. ft. Apply I—3 p.m sfl Pekin Street. Tele. 7981. TWOROOMED PREFABRICATED HOUSE Still Packed
      828 words
    • 534 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE > «■„<. »r.» CLASSICAL RECORD Collection !oi Sale All post-war 78s M.tnv „> new fl each or in 10b lot Details Phone ***** NSW ELECTRIC Sa v 1 1. j M.Hhines: Singer $2i > I': light portable $210 Table models Jlßn u-ed Singer $95. 6 Foch
      534 words
    • 16 14 i ill *l 4^ 1 ■BJBJBEJM BEJBJH X INDOOR TYPE SUPER SELECTiVt Rad.o dealer. SINGAPORE AM ♦♦♦♦♦»♦■»♦♦<♦»♦*»«♦♦»♦***
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