The Straits Times, 23 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 3QM F LIM ENT AR Yl flatten* The Straits Times ESti 1K4.» SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 601 1 I AM SATISFIED— EDEN Only alternative risk of war spreading LABOUR SAYS IT, TOO LONDON Thursday. THK British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Kden. told the House of Commons in a statement on the (Jcneva conference today he helieved that when the detailed arrangements were published they would not be found
    Reuter; AP  -  601 words
  • 39 1 Eisht schoolchildren five' sirls— arrived from Britain by BOAC Argonaut to spend their I August holidays in Malaya. The children's ace.s range from six to 10. All ol them travelled the 8.000-mile flight unaccompanied.
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  • 69 1 TOKYO. Thur.s. A month long search for the leader Of sang Who kidnapped a National Safety Force accountant and robbed him of a million yen ended last nleht at a hotspring resort on Kyushu. Southernmost Japanese island. Press reports said Kenieht Otsu. 28. and his companion
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  • 62 1 HONG KONG. Thurs. One tyre on a BOAC Argonaut blew out yrstrrrtay as the plane touched dowr for a landing. but the pilot had no trouble braking it to a smooth stop. When the tyre blew out. the airport nre trucks and ambulances raced nn
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  • 346 1 Bid to smuggle 302 gold bars— police MAS REMASDED TILL TOMORROW PEARSON Graham Cecil Stuart. 31. was remanded in Singapore till tomorrow after being charged in the First Criminal District Court yesterday on two counts of unlawfully importing 302 bars of gold on Wednesday night Mr. Tan Ah Tah. the
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  • 146 1 Ghost' city awaits the Reds: 400,000 couldn't care less PARIS, Iliurs I,n mm Ii < ii. h i,,.oik with red support in i n Hanoi i<> I, ll\cs .liul inn. nun id i nls n1 Inclorltj appear I rent to the agreement to i<- region to the immunisls, v ports
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 56 1 A threat, but we won't sit idly by' —S. Korea 1 Korttm Defence H soM today that the mcly vicrcascd the ion 0/ South Korea." I h'n-cn would not sit idle !<> attack first He said initiative is the winner." "ill attend the top-level tan conference in Washington, o military
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  • 81 1 Mendes France gets big Cabinet 'Yes' irttlint. The i l<ul.i\ un.i PMMi-rt rrpurt Miaistev. >l I r.iner on lun.i cease ire Premier was the National >^ hr his Mm m.i. desaite 1 1kc• I > criticism from the pir\ioiis Kor^isn Minister. (icorcrs Ridault. fbe Prime Ministrr was i\p<Ttrri to deal
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  • 70 1 TRUCE: BUT THE WAR GOES ON don't know of armistice hanoi. Thursday. >ur-old cease-fire, French Union imht contact" today with ar Vinh Yrn. 25 milos northfcj n h High Command said. B ml Inn 1> I Smith m m ling their P 1 armtsmunlsta hi allowed ill their tnam and
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  • 58 1 MANILA. Thurs. Govern-! tnenl troops "n Mount Arajrat today captured the Communist! Hukbalahaps' "Stalin Line." a ■troni point bristling with pil! mdbas.s and fox holes, in cl report* to army headquarU rt said. Philippine Air Force planes earlier bombed and strafed the I Inrtiflcation r>n
    AP  -  58 words
  • 30 1 LONDON. Thurs Spain has assured Britain that *h< prohibit the export of .um> to countries out.side the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. a Foreign Office spokesman Bald today. Renter
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  • 273 1 Worried? Not me, says Marjorie LONG BEACH. Thurs. MISS MALAYA. Marjorie Wop of Singapore, is about the only contestant among the beauties from five continents at the Miss Universe contost who is not suffering from a severe case of nerves. The 33 foreign girls last night watched nervously from the
    AP; UP  -  273 words
  • 154 1 Appeal to youth Help us clean the city THE SINGAPORE Youth Council is appealing for volunteers from its affiliated organisations to help clean the city IT evenings during the .-tnkr The pre.sident. Mr trie Wee Stan Beng. told the Strait. Times last night that he would arrange for two City
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  • 50 1 MARJOKIt: WKK. of Singapore Miss Malays arrives at the I-os Ancelrs international airport, America. From there she went t<> Lone Be i<-h, California, to take part in the >lis*> I'niverse contest, the finals of which will be held tonight. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 56 1 Make sure of your copy NOW (\RDERS for THE U MALAYAN MONTHLY, the new Straits Times magazine, are already heavy, and seem likely to exceed supply. Make sure of your copy by placing an order with your newsagent NOW. The August issue will be on sale throughout Malaya on July
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  • 94 1 Three die in village 'liberation' BOMBAY. Thurs. I rpHREE people were shot I dead when Portuguese In- dian nationalists "liberated" a village in the isolated Portu guese enclave of Selvasa on India's coast, it was re- ported here today. Police were said to have "offered some resist ance" when
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 32 1 Bomb delays steamers PARIS. Thurs -Two English Channel steamers were h> Id In Boulogne harbour yesterday after the discovery ot a 500 1b bomb and a magnetic mine In nearby waters A.P.
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  • 32 1 TOKYO. Thurs. Japan is nol prepared to Join a SouthF.i I Asia security piel with the Western and free Allan nations. Japanese Foreign Minister Mr. KaUuo Okasaki .-aid today.
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  • 141 1 Soldiers rout 5 to 1 bandits ALOR STAR, Thurs. 4LTHOUGH outnum- bered Bye to one, six .soldiers tiom the 10th rial Don. B. Company. .Sth Malay Regiment, forced :u) terrorists to retreat at Pay.i Mengkuang Rukit Paku yesterday after a 30-minute Qghi The soldiers were rcmmir kmmunltlon anrl doeu- irom
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  • 37 1 v iii vi II HANOI i\ *n DATS :m lhiir-.— i ranch i foreea ill '\n ''< I \Utlll|| SI) U.t>S Ulldi r I In- .irmi-li. i n in inir-i- wart M <>■ 1 i -i:. nUr
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  • 84 1 LUCKY DOG— UNLUCKY MAN OLIVE HILL, Kentucky, Thurs.— Chester Davis took a stray dog Into a woods yesterday to shoot it. The man s body was found a short tune later, a fatal bullet wound In the chest. The doe. .still alive w.ij lound chained to a tree. Chester Grcenhill.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 v pistributors of H OLEX MIKI M 0 T 0 CUL TUREO PEARLS. c De SILtfA BROS.. GET TO THE ROOT 'OUR PROBLEM W|;J TREWHELLA M X Monkey Grubber B^ HAND -fetch out trees land stumps -BY THE ROOTS M C ALISTER C? LIP <<<^ k,.nln l;^ ppru r l
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    • 33 1 M*vr YOUR NtXT ROLL Or ?»(»rs <^R MADE IN OUR NfW St YLt 0| Album Prints V >^ a^^* BaH ft *T^v /M fc —^js^^^ s^sa/^^^a*^*^ B^^^^^ g M zi a i t/i' v
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  • 352 2 I feared U.S. would open A war Churchill SIR^ WINSTON TELLS WHY HE HURRIED TO SEE IKE ADMIRAL WANTED TO SEND NEW ARMS TO INDOCHINA LONDON, Thursday. PRIME Minister Sir Winston Chun-hill told Conservative Members of Parliament that the danger of atomic warfare in IndoChina led to his trip to
    Reuter; UP  -  352 words
  • 199 2 THE ARMY CAN NOW PEEP 30 MILES FORT MONMOUTH. Nrw Jersey, Thurs. rpHE United States ■I Army sißnal Corps yesterday announcrd thp development of long distance "Peepine Tom" camera, which can peer across batth* lines up to 30 miles into enemy territory. The mammoth nrw camera is built about a
    AP  -  199 words
  • 25 2 GUATEMALA. Thurs. An influenza epidemic yesterday swept the prison here, where 2 000 Communist suspects arr detainer! The situation is serious. A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 41 2 TOKYO Thurs. -Air India International will test hop a Lockheed Constellation from Bombay to Tokyo this month The flight will carry 30 Indian Government and air officials. A nnce-a-week Bom-bay-Tokyo passenger service will begin on Aug IS AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 58 2 THIS IS WHAT the councillors in the village of Ampanc on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur want to stop rfrls ryclinr in headMsSMi which hamper their vision and muffle their hearinc Yesterday they stopped scores of them as they cycled through the
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  • 137 2 3,000 SET FIRE TO COURT Eight shot dead INDORE. India. Thurs. EIGHT people were killed and 30 injured today when polio flrod on a 3.000-strong crowd who broke into the Mahya Bharat High Court building here and set fire to furniture and records The police fired 30 rounds into the
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 79 2 Now it's the third sex IN OLD AGE LONDON. Thurs. People entered a third .sox in their old age and required hormone treatment to retain bodily and mental health. Dr. William Master*, of the Obstetric* Department in Washington University Medical School. Missouri, said yrstrrday. This change occurred between 45 and
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 52 2 COCOA. Floridh. Thurs. Field Marshal Earl Alexander. Britain's Minister of Pefenre, was here yesterday '"to see new weapons, especially guided missiles He left today for White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico. Yesterday he toured the Cape Canaveral base— the missile launching site for the air
    AP  -  52 words
  • 51 2 ROMF. Thurs Thr Italian Government was rirfr.Ttcri last night on a Lrft-wliiß motion for the payment of an "adequate pension to all civilians Dlind for life" The defeat i.s not expected to lrad to the fall of the government, which favoured state assistance other than regular payments.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 29 2 HALIFAX. Canada. Thurs Twelve British teachers and tjielr families, first of 138 emlkrating to Canada thlf year to teach in Saskatchewan srhnolß, landed hpre yesterday. -A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 164 2 PETROV: I PAID FOR YOUTHS' RED TRIP MELBOURNE, TO VLADIMIR Tetrov test l fird here today thai he supplied A£3oo foi two Australian youth leaders to fly to Mosrow to attend a Youni? Communist League conference. Petrov. former Soviet MVD chiel in Canberra who has been granted politu lum in
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 30 2 MEXICO CITY. Thurs v least 33 people ha\> died c I sunstroke in the Mexi. during the recent heat wa\. Temperatures have reached 118 decri es p
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  • 24 2 Plea f mercy from KEMPEIT A ,l APPEALS^! t;n thr moir I I from tul I I I I I I I I I
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  • 105 2 NEW YORK. Thurs. The sheriffs office said yesterday that seven Chinese sailors are believed to have jumped overboard from the British fleet oiler Surf Pioneer, anchored at Raton Rouce. Louisiana, since Sunday. Seven life lackets are missing and the Chinese are believed to have gone
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  • 28 2 ALOI VORTH Kedah polio 41 Hassan, early today raided I pone Kubane. nine milet I found a Sten j?un and 80 r
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  • 20 2 NEW YORK. Thurs. I Clare Boothe Luce. IS. Ambassador to Italy, left hospital ve.-terday after a check-up. A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 364 3 Britain and U.S. agree on big non-Red line-up WASHINGTON, Thursday. J>RITAIN, the United States and other nonCommunist nations have agreed to call an international conference next month to draw up i South-east Asia defensive alliance it was disclosed tonight. London and Washington buried their differences
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  • 22 3 BRITAIN STAND BY HER 1950 DECISION Thurs. !OYP. said Britain 1950 ■rcsoun- Middle r neighwould the May ri th( in with >ns
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  • 9 3 Duchess visits new carrier (The insircraft h I
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  • 110 3 Coronation vases for the Empire LONDON. Thurs. HIGH Comml.ssioners of com- monwealth countries yes- urday received copies of the "Quet n's Va.M ,i belated Coronation souvenir to end all Coronation souvenirs ,uren was privately preiented with the original vase by the British Pottery Manu- Federation last week to i special
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 33 3 3 DI V ORCES—NOW IT'S FINAL itn tot l n 1950 and 1951 'I've married him for the slid Mrs Becker. granted h< ran illowance [nr rapport of their laughter Ina. eight. A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 75 3 ANGI.O-OIINKSK. ACTRI.SS !iin Yu l:>. the girl with. Ihe "talking hands" -he demonstrated ihe art <m Britij»h television recently with Australian at tor David Williams outside (axton Hall l.ondnn. after their weridinc They me t last year while they were both appearing in the musiral "South
    AP  -  75 words
  • 187 3 NEW YORK. Thursday. A 65-YEAR-OLD sailor, Admiral Richard E. Byrd. is planning to lead an expedition to the Antarctic in a bid to establish American control in the South Polar region which is rich in coal, uranium, oil and other minerals. The r*tl»d
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  • 55 3 GENOA. Thurs. Nine skelc- tons of people believed to have boon killfd in a reprisal in the I war w<-re found yesterday near Staclieno cemetery, a rew miles from Genoa. Some rifle bullet* were found in the common grave. Two of the skeletons had their
    AP  -  55 words
  • 35 3 LONDON. Thur.s. Salvage > men yesterday found the bodies of three of the crew still inside a River Thames sea fort sunk a year ago In a collision with a Swedish ship- Reuter. j
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 19 3 NEW YORK. Thurs. Japan yesterday became the seventh country to ratify the United Nations opium protocol,— UP.
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  • 195 3 TAKES ISTO SOVIET ZOSE BONN. Thursday. DR. OTTO JOHN, chief of the West German intelligence authorities, has been mining in Berlin since Tuesday night, the West German Government I announced here today. Thi' Ministry ot the Interior |sa:d Dr John ha.s been the victim of abduction
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 102 3 ALBANY. New York. Thurs. GERALD SAVOIE. 12. was arrested today after allegedly admitting bludgeoning to death an eight-yi ar-old girl be did tint know Police said the boy admitted following Bonnette Dallalre into the cellar of a partlaliybuilt home yesterday and beating her on
    AP  -  102 words
  • 97 3 LONDON. Thurs.— The Hem.' I Secretary yesterday recom- mended a reprieve for Derek Adams, ued 31. escapee from a mental home, who was sentenced to death last month lor the murder ol Mrs. Rosemary Rowe. aged 23. mother Of two. Adams, after being traced to her
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 29 3 LONDON. Thurs. -A total of I 3'i PMftte were killed. 656 serioiusly Injured and 3,322 slightly injured in road accidents last month in the London area- Reuter.
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  • 27 3 NEW YORK. Thurs—Harvard University yesterday announced the appointment of Dr Robert Ulich. Germanborn philosopher, as the first James Brvant Conant Professor of Education. A. P.
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  • 213 3 Artist prey to delusions— specialist LEWES. Sussex. Thurs A mental specialist told the \s*i*e Court yesterday that William Sanchez I)e Piai j Hepper, the 62-year-old ar- tist accused of murdering an 11 -year-old girl last Febru- ary left the child, dead or; alive, "as you would leave an article of
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  • 244 3 LONDON. Thurs. Closing middle prices of iwlecWd Itocks, not including stamp duty, we re LOANS ConsoU MS Funding 4'- >°* War t%% M"i V» BANKS Mercantile (£I2H) 2» Eastern (£5) Chartered (£li 42 6 -^9 Hongkong (*l2si 92'j xd INSURANCE Com Un (uts.) S% Royal 141% Piudential 42
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  • 26 3 LONDON. July 22.— Cash If Ml V:750: Sellers £752; Forward Bu>ers K'H: V;:J.">; Settlement C 752: Turnover a.m. 55 tons; p.m. 45 tons.
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  • 39 3 lONDON. July 22 —Spot M A Aus. 20';.<1. Sept 20\d Oct.-Dec ,rt -Mar. 20\d Apr -Jun* M .ri Jilv c i.f. 2O' s d.. Aug. cXI 20 9 lfid.. Sept. c.1.1. 20 9 lfid Tone Steady.
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  • 63 3 EDINBURGH. Thur.s —Scotch *hi.sKv exports tor the first six months ol this year were the highest ever recorded. They totalled 6.654.178 proot gallons and "arned £19 062.305 increases ol 5J5.563 gallons and 1 1.630.131 over the same period last year The United States remained the largest single
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 30 3 TEHERAN. Thurs. Floods, have killed at least 15 people and swi pt away 50 houses and 35 shops in the resort village of Maieoon. near Teheran. A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 44 3 [ORESCENT LIGHTING UNITS V |^liHTi!inn!; Lister Engineering l.ldj m.-:ti I W^V DRESS AS I ASTAR I VALUABLE PRIZES \p/ GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY FROM J^S^wKx ROBINSONS tlffc^ °l»». SATURDAY THE 24 th of July Victoria memorial hall tonated in The East Asiatic Co., Ltd.
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    • 158 3 Frtth from tht mountain stream RAINBOW TROUT will colour your nfnu with its delightfully treih flavour Support St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Week 21st to 2tth July. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. r^ O^ O^ f > c i I I Kl. i j v v mis is 0 '"HANDY f
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  • 334 4 Man in marriage mix-up gets one day and $300 fine ]<]I)\YAKI) IVrcival McCarthy Hey /.or was sentenced in Singapore yesterday to one day's simple imprisonment and fined $300 tor signing a notice of marriage in which he had falsely >tated he was a bachelor.
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  • 92 4 $46,000 for better bathrooms TIH- Si!)-.i;mi:( City Council's finance committee has nerecci to spend $4fi.000 in improvi'ie women's bathrooms at labourers' quarters. Partitions will be provided to f"nn Individual bath compartn nts The labour sub-eon-nut tee recommended I A survey by the city Architect showed that there are 262 bathrooms
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  • 69 4 Thnv men. two armed with knives and the third with a we apon which looked like a revulv.r. broke into a house in Woodlands Road Singapore on Wednesday nlfbl and robbed a farmer and his wife of SI 10 rash and $95 worth of valuables. They
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  • 33 4 The new telephu: at Kulim. Kedah. was opened on Sunday The Telecommunications De- partment st-.fT celebrated with M;Uav dinner at the cxchanze. Government officials and community leaders attending. I
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  • 74 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Ituee men were hanued in the Jon >re Bahru prison yesterday tw i for murder and one for unlawful possession ol arms and ammunition. Th ■•>■ were Mado n bin Omar 24. a trlsha rider for a murder committed :n Muar. Ho
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  • 33 4 THREE people in this car escaped unhurt when it crashed against a traffic signpost at the junction of MacPherson Road and I'pper Serangoon Road in Singapore yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 106 4 A showboat goes to the aborigines KIAI.A UMPI R Thurs 4 RIVKRINK mobile cinema unit or the Information Department, using a 40--foot shallow draft boat, Rave its first film show to more then 150 iboriffines living in a remote settlement in Pahang recently. But flrs< the unit had to battle
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  • 23 4 Mr D C Horton. Secretary to the Rural and Industrial envelopment Authority in the Federation returned yesterday from leave in Britain.
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  • 129 4 Teachers foot the bill A NY alcoholic drinks provided at school sports meet--11 ings were paid for by the teaching staff out of their own pockets, the Singapore Director of Education. Mr. R. M. Young, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Young was
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  • 28 4 Gun firing practices will take I place at Blakang Mati from 8 am to 430 pm from August 2 to 6. and Aug. 9 to 13.
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  • 14 4 Gifts totalling $1,908 have been received by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association
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  • 59 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Ihurs The Selangor Division of the Malayan Trade Union Council wants equal representation as employer groups in the recrnMituted Selaneor State Council. At a meetlne on Tuesday it arthonsed Mr Tan Tian Boon, the MTUC representative on the Council, to make this demand
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  • 29 4 SITIAWAN. Thurs. Mrs. A. K Milner-Moore. chairman of :iie Dindings Territorial Association of the Women's Institute of Malaya. Dindlngy branch nas gone to Britain on Holiday.
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  • 170 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. AT five minutes to midnight, police raided a hut at the 3;, 1 milr Ipoh Road, Kuala Lumpur, and found two men making counterfeit coins, the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Pretheroe. was told today. Koh Hock Im. 36.
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  • 67 4 Mr. W. S. L. Bakrr. tht last Malayan Civil Service officer who attended an 18-month course in Chinese in Macao China, returned by BOACArgonaut to Singapore day from London At the airport to meet him. was the Johore State Chinese Affairs Secretary Mr. D. B. Friend.
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  • 79 4 Footpath claim gets a Council 's rO Singapore City Counci; committees have reiectec a Government claim to be paid for the construction of a footpath in High Street outside the Legislative Council's new Assembly House They agreed only to the council maintaining the* new footpath. The Government built it to
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  • 12 4 No war for L-test OFFER o/>r'; END OF i h I an
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  • 4 4 $240,000 ch for Brune
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  • 121 4 'BABY SITTERS' LOSE JEWELS IPOH. Thurs. LX)R thr third night in succession, burglars have been busy in the European residential area of Tambun and Gopeng Roads, night their victims wore the servants of Mr. K D. Robertson, of thf Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. While Mr. and Mrs. Rn bertson w«tp
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  • 32 4 PENANG. Thurs. --At R ang today Dinice Evelyn Pet- y was granted <T' nisi to be made abv in three months against K Dorian Massey on the ground of adultery.
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  • 20 4 The Singapore A sit in the High Court, new Supreme Court buildlnc. at 10.30 am on AttfOft 3.
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  • 43 4 LOST GIRL FOU ND WORKING IN ROYAL HOUSEHOLD ALOR STAR, Thurs mese girl reported Mlsstel by her mother 11 t\.\yhas been found today working as a servant in a Kedah J Royal house at Pompong, one mile from Alor Star. i 1 the,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 Doctors Prove pure, mild JH^^ PALMOLIVE Soap v p can bring you a lovelier skin t£^ MfljOl X THIS IS ALL YOU DO 1 > PALMOLIVE CONTAINS Z*****— I Palmohve Soap. fIES fi ■^i" #%PIII V l#4l« I I m Massage its beauty lather on 1 to your face for
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  • 368 5 BEATEN, THEN GANG SAID: 'WE WILL SET YOU ON FIRE' TELUK ARSON, Thursday. FAN GUAM BBNG, a sundry shop owner told the court here that when eight men, one masked and wearing an Operation Service badge, broke into his shop on May 1, they tied him up and beat him
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  • 137 5 EXIT The jaga kreta IN The jaga kreta with a new name PENANG. Thurs. TO RID Penang of unauthorised "jaKas kreta" thr Settlement branch of the Automobile Association of I Malaya will soon station! AAM approved attendants" j at parking centres in town. I The attendants, wearing i official AAM
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  • 89 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. -Mr. J. C. McDouall. Chief WelI fare Officer, Federation of Maia\u. yesterday opened an Old People's Home at L'lu Tiram new village. Built of wood, with a concrete floor and asbestos roofing, the Home has accommodation for 15 people
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  • 55 5 IPOH. Thurs —At a ceremony attended by 300 Dcoplc ond presided over by Mr. N. L. Alexander. the District Officer of Kinta, the new villace of Kamponp Tawas nt the sth mile Ipoh-Kuala Kanß.-ar Road became the 25th. village in Perak to take over its
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  • 41 5 TAIPING. Thurs.— Mr. R. N. Home District Officer. Larut ;i nd Matang. who succeeded Mr O W Woltrrs. will open the All Saints Church bazaar and jumble sale at the King Edward VIJ School at 3.30 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 29 5 Mr. E. V. G. Day, chairman of the Sinßapore Rural Board, will open the new post office at 1 Sembawang at 10 a.m. on Aucust 3.
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  • 782 5 It's what you have at the airport that counts in a plane fire expert 34th DAY OF THE INQUIRY 4 NAVAL fire expert's report on the Kallang Airport nre services in May this year ought to have been given immediately to the Department of Civil Aviation, airline operators and counsel
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  • 394 5 Wife tells of husband's attack VG Kirn Keow, 19, told a Singapore court yesterday that after her husband. Yeoh Kek Lenß. 28. had hacked at her. his mother-in-law and his father-in-law with a chopper in each hand, "I asked him why he was attacking my
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  • 85 5 Bishop backs dollar drive for school rE Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev Henry Baines. has given his support to an appeal lor contributions towards the Christ Church School ouildlng fund. The school of six classrooms, in debt of $14,000 for Ita present building, is planning; an extension of another
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  • 23 5 A man found his wallet eontaniing $6 missing sor»n after he left the outpatients' clinic at Singapore General Hospital, on Wednesday.
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  • 48 5 Yew Weng was accused yesterday in Singapore of robbing Tan Chong Liat of cash and property valued at $174,000 at Middle Road on May 6 It was alleged that Yew used a revolver in the robbery. Yew was remanded in custody to July 27.
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  • 56 5 When Mr. Tan Ah Tah. District Judge and Firs* Magistrate. Singapore, takes up duties as acting puisne judge, he wii: be succeeded by Mr. F. A. Chua. First Civil District Court Judge. Mr. Chua's place in the Civil District Court will be taken by Mr E. H.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 209 5 'I i V I HYING iCENTC, M Mini AiffCfl »iHr r\|M-rirnrr of Kdm.rk.t.. olTrr.n «rr^i<«- •<• Kirns: l-"* rr Shipffag K r .u.«.i.i.i. I n.|iiir.r. f of iiirriU.m- I ifi till r o langw iTKD EXfOBTI LTD., .hi Mtl i«2« I Ihin-fr 1 1 <»u I I K MinrlllS LtUWi
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    • 267 5 Why the whole family says: 'keep (/our teeth KOLYNOS L \i '^4 Kolynos Dental Cream is the family favourite for four very good reasons KOLYNOS Foam reaches into every corner and crevice, where decay most often .tarts that's first in importance," says Father. KOLYNOS Smiles are brightest of all as
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 430 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE j A.M. 7.16 Time Signal and Open- 2 •ng Announcement: 7. 1S Morning -star. 7.30 News; 735 Melody Mix- > tuie: 800— 8.30 Hill Billy Halt Hour; "00 Music While You Work: 45 Housewives' Choice. 10.30 A New fc.u- zabethan Looks Al World Problems; i 10.45—1130 Friday
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  • 164 6 M Hnrrfj. fin I minimum). FOLLOW PFI><\NT K.rr\ On tn the Malay M.ill If you want to win Hi.11 uord puzzle. MR m A CAMPBD I O B.F. Dlrrnor and Ofnernl Manager. n Rnrfin Co, Ltd.. left by Air M 21st July. 1854 on World i.XNYMF.n Inrslmllrs arf
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  • 671 6 The St raits Ti mes Singapore Friday, July 23, 1954. Federation And State The Rulers' reply to the Alliance request for the appoint- ment of a commission from oiit-ide Malaya to inquire into the federation Constitution was not entirely encouragmu from the Alliance's point of view. The Rulers are not
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  • 347 6 As amended, the bill which gives the law new powers against the gangster now meets the criticism expressed in the Singapore legislature and by the public. The chief change is that police certification will I not be regarded as conclusive proof of the prisoner's connection with
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  • 236 6 Malaya's rubber estates may not have always the happiest homes, hut if an unnamed estate mentioned in the Lwbour Department's monthly report is in any way typical, the families which live there are burgeoning. It is a large estate. and it employs five hundred women Last year the
    236 words
  • 516 6 Planning made easy and cheap the Pepler way GEORGE PEPLER 1 onre more briefly .imoriK us. determined to push through the Land Acquisition Amendment Bill and preparing to reiterate all his well-known arguments to the select committee. It is appropriate to recall what Sir George wrote lust before ending his
    516 words
  • man in the street
    • 95 6 Material in private schools IT HAS become the fashion to deride and denounce Indian university graduates. Ah Gong- atributes to persons with Indian qualifications all the failures of private can- 1 lidatc.s appearing for the Cam-! bridge Certificate examination. He doe s not know, perhaps, what material the private KhOOl
      95 words
    • 91 6 rE suggestion of Mr. Anthony A Oei in "prayer may be the way to peace" may not appeal to some people but it certainly is not as futile as Mr. A. Sivadas thinks. Prayer laises man above the level of the brute in a
      91 words
    • 29 6 BUS shelters should be built along Dunearn Road. Newresidences are spreading along and off this road, from Newton Circus to the University hostels. A RESIDENT. Singapore
      29 words
    • 297 6 FOR some weeks, several of your readers have Clir ticised the Singapore Official Board of Ballroom Dancing. These critics do not seem to know what an official board is and its functions. Perhaps, the official board can Mop these criticisms by explaining its functions which.
      297 words
    • 95 6 rTWE former High CommisX sioner may be correct that police lieutenants are needed to lead attacks the terrorists but why are so many doins office work at police stations? Could not these office jobs be done by local men? Some lieutenants have done Vary
      95 words
    • 70 6 AS a m^ular li.stenor to thy Indian programme of i Radio M'lay.i may I express my appreciation for the special feature In Sinhalese Riven by the Sunday School. Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur recently. I hope thLs will be a forerunner of othi r proKrammes in Sinhalese
      70 words
    • 80 6 'Tanana-na-na once a week LET Mr. U. N. Nalr buy his gramophone as early as possible to hear his favourite Carnatic songs. Almost all the radio fans I have talked to agrep that thry prefer film songs to the "tanana-na-na I am not against Carnatle song.s and Hkr to
      80 words
    • 111 6 TT seems that the bank rate has been reduced. When it m raised the Federal and Colonial Bi'ilriins: Society increased Its Interest from six to seven per cent and this rise applies not only to new mortgages but also to mortgages arranged before the rise. Now
      111 words
    • 137 6 T WELCOME the tutorial I classes of the Singapore Council of Adult Education in Economics. Mathematics, English. Geography, and Constitutional Law for those studying for the intermediate decree examination However, the fee of $20 for 40 periods for a single subject I is unreasonably high,
      137 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 words
  • 74 6 Fun j row th. Cll )f ■space in Rj the F U from Rn the sii ly br to busiest harr. lu.seri confou: The pai to the fun shall h Sine;! prob:< greal ihe nm, o]r! n < he cj A greal pi, Boy far of! to
    74 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 714 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. :n Hot.., ||t i minimum). T<> .loin, ncr Lefeurf. ;p ol Free the Kilt of a Ron, Phillip at K K on 20th i.."TTEKir>OF To N»nc\ \u> cf crcil. a dKVtltar, "D 22n<1 July. iit Huncsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur I-OST ft Wnrt, H iMin.i Hnx i» r»«. fi''"
      714 words
    • 73 6 -|->. READER'S Digest The Readers DißCst is welcomed by the best minds all over the world. It touches the imagination and the hearts of men and women in countless countries. Some of these countries are behind the Iron Curtain But smuggled copies of Thp Reader's Digest still pass through the
      73 words
    • 39 6 I The T _J most drink on ea Try it like this He/nvitly is the uonl WfktH l'\mm'> \n. J Ckf With cool lemonade and soda t» <//)(/ top with slices <>j M^^k PIMM'S Noi cup SOLE AGENTS: CALDBECK MACGRI
      39 words

  • 80 7 His knife 'no arm,' court decides Netto, a igistrate, i charge oi ns" In pubhad a ai upon for 11) charged Thia charge ■'-red to one it police Wain poa rieteclife In Lim's \ni qualified AS P I lm w&t charged i he .iy it under the I to at
    80 words
  • 52 7 I in skeleton was md buried In the ■k< i' ton, police cigarette case and two tnnisfrs buckles A number of people killed by the Japanese during the war wrrr burled at the beach. Trip skeleton has been -sen; to itholofttt on instructions ni
    52 words
  • 81 7 WOMAN IN HOME RAID GANG AN elderly woman and two men broke into a hou.-.e in Bradrir.l Road. Singapore on Wednesday night and made Ofl with $120 worth of jewellery. Ttie victim, a 20-year-old woman told the police she was for her husband to return when she saw the three
    81 words
  • 53 7 Cyril Wi'.kins Frrrlehs wa.s .vrntenccri in Singapore yes'"rday to one month's gaol for failing to report as a police supervisee for nine months. Frerichs was to have reported monthly for two years from April 10. 1952. to' In.Npoetor Hoe Fook Sin Hf reported only for the
    53 words
  • 417 7 Stop -strike talks on today with Mr. Lim present DECISION AFTER A SECRET MEETING JHK Singapore City Council labourers' strike may end today. At 2.30 pm. today an eight-man delegation headed by Mr. Lim Yew Hock, president of the Trades Union Congress will mret the finance, committee of the council
    417 words
  • 28 7 Nine members of the Singapore Geylang Methodist Youth Fellowship will give their blood a f the Blood Transfusion Unit centre. General Hospital, at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
    28 words
  • 27 7 Mr R E Ince of the Education Department Singapore returned to the Colony in the liner Canton yesterday, after six months' leave in Britain
    27 words
  • 19 7 BRUNEI. Thu-s. —Mr. G. Petherick has been appointed State Labour Officer. His office is at Kuala Belait.
    19 words
  • 152 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THfc. union oi fire riKiunK Dervicca in me rouei»-i tion will send a note within a few days to the Member for Local Government, Housing and Town Planning asking for details of the new scheme of service promised by thp Government
    152 words
  • 31 7 Mr. S E. Teh. Acting Official Assignee Singapore, has gone to the Federation on holiday. Mr J. F. McWllliam. Assist IBt OrTtclal Assignee. Is acting for him.
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  • 36 7 Senior Captain Kaarina Ersavaara of the Salvation Army. the second Finnish woman in the Colony, arrived in Singapore yesterday in the P and O liner Canton She was in Bombay, before being transferr«V here.
    36 words
  • 74 7 PHYLL CHOOSES FRENCH POODLE 7 LOOK FOR THE MOVIE BALL ONE of the stars at tomorrow night* Movie Ball at the, Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore, is Phyll Westerhout (above) who will appear in this "French poodle" style gown of black gros- 1 grain with 25 yards of 54- inch wide
    74 words
  • 102 7 3 policemen accused of extortion KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs rpHREE policemen were X charged in the magistrate's court here today with extortion. They are Corporal Bachan Singh. 32. and P. C. Tay Pin Lay. 26. of High Street police station, and extra PC. Naranian Singh. 30. of Cheras Road police station
    102 words
  • 47 7 Yco Lee Koon of Loronc Tal Sinr. a midwife, was fined $10 in Singapore yesterday for falling to give way to an ambulance at the Junction of North Bridge Road and Jalan Pisang on the night of June 1 when she was driving a car.
    47 words
  • 22 7 BRUNEI. Thun. The Malayan Airways Borneo "feeder" service will inaugurate biweekly flights between Sena and Lutong iMirii on Aub 2.
    22 words
  • 40 7 Two Singapore women were reported missing from their homes yesterday. Hong Ah Yene. 26. of East Road disappeared on July 17. The other woman. Maimon Baby. 21 of Onan Road, disappeared on July 20
    40 words
  • 162 7 One was killed when 'something' hit him TWO schoolboys walk- ing on the grass verge along Woodlands Road on June 21 were knocked down. One of them was killed by "something from behind," the Singapore Traffic District Court was told yesterday. Lim Chia Heng,
    162 words
  • 23 7 BRUNEI. Thurs— Kuala Belalt oil town is to have a new $100,000 post office and Government Offices.
    23 words
  • 193 7 A GOOD ONE THEY ALL SAY PROPOSED fluorination of Singapore's water supply was endorsed by doctors and dentists yesterday. They said it would be a positive method of reducing the high incidence of tooth decay in the Colony. Their comments followed a .statement by
    193 words
  • 120 7 Labourers accused of intimidation CMTY COUNCIL labourers Ponniaya Theevar Panja- nathan and Ponnusamy Pack- ri&amy were charged in a Sinsapore court yesterday with intimidating See Kianp Tiang on Wednesday morning at Eventt Road and compelling J him to abstain from driving a < counri; night soil wagon. They were also
    120 words
  • 37 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Kee Lye Chonp and Tan Bok Lan. charged with importing prohibited goods, namely, 500 and 85 bags of rice, respectively, were acquitted. The prosecution offered no evidence against them.
    37 words
  • 84 7 Mr>. Mildred Motahedeh. an American social worker and member of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organisation, will arrive in Singapore by air from Borneo tomorrow for a short visit. She will Rive two public lee- tures under the sponsorship of i the Singapore Women's Coun- j
    84 words
  • 303 7 Penang turns down self-rule now— 'A rash step' PFN\N(J. Thurs. Unless the Federation and Singapore eet together and form a sinKle political unit there could be no real self-KOvernment i n Malaya. Dr. N. K. Menon. the Penane Settlement and Municipal Councillor, said i here last night. Dr. Menon successfully
    303 words
  • 177 7 Dealer is fined $10,000 $.35,000 OPIUM IN HIS CAR KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. nNG CHWEE CHOK. 26, v of Singapore, waa today fined SlO.OOO whon ho was found cuilty on two charges of possession of opium. ■mm officer K;im Cheek Sam told the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court that on information he
    177 words
  • 90 7 SEREMBAN, Thur.s. The Tengku Ampuan of Negri Sembllan was among 1,000 people who this afternoon attended the funeral of the wife of the Undang of Reir.bau at Kota in the Seremban district. As the body was carried from the Balai Undang. R*m- bau, to the nearby
    90 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 WORRY 1 HNXIETY GRIEF OVERWORK EXCITEMENT SLEEPLESSNESS call for RELAXA-TABS They Relax Your Nerves You'll find a source of absolute relaxation and wx>thing calm by takinp, RELAXA-TABS— they bring f ntfulnes4 and tranquility to sufferers from nerve* aiming during the day and promoting peaceful natural slumber at night Whether you
      141 words
    • 166 7 j WINCHESTER I World's Finest Flashlights J| for every purpose. X X4410 WINCHESTER j i RIFLE BRAND Flashlight Batteries BURN BRIGHTER— LAST LONGER SeU 4^irtr I iKHOO HENG PHO CO,: 11KA B ANSON ROAD SINGAPORE 1. TEL: 835W) M 7« < \&j/% FATHER SAYS V^ HALEX y^S^- He says any
      166 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 176 7 The weather MINIM I'M TJMPKRATIKK c 7 30 p.m. on July ;i to 7.30 am on July 22 1. Singapore 76 divrwPfnaiig 75, Kota Rahru 73. KuaU I umpur 73. Ipoh 72. Kuantan 69 maxim i m ti:mp»:r\ti R»: (7.30 am. to 7 30 pm. on July 2ZSiiiK;cpore 81 degrees
      176 words

  • Entertainment Page
    • Article, Illustration
      40 8 DONALD SINDEN. who plays the part of Lieutenant Sharpe. meets the wife and daughters of the president of the Republic of Agraria. A scene from the new British comedy, "You Know What Sailors Are" which is now showing in Singapore.
      40 words
    • 230 8  - Fun and games with 'passing the buck LAN GRANT By THAT timehonoured and mysterious rite, common to all the Services, armed and unarmed, and known as ■"passing the buck" comes in for some gentle ribbing in the British comedy. "You Know What Sailors Are." This joke is deftly and neatly
      230 words
    • 203 8 MANY Singapore musicians attended the preview of "The Glenn Miller Story" the film based on the life of the famous American band leader, which is shortly to be shown in Singapore. And their verdict was unanimous very good. One of them told me: "It is
      203 words
    • 492 8  -  VIC MEM THE Smetorlin s-010 recital (Sunday. August 1) is almost booked-out but there are still seats for the two Chopin festival orchestral concerts on the Wednesdays (July 28 and August 4). By presenting two orchestral concerts with Smeterlin in addition to the solo recital the Musical
      492 words
    • 140 8 KNIGHTS OF THE ROIND TABLE. Based on Thomas Mallory's "Lf Mort d'Arthur" and starring Mcl Frrrrr as Kinr Arthur. Robert Taylor as Sir Lancelot and < lovely Ava Gardner as Queen Guinrvrre. Brilliantly v,»J > Jl?£? rra hed ln Cinemascope. Grand entertainment. HOBSON'S CHOICE.
      140 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      258 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 346 8 The Straits Times Crossword 5 4 I 6 7 8 !I ■|jl_ Si" 22 H| 55" r* ~B~8" 11 Bill pi jl^ 11 a^.. i ZBIll __i 1""M g ii I" 27 ACROSS on Capri (9). i Playing the pan of Midshipman 8. The cooker, says Sambo is put Ea*y?
      346 words

  • 2004 9 TIMES special FEATURE Even the dead voted to put Big Tom in power AT 6 a.m. on March 27, 1934, Kansas City in United States' Missouri went to the polls to elect a municipal council for a two-year term office. Thirteen hours later when scrutineers collected the ballots, ate citizens
    2,004 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 BL^ mdj nesl Liqueurs ihi l< tding iml K.irv MAI U .v lIUKM (jlostora f^ For neat well ;roomcd hair C L OSTORA jwtffi^. i^ an essenDon't let your hair let you down. Use CLOSTORA daily. It will last ill day. L* ...J > i cctly npplinj; r ipooed by
      71 words
    • 184 9 }dk Uoodont <■; babytoeat V HEINZ BABY FOODS z\ ft oi± Ml 'I* js S lhe natural, pure flavor of Hfinz Baby I Foods makes them welcome even with V fussy little folk! You see, tfttNZ selects J y the choicest, fresh ingredients for their many delicious varieties of Baby
      184 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 119 9 Sh<i I<h h Hi>lnu>s Th<> dvrii hitnsolf! ~7 SiQ AUBKEY kVA€> NOT </ll£d| I ThE POISON THORN it i$ II Af.-* BH 0y yOu^ PEATU SPELL, JUAN. j WOT JUAN. IT (6 NO" K-.f.- TTm~9-90 17. ffil .Iff f»«r#*r#f |I CANT MOLCTY this EM wheel it OVER J TOP OF
      119 words

  • 385 10 Share Market priiHKK continiu'd firm in Singapore despite the Indo-( hina cease lit, \^M one cent to close at f>9 J cents i Ib. m* The price has now gained 1 and yesterday afternoon th. cents level again for a prriod foi Monday. The tin
    385 words
  • 252 10 The Malayan Share Brokers Association reported: "Industrials the local share market m irregular while un* were generally c.tMer and rubbers restricted. Members reported nt- ;olio*inj business done yesterriav ii Petrol 35s xbl. Federal Dispen-.:> |$2 B.S; Fniser and Neave ords $1 !».>. Cioodwimd ParK $1 27. Hen: I
    252 words
  • 80 10 The American Federal Facilities Corporation has estimated it would sell 4fl 000 lone tons of OR S n'hetic rubber In October reports Renter from Washinpton Corporation officials said the Octotvr sales would be a four per cent ecrease from Sentember sales of 48 nno long tons They
    80 words
  • 39 10 June rubber crops :innnunrrrt I are- Al«r dajah IRSOO Ih \j*t Pan»« 51.000 lb GlMMat) lb Klnang 50 000 lb Pajam nSfIOO lb Talisman 23 fiOO lb Teluk Anwn 46.444 !b .and I '<> Renal 38 500 lb.
    39 words
  • 9 10 (few, ILJ Xl BR| Ib. If" I*
    9 words
  • 9 10 I Ban* |r B l v I*
    9 words
  • 6 10 My l 1 I
    6 words
  • 8 10 Ship* porr Hai R perirrt tod
    8 words
  • 5 10 ■iinsai"" rhangr II <
    5 words
  • 2 10
    2 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 554 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for the following Temporary Posts In the Psychological Warfare Section. Director of Operations Stan. Federation of Malaya. (.1) Information Officer (Chinese) Basic Salary (252x12 276 336x12 420 438x18-6001 (Hi Research Assistants tone Malay one Indian > Basic Salary $480. In addition. Cost of Living. Housing
      554 words
    • 814 10 NOTICES NOTICE I D. S. PETROVITCH, FR.1.8.A, 1 bees to announce that as from the lilt August. 1954 he will be no longer associated with Messrs. Palmer Turner of French Bank Building. c Singapore and In proceeding on four l months leave. All communications a should be addressed to c/o
      814 words
    • 785 10 NOTICES RIVERVIEW RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the forthcoming Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Company to be held on the sth August. 1954. at 230 pm. the Directors will recommend for approval payment of a Final Dividend of b"". less 30': Malayan Income Tax in respect
      785 words
    • 77 10 MESSAGERIES MARITIME* ITA 'ASTBOUND 17 July AURAV to So. o on Touron-. Hniphcng 17 July JAM July ANADYR >c Soioon Momlo Hongkong, Jopan 10 July <Aun I II A.i< LAOS to Saigon. Mamlo. Hong Kong. Japon, (n>oid*n vovog-) UAuq CRARCEURS HEI I 15 July GF«»RDMI* to lv '> 'P S
      77 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1105 11 MAN SFIELD 6. CO., LTD. fILUE FUNNEL LINE oVpW* oroceed other port, te lead onrt diuharge carao I r '7vfßrool. GLASGOW, LONDON 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS ,Ail'" SS »-ft Penong 0 31,34 July 2S July 24/21 July 29/10 H Jul, 24 Aug 2 Aug 1/4 Ju'y 21 Aug 4 Aug 5/
      1,105 words
    • 1125 11 MM^BM|mWMMMMMMMM|^^^^^^^^^^aj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EAST ASIATIC LINES fo. a*. AIL INGS T <> CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Fee Aden, Port Said. Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam. Hamburg, Gydn.e Cepcnhagen, Gothenburg 4 O,le "ASIA" .l^'JL F Vnom P#nano "KAMBODIA" 1/ 1 Aug ;/IAuI Call. Leiioci and Kert.hamn. Call. Beyrouth Omits Gdynia »»v c c h B L :;r.-7h 7nTx?,hrn;
      1,125 words
    • 1064 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. Shorn Penong ■enverlich tor Liverpool, Gloioow, Rotftrdom, Hull In Part 2S/24 Jufy Benmecdhui for I onrion Antwerp Rotterdom. Homburg In Pert I Bennevi. for Genon. Avonmouth I Liverpool, Duhln In Tort 24/25 July tenavan for Hovre, London, Rotterdam,
      1,064 words
    • 1206 11 McAUSTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: Na ***** ELLIRMAN <h BUCKNALL KLAVENESB LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGtLES, SAN FfcANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SiATTLE 4 VANCOUVER and for USA, North Atlontic Por:-. Acceptin, carga for Control 4 South end Co,. jdov.o Colombo Americen Part. Son,, C TY p°'s .o Y n! >MIY
      1,206 words

    • 228 12 AUSTRALIA PREPARES HER TRADE PAVILION THE Aus! rail m Pavilion at the Singapore Trade Fair, which will bo hold at the Happy World from July 31 to August 14. will occupy 50 per cent greater space than last. year said the Australian Trade Commissioner in Malaya. Mr. Qaorge S. Anderson.
      228 words
    • 84 12 North Borneo has brrn assisted by grants totalling £2,--.'47 796. for Colonial developl ment, welfare and research Of the total £2.440.770 was for development and welfare schemes. £53.943 for research, and £52.082 was a loan. During the year ended March 31 last, grants for development and welfare
      84 words
    • 272 12 SINGAPORE ENTERPRISE TO MARK its 25th anniversary. The National Aerated Water Co. Ltd., will in October open a new $500,000 factory at the 3.m.5., Scranjjoon Koad, Singapore. The factory will be equipped with the latest bottling plant which will enable the company
      272 words
    • 373 12 ■hanged hand-; twice in 34 year.- and hit lather the late Mr Reg Purbrick purchased It in 1925. Statistics showed the growing popularity of Australian winos In Singapore said Mr P'lrbriok In 1949 25.000 gallon >! IhrtM Mb. wim-<. were Says visiting vineyard chief AUSTRALIAN
      373 words
    • 195 12 Demonstration in Kuala Lumpur 4 RCHITECTS in Kuala Lumpur will be gtvaa demonstration tomorrow of what is claimed to be a •'revolutionary 1 building tool. The tool is a 12 inch long gun-shaped fastener which 'shoots' 1 rivets, steel pins and studs through concrete brick
      195 words
    • Article, Illustration
      81 12 MX. S. C. PKIOK. (above left), foreign r\iluni;r ager of the Indian Hank Ltd. of Madras, who is spending a month in Malaya holding discussions with Singapore, Malacca. Kuala Lumpur and Penang branch officers. Mr. A. J .Sterlman (above right) special representative of Lederle Laboratories. New York,
      81 words
    • 291 12 Japan plans trade fair in Singapore JAPA.n is planning to stage a huge trade fair in Singapore next March or April, the Japanese Consul-Gen-eral, Mr. Ken Ninomya, told the Straits Times yesterday. "It is now a question <>f tnp Singapore Government approving such a large fair Mr Ninomya said. "But
      291 words
    • 75 12 Britain's place as a leading exporter of agricultural machinery is emphasised by the fact that in the first five months of this year, tractor exports increased in value by nearly 25 per cent compared wi'.'i the same period of 1953 The comparative figures are 146 547 tractors worth
      75 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 401 12 BIG PRODUCTION There's 18,700 pounds of push behind the Caterpillar No. 6 Shovel push that crowds the sturdy bucket full of the toughest materials in seconds. The 2 cv. yd. bucket is lifted quickly by powerful, fast-acting Cat hydraulic controls the load can be lifted to 10ft. 6->n. Lift arms
      401 words
    • 345 12 The PORT of LONDON Mj. Ijj 4 ielj-gorerning Public Tn» Premie* Port of t!ie Emjj-.. I equipped for all types of I ships and cargoes. fm fiiti particulars apply I KNIUL iUIAiiIR. PORI Of LONDON tUIHORI MtfMa#WMaMVMMWMM(SMI^II^4^Oj I j Help PREVENTTooth DEC J 4 >«(SJ^ ■'<rv |HH| i Pnvnt tooth
      345 words

  • 311 13 'P IK I'EHtX)RMANCES of Ihe Am. in Games medallut. Man ■dam i silver and Teng Pel W.ih brtmae) will highlight the wome'i's •ul they should both -et M.iiv in the 100 and lti Wah in the mi metres huidle-. uilesi the eondUtoni are
    311 words
  • 1518 13 By MKRCI'RY HUNDRED and thirty six of Singapore's best athletes m into act.ori todH.v and tomorrow at the Police Training School in Thomson Koad in the lbth annual championships of the Singapore A. and although many of the
    1,518 words
  • 43 13 Entries l!H\e dosed for the third annual athl-tic sport* of the Achilles Club to be held on Auk. 2 at Raffles Institution ground al 3 pm He.its will run "lit on July 28 at P I k round.
    43 words
  • 122 13 HARROGATF. TTiurs. Bobby locke of South Africa, held a oneMioke le;xl i« t fhe halfway stage In 72-hole WmtMm Harrogate golf I tiiurnament yesterday. After leading on the first round wilh U9 over the difficult Panal course. Locke required 72 on the slidit.i- Oakd.ile Mm
    122 words
  • 39 13 The lnaußural meeting of the prn--1 wised Mal;iv:in Scictety o( Rugby Union Refi-rees will n«w be held at 'the Selanitor Club. Kuala Lumpur. 1 on Auk. 8 a( 4 p m n-tead of Aug. t.
    39 words
  • 323 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Thum. I THE Selangor Crlrket Association 1 senior tourii ment for the Stonor shield will be completed this weekend when Sehm;:or Club and TPCA nit-r! in tIM MMI on Hi*" P a duntt on SaUinlay mid Sunday. The Navuratiimn Shield IH rompleted
    323 words
  • 390 13 LONDON. Thursday. I EN III'TTON. England's captain elert for the tour J of Australia next winter, signalled his return by hitting 163 for Yorkshire off Combined Services yesterday. It surpassed his best score so far this i season by exactly 100 runs. Htttton ni
    390 words
  • 82 13 CHICAGO, Thurs. I MIDDLEWEIGHT Moses Ward nf the United states yesterday «nn a ten-round decision over Yolande Pompey of Trinidad. Pompey rallied in the late rounds but it waa not enough to overcome the points that Ward had accumulated earlier in the bout. Both fighters were
    AP  -  82 words
  • 115 13 rPOH. rhurv I fHE 12th Royal Lancers, defend--1 lnit Army i Malaya i Cup champions, were lucky |a beat 12th REME Infantry Workshops t in their second round tie of the competition on the Chinese Assembly Hall ground today. On the run Of play. REME ■MaaMn
    115 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 123 13 V 'Ji 1 1 Save $afely jEMEMBER TO j FULL-CREAM JOWDERED MILK j 1 itomach upset? r SMAG (short Magnesia). Your uijstJ by too uh. -BISMAG" L el.rf. K rxo1 and enables K v>.tHout any H rh.s wondarM I ever b« Ma hous*. ft 1 m- -Mndv always IIH'KHED' NUNHIt
      123 words
    • 220 13 jnl B^^ prickly heat! W^^^^g Asepso Soap jj y K I will relieve it! t K3* all fhe germs which skin cormAJNTt^HjJMQ^B^ ca use skin diseases. 8. m-4it SDWAIO COOK CO. LTD., LONDON, IKOLMO with WW \in *>k in 1 look groomed and lovely everyday then Amami Wave Set for
      220 words

  • 488 14 Kowloon XI loafed around and scored five trials Kowloon Bus 5 SHIIFA 0. THK HONG KONG football champions. Kowloon Bus Co., were in no way stretched to beat Singapore Business Houses F.A. five-nil at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday before a paying crowd of 2,842. Kowloon led 2-0 at the break,
    488 words
  • 525 14 BATU PAHAT. Thurs. CV3UR Johore .state records M. were bettered and three equalled in the opening day of the Johore AAA championships here today. Three of the new records were .set up in the women's events OuislnncilnK perlormer today was Tan Kirn
    525 words
  • 93 14 LONDON. Thurs The English Professional Footballers Union yesterday asked the Government's industrial disputes tribunal to define "an international football match". The players claimed that members who took part In the recent World Cup .series in Switzerland should receive the £50 regulation International fee for Mdl match
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 82 14 LONDON. Thurs— Mr. Georffey Howard, the Lancashire County Cricket, Club secretary, was today named as manager of the MCC team to tour Australia in the winter Mr. Howard managed the MCC side which toured India, Pakistan and Ceylon In 1951-52. The Pakistan cricket authorities were
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 51 14 Members of the Singapore Recreation Club wishtns to take part In the club's annual athletic sports are ask. Ed to contact either Messrs. J. de Snuza iit Shell Co or A. R P. O'Hara at Sennett Estate. Singapore The sports will be held on Aug. 21 iii the
    51 words
  • 75 14 PENANO. Thurs. GOON KOK I EM. former Penane champion, entered the semifinals of the men s sinclos at Penaiiß Uan Tennis Association championships when he beat Lee Kee Hoay 6-1. 6-4 on t:ie Sports Club courts today. Kok Letn will now meet Tan Cheng Tee The
    75 words
  • 43 14 Seletar FC. olimlnated Kinta Rangers from the SAFA Junior Cup tournament with a 6-0 beating on the BODCA ground yrMerd;tv Alt Hashlm I*), All RaMud. Mohd. Bfius Dnivoftd and Yap Leong wored for Seletar F.C. S.M. Ally nfereed.
    43 words
  • 55 14 NON-BENDERS C.C. XI v CEYLONESE Non-Benders CC. team to play ;\K.iinst cevlnn S.C. M CS.C at 2.15 tomorrow J W Ewurl n C. DCotta, R S. Tufnrll. A Baker, R V. 8 Suhdlam D M. Murray. S. T. Stewart. G Westerhout. Choor Slngb. J. A M Ede. G. E. Bocaars
    55 words
  • 138 14 KUALA LI'MPUR. Thurs. SEI.ANOOR Eurasian Association will meet Singapore Recreation Club at cricket here on Jnly 31 and Aug. 1 for the Clarke Cup. Th( cup was presented by the late Conrad Chirke for competition between the two clubs. The competition started in 194H and
    138 words
  • 159 14 VANCOUVER. Thurs AUSTRALIA, favoured to win the BrltUn Empire and Commonwealth Games here next month, is to seek li:ne the 13«2 Oames ,n Adelaide Mr Jim Eve. MercUr) of the Australian Olympic Society and general manager of tne team, said today. The 1958 Oames
    159 words
  • 73 14 PENANO Thurs— Eight schoolboys are in the contingent of 12 athletes, selected by the Penang Amateur Athletic Association for the Malayan AA A meet at KuaU Lumpur tn August The schoolboys are Colin Rozells. Yap Hin Hean Jalall Che Din L«e Kirn Pin. Choni Kok
    73 words
  • 36 14 Police A' and RAF. Chanel A drew 2-2 In SAFA junior Cup ma'.ch at Geylang yeslerdav. Krlshnan and L. Ross scored lor Police; Carvan and Collins lor Changi. S Angullta relereed.
    36 words
  • 182 14 ni.AYKAIR Afternoon School won I the finals of the badminton and table tennis tournaments for Primary School* In "D" District played at thf Clerical Union full last meek At badminton Playfali Aitrrnoon i School beat Canberra English School by five games to nil. Refulta (Playfalr
    182 words
  • 270 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday »l MI'F.KS Dettered the Selangor long jump record of 20ft. Hin. on the first day of the Selungor trials to pick a team for the Malayan chamnionships next month. The record was srt up by Lee Weriß Soon at the rrcrnt
    270 words
  • 354 14 PAKISTAN KEE ENGLAND TO 29 FOR 6 IN TEST MANCHESTI I THE Pakistan bowlers did wr\ w t |l (1() England to 293 runs for six wi< in* day of the third Test mate !i In dull weather and wham day for them the Pakistanis hard in the field. Thr
    354 words
  • 17 14 Scoreb oard Shrpp M < nmpinn Shu i' < I v ■Lathan row i > I I I 'I I'
    17 words
  • 10 14 Mal ayan cyc le Meet at K.L I I PL
    10 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 840 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (C'nntlnaed from Pace 6| ACCOMMODATION VACANT |(l Un,4, f Hrn )-8..* j» tin. txtrm. BOARD RESIDENCE on Seifront Family A- Double Accommodation A\allahle Now. Large Garden. Children Welcome. Terms Moderate. KMong Orange. Phone *****. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Adelphl Tark. Thomson Road. Three Bedrooms. Hall. Kitchen. Oarden etc. All conveniences.
      840 words
    • 756 14 TUITION H HW« U Mln.)— Bmx it tt: txtrm. WANTED ENGLISH LADY Teach English Conversation. E\enlns. Apply Box A 7621. S.T. State Terms. MATHEMATICS TUITION By F.xperienced Qualified Teacher. Apply Box A 7623. S.T. j POH SAN Dance Studio Tuition nt New Dance Hall at 263. OJtriim Road. Smpapore-3. i
      756 words
    • 746 14 BITSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES I* Word. jr. (Mi*.)— Bex >» ttg. txtrm. WANTED INVESTOR for Investment without ri.«k Huse rure returns startlna almost Immediately. Reply lln Strictest confidence to Box JA7613, S.T. MORTQAOES on Singapore Town properties can be confidentially arranged by us. Principals only, write giving full particulars P.O. Box 1366.
      746 words
    • 98 14 MORE SPORT-f 4 Discovery 1 DOM SSS» a**' !*.?E] Benrdictin. \\wf Monks 40<. k.\\ \A I forroulo. al crrtain hcrh» i ytS^V i* todav tru (f^Hj Senedictinj wm DO™ Sole Agent.: THt EASTERN AGiNC F(JTIKi Mam aMMti ""I' taking FOCI U II ITIO> FAR EAST COMMERCIAL INST K JXS-A. Run
      98 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 58 14 »OCCF.R RAFA UMHK niV. I: RK.MI, Kathul Ksnh Hub, Jtlin «<••«' DIV SB: HlnUn* Bulan v Windsor Rovers. MKA «round. .11 MOR (IP; T.M.0.8.A. v ArfonauU F.C.. (l«l»n|; RAF Srlrlar "A 1 v B»le«lier ltd.. Karrer P»rk. ATHLKTK S SIN(.APORE A.A.A. rhamplonibipt, Polirr Drpot. 4 p.m.: ST. HILDA'S Mornitif and
      58 words