The Straits Times, 19 July 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. fie*** 4 Estd l si., SINGAPORE MONDAY. JULY 19, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 889 1 POWER MEN STOP WORK labourers reject new offer )V Council N |||i>IS\M) Singapore ity (oumil \M nt on strike today for the third it The >trike lu'jfan at »ny minutt lit. our sub-committee mot the men't rday In a bid to negotiate a nfjs resulted in
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  • 227 1 DRAMATIC STORE RESCUE FOR mon> than an hour nine picnickers, including a girl, clung for life to a capsizert boat in the shark-infested waters of the Western Anchorage. Singapore, yesterday. Hani, the Malay coxswain of the launch Bwannle, tpotted the party through his binocu!:kv
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  • 52 1 KMM II MPUB, Mm. I.OKIMER, of \mKual.i I.umpur. mni-rs of the sjooo word Ik- ml of his 1 1 lend rani him Inn Mr I m inier n received his live the nmliev r\t \rar. lodaj 1 1 1 Mrut> m Mr •ii. ii
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  • 11 1 Jockey in coma lies to Sydney former Whitil jo, arlay for
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  • 4 1 111 air
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  • 25 1 Bden model. witnessed <>nly by Man's seven-year-old daughter by a prevlotu marriajje and two people. Thi.s is the comedian's third marrlace. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 70 1 WASHINGTON. Sun.— US Senator Ralph Flanders ißepublican i told a national television audience la-st night that he Ls seeking "to remove Me- Carthy as symbol of the Republican party." Sen. Flanders, the bitterest Senate critic ol Senator McCarthy, plans to move a re- solution on
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  • 33 1 TOKYO. Sun. Sales of bathing suits are down 25 per c-rnt because the Japs fear radio-aitive sea water from i the Bikini H-bomb tests— A.P I
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  • 271 1 REA'S PLEA TO PUBLIC: HELP US TO HELP YOU THE acting City President. Mr. J. T Rea. last night appealed to the citizens of Singapore to cooperate with the City Council to lessen the inconvenience arising from the strike. In a broadcast over Radio Malaya. Mr. Rea asked people living
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  • 88 1 Queen sends Press champagne ASCOT. Sun IMH Queen sent across a rase of champagne to the Press tent here yesterday after her horse Aureole won the valuable King George VI and Queen Flizabeth Stakes. French, <.rrm.ui. Italian and British Pressmen toasted "The Queen. God bless her" and "Here's i health
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  • 50 1 COLOMBO. Sun -Viscount Soulbury, Ceylon's last British Governor General, left yesterday evening by sea for London. A few minutes after his de- j parture Sir Oliver Goonetilleke j was sworn in to take his place. The brief ceremony ended a 160-year sequence of British governor generals. A.P
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  • 55 1 BRINDISI. Italy. Bun. School teachers Tommaso Lavexas and Anna Rauaa were ai rested yesterday on charges they offered to sell high marks to pupils for 200.000 lires iM$96O). The charges were made by a student's father, who said he had received and turned
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  • 32 1 BUENOS AIRFS, Sun —The Argentine Chess Federation announced yesterday that it will not be able to organise the world chess congress scheduled to start on Septemiv r 1 AST.
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  • 60 1 VANCOUVER. Sun— A massive statue which wa-s to decorate the British Empire Games Stadium has been smashed by vandals, sculptor Gordon Dixon reported yesterday. Mr. Dixou discovered the half-ton. 7' 2 -foot figure of a runner breaking the tape had been pushed over and broken into
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  • 198 1 LOS ANGELES, Sun. HEAT and excitement were too much for three of the candidate! f°r tn e Universe title at LOBI Beach vesteidav Eight ol the "iris were pognft" For a photograph when Moan.. Mariejr, ittM New Zc.iland. lell <>n her face in The next
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 57 1 HONG KONG. Sun. A Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Harvard trainer crashed into j the si a near here today and the pilot is missing. The second man In the single-englned plane was rescued by a police launch. The names of the two members of the
    UP  -  57 words
  • 35 1 TOKYO. Sun Mainland China is "China" and not "Communist China", aceordi ing to a complaint the ChinaJapan Trade Promotion Association here has received from the Peking regimes Import Export Corporation of China -UP
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  • 27 1 TAIPEH. Sun. Spain's 1 national day wag observed at a reception eiven in Taipeh this afternoon by Charge d Affaires Julio de Larra Cochea A.P.
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  • 18 1 TAIPEH, Sun a Chinew noodwlll mission Ln due In tomorrow from Indo- p.rsia- A.P.
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  • 357 1 2 DAYS, AND M. FRANCE IS CONFIDENT riuLv] He ignores the fjuirl [i*J failures |2£J GENEVA, Sunday. 11l I II only two days to go to his deacline for pe.u <■ in Indo-China or his resignation, M. Mendes France is confident, even though Britain. Russia and I- ranee are still
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 80 1 HANOI. Sun— European- in the Indo-China seaport <>f HaiphonK, beleaßuered by Vtetmlnh, are paying the (ouivalent of one-anci-a-thinl Malayan dollars for a threegallon bucket of dean water. according to travellers arriving lure today. The Vietminh have blown uu the Drtncipal dam .sunolvmc the city and other
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 73 1 All This for only 75 cents LIAVE you ordered your copy of The Hsligraa Mi>rithl\, the new Straits Times magazine? 5E The August IssSM fea- tures brilliant coloiirS gravure and is packed with topical articles, pic- ture stories and fiction. You will want details of the $20,000 Must-Be-Won Contest, with
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  • 70 1 BELGRADE. Sun —Pi Tito of Yuso.'lavia said in a niccac to Marshal Alexander Papajfos. the Greek Prime Minister, tha' he shared hi.concern at the failure to hold the conference of Foreign Ministers to sinn the Balkan military alliance between Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey The conference va.s
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  • 31 1 MANILA, Sun. The I E Navy has warned i-ivili.ui emnlovees acamst talk could be u.sed by foreißn asrr.t. and could be of "Inestimable value" to unfriendly fo
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  • 132 1 Comets WILL fly again LONDON. Sun MILES THOMAS Chairman of British Overseas Airways Corporation, said in a message to his staff yesterday: "Thr Comots will fly again." But he added, "when that day will come depends on a number of factors." After cra-she.s earlier this yea: Britain's fleet of Comet
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 38 1 I S PL£DOt ON INDO-CHINA GENEVA. Sun Hi I mted state* I pledged to refrain fmm < threat or nst of forcr (n up.^rt an.» tndo-< tuna armistice agreement brrr \rbi(h it could authoritative soatir MS& Renter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 37 1 Moscow Sun Professor P C Mahalanobi.s. director nf the Irdian Statistical Institute, said here today he had "reached agreement in princiDle for S.vif experts to uo to India to Rive technical advice this year" Reuter.
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  • 41 1 STOCKTON California. Sun. Captain Kurt C.irlsen. 40. who two years aco beam* known thr world over as the heroic master of the Flvinc has flf)- n to r>nii.iik !o visit Ins mother, reportrd to be seriously ill AP
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 pH JeSILVA COLD /^a"N. STORAGE Look tor the WRAPPER ■VaJJaMs m Singapore only) an d make sure of getting the "AMIN ENRICHED ■OLD STORAGE LOAF Andre Vofpttsl Week hi -JSIh July. ISS^COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
      35 words
    • 87 1 Charm and Choice at Sena s The eiclutivc <nd unique (election of lewellery. Col* and Silverware alwayt available a» Sena't it probably the mott eitentivc and varied in Malaya. H. SENA LTD. HICH CLASS lEWELLERS SINGAPORE PENANC BANGKOK Now you oin ge( Refreshing Delirious 1 EED LION »N O tA
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  • 124 2 ATOM LAW CHANGE ATTACKED WASHINGTON, Sun. f RIES of "giveaway" and "monopoly" resounded In the Senate yesterday as two senators attacked President Elsenhower's plan to amend the atomic energy law. With the Senate in its fourth day of argument over the administration's Atomic Act Rei vision Bill. Senators Herbert H.
    AP  -  124 words
  • 92 2 'The 3 Don'ts' mothers burn books TOKYO Sun A GROUP of Tokyo mothers ralllne themselves "The Three Don ts Movement" have started a book burning campaign to keen obscene literature from children. "We have so far burnt f>oo erotic and grotesque publications with our own hands because the Government has
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  • 39 2 CASABLANCA. Sun—Terrorist- hlew un a Muslim tobacconist shop In Casablanca last nicht lmurine two Moroccans. Terrorist* for thr v**i mx months have been trvins to force Moroccans to clve up the •French' habit of smoking.— Renter.
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  • 262 2 NEW YORK, Sunday. UARRY ANSLINGER, U.S. Federal Narcotics Commissioner, said today that the Chinese Reds were shipping large amounts of heroin into Japan. Testifying before a Senate Foreign Relations sub-committee he said: "I have never seen a country so flooded with heroin
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  • 42 2 SIR JOHN <H KCROKT. Director of the British Hehearth, dances an eightsome reel with Mrs. A. Flowers from the Harwell Research Station, durinr a from an international conference of physicists at (ilasgow University. A.P. picture.
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  • 64 2 RIO DE.JANEIRO. Sun— Six I Russian scientists are to attend the sixth International Cancer F*search Congress to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from July 23 to 29. It will be the first time since thr \>ar that Russian and Western scientists have iolned to discuss
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 23 2 WASHINGTON. Sun American Department authorities forecast today that the i Yugoslav-Italian dispute over Trieste would be settled next week Reutcr.
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  • 49 2 MOSCOW. Ban —The Finnish Foreign Minister. Mr. Urho Kekkonnen yesterday signed a new long-term treaty with The pact, dedicated to reducing tension in the world." also called for the raising of Finnish and Soviet legations in Moscow and Helsinki to the status of emnas.-ies. A.P.
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  • 27 2 TOKYO. Sun Dr Wrllincton Koo, Chinese ambassador to the United States will nrnvp in Tokyo tomorrow er.rmitc home for consultations v. ith his eovcrnmont. UP.
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  • 154 2 No glow in sky for bombers WASHINGTON. Sunday. \fILITARY and civil dpfencr authorities last nieht announced a plan for controlling "sky glow" In ovrnt of enemy attack .system Of dimming city lichts but not blarkinc them out as in the last war Called ■canillum" for
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  • 73 2 BIRDS SHUT OFF THE WATER NOBI KSYll.l F. Indiana. Sunday. >'ORI.KSVII.I.K went I without normal water service for two hour* thanks to ;i puir of brllicerent bird*. Itility repair men reported a blown fu>e which shut off water station pumps was caused by fichtine birds crashing into an electrical transformer.
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  • 144 2 ASHLAM). Ohio. Sunday. MR. SYNCiMAN RHKK. President of South Korea, has written a signed article for the Ashland Times(Ja/ette in which he says: This may well be the year of decision in the struggle against Communism." He \isited Ashland when he went to the United
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  • 5 2 PARIS,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 GOOD FOR GROWING CHILDREN i J^o^So^^^^^^^r\\ Your chilcii-n will benefit from I'jfi l^ cJ\A\V drinkin NESPRAY Full Cream W\v Powdered Milk daily and they will V\ PURE, SAFE NESPRAY keeps r> 4>*jft^j> Vl\ in tip-top condition right down to l»\ W th laSt fpoonful nd> W th tf Vl\ creamy
      337 words
    • 88 2 Automatic Washe /j W UUIVIL 111 Washe- YOUR We, rt Rtf i C" Ci> •Z&y No Other Aolonoti( Has All Thesf FtrtW ««'Ol tCtION nanmi WONO W«l i iniu OVU'IOW B'N^f r* 100K 10 HOirOIHT (Of TMf HNUI flß'* THE GENERAL REFRIGERATION CO 179. ORCHARD ROAD. SINCAPORH -0 f-EVERSHM iri
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 157 2 iM^^^^^^^^^^^^^-jjgjjg^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^gS^B BKBMMiVfifi SINGAPORE A.M. 7.15 Time Signal and Open Ing Announcement; 7.16 Morning Star; 7 30 News: 7 35 Melixlv Mixture- 800- 8.30 Rhythm In the sun: 8 57 English Schools Broadcasts; 11.10 English Schools Brondiasts; PM 1 00 Programme Summary 1.01 MondHV Matinee; 1 30 Time Signal and News.
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    • 177 2 Know; Ml ttm Nwig Milia; fiOO The Story Of A Mission; 8 30 Hie News; 6 40 News Talk; 6 45 Sports Review; 7.00 Muslr For Dancihk; 7 43 Cricket Surrey v Pakistan. 8 00 The Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble: 8.15 By Henri; 8 30 The News; 8 40 Home
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    • 175 2 N.-w i I n .<..diii Mai iya Tn in tin 1 .tit- LjW 10.3011.00 The MnMc Ciors Round. PENANG AM 8 r )V I 4.. MttOli I U 08 12 no Bchoola 1 1 00- -2.00 As Singapore; 2 nn 2.4S Schools; S 00 Prorramne« III CIlllUM. K on
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  • 380 3 NOTTIN(;iIAM. Sun. \N I OLI ni-w cr;»7.e is spreading amiin( I uulivh bobby soxers. Klinkinc back tears, tiin-ajsr elrls arc carving Iht-ir hoy frirnds' ml I i.i K into the flrsh of nun 1«-ks and arms. •MM are riililniiK luiriit
    AP  -  380 words
  • 284 3 PERSIAN OIL ROW OVER $620 mil. deal then cut-price sales TKHERAN, Sunday. THE Anglo Iranian Oil Company will gd £73,000,000 (about M 9020 million) for its Abadan installations nationalised in 1051, the Finance Minister, Mr. Ali Amini, told newsmen yesterday. Mr. Amini said Persia will pay one-eighth of the total
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  • 39 3 Two Bavarians watch as the recent I'ood swirls across rub pastures and into their houses. In the foreground is a typical country chapel with only its roof showing above thr angry waters. A. P. picture.
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  • 44 3 HFSTKR. Ban Jewish ere are beinc asked not to wear low cut sleeveless ifT-t he-shoulder dresses for the Lge ceremony. A meeting of Rabbis and s decided >esterdav to appeal to their concrecations to "dress decorously at uedd- uter.
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  • 20 3 SANTIAGO, Sun. Chile yesterday announced recognition ol the new Guatemalan Gov- headed by col. Carlos Arrru A.P.
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  • 154 3 JERUSALEM. Sun. THE Israeli Government yesterday charged that United Nations truce supervision in i the Middle East ha.s been in- effective. Walter Eytan. Direotor-eene-ral of the Israel Foreicn Office, received Major Gen. Vasn Rennike, the chief United N.'tion.s truce supervisor, in his' office
    UP  -  154 words
  • 25 3 SCIACCA. Sun. A motor flshlnc schooner with three men aboard wa.s reported mis.sinu yesterday after a violent ■torn swept the Central Mediterranean. A.P.
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  • 293 3 TROOPS OUT AS FLOOD WAVE BEARS DOWN ON BUDAPEST VIENNA. Sunday. THOUSANDS of Hungarian troops and volunteers fought last night to reinforce dams and dykes as Hood waters surged through the Hungarian capital. Budapest Radio reported. With the River Danube risine hourly and a
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 204 3 WOMAN HELD PRISONER FOR £32,000 RAID LONDON. Sun r'O men held a 50 year-old postmistress prisoner in her bed early yesterday while a third took her keys to stage a £32.000 raid on Moor^ate Post Office. 14 miles away in London's financial district. Tim postmistress. Miss Edith Harris, awoke in
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 199 3 BERLIN. Sun. A CONTROVERSIAL Soviet memorial the first Red tank to blast .its way into Naii Berlin in MM —may soon be pulled bark behind the Iron Curtain. Tkc tomtom •>«•! >"«■ dffacrd. wirr-shruuded tank has outlived its usefulness ax a symbol
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  • 122 3 Japanese police hold dope pedlars TOKYO, Sun. FOUR HUNDRED and fifty police officers raided Tokyo's biggest blackmarket centre early today and arrested 21 Koreans, including 11 women, on charges of narcotic traffic and sale of illegal goods. In what wa.s regarded as the largest postwar blackmarket raid. police carted away
    UP  -  122 words
  • 63 3 M.BERT LEA. Minnesota. Sun. —A painter got the rleht house number but the wronc .street. So Mrs. Mary Steele lmind the roof of her house inshly Dainted green when when she returned home. The painter wa.s sunnosed to have done the roof at
    AP  -  63 words
  • 58 3 NEW YORK. Sun —A pocketkit of eight tools, made by German firm, is now on the American market. Although only .slightly larger than a cigarette package, the set contains hammer, wood chisel, saw, file, drill, punch, screw-driver and iackknlfe. They are contained in a zipuered
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  • 51 3 BLANTYRE. Sun. The Nyasaland African Congress announced in a new policy statement here that it will continue to Dress for self-govern-ment within the British Commonwealth tor Nyasaland. The statement said that the Nva-saland government should be "democratically representative of all races, according to their numerical strength."
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  • 42 3 NEW DELHI. Sun. The Indian Airlines Corporation is to buy four to eight British Vickers Viscount Dlanes. it wa.s learned here last night. The number depend."! on funds to be made available by the Indian Government Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 257 3 LoHEXA m EXTRA FLAT I'^TERPROOF |N TI MACNETIC jn d 21 lEWELS -ROPICALISED MADE $vac Sign fjn.a LUSTROUS SHINE -A Mulsified OIL iHAMPOO £S thanks to Whenever you hiv« t eoujh ttk« 2il < Zubes Cough Mixture. It's wonderful __,\^^A^~- ll —the effect of a few doses of Zubes \\T\l
      257 words
    • 154 3 I'.V/AW^^V.V.VAV.'.V.VW.V.V.V.VWW/rVW AN UTTERLY (jIM enchanting ijpwM^ PERFUME. VERY A^ MAGNETIC AND \is<r** > •J par(um He GAY i .vA*SLR biOC KINGS with new j "NIMBLE NEE" feature which avoids hosiery binding, or pulling when 5 1 5 you bsnd. kick, stoop or jump. i EMBROIDERED BLOUSES Switzerland white in 5
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  • 219 4 Workers too, by training KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. rpHE Government has A pulled out from the pigeon-hole a plan for training-withtn industry for bosses and workers in the Federation. This plan, whlcn was shelved more than a year ago owing to the Emergency, aims at good relationship between
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  • 71 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun—Ahmad bin Ahmad of Telok Rumania wa.« given six months' gaol for stealing a wrlstwatch from Fadzll bin Hussin of Pengerang in the Sessions Court in Kota Tinggl yesterday. The .sentence Is to take effect at the expiry of a three months' sentence,
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  • 94 4 CO-OP STORE: BE LOYAL AND PAY UP TELUK ANSON. Sun. The management committee of the Lower Perak Co-operative Stores Society is appealing to its members to be more loyal to the society. In a report to be presented at the general meeting of the society it the Malay Club here
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  • 106 4 Uniform: Our decision is final— Govt. TWO SINGAPORE Government representatives told the 600 members of the Junior Staff Union at a meeting yesterday that the Government* decision to re-is, le them with the present type of uniform wa* final The recent uniform for peons office boys, messengers and drivers has
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  • 73 4 Arrangements have Deen completed for the first Singapore novice dance championships to be held under the official Dance Board rules. The competition will be held at Rallies Hotel on July 29 and will be Judged by three professional dancers. Mr- C. H Chan Mr. Victor Oiig and
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  • 56 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Leow Kirn Yong, a clerk ln tin Mines Department. Johore. who was convicted in the Sessions Court of attempting to extort money from the wife of Dr. H. S. Yeoh and sentenced to 18 months' gaol, has appealed against the conviction. The appeal
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  • 30 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— Mr. D. B. Friend, Secretary for Chinese AtTairs In Johore. will be the guest speaker at Tuesday's meeting of the Johore Bahru Rotary Club.
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  • 33 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Chiang Hock Hun, of Covent Street. Singapore, was flned $200 in the Sessions Court. Pontlan. yesterday for having prepared opium and utensils for the smoking of opium.
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  • 543 4 The following passengers will disembark In Singapore from the P. and O. liner Canton arriving from Britain on Thursday. Mrs. E. C. Aspden, Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad MahboL bin and child. Mr. and Mrs R G. Bragß and three children, Mrs. M. T i Bower, Mr.
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  • 49 4 MR. Michael Donald Russel, a minim; engineer, and Miss Diane Loume Archey. of Denver, Illinois, U.S.A.. toast each other in champigne after their weddinn at St. Mary's Church Kutla Lumpur, on Saturday. Mr. Kus«H met his bride while he was studying in Denver. Straits Times picture.
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  • 184 4 FIRST 60 OF STORE CALL-UP BOYS GO INTO CIVIL DEFENCE SIXTY Singapoae boys will today become the first National Servicemen to join the Civil Defence Force. On Tuesday another batch of 00 boys will Join up TUiwill be repeated every day until Friday week, excepting Saturday and Sunday. Six hundred
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  • 143 4 Death ash: No tests by the Govt. SINGAPORh meteorological experts are unable to con firm or deny the presence of radio-a tive dust particles believed to have been carried o the Colony by westerly winds from the H-bomb testing grounds at the Bik:n: atoll in I Pacific There Is no
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  • 92 4 ALOR STAR Sun A LOR STAR will have no elections to the town council this year The three councillors, whose terms of office expired yesterday, were returned unopposed when nominations closed at noun today. They are two Malays and a all members of
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  • 144 4 A clash of views on self-rule PENANO. Sun. TWO leaders of the Radica. Party here Dr. L1 m Chong Eu. past president, and Dr N K. Menon. present president—will clash on Wednesday night l n a debate on selfgovernment for this country Dr Llm. a Settlement Councillor, will propose that
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  • 67 4 I Singapore's City Fire and Ambulance Service Ted 23 calls in eteht hours yesterday There were 1(3 cases of road accidents, with enly one .serious casualty In which a 12--year-old boy wa-s admitted with .severe heao woondt alter he was knocked down by a car
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  • 51 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Janaki. a .shop keeper ol Kangkar Pulal. was fined $25 !n the police court for selling seven tins of condensed milk without first oponing the imShe said that the customer left the shop with the tins when .she went to get a tin
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  • 23 4 lOHORE BAHRU Sun. Found In powpMton of opium Lm Hhua was sfiitpnccd to a month's gaol in Mining, jrei tirday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 i? m m iiiii P 'j» Hill m I^SHAW BROTHERS^) :j:J: I a ALAN LADD "-'''^B o ROURKt of the| nyii ROYAL MOUNTEDfIf^ with Shelley Winti rs I'lVrh.) 4^HK jjiii l'lus tJIKKN BKAI'TV LhL^B Miss l'ni\«-rsr HM l 0 t;::: wm iwmn ■••■HHI iiiii gam uEHBE^EBBjpL.! m lUt.i.lsl Marrini; |ll:i
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    • 216 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACtJ HOW ***** All CC*DIT'O«f: V <^k STAR DK\M\tiALLUTIVI Award Cartoon "WJL UOUGIA3 IUBCii "JOHAN MOUSE" r COMING SOOiT COMING!! LAN A TURNER FIAMF mo the fifsit r*MMH* TE CHNICOLOR! A^^g ic MffCHUMQkAIONROI TMI rUSf THf FIAMf ClNbmaScopE I takes you across the devil's own frontier. through I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 151 4 UUIMCi KRANCAISt: Frftich We*k p: ikiritminr film show of J.Kcnirs Tails Lea Vacances de M. Hulot Viriorla Tlieatre. 9pm PIBI.K I.ECTIRE: A»la Tod»y -the Gene\a and Colombo Confcrenc*s -1 by Mr. O. O. Thomson. YMC.A. Orchard Roari. 8 pm. CIVII. DKKENCE: Documentation and Issue of kit to first group of
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  • 2150 5 TIMES special FEATURE Tax and drug agent trapped New York gang boss 1» 1933, New York was under the thumbs of rival gang chiefs run by Arthur Flegenheimer and Irving Wexler. To the public, and in 1 operations they were better known by their aliases of Dutch Schultz and Waxey
    Daily Mirror  -  2,150 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 76 5 bP X gS. H (r( 's a Ronson I. P v r r y pocket person I, MU a- ,i«.nd I I -dird H md certain H ~ds^m#> H lbt« in H. hey As usual P. M H d.s- EnfintI cntI ■'••ed. I 8»»m Annr t the >■. So A
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    • 120 5 The new Cole of California marvel lows tratcrials. I UIHITERUJRVS MJD (WHITtAWAV. DHiW CO.. LTD iIHCAPORt-l. I JrRINSO washes^ I WHITER- I s3i aT^ W 3€ f B^l 1 %.-*>*S 4t vl Makes /■^^TN lighter work Everything comes really dean > when you use Rinso. Its rich t^! hard-working suds
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 191 5 SlurUxk ffolffffv loojloo sacrffirv /THA"£ 9(6 JUAN y/N FRO^T OF A 1 KOO6TER ON IT' KECK- TO PROTECT Wf \U' its«s?^2 UIM THERE, KNfEUNG I VOODOO ALTAR I uOWOUDEZWE Wl/M fZOM TWE EVl^ MF W9fn f JPffHb IWwf Fffif#» *?o think iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ 'A TWE TOOK AN OATH WE'd\l fl-OOK? LETS
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  • 63 6 W»r4t lit (minimum) FOLLOW PEDANT Ever\ D.iv In the Malay Mall 1 If you want to win that $6,000 word puzzle. BARGAINS —11 pieces Towelling *ie:s $2290. 3 Bedcovers $10. Woollen Blankets. "Arrow" Wear Dresnn.akers Luck's, 17. Orchard Road. CARRINGTON. V. C. Will be Produced by Little Theatre Players
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  • 880 6 The Straits Times. Singapore. Mon., July 19, 1954. The Unions Strike Because the Sinnapore City Council will not backdate to June 16, 1953, the increased wages it is offering to its daily-paid staff >ome 10,000 of them in eight different departments came out on strike la^t night. It is an
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  • 463 6 Count Your Blessings Even though a Japanese research ship claims to haye 1 found radio-active dust in Singapore's atmosphere there is nn need yet for every citizen i to carry his own geiger counter! to discover whether the air is 1 fit to breathe or whether the fish he is
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  • 1459 6  -  Harry Miller By OILENT battle is being fought In the deep Jungle of Malaya particularly along the backbone ridge of the central mountain range. It is a campaign for the hearts and minds of the aborigines. This great single area is Important
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  • Man -in- Street.
    • 164 6 'MAKE HIM YOUR FRIEND' INSTEAD YEARS ago when I was fa was in Malaya to Rivp Only one thlnß he said has stuck in my mind all these years. He said. "The only way to get rid of your enemy is to make him your friend." This was many years
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    • 78 6 IT IS reported that Miss MarJorie Wee. our Miss Mtlaya. will be standing on a float emblazoned with the word "Singapore". Let the committee concerned with the bat nine beaut v parade at Long Beach give a second thought. Miss Marjorle Wee is not representing
      78 words
    • 110 6 They teach only lower classes T AWRENCE" said recently Li that Malayan student* who appear for the Cambridge examinations are taught by Indian B.A.s and matriculates I have yet to see an Indian B.A. or matriculate teaching English or mathematics In any of our schools. If they do. it Is
      110 words
    • 123 6 Visit to school was not necessary T»y|R. K. B. LIM. the "constl- tuent who now has another grouse" .states that In my Rochore News I had said that 1 1 would be at a certain school 1 at a certain time to hear complaints or suggestions I did not say
      123 words
    • 165 6 UNIONS LACK LEADERS rADE UNION organisations of to-day have not been very successlul. There U a lack of leadership. Unle.s> the working class examines its position and unites, the future looks black There la hardly a union which can put up a si* struggle against the employers. Employee organisations exist
      165 words
    • 160 6 r ACHING, at the time of •O.C.S. Clerk" (which may be ten or twenty years ago) was not such a plum that every i .Malayan would take It up a.s a means of livelihood Everyone knows that a good foundation In English has been, and is
      160 words
  • 17 6 Mysti .ship hap. Solution THE r \i v Her Sometli Tlv Mr Ma ir
    17 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 857 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. H.ri. Sl* (minimum). IHE BNOAOENTENT Was Anrounced between Yeoh Oon Teng Becond aon of Mr. and Mrs. ChU ing, and Chal 1 tian, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llm Cheng Teck on 18.7.54. 2* Wmrdi |1« (minimum). Mi A: MRB. ANDREW NICHOLAS PEREIRA thank aU their friends
      857 words
      96 words

  • 103 7 labour is still not satisfied— Mr Lee OH, Sun. Xl BANG, abour told the the here i k)vern- N. 0- on Federal i t apjx -•nilllid not ty, he :;rnt of in thf not think ll an to- Ith the limited numbrr in the concerned said that very Itlseiuhlp hlch
    103 words
  • 122 7 iblv numI k I electoral Colony the first new eont will, in Into polling i he bet- d StngaI slon, wUI te polling maior of com- Piling new electoral rolls is half complete. Thi.s consists of ■nine identity cards to select the namis of eligible Mr
    122 words
  • 403 7 Labour row over no candidates IPOH, Sunday. JHE failure to have candidates for the town council elections in Ipoh caused angry words at today's annual jjeneral meeting of Perak Labour Party. Mr. C. J. Anffln alleged that a meeting was railed 12 hours before nomination day
    403 words
  • 153 7 2 shots, then a confession, says Special JOHORI BAHRU. Sun. I ABPBCIAL Constable heard a .shot in the middle of the night and went off immeto report the matter to the I'fficer-in-charge. When In returned to his billet he he ird another shot This stated by Special Constable Oedong
    153 words
  • 43 7 KIAI A LUMPUR. Sun —The c committee of the Adult Education Association of I has approved a plan to give lessons over the radio These lessong will be recorded and broadcast over Radio Malaya .startinc from Sept. 11.
    43 words
  • 85 7 SIMJAPORK youths' "King and Queen Tot a Day" were riiHin at a ball held in the Island Club on Saturday. More than 500 people attended the ball width was held to raise funds for the World Assembly of Youth which meets in Sineapore next month. The
    85 words
  • 37 7 VICTOR YAP, 17-year-old M hootboy, a>tride Sultan, clear- I ing an obstacle in tine style a t the Singapore Polo Club I gymkhana, held in Thomson polo ground yesterday. Strait* Times picture.
    37 words
  • 355 7 Loewen to Loewen a silver tray A FIRST FOR THE GENERAL rjEN. SIR CHARLES LOEWEN. C-in-C Far East Land Forces, received a sliver ash tray from his wife, I Lady Loewen. yesterday. Sir Charles won the prize for coming in first in the Bending Race event, in the Singapore Polo
    355 words
  • 120 7 LONDON. Sun If IGHWOOO HOUSE, near n Mill Hill, a lew miles out of j London, to which Sir Stam- ford Raffles, founder of Singa--1 pore, retired from Malaya, is 1 now bring used as a hospital. It has been converted into a sort of half-way
    120 words
  • 201 7 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. rE Commissioner- General. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, and the High Commissioner. Sir Donald MacOilllvray. here had informal talks with Mr Robert Yoakum. deputy se-cn-tary general of the 18.000.-000-stroiiK. n<>n-polltlcal World Veterans" Federation. now; visiting Malaya. Mr. Yoakum Is touring South <
    201 words
  • 200 7 CO-OP MEN IN INSURANCE BUSINESS, TOO —with capital of $500,000 Xl ALA Ll'MPl R. Sunday. NEARLY 80 representatives of co-operative societies throughout Malaya met here today and formed the Malayan co-operative Insurance Society first of its kind in the country. The nominal capital of the society will br $500,000 which
    200 words
  • 108 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun THE Kuala Lumpur Municipality has recommended the demolition of part of the 60-year-old technical collect buildings at High Street to make way for a new road between Foch Avenue and Suleiman Road. The major portion of the school to
    108 words
  • 152 7 He died in wrong place for memorial From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Sun. 'THE Urban Council ol Camberley will not allow the name of a Malayan police horo to be inscribed on the town's war memorial. The father and stepmother if Pnlico Lieutenant Thomas Charlton, who won the Oeorge Meoal in
    152 words
  • 23 7 KUANTAN. Sun -A $300.00" cinema was opened here yesterday. Belonctnc to Messrs Shaw Brothers, the rinema has 80f scat.v
    23 words
  • 20 7 Mr. George Edinger was elected prrsidrnt of thf Singapore Union of Journalists a 1 the annual meeting yesterday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 ill I Cool Curing *W INDIA tyres are now zed (or cured) at lower :mperatures; and this combined w ith advanced compounding techni ques results in a tougher and ore resilient tread giving subttantlally higher mileage, cooler nnlng and buoyant comfort. ►I A maintains the lead! stl H "the finest
      53 words
    • 149 7 THE ARISTOCRAT 'Xjg* OF SPORTSWEAR ~^^'/^^^W»t--laW^amv 188^*!" Grey Worsted Flannel Jackets and Shorts $4 0/SOLE A6CNTS FOR Ann* *re 4 U-mird ol Kfjrmi Si'ni. Umtlom V i microbe whose great age amazes. Said "One rule I always obeys It: >* To live a long life A m Just keep out
      149 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 200 7 The weather MIMMI'M I t Mil li I I Xl ■7 30 pjn. on July 17 to 730 am. on July 18 1 Singapore 77 diyrtes. Prnang 74. Kota Bahru 75. Kuala 1 umpur 73, Ipoh 73. Kuantan 71 MAXIMI M II Mli I- \I i 1.1 1 (7.30 .i
      200 words

  • 591 8 CONFIDENCE IN LOCA MARKET MALAYAN SHARE MARKET REVIEW BY OUR MARKET CORRESPOND^ ALTHOrciH the Singapore Share M irk week was very quiet with limitcl dealj,! response to the announcement ol p u |J|j shares by The Metal Box Co. of M,| ;i proved convincingly that Malayan invests not lost confidence
    591 words
  • 572 8 Tin gains $6.75 on week unnuMiin hi vit:w T*HE tin price in Singapore A last week went fromj strength to strength and j between the Monday price of $274.25 and the Saturday price of $381 made a net gain of $6.75. Malayas scheme for enforcing the International Tin Agreement is
    572 words
  • 24 8 rym f o ov "I week ONSOI lln nMJI rERs I.TI vidctnl „t bonus total rv tl ordina Ic-n im i In.
    24 words
  • 8 8 COMPANY REPORTS i\ki \p\ IHiHH.IM. \o Two dl
    8 words
  • 17 8 A I i I c I i I i b] I i I
    17 words
  • 323 8 rpHE following business donp in the Singapore Sh;n< I Market last week was reported by ono firm ol share brokers for the period July 10 to July 16: IXDI STRIAI.S: Consolidated Tin Smellers Ords 2.Sv 3d and 25s 1 '.ad Fraser A Neave Ords. $2.00 •o $197. Gan.mons
    323 words
  • 7 8 I appom 1 1
    7 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 990 8 IMPORTANT CITY COUNCIL NOTICE If the City Counrll labourers go on strike the Cleansing Department need your co-operation in Fmergency arrangements to minimise the and to prevent fly and mosquito nuisances and the rLsk of the spread of ril I REFUSE Wagons wil! as far as ponsihle he
      990 words
    • 668 8 DISTRICT 1. Palembang Road (Junction of Crawford Btreet Jalan Pekan (adjacent to the bin rent re i Sultan Oate ibacklane of Beach Roadi Beach Road Market (behind Poultry Market) Tiwary Street (Junction of Rochore Canal Road) Jalan Kubor (next to the public latrlnet DISTRICT 4. Back Lane between Hylam Street
      668 words
    • 982 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BURSARIES FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA i Students from the Federation who intend applying for a Bursary for I courses (Art*. Science. Teaching. Medical eU at the University of I Mnlaya are notified that their I applications should be sent to the Examinations Secretary. Depart--1 ment of Education.
      982 words
    • 497 8 NOTICES DENNIS GREGORY k CO. LTD. Wholenalr Diamond Merrhants, Penanf. Please note that the abovrnamed flrm Is registered only In the Federation of Malaya and has no bust- ness, associate company or repre- tentative In Singapore. BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO.. (M) LTD. The Export Department of the above Company will
      497 words
    • 673 8 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS Electricity Department: Supply of 100.000 Reinforced Concrete Tiles Specifications and Forms can be obtained from the City Electric*; Engineer's Office Room 109. Close noon 3-8-54. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS WATER DEPARTMENT: Supply of Two Fuir.ptng Sets for Bukit Tlmah Filter Station. Tender DepoMt
      673 words
    • 87 8 MESSAGERIES MARITIME* ETA 'ASTBOUND Soiling If July 'VII 27 July AUftAY to Vi.gnn Touron-, t:< 27 July 28 July I 2* July ANADYR tc Soigon. Mcmlo. Hangkrng, Jopon 10 July 13 Au, LAOS to V), 0 «n Mnn.lT Jt lyl^ MONKAI Hong Kong, lopon tmoiden voyog?) UAu« j, CHARCBURS REUNIS
      87 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 959 9 MAN SFIELD tic CO., LTD. MLUE FUNNEL LINE «>«P'« ,1 ..o nthrt porM lo load and ditchers* carao 5 t GLASfO* LONDON I. CONTINENTAL PORTS p Dm Pttx)Oo July 19/20 July 21 20 July 2S July 24/2 i July 29/30 Ju l, 71 Aui 4 Auq J/ 4 July 30
      959 words
    • 1055 9 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA fer Aden, P.,, Said. Genoa, Ant..,,. Rotterdam. Hamburg, Gdynia, Copenhagen, Gathcnbur, 4 Otio S P°'» P S'nom Penang U% ,l\ b On don l »«»»«''9*r» only). Call. Korlshomn »«*> Call. Beyrouth Orntt Gdynia SAILINGS FROM KANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTININT "SAMOA" tor DM I** Koh,,chnng SP P Shorn
      1,055 words
    • 1074 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. end CONTINTENTAL FORTS S'pora P. Shorn Penang Benvorlich fnr Liverpool, Glotgow, Rotterdom, HuM C 18/39 21/22 Jwly 21/24 Jwly Benmacdhui for London, Antwerp, Rotterdom. Horrburg Oil 21/22 Jwry 21/14 July Bennevi. tor Genoo Avonmouth Liverpool, Dublin G 25/26 21/21 July 24/21 Jwly teiMvaa
      1,074 words
    • 1084 9 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL No 281*1 ELLERMAN «t BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE. ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVER ond for USA, Nor 1 Aflontr r-,.-. Accept. m, corqo for Central 4 Seuth orvl CniKi'.o via Colombo American Part, r~, "■V 6^? 11 P^ong s
      1,084 words

  • 873 10  - The exquisite phenomenon of genius unfolding CYRIL CONNOLLY THE ORIGINS OF PSYCHO ANALYSIS. Letters of Sigmund Freud. (Imago. 305.) C On of the c i ue so i ke«p on By word to describe the rare and exquisite phenomenon which is the unfolding of genius, a spectacle of exciting aesthetic
    873 words
  • 337 10 ll* K« mi. |h hiiiiMiiin AN excellent example of the automatic squeeze occurred the other day when sitting South with neither side vulnerable and North tht dealer. I held the hand shown below e> A K 10 9 V A 10 2 OJ 3 6 4] Ql«*32| r7~l 7
    337 words
  • 306 10 A UTHORITY S UFFERS AT HANDS OF A SATIRIST RAMA RETOLD. By Aubrey Menon. (Chatro and Menon. 12s. 6d. \IH. MENON is a satirist, a stylist and a voluptuary. In "Rama Retold,* 1 he resurrects a 2..">( M) year-old legend and uses it to attack certain persons set in authority
    306 words
  • 223 10 Australia's role in the Pacific By Allington Kennard FRIENDS (r NEIGHBOURS By R. C. Casey. (Cheshire. Melbourne. 17s. 6d > Pis fifteen years since Mr. Mettle* Australia's Prime Minister then a> now. turned that country's attention specifically to Pacific affairs. Time, and the Japanese, were forcing Australia out of the
    223 words
  • 225 10 Cultures of the new world TREASURE IN THE DUST. By Frank C. Hibben. (CleaverHume Press. 255.) COMPARISON ol tIM Mayan *J and Toltec dTlliaaUoni with tho&e of ancieir and Mesopotamia can of the mast fascm.itn. mes In the story of mankind. It is not ruled out by the growing suspicion
    225 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 351 10 how manyl '7H C jW GLASSES for U THE QUARTER-POUND F^^ tin of Andrews i? of speaaJ interest to I ,f those who take a •io^ laxative only occas- K/V tonally, to those who \j do a lot of travelling, md to those who would like to try this famous
      351 words
    • 270 10 We have made I 4*l j V" J of ton J I three lifci y ihofI Wer..' the fashion shoes with a choice of width ffej HAOC IVC CLARK LIMITED rAK>LL'« LOCAL AGENTS. S. G. Parrett A Son, P.O. Box 459. Singiport p LEASE CUT OUT FOR FUTU j AS
      270 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 388 10 weapon IS). |Hp Strai C Timnr r*^ r- _l 26. Drinks by numbers (»>. I I!*? OITaiTS limeS V.rOSSWOrd Impmon with usual option .7. 28. Privateer who needed a strong comb? i 7». 1 2 1 HI 3 l#ij* W^l^ j^ja down HI C|U m SH I. Large claim by
      388 words

  • 478 11 Selangor keep unbeaten record KUALA LUMPFR, Sunday. fresh from their three-wicket win over Singapore, were beaten by an innings and 1H runs by Selangor in their inter-State cricket match on the Kuala Lumpur padang today. By thi.s victory, Relangor completed their state programme with an unbeaten
    478 words
  • 444 11 KEDAH FAIL TO BEAT THE CLOCK PENANO. Sun ITBDAH laili-d in a fraal bid to beat Penang in their inter-Stale match at Western Road today, and the match «nded In a draw. Kedah stored 190 and 55 for M\e in leplv to Penang's 134 uid 135 lo; tne declared Penang
    444 words
  • 161 11 Wiebe Skip spark 11-4 rout of TSC SINOAPOMI Swimming Club A team put themselves in a stroll* p to win this years Singapore Amateur Swimming A.vsocia lions Hi\ A iP.iKiie water-polo championship hv scoring thei! second straight victory In the league when they beat liter Swimatfai club A" kf 11
    161 words
  • 58 11 HRIOHT' >N. sun.— Derek Reynolds ol Blackhtmtta Harriers won the ciiiublc rua IMB Brichlon to London and back to Brighton a distance of 1(14 mil.s il«7 kilometres. In 14 4 mlnutis seconds yesterll.iV His time will count as a record. M will Ins -l\ l.ours M mlnuto
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 28 11 THS umual general meeting af the Smn:«pore A&ian Rucby Unmn w.ll be held at the Singapore Chine.-.* Recreation Club on Wednesday at I .in p in
    28 words
  • 644 11 MO.NU the playrr.s who were outstanding in the Singapore B.idiinnton A--v> i.uicii luntnr .-ingles championship second round ties pl.<ved at the SB. A hall ■M 18-yeai-old Cheoiii; Cheni; Swee of lije Victoria Schoul who beat Tan CMiin .Jin 111 klraatbl M-ts 1 ti 18-15.
    644 words
  • 39 11 BISI.EY. Surri-v. Sun Major Uroryt Edward Twin*, a former Royal Artillery officer, yesterday won the Queen's \>rlr.e the chnmpion.ihlp of Kniplre rlHe ■hooting with hi mntrtvatc of 278 out of a possible 300
    39 words
  • 162 11 Aureole wins King George VI stakes ASCOT. Sun. QDKM F.I.IZABI IH'S gallant four-year-old. Aureole, registered one of the must popular victories In British Turf history yesterday when he swrpt to victory in lln valuable King (irorge I and «{uren I 11/..1., Hi stakes here. Aureole, runner-up in thin rare last
    162 words
  • 303 11 1 Dockyard MaUvs 1. TWO LOVEI V gajali ha inside lelt Oauntlett enabled a Dockyard Combined side to score a welldestrved 2-1 victory o\er Singapore Malays In a friendly «xiw match at Jalan Besar s'adni:ii yester<ia> Mala\s were not M si i uiig yeste;i!.i\ as
    303 words
  • 243 11 I ONPON. Sun. BAD ■WttK k'P' do n ,i,«d. at all EnglWi county I crickei championship matches beeinnng yesterday. ex<ept at NotUngham' where m.nv honed to see K-n Hutton at the crease after a „,,re «eek<.' absence kWM »f l,'."." »rre disappointed for i^t5 ta
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 513 11 KJALA LUMPUR. Sun. CAW KIM THIAT swept the board 13 »t tlv Malayan Motor Sports Clubs -.prim at Sunget Way near Kuala Lumpui today He 'Hined four firsts, iwo seconds and a third, beating Singapore's Freddie Pope It lirst place on one occasion
    513 words
  • 139 11 LONDON dun DUT In to oat by Surrey 00 a damp wicket at the Oval yesterday the Pakistan tourln" cricketers. *ho nave been do»ge<i by bad weather during theli tour had 95 minute*' batting Before heavy ran prevented any rurthei play. In that time they
    139 words
  • 61 11 CHICAOO. Sun Tony Tribert and Maureen Onnnolly both lenrhed the flnaJs In the United States Clay Court Championships here yesterday In their semi-finals Trabert beat Art Larsm 4. ti-2. 6-2 and Mls» Connolly, the title holder beat! Karel FnUrn, fi-n fi-n MKs Connollj meets Ml.v. Dorli Hart
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 254 11  -  KPSOM JEEP R> OOHSES from the Fox stable were In top form at the Singapore Turf Club July Meeting winning nine races— a record for a threeday nnetUig at Buklt Timah. 'Hie -rtable winnings amounted to $92,540 111 stakes and added money,
    254 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 161 11 To ttASGKOK MlK <)V.. SAIGON, RANGOON, l HAIPHONG, HANOI, [XNI I v JESSELTON, SANDAKAN, I ABU AN. a British airline, with British Pilots I Maintenance I ngtneera; and able, as A *vt\\k\.\ to offer low fares cry high standard ol comfort, cj and punctualitj m Airwayi I id. Tel: B
      161 words
    • 487 11 GOLD LEAF CEYLON TEA The Hall Mark nf Quality < nri Higheti 9Um4tcr4 A Blend inth tnmUtw ibk Clam about Produced by Specialists 1 crpcricnccd in offering Tea of Exclusive Taste. < WMI9 in tht line of TEA DUST then is none better than 1 Ib. 3 Ib. s?rr filb.
      487 words

  • 525 12 Ceylonese bat on and on— and force Army to a draw By Our Cricket Reporter the senior tournament leaders, were held to their first draw yesterday by Ceylon Sports Club at Balestier Road. Ceylonese, winning the toss, batted on and on for 236 for nine wickets and when Thuraisingam declared
    525 words
  • 416 12 PENAN( 1 EH)R the first time in the hlstoi r athletics, two dead heats piven at a st.ite < ham- pionship. Jiulncs at the Penang Amateur Athletic Association mrr-t--inn on the Fn-e School erounci today gave thi.s decision In the 100 yds. final and
    416 words
  • 110 12 Piruz, Lim still belong to Lien Hwa KIAI.A 1-IMPI R. Sun. AT the emereency meeting of the Men Hwa Badminton Party last night, it was decided by a majority vote that Abdullah Piruz and Lim Kimiii Yam continue ax members of the Lien Hwa. Seventeen voted for Pirux and Koon
    110 words
  • 52 12 A bright 76 by Dave Perry lc,\--t drawn inter-station rncket match between RAF CkaMkfl \F Scletar Ch.mel 161 for 8 dec! D Perry ~i Kincdom 27 Meyncll 18 Thorne 4-:: M.r.iowe 2-25 H'lnn l-3«> Selitar 92 :or 3 .Dunn 4". IVirman 29. Best 13 no.. Pettet 2-?.~.
    52 words
  • 53 12 Singapore Glass Factory oeat RAF Chanel "A by five wickets in their cricket fixture at Chanel yesterday. Chanci 128 for 7 dccl (M 62 Rose 30 Smith 13 no.. Cruik-4-42 Goodall 3-43 > Glass Factory 133 for 5 <Ba\enriale 22. Clarke 16. Gooc 11 13. Cruikshanks 32 retired.
    53 words
  • 353 12 Wong gets 6 for 23 in Schools' win tfINGAI-ORE Coi dined Schools 1:3 scored a 103-run victory over Singapore Cricket Association A' In their annual two-day cricket fixture played at Balestler yesterd > SC.A.. set I^o to win. were skrtlfd ou; for 4ri rur- in 64 minutes. Tho mas Wong
    353 words
  • 35 12 ruan Mont Olrl Boys A reieatcn K M L. 4 in a SAFA Dlv 3A leacue at Jalan Besai stadium >cste:rl.iy Croon Menu i2'. Ah I.ek and James A» were the scorers.
    35 words
  • 24 12 Rahim See only reco at NS sports T 1 rule \aull IM ■I Int.-, H jump M Ih I in 1 1 I Ixll
    24 words
  • 84 12 KL'AI.A I L'Mi'l H B«l r THr I'nlon. at a mer'iriL; terday. decided to send a Fc tion hockey te.mi U mine next year To enaoli ra coach for al least four or month! w< ed One was Harball Si:. the Indian Olym; J the othei
    84 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 893 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS f Continued from Page 6) Chick Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers Uttnoif car* thould be tiVcn when replying to box number j I a*)*, to utc th* CORRECT NUMBIR and Addrct, te tho Strait* Timei. Cecil Street. SITUATIONS VACANT t» Hnrrf. ti I Mim.)— Box it rl,.
      893 words
    • 947 12 SITUATIONS VACANT i Wort, ti <Mim.)-Bex St rlt. rxlrn. EUROPEAN IMPORT FIRM Requires Services of Salesman experienced In Sundries, Hardware and Perfumery' Market. Reply P.O. Box A 7555. ST. Giving Details of Age and Experience. SITUATIONS WANTED M H,,,,/. f. (Mln.)-Box it rlt. txlra. EDUCATED YOUNO LADY with Diploma seeks
      947 words
    • 956 12 HOME LEAVE in Wort, U (Mia.)— Box it rlt. txlrm. HOLIDAYS IN ENGLAND. Surrey, Bookham Orange Hotel, Little Bookham, overseas Family Residential Hotel A.A. Centre beautiful Surrey, 40 mlna. London. H.C. C.H. e!l rooms, licensed, own produce, television, riding, 3 golf I courses near. Now making reserMttoM for 1955 Inclusive
      956 words
    • 710 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES fOR SALE M Worm-, U (Mim.)— Box it rtt. txlra. WANT immediate Cash Sale for your Car or Buy one on Hire-Pur-chase? Always call at I'sed Car Traders. 265 River Valley Road. Tel. ***** A4O SPORTS 1932. Excellent condition, new hood, new tyres Sellinc on posting $3.
      710 words
    • 475 12 SENIOR SCOREBOARD CSC v ARMY SCRC v INDIANS mm moth iuß ll n > (.rn-n H M\«.»POKI (ll|\»«t R.f. b E au» > IV:,, b Amu» I- irawlngam 1 liuiin 0 alrpto n »'m Ho o Lj.i Oni b 0 E h Hartwnn Singh 0 Koocrlaraj n Oni sm.j. La,
      475 words
    • 71 12 For your health* sake drink No. 1 Beehive Brandy in old favourite for over 50 ycari in Malay*. A product of France. Mm* IJO I 4 1 BEEHIVE B RANDY VU ♦••V.VaVaVaV. V.V.V.V.W.V.W.V.V--;I Inner Wheel Club of Sim MARKET FAIR J. in tli llr ili s li Couoci j: on
      71 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 47 12 SO< KR SAFA DIV. I: RFME v Star Sorceiite*. Jalan Be«ar. .H"XIOR (IP: Slar S«x-cerlte<i 'A' v. Tampenls Rnvera. Cierlang stadium: WntMihrldce Hmp. v. T.B. Runjrrv. Farrer Park: S.( v. Alton. S( < padanc. St. John v. l.illiLinV MIX (round. MM TKNXIS STTA tourney. Happy World. I■> p.m.
      47 words