The Straits Times, 13 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times 1 JMaWr* 1 Istd IH4> SINGAPORE, TIF.SDAV. JTI.V IS. I9M. 15 CENT*
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  • 142 1 Miss Malaya will show Hollywood what a smart sarong looks like MISS MAKJOKIt WKK I Mis* "•;.l4> <i iioorri i iii ihi> picture at her homr in na>l Rnad. Singapore. la«t night «»o the eve of h*r cle n.irturr i.i California for the Mi>^ I niver*e lomprli tion. 1 "IMarcir"
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  • 552 1 PREMIER TALKS ON HIS U.S. VISIT: H-BOMB "XmJ £T CHINA A^Z^^^' I louse told: toy I gtw Ike I i |)\TM fN, Mon. I i\STI) N R{ Hill, told t>f I ommnns H. thai 'he time was mit vet lor ComHp<.t hiiiH to he tn thf
    Reuter  -  552 words
  • 198 1 BRAVOS FOR PLUCKY BETTY Two beauties and the bulls JUAREZ. Mexiro. Mon A RUI.LFIGHT audienc.e yesterday applauded BeUv Ford, of the United States, for ncr bravery in the ring but, went away without a real determination of her ability The 23 year-old former acfres." and model wryly commented that she
    AP  -  198 words
  • 185 1 ALL THIS -AND $20,000 PRIZE, TOO ryHK Straits Times announces publication of the Mala;/an Monthly This is something eiiti r c\\i neir in Malayan "in nalism a first <hiss magazine of f»4 pages, strongly pictorial and packed With topical articles mid short stories. For the first time in this country.
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  • 106 1 li'MS. Mon R luni«tan« were killeit <n^ >«it seriously injured m attack* here, last night. Thr attack* are believed here in h»vr been in retaliation |«r tin- killing nt «i» Krenfh cITiHSM ferrvvtlle on Nulnrrin* nlehl. A .r..,,r. r.f iMfWM rirert several bur>l.« of Slcn-gun
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 38 1 LONiVtv Mon The weaMtk a turn for the hetirr n Br:Min tndav with s'ln an<l warmer conditions in most pa rt.<:. Rain trrt -,i spread (rom Irelxnd into the west of EneUnd tomorron- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 30 1 BONN Mon West Germans drank three times their nor mal amount of beer on the night thrtr team won 'he World Soccer Cup. brewers >aid here today. Reuter
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  • 24 1 COLOMBO Mon. Mr T T .lavawardene Parliamentary Secretary 'o 'he Minister of I.ahour hay withdrawn his resignation from the Ceylon cahinet Rpijter.
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  • 94 1 BOMBAY Mon (CAPTAIN C H Turner 5.5. of ■> Ne>w Zealand, went down >vith Ui snip when .«he ran aground and sank ia-t nieht near .laffrabad on the west coa>t of India according to radio signals picked ip here today Captain furntg wa.--
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  • 40 1 VIENNA Mon Flood waters f covering sreat areas on both sides of the German -Austrian frontier continued to rise yes- terdav with the death toll at i 15 From 40.000 to SO.OOO are homeless. Renter.
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  • 31 1 SANTIAGO Mon. Mr Car\<v. Atiensa. 55. head of the Liberal Party and former VicePresident of the Chamber or Deputies In Chile died veiterflav or a heart attack A.P.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 386 1 SULTAN STEPS IN TO AVERT ANOTHER CRISIS MBBT-BE-WON COtlTpP Dcwan '—not Men M—gave advice IPOH. Monday. 'pHK Potak Government, in a move to avert a new 1 political ertftl in Malaya, announced today its intention to rename to the State Connril and other ptihir bodies all Alliance members who resigned
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  • 36 1 COLORADO SPRWOS Colorado Mon Three airmen were killed and two injured in four plane crashes during Rx erclse Check Point." Air De ference Command Headquart ers here disclosed late last night. A. P.
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  • 90 1 THE two Russian tankers I^mngxad and Batumi which have been waiting in Singapore following the Nationalist seizure of the Taupse. will mn rhp Nationalist blockade 10 Shanghai The Tanpse was seized on Jun* |R tn Formosa n waters The Leningrad left for Shanghai and
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  • 29 1 INVERNESS. Mon Mrs Janet Fraser. believed 'o be the oldest woman In 'he Scot tlsh Highland*. ha.« died heie at the ««e ol 104 Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 25 1 NEW YORK Mon a new iuper.son!c dental drill, claimed to be virtually nalnle.v anr! almost noiseles.'. may »oon be tvallaW* ln rtentt.«t.«' office*. >
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  • 157 1 FOR TAMARA a black eye and a cut LISBON. Mon TAMARA LOUWE. 1 lovely. 2b' -year-old Johannesburg mod p I turned matador, fainted in the rinß here yesterday flKhtin? her first bull in public. Six 'tiouaand Mttttln ■<«w hei cauirht on the hull's horns before she fell She *a.« carried
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 37 1 LONDON Mon A huge whale about 90 feet long weighing 120 ton* ha« h«en harpooned by a Soviet whaling flotilla in the Arctic zone of the Pacific Ocean Moscow Radio said today Renter
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  • 33 1 SEOUL Mon An alert was sounded over the Seoul area tndav when a Communist aircraft wms se«n over the demilitarised »one The plane turned round and headed nort h A P
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  • 22 1 HIROSHIMA. Mon Tram drivers here h»ve travellerl more than 45.000.000 miles in six years without an accident
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  • 75 1 HANOI. Mon French tanks ar.n Infantry killed 300 Viet- minh oui of 3.000 who tried to -ut "ff the wwn of Hunjryer. in an attack 20 mile* south of Hanoj yesterday the French Union HI eh- Command announced today H uneven lie* on the .southern rim
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 40 1 LONDON Mon Sir Gordon Richards Britain s champion lorkev injured on flaturdav when the Queen's horse Aher geldle rolled on htm at th<start of a race, was stated lo be "doing y^ry we|j Indeed !n hospital toriav Router
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 210 1 DEVON Mon The Mayor of Dartmouth. Devon naval town, was lo have been a guest of honour at a dinner' given by the Duke of Edinburgh tonight until It was realised the party would be all male while the mayoi. for the first
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  • 155 1 Man dies in car full of gas HERBERT Henry Stod-dard-Woori. 2<>. an insurance agent. wa.< found d^nrl In a car in his garage nt the 5>4 milestone, Thomson Road, Singapore, moq after 4 p.m. ypst,erclnv He h<'ld a hose which »ai connected Ul the exhaust olp» The car priglne wa.«
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  • 13 1 I \l I .***** ■'In 1 ■<"l li '..I H .1
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  • 82 1 NEW YORK Mon. Tfr> Ne« York Dai!* news last night quoted "Buckingham Palace sources" as saying that I the Queen is expecting her thi:H baby early next y«ai Only last week two addi itional doctors were anpointert lo the Pmai-e >tafT. the paper said in a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 r ;,'sn"< I CIWHKI Ml L T O I' enjoy them best wt T --»I_J w^fl JBEi* a ''< M«ii.> r and raj«> line ir^ima /t^kSß^m^^ ■••<ilr»( a ii( »niin»lh«'iil, free«l from jrC^k^if^ *»^jj .m< irrilanli X* the r«cl«t«l»e ■itr< la rtijoi Iriw >in<>lit^ I Wf*'^^^\M i )m »i^a^a^Bw*^a» Si.q.po..
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    • 50 1 CAMIRA SCOTT ENCLISH (SEA i LTD SIMCAPOPI b KUALA LUMPUR If (jou're d iw/>ee/ but just CSrit turn Because *>ith pr/ck/y \r\eM. j>* bu f n t Just ask <iam<£> and (earn Kok/ ygj^ Csr\ bun u/if,h cool precision, too. NA »«or»»r' o» oixfiii MO'oa^ AI R CONDITIONING -^^r WILL
      50 words

  • 401 2 'Guinea-pig 9 in tank puts blame on 'metal fatigue 9 LONDON, Mon. Britain's grounded Comets to discover the i.msf nf two crashe? now believe they have .solved the mystery. Research fct still going on m make doubly sure before a Anal report is submitter! to the
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 166 2 NEWSMAN'S PLEA 'ABSURD' MELBOURNE, Nun. 'pHE High Court here today dismissed a* "absurd" h writ asking it to restrain the Royal Commission on Espionage from questioning Rupert Lor k wood, an Australian Journalist, named as author of a Communist document. Lawyers for I»ckwood contended that the continued j|ttlng« of the
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 64 2 LISIEUX. Normandy Mon More than 50 Bishop? and 100.--000 Roman Catholic pilgrims yesterday saw the consecration of the Basilica of St Theresa of the Child ictus. St. Theresa was canonised in 1925 She wa.< known as the "Little Flower of Lisieux" and entered the Carmelite Convent
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 118 2 Stuck and they 're hungry, too SAN PaaUaVMCnCO, M..M FIVE men who set out on raft from here Ukl Krirt^v without font! to drift I.IM miles to Hawaii have radioed for a«f«i*tanre the fish aren't bitint and their raft isn't movinc. The hungry crew nf the J2 fOOI fiChl. Who
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 26 2 TOKYO. Mon More than 50 people In Okinawa have rjien in an epidemic of .<kepmc sickness. Kyodo new.« asen^v reported today v P
    Kyodo  -  26 words
  • 20 2 CHICAGO Mon Mr Abdul iah Igram. of lowa, last niQh' was elected president of the Internationa! Muslim Society
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  • 97 2 LOCH NESS. Scoi npHE -Loch Ness Monster" at last 1 summer just in time /or ihp lour An hotel waitress and a (arm worker .sported the monster" near Urquhan while boating or rhe lake Margaret Mac Donald tru waitress, said a head and throe humps
    AP  -  97 words
  • 43 2 HONO KONG w.v I i 70-toti aine-n tetday afChina for rr. M Radio announced witi 1 The yach'. nrr U detained afrer I el Konfc far a pjp,<- r"hir)psf> .<«lrt II v 4 monrpd ir Chin«-» —-M ivsters Reufcr
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  • 772 2 ENGINEER KNEW THAT 'STEP DOWN WAS AT END OF RUNWAY Constellation crash inquiry the 26th day A SENIOR engineer in Singapore Public Works Department said yesterday that he had known there was a "Step down" at the end of Kallang Airport runway, but had never considered it a hazard to
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  • 109 2 For his shilling— £l3o worth of treatment LONDON Mon— A patient iuf fering from a skin complaint here has received a supply of an American preparation valued at more than 4C 13* and has only had to pay i one shilling for It under the National Health Service. The prescription
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  • 59 2 WASHINGTON. Mon. At least 79 children have died in the United States in the past six years after being trapped In refrigerators discarded on rubbish dumps Now. with old refrigerators 'jeint discarded at two or threr million a year, rhe Senate ha> urged states and
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  • 57 2 War sca alert troop TR(H HI i COSTA rrJ SAN JO| novwi wen last nighi thai gupp President eron Ova the 1948 i trying io uprising Presidi hr-h ri o) square-nIK American The repi Ptnpt- haf 'i 3 he neißhboiii WlcttrftKui Thp 0 *hen Pr< 3Omber.e crt thp sii;,. Viearacuan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 HOOVE R tLBCTMC l^uSl *^^^***1 i washius ym^^^^^^H I MACMINBS e^^^*l I I Tin machines which r*^^. J r have revolutionised y Washing Day the world over. Twomodeh to choose trom, both very gentle, very fast, L J extremely efficient and j^^sa *K. \er-V haXldv tTMS 'STAMOAMD' AND JlimOll HOOVIft
      630 words
    • 145 2 ANOTHIR AVERV fie^aLftU WEIOHBRIDOE for the Rubber Industry j aaaaaaaaaPl_r* Jv .aa^«Saaai aaaaaaaaaUaaaaar^^UaaUalaaaaaaaaaaaVl SQS! Jj aaaaaaUaaaUtUaT L aaaaaaUk aaaaaaaaafl Ha. aUaal aUUaI H aUSrUM. •^UaUUaI US»"^ afl aUßr^*" V ~M UaaaaaaaaaaUaE aUUaT^^^T^v Ff m lif uuuaf 2W\t9 am ft II M" L- fl Ii r| lii BUal aaaW^sT ¥M. UaaaaUU
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  • 421 3 I DULLES GIVES COMMUNISTS A BIG WEAPON Chance to divide Western alliance GENEVA. Monday. JHF I'nited States' refusal to take a full part in the resumed Indo-China peace talks here this week has given the Communists their best opportunity for dividing the Western Powers since the allies united early after
    Reuter; AP  -  421 words
  • 136 3 IILOTLESS PLANES READY TO HIT REDS I, west Germany, Mon \PWb objects like a cross bomb and a .land here 0 miles from Bart Oer..idv for action nent'a notice if Id come guided by remote nore than «00 r day or night -<i)v kind of dive on to select-, a.
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  • 152 3 BONN, Mon. PRINCESS MARGARET, on her first visit to Germany, said here today that good Anglo-German understanding was "essential not only for our mutual benefit, but Indeed foi the stability and prosperity of Europe and the world Princess Margaret said she was particularly glad to visit
    AP  -  152 words
  • 148 3 CASTELVERTRANO, Sicily. Mon. DOLICE last night combed bleak hills around here for 1 four men who. disguised as women, held up a car and escaped with 3,000,000 lire (about Malayan $16,000). Mr. Fernando Bolzi. 26. a book-keeper who was in the car, told
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  • 97 3 6 DIE IN BORDER SHOOTING CAIRO. Mon. SIX Egyptian frontier guards were killed, two wounded and four are missing following a clash with an Israeli patrol I east of Diet El Balah last night. Lieutenant Colonel Salah Go- har. Director of the Egyptian Palestine Affairs Department. I said. He said
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 29 3 TAIPEH. Mon. The Royal collection of Jewels which Japan recently returned lo Na rtonallst China will be put up as prizes in a giant national lottery UP.
    UP  -  29 words
  • 84 3 ALLAHABAD. Mon MR Jawaharlal Nehru. Prime Minister of India, said here yesterday that if the war in Indo-Chlna was allowed to spread the "world would be facing near annihilation through fullscale atom and hydrogen bomb war." He told a public meeting that the world had come
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  • 84 3 I 111-. QUEEN, who wait a godmother, holds Lady Virginia Fitißoy, 13-week-old daughter of the Earl and Countess of Euston, after the christening at Hamp- stead Parish Church. Londoii With her are the Earl, i who is limi to the Duke
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  • 197 3 SHOT DIPLOMATS: DID THEY FIGHT A DUEL? Envoy's deputy dies in hospital LONDON, Monday. SCOTLAND Yard detectives investigating the shoot- ing involving two diplomats at the Dominican Consulate here last night which resulted in the death of one were working today on theory that the men may have had a
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 36 3 CAPETOWN. Mon.— Two former members of the South African Parliament, Mr. Sam Kahn and Mr. Brian Bunting, have been charged with a breach of the Suppression of Communism Act and allowed C5O ball.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 200 3 lOWDON Mflfi Closlnc mkidJe kticcs or aelecMa stocks, not including stamp duty. LOANS Consol* (H*» Funding «'r 104 War 3-,% f«'i S RANKS Mercantile <U3fe) 39 Eastern <C6> Chartered (tl> 43/3 Hongkong ($125) M INSCKANCE Com tin lull j 3 13/16 Royal IS', Prudential 43>4 RAILS Can Pacific
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  • 26 3 LONDON, July 12. Cash Buyers £759; Sellers £759! i; Forward Buyers £749: Sellers £7494; Settlement £759/2. Turnover a.m. 49 tons: p m. 24 tons.
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  • 37 3 LONDON. July 12.— Spot 21<1., Aug. 20 T B d.. Sept. 21d., Oct-Dec. 21d.. Jan -Mar 21d., Apr-June 21d July cl.f 30 13- lfcl. Aug. C.1.1. 20 13 Ifid., Sept. cJ.f. 20 13'l«d. Tone: Steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 LiinVAiK i btbl PALEMBANG, md -DJAKARTA BOOKING OFFICE: ggSC UNION BUILDING Gr. FLOOR I i-T-K-f-T-C-H-e-S I your DOLLAR! j^^^ammJßW CONVIRTIBLI C>W^y 1-cUdinn full drop ?^ik ~*/»^J^^SSs^^i wmdowf ««d iwiti- "^^Jf t.on leather »phol»- fSe 500 C <• your money u»er 56 w»Ut per ""or.; 60 m.lei per hour and Hie
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    • 248 3 PLUMROSE SAUSAGES WONDERFUL COPENHAGEN also Vienna Salami Cocktail Frankfurt Do you know that our Orchard Road Branch is open on Saturdays till 5 p.m.? SINCAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. DRAMA OF LOVE AND AMBITION! "EXECUTIVE SUITE" Each Great Star •tarring Plays A William HOLOEN June ALLYSON Sensational Role! Barbara STANWYCK
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  • 325 4 I saw mystery signals sea detective FIVE ON $200,000 OPIUM CHARGES EVIDENCE of mystery Fj signals at sea was given in a Singaporecourt yesterday at the trial of five men accused of unlawful possession of 325 lb. of raw opium valued at $200,000. Ong Yit, Lee Cheng Pong. Chua Gong.
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  • 67 4 GIRLS' HOME TO HAVE A CRECHE TOO Plans tor a ?lrls' hostel in Newmarket Road, Singapore, have been revised to provide better facilities. Mr T. P Cromwell. Secretary for Social Welfare, said yesterday. In addition to the hostel, it w&f now planned to have a creche and community centre. The
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  • 42 4 Mr. Dong Kingman. worldfamous artist, will give a demonstration at tomorrow's meeting of the International Women's Club at the Slnga pore Y.W.C.A Raffles Quay, at 10 am He will meet members of the V.M.C.A. Art Club at 6 p.m
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  • 26 4 Chew Ah Siam and Lim Siok Moi were each fined $5 in Singapore yesterday for fighting at a market in Lim Tua Tow Road.
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  • 209 4 Five years for gunman HE HELD UP TWO WOMEN IN RAID I EE SIAK TUAH, alias Lee Siak Puan, aged 32, a house painter, who robbed Madtm Chan Ah Choon. at pistol point at a house in Tiong Poh Road, of cash and jewellery worth $6,085, was gaoled for five
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  • 56 4 A sale of car labels in aid of the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital is being organised in Singapore. The organisers are: Mrs w W Yun(t, Mrs A. W. S Thevathasan. Mrs. A. C. Slnha. Mrs. H. T. Wee. Mrs. C. O. Foo. Datin C J.
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  • 134 4 NEW TRY TODA TO STOP 10,000 FROM STRIKING SINGAPORE Labour Department offl try today to avert the threatened 10.000 City Council worker.* on Monday me Assista:i' for Labour ft veste:day lnvit< the labour unioi foi a meeting to the dispute The v to meet him A suggesti'.i refei the dispute
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  • 131 4 What lawyer really said in court MR. Tan Ah Tah. the Singapore First Criminal District Court Judge, yesterday said that he was satisfied that Mr. M. B. Brash, a Colony lawyer, had not stated in coun on Saturday that Mr. M. C. Boyle's statements for the prosecution were "deliberately false."
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 4 Mr. WU TSAI YEN. 4: ..i Singapore, demonstrate* hi.* 1.400- year-old art ringer painting with thf help of his wife, Siew Bun at the Imperial Institute. South Kensington. London. Mr. Wu is believed to l>« the only artist in the world to use exclusively the Angei method, which
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 12 4 The Kede: Boys' Clud nual meeting Street Bm- I Thursriav
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  • 189 4 /COMMONWEALTH citizens who are eligible to regain voting rights they lost under the revised Singapore constitution do not seem in a great hurry to do so. Only 38 people, mostly Indian; have applied for cltlzen.shlp registration since the National Registration Office began receiving the
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  • 31 4 A handbag containing $276 was stolen from a house in Race Course Lane. Singapore, on Sunday afternoon, while the owner, a 50-year-old woman, and her family were at church.
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  • 45 4 A thief broke into a hotel in Beach Road. Singapore. on Sunday night and stole a wallet containing £450 worth of travellers' cheques. £5 notes, and $140 from a European The European, who was in (raasit. left by air yesterday morning
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  • 46 4 The Inner Wheel Club. Sin gapore. will hold a market fan at the British Council hall. Stamford Road, from 215 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July :w Mrs. W. A. C. Ooode. wifr of the Colonial Secretary, will open the fair.
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  • 28 4 M. R. de Boyer de Salnte Suzanne, the French Consul General in Singapore, will speak to Colony Rotarlang at their weekly luncheon meeting tomorrow Bastille Dhv
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  • 61 4 Hanapl bin Aklp. a naval rating was charged In Singapore yesterday with tie^pa-sflrrf? Into a room occupied by Jumirah binte Sulaiman al Eunus on Sunday at 1.30 am He claimed trial and bail of $250 in one surety was offered He was bailed out, by a
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  • 103 4 I. .IN f- I ■Mm Kmon* 6.30 p.m «IN..\PORK Meeting, V.M C.» 5.45 p.m. lINUAPOSI Modern Frrii' •Uh Council H m to 5.30 r I AIX'MM »Bg ftv Dl B H Bf< ireaUnei.i ot Pul i of Hwtli I IHI KIN Ml MATH ASSix I rrnenrssl M T<M
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  • 123 4 rpHE Oovernor, Sir John Nlcoll. and Singapore legislative councillors h»'d a "rehearsal" yesterday the new Assembly Hall a -impress Place for the councils first meeting there on July 20 They decided on a new seating arrangement. Official members will .sit on benches on one side
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 66 4 I Now you can pt I I Refreshing Delicious I RED LION (A N G SA I I I If really satisfies! I non carbonated B r«al fruit iuic* H Jj pasteurised H 1 1 1 t\ u rr ntodern machinery H V v %Z- X^S manufactured under the most
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  • 274 5 It causes biggest jams for years KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. *J»HE one-way .street system introduced to avoid traffic congestion in the centre of Kuala Lumpur caused the biggest jam for years when it started this morning. Bewildered motorists who turned the town centre into what
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  • 38 5 Entries for the third annual baby show of the Singapore Chinese Y-MC.A will close on Thursday The date of the finals will be fixed at the end of this month or early in August
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  • 33 5 Madam Foo Fat Yin was fined $20 In Singapore yesterday for carrying two passengers tn her car on May 1« when she was the holder of a provisional driving licence.
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  • 24 5 The Emergency In Singapore has been extended by a further three-month period. It was announced In the Government Gazette last night.
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  • 17 5 ci-i'Minu Pep Geok was fined $10 in Singapore yesterday for bHng drunk and incapable.
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  • 96 5 PENANG. Mon A PIRACY being investigated by the Penan* Police was found to have been committed in Perak territorial waters So the matter has been referred to the Perak Police. It was reported at the piracy took place at the end of last month, 25
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  • 185 5 CARPENTER GETS DEATH PENALTY ALOR STAR, Monday. A CARPENTER interrupted a girl while she was A bathing and later went to her home and stabbed her twice with a chisel as she was trying to take refuge in a neighbours house, the Assize Court was
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  • 226 5 He's saved from 3 years' gaol FORGERY CASE PLEA UPHELD KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. 'THE Court pf Criminal A Appeal today quashed the conviction of Chai Fook Hin, manager of Chai Choon Trading Company in Kuala Lumpur, who had been sentenced to three years' gaol for forgery. Chai was convicted last
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  • 98 5 SIX judges will today select the BATA seal for 1954 from 87 designs submitted by pupils from 10 Singapore schools. The winning entry in this annual competition will be worth $25 to the young designer and the Straits Times will Drint the seals free
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  • 86 5 An Asian seminar will precede the World Assembly of Youth conference when 450 I representatives of youth organisations from 75 countries mee f In Singapore next month. Mr. Eric Wee. president of the Singapore Youth Council, .said this at a lunch meeting of the Junior Chamber of
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  • 34 5 JOHORE BAHRU Mon Ooh Soon Choong. of Rlmba Teriun was fined $1,000 in the Sessions Court. Pontian. yesterday for ha vine six lb of Siamese tobacco on which duty had not been paid
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  • 107 5 FiRENOI CHICK M. Jean Myard samples one of his Krenrh sauces, in the kitchen of the Adelphi Hotel, where he will prepare a different French menu every night this week Krenth Week. M. Myard arrived here from Paris on Sunday, bringing with him such popular
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  • 56 5 A patrol of the 2 7 Gurkhas wounded a terrorist in the stomach In the Kuala Lipls area of Pahang yesterday. He was In a party of five which scattered when the Gurkhas opened fire. Men of No. 16 Area Security Unit yesterday wounded badly another terrorist
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  • 19 5 Family remittances from Malaya to China last month totalled $1,589,967 15 Singapore $1,023,558.84 and Federatlon $586,408.31
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  • 38 5 Mr. Masalchi Igura. director and chief engineer nf the Sasebo Shipping Industry In Japan, arrived In Singapore yesterday by air on a business trip. Mr Igura will be in the Colony for 20 days.
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  • 138 5 'Not nice to send a man to gaol for this' PENANG. Mon rE President of the Penang Sessions Court, Mr. J G. Adams, amid today police shoald sift carefully ease* of pm•***lng scrap rubber before sending them to court under the Emergency Regulations. Mr. Adams acquitted a tapper Subramaniam Veerappan
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  • 185 5 You can 't protest against this, he's told JOHORE BAHRU Mon fOHORE State Government ha." turned down a motion by Inche Sardon bin Jubir elected town councillor, protesting against the appoint rr.ent of the new president of johore Bahru Town Council The new president. Inche Ahmad bin Hussln. who presided
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  • 199 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday T<HE Federation Court of Criminal Appeal today 1 postponed the hearing of an appeal to await the written Judgment of ttie Privy Council on the question whether it 1s a lawful excuse for a terrorist to rarry arms while surrendering. The appeal
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  • 125 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE AM 1 15 'lime Signal I 16 Morn ing Star, 730 Newt; 1 35 Melody Mixture 00-8.30 Musical Coined v Memories 57-9 45 English School* Broadcast; 1100 BnfUsh Schools Broadcast; P II 100 The Week* Composer, 130 Time Signal and New*; 145 Hot Rhythm 1.00 English Schools
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 331 5 b^SHAW BROTHERS^|« tta:* ait :::U jaa»^B^JjSMSß^JfißfcK*Wßc)9>WWwi*iQ< * V^^^y llllllllMlllinnilMß^BBBBBBWTOgqggggsb^gcft >j« x^x I::;; A PASSIONATELY ADULT, THRILLING DRAMA I 1 steve Ccmitran I. -~Jbbbbbbb\ VDIO'B s|il I JO TECHNICOLOR 4^i wl fyiuTT^T JS Til wßs^P^^l^^s^ Dl lICII SP"** l Tralltr Prpvim THK FRFNCR LINE" I rlUj!! "six<;apork v.y w w ni,n\r
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  • 840 6 20 Wort* IJf (minimum*. MR. MRS W V DE SOUZA thank the Rev. Fathers, friends and relations for their gifts and congratulatory messages on their 40th Wedding Anniversary on 4-7-54 ANNOUNCEMENTS >• Words lit (minimum). FOLLOW PEDANT KvtXJ Daf in the Malay Mail" If you want to win that
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  • 775 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues., July 13. 1954 Hanoi and Geneva Mr Mendes-France now has a week between O«neva and resignation. The possibility of full agreement being reached by Tuesday on an armistice in Indo-Chlna is remote, but a truce may be almost within reach by then The time limit
    775 words
  • 284 6 Rubber's steady recovery since the beginning of the year now threatens to overreach itself. From 57 cents in January, the price has climbed to a fraction over 70 cents, a premium of one and a half American cents over GRS The difference is potentially dan- gerous. Not for
    284 words
  • 235 6 The action yesterday of th* President of the Penang Sessions Court in acquitting an Indian tapper charged under the Emergency Regulations with the illegal possession of scrap rubber will meet with general approval. The man had claimed that it is the custom among tappers to take
    235 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 words
  • 620 6  -  Michael Faber HANOI ALL LAST WEEK down the dusty roads of the Red River Delta rumbled the long convoys. They carried families and furniture, barbed wire and mortars, cases of shells and carelessly stacked rifles and last souvenirs from deserted homes
    620 words
  • man-in-the-street.
    • 242 6 THE Singapore Govern-; 1 ment and the City! authorities are frequently threatened by their employees with strikes, as a consequence of which the city's essential services would come to a standstill. I cannot understand why the authorities show such complacency What are the
      242 words
    • 97 6 Delusion of university students STUDENTS of the Unlversitj of Malaya are appealim to the public and association: to contribute to the defenci of their fellow undergraduate: charged with sedition, by ar eminent lawyer from Londor on the grounds that thi trial COXJ help to defint the limits Of the law
      97 words
    • 124 6 THE SINGAPORE Improve ment Trim rule* say thai there should at least be flve members in a family to Qualify for Trust accommodation The SIT apparently has no regard J for the FamMy Planning A.«- sociatloo or its orincloles It i encourages small families to increase
      124 words
    • 269 6 RESIDENTS in Stamford Road and visitors to thesf residents have been parking their cars on the canal bank opposite the Capitol and Oranje buildings for years without any restrictions. Now. without any official warning, odd residents are beinp summoned by the Registrar
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    • 132 6 MR N. C THOMAS says it is undesirable for university student* to take part in politics. H* should be reminded of the old tale— an old man said he would like to know how to iwlm but he would not get into the water
      132 words
  • 168 6 On the Margin Pickwicki a ntun f\ nan-.. Ed In thi D N bespectacli educk' presence most earni some people rather Ilk* unlikf th( type, hp ha Britain smith Mr Prlu Join In a ti acroag the H that wh.- bi we hav> tfrm.'. La.«t ••> was in K:r-_ Inner
    168 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. It Wt>r4g U« (minimum). CHONG: To Lilian and Poh Kons, a son. Slong Kwee on 11 7 M. at Kandeng Kerbau Maternity Hospital PEACOCK: To Pamela, wife of W S. Peacock. Soon Lee Estate At Penang Maternity Hospital on the 10th. a daughter. LYS: On July 10. at
      111 words
    • 35 6 CIRMAN PIN Vmnle Greatest ink visible capacity. Durable and rehabls. Prke-wortb» b Servicet. Pottage 50 eenti e«trs. (leware or Imitations) EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO.. 19 Chalia St.. $>•«-! ENG SENG MEDICAL CO.. I. Att Q«ee St. Penan!.
      35 words
    • 29 6 See to read comfort with the wonderful ligHt —mmmmmm TMI CINIRAL ILICTRIC CO MAtA Mmn THE CFNFRAi M0770/V SM/77/ <fc 50 V r OPTICIANS T e l. rfjl -'000
      29 words

  • 287 7 Pale faced woman' in Singapore bus was Annie, he says irt COGNISED PICTURE \oi MISSING WOMAN K >\MK LAU, reported missing in Singai eek ajro, was seen in a bus on Saturday .iii'ii: Geyltnf Road. K ind, Mr Wilfred Lav, a Kuala Lumpur .zApoTo police that she had been kid-
    287 words
  • 82 7 INSPECTORS of Singapore Police Force had a rorktail party last night in honour of the Governor, Sir John Nicoll. who had specially asked to meet them. About 200 officers attended thr party at the Inspectors' club in Thomson Road. Pirture shows Sir
    82 words
  • 49 7 Teo Toh Seng was yesterday charged in a Singapore court with causing the death of Yec Oon Cheng in an attap hut off Tiong Bahru Road on May 1 Teo was remanded in police custody until his case comes up for mention on July 19
    49 words
  • 38 7 A woman, Tan Kirn Pck. 41. wa s yesterday fined $200 in de- i fault two months' gaol in a Singapore court for helping to run a chap-ji-kl lottery on Sunday night at Alexandra Terrace.
    38 words
  • 336 7 SOLDIERS, CIVILIANS GET THEIR AWARDS IXUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A GENERAL, soldiers, a doctor and public administrators were among those who received honours and awards from the High Commissioner Sir Donald MacGillivray. in a ceremony at Kings House here today. The C.B. was awarded to Mai. Gen. L. E. C. M.
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  • 26 7 Mulkaman bin Kartcalasan was fined $5 in Singapore yesterday for being drunk and incapable at the corner of North Bridge Road and Rochore Road.
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  • 262 7 STRAITS CHINESE AND UMNO-MCA AN official of the Straits Chinese British Association said yesterday that it was a sad and revealing sign of the times that a leader of the Straits Chinese in Malacca should advocate that the association throw in their
    262 words
  • 148 7 I MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (7.30 pjn. on July v to 1.30 am on July 12) Singapore 77 degrees Penang 74 Kota Bahru 73, Kual* Lumpur 72, Ipoh 72. Kuantan 72. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (7Jtl I n.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 12* StngnI pore 90. Penang 87, Kota Bahni ftfl
    148 words
  • 82 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon The Federation Government is disappointed with the help the public gave the Taylor Integrity commission, set up i near the end of 1952 to inquire into corruption. "This commission was not was as successful as has been hoped. The public did not make
    82 words
  • 74 7 Now they are all happy again KUALA LUMPUR. Mon rE 300 strikers at the Lever Brothers soap and q»ar garlne factory here returned to work today after a five-day stay-out. The Indian woman employee, whose dlsrite with the management started the strlkf. was also back at work A spokesman for
    74 words
  • 39 7 BRUNEI. Mon Mr A Razak of Singapore is here to organise a "Kebaya Queen" contest, open to girls of all nationalities. The queen will be given a week's sight-seeing trip to Singapore and a film test
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  • 47 7 Fines, at the ratf of $1 for every cow they had allowed tp stray in a public road, were imposed on two cattle owners j In the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday Bhagoo Ahlr was fined $20 j and Ramball Jador $8
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  • 186 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Three youths, described by the prosecuting officer as the "Yankee gang" of Kampong Bahni, Kuala Lumpur were each put on a 5100 bond for three months today for disorderly behaTiour at midnight on June 8. Inspector Mokhtar of Campbell Roari
    186 words
  • 130 7 VI ANICKAM Pushpam and I-plrhumanan Appannu were each sentenced In Singapore yesterday to 18. months' gaol for attempted pxtortlon by putting a cigar factory manager. G Narayanasamy, in fear of injury. Manickam was al.«<> gaoled for six months on a second charge of attempted assault
    130 words
  • 65 7 Chan Kwang Chuon was charged yesterday in a Singai pore court with armed robbery I of cash and property valued at $174,000 belonging to Tan Chong Liat at Middle Road on j May 6. It was alleged that Chan used a revolver in the robbery.
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  • 135 7 GOLD BAR FOR THIS MOTHER 30 blood gifts ASINOAPORE mother of 14 has been awarded the gold bar for her bluod donations. The mother. Mrs. M. B. E. Wheatlry, of 7 Cumberland Lane, the first woman in the Colony to get the honour, which is reserved for donors who have
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  • 42 7 Deserters among seamen showed an alarming increase in Singapore last year, states the 1953 annual report of the Marine Department, relrased yesterday Of 120 deserters, six were European and the rest Asians. In 1952. there were 44 deserters
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  • 35 7 A trisha rider. Ng Ang Kiew, was at the Singapore Assize Court yesterday sentenced to 12 months' gaol for using a forged trisha licence. Ng pleaded guilty to the charge.
    35 words
  • 34 7 The Young Adults' Group of the Singapore Geylang Methodist Church will hold a brains trust and forum meeting at the Methodist Qlrls" School hall. Aljunled Road, at 815 p.m on July 24
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  • 35 7 A nurse at the Tan Tock Sen? Hospital. Singapore, lost wrtatwatch and other property worth 8187. on Sunday nißht, when a thlei broke into her quarters, while she was at work.
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  • 158 7 SOLVED IN 12 WORDS AFTER 113 DAYS rELVE "final words' by the Singapore Seamen's Welfare Officer. Mr. T. A. White, yesterday made Mr. M. A Majid. the Indo-Malay-Pakistani Seamen's Union president, call off a strike, which began 113 days ago. And the words that made Mr. Majid do this: "I
    158 words
  • 87 7 Whistle saves merchant THUGS BREAK OFF ATTACK THREE men. one armed A with a knife, attacked a firewood merchant in Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, on Sunday. The merchant was driving lorry when he was held up and pulled down from his .scat. While two men held him. the third
    87 words
  • 55 7 Once-a-y ear rood tax now? KUALA LUMPUR. Mon— The Federation Road Transport Department has recommended to the Oovernment a new law to allow collection of road tax for motor vehicles once a year in- .stead of every six months as at present. Nearly 100,000 vehicle ownen will be affected If
    55 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 w 19 53'oice Hoarseness ii|| Coughs SH/ JColds PSktl Bronchitis Ey Katarrh P^N We throat IWI Colic pain II w ™l* i tl Woods GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE Kr*iiM*nce to eoUl germ» ifMTMaid «'*i»n Mipplemnn U'lk^S i*"*i r>v thm wrrfict internal rmmmiy Also rerommenried £«4 foi »m<l in the momarh. }'i
      82 words
      62 words

  • Article, Illustration
    565 8  -  Christine By MONDAY TO my great distress, a kind I neighbour has given Ah Keng a toy piano. I feel that having to put up with Jane's is bad enough but I can at least hide It away should her musical attempts become too painful. It Is
    565 words
  • 230 8 So glamour BEGINS with a baby! DO babies ruin clamour? Does a *iri lose her sex-appeal wnen she becomes a mother? Definitely NO. I believe thai there's no flner beauty treatment in the world, and a Hist baby almost invariably Increases the charm of face, I'Surr and disposition. In the
    230 words
  • 315 8 The big hat and T-stetn dress are in the news again says MAXINE RAKICH lifV drawing on the right shows you as you will look if you want lo stay in fashion for the rest of this year and well into the early part ol next Year. Points for you
    315 words
  • 321 8  - HOW to get ROUND FILMSTAR BEAUTY BY USING BRAINS AND PERSEVERANCE TO CATCH your MAN DRUSILLA BEYFUS By HOW to get your man— when he is film actor Kirk Douglas, making a picture with the beautiful Pier Angeli. and you are only a publicity pirl around the set, not a
    321 words
  • 142 8 In i ln SO NEW. it not jet reached the shops first stainless steel jewellery. combining .-trentsth with a look ol delicacy. Very inexpensive. ANOTHER jewellery idea going into the shop* shoruv huge plastic stones .tet in costume pieces. Colours are near to the tints and textures of
    142 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 JAMAICA RU Mft WHOLESALE RETAIL PRICES ON APPLICATION I ientt Ualnya Alka-Seltzer tnrd ana true SIMMM tasting lister 100 Tak< plnuiii lutini Alki'Sctiicr ■t thr nrM >'ltn of dittrew v icti i oner m bnnn the relief you want plut ihr mum alkilitcr you n**4'. I A 0 TO EXPECTANT
      135 words
    • 213 8 Hi Mlliill KEEPS YOUR MOUT| HEALTHIER I Why Of. Wnl t tact* brink it b«tt«f »«c »->ue f 1 9 Incfe-long brn*ti-K«<d brittle* tlum intidc (^^^fc> ottttidc between and Hygte«tC*lly cle»«. H X row to "old Or W,,» /4^/ I ftncir »oof4ibruih m>H< f(// niywhne will Im /,^w/ lanßer »<>»fi
      213 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 219 8 The Straits Times Crossword 7 |H 8 26 27 |H 28 ACBOSS 9 The pain may be tclt behind 'he S:Sirt tt -sjr. i r.uii* 3 \i 31 "r*^ *m ncke( la 8 1 S? PrentlCee Were >- l--DlanVutal.ang.tnt up wIU, 18. A whlto-ooaied worksr. by gum! SedU^ Tu> an
      219 words

  • 1738 9 Heroism of "The Few" in the Battle of Britain WMES special FEATURE si OVER FOURTEEN years ago, the people of Dover crowded iH, treets to watch fascinated at the spectacle of white vapour trails md criss-crossing in the clear blue summer sky over the English The air throbbed with the
    Daily Mirror  -  1,738 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 6 9 I O>IOIIHOM Hitler*** wirn «ilfli*>lir ilnrliirt
      6 words
    • 292 9 mBBBB^S^^^M 9 *<* bat wonderful fabric robia U. The H|HHl|^MMl t wL^^K&mSjiN^' tinrsl ni.-l airy-trxture<l cottoa, mc* I^tßßffi&B%&£* JBJ aalß^lv^ fragile designs, such delicate, aubtlr colours. And yt >OBIA is >^a^^^^ H£^ mi practical fur it washes and wears ii Itai.aM'i^ Trmdt Mmrks. THE f >:v: '^B x r; i.
      292 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 219 9 SI, it 1 10 il* tiolntt's 11 hut vursi>? H~~ -jf-mrr A V SOKZv m*. SIEVE**,. TM£ CL/ff«E tU6 JOAN dHKElf&^'iSBzA c*u' T an 'E* to za&i > law on the new oosih ssw^*s*'—*ir_ K A WANP'TiI TMC CU*T*£ MCX? WHEN HE TeiEP TO 'jEttMIAM, WHY APENT T*E A L
      219 words

  • 188 10 JAKARTA. Mon qiHE United States will hold 1 the Indonesian Qovernment raDonaible for any shiDment of rubber to Red China from strictly private business dealers, reliable sources said aources said It would make no difference whether the rubber wu tent to the Chinese mainland with
    UP  -  188 words
  • 155 10 The Malayan Exchange Banks AaMClatlan made the following changes In Its rates to merchant* yesterday. New Yerfc: buying. T. T. 33 15 16. I airmail. O. D. 33 1110. M days 33 3 18 credit bills. 33 14 trade bills. Canada: buying. T. T. 33 ualnnall O. D.
    155 words
  • 48 10 V. L. Ms annual report (or 1953 XX shows that the company made a profit of Malayan $8.3 million, after deduction of taxes. $4 million of the profit will be put aside as general reserve, and a dividend of 4% will be paid on all share*
    48 words
  • 617 10 Industrials are steady 'SINGAPORE market* were quiet yesterday with little or no feature either way. the tin pricp remaining static at $374.25 per picul and July first grade rubber f. o. b. buyers closing at 70^ i cents a lb., one-eighth of a cent above
    617 words
  • 20 10 SINGAPORE. July 12 TIN: 1374.25 per picul (unchanged). RUBBER: 7», cents a lb. (up one-eighth of a cent)
    20 words
  • 167 10 Melbourne. Mon Share prices were strong on the Stock Exchange today. A numbtt of market leaders Improved further, among them being Australian Paper Manufacturers, on the expectation of a higher dividend next month. Oils did better today while uraniums were variable. Bonds were Irregular. Loans 3H% 1956-59 £95Loans
    167 words
  • 203 10 Rubber closed In Singapore yesterday at 70S cents a lb for July first grade buyers fob., an eighth of a cent above Saturday s closing price. The market was quiet with narrow fluctuation between 70 5/8 cents and 70% cents for August and 70 3/8 cents and 70
    203 words
  • 82 10 PR the fourth successive month the United States was Malaya's best customer 'or rubber in June purchasing 15.593 tons against Great Britain's 14.038 tons. In the lint half of the year Britain took 95.835 tons of rubber from Malaya and the U.S.A. 81.K41 tons. Total exports
    82 words
  • 146 10 Singapore Chtnear Pradaee r.x change: noon prices per picul were: Copra: steady; July »30 1/4 buyers. 130 1/4 sellers. August $30 1/2 buyers. $31 sellers. Coconut i oil: unchanged; $53 1/2. Pepper: I qui<t. no business reported; black i pepper down $2 1/2; Muntok white $213 1 2,
    146 words
  • 55 10 JAKARTA. Mon Indoresias foreign exchange supply has dipped to a new low Jut above the legal minimum, the la teat balance sheet of the Bank of Indonesia showing that gold dollars and other foreign exchange covered only 20.3 pet cent of the total money in circulation. The legal
    55 words
  • 104 10 Ships lyinc ikuptde the Sintap«re Harbaar Baard whmrvei M expected to4«y are: Hope Mount 1 2. Hakonesan Maru 4 5. Slbl^o C. P Blr Haktlm 87. President Taft 89. Benvenue 11, Pelens 13,14, Awtta Mary 15 16, Atreus 18. Maetsuycker !»30. Selangor N Wall 1 to 2, Stla
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 762 10 NOTICE NOTICE SUNGEI BAGAN RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED Application has been made to the Directors of this Company to issue to the Executrix of the Estate of Mrs. Ina Mary Magdalene Jorgen--1 sen. deceased. duplicate stock certificates for $4,566 Stock in the Company in place of the original itock certificates Nos.
      762 words
    • 207 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS miAl.l TELEPHONE OPERATORS tn Perak. Qualifications Age ta 22 years. Cltlaens of the Federation or eligible on attaining majority; psiwd standard VI In Oovarnmenl or Aided English School, or equivalent. Knowledge or Colloquial Malay. Basic salary scale 184 199 p.m. Application.* on Form Qen. 147 obtainable from any
      207 words
    • 411 10 NASSIM CO.. LIMITED NEW CITY THEATRE Notice >« hereby given that the auction sale to be held at the above theatre on Tuesday lSth July, at 10 am win not take place DISTRICT COURT SALE In The Cauae Oi WJ). No. MS of 1954 Lim Pong Sin Plaintiff Versus Lim
      411 words
    • 261 10 m I h I i Can 10%farfe: I I and I you get I all that 4] power you're for. too M Once »ou. h one* se' ofO nowe\. r* 4, »>ng up to 1C I full engme D core precision-mode s full-Hring iporl fuel in ?ht :c CHAMPIi SPARK
      261 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 2712 11 MAHSFIEtO CO., LTD. MfM Plfff^VWl P9rW9P9sSsl M.AUSTEB CO.. LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE 0# tl rf^BMa»SSSSSSSSSSMSjMS«IBMSjMSjMSj»Bj^ > »Ssf»^i^»»sf BSSST BSSST ■r4 H MBjMSjMSjMMSSB ffaf ■T sT T(L N 2( t ,,.<.<.« •>» M< earya BLLBKMAM fk BUCRNALL KLAVBNESS LIME 6 rruvißPooL, clasgow. london coht-ntal porJK EAST ASIATIC LINES BEN LWE STEAMERS
      2,712 words

  • 471 12 Norway wants to step up tirade with Malaya OFFERS MANUFACTURES VORWAY i> .seeking to tn<*rea\*e her trade with Malaya particulary in manufactures in which >he is hiifhlv specialised and for this purpose 140 Norwegian firmn have registered their names with .Mr. A rue Fonkalsrud, Commercial Attache for Norway, who is
    471 words
  • 138 12 THE starT of Lewis Si Peat (Singapore) Ltd.. the rubber and produce brokers, has now been Increased by the addition of Mr. V. Burton and Mr. J. H. Hoogland. Mr Burton who has loined as fi rubber broker flrst came to Malaya In 1932 and
    138 words
  • 93 12 I AUSTRALIAN barley which Is produced to certain standards in Southern Aus tralia Victoria Queensland and Wes'ern Australia is i available for export to Malaya It is announced. The marketing of Austra- 3 lian barley u« controlled by r the Barley Marketing Boards in the
    93 words
  • 115 12 AS part of his world-wide sale* promotion tour Mr George R Smith export manager of Esterbrootc Pen Co. of America- one of the largest pen companies in 'he world Is spending a few day* in Singapore He 1a having busine** talk.* with hi* Malayan agent* Donald Moore
    115 words
  • 251 12 <BaaiM|MHiiM^HaMa£^AJHJL|^i|^ Australia firm enters market 1N AUSTRALIAN company of wine grower*, estab- lished last century, and who have successfully expanded their business in Britain are to make their i) rod ii ck* available to Malaya very short K Mr E S Purbrlrk. managing director of
    251 words
  • 153 12 MR. W. GRAY BUCHANAN tbr mauagint director Williama Jacks -lut Co. i.i,i I ondun Who iprni a few days in the Colon f ha«inc talk* with Mr. H. P. ritmeota wian«fln( director of William Jack.i and Co 'Malaya) Lid. last week. The Malayan concern In an
    153 words
  • 214 12 UNITED STATES rice exports during the August -April ppiiod of the current marketing year totalled 13,918,000 one-hundred lb. bags slightly ahead of the 13.875,000 bags export f-d in the corresponding period of 1952-51. thp U.S. Department of Agriculture reports. Exports to A-<la. fell from
    214 words
  • 125 12 «OMMEROIAI. If" B Pan Amciican World Air ways System for the first quai ter of 1954 amounted to USs:i«937oOo an iMfCSM Ot j 4.6 per c»*nt over rhe volumr ■>! business in the flrst quarter of 1953. Mr Juan T Trlppt- tlu- airlines Pre.-ideni told
    125 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 81 12 \jCVTHEJ I cutting tou^ I; j grass and v I,* PA A 'PRESIDENT N^^SjGr AND yS^T 'RAINBOW SERVICES IN THE SAME AIRCRAFT 2 SERVICES WEEKLY «ng.~wi «m KONOcnMt 4 SERVICES WEEKLY -o«o «ono to«to saw »t»»Ci$CO i SERVICES WEEKLY mow. <n*G «.mgko« ccmom Ntw vok GENERAL AGENTS MALAYA MANSFIELD e
      81 words
    • 220 12 A ■HB§L -Mi Wk Ai lio ic r ;*s- 1 here is noihm K ,0 equal "p, I whether ervmed homr %vl^& speaal Henri of hn« t< a quality which puts it diM.n of its own. BLACK&WHITg SCOTCH WHISKY 1 t?/te Setts/ h in f/u 8/rju/jJ\ HP J^t*') m mCK
      220 words

  • 496 13 kowLOON PLAY CHINESE ON SATURDAY 'Triangular' if Austrians stay QATBB *nd Sinifapitre opponenlx for the Hong Kong Fo«Hb»ll Ansoriation league champions. Kowloon Rim Co.. who arrive in Singapore on Thursday evening on an extended tour of Singapore. Sumatra and the Federation of Malaya, were announced by Singapore Amateur F.A. yesterday.
    496 words
  • 228 13 Tong Goon beaten by 17 year-old '|Mi;kh .-prxtinf Ajaortaitori <t-ored I i heli fourth victor* in !urie»»ion »nen 'hey defeated Chinese 8 A Blue s 3in the BIT A aentm MM i.iii league at ihe Hap(» World last mght Suiprt»e tt the malch >» ur >ir >.ii (if lunnei Colon*
    228 words
  • 66 13 HKI SINKI MM OHM UUmTI i4-»eHi-oid AusUh !,1 lihm and flic worlds faslrs. nun (ailed In hi* tad io btmk Urn .mid lion metre* reroid »esteid»x Hi- won race <>vei ihr dlsfan.e lin miri m Mer which I* flve'trniha of *ecour. slowei rnnn tIM
    66 words
  • 28 13 K nock ED OUT itOH I'MUND Moo loae Gnnc» leg. the arwnriih heavynetatii ■Mixing rhampinn knorken ran r>* Will; Hoepnn lOermany n 'he si*"rrviinrl here l»«t ntffhl Rente.
    28 words
  • 158 13 „M tv tian<; PKNANO M<m ft Peoang pei hk Ir.«i I no noubt what Settlpmrnt are si a lay g Cup ai f Un l .■r! hvpi 'he (il.- forward toil •lie impip.N<iv« 'i DH.k a 1 111. 1 .x-«»if(i acaimi t lt( vf-ars
    158 words
  • 41 13 M> Sweden Maa Wimbledon rinni IlOd »innei .if Ihr l.y. vn«l »on Ilir mills i ban Rei H«r'»l»: (-X 8-»i P>-4 „.»c«^lve :,r Baax- •iPlui'V Amciicii > Miiu r*n Con «on s, Bit* r;uii i. ie^i Mill'
    41 words
  • 611 13 MK.«T mtlHION 13 i.m<~ #*r Irami r w o i. A A.A M 0 r. 18 18 Marine 10 5 1 »4 7 I -S REME 1 1 7 1 3 IS 10 IS Soroerl'w 10 7 1 36 13 IS Kou P«t» n i s w
    611 words
  • 155 13 IPOH. Mun 'IVyff Ceylon l.ouni Tenntn Association has accepted 'he invitation from the Malayan L.T A. to tend two players to compete in this year's Malayan championships to be played in Kuala Lump.: from Aug 24 to 30 The two Ceylonese representative!*, hoioever. have not
    155 words
  • 153 13 Gow wins C' July medal 'I'Mt C DivlMmi July M«0al Stroke i *nd QuHllfylng Round of i lie Duffer* Cup Comperitton played »i Royal aingapnrr Oolf Club on,klm\ Hfiernooo resulted it; .< win I(,i D F Gow (90-24 Mi RhII Bweep on ihe Ftrat Nine w«a won l>> U.
    153 words
  • 79 13 KOALA I.UMPUR mod— Jon Ltr i Cluiua XI becumr iht- Mampion.- n( ilir Selantcui Chlnrsr Rerreatioii I Club joccf i Irugtic when they beat I l.ri.un He* V»n, XI 3-3 »t Pudu Rom) l>. k ciivr .mi: Hrnfi 9e«t acared lot Joo Iff
    79 words
  • 378 13 (amen remain in be played to comptele the flrnt division of the S.A.F.A. league rompetii and so even has the tumde for supremacy heromr (hat five teams still have a chance of winning the cnampiottsnip. rinfi." last year's champion.* are the bent
    378 words
  • 231 13 LONDON Mot fIOROK Oitckworth. rormer Bng- land and Ijuicaaltire vickeiKeeper. has bean appointed woret and b<mgage matter for rhe forthcoming tour by the Mar»le»>on» Cricket Chib aide to Auarralla He la fbe first member of rhe party u> be named He aaid ye«t*r-
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 78 13 ReMilia of SAFA junior leaZlie game» ola»e<) on Sunday were: Woodbridge Hospital <tron(reff rtval* fo C(*intUlans for the aworrt division champtonshtp. were surprisiimlv beaten 3—l by CWneae Athletic "A' ill- i Betar Ro"eri« A' received walkovei from bottom -of-the-le«gue BODCA In a Div i game scheduled
    78 words
  • 44 13 Neutji M.B.C Rained 'wo points In iheti laai league game when they beat Windsor Rovero I—l1 1 In a B.A.P A Pi\ 3P game «i M.PA ground ve»ierda> Mirandn and V Fernandez >cored loi Neijl Sullen foi Rovera Mr Bim.K»nd icfereed
    44 words
  • 26 13 Boi iom -of -t he-league Tracuon Union conceded a waUover io .tnliilad.« vi their BAPA Oiv. 3B name scheduled for Oeylang atarttum ve»ierd»»
    UP  -  26 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 85 13 fan favourite low -priced SNORKEL M with marching slim pencil I pen (g|M >( >u cant afford to mi»«. The Admiral' is pen equipped Ifl t»mouj Sheafferi Snorkel filling tube, smooth tact gold point piu* mci high quality Sheaffer idvancementi »U mw pnee j^ rt ii< pen, together with its
      85 words
    • 48 13 GENERAL ELECTRIC U.S.A. mmSft ih*> IS'EW neak€*r hart thi* mii nt 000*tPAttrME\t mi nn «*.\im nuti kwp* hut tor S-P-H-E- A -I>-A-H- t,-E J~ li I ~^a^ SPACE MAKER REFRIGERATOR Moort itvai w/i&t (M*a* tki /upjite^ft SINGAPORE SI.2M; FCIEMTIOI 5 1 .395 A^ Ms«agMr« ftwala Lmmjm ti>-*» **nM*t
      48 words
    • 163 13 CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH. CLtAN SMOKING Largest-selling cork-tipped cigarette iffiSjHra in the world. &f Imported Irotn London FOR THRILL> AND H N, YOU CANt BEAT MMM* ■S. "BEAT THE DEVIL" L'L. "in _^f^ ion m ro j it? Orj l jJBI-YlHr -^J -Oi'tH \M\ IHDINO CO.. '^a^^HpTS jgl A UgM
      163 words

  • 436 14  -  RPSOM JEKP. By tomorrow AND GO ONLY FOR TROPHY RACE SOVEREIGN h*.- come on hy leapo and hounds sinre his two easy victories in CL 2 »t Rukit Timah in March and at Kuala Lumpur in May and in his present form I am sure
    436 words
  • 430 14 Primrose at best after rest i Mkhvn* PRIMBOSK. mp money iki spinner on the Malayan turf las' season, is back a' her beat agalr. after a nice let-up in Cameron Highlands. With Mickey Donnelly tip. this Hyacluthu* mare worked with .< lot of scat on the training track yesterday morning
    430 words
  • 88 14 1 ■■>• Singapoie Cricket Association team \n meet Combined Schools on Saturday and Sunday at 'he Indian Association ground Is: V C Wenterhout <capt SRC I AeriM .BRC B Surra 't* iYMCAi. S Paramathevan BODCA Metcalfe .Sele'.a:-. v Nathan CYMA Vythalingam lA. Rlley iBeletar> Shuffiebotham
    88 words
  • 133 14 IPOH. M«n. ALLAN JONRK M Seiaßgw will "sklftavr" the North >ide against Snnth in the annaal ertrket "test" <in the Ipoh padani on »nl» 31. Aug. I and t. The aide, whlrh waa selected here teaterda*. inehidaa ail player* fr*m Selanfor, tw« fr«m Perak. aad
    133 words
  • 130 14 Thomas Phua. with IS points from t»o flrsu < 100 and 320 yards second < mile i and two thirds < 440. SMI i won the individual championthlp of A" Dlvtaion at the Holy Innocent* English School's 26th annual sports, held at Gabriels School ground
    130 words
  • 45 14 ooyai. Air Force. Heietai B*r.\ Di> 3B league champions. flnuhed 'neir fixtures wlrh a 2-t trtor 1 ovei ihelr closest malv rampems Rover* at Parrer Park vesierda* Yearworth scored noth iheir i ;.-mi.« Tampenif .-cored 'hrough J Mnrrl' O Mnihiimmv -efereed
    45 words
  • 210 14 SBRCMBAN Mou MRS S M. BRADLKY became 'he triple champion of the Negrl Sembtlan Uiwn Tannu Asanrlarton winning 'he women «ngle« nrl doubles and mixed double* Oi her flnaU remitted Men't ringiea: Abdullah m. i... bi Pong Ylng Hong 1-S 6-2. 8-ft Men'a
    210 words
  • 453 14 re Singapore BadmttHon Aaaortatlon's riat for iomorio» In 'he Junior r-hamptonshlpo bein< held ai thr Badminton Hall, are: Court .V*. I: Women M«gt«a Magarei 1 Irr Mayflower va Urn Chxn Pins <Ainbßam>: Oh Heng <B«ingi va Joan Kao iSwift. Ruhy I .'in <Hunbeami vn Mrs. Klong
    453 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 14 MRS A OSBORN. uho brut i.indyx l.oke Chua. Maiaya's top-seeded toonien* .s,nyte* player, rei-eirc htt trophy from the Sultan ol Pcrnk at the conclusion o( thr Perak Lawn Tennis Axsocwito>< i npm championships nt Ipoh nn Sunday. Mrs. Osborn. partnering Mrs WillnuphhyFo.iter. also won the women's double* title.
    64 words
  • 442 14 Star Soecerites. II; Pulau Brani. C'fAP Soccerites took full 101 l of a much h?lowstrength Pulau Rrani I'niteri (earn in (heir SAFA senior lea/t/ur game at .lalan Besar stadium yesterday to set up the highest score ypt in Div. I this season Pulau Brant
    442 words
  • 76 14 New jo ck arriving next we '0r,,1 A V 5" J nexi ve*| is Kin vim 1 KaaM •alaraa KMte, 11 t Wl |n h a* An* Hi Hod?" minnion r».|. «»r|«fi». 'rial I unnnrv j lOCKI 1 J I xcorec J onh 1 I r p/karcNTn I v 1h
    76 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2373 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Csntinaea' from Ta<e -> VKHICLFS FOR SAI-F 'n w»nr« v ci»m.}-nmx t* c»i aatra. 193« MOPRIS < HP. Saloon Taxed Insurer! Decembei IAM !*/>« ot nrat 134-B I lorn 1»> RAF Chaoft JUNK 1947 STANDARD 14 H P Saloon m perfect condition Taxed fully Insurer). Basy Paymenta con»!dered
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    • 64 14 MORE SPORT \H PAGE THIRTEEN ELECT, id The Symbol nt Howies* Crntt^ OLD L EKYWHERE WELCOMED EVfM* 1 Sole Atent.:- CHUN CHO*| 53. SOUTH BRIDGE BOAO SiNf. ■mMllMOtnillMHtirifftlltMllMtllMt'l'llillClMUlMlMlKlMllMii [The King of Zig-2 SKWiNc MACHINI Avail ablt in ijl^M—!— jl cash S3BO M^wmm Pl*a*« nori. Our SHOWR(X)M M m-i» <i«.lv ir...
      64 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 48 14 -< H rV MM I BMW OIV I: Tiger I I > <mtrabte VA, lalan Heur l>»v. iA: TM.0.8.A I Rart... Ma* RanMerr. BOOC' (rminil nn IB: SI John ■vmkhina. <ie^lant smvifis nn 1 k«»< R»» 'C 1 k> KHr (T. ABI.r Tfc.VMS •TTA rbamatonvhla*. H»oo«"M T li p m
      48 words