The Straits Times, 12 July 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times New***'' M[ll IM M Kstd 1845 BINGAPOKE, MONDAY, JI'LY 12, 1954 15 CENTS.
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  • 469 1 P EACE HOPES BRIGHTEN France optimistic 'USEFUL' TALK TO MOLOTOV PARIS, Sunday. [{OPES rose today that the French Premier, M. Pierre Mendes France, will obtain a ceasefire in Indo-C'hina on acceptable terms by July 20. The optimism arose after first reports of the Mendes France-Molotov meeting in (Geneva last nitfht
    Reuter  -  469 words
  • 99 1 HE HAD JUST ONE MORE AND WON T""m |,n islOM to have W, Irj proxed 11 old In 1 K.iinin in inspector of t I' the "iih straits «,.rd Pu»le. In- hid fot ill the 1 n'.ifi. iitiorn with- M is ahoiit f^H up more hapm I was tnici I
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  • 28 1 MINISTER TO VISIT SPORE W&I stay (i week HoUf ,n--nag| F;r>t llrVk in tm rare AW mm i.s will I M K<mc r T nd nearly a Hcuter.
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  • 73 1 IRela--1 ho sot he hi iff, heard that he li phone to inswered Fred Gray from the The mix up happened at Trntc" post office near here which received the telegram addressed to "the parade Tonteg" and had three to choose from. Knowing Mr. Gray was
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 197 1 Please help me to find Annie, he appeals KUALA LUMPUR Sun. \|R. WILFRED Lau beiT1 lieves his wife has been kidnapped on her way home from Singapore. Mr. Lau. who lives in DoraLsamy Street, has asked Straits Times readers to help him find his wife Annie Chan Yoke Yin, 32,
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  • 87 1 SPORE ATTACK Two Malays were beaten up last niaht by thugs armed with imn bars and sticks at Everton Road Singapore. The men. Abu Bakar oin Yusof. 24. a labourer, and Abu Ahak b'.n Abdullah. 18. a peon. wire taken to the General Hospital with
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  • 47 1 A Chinese mother, her 16--year-old daughter and the (jirl's fiance, were found sutlering from suspected caustic soda poisoning in their Amoy Street home last night. The three. Peh Ah Lua. 40. Swee Ying. and Pni? Chew Pee. 2T a seaman were taken to hospital.
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  • 78 1 LONDON. Sun The choice of Dr. Lin Vu Tan* as Chancellor designate of the new Nanyanj? t'niversity at Singapore was described here today .in "a brilliant one" by Atticus, Sunday Times columnist. "Dr. Lin Yu Tan* I* a prototype of the humanist upon
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 25 1 WASHINGTON. Sun. One thousand striking chemical workers at the Paducan 1 Kentucky 1 atomic plant have voted to returned to work- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 165 1 VIENNA. Sunday. /CENTRAL Europe's worst flood in 50 years swept through the medieval Czechoslovak capital of Prague, while in Austria and Germany up to 50.000 prupic an" uumt'iL'sa. Prague Radio said parts of the Troja and Libon islands in tin- Moldau River in
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  • 33 1 WASHINGTON. Sun President Eisenhower has .signed a bill BUthorUtai disposal inroad <>r up to MS3.O(MJ million worth of .surplus farm commodities to ersata now marketi and help friendly 'nations— Kcutcr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 THE ri;iMi MIMSTKK. Sir Winston Churchill arrives at Southampton on board the liner Queen Elizabeth after his talks in Washington with President Eisenhower. In the background is Mr Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary. Paul Popper picture.
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  • 370 1 Bombed right off hillside Froa H. Paul IPOH. Sunday. I HAD a perfect bird's eye view today from the air 1 of some of the targets that Lincolns and Hornets blasted last Thursday east of Ipoh when "Operation Termite" was launched against Communist terrorists. I
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  • 85 1 Israeli unit storms border post TEL AVIV. Sun JSRAELI troops yesterday stormed an Egyptian border outpost in the Gaza strip, inflietlne "a number of casualties." nn Israeli arniv spokesman announced. The spokesman said the enencement followed an Eeyptian att;irk on an Israeli unit on reconnaissance in the Kissoufrim area. The
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 106 1 VATICAN CITY. Sun— The Pope said in a letter yesterday i that governments should grant I subsidies to heln poor families own tneir homes and that ways should be found to cut building easts and avoid "obvious real estate speculation." The letter was sent to Bishop
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 61 1 TEHERAN, Sun— Police said yesterday they have smashed eieht gangs of Persian thags, who specialised in lootinr American homes In and around the Iranian capital. Burulars have stripped American homes of an estimated US$2O,OOO worth of valuables since the curfew was lifted on May 14.
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  • 67 1 BERLIN. Sun— An East German court yesterday sentenced Wilhelm Wolff, head of an alleged •••ironi) of saboteurs" to rleath for crimes against humanity committed in Poland during the Nazi occupation. the East German news agency ADN reported. His brother. Oskar Wolff, was sentenced to hard
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 39 1 PARIS, Sun— An examining magistrate decided here yesterday that the political weekly, the Express, has no case to answi r on a charge brought by ex-Premier Joseph Lnniel's Government in May of publishing military secrets Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 37 1 NORTH BAY, Ontario. Sun —Two Royal Canadian Air Force Vampire jets plunged to earth yesterday after a midair collision and burst into flames. One pilot was reported killed but the other parachuted safely to earth.—Reuter.
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  • 142 1 VIENNA. Sun. PHOTOGRAPHS and statuettes of players in the Hungarian national football team were destroyed by demonstrators in Budapest after the team's defeat by Germany In the World Cup final at Berne on July 5 according to travellers reaching here. I They said 15.000
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 173 1 A CAIRO, Sun. NGLO-EGYPTIAN talks on British evacuition of the Suez Canal Zone, deadlocked since last October were '"informally" resumed at a surprise meeting yesterday. The meeting, between Pre mier Lt. Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser and British Amba.s.■»ador. Sir Ralph Ste\ was held at the home
    Reuter; AP  -  173 words
  • 118 1 'We are honoured' BONN. Sun.— The West German Government yesterday hailed tomorrows vLsit to the republic by Princess M ius an bonour to the German people. It showed that Britain regarded Germany as baring taken a place of equality in the Western community of nations. a Government
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 36 1 LONDON. Sun Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and her 14-year-old daughter. Princess. Irene arrived here day for a week-end visit to Britain. Princess Irene will open London's newly-built Dutchreformed church today
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  • 221 1 TWO WOUNDED NEAR CONSULATE LONDON, Sun. □ÜBGEONB here today fought to save two Dominican diplomatic officials who collapsed from bullet wounds on London pavement after hurst* of fire inside the Dominican Consulate. The two officials were named M Don Luis Bernardiiii' First Secretary, and Captain Antonio
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  • 28 1 <HOT DitMINM W DIPLOMAT Ml LONPOH sim. Luis Kernardinit Domini <<n diplomat Hi.iind -d in shooing affra*. died btapttal tnnigbl— K< utr 1 Id this <"i
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  • 36 1 QUEBEC. Sun Fifty-two members of the Kamloopa, a hool band sailor! from l-i re ye terdav for Hoi and, when they will take part in a blind festival at Kerkrada next month- A P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 B p.H.deSILVA j rrnr t>»«*ro*r ret r*f f iV fVI I > A' A* COLD Look for the NEW WRAPPER 1 Available in SinKapo"' on '>^ and make sure of getting the VITAMIN ENRICHED COLD STORAGE LOAF our <>rchar A Road Branch is open on Saturday* till 5 p.m.? I^APORE
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    • 70 1 Charm and Choice at Sena's H»»t it the wofk of M«<rer-crattwnrn upholding in contemporary manner rhe proud traditiont of cenfuriet. H. SENA LTD. HICH CLASS lEWELLIRS SINGAPORE. PENANC BANCKOK Novy you fdn get Refreshing Delirious' RED LION AN G SA I It irnlly satisfies! non c*'bo"*ud f«*l f*uit h l^*
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  • 287 3 Marjorie too will have one IN THE world's biggest bathing beauty parade in Long Beach, California, next Sunday girls from 35 countries including Singapore will be borne on separate floral floats through crowd -lined streets. atandint? on one float In a white swim-suit
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  • 46 3 ROME Sun A 'provisional" division of the Trirstr Free Territory between TofOsiavia and Italy is expected within a few days, possibly early next week. Italy will probably be inviteci to join Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey in their projected Balkan military alliance |A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 69 3 ATHKRINK (.1 INKSS. two- year-old bridesmaid ;it the wedding of Princess Marie (iabriellr Von I rach md the Hon. Desmond Guim-sv slipped out of the ceremony to have a quiet cry all by herself. Perhaps thr pomp and circum Manre were just a little too
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  • 115 3 MR. H. S. IKK. one of thr at a rally here ycstei policy for the new Malaya. Hav;nc now accepted the Wl.ite Paper on elections, he said the Alliance would now concentrate on drawine up a nroeramme to win popular support. M.Uavans would welcome foreien capital
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  • 202 3 Mother and stepfather accused LOS ANGELES Sunday. A LITTLE GIRL, her thrice broken l^ft arm still in a cast, her lips misshapen and her front teeth miffing said yesterday that for two years she was braten by her mother and stepfather. 1 Although
    AP  -  202 words
  • 172 3 LONDON, Sun /X)LONEL Marcus Upton, a v^ Labour M.P.. is protestine to the War Office that Guardsmen on sentry duty h;. .p been ordered to salute everyone who passes them wearing a bowler hat and carrying a tightly rolled umbrella, traditional dress of voune Guards
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 46 3 Turkish envoys to meet ANKARA, Sun. A conference of top Turkish diplomatic representatives in the Middle East opens on Monday. The talks are aimed at better understanding with all Arab nations, particularly with Egypt, and a more active policy for orcanLsntlon of Middle East defence— A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 318 3 SINGAPORE A.M. 7 15 Time Signal: 1.11 Moy.m: Sl«r; 7.30 News. 7.35 Mrlmn Mixture; B.oo—B 30 Kliv'hm in 1 he Sun 8 5" English Schools 11 10 English Schools Broaden.- 1 PM I.M Piogramme Summ.i' y 101 Monday Mn'inee; 1 30 Time .SlgiiHi and Nf«v
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  • 71 3 TIN PACT TALKS TODAY THP < )f th( hold it here stan ■ember Nations Oi ••d a up nuccrs I, consider I •in lnt( agree:; The Brsl .rrim commil -ondon n This wi mon ?d by all 14 con. now con.. member gi Sec re i be held pation will
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  • 35 3 Wonder dri kills 50 SALES BANNE PARIS. Bun rm wonder drug si M Jipved to ha\f W 50 and 6fl death Hralth anar. 1 rtca. Analy- 1 formed Into tin ouch c Unlit ii'- dan
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  • 31 3 LONDON, jamu, an to thp I who has b< British China. humilit Dress stat< by the N> H". I had assure* Prople 's the dtl» n belief.' Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 15 3 DURBAN >nnd I be ship)' 1 1: Thi.- of berf to Africa
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  • 14 3 TOKYO water.- i result of the tests an mine to repeat'
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  • 41 3 MAKY lIOIC. 13. rrhearoinc the dartre "The rose and the wind." which she will perform at the recital of "I>an»-e* of Many I.a nils ajrt Diverti*se.mfnt" on July 16 at the Capitol, Singapore Str.uls Times picture.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 I Now you cm get I I Refreshing Delirious I RED LION I (A N G SA I I I It really satisfies I non* carbonated I *k V» u ra moe ern machinery flj \Y l v\ manufactured under the most B Er^l^ hygienic conditions Bj under constant supervision
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  • 176 4 time is running I out, warns ir Muhammad I WASHINGTON, Sunday. g I'litod States plans to keep its Asian allies, )ir ii,nlarlv Pakistan, Siam and the Philip- informed of progress towards forming a Ui-Easl Asian defence alliance, a State DepartI .pnlxt'sman said here yesterday, ammad
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 91 4 VI AIMMIK I'.TKOV. formir Third Secretary at the Soviet Embassy in Canberra, with Mr. G. N. Richards. Commonwealth security officer, at the resumed sitting of the espionage inquiry. .Mr. and Mrs. Petrov most closely guarded couple in the world spent a quiet weekend in
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  • 146 4 Dulles promises aid to Cambodia, Siam WASHINGTON. Sunday. State, Mr. Dulles, yesterday pledged port of the United States if Cambodia gjHj to the United Nations if the armistice Geneva fail, diplomatic officials said. 1 i! I'.'- 11 l7o b,> taken to strenethen and Cut ador, Mr. Vm Nl1 Dulles hji
    UP  -  146 words
  • 105 4 V X, Sun.—Singer Paul whose passport was A four years ago foi H. I rmlsslon to B> c U.S. for six months nts in Israel. Jr r European la V lie slid he T listed for awr'nity'' by, > radio and television. He *;ud
    AP  -  105 words
  • 71 4 NEW YORK. Sun. MR. ADLAI STEVENSON told a rally in Oregon last night that America's "predicament" was "no joking matter with unemployment spreading, Asia tottering, our alliances disintegrating and our leader>hip faltering at home and abroad." He said that Democrats could lake no "partisan satisfaction in
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 50 4 TOKYO, Sun Japan has issued the first permit since World War II to a private citizen to visit Russia. Kyodo News Service said the former chairman Df the Lower House Fisheries Committee will leave on July 17 for Moscow to negotiate on fisheries problems. AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 248 4 WASHINGTON, Sunday. TWE Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday approved a proposal calling on President Eisenhower to outline a new course of action by Congress if the United Nations gives China a seat. The provision written into the Foreign Aid Bill, was offerled by
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 150 4 KARACHI. Sunday. PAKISTAN Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Ali. said yesterday India was threatening peai-e and the livelihood of millions of people in Pakistan by diverting the Sutle] waters. I Pakistan has protested strongly to India over the opening of the Bhakara canal in Punjab
    AP  -  150 words
  • 260 4 SIGN— OR U.S. AID WILL BE HALTED Warning to France and Italy WASHINGTON. Sunday. rill Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday voted tentatively to cut off foreign aid to France and Italy on Dec. 31 unless they ratify the European defence plan or some acceptable alternative. Senator H. Alexander Smith, i
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 42 4 JAPANESE soldiers with fixed l»»yonrU. supported by lanks. in manoeuvres on the day the new Japanese land, sea and air forces were established is "national defence forces. The National Safety Agency became the National Defence Agency. A. P. picture.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 4 SUSAN ITRTIS. seven. at Buckingham Palace with the Victoria Cross awarded to her father, Lieut. Philip Curtis, who was killed in Korea. Susan got the medal from the Queen at an investiture. Her mother died four years ago. A. P. picture.
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  • 86 4 SEOUL. Sun —Two American missionaries lost for four days were found today in an isolated fiahltur. village after they had drifted in a crippled motor-boat on the open sea. The Rrv. Eimer Kllbourne Of I.os Angeles and the Rrv Austin Boggan of Birmingham Alabama, were reported
    UP  -  86 words
  • 63 4 LONDON, Sun— Britain may MM the strain on its coal supulv by using oil— and event- j uallv atomic energy to operate electric power plants. The plan was laid out last week in the House of Commons by Geoffrey Lloyd, Minister of Fuel and
    AP  -  63 words
  • 120 4 TUNISIAN BANDITS KILL 8 AT FESTIVAL TUNIS, Sun. UIGHT people were kill- ed and 12 wounded when terrorists opened up with machine-gun fire during a festival in the main square of Ferryville last night. Two men in Arab clothing fired bursts of sten-gun fire into a bus. Seconds later several
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 81 4 COLOMBO, Sun— Mr S. C. Shirley Corea was sworn in vfsterday as Ceylon's newMinister of Commerce, in sucession to Mr. Richard D. Senanavake, who resigned on Thursday. Mr. Corea wa.s formerly parliamentary secretary to Mr Scnanayake. who surprised political observers by handinv in his resignation the day
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 45 4 WASHINGTON. Sun. Miss Alice Masaryk, daughter of Mr. Thomas Masaryk first President of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, will be given permanent residence in the United States under a bill parsed by the Senate yesterday and sent to the House.— AP.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 51 4 LONDON Sun The first British-Russian student exchange since the war will start on Thursday when 30 British students fly to Prague on thr first stage of their journey to Russia. A party of Russian students will board the British plane at Prague and arrive in London the same
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  • 25 4 HAVANA. Sun. President Fulgencio Batista announced yesterday his willingness to be a candidate for president in the election on Nov. 1. A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 71 4 mflftin^ tnGints 9t0628.H.P. Lister Engineering Lld^ HL-10. doru/) cjeacle^). San Francisco. I H Be«. j. m ver y h»PPV I m onioyin* .he cool cotton bati W» bou the CoH,c, brou«M *"*^J in H .«0.u.-. |M) »he thing tor c»»u wrip over on* where they neve, drC»«P d e)tce e
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  • 301 5 AN ALL Y FOR ALLIANCE? That way is best -SCBA is told I j MALACCA, Sun. I 1 CTRAITS-BORN Chinese 1 1 should take a leading I part in the struggle for independence and the building of the Malayan I I nation, said Mr. Khoo I 1 Kirn I i.m.
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  • 123 5 The Kiwi Members' league. I 6inpaporc. will celebrate Its i seventh anniversary by hold- i ing a dance and a cmema show. The anniversary dance will be held at Raffles Hotel on July 23 from 9 p.m. to 1 am. Highlight of the programme will be
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  • 89 5 BANK MEN PAY IN TO BANK— IN BLOOD ONE of the most encourajrln( changes in the attitude of Singapore toward* the Blood Bank recently has been the increase in Asian blood donors. Dr. E Lewin. Lady Medical Officer-in-charge of the Blood Transfusion Service, said yestenlay. Here five Chinese members of
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  • 191 5 Penang president meets trishamen PROTEST ON SUMMONSES PEN'ANG. Sunday. THE Municipal President, Mr. J. S. H. CunynghamRrown, met a deputation from the local Trisha Riders' Association for two hours in the Municipal Chambers today. t! the meeting, he said ie riders' problems seemn to reasonable solure are various points which
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  • 128 5 Few call-up dodgers get back in KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. MOST of the "call-up dodgers" of 1951 have been refused rr-entry into the Federation. This is stated in the Federation's annual report for 1953 published yesterday. Many appeals were received and a few who eraded the call-up wrre permitted to return
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  • 230 5 Leon Goossens plays LEON GOOSSENS. most famous of all oboists, attracted a full house to the Victoria Hall last night. His appearance must have gone some way towards recommending this comparatively unfamiliar instrument to Singaporeans. Certainly no in- strument could have had a more expert or
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  • 71 5 The Council of St Andrew's Cathedral has received £100 (about $850> for a new cross and candlesticks donated in memory of the late Admiral Tom Phillips, who died on board the Prince of Wales in 1942. and his son who was killed in the defence of Slner.pore.
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  • 54 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun —Mr H C Joyce, of the State Home Guards, who parked his car outside the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Jalan Ibrahim, on Thursday, found it mining A report was made to the police and the car was found abandoned 100 yards off Jalan
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  • 28 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Ynng Kee Chan, of Endau. was fined $500 in the session court. Merslng, yesterday for po.s.scs.sion of chandu and chandu smoking Implements.
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  • 30 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— Hajl Mohamed was fined $40 in the police court for making additions and alterations to his house without the sanction of the Town Council.
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  • 24 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Kuttan, of Pandan, was acauitted in the police court today of causing grievous hurt v ith a knife to Mahadavan.
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  • 32 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— Goh Toh Hua, of Slmpang Rengani new village, was fined $350 in the sessions court, Klang, yesterday for possession of prepared opium and opium smoklr.e utensils.
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  • 106 5 Two fashion-conscious women landed .it Kallanc airport. Singapore. \rst«-rd.i> Thry were Mis* Barbara Ahem i top) and Miss Maria Benson Miss Ahem. a former newspaperwoman in Perth, wears a Siamese coolie hat. and Miss Benson a British radio and television star, a fur. Miss Ahem. who
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  • 163 5 Sijc o/i /iea? Council committee new power station in recruitment matters. The waterworks and power 1 station committees formerly dealt with their own staff problems. The decisions of both the Establishments and Finance 'Committees are subject to appeal. The Council has also authorised the President to
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  • 114 5 rpHE growing population In A Singapore's Balestier and MacPherson-AlJunled areas will be served by new infant welfare clinics shortly. The City Council his accepted a $140,000 tender to build two clinics: one at Kirn Keat Road for Balestier resld- I ents, the other at MacPherson Road,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 287 5 S" ROYAL" BALL I IN AID OF The Singapore World Youth Assembly Fund under the di»l :i.,uishcd patronage p of His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, P.C. to be held at I THE ISLAND CLUB I on Saturday, 17th July, 1954 From 9 p. m to 2
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    • 132 5 t* DO YOU REALISE! B that the longer you dslay, tin subjecting yourself atnl your loved I DANGER? DON'T ft I HESITATE I HEALTH /s WEALTH! II J Instal 6 EDlesitie(Dii 5 a THE UNIQUE MODERN CHEMICAL SAN UT J«ri-ii?3 II I the m 5t Ppref '0( J '£Er^Z«> lUI
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 130 5 SINGAPORE DIARY I LKt'TI RE: 'The Problems of Soutli-E.iM Asia Dy Mr. G. G. 'Thomson Public Relations Officer, 'V.MC.A. Orchard Road. 8 p.m SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY: Modern French art exhibition. BrtI tlxh Council Hall. 9 am —s 30 p.m. V.M.C.A. (Orchard Ro»d>: Javn 530 p.m., judo 5.30 p.m.. body building
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  • 1548 6 who insulted throne drove Wilde to ruin WIMES special FEATURE i)\I)().YS fashionable playgoers paused in astonishment to watch seemly fracas in the foyer of St. James Theatre on February The evening was the Social event of the season— the first "The Importance of Being Earnest," by the ish author, Oscar
    Daily Mirror  -  1,548 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 6 6 MMIOKUOM Sl»r» of the famous 'Few*
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    • 313 6 pREPARf for; \£l v fl^^Htf Mother must be exceptionally fit before. W^^W^^g '5V| during and after this happy time to give I her baby boy or girl, the best possible |jB Bm. 1 chance in life. Brands Essence of Chicken is HI A 1 the Essence of Strength Mother's special
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 142 6 Shorhtvk Hointvs KiUvtl hi/ tt svrtiivh! iPicli ivtivti itnttt* in* Mtiri<> I /YOUR ROOM IS ~Yi\lf MEOCI, *MERCy" IS RtOWT? TUEPEiS I r YOU WILL DUST MAKE TME "1 rT am 7CP MPwTriwprrf»^H VjACK MERE^^filia MADAM. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS KITTEN BEOS, AND THEN. AT TEN, MAID^MADAM- (jH MAWe!*M i^^fiPH THAT^TOO
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  • 51 7 Id Hirrli {minimum/. MR K W SINNADORAI and family thank all relatives and friends who attended the funeral of their beloved son. the late Mr. Samuel Hector Bala.singam Sinnadontl of BptCteJ Branch Kluang.sont wreaths miri i ondolence messages, and ren- deied \al\iable help on 26th and 27th i June,
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  • 870 7 HI rVorrf. $1H (minimum). >*■)! I OW raDAMT V <rv Day in' thr Malay Mall' If you want to win that $6,000 word puzile. WHEN BUYING BLOTTING riaprr always ask for Ford's Gold Mmlal. the world's finest. Now »\ail«blr> at all stationers and booksellers. SINGAPORE ARTS THEATRE presents The
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  • 732 7 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., July 12, 1954. War in The Deep Jungle "Operation TeiTnite," which exploded in the newspapers a, few hours after the paratroops ,were dropped in the jungle, promises interesting results. It iis not likely to be a specta- < cular operation in the sense of reducing
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  • 455 7 Red Star Over Hollywood The news that Rica Dialnya.j the Cretan beauty selected toj represent Greece in the Miss Universe contest will be debarred from landing in the United States for suspected Communist leanings, is a sad example of the way that politics intrude upon aesthetics. True I the only
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  • 77 7 Negotiations for a settlement of the Trieste dispute have made steady if unspectacular progress, until full agreement between Italy and Yugoslavia is now in sight. It is a triumph for the commonsense and common interests of both countries. Partial mobilisation and the despatch of troops to the frontiers
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  • 906 7  -  By W.N.Ewer By WHEN the Washington talks ended. Moscow Radio announced that they had "left the fundamental Anglo-American disagreements unsettled." That is a characteristic misreading of the situation. Disagreements there certainly have been, and sharp ones, during the past two months, especially on policy
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  • 202 7 Politicians were not elected IV^T ndor c l hP opinion of Dr. Winstedt on independence for Malaya and I bciieve a vast majority of the population think the same If I had tht authority.' would grant to the various poJKical parties and their supporters ail the independence they want and
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  • 83 7 I HAVE spen your report.s about the dead end kids of Penang. and a hope that a home will be bui'.t for them •oon The Salvation Army ha> oem running a home in Penang for such boys since 1946 and an appreciable number of young
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  • 662 7 •ADVOCATE' assumes A that the Advocates and Solicitors Ordinance was intended to protect the interests nl the legal profession in Singapore from competitors like D. N. Pritt and others. Before 1935 there were no special regulations prohibiting a lawyer from Britain from practising
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  • 95 7 I CANNOT help but think that CO from his comment on the Singapore Youth Council fun fair, is a poor loser. If thousands who entered for the king and queen for a day" contest could understand what the procedure was,, can "C G." still say that the announcement
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  • 271 7 Parking meters and council revenue ISEE that "Kreta Beer 'who seems to welcome the threat of parking meters, disagrees with "Office Motorist's" estimates of official revenue from the average 15h.P owner-driver car. I agree with "Office Motorist -s" figures, if put this way The parking meter Is criticised on two
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  • 120 7 OURELY the Education Offl- cer is the best person to Judge and recruit suitable persons as teachers for adult education classes. I would like to ask "Local Teacher" In what way O.C.S. j clerks are Inferior to teachers In training. The qualifications for a teacher
    120 words
  • 139 7 on the margin Half li U h, j world Pro; BhOUld ;-,a long hou I An mr: "An Ul I/.:. "Plent: I "Some are bad sneai Jm them with "Th( "Th. "I h. (Unu." I that is. North An year-* ig 0 Hard H e J I WON] i >ai
    139 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 CLASSIFIED ADS. 3» Hortfi »J» mimimmm). FRASER POWELL: On Saturday. in>h July lfl'M at Kuala Lumpur, Ian Guv taMf to Dorothy Anne Tow ell I Classified Advertisement Service Provided t Straits Timej j i Box Number it used, you mjy PHONE your imjll adt j I to Singapore 2800.
      49 words
    • 17 7 Qammefer SWISS MADE OFFICE CLOCKS from $35 j I uammdMjtd. \y it conn* way P.O. Box 221.
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    • 67 7 i «*ihiiis* ffl*^ OPTICIPNS Mr. K. E. M«y«r F. N.A.0., D. Opt (10 win visit KUCHING, SARAWAK from 19 th July to 24 th July APPOINTMENTS through SIME D* 1 DIAMOND JEWELLER PRECIOUS STONES U. S. de* SILVA JEWEL 106. ORCHARD ROAD P Always Milder Better Tasting f~\ *2 Cooler
      67 words

  • 899 8 IE MUST GO, SA YS MEETING 'Sultan would have met us' KUALA KANGSAR, Sunday. J lAISON officers from the 11 divisions of the I nited Malays National Organisation in Perak, representatives of the Perak branch of the Mala- an Chinese Association and members of
    899 words
  • 48 8 How's that for balance? XIS K .i 111 t l.i ,of (kg > performaa e -i, .i| Indian dig nese WemK ila l.umpur. «n Mi i is seen here ft camera whilr pti in- foot. l"hr j^k ;i'>tis<irrd by the fir rsitj (Graduates' if- of M.t1.0.t l^B.' lies picture.
    48 words
  • 33 8 Pi laid Abbey mi 3on» Ud :n thf Clttp- phany ;it St. Knin Singapore. Tbe Council bouflft about fi ft. i Anf nniirpflflOß "0 o.iv for ta< to do
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  • 167 8 The groom 's baby broke up wedding KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. AN Indian went to a Hindu temple here yesterday to cet married HLs 17-year-old would-be bride wa.s also there with her relatives and friends. All the preliminary Hindu rites were performed. The bridegroom was about to earland the eirl— this
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  • 28 8 KOTA BHARU, Sun. Mr. O Jeuanathan. a teacher at Ismail College. Kota Bharu married Miss S G. Pillai, a teacL.-r at the Zainab School, Kota Bharu.
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  • 67 8 After 37 years in the Singapore Government service, Mr. P. J. de Rozario. 55, retired at the beginning of this month. Mr. Rozario was attached to the Government Audit office and the Medical Department. For his faithful service, he was given a valedictory letter by
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  • 40 8 Inche S°rdon bin Jubir. on behalf ot the councillors, thanked the president for his remark* They had kept away from the last meeting only because they were obeying a directive from the Alliance headquarters, he added
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  • 100 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun ALL NINE UMNO MCA councillors, who absented themselves from the ordinary monthly meeting of the Town Council on June 26. were present yesterday when the adjourned -"neeting was held. Inche Ahmad bin Hussln. the new president of the Council welcomed them back and asked
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  • 172 8 FRIENDLY CHAT ENDS A STRIKE KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. rE five-day strike by morp than 300 workers at Lever i Brothers' factory here ended today following "mutually friendly and highly satlsfac- < tory" discussions between the workers' negotiating committee and the management. Th< strikers will return to work tomorrow. The dispute
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  • 26 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Mr T K Taylor, until recently headmaster of the Enßllsh College. Johore Bahru. has left for Britain on six months leave.
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  • 277 8 Federation report tell* why M \l. LIMPI'R. Sunday. rIERE were 10.000 more Chinese women workers In Johore last year, says the Federation's 1953 report issued yesterday. It explains that it may have come about this way: Resettlement of squatter labour in Johore's 76 new villages
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 M\l: 1 1 AND MONICA. 11--day-old twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Yeo Eng Chye, pictured with their father and aunt, Mrs. A. hh.iu. after their haptism In St. Joseph's Church. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 174 8 MINIMI M TKMPERATI RE: 1 7.30 p.m. on July 10 to 7.30 am hMM 73. Kota Bahru 75. Kuala on July 11) Singapore 78 devrc-es. Lumpur 74. Ipoh 72. Kuanta" 73. MAXIMUM TEMPER VI IRE: (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on July 11 1 i .Mi: i|>u:r 88.
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  • 118 8 HERE'S more bad news tor the terrorists the 15--19 th King's Royal Hussars arrived in Singapore yesterday in the Empire Clyde. The Hussars will get jungle warfare training in Singapore island and will then replace the 12th Royal Lancers In the Federation. The
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  • 83 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. When Malaya becomes selfKoverning. we can have a more centralised government, Mr A. DC. Peterson, until recently the Federation's Director-Ge-neral of Information Service*, said in a recorded broadcast over Radio Malaya tonight. The country will be very near to a "full democratic
    83 words
  • 35 8 TANJONO MALIM. Sun. Work on a new $6,000 Roman Catholic mission school has started at Slim River in South Petak. The school will serve the new village and nearby estates
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  • 35 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. i Ong Phee Yee was allowed $500 bai] In the police court 1 today pending trial on a charge 1 of evadinu duty on a quantity I of secondhand tyres.
    35 words
  • 196 8 They jump, run, skip and shout to get well AHI'NDRED devotees of c faith hcalinK ran, jumped, skipped, knelt and shouted at the tops of their voices at the Junior i Technical School In Balestier Road. Sinjfa- pore, last night. 1 Exhorting them to greater effort was the Rev. Alwin
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  • 103 8 The Singapore C.ty Council Labour Unions Federation laid last night that if the dispute between 11 of their unfc the City Council develops into a strike, on July 19. city Council officials should no"t compel workers to return to work. The federation has also stated that
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  • 169 8 THIS IS HEAVEN, HE SAYS Artist up at six to paint Spore "SINGAPORE is a pain--13 tor's paradise Chinatown Just facinates me," the American-Chinese watrrcolour painter Donu Kingman said yesterday "fllngapore'i colour it wonderful.' he added. I got up at six this morning to paint ar-i draw in Chinatown. It
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  • 80 8 Truck dives in ravine ONE DIES 11 HURT KUALA I.UMPUR. Sun- A corporal wa.s killed, a private seriously Injured and the 10 other occupanti of a military truck hurt when it overt un <'fi and plunged itit i I ravine beside an estai about 11 miles from Pahang. Somi ol
    80 words
  • 48 8 Called to the Bar In London w< re Miss Amy Choontr Siew Choo (Penang). Raia Katnarudin bin Raja Urla 'Kuala Lumpur), Mr. Lee Yew Siong iSerembani Mr An Ah Wah i Perak i. Mr. SSP. Guok (Singapore i, and Mr. Abdu! A;lz bin Mohamed Zaln (Kedah).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 RUDGE (Mi") BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLE J Famous for Over 80 years. Lighter and Faster ALL MODELS IN STOCK. From All Good Bicycle Dealer* vt Irom Singapore Distributors:— FAN HOCK HIN. 111, Beach Road. EAN HONC CHAN. 75. Victoria Street, S'NC HUAT CO 165/167. Victoria Street. I Sob A§mts:— a KEE
      82 words
    • 180 8 STORCH BROS <m 9, LTD. have pleasure to announce that they now undertake the Manufacture of High Class Jewellery; in Platinum white Gold Settings Specifications Designs for Remodelling Old Jewelleries can be obtained on application. STORCH BROS «im9» LTD. 37-39, Mountbatten Road, Kuala Lumpur. ASSOCIA IK COUP AX V B.
      180 words

  • 1353 9 3MALAYAX SHARE MARKET REVIEW By OIR MARKET CORRESPONDENT ALTHOUGH the Singapore Share Market could not under any circumstances be described as bullish last week there was a distinctly better sentiment and a special feature was the firmness in industrials. Malayan investors seen to have overcome
    1,353 words
  • 128 9 FACTS FIGURES PHASER and Company, stock. Share and exchange brokers have Issued their thirty-third edition of Facts and Figures which contains useful information for the Malayan Investor Issued at *5 a copy Fact* and "teures gives a great amount of letail regarding the capital structures of companies profits, dividends, a.vsets
    128 words
  • 71 9 The board of New Hayoep Rwbber Estates is greatly concerned about the financial position and ronstdertntr the desirability of sell- ing one of the company s estate? to provide working capital for the rematnti'g property. M y S the chairman iMr. PC. Helev i The rstate concerned
    71 words
  • 37 9 June crops and outputs from the e.Matos and mines In the Guthrle Oroup announced arc- rubber 15.f18n.300 lb. tea < black i 175.000 lb palm oil 1.349 tons: palm kernels 355 tons: tin ore 1.785 plculs
    37 words
  • 309 9 fHE roiiowing list of business done in th? Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of sharebrokers for the period July 3 to July 9. INDI STRIAI S Fraw Neave Ords. f 1.95 to $2 .00 Oammom $3.10 and $3 12.. Hammers $3.05. Hongkong Bank
    309 words
  • 34 9 WASHINGTON. Sun. President Eisenhower yesterday signed a proclamation ext> ing until Jan 1. 1956, the .existing duty-free trade relations between the U: States and the Phiipplnes 0 oMMomiY hi; i #mi
    34 words
  • 525 9 rrHE rubber market in Singapon active and thorp was a ranj JUI the closing price for J;ilv firs- highest price beir\g 72 3 8 cent the lowest price 70 3 8 cent* m Saturday. The net loss on the week between Monday's and Saturday's closing
    525 words
  • 50 9 DIVIDES ANNOUNCEMENT 'pin r»u I v, comp i in, Mala WIIIIW CO. LTD K P dividend Income I r inj s. Ip holder, w date. Books LOWI DREDGING I fu I terim dm share. KU tax, r«i ?.M' ril holders 4 21. from h M and Übom Aurum I urban;,
    50 words
  • 39 9 June ar' 58 800 lb Borrlli I n. -in .i > 4 iMMtI 104.773 lb Rukit KaUl 1 2fi.:id lb \ll. jj Kul.hrr 46.000 In ki'ii.l. Ukab 131.000 lb Ti i Pom lb BrdnnK 44.800 lb Tm Tukanc
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 266 9 NfIREXA tA I KA WATERPROOF ANTI-MACNETIC 17 and 21 |EWELS I NC AB LOC TROPICALISED SWISS MADE Swie Sign LUSTRQUSSHINE Muisified i COCOANUI OIL SHAMPOO If you suffer from INDIGESTION Always carry^^^^^ BENNIES wKi You can always have tbe ideal indigestion yrns remedy h you Rennies '►JjJJ separately wrapped tablets
      266 words
    • 845 9 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PROBATIONARY OFFICERS-IN-TRAINING FOR THE MALAY REGIMENT Applications are Invited from Malays for appointment as Proba- .i.n.u v Ofßcers-ln-Tralnlng in the, Malay Regiment. Candidates, who should be subjects of a ruler of a Malay Bute or British subjects. I must be at least 18 years of age and
      845 words
    • 868 9 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT HOUSING TRUST FEDERATION OF MALAYA CLERK OF WORKS required in September 1954 to supervise large scale housing .scheme at Bukit Olucor Penang. Apply stating age, qualifications, experience, salary requled to Manager. Housing Trust, P.O. Box 1078. Kuala Lumpur. MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG ELECTRICITY SI'PPLY DEPARTMENT Shift Overseer
      868 words
    • 833 9 TENDERS i CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS WATER DEPARTMENT: Supply lof Two Pumping Set* for Buki: Tlmah Filter Station. Tender Depo sit $500 Close 4 p.m.— 20.8.54. HOME GUARD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited to Contract for purchase of Metal from 12 Bore all Metal Case and Metal Base of
      833 words
    • 158 9 YUGOSLAV LINE i* ■i.v. "DIMARA" J^* Arriving from Adriatic Soiling for r>, o knrto ana fvMjl Port, and Near Ea.t 17,^7u1y," n i»»4 WIK Port* and Colombo Soiling tor Cats* I M W lSfh July, I*S4 Eovr Ports and A VW 29th July, 1954 JUI July, 1954 EASTERN INDUSTRIAL CORP
      158 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 927 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. n i.ngopora) Poiiofe BLUE FUNNEL LIMB .oticcd vtJJ o |h P ort t0 tood Bd aiwharga c«rgo ■X' GLASGOW, LONDON 4 CONTINENTAL POUTS ■M Soil, P Shorn Pcnono G13 14 July 1} July 14/14 July 17/11 12 July 1R July 19/20 July 21 p..iy 20 July
      927 words
    • 1053 10 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Um Hi ■fta*,> Sa( y r Calls Korlshamn Call, Beyrouth Omit. Gdynia x»«« fl 1 ll Lon OB 1 (P«s«en,ers only) and Karl.hamn. x*M»Kj Calls Beyrouth and Karl.hamn SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U K./CONTINENT "KINA" fo, Kohsichong. Soigon PC n0 P S hOrn S Hongkong, Monila,
      1,053 words
    • 1121 10 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS 'o U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS S pore P. S horn Penong Benvorlich tor Livrrponl Glasgow Hull. Rotterdam, Antwerp 11/1* July 20/ M Juty 21/24 Jury Benmacdnui tor London, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hor.burg 14/18 July l*/20 July 21/22 July Bennevi. for (jenoo Avonmouth, Liverpool, Dublin IS/20 July
      1,121 words
    • 1062 10 McALISTER CO., LTD. Til: No 2(141 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENES9 LIMB LONDON, MAVRC. ROTTERDAM. 10S ANGILII. SAN FRANCISCO. r«^ IK a yf*A r, PORTLAND, SIATTLI VANCOUVER Lir h Atcc P' iB 9 ™'9o Central L South Spor, P Vr£n Panona I BOUGAINV.IU •/iTau, V^ It^u, SUNNYVILLE 15 Aug Snore P 1
      1,062 words

  • 726 11  - The concise history of South-East Asia ALLINGTON KENNARD By SOUTH EAST ASIA. By Brian Harrison. (MacMillan 10s. 6d IN a radio quiz the other week was the question "Who discovered the Philippines?" The question master got the answer he expected. i Magellan discovered the Philippines. Magellan's fleet broke the Portuguese
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  • 157 11 HEART ON THE LEFT By Lconhjrd Frank. ißjrkcr. 12. 6d i rIS Is an autobiography In the third person by the author of "Carl and Anna." Mr. Frank lived a mildly Bohemian life in Munich before the first world War; i tasted success as a novelist
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  • 165 11 writing is ONLY A SIDELINE SLIDE RULE. By Ncvil Shot* I iHcincmann. I8t.) DURING the years before the W, I used to meet N S Norway. He was then joint managing director of a promising but .struggling new aircraft company a firstrate engineer whom nobody of mv acquaintance suspected of
    165 words
  • 322 11 THE FALL OF A TITAN. By Igor Gouzenko. (Cassell. 165.). lAUGHTER Ikis .ilwavs been the literary weapon most resented by rulers ;is a criticism of their pretensions, Mr. (Jouzeiiko has therefore handicapped himself I>\ refusing to use it in his violent attack r»n Soviet
    322 words
  • 134 11 THE EDGE OF THE SWORD By Cipf'in Anthony Fjrrar Hocklcv iMuller 12s. 5d CAPTAIN Farrar-Hockley was adjutant of the Ist. Battalion, the Gloucestershire Remment, at the Battle of the Innin River. Here he describe* the course of that valiant action, and all the more effee- 1 tivelv
    134 words
  • 152 11 THE AMAZING MR DOO- LITTLE. By Quentin Rev- I nolds. (Cassrll 18s >. JAMES Doclittle former winner of the Schneider Trophy, the only Reserve officer ever to reach the rank of Lieutenant-General in tht United States Army, leader of the surprise bomber attack on Tokyo
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  • 129 11 FREEDOM OF THE PARISH By Geoffrey Gri.son. i Phoenix House 21s). HPHE parish Is Pelynt In Cornwall, and Mr. Gri«son, bom In the vicarage, was Mfty made free of Its fields, the remains beneath them and the flowers in their hedges, growing up equally familiar with the
    129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 280 11 ~m m m m m m m m§:m m m #SHAW BROTHERS^ 1 il" pmmmmwmmmm^^^^ NOW S~>l I i^ft^AW»j6 M UfgW 11-1.45, lJSl«)P I "CARNIVAL STORY" fl jf^k. si IRRING t± I ANNE BAXTERS STEVE COCHRAN in Tr< nnir |or KK RADI SPECTACLE Special Trailer Preview of FRINCH LINE" ft
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 579 11 BRIDGE II K< him ill K«»iisl;iiii THERE is nothing so irritating at the bridge table as losing points on good hands. In the Inevitable postmortrms It is usually difficult to apportion the blame when ooth partners are guilty «f bad bids. One such hand has been sent to me by
      579 words

  • 203 12 Edrich hits 134 against Pakistan MANCHESTER, Sun. i I ANCASHIRE Kupporterg had plenty to cheer them at Old Trafford yesterday where Oeoff i Edrlch .scored his lust cent in y ot Hie season and Jack Ikln returned 1 'or his Sm appearance since a PTf w mil operation and knocked
    203 words
  • 228 12 RULERS' SHIELD JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. lOHORE MALAYS were beaten by an lnnini;.-. anil 33 runs by Singapore Malays m their Killers' Shield h on the Johorc English .'■inri today Baagmpon Sis and .'.'!■> lie could only rcprj .'.h 71 ..mi hit. UNGATOBI MM »T1 Ist Inns.
    228 words
  • 76 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. MATHEW Danker hit 102 for Harrisons Bpoftl Club aKalnst Selangor Club at crlrket on the yesterday. Harrisons «nn hv sl\ wickets. [or club 142 for* 4 dccl. iHobbs 23. E C Jumeaux 3fi. Gillespie 36. Penney 28 N. O.; Bennett 3-27>. Harrisons
    76 words
  • 204 12 CINUAHOHE Enyineer Regiment 13 beat Singapore Cricket Club by three wickets in a Irlendly cricket match, played on the Olllman Ha Tracks gruund yesterday, mainly liuouxh tlie eflorts ol Major A. J. Bi.scombe who scored a chanceless 112 in 100 minutes. The winning run was
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  • 532 12 Green, Chataway set world 3 miles mark LONDON, Sunday. pRKDDIE GREEN of Britain yesterday broke the world three miles record at the White City Stadium here in 13min. 32.25ec. The previous record was set up 12 years ago by Sweden's (,undar Haegjj in 12min. IT lit. Chris Chataway of Britain
    Reuter  -  532 words
  • 237 12 K.L. WILL STAGE CUP FINAL KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. THE Football Association of Malaya Council today fixed the date and venue of this yearn Malaya Cup final. It is to be on Sept. 1 1 on the TPCA ground in Kuala Lumpur. The North v South fixture Is to played on
    237 words
  • 41 12 MELBOURNE. sun. Fearles* Chuf by Imaslon Chief out of Lady's Bag. yesterday won the Flemington Grand National Steeplechase over 25 furlongs, beating Teedum by a length with Boanerges three lengths behind, third of the 14 runners.
    41 words
  • 51 12 STOCKHOLM. Sun— A new European record for high jump was t '„b lushed yesterday by 20-yeai-o!d Bangt Nll.sson at Halm.stad. Sweden, where he cleared 6ft. 8 '»ln. The old figures to the credit of Finn Kotka lor the pust ten years were 6ft. 8' 4 in.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 37 12 WANTAGE i ßerkshire i. Sun. Jack Anthony, racehorse trainer and former Jockey who three times rode the winner of the Grand National. Britain's premier steepleciiisr- died at his home hert yesterday at;ed 64. -Renter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 253 12 IPOII. Sunday. school teacher Moses lay retained his men's singles championship in the I'erak Lawn Tennis Association tournament, when he beat I im Keat G-'i, 5-7, 6-0 on the Town Board courts today. llmm won the ttral wti Nwtty but ■truck MO «'iratic natch in
    253 words
  • 174 12 Tigers get better of Chinese SC WATER-POLO 'TIGER Swimming Club, last years champion water-polo team In the Colon> gol off to a fine start In this years Singapore Amateur Swimming Association's Dnision A MgM watti-polo championship when they beat a strong Chinese Swimming Club "A team by ten l;om1s to
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  • 89 12 OUBLIN -vii LILCWI S'ew.iit ol America scores 11 an upset win In the Irish tennis championships yesterday when Me biat Mervyn Rose of Australia 2-6. 6-4. 6-4. 11-13 6-4 to win the men's singles title. America also won the women hamulonship »hn; the Wimbledon ■hamplon Maureen Connolly
    89 words
  • 530 12 KBBUI i 8 M i lit- Him round of the ipore Badminton Untar lnrle.s 'hampioti' hip pi. m. I .ii tlie Blngaport Badnuirou Hall during Uw week-end «fn joe E ii> ii !><•■• Chan 800 Ouan ;,H 1 Waliah Barawi beat A Anin U* 8 IH-
    530 words
  • 66 12 AUCKLAND. Sun.— 'lll* Auckland Rugby Union team beat thr Fijian touring team 38-3 here. The Fljlans were no mntrh for j ''>» nerv ai blunder* who kent the Fiilan speedsters Dawaland Levula n ost i>iii>|)letrlv sulxlued Auckland led :'B-iill ai ha![-tlme the interval Auckland con-
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  • 95 12 C7URRAOH COUNTY, Klldarc Eire i, Sun Mlm Eileen McLean. Pantomlne Quettt. a 100-7 rhanct ridden by G. Cooney won the Irish Oaks ever 12 furlongs here venterdav. Pantomlne Queen who had won the Irish 1. 00(1 Guineas In May. beat the Mahai v* i at
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 284 12 LONDON Sunday. THK struggle at Shetlield yesterday between Surrey, reigning English county cricket champions, and Yorkshire, present leaders in the table, produced cricket as keen as the cutlery for v^iich the city is famed. in conditions wnirn encouraeed the faster bowlers poor light and a
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 122 12 COPENHAGEN. Sun. DENMARK levelled at one match all aitalnst France when their r>avlA cup European »one semi'lnal tie wa* continued here yesterday. Kurt Nielsen Denmark's leading 1 iLivr. fetal Robert Halllet Of Prance 7-8. 9-7. 6-4. 7-5 In a ii, iih i>osiponecl from Friday because of
    122 words
  • 84 12 Ih, Singapore Badminton Assolaimn will hold elimination rounds th<re are more than four Colony •I'.rles for any event In the Malam championships at Penang. Intending Singapore competitors '.(»ild semi ii-. theli entries for th< l>en and Junior events to Mr. Quek em: Slant; c o
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 145 12 MORI It.. I < hianli r\ UtVM J*.».O« P W liir..* .VJ.7.1 9 .-A White i hianli li(r«v *.».»O Him $2.7.» JU I Thr Thiand I for < «liv»i -iminalintj [he STORE WITH A TO OFFER 5 I' n pa c ked linvsi Oimliiif Swiss Si it i w I
      145 words
    • 449 12 Don't bel Vague —J>^\^ for Sole Distributors: JOHN LITTLE CO LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG > 3IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII||||||fIIIIIIimiIIHIimiUIMIMHHIIIimiIIII£ I FOR THE BEST TRIP IN THE WORLD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Consult AMERICAN LLOYD Offer Vacation Tour to New Zealand and 1 South Pacific Islands arrangements par excellence. Z. For further
      449 words

  • 1041 13 By Our Cricket Reporter DOYAL Air Force, given a little under three hours in which to beat Ceylon Sports Club's total of 137 at Chan^i >esterday, did no better than make a draw of the match with 130 for eijjht and lost more
    1,041 words
  • 385 13 By THE SPORTS EDITOR Singapore 4; Service* SINGAPORE are again thr champions time in 28 years, in the southern v I Malaya Cup football competition. Yesti Besar Stadium they beat the last of the rivals, the Combined Services of Sii to retain an unbeaten record.
    385 words
  • 397 13 y »I<• t I for all •evrn races at Kukii Timah on Wednesday, wrnnil day of ihr Sincaporr July mrrtlni. arr: Ct. 1. Div. I -6 F Sudan 8 12 Willy L. 8.11 Kver Victory 8.08 Moulin Route B.OS Indonesia 8.04 Billdaw 8.04 Grecian Knight 8.05 Qairktand
    397 words
  • 317 13 TWO excitinj; last-over finishes marked the junior tournament programme vesterriav. Sinsapore Recreation Club narrowly BsMed beatins WandI erer.s in a remarkable race [nit time Set to score 146 in 80 minutes, the Red were two rum .short at stumps. At an asffal ,i i
    317 words
  • 6 13 ll total. Sco
    6 words
  • 27 13 MM I I W I> I I .-ulial DIV. IB ■•,ii,i I tuMii. (ievl vnr Hm,,* x Netaji l.ini|i<nis H.>\iM v aT K»rrcr 9
    27 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 803 13 OF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS IN KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH PENANG The Utett timei tor handing i in Clattitied Advertitement. to 1 our branch ofticet at Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh and Penang tor j j publication in the following day's issue of Hie Straiti Timct I are at tollowt: I Penang 3 p.m.
      803 words
    • 802 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT rt Wordt tS lMtn.)—B»x ft rl: txlrm. i AVAILABLE AUOUST two bed- rooms Hat JumUhed with modern sanitation best residential locality Katong area with Phone Installed— I Phone *****. TO LET. Modern two bedroom j flat with bathroom attached, avallj able Aueust IPS 4. Rent Inclusive of
      802 words
    • 800 13 TUITION I* Wonlt li (Mim.)-Box M rt: txlrm. WANTED Lessons in Japanese [Reply Box A 7429. B.T. i SPECIAL LESSONS In Highway Code Reversing, Parallel Parking, Qualify for your Test. Lambert's Driving Bchool, 130. Sophia Road, Tel *****. ADVERTISER DESIRES to receive le.ssons on how to play Piano Boogte-Woogle or
      800 words
    • 899 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE Wort, tS (Mtm.l—Box It eta. txlrm. 1052 MODEL Ford Consul. Very cood condition. S27M o.n^>. 44 Wan Tho Aye Bennett Estate. Tel. Pa«lr PHnj.-inu. Ext. 262. 1836 MORRIS 8 HP. Saloon. j Taxed, Insured December 1954. $400 or nrst: 134-B Lloyd Leas RAP.. Changl. HILLMAN 1947 SALOON
      899 words
    • 139 13 MORE SPORT IN PAGE ELEVEN ,\t y HEALTHY EYES I oaed to be atraid lo look in mv I asked ■irror. So very often mv r\e* were io»clycvcs tired, red rimmed ami un.iltrjctue. taial "^nin.i So I u^cd Optrex regularl>. and wi |^y my tye^ became bright and holthy dirtereiue
      139 words