The Straits Times, 7 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times New**?* Estd. 1845. MNOAFOEE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1934. 15 CENTS.
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  • 434 1 My life as a spy: by Mrs. Petrov MELBOURNE Tue.s. MRS. EVDOKIA PETROV. wife ot fugitive Russian diplomat Vladimir Petrov. today traced for the Royal Commission on espionage her history as a Soviet secret service agent. The attractive blonde Russian, daughter of a secret police official, emerged Irom 11 weeks
    Reuter  -  434 words
  • 309 1 Eovt. has scheme to satisfy II sides I A COMPROMISE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. I DERATION GOVERNMENT annountc- icpected in tin- next few days giving ompromise on elections which all itlitical parties, includinf the I .MNO-.MCA > nuld accept is iiiulorstood t<i consisl ice l>\ Ihc High
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  • 841 1  -  FRANCIS WONG HE D HAD ENOUGH OF THE LEGION 50 HE JUST WALKED IN TO SINGAPORE ly 4 VETERAN of Dien Bion Phu walked past customs and immigration officers at Clifford Pier. Singapore, on Monday night, booked a hotel room by shownm
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  • 254 1 Police smash dope racket CAIRO. Tuesday. A POLICEMAN disguised as a mechanic struggled In mid-air with a smuggler today in a plane carryinR about a ton of contraband drugs. Poliee nut a disguised mili1 tary plane at the smugglers' disposal when an airport offirial told them he
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  • 14 1 NEW YORK. Tues. Earthquakes shook Reno and Ran FrancUeo today. AP.
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  • 42 1 HIS CAR ON FIRE JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Awakened today by his rios barking. Lieut. H. C P. Le.s.ser. RN who lives in Jalan Koi.un Aver, looked out and saw his car blazing. The fire brigade put out the fire.
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  • 47 1 Car hits 3 women JOHORE BAHRU. T'.ie.s. Three Malay women were .senously injured when they were knocked down by a car as. tliev were walking along a i>ndee leadinc from Jalan Ah Koo to Jalan Scgßet early this rr.urninp. Police have detained the .driver of the car.
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  • 32 1 A- trips to planets TOKYO. Tue.s. Moscow Radio quoted a Ru.ssian .scientists today as predicting that atomic-powered aircraft, might make possible the first flicht between the earth and the planets.— V P.
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  • 26 1 One and a half inches o[ rain fell over the new Paya Lebar airport area in Singapore in 45 minutes y sterday afternoon 1
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  • 24 1 STOCKHOLM. Tue.v Kinc Oustaf Adolf and Queen Louise of Sweden returned hnmr last night after visiting the Qiuen in London.— A P
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  • 154 1 si PKTKRSBI ltd. Hurida. urs A )0 foot whale shark towrd a ti.Vfoot boat and M MfljMß]SjfH about 18 miles before it escaped after a srvrn-hour hattlr. said Caplain J B. Matthrws yrstrrdo aboard thr boat "Captain Bar Strickland" The vessel was cruising off
    AP  -  154 words
  • 111 1 rrWELVE NORWEGIAN sea man the 1.651-ton tank* Singapore for Saigon with imen yesterday, rrfusrd ta rr Vratun. which will loavr a full cargo of high octane petrol. They were replaced by 22 Chinese sailors from the Cfolony. No official reason was Riven for
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  • 32 1 CAIRO. Tue.s. Jordan ha.s asked Egypt for military and financial aid to check Jewish attacks, the Jordanian Amba.ssadOr here said today after conference with General Mo- hammed Neguib Reuter
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  • 27 1 GUATEMALA CITY Tur.v More than 2.000 people mi peeled of pro- Communist po htieal atrocities ftllM Guatemalan prisons today. Each was promised fair hearing —UP.
    UP  -  27 words
  • 477 1 HE SAW 200 SHOT DAILY IN SHANGHAI ■ONG K()N(;. Tuesday. AN Australian who arrived here today after eisht years in Shanghai was considering an illegal breakout from China when the Reds granted him an exit visa. "I can fly. and if they had left one of their Jets unguarded in
    Reuter  -  477 words
  • 121 1 Gift FROM Britain LONDON T!■ BRITAIN is to make a gilt to th.- United Stat<s of 50 Dakota transport plines worth £200 000 it was announced here today The Treasury said th< y vi n rarplua to R.A.F reqalren Thpy will be recondition- d
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 26 1 T»n A mi-! litary tribunal smtrnerd tix mi-mbfrs of thr "Black H^nri" cans to death today lor political 'errorism In French Morocco -A.P.
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  • 19 1 PARIS. Tue.s. -The French "remier. M. Pierre Mendrv France, presided over a threehour Cabinet meeting tori;i\ Reuter
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  • 160 1 Reds 25 miles from Hanoi HANOI. TU< CIX VIETMINH divisions drployrri today only 25 miles from Hanoi in position to attack thr capital from south and north. French authorities said Three dlvMona are .stab lUhed on :1 narrow fronl 2. nnlr.s touth "f thf city wtr-rc thrv arrived yr^trrrtHy cIOM
    UP  -  160 words
  • 56 1 II<!\(; KOMi Tn-s. Mr Chou En-lai. thr Chinese Pnmr M'nistrr. mrt Mr. Ho Chi M.nh. thr Virtnunli loarl<t. w anew here ni<>ne thr Chi- letiuun frontier, Pckinu Rarlin >ai<l tod iv. Mr Chou ffu accompanlt by the Vutminh An Mr Hoanß Vnn H' I I- trli
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  • 15 1 Chi \l 1 I M.i tow 1.1.1 II v trip V\ lir lit-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 551 2 COURT LAUGHS AS SHE ASKS: 'HAVE YOU A DIMPLE? 9 LORD BEATTY DENIES ATTACK IN STRAND LONDON, Tuesday. A BLONDE NURSE, 32-year-old Mrs. Margaret Evans, today lost her case of assault against Lord Beatty, a 19-year-old British peer. Mrs. Evans said in court she
    Reuter  -  551 words
  • 42 2 THERt IS LATIN tniluenn m this playsuit in navy and unite cotton with a jacket uith frilled sleeves. It was ihown at a School for Fashion Design show at the Royal College of Art, London. —Reuter picture.
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  • 114 2 Mars lake has 'run away TOKYO. Tues. TAPANESE astronomers are J puciled over the disappearance of a "lake" on the planet Mars, now making one of it* care close approaches to the earth. Teunco Saxaki. a leading Japanese authority on Mars, said observations made from the Osaka science hall failed
    AP  -  114 words
  • 105 2 QUEEN GIVES V.C. TO SUSAN LONDON. Tur.v QUEEN ELIZABETH today handed a curly -headed seven-year-old orphan girl the Victoria Cross her father won in the Imjin Rlvrr battlo ;n Korra thret years ago. The Quern welcomed little Susan Curtis from Devonport privately in a white and gold state dining room
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  • 41 2 TOKYO. Tues. Japans Air Force today began Its first training in jet planes under United States instructors. The new Air Force of 6 000 men has only about 60 aircraft, all propellor driven trainers and helicopters.— A.P.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 120 2 V CANBERRA. Tuesday. INDIA is planning to ask the Australian Government k»y to allow a token entry of Indian migrants to AusJralia each year. It was reported that India would be satisfied If 1W or even 50 Indians were allowed in *ach year, on
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 56 2 SKARDU. Tues. Mari Puchez, a member of an Italian expedition on Mount Godwin Austen "28.250 feeti. died of pneumonia on June 21. It was learned here today. Recent messages reaching this Kashmir town have said the expedition, led by Professor Ardito Deso. had been meeting continual
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 28 2 LAS PALMAS Canary Islands. Tues. -Maria Viela Ramos, died yesterday, aged 110 She leaves five sons. 39 grandchildren. 92 great-grand-children and three great-great-grandchildren. -A P.
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  • 22 2 NEW YORK Tues-Vernon Smith, a 19-year-old jockey died after a fall yesterday in a horse race in New Hampshire -A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 45 2 KALIMPONG. West Bengal. Tues.— The Chinese Communist authorities In Tibet have posted troops along the rntlre route from Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, to the Fortress of Chando m Sikang in preparation for the Lalal Lama's projected journey to Peking, according to reports. Renter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 106 2 No tenan t for GBS 's home LONDON. Tues. George Bernard Shuw's house, which it was hoped would become a national shrine when the playwright and author died in 19.50. stood empty today because no suitable tenant can be found. An official of the National Trust, the body which maintains
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 116 2 AACHEN. Germany Tues. Mrs. LU Hartel. Danish horsewoman who was paralysed by polio 10 years ago. last night won the world championship in dressage ndinp Jubilee at the Aachen horse .«-how She also rode Jubilee when winning the silver medal in the individual dressage test
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  • 151 2 THE RUSSIANS VETO THE FIREMEN NEW YORK, Tues. A VERBAL alarm sent, two flrp rnRtnPS to the headquarters of the Russian delegation to the United Nations latr last night, but the firemen were not permittrd to enter. The Russians said there was no fire. Fire headquarters SUgfeit cd that paper
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  • 63 2 CHICAGO Tues. Tap! Hsuan Yei. aßed 25. Chinrsf Nationalist Marinp Corps officer who sought political asylum in the United States, habeen arrested by U.S. naval officers and will be flown tc Formosa. A VS. spokesman said that the navy was ordered to arr<\s! Hsuan at the request
    UP  -  63 words
  • 93 2 BIGGER, Hi.; ri GAOLS, it,, GUATEMALA i T'HF, nr terns to break r with th( count:;' i nounrcri The nc g i pd aftei "revolution, that all i.p' will hr 2.000 hay? new ua^;the rest. The Govi (tent ra I to to kc<-p in „n
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  • 11 2 F'Trisn Offli ■< Govrrr. award c taken over b: tionah
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 583 2 ■>■■■■■■■■■■•■■» —1 4 J Last 4 Da V* \3*d rf**i*eiJ*lV r: Don't Dc/o/ s««»«^«WSs:ft««A«ftf> J U.P. S.P. Tootal s Printed Namrit 3«" 53.2H $2.55 p j6. <sj Lystav .Ifi" S2.«n $2.35 I Tobralco 36" S2.HO $2.35 M s i $2.90 $2.40 <■ p I iiEhvh Plain Cnrduroy 36" I
      583 words
    • 120 2 00^ _L^^s_^^' "y^^___2^^^ r\ i t i The sparkle in her eve& refltct* the hcauty of TUDOR watch For. m TUDOR. Rolev of Geneva ru\r L\ a truly distinctive piece of jewellery. Pr<~>'r by a bcautifullv-fashionerl nowHrrprool case, the TUDOR j ii J 17-jewel movement is renowned for its .iccurai
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  • 439 3 Civil deience still a must? A great big Yes by Fyf e 5 LONDON, Tuesday. )A VID MAXWELL FYKK, the Home P cretary, *•'<! yesterday if ever an attack weapons was made on Britain the of lit i and suffering would "constitute a without any previous parallel in history." I
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 76 3 I\,|V! how you've a«ed! But this is one time when actress Brenda de K. in/it- takes this comment as a compliment. On the left is Manches-ter-born Brenda as she usually is. And on the right as she is in her role as Miss McNab, a
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  • 217 3 AMERICA, RUSSIA EXPEL ENVOYS A WIIN<- K'N, Tucs. I iillicials 'i in expelled ihf i nited State* X, it months m -i charges, the H- Department an ■ouncei! The Soviet ■E in lent have re K. ted bj expelling two in attache! from nil JK Americans, »lu> have been ,<[
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  • 27 3 K Khartou cor B paper Sid to .n riots on m w th in 31 people were kil uicludin; indant of i'-e. m
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  • 113 3 Tues. court day t" ru ,ib•o Wr fl' wi .1 to .stay .Tudith J* ted to had had a oneslan au- ded hi r visa w til July 9. i furthi or married the man by then she would have to come to Singapore.
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 192 3 LONDON. Tues, ABRIDGE more than twice i as long as the Sydney Har- Dor bridge is to be built across :he Yanstse River in China Aithin the next five years, the Sew China news agency said yesterday. Mao Vi Sheng president )f the
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 62 3 LONDON. Tuex. HOUSEWIVES revolting against rocketing meat prices touched off by the end ni rationing forced them down a little today. As Smithftrld market openid for business, wholesalers reported some prices sliding one penny to 2d a pound. Some butchers also joined the nouscwivtw revolt
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  • 30 3 WASHINGTON, Tues— The United States yesterday rejected for the second time a Soviet charge that the US. Navy had seized a Soviet tanker near Formosa last month —Reuter
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  • 110 3 LONDON. Tups SIAM has paid about Malayan $3,000,000 for the death railway built by prisoners during the war. Mr. Osbeit PeakP. the Minister of Pen.sions. said. Mr. Peakr. answering a question In the House of Commons said this amount had to be distributed
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 183 3 GENEVA. Tues. ITO SONG THIET. 34-year-V old Vietnamese pacifist who ha* been on hunger strike for peace during the (ieneva conference. announced today he felt the end was near both for himself and his country. n a letter to newspaper*, he
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 253 3 WEBB SAYS: ADMIT CHINA TO UNITED NATIONS WELLINGTON. Tuesday. MR. CLIFTON WEBB, New Zealand External Affairs Minister, said tonight the time had come to admit Communist China to the United Nations. "I am firmly convinced that the absence of China from the United Nations has prevented i a lessening of
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 34 3 LONDON. Tues Union leaders of more than 600.000 civil servants met in London yesterday to plan a waees campaicn which would cost the Government 1 17 000.000 mor» a year Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 21 3 BANGKOK. Tues The Siamese Cabinet has ordered the registration and card-in-dexing of the entire population of Bangkok A P
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  • 279 3 LONDON. Tue* 'THE highlight ol the stock marIcctn tv the marked strength of Klltedged aecurUuv This follows the news of the Government's latest conversion ofler. This is regarded us anotht-r indication of the Governments desire to keep money cheap. Rubbers im in quiet requtst but fas were neglected.
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  • 27 3 LONDON. July 0 Cash Buyers C*6o; Sellers C7K2; Forward Buyers C"49; Sellers C 749> 2 Settlement 1:758. Turnover a.m. 50 tons: p in 40 tons.
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  • 45 3 1 LONDON July 6 —Spot 21 ',d I Aug 21>,d Sept 21 >«<1 Or t -Dec 21 .d Jan -Mar 21 \d Apri -June II -ri JuJy clt. 21 ',d.. Au« c.U. 21 3 l«d. Sept. c.l.f 21 3 16d Tone- Very steady
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 237 3 jitllwiH MICIC DAW SEN :^aggv^.— .J its sure ?s^B to be Prawn Balichow Pure (iuava Jelly Toparee Jam Bamboo Pickles Brinjal Pickles Lime Pickles Mixed Pickles Sweet Mixed Pickles Mangoe Hot Sliced ("hutne> Mansor s w ,Tt WMi Chutney Mangoe Hot Kasoondie l.imr Kasoonriir i iirry Paste Curry Powdrr Our
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  • 270 4 Orchard Circus: claims by seven SEVEN claimants are eking compensation from tho Singapore Government on the ground thai the highway around Orchard Road Circus is on land owned by them. the acting President of the City Council, Mr. J. i Rea, said yesterday. He waa commenting on the the StiiuLs
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  • 24 4 PENANG. Tues. A camera valued at $250 waj stolen from a car at Penanc Road while the owner attended a late
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  • 96 4 S:\c.\PORE Polici an- tnves-i :ng thr .stabbing of a iphrr. Mr All \:n: Snmr on Monday nisht Mr. An wa.s stabbed in the rhost and left in a l<mrl\ :>pot in Jalan Nun. Slglap. A police spokesman said Mr Au was driven to Jalan Nuri
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  • 313 4 Problem is: How to raise the extra millions THK Singapore City Council will have to find millions of dollars more to pay its daily-rated employees on the Ritson scale. Mr. T. M. Stevens, the City Secretary, said yesterday: It is impossible to say now if
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  • 127 4 Mr. Facing both ways' his problem KI'AI.A U'MPI'R. Tues. THK jeneral secretary of the Malayan Plantation Workers* Union. Mr. P. P. N.irayanan. has started a rountry-widr tour to persuade "fence sitters" to join thr proposed amalgamated union of estate workers. Mr. Narayanan returned today from a tour of estates in
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  • 68 4 KUALA LUMPUR. T TYng Seng Kuan. 26. and CIMM Kee Chan. 43 of Kuala Lumpur were charged here today with attempted extortion They were alleged to haw put Kuan Yoon in fear ot hi> lite yesterday at the Lucky World amusement park and demanded $10 from
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  • 21 4 MALACCA. Tucs.— Mr. G. E. C Wisdon- Rrsident ComimsMoner. will open the Jasin I District Shew on July 24.
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  • 180 4 Fatima's prize is no use in the ulu PATIMA, a Malay amah employed on Bukit Besi Mine, DunRim Trengßanu—inaccessible except by train last week won a motor car in the Trengganu Branch Red Cross lottery. A Red Cross oreani-ser. Miss P Cunnineham. paid a special visit to the mine to
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  • 54 4 BCKIT MERTAJAM. TuCs A constable. Abdul Latiff. who sole a pen from another constable and pawned it for $5 wa> yesterday sent to prison for six months Constable Wonc Sone Peck told the sessions court here he missed his pen from his quarters and later traced
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  • 60 4 TELUK ANSON Tues- A meeting will be held at the Anglo Chinese School In Raja Musa Road at 5.30 p.m tomorrow to discuss the formation of a branch of the Malayan Historical Society Known as the Southern Branch this body will cover Batanc Padang including Tanjone Ma'.im.
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  • 62 4 SIR JOHN M( OLI. the Governor of Singapore, lays the foundation stone of the 5159.000 swimming pool for merchant seamen at C'onnell House in An.son Road. Singipnre. Yesterday's ceremony, which was attended by representatives of the shipping community, marked a new phase in the efforts
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  • 255 4 SEAMEN SOON IN THE SWIM T»HE Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll, at a <-eremony yesterday attended by representatives of the Colony's shipping community, laid the foundation stone of a $159,000 swimming pool at Connell House. Mr T B Low. the
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  • 120 4 He robbed the same room twice KUALA LIPIS Tues lEE Kong Cheong. 23. who Li robbed the same room In the Kuala Llpis Rest House twice in two month* wa- > n-trnct-d to nine months' gaol on each of two charges of theft the sentences to run concurrently, followed by
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  • 52 4 Screenings of Fli K ht of the White Heron t colour Cinemascope film of the Queens Commonwealth t< ur. will be shown for Singapore schoolchildren at the Odeon Theatre The .show s will t,e held at 8 30 a.m. daily from Monday and tickets will cost
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  • 121 4 Money for Japan trip is short The students needed $12 500 to subsidise the tour, under thr auspices or the University's Historical Society. Their applications to the University Council and the two Governments for grants were turned down. So, at a (un-fair and dance, they
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  • 85 4 An application for the appointment of an interim receiver to take charge of the affairs of Mok Peng Chia. trading as Chop Chta Moh, of No 18 Circular .9oad. was r.ranted by Mr. Justice Taylor in the Singapore High Court I yesterday. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 SURF THE NEW (magic POWDER 111. At OWMXctM3c^ g£je??p!!*y7j eveioj other Si^^^^a "j washing product! I gV 1 I I 1 \A Wgr There 1 nothing to beat Surf for sensational I I 1 1 V washing results. It gives you mountains of hard-working |W 1 suds. Even garments that
      243 words
    • 228 4 Y»'s, both l>\ name ami nature, f«»r Ihi- i^ little Merry I-oh of Kirn Brag Road- Singapore, frd ori Cow (ialr Milk Food. ll<r mollirr wrilrs: **I should V like lo Ihank you for Con <\ oulv Fo<mJ given lo mj daughti right i^ lacreasing <->< ry da\ h hil«
      228 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 131 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE AM 7 16 Tune Signal and Opening Announcement; 716 Morning Star; 7 M Nens; 7.35 Melody M,>. Hire; 800-R3O Invitation to Music 8 II English S<hooLs Broadcast; 11 10 English ScjiooLt Broadcast, P M 100 Programme Summary, 1.01 Favourite Dance Bands; 1.30 Time Signal and News; 1.45
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  • 368 5 E all-up parades like a ame of tennis, he says »ITL DENTS' PLEAS \RE REJECTED ,ppeals of three medical students and a Knidcnl-tearhcr against national service were J., (l \c>ltrflay by a tribunal in the Supreme the student -teacher, claimed that would afTrct his ability to study for the Teachers'
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  • 68 5 RALLLY FOR LORD ROWALLAN To biggesi ever rVH H history d Rowallan when he v thus Jalan N .'mbpr lido 2H II attend. f^B .i:rivc.s in Slufl Vancouver, H v G< < i 1 On i c will op» n (hr m 'urong g) i'.nnp fire v f£ with (mli
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  • 54 5 j^RNANO Tver- Prnane and Pie Wellesle* acouta wIU gta ilhes to welcome the nmonwealth's chief See Rowallan, who win H: the .settlement from Nov. ft m bo hrld at A p Town. Nibonc Si tuts from vernacular teb< oln a sr rirment ca» Jubilee ramp from
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  • 5 5 lnrtif named K- Zainul
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  • 64 5 MISS FANG CIIOOI LlN<l above, has been awarded the Hazen Foundation Fellowship to study at the Srarritt College and Vanderbilt I'niversity of Social Science, at Nashville Tennessee. The year's scholarship is sponsored by the National V W.C. A. of New York. Miss Fani:. It,
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  • 160 5 —BY 4-TO-l VOTE SINGAPORE Boy Scouts voted yesterday by a four-to-one majority in favour of wearing oerets. But this does not neces- I sarily mean that the beret will replace the felt hat in the Colony. The acting Chief Commis- sioner, Mr. L.
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  • 182 5 i V \s uhn ramp to Sinfft- pmr ti iffn court late jrr- told thr mmfif Hi it hr had iudcfd (InJnn h\ tin- sun JB^ik h.ii it of (V\lon Road. i .iv< v.iv 1 1 r d for .it MS pm.
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  • 311 5 Ausier crasnea in jungie swamp BATU PAHAT, Tuesday. FIJIAN soldiers and police using tiny river craft have salvaged an Auster spotter plane which crashed last Friday among terrorist hideouts in Johore Jungle I swamps. The Auster, operating against terrorist cultivation areas, crashed eight miles north-wi'M of
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  • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tiio.s. Mr.Angus Morrison, who will conduct the practical examinations of the Associated Board of thr Royal School of Hnrtf in Malaya this year, will reach Penang on July 21 A noted pianist. Mr. Morrison has agreed to perform as solo artist with the revived
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  • 325 5 EVIDENCE that he had written and praised 1 M. R. Swain, the manag- ing director of Hume Industries (Far East) 1 Ltd.. when he deserved it. was given by C. H. Unbehaun. a former managing director of the company, in the Singapore High Court
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  • 116 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues JUDGMENT was reserved in the Sessions Court today in the case in which tour men i were charged with cheating Ng Pens Seng, a furniture dealer, iby obtaining furniture valued at $644 It was alleged that Lee Koh Poo and O. K. Nair ordered
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  • 55 5 ALOR STAR. Tues. Elections to fill three seats each in the town councils of Alor Star and Sung' i Patani will be held on Aug. 7 and 14 this year. Nomination days arr: Alor Star Town Council. July 18, at Balai Besar: Sungei Patani Town Council,
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  • 211 5 SIX American university s are flying round the wo a BOAC Constellation from They are: Dr. Alfred Sumner. a lecturer in geography and leader of the party; Dr Clarence Peterson, a specialist in education; Miss Isabel Cassidy. and Messrs. W. Holtzman, A. McClure
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 Re mmd s me/ That Ke -[1... -i^fjr /W\ liilaM jj BHff ,JM 4^@ v p I Callln j and do the job properly I simply MUST get a Plan made out for the Office we are moving into. Although it's small, I know Roneos will help and, being small,
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    • 138 5 For extra SAFETY Ride on MICHELIN Real low Pressure Tyres if %%l fli/vV/f RFFR /SJH^ v# J||Kc\ /'Mm. <iTtMm*\ jA wm IPAIL CCUDDLC-eiClllL c r >$ no on ncreas Tne W*S^—^^^*^j^^L thickness ot the cooking B^^ggj^KSoH surtace. but give greatly added B^H9 strength. on flat side I Q A l/rr
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 119 5 SINGAPORE DIARY CLOTHINtI SHOP: st Andrew meeting 745 pm nim show Bpm CathfdrU. south side 3 pm. to 5 CHINESE V.M.C.A. iSflPsie p m Road > Txble tennln 2 pm and 7 EX-SERVICE ASSOCIATION: pm body building J pm badminVelrrann' srriklng conctTt. Beach ton 8 p.m.. commercial «chool 5p m
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  • 20 6 M Worrf* $11) (minimum) ELIZABETH I'OAY>.1 'OAY>. Wife of We Cdr H. A Singer. luddenl) ;>• RAF Ch?njrl. IM July.
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  • 28 6 ;n Word. f«i«i»Mil TO THK EVFR-lOVINO MEMORY I* DM late the Rev. J. A. Bupramanlan who paaaad away on Faithful Onto Inserted by his loving children
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  • 811 6 Singapore, Wed. July 7. 1954 Facts About Taxes Seven years after the first collections of income tax, the arrears of the first twelve difficult months at last hay been substantially overtaken This comment by Mr. R B. BeaaaMß on the Department's work in Singapore is a strikinc footnote to the
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  • 498 6 The seven reserve*! seats on the future partly elected Federal Legislative Council have come to he looked upon ,is the means of compromise ending the Alliance "boycott" It is possibility that was recocrvsod even before the Alliance withdrew its co-operation from the Government and its representatives from the lccislaturc
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  • Man-in-the-street
    • 323 6 NO-ONE can call the new move of the U.M.N.O.M.C.A. Alliance to petition the Rulers regardng future political changes and to gain their sympathy a bad one. In Tact, it would have been to the advantage of the Alliance and the self-rule movement if the Alliance
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    • 91 6 LOCAL councils were aft up in this district last year. as a first step to self-coven.-ment. I cannot see the use for local councils if they cannot 1 act freely on -such a thine a* I local affairs The Chief Administrative .Officer in this district
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    • 74 6 rpHE S.T.C. have surely In X strurted their staffs to b polite to their passenper.s But recently I heard :>: Indian ST.C. bus inspector te;. ing the passengers that the; should go by car or taxi 1 they wished to avoid his rude ne-^ The dispute
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    • 45 6 CAN a trisha-ridrr who rrfuscs a fare bo prosecuted When it was raining heavily ane momine. I hailed a trtsha in North Bridge Roiri but all the trlsha-riders to whom I called out shook their heads and pedalled away. l. c. r. Singapore
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    • 356 6 YOUR special feature ar 1 was no doubt written I little credit to British trooi portion of General Wavrll'; •tide "Aussies led attack" by an Australian. It gives pt who formed the greater s force in Western Egypt. The writer of the article •states
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    • 127 6 Economics will decide problem DOES Kreta Beer" not realise that motorists, especially owner-drivers, think in terms of "cents" when it comes to paying $30 odd for parking a car durine office hours Economics will decide the issue of whether to take a bus and leave the car at home or
      127 words
    • 108 6 Prayer may be the way to peace ILIKE what Mr. Djamaan Soelaiman says: What the world badly needs is neither arms nor peace con- 1 ferences. but love for our leliowmen" as a means to achieve world peace It rings very true. The world seems to have forgotten its Creator.
      108 words
    • 90 6 rE recent increase of bus fares in Kuala Lumpur by certain operators especially on the town routes Ls surprisinc It means a lot to the wage earner, weekly, monthly and annually. The residents of Sentul. Sentul Pasar and others who use the routes whose bus fares
      90 words
    • 71 6 THE City Council establishment committee should, in consultation with the Education Department and the University of Malaya, prepare a lust of equivalent and higher qualifications for the guidance of the establishment officer. The committee should also have an entrance examination for all vacancies open to Sin-gapore-born
      71 words
    • 91 6 THE other day I was drivinc pas s the Anglo-Chinese School in Teluk Anson when I was stopped by some students Their badges told me that I they were prefects. What they 'said irritated me. They told m>' that in future I must not co
      91 words
    • 199 6 OVERS of South Indian music are always disappointed when they tune in to Radio Malay.i Tamil programmes. In the daily four hours as- signed to Indian music, more than three are devoted to cheap if popular film songs. Unfortunately Indian muMc like many other things in the
      199 words
    • 85 6 IT is true that the university students of today are the statesmen, diplomats and other leadeis of tomorrow But. I don't think it good for students to take part in uolitic.s. If students are allowed to do so. their studies will be affected They are also likely
      85 words
    • 47 6 THE present influx of flies in the Henderson Road ana is causing anxiety among the residents. The insects seem U> corr.e from the sewerage works where stagnant water accumulates with the waste mutter in the compound there. Can nothing be done? K. C. YEO Singapore
      47 words
    • 183 6 The trouble at Indian customs I AGREE with Mr. Padmanabha Menon that those who try to cheat the Indian customs should be dealt with harshly. But the bad treatment and unnecessary trouble from the customs seem to be experienced by all passengers at South Indian ports. A reader vrote: "Recent
      183 words
    • 77 6 THE CATERING on the Sumpitan Emas "Golden Blowpipe 1 Express Is bad. Muslim food Ls available but there is no distinction In serving a non-Muslim and a Muslim. The fowU are slaughtered. I believe, by the Chinese. Beef and lish are all kept in the
      77 words
    • 125 6 A 6 a volunteer in the Slnga- pore Military Forces. I do not like the publicity imostlv too good 1 given to Singapore's conscripts. There is great difference between a consr.riDt and a volunteer. I have been a volunteer for j the last four years having
      125 words
  • 137 6 On the Margin Unresol ris questta eompai ed I i I method oi H fronts m in North a I harvest S v 2 M m C( And 'ri ditlonall Tax ai more tract in P< The rea YIT Uv La farmin The fd to 01 both In tl «i
    137 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 797 6 Strait* Tinwi At Frc« Preu For th* convrnlenca at adverHa*fl our rcprtMntativt at lit Moor' SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE. ORCHARD ROAD, will ractiva tmall ad.ert^, .nd an.wan ta bo> niimbirt. Clatiitift advartlMmaaH way alto b« handad t» CITY BOOK STORI LTD. Win<hr-t*r Houw, Ccltyr, Quay. CLASSIFIKP ADS. I ;n M,.rrfi fit
      797 words
    • 71 6 POP-HIT RECORDS. fMfV Record A Gem. Hear these fi Top Tunes of the nay everybody's favourite and you will realise their Incomparable entertainment value. DIAMOND D.I. Mike Love to Me. Oh Baby Mine. I get so lonely. DIAMOND D.t. Serret Love. A dear John Lett«r. DIAMOND DJ. That's Amore. Rags
      71 words
    • 65 6 ,)r: 70 RIFRfCfRATOR toy the huxer family i' I iM Prire Ims M for CAM Hire Purchase 12 .Monthl> hi > s Aaicrtiserncnt oi THI CINERAL ELECTRIC CO M Representing THEGLNO' When in Singapore for the R stay at the "GLENEAGLES GALA RACE BALL CLENEACLE 6. Napier Road, 'next to
      65 words

  • 147 7 800 INCOME TAX CASES IN COURTS LAST YEAR |H sos for M income en up in irta last md the date Of Judßr for the r recovered JV ill Hi r tax whs than 350 gftinini of under Ordinance I $45,585. mI venue from kgl yrar was i Of $23.--i:vi
    147 words
  • 19 7 r' mrdium wave froqwr-nrv Biur Network ol Radio Kuala Lumpur, B hanged on July 20 from Mi
    19 words
  • 101 7 KOALA CIMPIR. Tuev pOI.OURED telephones V Mill be available for the firvt time in October. spokesman of the Telecommunications Department said today He added: "Subscribers will be able to replace their prrsent black ones for an additional annual r«-ntal of lit." He said the
    101 words
  • 55 7 Official.* ol the Mctrorologl cal Technical Employee.' Union Singapore, for this yea are: dent. Mr. V. R,r.i Go pal: vice-president, Mr. N. C Menon: socrotary. Mr. Joh] Thamboti: treasurer. Mr. "hai T>un Dokc: committee Ml sr.> Tan Joo Cheng Ahmad bli Mustapha, Lim Boon Teclc. Sin Krns
    55 words
  • 49 7 twvvv. r M I rl from those twn forms ot ■5164.844. ha'.f of which wrnt to the poor and for other cli;iritablr purpoMt and alM> as cnir.mis.sion.v to tax collectors .md thi :r MStttaata. The other half of the col- w<^nt to the Muslim Pund
    49 words
  • 513 7 'MAN LOCKED ME IN ROOM AND BEAT ME' IH-YKAR-OLD Kuala Lumpur girl told a Singapore court yesterday that she was tricked into coming to Singapore "for a pleasure trip." When she reached the city, she said, she was sold to a
    513 words
  • 41 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The body of an Indian, aged about 50. was found floating :n Kamponi? Bahru here today It was later identified as that of N. Chlnniah of the Nc Teonn Keat Rubber Factory in Setapak.
    41 words
  • 39 7 Missing— three women Three women were rt\x>rteri mussing in Singapore yesterday. They were Annie Chiang Yoke Yinß. aced 31 of I.oronc 35. Geylang Road. Tham Tay Ho, 38 of Duxton Road and Chan Lens Wee, 14 of Smith Street.
    39 words
  • 23 7 IPOH, Tues. Mr. Chuns: Sen Nyean. an Ipoh miner died at his home in Chung Thye Phln Road. He was 59.
    23 words
  • 101 7 Tan Chai Tek. who was charged on June 7 with "having control of 23 mortar shells and bombs' at Sungoi Scraiaiiß ofT Chanai. was acquitted yesterday in Singapore yesterday. ASP. A. W. Mahmood, prosecuting, -said that he had been instructed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to
    101 words
  • 110 7 LI.M II TEE. driving teacher who was freed on Monday from a death sentence by the Singapore Court of Criminal Appeal. decided yesterday to give up driving lessons. "From now on I intend to help my family make bean
    110 words
  • 116 7 FOUR TERRORISTS KILLED BY FIJIANS LAYANG LAYANG, Johorc Tues. FIJIAN troops today killed four terrorists in two incidents in this area. INCIDENT NO. 1 was six miles north-west of Sembrong Estate. A patrol of 12 Platoon. "D' Company, led by Lieut. K. M Tagivetaua, surrounded throe terrorists in a camp.
    116 words
  • 114 7 SEREMBAN Tues. A j big search is going on five i miles trom here for the 60 terrorists who battled with a Gurkha platoon for an hour on Saturday. A police spokesman today said that the bandits escaped in small groups. A Gurkha, Rifleman
    114 words
  • 80 7 Shot police officer improves KUALA L. I'M PUR I'u's INSPECTOR Ahmad bin Kassim. ib. tuuna shot :n urn, car in Maxwell Road here >n Sunday night, is progressing satisfactorily, hospital authorities said today. Inspector Ahmad. who s attached to the Criminal Investigation Department. Selangor was returning nome at the time
    80 words
  • 43 7 Mr. W. C. Alcock official assignee. Singapore, has left on long leave. Mr S E. Teh. assistant official assignor. |a acting for him. Mr. Denis D'Cotta. magistrate, has been transferred to the official MMtfMe*! office as assistant official assignee.
    43 words
  • 26 7 JOHORE BaHRU Tues. Quek Bee Yam found smoking chandu in a house in Mersin?. was fined $200 or one month's goal in Mersing yesterday
    26 words
  • 393 7 EIGHTY-EIGHT candidates have passed the Bachelor of Arts Deercr and 11 the Diploma in Education examinations of the University of Malaya 1953-54 session. B.A. Degree with Honour*: Ist C)a*s Economics Choi Slew Hong Ist Class Hlslorv Wong Lin Km S-rond (lam. fpper Division: Hi'tnrv:
    393 words
  • 214 7 BEAUTY QUEEN ALICE BIT P.C. AFTER QUARREL Row outside cabaret, court told KIWI. A I-IMPIR. Tuesday. ALICE CHENG MOI. aged J9. who was eh— en I Singapore's "Newspaper C^iieen" last year u;k accused here tndav of assaulting a policeman and disorderly behaviour. Charged with her was 21 '.-■ar-nUI Tan Al
    214 words
  • 63 7 Singapore Court of Criminal Vppeal yesterday r> udyment in the appeals r Woo Sing and Sim Ah Kow, inder sentence of three nonths' and one month's imprisonment respectively, <>n :harge of doing a negligent aci not amounting to culpabi homicide. The two appeal! wen listed for hearing
    63 words
  • 23 7 Three men. each with a revolver waylaid *n Intiiim In fCranJi Road Singapore on Monday art«rnoon nnd robbed him of $225.
    23 words
  • 41 7 IPOH lue.s The Pernk Chinese Secretariat toria> confirmed the receipt of a block resignation of 14 members ol the Advil The Board is to ma Thursday and Friday for rnu tine discussions on mutters afTectinc the < nity.
    41 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 ma i f -$6 SCOTCH WHl*' v« r iv" *\is/ ■Mi N^^«--^^^lfe c Aesnts S.ngapore b Federation of Malaya: [JOUSTEAD CO., LTD. I THERMOGRAPHS AND THERMO-HYDROGRAPhS ommercial and Domestic use rf (Ml 1 w RANOn 30F 130' F OR 80 180° F ll limi Ml MIDITY <.1VIN(,; WEEKLY RIX OKDINGS
      78 words
    • 104 7 SOW WHAT? HffiLXr^ YATES 'fp^Pl GARDEN SEEDS tiew Seasons FLOW£R SEEDS Air freighted to ensure FRESHNESS and FERTILITY 1.1 t'l.S. I*<lV lift Balsam Mangold Calendula Marionette Carnation Petunia Cosmos Phlox Dianthus Portulaca Caillardia Sunflower >S Zinn:a U.I rts. L«ir</i> l*«tvln>t Carnation ONLY ABOVE VARIETIES AVAILABLE STOCKS ARE LIMITED IMMEDIATE ORDERING
      104 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 179 7 The weather MIMMIM TKMPKRATIRK '7 30 pm. on July S to 7 30 am on July 6 1 SlitKupoit 7H de«rfe<Pcnung 75. Kola Balini 71 K Lumpur 74. Ipoh 74. 71 MAXIM I M TKMPKRATIKK (7 30 H.m. to 7 30 pm. on J llv ll Sinviiporr 87. Prnany
      179 words

  • 324 8 30 HOMES AS GUINEA PIGS IN SURVEY HOW MUCH do you pay for toothpaste? How much does your child pay for tiffin at school? What do you use for cooking— firewood, electricity, gas. charcoal or kerosene? These are just a few of the questions you'll be asked if you have
    324 words
  • 85 8 Farm show prizes will total $2,000 PENANG. Tues. MORE than $2,000 in prizes will be awarded in the Settlement agricultural show to be held at Bagan Jermal. Butterworth, on July 17 and 18. Highest prizes will go to the padi exhibits. Winning specimens from this class will be sent to
    85 words
  • 46 8 Three hundred and twentynine Chinese passengers arrived in Singapore in the Norwegian ship Hoi Houw from China yesterday. A further 139 Chinese, in transit to Penang. were also on board. Most of the passengers were wives of residents in Malaya. Ei iiiii
    46 words
  • 540 8 SOME CRIED 'FORWARD' —OTHERS 'BACK' 23rd DAY OF THE INQUIRY RESCUERS interfered with airport firemen at Kalian* on March 13, when a 8.0.A.C. Constellation crashed and burnt with the loss of 33 lives, it was stated yesterday in
    540 words
  • 168 8 Nobody wants thispadi-so it rots in the storehouses IPOH, Tuesday. BECAISE there is no demand for it, 103.i>00 piculs of Perak padi is slowly rotting in storehouses. The Government paid $1,761,200 for it— at least $17 a picul. This includes 36.600 piculs. Erown last year. The rest Is 1 this
    168 words
  • 85 8 'LET US TAKE TEXT BOOKS TO EXAMS' PENANG. Tues. Candidates sitting for the Telecoms Clerical Service examinations should be allowed to take reference books with them into the examination hall says their union The Penang branch ot the Union of Telecoms Workers of Malaya has submitted this proposal to the
    85 words
  • 60 8 IPOH. Tues. Tan Ah Piew. 34. was arrested as he was about to crawl through a hole which he had made in the brick wall of a shophouse in Hugh Low street on Monday night. Today he pleaded guilty to house breaking. Sentence was
    60 words
  • 80 8 ALOR STAR. Tues. Twc hundred people attended the "President's Night" at the Stia Kesukaan Club last night to welcome back the Raja Muda of Kedah. Tengku Halim. from Britain. Tengku Halim. who is studying administration at Oxford is on a three-month vacation He is the
    80 words
  • 43 8 IPOH, Tues. Police have started a campaign against straying cattle in Ipoh. A dozen cattle and goat owners were fined today for allowing their animals to stray. In two cases cattle were found in the compounds of Police stations.
    43 words
  • 70 8 MONSOON People fight shy of rough trip ONLY iOO Indians ieft Singapore yesterday m the Jalagonal for India, one of the smallest groups to lea\e this year. The reason is the start of the South-West monsoon, which will be blowing at full force when the Jilagopal reaches the Bay of
    70 words
  • 112 8 A 17-YEAR-OLD youth was in Singapore yesterday committed to stand trial at thel High Court on a charge of at- j tempting to set fire to a house' on April 4. Halil bin Daim was alleged to have attempted to set flre
    112 words
  • 52 8 KUALA LUMPUR Tues. The Rubber Inquiry Mission headed by Sir Francis Mudie returned to Kuala Lumpur today after a four-day visi' to Kelantan. They talked with estate managers, smallholders and rubber dealers in Kelantan The mission also had discussions with the Mentri Besar British Adviser and
    52 words
  • 34 8 The Danish freighter Marie Skou arrived in Singapore yesterday from Yulinkong with 8.500 tons of iron-ore for Antwerp. The ship will take on w.itrr provisions and bunkers here.
    34 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 376 8 isisj ii illjl jjili m iiiii HID ilili 81 ii I#SHAW BROTHERSgI* II 1.45-4-6.30 f TEL. A w«w W Ba/giß PiK a 9 pm. I 5159 J :;j; FROM TODAY! I ESSENTIALLY AN ADULT FILM! l» An exciting drama of a woman who rises ilili s^ from shame to fame
      376 words
    • 194 8 S *™*.T N l A T. l 0 l ATTRAC in coionioni fHom iiw X.,0 p ni <;i,ITTERIN(i lIS BI \Ks WONDKRI I I \> ITS ROMANCI BREATHTAKING As v, HUSK opi:\s io>ioituo\\ OOMT MISS HM 1^ TH/S Ot9L f vxcnr! If 1\ Red] 011-in-love holf'n hock ond his Saadoch^t
      194 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 360 8 Ihe Mraits limes Crossword 38 B 4 el^; e<l lady? An '^^^'on' I I |2 I |3~ißBr*~J |s I I* I I? I Is 1 Z9 Good lltt1 Edward d| dn't thrive iH^ US HI down jfH H| ||fc !j^ 1 Plant u.sed in making biscuit* I HI 2 Expiatory
      360 words

  • 1823 9 TIMES special FEATURE Tragedy haunted sad genius of the U.S. theatre A LEAN young man by the name of Eugene O'Neill broodec outside a Broadway theatre one night in 1920 awaiting the public verdict on his first full-length play. To his dismay not a ripple of applause followed the fall
    Daily Mirror  -  1,823 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 147 9 the I NEW A<;W priced leiicedes I benz j r Petrol I Cilumn I n| Road I Hoidint; I Economical and Fast Diitfibutori: I i UUUAGE CO.. J LTD. 6 K Lumput I throu«hou» n. Sirswik B N.B. I.JB that stuffy NA iMEDtSONS LTD Rf vitalize Your I »NEYS fl
      147 words
    • 10 9 KMionnow I In 1 inn s «lf HUM 11.-. k.-r
      10 words
    • 313 9 INEST GLARE PROTECTION MONEY CAN BUY! ■r J The lenses in Hausch 8c Lomb RayBj^ f Ban Sun Glasses are made of the fine« f */f^*Tf& optical glass, ground-and-polished to > highest precision standards. Here's the MV handsome new Ray-Ban "Wayfarer" ■'^faa/' model for men, with sturdy, stylish V*k zylonite
      313 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 106 9 Shvrlovk Holntvs Sinp h<»rt>. mhht f itirti Iruitr I wmml Wwmmmh tmmU l^BHl^^^^^^^l r r> n ik= M gotta blt/ a cwea»?l fsweo real frencwv. T a J. .jmUHHtHBIHI TO SPeS< W ZEES IS F KNIPE POR TAOOET PRACTICE 3-D.WITW A BEAUTIFUL' REAL CrFklF- ATEMPOPADV ROOM -nTLSfi R MECS EIFFEL
      106 words

  • 354 10 RUBBER PRICE HAS* SHARP RISE Meagre share busing AIDED by jjood demand the rubber price gapore soared up by 1 I cent* lose at 72 3 S cents a Ib. The rise in prire moved up sonn ilichtly on the Singapore Share M Those .showing rises were Vyer Hitam. Connemara,
    354 words
  • 256 10 Letter to Editor Wm. Jacks dividend IN a comment in your financial column yesterday reference Is made to the announcement by us of the sayment of an interim dividend Df 10 r r in respect of the year endins September 30. 1954 The statement is made that last year the
    256 words
  • 137 10 Ships alongside the Mngapon Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Corfu 1 2 Empire Trooper 45, Hal Lee C P.. Anna Baku* 67. Mormacfir 8 11. Patroclus 11. Hoegh Siheruay 13 14. Tablan 15 16 Loksang 18. Tong Sana N.W 6 General Mlchlels 23 24. Btntoni: 25
    137 words
  • 177 10 PLANS to build a synthetic i rubber Dlant with an out- put of 30.000 tons annually havp been discussed at a meeting of Germany Baden. Tne Financial Times Bonn Correspondent says the plant would probably be built by Huls Chemical Works, at present the orlv German
    177 words
  • 39 10 On the tree exchanee markc li Hone Konc ve.terday the U.S dolb MM quoted v 5 7RR2S for 1 81 for I I Sterlinc ni quoted at 15 56 am one t.iel of gold at 251 BT.'i
    39 words
  • 10 10 R.ihman Hydraulic Tlr. .lune output was «77 plruK
    10 words
  • 12 10 SINGAPOl rt^ rra chanced j >«••• RUBBER Ih. i up 1
    12 words
  • 47 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS raat Thci c k»r« Mtoi viS Uiyu C icrai Courlauld tt« M Ti Sat* IC I Mi M Mount Lyi Sl I t*c Woolwor 1 ull A Aim! J A Bl' IO Herald I lm« < i :ai Hill 50 Peko [an Jjj Peko j C <
    47 words
  • 36 10 Rubber clmA in Singapore yi The for Jul] Good lubber S ier pound No. 1 H ijj Spot loose No 1 R No. 1 R P ar or lber Pn I) Vfarlrct mii*l iftl
    36 words
  • 33 10 Si lieu pore Chiinchanse: noon prl< I $30 selh wdtn Peppei lurnniiT mi small buslrw O II I It I '.I II I B I nominal i I $3m buyi I
    33 words
  • 17 10 Tin > Lo June an- lo contrite eri K Lo I rrt 1 13 100 La
    17 words
  • 2 10
    2 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 761 10 NOTICES NOTICE 5 NOTICE Is hereby given that Mi Ng Bak Poon Is no longer In our employ as from 30th June. 1954. CHUN CHONO. J 53. South Bridge Road Singapore/ 1 n OFFICE AND GODOWNS TENDERS are Invited for the c leasing of office and godowns i former NAAFI
      761 words
    • 1647 10 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Eu Ton* Sen Limited of No. 27! South Bridge Road, Singapore that all sums die or to be due to the Hire-Purchase Department of the said Company In respect of hirepurchase instalments shall be P«ld with effect from today to Eu Tone Sen
      1,647 words
    • 400 10 CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Supply of 160-250 watt Hieh Pressure Mercury Vapour Street Lishtlng Lanterns nnd necessary operating gear Close NOON 58 54 Knrm.« from Electricity Departnw-n' 1 Room 109). TENDER NOTICE i>ik(li\sk ay i 'xsEßviri \ni i HI SXIPE CARS Tenders in sealed cover addressw.
      400 words
    • 96 10 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES ..■OUND ETA lASTBOUNO So.hry, "> r H July BRISK to So.oon, Toi-rooe. Hoiphono I* ■>«••> j 16 July CAMPOOCE to Soigon, Mon la Hcnqkong, Jopon >• July 17 July F ROUSSEL to 17 )uly 21 July ANADYR to Soigon Manila Hongkong Japan 90 July t CHARGEUHS REOHIS
      96 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1068 11 m MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. .nooporr>) PotMge BLUE FUNNEL LINE D#BH Maa I. ,rr<<..rrl vit rthrr pertl ta lood end ditcherge cargo uvfRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS PHic Soilt P. S'hom Penonr) Jafy 7 July July 11 Jufy 14/14 Jaty 17/1 B July 12 July 1* July l*/20 Jafy
      1,068 words
    • 1101 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA ft Aden, Pert Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotteraam, Hamburg, Gdynia, Copenhagen. Gothenburg 4 Olio r>ore P Shorn Panong x) "JUTLANDIA 14/18 Jafy I*/1* Jafy M/11 Jafy "A*"A" 24 July/1 Aag 1/ 1 Aag i) Calh London (petiangeri only Calfi Karfihamn. SAILINGS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U K /CONTINENT
      1,101 words
    • 1114 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spor* »>. S'hom Penong Benrmnai for Gkngow, London, Rotterdom I" Part */l 0 Jary Benveiaen tor Liverpool. Qoioow, Hull, RoHerdom, Antwerp 11/1* Jafy 20/22 Jaly 21/14 July Bonmaidhul tor London, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Homburg IJ/ISJaf» I*/H Jufy 11/11 July Bmnevti for
      1,114 words
    • 1024 11 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. TEL No 2t>4l CLLBHMAN *k HUCKNALL KLAVENEBB LINE LONDON HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGUES, SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VAKTOUVER md "co^odio °?r. T^L*" StT* crrToF $Yt roucAiNvan r/Cm, v/SSm. w/i-'ji-y t/ilAa, 1/S Au, .4, IS Au, A Jjj Call. H«.l 5s ot P. STiam: Manrhan
      1,024 words

  • 858 12 Ah Kirn and Kcmj Wee are transported into the year 2.000 They are taken to the moon in a space ship and land at Cnntos. an underground city base. They arc shotrn lunar cars and are told that the travellers plan is to explore the unknown side
    858 words
  • 410 12 Dear Fovs and I t"<" >. X A 1 r^rrn C'snfst hUwcy Oee. agrd 13. I<M fjn'r, J R->ad. FuMerw-rtr-. Khno S<""C (seat, aged 14. 10 StewMrt PrnAns. J H-nf. tcrrt 14, |at«M Parit Bugn, m Irs, bmse^f rang. fehort, II hope y address is sufficient
    410 words
  • 212 12 CHAN HOW Vt.N >ays his teacher has often told X him that the earth rotatrs on its axis and he wants to know t why. I I don't know why the earth rotates I don't think anyone knows If the planets wen once part of
    212 words
  • 385 12 UNCLE BILL ASKS FOR HELP I HAVE had one or two requests this week which I am unable to fulfil, so I am going to pass them on to you N. V. Menon of 116 MacPherson Road, Singapore 13. wants to obtain any used copies of the 1949 Singapore $2
    385 words
  • 188 12 DO you .shine at geosjra <h\\ Even if you don t se< how many of these questions you can answer. 1. Can you say where the following mountains are situated' Fujiyama. Everest. Nan;«a Parbat. Ararat. Mont Blanc. Matterhorn. Juncfrau 2. And do you know where thesi; rivers are?
    188 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 LIFT THAT so f VEIL/ i rir rn.,vr ..:■<■< Ajs|H«f i ii !.•><■ 'ffHhißlr I i 5i,,..,, Bring glorious youthful radiance to your hair.. Follow this exciting new beauty treatment.. Urine wn ii >mp ihrojwh nyo ir hi n* WHil n««r .H-, i-.m. ndmc Liquid > po. il'» Ml O
      144 words
    • 14 12 c. c. c. Collect fix pi thr^c coupn'is to jo:n the Children* Comer club.
      14 words
    • 22 12 DLEASE enrol me js j member of the Children's Corner Wise Owls and send me a badge UTAH! ArWRF.SS PATF. OF BIRTH
      22 words
      151 words

  • 671 13 SIX NEW HORSES SHOW GOOD FORM IN TRAINING 4 KIM. TON. Blue Lamp. Star Sapphite. Alpine Knight. Cop and Victorious were the pirk of a crop of newcomers who were put through their paces on the training track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. All showed nice action and look to
    671 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 13 HERE is Troubadour in full g ullop at Buktt Timah in March this year when he won over r.f. inth Saivyer astride. Straits Time* picture
    25 words
  • 841 13 Gold Town looks like becoming top-notcher I/01.1 OWING the remarkable »u<- reiwex of Wonder Oold. who roue From CtmM 4 to become one of the top notrh sprinter* In training, New- i ton Wonder stock are now In great > dema-id among Malayan race-home i ■/waan (Inld Town, a high-priced
    841 words
  • 347 13 P ACINO WIDE out on the second track. Troubadour iVlney) showed a grand turn of speed to clock 38 4 5 for 3f. Thin three-year-old was the only horse to crack 37 for 3f on a good galloping track at Bukit Tlmah yesterday morning.
    347 words
  • 99 13 KANGAR. Tun IT was a tired Selangor team which took the field for their Malaya Cup match against Perils yesterday But despite the obvious aftereffects of their hard-fought game with the holders. Penang last Satunlav Srlaiifor were able to score uitu taaaßi eaaaMattvi wctory by 2-0. But
    99 words
  • 38 13 MUAR. Tues Johore Chinmte. southern finalists l.i the MC.FA. Cup competition, beat Muar 3 o In a friendly soccer fixture here on Sunda v Scorers were: Cheah Cheng Kok. Yeo Ah Chal and Chong Yin.
    38 words
  • 218 13 The tli si iwo-ye»r-uMs of the current r». inn ie»»on have been reclMered and classified by 'he SRA They are Tlt> V Kln a bay Australian geldlnit by Aginrourl out of Vigilant, and Kanlern l.yrlc. a brown Australian nllv by Hellespont oik of r\>rt
    218 words
  • 451 13 rE Fox stable invariably has its sharp of winners at Bukit Timah and. with a formidahlp 26-horse string, the stable looks set for another grand mppting. Khor Mou«a. now rated one i— of the too .stayers in training; after his sensational runaway win in the
    451 words
  • 306 13 BEPNE. Tup* rpHOUGH Gprmany won th»i 1 1954 world soccer championship they rnuid gcanv]y claim to be thf beat in the tournament If was the 1950 championship all over again, with the outs'ending !ootba!l tespnsingly beatn n in the final Hra7i: were
    306 words
  • 54 13 I WILMINGTON .Delaware,. Tue.«. -Gainsboro Girl, a fou: Htardaj «on 'he vnorlrJ* richest rare for flllle* rniri n $138.4nn i£<943o> New Ca.Mle hindicap run over one mile two furlongs al Delaware raeasoantl G^insboro Girl a 13 2 chance by I Bernboroush out nt Charvrr granddaushter
    54 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 I anil cool Vfk^t I fnr t h« true Nirginia I in rMlophane- I fA ir,l nt'i«l boxes of •t\ V -v^ in perfect W > x I rnn H in any climate I t r» l f "n( Sobranie taUe» i-rniß you I SOBRANIE STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA NX nm
      156 words
    • 244 13 V w.i V w_r>...w,...,. r ...<,,.,. n „.m»» I <m<r^iimT'iimir7ii«»rir«,ir^rwnnn > ww<r#ir«.iwir«ir#ii%]>#ii^n I rii«'>'>r>'i''">fi#(^or(l> < r&ZSrS COMMERCIAL %»/4^SI*V VEHICLES 5 baaaMs^al la^flaW .a^i^^aßßSar T^; /aaa aa» a»Z— tr^ t IS HPJirr— I aW^^rSeiSS^lssSsSiatißSl HK aaT^^rl SE^Hl^^H I t^^V^V e**^M^ V l^^flai S^^bV aaaV J V4RI Hc^- Hm^b^bV: a^taaaaaaaaa a^^a^K a^fr^^^^^^^
      244 words

  • 742 14 THAN ONN LKN(J, Singapore's Asian (James silver medallist, was the outstanding competitor at the fifth post-war Singapore inter-school athletic championships which began at the Victoria School ground yesterday. Onn LenK had almost no opposition in breaking the 100 yards record by
    742 words
  • 103 14 THK FLOODLIGHTS at Jalan l; will be tested by the end of thin president of the Singapore Amateur l soriation, Mr. McGregor Watt, al monthly council meeting. Lm L HIS t\V in th< m Thr I llKrli 9 ]O 4 I/i* Mr
    103 words
  • 100 14 PARIS lu.s T»HE INTERNATIONAL Lawn I'cnnls Federation today adopted a proposal on a new foot fault rule. Main feature ol the new rule which will be enforced lor a pern*, of two years Is that It allows *w inline toot over the baseline while se:\i.iv The
    100 words
  • 72 14 MT Ah lues VON bin Mian won the sincle<- title (or the 17th time when he defeated his double* partner. Dauo Amin «-l. 3-<S. «-4. in the final In the Johoie lawn tennis tournament Final results: Open linden: Von nln Mian, run-ner-up Daud Amin Open
    72 words
  • 64 14 tlngapore Badminton Association'l unior championship tournamrnt. which starts at the SBA Hall on Saturday has attracted 343 The entne.s are less than last yea is Entries i:e Men s iui:a« sinulc^ ' Men s junior doubles 7ti Wo:rci. ancles 14; Women's doubles 4. Junior mlxtd
    64 words
  • 188 14 LONOON I tics V T ORKSHIRE beal Sim iiins today ie krep iheii Ir.i In the County cricket rhnmpinnshl «uh 122 points from 19 Warwickshire, who hc^t Glnucr* J« mns .iir iwcond [rom IS tames Todays ranilu \i Oval: yonunlre runs. Torkahlre 361 121-8
    188 words
  • 85 14 i osnov The annual cricket m 'ween Oxford and C DnlvarsttlH endtc: In Lord's today Cambridge •■ir-.e 4!> run-- behmr with two wicke's :ti hanri whei •tmnpa were drawn Dennis Silk, the Callfn ipenlrs l)at for CMBbrld*< the s< loct rank of ertcketei have scored MBttlrtM Silk
    85 words
  • 81 14 Bukit Timah SC. !>e.-t Young Companions 4-1 In a SAFA Dn 3A game at BODCA grown-. A».m; Gabos scored all four Bukit Tlmab goals and Huck Choy replied for Companions. Tuan Mong OB A. ben S.Cf A 3-1 In another Div 3A tome at
    81 words
  • 383 14 AMICABLES cleared their last comparatively ea*y hurdle In the S.A.F A. flrst division league when they beat Police 3—l at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Their figures now. at the head of the table, are 18 points from 11 BJMMB. and io win
    383 words
  • 13 14 CYMA TEAM CRICKET TOUR irrw ffM. I in 1 i-miiii J', for i
    13 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 751 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Page 6> Chffk Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers I Urmoit care »Kould be ta'cen i when r«pl>ing to boi number I adt. to uic the CORRICT I NUMBER »nd A<»dre»i to the I StriiH Timci. Cecil Street. SITUATIONS VACANT |n Worrf. failj BM it rim
      751 words
    • 741 14 I ACCOMMODATION VACANT Wordt U (Mlm.)-Box St elt. txtrm 1 I.EONIE HOUSE' 35 Grange Hoari One double and one Mngle vacancy occur. Apply Mrs. T. H. Pavne, Tel *****. TO LET months. Ist Aug furnished Bung.. Katong. nr. Airport, mod. san., bath hlr.. fans, garage. M.Sn P m Box A
      741 words
    • 771 14 TUITION It Hordm IS (Mlm.)-Bmx it rlt. txlrm. COMMENCING SOON New classes In cooking Java Rljsttafel. $30 per course. For particulars, call 117, Kllllney Road or Phone 6192 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES U Hordm U (Mim.)-Box it rim. txlrm. MOTOR TRADE. Wanted sole j distributors for unique accessory for j Ford Cars
      771 words
    • 907 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE I* Worim U (Mlm.)-Bax it rlt. t*lrm. HUMBER SUPER SNIPE 1953 Model. Registered on Rd S3. Mile- i ace 7,000. Tax paid to December 1954. Price $8,700. Phone: ***** extension 5 FDRI) 10 ANOLIA. Late 10X2. i one Meticulous O«ner. many ex- I I traa, ***** mllen,
      907 words
    • 88 14 (*l> TITIIC h mm A UNBREAKABLt A SPRING U I I 1 morr ofi£ S *%wk ir Incabloc Waterproof Anti. magnetic Tropicalised 14 and 18 17 and 21 Available at all la I WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCHES. OLYMPIC GAMES I'M L>'l years Omej:i m oynition of Om. t lif Olviitii,
      88 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 156 14 ■MaMHftBMHMHHHHwBfI S(K KR IMVI 1.. i. ii. and lup Mt. Shell v Pulo Ruknm. Shell (round: Mercantile Rank v I' A N. deviant: O.T.t.r. v Hon»kon{ Rank, larrer Park MT. R: Breweries v Spore (old Storage Jalan Besar: Sime Darh> I S.T Sepoy l.lnev M.P.H. v lvi trird Bank. Karrer
      156 words