The Straits Times, 5 July 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Maw** f-std. 1845. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 5. 1!)54. 15 CENTS.
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  • 412 1 \['m certain of peace with honour, says Premier PARIS, Sunday. |lIX French Premier, M. Pierre Mendes France, said in a broadcast last night: "There can he no question of France accepting a surrender." He said thr enmmandrrs in Indo-China had taken "painful but inevitable steps" to ensure
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 98 1 $55,000 WIN AFTER MONTHS' HARD WORK MADAM I \S monl ha Mid im c In 111; nl I !11CR id Singapore, inaries. wmd i her referent r the Straits ■il(l pilZ/lls. she won s.vniio n siihmiti I hi- on!> <<>t to la «ci'k'^ her Madam Tan h idoweil Bwthet oi
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  • 10 1 taken by Chiang? No. he says ft th th t
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  • 100 1 S-E ASIA TALKS HELD UP WASHINGTON. Sun. DIPLOMATIC officials said that the British :r.formed the State ":i Thursday it •a as ready to start the Anslon talks on a South-; mlsatton nd on the Indo-Chtoa .situaar.v time. Lid, no reply en received from the Department but this is be cue
    UP  -  100 words
  • 68 1 A croup of United States, naval officers arrived in, re In a U.S. Marines yesterday for talks erican and British Bleera here. Kesman of the U.S. Attache's office would! not comment on the nature of kg. He said: "It is n routine military conference which
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  • 52 1 Karachi. Boa.— Pakistan'! Governor General Ghulam MoI in an Independence Day message to President ower said yesterday: "The close friendship of our "ions is based in large measure upon our common heritage of democratic trarlind the respect we share for the ideals of freedom and luatira
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  • 88 1 BIRMINGHAM. Sun.-Bir-mingham University yesterday conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws on Mr. Oliver Lyttciton. Secretary of State for the colonies. The public orator .said at the ceremony: "He bears the burden of that office with courage, flrnuic.s.s and understanding. "An exaggerated emphasis
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 24 1 NEW YORK. Sun —Columbia University's geological observatory last nicht recorded a "•evere" earthquake located tentatively in the Indian Ocean, possibly around Sumatra—Reuter.
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  • 28 1 ATHENS. Sun— Greek. Turkish and Yugoslav committees have reached complete agreement on the draft of the Balkan mllitaiy alliance, a deck Foreign Ministry spokc-nian .ml Renter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 90 1 That pallium was blessed by the Pope TIIK AX( lIBISIIOP <>t Mi larca. Mgr. Olcumend> I -in leaves thr (athrdral of thr Good Shrphrrd. Sini. ip.'ie yesterday aftrr bring honourrd in a special Pontifical Hich Mass. Archbishop Olcomrndy is ing thr pallium an Archbishop's cloak which
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  • 183 1 10,000 CITY WORKERS WILL STRIKE TILL DEMANDS ARE MET SINGAPORE'S entire public services are being O threatened for the second time this year. A strike of 10,000 daily-paid workers has been called for July 19. It will go on indefinitely until their demands are met. This decision takes the place
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  • 80 1 Fijians bag bandit boss in Johore KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A PATROL of the Ist Fijian.s on Friday killed Tan Ah Sah. alias Ah Ho alias Ah Kwung. district committee member in charge of the Lenua branch of the Communist terrorist organisation in Johore. The action took place in the Pagoh
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  • 62 1 OLORON, Sun. Hunters from the Basque country of southern France are going to beat the pine forests of the Pyiennees today for unusual game— a 13-foot boa-constrict- jor. A circus lost him two years. ago when he was only a lltWe'i fellow. Since then he
    AP  -  62 words
  • 54 1 SAN^A MONICA, Sun. Vlveca Lindfors and George Tabori have obtained a niamage licence here The Swedishl«<irn actress (?ave her age as :v> and Tabori. a screen writer, suid he wa.s 40. The marriage will be the fourth for MLss Lindfors and the second for
    AP  -  54 words
  • 58 1 HOLLYWOOD. Sun Film actor Gregory Peck and hLs wife have decided to end their 12 year.s of marriage with a divorce. Mr.s. Peck Ls the former Greta Rice. They were married in New York in 1942 and have three children. They have been separated for more
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  • 38 1 ROME. Sun— Premier Mario Set lba said Yesterday the disastrous farm strike which ended in the Ferrara Province of i.orthern Italy thl.s week proved the need for some form of Government intervention in labour disputes— UP.
    UP  -  38 words
  • 166 1 LONDON. Sun. BRITISH housewives s»nj in ii.ii Square here yesterday to celebrate thr md of food rationing, thrir biggest red Irttrr day In 14 years. With meat and bacon the last rationed foods dur to b«frrrd at midnight, thousands of housewives from all over
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  • 290 1 14 WILL LEAD BIG WALK TO THE ISTANA Alliance gives their names KI'AI.A LIMPIR, Sunday. THE I'MNO-MCA Alliance today announced the names of the 14 m»n. who will load the procession on Thursday to the lstana Selangor here. They are: UMNO Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ish;ik. Tuan Syed Hashim. Inche
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  • 123 1 IPOH. Sun. THE p.Tak UMNO Liaison Committee decided at a three-hour meeting today to write to the Sultan asking for an audience lor a delegation representing the Alliance. Saturday. July 10. has been suggested as the clat.- lor the audience at the palace
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  • 66 1 BONN, Sun— Dr. 81etffried Handloser. former chipf phy.Mcian of the Nazi Wehrmacht who was convicted of war crimes, died ye.sterdav in a Munich hosoital. Handloser was on medical parole from the American war crimes prison at Landsbcre. He wa.s sentenced to life imprisonment. eharßiri with
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  • 95 1 rE Air Ministry has announced the appointment of Air Vice-Marshal WML MacDonak: A.OC Singapore. as Assistant Chief of Air Stall (Intelligence). He will sail for Britain In early August and take up his new post the following month. He succeeds Air vice-Mar-shal F.
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  • 56 1 SANTIAGO. Chile, Sun. —I Catholic students .staged a de- monstration here yesterday to protest a Government decision to permit Yugoslav Judge Jakov Blazevic to enter the country. Police broke up the demonstration, injuring a score of students. The .students claimed that Blazevic was one of
    AP  -  56 words
  • 44 1 VATICAN CITY. Sun.— Sr nor Nicola Evega, new Amt MMkdor of the Dominican Republic 1 to the Holy See. yesterday pirsented hi.s credentials to the Pope. It was the first such presentation since the Pope's illness. I -A P.
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  • 42 1 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun —A power dam on a tributary oi the Rio Varzca near Sarandi I burst under pressure of rain swollen waters on Friday night 1 and three persons were reportled drowned and 16 persons missing —UP.
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  • 33 1 SANTIAGO. Sun. The Chilean Treasury admitted yesterday it does not have f-nouKh money to meet its current obligations and asked private banks (or r loan of 3,500 million pesos A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 157 1 30 die in rail collision SPECTATOR ALSO DROPS DEAD LYONS. Sun. 4T least 30 pauengen wcrr killed and an undrtrrminrri number Injured last nlghi when a fourcar dirspl train On the Lynns- Nimrs line collided head on with a shunting locomotive near here. A garage owner from nearby Touron who
    AP  -  157 words
  • 42 1 RED rv i ior Pf t IN I >PU CHINA I Da .'Hi minh I .i I i M' 1 ti re. i! h pi ,ii In 1 v It l.'M (.i i favourite* Hu ..< orM < I cr litt4L
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  • 31 1 VIENNA, Sun Czech dent Antonin Zapotock; i yesterday that seven! manmines had hi i n ntljr hi c i thrir failure to Incn i nations coal prod:;' UP.
    UP  -  31 words
  • 51 1 TIIK HAGUE. Sun— Folkje and Tjitske de Vrie.s. the separated Dutch NrillS, left a hospital at Leeuwardcn. yesterday to go to the home of their parents and five brothers and .-i.xters at Oenkcrk. The twins were .xr three week.s ago and have healthy and sturdy babie
    AP  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 5 .p.H.d B SILVA t 111 COLD ~~ji v i s..:. U JT Look for trie NEW WRAPPER and make sure of getting the VITAMIN ENRICHED COLD STORAGE LOAF (available in Singapore only) Our Orchard Road Bramch will N i mi Saturday! until 5 />.;«. (OLD STORAGE CQ t/ LTD.
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    • 45 1 Charm and Choice at Sena s The cxclmive and unique •election o) lewcllcry. Gold and Silverware alwayi available at Scna'i it probably the molt extentive and varied in Malaya. H. SENA LTD. HIGH CLASS lEWELLEPS SINGAPORE. PENANC BANGKOK /f\ J j this WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER
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  • 211 2 demanding his recall JAKARTA, Sunday. THIRTY-ONE political parties and organisations, including those supporting the Government and the Communists, yesterday asked for the recall of the Dutch High Commissioner, Count W. F. L. van Bylandt. Asking that he bo declared "persona non grata," they also
    AP  -  211 words
  • 198 2 DOCTOR'S EGG THAT LIT GETS A £70 BLACKOUT KIMiM. Kniilann. Sun. DOCTOR I" 11 a court here yrxtrr div the reason hr Mill hid rlertrir light after offi«ial> had rut off his power supply was hec.iusr he u>ed atomic energy from a nurlear fission "rut MMM on<" had Irnt him.
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 114 2 HE HAD AT LEAST 100 HOTEL KEYS LAS VEGAS, Sun. AU S. Air Force colonel Robert H Orr. 36, nrrested last Friday night after a couple reported surprising him In their hotel room. wa s arraiened vestertiav on charces of burglary and intent to larceny. A much-decorated combat 1
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  • 185 2 PADDY, THE DUSTMAN, HOBNOBS WITH LORDS OXFORD. Sun. A 60-YEAR-OLD Dublin dustman was one of 400 guests who attended Oxford's biggest society wedding of the year in the cathedral at Christ Church College here yesterday. Princess Marie Gabrielle von Urach-Wurttembur* was married to the Honourable Desmond Walter Guinness. 22-year-old younger
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 50 2 TOKYO. Sun. Japanese scientists will launch their first *****-scale rain-making on Fuly 11 when the monsoons itop. Kyodo news service said 11 •lectrically heated furnace* f ire being installed along the «iso River to heat silver iodide -the chemical used In cloud ceding— A P.
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  • 40 2 A WEI COME KISS from Joanna MrC'allum. four-year-old daughter of screen star. Google Withers and John McCallum. greets 20-month-old Vanessa Clewes when she arrived at the birthday party of Joanna at Buckingshire. Popper picture.
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  • 120 2 TEL AVIU, Sunday. is mounting in Palestine with Israeli forces clashing with Syrian and Jordanian soldiers. The mixed armistice commission has condemned both Syria and Israel for an incident on the Sea of Galilee on Wednesday when Syrian antitank cuns killed two Israeli policemen in
    Reuter; AP  -  120 words
  • 113 2 NEW YORK, (SENATOR STYLES BRIDGES said thai the \rn strategic air arm was fulh capable m atomic age destruction on enemy targets. He made thr stHtrmrnt (luring jot air basr at Portsmouth. Nrv. SB.d the new basr was a "Significant contr the <i
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  • 103 2 NEW YORK, Sun. 'THE New York Times reported that the United States Government rubber n station at San Jose, Costa Rica, compi isine a 2.000-acre experimental rubber farm, nurseries and research labor, itories has been placed on a maintenance basis. The project was begun
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 56 2 LONDON. Sun T China news agoncy ,-a:d the Soviet Union has already atomic weapons for levelling hi!.* and mountains and opening waterways. No further detail* wen A Budapest radio rep Russia used its first explosion of an atomic bomb in a T ;r--kistan dpsprt in 1949, to
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 51 2 BUCKINGHAM. Run. Ox roasting, a Tudor fair and on historical mime will bo stae^d In the market square and bullring of Buckingham on Saturday to cplebrato the 4"Oth anniversary of the gramme of the charter of incorporation to the borough by Quepn Mary in 1554.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 33 2 rY. 8 oprnrd a houso the r< m 9 gimr. a> Soviit nen The south w cow. al> buildin- the panthf'on the which vembrr 1. r
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  • 29 2 NAIROBI 8 1 members of a Man M which -spread tern Inyal Kikuyu in the area, 15 miles north o were hancrrj jresterda3 robi caoi. R'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 I COOL QUIET \JJr M WORKSHOP HOME OFFICE I I \^W AID k m afN iwl ifN I▼ I A^N aVI I aVI f A \^^r AIR CONDITIONING ■$k i FKIOIDArEE Self -ronUiMj H IG 'D*niE Twin j-^* E% s=T| Air CondJUonen. (t ton— s ton— r«o»»j t«p« n comfort
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 323 2 CIMPAPARF VVTAV A T f IliniTD N '"'«l«> Matinee; 1.30 TUn« dIMUAIfUKE< KUALA LUMPUR mgualmimm; 1 .45—2.00 Great A M :id Open- Slnsers; 6.45 Local Announcements; 7 16 Mornlnf AM. 8.57— 9.45 Station Opening; ti 48 Film Melodies; 7.00 Time Signal MelOdjf Mix- ,ii ng 12 00 Station Openi:ig. P.M.
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  • 254 3 Britain likely to support plea for entry to U.N. LONDON, Sunday. gIR WINSTON CHURCHILL emerged from his \N uhington meetings with President Eisenhower with his hands free to support China's admission into the j'nited Nations, British and ommonwealth officials reported yesterday. Britain la expected to vote
    Reuter; AP  -  254 words
  • 131 3 'We seek friends in China' -Bevan LONDON S«n. Mill the rlsll by EU/ir-ti- to Chin. Hi. i""^ i<-idrr- delecatn wh. hina in Aamut I because repeat ,k' -s made »f- World Russian revoluttM 1 1 Hi- -in s.iid I i na- i 1 1 ii nil" im> suicidal
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  • 108 3 LONDON. Sunday. I 1 State, Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. yester- cognition of China la a more practhan Ann rica'a refusal to recognise the I ree diffi id on each one I basis lor peace- with Commit[do not see how without difference is the Ol Communist I
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  • 39 3 KIM. (.1 VI Sweden talHl "il his dark classes after inspecting the foundry turnace at the National Physical Laboratory. Middlesex. Britain King Cum i\ is keenly interested in hydro electricity developments. A. P. picture.
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  • 59 3 I YORK Sun. The juvenile mried L i I] approved a ren declarlne that these publications contributed tow:i:d the moral breakdown of children today and were often responsible for the criminal in adult life. The rewlution called for gg^t.'£**%£«* semination and distribution of so-called comic
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 45 3 CHINA'S first ollkial mission arrives in Britain for trade talks. The visit is sponsored by five British manufacturing and trade organisations which form the Sino-British Trade Committee. Mrs. Chuang M v I. in (second row, left) is the interpreter. Popper picture.
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  • 167 3 SAYS AN AMERICAN OFFICIAL TOKYO, Sunday. MR. WALTER S. ROBERTSON. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Far East Affairs, says the Unitec States must in its own interest lower its trade bar- riers. "Perhaps no decision we make in 1954 will be more crucial
    AP  -  167 words
  • 46 3 F.V.V i.U'.OK. youngest or the four famous (iabor sisters, who is now in F.urope looking for a husband, she says. I lii s hat is supposed to help her quest. She is appearing in the 3-D picture "The Mad" Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 89 3 Guatemala rounds up Reds GUATEMALA CITY, Sun. MORE than 800 alleged Communists have been arrested by Guatemala's new regime and a massive purge of army and government employees is expected. Guatemala City prepared a welcome for the rebel leader Colonel Castillo Annas after successful peace negotiations. In the anti-Communist drive
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 28 3 LONG BEACH. California. Sun.— An all-woman transcontinental air race, with 52 starters, got under way yesterday for the 2.000-mlle flight to I Knoxville. Tennessee.— U.P.
    UP  -  28 words
  • 58 3 NEW YORK. Sun DR. ALFRED KINSEY has been invited to study the sexual behaviour of men and women in Britain, a Cambridge anthropologist said here yesterday. Dr. Eric Dingwall said he had invited Dr. Kinsey to make studies in Britain and
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 62 3 THIS IS TIIK Armstrong \\h.i\w.i (h \K 11. niiclil ilchter now in service with Ihe Hoyal Air Force It Mew for the first time last October. It is the I. next of the family of nifht fighters developed from the (iloster Meteor. The new two-piere
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 119 3 KAMPALA. Sunday. 4PPOLINARI DDAMBA was sentenced here yester- day to six months' gaol on each of four charges of publishing and printing seditious matter in the banned newspaper Uganda Exnress. I Re cave notice of appeal against the sentences, which are to run concurrently.
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 221 3 Winston for Moscow report NEW YORK. Sun. WINSTON CHUR-'i o CHILL intends to ko tc Moscow "at the earliest j opportunity— perhaps be- I fore the summer ends." according to Mr. Marquis j Childs. Washington eolum- nist. writing in the New I York Post. The columnist wrote yester- Z day
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  • 40 3 MANILA. Sun. Governor Salvador Escudero of Sorsogon >rovince in south-east Luzon, 'hilippines, reported latest :asualty figures throughout hLs g )rovince due to an earthquake wo days ago were 12 killed, 'our mLssinn and 109 injured. -AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 51 3 MADRID. Sun— Mr. Harold E. Talbott, Secretary of the US Air Force, announced yesterday construction of the first two air bases in Spain will begin in September. They are to be used in conjuction with the Spanish undor the military agreements between the two nation*.— A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 WHENEVER YOU NEED M I LX j^d^b I JB USE NESPRAY... L NESPRAY it NESTLES I^^T^i powdered Milk, prepared from jll rich, full cream milk from which fl\ only the water has been extracted. l »^l?(SFo^f^ /*\y 111 NESpRAY milk in iv Sa^L/U 11^^^ M moil convenient form— no watte;
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  • 70 4 THE General Medical Council ol Britain has recounted in. University of Malaya's Diploma in Public Health aa a ib.e qualification undei Irdical Act of 1950. s^lnn of this diploma now will quality the holder foi a public health appointment anywhere in the British Commonwealth.
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  • 53 4 IPOH Sun [nche Sulaiman Zodhl bin Hail Mohd. H.i».in ol Pa.sir Puteh. has been appointed to serve on the MOMS* mer.t sub-committee of the [poh and Menslembu Town Bo.ird. He replaces Tuan H;ri Mohamed /.ain bin Ayon. an UMNO member, who resigned from the Board and all
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  • 46 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Raja Chik Jaafar. Kuala Lumpur Second Magistrate, leaves here today f«r Perak where he up duty as Assistant Qrik. He tat on the bench for the •t>i tin He vu :.'d to dinner :he Kuala Sessioi g Court.
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  • 74 4 KLANG. Sun -The Klang District Youth Council Is making arrangements to receive 40 delegates who will attend the World Assembly of Youth In Singapore In August. The delegates will stay In Klani on Sept. 2 and 3. Ihey will be put up In the homes of
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  • 32 4 Lorry had two tons excess JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Ch< c Hong Chcnu, of MrrMng. was fined $150 In the police court for carrying two tons six cwt excess weight In his lorry.
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  • 71 4 PENANG. Sun Charged with robbery in a Klnta Lane toon on Thursday mornine. Ci;i!i Clean Lee. 24, appeared in the Magistrate's Court to- :th a bandaged head In addition to a charge of rnir.mittinit robbery with two other men. Oan was also barfed with causing hurt
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  • 204 4 SMARTEN UP THE POST OFFICES, ADVISES Mr. SMITH KUALA Ll'.MPl'R, Sunday. \IK. DAMP SMITH, retiring PostmasterGfHiril. last niuht advised those controlling: the finances of the Federation to jfive "suitable recognition" to the value of an efficient post office. Post offices in Malaya must be improved quickly, Mr. Smith said at
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  • 47 4 MR. J. K. SWALES, manacer of the Mercantile B-.nk. who leaves Penan* today U seen receiving a silver cigarette case presented by his staff from Mr. 00l Theam Chye, the chief clerk, at a farewell dinner last Friday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 167 4 TOO MANY UNIONS— HE SA YS OKPRESEN'TATIVES of six seamen's unions in Singa- pore were yesterday advised by Mr. T. A. White, of Hie .Master Attendant's Office, to regroup their unions into three as a first step towards the formation of a single powerful organisation.
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  • 27 4 I PENANO. Sun.— The Penang Chinese Salesmen's Association i Htfl niuht celebrated its 17th i anniversary with a dinner party at the Heonc Kbn| R---t.iu:ant.
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  • 345 4 RESULTS OF LAW EXAMS IN LONDON ANY Malayan students i were successful in the Trinity general examination of the Inns of Court in London The list of passes is given below. All are from the Federation, unless otherwise stated. Roman Law < Class 2) A. Nahappan. T Subbiah (Class 3>—
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  • 57 4 OFFICIALS OF YOUTH COUNCIL QUIT TAIPING. Sun— Six memben ;din'4 the vice-chair-man and the MerrtaTy havi resigned from the general committee of the North Perak District Youth Council, formed in February. The general committee consists of 12 members. Thr vice-chairman. Inche Rahim bin Ishak said "the i 'ouncil general
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  • 59 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun NVxt v. ar the Sultan of Johore wlii rommemoratf the riinmond lubilee of his reien The Sultan -succeeded hLs father. Sultan Abubakar. in 18f>5 Proposals will soon be discussed for the celebrations. The State Government is considering the issue of a ■pedal commemmorative
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  • 38 4 IPOH. Sun. The Sfisoon new premises In Hume Street of the Perak CofTeeshoo Keepers' Association will be de-chin-d open on July 18 The committee yesterday decided to Invite the Advisor. Mr. I. W. Bclloch to officiate
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  • 22 4 Suppiah Mutthu. 46. was fimiiri hansing from the rellin'4 of the Singapore City Counril labourers' depot at iTcmbclhv^ Road vr>torday.
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  • 65 4 SIN(i.\P()KK. sea tadtt Moliumrd Salhli liin Midi id |,ft Ihe olony yesterday as midslii innaii in the Itlur Funnel line I ii m .whs on a thrw- month round trip to Britain. His new shipmates (left to ri*ht> Kenneth Owen of Marnle. Chr- shire. Peter Davis.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 nOREXa FXTRA WATERPROOF ANTI MACNETIC 17 and 21 (EWELS INCABLOC TROPICALISED SWISS MADE SiAAc Sign Sen a LUSTROUS SHINE Mulsified COCOANUI Oil SMAMPOOi W 9 f\ 0% $oUUU I IN CASH PRIZES MUST BE WON in this F>£F>£ODENr/MENTACOL Pictute Quiz Competition j^BBBSJytg (J) 1 Ist Prize $2000 mgßjjsmS^Z 2ni! Pr
      230 words
    • 327 4 I\;c HOW MANY 1 -a_ GLASSES for \J The quarter-pound tin of Andrews is w of special interest to those who take a £j£ h^^ laxative only occas- V^* tonally, to those who w do a lot of travelling, and to those who would like to try this f •:ffervescen:
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 146 4 I.ECTIRE: "AMa's place in the vorld today by Mr. O G Thorn -on. YM C A Orchard Rotti. 8 pm. FOOTBALL: Tiger S A. vs. I R C Jalan Be*ar. Y.M.I. A. .Orchard Roadi: Jawl 1 30 p.m.. Judo 5.30 p.m.. body building 5 30 p.m.. Singapore Lire Guard Corps
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  • 1934 5 He found goldf ield— preferred hunting fossils TIMES special FEATURE LJePPERY Sir George Gipps, Governor of New South Wales, lay abed with a heavy cold at Government House, Parramatta, one winter's day in 1844. Nobody liked Sir George. He was probably the least popular man in the colony so only
    Daily Mirror  -  1,934 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 How there's a Ronson lor every pocket person lif i Wh rl« od ricd f S'andjrd A «h ill, and certain handsome "v^^blf in a ..As usual '■-Icjse it"| Renson Adonl* Si!" tfu i I* cr rrr .--cd. Romon Quern Anne A -,f »h« So A boon to «M y^urvelf.
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    • 180 5 f Every Growing City in the World >ITH ITS "TRAFFIC CONGESTION COMPLEXES" J Look to Modern Device* i For "ALL-AROUND ALL THE TIME" PROTECTION for itt Emergency Vehicles such as:- I FIRE- FIGHTING SERVICES a POLICE VEHICLES AMBULANCES MARINE POLICE BOATS TOW TRUCKS m any other Highway Service //if Ans7i.Tr
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 143 5 Slur huh Holm*** Don'i tluwtlh: MHiswn I 7 sir AUBRfY \l K4TIR A/ I'VE A HANSOM CAB N I^Hk h f TME LONDON DOCKS,] POPPIN- GOVERNOR 1 YOU^ELf 1 I WAITING OUT^IPE, Ml?. I f CABBY/ AN? 3E OF JAMAICA- DROWN- JWATSON.' /V__^^ HOLMES. M^U* I QUICK ABOUT IT/ ,-j
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  • 41 6 MR «J MM V IHAMBIAYAH M v \v i> Taaipln ihank all relatives Mil who attended the wedriliiK and .sent conKiatulatoi v mrsgaeer. and presents on the marriage of their daughter Mtai Raieswarl to Mr K Kulathungam of Kuala 1
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  • 17 6 M H.^rrft (minimum) IN lOVISC. memory of Renfjie VhO died Sth July 1953 and Kill.
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  • 958 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon. July 5, 1954. Behind The Rift Threat Statements over the weekend by responsible Government licures in London and Washington show that an even wider rift over the admission of Red China into the United Nations is developing between Groat Britain and the United States. catened
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  • 324 6 More than half the people killed on Singapore's roads in June were cyclists. The death toll was ten. of whom six were riding bicycles when the fatal accidents occurred. These are figures to make road users think, because they demonstrate starkly the defencelessness of the
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 78 6 I AM attending a mission school, and I am Droud of it. I know that the Bible ha* done me good. Much have I gained in this school which other school children lack. However. I am now in the Senior and am told to take religious knowledge as a
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    • 69 6 SOMAPAH Road, off the 10th milestone Changl has been undergoing major repairs for some weeks. It Ls dangerous for vehicles to travel along the road. During the August school holidays, many vehicles will carry holiday-makers aiqne the road to the two holiday camos and private houses
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    • 78 6 I WONDER if Mr. Leonard Chee has followed dancinß matters closely. Representatives from all bodies in existence at that time were invited to a meeting of the formation of the official board. The International Society of Teachers of Dancing came into existence only after the official
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    • 42 6 THE monsoon drain running across Ganges Avenue In Delta Estate is blocked. The stagnant water has become filthy and smelly and Is breeding mosqultos. The S.I.T should not onJy clear the drain but line the sides with concnVe. ANTI-MALARIA Singapore.
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    • 110 6 Scripture is a bore. Why must the school compel Us to take religious knowledge 11 ■We have gone through ton 'years of religious Instructions I before wt got to the Senior Whatever there is to be learnt has already been learnt. Whoever dislikes the subject can never
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    • 94 6 Friendship of India vital to West INDIA is not Communist and she has not aligned herself against the West. Her friendship with Britain has grown after independence. The outlook of Gandhism Is opposed to Communism There is much admiration for Christian Ideals. Though her foreign policy may evoke criticism in
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    • 55 6 MR. H. 8. LEE. emphasised that the war against the Communists should have top priority We. the people, would like to be reassured by the Alliance leaders that their numerous members in the various war idvisory councils will not be itTected by the jult directive.
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    • 276 6 rE Federation Labour 1 Department in its May report states that many estates report that! their labour force was drifting to smallholdings 1 below 25 acres and that this was due to such labourers being no longer liable to contribute to the Employees' Provident
      276 words
    • 115 6 I WAS perturbed to read the statement by Mr Rushworth, chairman of the Automobile Association of Sinea- pore, on parking meters. It is peculiar for a chairman of any organisation to give the organisation's official view and then in the same breath state hi.s own
      115 words
    • 72 6 He wan ts cheaper smokes, shows DUE TO heavy taxation smoking and entertainments are very expensive in Malaya. Will any of our councillors urge the Government to reduce the tax on these two items 0 The loss of this revenue can be replaced by introducing mirehase tax on cars, radios,
      72 words
    • 68 6 ALTHOUGH Indian graduate; are not employed r Singapore City Council. It does not mean that the Council does not recognise Indian academic qualifications. Preference for local born and the locally educated, with a minimum residential qualification, ls now the POiICT. Indian graduates art not inferior to
      68 words
    • 233 6 MR. C. C. TAN, president of the Singapore Progressive Party, at its annual general meeting said: "Self-government should not be just an end in itself, but should be a means to an end as well." Lord Hugh Cecil once WTOU a book called "Liberty
      233 words
    • 137 6 Citizenship: Problems of workers MANY estate workers are handicapped in their efforts to acquire citizenship In most cases, their inability to pass the language test and to produce sufficient evidence) to Justify their claims of long residence in Malaya deter them. They do not speak colloquial j Malay because the
      137 words
    • 185 6 IT WAS enlightening to read the statement by the Federal Governments Chief Secretary that 211 wives of Government officials are employed by the Federal Government. As the husbands are earning a salary considered to be sufficient for both, it appears unfair to the experienced
      185 words
    • 106 6 Clerks as teachers in Malacca 'l DON'T know what the posi--1 :ion is in the othor States, but I hope things ire more cheerful than in Malacca 1 where underqualified G.C.S. clerks have boon recruited M teachers in adult education. classes. G.C.S clerks are Intelligent in their own sphere b
      106 words
    • 86 6 I AM Rlad that Mr C. A. F R-ssell has drawn attention to the noisy plane that Ls advertising a type of soft drink. I have seen it passing over my roof about a dozen times in half an hour. If this Ls meant
      86 words
    • 59 6 (CONTRARY to what has been J stated some time ago that 3-D films are not popular hero I was surprised to see that "The Phantom of the Ruo I Morgue" was screened to I packed houses for 10 days A 3-D fan. I hope many more .such
      59 words
    • 195 6 T WAS one of the many thousands who attended the food and fun fair at the Victoria Memorial Hall recently. I bought two books of tickets for $2 and was told to register the numbers at the counter. I tried to do so but
      195 words
  • 97 6 (iold the lure (iold uj an en f to man Oul comes n<-A pedition r<- irnii hardf: forts to track doi N 1 modern aid ped into air. sui The nat country can I nam. 1 of p: 1 tion under I Borneo k ment <nd had
    97 words
  • 60 6 THE STOW lv rv 18RT. for n North Borni puny went up known I I sourer ol thi th. He found I Mount all. In 13?, f! v named 8k lar fruitless search. H loft records nf th tho Chartered COl Four years \z< solved ChartrrM handed over
    60 words
  • 75 6 ALTHOUGH thi ■■T* pedltion did 1 gold n*M get ten Oil mal Gorge than lior expeditions T. could b- by men carrying no at all. k tn< re, 1 nlipct all try that was dropped went into the river b. dropping zone *as and some was dropprrf tho
    75 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 721 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. wMii mum H,,,di $1* (minimum). FOLLOW PDANI Everyday 'n I TOO wunt to win t '(1 WHKN Rt'YINCi BLOTTING paper t fof fVird's Gold OTld'l Now all st.itioners and I DtVICI i-'rties nle Co\ers $2 M>, Kng I .shuts $7 90. Hanritoweb I aakan, Imka, II Or-
      721 words
    • 10 6 owisb MADE STOP WATCHES from S4S O (OI 111. |IN(I>OD|
      10 words
    • 112 6 ffl*^ OPTICIBMS Mr. K. E. Meyer F. N. A.0.. D Opt. (l, O. Sc.) will visit KUCHING, SARAWAK from 19th July to 24 th July APPOINTMENTS through SIME DARBY CO FLY TO COOKS The oldest and most experienced rr.ivcl ajaatl m Ifcl Agents For All Airline < COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE
      112 words

  • 311 7 ret us jump red lights, asks chief (ii; Superintendent of the Singapore Fire 8ri..(1,. Mr. I. Shaw, asks in his annual report tVrc onjfines be allowed to cross red lights. nrimmt is made in the traffic lonefl must increase. He points out that road dividers, one-wav
    311 words
  • 58 7 Tse nas n xhtbitlon ol rench paint- to 18 in the Hall, Slngaiuree of the the Bodeca Saigon, who U i ill preI :eneh dishes not, of the in Saigon, will itest fashions July 13 and 16 in the Adelphi help .1 lly 14 with
    58 words
  • 47 7 thf southern Alumni Aatocla--1 King Edward VII dlclne and thr Mrdicine. Unlverya, for this year i chairman-elect. Dr. sniha; secretary, Dr ranc Ann; treasurer. Kfc ng Hiong; 'ommitHu Chrr Ing, T. J Ho Yuen, V. Thamblnri Scow i.i Jin Bltw Cho and M inayafram.
    47 words
  • 7 7 ft) I 8
    7 words
  • 49 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Low Hing. a rubber tapper of Plentong. was fined $100 for ■>n of three packets ol chandn. He told the court he had been six weeks in hospital to get rid of the opium smoking habit but had not lost the crarim
    49 words
  • 275 7 She's only woman in his life now V r OUNGER GENERA--1 TION Chinese In Singapore are adopting? the. Western view that a mans wife should be the only woman in his life. A man who Is an exper: on Chinese custom and n woman social worker a<?re< ci yesterday that,
    275 words
  • 73 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —I Dato Aria di-Raia, the State Secretary. Kelantan. today j opened a nine-week civic* course for inmates of Kota Bahru's "prison without walls" at Pengkalan Chrpa The theme of the course is "crime does not pay." Seventeen lecturers, many of whom are Government Department
    73 words
  • 66 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Wong Loong Yin, 47. a business, man, was charged in the First Magistrate's Court here withi using criminal force on a girl, I Law Keng. with intent to out- rage her modesty at his Ipoh Road office on July 1. Wong,
    66 words
  • 88 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. rpHE October session of the 1 Selangor State Council will be held in an air conditioned v'hamber at the Secretariat buildings. The Government has a. ready accepted a local firm's tender to install the necessary machinery by August The
    88 words
  • 57 7 Dr. Mary Mostyn, chest physician at the Royal Singapore Tuberculosis Clinic, has been awarded one of the 1954-5 Far East scholarships of the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Other scholarships go to Dr K. H Blauw. Medical Officer. North Borneo and Che Osman
    57 words
  • 49 7 The Welsh Brigade Association, formed by veterans and men of three Welsh infantry regiments- the Welch Regiment. South Wales Borderers and the Royal Welsh Fusiliers Is appealing to eligible people to join the association Sergeant H Haw, co 3 BOD Sergeant* 1 Mess, Singapore, should be contacted.
    49 words
  • 74 7 Three Singapore police officers, selected for training at the Pattcc < uIIi-ki- in Kyton-on-IHinsmore. Britain, left SinKipore yesterday in a Qantas-BOA( airliner. They were (from left) Acting Superintendent of Police Low lion* llee, (of the Police Training School). Inspector Yeow Koon Poh, (Orchard Road police ftation), and
    74 words
  • 92 7 Johore picks the golden voice girl KLL'ANG Sun. MISS KHOO OEOK HOCK of Johore Bahru won the title. "The Girl With the Golden Voice." here tonight at a social and dance oruanLsed by the Johore Telecommunications Athletic and Welfare Association The Government English School hall where the competition was held,
    92 words
  • 62 7 The Kampong Silat Community Centre. Singapore, will hold a fun lair at Silat Avenue on July 18 from 2 p.m. to 10 i) m. to commemorate Ita -ccond anniver.say. The manager of the Singapore Improvement Trust, Mr. J M Fraser. will declare the fair open.
    62 words
  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Thirty members of the Selangor branch of the Malayan Nature Society today visited Bukit Takun. 400 ft. hich landmark of Templer's Park at iCanehinp, 14 miles from Kual.i Lumpur. The societv has appointe«l a committee to a.->>ist theForestry Department to organise voluntary help
    58 words
  • 59 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Lee Joon Huck. Chia Hai L<>n and Kashlman were each fined $150 in the police court bete today for moving rice and Kiodslufi off the coast of Tan- Jong Adam without a permit. They said their towkay had asked them to deliver the
    59 words
  • 30 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun Found with illicit in the Kulai resettlement area, Wong Soon. 63, was fined $25 in the Police Court here today. The samsu was worth
    30 words
  • 124 7 From HALL ROMNKY LONDON, Sun. MR NIGEL MORRIS and Mr. W. L. R. Carbonell. rommLssioners of Police In 3in»apore and the Federation, a)11 be among commissioners [rom 24 territories who will Utend the conference of Commissioners of Police Forces In the Colonies and Protectorates at the
    124 words
  • 61 7 VI THE lIRISTI A N ItKOTHKKS Founders Day Dinner in Singapore on Saturday. Picture shows from left: Mrs. C. Tan, Mr. R. M Young, the Archbishop of Malacca, Dr Michael ON i. m, mix Brother Ignatius. Mr. W. Prins, Brother Quintan, Dr. A. S. Thevathasan. Mrs. Prins.
    61 words
  • 158 7 ALL THE OTHERS VOTE ALOR STAR, Sunday. Pin Malays all boycotted Simpang Tiga village's first 1 local council election today. The flection was confined to East Ward and none ot the II eligible Malay voters went •o the polls. There was no election In the two
    158 words
  • 208 7 GOVT. AND THE RED WITH GUN KUALA LUMPUR. Sun A FEDERATION Government spokesman, referring to a Strait.s limes editorial oii Saturday on the Privy Councii appeal i>| Wont! Poh Yin saiC today "In Wong pyh Yin s the judge la the court of tual held that an intention to
    208 words
  • 54 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Au.m-: zin Ahmad, a rubber tapper, was sentenced by the sessions court, to six months' gaol for fflcga] possession or one pikul and 70 katis nt scrap rubhir. Awang was arrested at Kota Tlng&i whfn trying to dispose of the rubber. He
    54 words
  • 249 7 KI'AI.A U MPIK. Sunday. \f K. A. D. C. PETERSON, former Dirrrtnr-Oeneral ol Information, today warned electors against th< danger of voting for "bad politicians" who use promise to get themselves into power. One of the things that rould happen, ho said
    249 words
  • 79 7 ROTARY AID FOR BLIND MALACCA, Sun rE Malacca Rotary Clv will help thr blind Mr J. G For.syth. when 1. Installed president Uu Rrviowinc last year's actlvi Mi Be Yew I. in, pasaid the clv ■tarted claim for rripplr children at Malacca Gener:: Hospital. It undertook the rare of th
    79 words
  • 23 7 The second batch of 100 National Servicemen will report for training at the Singapore Volunteer Corps Headquarters in Beach Rond today.
    23 words
  • 38 7 The position of the Singapore Blood Bank at the end of la *Tik was: OROUP A B CA' Timniftuiona Rlvm 32 16 77 4 Donations rpcpivrri 48 32 51 S stnrk 23 13 37 1
    38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 sfs^HkJHHr^ -j^HHki^LdHHT gHHr «> i^Jff i HHhT^HHb% t"*> RATtMHOffT -A All in-ill lining air Kdiditionrd with halhroom trlrphnnr; luxuriously furnishrd riIINKSK a llllui'HN MFAIs Sinclr KoDin from $18 00 I'hon^: 21-111 l»ouhl<- Idiom from $I<i.oo i <-»l)| e Add: TATHAVRKST"
      39 words
    • 114 7 CANADIAN COTTONS y) Gay cotton JV^% Dresse? -^jy JJ^ a Difference $45/- to $67/50 Newly Arrived at THE STORE WITH A OFFER HUH JEYES' fc^W// tniiu v v i if if Of ttic t.'niet ot man, none it more hiftily prised th^n ffiat of n(ftt It your «y«s art Smart,
      114 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 180 7 The weather MINI M I M TKMPEKATI RK. <~ 30 pm. on July 3 to 7.30 am on July 4 1 tsini;aporf 78 deurcr; J'itihhk 74. Kota Bahni 7t; Kuml.i Lumpur 71. Ipoh 71. Kuaiitan 71 M x I Ml M TBMPBBATI Xl (730 am. to 7.30 pm on July
      180 words

    • 509 8 BY OUR MARKET CORRESPONDENT THERE was a distinctly better sentiment on the Singapore Share Market last week as the International Tin Agreement came into force on Wednesday and rubber touched the 70 cent level for the first time for 1 1 months. These two factors gave
      509 words
    • 75 8 TOKYO Sun The Japanese Government tlai announced that It would not accept new contracts for the export of textiles to Indonesia for the time being The decision which went Into :nme<iiatrly followed defaulting by I ndonesH on what Japan claimed was a promise tr pay $11,700,000
      75 words
  • 309 8 THE following list of business done in th? Singapore Share Market last week wa- reported by one firm or sharebrokers for the period une 26 to July 2 INDUSTRIALS: Consolidated Tm Smelters 25 Fra-ser Neave Ords. $1.93" 2 to $1.95. Gammons $3.02 a $3.05, Hammers $3.02 2 &$3
    309 words
  • 151 8 The following dividends were announced by companies operating in Malaya last week. JACKSON AND CO. LTD.: A final dividend of 12 12', making a total of 20'; for the year ended February 28. 1954. less income tax. Books close today (July 5). TAIPING CONSOLIDATED LTD.: A dividend of
    151 words
  • 141 8 •■pUBBER industry re'jnsen"tatives in Malaya are endeavouring to trace thctc mysterious disappearances of the balance^ with a view to their elimination.' says Mr. K M G Anderson, chairman of VMM, Rubber Planters Estates Ltd.. in a reference to the fact that only part of the replanting cess
    141 words
  • 50 8 LEWIS PEAT Lewis ot Peat, produce Drok■rs, announce a final dividend )f 75 percent less tax making 00 percent for 1953 against 75 >ercent the preceding year rhe group profit was £130.793 igainst £137.236 The net DroIt totalled £76.261 after deluction of tax. compared with il 34.424 for 1952. I
    50 words
  • 27 8 Renonc Tin Dredging Co June outputs were lasa mine 1,754 piculs, Jinang (in association with Straits Tinned Ltd.i 37 Jiculs 'in course of trials*. i
    27 words
  • 344 8 MEvmw Co OUBBER has lino news past week and r taw a price mo turnover more a t. for many monl '< The dosing pri .stradily throug A from 67 ct i B< 71 cents en S sentitiß a nrt cmt.s which the highest an
    344 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 369 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT CIVIL ENGINEERING contractors are Invited to submit their names for Inclusion a 11*1 of approved Contractor!! who will be requester! to 'endiT for the construction of tai propof.ed Coast Ro.irl. (b) Brldces In Mihmitting their names |iartieulars should be Riven of organl sation Including details of qualified engineering
      369 words
    • 1753 8 GEORGE WIMPEY CO., LIMITED Fl RIMER EXPANSION OF TURNOVER i The thirty-fifth annual gen«Tal meeting of Oeorge Wlmpey and Co Ltd was held op July 2 at the Orowenor Hotel. London. SW. sir Godfrey Mitchell ichalrman of th< company i. presided and In the I course of his speech said:
      1,753 words
    • 765 8 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mr Ng Bak Poon Is no longer In our employ as from 30th June, 1954. CHUN CHONO. 83. South Bridge Road Singapore— l NOTICE NOTICE la hereby given that Mr. Wee Sin Choc has resigned as Director of this Company as from Ist
      765 words
    • 949 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT MUNICIPALITY OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG ELECTRICITY RIPPLY DEPARTMENT Shift Overseer (Dleael Plant) Applications are Invited from suitably qualified locally domiciled candidates for the appointment of 'Ihree Shift Overseers to take charge of the operation riurln? 8-hour shifts of the new Diesel Generating Plant of 2.500 kW In- stalled
      949 words
    • 105 8 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES WCSTBOUNO ETA CASTBOUNO Vi.ling 5 taH > T MARCOUF 14 July BftfSU to j Ju y frianCON Tournne. Haiphong 14 J,., M July CAMBODGE to Soigoo. '^J i'o Monlo, He ngkoog, Japnn It July 17 July F ROUSSEL to Saigon 17 July M July ANADYR to Saigon.
      105 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1058 9 I The Straits Times Momdsy. July 5. 1954 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. .ft" m Singapore) Passage BLUE FUNNEL LINE Umm to oncerd via other ports te lood and discharge carge LIVEUrOOI, GLASGOW LONDON, t CONT.NENTaI PORTS loMk. P. Shorn Pr-nong L July S/ 7 July I L^L Gil 12 July
      1,058 words
    • 1163 9 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA For Aden, Port Said, Gcnoe. Antwerp, Rott.rdom, Hamburg, Gdynle, Cepenhegen. Gothenburg ft 0»lo. 1 f P Shorn Penong m) -PATAGONIA 4/ 4 July "FALSTRIA in Pert 4/ 4 Juty ««w) JUTLANDIA" 14/18 July 19/19 July 20/21 July Ran) "ASIA" 24/11 July Cells Beyrouth and
      1,163 words
    • 1097 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to UK and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'por. P. S'horp Penono Benrinne. for Glosgow, 1 London. Rotterrtom O. 21 7/0 Jury 9/10 Jury Benvortkh tor Liverpool, Glosgow, Hull. Rotterdom. Antwerp 12/10 Jury 19/21 July 22/21 July B.nmecdhui for London, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Homburg 11/18 July 19/20 Jury 21/22
      1,097 words
    • 1010 9 Page 9 MoALISTER 4c CO., LTD. TEL: No ***** ELLERMAN «t ItUCKNALL KLAVFNESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGCLtS. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG "(JUTLAND. SiATTLE. I VANCOUVER n<] o"^ U Cortrto N °v'!o A t liomr>fl POf *'"»""B ««'oe far C.ntral t South CITY n OF SYDNEY American Port. Spore Vho.,,
      1,010 words

  • 274 10 ||> K. him lli Kaiisiiiiu THIS is I simple example of a triple soueeze designed to encourace those who consider this type of play to be beyond their powers. There Is no secret formula reserved for "master players but merely a revised version of what was always known as
    274 words
  • 909 10  - Japan 's miscalculation in the Pacific war Allingtoti Kennard By JAPANS NEW ORDER IN EAST ASIA. By F. C. [ones (Oxford University Press: Geoffrey Cumber lege. 38$. 1 WHEN the Japanese finally struck on December 8 and war in the Pacific began, they reaped at once such 8 ifeoni 'uiiK
    909 words
  • 504 10  -  Sill lI AROI JI SIMM I II JOMS. WMJL OUR MOON. By H. Percy Wilkins. (Muller. 12/6). IK VHE author of this book has for many years been an assiduous and careful observer of the features of the Moon's surface. Here the principal features
    504 words
  • 345 10 More Royalty in U.S. than in Britain! rHEY CAME WITH THE :ONQUEROR. By L C. Pine. .Evans Bros. 215.) IT is regrettable that Mr Pine who, as editor of Burke s Peerage and Baronetage, has done excellent work in separating fact from fiction in its genealogy, has written so disputable
    345 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 .HinAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS Wi ...o.^ .^L^ZLZfI 9.30 pm FULL IMPACi OF GREGORY PECK««» CAPTURED FOR THE FIRST TIME BY I PECK W ClNlMAi^??f IE U»b, TfCHNICOIO^ I INEMASCOn SHORTS "The Htm Vrii./url.i"— Haydn's Farewell Symphony y fifiWmat LISTS SISPKNI>FJ>^SASASSV«Sis£ •jMltlllllllll *****1111 l IMlllMlllllllMimiimilllllllllllllllllllHlM AIUAMRDA now siiouim. PHGUI i 909 9.30
      209 words
    • 289 10 |j({| gjjjj jjgjj ggjgj jjjj; I#SHAW BROTHERS r BTjcJ^A^l JH Ba @JB wnbi 400 6 3o| BL^Sf fft V fIS m_TßT|ii<lfti3r Q ft r 1 TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY HSIA |H[ t MOON «ll|i 9!i I>K\ iiiii wfi 1 1 SMMm^P B" iM jlgjg OPENS WE JJFSDAYI CARNIVAL STORY iirrr
      289 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 277 10 ii The Straits Times Crossword ii ACROSS 8 Corresponding periods In Moa1. Safety measure In »nlm»l breed. S? w? 6 4 in B o (5 a, 11 Game to go across? (6). .J w IS A nght. roughly (t). 9. This one Is reached by the 18 Melville tale— out
      277 words

  • 120 11 RESULTS of the finals in the 1954 All England championships at Wimbledon are: MEN'S SINGLES .l.i llnihnv (Egypt) beat Ken Roaewail (Australia) 13-11. 4-6. 6-2. 9-7. MEN'S DOUBLES Meryyn Rose and Rex H.iiiiui. (Australia) beat Tony Trabert and Vie Seixas (America) 6-4, 6-4, 3-6. 6-4 WOMEN'S SINGLES
    120 words
  • 59 11 LONDON. Sun. Peter Allday. who Ins been chosen for England's tram lv the British Commonwealth and Empire Oames at Vancouver the end of this month, set a new nathe record for the hammer thiuw yesterday. Competing In the London Athletic Club's championship*. he threw 174 ft. 10 In.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 37 11 VEI.BOUHNE Sun. Pat Ford I a| Australia regained the Australian version of the Brlll*h Empire heht weight boxing title here la-*f night when he outpointed the West 1 Indian holder Ivor Oermalne over rounds Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 30 11 "I'RICH. Sun. Austria brut Drug**? bf three goals to one to take third place In the 19.54 world snerer tournament here ye«terd»v Halfttme wore was one-all. U.P.
    UP  -  30 words
  • 431 11 WIMBLEDON, Sunday. AUSTRALIA scored their only success in this year's Wimbledon tennis championships here yesterday when their champions Rex Hartwig and lefthander Mervyn Rose beat Tony Trabert and Vie Seixas of America 6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 6-t in a final which was interrupted by
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 341 11 LONDON. Sunday. HAROLD STEPHENSON, the Somerset wicketkeeper. took the lead yesterday in the race for the season's 1 fastest hundred. In 98 minutes with three i sixes and nine fours as hi.s 1 strokes, he played the Worcestershire attack at Kiddcimmstt r to reach three
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 342 11 NOTTINGHAM. Sunday. ONLY the intervention of the weather or a remarkable hatting feat which would make cricket history, can save Pakistan from defeat at the hands of England in the second cricket Test at Nottingham. Although rain limited play yesterday to three hours
    342 words
  • 76 11 PAKISTAN— Iit Inn*: 157. ENGLAND— Ist Inns: SSI (for dccl). PAKISTAN— SND INNS Hanlf Mohamed c Erana k Hrdx-r SI Allmuddm h Statham II M'aaar Hamuin r Evan* b Staiham 7 MMaood Ahmed r Statham h Appleyard Imtiai Mm b Hardle 3! Abdnl Kadar c Oraveney b Wardle 4
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 181 11 LONDON. Bun. \M K. J Smith, Oxford UnivtT- »lty opening batsman, was the hero of the day's play In the annual University match against Cambridge which opened at Lords yesterday. Oxford batu-d all day to score 401 runs for the loss of three wrle■ii
    181 words
  • 147 11 Sonny Chia knocked out in Manila MANILA. Sun. DENNY ESCOBAR retaln.n the featherweight championship of the Philippines last night by knocking out Sonny Chia of Singapore and Malaya In lmln 29sec of the fifth round. Chla had no chance against deaf. nmti Escobar who weighed 125--lb. six pounds hea\ler than
    UP  -  147 words
  • 143 11 S. K. Tjoa had good meeting It. EPSOM JEEP fOCKEY Athol MulUy and Bill j** Clarke were In great riding form at Kuala Lumpur, sharing 10 race* between them. Jark Spencer was Top trainer saddling tlvt winners. Hit stable winnings amounted to $8,500. S. K TJo«. who has taken over
    143 words
  • 362 11 lONDON ».in CDNTY enrkft ch»mpion»hip tabu nrl flrat clbm av»r*(r». «v i<: Int mutrtie* which rnded on Frldav r» P W I. n T D Ml. Ml> P Ynrkahlrr 14 II 4 1 1 0 1 no Waiwirl.lnr* 1« I M I I 1 IN Mrtdl'wi
    362 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 289 11 Umteea... L 3e I—.1 Dl IRA POWW A i MB> rr-^ l i** w turn all/ OvtfistAS Tkavius Ltd. I -"[fiL tfOM tt CMC ,^W** To-dw;/ *Vi ft mission j^ JlJ^^illlll /BOTTIIS |W" I <WUS OiPOSIT) H«ii m pop«lo< (Wmoiid A oT ull IruiliHq pvviiH'M strips ty S 5 000.00
      289 words
    • 436 11 BANKERS CCaO C/gorefftj i^jZ) Vacuum rint Sola Agent*: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD.. P. O. Box 1133. Singapore. IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII Orchard Motors DISTRIBI TORS FOR DIESEi. INJECTION EQUIPMENT Orvltunl WfWorv ORCHARD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MUST BE S«,al., Tlm« |_J_____i WORD PUZZLE "HH" Cut our »n6 pin wirf)
      436 words

  • 372 12 Thurai gets IOIinC.S.C. Ship Id win 4 RECORD flfth-wlcket partner- ship of 179 runs between C Thuralslngam iIOU and Parama- thevan (84 1 enabled Ceylon Sports "lub to beat TP.CA. by nine wlctets In the annual cricket match v Balesiier Road, Singapore, yes;erday. They thus become the first winners of
    372 words
  • 446 12 Five named to select Malayan! Thomas Cup defenders KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE standing committee of the Badminton Association of Malaya today appointed a five-man selection sub-committee for Malaya's defence of the Thomas Cup next year. The sub-committee comprises Chan Lai Hong of Pferafc (chairman), Lee (Juan Khye (Pcrak), Ljm San
    446 words
  • 155 12 Second win over Colon MALACCA, Sanda \IALACCA scored their second eonwcatlve iTI over Singapore when they beat the <>|„ wickets here today. In reply to Singapore's i, 59 and 64. Malacca scored 69 and U Tor seven But it was a hard-earned third .yin
    155 words
  • 155 12 ROYAL NAVY scored a sevenwicket victory over Army in their inter-Services cricket fixture on a wet H.MS. Terror ground yesterday. No play was possible on Saturday owing to rain and the game yesterday was played In a heavy drizzle after lunch. The outfeld was waterlogged
    155 words
  • 217 12 CRC beat Combined Schools by 01 five wickets on the pariang yesterday. Play was continued af;er Schools' total of 80 had been passed and SRC totalled 142 In the Schools second innings of 117 for five E WUI hit 51 not out. C ornUn,* SrkwU:
    217 words
  • 72 12 Singapore Corinthians trounced I Tamil Brotherhood Association 7-0 at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday to win the SAF A. Dlv. 3 lmgue championship Scorers were Sharlff Olman (Si Hussein (2). Hallm. Osman sno Sharif. Referee Mr Layf.?ld In another Dlv 2 match Young Men's Muslim Association
    72 words
  • 221 12 MALACCA, Sun. (31 VK Mnt.iporc players, four from Malacca, and two from Negri Sfmbilan were selected today to represent South in thr it annual cricket "Test" match urainst North on July 31. Aug. 1 and 2 at Ipon. Captain of thr .side will
    221 words
  • 22 12 RHELMS. Sjn A British Jaguar dinen n\ Peier Whrehead and Ken Wharton won the 12-hour Endurance race here today.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 185 12 SINGAPORE Swimming (hih scored a surprising In. deserved victn:- over Chinese Swimming Club by sev< n goal* to five In 'he Sins.i|>m> Swlmmlni; Association.- Div l league water-polo match played In the CSC. pool \estetday. The defeat o" the Chinese was all the more .Mirpri.sinr
    185 words
  • 281 12 f ARGELY due to Singapore M MJ bowler Capt Stepto. who scored an unbintrn 103 In the Ounncrs second Innings Royal Artillery bent Infantry by five wickets In their I tuo-d:iv cricket match at Tmißlin < yesterday. In the Gunners' first innlnK* Stepto was
    281 words
  • 365 12 UWHTEEN-YEAR-OU) Russ< 1. Clarke iS.H.B.i was an out- I standing winner at the Singapore Inter-Boys clubs boxing tourna- j ment finals at the SB A Hall on Saturday night when he took tht bantamweight title. Clarke was up against 16-year-old P de Silva
    365 words
  • 51 12 HONO KONG. Sun. University of Malaya beat Hong Kong University by 9 wickets toda>. HKU 63 (B. Selvaraiah 6 for 32 including h«t-trlckl; Malaya 6S fcr one 'Ing Tat Hean 24. Yiap Khir Ylr 32). University of Malaya >ea- H.K U by 5-3 at hockey
    51 words
  • 37 12 CHINESE NET 6 v INDIANS Although soccer I at Jnlan Bt Chnese woi Indium them four of their rtxv} i half chance^ brou ment to their fo: were <■■ Thr Tian Chenne. < to give f'hlnr^r H. J WaM
    37 words
  • 16 12 their interwhich ended on Urn Mng. Netiti 87 (One Be: 11; Ourucharan Slngl
    16 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 788 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Continued from Pa*« <) Chick Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers Uhnoit cure should bt taken I when replvixß box numbri «dt. to ute th« CORRECT 1 NUMBIR jnd Addrett to rho j Straits Timet. Cecil Street. SITUATIONS WANTED tn HVirrf. ti (Mlm.) Box tt H«. twlrm.
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    • 772 12 TUITION It M <>'*' ti Mm.)— Box it ttt. txtrm. AT YOUR HOME: Private tuition for all standard? In all school subijects from $20 monthly. Apply Box A7-'sn. S.T. RADIO PRACTICAL COURSE. Enrol now. $5/- monthly practical ways of building all kinds radios. Chong Radio. Brickfields, K. L. (no correspondence).
      772 words
    • 754 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wotit ti (Mln.)— Box tt rtt. txlrm. AMUSEMENT COIN MACHINES (or sale and hire of AC, D.C.. Battery Sols and Service* Apply British American Automatic Machines Supply Co. 78, Robinson Road, Singapore Telephones *****. ***** and *****. WANTED Wordt ti (Mln.)-Hox tt rlt. txtrm. WANTED speedboat or small
      754 words
    • 176 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. MISCELLANEOUS tt Wortt U (Milt.)— Box i» clt txlrm GREEN MANURE Sz Cover Crop Seeds for Rubber Coconut. Tea and other Crops. Inland Sz Foreign t Trading Co.. 103. Havelock Road. Singapore. Phone *****. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Manufacturing and Qualified Opticians, 325, North Bridge Road. Singapore. Phone
      176 words
    • 50 12 For your health's stke jgf drink No. 1 Beehive Brandy an old favourite for over 50 years in Malaya. A product of France. •w **u_« Nif 1 BEEHIVE^* BRANDY F TSfp e'b T a l I TYPEWRITERS SOLE AGENTS For Singapore ana Fc McMULLAN CO., LTD. SINCAPORI b KUALA LUMPUR
      50 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 37 12 mi cm -\i MT. I: Tijir S v Indian R( J Resar; l)l\. Ml Junior V\ v KM I at UFA; M\. :.B: St. Johns v. B. Bulan. tlrylanc:niY. X: Karrer Inr. v. Star Socreritev Karrer Park.
      37 words