The Straits Times, 3 July 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times lew**** Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, Jl LV 3, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 288 1 French evacuate another town REBELS ROLL TOWARDS THE HANOI 'LIFELINE' From RUSSELL SPUtt. HANOI, Friday. s fell back further in the Red Kiver Delta today as Vietinh troops drove <>" to Phat Diem, seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric Much once had its own private army.
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  • 403 1 MYSTERY MAN 'K' WAS A RUSSIAN SPY MEI.BOIRNE, Friday. AKI'SSIAN contact known as "K" obtained secret information from the Australian External Affairs Department about policy differences between Australia. Britain and the I'nited States. Vladimir Petrov. lormer Soviet diplomat, told the Royal Commission on espionage today. "K" obtained the information from
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  • 24 1 Mils MAT shims the lour towns Irom which French forces have been withdrawn Shaded mn show the extent ol Vietminh penetration.
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  • 141 1 Squatters dieted then the blast PENANG. Friday. SECURITY forces tonight blew up a hill area of Chean Tnk Estate. Ayer Itam. after ordering more than 100 squatters to get out. The squatter*, mostly vc|«tabli (armors, were given an hours notice to quit their hone*. All
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  • 51 1 BONN. Fri. Dr. Konrad Adenauer, West Grrman C'hanrrllor, today demanded the return of .sovereignty to Germany. "We ran no lonuer br in;ir-;r fn suffer irom the fact that other states are lagging behind with the ratification o. r the European Army treaty and the Bonn conventions,' d
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 39 1 A two -year-old boy. Qu.nh Choon Chye. was killed when trolley hit him in Kalians Road yesterday morning. His brother. Quah Choong Kens;, 13, was also hurt, but la improving at thr General Hospital.
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  • 28 1 BANGKOK. Fri. Chinese Nationalist troops In Northern Burma have occupied Muang Hang, a town in the Shan Stales, alter attacks lasting j over a month.
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  • 304 1 S.-E. Asia pact 'is more urgent' I CASEY SAYS OF THE FRENCH RETREAT: NEW YORK. Fri. \|R. R G CASEY, AustT1 tralian Minister for External Affairs, said hore tonight that the bit; now French withdrawal in Indo-China increased the urgency for setting up a collective security agreement in South-east Asia.
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  • 135 1 THEY ARE ALL PALS AGAIN in Guatemala SAN SALVADOR. Fri. PEACE was agreed today In the 12-dav Guatemala war. Government and rebel leader? met and settled on a new flveman iunta. Colonel Eifpco Monzon. Head of State In Guatemala, will head the iunta for the time beine and the rebel
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  • 55 1 PILOT SAVED An R.A.F. Auster, OfMJ south from Kuala Lumpur, crash landed In a swamp rear Yonc Peng in West Johore this morning The pilot escaped unhurt. Be MM NKMd by helicopter and flown back to Kuala Lumpur after Hornets of No. 45 Squadron fmm Tengah.
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  • 493 1 IMII Singapore police used fin- hoses to disperse a larce crowd of Chinese students in front of the police courts in South Bridge Road yesterday. The students, many of them girls, had assembled to hear the verdicts on the seven
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 THE STUDENTS moving away across Hong Lim Green after the police had trained a water hose on one section of the crowd in NorthCanal Road yesterday afternoon. J i
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  • 37 1 KATMANDU. Fri.—Sir Ed- mund Hillary's expedition to the Barun elacier region of Nepal, climbed elcht other previously unconquered peaks las well as Baruntse 23.560 feet, according to reports I reaching here— Renter
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  • 53 1 ■BOUDON, Kri. JAKOSI..W DROKNY tnda> beat the 19-year-old Au*tralnn. Ken Roseuall to win the Wimbledon men* singles title. It was third time lucky for Drobn.v. who won by 13-11. 1-8. fi-2. 9-7 in a match lasting nearl> three hours It was his eleventh attempt for the elusive
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  • 83 1 MANILA. Frl. AT .east 22 people were killed and scores injured today in a strong earthquake which jolted the central The provincial capital ol Bowoton bore the brunt of the quake and a police official there rerx rted 20 dead and enormous property damage
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  • 46 1 SEOUL. Fn.— The new Pouth Korean National Assembly opposed President Syngman Rhee for the tirM tirir today by retusins to endorse Cabinet appointments The vote was 98 to 74 in favour of the appointments hut i muiel" for th' sary two-thirds majority UP.
    UP  -  46 words
  • 198 1 Rubber breaks the 70c. barrier OURRER sold for ovrr 70 cents a pound In Singapore yesterday for the Ant time In fourteen months. Closing price for first grade was to; cents after shooting up to 72 rents. Tlir riso followed nous from fork that t hp p biitvi and certain
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  • 30 1 II MM \l 1 EBVE9 i rench I -i- in 1 unitta I Df •ill II I' In mounted In v I i between I And Alri- r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 ss "o ICE c tA SEACON LTD. have pleasure in announcing COMPLETELY NEW DESIGN OF (•BEDROOM TERRACE HOUSES Bath-rooms attached to all Bedrooms, modern sanitation. INCLUSIVE price, with land and all fittings from $12,546/I BUILDING LOANS AVAILABLE BURNFOOT TERRACE 70 yards from Last ('oast Road 110 yards from Si^lap Market
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    • 23 1 MO MONO SOAP FACTORY ITD *?1 PARIS SHOCKING Kau de Cologne i and SHOCKING v Lotion If SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. (Incorporated >n Hon«koncl
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  • 693 2 OFFICER BROUGHT FROM SYDNEY FOR CRASH PROBE 21st DAY OF THE INQUIRY THEY CAN'T REST ENOUGH' \N Australian pilot with 15,000 flying hours said in Singaporr vrsterdav that he would not carp to fly Constrllition aircraft between Singapore and Sydney with only
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  • 153 2 Eased out of a place-Sir Gordon is cautioned LONDON. Fri. SIR GORDON RICHARDS. Britain's champion jockey. and two other leading jockeys have been "cautioned" by the stewards of the Jockey Club which rules British SIR GORDOS flat racing, it was announced in yesterday's Racine Calendar. ".Manny" Mercer and Ken Gethin
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  • 28 2 TAIPEH. Fri. Gen. James A. Van Fleet. President Eisenhower's personal envoy to the Far East, met Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek today befor« leaving for Manila tomorrow. —UP.
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  • 149 2 200 up Queen says Well done LEED6 Fri The Queen, the Princess Royal and Sir Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister were among those who >ent messages of concratulation yesterday to trkxhire Port, the daily newspaper which first appeared 300 year* aco today. The Queen.> message said: "I send my
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 129 2 SIR WINSTON LOSES THIS WAR DUBLIN, Fri. A RETIRED British Eighth Army general ended a long attorney's battle with Sir Winston Churchill over a military issue today and at the same time challenged Churchill's history of the war in the North African desert 12 years ago. Brigadier Eric Dorman O'Gowan
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  • 46 2 DUBLIN, Fri. -A Japanese doctor yesterday said that cancer was still the main medical problem in Japan. Dr. P. Yukio Moriguchi. Japanese delegate to the sixth international conference of Catholic doctors meeting here, refused to comment on the 'smokinc causes cancer" argument. UP.
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  • 24 2 KANSAS CITY Fri The former President. Mr Truman, recovering from a major operation, was reported ••progressing well" but slowly last night.— A.P.
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  • 24 2 TOKYO. Fri— A Japanese fishery- representative expects to visit Russia soon to negotiate for safe fishing operations in northern waters. —A P.
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  • 60 2 The two Russian tankers, the Batumi and the Leningrad which returned to Singapore ''x days ago with their cargoes oi kerosenr. are still lying at the explosive anchorage await- ing further orders Though the captains of both tankers have complained of engine trouble, the Straits Times
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  • 74 2 THE WEIRD LOOKING creature in the picture above is not from another world he's just an American Navy pilot climbing out of the new Cutlass jet fighter. The Cutlass is the first United States fighter plane to carry its rockets in an alvminium fuselage pack. After the
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  • 17 2 TOKYO. Fri -The Chinese Communist Party celebrated its 23rd anniversary today. Pekine Radio said— UP
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  • 129 2 And the soldiers like it, COLOMRO. iTHE Ceylonese soldier is to be givrn a glass instead of his tot of rum and a m In the ecnelon barracks herr an enterprising officer. Capt Roy de Silva. has opened a milk bar where a soldier can refresh himself
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  • 27 2 LOS ANGLES enile cane, arrrr and broken nor youths at and uounrV-i One virtin condition In Three youths have y rested A P.
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  • 15 2 WASHINGTON. Airlines want to operate vice between Honolulu I Angeles U P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 I j has pleasure in Announcing the appointment of j INTERNATIONAL AIR-CONDITIONING CO., LTD. (incorporated in Singapore) 1 j —j"| 1 lil (SUCCESSORS TO CARRIER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED) #A i |<3^S^ 68, MACKENZIE ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** Ji£fe*J I AS SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR mm^ j CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING urn in i
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  • 257 3 Town swamped by river keeps death vigil by bonfire EAGLE PASS, Texas, Friday. T HK toll in the biggest ever flood of the Rio Grande river yesterday stood at 55 dead and 90 missing. In Washington President Eisenhower declared the flood area as a major disaster zone. Piedras Neßra.s, in
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  • 53 3 THE HAPPY looking couple i n the radio picture above are film stirs Fred Mar Murray and June Haver after their wedding in California June last year spent seven months in a Roman Catholic convent after the rleith. on their wedding eve. of Dr. John Tuzdik. a
    AP  -  53 words
  • 59 3 4,000 MEN SENT TO TACKLE TERROR CASABLANCA. Fri. r ,ra where a d tendon. nch and I rday pat- r the of Dr. ■>. 'kesttlen In ctor "f angered the ol the pro- ■ pi „.rti I Si rvicejns lenl Oeneral, M appealed to r one settlers' or- 1 P
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  • 41 3 KTOWN. British! Mri Janet Jagan i jI.SO 'about Malayan day. or three I jaol In default, for i n of a top I riot manual. a.^ given man deposed Chief sh Guiana. •nonth r rtisobevlnc an 1
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  • 32 3 Moscow Ra- I i.v t;iat n and France in agreement to flights i and '.he Russian capiwill fly the r.irlsk and fl aircraft x to Pra_
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  • 76 3 OTTAWA Pit THKEK Canadian Cabinet Mr. Brooke Mr. Abbott. Finance. levrier, r.od. < 81 Lmtnbm Seaway and Power Project. Mr Claxton will be suc- > erncd as Defence Minister by Mr Ralph Campney. who has brcn associate Defence Minister. The new Finance Minister
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  • 106 3 JERUSALEM. Fri. REPRESENTATIVES of Israel I and Jordan yesierday agreed at a meeting of the armistice commission here to an Immediate unconditional and stnetre ceasefire In the righting which broke out In Jerusalem on Wednesday. But even after the commission's announcement, sporadic rlre continued In the city,
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  • 25 3 BERLIN. Fri East Germany announced last night the appointment ol an Ambassador to North Korea. He wa.< identified as Richard Fischer.— A.R
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  • 23 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. Mr Charles Wilson. U S Defence Secretary, will visit Canada nejrt week for talks with Canadian Defence officials.— Reuter.
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  • 16 3 LONDON. Fri.— Lorr. Morris of Kenwood, former Labour MP. has died, aged 60. Reuter.
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  • 71 3 NEW YORK Kri P;lm actress Linda Darnell an nounced yesterday she was married four months ago to Philip Lelbmann. president of a large New Vnrk brewery They have If ft by plane for a delayed honeymoon. Linda said she married Leibrr.ann on Feb 25 in
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  • 43 3 WASHINGTON. Frl. The west German Chancellor. Dr Konrad Adenauer, last night thanked President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill for affirming in their talks that West Germany should take her Place as an equal Dartner in the community of Western i.ations -Reuter
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  • 38 3 LONDON. Fri— Mr. Clement Attlee. leader of the British Labour Party. ha_ accented an invitation to visit Australia as a euest of the Government after his trio to china in Ausust, it was announced today. —Reuter
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  • 215 3 FIVE FOUND GUILTY LONDON, rriday. LM I men and two companies were found guilty here 1 yesterday of plotting a gigantic conspiracy toj smuggle copper and brass worth nearly half a million sterling to Communist Europe. The two valuable metals.' clashed as "strategic goods." may
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  • 64 3 LONDON Fri Sir John Mellor. who resigned from the Conservative Party on June 2 yesterday decided to rejoin It Sir John, who objected to members of Parliament getting a pay rise, resigned when it was thought Sir Winston favoured raising their saiarle.--from £1.000 to
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  • 37 3 TOKYO. Fri— The Japanese Red Cross has appealed to the Russian Red Cross for assistance in r escuing 15 fishermen believed stranded on a rock :n the Soviet-held Kurile Islands north of Japan— A.P
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  • 20 3 WASHINGTON. Frl Senator Hugh Butler dipd at I Bethesda Naval Hospital here last night. He was 76. -A.P
    AP  -  20 words
  • 191 3 OTTAWA. Friday. T*HE Canadian Prime Minister. Mr. Louis St. Laurent said that no problems were settled by Sir Winston Churchill's visit to the United States and Canada I But. he added, the phyehological effect of tne visit i had been good. It had clear- Ed
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  • 99 3 LONDON. Fri BRITISH televiewers took part last night in a political broadcast with a difference. Instead or listening to the usual prepared speeches they were invited -t the start of the programme to ring up the studio with any questions they wanted answered and the
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  • 56 3 VIFNNA. Fri— For the first time since the war. an Italian passenger nlanr was scheduled to arrive in Vienna last ntuht in a test fliaht After having tven granted Soviet permls<ion to fly over Eastern Aus'ria. the Italian Airlines will resume regular air traffic between Vienna
    AP  -  56 words
  • 37 3 MEXICO CITY. Frl. The; Gorman Ambassador. Hrrr Fritz von Twardowsky. decorated President Adolfo Ruiz Cortlncs yesterday with the Great Cross of the Order of Merit for the "friendship and sympathy" he has shown West Germany. A.P.
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  • 30 3 LONDON. Fri. King Oustaf I Adolf and Queen Louise of Sweden yesterday ended their state visit to Britain and will .spend the weekend in the country. -Reuter.
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  • 166 3 LONDON. Frl. EXHAUSTIVE tests of the j Comet Jet airliner appear to be getting nearer a solution of the series of crashM earlier this year. accordIng to Lord Brabazon of Ta- ra. chairman of the Air Re- 1 gist rat ion Board. But other experts
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 236 3 LONDON, Frl. Closing middle prices of selected stock*, not Including stamp duty, were; Consols 6«>,4 Funding 4' 103\ War t%% 87* BANKS Mercantile (£12 ',4 j 29 Eastern (£5) 8 7 /s Chartered (£1) 44/- /6 Hongkong ($125) 94 INSURANCE Com. Un. iuts. 3 Royal 14'» +>/» Prudential
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  • 25 3 LONDON July 2 Ca*h Buyers £752: Sellers C7M: Forward Buyers £745: Sellers t*46: Settlement C 754 Turnover im 60 tons: p.m. 30 tons
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  • 36 3 LONDON July 2 —Spot 20 -d Aus W'.-ci Sept 20 \ti Oct -Dec 2(1 ,d Jan-Mar. 20, d Apr -Jun* 20". d July c.if. 20>_d. Aug. elf. Jd.ri sept. c.1.1. 20 .d Tone. Steady.
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  • 30 3 TOKYO. Frl The Labour Ministry here said today wages of Japanese workers average only about one-tenth of American workers and about a third of the British average
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  • 17 3 BERLIN. Fri. -Herr Richard Fischer has been appointed German Ambassador to North Korea -Renter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 >U EASY FIT SHOE men if FINEST QUUinr TREBLE-WEAR SOLES PE R PAIR US $5 25 r R> 24-0 SELECTED LEATHER UPPERS- 3^/™ *SD 15 30 BEAUTIFULLY SOFT AND SUPPLE rVw-.i o-,-« POST FREE tot,*,* ■k GUARANTEED USUAI 45 VALUE v *OUNO J O/ tOwVN ______L__^-*^"-_-_^ > «8 2 f
      207 words
    • 161 3 Ait F II I. S H an if ijnii pirl;> </ Ihrm in your nun f/orfli n 2______M__vr__l^^__r Cauli»| owcr J M> -/ou all you buy! with BIRDS EYE frosted vegetables SINGAPORE COID STORAGE CO.. LTD. fern ST. JOHN PBi APPEAL WEEK Support the St. John Ambulance Brigade and Association.
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  • 328 4 Question of film star's infancy decided at last KASMA BOOTY. Malay film star, sued by Malay Film Productions for breach of contract, failed to turn up in the Singapore High Court yesterday when the question of her infant > was decided by the court. Mr Justice
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  • 46 4 The Singapore Government ■nd the City Council spent more than $265,000 on the Coronation celebration.s The Government's hill was S19G..S86 and the Council's S65.710 The Council has now acrrcd to contribute $7,500 tov.urd.s thr cost of decorating And liehtin* the procession route.
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  • 168 4 'NO' TO THE $11,000 FLATS QUESTION CAN flats in a block be sold? This question came up when the Singapore City Council's finance committee ronsidered a proposal to build and sell flats to the staff. They could be sold, the committee was told. It has hao- pened 'n S^^innd and,
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  • 47 4 Mlnv |.|M)\ IHNSKI.YYOOI) pi-iiormini: her Juan ul Arc" dance at the National Association of Perak Ball. It was the most attractive of her repertoire, which was the hichlight of the evening. The ball raised about $6,000 Straits Timer, picture.
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  • 228 4 CHILDREN SIGN ON, RESUME STUDIES yJTUDIES have resumed and the seven Singapore Chinese schools which re-opened last Monday! after holidays are returning to normal. The schools, whose holidays the Singapore Government advanced two weeks, are the Chinese High School, the Chung j Chene High
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  • 86 4 Ship returns with a sick sailor THE 6,074-ton freightei Semiramis I returned to Singapore yesterday after leaving port eight hour& earlier, to atscharge a sailor susrjected to be suffering from appendicitis The vessel, bound for Janan was about 100 miles out of Singapore when member of the engine room crew
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  • 131 4 T«HE Deputy President of the City Council. Mr R x Middleton-Smith. yesterday wrote to the City Council Labour Unions" Federation in a bid to prevent a strike decision by workers on Sunday. The federation has called a meeting of 10.000 workers of the Council at
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  • 100 4 Fewer road accidents in capital KUALA LUMPUR. Fri /X>MPULSORY driving tests v^ have brought down the number of road accidents In the capital from 2.373 In the 1 first half of 1953 to 1.841 in th. first six months of this year according to the Traffic Branch Chief Mr H
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  • 43 4 parangs broke Into a Chinese sundry goods shop at Slmpang Tlga Parit. near Sabak Bernam. North Sflangor. recently and got away with a cycle, cigarettes and sundry articles worth $398 The shop owner, wife and 1 child were unharmed.
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  • 54 4 1 A shopkeeper in Kampong Chantek Bahru, Singapore. wa> awakened at 2 a.m. yesterday by some noise but he rolled over and went back to s'.ecp At dawn he found his shop had been burgled He lost $100 a pair of spectacles tw<> fountain pens and
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  • 27 4 A new branch post office in the Cold Storage Arcade in Singapore, was oDened yesterday by the Director of Pasts Mr. M. L Durrant
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  • 67 4 JOHORE. BAHRU. Fri. Chan Koo FonK. a liaLson officer attached to the Special Branch, was fined $75— in default 25 days' gaol in the police court here for losing his revolver and six rounds of ammunition. Chan said he left the revolver overnight on a
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  • 162 4 Sultan may go back to Britain yHE Sultan of Johore, Major General Sir Ibrahim, is expected to leave for Britain in a few months, probably after celebrating his 81st birthday in September. According to sources close to the Sultan, His Highness will be accompanied by the Sultana and Princess Meriam,
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  • 54 4 A temp.p In Bukit Timan Road built by the Singapore Tun Club for its Hindu labourers will be consecrated on Monday morning. Granite images of three Hindu god« imported from India will be installed The poor will be fed at noon and a procession will be
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Muniammal 20. charged here today with being drunk and incapable said she had been advised by her doctor to drink beer to cure an ailment She pleaded <ui!tv and *as cautioned and disc.' arced after the court was tolc: that she had
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  • 49 4 TEMERLOH. Fri— A surrendered terrorist with two previous convictions. Osman bin Haruti. 20. who faked a pass to let a friend sain admission to the Rainbow Revue at Mentakab. pleaded uuilty to a forgery charge yesterday. He was sentenced to four months' gaol
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  • 54 4 TEMERLOH, Fri.- After being told that he had last his job for being absent for a week. PWD labourer, c Velliasamy, 28, threatened the overseer with a sickle, the West Pahang Sessions Court was told yesterday. The president. Mr. J R Whimster. fined Velliasamy
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  • 18 4 Sinrapore's Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. A. C. Ooode, yesterday spent two hours lnspectlne the Customs Department.
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  • 116 4 A YOUNG woman told a Singapore rourt yesterday that three robbers, one armed with a knife confronted her when she came out of the bathroom of a hotel in Racecourse Road. The woman, Goh Yam Chng, said that after robbing her of jewellery and rash
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 New Shipment Arnocd <s*M Every Date a Delight... with your Seamaster Calendar Famous for supreme precision and rugged reliability, the Seamaster has been tested by 26,000 airmen all over the world. And now the added date mechanism is so simple, so sturdy, so foolproof that you can even turn it
      134 words
    • 406 4 "BROOMWADE" pneumatic equipment saves time cuts costs Vci^V The" BROOM WADL- .1 of the larger models of the tie' range. Delnrring !5O cv It per mm. at lot) lh< p• i <■ is powered by a dortiner d t running at 1,100 r.p.m. "BROOMW AGE" hydro-pneumatic f*^tKfueeze rivelen can close
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  • 43 5 At the annual dinner of the! Convention of the American Internationa] Assurance Company Limited three members; of the company were awarded briefcases for their .services. They were Mr. Henry Mole. Mr. Eng Ah Koon, and Mr.] Leong Nee Kian.
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  • 498 5 SEDITION CHARGES SPECIFIED BY CROWN SINGAPORE'S Crown counsel, Mr. A. V. Winslow, yesterday preferred fresh charges against the eight University of Malava students charged before Mr. Tan Ah Tah. of the First Criminal District Court, with two offences relating to the seventh issue
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  • 229 5 FREE RICE— AND SEE PRICE DROP Chamber urges: Do it now THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce has I A told the Government it is convinced that rice can be cheaper if de-controlled. In a letter to the Colonial I Secretary. Mr. W. A. C Goodr. 1 the chamber says
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  • 83 5 Better c.o.d. service now PROMPT PA YMENT KUALA LUMPUR. Fri —The I Post Office yesterday introduci ed a revised inland cash-on-i delivery service with many imj provernents over the old system. The main benefits of the new service are that senders will now receive payment more promptly and the trade
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  • 25 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri— Mr Justice Pretheroe is now acting Chief Justice in the absence of Sir Charles Mathew who is on short leave.
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  • 68 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri—Art- j I hur B. Brown was acauitted in the Sessions Court here on a cru.rge of cheatinu Tahirbhoy by obtaining $40 from him against a cheque which was i dishonoured by the bank. In acquittinc Brown, Mr. N. L Cohen, president of the court,
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  • 37 5 A bus driver. Ooh Hock Lee. of Bukit Timah Road, was fined $50 in Singapore ve.sterday for negligent driving and colliding with a car at the 5' 2 milestone. Thomson Road, on April 16
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  • 155 5 'fHE Singapore Government] hopes to send eleven I Colombo Plan students to AusI tralia, Canada and New Zealand later this year, i The Singapore EstablishIment Officer. Mr. W. M Young, said yesterday he was awaiting replies from the three Dominions before a final decision
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  • 35 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— Mr. H. K. Ashby. who recently returned :rom leave, has been appointed State Agriculture Officer. Johore, in succession to Dr. W. N. Scott, who left for Britain on leave yesterday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 S Parker SL/MFOLD kmm.fia/iwm smaller hanrts or for youngci people, the SLIMFOLD is Just I right size. With gold nib. ink supply and simplified .stem. Parker "Arrow' c lip, Available in four colours choice of eight nib grades, pencil to match. FACTORY SOLE AGENT AND REPAIR SERVICE STATION Honior AftODC
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    • 49 5 i t»o/» r or a lovelier you Wf\ f| ■j IBV a w^^^^PUW9SS^^—^w BEAUTY HUEPARATIONS In BOURJOIS DISTRIBu T ORS GRAFTON LABORATORIES LIMITED. SINGAPORE 0 j^j&fi^^^Sr^^v 1 STANDARD iiSti A RECOMMEND f^ 1 for every Standard ever made 1 C. C. WAKEFIELD 6c CO., LTD. KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE PENANG
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 316 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE AM "15 Time Signal and Opening Announcement; 7.16 Morning Star 1.30 News; 735 Melody Mixture 800 Time for Music; 8.30—9.00 Calling All Hospitals; PM. 100 Progrtmme Summary; 1.01 Hear Them Atain- 130 Time Signal and News; lbO Dame Interlude; 200 Raring Commentaries; 5.00 Time Signal followed by
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  • 729 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. July 3. 1954. A Synthetic Stimulus News of price increases for certain type* of synthetic rubber had an immediate and ex- j accerated effect on the Singapore market yesterday. The in,rea<e< are limited. Moreover they do not apply to the ordinary general purpose synthetic, hut
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  • 444 6 The Case Of Wong Poh Yin The quashing by the Privy Council of the death sentence on Wong Poh Yin, a terrorist convicted of carrying a revolver, interprets sensibly the conflict between the law and the Government's policy of inducing the surrender of terrorists in the jungle. Wonn went undercround
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 6 OLD CANNON ON PENANG ESPLANADE. Straits Ttmes photo.
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  • 141 6 Taken from the Sti its Times of July 3, 1904: MR. SANDERSON, manager of the Sempam minrs. is away trying to purchase rlephants to take the place of coolies who havo left to work on licences. rE LAST parcel of Para Rubber placed on the London Market
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  • 998 6 A <->*■ THE Alliance has not yet taken up the challenge of the Federation's Attorney General who, in his speech introducing legislation amending the Federation Agreement, compared thr Gold Coast constitution of 1951 with the proposals for Malaya. The Gold Coast con■tltutVon has b.< n held
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  • 1008 6 Malaysian Notebook I^UCHING today must look rather like the Singapore of fifty years ago and (ghastly thought) the Kuchlng of fifty years hence may look like Singapore today. You get to Kuching from Singapore in various ways in different degrees of comfort. As each is more
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 853 6 LA88IFIED ADS. ;o Hori, SI* i minimum). CRADCii k TO Eileen and Jack in 1st July. M Kuala Lumpur, a roc navid. WARRKN Tn Mnjorlf and KfH'i I Home son. I JBtli June. Mi.irf. J/'i t minimum! IOHNSON-COTTREI.L: Hip rn..iKfmen' I 1 unnounrrd between i .-n>pn ;<nrt Oeorctna Sonla CottrtU
      853 words
    • 85 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making with it. World's f* Most Amazing^U" THIS famous "dream" camera takes! the guesswork out oi movie mak- ing. gives you perfect exposure* without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-m governor coupled to both lenses ir a slide turret. You
      85 words
    • 124 6 JUST ARRIVED! NEW COLUMBIA MASTERPIECES CIISIKINC in {Mozart i Raj, MALCUZYNSKI in Srv n Mtawkn iChopin) (Chopnn Net 5. 2 6.. SAMSON FRANCOIS b CONSERVATIVE ORCHESTRA m Concerto No 3 m C iProkofrcr) Visions fugitives; Toccata iProkOfici I CX 1135 FRANCISCATTI in Pneme |CM«Mott| Introduction and Rnndo capncci^so {Saint
      124 words

  • 55 7 $1,000-AND NOW A MEDAL \< w honour for 2 parang heroes SEREMBAN, Fri. £S rded the Jmbilan coointry medal. Depala- t Kampong Hl ,lu. Gemas. and Wdek ,kam-| parmnn, rorUt. who' hand r ill receive the highest for gallwtr, Di- Pertuan -4 at ras ide in Seremban. have received a
    55 words
  • 15 7 KANGSAR. Frj. s ol the Titung School here MM to the Nanrsity Fund.
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  • 245 7 150 words on a grain of rice IVORY CARVING 4 TREAT is in store for art lovers in Singapore when a Hong Kong artist. Mr. Wong Lo Feng, holds an exhibition of miniature carved ivory. Mr Wong gave a preview of his work at
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  • 109 7 oun try wide demonstration KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. RENT PAYERS in Seremban. Penang, Malacca and Alor Star will moot this month to protest against high rents, said Mr. T. R. P. Dawson, pref the Selangor Rent Payers Association, today. Be ;uiried: "Chinese guilds and associations have
    109 words
  • 64 7 Wife wakes, robbed, after crash A; unconscious for four hours in her over- Sinpapore housei ke to nnd that she SCOO. her pur>e and a houi Mrs. J. m, 2.\. ol Vio Chu Road Hei c»r 'an into .I.tndai Road at 1 yesterday. iwoke al 9 a.m., found pertjr gone
    64 words
  • 10 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fr: In- < .Irction from June >18.743.835.
    10 words
  • 46 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Two .•'hots were fired at a police convoy travelling from Kroh to Balinß, Upper Perak. last nißht but there were no casualties Communist pamphlets written in Jawi were scattered near the perimeter gate of Tangkak ne-.v village. Muar. yesterday.
    46 words
  • 86 7 Accused of kidnapping woman, son KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. TWO middle-aged Sikhs. Sohan Singh and Ralla Singh, were charged in the sessions court here today with kidnapping a woman. Balwant Kaur and her son, Satwant Singh. Both pleaded not guilty. Three other sikhs, Bhag Singh. Karam Singh and Jaswant Singh, were
    86 words
  • 30 7 Leon Goossens, the cele-i brated oboist, will play at the Victoria Memorial Hall oni July 11 in a recital presented by the Singapore Music So- 1 clety.
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  • 26 7 A variety show to raise funds for a clubhouse for the Singapore Petrol Dealers' Employees Union was held at the Victoria Theatre last night.
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  • 460 7 SACK MR. KOH FROM COUNCIL CHAMBERS ASK GOVT There's a law to do it, they say KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. r PHF Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce wants the High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, to revoke the nomination of its rebel member, Mr. Koh Sin Hock, from the Federal Council by
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  • 125 7 A WALKING BANK MEETS THE LAW DOLICE found a man at 4.45 a.m. yesterday noar thr Capitol car park, Singapore, carrying: $2,500, 6,000 francs. 3.118 rupees, £6 Australian lens' cheques totallins $40. 11 w r i .n t w a t c h e.s. \2 sovereigns one sold $10 com.
    125 words
  • 87 7 Robbers tie victim to a tree A MAN wa s tagged, blindfolded and tied to a rub ber tree with a length of wire, after he was robbed or S200 and an identity card. Singapore police were told yesterday. The robbery occurred in Mandai Road, near the nth milestone, on
    87 words
  • 63 7 KUALA KANGS. H. Fri.-A 21-y^air-r>ld police constable R. Maniam was charged here today under the Emergency Regulations with behaving In a disorderly manner by firing a round from his rifle into the air at 1.30 a.m. today in the Depot Lane Low Roari area
    63 words
  • 181 7 The other Alliance loses a man MR. A. M. ABl BAKAR. the Penang Settlement and Municipal Councillor, bas resigned from the Penang; UMNO-Muslim Alliance in protest against the boycott I decision. Mr. Bakar, who refused last, week to obey the Alliance's j quit directive,
    181 words
  • 171 7 rpHE Sultan's brother i Tengku Kassim. vice-pre-sident of Kedah UMNO, will lead a six-man delegation to meet the Ruler if the request for an audience is granted. A letter seeking this audience was sent off yesterday by the Kedah UMNO president. Tuan Syed Omar. If
    171 words
  • 159 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Working Committee of the Selangor branch of the M.C.A. and the Selangor I'M. NO. Divisional Liaison Committee meet tomorrow to plan the Alliance procession to the Istana Selangor on Thursday The procession will be led by an Alliance
    159 words
  • 80 7 PENANG. Fri. Mrs. Rahlman Arlff. wife of a Federal Legislative Councillor. Dr. K Mohamed Arlff. has resigned from Penang UMNO, with her two sons. Mr. Mushlr Arlfl and Mr Omar Farouk Ariff. Her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Zubaldah Arlff. has also resigned. Their resignations followed UMNOs expulsion of
    80 words
  • 42 7 16 OUT— ITS OFFICIAL NOW Xl At. 1.l MPI'K Fri. The resignations of sixteen I'MNO-MrA members from the Federal Council were gazetted today. Eight nf them were Chinese and eight Malay. They resigned Mx»n after the Alliance decided on iU boycott policy.
    42 words
  • 412 7 I felt like throwing stones, too —STUDENT CASE COURT IS TOLD rpHE trial of the seven 1 Chinese school students on a charge of voluntarily obstructing Mr. B L Flack. ASP., of the Reserve Unit, should be finished as soon as reasonably possible. Mr D. H. Chapman, the Singapore Fifth
    412 words
  • 60 7 W oman sends 'guilty' plea Mrs J.D. Lawler. of Molrose Drive. Braddcll H'-mhts. was fined S10 in Singapore yesterday when she pleaded nuilty bv letter to a traffic offence. Mrs. Lawler. the court was told, cut across double white lines in overtaking a vehicle along Thomson Road, near the function
    60 words
  • 34 7 Rehearsals are now going op for the Maurice Collts nlav "The Motherly and Auspicious." which the Singapore Arts Theatre will present at the Victoria Theatre on July 15. 16. 17 and 18.
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  • 28 7 IPOH. Fli Home en Jeram new villaße, In thr Kampar area, yesterday formally took over from the polir^ the defence of their own homes.
    28 words
  • 69 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri In dusty filing cabinets in thr High Court at Alor Star Kedah. many pre-war court exhibits lie unclaimed. The State's Chief Police Officer has appealed to ovßCfi to come forward and collect them. Among the goods waiting to !be claimed are 12 8 silver
    69 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 f Dccci ""I 1 itrunstiicfi lons Phymg Records 33 i r.p.m. FATS WALLER ALBUM— TED HEATH ANO HIS MUSIC LK40~4 VAUCHAN WILLIAMS 4 ,n F minor LXT29O9 LXT29IO LXT29H Tht London Philharmonic Orchcirri conducted by Sir Adrian Boulr. CRANADOS COYESCAS N^ L 2 en la Reja El fandAntr del Candil
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 172 7 The weather MINIMUM ininiuiiM i 7.30 pm on July 1 to 7.30 a m nn July 2> Singapore 79 degree*. Penang 71. Kota Bahru 75. Kuala Lumpur 71. Ipoh 69. Kuantan 70. M A X I M f M lMiriKMil;i n JO a.m. to 7 30 p.m on July 2>
      172 words

  • 428 8 ALLEGED LIBEL IN LETTER TO FIRM C H. UNBEHAUN, former managing director of Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd., who is being sued by M. R. Swain, the present managing director of the company, for libel, told Mi. Justice Taylor in the Singapore High Court yesterday
    428 words
  • 115 8 AQUARIUM GETS A KEEPER But still no 'boss' rE Singapore City Council has appointed a keeper for the Van Kleef Aquarium at Kine George V Park, but has turned down the candidate recommended for the superintendent's post. The aquarium urgently needs a .superintendent to take over from Mr. F C.
    115 words
  • 106 8 Ex-theatre manager discharged Thomas John Davies, a former manager of the Paj vilion Theatre, ac used of falsifying accounts while he was 'an employee of Shaw Bros.. Ltd was discharged In the Singapore High Court yester- i day The jury returned a five-two verdict of not guilty and Mr. Justice
    106 words
  • 165 8 PLANS for a 5200.000 fisheries research laboratories at Chanpi Point have been approved and construction may begin next month. Dr. F. D. Ommanney. Director of Singapore Regional Fisheries Research Station, announced yesterday. He said the laboratories, in > conjunction with a $600,000 research vessel
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  • 60 8 A "Charity House" cam- j palgn to help raise $600,000, which the Chinese V.M.C A. still needs for its new million--1 dollar building, will begin toi morrow. The campaign is being organised by the Singapore Chinese Christian Inter-Church Union. 1 "Roof tiles" for the "Charity House"
    60 words
  • 174 8 LONDON, Fr A PILOT who has made several record-break-ing flights has been appointed Air Officer Commanding, Singapore, it is announced today. He is Air Commodore A. E. Cloiuton, 46. who will take up his new post lit<-r in the month, succeeding Air
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 212 8 Govt. offers permanent jobs rE Singapore Government yesterday revealed the details of a scheme to put 350 of its 600 temporary clerks on the permanent establishment. These details were given to a four-man delegation oi the Administrative and Clerical Services Union at a
    212 words
  • 39 8 Singapore Legislative and Executive Councillors will inspect a new SIT. low-cast house at Norfolk Road on Tuesday morning. The two-.storey house has modern sanitation, cost $3,215 to build, and will be rented out for about $30.
    39 words
  • 49 8 IPOH. Frl— A burglar entered the house of Mr. H T. Boyle, a Malayan Railway district engineer, in Douglas Road early this morning and sto!e a cigarette case, a lighter, a fountain pen and $7. It Is believed that he gained entry by the front window.
    49 words
  • 23 8 About 400 people attended the annual dinner of Malayan Breweries Limited at the Wing Choon Yuen Restaurant In Singapore last night.
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  • 89 8 Fun fair to raise cash for the aged JOHORE BAHRU, Fn rE Labis Welfare Committee is Planning to raise fund* for a scheme to provide a subsistence allowance for old people in Labis and the iurroundine areas For this purpose the committee is organising a fun fair to be held
    89 words
  • 50 8 IPOH. Fri.— The Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. Dr. H. W. Baines. and Bishop R L. Archer of the Methodist .Yission in South-East Asia, will head the Malayan delegation to the Assembly of World Christian Churches to be held in August in Evanston Illinois. U.S.A.
    50 words
  • 67 8 TALKS ON MARINERS PAY Representatives of the Malay Marine Officers Association and the management of the Straits Steamship Company. Singapore, will meet on Moriday for pay talks A spokesman of the associa- tlon told the Straits Times that the talks would be on pay uses the company had offered. "In
    67 words
  • 208 8 WE WILL GET THE TEACHERS, HE SAYS rpHE Graduate Teachers' ■I Association of Singapore has guaranteed to get a steady flow of local university graduates to enter the teaching profession if the Education Department will implement, without reserve, all sections of the Singapore Education Service scheme. The president of the
    208 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 386 8 rlj 5 IP P'j:l| lilii iiili P 1 1#SHAW BROTHERS^ M piuis of colour |il:itrs, film news. 1 MOVIE NEWS rZ DAILY /teuA... J?«s_flHJ wJPJbATM II 1.45-4.00 V 5U59 Jiilli KraSffsXHsSsBHSHWro! W«wBSBBS\_/ THEY FOUGHT TO THE FINISH! f\ I'lus BTOOGEB i« "The Yoke's on .Me" a Sa>. Je cße
      386 words
      229 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 362 8 f. 29 Sally Lunn save her name to The Straits Times Crossword 30 .x/^rv .own e ach 0 Kent ft). 12 3 4 5 s 7 31. Book ol the OT. or several (7). T^- HI DOWN W iH iHi lli iH HI 8 i. Ha» thU European feature any
      362 words

  • 1777 9 TIMES special FEATURE Truth behind the mystery of ancient Angkor f\ S soon as the first European colonising expeditions penetrated into Malaysia about 400 years ago, the missionaries that they Jispatched to the interior brought wondrous stories of a mighty city that lay in ruins among the jungles if Cambodia.
    1,777 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 )nu get wore f;r your ttwnry and \vwre for your beauty lIST RIO N DAINTIEST PINKS B fim «iBS«"'P» CITEX lone wearing ll in the imjiing I iPILLPRUF botHe. AUo CUTEX jmooth. creamy pstick rhal ne»»« print II Ukforfm Jfc TFX Nil ll^ Wtfv In) J ll| 1 i CUTEX
      138 words
    • 8 9 >lO\IP AY I In- sirnl of William Mark,
      8 words
    • 233 9 j^fl^lfl BSSv Mn Js wm^BrWtmJ*OoT JLJ JwrißlassT Simmonds. makers ot the tamous FRAM Oil Cleaner, have now produced its cousin, ths FRAM PETROL FILTER. The filter, new this country, is being sold in tens ~>\ thousands in United States, and is now available here DISTRIBUTORS: BORNEO MOTORS LTD. SINGAPORE. iii
      233 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 178 9 Shvrlarti Hnimos staff h<>r<> I ~l V NOBOOY, YOU THICK- UEADEP I ;'U STAY HEKE.MH BEEVES,] I y^\ IDIOT.' SO/ME POOL LEPT THE UP \lf AND SEE NOTHING I* TOUCH- 1 /C un n- yjf-,, A-^ f > .j^ Off THE CASK AND HE FELL IN ED IN YOL/K ABSENCE
      178 words

  • 258 10 RUBBER LEAP AFTER U.S. MOVE Bigger share turnover THE United States annouiuinunt ih.t i other types of svnthetu- were kpim. r price had an electric enect <»n t ht- Sinjfapore I ber Market yesterday already firm following news of China's purchase of rubber from donesia. July first Rrade opened at
    258 words
  • 339 10 The Malayan Share Brokei.s Association retxjrted: 'There was v general marking up of rubber tbarei on the local share market and a better turnover than for man> months us the result of rise in the commodity price. Industrials continued steadily quiet while ■ms were dull and irregular. Members
    339 words
  • 176 10 Rubber closed at 70\ cent.. In Singapore yesterday. 2 1 cents above Thursday's closing price. There was some trade buying but the greater part of the Interest was speculative due to the U.S. raising the price of some synthetics. July first grade went to 72 cents and August
    176 words
  • 121 10 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per plcul were: Copra easy, July $30., buyers,, $31 sellers; Aurusi $30 buy«rs. $30' 2 Coconut oil: qilet, $56 sell- 1 ers. Pepper: quiet; small business reported; fob. prices, unchanged; Muntolc white $210. Sarawak $207'*. Lampong black $135. H.C.B. Lid. closing prior:
    121 words
  • 100 10 ships lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharvm or ex-pn-lrd today are: AuUmedon 1 2. Tagelu* 4 5. Polyphemus C.P.. Braesice 7. Soudan 8 9. Radnorshire 11. Denbichshire 13 14. Eumaeus 15 16. Pat.iconla 18. Aletta 19 20. in itamn N Wall 2 Rawans N. Wall 4 Angby
    100 words
  • 38 10 On the free rxrhance market In i! Kong \psterc.iv the US iollar was quoted at 5 ***** for rash and 5.8075 for TT Sterling was quot<4 at 15.57 and >ne -ael of gold at 242 125.
    38 words
  • 19 10 Suncel Bidor Tin nrrcie'ng t tn *orked R35 hour» treated M3JOO jardx and produced 923 plculs In
    19 words
  • 15 10 M\c.\r»iKi i MN idmin 25 < ontIt! Km K: 70 Ih. i up cent*
    15 words
  • 92 10 A- 1 market 1 port. were rim: strencthfnlnc eflei were rubber fnr Chi The to be some doul price.' support tliere v > On Th lourcei rumours I i that o n bambo<^ n I continue, it U The IV and 1:. other type York
    92 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 126 10 CLOSING DOWN AUCTION SALE OF Genuine, Antique Valuable PERSIAN BOKHARA CARPETS RUGS ASIAN CARPET EMPORIUM 15, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE Now on View To-day From 2.30 p.m. tc 6 p.m. To-morrow From 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p*m- 2.30 p.m- to 5-00 p.m. Catalogues can be had en request from the above
      126 words
    • 856 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited from experienced Malayan Journalists. Federal citizens or subjects of Rulers of Malay Btates, for the post of Press Officer In the Department of Information, Federation of Malaya. Salary scale $SlO-A3O-750 per month plus Cost of Living and other Allowances at current rate. Applicants I should
      856 words
    • 630 10 NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENT E. E. KEEN St PARTNERS, Consulting Engineers and Archi I tects, have removed from No. 72 ,Ihe Arcade to The Bank of China Building— lst Floor. Telephone No. as before— *****. METHODIST AFTERNOON SCHOOL. IPOH Annual Sports on Saturday, 10th July, at 3 p.m. 1 Old Boys' Races—
      630 words
    • 219 10 MNCAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES HEAP ENC MOH SS CO., LTD. CON BEE STEAMSHIP CO., (S) LTD 33 35. Teluk Aver Street— Phone SS44I Passenger 6e Freight Services. in •■r;i\\». HKNG"— DIRECT RAILING* To l>l^^^Kl^ i CHUJIHON I <>|; INK.HTI > »FRVN I 1.. Spore appr. .lulv 3 X s poi
      219 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1101 11 ,405 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Pa iso,. BLUE FUNNEL LINE °«P'« nrocred vio other ports to load ond rfisehare* cerea tIV IRrOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, t CONT!NENTAL PORTS Hue Soils P. Shorn Penang G33/34 July 4 July 1/ 7 Juty G3l/32 July S July 9 July 11 July 14/14 July 17/18
      1,101 words
    • 1158 11 nm+m^^m^MM^M^^£^m^^—^Lm^^m^^^^L^K^L^^^^^M^^^^^LW^^^^^/^^^^^B EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA Fer Aden, Port Sold, Genoo, Antw.rp, Rotterdam, Hembur,, Gdynia, Copenhoqrn, Gothenburg A Oslo. Spore P Sham Penong "PATAGONIA" Gdn: 18 Soils 4 July 5p m ..V>' >3£rfJ£!fil. C 1: «/"Salli4Julyi{.™. S/ S Juty 4/ 4 July "As!a" 24 4 /l J J «I'
      1,158 words
    • 1059 11 pajajajajj pajrvajaj ajajaj BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS te U.K end CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'horr- Pcnang Benalder tor Liverpool, Dublin, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg I" Benlowers for Avonmouth, London, N»wcostle, Hull I" 'erf Banrinnes for Glasgow, London, Rotterdam 6. 2 J 4/7 July 8/ July Benvorllck for Liverpool, Glasgow, Hull.
      1,059 words
    • 1126 11 Me ALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL. No ***** ELLIRMAN «c BUCKNALL KLAVENESB LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG •■ORTLAND. SEATTLE, t VANCOUVER OfVl and^da^vt Sr^O POm A T- V'u' 1"" CITY O» SYDNEY American rorrs Spore o S'hom p.noog CASTLIVILLE 18/24Julv 25/24 July 27/29 Jui. CITY OF
      1,126 words

    • 60 12 Mr. Pritt and Bar regulations ISEI that Mr. I> N Putt, the re- and willii reused hat he ■> i ill be allowed bj i Solicitoi Any atU mpt by either Mi i should I: I as an advo :.ri or i I lawyer tainly not: :r.nlieri the statutory condi-
      60 words
    • 321 12 OFFICE MOTORISTS 1 figures need some revising If he presume a seven-hour parking day. weekpublic holidays .md say. threo weeks" local leave. the month would average 21 days or 152 parkinsi hours. Me quotes :w gallons of .spirit xp. nded <m 84 five-mile journeyi
      321 words
    • 154 12 'NOT ALL TUNGKUS ARE LAZY' THE Sultan of Kedah 4 said that if the title of Tungku were extended to several gen- erations it would "only encourage them to be Uuy and reluctant to work." I'm safe most Tungkus fill re- sent this. If the Tunßkus were lazy and reluctant
      154 words
    • 116 12 What about premium bond draws? How- i rnment launched its campaign to sell premium bi>iiri.s. n not only eavc wide tv to the two premium bond dram a vcar but the public was made to understand that there would be 195 p: -i/e-winnir.R bonds on each lon. I was
      116 words
    • 434 12 IIR. T. C. UM should be congratulated for having attempted. I repeat .it tempted, to put up a defence for the deplorably regretful actions of Inche Mohamed Sopiee and Mr. Yeap Choonti Kong —a defence In which sentiment appears to have got the better of
      434 words
    • 209 12 \|R. J. D. HIGHAM. the Under-Seeretary Singapore states that Commonwealth citzens can now leghtter as citizens of Britain and the Colonies to qualify a.s voters under the revised Singapore constitution Bui. ne saia. me position oi people born in 'he former Indian States had
      209 words
    • 72 12 Three months' probation rpHL nr\Uy touncit ii School for the Deaf and Dumb accepts children on three months" probation If during this time the child makes no improvement in its studies, the parent is asked to take it home. How can the child's capabilities be judged in such a short
      72 words
    • 60 12 •AH GONG" .say* that the "average holder of an Indian B.A. cannot speak, understand or write English better than one who has passed the Cambridge School Certificate examination." Does he know that most of the Malayan students on their wav to the Cambridge School Certificate classes
      60 words
    • 85 12 THERE Ls a lot of talk at pit.sent about the 'bis i.\t falling on the tempora. of the Railway Department I It ls not proper for the authorities to sack the younger men and re-employ those who have retired. The younper members of the .staff
      85 words
    • 226 12 AMR. Tan Choriß Bee Ls in the Federal Legislative Council a.s a nominee of the Malayan Trade Union Council and not of the Malayan Labour Party. The trade unions maintain their non-political stand. 001 THIAM SIKU Secretary, PrnanK division. M.T.r.C. rpHOSE who are planning the Alliance
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 __^>^^BiiflgsHßl sagsagsSs^gslßS9sHMayj^ai^^ I vOtST P&f 1 r -^^r^>^ i 'Sa^^^Mgsl Jml »J \>-4 a^Kßggs^^^ >9^aMjHgL^gsM^' Jfl Wf zSr *-$**f ilttinK^^ /Smith-Corona) W llVllßis PLUS FULL-SIZI XX YBOARD J Sole Agents: TYPEWRITERS (MALAYA) LIMITEIffIUiff 132 6, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE C^iliP^ TELEPHONE *****. P.O. BOX. 1152 H'H LOKE YEW BUILDING, KUALA LUMPUR
      58 words
    • 153 12 Ci Available at all leading watch dealer;. > Thy Stiilv fpf Orvrroai «J But what V counts most wA*V k 'S the CUT, *|l j T the FABRIC l J L Mr j RODEX ZX i. Raglan Sleeved. Built lor Comfort 1 hi:m mtiiisii iwt ,J t-'mtums t'hv II tultl
      153 words

  • 47 13 The Teachers Training Culltv.e cil( k.t Imm to inert Police on Sunday Ht the Police Depot will be picked fmin Ajll Singh. Anil Singh. BHla.nlnir. ham. Poimudiiral. Pong Weng. V. D Kevt Chandran. Woon Teclc. Boon Whl. A Oomer. J Campos. Kok Weng
    47 words
  • 51 13 GOTHENBURG Prl Australian John Ijindy. who ran the fastest mile In the world In 3mln s«*ec In Finland last month, failed In a bid to Iviter his own world 1.500 metres record here last night. He «hs timed In at 3mln 43 2 which Is Msec, outside the
    51 words
  • 245 13  - SPENCER-MULLEY TEAM TO GET FOUR WINNERS A T K.L TODAY EPSOM JEEP By fHK FORMIDABLE Spcnccr-Mullcy combination looks like having another good day with WIDE SCREEN, FILM STUDIO II, CABARET II, and FEATURE FILM at Kuala Lumpur today, concluding day of the Selangor Turf Club Juneluly Meeting. Wide Screen's form
    245 words
  • Article, Illustration
    153 13 Scot's Grey to score again CCOT'S ÜbTC 1- accepting and. on k his recent Penang form, he is definitely worth backing, in Ms pre.-ent i lass in Race Five today. The I'amel has stepped up on his Penally form Thai stayrnt: four-year-old by Mustang trotted In a comfortable
    153 words
  • 150 13 AIY best bet In todays card at *TI Ku.iU Lumpur is Kemplon :n Rate Seven This three-year-old' iooked well In on the weights with 8 08. At Ipoh. a fortnight ago. he outsmarted Fe.mire Film Hattrick and Red Hat over 6f in 1 mln. 14 4/5.
    150 words
  • 159 13 THE SPENCER Stable has a use- ful pair engaged In Race Eight —feature Film and South Pacific. My pick Is Pent lire Film. At Ipoh last month he went clost to winnIng In both his outings. Up the [straight s'.f. He was unfortunate to come
    159 words
  • 159 13 f'AHARtT II showed a return to form last week when he ran Hattnck to 1 1 2 length* In hU first attempt over a mile. On that display his Valiant Chief gelding has a brulit ili.ince over his best diilanie. 6f.. in Race Three. Klhu
    159 words
  • 114 13 DM SITDIO II has come right. and In a humble Class 3 field i Race One i, he can be backed with confidence. Film sjiudlo was only 1 12 lengths behind Gondollno In his recordbreaking win over 5 l/2f. on Wednest day He has
    114 words
  • 279 13 /IEIFANCi STAK, a well-tried stayer, should easily, autstav his opposition in the Class 3, I mile handicap (Rate Four). This five-year-old, by the Coronation Cup winner Ardan. put up two splendid staying performances at Ipoh In June. i Over 9f. be came from last to
    279 words
  • 117 13 FAIR SIR has been atrldlng out extra well on the training track and looks as good a bet aa any In a ■ifal. Cl.i.--. 4 lirlil < Race Two). At Penang In May he had a Rood race behind Scot's Grey and The
    117 words
  • 150 13 DVOHJBV (.ALL BOY POINTKR Race 1 FILM STIDIO II PEASANT GIRL FILM STUDIO II Mm Peaaant Girl Film Studio II Cabinet Unkshir n CaMitet Jackpot II Ha,, FAIR SIR SCXTRACE SUNBTBEAM I.M Kalemari* Fair Sir Caique Snowgrass Kalemarla Kalemarla Race 1 ABAREtTi SWIFT ARROW SWIFT ARROW 3.3
    150 words
  • 1068 13 ACCEPTORS and probable jockeys for todays races at Kuala Lumpur. List day of the Selangor Turf Club June July Meeting, are Riven below. The Double Tote will be held on Races Seven and Eifht; Treble Tote on Race* Four. Six and Seven; and the Big Sweep on
    1,068 words
  • 129 13 HENI.EY. Fri. UOVAI. EuKltuvrx beat Royal .sm^ttu<jir Yacht Club easily In "mln 4tisn In the (|U»rlrr nnal of the Wyfukl Cup for coxwalnlev. fours at Henley Hrvatla today. Yesterday they were quickly away to gain a three lengths lead over Oriel after quarter of the distance been covered.
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 79 13 UANTON. Yorkshire. Frl— MIM Frances Stephens, a lute selection for Britain's Curtis Cup team to meet the United State* this year, yesterday won the British wnnun's amatfur golf championship for lite second time when she beat Mlv Elliabeth Price by (our and three In
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 137 13 THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO., (Malaya) LTD. have plp^ surp in nnnoiinrin: appointment of Messrs HARRISONS CROSFIELD (Malaya) LTD. KUCHING a s 1 1 1 s i v e distributors for DUNLOP PRODUCTS i n I SARAWAK (eicluding Limbdng, ldwd>4 Min) it "if T^^T '^l Comfortable longer JL l-sting, styled chain
      137 words
    • 699 13 Ik pettita Mi wddttku the BLACKBIRD S 'l WBst ft* All Mit worM lovm a Blackbird And hart's why 14 Carat solid told nib, Indium tip, quicktwirt filling, larger ink capacity and all this at a rtry reasonable price! Full details below. 14 carat solkt p44 nib. Why mti Because
      699 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 622 14 The ball-boy from Prague succeeds at 11th attempt WIMBLEDON, Friday. A MIGHTY rooftops' roar from the centre court 4 of 15,000 acclaimed Czech-born Jaroslav Drobny as 1954 Wimbledon tennis champion when he beat 19-year-old Ken Rosewall of Australia 13-11, 1-6, 6-2, 9-7 in the men's singles
    Reuter  -  622 words
  • 23 14 RAP Seletur b«>at Windsor Ro\m 1-0 In a SAFA niv. 3B cam* mtrrd:>\ with a trnal by Thornloti Adrian Isa referfKi
    23 words
  • 34 14 In a SAFA Dlv. 3C game at MFA ground yesterday. Farrer Juniors beat P A: T 3-0 with *oals by f^vt Tian Soon 2 > and An; Choo Tee E. O. Perelra refereed.
    34 words
  • 566 14 Annie Choong breaks Malayan 1 00-yd mark KUALA LUMPUR. Kit. ANNIE CHOONG set up n new j Malayan record for ihe women's 100 yards at theSelangor AAA championships which began on the padanx this afternoon, by docking 11.7se< in the heats. This was .2sec. better than the previous Malayan best
    566 words
  • 127 14 MRS. Gladys Loke Chua, by winning the Mixed Doubles final of the Singapore championships with < »ni. Chew Bee at the S.C.C. yesterday, became the first to win the women's three major events a second time. .Mrs. A. Greenhill was the first to
    127 words
  • 249 14 f|NG Chew Bee and Mrs. Gladys Loke Chua won the mixed j doubles title of the Singapore lawn tennis cr..impmnvtnps for the third consecutive year when, at the B.C.C. yes'erriay they beat Lim Hee Chin and Mrs. Pat Sewell. whom they also beat in
    249 words
  • 153 14 |_I M IKKKYARU .cored their "*lHl win in 11 Tames In the SAFA MTiior leaeue when they bea' Koi.i Raja 5-1 at Jalan Besai Stadiun' >e.sterrt;iv It w,iv a good performance by Dockyard .is Keta Raja hac. shown •n to beat the strong Star Soccerite^ on
    153 words
  • 83 14 Malay SC. dre« 1-9 Club ves'erday in the of rhn: Khney Cup tennis tournHmf rhei« which were pUved al M?C and langlin Club court yesterday Result* are iMal.r Hafha: H KamN brat Or N I Phillips «-5. «-3. ria— n a.. Scott 3-S. 2-8. Double*: Ibrahim
    83 words
  • 337 14 ENGLAND GET 588 FOR 6: COMPTOn'S 278 HIS HIGHEST TRENT BRIDGE, Nottingham, Fridai ENGLAND declared their first Innings dosed J at 558 runs for six wickets in reply u> i\,ki first innings total of 157 and at close of p| second day of this second Test. Pakistan 59 without loss.
    337 words
  • 65 14 M'sex get 1st inns points off Warwick IkflDDl ITt polnl championship In the:: RCSUIU woir Xt Southampton Hiimp h IS9 and 1 At Taunlnn dtcL RAF i 7( md \t Kr Klf... <1 2fi.i ins ie \t i lint |I .'i 5 rie< \i Ham Id ■>■ \l Bi M
    65 words
  • 19 14 Younc t ■.i R (or SAFA rm .ie turn they CYMA Ballet) Ra7.i'.i T
    19 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 712 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Pm«e «> I OF INTEREST TO ADVERTISERS IN KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH PENANG The latest times for handing I in Classified Advertisements to our branch offices at Kuala j i Lumpur. Ipoh and Pcnang for j j publication in the following j day's issue of rtie Straits
      712 words
    • 739 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT in Hnrtft *> (Mim.)-Box .tlrm FOUR -BEDROOM FLAT, furr.isheri. Radio. Refrigerator. 7 miles from 0.P.0. Rent Reasonable. Box A 7304. S.T FOUR CLASSROOMS To Let. sintnhle for Evening English BehOOL Town area. Reasonable Kri. 1 Pof li.iMlculars call 261, Hlver Valley Road HOCHDALE' 4 Rochalie Drive Tinrlin Area.
      739 words
    • 787 14 TXITIIIN Wordt Si (Mtm.)-Bmx it rl: txlrm. COMMENCING July absolute Beginner* Accounting. Book-keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. English i (all Stds.). Latin. Classes mornings lor evenings. Chinese YMCA Comm: 'school -the School which has been heading .since past four years in i L.C.C. Exam, passes ii distinction* ,—lO7. Seiegle Road. CAMBRIDGE School
      787 words
    • 448 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE Word. Si (Him.)-Bmx it ct: txlrm. TYRES at 27'j r i, discount, new ■Take Ofl' Tyres, all leading makes. Mie 8 25 x 20 12 Ply. Orchard Motors Stores. Singapore. ALSATIAN PUPPIES. Ist Cla-ss Pedisree. fi'. Weeks, well-grown. Blat k and Tan. Reasonable Price. Apply 315
      448 words
    • 46 14 efficient gesrice P O BOX 321. SINGAPORE Our SATIRDAY sSr^»« of SKOM» ll\\» rA» Specially Recommt V.uxh.ll Veloa Singapore, flnishi >nth sun shield K-Zir extras. An mile^ Chtvroel d. Lux. !951. FOUr-d: fire brand Ove Eumpc inridition. Orrhnrtt Ifofor*. Orfhartl Kd. r>/'/.\ till 5 p.m. I'RDA
      46 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 254 14 TODAY SIM EK MALAYA (II 1 Singapore v Ne(ri m- mm Ian. Ulan Besar. KAEA LEAfil E. DIV. 2: Wood briiUr HiMpttal v Tionf Bahru K.mcnv Earrer Park; DIV. H Blur Rover* v Srrangoon Mt.\ i inn llr..ii 4 p.m. FRIENDLY: Rajaji v NrUjI, I .mi r Park. CRICKET ROYAL
      254 words