The Straits Times, 4 May 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Ha*** 1 tie***** Istd. 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1934 15 CENTS
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  • 15 1 China NOT a host nation I way ipen eace I pi K
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  • 118 1 Its shoes oft for world title fight II ILE LEGS make picture i!«-«s today. They are those »t world hant.imi' eight champion Jimmy 'arruthers i uhl i iiul his Siamese < hal•:ii- hamroen Songkitrat during their title light in Bangkok on Sund.iv. lighten fought in hare
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  • 232 1 Colony's flag flutters A BRONZE MEOAL AND THE BEST 400-M. HIGH HURDLES TIME —but only just From ANG EMM HOCK MANILA, Mon. 4 SCHOOLBOY and a schoolgirl today helped Singapore's flag to flatter a little at the Asian Game.; SCHOOLGIRL Teng Pei Wah won the first medal for the Colony
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  • 81 1 'BANDIT CONTACT' JAKARTA. Von. An Indone- Man M.P.. Sidik Kertapati. of tht Progressive Party, which I supports the Government has been arrested by military au- thorities. it was authoritative- ly learned here t«-day. Kertapati is being brought from Jakarta tn Bandoeng but i no official statement on
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 47 1 COLOMBO. Mon. Mr. R. G. Senanayake. the Ceylon Minister of Commerce, today opened the International Rubber' Study Group meetinp here. Seventy relegates representing 21 countries are taking part in the talks. A communique on the proup's decisions will be issued on Friday. —Reuter. i
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  • 41 1 GENEVA. Mon. A 10-man Council of the three AN/US 1 Pact countries the United States. Australia and New held a 75-mlnute review of the political and military situation in South-Kn.t Asia at an emergency mcetinc here today. -Reuter.
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  • 22 1 HONG KONG. Mon. China has airstrips within strikins distance of the battle In IndnChina. reliable military sources said today.- U.P.
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  • 48 1 BANGKOK, Rts«V Jimmy < arruthers is leaving: Bangkok tomorrow for Singapore to spend a few days resting there before returning to Australia. arruthers will stay in Singapore until his trainer, Billie McConnell, arrives on Thursday. The next day they will all take off for Australia-
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  • 308 1 Wife and 6 children died in fire RAUB, Monday. WHEN lire from the house next door spread to his shop. Mr. K. K. Nair of Cheroh New Village, jumped out of an upstairs window to cet help. "I am going for aid." he told
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  • 64 1 NEW MOON SEEN The new moon signal for Muslims to observe the last inn month -was sighted over Muar. Johore. last nlcht by a party consisting of a kathi and four others. News of the MKhttnu was immediately sent to the Chief Kathi of Singapore by the
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  • 32 1 NEW YORK. M<>n. President Eisenhower has contributed his Bag Insignia ol a General of the rmy to the proposed American wiim ol the National Mu.seum of K»i.a. Reuter.
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  • 60 1 GENEVA Mon Mr. Foster Dulles the US Secretary of i State .-.aid before leaving; va today that the Korean phase ol the Far Fast confer hrr had mafic a "good in quickly formulating ti,, decisive issues. v r Du'lei la going to n ilj 1,,, talks
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  • 24 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Tornadoes and floods killed 12 people and injured many more In the Southern United- States durinc the weekend.
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  • 36 1 Thirty-two Iban trackers arrived in Sinßapore yesterday from Kuehinß in the Sarawak Steamship vessel Rajah Brooke They will be posted to the Sarawak Rangers and are expected to leave Tor Port Dick.son today.
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  • 60 1 TOKYO. Mon The travelling salesman snarled. "I've cot .some rubber bands, and you better buy. I pist got out of .six yeara in prison, and I'vr K<K a sun Dr. Yoshio Miya/aki. 38. stepped back in his house. t ()O K his shotgun, and shot him
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  • 36 1 LONDON. Mon- The Daily Express said today that Britain has developed a hvdrocen bomb "far simpler and cheaper" than the U.S model »nd Lsn't telliriß the secrecy-minded Americans any ot the details A P.
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  • 145 1 LONDON, Mon. IjAl.l's most famous male MJ dancer. 28-year-old Sampih. has been murdered, letters Irom Indonesia .said today. Sanijjih headed the noted I Ballnese troupe which! scored successes in London and i in a coast-to-coast American tour in 1952 v He was chief artieA adviser
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  • 28 1 BBOUL, Mon. Ifartaes. le day t«K)k part in 'he first phase of their Mggeni amphibious training since the end uf the Korean war AP
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  • 443 1 NEW PURCELL ATTACK ON TEMPLER 'His policy is driving Malaya into Communism/ says book From HALL ROMNR LONDON. Monday. DX. VICTOR IMRCELL, adviser of the Malayan Chinese Association, resumes his attack on (General Sir (Jerald Templer, High Commissioner of the Federation, in a book "Malaya: Communist or Free?" published by
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  • 134 1 THE QUEEN ARRIVES AT MALTA MALTA. .Von TIL Koyai yacht Britannia arrived nefe todaj witn the Queen the Duke ot Edinburgh and their two ehlldrra waving irom the bndce.s in th<- onlhant summer sunshine Assault landinK craft and naval helicopters escorted the royal yacht into the harbour thiouch smooth sea.s
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  • 40 1 LONDON. Mon. Extra choral r lasses have been arranfred at Stafford paol to meet i cie:r..inri for more sincinu lea! by older prLsoner.s TonnKet i prusoners prefer dramatics and ;>rt. said a report on irlson education. Reuter.
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  • 59 1 HOLLYWOOD. M<>n The story of the life o| Chi I I been sold to Hollywood tor two million dollars *h'> hichest sum over paid for the Dim rights of story. 1 Darryl Zanuck ol 30th Ct n:n\ studio announced th ii it had purchased the Create I
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  • 179 1 The spy judges get wide powers MELBOURNE. Mon. 11 IDE powers arc briny Kivcn to the- Royal Commission sot tip to and out if there hai hrr .1 any spying for Russia lv Australia. This was announced today by the Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Mt intri He disclosed the
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  • 58 1 \MI i:n (.i \i Mm imi I i smith In. ii! i Foreign Mtafcter. u>,i\ i Eastern eonferem i 1 1 > Nm th Kan an proposals [oi srttli-nirnl in K»n a >'i anaceeptable. He patient with li.iii in'- 1 I'luplril li^ T'niln "st. id |in f"i ni.n
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 I SCOTCH WHISKY Noy them best because the Jl filter tip l holds throat irritants v in check" j I MiioUin- Singapore Jl.«tlor SO Federation k $2.30 for 90 l 0 Your throats content I i MMl'il t i in I 70
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    • 44 1 A T ELECTRIC 7T^"^P cwf THi: (•KNKKM. II K( IKK CO.. LTD. FAC 15 [f heat ftful sleep If midnight finrfs you counting %neepJwst ask <^:kx> and you uuifl See ||oh> comfortable your n^/rts would he! yf« mopuCT- Of CfNt«»i HOTO«< AIR CONDITIONING revive
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  • 285 2 A FAMOUS JUDGE speaks on ADULTERY HANGING RARBOGATE. M«n. JUKI) .11 STH F. hf.N j MM;, a lord I— Uct of Appeal since. If* tß. said here >esterdav that Britain had unfnrliiM.iieiv reached a position where ateltef) was considered "a matter of little moment." In an address t<> ihe National
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  • 296 2 SHOUTS OF JOY, BELLS, FIREWORKS AS SAINT'S BLOOD MELTS BUT EVEN DEL A V CAN MEAN A DISASTER NAPLES, Monday. THK HLOOD of St. .lanuarius. which had remained rock-hard in the athedral here since Saturday, melted before the prayers of
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  • 41 2 (in view at Royal Academy show THIS state portrait of the Queen was painted by James Cunn. ARA It >s on display at the summer exhibition of the Royal Academy m London A P. picture.
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  • 35 2 VIENNA. Mon. Vienna now h.\s 12 women over lno-years- old. the Lord Mayor. Herr Franz Jonas, said when he eonKratulated Fran Maconlcna 1 Rupprecht on her 100 th. birthI c ay. Router
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  • 147 2 Casey flies back for polls fight GENEVA, Mon. MR. RICHAHL) CASEY, the Australian External Aflaira MiniMrr. ier. today lor Australia to take part in a campaign for general election on May 20. Up travrilcri from Geneva by train to Zurich, wline hr will board an AuMralhn-bounc plane. Enroute to fiydnry.
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  • 91 2 i ,4/ school sholp KUALA I UMPUR. Mo:i An experiment showing how a fire can be started with water will > he included in the Science ;mr Mathematics Exhibition to he I held by students at the Victoria Institution on May 6. 7 and 8. The exhibition,
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  • 42 2 SEREMBAN. Mon. The Federation Reciment recruiting team will visit Ncgri Sembilnn thtl week. On Wednesday they will be at Mantin. the following day at Kuala Pilah and on Friday and Saturday in Seremban at the Chinese Affairs Office
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  • 34 2 KINGSTON. Mon. The driver was killed and 45 pass- injured yesterday when a ous plunged into a ravine 3(1 miles south of here in Jamal- 1 Lea ap
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  • 89 2 Girls on the beat want equality NKU YORK. Sun. NEW YORK dm 210 policewomen are >crkin« equality with 19.000 policemen on the force. At present no policewomen can H hUhrr thin first grade detective Few attain that rank Yesterdnv. however. Ucctective Adelaide Knnwlr*. president of the Police Women's Endowment Association,
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  • 63 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A total of 833.170 acres of wet and dry padi. the full padi irreace. in the Federation wa«. planted during the 1953-54 yt ason. according to official statistics. A breakdown show s BfXy>Bo HCies of wet padi and ***** ncres of dry
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  • 134 2 American jazz in the cafes MOSCOW. Monday. T^HE LID WAS OFF in Moscow this May Day wopk- end and thp entire cafe set in thp rapital spent it dancing to North American jazz and South American thumbas and tangoes. i Biggest hit of the
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  • 58 2 lONDON. Mon —A newspaper in Hereford yesterday published results of Australian soccer games 90 minutes be- fore coupons forecastlnn their outcome were due at Jhe office 1 o.* a charity soccer pool. I Not one of our 20,000 patI ro.\s tried to trick us- as far as
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  • 74 2 LITTLE BOY RED IN- THE-FA CE POYNTON. Cheshire. Mon.- i A little boy who was about to dive into a lake in a park here for a swim saw a keeper, grabbed his clothe;, and ran otl without his trousers. Now the local council has announced that it will leave
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  • 149 2 'FINE EXAM OF COLONY ACHIEVEMENT Singapore Govern T>HE WORK of the 1 warmly praisorl Daily Express as an < The editom! '•arpers and sniper form ot oppression Singapore. "A youns English cr, Stamford Raflli that island in 1819 h Inhabited by only 150 folks. H» was told 8ins was a
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  • 15 2 Warning immig gud ns t it tep c !lT |H it a lent 11 e
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  • 4 2 Hill hu intens p
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  • 45 2 ATHENS. Mon grade mretine bei Oreek, TurkLsh and foiricn mtnlsten nd ot May baa ponrcl until thr rnri Mr. Alexis Kyron General of thp Grrrk P Ministry, announced I meeting to diw u .(■nance will be hel< vi.-it to Athens of Tito-^Reuter.
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  • 46 2 SYDNEY. Man dred thousand A i?avf> a rousing w American military headed by Fleet Admir liam Halsey iReti.rri The v aro her^ for t'.nns marking the anr of the Allied Victory a" battle of the Oral 8< i 1942. A P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 518 2 Jsl^^'TMt f*t*]joi A^aMßV^L^Halj^Pl'^a^^^^^l li^^: JV j c£ w M m y -t TUESDAY 1 Strahs Times i WORD PUZZLE 'V' j Cut out «nd pin with other coupons. j Poitin; instructions below. j I Name J Addresj I D G E JB FiLL IH HH H S| E MISSING
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    • 110 2 'Urn's 0 Cteorofet Ttkclc ftrljottr jot 'HD IT'S BUILT TO DO MORE FOR LESS MONEY! ill t /^^a^l^g^^^^^^ ij V^^P f^^pSa^aaiM^^^a^Jrr^ > J IJ»bJH L^Bv 0 ~^^aaaaMßUMßa^B TTTSbV JB I^P^^'JE r '*T Truck users have proved that Chevrolet costs least of all to own and ma.ntam And ,ts ruggedness. stamma
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  • 237 3 no-no Bevan calls for showdown with U.S. on Indo-China LONDON, Monday M X ANKIRIN BEVAN, lo» twin,: leader of the i V >l .V\i ar V V said vest crday thai Britain should tell the I mted States: u We arc not prepared to send one soldier to Indo-( hina
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  • 122 3 WORCESTER, Mon. MR. WOODROW WYATT, a iur Member of Parllaesti rday that Bri- 'hlna Mid Russia .hi [ndo-Chlna. '••There should be no ditJi- :annol hold out h a combination," rted that Vietnam pa oned, between e Communists and the Bao eminent. Guarantee
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  • 126 3 JERUSALEM. Mon. rO Egyptian .--pio.s were shot 1 by an Israeli patrol, an I Israel Army spokesman said 1 The patrol opened lire when j five armed men tried to mcai» j on being challenged at a .spot i about 15 link's from the
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  • 20 3 TAIPEH. Mon.- Hundreds of thousands voted today in. dec- tions mr mayors, magistrates and a new Provincial Assembly.—A.P.
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  • 73 3 LIVERPOOL. Mon. The! .'■;j.Bi)o-ton Ark Royal. Britain's new Riant aircraft carrln crashed against quay here yesterday while she was ocin^ towed Into deck u>r proueller t, Minus Timber fenders crumbled as the carrier swung against the quay, scraping paint nil its I superstructure The Ark Royal,
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  • 28 3 ANTWERP. Mon. The 8.896--ton ship Santa Teresa last night said that she had a fire in a hold and was going to Antwerp.- -A. P.
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  • 41 3 ,4 UNIDENTIFIED member nf the staff or the Russian i\ Fnibavsv in Canberra and his family walk across Canberra airport to leave for home after the break in diplomatic relations between Aiisti ilia and Russia. \.P. picture. I
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  • 133 3 SIX ARE SAVED AFTER YACHT OVERTURNS PARIS, \londav. T'HK 5. 038-ton French cargo ship Fort Dauphin cast x anchor off Dieppe yesterday with six R.A.F. men ishe rescued when the British yacht Sea Lion capsized during a 60 m.p.h. gale in the English Channel. The Fort Dauphin abandoned the search
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  • 76 3 Shots fired after stones thrown BOMBAY. Mon. POLICE at the Indian vili--1 age of Kadakur. übout 25 miles f roni Pondicherry, fired two shots tr> dispense two liundred people Horn French India who threw stones and tried to stop a police van. A French Indian policeman who crossed into Indian
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  • 49 3 Now a phone T.V. link TTI KVI'iION-T.XKPIIONK link between Tokyo and Osaka has Jttst opened and here tl.e Nttal Service Minister. Mr ,,i i\ir,\ Tsukada riuht. tries it out. The thairman of o' k hunber »f ("."men-. Mr. Mi, hisuke S,, K i. i* on the screen.— A.P. picture.
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  • 100 3 Wilson tells why he is in 'Cabinet' LONDON. Mon. MR HAROLD WILSON, who took Mr. Aneurin Bevan'.s place on the Labour Party's ".shadow cabinet," met his constituency party committee in Lancashire night and explained hi.s reaaona for doing .so. Aftenvard.s, the committee iaid that it was in complete agreement
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  • 136 3 LONDON- Mon a M-YEAE-OIJ w— who A heli.vs it is time thfllCMloliiei W.l- ftV#f l r<lk iirniin: I"T K.roo.n Kiiest ouse near O»HmoutbM» a pav-uhat you-like hotel oil he asked: T.,> •*•*>•■ think i'"' »m«— lion and srrvue are worth or what you e:in alVoid." The oWIHT.
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  • 233 3 LONDON, Mon. j Closing middle prices of selected stocks, not Including stamp duty, I were: Consols 67*i 7 i. Funding 4'i 102 I II War 3 V.. 87 BANKS Mercantile (£12'6) 27'4 Eastern (£5) 8% Chartered <£1) 42 9 Hongkong ($1) 92 INSURANCE Com Un (uts.) 13"* Royal
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  • 39 3 LONDON. May 3 —Spot 18 ",d. June 18\d., Juiy-Scpt. 18\d, Oct Dec. 19',d, Jan-M;ir. 19>, d., Apr.hino 19 -<i. May c if. 18 d., June c i.f. 18 9 16d.. July c if. 18 i. Tone: Quiet.
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  • 26 3 LONDON. May 3. Cash Buyers t*ls; Sellers C 716; Forward Buyers U712; Sellers 2 Settlement V7l2 1 Turnover a.m. 135 tons; p.m 60 tons.
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  • 120 3 Agreement nearer on Persian oil TEHERAN. Monday. yHE Persian Government and representatives of ei»ht international oil companies are nearing agreement on the future control of the former British Abadan refinery and oilfields, it was officially j announced here yesterday. The announcement dlsp 'lied rumours of a deadlock in the search
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  • 43 3 HOLLYWOOD Mon Mr. Arthur Johnston. 56, compos* r of many hit tunes, died on Saturday after a long illness. Sonjjs for which Mr. John- 1 stone wrote the music included "Pennies From Heaven" "Cocktails For Two." and 'Thanks a Million." Reuter.
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  • 19 3 AMMAN. Mon. King Hus- seln yesterday asked Abu El Huda Towfiq to form a new cabinet- Reuter.
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  • 77 3 LONDON. Mon. Viscount Altiiorp. 30. actin<; Master Of the Royal Household on th Queen's Commonwealth tour, returned to London by air y< sterday from Tobruk The Queen ijave him permission to cut short tlip tour to make arrangements for his wedding next month to the Hon. Prances
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  • 60 3 Unionists are to fight Bill CAPETOWN. Mon. Representatives of more than 54.000 non-Europpan trade unionist! yesterday agreed to set up a' national committee to light the industrial Conciliation Amendment Bill, now before Parliament, and the native Labour < Settlement of Disuutesi Act. A resolution claimed that I the Bill would
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 35 3 DAMASCUS. Moil. The Syrian Parliament yesterday voted for punitive nu-aMiri against supporters ol the tot tner Premier. A<iib Bhlahekljr, who was overthrown in v rr volt on Fib. 25 and forced into exile. AT.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 173 3 W(^oW m-m-m-m... first quality succulent W FOWL Ii (cheaper row) iik PRIME POULTRY A SHiiSw SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE J& 'i :i spP^ COMPANY LIMITED skin dis*" 56 and H chin9 A GENUINE 'BAYER'PRODUCT. BAYER MANUFACTURED \H V LEVERKUSf ft GERMANY lelllllll it-' Only Helena Rubinstein's REAL SILK FACE POWDER gives
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  • 320 4 Shares in seven figure fortune wait claims ESTA TE STILL PA YING OUT AFTER 50 YEARS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. INYONI who thinks he is entitled to a share in the residue of a fortune reputed to run into seven figures has until July 31 to make his claim. For the
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  • 174 4 THREE MASKED MEN LEFT THREE CLUES AFTER A $4300 JOB PENANG, Mon. rpiIRKK armed masked men, X who robbed a coff ee-pow i it manufacturer of $4,800 in cash and jewellery in Jelutong Road early this morning, left behind three clues. Police have found a canvas hat. a coloured handkerchief
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  • 132 4 Dozen more plastic operations I^HE two Australian plastic surgeons who returned i from I two- wick visit to Kuala Lumpur and Pcnang this weekend will be performing about 1 12 more plastic- surgery operations at Singapore General Hospital this week. They are Mr B. K. Rank, and hiv assistant, Dr.
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  • 53 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon—Tec Boon Eng. an actor in Chinese opera, was lined $100. in default one months Imprisonment, In the Police Court, for moTins two katia of ragsa without permit. He had the SUgftT in a bOS, which was checked by the eutc sentry at
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  • 39 4 V' > man 33 pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to havtni two gallona <>t Ullell Bamsa at the junction of Kampong Bahru Road and BpottlSWOOds Park Read on April 21. Be was fined 5450 or two months' gaol.
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  • 168 4 Auditor tells of fines check AHMAD Shah bin Mohamed Shah. BtngapON City Police Court shroil. appeared on charge* in Singapore yesterday arising from a check of records Of lines. I Ahinaci Bhan, who bai been relieved of tils duties, wai charged with criminal b: ul
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  • 28 4 Telok Aver Methodist Youth 1 kiwship, Singapore. has nised a photographic leci tion. with Mr. Anthony Khoo Kirn Huat at chairman. The section starts on Saturday.
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  • 68 4 A lory drivi r. Hafl Singh, ol Peck Bean .Street, was lined S7f> or three months" gaol in .pore yesterday for negligent driving .in Mar. it. Bmgh pulled <> it rrom a line ii traHic in the centre of the :nad at Rallies Quay without '.aking
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  • 228 4 IT WAS BLOCKING TRAFFIC 4 SINGAPORE Court was told yesterday that Lim I Toim a l)usinessman of River Valley Road, drove I into a "no entry" area on Chinese New Year's Day. I stopped in the middle of the road and slept
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  • 135 4 T»HE Sinsapore fln<;, Mr. Wu Tsai Yen. is t;ik:iv a collection of about Ml <>! his scroll paintings to En;;land and. possibly, to Euiopr on a four-month tour which ■taftt this month. It will be Mr. Wu's first visit to England He is planning
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  • 35 4 The Buddhist Union. Smua pore, has built B shrine at 28 J.i lan Seny urn. Changi Road A ceremony, marking the pening of the shrine, will by held on May 16.
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  • 53 4 Officials of Alexandra Youth Club, Singapore. lor 1954/5.; an aa follows: President, Mr Charles Wee; vice-president. Mr. Wee Keng Poi secretary, Mr. s. s Wu: assistant .secret., y. Mr. Hubert Ho; treasurer, Mr. Quek Bwee Chal; committee: MLss Shirley T«n. Ml&s Selene Tan. Messrs. H. FaiiK. Johtiny Ang
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  • 37 4 father J. F. Kearney will ;;ive a public talk on "Ptlmi iind Then [nfluence on Children," at the Oe( Tionn Hum Hall of Bt. Joseph's Institution, Eras Basah Road, Singapore, at C.CO p.m. to<lay
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  • 32 4 Mr. Francis Thomas will tell Ettngaport Rotaiiaiu at their I weekly luncheon tomorrow what the Rotary Club's village adoption commit tee ha.s done about its Ponggol Point scheme.
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  • 48 4 VIK AI.KXANDKK Aikmau is a sliiphuildcr uho prefers air travel. Yesterday he flew into Singapore from Britain on a biisiiifss-ciiiii-plrusiirt' trip round the world, lie was accompanied liy his uifr. for Australia and N«« w Zealand toclav by air. of course. —Straits Timr s picture.
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  • 102 4 'Don't stop your wife from voting' IX broadcast *ver Radio Malaya last Bight, the Johore State Elections Publl- i city Ofrlcer. Tuan Syed Othman bin Ali. urged husbands not to I hinder their wives from voting He said cases were known where men had dissuaded their V ives from reuisterin»
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  • 50 4 Officials of the ballroom branch committee. International Society of Teachers of Dancing, Singapore and Federation, for the year are: Chairman. Mr Low Poh San; vice-chairman, Mr. Lam Joon Kliim; committee, M. James Yu^ Kok Leone Joseph T(v., Ec Kirn Svee. Chonc Guan iv k, Chan Cheat Hoe.
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  • 20 4 Thirty-two Chinese arrived in Singapore from Sarawak on their way to Red China. Fifteen M them are students.
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  • 190 4 \MUt STAR, Mon. rplH i:i\VS Of lour Keil.ih ■1 Ii li'h boats said today that live armed men believed to be Siamese held them up at spa on the boundary of the Malayan-Siamese territorial waters oil iYlnk I.epah. The vessels a lishin K boat and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS 11 .1 in 1 1. t..i.i I Ml p.m. «»-.0»"< '•uiw0.0.. 10.. c.-*,... TiMIOHItOW O.M.V .1 AX I HUM RANK PRESI N is JACK lIAUKivs A CLaUMERI < 01.BKRT I j THE PLANTER S WIFE j oi»i;\s in 1 iisiia v MOW MUCH DOES II I \KK
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    • 122 4 TODAY g^ ONLY! CAHITOII HSIA MOON an' JM n TALES^O F i: X Q I OPENS TOMORRO^f^M The Royal Command Performance Film. t 4 Ar f rJBwl Flames with \gt^j| FURIOUS ACTION 1 B Disney s jjM RICHARPTOPP GUNlSjqhk I <■<>!') M STKC \|.,in, I IN ONI OF Mil mosi
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 123 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.16 am. Moi iniig Sl:u 730 Ntws; IM Mekxly Mixlur*; B.oo— Musical Comedy Memories 100 p.m Hios-amnit Summary 1.01 Sheldon: 130 Time Signal tc i i Rhythm Cornci 5.00 Time si^iuil and Programme Sumill.irv; 0J Mint- hoi Mu>lc; 530 Tm Dmm >• I M h >dto
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  • 159 5 one likely to escape National Service Officer, said lice checks would be made In evade the Singapore call-up. iyone would succeed In Voice s -out B incils after May ij, :>: t sent period for by 13. iy and 2u 1 :><!y lightning
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  • 39 5 RE BAHRT. Mon. bin Busu, who was Singapore on April 23 ran( .or hi.s- arrest ii din 1952. u>ld the that .ho forgot all after goin us wer charge inauthorised vehipassengert H $100 pend-
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  • 18 5 pore Police Band will play at Katonß P;uk from 5.30 f" 6.30 i) .r.i. on Friday.
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  • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. "Night Must Fall" by Emlyn i Williams will be stated by the Kuala Lumpur Garrison players at the Town Hall on Thursday. Friday and Saturday The G.O.C. Malaya, Lt. Gen. OK. Bourne, will be pre.sent on Saturday night. The production will be in
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  • 110 5 p.. f( produ she exnot only peri particular tonality, but also' uit different woman happens to oniy. for instance. Ol a floral perfume ly fragrance ;e lily oi the valley can he world of difference :OOk." Miss Hearne said floral „ri proo ibly by Ideal
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  • 53 5 JOHORK BAHRU. Mon Chew Yok Kirn. of Pekun Nanai was lined S4OO. in default four month's Imprisonment In Pontian for moving foodstuffs from > rastrlcted area. The court was told there was evidence that small bands of armed terrorists were meeting ptople from the village
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  • 45 5 For beWr members of an unlawful assembly and throw Ing buttles at workers of a ci^ar factory at Cuff Road on Saturday night, Ramaaamy Murukayan, llanlkam Pushpunathan «nd Lechumanam I wen 1 lined 350 or one month's gaol each In Singapore yesterday.
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  • 38 5 Pleading guilty to b«-inu drunk and disorderly and knocking on doors at th<- Railways (limit crs en Kampong Bahru R«nrl :u 1 a.m. on Sunriay. A Kapaya ffU fined $5 in Iho Singapore Court yrstrxdav.
    38 words
  • 60 5 THE CHIEF SCOI'T of the Ft-ileralioii. Sir (icrald Tempter, exandacs the model < r ■JgnalUng tower made by MouU ironi Serdans: Bahru new village school. Gen. Templer visited Castle ("amp, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday and presented certificates to 37 Queens
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  • 98 5 LOTTERY AT POLICE HQ Court told: Woman P.C. helped PENANG, Mon. A WOMAN Special j Constable helped to run a 100 and 1.000 characters lottery in the Penang police headquarters, the magistrate's court was told today. Loe Slew Bee. who claimed trial to this charge, was aliened to have h^d
    98 words
  • 174 5 Council expected to wind up THE Singapore City Council election due in December will be postponed until arrangements ran be made for flection to the City and Island Council proposed by the Rendel commission. Mr. J. T. Heu. kctlni C'itv Piesident, indicated thli ««s--tciday but declined
    174 words
  • 156 5 Dip those lights, says Haxworth DRIVING with headhunts full on instead of dipped is inconsiderate, higfily dancrrous and apainst the regulations, the Singapore Traffic Chief. Mr. W R M Haxworth, told the Straits Times vesterd*T He was commenting on a reader*! außgsstlon that ueople o. ho commit this offence should
    156 words
  • 36 5 Three lorry owner- were each lined $200 in MnokßOrc yesterday lor ostaM ih'' ir venicl( s without a valid licence. They were Low Kirn Yong. Lim Hong Noh and Tan How Choon.
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  • 23 5 For speeding along East Coast Road on Mar. 22. Yi-o Cheng Kian of Jurong Road. was fined $50 in Singapore yesterday.
    23 words
  • 24 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Men AH Malay schools in Johorp closed at the weekend for the Puasa holiday! and will reopen on June 13.
    24 words
  • 241 5 Mariam tells her story to Sultan KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. MARIAM binti Haji Tahir, an 11-year-old girl, missing from her home for over four yea£s. was last month reunited with her parents, Inche Haji Tahir and Hamidah binte j Haji Mohamed Nor. Today, the three of them were guests at the
    241 words
  • 99 5 Woman gem dealer is convicted A 55-YEAR-OLD woman, who said she wa.s a jewellery deaL-r. wa.s convicted in SingaI>ore xe.sterdav on a charge of stealing and two counts Of criminal breach of trust of jewellery. It was stated that the woman. Rohman binte Enor, borrowed jewellery, valued at $175. from
    99 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 Right backs fc give your baby this pure milk Mothers do well to ask lor Ostermilk when iM-east-fecding is nol successful itamifl 13 been added :>> this fine nourishmf milk to build strong bones and teeth; iron has been added to enrich the blood. Oalermilk is very easily digested and
      82 words
    • 190 5 SENIOR DUOfOIP I l^a^ [~7i cto»y"| j SLIMFOID M Parker Pens I 1 I PrectSNt-MSsviinoserßstsitii f i* %st Swtior DvofoM— a large pen ~fi »Sf with a big iok capacity. y WJm W/KS Victory— ibofter and slimmer V "4|K STimfoW— slender and elegant j* a pen for smaller bands. 'fe
      190 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 350 5 SINGAPORE DIARY sin«.\i'ork MUSICAL so- Oiinson s< Ikmjl let Bsra, 7 p.m. CIETI Hfl-'-ai n.i! for Hie Si. Matt- I .5.1.5.: l-'it-e Him sliov. Leave In w I'i.ssioii orrheslra I (with so- Evil For Ciuod. Ready For Flight--loisisi itltefl 530 p.m. to 7.30 pm. uu'-condiuoiied theatrette. 26 Raffles woodwind li
      350 words

  • 52 6 20 Wm4l Hi I minimum) A REQUIEM HIGH MASS for the late F J. L. Leonard mho was killed in the comet crash in Calcutta on the May. 1953) will be iielci at the S S Peter and Paul Church on t uei It Ma] 1954. at 8.4S
    52 words
  • 95 6 FOLLOW PEDANT Every day in the Malay M;)ii' U you want to win that $5,000 word puzzle. GIVE THEM ALL I Ti<\H there's no better swee' —'hun ;i Fuller? Loll! Pop! Each on a S:irk F: [bl IB a tag. Sole A Robinson DAPHNE LONDON i L' 3. Co'.eman
    95 words
  • 66 6 JO H.,rrf» IK i minimum THE FAMILY of ihe h;r Alfrei Spvkerman thanks all those who ivr.riereri assistance lent cars. ser. wreaths and attended the funera MR. TEONG SAY PY* nil those who sent wreaths, mes sages of condolence, len; cars, and .Vtrnded the funeral of his beMrVed Brother,
    66 words
  • 833 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., May 4, 1954. 'Little Asia' Bloc i The five South east Asian Premiers reached at their meetins in Colombo a raiher greater area of agreement than had seemed likely at one point in their conference. There were sharply divergent views on the problem of Indo-China,
    833 words
  • 404 6 s Malaya's minesweeper Penyu has evoked mixed feolincs by r the name she bears. To the p Malay a turtle is the layer of n eggs, suitable enough name for a minelayer. To others it bring* to mind sad notions of ships of peculiar instability. Turning f turtle
    404 words
  • 927 6  -  Massey Stanley CANBERRA. EHDR the anxieties of the period they were hejd up in Moscow following suspension of RussianAustralian diplomaticrelations, returning Australians have largely to thank their own Government. One of the principal after-thoughts of the Petrov affair is that the young
    927 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 202 6 THREE DIVISIONS IN MALAYA TODA Y T*HE DISCLOSURE last A Saturday by Geraldine Kaye of tlie views of Mr. S. J. Rajkratnam and the, reaction of his audience composed of undereraduates of the University must have shocked many of your readers. Mr. Rajaratnam described Malayans who work with the Government
      202 words
    • 106 6 The pantun singers of Penang MAHA Guru H nappy that -there is at 'east one Malayan Chinese" who is inpantun. He would be much happier if he recollected thai Interest In Malay pantun still among the Straits-born Chlncsi-. A few years a^o a team Of Malay pantun experts came to
      106 words
    • 234 6 THE Malay Settlement in Singapore has expanded greatly since the war mainly because it la the only area where Malays can make a final retreat from the pressure of overcrowding ::i tin town. The main reason was to provide alternative accommodation for Malays in the
      234 words
    • 78 6 MOTORISTS using Jalan Eunos seem to disregard pedestrians. A few nights a«o. a van. travelling at .speed and trying to overtake a bus, knocked down a man. Both driver and victim apparently did not Bake a report as the latter fortunately .suffered only minor .scratches
      78 words
    • 59 6 MERCANTILE clerical workers are the most backward n uniting to strugßle for their •ighfcs. The absence of clerical inioixs does not necessarily iniicate that clerks are a con:ented community. On the contrary, the majority are not arninß a fair livinp wage coniiderinc today's prices for
      59 words
    • 166 6 HTHE bus service that operates on the Kuala Lumpur-Setapak-Hot Springs route do not appear to have a uniform rate of fares. For instance. I got on one of these buses from the Setapak police station to Ret down at UM General Hospital and r
      166 words
    • 144 6 TKX) often ha\e we read of brickbats being hurled at the 0.P.0. staff. This time I wi.sli to present them a bouquet. I received a card requ. me to tall for a parcel, Ihe wrapper of which was in a ni mated oondlUon Vs 1 an
      144 words
  • 12 6 On Margin 'of I i H pier he Ul I I Let
    12 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 675 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. i» W,,,<is $111 I minimum) LIM: To Bftlly, inee Chew Geok Fur i. ulfe of Oeok Puoy. a son, 1 uke, on 2 5 ..4. i«t Muar. Both well. VAN l.UIPEN: To Beryl, wife of Jan van Lulpen. a girl. Patricia Joan at K K Haspital on 30th
      675 words
    • 37 6 GERMAN PEN ▼iiuite G'catcst ink visible opacity. Djr.iblc and reliable. Price-worth* b Services. Pottage 50 cent* extra (Beware of Imitations) EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO.. 19. Chulia St.. Spore- 1 ENG SENG MEDICAL CO.. 8. Ah Quce St.. Penang.
      37 words
    • 33 6 XO fiuor are better vail for your monel bee fJQ FLUOKESCi Las! Longe* 1/ Give more IM Are more Rtf( specify jSr^JI SAC •K>ou<l AJ. ,1 THI GENEF «l I MM J^ g^^
      33 words

  • 32 7 lution that petty police suboi ere always dUIng t ii;> legitimate rights :iy threatening work' t The resolution strongly condemned such action and asked ithoritics to prevent it.
    32 words
  • 662 7 SEARCH FOLLOWED $250,000 DEFICIT Justice Taylor in the Singapore Assize Court \esterday refused an application by Mr I Bernard Oehlera for time to find a senior counsel to defend 1.00 Wee Wan, former chief ashier, at the Chulia Street branch of the
    662 words
  • 103 7 \\Hl\ < ;i|X .M. M Lewh *T walked into ite ."> of Singapore Harbour Board without .1 permit, he told a who slopped him British mitttarj officers could filter the premises at nn time without having to i pplj h»r permits. I
    103 words
  • 287 7 DECAY IN CHINESE HOME UNIT WARNING KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. THfe Chinese were warned today by Mr. L. I. Lewis. Federation assistant Director of Education, against a break-up in their traditional family units. Mr. Lewis was commenting on a report that pupils in Federation schools were tearing for Communist China". He
    287 words
  • 13 7 food Control diers home D l 90 It 1 ti m I reach
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  • 51 7 A sixtcen-yeai-okl schoolboy. Koh Ah Choon. wa.s fined $50 or one month's k^oi in Singapore yesterday for driving a ear along Kuala LBjraag on Nov. G. while under-a^e. For dnvinK while not covered by v third party insurance, Knh wa.s'rined another $100 or two months'
    51 words
  • 115 7 A youth told a Singapore court yesterday that he tried to commit suicide because he could not uct a job and his family said he wa.s lazy. Lee Benn Ann pleaded Sillily to attempting to commit .suic,;,. by hanging from a
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  • 251 7 JUDGMENT AND COSTS FOR RAMANI KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. MX. .H'STICK WILSON gave judgment with costs in favour of Mr. R. Kamani. a Kuala Lumpur lawyer, in his breach of contract action against the Committee for Free Asia Incorporated in the High Court here today. W.. D^.
    251 words
  • 70 7 LADY TK.MPLKIt says Roodbye to one or Ihe yoiinjjer sucsts at In r earden party at King's House, i Lumpur, on Saturday. The eirl is Miss Vim Lai Hint;, captain of the I'uiiii Knslish School. More than 200 attended the party I
    70 words
  • 136 7 Took $6,370, then hid for 5 years A SINGAPORE salesman. Ng DUOS Sent!, who mlsappropriated $6,378 in 194!). spent five years in hidinir before the police arrested him. Insp. Elam Din. prosecuting, .-aid in the Second Criminal District Court yesterday. The court Ml told that after nk anest in Singapore
    136 words
  • 39 7 Polite Lieutenant K 11. Itoxall was kill<-d uhni this tar crashed intu a ci'iiirnl po>t and road alga at the jiim'tii'n of lit ii kin-Ids and l.ornic Kuads. Kuala l.innptir. l.itn Kin, Hock picture.
    39 words
  • 384 7 AIK Vice Marshal F. R. W.l Scherger, Ait Officer Com- manding. Malaya, has been made a Companion of the Ba Group Captain C. W. Champion de Crespigny. former (Commanding Officer of the Royal Air Force station at TVneah becomes a Commander of the
    384 words
  • 117 7 150 want a new pay deal MESSENGERS SEEK ARBITRATION KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. TTHE Federation's 150 telegraph messengers will ask fon arbitration on their year-old claim for a salary revision. This decision follows a breakdown in negotiations at departmental Whitley Council level. The Telecommunications Deportment ha.s not yet decided whether to
    117 words
  • 31 7 Cms? Van Soon of Chang] wa? fined $100 in Singapore yesterday for failing to iurnish particulars of a driver on demand by the Traffic Police on Aur. 11.
    31 words
  • 176 7 RENT-HIT TENANTS PROTEST TONIGHT A BIG tenants' meeting to contest the forthcoming .10 per cent rent rise by the Singapore Improvement Trust, will be held at the Tiong Bahru Community Centre at 7.30 tonight. Convenor <>f the m^'tin? Is Mr Tea Beng B»-e, president of the centre. He has invited
    176 words
  • 92 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mr. R. N. swami. one of the three winners of the Straiis Times $5,000 Word Puzzle <W>. said: "It is purely luck that brought me the prize." "I and my four son.-, compete regularly Each one trying in turn.
    92 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 6 7 I FRYS W^tXi BY SIME DARBY
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 180 7 The weather MINIMIM TI-MPKRATI KF < T HO pm mi May 2 to 73D am. en May 3 1 Sinvapor( 76 degrees. Penury 75. Kola B.ihru 7<i. Kuala I umpur 75. Ipoh 74. Kuantan 7i. MAXIMI M TK.MPKRArritI '7:fii a ill. to 730 p.m. on May i Singapore H, I'eiialiif
      180 words

  • Article, Illustration
    769 8  -  Christitie By MONDAI IX^LLOWING the minikey's escape I buy a length ol irlre netting which husband and I lix to the verandah in a "sp' silence". By the time we tlishi d not even a mouse could make a getaway nnd we go to fetch our wall wah
    769 words
  • 231 8  - Enter the long-legged look EILEEN AM 'HOI I LONG DRESSES ARE OUT— lt< TIIK Mmildod Look ramp to l.onriiin when the "Bii; Twelve' f;i*hinu icaiCMMI opcniil tlirir *prinj; shows. For this I »•»> Ki.»vo to Mr. Virtor Stiehel. It is refrrshinc to see a London drsimur sponxoriim ;i really individual
    231 words
  • 510 8 Relax at the end of the day that's the way to GLAMOUR Says MAXINE RAKICH I OUNGING dollies have ID rnd.anlmenl ;.ll their own. One in. L mediately thinks of soft lifChta. pl«wn« ro"""^. j d,( w music. All this is ,ea<lilv available n w» )m[' n witchery of glowin«
    510 words
  • 297 8  - Do you want to camouflage that nose? LADY BOYLE By WHAT Is your natural tjpe? Smooth or Bttliy? Dainty or dramatic? Know your type —and then try to accentuatp it. Thai is the road to pleuanco. The trouble is that many people seem to take the wrons turning. So many
    297 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 i I ggrj I g"gß| 4M I I y^^^gfinM 't% 3gggggjgggfJ y > i scareeljf wail to grow nj) nnd IOHN PHIIIP faci- the «"rld for tin •!>••»»•! vrs. rorrnnv I c, Bach confidence npirii mo the ,ir mi ril l\ J natural roMi!ts of aiioutuling V food health and
      100 words
    • 147 8 B r. 11l J KEEp SYOU&J HEALTHIER I Why Dr. V1,.,, orush li better 'ccth: Inch-Ion? bru with three row IF br.stle, cfoM, OUlj.dc. bctw.n Hysicnicillv rl Dr. West, lixed in its. N£W h.mdlc you to hold Df irmly ,in.l llr 1 v Dr. West finest toothbru- I anywhere it
      147 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 280 8 The Straits Times Crossword MltT pn hv ii: J 3 4 I b [ti I o rot! (ftlMsl.) (13), BBZiZSZS Zri br s^* 8 9 j PrUM comfnr or .strrl 1 4 [_V I I I 4. Aitacfc Him stan .-n Uirir own __y| B S 2 ri M P
      280 words

  • TIMES special FEATURE
    • 2027 9 Bones, teeth, buttons trapped tramp who admitted 14 murders S the jury filed into the tiny courtroom at Dubbo Criminal Court L in New South Wales on a chill September morning in 1939, a macabre scene met their eyes. Spread on tables and strewn on the floor of the room
      Daily Mirror  -  2,027 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 11 9 B im Attl ■ij)Hini Mips; El '^H Ph,ll,p co Beltzc j^Hi
      11 words
    • 173 9 CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH, CLEAN SMOKING Largest-scllimj cork-tipped cigarette -tx in the world. Imported from London ""VflP^IF Combinauori Smooth tilcnl performance oul t»jndin( ro»d-»>oldinß and «tabilitv ensure thit B.S A Tw.nj enjoy the tV( m I h.gSc.t reputation for solo 01 6 so 1 ndctar riding. Sprin« rr.,mc arc m**'
      173 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 28 9 100-inqi"»»«'^ m V&im <j<> ii* MM m I- r V *m»£M t* %t any- I NATIONAL |BRANCHES p- T —^M| v^!H^ 1 i3i> t iil'lH'tl it Svoii _g
      28 words

  • 187 10 LITTLE ACTIVITY SHARES Rubber and tin ONLY, null volume of, the S.n^poro Share V the market was rr;iti( The market ha< ;ili by $2.75 to 1360.25 of a cent, again, to Among Industrial Collieries »as' d 72 cents buyers and sellers This company, v.:. ing an uncertain layan Railway* havi
    187 words
  • 90 10 The Malayan Share E ciation reported that: share market opened the erratic note in all sect! i a small volume c' b corded." Members reported the business done yesiei d Con. Tin Smelter ordi Gammon $2.97'.. rights five cents, six en night): Singapore $4.70: Straits TtnMi Traders $20
    90 words
  • 2 10
    2 words
  • 17 10 Australian Stocks P5 in M I HBOH rid Tm lie** >M •Son* if* MMtl aMO LI I
    17 words
  • 12 10 Singapore Shipping z% >.S.I •i pi CM t PA Ml r«'1 Ma
    12 words
    3 words
  • 2 10 In
    2 words
  • 1 10
    1 words
  • 620 10 AT their 4 p.m. yesterday members of the Malayan Share Brokers' Association, in Singapore, issued the following list ol Quotations:— Ales Brlcki Prefs *•>« Ords At! a* !<■» 13 B B. Petrol 3»/6 -i m i rufew Con. Tin smeltHref 1»/Ordv 25/D United 33 50 p*«l Jl-jrn-.r.
    620 words
  • 90 10 MALACCA Rubber Plantations Ltd. have recom- mended a lirst and final dividend ot 7| per cent, le.s.s t;i». on the preference and ordinary stocks in respect of the year ended December 31. 1953 The accounts show a net profit of 43,898 lor the year, as compared
    90 words
  • 45 10 Preinli i\u* riMipij la Man ii ed demand from dustry. output roM la i 13.950 in Kebiuaiv March IM3, w coi i statistics Usued t>\ Industry .md Trade The provision for the liim qual placed tit 14. 740 u>>. m Hie MMM parfcM
    45 words
  • 121 10 The price of rubber papore yesterday at I a quarter of a cent belov ciose After opening ste... cents level for May fli price eased away 01: i :nc and closed quip Closing pri. eper pound were: No. 1 R SS spo: loose b sellers 63 V No.
    121 words
  • 84 10 ALL leading I S riil>lnT companies and »l the smaller ones h.r their prices on ipri^in.i! equipment t»res t.i equipment and sal biles by per en cording to a spok* a tyre-making Hf Akron. A motor-car turing compunv had been 'vcrbilh' ni'iified by two riibhrr
    84 words
  • 23 10 PeiiKk.ilfii 1 UJ Interim dividend ol preferred ordinary per cent <>n ordinary I in England on I ending September SO I
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1102 10 NOTICE I YAP KWAN SENG DECEASED PURSUANT to an order made by the Supreme Court of the Federation :of Malaya ln the High Court at i Kuala Lumpur on the 26th day of March 1954 in civil suit No: 121 of: 1910 between Yap Tai Chi and Yap! Tai Sinn,
      1,102 words
    • 864 10 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class E" and up- wards registered contractors will be 1 received by the State Engineer, Selangor up to 300 pm of the 17th I May, 1954 for the Supply and Deli--1 very of Metal from 48 t mile Pahang 1 Trunk Road
      864 words
    • 13 10 to m MITSUI j«pon S.n,opor« PO" < P CF. SHARP cV BANK OF CHINA
      13 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 775 11 A KSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. jg£, Bl Vt FUNNEL LINE 'S2SV j, ,ia r'r<cr ports to lood and discharge orqo cI ASGOW, LONDON. 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS ,|¥l« p0 inns F Shorn Penang Moy 3/ 4 G 33/34 Moy S Moy 4 May 7 I Moy 12 Moy 16/17 Mey II
      775 words
    • 1016 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES F-»r Aden pJ^Sf^^S, CONT N^T/SCANDINAVIA X.^rcn. A G-X'n P bu,V M rd O.".. MOmb «i "i^D^ i-idSs. iS 1 «S| "mVlVyA"'' IV/V" vu n n C c 10 11/I_2_J«"« Call's igjgl^g-f* «■*>! Karhhanm ft Helsinki. r B «»">ufh, Naples ond Karlshomn. to s London (passengers only), Korlshamn.
      1,016 words
    • 1059 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P- S'hom Punong Benot'ow tor Hnvr*, I ondon, Antwerp, Homburg Port lenmhor for Liverpool, Dunlin Hull. Rotterrlom C. 13 6/7 Moy t/9 Moy Bencruechan for London Rottrrdom, Homburg 14/22 Moy 11/13 May 14/17 May Benw,vis tor Hovia Liverpool Glasjov,
      1,059 words
    • 1082 11 McALISTER tfc CO., LTO. TEL: No ***** (HERMAN «t BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE. ROTTERDAM LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG 4 HULL PORTLAND. SFATTIf.' 4 VANCOUVER ond tor USA North A- -rnt.r Por*» Accept'ng carqi fnr Central 4 South ond Cnnnon via Colombo Americon Ports CITY CP OXFORD SUNNYVILLE 5/11
      1,082 words

  • 455 12 France wants to set up industries in Malaya JOINTLY WITH CHINESE JTRAXCK wants to set up businesses in Malaya on a joint venture scheme basis, with Chinese, following the pattern which she has already introduced into Burma. laya with steel, machinery and Industrial equipment. The French Commercial Counsellor in Singapore.
    455 words
  • Article, Illustration
    135 12 11/;. C,1.!..\.\ 1 r. 11l aacr oi Get: Bros., und i'o.. left Sirigapore on Saturday first for the United States on home leave. Entente fo the United Star.-., he iri'l travel extensively ihmuah F.ropi visiting the RUMf branchet Qetz Bros, and Co have on the routine*' During hit stou in
    135 words
  • 129 12 FRANCE buys a Rood deal more from Malaya than she exports to this country. There is always a substantial balance in Mala} a\ favour as France imports rubber, tin. copra and other commodities from Malaya in excess of what she sends in the way of
    129 words
  • 75 12 MALAYAN kamponus are beksi lit by paraffin lamps made by the Tilley Lamp Co.. Ltd.. of London, which has been making a .survey of the use of the lamys throughout the world. Besides beinc used in Malay. i the lamps art atoo used in London to clean
    75 words
  • 331 12 CJCHEDULED steamship service from the port of New York to principal ports in the Asian and Far Eastern region showed a significant increase during April despite the 29-day strike of longshoremen, v/hich ended on April 2. and cut heavily into New York's regular
    331 words
  • 61 12 The Managing Director of a I croup of paint companies, Mr. P. A. Morawetz of Melbourne !<'ft Fremantlo last week on the Gor»on. for Malay i Siam. Mr. Mora we tz said there was a larse paint export m In those areas, n,. added that supplies at present
    61 words
  • 175 12 THE vice president of the Penang Indian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Ambalal Pat< said that maintenance of the present high cost of living despite the decline in the prices of goods had created a '•peculiar position" in Malaya. "Economic conditions have (hotrn
    175 words
    • 155 12 New products for Far East I A REPRESENTATIVE of one of the world": I. manufacturers of "wonder drugs" arrived in Singapore by k.l.m. airliner from Bangkok last week on a general survey ot Bastrrn w irt He Ls Dr. B ArutTo. Far Ka'st medical tlircctur of
      155 words
    • 172 12 Set up record last year LX)R the first time in its history sales of a UK firm's 1 vehicles exceeded 100.000 units in 1953 The firm U the Vauxhall Motor Company and highlights of the year included the 50th anniversary of the production
      172 words
  • 40 12 UB OHM COMPANY in, worth of told •rauuaenta from told per month. Th<- workshop. renrral one of the fiO in the Colon, from 18.000 tahils of gold Lee (Inn employed 50 44 cold ornamonts for exhibition
    40 words
  • 187 12 CAN BE DEVELOPED AERIAL photOgT! methods, which off the coasts of Scot! successfully in the I world, says a British 51 Tht> scientist M: Woodward, Director oj .stitute of Sea wood Ri Edinburgh, said sea be developed as a iv try and as a source of
    187 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 aaajaajsjaajaaaaap' KnVaaaV ..<-'C^^^y "nT" aft O 1 I EUCTB'C COOKERS. V HOT P 1 1 T oASTEBS A" W^^ 1 Wmw^KtimtWmmVKßmT****B&*MmTm^m^m^^m^m^m^m^mm^mm^ r.».»-i« :r^_tEUROPE I \s Mm wjfiii Jt-zl.— f a The Arch of Constantino n i/ With Colosseuti in Background I Pan American' World Airways VIA BANGKOK 1 CSNERAL ACENTS:
      93 words
    • 127 12 C- 7/Y/(;l 9* 7 i^; \vw /> Baatoed men tr.uli If IB BM the cuinplru Wales. 1 he olilcst and ami \i Zealand, th I touih uith local i agencies suh hr.nii In I anil Nen (.uiniM. It is rnijtiirrrs cmtscis with rural scene. Ask your bull' r< to I
      127 words

  • 73 13 e punch by Mitri-and Randy out in seconds ROME, .Monday, ph Turpin lost his Earopean ro wn to the Italian champion. nighi in I sensational con'f O ss than a minute. :.t Turpin to hls'cornei lining; floored by a hard round Turpin, in the condition to continue -eyed across the
    73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    76 13 O.V (< ring made us slipper i, at glass bu incessant rain, two barefooted men tight out a uorld championship COi:?e*i In Bangkok on Suj.dai, niaht. And here you see them, ti.rrvhcd to the tktn wUh their reflections' almost risible on tnc .-('in-soaked surface, exchanging blow for blow. On the
    76 words
  • 174 13 WILL TURPIN DECIDE TO RETIRE? ROME, Mon. i'lll boxing future Kandolph Turpin. is to bo liscaawd by his handlers today I in pin ni.inacfr, Qeorge MUdlelon. said after Turpin s sudd< defeat tint he c\peeted t<. < -.nfer with the i \-i ha-mpion ttii.\ inurnin", Hid that a statemcut mi:'i,
    174 words
  • 47 13 SAFA JUNIOR SOCCER LGE. .uid Am on A C A F A I>n. punt ft AllHi I ma Ibrahim mkhana Div. 3B I mon Ooh Cht 3B L..nif ui the M F a pound. Tampenla Roveri iiiid Indl t. D. Tan ored for Ro'.er.-. daa for Boccertles.
    47 words
  • 46 13 LONDON. Mini Dal Dower, tl-e flyweight who is .Kid No :t contends by Rni.: .<• world tille heid by Eu Mile. He iui> tpplled to 'lie Brttlah B..nontrol for rtcocnlUon i ender for tin- championship recently relinquished by LoOb Skena <>i Prance.
    46 words
  • 100 13 Result* ofl tlie VMCA It-nuis c'.i.iniplun.sliip ties ;it ]",.,-.i!i Road COUTll vt-*terdny WCM 1 MC sing Irs: B K On;; beat ■M Sin f,-l rt-:t Oprn sin |t*a: A c; B Pakir wo. Harolti Chi*; Ml t m i\.-d doubles Uni Hec ChiD n<i Mrs
    100 words
  • 177 13 No more fights like this for me, says Jimmy I cm WAKRKN WHITE BANGKOK. Mon AUSTRALIAN world bantam- wiight champion. Jimmy Carrtithers. never. wants to fight ?i>other battle like the one In which hi narrowly retained his title in Rurekok lust night. Tecnrng rain and broken ijlav were unusual ha
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 3 13
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  • 310 13 ■M'ORE Cricket Club losf valu;il)!o wound in their promotion algn when they suffered Mini .ino .successive dekut m the SAP A Div. 2 le.ijjue on the potent yei-Ur-(iay. wi-i.t down 2 1 :o Hover.-,, a It MUD who yf>terday lidded live Aral division piayer« who
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  • 461 13 By THE SPORTS KDITOK TfHC STAR SOCCEBITBS' slocks have risen so high in recent weeks that their 4 l defeat by Rovers Sports Club, runners-up in the Senior DivisK>n last vrar. was considered to be ;i major upset. r Perhapa tbU wa> bccmm K
    461 words
  • 582 13 matches. SAFA LEAGUE TABLES .larines ft 4 1 0 21 3 9 ColH Raja 7 4 0 3 16 15 8 Bixni 6 3 1 2 13 9 7 ?EME 6 3 1 2 15 13 iocrrrllM 4 3 0 1 13 6 6 UA. 4 3 0 1 7
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  • 216 13 K.K..M.K 3; S.K.C 1 ROYAL Electrical and Mechanical Engineers added to the relegation worries of bottom-of the-league Singapore Recreation Club by beating them 3 1 in :i one-sided S.\F.\ first division league game at .lalan Resar stadium vesterdav. I the SR.c. ptayan wum4 an mlmr■lM
    216 words
  • 45 13 An unlinislu-d >»« by Mvi n»rl enabled RAF. Tei>fc;ih to trounce .siiidhi Merchants by 214 run* in an st'A unior B cricket fixture I'eriKnh 234 for 6 dccl (Mychael no., ShutTlrbotham 3«. Hooper 22. Landon 22 1, Sindhl 20 i Landon B 0 1
    45 words
  • 320 13 K.L track notes SWEET DREAM IS RETAINING BEST FORM By KPSOM JKFP. KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. SWEET Dream, a convincing all-the-wav winner ovrr thp Bukit Timah 6f. in March, j i.s keeping her best form. With Vinev a.stride, this daughter of Scorpion ran a breezy IF. in 3C 15 on a
    320 words
  • 174 13 A PENALTY and an own toal en- abled Balcstier United to hol.l Tlone Bahru Rangrrs 2-2 in the'r SAPA Dlv. 2 same at Rner Valley R> .fi vestrrday. Tiong Bahru were superior In both in attack and defence iivl were unlucky to have dropped point. i
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 3 13 ''V >3Ov jM^Ts
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    • 193 13 EASILY &%K^ -i^h QUICKLY INSTALLED Simmonds. makers of the famous FRAM Oil Cleaner, have now produced its cousm, the FRAM PETROL FILTER The filter, new to this country, is bemp sold in tens of thousands in United States, and is now available here. DISTRIBUTORS: BORNEO MOTORS LTD. SINGAPORE. •TABLETS Provide
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 68 13 ll^Jil-lMil mm cm BtagapSM junior Irasur I Indian* Bmr; >\i l.r.i.m-. Mr. IA: I M D.K. v kMH It.. I M\ Kiniinil: Social I", v Voting (omp.inioiis X A (.r>l.inic. l>iv. "H lollilads Kint.i Kangriv lloin tnilind. Srrvicrs Lm|M, l>iv. I: R«jrml Si s naK KM 1T1: II M>
      68 words

  • 235 14 Japs take 6 wrestling gold medals MANILA Mofl KTBNBO I I'Kl DA, ot Japrni. MM the in avyvetfh! arres< oh.impi.>nship at the second A;.:. OaaMa tnnuh: tv- rtiTaallag n lai. o: Aifhantataa. He ptaaad\alai *ith a leg hold in 4min. 24 Bsec. Jorge Vargaa, PracMonl a] Asian G. tints
    235 words
  • 142 14 MANILA. Maa JAPAN were eliminated from the Aslnn Games football contest tonißht after losing to defending r-hamplon.s. India 3-'JJn a thrilling mutch. Half-time score was 2 o for India During the first half India's S. K. Molnuddin acerad «o goals In the second India's out.ide
    142 words
  • 58 14 SOUTHAMPTON. Men In -old qually leather, the P:iK.isUn ortcm team arrived here today- In -he •ollßh liner Bat.iry f or a OU rnonth tour nt Kn-land Paktatan will play four nve-lav ■rsi.s ncainxt ECnglnnd. On Tup». lay, thrv a 1 1 1 pla) i la-a-atda lmw
    58 words
  • 414 14 Japanese take five more finals, set four records From ANG EAM BOCK^^ SINGAPORE won a bronze medal for third plate hi the °80-metres hurdles final and have hijjh hopes for a gold medal m tlu« 100 metres hurdles. That is the sum
    414 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 14 FEDERATIONS Mirha mile run on the Rizal Isian (lames at Manila Behind I
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  • 285 14 MAM I- A. Monday. SINdAPOKK were eliminated from the basketball series when they lost their second game this aftertoon to Korea by the close margin of four points, the s-core being Korea 69. Singapore 65. The match was easily the best jjame of the series
    285 words
  • 287 14 15 athletes break five more records MAMLX. Mon. EVnBI .itnletia ini|<i'o\ed 1 BBMIBI Asian o. alhle'.'c raooraa in :ne nentb nere to«a\ Hie moil i>pti.:acuiar ie In hh j.'juo ■atm laal wnei. ttai Drat lour halatoad laatat toaa India ii.iniiUi Slnah'a ISmln, m Titr so. up at Nt a
    287 words
  • 72 14 MAN II A. Mon Albert fan Kinsiiiie!. of Philippines, won the pis ,il it \m-|i „jd points out (>1 Japans ChoJI li.> s .,^i w., potnta Hoaald wai i» naUsed OB the last string; leu pad of ten. Other poeitloiu 3 Simeon ■•> .Phil. MT: 4
    72 words
  • 528 14 MM MlTKls (MO-niUU)! Heat 1: Oentio Cahnn t Phil i in <* isiianf Butt .Paki n Oabrtel (Indi 111. Hrat >: Abdul Khali. kind, hoi; Hoaata Tumm j., >i n.oi; c kng ii l> 200 Ml I i:i > KEMI-FIN Us Hrat 1: Shant Butt
    528 words
  • 179 14 M \.\ll Mm. 11.. unoß team aMtMMj in th. \s la n (.amrs .it thr md afl Indai v «-»«;n!s Japan I". 1 BBMai Indij I *oul!i Knt .1 \ali i.M *****1.1 I'liihppin.s .Mi. I'.ikistan Sineapore 7; lr\li.n I 1 i.d.....5,.i and I .-.v h still
    179 words
  • 45 14 VANCOUVER. Mon Pak tan no-tltit-d British Kmpirr headquarters yoeWrda) ihiu six i ha\e bffn atlde<l to th nes here on Juh JO to v I Mr Pakistan 1 1 .< in w cm. tn the O in. p c. Haunoaa).
    45 words
  • 237 14 Bv THE SPORTS ED ,J SINGAPORE Lawn Tennis w,,, bic crowd for Saturday's Australian players, I pm Irascr and I*-\<:' the Singapore Badminton Hall ;Thp exhibit, eaas the enthusiasts oul lia. of seeing Ln I favourite Wimbledon tit Last year Hoari n Wimbledon qua where he
    237 words
  • 4 14 Italy tennis Susp K-u.
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  • 3 14 5 Day vict
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  • 1 14
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 784 14 CLASSIFIE Check Before Posting Replies to Box Numbers Utmost care should be taken I -vhen replying to box number ads. to u*c the CORRECT S NUMBER and AddrcM to the j j Straits Times. Cecil Street. I SITUATIONS WANTED in H,,,rf> s.i flu.) Bm m <■'»• rxtra. CJOAJ IKIED AMI
      784 words
    • 758 14 D AD V ERT IS (Continued from Page 6) ACCOMMODATION WANTED 20 Word* IS (Miit.)— Box SO rl*. txtra. WANTED by British Firm from Ist September furnished house. 2 3 bedrooms Tanglln Holland Road. P. Panjang area. Appl. Box A 6284. S.T. WANTED two or three room Accommodation either separate
      758 words
    • 792 14 SEMKNTS VEHICLES FOR SALE 20 Word, tS (Min.)-Box SO tl*. txtra. late 1951 Armstrong sidDELEY. excellent mditton. Price $3,500. Phone Thinm. Ser. *****. MORRIS MINOR TOURER will-. [Radio $1,950 tor $750 downi Forri Anglia $1,690 (or $575 down). Call 265 River Valley Road, Tel: *****. JAGUAR li litre, recently overhauled,
      792 words
    • 21 14 I NICH GRADE WAI Sin« Beautifulb yet of Sturdy Cn I 1 1 lon display at al- ;«;f fi j 53,
      21 words