The Straits Times, 29 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 r The Straits Times Estd. 184.» SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL i», 1954 15 CENTS Nation* 1
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  • 67 1 ksians dumped it, say Inberra police I ft' FIND STARTS HUNT CANBERRA, Wednesday. 1 torn the Molonglo River here a powerful radio »dio equipment, and pistol parts believed to have c d in the Soviet Embassy. Hide; orders to return to Moscow after Russia's Australia, have been busy
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  • 197 1 'Adviser on foreign affairs' LONDON. Wed niUTISH NEWBFAKM toreperted Donald M. one ot two British diplomats mh» disappeared in 1951, is now working is an adviser to the Kremlin. I:- reports say this informatinn has been disclosed b\ I idimir F'etrov, Soviet EmDfficial in
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 201 1 grab 2 in car with leaflets and flag: Net flung over K.L. KUALA umpir. Wednesday. TWO COMMUNISTS worr stopped 100 yards from the main catc to Kinc's House, thr residence of the Hich omntissioner, General Sir (lerald Templer, just after 1 a.m. today The men
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  • 45 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Weri !>ic p.ntv of Communist 'tic lists raided Kampnnc I uuk;ii>. in the Kuala Pilah ilistrii t of Nesri Sembilan. on Monday nicht. it was oflicialIj announced today. They stole fowls, duck-. Eoats, padi. a sewingmachine and a radio set.
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  • 16 1 Wed A F-86 Sabie irashed today on t'nr coast of Korea, killthe pilot— A.P.
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  • 32 1 outh was waylaid a.s he Into a lane leading to < iff, the 7th milestone. All tour robbers were armed ith knives. They took $4 50 the boy.
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  • 33 1 Romulo to take over MANILA, Wed. Bri z. General Carlos P. Romulo will replace Vice-President and Foreicn Secretary Carlos P. Garcia .soon as head of the Philippine delegation to the Geneva conference. U.P.
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK, Wed. The United Nations Security Council failed yesterday for the fourth time ■to end the deadlock over an acenda for disciuston of charues and counter-, charge! by Jordan and Israel. 1 Reuter.
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  • 24 1 Ma km General D. D. C. Tulloch new General Officer Commanding. Singapore Base District arrived in the Colony yesterday in the Canton.
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  • 770 1 Alliance WILL STILL TALK ABOUT elections WITH Lyttelton From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Wed. T«HE UMNO-MCA Alll- ance demand for a fully elected council in the Federation will be put forward when the Alliance delegation meets the Colonial Secretary next month. This was stated here today at a Press conference by
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  • 11 1 TOKYO. Wed Emperor Hirohlto will be 53 tomorrow. A.P.
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  • 127 1 SINGAPORE'S "oily man rntertalneri Zion R n a d reddMlti and policemen with a dan<e mtrnudr a* "Then h- pHfd them with ■tones. Two onlookers were ■llghtlir hurt. This time the "oily man" wore lonß white trousers and a white shirt. Before that, he had appeared in
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  • 105 1 ANOTHER LNIHAM the Miss Malaya Quest is Miss Vicky Elias aged 23 i of Singapore. A number of Federation girls uho hare applied tor I entry forms have been sent Singapore forms. which limit that contestants must be either a native ot Sin-
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  • 211 1 VOL I STEERS JUMP INTO FORT HANOI. Wednesday. IfOLl NTEER paratroop reinforcements, defiantly usinc exploding Vietminh artillery and mortar shells to pinpoint their drop zone, jumped during the night into Dien Bien Phu. the French High Command I announced today. The French Union troop were
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  • 147 1 The tribesmen's greeting ENTEBBE. Uganda. Wed. THE Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh landed here today on time after earlier r«'poitl that thunderstorms lay across the route of the air- craft bringing them from I Aden for a three-day visit to Uganda. Thousands of tribesmen clap- pt-d and
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  • 26 1 The Cunard "millionaires' liner" Caronia will visit Ringapoie acain on a luxury vovacr next year. It includes calls at 24 ports in five continents.
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  • 268 1 Russia proposes mercy talks UFNEVA, Wed. RUSSIA proposed mercy talks lor evacuating the wounded from Dien Bien Phu today as Mr John Fbstet Dulles biuntlv turned down ;i Communist plan for Korean unification, A Soviet spokesman said that Mr. Molotov made the proposed to the French
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  • 19 1 HUTTERWORTH. Wed Police last night removed a Communist flag which had been hoisted on a tree here.
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  • 103 1 52 held in new Egypt swoop CAIRO. Wed. cavalry officers and about 40 civilians were arrested last night and will be tried soon for Communist activities, the Government said today. Maj. Amin Shaer, personal aide of the Premier. Col N;us.ser. .said that the officers would he court-martialled and given the
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  • 48 1 TEHERAN, Wed The Premier. General Fazollah Zaheni received a unanimous confidence vote yesterday from the Majlis. One hundred ana seven deputies backed him. Two members abstained and eicht were absent The Senate gave Oen. Zahcdi an overwhelming vote of con- on Monday.— -A. P.
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  • 71 1 JUMPED— AND VANISHED NEW YORK. Wed. -An extensive search is being conducted for an officer who bal n ri out of a iet trainer during a violent thunderstorm last night and disappeared. Ma lor Hubert now baled out last nisht with Col H R Thyns when their iet trainer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 113 1 |ALL your cartoon (favourites All The SINCAPORE FREE PRESS cartoon s= favourites |ane, TarS ran. Mandrake The Saint and The Gambols ■i-E start new adventures =on Saturday when Smpopular midday E= paper resumes publica- Make the FREE PRESS your regular midday S reading and take advant- ape ot its bright
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    • 57 1 SILVA STOP PRESS RHR HO! SI IMB ON IMMII \V\>lll.\(.Hi\ Wort Ad mi r «l K.oll'ii (I 'liirnidli of Joint hirls > I Mil) it whrcd th' 1 mniiiiii i <i! fr»lll U'llltl' !|l>ll-r Ml frr »ilb Prr- id. hi bra aawct «n Pita Biea Pirn aitaatlaa i-l'. *^Sw\
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  • 252 2 Geneva talks will have 'some success' Casey HIS INSTINCT MAKES HIM OPTIMISTIC GENEVA, Wednesday. ;\fR. RICHARD CASEY, the Australian Minister of External Affairs, said here today that he had an "instinct" that the Far East conference "is going to have some success." He added: "I believe that the Great Powers
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  • 41 2 THE QUEEN and the Duke of Edinburgh meet Kandyan chiefs m the exotic Audier Hall at Kandy, Ceylon, during a recep tion held by the chiefs for the Royal visitor Reuter picture
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  • 100 2 LONDON Wed rE Singapore strike ol Malay deck hands of the Straits Steamship Company will be mentioned In the House nf Commons on May 5. Mr. Stanley Awbery. Labour M.P.. will ask the Colonial Se--retary. Mr Oliver Lyttelton. if he is awarr that inexperienced
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  • 66 2 NEW YORK. Wed. An 8001 b. Bengal tiger reached a paw i through his cage yesterday. sank his claws In a circus employee's arm and all but ripped it from the man's shoulder The victim. Charles Hicks. 28 lost his left arm later at Poiyclinic Hospital,
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  • 71 2 MOSCOW Wed The Soviet newspaper Izvestia said yesterday many people eveiy day are being turned away I from druc stores without medicine and. as a result, many 1 may die. I Izvestia said that .services are slow and inefficient in the pharmacies of Russia, even
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  • 35 2 TOKYO. Wed. The Japanese Coastguard said today that 15 Japanese fishing boats in I the East China Sea were I chased by a Communist Chinese ship yesterday Two boats were captured. Reuter
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  • 22 2 BELGRADE. Wed The Executive Council of Yugoslavia yesterday approved a propo.«?d military alliance between Yuaoslavia, Turkey and Greece A.P.
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  • 59 2 NEW DELHI. Wed Dr I Prasari. the President of India Uocav presented Lieut-General K S. Thimayya with -Parima Übnushan." India's second hichest award for distineuished service. The citation said it was presented for "distinguished service of a high order a* a representative O f India and chairman
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  • 60 2 WASHINGTON. Wed The Mr. nne Corp.s announced yestrrdiy that no disciplinatv nction would be tr\ken against Colonel Frank H. Schwable for his cerm warfare confession while prisoner of war in, Korea The court, of inquiry, which considered the case, founi that Colonel Schu ables
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  • 19 2 TOKYO. Wed— The Diet Upper House today ratified the United States Japan Mutual Security Assistance Asree-I mrnts.^Renter.
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  • 86 2 LOS ANC.KI.F.S. Wed. 4 JUDGE has ordered British if\ comedian Charles Chaplin tn deposit M 5.10.000 to guarantee MS3OO a week support payment for Carol Ann Berry. 10. Superior Judgr Klmer Doyle declined, however, to appoint a receiver to take charge of any assets .Mr. Chaplin
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  • 166 2 U.S. DOCTORS TO DIAGMtSE THEM WASHINGTON. Wednesday. QUICKER payment of compensation to the Japanese victims of a hydrogen homb test, was likely now that Japanese doctors have agreed to allow outside medical aid help treat the injured men American officials said today. The payment
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  • 149 2 NEW YORK. Wed. ALY KHAN was flyinf to London early today after a hectic visit to America that Involved an international courtship of actress Gene Tierney and finally i custody and financial agreement on his daughter Yasmin. The Prince settled approximately M
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  • 266 2 TOKYO. Wed rE colonel who planned Japan's capture of Singapore today ridiculed French military tactics in IndoChina and said the West already has lost the war there. Masanobu Tsuji. one of Ja,pan'> most prominent military tacticians, suggested that the
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  • 31 2 FALL RIVER. Massach Wod -Shirley May Fnnci who a', a high school giri I tailed to swim the Er Channel in 1949 and MM married yesterday to v
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  • 6 2 TWO BAN Kill IN JU i
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  • 5 2 BERLIN I cues.
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  • 5 2 Two die in tank dis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 COLGATE'S wonderful new GREEN CHLOROPHYLL TOOTHPASTE yf'^ "'T.a^' oTt4 f IG HTS TOOT* «CW Colgate c Morophyß Toothpaste is Green, with ;i fresh, MIMTY flavour arid it FOAMS. Buy a tube today! In Large and GuM tut tubes. ASK FOR (OL6ATE GREEN TOOTHPASTE sou- Ments: HAtiriK (ill 11. I. an
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    • 228 2 Three hundred years tor an idea to flower I I Cromwell two >enrs before, in I^sB. had mmlfß^' l thought a lot of it. For it did so many things. It told the time and the date, the months and the phase of the moon a matter for pride indeed.
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  • 452 3 But Nehru sees hope of solution rmrc i COLOMBO. Wednesday. X IIK Indlan nme Vl 'mster, Pandit Nehru told the South Asian Prime Ministers' conference today that Indo-China was possibly the most important problem in the world at the present time Kf S1 H
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  • 50 3 DANNY KAYi: grins as he ar.ives at the Plaza Cinema, I .union, to see the European premiere of his film "Knock on Wood." lli> companions ar<> Mai Zetterling, left, who is also in the Him. and Ym.i Sumac-, the girl with the wonder voice. Reuter picture.
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  • 98 3 Bevan toes the Attlee line LONDON, Wed. lABOUR party leaders today v agreed on an Indo-China line opposing any steps that might involve Britain in milition to help -imperialist policies." Mr. Aneuiin Bevan. who broke with the parliamentary leaders on foreign issues two [0, backed the line put forward by
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  • 20 3 ON, Wed. The Burd'Affaires, Mr. Doon Watt, called on Mr. I loyd, the Minister of 'he Foreign Office
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  • 20 3 WASHINGTON, Wed.- BOAC services beand London, by way uf Montreal, on May 18, if t aPDtOV- A P
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  • 252 3 'DOCTORED/ SAYS THE ARMY WASHINGTON, Wednesday. TMIE ARMY hurled a change of using a "doctored" 1 picture at the McCarthy camp yesterday, and Mr. Roy Cohn. counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy, acknowledged that he had provided it. He denied knowingrthe picture had been altered. Ihe
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  • 70 3 told: new otto R| ,.(.H Wed *\M f ArlllSh erald« k rown grstions spirlUfw5 pirlUfw iP p-" ii: I r 1 MlC- Wick Waita lopted. (be eoancil Im< r ,,nli<i k> the Jditwn thl N Dominu« rrora M ih.i 1 Ih CoancU re- partlj I"--ith local j sU «rstfd the
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  • 110 3 Two 'tried to rescue Red captive' VIENNA. Wed. TWO defendants in a Coni- munist trial |n Pra«ue yesterday admitted havinß tried to free William N. Oatls. a newspaperman, who was Imprisoned in Prague on charges of espionage. Oat i s wa.s released year after servin<; part of a 10-year
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  • 47 3 Nine trophies for Julie JiKiHTEEN-YEAK-Ol.l) Jnli<- Pmiti.s. of Essex, poses with ii" e« V tin- Grcst Danes that she breeds as a hobby. ,V I,lst member of the Great Dane Breeders 1 Assoi'Lilon tereV ts eVent London sho« for the Hrst timellatl"" and won nine trophies.-Reuter picture.
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  • 101 3 Water makes fakir quit hole BERLIN. Wed. FAST rising water has driven a self-styled fakir out of an underground hole in which he had planned to stay a week without fating or drinking. Henry Eberty, ast'd 49. entered the hole, more than 6ft. down, on Sunday. He asked to be
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  • 36 3 TOKYO. Wed. The Japan Alpine Club today said that the Japanese climbers in the Himalayas had abandoned their plans for climbing 26.658--ft. Mount Mana.slu because of opposition from people in the area. Reuter
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  • 150 3 LONDON. Wed. SIX Labour M P-s earned through London last nlgM Vrtisii... a meeting M m'^All'six are OO tin Hf*J Bomb National campaign 00m- which «iii condud Stion'wlde drlw tor «lfn«- (s to petition aninf talki n the bomb between Presi- dent Eisenhower,
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 231 3 LONDON. Wed. CloAlng middle prlres of selected stock*, not Including stamp duty, uere: LOANS Consols 65 i 'i Funding i'/c 1019k War 3*% 86', BANKS Mercantile iEIJ'.-i 274 Eustern (£5) 8% Chartered ill) 43 3 Hongkong <Sli 92 +1 INSURANCE Com Un (uts.) tt% V Royal 13' i
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  • 26 3 LONDON, April 28. Cash Buyers X.I3S; Sellers t73T 2 Forward Buyers £72ft Sellers £73«; Settlement £737 Vi. Turnover am. 45 tons; p.m. 40 tons.
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  • 37 3 LONDON. Apr L>8 Spot 19d.. June 19d., July-Sepi. 19' H d., Oct.Dec. 19 -<i Jan.-Mar. 19' d., Apr June l« -ii May c.l.f. IB ,d. t June i If. 18"»<J.. July cl.f. 19d. Tone: Easier.
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  • 38 3 1 GEORGETOWN, Wed—Po{lice used teargas bombs to disperse 60 demonstrators outside the magistrate's court on the Corentyne of British Guiana, police reported yesterday. Four men and nine women were arrested. A. P.
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  • 34 3 DURBAN, South Africa. Wed. The Rev. Bonaventure Olamini, whose native name means "he who cats the daylight," was consecrated yesterday as the Roman Catholic Church's first Zulu bLshop of Umzimkulu.— A. P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 FOLKS ME A TIP! OUR PAY DAY LDGET FOR CLOTHES \T WISELY Gr CONOMICALLY AT IPALSON Uoors) RAB STREET, TEL: *****. "D OPENING SALE NOW ON MUR FILM SERViCE^^ Processing or Printing WITHIN 48 HOURS TOP QUALITY Processing: tv lBchrome Ansco Color frjnting Enlarging: sizes of colour "V; Transparencies. fc
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    • 310 3 H^^^ HOOMKOWG M^^xvkairiJß^mWllKi r^Fßf CPA jjf^ < r you are assured of fast com- fortable journeys in 4 engined f'Skymaster' aircraft crewed by British pilots who have travelled more than 40,000,000 passenger miles with one of the finest punctuality records in the Far East. <S&&^ STEWARDESSES CARRIED FULL MEALS PROVIDED
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  • 317 4 COUNCILLOR ASSAILS EDUCATION NOTE KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. INCHE Rashid bin Ahmad, Federal Legislative Councillor and a member of the Party Negara, today attacked the iMCA memorandum on Chinese education as an attempt to establish China's poli tical influence in Malaya. He
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  • 79 4 S'pore Asian G ames contingent lea THE FIRST BATCH of the Singapore contingent to the se- toiid Asian Games, roiupn,,,, left yesterday for Manila in a Cathay Pacific Airways plane. Thus Straits Times pic-tun- m tinxent with a few supporters and pressmen boarded the plane. Mr. G. H. Kiat. Chairman
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  • 268 4 Wanted man was under bed, say police lIWKN POI.ICK went to a house in Yio Chu KanK Koad to arrest him Tua Tee, a driving instructor, in connection with a murder case, he was found crouching under a sleeping platform, the Singapore Assize Court was told yesterday. lam is accused
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  • 82 4 No wage cut, Council told I JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. j An assurance was given by i Dato Sheikh Abubakar. prcsi- dent of the Town Council that he would resist any attempt to reduce the wages of the i I Council's conservancy labour- en. He was replying to Mr. Wong i
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  • 35 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The World Bank mission to Malaya Is expected to submit its report to the Malayan Governments in August. The mission, now in Singapore, leaves for Washington on Friday.
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  • 39 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Kedah Rice Millers Association has offered to sell 10.000 tons of rice to the Federation Government. Its godowns are overstocked, and it Is not allowed to I export to Singapore.
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  • 57 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Baharom bin Abdullah. 22, was today ordered to be sent to Taiping in connection with a theft charge. Baharom. arrested in Kuala Lumpur last night, was alleged to have stolen three gold rings valued at $29, and $15 cash from Ibrahim bin Man
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  • 86 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. KUALA LUMPUR Municipality is to build 50 houses costing $500,000, for its workers. They will be in (ai Valley, three miles from Kuala Lumpur c Municipal Town PlanMr. J. E. Jackson, today that this would be the of a programme to
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  • 40 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. —I Fifteen Chinese of Senai were charged that while their applications for the registration of the Lien Song Club was pending, they organised and 1 took part in club activities. They were fined $20 each.
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  • 22 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Wong Sow Chun, 17-year-olti girl cyclist, was killed by a lorry in Mountbatten Road, Kuala Lumpur, today.
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  • 184 4 THE 'HEAVEN OR HELL' IMAM He challenges: 'Prove me false' PENANG. Wednesday. AN imam who once claimed he could predict whether a soul would go to Heaven or Hell today challenged his Muslim opponents to prove his teach- ings incorrect. Haji Ahmad bin Haji Yunusj formerly attached to Per- 1
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  • 87 4 His mission will help treat cancer r*R. D. R. McPherson. senior mJ radiologist at the General 1 Hospital, left this week for England. Germany and. probably. America to Investigate the latest developments in the use of radio-active equipment in treating cancer. The Singapore Government I has approved in principle the
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  • 48 4 IPOH, Wed— Two cases of polio were reported, one in Kuala Kangsar and the other at Tapah last week. One Kuala Kangsar case of scrub typhus was also reported, and a similar one was reported in Sungei Bernam. None of the cases was fatal.
    Bernama  -  48 words
  • 25 4 The International Society of Teachers of Dancing 'Singapore and Federation) will hold three dance championships at the Happy World in May and July.
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  • 152 4 LIM KIM HUAT did not appear in court last week to answer a summons charge of dumping rubbish in trout Of his Beach Routl house Re told the muuistrate. Mr. J. M. Dcvcrcux-Colcburi). yesterday: "I was sick. sir. though not seriously ill." "Let's put it
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  • 91 4 KL'ALA LI'MPL'R. Wed ARMY ENGINEERS put up a new bailey bridge at Kasipillai Kampong in Sentul. three miles north of here last weekend. The old bridge, which was in a dilapidated state. wa« damaged by a falling tree two weeks ago. Floods later washed
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  • 59 4 They have to stand up for the mace WITH the Singapore City Council mace now in use. Councillors attending monthly council meetings will have to observe certain forma They will have to stand every time the mac bearer enters the council chamber before the City President. Rules concerning the mace.
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  • 34 4 Ceylon is sending the largest ever youth delegation to leave the country to the World A.ssembly of Youth in Singapore in August. It represents Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Zorcastnan youth movements.
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  • 45 4 KLANG. Wed. -Inch* Wan Mahmood bin Pawan. chairman of Klang Youth Council, and Mr. J. S. Henry, secretary, will be Its representatives at the fourth annual meeting ot the Malayan Youth Council at the Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • 50 4 PENANG. Wed— The Penantj Municipal Council will consider on Friday plans by the Municipal engineer's committee for lit-hting private streets. One condition for installing these lights Is that the .street or part of it must be v .stieet la the real of the word.'"
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  • 57 4 Private J. M. North, ol 4th Independent Cotnp Women's Royal Army Corps G.H Q. Far Land r was fined $50 in Singapore terday for driving a while -she did not !mv i enee. For driving, without I party Insurance cover si fined another S2.i. She was
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  • 215 4 ILLEGALLY HIRED, CO(JR!i rpHE police applied for con I terday, claiming they were robbery at Chua Chu Kans Knad n n They told the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday that the cars had been illegal:-. hired by the registered owners Tay Chin Nam and Tan
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  • 5 4 Firing pr ships wa Prisd/Rt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 NOT for ;v CHAIN-SMOKERS U^MS: hut for the discrrninc few uln flß^ M savour each cigar, and for those l^Km W who appreciate the rich aroma HH W and thr satisfying flavour as a JK^ connoisseurs sipping their fay- m \[_^^-*^> ourite vintage wine komeo \o. 1. Jm^y Roxr* of
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    • 9 4 MOIHE I Cuss« 6aby f ad ad for A
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 343 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7 It! :l 111. Muj 1.:. News; 7 U Melom 8 .in 1 ondoa Studio m<-: p.m. PlVgluuM sumiii. Lunctulme Music: 1 HI M< UM DtBM Musk 5 UU Time mid Pi\fi;i:niiic Sun •■> Calling All Hospitals; I a Ihe Band Would You Di 6.55 Aiinouiu 1
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  • 168 5 A H,ancc maps out its line of action on Saturday Id great many f good word new council [JALA UMl'i K. Wednesday. Malays National Organisation may debate on the bill amending the irreemenl to allow lor national dec |)IIUS up before the Federal Counil)'"'" the Malayan
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  • 4 5 i
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  • 39 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. <1 ion". Moi: Chin and Tan On re each fined j>2s here "depositing money in the vi .i common gaming house." They .staked money on slot machine known ai Bumper Table
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  • 118 5 AI.OR STAR, Wed. t II RRORIST l»it a Malay Regiment private who tried to capture him in r.uki; Kuan::, it was revealiml today. "I lumped on him. tint he bit n arm and broke free." Private limitak bin Srneh said. 11. i bandit
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  • 4 5 er takes bangles I
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  • 78 5 RENTICE WINS A 000 STUDY GIFT H' \t hrheved to be the first •'smuapore boy to take up this eour.sp and, on completion, will be a qualified ship Igner Me wa.s selected by the board ol United En- IS. imemorate the tali 'lan in in o! the firm, Mr F.
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  • 103 5 Court had no interpreter for him BECAUSE a Dutch interpreter was not available at the Singapore police courts yesterday, a man ha.s to remain on remand until April 30. John Sulyman from Indoi.esia appeared before Mr. E. H. DNetlo in the Third Criminal District Court charged with failing to obtain
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  • 27 5 IPOH Wed A total of 2.375 patients were no*mittrd to Perak Chinese Hosri'al last year, an increase of i«»<j over the previous year's Bgure,
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  • 196 5 Deserter did not tell police IPOH. Wednesday. 4 BANDIT deserter who did not report to the police but went back to his civilian job before he was arrested in Port Dickson was sentenced to 12 years' gaol by Mr. Justice Buhagiar in t*~ Assize
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  • 235 5 Step to progress, they say SEVERAL Singapore Legislative Councillors and re- presentatives of local Government servants yesterday welcomed the new constitutional plan for the Federation. I While councillors described it as a "step in the right direction" Government employees .said the plan gave
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  • 186 5 Query on issue of summonses rE Singapore City Police Magistrate. Mr. J M.. Devereux Colebourn. yesterday said that City Council inspectois might be put in the witness box to be questioned on the issuing of .summonses to relatives ol MCOM4 persons. He made the remark when Ltong Chee. summoned lor
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  • 84 5 IPOH. Wed A USTRALIA S top amateur a\ ballroom dancers are to give demonstrations here in a two-day programme to be held at the Celestial dance hall on May 4 and 5 under the auspices of the Peruk Dance Association. Lawrence Hurley. Fellow and examiner
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  • 62 5 PENANG, Wed. The Muslim Advisory Board hpre has appointed a three-man committee to Investigate complaints from Muslim lepers in Pula'.i Jerejak Settlement. The committee consist mc of Tuan Haji Abdullah bin Hall BftUeh, Tua n Haji K. Ktishir Ariff and Tuan Haii Abdullah Che Teh will visit
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  • 28 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.- Tan Y<e Koon. 24. was today fined $25 for abusing a policeman, l>alip Sinsh, at the Madras Theatre last nißht. He pleaded I'uilty.
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  • 278 5 National election by next May? KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. PROVIDED LEGISLA--1 TION i s not delayed and there are no other hitches, the Federation can expect national elections next Spring, possibly about May. The Federation Government has every intention of working steadily and progressively through a schedule it has drawn up
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  • 43 5 A Chinese boy, Charlie Lim. m rescued from drowning la a canal off Lorong 1. Geylang. in Singapore yesterday morning He was pulled out by a p.tsser-by soon after up fell into the canal and wa.s admitted to hospital.
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  • 51 5 Two Chinese and a Malay boarded a taxi in New Bridge Road, Singapore, at 12.30 am. yesterday and drove to a sidelane oil Braddell Road where they held up the driver and robbed him of $15, a wrLstwatch and a fountain pen. One had a
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  • 241 5 TWO prosecution witnesses whose evidence had helped to secure the conviction flfi Singapore Improvement Trust hXSS investigation office were accused in the Appeal Court yesterday of being aceomnlices. The charge was made by Mr. Kenneth Srth. appealing .with Mr C H K..h beioreth,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 i .s.j HF J* >i* M+ i i ■■iT a T^T=^3B K HMF T^n .^7 •)M P^^ Pullmj;. pushing. lifting g: \j~. Wjffi**>> stacking in hundred different <^^ I ways are provided for by l^^n^rrlff I -fl he numerous LANSINC '''■■^KUIAIP BACNALL model* at Wharves, f gtfl^lpß^^^^f f Jf°V~ Airfields,
      183 words

  • 67 6 CHEW Hock Ann. and 73. p:i,--rd awa* peacefully at m~ residence 174 Charlton Lane on Wed- I nesriay. leavlnc 1 son Chin Lye. 3 daughters, 2 sons-in-law Gan Kee Tiai-. Wee Kirn Poll. 1 daushter-in- law and 17 crandchildren to mourn h;s loss The (or:ct:e will leave for Pava
    67 words
  • 55 6 MR. A- MRS. Harold D'Ro/.u > thank 11 friends and relatives for i their •rv valuable presents and food wi.-hes on the occasion of I their wedding. MB <v MRP VINCENT PFREIR\ thank relatives jno friends for thru useful pre.sents and cood he* on the occasion of their marri.i-*
    55 words
  • 1265 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Apr. 29, 1954. Making A Nation The criticism that the Fodoral elections agreement is undemocratic is odd, yet not unexpected. Principally the complaint comes from leaders of the Alliance, who point out h;» t tht elected element in the Legislative Council will be too small
    1,265 words
  • 1073 6 U.S. SALE OF RUBBER PLANTS IN the executive suites of virtually every larj?e rubber, petroleum and chemicals manufacturer. corporate officialdom today is poring over a series of reports describing in intimate detail the 25 facilities which comprise the bulk of the U.S. Government's monolithic synthetic rubber industry. The reason for
    1,073 words
  • 352 6 1 SHOULD like \o express my appreciation of the letters by Klyne Street and Truth is King on the I issue of Malayan independence and this latest attempt by the alleged local leaders of the Mala- van peoples to brow-beat and intimidate Whitehall to cede
    352 words
  • 68 6 IN Muar. unlicensed bicycles are being investigated for the year 1954. I understand that most of the bicycles were licensed in 1953 and that due to financial trouble most of the kampong folk are unablr \n pay lor licences this yrar In Malacca. a bicycle la taxed for
    68 words
  • 389 6 I am unable to understand i I why so much fusw Is being I made over the visit of certain gentlemen, who claim to speak i for the peoples of Malaya, to Britain In connection with the future Federal Legislative Council. Who are these men who have
    389 words
  • 271 6 I AGREE with the P.S.G. that English is the medium of world exchange, link between all the continents, and vehicle of scientific and Intellectual knowledge of and for all the countries under the sun. Trade and industry are carried on nowadays on a world scan and this
    271 words
  • 12 6 On the Marg Bie, I I I The c I Vmbil k
    12 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 750 6 Slrailt Timct et Free Prcw for MM con«n,cn« odv.rtitC"l our rcprfsrntotivr of lit floor,' SINGAPORE COLO STORAGI, ORCHARD ROAD. will r«c«i«« tmoll •dv«rti»em«nt« «nd on»w«ri to bo« number! Clc%tifi<<J odverf i^crncnti woy olio br handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD. Winchtttcr House, Collvcr Quoy, Singapore. CITY BOOK STORE LTD., 91
      750 words
      15 words
    • 27 6 \ou can acpe' on DRY BATTERY B^ C Z WAVE-BAN^ S.PORE:SI7!i H.P. TER MS THI tINI«U CLeCT A. < LRIR BooKinoMs Ijj; AVIATION CF. Sharp union bldc. sincflro«>
      27 words

  • 386 7 HE HAS THREE WA YS TO MAKE THEM SAFE KUALA LUMPUR, Wecto«ky. %|ALAYA should start planning now so the roads ol >ll years' time would be sate, Mr K Clampitt, the Federation's acting Commissioner for Road Transport, told Kotarian.s here today
    386 words
  • 131 7 New Colours for S.V.C. on centenary rpHE Singapore Volunteer 1 Corps, which lost its colours the dai k days of 1942" ill be presented with new thi City Council on 8 the ninth anniversary :> presented by Ity be tore World will be replaced with i.) leen'a colours and regiOUTS.
    131 words
  • 19 7 MPUR, Wed Municipal t night for imorrow. be the first »1 sessions, tract the
    19 words
  • 34 7 L i:«- waylaid In ar by several men at 11 Road last Friday. ingsters, two of whom red with revolvers, also them "f $;>no. a wrist md a fountain pen
    34 words
  • 57 7 IPOH. Wed. A borgtel who [a believed to have rained entry by KaUnt v hack wall and then Mjuce/.im 1 binuelf into the premises between the eaves .stole $220 in cash and v levell|M lnstnnnent worth $550 from Sir Bruce White Wolfe Barry and Partners, mining
    57 words
  • 50 7 A family planning expert arrives in Sinßapore tomorrow to study the work bring done He is Dr. Clarence J. GamUe a r«s«arch uaoclate on ih. faculty "i Harvard Medical School Who has been active for it,, pad 20 years In the family planning movement In America.
    50 words
  • 57 7 KOTA BAHRU. Wed. Federation boy scouts with four from Indonesia, attended a seven-day course for the Scout Wood Badge, at the Kok Kll Camp in Ifelantan. The course, which ended yesterday, was conducted in Malay by the State Scout Commissioner, Tengku Panglima Raja, assisted by Mr.
    57 words
  • 47 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Tin Teck Yin. a shopkeeper of Gelang Pa tan wa.s fined $120 here' for failing to prove that duty had been paid on 15 bottle.s of beer. The bottles were labelled "For HM Forces Only" and '■NAAFI Store."
    47 words
  • 19 7 RESCUE WAS TAKEN UICIDE P misso< ict> m B<--1 mill lishinc Khoc 1 h* 1 i d.i*ntlis (I ilrn\ui
    19 words
  • 4 7 g fight equel I
    4 words
  • 3 7 Edit asked ederation
    3 words
  • 70 7 Her name 1- lima A dry. She is pretty, voiiiik and blonde. lima, an Australian star of stage, screen and radio, arrived in Sinsapore by fntm Sydney yrslcrday. She will entertain at the Sea Virw ilutel. Thi<i is Ilina's first trip outside
    70 words
  • 154 7 But union is still on strike \IANV of the Singapore Malay seamen who walked iT off the Btrmitl Steamship Company's ships on strike a month a^o. have returned to work. But their union has not yet ended the strike. Tins follows the refusal of
    154 words
  • 91 7 Unions plan big May Day rally (M)I.ONV unions will hold the biKßot May Hay rally .since the start of thr K r Kt-ncy in Singapore i»n Saturday. Members •>! about IH unions art* r\|n-i .<'ii to attend a inertiiiK organised by the Singapore Trade* I'nion ConThe Coneress yesterday invited tile
    91 words
  • 16 7 The Singapore Anti-Tuber-culosis Association has received another $1,046 from various hrm.s and individuals
    16 words
  • 95 7 Show ration curd KUALA LUMPUR, Wed rpiiE Dustiict Officer, K lala 1 Lumpur. Mr. J. D W. Cieare. i a st.Uriiirnt today stressed that a ration card must be shown lor buying and .selling free rice. The ImpretJlaji held by some I ;>• > I'll-
    95 words
  • 51 7 IPOH. Wed Lee Soon Chew, G.i. vs.i.-, today accused of att.n Uiii" Tan Chew Lye with vegetable knife durinc a quarrel. The quarrel occurred vesteiday in Tieniliell Street. Mciu 1.--lembu. Lee pleaded Kuilty and the case wa.s postponed to June. I 24. Ball of $250 was
    51 words
  • 160 7 PEOPLE MUST BE GIVEN WORK A RAPIDLY expanding population and shortage ofj properly-trained technicians are two rea-sons why Singapore urgently needs a polytechnic. Mr. A. W. Gibson said yesterday. Mr Uibsun. an expert on technical educatiun troni Britain, who is helping the Government tv plan
    160 words
  • 114 7 Admits $732 theft: week's remand KUALA LLMFUK. Wed. JOHAN BIN ABDULLAH. 25. pleaded guilty in the Sessions Court here today to .stealing articles worth $732. He waa aUegatf U> have broken into tlu- house oi Mr. F. P Rliaaell in Hicks Road here between 11.30 \> .m. on Au« 28
    114 words
  • 63 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Saibin bin Dalib. 33. of Mal.ura, pleaded guilty here today to .stealing a motor car btlonginu to Liew Fook Thin on April 24 at Pudu Road. Saibin also pleaded guilty to driving the car without a driving licence and without third
    63 words
  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Nearly 100 representatives of 200 Chinese miilds and assoetattona today celebrated the rt-elecUon w Ocaeral Chiang Kai-sluk as president of Nationalist China Al v mi ■etiii" M the C'hin- Assi inbly Mall b*Te they rt-Molved ••> mm eaUt eongratulaUng Oenvra] Chiang.
    47 words
  • 109 7 KUAI A LUMPUR. Wed 1) li Holithu -0. of Aui|J.ui Hijud, wm today umd *2o iii thr BeMUonx Court ten i*»r jailing In.s |)ist»»l tO iu.s brol-lic-r. J. B. liulitho Of HeiiuiiK. WltbOUt law lin authority. Uolillio pleaded ■■uiliv Mr.
    109 words
  • 106 7 CURIOSITY COSTS HER $100 'I just wanted lo feel like driver' /iHUA CHEOW BKL a 19--year-old schoolgirl, was lineci »->i) in Singapore yesterday for driving a car while under age. She wa.« also fined $J0 for ilrivmg while not covered by third party insurance. Chua who pleaded guilty told the
    106 words
  • 84 7 MUAR, Wed. OttkiaLs of Mi. a i Boy Scouts Association are: President. Inche Abdul X., hm. m bin Musa (District Otticer>; chairman, Mr. O. P. Daniels; .secretary, Inche Abdul Gratar bin Ali; treasurer Inche Omar bin Huji Mohunieit Noor. District .-.coutina.stei>: Mr Chiang Mong Hoe English
    84 words
  • 144 7 SINOAPOM police huh' have a "SiiiKa|>ore Traction Company I n vest ik tiori Unit," headed by an inspector. A SiiiK.iporr court yesterilav heard two detectives, of this unit testify acains) K»marnildiii bin Ahmad. M I.T.C. Inis conductor, accused of criminal breach of triiMt of IT>
    144 words
  • 153 7 HITCH ABOUT A NAME SETS BACK ARBITRATION Railmen await next move XI M U7MPIJB, Wednrsriay. TflK tribunal which is to arbitrate in thr f'isputr hrtween the Malayan Railway administration and its Traffic Operating Inion is unlikely to brjrin its sittings on Saturday as arranged. Up to late this afternoon the
    153 words
  • 150 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. FIVE British soldiers of the 22nd Special Air Berries as.sault.ed a Chinese .mci tried, to steal hLs car aft.-r they had attended a dance, the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court was told tociay. Privates E. Spence. J. H. Bttson, G H. Thorhurn.
    150 words
  • 60 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Mohamed Ali bin Awanc. a Kampong Pa.sir fisherman was lined 200 or two months' gaol in the Sessions Court for stealing the fishin<i lines of Sulieinan bin Abdul Rahman. Mi N. L Cohen, the Magistrate in passing sentence, said that it was very mean
    60 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 BISCUITS '■J.j J* A prnuinr old-Dutch rookie, rich in flavour jp briamr of the broken ~c JTaw mont an<^ Bsicaii fJm Tt .iwbescO-, '^Kw '"•jutifully designed f^^W "jlcr, »ifh a unique 4gr hle-hllinßoi'crrim /^Tfcj,"^^^ md rrd currant-risp- "^la^^Bv benj i^in I sy Qafi \'.:r \X s A crup hucuil with
      140 words
    • 271 7 O STOMACH ■X™ TABLETS With Succus Liquiritiae (Liquorice) praep OF GASTRIC and DUODENAL ULCERS ACUTE and CHRONIC GASTRITIS HYPERCHLORHYDRIA G\STRIC DISTURBANCES of AUTONOMIC NERVOUS ORIGIN SEQUELAE of GASTRO-ENTEROSTOMY If SI ri kin jr. ra|» i <I and favourable rc-nll- <¥> Patient may remain ambulant Strict iliel not nere^arv Palient may
      271 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 197 7 The weather MINI MI M It MI-IK ATI Kr T 30 pn.. on April 27 to 7.30 k m on April 28 1 Slnifapore 77 I'-iiHiii; 75. Kot« Bahni "5. Kuai.t Lumpur not nvelved, Ipoli ~h, Kiiiinl.n 73. MAX I M I M IHMPKIt AII XX: i7.3U a in.
      197 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 273 8 m \ik nv.Si m m f,7 I Jh fm Mff M/^ aW^k afc^ W^l .iaaa^l .^iaak. I aY X llt k l- i I 1I 1 DE 31T 31 CU. FT. STORE t» rENAMG FEDERATION _^s MJ-^ :l V L ,j T price M 5-, f or c »»h $716
      273 words

  • 1675 9 Man who made the gun that ruled US TIMES special FEATURE OR 100 years Colt six-shooters have blazed their way through every chronicle of the American Wild West. Cowboys and sheriffs, gamblers, rustlers and other bad men, have twirled them round their trigger fingers k every frontier town from Butte,
    Daily Mirror  -  1,675 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 DAY! 1 I 630 9.30 p.m. earner bros: >^ i^emaScoPm y*^ ;j v ■/^^VVarnerColor^**^,!? etreophonic sound mmwmm ]N IN AUSTRALIA 5159 CapitOL"* JJJJ 11/ MUlniffhi City" in Mandarin rTONYCURTIS JOANNE DRU ULiBfnCF.It-««»»kUi w iV"^^ n| N I M. VOI BELONG TO ME" ios in \i nm in i I <lIAX«K!J
      138 words
    • 246 9 U'k'iyyUyfqiVALAST DAY! 1 'i, I ill U I*l kf i' "am JO Mi L« \Tin«mffio*i6*&* eooc 9.30 p m. -AUDREY HEPBURN-GREGORY PECK— j "ROMAN HOLIDAY oi'ixs To^iownow— Zj X*Dl I B TORN FROM THE Umha| pages of the ■p bb jp b jpj b #f great southwest! st 7) ~5"Bio~iSbw8~
      246 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      55 words

  • 146 10 NET Income of Urn Dutch Shell Group of ComI pantos for 1953 amounted i; 130.000.000 v compared with r:i2:").000.0t)0 ill 1952, Unm salp'! proce< otht-r income last year totalled i £1.700.000.000. t; 1 616 000.000 in toe preTloua Capital expenditures for t hust two years \vt
    146 words
  • 17 10 Austr sto Wjfk W HE p Kjl AM-J FUN IN* n J C c Ec. a Ec/O.
    17 words
  • 4 10 r It ..[J
    4 words
  • 1 10
    1 words
  • 1 10
    1 words
  • 3 10 EXCHANfi'
    3 words
  • 481 10 Jelapang to mak< Cap i THE price of tin fell )v yesterday to S.'}H,s.f}2 a D buted in some quarters iu\ outcome of the (lenev a talk" Other sources were of th< J ll result of a wait and see policy time to sho^.' some kind
    481 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 318 10 Don't let that COLD take hold! A few drops of Vapcx on your handkerchief and on your pillow at night clean the head quickl>. Vapcx relieves colds from the first deep breath. Look for I^^^ VAPEX 111 in the new [C*^ Ifl pack. I*^l fe£[l §New! VAPEX INHALER Carry one
      318 words
    • 343 10 NOTICES I NATURALISATION Notice Is hereby given that Ng Kirn Boon of 68, Orange Road, Singapore Is applying to the 1 Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knov s any reason why naturalisation should t not be granted should send a wrttten and signed statement of the facts
      343 words
    • 478 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Applications are Invited for the post of a building Inspector in the Municipal tr insurer's department. 2. Candidates should have p ■< r<l the Intermediate "B" (building In- spectoratei examination of the Institute of Architects of Malaya or it v equivalent. Consideration will however
      478 words
      391 words
    • 870 10 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF A large quantity of household furniture etc. comprising:— Bedroom and Sitting Room sets, Almelrxhs. Bookstand, Sideboard. Writing tables. Screens, Cliairs, "McCray", •Westinghouse", •Phil!co" "Frlgidaire" refrigerators Si Ice-box. -Cossor" radiogram. ■W. J. Oarcia" upright piano, 1 ■Royal" typewriter. 'Smith" wall I clocks "Toprate" electric table a fans.
      870 words
    • 645 10 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE SALE OF SITRPLITS VEHICLE SPARKS AT THK TELECOMS SHIRKS WORKSHOPS. KKIIKI M I l»> KOAD. KUALA I I Ml-l I! TENDER will be received by the Controller of Stores Workshops. Telecoms Department. Brickfields f Road Kuala Lumpur, up to 12 noon on Saturday the 15th May 1954.
      645 words
    • 100 10 IPOH FLOODS The l.oh Imm tmlm lliitl*-. in Mrnuln:'!)!!. IS the vtorst •■fected h Hoods In the lp«» slt and thr walir is M W dt-rp. liidfrwalfr anlarer rxcavatt>r. a l''~" pimrred alrctrk motur and an MfSM. II1:O take up to two month» 1" Bet the mine into prodti< tion
      100 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 900 11 AFIELD CO., LTD. r.,. 2412 H^ SFI n ffg B LUE FUNNEL LINE STpT .in other portt to lood and discharge cargo C GLASGOW, LONDON, ft CONTINENTAL POR?S Apr. 29/30 May S/ 4 G 11 May 4 May S/ 4 May 7 May 7 May 11 May 12 May 13
      900 words
    • 1038 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE 'or Aden Po^'fi^r T CONTIN^1 /SCANDINAVIA Aden, Port Said G.noe, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Gdynia, Copenhagen, Gothenburg ft Otle. S'por. p. s'ryjn, Penang _s gBBtV. SS& "KSSfN*-. Wfi tFfiS hi) t! h° n 5 On P""«"««" »">y) ««d Korishomn SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./CONTINENT "INDIA" for Diokorto S P rt
      1,038 words
    • 1047 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K. «i»d CONTINENTAL PORTS S'por. P. S'horr Mancng Benlomond tor Genoo, Avonmoutn, Lonaon, Rotterdom, Hamburp, 6. M 30Aar./2May Benattow for Havr*. London, Antwerp, Hamburg 1» M#¥ Benmhor for Liverpool. Dublin .__Hu», Rotterdom 0. 13 4/4 May 7/i May 14/22 May 2J/2S May 14/JT May
      1,047 words
      1,063 words

    • 151 12 m «h»n rttrtint lit e»«» beraune »ou ju*t don't want t« eat. When tm »)v, np tiMklng U i«»e m«ney. When n n dr wn to Jeweller. 1 window*. When toii live np rfrtnkln, to nave money. when yo« work with one ear cocked
      151 words
    • 490 12 DITY the wife who's married to a bache- lor. T mn one this week and began to understand what blonde Zsa Zsa Oabor meant when she wept in a Santa Monica rilvorc? court early this month: "My husband George Sanders, is a born bachelor."
      490 words
    • Article, Illustration
      251 12  -  Chapman Pincher By WE RARELY ro to sleep "as soon as our heads touch the pillow." All the unconscious sleep preliminaries usually take about half an hour if you are lying relaxed in bed and feeling Just normally tired. Sleep is a halfway state between consciousness and unconsciousness. You
      251 words
    • 531 12 within a few minutes. Contrary to common belief the deepest sleep, which occurs in the first one or two hours, is not necessarily the most refreshing. The hours of shallow sleep are equally important for the recuperation process. Movements rE idea
      531 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 381 12 At last— the p*rfect foundation, ///jit to add a breathtaking new sj'.' y/r radiance to your beauty. <} I Feathrr Foundation a tinted liquid y cream givei a perfect surface to hold the fine bloom of Yardlry Po\vdrr.^is2sV// It hides ever>- tiny blemi«h and krrr* S y your ikin amaringly
      381 words
    • 72 12 are supcrl J Menda iblc: economi a high-class store or Mixieu Sanitary Tmreh mti ablt lamiary belt gnt in- i lamlary protection. StvteSql LUSTROUS /^J SHIM Ol thjmpoo if>»t contairi jfll Mulnfied Coco«oot O'l •hd'-'c Mulsifie^ I •tm Bnuisiri cocoANi/r! SHAWPO I COUCH 1 Amjxturel AnWwft«ir«.»>«»«rtoffycW<(.lw I n-i $P£CIAL L
      72 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 345 12 The Straits Times Crossword frfe^tf ggj*y l «v cradle (4. ti> 1 r-— I r- I r- i r-— l KggM I— l r-— I 30 Sounds the bird to make money I 2 3 6 (4, 88s?S :f l-onely lady makes hay? (5, st. HH lH Hi Hi ill
      345 words

  • 19 13 I I H fIX ,'iood ln>P Li _,<!f god fad UK If y In rKTI'RI I F I
    19 words
  • 2 13
    UP  -  2 words
  • 112 13 > '< 1 tennii cham- pior.ships ties playiti on the •li Road courts ypMrrda.. Mea'i afaagtM: s K Ong VjO If 1 C. G Kirkwood bt O. G. ri-O Mi\rd dnuhlrv: uad 1 i) Ptmao M Irf B Siebt'l and Lnn Bo: -i 3-6 r.--Men's doubles: K
    112 words
  • 45 13 WRA] Changii beat r a first round j at Ttv Cup coif I Island Club esierda; ><>re: Mrs Burch- j N'orion 10 and R-. I Mm Morley bra: Mt.v .1 Scott one 1 PYmncsi be»l Mrs. Watson wit up
    45 words
  • 454 13 SPECTATORS STOP GAME AT GEYLANG Mercantile were leading 3-1 gECAUSE the crowd had moved over the touchline and refused to budge while a penalty was being taken, yesterday's Singapore Business Houses F.A. first division game between Mercantile Bank and Pulo Bukom at Geylang Stadium was abandoned by referee Sgt. He
    454 words
  • 300 13 QKIKXTAI. Telephone ami Electric Company Improved their Singapore Business Houses F.A. first division prospects with a fine 4 o victory over Singapore Colo Storage at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. This victory took Oi'EC— the only unbeaten team this s< av»n to second position In the
    300 words
  • 186 13 OHEI.I. Sports Club could not force a decision In their Business Houatt DHr. 1 leaßue fixture nc/un-' F-aser and N«\tve in spite of tieieri mined effort in final quarter at I'.iva I.eb.u yesterday. Hiiii-. teams scored a goal MCh j bin tihfll would have collected full I
    186 words
  • 204 13 CIMK DARBY made h grand strond half recovery to beat Bra«Hßrt« SC. 2-1 In their Dlv. 1 mutch on the padang yesterday ifter trailing by a goal at the Interval. Slme D.irbv owed a lot for 'hell -inTf.w to right back Hamilton uho I saved
    204 words
  • 269 13 H.K. Bank regain the lead HONGKONG BANK regained their SBHFA First Division lead with 1 j_i victory over Malaya Publtohine House on the MFA ground ye»terdajr. Hongkong Bank had the game 1 very much to themselves, but could j not flnlnh off their moves. If they 1 had taken all
    269 words
  • 326 13 IOWLY Malayan Airways »urJ prised Slnsapore Traction Company the only unbeaten Dlv. 2 tmm. whrn they played a twj-all riraw nt the STC ground yesterday_ Scorers for STC were Arshad and Kerr while Weng Chong and Saad replied for Airways. Borneo Motors trounced 1.C.1. 6-0 in
    326 words
  • 392 13 RESULTS AND LEAGUE POSITIONS r.« no. i >i runK nr« i Rrrmrrif. Re». i (old >lor»*r Borneo Co. 5 S. Darby In. 0 P W D L F A Pt* (old Slorafr 4 3 2 31 111 II BifKfrio 7 J J 1 |9 A S FAN 3 3 3
    392 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 138 13 \h will miss the BEST in week-end pi- unless you buy this week's Woman said yet to five men and belted A OMT4 J with their cash. Jpf V Mm The guns rhat would WMaaav aW^Ei nOt rC at cxccution Why the Reds hate J M^ UaW f% love b
      138 words
    • 464 13 y »>aaSa»^aWa^aßaSaS^^aSa»^a^a^^a»^Ba^a^a^a^a*a«a*aa»> T THURSDAY J Straits Times I y WORD PUZZLE nt 1 Cut out and pin with oth«r oupont. Potting instruction* appear Mow. Jr N.m« /.t,.....z...y i M T"/~ \±j %.,C. a -iJ|Lj-^^ ?BH MISSING i 111 I lICIUP I 6 I ,A L L O P BELOW. C<-U—
      464 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 37 13 pza Hx 1 1 1; On H I I BODCA crnunrl Rulan v Klnla IsHlladi 1 1 ■M\ poan.: rr.rnrl- ■> «nu.. <R( ft H < I 1 rurlarK ■hk IWi I 1 ■Ul l..n c R B final*.
      37 words

  • 709 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. OARTLEY Secondary School. Singapore's youth soccer champions, maintained thei- unbeaten record of their tour of South Malaya i when they Kuala Lumpur's strongest school side. Methodist j Boys School, by 2-1 yesterday. j Both Bart ley's goals were scored
    709 words
  • 704 14 Singapore will look to and lifters for medals CINGAPORE went into the first Asian Games, at New Delhi in 1951, with a team of 22 and w ith little thought of making headline news. VVnat they achieved— eight gold medals, 15 silvers and* two bronzes, and fifth place among 11
    704 words
  • 410 14 IIOKE than 40» people were at Kalians airport m yesterday morninjr to send off 34 competitors two coaches and three ollicials— the first batch of the Nineapore contingent who left for Manila by Cathay TaciHc Airways. i The full Singapore contingent numbers 60.
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 286 14 TEAM REACH MANILA AT DUSK From AXG E AM HOCK MANILA. Wednesday. T»ED STRICKLAND, manager of the Singapore cm tingent who arrived heie earlier 'or discus^ with Asian (lames ofTi* ials, told me on our Manila airport this evening that his attempts sa
    286 words
  • 82 14 NEWMARKt: I W.d QDIBN Klizabelh had h winner of the >rason when her two-vi roll Corporal. Imo In H rhai made a winning dehut in r.\ May Maiden Stakes mrr li furlonss hrre veslerdav. nrporal ridden by Harr^ i raced home ahead ■>! to
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 40 14 LONDON. WtHi R>rugby union matches playi 1 ist-mcht n Barnstapie :i Cross Xl borne 10 Metropolitan P Clyde ft Uanellv 9; St. Ur- 8 C difT II: TeiEf mouth 0 Olou 8: Ta\in'on 5 Bath l"v- U< Iter.
    40 words
  • 7 14 N Feder may glam at N A
    7 words
  • 6 14 Johore 18 v Ma '1 I
    6 words
  • 4 14 p
    4 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 875 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Page 6> Check Before Potting Replies to Box Numbers 1 Utmost UM should be taken 1 t when replying to box number J ads. to me the CORRECT t NUMBER and Address to the I 1 Straitt Times. Cecil Street, j t 111 1 1 1■
      875 words
    • 757 14 I ACCOMMODATION WANTED I 10 Wordt Si (Mim.)-Box St rtt. extra. WANTED FURNISHED D-ROOM for working couple with board, I light, washing room service, near Town, earh May. Box A 6184, S.T. UNFURNISHED PLAT or bungalow required by middle aged couple long lease preferred. Box A 6204. jS.T. INDIAN TEACHER
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    • 803 14 H BUILDING MAINTENANCE It Word, ts (Mlm.)— Box it rtt. extra. FOR ANY BUILDING REPAIRS Alterations. Decorations, we snppl;; efficient, reliable service by qualified enclneer. Power Const met ion Com- pany. 17A, Cross St Tel. *****. WANTED 'It Wordt *.< <*tin.)—Hi,i it rtt. extra. »800 LOAN no security holding Rood
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    • 25 14 By A ng Earn Hock Straits Times reporter who left with the team yesterday and will send daily reports from Manila on the Asian Cames.
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    • 39 14 I ETERNfI'H On a ball-b B 3 (For Him) The I M watch with a ball-bearing ■i Her) the sm; f0 M matic in the world. Automata *O I J r^ aiWa\^.\\\W WWWwM \*^vV I A a\\w^L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\w9 aa\W^L\WW la^alW
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