The Straits Times, 23 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. Not**** 1 stcl. 1845 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, APRIL 23. 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 574 1 gent's cigarette-case is cyanide gun I L/V REVEALS TOP I ECRETS TO WEST BONN, Thursday. poh<. captain who came to West Germany* with mti-Commiinist Russian with poison hullets has and disclosed some of Russia's most closely- i iiv ofiiccis full details of changes in the Soviet I'
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  • 27 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The Senate Investigations SubCommittee today began its I hearing into the dispute between Senator Joseph McCar- thy and the Army Department. Renter.
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  • 164 1 'Serious trouble' warning MANY Chung Cheng High School students who stayed away from school on Wednesday to avoid a Singapore National Service registration team were jtill away yesterday, when the team made its second visit to the school. On Wednesday 50 .students registered, Yesterday
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  • 43 1 LONDON. Thurs. Speculation about the future of the Governor of Kenya, Sir Evelyn Baring, now in England on six weeks' sick leave, broußht a denial from the Colonial Office last nißht that he would not be returning to his post— Reu-
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  • 61 1 ROUTE MiSS IS RIDDLE ■V B ii. m p^K i > m Hi aw i such ■V M i mid P.uli.i- mil. i\ would not Lt s Xt India, thf 'It H» \Yt\ttUi! no K the I In' I he flights t a* r i-sinn rei .Mii- .mrt
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  • 288 1 Security curtain round Petrovs MELBOURNE, Thurs. \fRS. Evokiya Petrov iTI "vanished" behind a security curtain today on a 1.000 mile flight to join her hasband. She was last seen when a plane bringing her south from Darwin refuelled at Cloncurry Queensland. When the plane landed at Richmond R.A.F. station. New
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  • 55 1 COLOMBO. Thurs. The British High Commissioner in Ceylon. Sir Cecil Syers. conferred for an hour with the Prime Minister, Sir John Kotelawala. today. He explained tne British point of view on plans for a South-East Asian collective defence pact. The talks were stated to
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  • 115 1 DETROIT. Thurs. Forty-five convivial folk wined and dined last night as guests o| a dead man who wanted then to "have the on< on me." Although few attending thr party knew each other, they had one thinu in common they were heirs to
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  • 581 1 Big badminton row ends over cups of tea piGHT men met at the home of the Commissioner General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, in Singapore last night. One ol them was Malaya's m(.st controversial sports figure. Wong Peng Soon, probably
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  • 153 1 $160,000 opium haul in Colony SINGAPORE Harbour Board Police found 325 lb. of raw opium worth more than SI 'id. DUO ill an empty lighter early yesterday. A senior police officer told the Siiait.s Times that the opium (.tine from the British India freighter Umana lyine alongside godowns 4 and
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  • 131 1 They're probably Communists, says George Cross holder LEEDS. Thursday. 4 BRITISH veteran of the Korean war. decorated last week for bravery, said today that the three men who beat up his mother at her home here last night were probably Communists. The mm kmx-kecl at the
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  • 102 1 Eden leaves on mission for peace LONDON. Turs MR. Anthony Eden. Foreign Secretary left London, airport today for three-power talks in Paris He j>ald before leaving that the British delegates at next! week's Geneva conference Will use all their strensth and influence to attain a permanent settlement in Korea and
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  • 25 1 NAIROBI Than. Gachuh.i Kamoni. a Kikuvu wa tonci'd to death here today lor murdering four jreai Andrew Stephens Kimabu on April 3. Router.
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  • 42 1 Dt.'RBAN. South AfrK-a. Tun.; A 10-ton circus lorr\ and trailer ran ofT a road yesterday, ploughed through a field anri somersaulted three times, killing lo Af:: f- an passengers. Ai other 18 were .seriously inlured. A. P.
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  • 127 1 A JET WELCOME VALETTA Thurs. A Ma "I waving f.a« hrld aloft by schoolchildren of the Georjji Cross Island welcomed Pnnc Charles and Princess Anne when they arrived here today in the Royal yacht Br.tannia. Jet aircraft whistled overhead and small craft packed with people greeted the
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  • 56 1 LONDON. Thurs. Brigadier C. E R. Hirsrh. 51. is to be Deputy Chief of Staff to thf Supreme Allied Commander United Nations Forces. Korea, rran next month, tin War Office announced here ■rlf Uirseli who wi:; hold the temporary rank of major general waa born in Belfut,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 r HIGH CLASS ■r qjIVA S BROS., \roi:r: l. I eve* V M- C3F Sag* B >-v .<■ aH^a^a^^/^ I '""Mpo-i. Kmli Lumpur, Pcnjnj, Ipoh.
      24 words
    • 64 1 Same P(U( ScWcc Developing.Printino.Eniarging Kodak<i Limited IX) Ac* «vo^ *nv\ "t'P°" O«p<*> f*4'ttl 8|...», «o>>^^;. l >yy Cat 4 Sur«|> |N»HM-I('».M«.->I STOP PRESS m \|v STORM I w \^»i Ml I hu. nl Btadeatl and 'd Pakistan protr i n «'f P i (lrn\ e tin ni .ulnuii d
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  • 389 2 ON THE EVE OF GENEVA THE WEST GIVES ITS VIEWS RESPONSE TO UNITED ACTION CALL IS KEY WASHINGTON. Thurs. T»HE STATE DEPARTI L MENT said in a backRround statement on the Geneva conference of foreign ministers that the piecemeal take-over! rica's call for
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  • 53 2 A WEEK-OLD CHICK makes a fluffy handful of wonder and delight for the CooJ quads on their fa her's farm in Wiltshire (England). The girls, daughters of Mr. Mrs. Charles Good. are. left to right, Bridget. Jennifer. Frances, and Elizabeth will be six in
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  • 308 2 Chances good for truce, says Makins NFW YORK Thurs. SIR KOC.FR MAKINS. British Ambassador to the I'nited Sta.e». .aid today the prospects for an Indo-China settlement at Geneva are Improved by the knowledge that Britain and America are prepared to participate in a defence agreement for SouthKast Asia. Sir Roger's
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  • 202 2 'Carefully fixed to fail' Bevan I.ONimN. Thurv MX \SKIKIN BF.VAN leader of the left wing of the British Labour Party whoj week resicned trom his Party's "shadow cabinet" today prophesied "carefull> arranged failure" for (ieneva. Mr. Bevan has been in disagreement with the leaders of the opposition over the
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  • 125 2 GENEVA. Thurs. OWISS TROOPS yesterday began erecting two rows of barbed w-irp entanglements round the villas which the Soviet. Chinese and North Korean Foreign Ministers will occupy during the Geneva conference. The three villas are about four miles from (ieneva near the lakeside
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  • 56 2 LONDON. Thurs— Mr. Vv k h.> slav Molotov thr Soviet Forriirn Minister, will lend the Russian delegation to the C.enova conferrnee of foreign ministers. Other Russian deleuati-% will he: Mr. Andrei (iromyko the deputy Korean Minion r Vassili Kurnrtsnv »hr deputy Koreisn Minister anc* former Ambassador to
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  • 166 2 We must choose sides now, says the leader of 70 million M DR. B. R. Ambedkar form* a major role in draftin said at an election rally yesterday, that India was Dr. Ambedkar. wlio is load- j er of the 70 million-.strong i backward dSM foimer "untouchables" .xaid
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  • 79 2 Martha even clowned at her wedding ARLINGTON. 'Virginia*. Wed. MARTHA Rayc, 37. motion picture and television cnmcdie''uie. married Thomas J. Beqlcy. 30, at a doubleting marriage in the county iOiirthovsc here yestcrdap. Miss Rave clowned her way through the application for (j marriage licence. At one point, a reporter r.ikcd
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  • 29 2 OTTAWA, Thurs. The Nf therlanci.s aircraft carrier. Karel Doorman, will pay an oflicial visit to Montreal from May 12 to May 17. the Netherlands BmbaMV announced I
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  • 34 2 LONDON Thurs.— The Cl lain Oenetml to thr Br forces. Canon V J. P:k lravinc by a:r on Friday on a seven works' tour to troops in Afnca and the M Router
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  • 36 2 TOKYO. Thurs— A Jap.< doctor said today tha 1 people atomic radiation in I bom bins; of Hiroshima apparently been cured b •ertei of despainns drinking bouT.<. Dr. Miehio Yamaoto, assistant professor of radiology
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  • 27 2 RUSSIA STEP WITH OLD HE U.S. nn' Ei" ■BK lumbers mlt a m: btna^B co fit -notorcyi tcurred obnhn h ■rh < an Sectoi he worn. Queen "£S
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  • 10 2 SHAP (ASHING dice ■mlk bur t Su.'i: ed Pcwt HICS\T~jL
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 Q Father tells the family t^s'keep (/our teeth KOLYNOStffe?/?/' Kolynos clean means really clean. The rich [oam penetrates into "very corner «nd crevice and m between your teeth jttJS^T*^^ 'iphlmp the bacteria that cause \v^ decay and ill-health. Vcs, Kolynos Mv/ B cleans ihoroughly, to keep your teeth B jjocd-lookinp
      339 words
    • 152 2 malce sure your baby gets complete, Wk balanced nourishment 41'1/e fern #BALANCED NOURISHMENTy) 2 j% Yrs. MllkoM contains both VjCty lA, 4^^^ VH bndv building nnrl growth- \Hf jff&i y Hj prnnmtins nourishmrnt.. lust ■Ui what nerds'. Milkose /^V I) is madr (rom fresh, pure i\ JfN^ >^^ M
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  • 331 3 SHOWDOW IN INDO-CHINA U.S. flying in French troops from Europe with the news that American Globcauwter planes are flying ouj troop reinforcements from France while Red China i.s rushing h\ K and thousands of Rus.s, an made lorries |oarf rf war supplies to bolster the Vietminh assault on Dien Hien
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  • 9 3 Reds fire woman 2 to I I t I
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  • 8 3 SHAPE visit D ft ■R P v I
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  • 85 3 1,500 march in silent protest SIEGEN. Thurs. FIFTEEN HUNDRED West i German miners marched a silence here yesterday in I against the closing of I iron ore mine on kpril 30 hundred are already out k The new .shutdown the total to I.OOOr— :o per cent of Btegen's Government
    AP  -  85 words
  • 30 3 Formosa executes 2 Red spies TAIPEH, Thurs. i.m Jui- member of Formosa* Assembly, and a J I I Kao Hze-ts.i. n ex< euted as con- t mm mist agents; i
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  • 107 3 MONEY FLEES SAIGON HONG KONG. Thur.s DUSINEBSMEN In Indo-Cbina are boardlnx foreign currency in Hoim Konfl because oi "uncertain conditions." Some businessmen in Saigon are Shipping rice and other commodities to Honsi Kong and banking the proceeds in Hons. Kon-4 banks Phe rate today was HKs6io for lo.oou piastres. "Tin'v
    UP  -  107 words
  • 38 3 QUITE AN ARMFUL WINDMILL sirls Isanas Weatherstone, left, of Middlesex and Judy Ilruie of Kenl. havo quite an armful as they Kive these two year -old llamas their first oulinir in the grounds ol hipsnade Zoo. Keuter picture
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  • 166 3 DEMAND SENT TO FRANCE PARIS, Thursday. INDIA has demanded in its latest note to France that 1 the administration of the French settlements in India should be transferred immediately into Indian hands. The note said an overwhelming majority of the settlenient'.s inhabitants desired an
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 145 3 LOS ANGELES. Thurs. 11WO DANCERS have asked the courts lor more than .MSI.">O.IMUI from Sonny Tv I In. Koth charge the actor bit them on the thigh. Mis new accuser is .Miss M:»rsarie Von, 22. who iiW'd a suit yesterday i 1 1 i.-
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  • 90 3 Rail strike threat in France PARIS. Thur.s. fOMMUNIST and Catholic \j raUwaymen's onions ordered then- members— M per com of French railway workers—to strike lor bOUTS at midnight on Tuesday. Tile walkout us expected to paralyse the bulk ol rail trafric throughout the country. Tile Oommunlst-ied General Confederation ot Labour
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  • 37 3 PARIS, Thur.s The French j Ministry of the interior vaster* da) banned the circulation and of the PolL-h Communist newspaper Breseglad PoLski w> Francji (the Polish Paper in France i for security reawms. A P
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  • 31 3 BERLIN, Thurs. The Communtat .secret police ant'.steil two Russian .soldiers on Monday on a chares of having contact witii anti-Soviet organisation in Berlin, it wa.s reported here.— AP.
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  • 30 3 NEW YORK. Thurs. -The Duke and of Windsor •viiled yesterday in the Queen Elisabeth to .spend the rest of thr fear :it their home near Part*— A.P.
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  • 21 3 BONN, Than. OTMM has Informed the West German Government thai will not roPOgntM the Coir.r.'.anLst East Oettnan regime.— A.F
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  • 43 3 HIS topper delic ilely iKtitftl, I'riiue not only feels the best dreMed donkey on the beach, but that lie can hold his own uith the bonnel worn by Jeanette Millet, aged 20, on holiday at eston-super-Mare, Keute r picture.
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  • 182 3 LONDON. Thur.s. A NURSING Sister, who re.seosd H babies from a maternity horns Haas W R«t4- inn on Easter Sunday wa.s still tOO ill today to be told that ()Il iv two ol the Lntanti had Ml^str. d Preda Holland was ln( iiv burned
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  • 225 3 LONDON STOCKS LONDON. Thurn. Closing middle prices of selected stocks, not Including stamp duty, were: LOANS Consols 67% Funding 4% 101H W;ir 3!i% 89Vi +14 BANKS Mercantile <£12V4) 13 i Eastern (£5) 8«4 i Chartered t£lj 43/3 llonglrai isl> 92\ t INSURANCE Com Un (uts.) 12 T Vt Koval 13
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  • 24 3 LONDON TIN LONDON, April 2!.— Cash Buyers K7M; Sellers £*:s(>; Forward Buyers t7"!2J; Sellers X.~Vr. Seltlement V:7:!0. Turnover a.m. I<»U tons; p.m. 15 tons.
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  • 41 3 lONDo.V Apr JJ Spot 18',tt., M.iy 18' 4 d.. June 18 1 id., July-Sept. 18.d.. Oct. -Dec. 18 ,d., Jan-Mar. 18, d.. Api -June 19d.. Apr. c.l.f. '.8 1 ltki.. May c.i.f. 18'« d June c.i.i. I8:ilt*l. Tone: Steady.
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  • 28 3 I GENEVA. Thurs. Trade experts from Communist and non-Communist countries of Europe today ended their geni ral review of East-West trade durlnt? the past year.— Renter.
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  • 28 3 NEW YORK, Thurs— Admiral Sadik Altincan. Commander-in-Chief of Turkish Naval Forces, paid official calls this morning on United States Naval officers at headquarters here— A. P.
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  • 30 3 NEW DELHI. Thurs The Indian Government yesterday said that it had completed plans to buy 300.000 tons of su- gar from Britain, Cuba, Spam. Peru and Formosa A.P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 otLTiS ELECTRIC -r^) HOISTS s Lister Engineering LtrU I!l II f'l IHSTIXCi ISHED SERVICE Kmmrnlz Quality rolled iv« been worn for as long as years. -■welry will give correspond'on. Kr«ai«ati cud Until remain bright becaut* ot thpir jurfott fiSl^&^S K »'d rolled 14 XT. gold. \LI IV JK W KLRY
      69 words
    • 253 3 I y I Spy BIRDS EYE, the freshest fish J you can buy. BRlLL\r« TURBOTA^:.v;^ ;A Birds Eye brings you S fresl way to buy your flsh! Reiner b the Birds Eye method of quickfreezing seals in all the natural ll.umir and goodness. Cleaner becai; M Bird? Eye Fish is
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  • 207 4 U.N. DECISION ON MINERAL SURVEY KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. QOVERNMENT mining and geological experts arr awaiting a message Irom the United Nations secretarial in New York which may bring new prosperity to Malaya. The message will say whether the United Nations will be
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  • 46 4 MB. VII'STAFKA KAMAI. hel.o \us bride. Miss llajah Shifi.ik |s cut the c.ilii- after wrddinK at Jalan Storey, Johore Bahru. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juan ll. i ii A. I'.ik.ii Ahmad, of Johore Bahru.
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  • 63 4 THRASHED —THEN TO PRISON JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. DAHALAN BIN 11AJI OSMAN. a lon-y driver, was gaoled for a month here for committing adultery. Abdul Jamil bin Din said he found his second wife and hi In a room. He thrashed both and then reported to the police. Dahalan said he
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  • 23 4 iron. Thurs. The Degong Rnari in Perak was flooded at the 28th mile to a depth of nine inches this morning.
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  • 48 4 The Chinese Association, Singapore,, will hold a and dance at the asso promises In SeranßOon Road. Fond, on May 1. Buffet supper will be provided at S3 por Bookings will close on Aprii 27. Muse will be provided by Iho Liberty Musical and ■tic Association.
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  • 49 4 A trlsha rider, Chew Tai Hye. was at the Singapore Ayesterday gaoled fur two years for using a forged tnsha iu-ence. Chew was arrested by a con-i stable to whom he had produced a tnsha Licence, which bore his photograph, but was issued to Tan Eng.
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  • 148 4 Xl ALA KANGSAR. Thurs. ■\Y"Nu yew lam. aged is. held in polici tody for two aighti before b. n_ charge d with having ai\ unreadable identity card, I thr circuit magistrate, vu told here. Thr ma xamined the Identity card and said: I
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  • 237 4 $.)00,000 trade show in June HALF-a-million-dollars' worth of goods will be on display at Singapore's first post-war trade parade in June. The parade will be held on four nights at the Great World Amusement Park. Everything will be "on the move' 1 all the
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  • 20 4 Overhead electric wire worth $120 was stolen from the Adelphi Park Estate in Thomson Road. Singapore, on Wednesday.
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  • 80 4 'Connie' is delayed at Kallang AX.L.M. Constellation with 48 passengers aboard was delayed for 25 minutes by engine trouble, in Singapore yesterday. The aircraft, which is on a flight from Jakarta to Europe, taxied to the Mount battr-n Road end of Kallang Airport runway, to tarke off for Bangkok. Alter
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  • 84 4 MINIMI M TEMPERATI RK: (7.30 pm. on April 21 to 7.30 a.m. on April 22 1 Singapore 75 decrees. Penan* 75, Kot;i B.ihru 77. K;i,.i Lumpur 71, Ipolt 73. Kuantan 71. MAXIM I M TEMPERATI RK: am. to 7.30 pm. on April 22>: Singapore 87. Prnang 88. Kota
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  • 94 4 TODAY: Slncapore 12 55 a.1.1. <8 It. 8 ins > 2.11 p.m. (7 ft. 2 Ins > Port Dlckjon 849 a jn. 1 7 ft. 6 Ins 9.2K pm (7 ft. 8 lns.>; Penan*: 248 am (5 ft. 9 Ins.) 252 p.m. (I ft 9 Ins i. TOMORROW:
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  • 168 4 30 GIRLS APPLY FOR NURSES' COURSE rpHE Singapore Medical 1 A Department will take in as many girls as it I fan get for the next nurses' training course which begins on May 3. Thirty girls have already applied, Miss E. R. Rintoul. the Principal Matron. told the Straits Times
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  • 40 4 Up, Up, UP Everest MaJ. Charles G. Wylie, organising secretary of the Everest expedition last year, cave a talk on "The Ascent of Everest" to members of Singapore Camera Club last nlffht He illustrated his lecture with 120 coloured slides.
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  • 81 4 Members of Council of tne Singapore Anti-TuberculoMs Association for this year are: Messrs. G. II Kiat. B. C. J. Buekendge. Chua Khiam Teck, E. P. J. Fee. E. C. Hubbard. Lin; Scow Eng. S H. Peek. Soh Ghee Soon. Tan Siak Kew. G. Uttamrmm, Dato A. M.
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  • 26 4 A stethoscope ls among the lost property kept in the Registrar of Vehicles Office. Singapore. It was left in a taxi yesterday morning
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  • 147 4 3,000 enrolled in scheme r PHE Singapore Anti-Tuberoulosis Association wants more firms and individuals to join its "anti-TB insurance scheme." According to the associations annual report, the scheme is now well launched and is helping S.A.T.A. in the early discovery of ca.*es of tuberculosis.
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  • 113 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.16 .i m. MonuiiK Star; 7.30 News in English; 7 35 Melody Mixtur. 8 00-1 30 Hill Billy Half Hour; 900 Music While You Work; 945 HouMWIVM Choice; 10 30- 1 1 30 M;iuiife rl.i-.sual (.'onceri 100 Pro- 1 |TUUN Summary; 101 L%fal .Music. 1 3u News.'
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  • 132 4 JOHORF. BAHRU. Thurs. At the annual meeting of the Johore Baliru Association for the Prevention of TB the fol- lowir.R were elected foi the year: Chairman, Dr. N. K. Sharmu, hon. secretary. Mr. M B Dass hon. treasurer. Inche Abdul Ghani bin Mohamed Don committee. Dato
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  • 39 4 The Singapore Boy Scouts A-ssociation will present a programme over Radio Malaya at 7.20 p.m. tomorrow. The broadcast, entitled "The Gangs All Here. 1 Ls in honour of Job Week, which begins on Sunday.
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  • 41 4 Sim Yeow Jin. who on appeal against a two month-s' gaol sentence for possession of j opium dras.s had the sentence quashed in the Singapore High J Court and the case referred to another court was yesterday fined $250.
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE school children packed the Victoria Theatre yesterday to see the special performance for schools of a dance recital by pupils of the Art of Dance Studio. For the public performances at 6 pin. on Saturday and Sunday there arc still a few svats available which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 ontij iiiv XEW snurr nwln>r S,-^d* this BVTTBm C9MPAMTMBIVT no vxirn cost kmmmm 1 bnthr S r '-/Mi l> A It L ill X ,I*^*^^^ HUP HUP LTD.. Seremban. r^lf\r\fcfc\tt\£ i XJ\. SAW AND LEE RADIO i r'ft^'c I 'kSO'Vw^ SERVICE: Kuala Lumpur *Sk*^^n r^s^s^ hup hup ltd k l
      167 words
    • 182 4 Now! ONE Brushing COLGATE DENTAL CRh Removes UpTo 85 OOkf |k And Odour Causing Bm i4-Vi|______ I STOPS MOST TOOTHfc ONE Brushing with Colgate's Stops 8 Your very first brushing of the bacteria that cause h Colgate Dental Cream stops bad brt originating to the mouth I ONE Brushing Removes
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  • 188 5 THESE BUILDINGS MAY KILL Iirernen race death very day, Mr. Shaw I old buildings in Singapore menace to firemen, the Superint,'iro Krigade, Mr. .1. G. Shaw, said could have a repetition :h a collapsing wall killed :netnen." he said. Shaw wa.s commenting itements made by ■even] Colon) architects and' builders
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  • 32 5 W oman goes on trade survey lildred Hughes, the president of the lean Council of nd Industry, i^ In Singapore nn hes visiting v d souUi Asi Hid information trial and economic
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  • 2 5 urkha dies
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  • 18 5 BAHRU, Tnurs.— Hassan, a special S to four for aca bribe of Sl5 from a
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  • 5 5 200 for remen's endants i
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  • 95 5 GOVT'S RICE POLICY UNDER FIRE K. S; r E HWti i s^ki D Mi speaking annual meeting of the lation said that if the proposed Land Acquisition ndmeni Bin were passed, on land security would be difficult to obtain.' Mr. Jee said that if a loan available, It would be
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  • 129 5 ON WORLD FASHION TOUR \N MSI KALIAN. Mrs. Joy Salisbury (above) who is vtsittag Singapore, is making a world trip to gather nrw ideas for her job as a fashion < ominriitator. but she is travelling with so lew clothes that she needs only one, suitrasc. tier wariliobe iniiMsts of
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  • 137 5 nOUCB raided sundryI -nods shop HI KitUlß Saik Koad on February 9 and found cubicle with targe ot ful'. and hairfur, beer and stout bottles, a bucket dt water, a funnel and an enamel mug. a Singapore Court was told yesterday. The shop
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  • 119 5 Call-up is necessary to a country's defence, S'pore speakers agree (IONSORIPTION is necessary if a country is to be fully prepared for an emergency. This was upheld by a majority of speakers durinK discussion on the suhject sponsored hy the Kast-West Society at the; British Council Hall last! msht They
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  • 236 5 Bail cut, then increased 4 SINGAPORE magistrate, Mr. K. T. Alexander, yesterday said that he did not like the idea of the police monkeying with the amount of bail to be allowed an airman. Leading Aircraftman Gordun Geoffrey Came was originally offered bail of $1,000 in
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  • 59 5 PENANG. Thurs An Indian. Sayyad Rawther, 59, died lin Penang hospital last night on the eve of his sailing for home Rawther had been knocked down by a car earlier the same day while cycling round the traffic circus outside the Odcon Cinema. Police today appealed
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  • 59 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Two delegates will represent the Federation at the meeting lOf the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to be held in Kuching. They are Inche Othman bin Mohamed, the Mentri Besar of Selangor. and Mr. Toh Eng Hoe of Taiping. They left Singapore today for
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  • 54 5 Mi. Clifton Webb. New Zealand's Minister for External I A flairs, arrived in Singapore >esterday by Qantas-B O.A.C. I airliner from Sydney. Mr. Webb, who is on his way to the Geneva talks. was whisked off in a car to Governnent House immediately on
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  • 38 5 Profess* >r C. H. Graham, appointed to the chair of prosthetic dentistry at the University of .Malaya, has assumed duties He wa formerly the senior lecturer in prosthetic dentistry Bt the University of Sydney.
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  • 38 5 IPOH, Thurs. The Kinta Chinese Engineering Employees Union will celebrate its fifth anniversary and the Perak Chinese Engineering Association its 30th anniversary on May l. with a tea party at the Jubilee Dance Hal. and a dinner.
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  • 53 5 PENANG. Thurs Hunuer had forced a Province Wellesley terrorist to surrender, Kedah police said today. Chan Lap Wa. aged 26, a member of Sungei Kechil cell of the Communist Party in South Province Wellesley gave himself up at Serdang. He had a Japanese rifle, a grenade
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  • 48 5 Mr. S. Ja^anathan. a City Councillor and OUt-gOlng president Of the Singapore Tamilian Association, at its annual meeting called upon all Tamils to work together for the welfare of the community. Mr. K. Varathan was elected president, and Mr A. S. Ramalinpam. secretary.
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  • 178 5 A REMARK by Mr. David Marshall that the Singapore Ratepayers' A.ssociation was top-heavy with landlords started a half hour debate at yesterday's annual meeting of the Association. It ended with the deletion of a rule requiring seven days' notice for the nomination of
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  • 154 5 BELBEE SINGH. 17, wrote a threatening letter and asked another boy, P. Suppiah, to deliver it for him, the Singapore Fifth Police Court was told yesterday. Belbee was charged with criminal intimidation of Mr. S. Joseph of Seiclene Laundry, by sending him an anonymous
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  • 34 5 A -World Y.W.C.A. Membership Observance Day" flag ceremony will be held at Raffles Quay YWCA at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. The Archdeacon of Singapore, the Yen. Robin Woods, will officiate.
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  • 37 5 TAIPING. Thurs. Sixteen members of the Taiping Methodist Youth Fellowship have gone to Kuala Lumpur to attend the All-Malaya MYF Institute. Delegates from Indonesia. India and Honu Kong are attending the rally
    37 words
  • 104 5 G'JOD RESI'OSSE TO SPORE DRIVE 4 BOUT 200 more teachers will be appointed to Singapore English schools in a fortnight. The teachers are being selected by the Public Services Commission from those who replied to the Education Department's recruiting drive last month. Mr. T.
    104 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 Pet Kid of Germs! S1 50 S I > NTH I IL? l^^l^?^^ 3^ REGULAR LRVICE APPROVED BY O. I. E. C. j KpSMii IiNTIiRPRISES lii \Nk t,| CHINA BIIIJUN<i (lith H.M.r) yLUTIUy
      32 words
    • 256 5 V^TL LUCKY •ft l fWFD s=;^ r *\^^i«i ■■■i*a»a*aa"ai"a"ai fjip==~-: -rz^f^m itaiiiiimiiiifiiii tit v: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar jaa B>"BBaBaBBaB«a ••••••II rj^vl -I aaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaiaa* "i m»Vi h.b r. ::::::::::::::::^r ?:::Rr.. iS n::T::i :!i [5*5 i«« S! 55!' #t <•••»••••• Imported BY THE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD De Witt's Pills are so often successful
      256 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 231 5 SINGAPORE DIARY HMMMM \RT SOCIKTY: < HINKSK V.M.< .A.: Table K link Exhibition of photographs of Such- 2 p.m. and 7 pm; bortybuilrUnc i pore and Malaya by Francis Wu of p.m.; special general meeting of Hong Kong. British Council Hall, members 5.15 p.m.; badminton St.unford Road. 9 a.m. to
      231 words

  • 98 6 JO HnriK tit (minimum) t.\ MRS. TAY TECK LEONG ir.T Yen Nya Chiti, on 22-4-54 at 33A. Benderheer Rd., Spo-e. leaving I sons, 5 daughters, 16 grandchildren. Cortege p tn. 23-4-54 for Chapel at I BRODIE: During the afternoon of 31st April, peacefully in her sleep at lir. residence
    98 words
  • 63 6 ;n H.,r<(. git i minimum) FOLLOW PEDANT Every day in t:if Malay Mai. If you want lo win 000 word ps.z/le. THI WEDDING of Edward Raja Bundram mf the [ncome r.tx nrpt. S.ngapore.l fixed for 24th April, been postponed. IK. PATENT. Security finish for document* wills, certlflcatca, anything required
    63 words
  • 129 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MR. AND MRS. CYRIL PHIPPS thank relatival and fivnds for their Valuable presents and good wishes :oii their marriage. MHS G. HEAPHV thanks all tbOM who MM .lowers, messages of condolence and tended the funerai of her usband on 9ih April. She ngreta ie was unable to see her
    129 words
  • 987 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Fri. April 23, 1954. Seven Of The Eleven Seven of the eleven Stitc and Settlement Councils have now had the opportunity to consider the reports of their Select Committees on elections. An eighth, the Kedah Council of Si lias heard from the Sultan reminder that the
    987 words
  • 273 6 Lesson for Teachers The President of the Federation of Malayan Teachers' Unions had some harsh words lor the oi-ganisation and for member unions at the Federation's annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur. They had failed to live up to their slogan: "a united profession and a united service." For the unification
    273 words
  • 1296 6 Not only Russia wants to silence Petro v WHILE Mrs. Petrov has temporarily stolen the limelight from her husband, the most serious business in the strangest international episode Australia has known remains centred on Vladimir Petrov. This senior M.V.D. official, formerly on the star! of the Soviet Embassy here, who
    1,296 words
    • 244 6 INCHE Mohamed Sopiee is reported to have warned Whitehall that leadership of the Malayan people's movement for national independence would pass into the hands of extremists if the present moderate demands of democratic political organisations were ignored. He is also reported to have I
      244 words
    • 132 6 I HAVE tried three schools for admission of my daughter (born August. 1947. into a primary English class but was informed- .some curtly that there is no vacancy. What do I do now.' I tried last year but was told !to come next year, and
      132 words
    • 89 6 IT was announced some time ago that new Issues of pictorial stamps for Singaiwre were in the course of completion, proofs of which had in fact reached the appropriate authorities. Report has it that the new stamps will be Issued before the end of the
      89 words
  • 58 6 On Marg afaTaTaTaV CT« ft I w tske (l (TJtflOUl efon pare Bk^k f v ■to ESiH' tSSm ifter 3* r fret a»< W *hich v I peed tc v Imm due f UMlt k T^B rki7doie> i 1 came he a ed pla he t< Iver, il to Slow
    58 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 599 6 Stniti Timet Free PrtM For the convenience or odyirti<»n, our representative at lft floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGf, ORCHARD ROAD. will rec«i«e oho bo handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House, Collyer Quoy. Singapore CITY BOOK STORE LTD. 93 Tonqlln Road. Singapore. CLASSIFIED ADS. ;r> Horrf, flu < minimum) TO
      599 words
    • 69 6 just out! What Are Your Chances of Success? Whit expert* uy alwirt the ik-sI ««y tn grt ahead, and tips that ran help you to "in Miccess. World's Most Useful Drug Farts about aspirin, the mint prescribed of all drugs though doctors Mill don't krHIW HOW H W"'kv Enthralling reading.
      69 words
    • 33 6 ('ORIUSroM>rN"s «re request v ed lo write their lr«trr> rlrarlv on on.- side of h o.,ti only, and out In double ipurlnc If typewritten. The shorter Irttrrg arc, the mor« nu) be publuhed.
      33 words
      69 words

  • 269 7 ear's gaol for man who flew Tiger Moth angerously over airport iday, April 23. 19S1 If ILL APPEAL: %m bail tI'ALA LUMPUR, Thursday. .jj unemployed, was poled for six t(K l;i\ for flying i Tiger Moth so endanger a Malayan Airways aboard, which was waitVfrum I hi- airfield here. fi
    269 words
  • 267 7 'ICE-BOMB' HITS SINGAPORE Million-dollar revue is best since tear A BOMBSHELL hit tx Singapore last night an ice bombshell in the form of (he million dollar revue "Holiday on Ice." And to judge by the applause liom a capacity crowd at the Happy World Stadium H KM the best show
    267 words
  • 30 7 FOlK uf the 30-odd (ilamuur •cers in one of the many colourful scenes at last nights opening night of Holiday on Ice" at the Happy World Stadium.
    30 words
  • 58 7 r a d i ii listeners able to heai voice re- rerence, arranged by the I America." Thesi En [llsh manage proi i .in be heard daily Lpore from 9 DJ*l to 9.30 p.m. In the 19 metre band nr from 5 a.m to 5.30
    58 words
  • 49 7 MALAYA BETTER MAGNET FOR FOREIGN CAPITAL B^Bf bllltate its properties. He listed these difficulties Labour unrest, uncertainty ol land riylits. immitjratiun re filiations wiiii-h hamper tin- -in of experta. hlaii md other Bn»ncl>l burdens Mr. Ttadale added thai under condltloni foreign camld be more attracted Malay* than Indonesia. Renter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 63 7 Two constables on rounds at 420 a.m. yesterday in Mill Lane, oil Kallang Road. Singapore, found the door of a godown open, a padlock, spanner. chisel and file on the ground. They hid near the godown for more than an hour and caught a man. The .spanner,
    63 words
  • 23 7 PENANG. Wed.— The executive board of UNICEF has approved a gift of U.S. $23,000 to Malaya for an anti-yaws pro-. Ject.
    23 words
  • 111 7 NOW THE VILLAGERS HAVE SOMETHING TO DANCE ABOUT MR. l>. U (.IVItK. the Uiistritt Officer, dances (he rwiiKKeiig (above) at Sunsei Kesi new villiKe, which yesterday became the first resettlement a*M in the disdict lo take over its own defence. dinner was liehl in Hie village, seven miles south of
    111 words
  • 38 7 PENANO Thurs The ooriv of Dr (Mrs.) Mabel Garland Brodle 65 who died In P'Tt Dlckson yesterday Is being brought to Penane by tonight's mall train The funeral will take nlace at 5 p.m. tomorrow
    38 words
  • 186 7 Fined for negligence AT the retrial In Singapore \esterdiy, of James A. E. Martin, a merchant, on a charge of drunken driving, the magMrato, Mr. H. A. Funvr. held that there was no evidence to support the charge. The prosecution, led by Insp Tuan 8 Zain,
    186 words
  • 290 7 Our quality ideas are fair, they tell rubber conference rf*HE AMERICANS refused to lower the quality 1 standards they demand of natural rubber, at the eight-nation conference which opened in Singapore yesterday. But Britons thought it would take 10 years to get the smallholders of
    290 words
  • 139 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thursday. lOHORE expects to register 100,000 of the possible J 200.000 voters for the first Council of State elections. Inehe Ismi bin Ismail, the State Elections Officer, said yesterday. Registration closes on May 5 By the end of the first
    139 words
  • 28 7 A 20-mlnute blackout hit Kalian* airport in Singapore last night. Passengers flying in from London were cleared by the Customs by candlelight and portable electric lights.
    28 words
  • 46 7 Air Commodore C. A. Humball the Consultant-Physician to the Royal Air Force, arrived in Singapore last night by Qanta.s 8.0.A.C. Constellation from Britain for a five-day visit. ji,. ji| *t*|( tb* RAF arniy and civil hospitals before flying to Ceylon on Tuesday.
    46 words
  • 102 7 SPECIAL services to commemor;ite Anzac Day will be held m Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh, TalpiiiK. Batu Pahat. other Federation towns and Labuan on Sunday. The Singapore service, which will be conducted by th<> Vener ible Archdeacon R. Woods, at the Cenotaph. ConnauKht Drive, at
    102 words
  • 52 7 Officials of Singapore Association for 1954 are P:esident. Mr L. Cresson: »lee-P'-esident. Dr. C.B. Wilson: secretary. Mr. John E. LJQjrd treasurer. Mr. Tan Choon Chjre. Committee members: Vessrs. Jee Ah Chlan. H. M. Longhurst. Dr C H Withers-Payne. Yeo Tiam Slew. M. Bell. J. R. McDougal. F N.
    52 words
  • 115 7 Posters: police hold 3 students THREE SINGAPORE Chinese High School boys were held by the Police on Wednesday night in connection with a Communist pamphlet found in Duchess Road. A man has kLso been detained in connection with a bundle of Communist documents found In Keek Lane. The pamphlets were
    115 words
  • 63 7 THE SINGAPORE Youth Council has arranged an exhibition of oil paintings by Miss P. T. Liang for the World Youth Assembly Fund. The exhibition will be opened by the Commissioner-Gene-ral, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, on May 8 at 4 p.m. at the Council Hall, 145
    63 words
  • 70 7 PENANG, Thurs. The Penang Customs Department is trying to break up a Rang of illicit distillers, the Magistrates Court was told today Prosecuting Yeoh Kok Seng for possessing a still and 2 1 gallons of intoxicating liquor. Customs officer J. C. Caiger, •said several cases had
    70 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 WORRY ANXIETY GRIEF OVERWORK EXCITEMENT lEEPLESSNESS call for UXA-TABS tey Relax Your Nerves urce of absolute relaxation and iby taking RELAXA-TABS— they brinj •tnquility to sufferers from nerves ie da/ and promoting peaceful night! Whether you suffer "'ty, grief, overwork, excitement RELAXA-TABS will bring you o not upset digestion, affect
      74 words
    • 128 7 1 w < mpW&*& I I J X a^HMkc v KEWTEODINCTON OBSERVATORY For I<) ycart Ome|« hn held Iht only precision record officially reco|itied by ihit ft ■nous En|lith obscrvaioiy The world has learned to trust Omega So/ Agents vty f° r Malaya B. P. de SUVA LTD. illK-l. i
      128 words

  • 536 8 By GEORGE EDINGER PSGAPE FROM FORT BRAVO gets off to »oo<l slnrt Witt a Federal Pi isoner-of-War camp set in the Indian-infested wilds of Arizona somewhere ;ilx>ut 1883. It gives fine scope for colour and we sigh for three dimension The grey-clad
    536 words
  • 378 8 WORLD of THEATRE OOOKINGS for the May music festival have surprised even the organisers. The Gala Opera Concert (Sunday. May 2) is almost certain to be booked out within a few days. Queues were early at the booking office (Robinsons) on Tuesday for the "St. Matthew Passion" performances (May 12
    378 words
  • 109 8 FRONT PAGE STORY Fleet Street rather larger than life and quite as natural. The east perform with even merit. A film to hold you and stir your thoughts. ROMAN HOLIDAY. Sparkling light comedy about a runaway princess in Rome who enjoys twentyfour hours of
    109 words
  • 219 8 (By HAROI.M HEFFERNAN) THK most often revived cycle in Hollywood annals, the western, has come up for another bow round theatre circuits so cinemagoers may Just as well settle back in their 1!»54 seats and prepare for a renewed stampede
    219 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 CHICAGO MACAO HONGKONG THE KILLERS CAME! A. TONY CURTIS" JOANNE DRU i' LYLE BETTGER marvin miller LVLE MTTOU JAMNI MTONQ UftOß SKN VI Nti featuring the Xo. 1 Hit tune "TOW BELONG TO MX." Plus: M.Kl'.'s featurrttr LETT ER FROM HOME" r T ft m| A p p |j Ml
      206 words
    • 131 8 IT SENDS SHIVERS UP vl I AND TICKLES YOUR JM SAME TImIiM •ROADWAY iflßi^ it STACEHIT in^ijtLl^J io>iomimv ai jjubfl INTRODUCING MOUvl LATEST STARW MGM's VP- i R.'or Of jh! B Morning To-morn>» "~^H Matinees Sunday 9 a.m iiv, \~M9 COWOITIOWEO PftOK /%^9th MAY OF lIII.AKKii v i v p
      131 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 78 8 The Straits Times Crossword "75" T~ 22 23 $H 2* j 25 26 [27 At'ROSS 14 Clergj -iirnd its viilues iBi. 8. Bird fnanimti Im litlv more \(i. Here there and now here lo 11 <8). (71. it .Simon ninl him 18. HeMun and nothing more mo 10. Perceived in
      78 words
    • 204 8 25. Bliirlc friars (10). 26. Some arc hill dwellers (4i. 28. Room to be in twite 16). 23. Salutation or tears? (8) DOWN 1 Medicinal plant (4). 2. Spoken when the dream ends <4i. 3. Fimiday was positive about them (6 1. 4 Mixed sin within the roM (7). 5.
      204 words

  • 2003 9 Hero of the world's greatest siege died as traitor TIMES special FEATURE AT 7.15 a.m. on February 21, 1916, a German field-gun boomed in France. Along a 25-mile front, 3000 guns "oineTn the most feroc.ousart.Hery attack in history. Under its cover German troops swarmed towards French-held Verdun, key to victory
    Daily Mirror  -  2,003 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 1 1 Robert Burns I I and Borneo 1 1 A ■***'«■■■■■■'> i' "Fr!
      13 words
    • 325 9 I^7^ "^)«a»'~~""^^^^' MODEL WB-B Famous COLDMAKER with reserve capacity Protected by 5-year warranty. Gleaming White titanium porcelain enamel interiors. One-piece rust resistant cabinet. Defrost holder and drip tray. Exclusive KEYLOCK Door Handle positive action Roll-O-Lock Mechanism. WHITE STAR REFRIGERATOR For Further Details of The Above And Other Models Please Contact
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      113 words

  • 347 10 RUBBER PRICE SAGS AW Share market is s ti|i pOR the first time in si x a of rubber ngged on o,'. yesterday and closed ;i( 61 below Wednesday's dosinr ni? *1 The easier price was i, s' I New York price overnight Z* sion house profittakim. firm opening. Tin
    347 words
  • 26 10 Aft Z Portion*)'|,lo«on IANC« CV1 I p«tmg jo, hiiifijkcr fitn option Jt» STtAMSt C COMIT SI C AR6ONAI: C QC A KAf IAU LUMP^
    26 words
  • 27 10 Singapore Shipping [f out 1 pau*nh uamtft O.S.M. Hktr inr I •vttaf o*v< j ■*tU MorwiiS «f t*r«o NrJ M«rf«fl Vwy, HoT.b| >•»»♦. r UK U 'Apr 2"
    27 words
  • 7 10 Record for Europe in I C 4—4
    7 words
  • 6 10 a, 1.1 w V ''••v
    6 words
  • 129 10 MALAYA last month produced 6.636 tons of tin-in-concrntrates which was th- highest output for any month since liberation. This was 2,359 tons more than in February. In January 5,108 tons were produced. The previous highest figure for monthly output since the war was 5,201 tons in December
    129 words
  • 799 10 AT their 4 p.m. meeting yesterday members of the Malayan Share Brokers' Association, in Singapore, revised the following quotations: MM I I l.» lii.'r. Sellers a-» Brick* Prefs i.l* 2.30 Ordi 1.35 3.46 Atlas liw 1335 13 25 8.8 Petrol 38/9 3»/3 rl M l r „|f»i
    799 words
  • 94 10 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association repcrud that: Industrials and the local share mark.--nued to ease. There wa.small turnover." Members rejx>rted the lowing business done day:— Gammon $2.95, $2.97.: Henry Waugh rights 20 cents j 17 cents; Malayan Col. cents: McAlister $36: Singapore Cold Storage $4.65 (overnight) Straits Times
    94 words
  • 147 10 Rubber lost half a cent on Uk Singapore l:ubber Market the close for May tirst tirade being til cents a lb. The market easec on tm port, disappointing news from Nn York a..o profit t a kins. The price fell at M cents but improved during the afternoon
    147 words
  • 85 10 The Malayan Exch;iii-je ion made the foUowln es in its rutes to ■wrehan day. Canada: buying. T. T S3 mall. O. D. 32 5 8 (Uys 32 l ciedit bilU. 32 15 16 trade The following were sellli T. T. or O. D. re.ul> i 3 18.
    85 words
  • 28 10 SUNGEI WAY Sungel Way Dredvin^ ore output for the qunrV March 31 was 313.75 ton piculsi with three dredges worku. Average Slngnpore tin the quarter was f«44 (•5.552.72).
    28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 243 10 FOR SALE FACTORY BUILDINGS with 6 acre* land— Scudai— 4 miles from Johore Bahru— Apply Box A 6047. ST. Principal* only. I ys& so«.«» tl Over-all protection 'MotheTNiture gave it to the turtle." Halda made it for the portable typewriter The Swedish-built Halda his a strong frame, with robust sides
      243 words
    • 212 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA Applications are Invited from 1 citizens of the Federation (men and j i womenj for appointment to the j General Clerical Service. The salary j scale (men) $102x6-114/Exam/132x 6- 156/Exam/168x12-264 '276x12-336 p.m.; (women) $90x6- 102/Exam/ 120 X6-144. Exam/156x12-264 pm. Applicants must
      212 words
    • 210 10 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF 10 Bales 'approx. 1,764 yd).) Black Canvas 36" width. 1,117 feet Ist Quality English Calf Leatrftr Of various colours, a quantity of shampoo, hair grips, rubber soothers, children's, rubber shoes also Teal: Lounge and Bedroom Suites, chest I of-drnwers, wardrobes, dressing tables, single and double beds,
      210 words
    • 839 10 NOTICE NASSIM CO.. LIMITED WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION In their Sale-Rooms Noa. 4 ie 4-1, Collyer Quay. On SATURDAY, J4TH APRIL, 1954, AT A.M. A Very Good Selection of Teak Furniture Comprising: Lounge Suites, Dining Tables and Chairs, Wardrobes, Dressing Tables: Cane Armchairs and Settees; ChromePlated Single Bad with
      839 words
    • 494 10 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE OLD ISTANA BI'ILDING JOHORE BAHRI' TENDERS are Invited for the demolition of the Old Istana Building, 1 *i m.s. Jalan Abu Bakar. Write or c-01 Hal Looh Trading Company, 51 Jalan Ibrahim, Johore Pihru; Phone *****. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS WATER DEPARTMENT: For cutting of and
      494 words
    • 18 10 MITSUI tAST-iOUNO ROUND IHI [yrop* Penong S»"I"P- w| I C.F. SHARP C t lANK OF CHINA iUILDING, V
      18 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 890 11 «c CO., LTD. t.,.^4,, Passage tit F UNNEL LINE Dept. a vio i- |Srr ►<"*' l 0 lood n<l *'»«harga cargo l» <■'"' fi ASGOW, LONDON, ft CONTINENTAL PORTS ;0L r,, t SO*. P Snom P. n nQ Apr. 21/24 Apr 26 G 3J/34 Apr. 2$ Apr. 26/28 Apr. 29/30
      890 words
    • 1026 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA or Aden, Port So.H, Genoa, Antwerp. Rotterdam, Hamburg Gdynia, Copenhogen, Gothenburg ft Osle. >*BH P.S'hom Harong SONriruiA Gdns 31/32 "3 1 SAp'r/tf.y 24/ A M/ MO PASADfKiA" IVIS May 16/14 May 17/1 May N C A oM, Beyro^: /M M/ C M London (passengers
      1,026 words
    • 1022 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P Shoo- Penong Benlomond for Genoo, Avonrrouth, London, Rotterdom Homburo 2s/2« Aar. In Port 30Apr /2Moy Benattow for Hnvre, London, Antwerp, Hamburg 2SApr/IMay 2/J May 4/5 May Benmhor for Liverpool, Dublin Hull, Rotteraam 27Apr/3Moy 4/6 May 7/8 May Bencruachan
      1,022 words
    • 1131 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TU Nn HMI ELLERMAH <U DUCKNAI.L KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG ft HULL PORTLAND, SFATTLE, ft VANCO'IV. one) for Ur A North Atl ntic Porti Acceptmq drgo for Central ft South and Conodo via Colombo American Ports CITY OF OXFORD SUNNYVILLI
      1,131 words

  • Article, Illustration
    19 12 NEW SECRETARY MR. lIKW VKOW lONC. who has hern elected this yrar"s Secretary of the Penang Rubber Trade Association.
    19 words
  • 112 12 k WIDE ranpe ol containers for factory and farm use. in a new flexible compound of rubber resin which enables th<m to keep their shape under the roughest treatment, has been announced in the U.K. It has already been made up in a standard thickness of
    112 words
  • 302 12 New Penang Chamber chief is optimistic on trade TAP TIMBER RESOURCES THF. new chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, Mr. A. E. W. (Jodesen, is not perturbed by the present trade recession in Malaya. Mr. Godeson. who has been in Malaya 25 years, in a message to the Straits
    302 words
  • 299 12 £iflmßM«H 12^^ iuHi Malayan exports rise sharply yHE United States took shipments of Malayan tin 1 amounting to 10.449 tons in the first three months of this year compared with under 7.400 tons for the .•orresponding period last year. During the first three months of
    299 words
  • 61 12 rIE Colonial Development Corporation in London hu appointed Col. P. A. Grntotrc as acting regional eoatrotlrr of tlie Corporation in the Far East with headyuarti-rs in Sin gapore. Col. Gregolre arrived by air last week to succeed Mr. A. R. i Pratt, who is resigning to be-
    61 words
  • 213 12 THERE was an increase of over 16 per cent in tne number ol p<4MCUg«n carried during the year i-m.iu N«-|ii< inner .><•. MM) said Mr I'houuu Mrangm;in. chairman of the Singapore Traciion Company who visited the Colony earl) this year. Traffic receipts since
    213 words
  • 139 12 BRITISH output of motorcars and commercial vehicles in February totalled 76.458 compared with 73.559 in January and 60.397 in February last year, when production was affected by the dispute at the Austin Works. The Secretary o[ Motor Manufacturers and Traders report that the export of cars
    139 words
  • 109 12 New engineer chief AFTER IS years in Malaya. Mr. K. D. Mathewson. enginccr-in-charge of the Singapore office of Rcdpath Brown and Co., Ltd., steel structural engineers leaves for Britain tn May on trinsfcr to the head office. Mr. Mathcwson's successor is Mr. w. N. Cursiter, who has arrived in Singapore.
    109 words
  • 313 12 ARGENTINE WANTS INDONESIAN RUBBER INDONESIA is considcr--1 ing the possibility of trading direct with the i Argentine and other Latin American countries 'instead of indirectly through the Netherlands as hitherto. Mr Harsono Reksoatmodjo. head of the Indonesian International Trade Department, who recently led a fact finding mission to the Argentine
    313 words
  • 53 12 /CONTROLS have been relaxvy ed on export to the United States of a number of Hong Kong products, according to an announcement by the U.S. and Hong Kong Governments. Among the products are cabbage, cucumbers, preserved a] cots, lyehees. dried fish. dried Molluscs. paper novelties and rayon
    53 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 291 12 the MONO-RAIL TRANS- fej/ "-^»S^^i PORTFR rarrirs concrete \^r from Mixer to Spreader when handling 60 cv. yds. \7^s^^^^/^ out cement wastage, main- s/^T **^v tains continuous deliveries Af j^j Once laden the self-pro- MJj^l^^ju^^g I and returns to rest under N^ijf j/ Write for our Illustrated Brochure. Manufactured hy
      291 words
    • 169 12 A firm of manufacturing t* C li chloroform by a process m principal raw material. I excessive frothing in the oi,; "U™ chloroform stills could no! 1H of distillation was slowed do On 1.C.1.'s suggestion the process using chlorine and h of lime. The change-* Manufacture was ump eliminated and
      169 words

  • 25 13 TRAINING STEAKS HOME for Mt ln-rn i ui'll I ».,nt H In Ills ■I ratlnj Hold mdrr g^ his I Hi-, nrxt LTf E K <
    25 words
  • 34 13 Ston are Favourites j B ,^^B B^B Hce ■■Jr Vnrlhl W I mere ii \<.i i F^Bn isiok iilpmic.tls fl _VB I Ikirk 0 -ins ■BBj nm B*" M\ I II B 3
    34 words
  • 296 13 HAIS TIP CARRUTHERS TO WIN bet heavily Songkitrat BANGKOK, Thursday started lo flow at last in betting I.' •;,rriithpr"-Sonjrkitrat world banIficht for May 2. At present betting 11 mO n( i v but (hat price gives a rather rltel can he expected to be esta- use Carruthers. for the first
    296 words
  • 29 13 The SAFA Div. 1 match between Amicable Athletic Association and Marine Detmrtrr.ent at Jalan Besar Stadium ytsterday was postponed as the ground was unfit for play.
    29 words
  • 42 13 F. DAWSON BEATS GEORGE BARNES SYDNEY. Thun Freddie i Ch: ac" nvrpointed Aus- elterw eight champion Barnea in a IS-roußd bout i riney Sports Ground last I nieht. The flghl iraa billed as for the: uninr welte-.veipht championship the world." A P.
    42 words
  • 22 13 Royal Naval Base beat RAF Seletar 3-2 in a Services League Dlv. 1 matcn at H.M.S Terror yesterday
    22 words
  • 140 13 22 runners for the 2,000 Guineas TWENTY-TWO final acceptors for the 2.000 guineas, first British classic race of 1954. running over one mile at Newmarket on Wednesday. April 28. were announced uxl.iv H follows: Landau. Fenicl. Cockrullah Noble Charger. Rough Night, Arabian Night. Royal Challenger Moonlight I MHi's*. Kings Evidence,
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 51 13 Ceylonese keep fit for Asian Games l.imbrriiiK up in Singapore on Ihrir »a> to Ihe Asian damn in Manila tlirsr Ceylon athlrtr-. MMN in lltnrs» first. Thry are: fralherwriglit boxer H. P. la\asuriya llefll. his brother C. I*, .lavasurtya. a writht. and woman sprinter .lunt dr Krrtiirr. Straits Times
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  • 241 13 India set to keep Games soccer title CALCUTTA, Thurs. THIE Indian football team left here today on their way A to defend their title at the Asian Games to be held in Manila next week. The party, consisting of 18 players, a manager and coach, will stop at Hong Kong
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  • 31 13 LONDON. Thurs Cross Keys beat Newbridge 10-6 in their rugby union match hde yesterday. In a rugby league gome the touring Italian team were beaten 35-7 by L'Hph
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  • 223 13 NINETEEN players and I three officials of the Pa-. kistan National Football Team arrived by air in Sin- 1 gapore yesterday in a 8.0.A.C. plane confident of doing well in Singapore and I at the second Asian Games j at Manila next month.
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  • 106 13 'THE Singapore Amateur Football Association announced the two teams to meet Pakistan at Jalan Besar Stadium this weekend. The visitors will play their first tame against a Smuaport selection tomorrow and then will meet the Colony's Asian Cum-, team the follow mv day. Singapore srleclion: Chee
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  • 38 13 Indian Brot heihod Soccerites and Govtrnment Puniint; Office drew 2-2 In the SAPA Div. 3B game at UeylaiiK yesterday. Govlndarajoo and Murzukl scored for Soccerites and Goodenoußh and Sandaran for Printers ASP. Rahman refermi.
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  • 34 13 The SAPA Dlv 3A fixture between Junior A. A. and Alexandra FT and the Dlv. 3B came between Ni'tajl and Tampenls Rovers, scheduled at CYMA and BODCA grounds, were postponed yesterday.
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  • 240 13 AMATEUR RACES PENANG. Turs. rE mile and distance hurdle race scheduled for the Penang Turf Club amateur meeting on Saturday has be*n cancelled There will now be seven races. Amended entries are: Deleted racehorses handicap 7 Furs, (weights based on last Kedah and two previous amateur
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  • 233 13 'THREE Class Four horses— 1 Banker Boy. Distributor and Orissa have been promoted to Class Three, according to the latest Straits Rating Associancn amendments to clas.siflcatlon& published yesterday. Bloodshot has been demoted from Class One to Class Two. Thirteen other horses ht.\e gone dewn
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  • 121 13 KUALA LUMPUR Thurs.— There will be eight races on the first and third days and seven on the second day of the Srlangor Turf Club« May meeting. The racing schedule Is: First Day May 1: Class Two. Dlvs 1 and 2— one mile: Class Five. Dlvs I.
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  • 49 13 Thi Income Tax Department cricket team to meet Ceylon Sports Club at Balestler Road tomorrowis: S. Yogarajah. Wong Fong Pov. R. O. Barnes B S. Soln. Ma khan Slneh. H E AshnifT. R. S. Sltriamparam D. Jacob. M. Knoetze. A. M. Syed. V. Rajaretnam.
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  • 51 13 Thf Non-Brnders will meet HR.C at cricket on the padang at 2 l.i tomorrow: Teaem: P Holt. O Beadles. V C W«terhout. P. D Almeida, r. Massey. R. S. Tufnell. A. Baker. D. DCotU R. V. S. Sundram, J. A. M. Bde. O. E BoKuars .captj. Umpire-. 3.' D.
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  • 330 13 F.A.S. SELECTORS HA VE COLD FEET KI'AI.A M'MPI'K. Thursday. OKI.AMiUK F.A.s selectors seem to be having cold feet. Although 19 probables have been in special training for a fortnight, and the selectors have been meeting regularly several times a week, they have not announced the team to meet Perak in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 115 13 m yOU THINK OF THIS WEEK END, THINK OF THE FREE PRESS St^flLam. JaV^Bta^LaV \NPER t? JEtfSbat vm a^Vgl Bxav a»»»T I BxW 'U Disney's production of 'ROB ROY" *-f Z- }"'MMi^s&*' AH YOUR FAVOURITE FEATURES, CARTOONS, ETC. ">PY sabotaec Sit Yit Fong writes about The Good wife to Nightmare
      115 words
    • 618 13 n^B a^aW L^l* B EST. 1820 b^bm^b^h\ a^f r J .^g^g^g^P^^^^^ f jJtji.' i^^ißttaia^B AS BUNDED BY THE MACKINLAY FAMILY FOR 4 GENERATIONS SCOTT FNCLISH (S 1.A.1 LTD.. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Milk most basic ti^GSE^ and economical food i^. ;4«"_ Jfr f Milk is not only tho basic but B.^IM
      618 words

  • 197 14 3 good boys fight for SHB today YOUTHS from the Upper Serangoon Club will meet Singapore Harbour Board Club in a friendly boxing tournament at Keppel Road at 8 p.m. today. Harbour Board have three good fighters: Roy Lazaroo (flyweight). John Diamond (gnat weight) and Brian Isaac (mosqultowelght). Roy was
    197 words
  • 689 14 New f ormula f or spo control in Malaya HOCKEY TAKES LEAD By THE SPORTS EDITOR MEW GROUND is being broken in Malayan 1 sport. And Malayan hockey officials are A prop"! al la G being circulated that the Malayan Hockey Council be dissolved, and that the Federation of Malaya
    689 words
  • 165 14 'Game more impor than officials English F.A. dire KtAI.A LlJiriß, Thurs rPHE Knglish POBttaM elation has issued a rijuc tive to its affiliates retarding the course to be taken when a referee, marked down for match, is not availablr. It laid down the atiaeiple "that the game is of more
    165 words
  • 160 14 PARIS. Thurs. Except lor '.he women's singles championship, which went to Hungary s Mrs. Gervai. Japanese table tennis stars won all the titles at the first International table tennis championship meeting in Paris since 1936 Having won the men's and women's doubles on Tuesday night. Japan
    160 words
  • 77 14 Radln Mas RambltT* beat Young Companions by 3-0 in a SAFA Div. 3 match at S.H B. ground yesterday. The game started at 5.35. half an hour late owing to bad vu-a'.her. and was completed in darkne-s Therf was no score in the first
    77 words
  • 27 14 Rutherford, help repeat ROYAL ENGINEERS OOYAL ENGINEERS, the »r.U 1V Boat Wing in tho Singapore I Div. 1 league, repeated the dose v yesterday on a waterlogged
    27 words
  • 128 14 Changi'A'hit six goals in 15 minutes Div I I««U R.A.F. Changi A. KOn goals in 15 minutes after at half time to beat RA: Spartans 6-2 yesterday. Spartans 'lad the <6^v first half aid led at the through a aoal by McH In the second halt Uv away owing to
    128 words
  • 302 14 fHE FIRST MALAYAN table tennis championship will be held during the August Bank holidays from July 30 to Aug. 2, In SlngaThls was announced at the Singapore T.T.A. council meeting ytsterDato C. J Paglar. the S.T.T.A president, has donated seven cups for the Malayan meeting.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 840 14 i Classified Advertisement j Service Provided a Strait* Timci J Box Numbrr is used, you I may PHONE your small aH». I to Singapore 2800. SITUATIONS WAXI'KD I War* v. >'"' «••> W <■<■<■ EUROPEAN LADY with several years' secretarial experience seeks pennanenl posj as confidential Seitenographor. Please write u;092
      840 words
    • 806 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Continued from Pace C ACCOMMODATION VACANT jn »md* Si (Mia.)— Box it rtt. extra. FURNISHED ROOM with full board in Chinese house with Long bath H'C. water. Car park Suitable couple, Single. Tel. ***** FURNISHED double Single rooms private home off Changi Road. 5 miles G.l' O. near
      806 words
    • 734 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE •t Wordt SS (Min.)-Box St rtt. extra. SHOPHOUSE FOR SALE: No. 7, Main Road, Bidor, $14,000. Apply Chow Sek Woo, Phone Manggis 296. Ipoh. NO. 100 Neo Tiew Road, off IK mile Lim Chu Kanir Road,. Large riverside bungalow 7 acres coconut and fruit trees. Inquiries
      734 words
    • 959 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE .■ft Wordt Si (Min.)-Box it rlt. extra. 1951 VANGUARD $1,800, 1951 Minor Tourer $2,100, 1950 Minor Tourer $1,600, 1946 P, Anglia $1,000. I 1950 Mai vellette $1,500, 1950 A4O i $2,200. All taxed, insured, excellent condition. Sundram. 1 Penang Lane, off Orchard Road. TRIUMPH TROPHY 500 CC.
      959 words
    • 39 14 iILaBB^KKS I ftctt famcut liqueur m*^' for man? centuries flf ftEN^'^J H great ane< ancient WfJ*«V ifiß fciecovert containing Mw/ W sole A«enu: THE EASTERN jii>B ARRANGE YOI R STRAND HOI Central, all mode SINGLE S&DOUBLE Phone Ncs. 2382S >
      39 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 84 14 SOt C'KK SAFA League. IMv. 1: Indian R.t v Pulau Brani I Id.. Jalan Brw: Div. 2: Aston A.f. v Rnvrr"A", Karrer Park: Div. 3A: Social A.P. v SHB Police, deviant: Bukit Timah v Tuan Monf 0.8.A.. Ml ground: SrleUr K.C. Spore nil Services Assn.. (VMA (round. SBHFA League. I>iv.
      84 words