The Straits Times, 19 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times listd. 184:. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1954. 15 CENTS Sat*"" 1 tie******
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  • 413 1 m};11 tor fully elected council LEADERS STILL GOING TO U.K. MALACCA, Sunday. NEARLY 2,0(10 people heard UMNO-MCA leaders today condemn as "most unreasonable, rerrettable and intolerable," the Briti>h Colonial Hiiro rejection of the request by the Alliance for alks in London on the Federal election and other
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  • 162 1 The Queen and Duke at celebrations NUWARA LLTYA. (Ceylon) I Sun. QUEEN Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh met tea planters and their wives at the centenary celebrations of the Planters' Association of Ceylon near here Tv plve hundred guests attended the party at the Radella club, which nestle: among
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  • 35 1 THE BEST EASTER SINCE WAR K lain's seals their busiest Bfa- for p r f* rtni'tts Kit r nston ■nes V ■oijr ft f fcatr.a: ttrinu f of the I itw i Us I the
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  • 6 1 A Part
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  • 64 1 c In omet, suspended by British Overseas Airways aftrr a third had crashed mysteriousthe Mediterranean earl; this month, and hoped it would be instructed to resume norctlvity in the near future. Comet II designed for 44 ngers. la a larser and faster planr
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  • 76 1 Petrov atom plot tool? LONDON. Sun. -The diplojratie correspondent nf the Sunday Dispatch suggested to- 1 day that the revelations made by M Vladimar Petrov, the Soviet diplomat granted political asylum in Australia, were •an elaborate plant designed to .slop America and Britain sharinu atomic Kcrets." The correspondent. Guy Eden
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  • 48 1 A patrol of 91 Squadron. R.A.F. Regiment yesterday tire on two Chinese who did not stop when challenged on Tanah Mcrah Estate, in the Port Dickson district of Negri Simbiian. oj,, of them was wounded It is in Seremban hospital Hie other ran away.
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  • 166 1 ONI ol |SM three winners of last week's Straits Times Word Puzzle was Mr. M K Deva a second year medical student at the Tnivcrsily of Malaya. Karh winner will receive si.tiiiii.iii; Colleagues at the Tan Tock Sens hostel. Sincapore. eoiiKiatulated Mr. Deva on his
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  • 101 1 JOHANNESBURG, Sun BRITAIN'S former Ml rtt .service chief. Sir Percy iillitoe, has "a promising lead" n his investigation of a vast rternational diamond smimßlnq racket, he told a newspaper KMT. The former "Glasgow gangraster" now in South Africa old the Johannesburg Sunday rimea he
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  • 93 1 KIAIA I.I'MPI'R. Sun. TBJgJ armed, uniformed terrorists > c s t c r d a y -.l.ishcd lo death a civilian in the Sunjjei Sipul North District of Perak. Koonc Hoonc Chut. 'IT. was on a Meyels when he was ■<•- (<Mcrt hv hanriitv who
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  • 76 1 MM I IHi i; Mlo\ s champion motor cyclist, .'l-tcar-old K ijaiainani Mvuganam. showed his (lass to Singapore motoring enthusiasts yesterday when he won the (iap Mill Climb's .")00 c.c. event in ILJMee. Sivananam. who is pictured cornerini; at hich speed on
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  • 198 1 \IKO. Sunday I I KIT. COLONEL GAMEL ABDEL NASSER today replaced President Neeuih as J Prime .Minister of Efivpt and president of the ruling Revolution Council, which ousted King Farouk. Neguib retains the title of President of the Republic, hut is thought to he
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  • 33 1 TOKYO. Sun. The IRO--ton British frcijshter Wmhope went aground off the west of TiLshima Islands m the Korea Straits last r.isht. but her 50 crewmen are safe aboard— A. P.
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Sun Moscow Radio said today that the newly elected Supreme Soviet would meet for the first time on Tuesday in the Kremlin Renter
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  • 176 1 VATICAN CITY. Sun. i r>OPE Pius xii today issued I a solemn warning against the dangers of the atom and hydrogen bombs and called on the world to banish atomic, biological and chemical warfare. He was delivering an BastSf radio message to the world.
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  • 75 1 INDEPENDENCE PLEDGE BEFORE PACIFIC PACT' MANILA. Sun. Vmmil— T<T Cattss P. (iartia said fSOtsi day the Philippines would support a V. S. -sponsored Pacilic alliance if the Western Powers promised to urant independent e to Asian territories under their rule. Mr. (iareia. who also is Foreign Secretary, Mid this to
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  • 240 1 Ike's appeal: Help end this hysteria NFW YOKK Sun PRESIDENT Hseahotrei will I appeal to American newspapers in a liair speech in New York on 'ihurMlay MigM to help "transform M .isr of a'niiiii hysteria and horror into n ac<* of international mi derstandine and to-operative ace." Tlie theme of
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  • 59 1 PARIS. Sun Mr.< Georgette Maricot Bradford, wife of A I. Bradford, United Press vice president for Europe, died here today in a private clinic followin" an emergency operation performed Thursday nicht Mrs. Bradford was born :it Vielleiuif. a Paris suburb, and I bad been an
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  • 141 1 Rebels burrow nearer FORT HATTLE SAIGON. Sun. OF.IJKI, troops burrow- i i v Into the besieged French Indo-Chlna fortress «n Men Bien Phil, at the northern end of its airstrip, have poshed to within 2f#t fert of Brigadier General De Castries 1 command post. c bombardment by French artillery, and
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  • 31 1 VIETMINH I 1 <H I lIRSI 101 > in II- I •mil fi>r< i i)i <>l Dii i i i n 1 1 i i ion r tills < ill i
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  • 20 1 RANOOON. Sun. Th" ilist in p..- i :it thf i in :ici- b'' Ol k om
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 OF TO DAY fIUjP K Af o YESTERDAY.. r I may we "vj^V A suggest". .j^ EEPS LIVER DANISH BACON AUSTRALIAN EGGS the />l/ Breakfast 1 Monday Shop Arranpements rill 1 om en t II 4 p.m. II 12 p.m. '.pen till 3 pm. II I p.m. span till 2
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    • 29 1 LONGINES The World's Most Honoured Watch Sold by ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS. TtioiiMr'J g^gr r A*o t-. mlk. iaC mt f\rJ SPONSORED BY O^lZj MAKERS OF RED LION
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  • 346 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday. THK Vice President, Mr. Richard M. Nixon, yesterday said that American troops may have to fijrht in Indo-China if the French pull out. Mr. Nixon was askod: Suppose the French withdraw their troops from Indo-China, would the United .States
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  • 165 2 VIENNA. Sun. REPORTS from the Austro-Hunearian border region yesterday said a third of the Hungarian border town of Windisrhdorf was burnt out today because llunu border guards would not let Austrian lire rnnincs cross into Huncary. The reports, which lacked official confirmation, said
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  • 98 2 20,000 seek a new nationality LOURENCO MARQUES. Mozambique. Sun. TWENTY thouxand Muslims in this Portuguese East African colony have asked In become cit:?ens of Portugal on condition they continue spiritual allegiance to the Aga Khan, head of the Isma;'.: MtUlim sect. The announcement wa? „ade yesterday by Gulam Has.sciT. Fsmail
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  • 47 2 NINETEEN YEAR Ol.l) .lii:iii IVind.i dors a Iml.ihula dance during lum-h--timi' for an appreciative mdiencr of Londoners in l.udeato (iardrns. She «^s rrhr.irvins for the fir^ta nf world «.onc dance and mv \\< hrld at the Royal Albert Hall— A P. picture.
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  • 135 2 WASHINGTON. Sunday. STATE Department officials say there are still more than 100 Americans eaucht behind the Iron Curtain, despite the triek'r c-omintr out of Communist territory. Most are la Communist China A few are in Russia and two in Czechos ovaku American diplomat* are trying
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  • 46 2 NEW YORK. Sur. Rain ywtr^clav forced eelebrar.t.s of Aerrazzano Day" to call off a planner; outdoor ceremony and meet at the historic Fnuinrr's Tavern to honour the memory of Giovanni Da \>rrazzano, Italian navscator. credited with discovering Men York Harbour In 1524— A P.
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  • 26 2 .TOHORE BAHRU. BUB Fmi Tai wa.s fired S2OO in t 1 se.s^ions coin 1 Merstnc for hay ins ehanriu and opium smok. mc apparatus.
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  • 39 2 The R.A v :n 81ngapor wants a veterinary surgeon to Ktvc .1 monthly chock-up nolir^ does and ha? askrd :ac r 8 eenn could do th..^ His duties would entail visit ing four centres Char.
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  • 63 2 DUSSELDORF. Sun The IS High Commissioner. Mr J;imes B ("onan; left here by lir for Washington yesterday to testify before Conpressional committees en the new High Commission budget. He said he 1! also meet President Eisenhower and the secretary of state. Mr John Foster Dulles to
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  • 143 2 Girls can easily operate it NEW YORK. Sun. t N electronic machine which sets type automatically with a beam of light was demonstrated here. The lisht beam .sets a type character on photographic rllm. It then sets another alongside the first, then another and
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  • 24 2 The Kelantan Adult Education Association will hold it.^ second annual general meetir» at the Zairab School hall ht 4 p m. today.
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  • 37 2 DKNISF HIRST, who is appearing as "Madcap MaJsie 1 in the Ijon-ion show rh- Boy friend" wear, an EaMrr honnrt with all the derorations of (he season— flowers etrs and rhirkrns— Rrutrr pirturr.
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  • 7 2 Garbo burn to st TIFF 1 I
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  • 12 2 I t 1 v: I 1 I I ■■•I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 KOLYNOS Che "Active" Chlorophyll Toothpaste of green Kolynos gives your mouth a wonderful refreshed reeling. Its clean flavour reaches into ever, crevice frcshcnins every corner. And that glorious i. our proof of the all-round mouth care thai only Kotyom with Chlorophyll gives you: 1. It kec,'" \n a breath fresk.
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    • 83 2 now there is a PONSON for every pocket and person 1^ ronson cadet I mt '~*r'vm\"" Ptw Ctliisum r ,moke- s 'A r>4 ''i jn r, e tiltH i '•••••••••••••••••i Introduced especially I a! THE NEW RONSON CAOEI AJ3K>i S-f^^r**^^^ n^^fle who h^ve to watr I i^rne "action" js th*
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  • 111 3 lided missile can strike r behind enemy lines WASHINGTON, Sunday. lounced yesterday that troops are now setting two new le of using atomic explosives— the Corporal jjuided Honest .lohn heavy bombardment rocket. .1 surface-to-surface guided. ilu ;iiin\ says has a range enabling led targets deep
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  • 136 3 CASABLANCA, Sun. A BOUT 4,000 Moroccan tribes ■f* men. recruited a.s auxiliary police. took up action stations in the Arab quarters of Casablanca at dawn, yesterday m a new effort by the French authorities to -st .im jj out terrorism. Armed with carbines the
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  • 122 3 THEY HAVE DATE WITH MARTIANS WELLINGTON, Sun V small uroup of New /ealanders and their associates overseas arc Hratchiag June '!."> Ihi^ sear. On that iay, they expect nun from Mars, travelling in flying saucers, to visit the earth. The pet thcoi > of Civilian Saucer Investigation i New Zealand)
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  • 18 3 Pakistan may face crisis EAR/ lion ■P DX i I St. it la usU Sat*. his me DX*
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  • 19 3 BIH EPIELD, Sun A Weal 3erman firm here has .started naklng shirts from terylene, [rom Britain Reuter.
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  • 117 3 WASHINGTON, sun liHE Federation or American Sclentists yesterday protested at the barring of Dr. j Oppenbeimer from atomic secrets and said his case made a speedy review of 'tic pi Ity programme ial. A .statement Issued by Dr. M. Stanley Livingston, the chairof tjic executive commit- the Federation,
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  • 50 3 TOKYO. Sun. Japan has decided to revive its pre-war system of government scholarships for foreign students who want to .study m Japanese universities, it \va.s learned today. The first group of 30 students from countries In SouthEiust A.sia i.s to come to Japan in June. U.P.
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  • 48 3 DUTCH GIRLS wear the traditional flower garlands as they leave after a visit to the Dutch bulb fields near Haarlem. Holland. The peak of the Dutch bulb field tourist season is reached at Easter, with people converging from Holland and Belg'um. A.P. picture.
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  • 86 3 11-DAY TREK IN DESERT PERTH. Sun lAROSI \V RKNZA. a 155-yrar-old Czech, lost for 11 <l.i\s with no food and almost no water in near-desert West fjsjsI tralia was found alive yesterday. Police and native trackers followed his footprints IM miles before finding him exhausted t> n t still triuluiiii;
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  • 143 3 Interaction of science and society." The Statement said there little new in the charges against Dr Oppenheimrr. "The old facts have not been strengthened in their agine." it added. The Oppenheimer raised the problem wuether the unseating of such a pronuneni Itgure In itself hurt
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  • 86 3 BFRI.IN. Hun Mr. Viadimii Semeonov the Soviet High CooitnUaioner in Qennanx today formally notified the three Western High Commi.^sioner.s that East Germany was entitled to .settle her own Interior and lonii'ii affairs Including her relations with Weat Germany. In identical letters to the three
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  • 28 3 Jap. H scare TOKYO. Sun. Japan's Hbomb apprehenaioni rwu ned an all time low today following the news that report* ol radioactive rain were nothhiK to worry about.
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  • 242 3 ATOM PILE CAN AID MURDERER IN PERFECT CRIME Scientist warns nations VIKNN.V Sunday. \TO\IIC PILES can aid the common murder in the perfect crime, said Prof. Hans Thirriii£, a nuclear science expert and head of the Physics Institute of Vienna 1 Diversity. Prol. Thin ins said highly radio-aitive by-products just
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  • 116 3 17th century treaties amuse Nehru CHIDAMBARAM. Madras. Sun. MR. Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister, said today there could be no solution to th< problem of foreign possessions in India except that they 1 "must become a complete part of India."' Indi; Dimly believed in methods of peace and had nuuie
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  • 39 3 ATHENS. Sun -The Charge d'Affalrea, Mr. Mardm yesterday assured Forrim Minister Stephen Stepanopoulo.s that Tugoslavla and I Turkey Will consult Greece on any question of broadening the Balkan Tripartite Treaty into a full-fledged military pad a.p.
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  • 75 3 Under sea cameraman dies on job wu.i.EMSTAD. Curacao, Dutch West Indus, Sun. IIEUTENANT Commander J H. J. Podge wartime rrogauua who lolned the undtrwater expedition of Dr. Hans Hass aa Chief Cameraman, has lost his life while making undcrx a picturis in the Caribbean. His body has been sent to
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  • 82 3 LONDON. Sun.-- Tatteraalls' Oommlttcc, the ruling body on no 1 sc-ra«e betting announced yesterday that all bets on the notorious race "won" by Franeaaal at Bath laat July had bt't n dec la red void. Four men were Kaolfd here latt month lor plot t
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  • 152 3 LONDON. Sunday. Mr. Al- hert Perry of Tooting, srlfs(>led "world's most rejected artist", has just had tin it more of his paintings rejected for exhibition hy thr Koyal Academy. "I now hold thr rrcord fur Koyal Academy rejections", he proclaimed today. "Thr latest
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 have you seen there s real value for money I i /.on piwin ml I! I SNORKEL/.;, tl ij 'uriic is nou a IM M HI of lho<-c JiTsT IM I coupled with economy i Im a im I iter value. Distinctive IS i lal vriting i4^t. gold points Jm
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  • 275 4 Romance of tin: Chinese began mines SEREMBAN, Sun. f'HIMiSK labourers were imported from China at $:VZ a head to work the first tin lields In Malaya, the amount Mag made up of travelling expenses and the maintenance of each labourer at llonjj Hour and Singapore. Thi.s wis stated by Professor
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  • 57 4 MX. A. KA.IAI INi.AM (lift). the treasurer of the Technical Collece Students' I'nion. and Mr. K. C W. GalnteS, thp prcsidmt of the union, give a 51.277--t lii-giir from the students to> Templer. the wife of the Ilich rommissioner. for the>
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  • 82 4 MI'AR. Sun Registration for the 1054 Johore State Council election* has begun. A: Muar the 14 registration centres opened arc at the:Oovernment English School; Chiang Chuan Association; Bandar Ttngtl Malay School Jalan Sulaiman; RleeOodOWn; Fire Station; Government Hospital: Chinese School. Jalan 1-ma:!; Bakri Tinsui. Malay
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  • 54 4 IPOH Sun AN'ZAC. Day will be commemorated by the an and New Zealand on Of Perak with a service al the Cenotaph here on Sunday. April 25 at 11 a.m. Rev. Harry Hainr< will conduct the service and trumpeters of' the 12th. Royal Lanrer.s
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  • 22 4 MUAR, Sun.- The Maftt branch of the Johore Teacht-i^ 1 Lnion hold a social at the Government English School hall
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  • 100 4 Boy scouts in Singapore will begin their 'Job Week' next Mor.,lav. About 4.000 Scouts will be out hunting for jotxs to earn money for then group activities and the Colony Scout Camp fund. They will knock at door.s and a-sk for any jobs
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  • 111 4 for St. Andrew's School fund St. Andrews School, like many other Government-aided institutions in Singapore, is in urgent need ot hinds. To help raise mom-y for a modern boarding house the (chool'j old boys will hold a ■rand Easter Ball at the Hotel tonight. Ticket^ for
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  • 174 4 /CRITICISM otten levelled at V Social Welfare that it did no more than give thing.s away, were mostly ■'unfair and uniu.Nt." Mr. W. H. Chinn. Adviser on Social Welfare, .said last ni ht The Federation Department of Social Well a re had not entirely succeeded
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  • 124 4 MARKET ON THE DOORSTEP FOR THESE SOON RrsiDhS 's at Princrvs >lar«aret l.state. Bukil Alerah. Alexandra and Cambridge roads will be saved Ion? trips to town when the Improvement Trust build* four new markets at these localities ihis year. On completion, they will be boutht by the City Council for
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  • 131 4 BLUE CROSS SOCIETY HELPS \\R. YONG HAN HIN. the master of the (58-ton fish- Ing boat. Henry I. which drifted into Singapore last week, was happy attain yesterday when he reiceived a lorry load of food for his new from the Blue jCross Society.
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  • 154 4 GOVT. TO GIVE PADI LAND TO CHINESE TH.IK ANSON, Sat IN A DKIVK to imrease M.ilaya's rice supply the C.overnnient would cm- land to hinese settlers in Chui t Ink new village for padi planting Mr. W 11. Darby, the Assistant Executive Ci>lonisation Ofticer (hantkit Jong, told the villagers. They
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun._-H< np O( •> I^Kin. a Sincapore lorry driver. wa.< fined Sl5O in the Police Court for carrying an I overload of two tons in his I lorry.
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  • 140 4 MUAR. Sun. a minutt 1 lence was observed at the recent annual dm 1 the Muar Old H as Aaaoctktion as a mark 0: respect for Mr. H U Clarke, a lite member, and Inehe Aznun bin Haji Abdul Humid, a former president, who died
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  • 15 4 are obviounl) enjoying thrir Introduction Tta llblv^ml*. m# .m" m Xsiim "t"**"*"
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  • 91 4 KOTA TINGGI. Sun Atan bin Hassan, a Malay Special Constable waj charged before ;he President of the Sessions Court on two charges of accepting Illegal c ratification from the estate labourers of Nanyo Estate. At.m was acquitted on the lirst charge ol receiving $20 tram l.lew
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  • 47 4 BUKIT MHITAJAM, Sun A coiuitable, Khuxhah Singh was Injured last nlghl when ear cr.i heel into a cliivk. h.u--1 n-r m froni oi Bukil Ten [ah Police station. Two other conitablea nearby escaped .nJury The car was travelling iron Tai|)in:4 to Butterwoi th.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 I.Qw CATHAY ORGANISATION J?L ATTRACTIONS W k'l k-i I'T'l^ NOW SHOWING BOOK t \KI.Y TO BE SI Xl OF YOI K BKAT^^^d ITEEK END CROWDS LAUGHED AND I.VJOYI.I) j j i\ii:> minim wii ii ABJH in high «\T fIfINNA PFffl PADRADA QATCC 'sm society' kVI ntLU D.AKdAKA oAlto <?■ Tn
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    • 149 4 Itntlff til It. I. I. p. ALAN LADD I a» his CREATES!! AH in COM MBit #>CLUW g 1 |J|l l^afaVaVP^ A "3 slo.n.KS UK** and gTW” MFU'a "YOKE W> IfENG'S STORY" 0^Today 8.45 a.m. 'THE f"SISB^EMBVfIBIB9BWMOBaW<qvw>'v 11a.88.145, 4.00, WITH THE MAGK GRASP... HIS STRI r THE STRENGTH 01 FROM
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  • 21 5 Council grants cuts in rates this iwnI in ipert les B tching i ft fgv me- K B Mr mw' 1
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  • 25 5 Fire guts s hop PENANO, Sun. A chant and liis family scrambled '<> safety In :i neighbour's house tonight when fire gutted top in chiii. tree!
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  • 27 5 ■s\ vuui' i\ l.i M. aged t«<> RMatha. aftrr bet 1, iseph's Church. With her an- h.r .v Hrnrj Lim <>f Singapore. BtrmiU rimes picturi
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  • 67 5 Mi; I 1 DDK Hi, mil is. 11. ,1-d opthalmic surgeon and pre sidenl <>r the British Medical issocUtioa (left), speaks lo membera of tin- association's Malayan branch at its annual mi-itiiii; in Kuala Lumpur, sitting besides Mr. Thomas .uv the association's outgoing pnsidcnt.
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  • 234 5 THAT SIREN MEANS 'THIS IS URGENTCLEAR THE WAY' THE traffic branch of the Singapore Police Force is A starting ;'n island-wide campaign to make motorists give way to lire engines, ambulances and police vehicles which answer emergency calls. Mr. WK II Haxworth. Traffic Police Superintendent, told the straits Times yesterday
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  • 87 5 TIIK Malayan Auxiliary Air Force (Singapore .section 1 la giving new opportunity for young men who wish to be trained as pilots. Recruits must be aged between 18 and 27 and have the School Certificate with credits in mathematics or science. Older men are
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  • 113 5 S'pore takes cup at air rally SINGAPORE wen the Dane championship cup at the third Pan-Malayan Flying Club rally at K Ulans airfield yesterday. Tin- is the first time Singapore has won this cup' since the *ar. Twelve planes took part in the rally. Dr. P. \v. G. Taafcerof, Kuala
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  • 61 5 Mr. Thin Chan B.e. a Singapore Legislative Councillor, I'll by air yi stcrday for London to attend meettngi of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, which start OH May 10. Hi' may visit the Moral Rearmament Headquarter! in Cologne after thr London conference. Another councillor, Mr. M.
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  • 64 5 MB. YEO C'liEOW WAI. a«e 84. passed away peaet'lully ;i; hi-, residence 153-A C"li;ii It tin lane on Sunday 18-4-54 leaving behind MM Mrwis Yeo Chiang Sv,ee C'hi.i ChiHiiij Soon and Yeo Chiang Llm. 1 daughter Madam Yeo Swat Choo. :i (i.uivhK'rs-in-law. 2b Ki»i'dchlltir»n > .md 17 Kfeat-grandcliildren tc
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  • 101 5 tjMFTKKN with ■MSUMMJ lor <il>o primary one stuiUnts will be .u < iihiiihml.ili-,1 temporarily at tin- Alexandra K">tate .Se«-omlary School building, uhuh will be ready ilicr the lirst term si Ikmi| vaialion. Kesistration tor both hoys iiiU sirLs will besin on May 3. The new
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  • 205 5 FgiECHNICIANfI and labourA en win work round the dock to convert ihe Happy World .st.utiuin Into a 6 000 square feet ice rink within three days. If they succeed "Holiday on Ice," .said to be the bigS»'.si touring ice revue In
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  • 227 5 COR de Groot. Holland's leading piani-st. opened his Malayan tour with a nc.lal last night to a packed Victoria Hall audience, in which, not unnatural^, the Dutch community were strongly represented. De Groot was revealed as a DOllshed virtuoso with an effortless techtiique whase
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 ■HENEVER YOU NEED I 43 use nespray f_ NESPRAY is NESTLES H^Sn^-^flfl flgj^^J r,o«deretl Milk, prepared from rich, full cream milk from which rfllU only the water has been extracted. NESPRAY is milk in its 11 11 most convenient form no waste; 1 1 no problem; just mix the exact
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    • 178 5 HAGEMEYER TRADING COJMITD. have pleasure in announcing their appointment as sole agents for courvoisier 4Rh BRANDIES available inTHREE STARS.V SO P FINE NAPOLEON Wk As long as stocks last 2 Courvoisicr glasses tree with ff every 1 bottle Courvoisier Brandy pur- < chased. famous or^K^^t_^3B ORGANIZATION 0 I H 1
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 90 5 St. \\i)i:i w's < \nin)i: \i ii \i.i. Cttlldn di iMtll) ii. ui-e I p.m. la .1 pm: keep-ln ctMi hi .VMinrn I p 111. to i pill EAST VOKKSIIIKK KK«.IMINT ba\i»: l'uuii. eaacan •tKataai Hulk ii 30 in la io p in. KKTIIKSIIA (.OSI'H. HAM.: Annual oastfrnnee, 77. Bras
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  • 819 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon. April 19, 1954. The Scourge Of T.B. Some plain speaking on tuberculosis by the new President of the Malayan Branch of the British Medical Association may perhaps turn the Government's attention, as well as the public's, to the need for the properly planned campaign which
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  • 497 6 From June over six thousand tenants of the Singapore Improvement Trust will pay ten per cent more rent to help pay the City's thirty-four per cent assessment. They are the tenants of properties built between 1947 and the end of 1952. They will protest, but the
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  • 2003 6 Strange allies in struggle against Reds in Indo-China Graham Greene, world-famous novelist and playwright has just paid a visit to Indo-China. In this uncensored article, he describes some... VOR the third time, and after two years, one was back. There seemed at first so little that had changed: in Saigon
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  • man-in-the-Street
    • 88 6 YOUR recent .story about the "three-hour power ban on new coasumer.s" gives the impre.s.sion that Menglembu, like Ipoh, i.s supplied by the Central Electricity Board It i.s not. It i.s .supplied by the Kinta Boetrical Distribution Co.. and there are :i<- r«B> trlctlona on the use of
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    • 324 6 lIT is most heartening to read that the Alliance has boon refused an interview m London. The Election Report was dealt with most democratically all along and was not acceptable to the Alliance Its leaders are upset now because at Federation Agreement levels
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    • 69 6 •ANOTHER JOHNNY" know rathe iff.s eharitl by th< niKiit schools cmtchlnf the un fortunate [allures m t be Cam bridge School Certificate is amtnatlon? The feea runne hum HI In J. >> ;i ti Can he Ay ho* tuait, 1 1 1 tin", $1(1(1
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  • 26 6 On the Margin Ac p. i M j j r i c i i I i From d M i r, * s j I I
    26 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 676 6 Strain Timct Free Prett Fo thr convenience ol odvtrfloor,' SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE, ORCHARD ROAD. will r««|v« *moll odvertiscments ond omwers to box numbers olto be hnnded to' CITY BOOH STORE LTD.. Cnllvcr Quoy. Sinqaporc CITY BOOK STORE LTD., 93 Tnnqlin Roa<«, Siiifapor*. CLASSIFIED ADS. II ...rf. fll i minimum) Maurice
      676 words
    • 4 6 STOP WATCHES from $48.—
      4 words
    • 70 6 ffI*^OPTICIBNS Mr. K. B. Jfcyer, F.N.A.0., D. Op will visit KUALA LUMPUR TmmUj April Appointment- foi STORCH BROS LTD.. 37. MOUW WEDDING GIFTS SILVER 5/^ U. S. de SUVA, 106, Orchard Road, Singapore-?. lie a <WELDf»V Kite and tVeldmesh 4» are Urn Trade Mirks of r/'fl the British Reinforced VI
      70 words

  • 270 7 §ep strict watch on naughty films: Discourage bets, drinking Xl ALA LIMITR, Sunday. ideas were rapidly playing havoc with the common man in South-east Asia, lin he Mohanted Shafi. President of the Selangor Pakistani Association, told the second South-east Asia Muslim Missionary conference here toda\
    270 words
  • 133 7 Malays form a new union \nc. Sun. TAKE pari In politics b:it do not become tools of tnchi Coun- nt ot the Union, told Malays todas fnche Sulik. who had been local Malay.* Formai .<>u ol a Malay hei said ai an nci Its c> ago the ilay Union hart
    133 words
  • 199 7 PENANO r V t \n- Malayan [ndli gress at Its eighth annual m in Piai last led nut to ioin any political alliance but to contest Independent!) i 33 to 19 with ntiom 50 Ui-.' apore ;ind the iration rejected ;i motion by the Federal
    199 words
  • 91 7 FESTIVITIES FOR ROYAL WEDDING KUALA I.IHIS. Sun. Elaborate preparations have almost been completed here .oi the wadding ol Tengku Ahmad Bhah, eldest ion ol the Sultan ol Pahang, and Tengku Afsan, daughter ol the Mentri Besar, Pahang. iraUons will bagki on Thursday, ainJ t-nd on Sunday. U will be the
    91 words
  • 86 7 organisations of Melbourne University have ar ranged series i»r tunctions to fiiabl- new Asian arrivals to meet one another and tour place* ol int. Test. Many Asian studont.s nr.' studying under Colombo Plan scholarships. At an Informal tea party at Union House, centre of nnrverMtv iif<'. the
    86 words
  • 71 7 A senior mathematics lecturer at the University uf Malaya, Mr. K. M h Menoß, tola wife ami a relative were inJured in a motui- crash in Sintapore yesterday nioiinn They were In a car, which came into collision with i lamp post in Lavender Street near
    71 words
  • 171 7 KUALA I.UMPUR. Sun A quarrel over a girl in the Jungle has led to the Mirrender ol lour Communist terrorists, Including a District Committee member in the Bungel Ruan area of Kaub in Wt^t Pahanf. The District Committee member. Wai Mun. :i Sl-jrear-old Hakka,
    171 words
  • 54 7 MX. A. KA.IAI INi.AM (lift). the treasurer of the Technical Collece Students' I'nion. and Mr. K. C W. GalnteS, thp prcsidmt of the union, give a 51.277--t lii-giir from the students to> Templer. the wife of the Ilich rommissioner. for the> Templer T.B. Hospital
    54 words
  • 262 7 ESTATE BOSSES BLAMED KIAIX M -vll'l K. Suiicl;t>. IMIK Federation of All-Malayan Staff I nions claims that some estate employers have "sabotaged" the spirit of the salary agreement. "Our MpnrlmM i»u.s bn i that aQBM in.nia«i'i>, supported by their agencies, do not it ail condescend to
    262 words
  • 78 7 Convent full up but they still apply KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. 'piiE convent at Buiiit Nanas, X Kuala Lumpur, is Rt'Uin.4 more applications than it can deal \win io:- admission to Its primary classes next With eight months still to go application^ have exceeded the school's capacity. A convent official said
    78 words
  • 57 7 JOHOKK IIAHRU, Sun Mr Leung Ann TtKßg, uai been appointed an unofficial member on the Mer.>l.-.j Tenders Bo.wd for the c Mr rent year. The official memoers are the District Officer, i Chairman*, the Administrative Officer, the Senior Executive i.nuiiv': Kluaiit; or the state Irrigation and Drainage Bngineer
    57 words
  • 36 7 Mr Jacob Balla.v o; the Singapore braiuh of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, will leave the Colony tomorrow to attend a two-we.k conference in Canada for unit rape) VL-uts ot the company
    36 words
  • 62 7 JOHoKK BAIIKU, Sun. The BtheaM lor teacliers of English in vernacular schools Hi Johore Ls being expanded. Thus follows complaints (mm Malays that English education in Malay schools i.n progressing very slowly The .sclienu- offers induce- menus to youtlis witli a mini mum Standard VILI
    62 words
  • 28 7 I.KNGGONG. Sun. An allocation of $3ti!) from the State Committee of the Gurney Memorial Fund will be used to establish a "Giirney Memorial library at Lenggontf.
    28 words
  • 121 7 The stranded freighter comes off all by herself riiill .'lll- ton Norwrclan 1 Ireittilti Mlii llo« k, ivhn h had lie< n atroiind at lelok A,it basin ainre April I, i -a me off on hrr own on S»- I turd.i.v. Win n it looked ai nit IMPS I"
    121 words
  • 216 7 Xt \l A It MIM K Sun. DITO 11. K. MACKENZIE, vi Johore. deploreil the !ll per cent cut in t Ii 1 f 1 volt- for smial uelfare work in a memorandum Svenented to the Welfare < ii.inril ol ullicll In- I IS just
    216 words
  • 131 7 SEVERAL PANEI.S Ol v experti are brinr: lei Op hy tho Gnvrrnmrnt to consider Singapore's tradr' with Indonesia. Their findings will form th»" cusslon with an Indonesian Government delegation which is rxprct<Ti to visit Singapore The three chambers of commerre have bi-rn askfd to nopeople with
    131 words
  • 36 7 A labourer, Koh Hmin Tinn--: Injured when h< .ii the Singapore Chinla' School. Emerald Hill Knh was working on the mof ie crashed Ui mgn the ceiling He was taken ho
    36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 RUDGE BEST BICYCLE L MODELS IN STOCK. Bicycle Dealers i> Iributon: Kn T K hin U. Ro.rf. I CHAN 75. V.eton, Street. «UAI CO. 165/167. Victor.* Street. RADIO CO., LTD. KUALA LUMPUR PENANC piijnoj~ A I R SERVICE ■DULED SERVICE: Lumpur. Bcntong, Bent.i. •ersra, Sitiaw.m, Ipoh, Kuantjn. 1 K °'i
      70 words
    • 246 7 I U A I) K I In 4k« t ata Lmjll i A I A ffi^ MODERATE HIN PRICE «^ff WORTH PERFUMES L^ Nuif. Imprudl 'Jnff^^ I SINCAPORE 56.75 to Jhl^B J^V WORTH EAU DE Piny Lj N i I SINCAPORE $2.75 to <r 523.50 WORTH EAU DE WORTH L
      246 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 The weather MINIMI M TKMPI KVITRK 7 3r Ut on Apr 1" to 7 Ml :i ill M Ap: 18> Slui'iipore 77 ilt-rn*. i'liiang 75, Kola B.ihni 75. Kuahi I umpur 75. I|kjIi 7:'j. Ki.uil. i. MAMMI M II Mil K\ II Kl |7 3U Hill. l<> V :iO pill
      186 words

  • 358 8  -  Kenneth Konstam II V 'THE recent Intrrnation--1 al BririßO Congress at Montr Carlo is likoly to become an annual rvrnt. Thr winner of the Individual Championship. Jan > Wohlin the Swedish master, wm the only representative of his coun- try. An interest ins feature wai the placing of the
    358 words
  • 1034 8  - Hundred years history of Chartered Bank Allington Kennard By P r ALMS OF SILVER: By Compton Mackenzie (Routledge and Kegan Paul. 255.) IT is to be hoped, cau--1 tioned The Times when the prospectus of thr Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China was issued, that any success which the
    1,034 words
  • 419 8 THE MAN FROM MAIN BTIEET. Selected essays by Sinclair Lewis. Heinemann. I."Ss. IjENRY SINCLAIR LEWIS was tail lanky, red-haired, restless and, us became Ihe heir <>f ci^ht generationi of Connecticul Yankees, intensely lecretive aboul his work. Lewis was born (1887) son of a
    419 words
  • 56 8 SIX TENNTBON ESSAYS By Sir Charles Trnn>N<m. assell. I.">s.. I!<7 p.mes. Tennyson's grandson, discussing the poets humour, religion, polities, etc.. .should lead many read rs back to the life and work of the urea* V. dorian. In cinveniint buik. Tennyson's bcM writ ins found :n the Collins Classics
    56 words
  • 272 8  -  IAN FLEMING FUTURE INDEFINITE. By N»rl Coward, (llrinrmann. ?ls.). By VOEL COWARD is (MM A of the most remarkable men of the century ige (he is in his ntty-fifth year) he shares. Qcnlua is not a word to be (nrown about caietenly, but »nj[ man
    272 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 CAMAY O& «9 ftew beauty bepins irith your I >. first cake nf Camay. Your I J complexion l» clearer, fresher— y 1 J\ CAMAY. 'A \J oz. tablet .30 cts. rf\ XOrFb O CS> O (s>O^ JUVENIA W SWISS O OverswsTradeds Ltd. SINGAPORE K.LUMPUR PENANG x u&J Job tfceJ
      177 words
    • 173 8 casuals! for comfort L looks p and quality I £jtaM<s casua MADE IYCiI. CLARK LTD. v. LOCAL AGENTS: S. G. Parrrtt Son, P.O. 8o« L t d B L* I MyBCZI L I aN \J ar*cor< 1 IF YOU PREFES A CREAM «!wa\s ask for non c :ouDt» D.D.D. Balm.
      173 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 266 8 The Straits Times Crossword IT B 3 W 4 b IFM 7 M I 9 iz 15 ill i 4 s^H l 6 "75" 19 22 23 2* 25 *< IiOSS 7 i i,a:ip ISSJSg > <7> I 8. It teBM :i hmd piacc m icrtiiin 10 I)o v Kr
      266 words

  • TIMES special FEATURE
    • 1797 9 Barefoot boy made millions in giant rail squeeze VVsiiocked G A 0N P litiCal >Ciety in 1873 was tou h and "<* easily shocked. America was st.ll divided by bitter memories of the Civil War. From the chaos and desolation had sprung a new generation of ruthless, graspmg financiers, soaring
      1,797 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 22 9 I ■ANGE llTIOUS? H I Way ■p ■REE Book will MOW tO MOVE m posit/on m fcPPMMNT fie K sssf I ■f'ssssW
      22 words
    • 246 9 its tAe fosAioti Ofis@ AT IMPORTANT *j(f SOCIAL FUNCTIONS 49 sß^^ ~JO SEP H TRAY E R S c SONS LTD. When if ou need |Sg||pV CAPSULES 1$ -w^l v^ Cod Liver Oi/ on ft* Label I Scott 1 C-ipsulct' Alwiyi J look foe fhc fishm^n chop on the lihcl
      246 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 141 9 10 it I. 3 nuif Until stili. Sptirkio ■^s^^l^ElEWyB^ I AND IF YOU THINK THIS |J WE GAVE US ICE CREAM N I WOLD STILL WWAT a^tc r.,, k/1T AcDjm WAR OF NEBVES- SUCH AS I AND WE WOULDN'T TAKE OUQ A MINUTE. IS IT. 3D MAGEE.IM NCJi l' J
      141 words

  • 145 10 THE following dividends were announced by companies operating in Malaya last week: SI NOB I'.iihik TIN itlci.lM.lNj. LTD A dividend of ss. per share, payable on April 30. 1954 to members on register April 23. Books close April 24. RADELLA KIBBKK ESTATE LTD.: A dividend of 5 per
    145 words
  • 708 10 Tin still dominates mar despite fall VITAL TALKS MALAYAN SMAME MAMUUBT HI- inn By OUR MABKET COBHESPONDENT THE varying fortunes of the tin price dominated the Singapore Share Market la^t week and tin shares formed the greater part o. the market* turnover. The price drop of $15.50 in the last
    708 words
  • 9 10 ■Sgli i Mm w FrM ■aw
    9 words
  • 272 10 111 l BASSKT Rl BKKR COMPANY LTD. Made a net profit of $33,282 '4 3 4- i and dividend of 2\'', is recommended for 1953. At balancing date net liquid assets equalled siiG.o47 or 16 6 cents perahare. CM of production was 56.7 cents on a crop averaging
    272 words
  • 99 10 IVH manufacture of new types of chairs ineorporatni latex foam is likely to re;ult from the competition or(anlaed by the British Rub3er Development Board with he object of extending the taj of this type of rubber in he BritLsh furniture trade. Furniture ni a n v
    99 words
  • 33 10 March rubber OUtp nounced are: Changk dang Estates Ltd. 25.000 Chermang Developn. 92.000 lb. Lunaa R ibt>< Lta 43.400 lb.; N s Ltd. 50.000 lb Rubber Batata Ltd. -ilndraein Rubber Ltd
    33 words
  • 291 10 io.%i\ionm\ urn T'HE tin market last w< International com] i the price in Singap The Indo-China $11 i M playing on the ihortag< rent tin supplies In the took the price to $386 on I day. which was tin h price lor this year and highest
    291 words
  • 3 10 Prop prices s
    3 words
  • 5 10 Para ru nets £6 I
    5 words
  • 350 10 THE following list of business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period April 10 to April 16: INDISTKIAI.S: C.T.S. Ords. 25/3, Fru-ser HMTC Olds. $2.10 c d. to $2.00 ex div. Gammon $335 to $3.30 rd, Hammers
    350 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 471 10 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN that ROSKI INK SOLOMON, of No Rni. Mountbetten Road, Bii is applying to 'he Oovernor ior naturalisation, and thai any person who knowi an] reaai naturalisation shou!<, should Bend a written an statement of the racti to the Coin lal Bei I pure. ROAD
      471 words
    • 414 10 NOTICE NOTICE AS FROM 16Lh April. 1934 our oOea «ill i>e at No. 12 A, Upper i Circular Road. Mngapotv-l and our telephone numi'er will be *****. I Our cable address remains as ■KINDNESS" Singapore. CHOP KIAN YONO. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS WATER DEPARTMENT: Tender; for Transportation of 30"
      414 words
    • 593 10 NOTICES SINGAPORE TURF CLUB MAY ■HIM S.\Tl'Rl>\\ I.VIH. aVEDNESDAI 19TH AND SAH RIIAV UNO MAY ItM ENTRIES CLOSE at 12 noon on WEDNESDAY, sth May, 1954. SWEEPS. »1/- Unlimited Sweepstake, KOR MEMBERS ONLY will be held each Hare Day. Applications for ticket.s must be in writing and be received before
      593 words
    • 875 10 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE The closing date for TENDERS for the Erection and Completion of I Five is.i Blocks of Two Transit marten ri"wo- Bfdroom Type and Alternatively Threo-Bedroom Type) Each at Batu Pahat. has been ex--1 tended to 12.00 noon of 24th April 1954. P. W. D.
      875 words
      17 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 840 11 AKSF lELD «c CO., LTD. t**,, Passage L LiE FUNNEL LINE Dept, ■m ,ia other ports to load ond discharqc cargo (LASGOW, LONDON, ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Said P S'hom Pen,ng j G 27 28 Apr. 21 Apr. 22/23 Apr. 25 Apr 20 Apr 25 Apr. 26/28 Apr. 29/30 Apr 24
      840 words
    • 928 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANOINAVIA 'or Aden, Port So.H Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg Gdynta, Copenhoqen, Gorhenburfl m Oslo. nr rc P. S'hom P#r»ing •SggP?..::;:;;;;; 2^^ N Cn,.s Beyroutr, WU "^25 May 24/26 May b 3 IS •ZZfmjSL" onlyi ond KorKhomn SAILINGS FROM SCArDINAVIA/UK /CONTINENT Voo'^ 9. S'horr. Pc^ang "MEONIA"
      928 words
    • 986 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S ham Penong Benlomond fo» Genoa, Avonmouth, oouj ■>.. London. Rotterriorr.. Hamburg 15/29 Apr. 22/24 Apr. 30Apr/2Moy Bcnettew for Hov«* London, M Antwerp, Homburg 2SApr/IMoy S/3 May 4/S -Moy Benmhor for Liverpool, Dublin Hull. Rotterdam 25Apr/lMoy 2/4 Moy
      986 words
    • 1009 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. Til- No 7»>«. ELLERMAN CUCKNAI.L KLAVENESS LINE LOS ANGELFS, SAN FRANCISCO. LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM PORTLAND SrATUE, ft VANCOUVtR HAMBURG ft HULL Acccp'inq' cargo lor Crntrol ft South ond for USA No'lh Atlantic Por»s Amrrieon Ports and Corvrio v.o Colombo m < SUNNYVILLE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM S'por*
      1,009 words

  • 47 12 rplIK Pakistan looth.ill team 1 to tin- Asian (■.lines will play two matches in Sinuapore this week rnri. at .lalan Besar. On Saturrt.M they will meet a Singapore telecti— mil on Sunday the\ will play auainst thr Singapore Asian (l.imrs tram.
    47 words
  • 62 12 Dallas i iia sm Beeond seeded Vie Seivis beat S\en Davldaaon ok Sweden, and fop-seed-iri Tony TVaben oi Cincinnati tw; Oardnar Mulloy of Ml i \c rrda; to enu Dl tlie I».i!:.iv iinita:ion,il tennis toumaJMßt. Betas* to the i set to DavMaaon but rallied r o
    62 words
  • 82 12 i NDOM I T« U Dv !e tcue rwttltl I Bradford Northern 31 Barrow 14. Dewiburjf n Doncaaur n Ho ts 17. Peatnentom Ho i r i aadi Huddersfield 10 Batley :t. Lull ■n Rovers R Haiti 1": Hunsh I .7 Ci «tl< ird 12; Kel 9 Hull
    82 words
  • 37 12 IPOH Sun -Royal Australian! 1 scored •:\e-w:rket urtnrv over 48, Ourktaa Brtß;.rie ai crtcfcel here ve>terdav Ourkhai 4v [i chat- field 13 Thorr.s 4-12 2 lii i homson 2 Hi RA F I 4
    37 words
  • 655 12 But all the other issues are as open as ever LONDON, Sunday. I IVKRPOOL, beaten at home yesterday, relinquished English First Division status for the first time for 1!) years. A first-half gml by Cardiff City's inside left Tommy Northtolt ended any •light hope the
    655 words
  • 38 12 SEREMBAN sun )lonc Konu ..lid Sl;uißliai Biink. HBCMMWI !<>- d^iv bent Neßii R;mcers 3-1 In a cli.niiv HWOM 'lintrh on the Station pariang. The Katne in aid of L«4]l lemplfrs TB. Fund and Rangers MJMfti fund.
    38 words
  • 50 12 BANGKOK. Sun Austr.,ll.,Jimmy Carrwhers «rri\fd here l>> plane >rsterday for his May I |gM .H'.ur.M TbaUand'l Chamirm SonnIdtrat. Carruthera, who will defrnd his world Iwntamweicht title v;i S mi: by Chamrern Ht the mrpori They tode topethrr in a long car pro(ivslnn to the city.— A. P.
    50 words
  • 158 12 LONDON. Sun I YESTERDAY'S Riißby Union resul Rosslyn Park 8 Metropolitan Policr 17; Aberavon 13 London Wrlsh 18. Barnstaple 6 Saracens 0 Bath I Moseley 0; Bedford 27 Bradford 0; Brldcwitr.r and Albion 3 Somerset Police 0: Rilstol 18 Lritesin ;t CambonM London Ciwl Service S CardlfT
    158 words
  • 118 12 FRANKFI'R T 'Oniunv B SPAIN and We«l Oeiuiany their way into the final of the 1 International fifa junior mmm festival yesterday Spain upset favourite Argentina 1-0. Wes> Ciermanv scored I 1-1. win over Turkey i" a thrill-packed ii\counter. MJWIa and Weal C.mi.niv
    118 words
  • 63 12 KUAIA I.l'MPl'R. Sun Aw Boon He* mnd :our HMtM for Selangor Chine-* Recreation Club when they trouncrd t!i< HOMfkonf Bank MM 'earn tana Smu.ipore 7-0 at Pudu Road Lin Tet netted two (oak and Thonc Poh Chtew tIM other. Selansor Bouste be.i; Penanc Monataadi
    63 words
  • 27 12 FOIKKSIONK Sun Fnslnnd DMMMTk m BVC RO*U to 7tTn after leading 4-0 at half time In a men's Internationsj hockey mutch here Renter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 12 AN AN(i KAK \K. the Sinu;ipore «<'iitr<- I'oruiird. was .jusi too laic to gd to the hall (luriiiK a corner kick in S.iturda\'s Aiv Hue .Memorial (up match at .lalan Ifr dium. Singapore won "!-0. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 277 12 LONDON. Sunday. IF AN AWAKI) were made to the most outstanding 1 British Kiisbv I nion club side, then ardifl would ertainlv des»M\t< th<- honour this season. Five months ago tbt Welsh club beat the N'r.v fftihllMl All Blaek.s and yesterday at Cardiff Arms Park, me
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 33 12 NEW YORK. Sun- silio. the uorlos No l welter contender. w;is a\\;irdf<l a i:n;m: decision over middleweieh 1 T Imi :ini* of Fiance las) I I return ten-round bou: —I' P
    33 words
  • 8 12 tudor H win s 2, Gns tr I
    8 words
  • 10 12 I I I I I
    10 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 263 12 Pan American offers the first EASTWARD to the U.S.A. 53yk?^L lust ,n the Pu.lK-xithtouriM «Sf'~» service. P«n Amerietn now ■Sif;.v.: i ,i I :.r.i-^ <^^jja^2 lhl U S A %"rrr''"^^^^' GENERAL AGENTS FOR MALAYA r 1 0) C/ *0 if//i>y% MANSFIELD Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE (TEL: 2412. s V* OJ( r.,
      263 words
    • 115 12 SPOTS PIMPLES !>jb lh,- B« .u*/J m /.I I 1 i p f ':fi;(i nniiiwffl billiPiß 3OILS •inf. tjke > llaipoonful j, C_' I DHOBIS ITCH if I| y 111 v"'.» .a, (trms in M* i, MM I MlB^rl" THE GR F AT HEALER JST3 I'm I ¥<14KCUA FIRST \KKV
      115 words

  • 718 13 By THE SPORTS KDITOR Kin»-Malays I: Hon* Kon>; 1 JHK SINO-MALAYS of Singapore beat Honjj Kong F.A. I—l at .lalan Besar Stadium yesterday and N lived up to their fine tradition of great deeds against touring teams. r Ji h t\ r P erforrr »ance
    718 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 13 IVAN YASS. the Singapore- captain receive* the Aw Hoc trophy from .Mr. m$Q, Watt, pre*idenl of the SAFA ifter Singapore beat Hong Kong 'Z-0 in their annual niati-h at Jalan Besar stadium »n Saturday. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 428 13 [)RIVING his Cooper 109 b c.c. confidently at high vr speed around the tricky bends, 43-year-old Jimrm Milne put up the outstanding performance MMaf Imcrs at the Singapore .Motor Clubs annual Gap Hill K» yesterday. h wai [•>.. only competl return times of under
    428 words
  • 554 13 KUALA UMPIR, Sunday. SCRATCH International golfer C. 11. Beamish scored an easy semi-final victory over W. .1. (iibb and became No. 1 choice for the Malayan jjolf championship final at the Selangor Golf Club tomorrow. Ili> opponent in the final iil be D. W. MacMullan
    554 words
  • 81 13 Mnih.ils and lVnial.s beat Al t> jnd adenct by 113 run's In their Inter-Faculty cricket ttxture yesterday Mtfiu.iN thus -.von tne Allen Cup for the .second '.line in seven years A::.s .Hid Science won four times .md lhe u.ime «.<s d:a»n on< c Itadkak ;s)7
    81 words
  • 82 13 siniMixiie Bngtnaar Re-. I •rttn rah Cbaaal al cricket «t EMU- i nun barraeki futarday C'hanm 9H MfViiell 2f> J^raw^ It, hi. Xi lly .S-3fi. SHF li.i loi 9 iJacksdii 2-JM Burton Vr> RAX Chanel 2nd XI b^at Pr\>iu al ChuliKt by 7 wkts Pii- M Ptrt
    82 words
  • 236 13 Cliwee Kuk. BjßtJkpaN and i Asian CSait^ rluunpion. yester- I day bellered Ins mm »iriKH|H>re re- I cord idi tiii- 4. i inctrev traattyl* at the annual ■equatVe nieciinv; Ijetween tlie Btatmpon and Penang Chinese BwlmmllM ClutM when litMMiiiiied i in.<- ci (Ma m kat His
    236 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 268 13 LUCKY BQMER •■Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaak if '=!v. ::::::::h '■■■■■■■aaaraaaaaaaa __^p^"^W .■■•■r>niiiiiii*«ii aV*Hi I S| M«SMfIIIMIMIM»> Li i a<r*T I iiiiMM \^ttr^^^ '•••aa»' fy Z WIHMIMM S "»HA **l\ Sal. r> j.\/ /-"Jir •iiii»..~ v.inillillll [ML LAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD. shoes V^4. ■IOTICO. LIMITED crosiA STFttr. SINGAPORE T Made Jor men who value
      268 words
    • 465 13 s4 Masterpiece of the Distiller's Art SCOTCH WHISKY sole Distributors:- JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. JIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllll: E FOR THE BEST TRIP IN THE WORLD I ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD I Consult AMERICAN LLOYD Whether it he sea. air or land bookings Inclusive tours. Horel E H accommodation. Foreign Exehan^c. Traveller's cheques.
      465 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 53 13 jjiiJiitiMi S(I((KK: N\l\ Olv. 1. Chinese Alii. I iiiiui k.niii. i Baaar. itiv. SIIHKt v. HaikoMMi. l.rvlmc < uiiiiiiii.inv v. aataa Mr. I I kion ml in BalaaMai I id. 1 s ii.u nd Ml. :iK. Irurul A finli I! U Silrlar. >lt A „.,,.,,1 (ickkki: Maaaaata r. aalaaaw, S.('.(
      53 words

  • 310 14 RAIN again frustrated both players and spectators alike yesterday, second day of the Singapore Selangor cricket match on the S.C.C. padanc. and a total of only 11 overs were bowled during the e!.i\. Singapore are 24 for one wicket More rain on
    310 words
  • 162 14 Kl'.M A IL'MPIR Pun. The •ipproach ot a train and closure 01 ihe railway gae cost Malayan cycling rlumpion Ralph Plaice the :5-mlle time trial here Uu.s ir.orniii« Plaice had to dismount and earn Ml r>cle over the gate, then run across the Un«-
    162 words
  • 477 14 Penang beat Perak by wickets ANDRES FINISHES WITH 10 FOR 23 PENANG. Sunday. DENANG scored a comfortable six-wicket victory over Perak in their inter-state cricket match, which ended on the Western Road ground today. At close of play, Penang totalled 84 and 11 tor five in reply to Perak's 81
    477 words
  • 261 14 KCALA LUMPUR. Sun. A HETERMINED stand ty Keriah s last pan. Dlckson and P. Augustine, who defied Selangor s bowlers for 65 minutes, failed to save them in their first int<r-State cricket fixture with c e'aivjor A' which ended on the Police Depo! ground ti>d.,\
    261 words
  • 316 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. CELANOOR Club and Singapore 0 Cricket Club drew their annual cricket match on the Kuala Lumpur padang today. S.CC, who were 127 for seven yesterday were all out today for IM mainly due to a grand 90 by S Armitage. Harry
    316 words
  • 393 14 KI.ANG. Sun. DESOLTI of ties in the Klan K Club open tennis championships 'eriny were: Mm's BtagtaU Syed Mohamed bt t Col. V.. .inch. imp 7-9. 8-6 irelied i; R. D H. Farthing bt Syexi Othman Yusoff 6-3. 6-1. Women's singles (Ist. round) Miss I Gornm
    393 words
  • 367 14  -  EPSOM JEEP By lI'HAT promised to be a battle royal for the richest prize in Malayan raeinc turned out to he a farcical one-horse affair at Ipoh on Saturday, when (ho eiralu Khor Mousa ran his opposition of!" their feet to win the 530.000
    367 words
  • 98 14 KUALA LUMP! CINGAPORE superb exhibition ol >occer to swamp TPC" on the Princes Rod ground •a minute^ of switalnfd ■UN by i'mtiapore saw tbetfl their first coal thro igh rlgnl Ismail YusofT who then :he second poal In the 13ih ml He completed a fine h?in
    98 words
    5 words
  • 41 14 MVAR. Sin Miar heat Suara \!uda of Kelantan. 3-1 in a thrillIng soccer match Bl sa] mttm led tvvo-nil at interval Scorers were: Ban Chiian and Mi Tamby 2 for Muar and Hus■eln for the
    41 words
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