The Straits Times, 18 April 1954

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 OMFLIMENTAHY The Straits Times. No. 974. SINGAPORE, SINDAY. APVIL 18. 1954. if 15 CENTS
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  • 346 1 Wounded women and children burnt to death by Communist rebels k PNOM PENH. Cambodia. Saturday. COMMUNIST LED rebels ambushed a train in the jungle and massacred more than 100 men, women and children. Cambodian officials said today. A communique said the tram was blasted off
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  • 111 1 TAIPEH. Saturday. JWERALISSIMO Chiang Kai Shek, in a Easter message. today, called for a holy war against Communist China. tang said that i <ri u.s to co 'over our Satan romp: h on our main- < una based upon quality and brother- uHittlec!
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  • 41 1 A S1 (J rf !HC?\t M 3 F Ht C t WJV C S soodbyc to .1 Very Important Person from the docks jt Portsmouth Cjn you guess who it it? Turn to Pjge Three tor the jntwer.
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  • 28 1 HW YORK. M Comedian Danny Kaye is to make a round-the-world trip as an "ambassador at larpe' for the United Nations Children s J Emergency Fund
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  • 275 1 KUALA LUMPUR Saturday. THE DEPUTY HICH COMMISSIONER. Sir Donald MacGiMivray. told members of the Malayan branch of the British Mtdical Association at their annual dinner here tonight that the Emergency hat had a beneficial affect on living conditions. Thou.-ands of proplo are Retting
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  • 69 1 FERRARA. Sat. Mario Tabellin; saw snakes on Thursday night and hadn't even had his supper wine. First four of them crawled into his farm kitchen. He killed them, then pulled aside some bricks to se,e how they came up from the cellar. When he had finished
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  • 29 1 CORSIER. Switzerland, Sat Charlie Chaplin, celebrating tn.s 65th birthday here announced he plans to make a new picture comparing the European and American ways of life.
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  • 60 1 WIESBADEN. Germany. Sat Police reported last night Mis* Irmcard Scrap* 40. was bitten to death on Wednc.sdiu night by hungry dogs. H> r body was found in her garden, surrounded by .-.even dogs she had befriended. Police shot six of them. Neighbours reported she
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  • 44 1 THE HAGUE. Sat. Thirteen survivors of a British minesweeper which capMzed in flames and sank in the channel today were landed at Fluxhinc by the French .ship which saved them, the 2 860-ton Tunisie Nineteen more are sale aboard a Dutch coaster
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  • 41 1 riree win- the Stra ts ;zzl e "IT m will rc--66. i c: Syed Sha--1 Mot Star; Road, K. Deva, in Tune; Yen. Of the it ion, and ~n editor's are in word puzzle n mr Strats ~>W.
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  • 70 1 T KAK DERI I a half mil hen Khor ridden by 0 nni c; K Mousa ti > r '3 for a 'In and S^3 rot Drew air aft Intlj r sod toy Chin fuan and and trained by Fox, save a PWinlscent of his the Slngap
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  • 143 1 MI-5-5 men to quiz Petrov CANBERRA Sat. SECURITY officers from Britain's MI-5 anti-spy organisation are flying to Canberra tv pick up new tips on Russia's e.spionaee .system from Viarti m:r Pitrov the Ru.v-ian Embassy oAeUU Who .-^ked Ausi for political earlier this week. The MI-5 men will help Australian
    Reuter; AP  -  143 words
  • 68 1 LONDON. Sat PRINCESS MARGARET will make a three-day tour of Germany in July, it was announced yesterday. It will be the first trip outside Britain lor the Princess for a year. An announcement from Clarence House, residence of the Queen Mothef and Princess Maraaret. said the
    UP  -  68 words
  • 289 1 Singapore has best holiday weekend for years CINCAPORE is enjoying its busiest Easter holiday weekend for years in spite of the rain showers and amusement parks, cabarets and cinemas are reportfng bumper business. Oblivious of the 1 53 inches of "rainfall recorded at Kallang Airport yesterday, office
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  • 130 1 CENEVA. Saturday. AMERICAN navigators are Hying with the crews of Russia., planet to show them the way to Geneva as they bring in officials and documents foe the coming conference here. "The air force boys are flying with the Russians to show them the recognised
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 247 1 Erergthing depends on Genera Cosey. IF Indo-China wrre to fall to the Communists, the whole of South I ivi Asia would be threatened, said Mr. Richard Casey, the Australian Minister for Kxternal Affairs, in a broadcast oxer Radio Malaya last nicht. Mr. Casey, who returned to Sineapore yesterday after a
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  • 219 1 ON the morning of Feb. 15 of this year, a 13-year-ol<l English boy. Stephen Darbishire. in the company of his eight-year-old cousin, climbed a hill at the bank of his home at Coniston. Lancashire Ho had with him a small Kodak camera. What
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  • 117 1 Charging Mau Mau speared NAIROBI, at A BRITISH army ttentcnani i\ vtttM pistol jammed 11 llau terrorists him grabbed a ■near from a loyal Kikuyu and ki.icd one o( the term- irith it. it was learned B i lieutenant John Eppestone, of thr South Lancashire Regiment is attach' Royal Inni.
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  • 58 1 WASHINGTON. Sat Tru United Btates Government ye.vterday "urgently reque.«.terl union.* to postpone a Itrtka due at midnight or 9.WK) worker* at four installation producing atomic bomb materiaLs I Mr. Whitley P McCov. Federal Mediation B*rvice Director, told the unions and the company: All partie.s to thi.dispute
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  • 57 1 CLEVELAND. Sat An apologetic young man walked into the Club Beverage Oo smiled and .said "I'm terribly •orry. but this is a .stiekun After he had taken US$25 from Mrs Mary di Cillo. ?h<young man apol«>*i.sed- 'You see. tlu.s is t!u> w;»y I
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  • 85 1 NEW YORK Sat ANOTHER fc mer American came home from a .sex-chancing operation in Denmark on Friday in ahtrlchair an 1 stayed silent about the whole n The arrival )f Charlotte MrLeoti. Tormeriy Charles Mel.eori aged 28. was m quiet contrast to the tumu'.-uous reception
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 MEET ME AT THE 1 Pavilion Bar IN ORCHARD ROAD LISTENING IN COMFORT! a ix'dalhi designed bi/ P.r- lines, in all respects similar I in London and Neu- York. Customer enjoying Ins favourite record*. ne in Kuhniu. the /ollotnnc, features ■cd in And.: inn-Rooms:— dltioned With "Duct Distributing which ensures
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    • 89 1 in 7~~~ «!!3 roMMMMotwW ty K<idun4tM MAKERS Or FINE CIGARETTES EVER SINCE 1890... |J Aa long ten im tli« 'imieliix. Ill" Mniine nf I «4^^ Holhiimn i» Louden I'm 1 1 MmII ti'-t warn i'» iiiihui* n-pu «li«.ii |..r in.ikitu mi|w»rSlj Hn« J^^^^^f^ f -^W Virnmii* '"'H' I <■"••> ■>!
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    • 2 1 ps>6^ ECO
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  • 1073 2  -  VWI.M.I.V I.I.XUHI RST As diplomats talk of peace. Russia prepares for war »U Make no mistake i Allied Intelligence doesn't): The Russian Colossus is fighting fit and fit to fight. This is the considered opinion of men who would wish otherwise. It comes on the
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  • 404 2 NMV YORK. WHEN Prrsident Riaenhower iflade his hydrogen bomb speerh from Washington, screen actor Robert Montgomery was at hand to help. Out of sight of the TV cameras. Montgomery held up large pieces of white cardboard on "h h were written notes to help the President along
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 For extra SAFETY.. Ride on MICHELIN k Real low Pressure Tyres
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    • 272 2 M ARM lit y?^^33 gives you ffjdJU i lhtm iT~^ M VITAMINS! X's f rand to be fit and Marmite helps to rr flt. Marmite It t proved tource of tho building vltamlnt that atsure good health and you from Illness. Add Marmite to your I difhes and you increase
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  • 275 3 OVER-ACE MEN TRY VAINLY TO JOIN THE ARMY. BUT... YOUTHS are trying to dodge national service registration by defacing their identity cards or birth certificates, the Sunday Times was told yesterday. Registration slowed down slightly last week as a result. But many unen ployed
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  • 105 3 Spore to get 23 schools next year AN 18-classroom school b<a\ ing built at Pulati Bukotn by the Shell Company will be taken over by the Singapore Government next January. Headmasters of Government primary schools may apply before May 1 for transfer to this and 20 other .schools expected to
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 HAPPY EASTER A pretty Singapore (irl complete writ* litter bonnet and white rabbits for luck poicd tor this holiday p.cturc yctterday. It wit taken by A Hi(hc»s»*y.
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  • 198 3 ITADERS of the Singapore Improvement Trust Estates" community centres may hold a mass meeting to H'Scuss the question of 10 per cent, rent increases, effective on. |jne I. This will b<- tIM only effcettVC mean* of chocking the risins. tide Of all-mund increase*
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  • 48 3 Th Very Important Person PrincciJ«.irct wjvel -.codbye 'o n Page One it Prince Charlci. seen here on the deck of the Royal yacht Britannia before sailing to Tobruk where he is to meet his parents. Queen Eliiabcth and thr Duke of Edinburgh.
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  • 93 3 JOHORE BAHRU. BENL'T. a small town on the west coast of Johore. now has electric light Local people formed a company in 1950 and obtained a licence from the Central Electricity Board to lnstal and operate a supply. They could raise only $19,000
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  • 231 3 •J EARLY 100 people packed the Emergency (norm.l'y the Fourth) Police Court at it special Ea*ter holiday sitring yesterday. When the court opened there were 18 men and a girl In thr Tin- girl. 17-year-old Llrw Klen. hugged closed to on* corner
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  • 234 3 THEO BEIAY, 60. cheerfully told the magistrate yesterday. "I have no home, no money, no work, no relatives and no fnends He was sent to a house ot detention Tan Ah Kee. 80. told the mag-strate: 'I am a wonderful man The
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  • 120 3 tVJR three montli^ recently an employee ol the Smjupore City Council wa.s in I hospital without his depart I meat know ing it. I As a result, says the S«cre'tary of the Council. Mr. D Stevens, in a circular to heads 0*" departments, "the man
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  • 55 3 TAIPINO. Su' Mi.s.s Khoo Sin Inn. of the teaching .^tufl of tht Oovert.nient Eimlush Afternoon Bov.s' S<h ml. Taiping. is to marr>' Mr. ChceTecfl Lum of Penang Mr and Mn Khot) Kirn Hoe. parcttti <>t tlibride, will give a reception on April 26 at their home at
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  • 46 3 PENANG. Sat TV) prevent hungry terrorists raiding houses whrre new ly-hnrvrstrri rice is kept, padi planter? of five kamponijs In South Province WeHr.-lev and South Koriah have stored their stofk;- In central keeps" wirod-in areas next to the kampone Home Guard headQuarterg.
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  • 182 3 This machine will turn Summer into Winter A 65-TON 'ice-making ma hine arrives In Singapore today on the Chusan. It will be s< t to work right awiiv manufacturing a skuting rink for the "Holiday < m l( i p'vue which opens at the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 <>v^bW ai<VßP^Bvßw A V^Bw Bb» Ifll b^bW IHtu jl vWI VBBP^a. k^BBkBbBBBBbBh FOUR-WAY TOPCOATS WATERPROOFS Also full range of skirts slack tf dresses. SOLE AGENTS: TORE WITH A $*<- TO OFFER YOU HAVEN'T REALLY SEEN A WESTERN until YOU'VE SEEN IT in CinemaScopC 4..,. f!^ I W: "^B««<««a»^ 9% WARNERS'
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    • 565 3 £4,315 FOR YOU AT AGE 55 Mm rir women, und'r 45 by -< -jular monthly, half-yearly nr yearly amounts undrr the SUN I IFK OF CANADA plan ran. for cxampl". recrhrp :>' imp sum £4 315 for mm or £4 Wl for wtoti <>r a private ItMOBM for lif'- of
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  • 461 4  - Pretty girls on eyetes put a desert on the map Howard By TONY Burke stared out at the waste sage scrubland of the Colorado Desert and wondered how he could make it pay. He had pad ninepence an acre for hundreds of acres and that's how. lust 25 years ago,
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  • 1142 4  -  Mrs. Helen Cathcart By The close kept secrets of the new Royal yacht Britannia are told here for the first time in a special exclusive despatch from one of Britain's best-known Court commentators. LJISTORY will be made early next month when the Queen and the Duke
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  • 399 4 THE WORLD OF SCIENCE A ET- PROPELLED towboat is being tested in Oregon, m the United States The 30-foot towboat can travel in very shallow water since the iet nozzle extends only nine inches below the bottom of the boat Water is drawn into the boat, pressurized and expelled at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 THE FAVOURED GIFT T=^^^^^^^^^ OF THOSE WHO CHOOSE JW E BEST sl'M-A' new /^^y a VT OU SH <> W the greatest regard when you give the I New Parker "51" Pen. For Parker "51" is recognised throughout the world as the finest of writing ...WITH THE SI instruments. NEW
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    • 207 4 f Costs no more J I Trouble Saving \Time Saving Gillette Quick-feed Dispenser THE MOST CONVENIENT PACK EVE, BLADES ARE COMPLETELY OIL PROTECTED mxt'f Him waitid)umb»nt So more unndVdnwith wrapping paper oUt blade, -g n'_J Old b.aJr, t or uttrlv aao aid btadr container I 10 Blue Gillette Blades
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  • 531 5 MJnessman witness at Johore bribe hearing Mis tourt: AD nor k lOHORE BAHRU, Saturday SIMCAPOKE businessman admitted in the johore Bahru Sessions fi Court that he ran an opium den in Mersing Emission was made by Ho Ec Kik who was giving evidence
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 5 Th.t-T,,, wit m,,00n t d on MM* yrtrerd.T in Hie m.drflc of OrcKard Ro»4 at Tanglin Road when it crashed mto a Keep Left tit" a traffic island. The driver, who «n not carrying paMtngcrt, wm unhurt.
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  • 68 5 RIDA to speed up on roads BAHRU. Sat trial D> velopJl r -v in Johnrc ii a mechanical speed protlement telf-help the State. two ten-hund-rollers. machine alight r-bulldoser and vcw cnncrntratpment ol com- rural a: gk has born con- Ing earth Irarks a'.l-wenther i l(Bc roada or done by imbmlding
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  • 6 5 The R
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  • 26 5 Thrrc naJ films ir with Singa- vs of "Kiss Me J the Cathay d yostrrday to of the film and report "Attendmuch better".
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  • 214 5 MALAYANS LACK POLISH', HE SAYS MALAYAN amateur b.ill- room dancers have an :ima7:ng wealth oi Utfent but they need polish." Mr L. K. Hurley, leader of the W, si Australian amateur dance team, told the SunTimes before the team left Singapore last week after I successful tour
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  • 155 5 THE SINGAPORE VETERINARY DEPARTMENT was today waiting for the results of confirmatory tests on Hie organs of a dog believed to have died of anthrax. The dog's owner took it to the Animal Infirmary in Kampong Java Road. Singapore, for treatment. Later he railed in
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  • 72 5 From Tuesday. Mr F. A. Chua. Singapore's First Traffic Court Judge, will temporarily act as Registrar of the Supreme Court in place of Mr. Tan I Thoon Lip. who is ill. Mr. T Kulasckaram. the Seventh Police Magistrate, will preside over the Traffic Court and
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  • 55 5 DRIVERS employed by the Singapore City Council at the Tebrau Water Works are to get housing allowance Increases of from $6 to $16 a month Under a recent Council ruling a driver will get a maximum of $248 as arrears. The Increase follows representations by the Federation
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  • 203 5 VINETEEN women have sought to Join the women's A unit of the Singapore Volunteer Corps since the Sunday Times published a story about the unit less than three weeks ago. The Commandant of the SVC. Lieut -Col. T. J. Hut-chlm-on. yesterday described the response as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 222 5 COLONY OF SINGAPORE NATIONAL SERVICE REGISTRATION PROGRAMME FOR PERSONS LIVING OR WORKING WITHIN THE CITY :gisrration will take place at the National Service Registration Office, i?apore Volunteer Corps, HQ., Beach Road between the hour* of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Week Days and 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on
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    • 273 5 jfd I *~c- MORE tREQUENVmJSINESS TRIPS Both economical Mid luxurious the ARGONAUT TOURIST SERVICE solves your problem of MORE FREQUENT VISITS HOME, for business or pleasure BOOK NOW. throuch your 8.0.A.C. Appointed Acent or throuch MALAYAN AIRWAYS LTD., Ocean Buildinc, Singapore. TELEPHONE: *****. Twice weekly, from Singapore J-r\ with effect
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    • 80 5 MAMMA ivt/< >x« r%it^« i^.»»xi»%ii^4>x<t^«>*> i< M»^ I The we*kly i»uc ot the STK.MIs HJOGR can w »rnt by Air Mail to any addrr>s in the l mu-d Kmsdom C at an Inclusive rate of $24.00 H)K M\ >I»)MH> r llyoa want the Bl IK.J 1" wh.w ..n Irarf or
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 155 5 Papular crasstrord ACBOBS DOWN 1. Pilhy rvp.rwlon I'rnr 1. Tricks 2. Tramp (4); S. tratca 11. W»ndrr (4) 11. Inrommonnw 1(1; 4. Entertain Sport (3(; IS. Alfttrt (4); 14. (5); 5. Newt 13); FtnUh (I); suddm 16 Ten y«*ra U. 7. RBent (5); r»od«cd I. Lay Sound. (S); It. CUuw
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  • 1376 6 This it the first of a Mti«s of extracts from the reminiscences of W. W. Skeat, leader of the Cambridge University Expedition to the North Eastern Malay States and Upper Perak in 1899. Mr. Skeat, author of "Malay Magic" end an authority on Malayan
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  • 638 6 Malayan Countryman's Journal 4FTER firmly refusing to attend the Health Week Exhibition and next A day a Baby Show, the Tuan was persuaded to visit the Club one night to see a film. He was quite amused at the American slapstick comedy, althouph he
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  • 328 6 rpOMATOES are onr of the m. most versatile and quite the most easily cooked and prepared of all the vegetables Always provided »p do not waste time on the aeeold argument as to whether they are a vegetable or a fruit. BAKED STTFFED TOMATOES CHOOSE four to alx
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 311 6 OF REGENT ST* LONDON TALCUM POWDER Delicately prepared as a m;sT bath luxury in true floral frajtranrei. In decorative turned al CJ^ <pr.nkler tins. Hr BATH LUXURIES in true floral fragrances of ntENCH FERN PINK LILAC ULY OF THE VALLEY GARDENIA JLNE ROSES also Fitu Quality Soaps in Bath, Toilet
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  • 1202 7 'Waltz Time 9 is the romantic name for this new petticoat JOULOUSE-LAUTREC never painted prettier petticoats than those now appearing in ;i number 01 Singapovtabopa. The frills, the nounees. the Icmi ninitv give a wonderful reeling to womanly clothes. This is what is being sponsored by all the big designers
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  • 285 7 —Says Margaret Shipley IT has taken a long t me to realise more than halt a century, in fact— but it is suddenly clear that the woman of bra>ns is no dowd Briefly, the smok- -blue shrcr nylon has finally had the Iml word over
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  • 155 7 MICOLE Maurey is the Pansienne actress who made her American film debut as Bidr Crosby s wife m Paramount s "Little Boy Lost." in private life. Nicole k married to importer-exporter Jacques Gallo. She met her husband on a Paris train when he gallantly cave
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  • 425 7 Should I go out with him again I KNEW a boy by sight for 18 months, and for the whole of that time we did not talk to each other. Since the beginning ot this year, however, we started to talk to each other and he asked me on several
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 309 7 Vhat more can you do v PAMILr FIT AND wfll is not easy. You make p, pood meaK and plenty of Trcsh air and sleep. Yet ck up infections and illnesses. Can you guard against pvc them Jaily RiK-na. lor Rihcna th.. natural \it.immC is a great source of health.
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    • 382 7 I II I L aS I J flaY t /^TJiA \W^r< But do not fear- |y\y^ ASPRO fablers have the/// j (Sfy power »o »top the fever and y soothe away the pains and /l\ aches in the body and joints. 'ASPRO' tablets »re also very QUICK in action. Each
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  • 212 8 IS a child, Elizabeth Joire lovrd the home-made A prpprrmint (Trams her mother used to make in thnr small Somerset mttace. in Britain When Elizabeth was married and wanted to fatten the family budget she rerr.embcrrd h«T childhood pa.ssion for home made peppermint creams. A confectioner tatted
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  • 310 8 Says DE LONA DAR I S decrees the Prmcess line, but fashion r.nnc CAM women ,mr! Malaya has her fair share of them have, if they are at all honest with themselves. taken a long, hard look at their own lints before rushing out
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  • 635 8 ANNE SCOTT-JAMES REPORTS FROM FLORENCE What you owe to Mr. Pucci ()\T. sparkling ,l;inn;ivv d:iv soon ■fICT Ihe w;ir. Ihc M.mhcse Ijnilio Pucri of Florence ■Jowwd half wa\ dowa a slid ski riopa :ilimc St. Monti to rescue I lady in distress. Having dusted the snow off her face and
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  • 253 8 A CADEMY Award winner Audrey Hepburn is a designer's dream come true. acceding to Edith Head, fashion designer of Paramount Studios. "Audrey actually practices what fashion editors preach." says Miss Head who went on a shopping expedition with Audrey. Audrey asked me to
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  • 413 8  - Malayan women are wise planners Anne Carmichael By tV'HAT arc the intrrrsts of the averace Malayan woman? In what way dors shr romparr with those in other qprts of the world 0 It sorms to mo that she is a wise planner, for j though her interrsts arr mainly centred
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  • 154 8 ITNITED States s»rvicr- nun in many parts of the world arc rat inn bread over six months old. Though morit women scorn yesterday's atale loaf, lasl year's bread ha.s been .shippod to Germany, Italy and the Middle L.ust and Hollyvuioci teehnu lan.s have been buying up quuk-lrozen
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 I dreamed I was a mermaid >'l'' rll I' 1 Maidenette bra You 11 ft oceans of compi.menti when lovely Maidenette* lhapes your curves. Maidenerte lifts you like a drum, rounds you beautifully. In vmir favorite faDncs. Genuine Maidenform Brassieres ire made only In tt>« United States of Americi. There
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    • 119 8 Glorious BP^ KftLjn KOLYNOS the "Acti>e" Chloroph\ll Toothpa* I he clean li% ely taste of green Kolynos pi\e<; •onderful refreshed feeling. In Jean fla\ rvery crevice freshening every corner. An 'uting freshness is your proof of the all-roisW m .>nl> Kolynos with Chlorophyll gi\c^ I. keep* your breath fresh. 2.
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  • PEOPLE in the news
    • 256 9 THEY BLINKED WHEN THE NEW BOSS WALKED IN in the Federation (Government's town planning headquarters in Kuala Lumpur blinked and looked again when the new assistant town planner arrived. For the now boss was a tall, shapely "I'm in my twenties" blonde. A blonde with a string of academic qualifications
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    • 267 9 attractive 17-year-old Singapore Dutch j;irl Franca Maria, bai Fallen In mvt with Indiai dancing because of its graceful Rowing move ments. Sho has alrrady studiod Bal'.nrsr. Javanese aiu Biameae dancet for morr than a year. At the md o thp course in 1952 sho went to
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    • 129 9 IuIRS F. LEON-SOH. foun-der-president of the S> ncapore Canine Welfare Association and a schoolteacher, has a unique hobby she makes "treasure souver. s." ■M writes poetry to com-mt-morate a special event «uch as a wedding, an anniversary or a birthday. The verse, written in manuscript by
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    • 187 9 I COKING at vivacious and attractive Lai Ling as she s croons Chinese and Enplish lovr sontjs to fans at the Jubilee Singing Cafe niphtly in Ipoh. one can hardly believe that this charminc sineer is an astute and independent businesswoman by day. Early
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    • 154 9 A SLIM, green-eyed blonde sell ng model suits in a West End store was recently floating about the Mrranean in a W rfdrusfo boat, after the trooc^h p caught fire on its way from I the East to Britain. Bh<* i.c, 17-year-oiri M Monre
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    • 191 9 11EET the "flying bar boy- of Ipoh. 19-year-old Chram Tone Ban, who ha*; T1 taken to the air like duck takes to water. A >tiificnt in Form 2 or thrChc< Fncli-h School. >«'iiim cheam has born cmployrd in the evening during the past nine months
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 404 9 HOTORISTS! m* E VER LOOKED -^J^. INTO YOUR r ifjjGf 1) OIL SUMP? vfH f A? 7 *__A V GLEANER ADDS YEARS THE LIFE OF YOUR ENGINE I oki like :i dump for everything: grit, n rins acids, :-harp carbon particles, all In '.iquid. That itufl churns round your engine
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    • 599 9 For quick promotion, better pay. and a career you could put your heart into OWOS§ <W£ of THESE OBLIGATION OF ANY KIND! #f ##I*W-»»/; IF VOl' arc ambitious, forw.rd-looking and kc-n to nuke the uf _!■«•■_> *c V Aitn bw cirn irrx? mo* of toda-'i orportunitiw, here i» a chance
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    • 129 9 Do you suffer from HEARTBURN? _^^^^_^»j I X _f A_i i^_k J Heartburn. Indigntion and othar Komach disorders Are often cause, by excess stomach acid. BtSMAG (short for Bisurated Magnesia) brings you wonderfully quick rtliaf fro—. pa>n. That's because BISMAG neutralizes the excess acidity allow* your stomach to digest easily.
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  • 30 10 ;/> H,.rrf» minimum I TEO TB TM '.liis i' Icngi passro away l» April. 1954 at his re.siai l/>ron(j 1 Jalan Dato Ha.H Abaullah Jnhore Bahru '■'«»>■ at 11.00 a m
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  • 46 10 :n 11,,,<y« j./'/ i minimum > PERSONAL ATTEN 1 lON alwayi whatevw their phciotraphir rr<;uiremrnts mi;, t* 303, 1 anjong Katong Road, TODAYS UOI.IAr.S are iheap can buy c oi IIM i iln youi B i\c tlier;-.. the lunds lor a f liars are plan and
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  • 570 10 Singapore, April 18, 1954. Flag worth following FE best news from Irvio China last woek was not the fanatical resistance at Dien Bien Phn, nor the order for total ;riobilisation. It j was the ■MUmnCt of] the Frfneh Govern-j mrnt to the United. States Secretary of I State. Mr. Dulles,
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  • 37 10 K twirled c/r W4 ask not— knmrledqe Thou has lent. Rut. Lord, the will there lies our bitter need. Give, us to build above the deep intent I The drrrt. the rirrd. JOHN DRfNKWATER.
    37 words
  • 490 10 REPORT ON A CAPITAL-TO-BE Kiiaiilan f own with a great future Acrntury acn a party of Malays l^d by ltv.-he Besar gained permlMtoa lo scttlo along the bar.k d 'he Kuantan River. They VCN irom a kampong named Kuantan in Sumatra and naturally enough named their new home Kampong Orung
    490 words
  • 382 10 HISTORY was nrvrr a f-«* ourite subject of run. For one thirtf. my hhlory mastrr was a man with an obsession for datrs wliii-h were fori-rd into m> rrlmtant brain with thr aid of a pliablr csne known a* thr ni. (In me stick", for another
    382 words
  • 773 10 A BACHELOR gay la he but costly seems the gaiety and so he bewailed in the Sunday Times that life in Singapore for a European single man demands fabulous salaries to keep "the position he is expected to hold in Singapore." Expected? By whom? You simply must
    773 words
  • 772 10  -  ■cAiM An up-to-date arromil vi Peking is doin{{ in ilu heartland of central Asia EARLY IN 1950 a foreicn traveller, bound for Lhasa. «ai by a Tibetan mail rarnrr. Instead of the usual smilr and hand he had hern exporting, howrvrr. thr straneer was astounded to
    772 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 269 11 E FIRST ELECTIONS to the new Legislative under the Rcndel constitution in jpO re will be held in April next year. ent Councl is expected to be prorogued after sion m December. Elections for a new Jue to be held this month, but its life
    269 words
  • 61 11 MONY-WIDE Larch for I-RUN CAR '.i Police arc i Colnny-hit-and-run volved in a in Woodlanns 810 p.m. en thp acridrnt i m in, npo low with two In front of 'he 12 l 2 ay home to Mandal, when riiPfi brfore ivnri I that the car Ford Consul or >ealed
    61 words
  • 43 11 fK C*v d "i pi in n ihr Colony n B»n;k" ,trr<jiy iet a H <n Singapore •nn He is the ruttrmttmMl t.--•c (o do i whole tour of Mabring "dustry. Eindhoven. M' He Grool will give x coi\Victonji Mrmoml
    43 words
  • 143 11 Today's Radio SINGAPORE A M 7.1 I limr Signal and Openrig Announcement 716 Morninc -'ar. 7.30 News; 735 Melody Uixture. 800 Come Into The' \irlour. 830 Breakfast Hour; 9.30 aurh Binding. 10.00 MuMcal xour.d-Up: 10.1/S Music a La Cart*; i«.ic In Malaya; 11.00 Interlude: 11.15 12 00 Church Service; PM
    143 words
  • 34 11 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri— Two ponds in Kamnone CroH Stnot will bo closed to provide a playitig field in re. The h;us civrn permission for the local council to fill them.
    34 words
  • 781 11 By the Competition Editor THE adjudication committee were pleased to observe the greater care taken by competitors in Straits Times Word Puzzle Contest "U". Not only was there evidence of a careful analysis of the more difficult clues, but greater care with the
    781 words
  • 28 11 A cyclist, Kapuk Singh. 33 was killed In a collision with a car in Rorhore Canal Road. Singapore, yesterday. He died on the way to hospital.
    28 words
  • 180 11 C'NCAPORE tnsh.imin who have volunteered to peddle for the Hanyang University fund on Tuesday will be awarded medals for their generous gesture. The presentation is to be made by Mr. Ko Teck Kin. prf-Mfi'-nt of the Singapore Chinese Chambrr of Commerce and an official of
    180 words
  • 57 11 A Communist flat; was found hunt? on a tree in Holland Road. Singapore, yesterday morning. In the last two days, Communist pasters have been pirked up at various places in the Colony. "ThU Is not a big Communist campaign", the Director of the Special Branch, Mr
    57 words
  • 22 11 Th»* body of an infant boy was found In the Singapore Rlvrr betwern Elgin Bridge ,uiri (Oliman Bridge yesterIday.
    22 words
  • 298 11 British soccer results LONDON. Sat. 1.1..V.1 I DIVIftION I rtton 3 Bl.rkpool J R<"nlr» 2 lluddrr«lirld I h.rlton i Aaton Villa 1 Liverpool n Cardiff I ManrhenUr I. t PorUmoalh Middlrnbro n Kanalrrland M Newratlla s Arwnml Prntlon I Cbrhra Shrftlrld Wed. Wol»r. Tottenham 2 fthrlltrM I. i West Broai
    298 words
  • 18 11 BATU PAHAT. Sat The science classes of the Oovernment English School held a science exhibition yesterday
    18 words
  • 40 11 ALAN AND JENNY than* al! I mend* for their kind *\pres«on of sympathy. irMthi. as»lstanc» and attendance at the funeral of 'heir beloved brother Lambert Chin Kirn Sions who p«M«<l a«av peacefully in hi* «:eep or. l«th Apr:; 1954
    40 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 17 11 flT^. NOW AVA/LA6i€ W /N CARTONS of> J 12 quarts or 24 pin* sSi^jRIBUTED BY SIME DARBY
      17 words
    • 238 11 >>fr more signal... Z^ \^J /ess noise MODEL TA 196 M An improved model ottering bctrrt lunm; and greater circuit, ir an even hjndtomer cabinet. OHenni rh« nearest to perfection in cualitv and value PRICE .-SINGAPORE $325/FEDERATION V.60/--100, Discount tor c*%t\ S. P.SHOTAM CO., LTD. 12 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE 9
      238 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 46 11 HOLIDAY TIDES Nii;apwr 1 1 a.m. If p ii in^ I ni 7 110 ins. i >■■■■. 1 IS .i.m nni (1 ft. ."> ill's. > M!ii:i!(»H Siiiu-jporr 11. i ii m ik ft Im. v on Mil, :i.m. 18 9 11'. Prnanu 1.01 1 Is p.m. i; ft. .">
      46 words
    • 83 11 WINNMNG ANSWERS TO WORD PUZZLE *U rn "THE $5,000 priic for Straits Times Word Pussle Conttst "U" will be shared 1 by SYED SHAHBUDIN. D.1.D.. Alor Star; HALIMAH. 2. BuHer Road. Seremban; and M. K. DEVA. 196 |alan Tung Yen. Kuala PiUh. They submitted entries which corresponded completely with the
      83 words

  • 8 12
    8 words
  • 657 12  -  Lucy Chin Siew Yin by MEN MAY BECOME MERE BABY-SITTERS II'ILL the day iut ionic when women, universally regarded a.-> Urn vtakw o: the .Mxc.s, outsmart Urn biologically .stronger mx In very Held of human enMafWT, and relegate the ■Mil HMCtM to the less subMrvieiu
    657 words
  • 76 12 weeks first prixe of $20 ?ocs to Tan Seek Chuan of 38 Telok Aycr Street. Singapore, for his "Salute to the Sun", above. Second prize of SI 5 was won by Siow Scon? of 513 Penan? Road. Pen ang, whose chid study "Feeding the Baby" appears on
    76 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 177 12 V mv BUM mm M llDAlliLlii M Sen! for Illustrated literature. El EGANCI PRICI QUALITY f m m wn^mM m quickly banishes ACHES, PAINS STRAINS W Z^m-Buk ooniains refined nWuinal mh Vw^^^?&&^lmW which penetrate deep into the qukklv X^^'^"^^/-^* i i relieving mutcular pjins, Miftnw, ,-r rr V^N ~""'Zy<mmWm cramp
      177 words
    • 175 12 Fly direct to PERTH™, MAURITIUS udto JOHANNESBURG south NOW HMM three import- ant placrs aro nrarrr by Austrian etas. hv >:inf South Africa too, i< 6 ■%W W^L W' fast »ervicc on the rT^^3 A U im y r m n 8 a P ore direct Oant.ts roJ y^v^^^S-. via
      175 words

  • 955 13 Here 9 8 how to become a star in Hollywood > >> >>> ***>*i>ltlMtttll>Mtt>MttatlMltti>>ilMtMllWiiiii>littiillllliMilirtMWiMttM>iiiitMf>iMt>iltWtif> Singapore journalist Ivor Kraal recently spent a number of months working on newspapers in the United States and visiting large American cities. In Hollywood he met several film stars and talked with them about the prospects
    955 words
  • 246 13 FILM FANS FORUM History of the Oscar' WHAT is tin- history of the "Oscar 1 1 /\IMI»IN MI.ItKAN Prnanc Tlir Axdrmi "I Miilmn Pli-lure trU and S<irii'-r« • ill thr I nilr.l Stairs im |M1 Tti<- award Initial rd as *pi»r«-i^li«ii uf K«»i>«* work for tin induttn In i«3l. a
    246 words
  • Article, Illustration
    428 13 AVA GOES 6th CENTURY I ITIT'Tw I J IV. a K news on the film front comes from M-C-M has ne^ot ated the purchase of I Well mans best-sell. n K novel The Hemaie. as a Marring vehicle for AvaGardner B ls st "n of a beautiful
    428 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 185 13 now flTirniTri 11 1 45 4 TiTLIiTi JLhi VM LADD leashes out with a TORNADO of TWO-FISTED ACTION! A COLUMBIA PICTURE in TECHNICOLOR noSl DfCOMUGaVU I >«Tr)(K;i > Ms,, Ml Is Hi n^ s st,,r>"MlßA< ll Ol I n:\ Wamrrrsler ihtoh >> l"i .i m "THI BIG and Repeat Midnight
      185 words
    • 257 13 r; CATHAY ORCANiSATiON "^7^. ATTKACTII) N S 27*" NOW OOPOfiT I .11. I 111 YCUR ENTERTAINMENT THRU LIFETIME STACCERINC BEYOND 81. Be/reat/7 f/re /2M//e fieef Plus in. *iitnr( is 101 UN \MI M OF KO>I > ll\lKO\<oK> > STMrHONI NO J KKr I ISTS -I SPEMDED Mi.rinns Tn-d;o ta in
      257 words

  • 539 14 Film censors differ in their on i look A 16-SECOND KISS IS THE LIMIT f /CONTROVERSIAL movie producer Howard Hughes sought no approval when ho showed Jane Russell's scantily costumed curves in 3-D ln his new musical, "Tho French Line". He took the French line, ln fact anr< s j
    539 words
  • 159 14 IS heart di>ease a result of <»ur feverUh «ivillr.ation? Is it hroucht on h> high living? I* it always In- curable? Is the heart itself a delirate organ? If you listen tn old-wives' tales, each of the»e qucs- tinns rates an affirmative answer. Rut
    159 words
  • 268 14 Terrifying in th« annalt of crime art the women who have betrayed their sex, she-devils in their unbridled passions, relentless ferocity and lack of scruple. Stranger instances have tf^tr been presented than the women you will meet in this special new series. JT was
    268 words
  • 772 14  -  MARK PRIESTLEY By Soon the nation rang with the news of the Richmond Atrocity. An open verdict was returned at the inquest The police little knew they were on the trail of the wickedest woman ln England. For Kate Webster was meanwhile living placidly in her victims
    772 words
  • 297 14 By Evelyn Vaughan MO more lines on your face 1 said the Pans advertisement and Ma deleme Morra tell for this hook. !me and smker At the beauty parlour she was told, "In a few minutes you will look 20
    297 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 810 14 Wonderful Kidney Refresher ENDS dMUACHEiRHEUMATISM RAINS MAKES YOU FEELYOUNOER AND STRONGER Do you or any of you: family at times sufler MOIID ATTIOM from Backache. RhrumaMsm Pains. Neuritis hwwk MViiwn or Fibrosms? Do your kidneys work too often CYSTEX is scientifically designed to *'»rt either dunnp the day nr nulif
      810 words
    • 118 14 V1 1 "> THE WATCH GF HIGH PRECISION SUPER SHOCK j RESISTING. ANTI-M* I TROPICALISED k *1 WATERPROOF j Jrfl2 f A *17& 21 JEWEL i m&V A CHOOS V Sole Agents SHRIRO (china) LTD., (Incorporated in Hongkong B. I. ROUND TRIPS TO JAPAN 28 to 32 days with approximately
      118 words

  • 1546 15 THERE is nothing new under the sun No, he thought bitterly, not in all this vast sweltering sea of vegetation That's what it was like l>oing under water. He'd read about it somewhere he remembered, how the light faded out at about 40 feel
    1,546 words
  • 725 15 11/HENEVER I look upon the insolent face ot the modern child, hear its 4 uninhibited bellowlngs of frustration, observe its disgusting manners and disrespect for its elders I 4 think of a book I once read about the happy families of China before Communism hit them. 1 Although
    725 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 SCRIBE OF T Hi; WORLD PIIOT PENS Uents: Van Dm Brrc pr»re) Ltd •pi>rr Penanc K. Lumpur. 1 JM Ms*-* !;j B| SB foitens Your Skin ecretly and Quickly m. re olhn-.— with that "c f mao'i ».ll makr you equally '•I>l 'irat: ,nt willaurpritc Y°" tbatthnntoolyoncbcau- turner that worji
      113 words
    • 191 15 UALJ liaij JAGUAR {WV V SLIMIk SI>()R1 Stile .Agent* CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. [1926] LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR V^4' c Represented throughout the Federation *^$*b *n*ni^«v<rx<iv<»»niam^iv<*vi^<r%<>> r «^<r%j»#it*»«>>i |^>^««^^^ 5 IjLlI LL Mtchlrrwith* >■ mmmm |-fiH I 1 1 THE WORLDS BEST 'Shw^ iTht Sewing Machine that /j 'IX \%ew% everything
      191 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 229 16 I I r\ BURGLAR??" w M "eveready to the rescue, it's only a cat" Xfake Mir* you alwayt have your ."EVEREADY brand flashlight <lme hand and make douhlv »ure it'« alway* powered with "EVEREADV brand bauenev They give brighter light, longer life and they're alwjyt reliable. 1 J I *H&^^^^^^
      229 words
    • 71 16 W*r.... 8,,,^ m l*fl J vSrVngJ Makes thirst a pleasure Authorised F MIS-SINO CO LTD Z. litt\t R-<d Tel ;?3: hrn Style and Value by It rokes wperiot've» w d*»crib«o ll 4 hotfon' Wear 't o«ct ond you II cowp botk for more Evety v?fon*jhirt is rh« product O^ Mr-'
      71 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1253 16 r% «^V/ V EVIL PLAN FO*i kf -InfVß WzEk THIS WEEK POR TOU r— INFLUENCE OF MARS 1 THIS WEEK POR ALL d\S Iridav the Mrd thr Moon orrull* Mars In thr fodiaral *lgn Caprirorn. The Aery planrt rntered aprlrorn on April II j and will br wandrrtng U and
      1,253 words
    • 224 16 new*. for general business afternoon hours arr the most propitious. rOR LICK TODAY \K OR US! Rlack and White I. Diamond. WlllMM>\V— lWisivc action best this morning. This is no time f<»r hesitation or compromise. There may be more accident risk '.han usual in the earl> hours: be careful on
      224 words

  • 1196 17 And now it's the atomic railway train MEMMRJLtUS_HJADLIJ!I? yHIJUIEIKSjniERrHAS \0 GRIAT_NEV^PROCRESS W nt of new mi-tun, peaceful I lomic enenrv Ifontiwiing so rapidly I those whose I the Held of physics are 1 amazed. asos, tho 1 ilifled }irf>- a year aco Ij the realities B^ for CXii:: H !>
    1,196 words
  • 682 17 How to make a million dollars— in Malaya Francis Wong on the track of an elusive fortune |K>SITIVELY and by f;ir the best way to makt> a million dollars Is to Inherit the stuff. You Just sit back and wait for tho lawyers- letter. Tho scheme i% simple and impossible
    682 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 52 17 mom PRODUCE THE PERFECT for the Dunlnpillo ribbon across the corner A.fmr Wit COMFORT ne v and wonderful experience in comfortable l m 4 pillow of frothy million- bubble latex foam. a mftmm and delicate resilience ttcitr Khiey Th °t IGINAL latex foam cushioning •"JBiH CO (M«IAY») ITO. SINOAPOHt. KOAIA
      52 words
    • 245 17 MODEL A 193 s a newly stlyed 5-valve Wuptihii receiver of moder- i^^MP^ilflllVM^BVaflßKl9!Pi^^ffl3^ afr >rrirn< > on<; anc superb HHs •ormance Sutable for B^r^^ 1| j n tropical climate?, it v B^^S S t^^££ short and medium -<"M:■ '< l r ran( es anf^ for H^^^^S ?|l?s 1 V: 1":
      245 words

  • 1421 18 SINGAPORE SCORE GREAT WIN IN CUP GAME By TIIK SPORTS EDITOR gINUAPOKK won the Aw Hoc Memorial (up for the first time yesterday when they beat Honx Kons: 2—o before 15,000 spectators at Jalan Besar Stadium. Singapore were much more convincing winners than the score suggests. They were a better
    1,421 words
  • 95 18 4 GOAL off n frerkicic le^N thai ft\e minutes Jrom rime tar. -he^blerx a 4-3 win IVrrntloi. p tn a Senior DtMsion m.itrh on ih«r lower j> off» ird Aali oir before half-tlm.- H.unolr- W On i.vuiiipnun llun N i \er:e*l paaalt*
    95 words
  • 476 18  -  Charles Erickson By THE Rover gas-turbine engincd car is easier' to drive than an ordinary motor car no clutch only a brake and accelerator. And that is the opinion of Mr. R E Butcher. Rcneral manager of the Singapore office of Champion
    476 words
  • 280 18 MALACCA, Saturclav fOWMP Srr\icc* (Singapore) brat Malacca B—2 in their .Malaya (up tir in the Kubii Stadium here today. Thr military side? scored four Roala in each half through Rutherford <I>. Ouantlrtt i2>. Joins and Hill. M plied throueh Vincent and low Pmz Chuan.
    280 words
  • 85 18 Xl \l II MIM i; M r-'l lollnwinc ncht qualified lor m it< h play m the Malayan fiolf championship: -II Kr.iniish I.M: P. II Kenson R». 77 1.7 J. fiibb S3. 17— Mt; J Niven l4* v v. MakMa 7«. :t, |W; t
    85 words
  • 44 18 PENANO. Sal Pennine elimn the holder* Roml Pahan; Po to qumltiy for the t;n.i! hi Burns .;i \mlr> rorr now h*inn pliyed m P ground They Mill rrf rtther 13th r L»nr»»rs or ISth Rmal I talterm in Urn Mm
    44 words
  • 12 18 Penang J 3-0 Victors over Perli P 1 debut Hi r<i and
    12 words
  • 7 18 Tap and lime in Kedah lime s
    7 words
  • 6 18 STAR socrfr I
    6 words
  • 6 18 - I I
    6 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 191 18 A new kind of car (I 1 Will Us disliiuiivc modern lines, smooth-plidinp, v club-chair comfort, sale cornering performance, the \V'olscle> I our-F omlour at its price offers an entirely ncu standard ot value to the man o( good J BWH ■»"<* moderate Buy wisely— buy MALAYAN MOTORS
      191 words
    • 377 18 Pimples and Bad Ski Fought in f 24 Hours W ■kM> u» iiiniD w MM H an if foil »*n»t«Ml MUM O Of.r Brer.- tw. ISul!* u^* m S.* 1 trom uel dv '"a y* narln. R.%.1. R M "ma. rasriaata. «ci» Blackhradv Vraawa I —linn to f >> w
      377 words

  • 333 19 Call for MHC disbandment KUALA UMPIR, Saturday. U Malayin Hotkey oundl will meet on Sati\. May 15, to consider a proposed tour of v At year by a learn of the Pakistan Hocuition.The Federation of Malaya Hockey I will also meet, on the following day, lo
    333 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 19 IMIK TKH MPIIANT JtafMMM v omen's team that won the Corbillon Cup tram championship at thr wurld l-ililt- IrnniN imilini; in London roentlv. Lrft to richt: F. Kumhi, K. Wata- ibe, Y. Tanaka (captain), and H. Goto. A. P. photo.
    40 words
  • 74 19 V, Munusamy pices 7 S'gor vickets for 20 Sat I of bs runs end of the the Poll i'enang player. minute* «ll INGOR— Ist JNN-. Beng b 3 17 7 30 0 >ell b im b 4 :id b 0 :ne b 0 1 \tta* 1 T..t.)l n Xl DAH—
    74 words
  • 32 19 SFHKMHAN R.ii..-: jvire Business Room champions, will mre' s«-ninu.ui RaOfetl In .1 cci m.iich hrrr DM I in :iici of Lady TrniB. MoapM Fund and the fund
    32 words
  • 160 19 DARTI.EY SecondHiy Srhonl put up a grand all-round display to humblt fa\ourltes Prga.Mis »nd win the SAPA youth competition final 4-2 at Jalan Br> v yesterday. Hero of the \lcmt> was crntrefonnard Malleques wiio scorr.: io^ls for Bartliy ;md ]>a\tHl thr v,.i\ for othrr two. In
    160 words
  • 358 19 OINCiAPORK champion N'eo Chwrr Kok competing in the annual aquatic championships for members of the Penan; and Singapore Chinese Swimming Clubs held at C.S.C. pool yesterday clocked 36.95ec. for the KM) metres freestyle. This time beat the 1952 Olympic winner (lark Si-holers' time
    358 words
  • 32 19 1 In a SAFA Div. 3C league soc- I 1 err match played on the Police TrHlning School ground yeMerday I 1 Police A bt»l Blur Rovern by 6-1
    32 words
  • 27 19 Rain caused yrMriday'x SAt'A Div 3C league soccrr matches betttrrti Srranjjoon MY. and UnlUtl Sports Club, and Customs S.C. aud I Cosmos to be |K)stponrd.
    27 words
  • 275 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat RALPH PLAICI 01 KAF ("li;iii": who won the Scianßor time trial and Singapore 25 miles champl"nsh:p. clipped 8 nun. 12 sec oil thr record In the All -Malaya 25 ■Ulei open road cycle race for the Dunlop Ctip at the Lake
    275 words
  • 548 19 KI.ANO, Bad %IL'AKI) 1111 .1.1EK. Zl, a newcomer !rom Au tralla tfuve »n lmprexslvf display in the Klang Club* I ter tennis < lianipion.shlps which lj«Kan here ye.sterday. Hllller. who Is stationed In H.. .r> has played In AuMralM with suet) famous stars as Ken
    548 words
  • 275 19 Andres and Khoon Leong rout Perak PENANO, S«< I FTER dlxmlnMng Peruk for *1 I runs In an hour and 40 minutes, Penang also fared badk .using nine wickets for only 74 iuns in their Inter -»t:<te crick! match on the Weatern Ro«d iiimnd tod.iy. Perak's left -arm bowler. Bam*udilln,
    275 words
  • 231 19 PENANO. Sat PENANH Chines* Recreation Club Prrsk Chinese RC. by nine wicket* in their cricket match »hlch endrd hrrr today. YrM.-ia.iV Perak wrre all out In their fim inning.t for 51 and Pecang C K C replied »i'h 93 for six. Penan* were
    231 words
  • 67 19 KUALA LI'MPUR Sat ARMIIACiE of Slnrapore Cricket Club «.<5 unbeaten with 69 in the annual match again.-l Selancnr Club (huh began on the padang today. Rain stopped play after lunch with ihr visiu>n> 127 for seven. Hulls and Ford each scored IT whilr PattiiiK'on
    67 words
  • 22 19 BA TV PAIIAI. Sat Market brat j Pohir 1--0 iit noccer yesterday. Yong I Seng scored the only goal
    22 words
  • 285 19 PEN A NO. Fri SEVEN'n'-THKKK .nuirn him brrn received tor the JVnanx Turf Club's »niatnir race me*lliiK to be held on Saturday. Apr. 24_ Ihrrr will be eiKht rßcen. The M«»den Pole. Pony Scurry over 3f ha.s attrHCted the blK^Mt fleld cl "nrnwr sprint star.
    285 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 152 19 m ARE MALAYAS#^F% one crown cork sfe\: /^,vtt[EQUALS ONE VOTE 4%&T- >?' oorki Bust lent in accordance with tIM :red« ted, 80x 24, Blngapora or Box 680 K. Lumpur tx your r.parf-:*. Fras'r 4 Neave branch: SINGAPORE, Box No. 3025 it: SERKUBAH KLANO KUALA LUMPUR MALACCA IPOH TAIPINCI PUAVO --Pl^re:
      152 words
    • 274 19 HE FURTHFB Irio *.moV.o travels maw aBBBBHsS^^*VBaV A^^^^^V^^^^ through the cigarette the cooler H Laf A L ''*'*'/'/^aa» the smoke. A Rothman 8 is a gat^^^gflj much longer cigarolte. Fhe JM m/£} tfejv^ M extra length gives Rothman H JBj Wfiw£w/y/*V&i W/M that smoother, cooler taste. il i&ilF ROTHMAN 8
      274 words

  • 2371 20  -  KPSOM JEEP By Amusement II takes top sprint event ITHOR Mousa with (ieorpe Woods astride, ploughed through a heavy track to win the $30,000 Perak Derby over 1 j miles with ease at Ipoh yesterday, concluding day ol the Perak Turf Club's
    2,371 words
  • 43 20 ItL POOL: $334,174. No. *****2 $95,251 r> No. *****2 $47,625 No. *****1 $***** s (54.762 Mch). Nos: *****9. *****8, 27*274, < "iiNol.itinn ,$l,OOO earh) Nos: *****3. *****5. in«m:> I2«OOO. 4212.^9. 1413 M *****7' *****9. *****7. *****5. Treble Tote: 8 tickets 1.830 each).
    43 words
  • 76 20 Via ball was bowled vrsterday. Hr»t <Ur of the cricket mawh between Singapore and Selangor on the sm^upore CMcM flub (tround Nd play was powtble in the mornln« owin* to the Mxiden iond: the pitch Irnai heaw overnight r im The wicket «a» to ha\e
    76 words
  • 79 20 JIMMY (ARKITHKRS. world bantamweight boxing champion (left) rhats wtih Singapore* top featherweight. Lim Kee Chan < right 1, who was at Kallang airport to greet the champion on his arrival in Slngipore on Friday At extreme left N Mr«. C'arrntherv In the centre is Bill Met
    79 words
  • 139 20 r*APTAIN Frank Reynolds, uho Itft Singapore in January, is back in the international limelight in Britain. The South Malaya and Singapore centre-half was a member of the triumphant team that recently trounced Wales 6 Reynolds scored the first goal for England. In another international match, played
    139 words
  • 553 20 PORT VALE SURE OF DIV.3 (NORTH) HONOURS LONDON Sat. AN ALMOST complete football leaeue programme in England yesterday added to th» excitement nf the chase for promotion and the struggle to avoid relegation during the closing weeks of tile season. So far i<> the First Dtvlsloit win concerned the top
    553 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 184 20 To-day: MS—CM I p m South-KaM \sja J il m n's EASTER ENTERTAINER/ Starrinc f— 1 India's own mim "Ava F? A Gardner" )TJj NtYA DANCES BY \2 QUfj>\ KRISHNAN £m (Raco of PlJKv''**'^ London) JUfini>\ fRKKJJsrs si >ci \in d To-day "WILD* NORTIJ"" 11a.m. _-7^-ln Color To-morrow 11 am
      184 words
    • 128 20 I N>TCMM lIMIWG fe Cft it* in q few seconds! ELECTRIC RAPID J WATER HEATER y^ CHROMIUM PLATED The HOTWAY Rapid Wv i Heater is a robust well constructed appliance, the resuit of intensive research over m jnv years. It is easy to instal. simple to operate and absolutely safe
      128 words