The Straits Times, 13 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 1 JL The Straits Estd. 1845 SINGAPOU, TI'ESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 15 CENTS He*'*"** 1
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  • 521 1 lassenger dives 6,500 ft. through pen door NAMED HIS SEAT rAGED Indonesian Chinese yesterday I) fed to his death from a Malaairliner flying from Singapore to ;inc, which Icfl Kallang Airport ;il ,X ken (lying for about half an hour and tlic Rencam area of Johore
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  • 13 1 No more aid, says Nehru i lopment a half I Mi; (in ii.n
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  • 36 1 JAKARTA, Mon- Indonesia is prepared to offer its ser- to both parties in the dis- i pute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the Indonesian Foreign Minister. Mr. Sunarjo said yesterday.— U. P. I
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  • 189 1 Foils ten secret society men A SINGAPORE clerk fought ton thugs in a running battle along Choon Guan Street, Singapore, last; night. The men, whom police b< lieve belong to a .secret societv. attacked Mr. Ooi Kirn Poh. a [tally clerk, after he refused
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  • 58 1 LONDON Mon. The price of tin on thr London Metal Market wared C4n a ton to '.€B2O a ton this morning. iv, ins said the «t«en rise reflected lateif developments in Indn-China and higher prtcp S m the East where United States buyra ha»«
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  • 51 1 CAI/OUTTA. Mon Radioactive dual from nuclear rxplosinn.s tMU been pi<'kcd from the win's a pl-'H' 1 from «incanon- In India. Calcutta UniV rr. itv's Institute of Nuclear Phyilcj announced today, Tlif radioactlvf content of thr dtUf was .staled H> be .small id quite narmleis, A.
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  • 163 1 PARIS. Mon. THE French Cabinet mrt in emergency session today to i reject the cal! of the U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, for "united action" against Communist aggression in South-east Asia. Mr. Dulles is due here tomorrow from 1 London.
    Reuter; UP  -  163 words
  • 247 1 Come on, all you upcountry beauties! OIXTY-FIVE girls from Singapore and Malaya have applied for entry forms for the "Miss Malaya" contest. The winner will compete in America in July for the title of "Miss Universe." Applications for form*, have come mainly from Singapore but also from Port Swettenham, Kuala
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  • 56 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Four more terrorists have been killed in West Pahang. Three fell to the 6th Battalion Malay "eelment in the Mi'titakab district A hand grenade wa.s recovered. No other details are yet available. The area security unit for Bent ong. about 40 miles West
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  • 66 1 LONDON. Mon. Prince Nicholas of Yugoslavia died today after an accident while he was driving his car through Buckinghamshire. The Prince aged 26 was driving alone towards London when the accident occurred. His car was found overturned in a ditch at the side of the
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  • 49 1 A police party late last night miued a house in Victoria Street. Singapore, and arrested eight men. They seized opium utrn.Mls and opium. A ninth man leaped from a window 15 feet above the ground He was taken to hospital with a broken leg
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  • 197 1 LONDON, Mon. PRINCESS MARGARET Is now understudying the role of a ilm hall hostess in a iii tin muni!: stage play The play is "The Froß." adapted from a thriller by tin- late mvstt-rv writer Kclmir Wall/ire. Set designer, Mr. IteKinald Wiiuley. said: "The Princess
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  • 353 1 'Cat's eyes' Cunningham LONDON. Monday. f^KOUP Captain ("Cat's eyes") John Cunningham. one of Britain's wartime ace fighter pilots, la to test fly a Comet airliner to try tc answer the riddle of the two crashes over the Mediterranean. Tests on another Comet will be made by an unnamed Royai Air
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 41 1 TOKYO. Mon. The Priir.e Minister. Mr. Shigeru Yo.shida. said today that Japan did not intend to send troops to finrit abroad and that she would never become involved in a war between the United States and Russia. A.P.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 78 1 PARIS. Mon.— The Viet nan; c.v War Cabinet at its first ■CariOß today ordered tot.n; mobilisation of all Vietnamese men between the ages of 2') and 25. The mobilisation Ls to be carried out before May 15. according to a report reaching here. .o ruled that no
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 199 1 Bayonet battle in trenches HANOI. Mon. FRENCH UNION troops. charging with fixed bayonet*, bunched a Strong counter-attack tnd;iy agalnsi thousands of Vietminh rebels trying to smash through to thr of Dien Bien Phil from the east and BOUthThe French High Command announced that another counwk has rescued
    AP  -  199 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 B|Mi f I.F.CTRO-PLATING WORKS, MCE $59/ EACH 'LtCTIIIC CO MALAVAI LTD..' < u LfO. <" »N»L«~r>
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    • 36 1 *****1111 for THERMAL ACOUSTIC INSULATION HARRISONS CROSFIELD (m) LTD. Singapore Ku.i'i Lumpur Pcnung. STOP PRESS 7M MAI \r; NAIBOM than N crs rounded 1 <l prison lutu^ in In new tcr- k ril tnd.i Iralci WATERPROOF
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  • 59 2 JAKARTA. M«n. A trad.agreement Between Indonesia and East Germany appeared .1 possibility today as a result of negotiations being carried on in Jakarta by a trade mission. The East Germans want a straight barter agreement East Germany wants Indonesian raw materials, especially rubber, and in
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  • 369 2 'Let's clear the air of Hell Bom fumes'— Nehru COOL HEADS NEEDED AT GENEVA TALKS BOMBAY, Monday. THE INDIAN PRIME MINISTER, Mr. Nehru, said here last night he hoped delegates to the forthcoming Geneva conference would think coolly over the burning issues facing the world and not threaten each other.
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 52 2 Two babies in 3 weeks: not twin Mr< Wilbur Chapman. ag<d 31, gave birth to two child v.-n in three week- :it ;i Chelsea Massachusetts hospital The children are not twins. Pictures show (lefti Mrs. Chapman and (right) a nurse with the two babies, Susan Joy (left) and Wilbur Francis.
    AP  -  52 words
  • 159 2 LETTER STARTS A PROBE Labourer beaten a liegation THE Singapore City Council is inquiring into allegations that a Water Department employee had been assaulted by a Council otlicer. The inquiry was ordered last week by the Deputy President of the Council, Mr. R. Mifhllci. hi Smith. following a letter from
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  • 46 2 PARIS. Mon. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation has announred here that contracts are to be awarded internationally for the buildine and equipping of its new permanent Paris home. The building will co.-t £2.000.000 and the equipment £350.000— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 34 2 LONDON. Mon.— Ten United States newspaper editors and publishers who arrived here by air today after a threeweek tour behind the iron curtain said the Russians were •very civil but careful." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 41 2 SEOUL. Mon. The United States Army Ls running a "Why am I in Korea? contest. The man who writes the Dest answer to that question will be allowed to leave Korea on K!-da\ leave— UP.
    UP  -  41 words
  • 42 2 LONDON. Mon.— Tiflis Radio reported last night that Mr. A. T. Khelidze had been relieved of his duties as Health Minister of the Georgian Soviet Republic by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian Republic—Reuter.
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  • 138 2 DISCLOSURE BY HAXWORTH IMPROVEMENTS planned for Singapore traffic control include the synchronisation of lights on a long stretch, the Superintendent of Traffic. Mr. W. R. M. Haxworth. told the Straits Times yesterday. The problem of having simultaneous green lights to enable free flow of
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  • 86 2 Fire chief's warning is heeded SINGAPORE City Council's public works committee has decided to heed the warning of its fire chU?f. Mr JO Shaw, against building road dividers in narrow streets. The committee turned down a proposal to place a divider in Rcranßoon Road's narrowrst section between Prrumal and Buffalo
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  • 47 2 TAIPEH Mon. Rome 13.000 former Chinese Communist soldiers began putting on the uniform of President Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist Army yesterday. They represent the bulk of more than 14.000 Red .soldiers who refused repatriation last year after being captured in Korea. A.P.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 63 2 CEBU CITY, Mon. A Rambler who lost In a game O f cards returned home with a torch and threw it on the thatched roof of his house. Neighbour* who saw the flaming roof called and helped to put out the flrr At polire headquarters, Fernando
    UP  -  63 words
  • 95 2 ESCAPED KILLER SHOT DEAD TREXTOX Xc« Jersey Mon. rNVICTEI) murderer John Vasiorirh. 24, was >ln>i dead in Xew Jerso State prison yesterday several hours after escaping from the death cell. Condemned to die in the electric I'hnr on April 25 Vaszorirh was >hot several tn wih a submachine eun when
    AP  -  95 words
  • 37 2 TOKYO. Mon Foreign Office sources said Prime Min:stp r Shigeru Yoshida yesterday approved a plan for paying U*****,000,000 in cash, goods and services over a 20--year period as war reparations to the Philippines.— A. P.
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  • 158 2 Crashes through glass roof LONDON. Monday. A GIRL defying a ban on spectators at yesterday's session of the world table tennis championships at Wembley crashed through the glass roof 100 feet above the players and hung there from a steel strut. In her excitement
    Reuter; UP  -  158 words
  • 66 2 PENHOLD. Mon— Six planes and a hangar were destroyed by fire la.«t night at the ail force base here and estimates placed the damage at M 56.000 000 The blaze broke out in the hangar which collapsed Into a heap of rubble an hour later The
    UP  -  66 words
  • 48 2 Cobalt bo 'no use as a wea OFFICIAL m \v.\ ■> a\ bomb Mr. D for Ro X sairi In a that the 1 evrn I definiti' i j pon is said, m i I I uso it. I bomb Mi know ol tarv mai said hf> took th(
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  • 32 2 10, 000 REGISTER FOR PO IPOH. Mon Registration of voters for the first town council elections for the Ipoh are., in June closed today. Election Supervisor. Lt Col v Whit I Sisters:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 X.A.C. ALLY 1954 l FORD WINS TEAM PRIZE NEW ANCLIA M •1 n hrr. WINS Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th Sth. 6th PLACES Js %v IN THE 1.001 1300 c.c. CLASS JW v«j\ s" pmtf tht hitntti in thr *frtnll iKt** TEAM PRIZE: ZEPHYR (Dr.vcr: T. C. Harnson) NEW ANCLIA (Dnver:
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    • 11 2 NEW! TRY OUR REAL GRAPE JUICE drink in the market to-day!
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  • 271 3 SURRENDER OFFER IS NOW OFF MA U MAU TURN AGAINST THEIR PEACE MEN, SO- mig attack starts N urOBI, Mon. l,ni WithKder- offer to Mau X, tiTrorists and ■'unrhrd a now offen- cover the intains. the M Mount Kenya Liyu rrscr. mad* its M.r- al China." tarley Brsklne I Ooven
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 57 3 LONDON, Mon. Un] re ntatlvea have tracked 43 people in the United State* South Africa. Australia. New Hid and Japan who will -1 from the £200,000 1 state ot Dr. George K-nrick a bachelor lawyer of Conwmv Wales. Dr. Kenrick. a former Soli-citor-General of Bengal, died
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  • 65 3 YES, YES, WE WON ALL THOSE JULIE PRENTIS, of Essex. England, is overwhelmed by the congratulations of her Great Dane, Harvey who helped to wm the on the table. Julie, 18, is the youngest member of the Great Dane Frceders' Association and won the trophies with her tntnes at
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 333 3 Talks in Saigon, Washington From MASSEY STANLEY CANBERRA Monday. AUSTRALIA'S Foreign Minister, Mr. R. G. Casey, is duo in Singapore tomorrow on his way for talks in Saigon, and probably Washington. Mr. A. S. Watt, Australian Commissioner in Malaya, may join him in the
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  • 44 3 BELGRADE. Mon. Twentytwo Turkish destroyers fired 21--nin .salutes ai the Yugoslav training ship Galeb bearing President Tito on a state vi*it to Turkey entered Turkish territorial waters yesterday. Marshal Tito was on the bridge as the Galeb .sailed in. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 30 3 BERLIN. Mon. Physicists from Russia and other Communist countries have demanded a ban on the atom bomb the German news-, agency ADN" reported last ni»ht Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 26 3 CASABLANCA. Mon. Mr. I Zerro Ben Laheen, a local official, was shot dead in his office in Casablanca yesterday. The 1 assailant escaped. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 154 3 'CRUSADE' IN LONDON TO FREE COLONIES LONDON. .Mon. AM H organisation which wants to fix dates for the full independence of all Colonies was founded here yesterday. The organisation, the ".Movement for Colonial Freedom", is an amalgamation of three other organisations the British centre of the Congress of Peoples against
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 36 3 VENICE. Mon- Annina Sara Nlroletta. Maria Rombo Moroslnl. hailed at the end ofjthe century as one of "the world's most beautiful women, died yesterday in her golden palace. She was 92. A. P.
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  • 182 3 COLOMBO. Mon. WIIII.K the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were attending a garden party yesterday at the of Sir John Kmli-i.iu il.i the Prime Minister, smoke was *een coming from the British limousine which had brought them from Queen's House.
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  • 238 3 LONDON. Mon. Closing prices or selected stocks were: LOANS Consols 65% -H4 Funding 4% 101^* War 3.i 1956-59 88'» -r '4 BANKS Mercantile (CUM) 27 Eastern (£5» 8 r N Chartered Ul) 43/3 llonxkonK isl) 9 <> INSURANCE Com. Un. (utsj 13' i Koyal B» Prudential 40 ■AILS
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  • 27 3 LONDON. April. 12 Cash Buyers 1:810; Sellers 4:820; Forward Buyers C 780; Sellers VI7B2 1 Settlement C 825. Turnover a.m. 80 ions; p.m. 40 tons.
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  • 44 3 l ONDON. Apr. 12— Spot 174 M May 17 -.d.. June 17 -.d.. July-Sept 18d Oct. -Dec. lß'vd.. J;in-Var 18 \d.. Apr -June 18 -.d.. Apr c.l.f. 17 7 16d.. May c.l.f. 17 7 16d.. Junp lif 17 9 16d Tone. Quiet
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  • 75 3 Don't elect 'big shots'— Rhee SEOUL. Mon. President Syniiman Rhee has cautioned South Korean voters apainst electing "big businessmen" in the May 20 Assembly Election, because it would "harm the interest of the people in ueneral." President Rhee said that businessmen owning lane enterprises are likely to fail to serve
    AP  -  75 words
  • 32 3 LONDON. Mon The London Evening Standard suggested today that the Queen should j have homes in all overseaterritories owing allegiance to I the British Crown.— Reuter. r
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 P GARUDA Announce the opening of fo* their Passenger L~ Cargo Q^ KALLANG AIRPORT. m ffic Cargo enquiries 1/ Phone ***** fe*f Bool; 19 off:re Kfi^ L'NION BUILDING GROUND FLOOR M Tel. 7869 f? bimple /irithmeticrap I glasses from each bottle for $1.10 and 15« back on the bottle b
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    • 155 3 The hall-mark of high quality sHsfe^^Bßsi *i bVa tm A wide range of tinned goods includes I Boneless Danish Ham lPOfl CUSTOMERS Pork Luncheon Meat Our ticv DtaUteioam Fancy Cocktail Cracklings Kitchen will be „pcu t«nc/ieon Meat Sausages ]<>r hiistcr. CocMaJ Vienna. Frankfurt) SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. \*^l«^bClS» IbW
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  • 116 4 Escaped prisoner is caught in shi END OF PEMNG'S HUNT PENANG. Monday. *N escaped prisoner, recaptured yesterday after a A live-day island wide hunt, was sentenced today to an extra six months' gaol for breaking away from (police custody. Letchimanan Kalimuthu who was found hiding In a lifeboat on tne
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Ihe outgoing Federation Chief Pi ess Officer. Mr. R. N Llndsav and Mrs. Lindsay left by train tonight for Singapore on their way to England. Mr. Lindsay will take up a new post as press liaison officer to the Kenya Government at
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  • 23 4 Mrs. Shlrin Fozdar. president of the Bahal Assembly of Singapore, will leave for IndoChlna b. air today on a lecture tour.
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  • 264 4 No spray bath for wedding guests From NELSON RITHERFIRD Kuala Trenpganu, Mon. 'THERE were sighs of relief from smartlydressed guests attending the bersiram (bathing) ceremony of the royal wedding celebrations in Kuala Trengganu yesterday, when the Sultan broke with tradition and spared them
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  • 36 4 Mr. «nd Mrs Boyd W. F. SchaefTer cut the weddinfr cake after their marriage at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore. The bride was formerly Miss June Simmons. Picture by Henry Woon.
    Henry Woon  -  36 words
  • 99 4 AIR. A. W. Gibson, the expert from Britain now In Singapore to help plan the Colony's polytechnic, will finish hi.s work by mid-May, said a Government spokesman yesterday. Mr. Gibson has sounued industrial organisations like United Engineers, General Electric Co., and the Harbour Board on
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  • 75 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The Federation Government announced today that Mr. P. F. Adams of the Government's Economic Division will be the Federations Adviser at the international rubber study group meeting in Colombo next month. The Federation's representatives on the colonial and dependent territories delegation will be
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  • 37 4 The West Australian amateur dance team took part in two formation contests with local w am;i in the Singapore Badminton Hall last night. Proceeds from the dance were given to the SB.A. hall fund.
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  • 48 4 Lan Kirn Chat, a 25-year-old labourer employed by a' sawmill Ui Paya Lebar Road, Singapore. wa.s electrocuted yesterday when he accidentally touched a live wire. Lav slipped, stretched out his hand for some support and touched a live wire. He died In the General Hospital.
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  • 204 4 SHOTS, SMOKE, THREE HOLES IN HOTEL WALL— COURT STORY INSPECTOR Seah Lye Seng yesterday told the Singa- pore Second Criminal District Court he saw three bullet holes in a wall of the Embassy Hotel when he went there to investigate a shooting incident on Feb. I last. He saw a
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  • 26 4 Johore visit JOHORE BAIIRU Mon Mr. W. H. Chirm. Social Welfare Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, will visit Johore Bahru on Thursday.
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  • 29 4 TELUK ANSON, Mon Srvm new villaßes in the mukim of Changkat Jong will take part in an agricultural show to be held at Langkap on Apr 24
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  • 125 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.15 a.m. Tn ie Signal and OpenIng AiinouiHi'innit. 7.16 Morning Star; TJ« Newt; 7 35 Mt-lody Mixture; a.OO-8.30 Musical Coined, Memories; 1 00 p tn. Programme Summary; 1.01 Mlscha Novy 1.30 lime Signal 3c News; 1.46-2 00 Hliythm Corner; 5.00 Time Signal and Programme Summary; 5.02 Time
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  • 133 4 HINDUS from South India and Ceylon ushered In their new year at dawn today with music, prayers and in some households the traditional oi the conch-shell. I.i 1 celebrations have been arranged in several temples. The Ceylonese temple In Ceylon Road will remain open
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  • 110 4 The tipster gods are stolen PENANG, Mon Till. I I gods said to be the guiding lights of punters and other gamblers were stolen yesterday from a hou>e in Aver ltam Road. The deities "Mah Chor Poh" (.iiid.ii "Thean I.i dan" (Sight) and "Sian <•", llnee" (Hearing) were Iniinil inisslng
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  • 97 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Setapak Community Centre utrsented an embroidered bad«e to the Rev E. T. Currie. the chairman of the fcOr State Welfare Committee, as a token of his uieat help to the centre. Mr. Currie is leaving for Britain soon. Onice bearers elected at
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  • 28 4 Former members of the Ist Singapore (Trafalgar* Sea Scout Group are requested to contact the grouo scoutmaster Mr. Liiv Kwa Chwee. at 14 Bverton Road.
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  • 21 4 Singapore Tamilian Association win hold its fourth annual meeting at the Clerical Union Hall at 10 am. on Sunday
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  • 237 4 Bible salesman gets divorce A SINGAPORE Bible salesman. Philip Charts Dominic, was ypstorday granted a decree nisi against, his \^ife. Emily Mary Jeremiah, by the Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray-Aynslev. in the Hiph Court. The decree nisi is to be made absolute
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION m #Pfoh» ATTRACTIONS S SHOWS DAILY! /> 11.00 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45. IT'fj 'JjyJ J} 9.30 p.m. T^v ,f \> IgI^IASTTWO DAYS!... J|rn *rf I (>i< two Pitted Action ykii the\^nquished T color nr Technicolor JAN COLEEN UfLE 1 PAYNE STERUNG GRAY- BETTGER fvl f\. Ix E 1
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    • 160 4 5 SHOWS at 11 a.m., 1.45, 4, 6.30 ,***> f WARNERS 1 TECHNICOLOR Jane POWELL Gordon MacRAF. Gene ty'tj PLUS! Palhe News OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE BOA'i LAST fJ^jjOK D/i Onv nay Only IO.MIHtHuy^ FRUITS OF MARR wa in MANDARIN starring LI Li EASTER Attraction Starts THIIR^J ALAN LADD'S HOTTE mU *ELOW IBh\
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  • 171 5 Chance-in-a-million may save woman who cannot see MONDAY MAY BE MIRACLE DAY liinptE-AGED Chinese woman with bandaged g in the Singapore General Hospital *iin« t miracle next .Monday. almost blind since before the war, this thought she would see again till a lillion came her way last week The chance
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  • 51 5 Three are accused of murder I STAR, M'>n. Din bin Daud, Kedah Anise after hearing outside his three men runn- Lght of Aug. I Lit the trial Saaci Hall, and Din on a charge of .him bin Hani- Mim ned mo c or ho Found Ibrahim n ad from a
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  • 10 5 Traffic fine Ii ■i the Court •.-■r when by the
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  • 43 5 The 12.615-ton troopship Duneru arrived in Singapore from Britain yesterday vith X.) troops for the Colony and 126 wIVW and their families to join their husbands here. In transit to Hong Kon;4 were than 800 troops and 92 families.
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  • 47 5 Special Passion Services are being held at the Pay.i Lebtf Methodist Church. Singapore, nightly at eight o'clock t iis week until Thursday. The Qood Friday service will be at 10 a.m. Speaker for tonights service i will be the Rev. Alan Walker. of Australia.
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  • 159 5 Trek to Federation by road, rail, air for Easter holiday of people from Singapore arc going to the Federation by road, rail and air this week for the Faster holiday. A railway official told the Straits Times yesterday: "All sleeping accommodation on Thursday's night train has been booked. Berths are
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  • 31 5 Lim Pin. a year-old pirl living at Syeci Alwi Road. Singapore, died in the General Hospital yesterday after she had swallowed a dose of poLsor. in her home.
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  • 177 5 TWO ON TRIAL IN SINGAPORE WOHAMED Noor bin Hass and Abdul Wahab bin Jono were yesterday charged in Singapore Assize :ourt with the murder of a banana hawker. Tan i Jam Heng in crowded Johore Road early on j n.,,.,,mh,,f 1 1 Dt'cemoer 11. Tan
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  • 114 5 Schoolgirl missing from home A MALACCA schoolgirl ha.s been missing from her guardian* home at 8-L. Pens- 1 kalan R.una Road, for about two months The girl. Cliuun Kirn Eng. 9. of I Standard One •B at the French Convent, left her house on Feb. 13 without tellin v anyone.
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  • 34 5 SCHOOL TEACHER WEDS MX XXXIX (II AN VOW and Miss Helen Chia Hong Noi, who were married at the Singapore Kesistry. The bride is a learner :»l t»<' Methodist (iirl\" School.— S Times pirture.
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  • 55 5 The Singapore Malay Teachers' Union yesterday urged the Government to start tiiKlish classes from standard three upwards in Malay Schools in the Colony. The union also asked the I Government to start English I lay schools. It protester! against the transfer of teachers from one school
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  • 165 5 UMNO MAN DEFENDS MISSION TO LONDON 'We are not defying Sullans' PENANG. Monday. INCHE S. M. ZAINUL ABIDIN. the chairman of Penang UMNO, today answered Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar's charge that the UMNO-MCA Alliance was trying to defy and side-step the Malay rulers by sending a delegation to Whitehall.
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  • 313 5 PASS BOOK FRAUD: MANAGER IS FINED JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. DUPLICATE pass books were used to cheat the Savings Bank, the Sessions Court was told yesterday, when A. Vythi- lingam, manager of a private English school at Kulai. was convicted for inducing the postmaster. Scudai to give him $96.16. j Vythillngam
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  • 376 5 XATHrS AI. SIRVKK: (iioup I retrlMiatlon. S.V.C. Dull Hall. 1 Beach Ro id. H am. tn (i p m UOISLATIVC < I fc C I I. Monthly meetlnu, Victoria Memo"MBa^WWHI MALAYANS (MB: Dato <t Datin C. J Paglars i •At Home" for members, Joo Chla! i riact,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 146 5 l JANEWYMANf PatheNews: BOAT-RACE H-BOMB h) BIG SELINA GRAND BELINDA K>o WONDERFUL JANE WYMAN '■■it.. it Iho mon in (ho promptly fall in love nen -icrh and envy hry. p nerally say "coe. .isn't nderful!" That's what happens when Jane Wyman flashes onto the screen in "LET'S DO IT Ar.AIN",
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    • 128 5 For extra SAFETY... Ride on MICHELIN Real low Pressure Tyres V* VCJtaVrV oil reclaimers BULK OIL FILTRATION UNITS J now available front stock §|U|JI! Hot only clean but deacidify H J This >iill clean 50 oailons per hour of S.A.E. 30 < j^"^ Oil at fin' Fahrenheit. motor; driving
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  • 631 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. April 13, 1954. How Goes The War One sixth of the Federation's population are now living in "white" areas, froo from vexatious restrictions under the Emergency Regulations. It sounds and is impressive, but many black spots remain, and there is still no positive support for
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  • 20 6 f( H „.</« (minimum) TOMI INSON on Marrh 26th, Peacefully at hi.s home in Burrey, Encland, H ion, aged Bfi
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  • 41 6 M end 111 'minimum) 18R8 Cheoni Pak Keen. Choonc K.viil l^onc and Family of thr late Cheong Thee Sun of 1451 D jalan Datoh Ipoh, thank all trloidi pnfl their kind attendance, loan of cars, sendinu of d telegramaof con.
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  • 326 6 The first Singapore youths to register for national service yesterday reported for their medical examination. About young men have been registered, or:e quarter of the number liable for national ser- 1 I vice. Registration closes on May 12. The response has been excellent, the young men showing
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  • 308 6 While the comparative short- 1 age of immediate supplies, 1 particularly in the London tin market, are special factors in the recovery of tin and rubber, the rise in the price of Mala- j yan's primary products is also part of a general and somewhat unexpected increase in
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  • 1206 6  -  THE EXPERIMENTS at the International Institute for Rice Research at Cuttack, Orissa, have a concern for half the world's population. It is not a matter of academic interest but of life and death. Seventy per cent of the Asian peoples depend on
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  • 61 6 THE tap water at By.kit Panjang and Nee Soon Ls muddy in the morning. Are we letting filtered or unflltered water or is it a mixture of both? In the early _ov wt had ir. Madias city a mixtun like \\\.r called "Melony's mixture" a.the Civilian Commissii the
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  • 332 6 I NOTICE recently an in- f 1 crease in the complaints of teachers of English in vernacular schools about pay and conditions: of service. As an exteacher of English In vernacular schools I support most of thdir complaints. Considering their educational qualifications tStd VIII
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  • 122 6 MRS. Shirm Fozdars letter on cubicle children was not ridiculous at all. What us ridiculous is the letter in praise of the wonderful work done by the Social Welfare and Red Cross. The work done by these departments may be quite good but it is completely
    122 words
  • 51 6 JN the Singapore Harbour Board area, the distance from the gate to the wharves j* very great, yet there are no licerLsed porters at the gate with trucks to carry the baggage of passengers. There .should also be a notice .showing the authorised scale ol charge.s. TRANSIT PASSKMiKK
    51 words
  • 192 6 \IAHA GURU, after quoting a Malay pantun lT mentioning Captain Light, said: "Raffles has not had his name and work immortalised in the simple wording of a famous and popular Malay pantun 1 May I draw his attention to the following taken from a wellknown
    192 words
  • 97 6 WHY la the Pcrak Government retaining; the atifttai of health Inspector! who have failed to get the Certificate ol the Royal Sanitary Institute after three attempts? They arc put on the permanent establishment while per.sons from school are i being employed a.s temporary probationer health Inspectors?
    97 words
  • 162 6 THE ASSUMPTION of Ann I Parkinson in the last! paragraph of ber letter regard- ing the nalaanee caused i>y exceaalve nolae may be correct the police arc not prepared to use their powers to control such nui.sunce.s For .several months, while living in the Katong
    162 words
  • 116 6 On the Margin OJALUTE X miw 1,1 I r niu-: lo. t\ human n 1 Bui a travelli i memoi itl ence ii make real. A 1 advent v workada 1 I smc* jj I la an in;a :nj{ of tl 1 Cut off u-ninJ I AM n 1 I
    116 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 775 6 Straitt Timct Free Prett n£ f fouro h u'r cr°;;"i!"c-; iv: f s*w floor SiNGAPORt COLD STORAGI, ORCHARD ROAD, will <mell odvcrti«mcnt» and on*wcr» to boi numbers Clostitied odverti«ement! moy CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. Winchester House, Oliver Quay, Singapore CITY BOOK STORE LTD., J Tonglin Rood, Singapore. CLASSIFIED ADS. I
      775 words
    • 38 6 CERMAN PEN A^iniite (Improved Lamy-Artui) Greatest Ink ftllint rapacity. Transparent barrel. Mo«t durable iridium tipped MR *otd nib. l'iiMa';r 50 cent* extra. EVERBRI6HT OPTICAL CO., ID. Chulla St.. S'pore-1 EN6 SENG MEDICAL CO., 8, Ah Quee St.. Penan*.
      38 words
    • 51 6 sU/ MODEL H (TYPE PE 6O) I just wait ont fdedgn ami cabinel enormow impi rwiitir. Control in side Oi cabin-: iltbmted ■hartwavc "Ton Fully trop( Factory Representatives: TV MITCHELL t CO l^ Distributors: ANN PENG TRADERS MOTION SMITH SON LTD (incorporating John Duke 4 M Ireklei 4 Son»> \yfl
      51 words

  • 241 7 Put ex-millionaire in gaol' action in Singapore court m»;l< SAYS: I CAN'T wLe.ui this case I cation was made in tho High uapore, esterdiy to commit You Jin nillionaire and now a bankrupt, imko. Mr. Justice Knifkt, decided w as ,ioi competent to hear the case. Mr \v v. Alcock,
    241 words
  • 64 7 Party plans 'vote' drive The Singapore Progressive Party plans to launch a cam- 1 paign next month to brini; home to an estimated 300.0001 holders that they will have the automatic right to <-•>:; year. They will be told that the Rendel constitution will place a considerable measure overnment in
    64 words
  • 227 7 He typed himself into giving his blood \IR. EUGENE WONG, a .stenographer with thj Shell Company in Singapore, was not talked int,o becoming a blood -donor —he typed himself into it. The company's .staff and Industrial relations department has been co-opcratin^ with the Blood Transiusion Service's drive for new donor.s
    227 words
  • 82 7 NEW DONORS SOUGHT IN JOHORE JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. i DRIVE for blood donors A will open at the General Hospital here on April 20. Mr. D. A. Somerville. British Adviser. Joliore. Dato Seth State Secretary, Johore, and Mrs T Q Gatlikin. wile of the Chlel Police Officer. Johore. will give
    82 words
  • 88 7 $3,000 theft at film star's home SARONGS and kebaya.s worth $3,000 were .stolen from the home of Malay film .star Siput Sarawak In Boon Teck Road. Singapore. The 29-year-old actress of Shaw Brothers OrganUation di.-vovered the theft when she returned to the Colony after mx week.s in the Federation. i
    88 words
  • 52 7 The 750-ton ship Madonna arrived in Singapore yesterday her first visit —after an 1 mile voyage from Yarmouth. Her commander. Captain P S. Nash, said that the vessel had been bought by a New Zealand company for its Aus-tralian-N.Z. run. The Madonna is expected in Auckland on
    52 words
  • 25 7 Llan Bin Sia. Singapore, will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a dinner at the clubhouse. 16 Onan Koad. at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday.
    25 words
  • 221 7 Equipment is put to test r PHE FIRST STAGE of an experiment by the Marine 1 Division of the Singapore Police to use rocketiiiinK apparatus for sea rescues was conducted at Princess Elizabeth Walk yesterday. Two hundred white-uniform-ed member.-, vi UM division mined out
    221 words
  • 10 7 TMB WPEM CONSTELLATION at Kullunii.
    10 words
  • 235 7 $5 MIL. DROPS IN FROM THE SKY Super 'Connie 9 costs five times as much as the Cathay building SENIOR aviation officials held their breath as an uirlincr that cost nv<; times as much as the I Cathay building came in to lard at Kallang Airport. Singapore, yesterday afternoon. The
    235 words
  • 178 7 MINIMUM TKMPKKATIRi:: '7.(0 p.m. on Apr. 11 to 7.30 a. til. on Apr. 12i. Singapore 77 de>;rrev Penaiitf 74. Kota Bahru 73. Kual.i I umpur 75. Ipoli 75. Kuuntaii 72. NAX I M I M TKMPKKAI I RK: M a m to 7.30 p.m. on Apr. 12 1:
    178 words
  • 216 7 Singapore camera men prove skill f|MIE judges of the .seventh 1 Singapore Camera Club competition held recently consider that the standard of the 169 print! received was high. The punt submitted was from Mr. Lee Mini Chung, entitled A Night Time Study. He was awarded a silver medal. Other
    216 words
  • 56 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon— A. Brian Brown was charged in the Police Court today with having cheated Tahar Bhoy on Mar. 19 by dishonestly Inducing him to deliver $40 to him in exchange for a cheque which he knew would be dishonoured. Brown was allowed $300 ball
    56 words
  • 32 7 PENANG. Mon. Malaya shipped a total of 82.824 tons of rubber to foreign COUBtrte* during March. Bulk of the export went to llir USA. U7.:U7 tOOS). Britain took!9 tons
    32 words
  • 23 7 SEREMEAN. Mon More than 2.000 babies in Ne«ri Sembilan took part in the eight b.iby shows held durlm Week.
    23 words
  • 36 7 President Maenhower'a agricultural trade mi.vsioii to Asia. which left Washington <>n Sunday, will arrive in Slnuapore on May 7. The mi.ssion will try to trade in farm comrnotlitie.v
    36 words
  • 188 7 TMIE Straits Steamship company did not know v. hy about l!()0 Malay officers hi ■one of Its ahlM hud threatened w> strike, Mr. W H. Mrn< ill the nanatinj director, told the Straits Times yt sterdav. The 14 day strike notice of the Singapore Allan
    188 words
  • 232 7 $16,800 BACK PAY FOR THESE MEN Teachers will colled in May teachers in Singapore Knglish schools, appointed to the unified education service, will, after all, get 40 months' back pay allowances, rr-nging from $4,800 to $16,800 each. Government ha.s decided to pay thr* allowances from Jan. 1, 1950. The scheme
    232 words
  • 34 7 Eiuht couples will compete in the 1954 Sinuaporp International Novice Dance chamnionship at Raffles Hotel on Thursday at 830 p.m. The championship is organised by the International Society of Teachers of Dancing.
    34 words
  • 36 7 The Singapore City Council will provide street lights alone Hillside Drive, Highland Road Flower Road, Lowland H >ati and Simon Road in the Pay.i Lebar area this year. >ay s the Rural Board newsletter.
    36 words
  • 90 7 CERTAIN .-rnior ofTicprs of Sinsapore Marine Depart p-.rnt will zri higher salaries retrospectively from ber. The I Commit .c Council. has appi"vp(i the new .scales. place tho Deputy Master Attendant -it si. 260 to i.420 a month rompared with no trt $1.24(1. Others affected
    90 words
  • 66 7 Attempts to ipflo.v stranded Norwegian freighter. Mvi Hock, hare hern postponed for the next few ciay< because of low tides said ("apt R. v. Emerson of thr .Sinsapo c n ir Board, yesterday. A 'j round sinrr inst Friday's storm, the Mvi Hock I n hi;^r boulders of!
    66 words
  • 27 7 Major-Grmral A. G. O'Car roll-Scott Gonrral Offlo r Cnmmanriinß Stnsap^r^ Ba.-r D:.-tr:ct bade farewell to 61 Company. Royal Army Scrvic Corps, torday.
    27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 1 WORRY I Imxiety grief oherwork excitement ■sleeplessness call for RELAXA-TABS y Relax Your Nerves d i KNrca of absolute relaxation and |f taking RELAXA-TABS— they bring "ess i nd tranquility to sufferers from nerves ig during the day and promoting peaceful it night! Whether you suffer f, grief, overwork,
      102 words
    • 115 7 The food feT of champions j. r Hardy men in every land know how they can keep free from s^ Hnl -^^^I|Vm_ coughs, colds and chest weak- \^V V^aak. n<" s<;cs The y lake Cod Llvcr Oil SevenS caS Pure Cod Liver Oil, I i *^X^\ Nature's finest food. \j^*^
      115 words

  • 715 8 WHAT A LIFE! MONDAY ii'!-. c nd •unit bathing and consequently jump away with anguished cries if a fly so much as leathers upon US. Jane, Who has ;i I her eye, Is torn between the two ailments. She can't make up her mind which to against most, whl bear
    715 words
  • 287 8 -It's a real slap-in the-face INTERESTED by some or the little-known recipes which have appeared on this page at various times, a reader who signs himself <or herself i. H. Klassner. of Karikal Lane. Singapore, has submitted one which was much used during the Japancte occupation,
    287 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 8 THREE CONTINENTAL iitws Vienna, Cologne and Hamburg recently held a ladies hair-dressing contest uith the theme, Voice o/ Spring." Biggest surprise in the contest, which tu.ncd out to be a hairstyle exhibition. w»» the ne:r spring tint* for women who like a change of colouring. Thcxe three ttflt* arc 'left
    58 words
  • 772 8  - The Princess line is ideal if you ve an ideal figure BY TOP PICTURE: Kor the women nol strictly Governed Iby a budgrt these two *hort rvrninc eowns are just 9 richt for Easter parties. Richt. a clamorous srt of se- prratrs in smokir pink pure silk orcanra with lavish
    772 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 130 8 I L SsSl Tv Chen, P.h i|W^^ B^^| /^""itAsßßl m /gg /M I hmail b. Mawif^v M II X^^^^sSlßßßiß/ M ■tf Khoo Teng Cheo; MamwM M^tum^^ FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES L Ht-re's an invitation uell worth ar»»<pting. A happy fK^aa*** 1^ **> Irio wl,o are happy berani»« they are healthy
      130 words
    • 344 8 f Strait y m Johnson's P tf;c perfect ft Soothing, cooling, con and 3 more specials f Or fit JOHNSON lABT CTtAM JOHNSON J »ABT 10TIC f»ntl<\ «rrtner>t.c crwm for heo/./if (ol.or. <• ikin bltmiihn. rah or. |dmWM^ BABY PRODt The J -:>rr\v Comp.jny I. PARKER PEIJ I Owners ol"
      344 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 384 8 The Straits Times Crossword 8 yy"». oood»-ood mm ii i „v .l a Oeographlrally parorhlal i7>. 3 pf; 4 <s I 6 I" I 30. Bit of the rhlrken that pom well I with a roll i »> -H. a. IS^ib q (5. B>. j 2. It s 1" roseate
      384 words

  • 1888 9 Convicts took grim revenge on Prison Inspector TIMES special FEATURE I OHN PRICE, His Majesty's Inspector of Prisons in Victoria, had no sense of impending doom as he strutted through a sullen group of leg-ironed convicts breaking stone at Williamstown on March 26, 1857. lie was convinced his reign of
    Daily Mirror  -  1,888 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 47 9 I I ;S [Cfssons M for pu APPLE BLOSSOM E^|i OAMASK ROSE l nr CORONATION I ll MIMOSA I H** IjU drr ■»iVW3 •^.S 'PS' icy vt^^^Bf MAGNESIA rle painl ratui 'oim Is of mf^ •art bf °^^^P inc. t, B 1 B '"''•■•< Vtjlily Mm i Health
      47 words
    • 4 9 l_j io*ionn«\%-tL.r Hamburg Fire
      4 words
    • 224 9 CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH, CLEAN, SMOKING Largest-selling /^fcfOi cork-tipped cigarette fflr in the world. f M Imported from Londoi i' 'uSm Milk Supplies More I Nutrients Than Another Any Food WQrd Reports of noted nutrition IWWi authorities show that milk sup- m plies more of the substances Ift I* needed
      224 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 145 9 M)U*k i uuvfi HAS a rvrnrdl m^ m J m W m W m w m W m^*"--"s;- 1 I The pctuqe. deceived and I Itwen a seACr^ made op 1 [J^LIL 110 CASE YES i° MA( v£ F mmm^^^^^^^^'i ■■> then dried, and the piles to see if
      145 words

  • 2696 10 COMPANY MEETING U.S. GOVERNMENT REMOVES SOME M^OR INEQUITIES NO ACTION REGARDING SYNTHETIC PRICE POLICE TAXATION JEOPARDIZING DOLLAR EARNING CAPACITY The Ordinary General Meeting of The Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated) was held in London on March 30th Mr. P B. L. Coghlan, the chairman, presided and. in the
    2,696 words
  • 499 10 TIN PRICE STILL RISING Shares are irregj T'HK price of tin in Singapore x a^ain up by $5.50 to $378.50 highest price tor the present year iln( j price since May 21 last year. This follows the prediction I cial Times, which said last wet ***••♦< due to shortage of
    499 words
  • 30 10 Singapore Shipping Auby fH Cob.niß P.dc.Ol HI «MMl| I Ol ll i: I MA| 1 H c S ISNi i: Ro\ Cflrth««« CsnfliJl •ci^MM 'tffl c.ii. PuUu ■VcZLJH A hmJ
    30 words
  • 101 10 Singapore CMMM Trorini 1 I rhange: DOOB ul P Copra- nominal: Apr; buyers. $33 .seller- May IM buyers $32 sellers. Coconut oil: slpao\. .small business rtported on ro.D.. prices unchanged: Muntok whiw MM, *»rawak U45. iampon- hlac« iMrtß and Prat .10-ins prl"it oil- $"<■« wllerr dun. Uwh and
    101 words
  • 21 10 RUBBER PRICE tm RItNT/f I <HSf>A I |U R l ri H M^ BO"' H M tH fror •'••I fr- from
    21 words
  • 71 10 t'OHKA ci»'alins;> <mi Siiißaport- in.irkel urc n petted to NMM inovfiiii-nts loilav followinn t lio suspension liiisinr.vs on Ihe last lour market days hMMM tin- inibilitv of .i kW|« dealer to mei-t last month's rommitmenU. A nieetiiiß ol lh«- tr ulc vrstrrdav appointcil two adjudir
    71 words
  • 3 10 EXCHANGE c H
    3 words
  • 6 10 NEW CHAL 1(11 S1 Mi. I
    6 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 509 10 BROOKLAXJj^ CHOCOLATE lAXATIVI t* Jm CONSTIPATION Nj OVERNIGHT fjCi Children and G_ Adults love to ..> delicious taste I Wh> uiffei with .1 v>ur Stomach I I »hen Alka Stli/i-r loothct in. l I I <rt;lcs your ilivomfon so t.i-i I I Plrasam tailing «Ot l««atl*« I I preferred b>
      509 words
    • 483 10 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for the post of Port Officer in the Marine Department. Singapore, la the Salary Scale of $f!90x30-930/ B/960x35-1240 p.m. with current allowances. The Total emoluments at present range <a» single officer j $H40x30-1080/B/1110x35-13!)0 p.m.! (bi for married officer $931.50x40., 50A 1053x37 1090x30 1210/
      483 words
    • 598 10 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION ALL MEMBERS of the above Association In the Colony of Singapore will be closed tor business on Friday 16th. Saturday 17th and Monday 19th April 1954 being Good Friday and Easter Holidays. NOTICE QUOTATIONS with samples are invited for the supply of 10,000 yds.
      598 words
    • 153 10 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received from Contractors Class E' and above at the office of the State Engineer PWD Ptrak, Ipoh. up to 3 p.m of the 14th April. 1954. for the Cotim ruction of 3 Units Transit Qaarlers i3-Bedroom Type) at Tapah. Pull partlcjlars
      153 words
    • 128 10 SHIPPING NOTICES NIPPON YISEN KAISHA iNY.K. LINE. M/S "AWATA MARU" Arrived Mil, April. 1554 A Oener;il Sur\ev of all datnaced can;o discharged ex the above vessel will be held at F<neapore Harbour Board Gadown No. 13 and 14 al 9 a.m. on 21st April. 19)4. No survey will be
      128 words
    • 88 10 SHIPPING NOTICES WESTPOKT SIIIPPINT. C OMI'ANY. I.TI>. „i. "SPERO" Consicnee.s of MlfO are raqu to apply o the undersigned I<>i Delivery Orders. BARRETTO SHIPPING AND TRAI>IN(i tO.. ITII. WILH. WII.HEI.MSEN LINE M.S. "TUDOR" Arrived :th April. 1954 A General Sunev of ii 11 ear-go dlacharf«d i\ the above vessel
      88 words
    • 19 10 MITSUI pFQ LINE rAST-BOUND ROUND IHI WC>- anEurope r-cnong Sinqoput* ">*•<> C.F. SHARP «c CO.. BANK Of CHINA BUILDING. SIN.
      19 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 969 11 '^NSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. T .i 2412 n Sngooore] D M>) Vm Possoga BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dept, to piacPWl otnc P° rtl '»<><• "rirl rlischorg. corgo r uvApOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON. A CONTINENTAL PORTS Du. Soils P S'hom Penang G 6/7 Apr. 14 Apr. IS/16 Apr. 17/18 Apr 16 Apr 21
      969 words
    • 943 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE For Arf, p'i'. l^ o 10 CONTIN JNT/SCANDINAVIA Aden. Port 1^ »J IHB^: ,vH'- /S "PASADENA"' WWZ" 1 1«/l«May 17/18 M.y Call, Beyrouth. /J< M y /1S M y /M k Ordon 'P»»»»"t«ri only). »>■ Colls Beyrouth, Naples. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINENT MALAYA" for Kohsictxjng, VD f# Vi'gon
      943 words
    • 979 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTi Spore P. S'hom Ptjnong Benorty for Havre. Liverpool. Newcastle, Hull Roads 14/1 5 Apr. 14/17 Apr. Benlomend f^r Genoo, A^nmouth, London Rotterdom Homburg 20/2S Apr. 24/28 Apr. 29/10 Apr. Benettow for Hcvre, London, Antwerp Homborg 2S Apr/I Moy 2/ 1
      979 words
    • 1114 11 McALISTER tfc CO LTD. TEL- No BJMI EI.LERMAN «V BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LOMBAM uivir LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, LONDON HAVRE ROTTERDAM PORTLAND, SFATTLE, A VANCOUVER n M A U f, G MU LL B Acc.ptmq carr,o for Control A South nnrt r h? Atlcnt.r Ports Amcr.con Ports ond Canodo vio
      1,114 words

  • Article, Illustration
    61 12 MR W, J SKARS. vice-pre-xiilent of the Rubber Manufacturers Association, Washington, has arrived in Singapore for the right nation rubber quality and parkin; conference, at the Victoria Memorial Hill. Singapore, from April H to 21. Mr. Sears said that he intends spending a few days visiting business associates
    61 words
  • 163 12 POING to England latrr 11 this month to take up h now appointment at his firm's head office is Mr. K. G. Sinclair, director and general manager of James Warren and Company Limited one of Malaya's biggest trading agencies. Mr. Sinclair has been with tha Bra
    163 words
  • 82 12 Mr. Theodore James Benjamin Wearne has resigned from the board of directors of Wearne Brothers Ltd., having left the Colony to take up permanent residence in Soutii Africa. It is 61 years since Mr. Wearne arrived in Singapore and 48 year.s .since in partnership with
    82 words
  • 316 12 FOLLOWS CUT IN IMPORTS MALAYAN TRADERS, still waiting a lead from Government, in the difficult question of trade relations with Indonesia, will be further hit by the Jakarta report that industrialists in Indonesia are planning to sefr up radio, bicycle, brazier and other assembling
    316 words
  • 210 12 Backed by insurance policies HOUSING loans backed by the security of life insurance policies very common in Britain, are provtmg popular and successful since they were introduced In Singapore three years ago. says Mr. A. E. M. Geddes. secretary of the Great Eastern Life Assur-
    210 words
  • 80 12 MR. 11. T. (iI.A/.fc. who was recently appointed a director of Master's Ltd.. the Singapore advertising agents, joined the firm from an agency in Birmingham. England in August 1 !).">(>. He trained pre-war at Birmingham College of Art and subsequently at a printing house.
    80 words
  • 38 12 THE first Soviet prey cotton cloth to be imported into Britain .since the war has arrived in* Lancashire for finishing processes and re-export to Lancashire customers in West Africa. The consignment totalled several hundred thousand yards.
    38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    187 12 COMMERCIAL NEWS VIEWS ■9 $2 MILLION FACTORY D/G expansion schemes planned by the Avioy Cunning Corporation (Singapore) Ltd., were taken a stage further lust ueek when the company opened their new $2 million factory at Bukit Timah, l Singapore. Occupying a site of 30,000 square feet the factory containt machinery
    187 words
  • 274 12 Malayan Railways to test invention AN executive and engineer of a British company has come to Malaya to introduce his own fuel oil burning invention to Malayan Railways and carry out a practical test on train j engines. He is Mr. A. B. S. Laidlaw. managing director of Laidlaw and
    274 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 x«f^< |#W W9UOK v*i '*< >"*s' »^«> a 1 wwosvjrvinr*. -%tf%i t^o^n^o^ny*. I TOKYO I J I lET «|g I j I BY Pan American j World Airways GENERAL AGENTS: MALAYA I MANSFIELD &CO K. D s SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG NO BETTER CONCRETE MIXERS CAN BE BOUGHT.... These arc
      120 words
    • 130 12 3 ways bet i 'sl t™ 5 [iiiIBRISCOMMtRti UToßiPsck-upfJ Better style Handsome all-steel ho<l\. Sm a high standard in driwr mml seat; ample leu room, douhle-skin t, 2 Better performance Powerful O.H NghM Ji acceleration and up-hill »nrl> H «ilh low pressure tvris sijn-K PJ Better economy I one-life, low
      130 words

  • 601 13 P W Marines 5 4 P. Branl 5 3 Sorrerites 3 3 Kota Raja 5 3 lifters 3 2 Chinese Ath. 3 2 A A. A. 3 2 3 1 tJLC 4 1 Police 3 1 Karlb 6 1 3 0 S.R.C. 3 0 H M Dockyard
    601 words
  • 39 13 DOMAIN BEATEN Rajaji SC defeated Domain Club I by .i-3 in a friendly soccer match p'.ayed at Fairer Park K Saidali :i i and s Ramavah >2i scored for I Rmaji and James. Askim and A. for Domain
    39 words
  • 36 13 90 FOR GAMES TOKYO. Mon JAPANESE Field and Track Asso- elation and Swimming Association have selected a team of 90 athletes to repre-sent Japan in the second Asian Games opening on M.i 1 in Manila— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 798 13 WAS NOT A SUCCESS IN DIV. 3 FOOTBALL SINGAPORE'S crack centre-forward Awang Bakar will play his next game in the S.A.F.A. league in the first division. Bakar, now a civilian employee in the Singapore Police, yesterday sent in new registration papers to
    798 words
  • 275 13 S'gor to pick Cup XI this weekend From N(. VOOK YOON KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. gELANGOR are picking their Malaya Cup socctT side against Perak this weekend. The Idea is that the team should have a full week in which to brush up their I combination and tactics. Tin lattttan seem
    275 words
  • 376 13 UNITED SERVICES LEAGUE N SIPS? the eadln H «t division teams in Singapore United Services "A" I.eajjue were in action last week. Their positions remair i unchanged KAfr I nangi. who na\e a game in hand. R E -M.E. have promoted] ve« from
    376 words
  • 68 13 VIENNA Mon UUNOARY defented Austria I— d in their soccer international here yesterday, scoring in the first lialf when Happel the Austrian right back, put through his own goal Ir attempting a clearance Italy beat France 3—l in a football International in Paris havtnc led
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 112 13 HONG KONG, Mon The Hone Koni; Football Association decided at a meeting today to cancel all inter-port fixtures with Manila. The matter was brought to a head by the i ejection ol apptteaUoiU for visas from tin 11, .im Konu schoolboys inler-port leani last
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 84 13 LONDON. M..M. 'TOM Kinnrv. Proton and tnfi'^ 1 l.i ml melil imm;m has hfen eleclrd "foolhallrr of Ihr year" hW Ihr Knglish I notliatl Writers' As MM'iation. I iniii-i whu lapl.iiiiN Prrston (up linalisls has gaii d f in- trrnalioiial raps for r ncland.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 434 13 By HENRY PAUL IPOH. Monday. fJLTITH Perak's first Malaya Cup soccer engagement of the season less than a fortnight away, State selectors are still faced with the difficult task of solving some knotty problems before they can pick the team to meet Selangor
    434 words
  • 327 13  -  OH KEE TIANG By PENANU. Mon ALTHOUGH the Malaya Cup match against Perils is only six days away. Penang have not called for another .state trial after the near- farce on April I when six player\ all members oi List years \ntorlous Cup final
    327 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 120 13 [ialitfnum _J i f aVf cased I laffaHv laf aVaf Pill :'i rim H :'K Gold \.shirg ■ip economyI I priced *^Bi imii I n I inns In to hii v bbh, s cam iNft.Mo i. I'hpp. (M i.m. Ml 't. >mcap.>rr wkw THEATRE S le Biggeiyand I HILLMAN I
      120 words
    • 572 13 I Mellah K VANIUA DESSERT The Super Dessert *^9 •CARAMEL V*^ •VANILLA "CHOCOLATE jti&^Mk ENQUIRIES -tq TODAYS NATIONAL SERVICE Keeislration at the National Service Registration Office. S.V f lIQ. Beach Ro^rt hetwi-m R am. and fi p.m. will be for thov persons livini; or workinc in tho CITY who have
      572 words

  • 511 14 Eddie now undisputed champion of the world DOUBLES TO 001, ONG NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Monday. MALAYA'S EDDIE CHOONG, the A) -LnR and in badminton champion, won the United States men's singles title yesterday after being live points down in the deciding set against Joe Alston of America. In the
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  511 words
  • 11 14 EDDIE CBOOMG the uorldS best.
    11 words
  • 180 14 Australia to tour W.lndies next year From JACK FINCiI.F.TON ill leading Australian Test players have Informed the Australian Crickrt Board of Control that they will be available for a tour of West Indies nr\l >rar, which will he the first ever made there by an Australian side. The tram will
    180 words
  • 159 14 SINGAPORE Coriiuhi.iiLv (lathered another two points when they beat Sir.sapore Harbour Board Re- creation Club 3 o ma S A FA. Div j 2 maich at Farrer Park. Although superior in attack. Corinthians could not score until the second half, partly due to the sorry ground
    159 words
  • 82 14 Haiknwyu S.C. beat BODCA s—l In a SAFA. Div. 2 came at F. A: N ground yesterday. Sulleh (9), P. Peters and K. S.imy .scored for Haikowyu and Chye Hee for BO DC A The other Div. 2 game between Tiong Bantu Ranters and Ro\ers "A"
    82 words
  • 51 14 CAMERON LEADS SELETAR SPREE Newcomers to the SAFA le.isue RAF Seletar. who arr on top of the Div. 3B table, were on a srorliu spree yesttrriay beatlns Traction Union 13-1 at Oevlane. C»meion (f), Carter (t), Guest Yeprwots. Ass and Oeachln scored lor the nlrmjTi ard Tan Ah Thje tor
    51 words
  • 40 14 Hartley Secondary School entered the final of the SAFA Youth soccer compttition with a 2-0 victory o\er Badan Kesenlan at BODCA yesterday. Malleques and Palaniappan scored for Bart lev who now meet Pecasus in the final.
    40 words
  • 30 14 A soccer quir between members of the Civilian and RA F. Refereelnc Societies will be held tomorrow at the SAFA. Headquarters at Ml pm All interested are welcome.
    30 words
  • 208 14 'THIRTEEN preliminary bouts were decided in the FARELP indlvidual boxinc championships at Tanslln last nicht. Three fights tailed to B o the full distance. One ended in a first round knockout and the other two In disqualifications In the second round. The semi-finals will be
    208 words
  • 433 14 j^EWLY-PROMOTED Meminlile 11 Bank ti.C. playing in lop form, -.cored a grand 2-0 victory over Shell Sports Club in their Sing;i|xiie BH.F.A. Div 1 gume on the Singapore Traction Co., ground By this victory. Mercantile Bunk ire now in third position in the league table
    433 words
  • 403 14  -  EPSOM JEEP Hv IPOH. Monday. 4FTEK THE excitement of the Derby trial, crack sprinters will take over the stage on the second day of the Perak Turf Club Easter meeting on Wednesday Heavy scratching are likely in the Class 1. Div. 1. 5£
    403 words
  • 25 14 IRC SP SURPRISED EVEN SUPPORT 4 >A1 rt cspJJ minted e Mr > N o decicU /ere Jnvl They I I ralia t J ;ho werl
    25 words
  • 9 14 Mr. Singa leaves to leaiate Tiis wot rttnes-se? Ha.
    9 words
  • 44 14 SPORTS RUM I. I ftififd t I liiiu-il >\i i JL 1 I nitf. l X Mala* S i JP» *WO cytwa id wha! SERVICES Imvfl ut Trncah i Rl I* TMlt 64 he rnoa ames. I an j;:! tatom^ I slum o our
    44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 871 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Page 61 Classified Advertisement Service Provided a Straitj Time* I Box Number it used, you < may PHONE your tmall tit j to Singapore 2800 I, SITUATIONS WANTED |fl Wnrrf« M (Min.)— Bnx S« rl: rxlra. j SYCE Experienced Malay driver available immediately. Dn\es American Car
      871 words
    • 870 14 OMMODATION WANTED "ntrf. $.i (Min.)— Bo* Mi rl: rxlra. ENOLISH couple require small flat or bungalow lurnished or unfurnished Tanglin Area Box A 5940. ST. FULLY furnished fliu. modern, Tc'.. two bedroom six months pavnient In advance by single Amerlcan. Box A594R. S.T. WANTED by Europeans no children house or
      870 words
    • 839 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE il) Hnrrfo J. 5 (Min.)— Bnx S* tt: txlrn. FOR SALE or let two newlycompleted bungalows at Tosca Street. ofT Jalan Tua Kong on tiioo sq. .'t. freehold land with 3 bedrooms attached with bath- rooms and one servant's room. aUo enr porch Apply 134 Middle
      839 words
    • 31 14 Art 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.^M For rxtni pleasure and wtisjach |K CH URCH M A > > N*. I ROSKOPI; 11 ACTUAL TWCKNfSS V^>f I **jg?\ AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA I
      31 words