The Straits Times, 6 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Ilstd. 1845 SIN(;APORK. TI'ESDAY, APRIL 6, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 387 1 H- TESTS MEAN PEACE twill not ask U.S. to end them— Churchill )ETTER IN THE PACIFIC THAN IN SIBERIA' I LONDON, Monday I K( HILL told the House of Commons today that he lydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific increased the chances peace rather than the chances of world war.
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 45 1 WORLD IN PERIL -ATTLEE N T DON, Mon. 8 th the v I Mr B *6f K ng the I it Mr b ff Cf '>n the I to 01 .inri cor. Mr. M I IT TO pti pti but b<* np 2 bt ft
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  • 4 1 one
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  • 24 1 NAIROBI Mon. Mrs Margaret J'Kin Davis was acquitted here today of murderin- hor husband in their Nairobi hou^e in November.
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  • 28 1 Iwh t ions, i.s returning to the Colony M>on with his wife, the Straits Times understands. Mr. Eber has been in London since m;d-1P53.
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  • 36 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. The' US. Srcrrtary of State. Mr John Foster Dulles, disclosed today that the Administration will ask Congress for $85,000.--000 in economic aid to India during the cominp fiscal yeai -U.P.
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  • 356 1 FRENCH WOUNDED STAY IN FORT SAIGON. Monday. i MERCILBSB Vietminh bombardment of the Dien Birn Phu airstripr. today prevented French hospital planes from evacuating wounded defenders from the besieged fortress. Communist shells from the surrounding hills defeatec French plm to evacuate the wouodad men awaiting
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  • 123 1 WE MAY HIT BACK, DULLES TELLS REDS WASHINGTON. Mon. Till: I.S. Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulles, today that the Chinese Communist* were ■•coming i v lul close" to aggression in Indo-China which might call for retaliation aeainst the Chinese mainland. Mr. Dulles did not specify what nation or
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  • 198 1 DONG Chui Sinp, headmaster of St. Andrews Middle School, Singapore, was yesterday charged with the attempted murder of his wife, Peons Dong Mcc Sanp, at their house In Upper Serangoon Road on Sunday. The charge, which was ex- plained to him by a magistrate. 1
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  • 120 1 LONDON, Mon The steamship Benalder, on the Glasgow-Far East service, was in collision near Rotterdam with the motorshlp Crowbotough Beacon, which was on her maiden voyage. Damage was .slight. 'Till lirst National rservice- man to register when recruitment for the Singapore Military Forces began yesterday was 18-y.'ar-old Benjamin
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  • 44 1 HE WON £10,000— IN GAOL KINGSTON. Jamaica. Mon. Dock worker James Willlam.s gaoled for the past nine month, for non-support oj Ins wife won i: 1(1 000 in the Jamaica Sweepstakes yetrrdav Will urns owed £20 back support payments to his wile A. P.
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  • 108 1 Churchill to retire soon —LabourMP HUDDERSFIELD. Mon A LABOUR member of Parliament claimed here last night that a recent meeting of the parliamentary Conservative Party had decided that Sir Winston Churchill would retire soon after the Queens return from her Commonwealth tour. It had also been decided that Mr. Anthony
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  • 54 1 Seven men of the notorious "Gi-kun-tonp"' secret society nisht beat up two seamen at Beach Road, Singapore, v.hen the seamen refu.sed to pay them "protection" money. One of the seamen. Tan Ah Soon, aped 19. was sent to hospital with a deep head wound. Police
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  • 27 1 PARIS. Mon. France Joined Britain and the United States last night in rejecting tho Soviet Union's bid to join the North Atlantic Alliance. A.P.
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  • 132 1 Condition for opening talks KUALA LUMPUR. Mon RAILWAYMEN were MM today to withdraw a throat of a countrywide strike Such a withdrawal Is a condition for opening negotiations. The railway administration. represented by Mr C. O. Hari rison. acting general manager. asked for this undertaking
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  • 402 1 MO CRUSHING CROWDS, NO POMP IN COCOS ISLANDS' BIGGEST DAY From Wll I I VM FISH COCOB ISLANDS, .Mon. THE best place to ser the Quoen, it seems. lis in a tropic island E villajje. That's how we saw E her today during
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  • 1079 1 with his lamily on six months leave. Mr. McNeice told the straits Times that close friend. Dr. Ernest Sovsa. wrote asking him to send orchids to Ceylon. Dr. >(»s:i v.«» i^k.«i In ft orchids from Singapore by Lord Soulbury, (lover-nor-Oeneral of Ce*lon IN COLD ROOM
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  • 49 1 PARIS. Mon- Marshal Alphonse Juin. stripped of all his French defence posts last week, resigned today as NATO Commander of all Central European land. sea and air forces. He said he would Join Gen Charlos do Gaulle in an all-nut fight against the European army plan. U.P.
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  • 67 1 Mystery shares deal is solved r rHF mystery regarding I A thr control of thr Singapore rubber brokerage firm of Stanton Nelson and Co Ltd.. was solved yesterday The legal firm of Dr-\v and Napier announced that the j board of Stanton Nelsnn and Co. Ltd. would be joined hv
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  • 167 1 •M M\\ BTILI ttOTV CHI 1 01VDON, Mon ("hnrcbill 11 -bomb I 'i a tlily of i mil" t'i f'.ntain anil I He added: It uniMrsalitv of (l> 'ruction thai II I we look with ronl denei I ben restricted in its operatic as over the last few
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 MAK E YOUR CHOICE MM. lAMINATED PLASTIC LrsONS CROSFIELD fM) LTD. p en joy them best Ir^gt^ of all because the *<*" holds throat irritants in check 1 l"--l, fr.rd from irrilanlH by Ihe rxchmive \'^M^' 1 J |'<n ill- pj mvlo lfeflU" l<» rnjiiy true bUioLJns Singapore W rv|
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    • 98 1 Net**** 1 International Concert Tour by Cor de Groot UNDER THE AUSPICES OF PHILIPS INDUSTRIES LTD. EINDHOVEN HOLLAND opening (it the ictoria Memorial Hall on Sunday l{>lh April (Easter Sunday J yr&M Xl M 1.1 MIM K I.'PP t**"\ Ifj Ilu h.nW i. Million \pnl I'Mh p>gALi >^L X'K N
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    • 11 1 lIAKKISONS lIX BUG. I Tl>. Kuala I iimpiir Sincaporr Pfiianc.
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  • 143 2 SEQUEL TO UNITED ACTION' STATEMENT From MASSEY STANLEY CANBERRA. Monday. AUSTRALIA'S defence planners are actively concerning- themselves with proposals for pxtcndinjr the now shadowy "five power staff agency" in South-East Asia. This follows the United States announcement that she is ready to join
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  • 158 2 TOKYO. Mon. A SPOKESMAN of the Japan Rubber Manufacturers' Association said today the Japanese Government wa* seeking Britain's approval on a plan for "Unking" natural rubber imports from Malaya and Indonesia He >aid this was th> reason why rubber was excluded, for tne
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 70 2 NAIROBI. Mon Sir James Kirkpatrick. assistant lame warden for Kenya, was found riead with a gunshot would in his head at a house at Limuru. 10 miles from Nairobi, police reported. Near the body was a 32 automatic. Foul play Is not suspected. Sir James, aeed
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  • 291 2 WASHINGTON, Mon The U S Attorney General, Mr. i Herbert Brownell. yesterday recommended that the death penalty be provided for peace- time espionage. In an annual report to Concrress. he said that under existing law espionage in war-time carried the death penalty while in peace-time
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  • 101 2 GAOL TERMS ON SAILORS ARE REDUCED LONDON. Mon Thr> Admiralty has redurrri gaol srntonoe.^ oavseri on three British sailors who were rourtmartlal|pfi at Bahrrin in February Able Seaman Brian Prttif>lri has had his sentence of richt years' imprisonment cut lo five years. A. B. Dennis Bernard Buck will serve four
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  • 181 2 If cancer man gives nod DR. R. R. MCPHERSON, senior radiologist at the General Hospital, will leave soon for London to son if a $250,000 robalt bomb would be suitable for i cancer treatment in Singapore. Thoueh a decision on whether to import such powerful atom
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  • 31 2 LONDON. Mon Mr*. Brookr. widow of Dr. Gilbert E. Bnx.k' fuod recently at Bournemouth. Dr. Brooke was in the Malayan medical service for many years Mrs. Brooke was 83.
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  • 68 2 SANDRINGHAM. Mon. A tablet to the memory of Queen Mary, who died last year, was drdicaterl in the village church here yesterday. It bears her profile and the words: In loving memory of Queen Mary. 1860 1053, (liven by her beloved children and irianchildrcn." Immediately opposite
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  • 51 2 AYR. SCOTLAND. Mon. A head-on road crash on Saturday night killed eißht-year-old Lord Elcho, heir of the Earl of Wemyss, and 14-year-old Christian Fcrgusson. Their driver, Christian's 21--yrar-old brother. Adam, was injured. The Eari has two other children The new heir is Jamr*. Donald aged six.— A.
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  • 94 2 'HOME TO MOTHER'— ZSA ZSA NEW YORK. Mon. Film actress Zsa Z&a Gabor, newiy divorced from George Sanders, arrived here from Hollywood yesterday and said: "I'm Koing home to mother." |m Zsa said *he would rly to Paris today "unless I change mv minil She bec.tme annoyed when auk- ed
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  • 132 2 At home and abroad McCarthy NEW YORK. Mon Senator Joseph McCarthy. (Republican. Wisconsin), told a highly enthusiastic audience yesterday he would continue to battle Communism at home and abroad Senator McCarthy addressed more than 6.000 guests, including Prancls. Cardinal Spellman. at the Communion breakfast of the
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 27 2 ANKARA. Mon The Turkish Government yesterday announced the signing of an agreement with two British firms to build a dam and power station for £12.000.000.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 188 2 'Golden Blow-pipe i re-opens rail run By A Special Correspond* KOTA BHAi; UfAKING po W" history. th< tan Emas R l o v pipe) stoamrd into TW station yes' on time, to h< reopening of normal train the- East c jj. 1941. Aboard the trail who made I possible M
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  • 17 2 LONDON, respiratory I kMdi 9 ■id and v> 9.335 to TO!: terdav.- R I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 A/SirV PARKER Si MAGNETIX DFSK SETS A gift of trur Hi«-linrtinn different in style. rlrsijjn. prrformantT macnetir holHrr pivot* lo jinv angle. tfon/or >m B^^r j^j I'^.1 *'^l^»--v|k You can't mistake J*g% its character Wl^^rt Von simply cannot mistake the superb flavour iS^\ and individual charaaer of "Black White". >
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    • 112 2 TOWN&COUNTRY INTRODUCI- A MODERN SALON IN MEYER CHAMBERS FOR THE FASHION Superb air-conditioned showroom. I^^Vir^ FuHy eiperienccd les $taff Tlß*^^» C V VjkiiN| Eieluiive designs from Nev York V cc our new excifing range of jt m J' Jk ■»> Specialists in Coddess Bras which fr l Fashion by Goddess
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  • 67 3 A PAIR of sky blue boots was one of the outstanding exhibits in a display of boots and shotes for Spring, just held in Paris. It was organised by the bootmaker Clairvoy. This Popper picture shows a pair of sky blue boots in kid with
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  • 48 3 MYSTERY EXPLOSION IN HOTEL KILLS 5 lANE, Men. I died and four I ere critically a mystery ftre which troyed the f Hotel at I 468 miles bane. workers d bodies in H of rooling which [round withmen died, in hums. plane Is rush- ritically inBrisbane c;eneAP.
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  • 36 3 ir Mon— The hi appeared at a Indow of U) bless in the below Renter. Russian tour A group n editors their wives flew in last Russia, the by Amei lean newsithii a year.
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  • 357 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. pRKSIDENT EISENHOWER last night hailed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as a mighty bulwark of the free world for the preservation of peace and defence against Communist aggression. Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of thtorganisation and leaders of its 14 member nations
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  • 116 3 M British Guiana. Mon. HS. JANET JAGAN, wife ot the deposed Premier of British Guiana, and eight other members of the Peoples Pro:ve Party were arrested yesterday and charged with ho is! n aM iU?gai procession. The procession was in protest against the arrest of
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 58 3 LONDON. Mon. A motorist driving through Hyde Park yesterday dived into the Serpentine. a small lake in the park and rescued a man who wa.s stmggUng in the wa- I ter. The motorist. Mr. Cyril Louis Monks, had to .swim 50 yards to to the
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  • 51 3 BIG GRAM tOli DEbtiISVE LONDON. Monday. MR. R. A. BUTLER, Britain's 51-year-old Treasury chief, spent the weekend at his country house in Essex near London, giving nnal touches to the annual Budget of well over £ which he will present to the House of Commons
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  • 266 3 Shah told: Let us be hostages TEHERAN. Mon. RELATIVES of Mr. Hussein Fatemi. Foreign Minister when Dr. Mossadeq was in power, offered today to become hostages of the Shah if he will let the politician fly to Germ;mv for an operation. Mr. Fatemi was shot in the stomach by a
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  • 17 3 ROME. Mon. Mario Corsi, 72, journalist and author, has died at hLs home here. A.P.
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  • 249 3 LONDON. Mon. Closing prices of selected storks were LOANS Consols 64 "h K Funding 4',r Ml* War 3V; 1958-59 87\ +S Loan 1956-59 £94 12 8d BANKS Mercantile (£l2'^) 27 Eastern (£5) 8 1 .exd Chartered (£1) 43 Hongkong {$1) 97 INSURANCE Com. Un. (uts.) 13 -f Royal
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  • 25 3 LONDON. April 5. Cash Buyers X7.VI: Sellers £755: Forward Buyers C 719: Sellers £7!0: Settlement t7«0: Turnover a.m. 40 tons: p.m. 70 tons.
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  • 36 3 LONDON, Apr. 5 —Spot 17\d. M.iv IT ,d.. June lT.d. July-Sept 18', d. Oct -Dee 18 -d. Jan-Mar 18.d. Apr-June 18 \d.. Apr. elf IT -d. May elf I7\d., June c.i.f. 11\4. Tone: Firm.
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  • 45 3 MEXICO CITY. Mon. A Mexican archeologist claims tc have discovered the one-ton statue of a Toltec Indian goddess believed to be 11 centuries old. Dr. Jorge R. Acosta. Explorations Director in Hidalgo State, said the well-pre.served statue \v;is found near Tula. A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 aro3^ '^^i iff II GARUDA H Itm Announce the opening of £lk* their Passenger Cargo office at t$V KALLANG AIRPORT. ftg I Sm\ raffle or Cargo enquiries SSgjjj Phone ***** g|? I \ih 800^9 offioti pQ^ UNION BUILDING GROUND FLOOR £J Tel. 7869 W< lift <3^ /v^ w§& '.OONESfAN A
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    • 110 3 fl A good AMU A*%* I any ci&y I y Breakfast is not complete without marmalade and KEILLER offers the finest orange jelly marmalade there is. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. the t iss ues of |l^|j v l« o ll con cli lions exhaustion High Class Precision Watches LONCBVES
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  • 301 4 DOCK CHIEF'S REPLY TO PAY RISE THREAT TFIK Singapore Harbour Board Labour Union has been accused of placing "every obstacle" in the path of progress to higher standards of living for dockers. The charge is made in a letter by the board
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  • 107 4 Motor cycle hits man: Two killed BUTTERWORTH, Mon. 4 KEDAH PLANTER, Mr. J W. Jones, was killed last night when j. motor cycle crashed into him as he was getting out Iron hLs car on the niiua Nibotis Tebul-Butter-worth trunk road near SuriKei J.IW! The motor cyclist. Chan Chin I~im.
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  • 112 4 F.P.A. needs Asian women volunteers YTO Asian woman has responded to the Singapore Fairily Planning Association* appeal for A.<i£.n women voluntcera to art as interpreters and receptionists Tlie City President. Mr. T. P. F McNeii'e. who is aL«;o president of the F.P.A., made the appeal a month ago. An F.P.A.
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  • 58 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. During the Muslim fa.stinu month expected to begin on May 4. the official working boon in Johore will be changed. Except on Thursdays, the office hours will be from 9 a in. to 2 30 p.m. without a break. On Thursdays the office
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  • 49 4 A thief used a tackaaw to cut the padlock of a provision shop in Ah Hood Road. Singapore, on Sunday night, and ■tole 24 bottles of stout, cigarettes and $110 ca*h. The proprietor discovered th" theft two hours after he had left the .shop locked
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  • 64 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon A physical training display by over 1 000 school children took place o:i the Batu Pahat padanjf last as part of the Health Week celebrations Other item.s on the days programme were a procession I of decorated and illuminated floats, a tableau by
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  • 47 4 Maj.-Gen. O. P. Walsh, a Brigade Major in Malaya bej fore the war. has been appointed Assistant Controller of Munitions at the Ministry of Supply. Maj. Gen. Walsh will continue in the job as a civilian after his retirement from the army soon.
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  • 36 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon —A dLsplay of fire drill will be given by the Fire Brigade on the town padang. Batu Pahat tomorrow at 4 p.m. a.s part of the Health Week proI gramme.
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  • 52 4 JOHOIU KAHRI Mon. A Central Pay Office is to beset up in Johore Bahru. It will he equipped with modern machines for the simultaneous printing of cheques and c.i-h book entries. The new system is expected to save the annual expenditure on 30 to
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  • 109 4 Promotions and appointments sanctioned by the Queen in the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem Include the following In Malaya: Promoted to Associate Officer: Dr. Yeo Choon Hooi, chairman of the Si John Ambulance Association, Penang Serving Brothers: Messrs LVC. D'Souza iSereinban). Chua
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  • 273 4 Husband killed in road crash AfR JUSTICE KNIGHT in ITI Singapore High Court yesterday awarded $25,680 damages to Seah Ong Ah, a mother of seven and widow of a Chinese vegetable seller. Ang Choon Chwee. who died after being knocked off his bicycle by
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  • 52 4 JOHORE BAHRU Mon Recent visitors to Bukit Serene nave been .surprised to see the Sultan in a songkok So too were all Malay members and visitors at the State Council meeting which ended today in Johore Bahru. One council member arrived bareheaded, but soon sent for
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  • 183 4 TALKS WITH U.S. DIRECTOR "THE Director of Father Flanagan's Boys' Town. 1 Nebraska. Father Nicholas H. Wegner, said on his arrival in Singapore from Manila yesterday he would consider any form of aid which might be required by the Singapore Boys' Town. Father Wegner
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  • 41 4 Halil bin Daim. 17, was charged in Singapore yesterday with causing mLschief with fire to destroy a house in Beo Lane on Sunday. No plea was recorded. The case was postponed to Monday Halil was allowed $500 bail.
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  • 132 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.15 a.m. Time Signal Opening Announcement: 7.16 Morning Slar; 7 30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8-830 Musical Comed\ Memories. 8.57 English Schools Broadcast; 11.10 English Schools Broadcast; 1 p.m. Programme Summary: 10.1 The Broadway Parade; 130 Time Signal and News: 1.45 Rhythm Corner; 2 English SchoolBroadcast; 5
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  • 46 4 TELUK ANSON, Mon-Offil cials of the Malaya Estate Employees' Union. Lower Perak Branch this year are: President. Mr. A. Manarsamy; secretary, Mr. R. Marlmuthu; committee. Messrs. M Shunmucam V. Subramanian. V. Raman, A Kan.ipathv. R S Mapalincam, S. Govindasamy, N. Vadivalu, and S. Paraniantham.
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  • 21 4 KOTA TINGOI. Mon. A new annexe of three rooms has been built to the Government English School here.
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  • 170 4 rE watchword of this years World Health Day. which j will be observed in Singapore tomorrow, i.s "The Nurse, the 1 Pioneer of Health". Five rural health centres will be thrown open to the public and will hold demonstrations ot child welfare. In the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 XL CATHAY ORGANISATION JXJ wrrrw\^\f\ opens today f SEE WHAT vor CAN LEARN .vrssssJ NIGHT SCHOOL IN GAY PARIS 1 i h^«jp*2fjiMip| Jm f^m 1 'I be most rrfmhißf ruaaacc aUtry Klkls FILM PRODUCTION. PRESENTS osman ttrnj A i?C¥T^ s KO<)MNI [gumanti 11 AT 9U nook Rl SIM MARIA MEN
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  • 439 5 LONDON. Mon. AN article in the Times i** today described a certain section of the Chinese community in Singapore as the unpredictable element in the future of the colony. Tho writer of the article, a Times correspondent lately in Singapore, declared, "One might
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 38 5 JOHORE BAHRT. Mon. The Johore State War Committee year received a total of $16,055,126 from Federal funds. A sum of $10,265,924 was spent during the year. Resettlement and regroupina absorbed $4,448,168 during the year.
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  • 29 5 A thief broke into a European family's flat in Amber Mansions, Orchard Road. Sinuapore. during the weekend and .stole a wri.stwatch. pen and cash worth $188.
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  • 58 5 Privates to start at $50 a month DKCRI'ITS in the Singapore Military Forces will be paid a flat rate of $50 a month for the first four months after enlistment. This is stated in the Singapore Military Forces (Pay and Allowances) Rules gazetted last night
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  • 87 5 Magistrate was in plaster cast DRESSED in a white coat and his neck in a plaster cast, the Singapore City Police Magistrate, Mr. J. M. DevereuxColebourn, was on the bench again yesterday after two weeks' .sick leave The six-inch thick plaster of Paris made it impossible for him to take
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  • 71 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The need for more trained trade unionists in Selangor is apparent especially among the rapidly growing Chinese trade unions, stated Mr. Kenneth 1 Khoo. Secretary of the Planning and Organisation Committee of the Selangor Division of the Malayan Trade Union Council, in a
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  • 65 5 General Sir Cameron Nicholson. Adjutant-General to the 1 British Army, will arrive in j Singapore on April 20 for a routine inspection of troops in Singapore and the Federation. I General Nicholson will tour Hong Kong. Japan and Korea before coming here He will go to
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  • 64 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Manpower chiefs are discussing the affect Singapore's call-up will have on Federation students t»t the University of Malaya in Singapore The question la whether students an- eligible for registration. No decision has been reached bill it la understood that the Federation and
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  • 43 5 A report in Saturday's Straits Times which stated that Ong Soon Ec was fined $250 for offering a $10 bribe to a Social Welfare Department investigator was erroneous. One was the investigator and the accused was Lim Kok Cheng.
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  • 396 5 After the four months, the recruits will be eligible for a graded cost of living allowance, marriage allowance and special efficiency award. The following are the basic pay rates for soldiers up to the rank of Warrant Officer Class Private Class 111 'minimum of four
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  • 155 5 scared they lose their red colour and turn grey THIRTY small newcomers to Singapore »re so awed that they have turned pale with fright. They are tiny West African fish of the Red iehlid species, the nucleus of Singapore's new aquarium. A gift from London aquarium
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  • 45 5 THE CRISIS CUTS OUT COURTESY THERE was a reluctance to respond to motorists' distress signals in Malaya because of the Emergency, the chairman of the Automobile Association of Singapore. Mr. E. Rushworth, said yesterday. I He was commenting on
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  • 86 5 V|R C. R. UASARATHA RAJ will ask Singapore Legislative ounril. at its meeting on April 13. to refer the Hindu Monogamous Marriage Bill to a select committee of three The Kill, introduced by him at Ci. last council meeting, was due for
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  • 133 5 SEGAMAT Mon Steps are being taken to nave science classes at the Government EngUuh School. Senamat —the only large Enulish school in Johore now without this facility. Straits Times' readers proposal that a white handkerchie! tied to the off-side handle of a car or motor cycle
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  • 62 5 The Special Branch of the Singapore Police Force last ni(jht announced that a number of copies of "Freedom News' received by people in the Colony through the jx)st had been handed in to the j police. Any person who tuu received similar issues of the Freedom News
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  • 188 5 WANTED: TRADE BOOSTER For Malaya in Britain KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. T^HE Singapore and A FVdoration uovernments are ofl>rine more than $16,000 a yoar to any senior business executive who ran boost Malaya's trade in Britain. He :i i t be over 40 and have had extensive butinCM experience In Malaya.
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  • 47 5 Tav Ah S.ii. Jli. mi tentatively charged ta Singapore ay with murder of Joseph K<>h Kirn Guan. Ho wa.s alleged to have .-tabbed Joseph knife at Cuppage Road on s.iturd.i v mornitig. Tav was ordered to be remanded In the Central lnck-up until Wednesday.
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  • 164 5 PINGERPRINTS l.ft on a glass in a .sundry shop, where an armed robbery had taken place, led to the arrest of a youth. Nu Boh Chye. the Singapore Assize Court wai toKl yesterday. Kg (-unvicted of armed robbery, wai sentenced to eight .1- gaol
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 170 5 I CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH, CLEAN SMOKING I largest-selling tipped cigarette in the world. *•<-*:> Vr*^/ %jp£ Imported from London S§B§^p I /^."CHERRY I M SMOKED OYSTERS AND "QUICK FROZEN" K OYSTERS Dur next party Obtainable from Man Z a n fH he Hy9le^ ideal Ointment for Applicator enables MW.
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    • 79 5 l tV r^Pry>T3 MORTON SUNDOUR I$P TAr^Y^U-J^J CHENILE_ LOCKNIT BRIEFS curtaining H| ffl| SL S 1 BStiBBH i PATON and BALDWIN'S OR!G)NALL^ I JL KNITTING WOOL a^weally 'special "^^E I 2 and 3 PLY SALE SNIP at $3.00 yard I i In a wide variety of colours FIRST QUALITY <?
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 251 5 SINGAPORE DIARY I'OI.M i: BAND: Publii pet loimume Sllll.l. Till) ATRETTK: Free lutuhK.itoiiK Park, 5.30 p.m. to ti.3o pm time him .show BMMT, the Oreut SINGAPOBB MISKAI. SOCIETY: Game Shell House. Collyer Quay. Pull orchestral rehearsal (Or- l 10 p.m. < liestra II onlyi. Victor in Memo- y.W.C.A Square Dance
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  • 18 6 20 M >,rd% SHI i minimum) ai vk.= de BOUZA On the Church a lona M
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  • 76 6 2* Horrff till (n.immnn.) MR JOHN HOOI i children tl friends who attended :he funeral of Ml Hod (Nee Elizabeth !.au Kuni 81m) on 3-4-54 ndai: those who paid night vim's. eis :< r bi wreath* n I indolence and :oi requiem masse.s. They Bre ah' thosje who placed
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  • 108 6 ;u Uui<(< tit I minimum I FOLLOW I'EDANI IfK] cay in l want to win IHE CURE TOR (iej>eii I In the thirties. Write P rO. Box 4024 S [AI .SALE :ials on April 6th fith. 7th l'<;> 4 Harrow s Ud 1800. COCK I All PARMESTICKB fieiighti'. ppetlaers
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  • 754 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues.. April 6. 1954. A N.A.T.O. Birthday The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation celebrates its fifth birthday in a somewhat dangerous mood. It is because the urgency of sacrifice and unity in defence has gone. The treaty was born in days of high drama. Czechoslovakia had just
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  • 503 6 Borneo's 17.000 tons of rubber a year is not a large factor in world supplies, but it is an important item in the colony's economy. Estates and smallholders face, like Malayan rubber producers, the problem of replanting, and only now has a scheme been formulated. The Borneo
    503 words
  • 981 6  -  CANBERRA. THERE IS a note of A rather careless optimism about the execution of plans to aid SouthEast Asia. This is the opinion of an outstanding student of Asian affairs. Sir Frederick Eggleston, former Australian Ambassador to China. "The change required to bring Asian
    981 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 392 6 Children 's Society is tackling the problem YIRS Shirin Fozdai" sug- gests that the activities of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals be extended to cover the 'mute progeny of Adam". Mrs. Fozdar was herself present at the inaugural meeting held nearly two years ago to establish
      392 words
    • 353 6 grant Ls that the standard of English must be raised to at least .standard three for a Chinese primary school. Since the burden of raising the standard of English rests on the English language teachers. it i.s only fair that they cc better paid.
      353 words
    • 200 6 TREAT THEM BETTER' ryHE PEOPLE ol thLs country realise the importance of the English language pjid nearly t-veiy day we hear <>t people starting new cld-s-se.s where they learr> Eiißlksh In the vernacular .schools, the Government has introduced English as a compulsory subject. The Government has created a new appointment-
      200 words
    • 69 6 THE management committee of the Singapore Teachers' Union has now issued notice of the annual general meeting for May 22 two months late. But the committee is still apparently determined to dl«- regard th<* rules of the union. Rule Ila make It clear tli closing date
      69 words
    • 148 6 I WOULD like to support Mr Ahmad bin Hassan's plea for consideration from the niembers ol funeral .society In the Gcylang area. We are afflicted with a similar .society whose members meet above a eoffe on the Bukit Timah Road Thi.s is within a few yards of
      148 words
  • 329 6 1 How stimulating HOW stin. il one j LS off to llllfi B instead ol Joinin or Urn Nation v though 1 Call fact that In ;to do with it. V. j really like to kn< U he Ls goni'4 tcj mid We alwayj c m starting
    329 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 618 6 CLASSIFIKD ADS. ?fl HurdM Sin i minimum) born Irene dnutrhMrs. L. Beta pore Nur.Mns Home 4 April )9.=>4. ROYSTON. At Bungsai Xi nn 1.4.M to Eleanor, wile of Blllau, DA, i ci foi Christopher. SITUATIONS VACANT id Wmr4l i Bu j» r»i. txtr: WAgr.irif Vony Peng i Applj Hlnnam i
      618 words
    • 48 6 GERMAN PEN (Improved Limy-Artut) ilill J Hi I l D? in I U i <ieate«l Ink Allinj; rapacity, lranv p^rrnl barrel. Meet durabV indium tipped UK sold nib. TnMage $0 rents extra. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO.. 19. Chilli* M.. S'nore-1 ENG SENG MEDICAL CO.. 8, Ah Quee St. Tenanj.
      48 words
    • 45 6 Light ticight ELECTRIC IRON I f^r* Eim •♦-Ib Lisni-»C'B' t Iron with Primrose en.iiicllcd <fr *nd lißht alloy scle Sin<jpMO Prict Federation Price S2JSO I, THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., 'MALAYA) Representing U *1 •taasAaMs N ■o'-«»ii i *mc i H L c smith mm o
      45 words

  • 56 7 SON-MALAYS IN, SAYS Mr. YEO in the Johore State Council the Mentri liesar's annual ew, Mr. Yeo Kirn Hoik, State ed the Government to revise its iting only Malays to the Johore as the civil service which it ition
    56 words
  • 14 7 I Mon. H [1 K m. In I 15 I
    14 words
  • 199 7 Our doctors will see how it's done 11 a will 1 D R Melbourne, month .n ol Urn iperaari anged I The administrative review made during the ftrst days n Sunday by the Mentri Bt sar. Dato Byed Haji Abdul K Mr. Yin said: "At the present stage in the
    199 words
  • 52 7 IPOH. Mon. Dr. J. A. Chelliah waa elected president >>: the Ceylon Association of Perak at the annual meeting here yesterday. Other are: Vicepresidents, Mr. 8. Palanipilla! and Mr. s. Chlnnlah: secMr. K. Jacob; treasurer Mr N Slnnathurai: sports Mr. S. V. Linga:r.. committee of six member?
    52 words
  • 20 7 Members of Singapore Chamber Ensemble will hold a choral rehearsal in Raffles Girl.-" School at 530 pra. todaj
    20 words
  • 68 7 \-But 'no rise in unemployment I sß* hange tound iob.s for 555 100 more than in February Mr. Tyson added that the number of employers using the exchange had also Increased by 13G. "I do not think there has rise in unemployment The figures merely .show
    68 words
  • 62 7 Appeal court changes death sentence to 10 years* gaol KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. AN 18-year-old girl. Lee All Tai. who was sentenced A to death under the Emergency Regulations for consorting with armed terrorists, "had her sentence reduced to 10 years" imprisonment, by the Federation Court of
    62 words
  • 164 7 A WOMAN, Tang Sow Bng, 20, ol Belegle Road, Singapore. was walking along Mulule Koaci with her mother one afternoon la-st month when .she felt .someone snatch her »ulci necklace and pendant worth $468. She saw a youth. Ec CIMOBC running away with the
    164 words
  • 264 7 SEREMBAN. Mon. The Hindu New Year, which falls on Apr. 13. will be celebrated at Seremban with a children's sports meet, tea party and concert at the Vivikananda Hall. Mr. Justice Storr, in the Juhore B.thru Assizes in February. Today '.s court comprised the Federation chief Justice, Sir
    264 words
  • 23 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Managers oi 15 daeaaaf la Kuala Lumpur and the outlying districts today visited the Malayan Film Unit's studios.
    23 words
  • 105 7 KIAI.A UMPIIt, Mon r |MIK Federation Court or I'ri- n i n.i 1 Appeal today reduced the sentence of life imprisonment to 10 years' Kaol on a 31 -year-old |>re ß aaatf woman who was convicted under the emergency regulations for consortnn; wHn
    105 words
  • 226 7 KUALA LUMPUR. MOD. LANCK-Corporal, L>. O. NorrLof 55 Coy.. RASC. Kuala Lumpur, was today acauitted by Mr J O Adam.s. president of the fltatfcHM Court, of a charge of causing the death ol a fellow serviceman by a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide He
    226 words
  • 225 7 \i tkk two srashaa in serangSWl Koad. Singapore, last aicnti a police car went in hot pursuit of .i truck tliroil:;li the lit.v's irowded streets. First, there u:is a head-on collision between two cars. Then, said a policeman at the scene ol the accident: "I
    225 words
  • 77 7 IPOII. Mon. r pil FKKAK State i .mnci: is -I- to discuss a resolution on Wednesday which aims at giving Malaya a gteattt !>a;t in the economic lil'r of the slate. in. in- Mohammed Sham>nddin bin II >ji llam/ah hts given notice of a
    77 words
  • 44 7 IPOH, Mon. Represei.tatlvcs of Chinese nuldi and aaweJatlOM SB Perak will meet on Thursday to discus* the propped amendments to the Rent Control Ordinance Their views will be forwarded to the Government through the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
    44 words
  • 130 7 PERAK LABOUR SPLIT Third man quits IPOH. Mon. ANOTHER major split occurred yesterday in th» Perak Labour Party, when a founder-member and acting honorary secretary Mr M.S.N Ifoorthjf resigned both as a member and oflicia. Mr K R R Choudhary has be n named secretary in his plac Mr Mjorthy
    130 words
  • 24 7 ADVISORY PANEL OF EXPERTS A PAN-MALAYAN scientific advisory council is to be formed to co-ordinate technical work in Singapore
    24 words
  • 271 7 4 arrested in flat are cleared and the Federation. Representative! will be appointed to it from the two Foverament* and the University, together with expert! in planting, mining, agriculture, and n. ••(lifln.v The ubjeeti of the council, of wliicti tin- Chancellor of the UalvetKttjr will be chairman. .IIV; Ti> promote
    271 words
  • 20 7 KUAI.A KANOSAR. Mon Mrs. G. W. Thomson has assumed duty as niation at the Malay CoUefe, Kuala Kanusar
    20 words
  • 29 7 The Ist Battalion the Gordon iii'/hiandei.s hit Singapore tor Britain In the trooper Kmpue Fewey ye.sterday. In three years in Malaya they killed 74 terrorists
    29 words
  • 40 7 Malaya's latest population Bgores were announced yesterday by Mr. R. Dow. Acting Registrar of Malayan Statistics The total population of Singapore was estimated at 1.147.:ifi4. and the total pnpula ti-in of the Federation at 5.814,608.
    40 words
  • 400 7 SINGAPORE'S BIG CALL-UP BEGINS: 1,225 REGISTER likely lot, says Mr. Davis turned them away Mr. Loggln urged rail-up youths to refer to I anrnri ance tables and visit he n tratlon centre on the ri;h' He that the bes' time would be between 3 p.m. and 5 pm. "Judging from
    400 words
  • 48 7 C.ndet Chla Chrnc Lock, ol pore. ho qualified in tt ecember will leave io; England on April 12 to trnin nt the Britannia Royal Naval colU Dartmouth. He Will br joinoo at the enr! jof Aumi-t by six others Ban i \:< Inc selected.
    48 words
  • 88 7 Mr C. C. Tan will the Singapore Government, at the Legislative Council meet ins „n April 13. how many permanently established cinemas there are tn the Colony and what language pictures they showed last year He wants to know how many such cinemas are showing
    88 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 CADX'S* •jg^B Yd fak% l a neur ■I l ilh rirh < Hdhurv ■i for freshiM I il.. tins, BUTED BY SIME DARBY
      22 words
    • 179 7 Available domestic «nH power models with chromium or procelain hodien SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG K LUMTUR lf*OH ~^^^^^^^m Cambindticrn Smooth, silent performjner. out- .Jt^** o***^0 stjndin( rojd-holdinf .md itafcilit i ensure thjt B.S.A. Twins enjoy the Zji T 1 1 1 higdest reputation for solo or Alo sidecar
      179 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 183 7 The weather MINI M I M 'I KM PI IJ All Xl i 7 ii) pin on April 4 to 7 :iu in. on April .sin „i]jorc 77 dagrw Pcoaog 76, Kul. i Bulini 74. Kii:iii Lumpur 7J. I|kili 74. Kiulil.ui 71. MAX I M I M IKMPKKA II UK
      183 words

  • Article, Illustration
    860 8 MONDAY "11/ hat's happened to ny TT last ra/or blade mamis husband, pokii partly lathered face the bathroom door. Am about to deny that I have set eyes on hi> bi;uics when I remembered that I used it to unpic seams yesterday. Cannot remember for tiio moment
    860 words
  • 105 8 Shrimps and rice—they're very nice IF you are like me and do your shopping at the last possible minute, then I ran on this easy dish that takes less than twenty minutes to prepare and serve. Roil a rup and a half of rice. In the meanwhile open a
    105 words
  • 333 8  -  CHAPMAN IMNCHKK «> Till] busincM m looked carefully .it the com mercial traveller who had called on him and said: ■Would von mind t^oin^ into the next office and I will talk to you over [he 'phone?* 1 "Have you sot a cold 0 said
    333 words
  • 539 8 I Says MAXINE RAKICH JjH)H some UMCOOOntflble reason the best possible clothes for any wonir.n to wear, no mutter her Me or size, is either a suit or a very formal ball gown. E= All that comes
    539 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 152 8 \n\xk i I 1 Jl] ITS TOO i iq 1 boxy I r J .houWr'i n >_ f i wjflUx\ John S buig»por» i\tiii »Jiy thould they indeed? h\ Vi S Jihl lo Innk at them you can tee 1? they urn simply brimful of energy %&£&***> o- »^9Bjß;*
      152 words
    • 128 8 V f hon C ame la -the soft, *afc w,iy ro feminine hy^iror wtl +\\£f\ rhat flatten so neatly and cxrr.i Sarr waterproof back for confidence. Be sure to > the soluble sanitary towels have .ill O no extra cojt. Try them you II see. pavr: v tors BOXES
      128 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 334 8 2i. isif s rent laaasJ (9). The Straits Times Crossword ZSj£X&£*l WTMTmW^^^K-M 2S 4 1 ma g ,n«.,he,pto«.« 6 7 g M Busmess>Uka Bin v 5 5) DOWN fe^SS 5 5 T^RSS L -?r; llt is kept by men or mlr B nty (4) HI Ofien pinured nt bay i
      334 words

  • 1743 9 Ifystic lawyer forced lovers to assist in murders w[MES special FEATURE IggragHi mene and Catherine Schmidt, who resumed their family name, for five years. Cne day In March. 1930. Philomene appeared at the Conception Ha.pital in Marseilles. Run by nuns, it cared for advanced of tuberculosis among the poor
    Daily Mirror  -  1,743 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 wSkmshkß^S <9HhbulHib^bl ?IS£*VIHBBHBBfIr > >*W3s^Bbßs .^s(^B? Twx^''^HblSk9^ :,w s /BBBBBvSBm ■>*. Ib^B^^^" JOAN CAULFIELD (he beautiful young film star says m I always use LUX |p|fc^ TOILET SOAP" r^\^* a .J^B^B^aS. ►C I i Ml I I i M pi Plif^V^ <c d f e 'oveliest stars, i4^l **V (:jU^^^^*
      161 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 132 9 SPirti Trttvy rout niv<> in mi! -mW-mmLW-m aE the GLASSES Tno-mim 1 f&MFERCrrTWEDAf>BLAMEDI L And A 7 3-D~MAGErfs niir /Z^jT!TTm^^ dark? and OiD HAVE A FELLER. CANMEAD' Al BUY p ants? yes tuis is D U \^£F D J£cJ*t WE WAVE A IWCVCLE. vtXJ SOMF ICE CREAM BARS A BOX
      132 words

  • 602 10 Shares are moving up THK price of rubber in Singapore yesterday declined by a quarter of a cent, and closed at 59} cents a Ib. on an unusually active Monday market. The price of tin was also up and this together with the fact that exports
    602 words
  • 135 10 Singapore hinrsr Produrr F\rhante: noon prices per plcul Copra: steady: April r,29\ buyers. $29\ sellers: May v>', buyers, $29', sellers. Coconut oil I quiet; $53', selltrs. Pepper ,n- changed; Muntok white $255 Sarawak |250, Lampong black $235 LewU and Prat: closing prl<-»s wwt i .o«, opra i, dulI:
    135 words
  • 106 10 EXPORTS or tin from Malaya in .March a| 7 :<ih. tons wrrr the hiutn-st sincr Novrinlx-r IMSO when 7. 543 tuns wrrr exported Thr best month in the las. four .wars was Srptei.iher I!>.'iO when MM tons wire rxportrd Prrliminary official fiKiires also rrvral that rxports of
    106 words
  • 145 10 Markets were quietly Me.iriv on the Stock Exchange here today. Loan 3,. 1956-59 £93 10 Loan 3 1 1956-59 £96 17 6 -13 Australian Paper Manufacturers i new i 19 +-3 Bank of NSW £37 10 Iwt Consul Ind 44 3 9 B. Hill Prop 43 6 L'uu:
    145 words
  • 221 10 Ships lying alongside the Sin- pore Harbour Board whar\r> or ex-prt-ted today are: TJhrangl 1 2, Ben- iru.ichan 45. Ptrnbay cp 67, Raiah Brooke 8y Sillingdon 11 Overijsel 13 14. Sura! 13 14. 5. 19 20. lung Song N Wall 1 to Petals N. Wall 3 ti 4
    221 words
  • 144 10 Rubber lost a quarter of yesterday and closed last ntfl Singapore at 59 1 cents alb a market Which was unu tlve for a Monday. There was a good deal of interest and :he price fli.ibetween 59.. cents and NH The close \\;ts steady. ClosiiiK price yesterday In
    144 words
  • 142 10 The Malayan Exchange H Association made the folk) i changes in its rates to BMTCb >\ New York: buvlntr. T I. 32 II airmail o n :t:i i it>. .<xi d.i*-> rs 1 l« credit bills M*4 tri Canada: buyinx. T I" 13 mall O1) T2 7 II
    142 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 463 10 NOTICES NOTICE Loss of swivi.s PASSBOOK Notice Ls hereby civen that Savings Pas M.. Overwas Union Brink Ltd In the name of Tan Enn Tim, having bern lost or mislaid, has beon report Issuing Bank for cancellation. TAN I NO VIM. D.if fi 4 54 K. M. ABDUI. KASIM CO.,
      463 words
    • 512 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Trade Commissioner for Malaya in the United Kingdom. The salary of the pout wMI be £2.000 a year. The appointment will be for a minimum period of three years, with a possibility of extension. The trade (■(iinmi.s.sloner will be required to
      512 words
    • 559 10 NOTICES CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE NOTICE is hereby given that I oronc O, Telok Kurau Road, will be closed In section to through traffic until further notice for the purpose of constructing a sewer. BY ORDER. NOTICE j MR. GWEE CHEE CHEOW is no longes in the employment of this
      559 words
    • 1893 10 NOTICES THE KUALA SIDIM RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in ihe Federation of Malaya) 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ;hat the Forty nrst Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held al the Registered Office of the Company. No. I, Weld Quay. Penan*, i ion Friday, the 23rd April. 1954, at
      1,893 words
    • 51 10 OFFICIAL PRICES SINGAPORE. Mon. TIN: 5354.87; per picul (up 50 cents). KI'BBKK: .I'M rents a lb. (down a quarter of a cent). MITSUI LIIS4 Z [AST-BOUND ROUND IHC WORLD FRf'GHT II lurop. Pmon, S ln pul Honqkonq C.F. SHARP «c CO., (H\ LTD •AIIK OF CHINA BUILDING, SINCAPORI 1 EL.
      51 words
    • 76 10 PHILLIP MILK OF MAGNt IN UOUItI AND .1n,,.--and LUNtj -rrll I \Xhen i.k I drink. I thai haadacl I take Alka > "'I I »CCtle» >oi;: __B diabetl I ontrol > luil ion XXBULJN l ll\KI .v o lPo»l B*' I; ..ll i;...ui Revitalise V* KIDNEY And Tou II Towng
      76 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1099 11 6c CO, LTD. gjj n -."-.nprrr, Passage BLUE FUNNEL LINE ncrcd vie other parts to lood ond discharge cargo C>"'" ""[\'°sfoOl. GLASGOW, LONOON. A CONTINENTAL PORTS SAILINfiJ Sons P. Shorn Penong Apr. 4/7 G 29/30 Apr. 7 Apr. 9/10 Apr. 9 Apr. 13 Apr. 14/16 Apr. 17/18 Ap. 16 Apr
      1,099 words
    • 1028 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT "MALAYA" for Koh.icnong. VhOW **"ng io.gon^ Hongkong, W.onilo. Kohsirhono. Saigon, Hong. Kobe A "LAUKSK- to.' Bonokok iV/Vs M°. V y M Fo. r A U t! G$ A J T0 COMTININT A SCANDINAVIA tor Colombo Aden Port Sold, Genoo, Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg, Copenhagen,
      1,028 words
    • 1077 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Pbnong •ertvenue tor Liverpool. Glosgow. Rotter-fin, Hull Port B/9 Apr. Benalbenech for London Antwerp, Rotterdam. Hamburg G. 2S/24 8/0 Apr. 10/11 Apr. Senertv for Hovre, Liverpool. Newcastle, Hull 14 IJ/1S Apr. 11/1* Apr. B.nlomond for Genon, Avonmouth,
      1,077 words
    • 1183 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL' No 28)6i EI.C.RMAM BUCKMALL KLAVEHESS LIKE 10HD °h H am M b A vu V rV'a "h°uVl" DAM pJR^T»Trtf *J&&h* and tar 7&mc Port. *«B*-I -'«>». ft-. 3 B-> ond Conoda via Colombo American Ports CITY OF BIRMINGHAM SUNNVVILLt Spore P Sham Pr-nong Spore P.
      1,183 words

  • 373 12 BIG RISE IN REVENUE President JMIK number of licensed bars in Singapore has increased eight limes since the war while liquor revenue in the Colony has doubled itself from $11 million in 1047 to $22 million last year. There were 55 licensed
    373 words
  • 101 12 MR. W.G.S. Southam, Sales Manager of the X-Ray and Meriiral Products Division of International General Electric Company, arrived in Sinpapore yesterday tc meet members of the medical profession in the Colony. Mr. Southam will spend a week in discussions with his agents. The Borneo Co. Ltd.,
    101 words
  • 156 12 Rubber millers hard hit At its peak the Singapore rubber remillint industry employed approximately 4,50(i people but today the number employed is about 1,750, says the annuil report of the Sineapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. At the end of last week, adds the report, four factories out of total
    156 words
  • 179 12 EIGHT students studying in universities in Australia, including a veterinary officer from Ipoh were taught farmin-: both in practice and theory— including the hand- ling of farm equipment when they attended a vacation seminar organised under the Colombo Plan. The course included the handling and
    179 words
  • 180 12 U.K. is biggest supplier T*HE United Kinßdom continues to lead the world A in producing radio active material for peaceful international use. ThLs fact is revealed in a survey in the Financial Times of this new British industry. Radio isotopes are today j being exported from
    180 words
  • 120 12 ONE of the factories for light i industry established in recent years in Wales is finding markets in the Far East. The firm Celnik and Power Ltd. Llwynypia, Rhondda. Glamorgan which makes knives, forks, spoons and other kitchen equipment Ls selling it* products In Burma, Malaya and
    120 words
  • 57 12 US. imports fell again in February to U*****,000,000. a five per cent decline on the January figure and 13 per cent below the 1953 monthly average, Government has reported ir. a preliminary estimate. Exports were estimated at U551,169 million in February, about .seven per cent above January but
    57 words
  • 350 12 Men for rubber talks F[E full list of representatives who will attend the eight nation rubber quality and oacking conference, at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, from April 22 to April 24 has now been completed. Great Britain, the United States. Singapore, the Federation or Malaya, Ceylon, ami Indo-China wili
    350 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 99 12 aseM U 9 Mmng Arresters L KUALA LUM PUR HOSING A PORK PKNANgP IPOH F.A.6-1* MANILA I liOliiH i i O V Rums of Manila Cathedral Pan American World Airways GENERAL AGENTS: MALAYA MANSFIELD &CO L T i I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PEN^VNG v<(*,(i#i*'«'n>ii < 'i,«-.«'MV*u*»^i> t I.#i)\v."#<)*"»"#(i/-iiv;1 .#i \v."#<)*"»"#(i/-iiv;
      99 words
    • 351 12 NEW MACHINE Will save human labour THE local branch of tho International r,. Machines World Trade Corporation ha office aiding electrical machines which an m m :u w to Mala BHP^^^Mm I v<-:irs in We j II CiCM'lKf! f V W-^E&t W j ■"'Ximum ciiic-i< wßWlwMp'*^ I 'he Malayan repr'
      351 words

  • 90 13 From NG YOOK YOON KUALA LUMPUR, Monday J)R. S. K. SUNDRAM, president of the Football Association of Selanjfor, today admitted that the selection committee were having a tough problem regarding the State's forward line for their first Malaya Cup fixture against
    90 words
  • 682 13 PPENANG, Mon. LANNINO for the years ahead, the Football Association of Prnang is looking to the schools for promising talent to serve the State. With this end in view the Association has made a grant of $300 to the Penang Schools Sports Council to be
    682 words
  • 145 13 STORE MALAY STARS TO PLAY AT KL SEVEN well-known Singapore Malay footballers will travel up to Kuala Lumpur with the Indian Recreation Club for two matches durin» the Easter holidays. The following players ha\e been invited to make the trip: Awang Bakar. Aman Kastawi, Ismail Yusotf, Ahmad Yusoll. I Harith.
    145 words
  • 74 13 MUAR, Mon— The Johore Amateur F.A. trial here wis unimpressive and selectors will have .i hard time getting togethei even an average team this year. Notable absentees in the 'rial •'ere Cheah Chtug Kok and Mi n iaiin\l Noor. ttie two outstanding Kluang schoolboys. Muar-Batu Pahat beat
    74 words
  • 425 13 AIOVIXG into the lead in the first division of the iTI Singapore Inited Services F.A. League. Royal Air Forte Tengah displace R.A.F. Changi. who had been in top berth since the season started. changi have a game in hand and, along with Tengah. remain one
    425 words
  • 633 13 SINGAPORE Senior League football has one of its few attractive games today when the defending champions, Tiger Sporting Association, meet Pulau Brani United at Jalan Besar Stadium. Tigers' form against Police last week when they Had to struggle hard for their four
    633 words
  • 674 13 Senior League and representative games are: Kahim Omar (Soci-erites) 111-. Slang 11... v i Tigers! X; Wahab Abu (Marines) 8; Ibrahim Mansuvi I Marines) l| Aw Boon Snnn (Tigers) Ismail VusoH iTiger>. 5; Ah Hoe IP. Brani) 5; Surtan Sudin I Marines) 4; Sahar (K. Karibt 4.
    674 words
  • 33 13 LONDON. Mon —Jack Solomons the British boxing promoter, announced today that Randy Turpin will defend his European middleweight title ag ilnst Italy's Tiberio Mitrt. In Rome on May 2.— A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 294 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A PLEASING feature of the 1954 Selangor Football Loasue so far Ls the improved i form of tt 1 Kuala Lumpur Garrison Xi. Last season they finished low down in the Leauue table but this year tlirv should be aiiioiit-, the top
    294 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 212 13 l»|d(ignum i 111 ere ■cssy I 1 COLD-TONE I Q'Mxk+Change $200 I M t ,1 I i"ll I ||'s brsl t-> bin II dtignum r< Pkippt I M l.:il I linc.SissnPwrc. Hheumafism 7B(«ishes like Magic 'r-. k- I f awaw>' I nd IS kaaaV aaß '■> I 1 Ps™ r
      212 words
    • 733 13 i TtiESlfJt'V' S m> Straits Times ?y \Jr WORD PUZZLE *U'/ >C yf J Cut out and p n with afhtr <«IbMM. I Petting instructions Appear bd»#. I r f I Name y/..^ yf.. I Address n*t**r. t J. I«^ I jS VA* y 1 V "X* n: A
      733 words

  • 95 14 Lancers lost a great chance KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A MISSED penalty in the second period of extra time lost 12 Royal Lancers of Ipoh, the holders, another chance of a replay in the Malaya final of the FARELF Caldbeck Cup soccer competition when they lost
    95 words
  • 127 14 Hong Kong want Arsenal or a top English XI HONG KONG. Mon.— The Hong Kong Football Association today derided to invite Arsenal or Blackpool. Went Bromwirh, Pre-lon North End or Tottenham, in order of preference, to play three matches here and three in Manila in thr latter part of May
    127 words
  • 368 14 REME 3. IRC 3. ROYAL Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Indian Recreation Club both paired their first point m the SAFA first division league i when they drew 3-3 at Jalan i Besar stadium yesterday. i It was a poor game on
    368 words
  • 50 14 CAIRO. Mon —South African Bobby Locke won the Egyptian open golf championship with a dauling 72-nole score of 274 15 strokes less than second placed Dal Rees. of Wales. Italy's Alfonso Angellni was third with 292 and Antonio Cerda. Argentina, was fourth with 294.— A.P.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 38 14 PORT AU PRINCE (Haiti). Mon -The United States beat Haiti 3—o in the final game of the two-game World Cup serins here yesterday The United States on Saturday defeated Haiti 3—2 In the first game
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  • 310 14 The inter-school O B.A league soccer match between Victoria School and Raffles Institution at Victoria School ground yesterday was postponed. Lancrrs attacked strongly from the kick off and Somersets conceded six corners in the first twenty minutes. When Somer.vets did break away In the first half, they were
    310 words
  • 112 14 ONLY one tie was played In the V.M.C.A open tennis championships which began on the Bras Basah courts yesterday. H Kamls beating Arthur Chan 6—o. 6—o In the singles Five more ties (two singles and three doubles i were scheduled for yrsterd.iy. but the players did
    112 words
  • 77 14 Singapore Harbour Board RC. beat Ttong Bahni Rangers 3 l in a S A. FA. Div. 2 league game at Geylang yesterday. Bird scored a hat-trick for SHB and Mun Hoong replied for Rangers. V.M.M.A. scored a 4 3 victory over Wonderlads S.P. In another
    77 words
  • 217 14 SINGAPORE S boxing team to trie i a final trial at the Police TrainIng School at 5 30 p m. tomorrow. Vl c c /o n board wlu comprise Mr. E. V. Smith. Mr. Rim Choc j v.r 5 K r an P/Lt
    217 words
  • 440 14 ITNBEATEN Singapore Cricket c »^'V b wrnl fllrlhe r aruad In the hAI-A Dlv 2 league table when tliev bear Bnlrstler United 5-2 on the piulaiiK ytMeriliiv Centre-foiw»rd Mac Donald w;:s In top form for SCC scoring three goals. He also made th«
    440 words
  • 250 14 KOALA M'MPI'R. Monday. SELANGOR Badminton Association officials rushed for their rule books when they heard that Abdullah Piruz turned out for Selangor Malays against Johore Malays in the Dunlop Cup inter-state Malays competition here on Saturday ni^ht. Piruz recently went with Wong Peng Soon. Cheonc Hock L-eng
    250 words
  • 49 14 Former Malayan champion M. M Paterson won the April mednl (strokei "A" division competi'i m with a score of 74—3 71. at the Sincapore Golf Club. W M Oak-Rhtnd i«3--14 F!>> and J MillK.-n (87— Id 69 1 tied in the "B" division for the Spring Cup
    49 words
  • 95 14 S<H( K.R S.A.F.A. League. Div. 1: Tulaa Brani I td. v Tiger S.A.. Jalan Be«ar; Div. I: BO IX .A. v Thine**- Athletic "A". 8.0.P.CA. (round: l>iv. H St Johns S.C. v NeUji MS C. (ieylanc: Div. :P Kint.i Ranters t I. imp. mv Rovers. C.V.M.A. ground: INTER-SCHOOL:
    95 words
  • 74 14 KCALA Lt'MPl R. Mon i 1.1. Malayan Malay. Radmin ton Association are planning a tour of Indonesia after th»Malayan championships in August. Im h»- Ahmad Intint. linn secretary and treasurer of thr Association, said lhat it proposed to send the sK best Malay
    74 words
  • 144 14 CLEVI MALAYA S I fratrrl On thr first biidmlnton whfi Ohio men sing 15-7 h< The two teamed up I Rogers am tin i 18-16, 6-15. 15-8 Poh Lin; stopped here their way to v the national i Meanwhilf Choong brothers dominate: Maryland In < badnun on to Eddie
    144 words
  • 32 14 Bukit Timah i 6—o IP. T I Scorers for Buk <<^H I Scan Jollilrds A.TJ D drew 1— 1 in a B I I l:!,ids and San
    32 words
  • 12 14 pon ,j '^fl i Trendl- '|H and Rossi |H
    12 words
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