The Straits Times, 1 April 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Not* 1 1 I.std. IS I.", SINGAPORE, THIRSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 31 1 A SWIM-SUIT] may be next Miss Universe n il] i tmprtr tho first A ro] I con- A Good Starr n E I] be no J Clothes, too i
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  • 4 1 ViceI I
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  • 30 1 v DELHI. Wed. FortyIndian Army men were d wbllf crossing .i .i oeuvn i In Jammu la i week the Indian ira< nl wa- told today. A P.
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  • 65 1 Tax comes off amateur sport KIM lIMPIR. W..1 FROM tomorrow amateur sport in the Federation will he tax free. Mi B. Ilimvworth. t!). I n.iiii Secretary, announcid this in the Federal Legislative Council at question time today. He s.ud the exemption of amateur fames and sport had been under
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  • 421 1 Why has RAF not been asked to search? BOATS SEEK KILLERS JESSELTON, North Borneo, Wednesday. PKOIMiK here arc liking today why the Royal Air Force unit at nearby Lahuan has not been called <»ut to hunt the pirates who looted the town of Semporna and killed six
    Reuter  -  421 words
  • 35 1 PERTH. Wed. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have lost "several pounds" in xi .'jiit since the* left Britain on their tour of the Commonwealth, it was learned authoritatively here today.- Reuter.
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  • 30 1 II N ANGELES. Wed French Jilm star Corinne Calvet was found unconscious in her home today. Detectives snid ahe had taken an of sedatives.— A.P.
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  • 41 1 NEW DELHI. Wed. Air Vice Marshal S. Mukherjt will take over <: immand of the Indian Air F^rce tomorrow, with the rank ol Air Marshal- the first Indian 'o head the service, the Defence Ministry an-, nounced today. A.P.
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  • 16 1 I/WDON. Wed Sixteen I s newspapermen left by air last night for Moscow— A.P.
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  • 151 1 Dangerous flying alleged KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. THE POLICE h< re have asked Btafapori c.i.d. to question a European serteanl of 1902 Fiifht. Royal Naval Air Service Bembawang. about a ianceroQi flying" incident here in which he and an her man wrrr alleged 1o h>
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  • 23 1 DACCA. Wed A cyclon* roared over the Collia district of East Pakistan last night, killing more h?.n a dozen people. A.P.
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  • 124 1 LAS VEGAS. Nevada, Wed. Film star Jane Russell's "box office appesfl was and Is InrfJT a judge ruled here today. He riccidi'fi .slif was not "a L waste "f corporate assets" as hart been claimed by a group i of minority stockholders suing Howard
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 197 1 THEY FEARED ANOTHER KALLANG CRASH Airliner circles 50 minutes as rescue men get ready IMllfl.h tin- engines, two police vans liirryin? 75 mm rquippcd wi'h rescue ippar.itus, two ambulances inri a ivil Drfenie vehicle with a few of cirht stood by f«- a crash-landing at Singapore's K iiim- airport yi-sterday
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  • 287 1 She and Singapore Land Rover may be islands apart on Monday From WILLIAM FISH ***** ISLANDS, Wednesday. \LOT of people on these islands will be keeping their fingers crossed tomorrow. A Land Hover in which the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh will ride round the
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  • 145 1 Commons to debate The Bomb LONDON. Wed SIR Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, told the House of Commons today he would make a declaration of the Government policy on the hydrogen bomb in a debate BB the issue next Monday Sir Winston said. "I shall describe first of all the
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 46 1 LONDON. Wed. A collection (if .stamp* lamed between 18-10 and 1890 was sold tor 7.10(1 her*- today. Prices included e'2lo for a Tuseanny stamp dated 1851: *JH4 faff an 1860 stamp of New Brunswick and tlBo for a St. Helen" stamp of 1863. Reuter
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  • 14 1 OTTAWA. Wed Canada and Japan today signed a new trade agreement. A.P.
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  • 49 1 COLOMBO. Wed Mr. Nehru. Indian Prime Minister, has bet n urged hv "certain influen- tial people in the West' to sit up a committee <>i ■dentists nd others t<> explain what a new World War would do to I humanity, it was reported here 'today Rcu'er.
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  • 64 1 I^HF 28-000-ton tanker Vein Una radioed Singanon yesterday saying it had picket up four men in the .-<ea. on tht way to Pulau Samboe Tuesday night The men are believed to b Germans who jumped from tht French troopship Pasteui which called at Singapore yesterday
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  • 224 1 ButDicnßienPhu defences hold HANOI. Wori THE defenders of Dim Bion Phu hurled back alter nttark from screaming Vietminh shock troops early today. Interspersing savage i counter-attacks of thnr I own. French High Command announced at noon that the garrison was holding all it-^ ions. Rested and resrounrd
    Reuter; AP  -  224 words
  • 49 1 S(l|l UN SE< "ITV <)\\ W>d— Si.\|r» i i n Ministet Msiotot I l ii uuli'ii Ambasv.iiiKr, I n \m»-i ii .i ii ct I I i "Mi uiuiK pro i fur Kuropr.ui Reenri v MM I.M XI! ITOM U"t i II for 0 .it lun< Ii I
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  • 57 1 The last Spitfire operating agflftMl bandits in Malaya wlB take off this morning from the RAF Base Seletar. To mark this, a special -erelr.ony will be held at the main- the Co-nmanrl-No. §1 Motor nnai&sance Squadron. Bqd. Leader W P. Swaby, Ice the final Bight of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 52 1 S.P.H.deSILVA Remember that J theres a grade of l^tl-ik: for sticking almost anything to almost anything else Whcrtvtr It fin"" of»ticlcinqonp»h 'rj to< Boitik. the adheji- million and one v II i» the natural choic In handy ?oi or b-m ,br\ and in pint. qmr» q^Mon «nd<iv gall*l*sril a&M. <^k^>
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  • 386 2 Quake stories 'false' HONOLULU. Wed. A MAN who was on Kwajalein Island during the March 1 and March 26 hydrogen bomb explosions said yesterday j thr blasts resembled a j sunrise. This man. who must remain I anonymous, said he was talking because "there is
    Reuter; AP  -  386 words
  • 189 2 each stem has its own water bot.'lc lOOKINtI as thmieh they j had Just been plucked, these Knclish orchids irrived here by air yesterday for the Sincapore Klower Show which opens at the ll.ippv World tomorrow. Picture shows (from left) Mrs. ('•racia Lewis. Mrs.
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  • 49 2 BONN. Wed The three Western Allied High Commissioners proposed to the Soviet authorities yesterday that four power representatives should meet in Berlin on April 6 to discuss granting better MOdt- i tions for the seven major Nazi war criminals held at Spandau Prison in Berlin Reuter.
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  • 42 2 KARACHI. Wed. Primp Minister Mohammed Ali said yesterday the United States was extending aid to Pakistan and 28 other nations only beraiLse the Americans wanted to protect the creat prosrr.v; they had made in their own country A P. t
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  • 247 2 Kenya murder trial beflins NAIROBI. Wed. re trial of Mrs. Margaret Joan Davies charged wtth murdering her husband. James Henry Davies. at their home here last November, began in the Supreme Court here yesterday. Mr. Davies died In MMpltSj two days after being found shot.
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  • 166 2 MANILA Wednesday. 4 FILIPINO editor testified last iiigj before a Senate Committee, that six Philippit senators had rceeived rSJIOO.OOO each from a multi-million dollar Japanese firm to press for ratifloati n of the Japanese peace -eaty. Erluar Martelino. edit"> r Of thr ekly
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  • 56 2 i PRETTY Mr«. U Sun Vrr (abtn) uho has jus( >;<»inplrini a year's <ou-e in painting in Paris arri"^ in Sincapore yesterday i UM liner Vietnam. She pWs to >tay a few days in fc < lonv doinc a 'hit* nf pimtjnc before she leavrs W
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  • 77 2 Premier of Cambodia quits post PNOM PKNH Wed /CAMBODIAN Premier Chin V.< nak today handed m nil resignation to Kmq N Sihanouk, on grounds of illhealth. It was not known whrthr: ihe BMBf kinc would Lhe rcsiunation. which could expected to open up i nr\> ministerial crtaa, and require a
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  • 62 2 LONDON Wi-d The Prime MinUter, Sir Winston Churchill turned down a suggestion in the House of ConunoM thai \!;iy should be a (lav 'if public thanksgiving for the lafc home-coming of the fltMB her OMMMoawealth tour Mr c h ii Ouujjh. a Conaer vatlve, had urged
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  • 99 2 SYDNEY Wed —The Newcastle branc! of the Royal SocieU for th> Prevention of Crue'tv to Aj mals Is tryinc'to stop a loi ii private zoo proprietor > iding a lioness to hi.s coUrrtton. Another W mile nw;t\ has and membera of the Sonrtv fear that
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  • 289 2 UINIONMAY EXPEL STRIKERS 'Guerilla meeting was illegal THE SINGAPORE Mala 1 Sramon's Un;on ma expel 150 mr-mbcr.s foj loavine thnr ships with out thp conaenl nf tht union. The apcretary of the union [nche Kanm bin Haji Dx told the Straits Ti nea day: 'About ISO membera itiv union have
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  • 13 2 PNOM PF.NII. Wed .n from Pi •ii B;m::kr>k will \3 UP*
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  • 144 2 POLICE HUNT SENDER OF BOMB PARCEL TOKYO. "<■( r pOKVO police arc run--1 diKimi; a widespread inqu.'r\ in linil (he .wmhi ho posted I parcel ion Inning dynamite lo Pi ■>• mm Shi^fru uxhxl.t I lie pan el runt. uninc ■everal stteka <i> aamite. «.!■> deliwrril h\ mini friim Tnloo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 .■■■■■_rzLi:.:.j_ii THOUSANDS W^jk TO THE BARGAIN J!r* OF THE YEAR! Really Smart OFFICE I LUXURY v SHIRTS &P*&^Pb n% V- ™T1 and Grey DDAAIH» /'"'it "\i"\ BROCADES /jMvJ^l^ MUST Bf CLEARED 4>/.50 ekh Ci 1| W^T ~WITNEY ILANKETS 5 fj USUALLY $49.50. W*V*.tD y>rd SALE PRICE 4) J5.00 Each "BEVIS
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  • 69 3 WEST CAN SELL MORE GOODSNOW TO REDS .DON. W«-d. and the i> irester- Un Increas >1 categories m quantities h can now to Europe's nations. am types and liplomatic sour- ..nounced a «'->!. i. a wide ai nich would pro- ef East We«l tr; with North Korea ontin •ts lea
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  • 14 3 A susDen- i c rein mnesty in th( Queen's vis:-. Industry Renter
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  • 12 3 I Wed. ring bar* purchase. 1 by Presiden £500 AP
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  • 202 3 Talks may end in mass surrenders ,iv vt *i- t w^ NAIROBI, Wednesday. gIX MM MAI TERRORIST K anj( leadersdrove into Nycri, 100 miles north of Nairobi yesterday to dismss a mass surrender of their followers in the Mount Kenya and A herd are regions.
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  • 56 3 VIVKC'A LINDFOKS. of Sweden, and Maurice Teynac. of France, in.ikm- their West r nd debut in J. B. Priestley's new play. "The White I ouiUesv" This Popper picture shows "The White Countess (Viveca I.indlors) v ith her four lovers (left to right). Owen Holder. Kobert Harris.
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  • 116 3 Woman, 49, shot 'playing cowboys' WINCHESTER. Wed. THOMAS Kelly, a 43-year-old Irishman, was found not here today of the mur- afn Ethel Williamson. a hotel proprietre.v-. Kelly in evidence said a shotgun went oil when inHipped over a cat as he and Mrs. Williamson, aged 49. were "playing eowboyi and
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 49 3 LONDON. Wed— Labour M P. (.'ruddock told the House of Commons all a on will need in a future wai is "one man. one bomber ::nci one hydrogen bomb." "Then we shall all leave this mortal world for the ethereal regions," he added. AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 52 3 HATFIELD. Wed Villagers of Colnev Heath, halfway be- tween the Handley Page an:i the DeHavilland airfields near j here, have appealed to test piiots not to scare children by iow flying. A spokesman said that the youngsters fled screaming In terror as planes shot low over the
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  • 27 3 VIENNA. Wed —Prague Radio announced price cuts of up to 50 per cent in consumer goods and services in Czechoslovakia to take effect tomorrow.- Reuiter
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  • 126 3 MELBOURNE. Wednesday. pOMMUNISM'S march south was Australia's greatest threat. External Affairs Minister Mr. Richard Casey, said here last night Addressing a suburban branch of the Liberal and Country Party. Mr. CIIW said: "The menace of the southward march of international Communism from Russia and China
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  • 94 3 BAGHDAD. Wed. ARMY bulldozers were building earth banks to hold back river flood waters yesterday from the southern residential suburbs of Baghdad. The banks are being built at the entrance to Rashid military camp, which has been flooded. Evacuation of military vehicles, tanks,
    AP  -  94 words
  • 30 3 TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Kent, I Wed. The Marquess ol Abergavenny, head of one of England's oldest aristocratic faunlies died at his home. Eridge Castle, here yesterday aged 70 Reuter.
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  • 108 3 ROME, Wed. rE Italian Cabinet will approve a bill to ratify the European Defence Community treaty tomorrow and send it tv Parliament immediately, it was reliably learned. The bill i.v likely to touch off the bitteresQ battle in Italy's post-war Parliament The Comi»unists and
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  • 211 3 GO FT. WON'T BAN IMPORTS LONDON. Wednesday. A IK. Derick Heathcoat-Amory, Minister of State at iV the Board of Trade, said today it was against (lovernment policy to restrict imports front Hong Kong or any other colonial territory. He was answering a question in the
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 69 3 LONDON. Wed— The Privy Council yesterday dismissed petitions by two Africans. Khopiso Lerotholi an.l Robert Selatiele for permission to appeal against the death sentence for ritual murder. Similar pleas by Feko Salatiele and Mashaeane Tl;.unyane against sentences .1 seven years hard labour for being accessories after the
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  • 295 3 LONDON. Wed. THE Stock Market was generally 1 firm today and there were widespread and in many cases appreciabli gains in industrials and elsewhere. The friendly tone of the market reflected the Government's economic -urvey and hopes that, industry will benefit from the Budget. Among Far Easterns, rubber
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 24 3 LONDON. March 31.— Cash Buyers £7K; Sellers £740; Forward Buyers t*os; Sellers t7©6; Settlement t738; Turnover a.m. 40 tons; p.m. 15 tons
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  • 45 3 LONDON. Mar 31 —Spot 16*, d.. May 16". d. June 16 d. July-Sept, i IT.d.. Oct -Dec 17 ',d.. Jan.-Mar :7-d. Apr -June IT.d. Apr. C.i I 16 d. May c.t.f. 18 3 16d.. June I elf. 16 T .d. Tone: Quietly steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 CLEANS AND PROTECTS <<^s^«ff^j| YOUR PEN AS YOU WRITE Ute, Parker Quink THE ONLY INK WITH /^fl^Ofl Mo;! ncn iioiiWcv arc caused hv ctlirtlinln Avoid corrosion, clogiMgi rwbho rw me (,>uink tub "^f/^^f^l 2 lecl», keep! your wriiing \nnvtlh m,JMßXaßlt^* J -mi' even. Permancnl .inj *j^h-fcj^-^r-^^r^r^B^f aMe colours. J>m N:sr
      112 words
    • 254 3 WHY MEN I CHOOSE Ks j Mn wanl comfort and ilnrahililv. Thai's I mliv so many men buy PrtflwMl f I made from Ihc brsi available avaterial J and fcrfgacd Ihronpli jlir k IMu< fittiag to fil agapjeilj. K> arc eoavfertable i shors Ihat Mill ghrc Untia^ irear. Prices from
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  • 57 4 The Commander-in-Chief of the French Navy in IndoChina. Rear Admiral George Cabanier arrived in Singapore yesterday in the liner Vietnam enroute to Saigon. French Consul General in Singapore, M. Raymond de Boyer de Saint Suzanne and Lt. Commander A. G. W. Orayson, British Naval liaison officer
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  • 307 4 TV for Malaya? Not for a very long time, we can't afford it Lillingston KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. T<HERE IS LITTLE chance of television being introduced in Malaya for many years, according to Mr. E. L. Spooner Lillingston, Director-General of the Federation's telecommunications. Mr. Lillingston. who was speaking at the Rotary
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  • 118 4 SPECIAL MAIL RUN FOR QUEEN i ROYAI. Air Force Ha.-tines A will fly mail to and from the t)ueen when she arrives at the Cocos Islands on Monday. I The Director of Posts. Singapore. Mr. M.1.. Durrant. said veMerdav that the Hasting* will leave Singapore at 8 a.m. on Saturday
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  • 115 4 Stone to be laid for Alumni club SINGAPORE'S Director of Medical Services, Dr. w. j. Vicker.s, will lay the foundation stone of the Alumni Association .s new Medical Centre at the Cicniial Hospital on Satui\lu\ at 5 p.m. The centre, a single-storey dub house, will be built on a 10.000
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  • 44 4 PENANG. Wed. Gee Tens Cheow, aged 20, was charged in Penang today with committing armed Rang robbery at a house in Loronfj Seratus on Monday night. Gee. alleged to have been armed With a daKßer, was remanded for a week.
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  • 129 4 He met Lingard there /\NE of Singapore \s oldest buildings. No. 3. Colrman has a link with the novelist Joseph Conrad. This was disclosed yesterday by Mr. T. H H. Hancock. Senior Architect. P.W.D.. Singapore, during a talk on "The Historic Buildings of Singapore"
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  • 69 4 Baby show in Batu Pahat health week JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. WORLD Health Week will be observed in Batu Pahat district from Saturday. A baby show will be held at the Rex Cinema on Saturday. Weighing in will be on Friday. Poor mothers oringinc babies i will be given bus fare
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  • 57 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Wong Seng, a leper, was fined $15,300 today for havinc 520 gallons of fermented mash and three stills in a patch of jungle near the Leper Camp. Tampoi. on Feb 8 The duty payable was $4,040 Inche Mahmud. the magistrate, went to the camp
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  • 64 4 Snow White' in Singapore The Commissioner General. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, was among those who saw a ballet version of "Snow White" and dance variations by the Maudrene's School of Dancing at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore last night. The show, in aid of the World Youth Assembly Fund, will
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  • 93 4 .*****1:1: BAIIKI. Wed. All .Malays in the Johore Government Service must in future wear the sonfkok. (.Malay cip), when on duty. A lirc-ular to this effect was sent to all Government departments in the State by the State Section Secretary yesterday.
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  • 172 4 THE Social Welfare Department is not looking for a ileuttl for the public assistance section, but for a qualified, experienced person to train staff 11 all sections of the depart--11. Nt the Secretary. Mr. T. P. omweii said yesterday Mr. Cromwell said the straits rimes
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  • 331 4 STORY OF PIT FEI, 22, DROPPED TO REDS KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A LOW-FLYING Auster plane dropped 100,000 leaflets in the Kuala Kubu area of North Selanfcor today in a special operation aimed at creating dissension in the ranks of terrorists in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 This inonkry run loose in Victoria Street. Singapore, until yesterday afternoon when it pranked for the last time up a pole supporting trolley bus wires. It leapt from the roof of a shophouse on to the pole and decided to do some tight rope walking. It was electrocuted. Straits Times
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  • 129 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. VICTIMS of insomnia in the Federal capital, who with "Macbeth" on their minds, have been muttering. "Sleep no more, the mortar doth murder sleep" can now look forward to nights of splendid silence Big 4.2 inch "blockbusting 1 mortars, which have
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Kual.i Lumpur Garrison Players will present Emlyn Williams" "Night Must Fall" next month. The shoA". to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on May 6. 7 and 8. will be in aid of dependants of security forces I
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  • 129 4 rpHE Singapore City Council will hold a special 1 sion tomorrow to debate the Rendel constitut recommendations, which directly affect the Counci A Council decision on me main recommendations of ne Rendel recommendations was urgent, the City President, Mr. T P F McNeice,
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  • 39 4 PENANG, Wed.— The Indian naval ship Investigator, a surveying vessel., will arrive in Penang next Wednesday on her fourth visit The Investigatoi commanded by Commander Kursijee. hi g 10 officers and a 1 0 rating!
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  • 82 4 Lecturers are 'rare as fine gold' KUALA LUMPUR. W< piFTEEN lecturers for newly buiit Ti Train in k College at K Bahru. Kelantan. are cx;^ in Malaya ai the end i Courses will start at the college In July. They were recruited by Director of Education Mr* I Whit field,
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  • 17 4 SEGAMA T. Wed -Mr. D. V. A. Stoi n appointf Protectoi ol Aborigines to Johore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 437 5 MANAGER SORRY HE BROKE HIS NOSE r,!ii WANAGEB of Sinl'! I,>on>K1 ,>on>K. l nh-sHo«ol do apologised to British soldier f hre akin« his nose in f hot.-i office ;> f( t' r M»« Lrr had been detain- n connection with Jfle^d assa«M and
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  • 28 5 MR. ONG CHIN TOIL of the Great Eastern Life Assurance Co.. Singapore, and Miss Molly Lim Kirn Choo. after their wedding in Singapore. Flash picture.
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  • 150 5 $2,000 TO HEAR A SONG PENANG, Wed. AN ANONYMOUS admirer paid $2,000 last night to hear Hong Kong star. Miss Kak Leng Chee. sing "A Princess' Lament" at the Great World safe's "Dollars for Pieces" nl?ht in aid of the Nanyang university. The lament 'Chau Chin Yuen," a Chinese classic
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  • 57 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Four young Indians were charged today in the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate's Court with causing hurt to five Malays at Shaw Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Feb. 10. They were V. Gopaya. M. Vadivaloo, R. Retanam and O. Palany. They claimed trial. 1
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  • 103 5 'THE Singapore Government Administrative and Clerical Services Union will start evening classes soon to tea,.'h temporary clerks office pro- I cedurei and Government j General Orders." The president of th» union. Mr. N. A. Kularajah. said yesterday that he had received a letter from
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  • 62 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Yong Tong Foh was sentenced in the Sessions Court here today to tour years gaol for possessing a terrorist document. It was a message trom one terrorist to another requesting the loan of arms and ammunition. The document was found on
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  • 152 5 WE WON'T ACCEPT OFFICE —LABOUR THE Labour Party of A Singapore would not accept office in the j cabinet form of Govern- J ment recommended for the Colony by the Rendel Commission. Mr. E. S. Moorthy, party secretary, told the Straits Times yesterday. His party was also opposed to aldermen
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  • 25 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed— Mr. R K. Roy was admitted to the Federation Bar by Mr Justice Storr In the Supreme Court here today.
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  • 191 5 21 teachers to be made principals 100 MORE IN NEXT 6 YEARS TWENTY-ONE TEACHERS of Singapore English schools are to be promoted to be principals of new primary schools next year, the Director of Education. Mr. D. McLellan said yesterady. Mr McLellan told the Straits Times that the names of
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  • 137 5 Red divorce order shown in court A DOCUMENT, purporting to be a divorce order granted by a Communist China court was produced before Mr. Tan Ah Tah. the judge at »he First Criminal District Court. Singapore, yesterday. Mr. Chong Thutt Pitt, ap-pt-aiing for a Cantonese way- 1 ang actor. Yip
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  • 78 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Lim Kok Beng. 25. wa.s charged at the sessions court today with pretending to be a detective in an attempt to get a $5 loan from Gan Choo Hock on Mareti 23. He »a.s further charged with impersonating a police detective und
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  • 24 5 KUANTAN, Wed -Rajendran. 46. a P.W.D. labourer, sustained a collar bone fracture when a coconut fell on his head on Monday.
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  • 81 5 STC DRIVER FINED A Singapore Traction Company bus driver. Lt-e Tai Heng. with three previous convictions for negligent driving was lined $50 yesterday in Singapore for a similar offence. Lee drove bu.s at St. Andrew's Road, near the City Hall, and collided with a car on Christmas
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  • 89 5 The Cathedral Players, founded in February, presented their first play. "The Prodical Son." at St. Andrews Hall on Tuesday evening. The consisted of Douglas Ede. John Phillip.s, Marian Millburn. Douglas Foster. Daniel and Ruth Gwee. The producer wa.s ken Wilford. "The Prodigal Son' is a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 1 1 1 the finest yift B* I I Set apart from the commonplace, I I I 111 Shpaffer s Crest is prpcision Craftsmanship in its 1\ 1 111 /111 111 II I I hisrh^st rtepree-a pm crpatpd with jm\ and needs in mind Fitted with the amazing f »!»•>
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    • 178 5 ONE OF THE TRULY GREAT ACTION STORIES OF THE WEST ■P^*l[^^^| JLwai^wk a^Lia^^^al t Ekm^^* I^' *^am ■A I m «*S3t^> T rjn is w Hifc, a-^ LA ■'TL «n»i)-j tt^Jxr ■*J»"' Jf Bk HsKhoolhouM- *> Y^ i fli WH- I ltKh IC^be*^ vme jk ■a?^^ cgan a i.ih« «»rjni»i_
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 316 5 SINGAPORE DIARY YOlNCi AUI'I.TS' CUB: April i ker Suit*. Before The Wind MotilliFool" party, Y.WCA. Raflle.s jy Review From Europe No 3 m Quay. 7.30 p.m. conditioned thealrelte L't> HaHle?; RAFFLES SOi'lKTV: Vw M— Iff— Place. 1 p m. The Taming Of The Shreu," O-i w Tiong Ham Hall Uimer.Miv
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  • 35 6 Jfl H „rrf« fin minimum) MR CHOONO HUN TATT and M;ifl»m Cliooiik Hrvin Puke sincerely thank thOM who ranveyMl their sympathy, sent nci In and donations iinendrd and .is.->is;ted thefuneral of their be!o\etl mother.
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  • 783 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. April 1, 1954. Sharing The Business Malay participation in the public transport system is a problem which has exercised community leaders and the Federation Government on and off for several years. No practical proposals, however, have ever emerged, although there was at one time a
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  • 268 6 Complaints of the PenangButterworth ferry service, it seems, have been exaggerated. No vehicles have ever had to wait longer than three and a quarter hours. For most people that would seem quite enough, and the Member for Transport fortunately thinks so too. The ferry is to be reorganised.
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  • 147 6 Should the free world attempt to tie American hands in developing the one weapon that will deter Russia from war against any country in; whoso defence the hydrogen bomb may be dropped? When j j Russia made hydrogen bomb tests. Sir Winston Churchill reminded Parliament, no-one suggested that
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  • man-in-the- street
    • 525 6 IN HIS BBC. talk the 1 other day. Mr. Vernon Bartlett. said that Malaya would become a Chinese territory within another 20 years if the British were to leave Malaya before a strong and responsible government. were established. To my mind. Malaya would be
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    • 75 6 I AM afraid that the Hindu Advisory Board is trying to prevent Indian girls from progressing in this fast-moving world. What education and outlook can a girl of 16 have? At the age of 17. she might become a mother. What life will she lead
      75 words
    • 63 6 WHEN are the authorities going to do .something about .spitting? The fact that monsoon ditches are used as public conveniences and rubbish dumps should also be looked into. This will be more acceptable and beneficial to the community than trying to ban smoking in cinemas and
      63 words
    • 92 6 IN ONE of the lanes in the Geylang area, there ls now a sort of club whose purpose is for members to attend funerals. The memHl beat drums, bang cymbals and make as much noise as po.-.sible. It can be heard half a mile away.
      92 words
    • 190 6 DO our local Justices of the Peace perform any public duties except witness the signatures of friends and acquaintance's? Can they charge what they like for such witnessing or did the Government ever draw up a scale of fees? Why do they not take
      190 words
    • 204 6 HE SEEKS AN 'ANNUAL DINNER' V AM surprised to learn that there is no branch of the Oxford Society in Kuala j Lumpur, or Indeed even one I including our "friends" from "that other place." In Hong Kong and in Singapore, there Ls such a SocU-tv. It only meets once
      204 words
    • 86 6 YOUR news item, headlined "Planters Back Elected Council." states that the United Planting Association of Malaya supports the principle of an elected majority on the Federal LegLslative Council. The inference Ls that the I United Planting Association of Malaya Ls a planters' a.ssocla- tlon. ThLs Ls
      86 words
    • 94 6 They helped Govt. in time of need ASSISTANT Resettlement I Officers working for the I Federation Government since the Emergency have been badly treated in their salaries, allowances, etc. They have helped the Gevernment to resettle hundreds of thousands of civilians scattered throuchout the country at the risk of their
      94 words
  • 783 6  - Instability— the grim record of the Middle East J. L. Hays By 1 T«HE FOREIGN SECA RETARY, Mr. Anthony Eden, would seem to be the supreme master of understatement. His Commons admission that "events in Cairo show evidence of instability" was surely an understatement that should take its place Jn
    783 words
  • 423 6 That defeatist lETTERt have romp I j about Petaln Btr< Singapore. One tells m> th( question of rena cropped up in 1941 when thought that t" ell Dame of a thorou^hf:i alter the victor of V merely because he sides, would savour vindictive. One Indian corrcspi suggests,
    423 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 944 6 Straits Timet Free Prett 'olr .^..-IUHIIIj Ilt fleor. SINGAFORt COLO STO*A«. ORCHARD ROAD, tmnll .dv*rtii«m«ntl mni on.w«r» to bo« numb*" Clonificd odv«ttn«mf nti moy 119 b« h«ir\d«d to: CITY BOOK STORI LTD.. WinchriXr Houtl, Collyer Quay, Singapore CITY «OOK STORE LTD., 91 Tnn«lln Rood, Singapore. CLASSIFIED ADS. 1» War** $1(1
      944 words
      21 words
    • 168 6 THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., (MALAYA) LIE (Incorporated in S>ne. Head OHice: Mijn.-i Home 12. littery Road. P.O. Box 203, ItagaaM*-). Representinp: THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD, OF ENGLAND The G. E, C. Organisation in Singapore and Federation of Malaya, which has hither f as a Branch of the General Electric
      168 words

  • 77 7 THEY IGNORE AMY \SI) ME, SHE SAYS •1 Eu (Progressive-Weal) yesterday "overwhelming male majority" pore City Council of ignoring the men Councillors— herself and Mrs. Aim ssive-hast). the adjournmenl of a Council said: "We two women have boon disIn the back"
    77 words
  • 15 7 rushed mba- ho was ttlea all cv badly
    15 words
  • 4 7 II !1
    4 words
  • 4 7 I Junior
    4 words
  • 34 7 Thi Singapore Art S(X';. exhibition of architecture at i the British Council Hal: in Stamford Rr>ad will dose on Mond la open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is I
    34 words
  • 229 7 No Ritson pay for Council's workers MON HLY paid workers 1 of trie Singapore City Council will not get RitBon pay acheAc scales recently approved for Government servants. At yesterday's City Council meeting, the President Mr T. P. F. McNeiee. .said the question of applying the Ritson recommendations to City
    229 words
  • 71 7 Hong Mun New was fined $M)G, in default two weeks gaol, when he pleaded guilty in the Singapore City Polite Court yesterday to obstructing 1 the road with his coffee-stall lor over a year. The prosecutor from the City Cleansing and HawkersDepartment. Mr W. A
    71 words
  • 45 7 The University of Malaya's Students Christian Movement will present a variety concert at the Lee Kuo Chuan Auditorium Of the Angle-Chinese School. Barker Road. Singapore, at 8.30 on Saturday night. The programme will include "The Will.' a play b y J. M. Barrie.
    45 words
  • 26 7 The Oxford and Cambridge centenary boat race dinner will be held at the Capitol Ballroom and Restaurant. Singapore, at eight o'clock on Saturday.
    26 words
  • 30 7 The Stage Club. Singapore. will present "Ten Minute Alibi", a thriller by Anthony Armstrong, at the Victoria Theatre at 9 p.m. on April 8. 9 and 10
    30 words
  • 29 7 Fifty-four soldiers In Singa- 1 pore and the Federation have been awarded the Com-mander-in-Chiefs Certificate for Good Service for the period July 1 to Dec. 31. 1953.
    29 words
  • 370 7 MR LOKE WAN THO HANDS OVER HIS $1 5,000 GIFT TO CITY Singapore gets its Civic Mace 400 AT CITY COUNCIL CEREMONY SINGAPORE received the symbol of its status as a city yesterday when a Mace, the ancient mark of constitutional authority, was presented to the City Council. In the
    370 words
  • 189 7 PRISON ENCOURAGES LOTTERIES— DEFENCE 'Heavy fines the answer 9 SINGAPORE chap-Ji-kee organisations would be encouraged to flourish if its menial members wore only imprisoned and not heavily fined, Mr. Y. H. Tsan told the Chief Justice. Sir Charles Murray-Aynsh'y, yesterday. Mr. T.san was appearing tti I.oKe Wai Sin. mother of
    189 words
  • 202 7 HENRY Timothy Hogan 30 was gaoled for 10 months by a Singapore court yesterday for criminal breach of trust Of $1,760 while employed by Borneo-Sumatra Trading Company as a timber grader and .salesman HOfBA. who had a similar i- .nviciion In 1950. also will
    202 words
  • 48 7 Four women were taken to hospital tram i v ill a§i in Bembawanß, Singapore, reaterday after i bravl invoivlll" two f :i tiillic.s The oldest casualty was 6U years old and the youngest 14. ■tlekl and .stone.s were used in the tiuht
    48 words
  • 127 7 SINGAPORE coffep-shop ownMB have told the Food Control Department they will not cot the price Of a cup of I coffee. The rcitson, they *nid in a i lot t r to the department, whs that overhead coM.v and the price of
    127 words
  • 1254 7 By HARRY Mil IKK KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A COMMITTEE of 12 U to investigate how Malays can have an increased and adequate part in the Federation's road transport industry The new Federal Legislative Council aureed to the committee after IB
    1,254 words
  • 28 7 The troop.shlp Empire Fnw" arrived in Singapore ye.storriv from Britain vith .iOO troor; for Malaya. On bnnrd to were 216 service wives an their children
    28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 sin 9th in if I A <ly >ini:a|».irf Frdrralion <.i>isi;x<; a co. ipapore.l, Trk233o2A »0">>» GarrarD <&||p> MODEL M/AC. 3-SPEED. $87.50 (S'por* Priat) M Enjoy your recorded music ~r----^*«=< brst b ploying jK v s-.i t hroug h the latest ra^s**?^^ /^fc GARRARD 3-SPEED Single jrfZZ&Sffi®] Record Playe r Model
      124 words
    • 119 7 {fcnttnu BATTERIES r J'■ ps# There's a CENTURY BATTERY— packed with POWER for every typo of motorized equipment, from motor cycles and small cars, to Riant bulldozers. Snlr Igemtsi LINDETEVES (M) LTD. KI'AI.A II'MPIR IPOH KNAMG SINGAPORE ijllll i jitiIIMIIHICiIMtIMIIMitJIIiIiIItIIIIIJIIIIIIIIINItiMIIIIHyi TONIGHT I CARLTON NIGHT CLUB 1 28A. CAVKNA<;iI Kit
      119 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 188 7 The weather MINIMI M Ti:Mfi:KATI Rt: i7 3O pm. on Mar 31) to 7 30 |k M 31 1 «;ii[Mpore 75 |MK NMHH 74. Kota Bain u 75. Klliila Lumpur IS, Ipuh 72. Kuantan 78. m x i m r m immumi: i7:it) Hin lo 7 :iti i)iii on
      188 words

  • 234 8 CHEAP RICE (for poor) PLAN KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. TH E FEDERATION Government, is arranging for the sale of bicßfr quantities of uood nrokrn rice at 22 cents a kati to hrlp poor people, the Federal Legislative Counr-il was told tod Mr. o. A. Spencer, thi Member for Economic Affair Mkl
    234 words
  • 19 8 SEGAMAT. Wed. -Three Malays .stolp lewellerv worth S3OO from 8 goldsmith's shop in Jalan Awang, Scsamat, yesterday.
    19 words
  • 129 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. PUPILS in the Federations schools rose by 88.716 at the beginning of this year. There were 28 more schools find 926 teachers. These figures were in papers tabled at today's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. The enrolment was 848.547 against
    129 words
  • 522 8 A jobs commission for the Federation AFTER WAITING FOR SEVEN YEARS INTERIM BODY GETS TO WORK RIGHT NOW KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Federation Government today decided to set up a public services commission seven years after the Trusted Commission drew its attention to the need for such a body. A
    522 words
  • 137 8 "T^LECTION day fever must be kept to a minimum," say the select committee appointed to consider the Elec- tion Offences Bill in their report tabled at today's Federal Legislative Council meeting. This would be best achieved l>y limiting propaganda
    137 words
  • 76 8 The Rev. F. H. Sullivan, a pioneer missionary and edui cationist of the Methodist Mission, who served in Malaya and Borneo from 1909 to 1932. will be the guest-preacher at the Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church Singapore, at' the eleven o'clock service on Sunday.
    76 words
  • 24 8 Services in English are now bom? held at the Presbyterian Chinese Jubilee Church in Outram Road. Singapore, at 430 p.m. every Sunday.
    24 words
  • 162 8 Number not yet fixed KUALA IAJMPUR. Wed. 'THE FEDERATION Government wa.s considering recruiting women police, Mr. AHP Humphrey. Secretary for Defence, told the Federal Legislative Council today. He could not give the number needed or say when recruiting would start. Official replies to other questions:
    162 words
  • 177 8 $170,000 A YEAR FOR NEW BOARD KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. T*HE newly-created Federation's Public Service Commission will cost about J 170,000 a year. The chairman will receive emoluments equal to those of a Malayan Civil Service StatT Grade "A" officer. Members of the panel will receive a retainer of $500 a
    177 words
  • 54 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. One hundred and sixty-one local companies with a capital of $54.5 million were registered in the Federation last year. The number registered in 1952 was 191 with a capital of $77.5 million. The total number of local companies on the registers at Dec.
    54 words
  • 58 8 TAIPINO. Wed Twelve members of the Taipinp Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship will attend the All-Malaya MYF Institute at Kuala Lumpur from April 22-27. To help raise money for .some of the student members, a World Friendship Supppr will be held at the music room
    58 words
  • 41 8 IPOH. Wed —Yesterday. 576 I registered on the electoral rolls.' the biggest number in a day since the register opened on March 1. Of the four wards. Orrentown registered 224 voters yesterday. The total now us 6.463
    41 words
  • 82 8 $300,000 for cocoa research KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A SUM of $300,000 is to be spent over the next two years on cocoa research in Malaya. This is disclosed in a report tabled before the Federal Legislative Council today by iU Finance Committee. Investigations into cocoa cultivation began in 1949 but
    82 words
  • 68 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— All Chinese associations in Johore Bahru district are to take part in a campaign to canvass memaers who have the necessary qualification to register as vot?rs for the forthcoming State ?!ectiona. This was decided at a meeting of representatives of the issociations held
    68 words
  • 70 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Central Electricity Board Employees Union. Selangor i Branch, at a recent committee meeting decided to ask the i Area Manager, central area, to change the holidays tor dailyrated staff. The union's executive council will meet on the question of whether daily rated .staff
    70 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 55 8 \~f<4jt fauces ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT announce that they have been appointed SOLE AGENTS in Singapore, the Federation of Malaya British North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, S. Siam for CAM BORNE ENGLAND manufacturers of Compressors and Machinery for Mining and Public Works Contractors QGUTHRIE Co Ltd SINGAPORK KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH MALAC:CA SEREMBAN
      55 words
    • 234 8 a SUPER SHOCK RESISTING WATERPROOF ANTI MAGNETIC TROPICALISED 17 21 JEWELS WATCH OF HIGH PRECISION I Sole Agents |Y( SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. (Incorporated ir, ll<»i£ Kong) This month's lucky caUucic- l-ntbcr is 757 If thnumber is on your Shriro Calendar, take it to o Shriro (China) Ltd., office. S0 FOR
      234 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 514 8 SINGAPORE PENANG 7.15 am. Time Signal and Open- 8 S7-9 45 S< hoolx Broadcast. 1 1.09ing Announcement. "Hi Moitimi: 12 Schools Broadcast; 1-3 pin Aa Star; 7 30 News; 7 35 Mc-Uidy Mix- Singapore. 2-3.10 Schools Broadtur< 8 London Slud:o Melodies; 5 Programmes In CUMM S 8 30 Malay
      514 words

  • 2005 9 TIMES special FEATURE Killer terrorised town with lynamite in mail WWJJHd^fTOf A POSTMAN delivered a neat, brown-paper package at the home of lhomas Maloney on Northampton Street in the Pennsylvanian coal town of Wilkes-Barre, on Good Friday. April 10, 1936. Maloney— a big, good-natured Irishman in his early 40's and
    Daily Mirror  -  2,005 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 IrTarkcr rD UOFOLD IL I Sop that I COUGH! tj COUCH MixrußE irlttsr ed> cough mixture I know «.v Britain I DRIVE I IN HML COMFORT Writ) now O r ■He HML S bor» I Fau luiunous ci-s -ria low h the finest wiy of r SELr- ;RE HAMILTON MOTOkS
      78 words
    • 290 9 'Viyella' takes gooil rare of liabies 0 Z *Viy»-lla' is perfect (or babie«. It is «nft an. l V\tih\ 7 and washes wondeifully. 'Vi lasts. Nurses and dUa prefer 'Viyella' every time for health. In Urtfaig ecoof. r«Hill«MMl>HlV^<lMt|l| day andlbli iiijjlit wear Viyelia IF IT SHRINKS WE REPLACE 'ClydeUaisalsomad'byth'mil.-f.fl i
      290 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      127 words

  • 287 10 Shares begin to movo COME United States baying and risen. I sellers sent the price of rubber up still fin 'on the Singapore market yesterday and grade closed at 56 1 cents a lb., the highest c price since January 8. This price was only three
    287 words
  • 291 10 BROKERS REPORT The Malayan Shar;- Brokers Association reported "High* r bids resulted in a little more in rubber .shares but buyers were still unsatisfied on the local share market "Tins were a shade firmer while industrials were irregular." Members of th« Association reported the following business done yesterday: Gammon
    291 words
  • 91 10 TIIK price <>l pepper again dropped in Mni;a--po.-e veslerd.u In IS per pirul for all v.iriclicv Mil lit ok ulntc at |SM a pit-ill has loNt |M in Ihifirst llirct- days of the week. Sarawak is no" quoted 5245 per pit-ul and I. tin pong black
    91 words
  • 19 10 SINGAPORE. MAlci 11. Tin $351 I pirul (ap |I.IZI/ S I, "><; ;/X rents ;i three i-istiitiis or
    19 words
  • 65 10 Stock Exchan oUa were well supp Australian Pap< i Au.->t Conaol i n,i B. nm Prop COurtauld Ooldtbrough Mori Colonial E ai 1.C.1. lAiul I. CM. c new. Mount Lyell Yarra Pall N. Broken Hill P.. 1 OILS Wuolworth a Amal lln .1 A Hi o. 1 n
    65 words
  • 47 10 >lii|is hin- alc.n^iili- Hi Hai l"'in B«ai i h 111 i, (II Hal HID land IS it;. Sura I 18 N Wall I i C'yi lo|. 40 4! Outer Itii.ulMaru K. 1. i11.,:. Inmr »:..nK Anne Reed Philip Q Pc Kan Boon, BI
    47 words
  • 63 10 FEBRUARY" TRADE Mal.i\;i hid .in ach trade ul V!.i 000 iii 1 1 in ii.ii v .i ion lit Urn aiflit'i official ■rca Imports <>i Merchant including |>;ir««'i posl tailed >-'!x ioii.immi, M experts Including pai post. siiij)\ rt<eei I) II II k.■ I, l ill oil li t
    63 words
  • 19 10 i lie ice. A lii» No. l Ellen iv «0, I. M..v i I '..lie I VI
    19 words
  • 14 10 jil qu I*> j I t«i^ .11 ul Fml i l It
    14 words
  • 7 10 On the Ire.- I 1
    7 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 724 10 NOTICES IJUJ BENUT CONSOLIDATED RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporate, in Mngapof*) VQTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN that thf Thirtieth Annual Of-nrrnl MM-tine of the Company will be hrld at the Registered Office, Honckong Bank Chamber*, Collyer Q'i.iy. Singapore, on TUMday, 4th May 1954. at 12 O'clock noon, for the purpose of traasar'ing
      724 words
    • 431 10 NOTICES "notice to employerToF LABOUR l .< Returns under the Labour Code) 1 NOTICE is hereby Riven that all 1 employers of labour In the Federai tlon of Malaya are required to (submit population returns In respect of the 31st March, 1954 to the labour offices in their respective states'
      431 words
    • 766 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS <X) STUDENT MALAY Interpreters; (b) Student Indian interpreters (Punjabi) in the Judicial Department. Sai wy Scale: m 114x6---126 Qualifications: Citizens of the Federation. Age: 17—22 years. Passed School Certificate Examination with a credit In English and for (a) must ha-e a knowledge of Malay; For <b) must have
      766 words
    • 926 10 NOTICE HEDDLE Sz Co Ltd. are pleased to announce their change of address c/o P.O. Box J045 new telephone No. ***** a« from Ist. April 1954. PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS j APPLICATIONS are Invited to flll seven vacancies for Instructors, Junior Technical School, Singapore to teach the following trades: 1 ia) Machine
      926 words
    • 934 10 NOTICES NOTICE INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY. INDIAN INDEPENDENCE LEAGI T R The Custodian of Property. Supreme Court Building. Singapore U holding certain Jewellery and other valuables, that were found In the j j possession of the Indian National Army and Indian Independence League at the time of the Japanese Surrender of
      934 words
    • 831 10 NOTICE 1 THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. I NOTICE Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Company will be closed from 2nd "> 15th April 1954, both days inclu- slve. preparatory to payment of dividend. By Order of the Board. F. S. CABLE, Manager. THE HAPPY
      831 words
      24 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1072 11 Z»» MANSFIELD «c CO., LTD. Postage BLUE FUNNEL LINE «>ept, proceed vio other parts to loorl and discharge cargo ,NG$ to LIvrRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, ft CONTINENTAL PORTS G 36 Apr 4 Apr. S/4 G 29/30 Apr 7 Apr. 9/10 Ap, 9 Apr 13 Apr 14/16 Apr. 17/18 Apr 13 Apr
      1,072 words
    • 970 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT 'MALAYA" for Koh,,chnnn, S hOm *"<™ So.aon Hongkong. Manila, &&3&"-"- MiS kohsirhang, Saigon. Hongkong. Monilo. Kobe SAILINGS TO CONTINENT ft SCANDINAVIA For Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Genoo, Antwerp. Rett.rtfnm Homburg, Copenhaar-n, Gothenburg ft Olio a\ ia <^^« sro era. 4 c.°:j: B^^^arkSS? 1
      970 words
    • 1037 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS t. U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'p3f. P. S'hom Pknong Benvenue for Liverpool. Glosgow, Rotterdam. Hull 6. 11/14 S/4 Apr. 7/ 8 Apr. for London Antwerp, Rotteroom, Homburg 21/24 4/ 7 Apr. 8/ Apr. B«narry »or Hovre, Liverpool. Newcastle Hull 3/ 9 Apr 11/ISApr. 11/12
      1,037 words
    • 1137 11 McALISTER tic CO., LTD. Ttl No 111* KLAVEMESS LIKE EM.ERMAK BUCKNALL LOS AN< £UV SAN FR amcsco. LONDON, t.AVRE, ROTTERDAM PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER HAMBURG ft HULL i Accepting cargo for Central ft Satrth and for U SA. Ncrth Atlontir Ports American Ports ond Conodo vio Colombo m¥ BOUGAINVILLI CITY
      1,137 words

  • Article, Illustration
    897 12  -  Christine II y MONDAY JMNP '"at a smai. 'ken up the bathroom this morninu. Life in t pu-s ha.s inured me to and flying ants. At a p:neh I can even tackle a spldi cannot h' call amah and ask her to remove sh<- Inspects tni I ad
    897 words
  • 514 12 I I-T'S race it! You <lon't know your own race. But others do! me Doy 12 who served von lunch, Hie taxi driver who mumbled over the small change, your hairdresaei, the man who brings your newspaper, the attractive man you
    514 words
  • 360 12 Says JOYCE MURIEL I \M almost afraid to admit it, hut I enjoy being; a housewife! I am not overworked, harassed, bored, or lonely. I am busy and I am happy. \nd 1 am so tired of being patronised by my emancipated friends that I
    360 words
  • 27 12 THIS battle blouse is made i n leopard print, pulled into hand-knit cuffs, collar and M aistband. It wax designed by Jacques Heim.
    27 words
  • 372 12 NEVER make a child feel small Says Lady Pakenham "My 16-yrar-old eirl a*krd for two Christmas presents. A glamorous nightie and larrosse boots! On Christmas morning she paradrd in both at once!" THIS letter from a reader perfectly describes the teenager child arid adult— both at once. Can ire help
    372 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 253 12 KOWNTKBe'S POPULARITY CONTEST $3,000 PRIZE Choose the seven most populor items of the nine illustrated below and win $3,000! CONTEST RULES From the Illustrations ol these niiv Rnwntrrr's products, rhoo.sp tho seven you consider most popular in order "f their popularity. Fill In thr coupon with thr lieurr.s asalnst the
      253 words
    • 183 12 Modess At "those certain times." 9^ the modern woman /C^ relies on MODESS. the economical, safe and full.v \^^ff absorbent sanitary C, protection, for complete A confidence and comfort. ttODKSS Sanitc I V^Jjrj— J MODES& n J Sawtr y gen A^-^-~ > BORNEO (/ox a j^m^. LUSTROUS fefcj^K t iMmpoo
      183 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 82 12 The Straits Times Crossword At KOSS 14 Void of .sen m certain dne< tion <5i. 1 should It be swept before ChrU- 15 lnromprehea«lbiy unpopular iw* m:^ <7i. loi (4». 5. Frull somflimM sour! (6i. IS Hnndl* of r tool II, Rarkt* was (7i 19 A memory xid (<> 12
      82 words
    • 240 12 27. A vorpul one. perhaps (S). 2R Present form of 15 <4t. 31. Noxious <T>. 32 And cure <anag > (7 33 Suitable little vessel to nffer a tow" 1 i6> 34 ThU manner might appeal to the patient <7> DOWN 2 This carries one* belongmRv the whole lot evidently
      240 words

  • 409 13 BAILEY THE ALLROUNDER Bailey takes 7 wickets for 34 mISTO.N. Jamaica, Wednesday. i final <rickct Tost between Knjjland est Indies had :i sensational start when the West Indies were 139. At the close England had f^" l without loss. esterday was chiefly due to
    409 words
  • 38 13 Lsi itmt Balk; H o linrni.m i M Halle, '1 Railej I Baile, 1 1 I., ■.•man I Total I :i IViilr-i 16 W irdle 1 1* 1 i i iker l-l- I>l IS \v k< 11
    38 words
    17 words
  • 12 13 re« on e»m lie of racinu 4 Pn I nn
    12 words
  • 110 13 WFI.LINOTON. Wed CROWD of 300 staunch, shivering enthusiasts H« the New Zealand touring team wind up their 13.i3-.54 tour with a win by an Innings and 69 runs here yesterday over New Zealand XI. The tourists won six of the N iMi matches played in South
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 29 13 LONIXDN. Wed Yesterdays Association football results: Third Division .Northern': Port Vale 1 A(enngton Stanley 0. Scottish l^acue B" Division Third Lanark 1 StenhoiLseniuir I—Reuter.1 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 19 13 Indian R«-creatlon Club bea HMS Ctartty 4-J in MM« friendly m Farret Park on Tuesd.-.v
    19 words
  • 18 13 LONDON Wed Yesterdays I igtoj Tnion NHH Penz«nre and \cvlvn 3 I nnrtin Hospi'aM —Renter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 136 13 MARBL'sHEAD. (Massarhusfttsi. Wed. THE touring Malayan badminton players won both the singles and doubles mat<hr.s In thtir exhibition before a crowd of 500 here last night. Eddie Choong beat former Indian champion Trilock Nath Seth. In a Mii«les .match 15—7. David Choong. (lefented ihe 20-year-old Indian
    136 words
  • 96 13 IPOH. Wed Perak will meet in the Northern Zone final for tIM Chua Ciioon Leong tennis trophy at Iprh on April 3 and 4. The winners will meet Johore for the right to enter the final against Singapore who won the Cup on a walk-mer
    96 words
  • 366 13 From A Special Correspondent MELBOURNE. Wed iISTrtALIA will send one of its strongest swim teams ever to c.m.ida this year for the British Empire and Commonwealth Ounos Ten swimmers have been selects but only four of them have pit— tiouilf r»presented Australia In
    366 words
  • 500 13 Cockell outpoints La Starza: Now in line for Rocky TURPIN WINS LONDON, Wednesday. DON COCKELL. the tubby British heavyweight boxing champion, last night outpointed New York's Roland La Starza over ten rounds before a capacity crowd of 18.000 in Earl Court arena. Cookell weighed ill !h La Starza 189). It
    Reuter  -  500 words
  • 54 13 LONDON. Wed -Promn-e: J^rk Solomons announced today :hat the European middleweight championship bout in Rome between British holder Randy Turpin and Italian Tiberio Mitrl has been postponed until May 2 or May because of injuries to Turpin who via.- Ml above the eye In his fight aea.r..-t Olle Benetsson
    54 words
  • 754 13 IPOH. Wed. rpHE Per.ik Derby over l l 2 miles ben has attracted 21 entries, including some of the finest stayers in training, but no more than 16 horses will contest this valuable race —which curries $30,000 in stakes plus a $4,000 gold
    754 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 137 13 Pan American is first to bring you Tourisl- Service ROUND THE WORLD! .MCA RAINBOW EASTWARD tO the^U.^.«- rr-A^-y. Typical Low Rainbow Fares ''^I^^'Z w from Singapore s^^UJT^^ SAVINGS m ""lC«fi > J I r>er 'O|l, v .j' > r 'ef>l,, U. S. A. ROUND TttP R.u«,p F«K.I B Pr 'Udr
      137 words
    • 552 13 COLGATE'S wonderful new GREEN CHLOROPHYLL TOOTHPASTE I TROYS B^° BRtAiH "N. f\GHT* > v nontßS TU^^Z^ZM'^*'^ ihlDrophy 11, Nature's lj^J-^'^^ miracle substance, is in r The vo IIS new cxc us ye Colgate C^ formula. In Large and Giant Green Toothpaste m/c tubes. C s. that FOAMS d and Guaranteed
      552 words

  • 514 14 BREWERS DRAW IN LAST MINUTE Pulo llnkn m 3 Breweries 3 AFTER leading by two goals to nil at the interval, Breweries found themselves at the losing end until a goal by Marican in the last minute saved them a point in their
    514 words
  • 417 14 RESULTS AND LEAGUE POSITIONS Puln Kukom S Brrwrrirs "1 Simr Darby > O.T.E.C. 3 M.P.H. 0 Shrll 3 (old Mnracr 1 K. N. 2 P W D L F A Pis ttonckoni: Bank 4 4 0 0 13 2 8 O.TE.C. 4 3 1 0 14 6 7 Plllo Bukom
    417 words
  • 85 14 YMCA TEAM FOR KLINEY CUP TIE Tlie VM CA tennis team to meet Malay Sports Association on the YMCA. courts at 5 p.m on Saturday in a Kliney Cup match will •;<« Llm Hee Chin icapt .1. Tracy K Jones A O. B Pakir M K San J Krver Chta
    85 words
  • 65 14 AfCKI.ANI) Wed-Tlie New Zealand Amateur Athlcic Associition officially recognised trxi.iy three women s rirords by Y\ette W___l They included her long jump of M ft 1% in., shot put of 42 ft T«i in anri riisrus ;hrow of 151 ft 6 tn. Tlie association also recogni7»d Murray
    AP  -  65 words
  • 101 14 iOCCEB \f 1 I \<.l 1 DIV. 1 M.c i l»pp(. v S.K.I lil.m I'.csar. DIV. 3B: Traction I'ninn v >t John's. (Icvlang. (.vmkhana >.('. I Malaj SI SHR ground: 0«r1 I'iinliru Windsor Rovers, M (roil rid BEKVK I S LEAGUE, I)l\ I Rn%al Signals v K.B.W KM
    101 words
  • 41 14 Chang i draw RAF. Chanpi .inrt Phoenix P.i:r dre»- in a fnendlv cricket match a Chanel yesterday Cli;itißi 131 for 7df i Burton 41 Kincdon no. ?3. Bower. Aliens 3-34' Phoeni> Park 70 for .i IP Williams 14 no: Burton 3-28>.
    41 words
  • 256 14 A GOAL by R. Boniface -en minutes Irom time gave Sin^-i--pore Traction Co. a winning 3-.' maryin ov«.t Stanvac. in a SBHK.A Di\ 2 league match at SHU ground yesterday. The game raj played in rain. Two goals by < [_M Conceicao. in the 20th and
    256 words
  • 381 14 I QRIENTA!, telephone and Electric maintained their unbeaten record in four outings when they beat Sime Darby 3—2 in then S.B.HF.A Div 1 match at Farrer Park yeslerii.iy O.T.E C were runners-up In Div. 1 last year and. if they continue to play
    381 words
  • 355 14 I^OTA HA.JA Old Boys' As ,<>< iatinn IV brat Saint Patricks School by tun second -ha If goals in their SAFA Youth competition match played on st Joseph's Institution ground ye.srrri..\ St Patrick's were unlucky to be eliminated They layed better soccer and had the moie
    355 words
  • 369 14 \^IP CHONO KIM Is the in-again-and-out-sgain full hark of Singapore soccer. At various times during the past two years. Thong Kum has found himself in a representative Singaporr side: and invajiahly one game has been sufficient to prove to the selectors that Chong
    369 words
  • 302 14 f& N I; S.C.S i 4 HEAVY downpour just before half-time turned yesterday's SBHFA Div. 1 tie on the padang into an endurance test. The players strujjjjled on with the ball hardly visible at times and Fraser Neave \v«m their two points. i Visibility was
    302 words
  • 203 14 I^hf; announcement h Federation Govprnm< day on the lilting of 'r talnment Tnx on amal celved Ith siasm by all conne I KMrt. Tun^ku Abdul Rahman .siclrnt ol the Footbal Malayn. said moan more and bettr: He said mat hr cat anclal dunculties man-. ha;l
    203 words
  • 22 14 RAIN WASHES OUT O.B.A.TIE The Inter-School .<1 Anglo-Chl mcd nwiii;; to 8< lwoi (TTOUI There m no scare \\:is ciilled off >onii
    22 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 688 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Cnntlnued from Pace 6) Classified Advertisement Service Provided it Stt.iiti Time! I Box Number 11 uicd. you may PHONE youi »m.ill .id» j to Singapo»c 2800 SITUATIONS M ANT ir, Wi4i IMi OH BOOK KF.KPEH PoM tlnn filled A;! appll RAOQtO CO (MJ ITU Thanks all Applicants |Stl
      688 words
    • 783 14 (OMMODATION WANTED H H gg_ J.S Via. J— Bnx SO rt: rxtra. ASIAN FAMILY wants to rent 'errare liouse or flat, localltv bus route 17 or 1 rent $150. Please write Hox A 5717. S.T. CAREFUL EUROPEAN tC_— t require lour bedroomed tamU had iiuidern sanitation house within four i
      783 words
    • 799 14 VEIIICLK I FOR SALE Jr) Wnrdt tS (Mini—Box St ctß. txlra. WOLSEI.EY 1948 14 60, 38.000 miles, very good condition. Phone *****. 1946 FORD- 10. Perfect running condition $1,200/-. Ring ***** or call Hua Chiao School, s!t m/s, ■_k I'aujaiiK Road. JAGUAR Mark Seven black first registered June 1052 contact
      799 words
      5 words
    • 125 14 111 V I v^nfl tn I ETERNR-MfITIC The automatic with a dual perfor- mancc! Not only does it tell \ou l |N the exact time second b\ second, but ■I it registers the date da> by day. And VM it is the world's first self-winding watch with a ball-bearins Automatic
      125 words