The Straits Times, 19 March 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 259 1 'If she sets foot in Gibraltar we will kill PROBES LETTERS LONDON, Thursday. K are investigating letters sent to London lewspapers and .Members of Parliament itening to assassinate the Queen "if she sets 1 iibraltar." i letters, all identical and written by hand i paper, were \n sted in ilu>
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  • 139 1 Puerto Ricans may strike again 9 M W rOMC Thurs. 1 l STATI I)KP\K IMJ I ■■i\z that Puerto Xi Nationalists were plankill "important" perpmmptt'd emergency isnrei here todaj police, in revealing the Mid not vi> again*! uhnm t h.' threat iraa direct- s n iv
    AP  -  139 words
  • 368 1 Malaya is a happy land, says Bartlett From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Thurs. THE creation of a unitx ed and self-governins? Malaya would be an immense example to the rest of the Asian continent, according to Mr Vernon Bartleti Mr. Bi rtlett tr>M the Royal r Mre .tocic-n that he returned
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  • 64 1 Two marine police officers. Inspector V. Devadas of Singa--1 pore and ASP. Stevens of Straits Control Office. Johore Bahru. were stung by a mystery fish while conducting a routine check near an island off the West coast of Singapore last night. Both were discharged after
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  • 43 1 CAIRO. Thurs. Madame Ooria Shaflk. leader of the hunger strike for women's votes in Egypt was taken to hospital today after seven days of fasting "until death." She was the third today to succumb to lack of food. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 10 1 PANSY yesterday's picture.
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  • 146 1 NEIGHBOURS TO THE RESCUE PENANG, Thursday. A CHINESE sampan man and his family were hurled into the sea when their attap hut off Weld Quay collapsed during a gale which hit George Town yesterday evening. It was low tide, and Llm Chooi Seng 1
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  • 65 1 MAN DETAINED A thief broko into a woman's house in Melrose Drive, off Braddell Heights. Singapore, yesterday, and escaped with $3,000 in cash. The woman gave the police the number of a car in which, she said, she saw the thief get away. Three hours later, police
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  • 49 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs— The Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration today announced it had ordered production of U.S. synthetic rubber reduced by almost 7.000 tons in the second quarter of this year. The reduction was ordered "in view of the reduced sales trend." the Corporation said.— Reuler.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 138 1 CAIRO. Thurs- If an Egyp- tian shopkeeper sells good" stolen from the British forces in the Suez Canal zone it :s not a crime. according to a court decision here. Abdel Hamid Mohammed Khadr appeared before th>; court on a
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 71 1 LEEDS. Thurs— George Atkinson got so mad at his wife during an argument over money that he threatened to boil her alive. A judge here yesterday accepted Mrs. Frances Atkinson'? story that her husband locked her in a room for 90 minutes while he stoked up
    AP  -  71 words
  • 37 1 I A coffeeshop assistant in Joo IChiat Road. Singapore, was scalded on Wednesday when a customer threw a cup of boiling water at him during an argument. A man has been detained.
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  • 44 1 But Mr. Shaw gives a warning SINGAPORE'S acting Financial Secretary, Mr. H. Shaw, said yesterday that income tax would not bo raised just because of the extra $3,375,000 which the Government would have to spend yearly on staff
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  • 37 1 GENEVA. Thurs.— The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe iECE> today approved by 16 votes to non» a joint resolution submitted by Britain and Russia on the ■great importance" of expanainp; East-West trade. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 77 1 salaries. But he warned: "We cannot go on increasing expenses. We must watch our annual recurrent expenditure carefully." Government servants were delighted yesterday when they heard that most of them would be getting lump sums as nine months' back pay in about two weeks. This is the result of the
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  • 34 1 TAIPEH. Thurs. President Chiang Kai-shek today flrrd former Governor K. C. Wu from his post of Minister without Portfolio for "rumour monuerinß and frustrating efforts of the Nationalist Chinese Government." UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 156 1 SEREMBAN. Thurs. KAMPONG BETING in th* Kuala Pilah district of Negri Sembilan was a bad area. The people were known to help the Communist. They were loifl to prepare to be resettled. Then three Government offi- I ills, the Miiitri Resar, the British
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  • 344 1 CRIPPLED GIRL, 9, IMPRISONED IN DUSTBIN FOR A DAY AND A NIGHT From PETER KAYE KUALA LI'MPI'R, Thursday. A NINE-YEAR-OLD Chinese girl is slowly recover- ing in a children's home from a nightmare ordeal. For the whole of one day and '-.hroußhout a dark, wet night she struggled to free
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  • 62 1 PUBLIC INQUIRY IT IS Ka Hang crash A PUBLIC inquiry will be held into the causes and circumstances of the Constellation aircraft crash last Saturday at Kallang. said a Govment statement last niuht. The Commissioner will be a Judge of the High Court, who will be r.ssisted by two assessors
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  • 40 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs.— The Japanese Government has Ed the United States for information of the circumstance surrounding the injury of L' 3 Japanese seamen after a U.. v atomic explosion in the mic. Pacific on March Beuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 73 1 THE TORCHBEARERS for Legacy in Western Australia has ordered 1,000 stalks of local orchids from a Singapore nursery. Mr. Lim Hong Hee. proprietor of the Gem Nursery in Moulmein Road, told the Straits Time.s yesterday that the orchids were for Ihe Queen durins her visit to
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  • 51 1 French stave off assault hawoi. Than. U'RENCH artillery and aviation ringed Dien Bien Phu with an inferno of forest tires today in a desperate move to burn out reinforced rebel soldiers closing for new blows against the fortress. Pilots in one of the .sevenyear war's heaviest air
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  • 176 1 i i VETO RED CHINA NIR m>i:k Thank— S delegate Henrj Cabel loslgf laid todaj h<- iroold not shrink from umii:; reto to prevent Red China from talrfwa s< it in Secnritj Council Renter. i ITEST uv t mdii 'i r«'i lunch. Renter. were ordered at nny cost"
    Reuter; UP  -  176 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 NEW DESIGNS IN Costume Jewellery Now on Display G. C De SUVA BROS., E* I I 1 Sl\«. \roKK-l. M Misters Represent a THE HONGKONG ROPE JL MANUFACTURING CO.. LTD. aM purposes specify Manila "opes manufactured by Hong Kong Rope Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Sizes stocked r to 9" circumference. WcAL/STfj?
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    • 23 1 New**** for a NIP! I LION STOUT RICH IN VITAMIN B HIPS PINTS QUARTS A»CMieiiAoo WMH co. (i»4i) iro. MTMiUTCe *"p MCMt .to.
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    • 14 1 Developing Printing Enlarging Kodak 'Mala/a 1 Limited (N A A I t <a no,r
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  • 430 2 Malaya's 'heavy fall in prosperity' shown by $21 6m. deficit LIKELY TO CONTINUE -TRADE CHIEF MALAYAN trade figures for 1953 showed an adverse balance of over $216,500,000. The overall volume of trade, at approximately $6,260,000,000. showed in round ngurea percentage reductions of 20 percent as against 1952. 42 percent v
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  • 40 2 PENANG. Thurs. The U*> naval ship Orga is expected here from Jakarta on Saturday on a three-day visit Commanded by Capt W U Ryon. the Orga has a complement of 17 officers and 210 men.
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  • 63 2 UP— AFTER 1,000 YEARS? MALACCA Thurs.— Tumuli, believed a thousand years old on a nearby Island, will soon be excavated. "his was disclnspd by Mr. G. G. de Sipveking. Federation Museum Director and Adviser on Aborigines at the RoUrv Club meeting last night. Mr. de Sievekine planned to form an
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  • 252 2 Don't rely too much on robots says Tedder LONDON. Thurs. I ORD TEDDER, wartime Deputy to General Eisenhower, last night warned Britain against placing too much faith in guided weapons. That fantastic menagerie >f electronic ingenuity" should not be regarded as unanswerable, he told the House of Lords in a
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 26 2 TOKYO Thurs. British Commonwealth sources todr.y i said that Communist troops \esterday seized two Canadian soldiers on patrol in the Korean neutral zone. A.P.
    AP  -  26 words
  • 39 2 MISS TANNA LAIRD, daughter of Major N Laird, a Federation drainage and irrigation official at Raub, Pahang. shares a toast m champagne at her wedding m Copenhagen recently to Mr. Eric Chnstensen.
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  • 261 2 To cost more than $2 million nearby will provide quarters for the staff. Other plans for improving radio communications in Singapore include the change over of the wireless telegraphy system which connects aerodrom t* in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Penang. Ipoh. Kuantan and Knta Bahru to
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  • 66 2 IN GAOL, THEY LEARN CIVIL DEFENCE SIXTEEN prisoners at thanci Gaol are being trained in civil defence, the Commissioner for Prisons. Major IV. L. P. Sochon. said yesterday They are taking a general course and will be useful defence workers when they leave prison. Instruction is in Cantonese If the
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  • 126 2 LONDON. Thurs. MX A U. Dodds Parker. British Foreign Under-, Secretary, said yesterday that discussions were still going on vtn other countries over the i amount of compensation for war prisoners who were forced by the Japanese to work on the Slam-Burma railway dur- ing the
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  • 233 2 16 SPECIALISTS WILL TRAIN COLONY'S ARMY NCOs volunteer to serve hen SIXTEEN British regular nil ff —lntoned n will train young Malayans who will he calfc next month for National Service in th, Military Forces. The NCO's. ten of whom ha 1 r already arrived from London have been selected
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  • 41 2 LONDON. Thurs— A minor purge in tho top ranks of tru I Polish Communist Party appeared to have taken pla'"? as Warsaw named 127 members of the new Central Committ°p of the United Workers (Communist i Party— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 76 2 No call-up for the island boys PERMANENT th. I will not be national servlci Mr. I UN D for I Security, tald They are, hoy for .service when Youths ji> thi land, aged la I red In thi of April in nil Corps drill hall, one ai thi n in
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  • 27 2 LONDON J for Commi i told a ("pi I--1 lonics. n< yft Singapore I j H' 1 > n el [llshed twi i ißeutc.
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    • 127 2 p i i: m mm m m m m m m r m m an m m m wmmmmMm' -JKma^mMmm^m:mit nvmia mm m m j WHITLEY PARK UIIITLEY ROAD S| .MILKS FROM SIX. APOIII Your Housing lift (/V/H^'^Kn B+ffc l~fc 14*. ■'■'ft iaw i v I ™"B#Hfl 111^ LA v
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  • 107 3 [NGTON, Thurs. ENT Eisenhower l ri the Army In its row with McCarthy. acei as a M>-- I h i had been Army. T!v "f black- c man was called nluw < r told a i pnee he had full In the honour
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  • 35 3 ealth ulidin rd of 'J.t.P 1 yesterday by Mr son, chirf m•he Canterbury I Gluiina Club \ycrn above 15.00!) gave up making excellent" upcur- altitude when his nx>-con tube Reuti
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  • 21 3 rh ir« Britai lad night tablr ri Nations Ecnn.~ .-ion for Europe resolution on th 1 f But-West trad'
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  • 13 3 PENH. Thurs Can-.-prlded today to rrra'^ ■lal air forrr by
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  • 168 3 TEL AVIV, Thurs. TWELVE people in a bus! travelling from Elath to Beersheba were shot dead last night by Arabs who were believed to, have infiltrated from, Jordan. A woman and child who protended they were dead and two soldiers who were wounded were the on]y
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 26 3 —tttt Tor LONDON. Thursday. pHb ISRAELI radio reported another attack last night by an "armed band of Jordanians' on Israeli territory.
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  • 122 3 His big blue fence annoys Reds MOSCOW. Thurs SOVIET author Nikolai Vlrta waa sharply criticized In yesterday* Komsomol Pray ne Communist Youth League paper, for not paytng hi* bills and losing touch with the people. Vlrta la a Stalin Prize-winner and best known for his novels, play and film scenarios.
    AP  -  122 words
  • 16 3 MEXICO CITY. Thurs.— The Mexican Government observatory recistered two strong earthquakes yesterday. A P.
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  • 122 3 CHICAGO. Thurs The Chiraso Tribune Company yesterday sold the Washington Timea Herald to the Washington Post Renter The band had "attacked an Israeli army unit on reconnaissance at' the foot of the Herborn Hills, north 01 the .-erne of the attack on the Israeli bus." An Israeli unit
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 103 3 Two held after dawn swoops KARACHI, Thurs. poi.ICE arrested a Pakistan lawyer and a retirrd eenoral and seized arms and ammunition in dawn raids here on the day King Faisal of i Iraq arrived in Karachi, It was disclosed today. The Kins arrived on March i 12. to spend five
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 41 3 A NEW influence in hair fashions for spring is shown by Jean Rushmore (left) alongside its inspiration, a Japanese wig worn by Harukiyo Azuma. at a New York show held by the I'.S.A. Hair Fashion Council. A.P. picutrc.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 36 3 IN EXPORT PLOT CASE LONDON. Thursday. A PAKISTANI businessman. Syed Zulfoquar Quli. was described here as front man in an alleged conspiracy to export copper, a strategic material to Communist countries.
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  • 133 3 LONDON. Thurs. 4 jury yesterday found four men guilty of Britain's "Frania*:il" horse race plot in Which a fast horse was switched for a slower one at Bath races last year. fifth. William Kook. was found not guilty. It was the second trial lasting
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 101 3 Dismissed man to face graft trial NEW DELHI. Thurs. THE GOVERNMENT of India proposes to prosecute Mr. 18. A. Venkataraman. dismissed Commerce and Industry Secretary to the Government cf India. Sir Trevor Harries, who was appointed Commissioner to hold a public inquiry into ttu> conduct of Mr. Venkataramar. in his
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  • 26 3 RANGOON. Thurs. British industrial mission headed by Lord Brighley arrived yesterday for a one-week study ol proposed increased British aid for Burma's national development—UP.
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  • 206 3 BERLIN. Fhurs. The Wt»s' Berlin anti-Communist Info*mation Bureau said that Mr Hsu Rsueh Han. Deput> Chinese Foreign Trade Minister, arrived in East Berlin or Monday— Reuter Quli was remanded In custody and seven others charged with him were released on bail They are accused of being concerned In
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 56 3 ST. JOHNS. Thurs. The sealing vessel Newfoundlander sank in the Gulf of St. Lawrence yesterday after bein;: crushed by heavy ice The 65 members of the crew walked to land over icefields. The ship was attacking a seal herd less than a mile from the shore
    AP  -  56 words
  • 29 3 JAKARTA, Thurs. The first of 35 recently arrested I Dutchmen, V. Barkey was today sentenced to one year's gaol for illegally possessing 49 bullets. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 36 3 LONDON. Thurs. Leaders representing more than 3,000,--000 engineering workers in Britain yesterday rejected an I offer of a five per cent wagi> increase and called an emergency meeting of the 39 union.s involved.— Reuter
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  • 30 3 PARIS, Thurs. The Council of the Republic, the Upper House of the French Parliament, last night approved proposals to amend France's constitution by 240 votes to 74
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  • 22 3 OSLO. Thurs. —The Norwe- gian Parliament yesterday passed a Bill increasing national service from 12 to 16 months. -Router.
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  • 113 3 COLOMBO. Thurs. Ceylon today deported the British and American wives of two prominent local Communists on security grounds. Soon after their plane tooK off. the Supreme Court of Ceylon granted an application on 1 a writ of habens corpus for one lof them.
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 279 3 LONDON, Thurs. I STOCK markets were less cheerful today, although the undertone continued quietly steady. Plantation shares were quiet and > little changed but elsewhere In Par Eastern Issues there was some tn- terest in utilities with Calcutta Electric and Perak River Hydro Electric putting on fractions.—Reuter. Closing
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  • 25 3 LONDON. .March 18— Cash Buyers £750: Sellers £760: Forward Buyers £702.; Sellers £705: Settlement £750. Turnover a.m. 60 tons; j p.m. 90 tons.
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  • 48 3 LONDON. Mar. 18— Spot 16 \i Apr 16'. ri.. May 16 ,d.. June 16'-.o Apr. -June 16'-d.. July-Sept. 16", d Oct -Dec. 16 7 b d.. Jan.-Mar. 16\J Mar. c.i.f. 16' id., Apr. cif 16 5 16d.. May c i.f 16 5 ltid. Tone Quietly steady.
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  • 39 3 PAIRS, Thurv— France think about making atomic weapons soon, the Minister of Defence. If. Rene Pleven, toici the National Assembly lasi night He was speaking In the debate on the 1954 military judget.—Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 THE FRESHNESS 0? Matt/re's AND THE MILDNESS OF ■aY P"- w ibbbmb^bk^bbbbbl K. i! SB6nLBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBak^ K M H N I V aa|HfB^PBP ißll^i^BaaaaaaaaaP aaRaT f PALMOLIVE SOAP N >^ M^'^^^^^^ HAS BOTH THESE J Chlorophyll— Pure m6 < ADVANTAGES! M w€% wonder-Worker Protective Olive Oil N^ BWih, (hlorophvll, the The
      162 words
    • 203 3 Try BIRDS EYE fresh HERRINGS (i n the new pack) fo<3 I^l troublesome VJ^w^ /cleaning job done TORWO.Ij I Rird» Ey« F«h v«ve* nme and i 1 work NtcniK it't re*iiv -^Mrifi j I cleaned tnd pftCMifed— tadv «n J SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. IMC I iM, IS >iodi:ii\
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  • 281 4 Tempter's memory is like elephant's, says grateful guard MALACCA, Thursday. MALACCA became even whiter today when another 95 square miles of the Alor (lajah district was declared white. Thr 27.000 people in the district, mostly Malays, heard the nows with great satisfaction. But the joy
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  • 96 4 Schoolboy warned over guns PENANG. Thurs. THE Penang magistrate Group Capt. G.V. Howard today warned a schoolboy Won| Lock Song, not to handy j -uns without a licence. He fined Wong S2O for pos seating a gun without a licence an Tamong Bungah beach on Fob. 12" Wong was cautioned
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  • 49 4 Geylang Straits Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship. Singapore, will celebrate its eight anniversary with a thanksgiving service at 6.30 p.m. on March 27. The service in the Methodist Church. Al-junird Road, will be followed by a campfire in the Methodist Girls' School ground at 8 p.m.
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  • 77 4 MR KIUVIN R CARLOS. 10. senior assistant rncineer of the Seurracc Department. Sinuaporo City Council. ha-> hrrn awarded the Residential Fellowship by the Canadian (•overnment. The award was made under the Technical Co-operation Scheme of the Colombo Plan. Mr. Carlos is the first Asian
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  • 25 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Mr Baldwvn Lowick, of Rennie Lowick and Co.. Singapore, secretaries of the Johore Plantpis Association since 1926, is •Htirinc soon.
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  • 135 4 SENTENCED yesterday to three months' imprisonment for smokinc prepared opium. 55-year-old Goh Chiang crabbed the dock rails in the Sir.capoie Eiehth Police Court and .shouted: Aye see la. aye see la" (1 want to diet. He refused to leave the dock and pleaded
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  • 137 4 Eight collapse after coffee— and father says: 'It's witchcraft' PENANG, Thurs. A Malay peon today said that witchcraft made eight members of his family collapse after taking coffee on Tuesday night. Rushed to hospital, three were discharged yesterday but, the other five are still having treatment though their condrtion is
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  • 232 4 Road users tell it to the police PRACTICALLY all road users in Singapore have grouses against one anOther. So it would ap-l pear from 51 suggestions sent to the traffic police on how to improve traffic conditions in the Colony. The suggestion book was open-
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  • 60 4 HE DIED LATER A 51 -year-old labourer. Sim Khav Huat. was found alive at 'he foot of a hill in Pasir Paninng after falling 100 feet off a cliff-top, a Singapore inquest was told yesterday. He died in hospital a ie* hours later. Sim was
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  • 59 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs The following have been aprxunted Cadets in the Johore Civil Service: Inche Mohameci Sharif! nr.i Ibrahim. Inche Suleiman om Edar. Inche Mohamed oin Nealim. Tuan Haji Lemin bin Alias. Inche Jaffar bin Ibrahim. Inche Hassan bin Rava Inche Ismail bin Manap. Inche
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  • 31 4 The mobile unit of the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service will call at St. Cathedral from 430 p.m. to 6 p.m on March 26 to receive blood from donors.
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  • 313 4 Now his objection costs him $10 DR. F. C. B. Marshall, who accepted a police warning notice that no court action would be taken against him for a minor traffic offence but objected to an endorsement being made on his driving record, was fined $10 in Singapore yesterday for parking
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  • 78 4 Local branches of the Malayan Indian Congress (Singapore* will hold their annual meetings at their branch premises on the following day? and times: Alexandra: Sunday 9 a.m.: Serangoon: Sunday 530 p.m.: Paya Lebar: Wednesday 6 p.m.: Town: Thursday 6 p.m.: Bukit Timah: March 27. p.m.; Se'.etar: March
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  • 27 4 Dr. Lim Thian Poh will giv; a lecture to Singapore Camera Club on "Highkey Photography" at No. 3 Stamford Road, at 8 D.m. on Monday.
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  • 209 4 How Singapore has grown SINGAPORE Art Society, »J in conjunction with the Institute of Architects, will hold the first architectural exhibition in Singapore at the British Council Hall from Mar. 26 to Apr. 4. A comprehensive collection of photograhps. map.«. drawings and sketches has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 k to a ib a i, b B kajkM* IRtftoMM S* The 100 00 hus^ ands who Wl vanish. B The Queen of the Strip Teasers. 9S*£^o^Ktm aY £}MM,fM Love-craxy Chinese women facing ruin. H a A complete crime story. B*£}€M€lEH€t How to Marr > a a> 9 Double page
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    • 176 4 Royal Malayan Navi ENTRY Ol' (ADI. IS IN THi; |-;\K( AND IN THE SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAL »R A 1 1 E s QUALIFICATIONS Age Limits Between 17£ and 19 years on Ist JUNi EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS A School Certificate, Garde I or (> with credits in the English lany mathematics and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 153 4 SINGAPORE DIARY i TM OK *YKR M.Y.F.: Sunday i school teachers' trainlnK course by Miss Mabel Nowlin. church hall, 235. Telok Ayer Btreet. 7.30 p.m. CRIME PREVENTION F.XHIBII TION.: Happy World Stadium. 2.30 I p.m. to midnight. I EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS DRAWINGS: Malaya In Pictures. I j 1 by Dorothy
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    • 157 4 Review From Europe No. 2. The Story Of Mahmoud— airconditioned theatrette. 2fi. Raffles Place. 1 p.m. SHELL THEATRETTE: Free film show Australian Diary. Defeat i Diphtheria Shell House, Collyer 1 Quay. 1.15 p.m. V.M.C.A.: Senior Cambridge Malay j classes— advanced 2.45 p.m beginners 4 p.m.: judo practice 5.30 p.m.; meeting
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  • 67 5 CITY COUNCIL MEN WANT MORE MONEY A"°IT 11,000 Singapore City Council employees who have been waiting for the Government to decide on the Ritson recommendations will now begin a pay battle of their own. They want their salaries revised according to the P^'s
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  • 214 5 Evils of the slump by Mr. Coles -JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. TiHE PRICE of rice must be cut A if the present high cost of "ving is to be reduced and j workers live snugly on their wages. Mi. R. A. Coles, chairman of the Johore Planters' Association, told the annual
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  • 68 5 KOTA TINGGI, Thurs.—Officials of the Indian Association. Kota Tinpgi, Johore are: President, Mr. K. Ramu, vice-presi-dent Mr. M. G. Nambiar. secretary. Mr. P. Knshnan; Mat. sect Mr. S. M. Muthu: treasurer, Mr. T. A. D. Menon; cemmttee. Messrs. M. P. Arumusam, V. Vellu, A. R. K. Pillai
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  • 213 5 The 7.176 ton troopship Abbeville arrived In Singapore from Saigon yesterday with 563 French troops on their way back to France. The ship stayed in port for a few hours to take on water, provisions and punker.s. money and increase their provident fund contributions. In the
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  • 66 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Inspector Kam Koh Chiang and Inspector Chong Lip Teck, of the Johore Police, were acq.iitted of voluntarily causing hurt to Chia Kirn Ping, a detainee in Majedee detention csmp, to extract information from her. The Deputy Public ProsecMtor. Mr. I. Talog Davies, said that
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  • 36 5 Singapore City Police Magistrate. Mr. J. M. DevereuxColebourn is on two weeks' sick leave from today. In his absence, the Ninth Police Magistrate. Mr. R. B. I. Pates, will take his, place.
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  • 21 5 Kota Raja Club. Singapore, ill hold its annual meeting at the club premises at 11 a.m. on March 28.
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  • 166 5 Two distinct classes now Mr. Lee KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE secretary of the Federation Government Service A staff Council said today that the adoption of the Ritson pay scales for Singapore Government officers increased even further the -'social discrimination- among civil servants "The new
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  • 35 5 Trie St. John Ambulance Association will start a firstaid class in English at tta headquarters in Stamford Road. Singapore, next month. The course will be free and open to the public. i
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  • 130 5 Today's Radio SINGAPORE A.M. 7.15 Time Signal Openlnß i Announcement; 7.16 Morning; Star; 7.30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8.00 Hill Billy Half Hour; 8.30 Ma- lay Programmes; 9.00 Music While You Work; 9.45 Housewives' Choice; 10.30 Matinee Classical Concert; 11.30 Programmes in Malay. P.M. 1.00 Programme Summary: 1.01 Harold Collins
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  • 86 5 The Raffles Society Amateur Dramatic Club will present Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew" at the Oei Tiong Ham Hall. Uuniversity of Malaya, on April 1. 2. 4, 5 and 6. The first performance, start- ing at 8.30 p.m will be for j schoolchildren. Public performances wil)
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  • 159 5 Job done exit workers' council rE Council of Action, formed two years ago to fight for better pay for local officers, will be wounded up in the next few days, it was decided at an emergency meeting last night. After a four-hour debate, tno council accepted Governments final word on
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  • 36 5 Mr LEE SIEW YEE, editor ■yf the Singapore Free Press, left Singapore yesterday in the Carthage for Britain on six months' leave. Mrs. Lee will join the ship at Penang today.
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  • 41 5 Disease incidence is normal 'THE incidence of poliomyelitis in Singapore has been 1 normal so far this year with only a few isolated cases, the deputy Director of Medical Services. Dr. M. Doraisingham. said yesterday.
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  • 188 5 SINGAPORE men and women between the ages of 20 and ■>■"> can have free trips to New York or Geneva if they win a world-wide essay competition organised by the United Nations Competitors, who must be British subjects, are now invited to write
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  • 84 5 FAST MONTH GUN TRIALS TODAY A gun will be flred daily from Fort Canning. Singapore, to signify the breaking of th" Muslim fast during the coming Ramadan fasting month. A test of the type of ammu- nition to be used in the flrln? will be made at 3.00 p.m. today.
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  • 149 5 He added it could not be assumed that, because this was the hotter part of the year, there was more likelihood of D n No connection between epidemics and hotter weather I had been satisfactorily estab- lished, he said. While polio in Singapore had its "ups and downs,"
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  • 48 5 Examiners of the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music in London who will conduct examinations in Malaya this year are: Mr. Angus Morrison, who will be in Malaya in August, and Mr. Ivor James, who will be in Singapore in August and September.
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  • 25 5 Professor F. Mason and Mr. C. C. Tan have been re-elected president and vice-president, of the Singapore Council for Alult Education, for 1954.
    25 words
  • 102 5 Because his wife tvouldn 't go homt ALOR STAR, Thurs. A PERLIS labourer, Ramasamy. stabbed himself with a knife 12 times in front of his 17--year-old wife when she refused to return home, the Alor Star Magistrate, Inche Ahmad Hanafl, was told today. Bound over to
    102 words
  • 28 5 Junior Triangles of the Singapore Y.W.C.A. will hold a debate on "Co-education should be encouraged" at the association premises in Raffles Quay at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
    28 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 r'l:: kee P c»»» Z ba|jyV skin v rose-petal -BABY POWDER- So MACLAINE WATSON Co. Ltd. I i ~i4if» ri ■■■(I mb S-TONNER THE OWNER APPRECIATES m Owl **w»4 mndth |MB| »r r W f *°"t" <*cim Mt A-uliWf *ifra r«M prfrnl (nn4rK «furd% ill »ir*l MtrnKiKW Ihr rfcmc* t*f
      155 words
    • 442 5 NOT NECESSARY I feed the children o better than you feed yourself \V d TTOItk children most likely get Quaker > 9 ats for break f ast They get it because F$ 'CvW you ns st on t i e ver y st nourishment to Jxsj* e 'P grow
      442 words

  • 170 6 X* K,,rrf» HO (minimum) REFHIOKKAI lON 01 Ai: Conrtltioninc troiibios 1 Rta| BUI M.inmnj BbOUl It. At *****1. FOLLOW PEDANT Emv> day In tiif Main I WWII tO win that $5,000 word p. THi. **j o Reduce Tour Weight Is by the Angelln method. Now available from leading
    170 words
  • 735 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri. March 18, 1954. Marriage of Hindus The Hindu Monogamous Marriage Ordinance, which has had its first reading in the Sinsapore Legislative Council, primarily is of interest to one section of the community. The Council will examine it in the light of Hindu opinion. But the
    735 words
  • 481 6 A distinguished visitor to Malaya remarked the other day that the rubber industry should "stop moaning about the price of rubber and get on with the job." The planter, including the smallholder, will agree with Mr R. A. Coles, chairman of the Johore Planters' Association,
    481 words
  • 53 6 We have been asked by the Council of Action to point out that its statement on the Legislative Counc'Vs debate on the Ritson pay scales was amended I after It was handed to the Press. The sentence. "As part \of the electorate we shall aliWays remember this
    53 words
  • 1197 6  -  F)R the troops— the sth Malay Regiment succeeded the Gurkhas after two monthschasing the terrorists in the Bongsu was tough going. A commander put it this way "It was the slowness of the going and the frightful pull-ups that made life difficult.
    1,197 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 53 6 ONCE AGAIN we are shown the self-satis-ftpd smugness of a member of "God's own country" or a former resident of that country. I am sure the citizens of Malaya must be well Impressed by the good virtues of all New Zealanders
      53 words
    • 370 6 rE current Interest In lonp hair ls all very well. But when are you going to find a girl (or Sikh or hermit i with really long luxuriant tresses? I once spent some time in Tahiti and it was not unusual to see girls there with
      370 words
    • 70 6 TT IS welcome news that a Moneylenders" Ordinance ls about to be introduced in the Legislative Council. To workers in Government, the City Council, commercial firms and smallholders alike, it will be a blessing. The new legislation will. I hope, curb the pernicious methods
      70 words
    • 214 6 CTANLEY Street Ls, of course, entitled to hold his rather extraordinary views on on Restoration comedy, but not, as a responsible journalist. to mLslead the public on facts. Tho Singapore Arts Theatre decided after "Macbeth" that It was In a sufficiently strong position financially to
      214 words
    • 223 6 Is that so? SO SENATOR NEAI.V for the largely State nf Wrst V President Elsent. by his prnm:-< the United 81 Ll Even allowing (oilcan's love of everything !n th< is the biecst. th> best or the worst the rharce la form the United State; tainly had
      223 words
    • 65 6 pLEARLY the |V/ problem ough beer aboarr! a warshi: gratify the ship's rnmpary pends on 1 1 ship Thai wla contrivi th .liable < B I do not feel that C manrl.-r Noble, financial •he Admin dratod b^r or beer com n to One of the miiv I
      65 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 791 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. I 2m Word* SIO (minimum) TAN FAM me engagement Is I announced between Robert Tan third .von of Mr and Mrs. Tan Yong oungest grand-dauKhier of Mr. ana Mrs. Kee Kirn Tee EDE— MCMUI.LAN. Ihe engagement Is announced between DouglM. m lv son of Mr. and Mrs C.
      791 words
    • 54 6 DREADER'S igest When The Reader's nicest was first published in 1922, only 5000 copies were sold. But today, after thirty years, over 60 million people living in 60 different countries and speaking a dozen different languages, read the magazine regularly every month. $7- A Month C. It D ASARATHA RAJ
      54 words
    • 92 6 1(b/to/ucal W In the hotter corners of the Earth, it is only the untutored or the morbid who thermometers and watch the merr The true initiate consults his bottle o Rose's and observes the lime Juice fall. I this delightful method he can r (within a few noggins) the shade
      92 words

  • 57 7 ELDER COMPANION IS ALSO ARRESTED •1 EAR-OLD Hainanese schoolboy was one iwo people arrested in Singapore yesterday nection with an extortion note for $5,000 i prominent Chinese merchant «ras a 23-year-old Malay electrician Held In a trap set by men of
    57 words
  • 85 7 New branch of CID holds 4 suspects rSi rrei Societies Mie Singa- arrested ho are brlirveri to H in thro? I na'.r ol pali itt Id chain taken ip In a house in R id on Mar. 11. armed with a broke irro the 1 with m wellery. The
    85 words
  • 196 7 PUT SHIRT ON HIS CAR -AND HE LOST IT i In Rancnnn Singapore, i house jn 9 ish it ihlrt. in a M "md a driving d lefi it on re going to rnrri in a few mlnut- that the shirt, the fountain p< n, had been The party,
    196 words
  • 65 7 Boys Town chief to tour Malaya KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Rev. Nicholas H. Wegner. Director of the FaUier Flanagan's Boys' Home in Boys' Town, Nebraska, will visit the Federation from April 10 to 29. Youth organisations who want the Rev. Wegner to visit r.nd address their proups should contact the
    65 words
  • 26 7 The inaugural meetinp of the proposed Siglap Girls' Club. Singapore, will be held at Siglap Social Centre. Palm Road, at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
    26 words
  • 27 7 Singapore Baggage Trans- 1 port Agency Ltd was given ludgment for $9,068 in the Hich Court yesterday in an i von against Daniel Chen Enterprises.
    27 words
  • 66 7 Yeu Lin's elephant takes a trip YKl' LIN. IM-year-old iMfhtM circus man.iscr Mr. A. >heum. has plenty to smile about because her pet baby elephant Jenny is comfortable o n board the Janssens, which left Singapore for Indonesia yesterday. The Sheum's Circus, which has been in Mala
    66 words
  • 212 7 Music while you work— in gaol REDIFFUSION SETS FOR CHANGI I ONG TERM CONVICTS in Changi Gaol. Singapore are to nave music. RedifTusion sets have been bought for them with their own money. I They would be installed in prisoners' halls, Maj. W. L. P Sochon, the Commissioner of Prisons,
    212 words
  • 62 7 Sixty-seven cadrt inspectors in training at the Singapore Police Training School. have brtn doing "courtesy" duty at all main junctions and roads since Monday during Crime Prevention Week. They give on-the-spot advice to minor road offenders and help smooth out the flow of i traffic during
    62 words
  • 49 7 The Singapore Social Welfare Department has detected a rwiOlU case" of trafficking In women, in which a larg" sum of money la involved. The casr has been sent, to th. 1 police for action, says the de- 1 partm^nt's monthly report yes- j terday. jj
    49 words
  • 259 7 Praise fora hawker's defence AfP J M Deveraux-Colebourn |W told woman hawker Ng Ah Tai yrsrerday: "This court concratulatrs you for the way you i conducted your case. It was j very well done." He cautioned and discharged her on a charge of hawking in j a prohibited area. She
    259 words
  • 32 7 The acting Colonial Secretary. Mr W.C. Taylor, will speak at the first Cadet Administrative course in the training room at Fullerton,< Buildinc Singapore, at 9.15 a.m. on March 29.
    32 words
  • 58 7 SEVEN-year-old Tan Quee Huat yesterday left the General Hospital, Singapore, with a vn« nevei to go near the "King" of the jungle again, even when caged. Tan had to jto for medical* attention on Wednesday after a Shewn Circus lion had clawed his face at Outram
    58 words
  • 151 7 She married and found her lost family A happily married youn^ A Chinese woman recently walked into the Singapore Social Welfare Department and thanked official* for: Hflplnß hrr to marry tho man she loved: and Helping her to find hpr parents whom she had not seen for ten years. The
    151 words
  • 313 7 $60 down fora life mate PEN PALS TIRED OF WRITING, SO IT'S... WANT a husband? Or a wife? You can probably get one for a down payment of $60. That's what it costs to rei gister with the Windsor Marriage Bureau in Singa--1 pore. Match-making is a new 1 line
    313 words
  • 182 7 Now a rare SATA honour SEVIA SINGH is a familiar sight at the Roya; Singapore Tuberculosis Clinic. And he is always sure of a welcome. For Sevia Singh never arrives at the clinic empty-handed. At least once a month, since January. 1950, he
    182 words
  • 39 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Johore Government has ap- pointed a committee to consider complaints from released Special Constables on rehabilitation benefits. The committee will be responsible for ensuring that applications are dealt with as quickly as possible.
    39 words
  • 32 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. For being in possession of prr--1 pared opium Lim Ah Tham, of I Simpang Rengam new village, was fined $100 today in the Sessions Court Kluang.
    32 words
  • 22 7 Singapore Police Band will I play at Katong Park from "i .30 p.m. to fi 30 p.m. on Monday.
    22 words
  • 22 7 THIS MACBETH IS A TIMELESS HUMAN TRAGEDY Shakespeare in Malay dress is an unqualified mi"""" i ■■■■■■■■•■■■:iiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIi:illlilllllllllllllllllllMIM!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIillllllll success, says NONI WRIGHT Macbeth
    22 words
  • 155 7 Singapore's mace here and no fuss SINGAPORE'S now famous O mace slipped Into its future home very quietly last night. Locked in a long leather case. it was rushed from a QANTAS BOAC Constellation through the Customs into the waiting hall at Kallang Airport where Mr. T. M. Stevens, Secretary
    155 words
  • 73 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. PUBLIC spirited citizen n< Kuala Lumpur hastily summoned the fire brigade yes terday evening after he had noticed an ominous rod clare rising from the post offlcp Sen tul The firemen dashed to th. scene, all set to put out th<
    73 words
  • 61 7 He drank to recover A labourer. S. Nadeson. ye> terday told Mr. D. H. Chapman I a Singapore magistrate, that he drank beer to regain h!s strrngth and spirit after a hard day's work. Nadeson. charged with dis- I orderly behaviour in Orchard Road on Wednesday night, was fined $5
    61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 f WORRY 1 ANXIETY GRIEF OVERWORK EXCITEMENT SLEEPLESSNESS call for RELAXA-TABS They Relax Your Nerves You'll find a source of absolute relaxation and toothing calm by taking RELAXA-TABS— they bring restfulness and tranquility to sufferers from nerves calming during the day and promoting peaceful natural slumber at night Whether you
      151 words
    • 691 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. Iho exprrimrni of presenting f 1 Shakespeare's "Marbeth" in Malay L ■>& dress a success? Yes. An unqualified f^ It is not one of those tedious oddities like ■< the modern-drrss "Hamlet which '^t0 once you grasped the prank in the first scene, became a bore as
      691 words

  • 506 8 This will keep you in the picture Bebe and Ben are back again with the family 8 DESPERATE MOMENT". Fist moving and brilliantly I I directed picture of injustice, love and tragedy among the wreckage in the chaotic Central Europe of the immediate post vnr years. Fine acting by Mai
    506 words
  • 250 8 HOLLYWOOD. Thurs. '••THE Egyptian" may rank as Hollywood's headache picture of the year. It has been just as much trouble casting the props as it has the leading man. Marlon Brando left for New York as filming was about to start. As he did so. 20th
    AP  -  250 words
  • 526 8 Entertainments Page WORLD of THEATRE GRAHAM Greene, the novelist, had a special reason for attending the Arts Theatre's performance of "The Relapse" on Saturday. It was the Arts Theatre who presented his only Play, "The Living Room", last year the only amateur company to do so while the play was
    526 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 361 8 Jul CATHAY ORGANISATION rji "vjjP" XTTKACTIOXS "^jfcP' TODAY* ■S't.inm J~2 DAILY! 0W 415 645t < 9.30 p.m. RICHARD WIDMARK Hard ;is NAILS.. To His Guyi A Softie for A l):imc. ELAINE STEWART J^tk Solt As silk ;ind W^m twice :is alluring In Ansco Color This is an M-G-M World-Wide Festival
      361 words
    • 283 8 =5 SHOWS DAILY 11. 1 45. 4. i. :io Ml FOR YOUR WBI END O»MAGMFKKXT MIMI Hew METROPOLITAN OPERA STAR ***MUNSEU j I SING EXTRACTS I -ROM 'Thf Daiiehtrr of thp Rrcimrnt J "Lucia di l.aminrrmnnr" I "The Barhrr of Srvillr I "Maniucr of Ficaro" I Romro and Juliet "La
      283 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 205 8 The Straits Times Crossword I P I P P c| e I f^™ 1 P^ <$s^ 15 N id '8 19 20 21 H_Z-_iI 24 ZZZ^B 25 Z Z "28" ii^~ H nmi n H ri x ACROSS 1. They were by Lamb, really (3, 6, 2. 4i. 8. In
      205 words
    • 166 8 8. Not to be trusted (U). 9. Coster makes part of a circle (6). 13. Vehicle In a hut? (5). 14. Lord Rowallan is his chief (5). 17. He rips (anag.) (6). 19. A policeman might tell It, 11 asked (3. 4). 21. Distance run to golf (7). 22. An
      166 words

  • 2226 9 Five died in hunt for mad mountain poacher TIMES special FEATURE was quiet as dusk began to filter through the bars of the little gaol at Cody, Wyoming, on March 15, 1939. The town Sheriff, Riley, was serving the evening meal to the half-dozen petty aiders in his charge. He
    2,226 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 C^s [1 ttu nmSi with CUk rhi 11 c'*m »;rh harmoniung i inJciiblc lip- Mil p< hsh I frn >ou all »n>< lul ihcy irt Prtct,. ■'h.i.'cinnv lip11l n t \cr leave« t "ill polish gnc% tkt lovelier n tnc most ex- >X'han more. ■1 ijitinf Spill w yi!
      201 words
    • 7 9 ■:dj TOMOIIIIOWTIfi^ i M*irali»H nit j 3ialaya!
      7 words
    • 219 9 NOWU-l'JH'i 11,1.45.4. SHOWING **a±*!»A±- 630 9.30 BIBLICAL BABYLON IN RUINS EL Slaves of*to| BABYLON Plus! THE 3 STOOGES in "PHONEY EXPRESS' 1 Also! MFU's "RETURSF.D WITH THANKS' Shoving Singapore's Police Force at Work To-morrow P a.m. TOUGHER THEY COMB Sunday !> air. SAV\(;i: SPI.KMHUR Tech. wfr" .^i^*"**x^» IBBBPl^^^^^^r^M^^ I C«s^3l
      219 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 43 9 Uivh Truvy Whui now? (T \MAS NOTWIfgG.' NOTHING AT ay/ A CIAD uatf-ruc TMEV TOOK TWE T TMEV (NOW. WMAT OO ALL. WWERES UN CRIP? I MUST I £^mEAO?J BtfTHROOM I PKTURES AW«V VWH/CT? WE OO?^ Jvi Svott Mind if i drop in?
      43 words

  • 292 10 Share market is quiet PHE increasing use of natural rubbei United States is lending up the i in Singapore as demand increases. The price of rubbrr In Singapore up by three eighths of a cent and cl< a lb. In the past 11 days of business
    292 words
  • 237 10 The Malajan Share Brok<T> Association said "Both tins an.) industrials were slightly improved on a quiet and cauUmi.. market." Members ol the Association reported the following businesdom yesterday:— Praaer and Neave orda 8.071 to $2.06; Gammon f&JFI 53. 30. W. Hammer $2.90 ed i-b $2.BBJcd cb: Jackson 55;
    237 words
  • 150 10 The price of rubber in Singapore yesterday went up by three eighths of a cent to close la^t nleht at 55', cents t lb There was I fair demand by the tra;> Closini: prices yesterday in cents per pound were: No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose buyers M i,
    150 words
  • 57 10 Sinßapore Chinese Prndurr Bl change: noon prices i>er plcul were Copra: quiet; Apr/May *32 buyers. $32's sellers. Coconut oil: quiet; IHH sellers Pepper quiet, no business reported. Muntok white |335, Sarawak >320. lampmiK blark $2r>s Lewis and Peal: clo^nc prlcca were:— Copra: steady; Apr /May $32' a buyers.
    57 words
  • 13 10 per picm Rl 881 R cento a lb (up oiK'iths m
    13 words
  • 48 10 MM BO! the mali Exchange Loan g Loan 3 Austral] p BitilK Ol V S W B. Hiil i Courtauli ICI A. I. CM. iiii"A I Mount Yarra Pall a Am J. A. Brown Burn* p Hill ..ii I \v. ten Peko Peico i v Dunlopi
    48 words
  • 62 10 BWpt i>in. tki pore llarhinii i. f\p^rted Utdft) Benakal I Jokerto 18 Lair.": Wall 1 to 8. Fl Ber y. pr.a 4L' 43. 1 Miii.i Ko.nK Mara. Ashu ttn I, Van 1 Inmr Id. idAnn. Tg Plni l. Belag! I'ulau Buknni Etrprr Pulau Hebarok Mhni Dart Victoria i>.»
    62 words
  • 17 10 EXCHANG E RATES 1/16 aim ready On t: Hone dollar and S 843 fi SteiJr one tael
    17 words
  • 30 10 The followin for February Alor Oajah R 19.001) lb Aj Estate Ltd 59 Plant.;Kluans Rubb. 49.000 'lb P lb.: Talisui R Estate Ltd 46.747 Consolidated R 35.700 lb.
    30 words
  • 9 10 Durinu F shipment ol liom Mai tona
    9 words
  • 45 10 ITABIIINGTON President i told his news today that li. II (I Hi MTOUId Ik st..rt ntKotial sale to pii' Hr O«l>< i the miViTllMirnl ■jrnthetic ruhi. 11.- though) hi date was s.t thai (ions for actual take a lony Umf
    45 words
  • 22 10 Th^ 10l are annou Berdan i lb.: C Ltd. 99.000 lb Estati Rubbi I lb r Tapah I Ltd. 81.005
    22 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 393 10 It COStS money to keep bloodhounds! How much 'does jpotM calculating personnel" cost you pet hour 5 How much do you p*\ for the unproductive work of locating error* on the tapes of Kismet machines? The more bookkeeping, the more checking tii* more use of your per- y *onnrl >\
      393 words
    • 965 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KELANTAN GOVERNMENT No. APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified persons or fully qualified Technical Assistant* who have passed the Technical College (Kuala Lumpur) Diploma or Its recognised equivalent and or who have passed the Second Tech-j nical Examination now known as j the Departmental Technical Examination, for the
      965 words
    • 795 10 NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that m from the 28th day of February 1954 Mr. Lee Kwong Chee is no more in the employ of Tick Cheong (Chop) of Nos. 441-443. North Bridge Road, Singapore. As from the said date his connection with this firm entirely ceased and he
      795 words
    • 918 10 TENDERS TENDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES SEALED TENDER will be receded not later Mian 3.00 p.m. on the 30th March, 1954 at the office of I the Statp Enuineer, I'.W.D. Selangor. Victory Avpn'.ir. Kuala Lumpur, for the purchase of one (1) Bradford Van No. B 9876. 2. Full
      918 words
      23 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1068 11 MANSFIELD tSc CO., LTD T *> PossVge BLUE FUNNEL LINE B*'** •r'li" to oroceed »i<i rther rnrfi tn loort ond di\r>O"i« cargo LIVIRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON A CONTINENTAL PORTS Sons P S horr Penong Mar 19/20 Mar 22 Mar 20 Mor 25 Mar. 2»/28 Mar 29/30 Mar 28 Apr 4 Apr.
      1,068 words
    • 1012 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE FAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK. /CONTINENT S'oora P. Shorn Penong PASADENA- for Kohslctvjng. Soigoo. Hongkong, Mor.ilo -MALA vi-VT'IT «/29Mor. 26 26 Mo, 3 5/25 Mo, »»I*TA for Kohsichonrj, Soigon Hongkong, Monilo ••m k e^,a 4 Yor^kok lift S 9/I L Apr SAILINGS TO CONTINENT A SCANDINAVIA For Colombo, Aden,
      1,012 words
    • 1029 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'poro P. S'hom Fcnong '"London, Neweostle"^! G. 6/7 23/24 Mor. 25/24 Mar Benvenue for L verpool Glasgow Rotterdom, Hull 29Mor/4Apr 5/7 Apr. 8/9 Apr. Benalbanach for London, Antwerp, Rott?rdom, Homburg 29Mor/4Apt 5/7 Apr. 8/9 Apr. Benorty for Hovro, Liverpool, Newcastle,
      1,029 words
    • 1182 11 McALISTER Cc CO.. LTD. TEL- No 2836 i KLAVENESS LINE ELLERMAN BUCKNALL ANC£Lf<; JAN FRANCIsfO> LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM PORTLAND SEATTLt A VANCOUVER AY.BURG A HULL Accepting corqo for Central A South ond for Ui A N^rth Atlont.r Ports American Ports and Conodo via Colombo mv. BOUGAINVILLE CITY OF PERTH Spore
      1,182 words

  • 476 12 Malaya sends a large number of products to London WORLD WILL SEE THEM i'JHE Federation of Malaya and Singapore are sending a larger number of exhibits than ever before to the British Industries Fair, which is bei ing held at Karl's Court London from May 3 to Buyers from countries
    476 words
  • 33 12 The Crown Agents for the Colonies are to be known from April 1 as Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations. This was announced on Tuesday by th-; i Colonial Office
    33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 12 AFTER 2(1 year*, .ur. Herbert Weidmann returned to the Colony, last week, to see his agents Joseph Travers and Sons Ltd. and dealers. Mr. Weidmann represents the Bernese Alps Milk Co. of Spalden Switzerland, oldest makers of condensed milk.
    41 words
  • 114 12 SINGAPORE which in 1952 took 1.946 metric tons of copra from Indonesia and 2.540 metric tons in 1953 does not lieure at all in the official list of countries importing copra from Indonesia, published last week in Jakarta. Our Jakarta Correspondent says Holland buys most of Indonesia's
    114 words
  • 222 12 MALAYAN B.I. F. EXHIBITORS 'pHE full list of exhibitors 1 from Malaya and Singapore at the British Industries Fair besides RID A are: FEDERATION OF MALAYA: United Canned Food Co., Ltd., Penang. 'tins ol eurrv chicken, curry gravy, dessicated cocoanut and bottles of chilly sauce i Fook Heng Rubber Works,
    222 words
  • 57 12 Coventry chief visits Colony MR. Stanley J.Harley, chairman and managing director of Coventry Gauge and Tool Co. who arrived in the Colony last week is on a world tour. Mr. Harley has visited the United States. Australia. New Zealand and is on his way to Hong Kong and Japan before
    57 words
  • 337 12 World rice crop will be a record r-IE world rough rice crop for the year ending next August is expected to set an alltime record of 264,000 million lb. Such a crop would top las! years all-time record of 255.00H million lb. by 9.000 million anc. would be principally the
    337 words
  • 317 12 Cold Storage spend $3 million SINGAPORE Cold Creameries Ltd., a subsidiary of Singapore Cold Storage Co. Ltd., has embarked on a further development plan which will result in Singapore having one of the most up to date creameries in the world for the manufacture of ice-cream,
    317 words
  • 203 12 Will be used on walls, floors TO enable materials to be A efficiently attached to walls, floors and other sur- faces, four types of rubber j adhesives latex-adhe- sives, latex-bitumens, la- tex-cement compositions and rubber solutionshave been developed, says the British Rubber Development Board. Before an adhesive
    203 words
  • 114 12 U.K. bulldozers clear jungles for road work A BRITISH firm which supplies Malaya dozers for clearing |ungle for road r< has achieved an S8 million export trade years of beginning overseas sales. The linn, the B dozers and crai pillar tractors, tl i sers of the trart< the woi llarv
    114 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 260 12 "MIXERS IN OPERATION FOR OVER 20 YEARS! This is the testimony of an owner of PARKER CONCRETE MIXERS To buy a PARKER MIXER Is to make an Investment jflEffV which will civo a gooo xS f rpturn over many years JTi^m. <f]/' Mixirls from 3 cubic feet to I^w3£^^k^ 14
      260 words
    • 243 12 A Concrete Problem A firm oi' buildinti contractors working dry-dock on the Chdc were raced with a They had to blast out a concrete wall tons of it without damaging c ihip in 17 feet from the nearest blasting point. It was that the demolition should not interfere with going
      243 words

  • 221 13 Purple White, Dolphin run grand 3-f. trial pURPLE AND WHITE (late Mona's Kuda) and Golden Dolphin, two top-flight sprinters, ran a fine trial on the training track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning when the majority of the first day's probables were given their winding up Starting from the half mile.
    221 words
  • 549 13 THE probable line-up and Jockeys A for the two main races at Bukit Timah tomorrow are given below CLASS 1, DIV. 1— FIRS. 873 Korest Bf«u Whitnry 9DO SOI Tsliunan Boneoure 12 679 Millionaire "11 R. Exporter Bagby 305 147 Cinema II Mulley 8 .03 413
    549 words
  • 275 13 OKRVNK PRIMROSE, top money spinner of 1953. has struck her form in time for Bukit Timanher favourite course. Ridden by apprentice Baan Skryne Primrose went attractively In a testing tryout with Sir Francis (Donnelly i, clocking 37 2/5 or 3i Sir Francis, back
    275 words
  • 116 13 BRIAN FAGGOTER a 21--year-old Sydney Jockey, will ride for the first time in Malaya at Bukit Timah tomorrow He will ride for trainer Sullivan. Fagjfotrr has ridden with success in Sydney and in the New South Wales circuit He can make 7.7. RED WOLF 11 (late
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  • 137 13 LONDON. Thurs. Vf ACDONALD BAILEY, one of the 1 greatest sprinters of- modern times, announced he is hanging up his track shoes for good. "My position Is not an easy one because I think I still have at I least two years of good running :u
    AP  -  137 words
  • 481 13 Sovereign, Prosperity in good condition SOVEREIGN and Prosperity, I who have been gahopink together in the mornings, took I on strong opposition in their 1 winding up gallops at Bukit Timah yesterday morning-. Sovereign ißougourei was matched with Coraitta 'Mawii in a splendid trial over 3f in 38 I 5.
    481 words
  • 133 13 LONDON, Thurs. THIRTY-SEVEN final acceptors for the Lincolnshire Handicap to be run over one mile at Lincoln on Wednesday. March 24 were published here yesterday. They are with weights: Sailing Light 9st. I'u Dumbrsnie 8.12. Wych Au Poor 8.10. Swashbuckler 88. Harry Lime and Chivalry 8.6.
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 49 13 LONDON. Thurs. —Result* oU rugby union matches plaaro yesterday were: Alreain 0 Newbridge 6: inirdifTj 13 Newport 9: Civil SepTlce YT Royal Air Force 6: Glnoforgnn Aj North Midlands 6: Edjmiurgt^ Aca%| demicals 3 Oxford^rrJnlverslW|^oj Hospitals Cup tin** si^ Tho^^rl Hospital 3 St. Macj«^^l^sr>lT3l (holders) 0. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 277 13 LONDON, Thursday. SHEFFIELD Wednesday reached the Fmtball Association Cup semi-final yesterday b. beating Bolton Wanderers, last year's runners-up. 2-0 in the sixth round replay on Bolton's ground. Their opponents will be Preston North End or Leicester City who again drew 2-2 aftT extra time.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 383 13 DOCTORS SAY WHY MILK IS SO GOOD I |£?"SfeJ"milk is the i rA yi ishanf f»K>d for j j* >^\y i -*f I minimum of one quart 1^? IT f ,\|so, it is mnintainod "^TV ,j .iriults should drink at j "v'^N VA Meet Tomorrow's "yuf/vioK"/ XTp.-idod for a promisinc
      383 words
    • 16 13 star six on THE TRACK Purple <t White Roman Galley Sovereign Clear Vision Mainbrace Three Rings
      16 words
    • 564 13 S Meet Scotland's ravounte tnu coins iTnoNc J/\V\ JOIIWII WALK Kit SCOTCH WHISKY The fashionable drink everywhere John Walker Son*, Ltd., Scotch Whisky Pistillm, Kilmarnock, ScntlifwJ HI U. j to QUICK so SAFE to RELIABLE \a^^y Flatulence, heartburn and indigestion are tome of the symptoms that excess acid in tbe
      564 words

  • 121 14 Eddie, Ong and Heah still in From 808 PIDGEON LONDON, Thursday. \f ALAYA'S "Mr. Greatheart," Ooi Teik Hock, was beaten in the third round of the All England badminton championships at the Empress Hall last night by J. Hammergaard Hansen, a tall,
    121 words
  • 222 14 ST. JOSEPH'S Institution completed a soccer double over Beatty Secondary School whom they beat 6 l at Bras Basah Road yesterday. At their first .neeting. St. Joseph's won 3 l. Beatty were full of promise during the opening minutes when they held the attack.
    222 words
  • 65 14 The boxing team of the Ist Battalion The King's Regiment i Liverpool) arrived in Singapore fram Hong Kong yesterday to take part in the Far East Land Forces boxlag championships. They will meet GHQ Signals on Mar. 22 and the winner of this match will play the
    65 words
  • 73 14 ROME. Thurs— A blindfolded boy drew lots tonight to put Turkoy into the final stages of the World Cup fnotball competition, to be played .n Switzerland in June. After two drawn games. Turkey and Spain met on the neutral ground of Rome's Olympic stadium today.
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 41 14 Mayflower BP will celebrate their 26th "anniversary with a picnic at Pulau Tekon* Kechill at Mr. Philip Hoalim s house on Sunday. Those who wish to join the picnic should contact Mr. Teoh Peng Hoot (Tel. ***** V
    41 words
  • 481 14 MUAR. Thurs —The annual combinec" hools soccer match between Johore and Singapore will be played at KHiang on April 10. Arrangements ar? being made for Johore school players from al! districts to meet in Kluang for an Intensive training course a few days before the
    481 words
  • 89 14 LONDON. Thurs Singapore, winners in 1931. have regained the Empire Day Challenge Cup in 'he National Rifle Association's mnw postal match. Result were issued yosterdav aTter all score sheets had been examit.°d. the competition having been decided on in dates between Jan. l and Dec. 31
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 445 14 Epsom Jeep's track notes are in Page 13 Signals I; RK.Mfc 3. UAVING taken the lead, last it and regained it again. Royal Signals must have been disappointed when R.E.M E. tied the scores at 3—3 two minutes from time in yesterday's Singapore
    445 words
  • 319 14 MEN'S SINGLES FIRST ROIND: H. A. !leah (Mai) beat R. Radford (Bril) 15--10 IS-4; L. T. Mall beat S. Mohlin (Sweden) 17-15, 12-15. 18--1- F. Kobbero (Den) beat M. RobinMin (Brit) 16-17, 15-9, 15-8; D. K. Smythe (Can) beat K. C. I Carpenter (Brit) 10-2. 15-3;
    319 words
  • 568 14 S.A.F.A. "A" 3 S.C.F.A. "B" 2 4 T JAI,AN BESAR Stadium yesterday, some of Singa--r* pores soccer stars of tomorrow were on view. I picked out two both forwards. Loganathan (centre) and Ibrahim Mansoor (inside left). Playina In th? Singapore "A" team. Loganathan
    568 words
  • 54 14 Chinese Athletic "A" suffeipd their first defeat in three came.* ir. the SAFA Di\ 2 league v.hbv 2-0 by Singapore Harbci;r Bosrci R.C at SHB cround yesterday The first Koal came midway in the first half. Bird scoring. The second was scored by Wan Din
    54 words
  • 60 14 Weekes, Worrell flog bowling in 209-run stand PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad Th. A BRILLIANT unbroken third-\\U k«t s t.v A Everton Weekes and Frank Worrell West Indies a good start against England i day's pl.iy of the fourth cricket Test here Coming on together aftor the luncl took the score-
    60 words
  • 92 14 EDWARD de Silva scored all three goals with which Farrer JunkHi beat Blue Rovers 3-0 In the SAFA Div. 3C league at Farrer Park >esterday. S. M. All refereed. Other Div. 3C results yesterday: Setta S.C. beat Post Telegraph b> 2-1 at CYMA ground.
    92 words
  • 55 14 The Singapore Cricket Association's umpires classes will be held nn Monday at the S.R.C. dlnln? room iground fiaon and thereafter every Monday. Wr, after surviv catch b ill 42. hit at nil easily i which lo Trinidad. Stolln play i.runs I turn i in the Gravemdisallowed a bun.
    55 words
  • 57 14 Biaua_ i ed a hosiil, p rell joined had .him, hi m. man. irha .mil 1., ,i 1 injm.d 11, (1 ■etUed dim n. w. bowler Al! swollr:. place. Spoor, r: Another will be al Ii match. W s I i |VN% Holt c Campion Stollmi V' Weekrs
    57 words
  • 42 14 MX IK league nr <«•. ccritr*. .1. r>niv. ::r Seletar, I B r, u r.i-!-:i« 'ii. i; tx,i (.cul Pniiliri. grnunH; I MH l I nund. Dl\ .J< uslom, i Cl M\ (round. i rr ii \di i i i i;
    42 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 824 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Advertisement Service Provided a Strait* Tim<-» Box Number is used, you may PHONE your small ads i to Singapore 2800. BIT! ITIONS N AM |0 Word, (Milt.)— Box St rl.. txlrn. VACANCY occurs lor an .i tirr. hand for ladirs (ircsre*. ate in European store. Applii thoV.ri
      824 words
    • 831 14 Continued from Pace 6 \< OMMODATION WANTED M Wmraa SJ t.Mimi Box SO <•(■. txlrn. WANTED unfurnished Bunga- at. Modern Sanitation. Good Reasonable Rent. P.O. Hox 1292. ENGLISH family require furnished bungalow M.S. 2/3 bedrooms. near Bukit Timah or Thompson Road. Box A 5510, ST. •GENTLEMEN. European, wishes to rent
      831 words
    • 826 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE •it Wordt U iMtn.t—Box St ett. txlrm. WE BUY AND SELL CARS Phone 1 *****. Unique Agencies, 204-A, Middle Road 1951 ROVER excellent condition, comprehensive. Insurance, tax paid. can be inspected by appointment at 521 Beach Road Phone *****. 1951 MORRIS MINOR $2,600. 1952 Flat Station Waeon
      826 words
    • 241 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. MISCELLANEOIS ONLY TODAY will" your baby be that age. 'Phone ***** now and have some photographs, by "Mollie Ross", of course. BETTY'S writing Improved she bought an Esterbrook Pen to suit her way of writing. Esterbrooks cast $6 at all stationers. TRADE in your old with new Fairbanks.
      241 words
    • 138 14 Discovery of 5v ,DOM f "W Mi.W Bvnedictine Pom. crcnt« d bj ',o^l Monks 400 years ago formula. contains thl certain hi-rb> chos.n for their «D \*k\ hculth and stronuth givinj /'^^La d «v tnt «orU» mta\ ipS^qij S-NEDICTINE li_si_iß!H V^ _^V mjf Wm DUN Sole Agents: THE EASTERN AbtNGIES
      138 words