The Straits Times, 2 March 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Nat** 4 Esth. 1845 SINGAPORE. TIESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 258 1 Outburst against Neguib in Khartoum KHARTOUM, Monday. 'independence* 1 rioting broke out ere today, causing tho death of 20 persons tostponentent of tho opening of the Sudan's parliament. \\<k estimated ;i! .">().( M)M surged mound crnor-General's mansion soon after the il »f General Mohammed Neguib,
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  • 139 1 PREMIERE WILL RAISE MONEY FOR HOME <l\ SINGAPORE women Si>t together nvrr le;i \fMrrd.iv and planned a lelllaf r.unpaien. Thej ill sell ti< kot* priced 15, $3 and 12 for 'in- premiere '<f th<->l •-I Him Ihe M.m Beat sh.iw Brothers' theatre al 9J39 p m. on March It's
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  • 27 1 Mnn. Thrrr worker-; of th» •ineri Burmah Oil Co. .'.pd to 50 the company dor.s to r^:.-; Thr workn the company to rr.nko a decision
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  • 63 1 Not neutral now Nehru NEW DELHI. Mon. The Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, declared today that American military observers in the Un'.r-'d Nations .earn in Jammu tnc! Kashmir, the state lisputed by India and Pakistan, could "no longer be treated ai neutrals.*' H. was making a statement m the Ho\isp of
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 25 1 Tokyo. Mon. -Nine ships valued at U552,000,000 will be exported to Russia by the Hitachi Shipbuilding Company under barter trade. Kyodo re-
    Kyodo  -  25 words
  • 60 1 TIIF QUWg OWN ROYAL West Kent Reeimenl. who have been Bfhttaf the terrorists in .Malaya for the last three yean, arc sailinfi home tomorrow. Yesterday. Lt. Cien. Sir Charles l.oewen. Commander-in-Chief. Far East Land Forces, paid them a farewell visit at Nee Soon camp. Picture shows Lt
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  • 172 1 SEIZE FOUR GUNS, THEN VANISH KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. BETWEEN 10 and 15 terrorists— two Malays, the rest Chinese- went into Kampong Mertang. in hr Kuala Pilah district of Negri Sembilan. yesterday, nd lectured the villagers for half-an-hour. Before leaving, they took our sinale-barrel shotguns mci a
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  • 65 1 GLASGOW. Mon. A power station blast plunged half ot Glasgow into darkness last niaht for the second time in 24 hours. The explosion occurred in ar oil-cooled switch box. A workman at the plant was blown into a lift shaft and fell 50 et. sutlering serious
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  • 59 1 LOS ANGELES. Mon. The md of the Korean war is having a bad effect on Japan's economy and there is much agitation for trade with Red China, Shinichi Kondo. of the of Councillors. Upper House of the Japanese Diet, .-aid here today. Mr. Kondo la
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  • 41 1 MANCHESTER, Mon. The Manchester Guardian said today that Singapore "will leap reral runes of the ladder leading to self government If the plan for constitutional ehaiißc recommended by the Rendel Commission is put into effect."— Reuter.
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  • 36 1 LONDON. Mon. U.S. Senators Styles Bridges and Stuart Symington, on a survey of \Vetrrn European defence production, were luncheon cuests today of the Foreign Secretary Mr. Eden, and other top-rankine British Government, officials. AP.
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  • 31 1 At Farrer Park on Sunday night a couple were held up by two Chinese aimer; with knives I who robbed them of $300 'p 1 cash an.-i jewellery.
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  • 241 1 Agang war A serial Cartoons ALL IN NEW FREE PRESS ONE hot day two men quarrelled over three cents in a Singapore street and started the bloodiest gang war in Malayan history. For ten days the battle raged. Six hundred were killed. More were wounded. The full story of this
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  • 44 1 ROME Mon. The Pope rested rather well during the night and again took some liquid food today, a Catholic source said. Fcr the third successive day. Catholics today recited special prayers for the Pope's recovery n Rome churches.- Reuter.
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  • 90 1 Japanese to make jet planes rOKYO. Mon rfiHE EIGHT-YEAR ban on 1 Japanese warplane production ended today with the announcement that Lockheed Aircraft and a Japanese nrm have contracted for the manu facture here of American iet fighters Lockheed gave to Kawasaki Aircraft company all rights necessary to manufacture the
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  • 58 1 And she swivels to a sang JAPANKSE-A.MKKK AN dancer Yuriko does a new dance, "Ardent Son*" in which she manipulates a sea shell. She Is seen rehearsinu at London's Saville Theatre. She Is a member of thp company of American dancer. Martha Grahnm. who are having
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  • 50 1 "Sonata", the Allied maritime exercise which has been in progress in the South China Sea for the past fortnigh* will end tomorrow A Royal Navy spokesman said British. French and American commanders had all at some stage of the exercise controlled each others warships and aircraft.
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  • 159 1 SAIGON. Mon. 17IRENCH Defence Minister, M. Rene Pleven, yesterday left Saigon for France, convinced, after a month's tour, that it would be futile to arrange an armistice in IndoChlna before the Geneva talks in April. 1 M. Pleven told newsmen he had sought no meetings
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  • 199 1 Direct military aid in case of war, say Progressives SINGAPORE will have to look more to Australia am! New Zealand— if certain political developments take place to integrate its defence policy and get direct military aid in case of war. says the Progressive Party in its
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  • 110 1 Doctor is accused of bigamy DR. Edward Percival Mc-Carthy-Heyzer, who last Friday announced he would lead an expedition to the Himalayas to seek an Abominable Snowman, has been .irrtsteci and charged with bigamy. Dr McCarthv-Heyzer a yogi who practises as a psychologist and naturopathic. appeared in the Singapore Fifth Police
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  • 192 1 The army takes over in Syria DAMASCUS. Mon. TROOPS uiuirdrd koy building! hore today and patrolled main streets following yesterday's rioting in which many people wore injured, h was the fifth day of Syria's "army revoiution." The riots broke out after UCWa that 7'i-year-old Hassem B had been restored
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  • 54 1 PHILADELPHIA Mon.— Five people were killed in 9 savage gas explosion that rocked -i crowded residential neighbourhood last night The dead, three of them youngsters, were trapped as the blast ripped apart two adjoining three-storey buildings and created a panic In the neighbourhood. The total of
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  • 47 1 Two Chinese, one armed with a gun. entered a European home in Kheam Hock Road. Singapore. yesterday and held up the young Malay maid-servant. They ransacked her room and got away with cash an'! jewellery amounting to si.non The cash represented her sav- ings.
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  • 27 1 lIM -II .Mon. i < oiiini i iilnw In I .>M. i h r» .mil INIHI H ON v 11 h :ift i in it land.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 Your prized SILVER PIECES mo\ Restored BRITISH ELECTRO-PLATING WORKS 29 A -31. Ponang Rd. Plwnc R377 IK, REFRIGERATOR I ri wr MB! i Jr M DE 51 S3 CU FT CROSS: SINGAPORE CASH $725 or 12 of $67 FEDERATION CASH $780 or 1 2 of $72 ra( (1.111 l lirr
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  • 37 2 HONG KONG Mon. Tht rlarrpF ri rtrlc n 'asures on warships in Hor.c Kong harbour. Thf new n rn.;p(i al'er vital dlesel cn::ne parts had m ships and smuggled ;nto Red U.P.
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  • 125 2 Chamber is told: Change our set-up A CHANGE In the Sii chamber oi Commerce constitution abolishing provincial representation on the committee, was urged yesterday by a committee member. Mi chuaiiß Hui Tsuan, told the annual meettnn of the Chamber that the present composition of the committee was out of
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  • 311 2 RISING SINGAPORE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS PUBLIC MUST SHOW MORE INTEREST SINGAPORE it\ Council is expanding and tho cost of runninu it mn<t continue to rise but they try to keep out unnecessary expenditure, s;iid cit) councillors yesterday. They wrrp replying to yesterday* straits Timrs rriitnnal
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  • 186 2 WAR OF IDEAS IN ASIA WASHINGTON. Monday. THE American Vk-e-Prrsident Mr. Richard Nixon, said last nirht the economic and ideological battle between freedom and Communism in Asia may soon become more important than the shooting war. Mr. NlXOa t>:V.A the Korean war srrvrd n
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  • 145 2 Our students in Australia praised FE larce number of Malayans studying in Australia was an important factor in the development of relations between the two countries, the retirine Australian Commissioner, Mr. L. R. Mclntyre, said yesterday. In a farewell talk over Radio Malaya. Mr. Mclntyrr. who
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  • 34 2 The Governor of Singapore. Sir John Nicoll. will lay the ounriation stone of the $1 nillion building for the Chiicse V M.C A. at Telok Aver Jasin at 5 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 79 2 Council of State pays tribute JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A TRIBUTE to the late Mr. J. D. Hodpkinson. British Adviser, Johore. was paid today in the Council of State by Dxto Syeri Abdul Kadir, Mentri Besar. The Dato said Mr. HodßkinJ son's death at an rarly age I was a great
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  • 197 2 AN INSIDE' JOB YONG PENG. Mon. "FHE Communist flag has been hoisted in this Johore village of 5.000 people. It happened last night And security officers here are almost certain the flan was hoiited by people living in the village. They don"t believe it
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  • 52 2 RATr PAHAT. Mon Coune.s.s Mountbattrn inspected the It. John Amhuiance company iere today. Earlier she visited Tonglcang s echah new villaee. She had tiffin at Bandar 'encearam Club. Those present i:ic!:ded Disrict OfTicers Inche Abdullah Suleiman and Mrs. Suleiman. mri Administrative Offirer. Mr R. and
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  • 70 2 TAIPFH. Mnn. Thr South Knrran Amba.varior. Mr. Kirn Hunp I i. t^flay ricplorprl handiCVfm imposed by thr free world on unitinc Korea. He contrasted what hr calleri world-Wide hope before the Korean war for the removal ot the Korean riividinc line on the 58th Parallel, the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 153 2 3INOAPORK vistcrday enforced a law compelling shops to provide rests for assistants, but most employers took little notice of it. The seals were already there. Fhe legislation was the result of the single effort of Legislative Councillor. Mr. John Laycock. following complaints
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  • 132 2 PUSH A BUTTON -AND UP COME COCKTAILS FOR TWO THE HANDY little table above is called a Ha<-le--4 quin cocktail table. At the press of a button, up comes the cocktail com- partment in the centre. Demonstrating the table, which teas on shou- at the London Furniture Exhibt- tion, are
    UP; Reuter  -  132 words
  • 38 2 A yountr marrird lnrli;in woman. Lat-chmi, 17. was admitted to Sinsa porr General Hospital with a drm stab i i uounri after an attack off] Alrxandria Road yesterday. A man was later detained.
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  • 211 2 BOAC ENTERS THE PRICE-WAR IN THE AIR Tourists will save 20 per cent I>RITISH Overseas Airways Corporation yesfe* entered the price war in the ;iir with nouncement that it wnuiri Introduce chrap fares between Singapore. Britain, Australia and Eastern countries from April 1. At the same time BOAC'H < first
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  • 62 2 LONDON. Mnn Brltisr. exports of ears and allied products brought in more dollar^ than Scotch whisky for the first time last year, a survc I showed today. Bii'isn manufacturer! were advised however, to keep In mind "the general tendency towards lowering of prices in
    AP  -  62 words
  • 66 2 1 KUALA LUMPUR Mon.- The jSelangor Parent.* 1 Association which was formed more than two months .igo. ha> o n warned by the ResjiMrar jf Societies that its registration \s overdue. Mr. S.C.E. Sinzam. chairman nl the j circuit r to founder rr '•.>k:ne them to meet
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  • 90 2 DBDINBUR ETEcnvra tenement flal nay and lound n her 18-year-old Beside theli was the womai year-old daughti i and .stomach had cd. And In tii, kit tive.s h»« i me in \Y\e gas ovpii been turned on vived. nisht a.« < fo .save the dai
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  • 38 2 ILA LUMFTfR All bin Budin. 22 charged here with tl a hanrihae which had He claimed trial allowed $2nn bar. in Ali was alleged to the handhac from Chan Yonc f Gardens, on Saturday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 Announcing a further Dunlop g^. development V >spr« •-> -f^ss PLAY Umuop fort DEEP NAP TENNIS BALL with the 'MATCHMASTER' cover, the latest Dunlop fabric incorporating TERYLENE' and nylon fibres to resist wear and damp, AN ANNOUNCEMENT wM be made when STOCKS ARRIVE from ths U.K., hi the meantime the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 374 2 ut Ilmm H iMr<l hn TUESDAY Straits Times WORD PUZZLE P' Cut out and pin with othrr coupon^. Posting mttructioni *ppt>r below. i S I I Name J Addreji j J £D E A_ SHlfl MISSING |1 6 ITl^y T 7\ E Rij| below, j qcues/or word puzzle P2. I.
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  • 247 3 INSULT TO ISLAM 9 CRY JAKARTA, Monday. ARMY CAPTAIN was killed and one student 1 injured as an angry mob of a quarter million »lims demonstrated yesterday ajjainst "insults" the Mamie religion offered by some politicians in recent public speeches. The mob
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  • 159 3 LONDON. MOB. I >>\\s I I 01 n\i I £M 13/ M ■Amu 25 j 8 42 fl Un iuu.j .2 ISV4 utUI j, 4 RAll > i inki BTBIALI I n 3<vJ4 M 13 ir.d .6 i <4 18 6 3 41 6 Keen 52 1 6
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  • 25 3 LONDON, Mir. 1. ;lvh Rnyers t6B:i: Sellers CfiftO: i orward Bay era E< EMS; Settlement tSB7' s. Turnover a.m. 105 '"is: p.m. 65.
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  • 21 3 16d r -.inn? ]fi n Julj -s*>n- -De< it; .d I IS 18 16d., Ar>r. c.l.f Pone: \ery quiet
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  • 61 3 NAIROBI. Mon. —The Secretar* (if State for the Colonies Mr. Oliver Lyttelton. arrived here by air from London yes terday "to maintain close personal contact" with the 16--month-old Mau Mau Emergency. It was his third visit t-> Kenya since the emergency becan. He expects to make
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 47 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon. The 45.000-ton aircraft carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt the largest war.ship of her class to operate in the Pacific, sailed throush the Golden Gate bririce here yesterday mornin» The carrier is too wide beam to pass through the Panama Canal— A.P.
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  • 26 3 REYKJAVIK. Mon. -A NewYork bound BOAC Stratocruiser crashed while landing at tlie Icelandic airport yesterday but all 52 people aboard escaped uninjured— U. P.
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  • 111 3 PARIS. Monday. \INE people were killed and four seriously injured yesterday when two cars of a mountain cable train, packed with holiday skiers, jumped the rails and crashed about 1,690 feet down a ravine near Bagneres de Luchon. in the Pyrenees. Six of the dead, all
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  • 76 3 Rescuers ready for disaster SEMARANG. Mon. HUNDREDS of Indonesian Government and volunteer workers will rehearse rescue work on March 2 in preparation for the expected second eruption of Java's danger volcano. Merapi Thousands of villagers nave been shifted from the dangerous slopes of Merapi and cuation is still continuing On
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  • 22 3 JERUSALEM. Mon.-Symn troops fired on an Israeli sprayinu plane in north Galilee yesterday. an Israel military spokesman said —A. P.
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  • 29 3 NDOM Mon. Senator Bridces 'Republican' Senator Stuart Symington rat > arrived here ny ParU lasi rtlghi t<i ate how United States nt in British d( ilrcrafi plants Reuter.
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  • 113 3 McCarthy losing prestige LONDON. Mon. MR. Alfred Robens. Socialist! M.P. and former Minister of Labour, said at Blyth, Northumberland, last night on his return from a three-month tour of the United States that Senator Joseph McCarthy is iosinc prestige in America. He told his constituents: "It! is abundantly clear that
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  • 58 3 HONG KONG. Mon. Last contingent of the Indian Custodian Force on its way home from Korea arrived today in the British 4.000 ton troopship Jaladurga. It comprised 1.270 officers and men from the D">gra regiment, the Garhwal rifles, the Mth Indian General Hospital and Indian
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 160 3 JOHN Dean. 33-year old h Commissioner here, said 5 of a series of articles he tuu employer, the Duke of Edin :!>»■■■■■■■■■ OTTAWA. Monday, sutler to Britain's High he had been sacked because d written about his former [burgh. Dean, who is the head of
    AP  -  160 words
  • 83 3 MELBOURNE. Mon.—Gam-ma-globulin, the anti-polio serum given to the Queen ana the Duke of Edinburgh in Canberra last week will not be n general use In Australia for a long time. Dr. F. G. Morgan. Director of the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories said yesterday that anti-poHo serum was
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  • 47 3 SYDNEY. Mon. —The head office of the Bank of New South Wales has started fllmh g all cheques that it cleais A machine records -0.000 cheques on 100 feet of 3in\ If a cheque is lost the bank still has its details.— Reuter
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  • 32 3 CAIRO. Mon. Egyptian President Naguib. accompanied by Major Salah Salem. Minister of National Guidance, left today for Khartoum for the formal opening of the Sudan's first elected Parliament. Reuter.
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  • 25 3 TAIPEH. Mon Formo.-a mis beflagsed today in hono'ir of the fourth anniversary of Chiang Kai-shek's reassumntion of the past of president. A.P.
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  • 30 3 COLOMBO. Mon.— Mr. Louis St. Laurent, the Canadian Prime Minister, who is on a six week tour of world capitals, arrived here yesterday by lir from India.— Reuter.
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  • 20 3 JAKARTA. Mon. -Four >»- nlor Indonesian Army officers left for America today to siudy military affairs. -Reuter.
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  • 153 3 Premier Ali tells voters KHULNA. Mon. PAKISTAN Premier Mohammed Ali told an electionee--ing meeting yesterday American aid to Pakistan would enable the government to release considerable funds for "constructive purposes to develop the country." Ali. who also Is president >f th 2 Muslim Leacue.
    AP  -  153 words
  • 36 3 This is an official picture of the interior of an atomic factory at (ipenhurst, Cheshire one of the first ever taken. It shows instruments and controls which rrgulat,> the atomic plant below.
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  • 177 3 A day off for the Queen MELBOURNE, Mon. 'THE QUEEN and the A Duke of Edinburgh took their ease at Government House yesterday with 30 hours free of official engagements ahead. Their last ceremony before the "break" was to dedicate an addition to the Shrine of Rememberance on their way
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  • 70 3 SANTIAGO. Mon -The Chilean Government called a state of emergency m a radius of 125 miles around Santiago today because dtatortMDces were feared In the spreading strike of bank clerks. Leave was cancelled tor troops and police, who have been concentrated in barracks. It
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  • 24 3 ROME. Mon.— ltaly's commercial airlines. Lai and Ali Italia, remained grounded ve<terdav by a strike of ground personnel and mechanics. A P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 OUR— BARGAIN COUNTERS 75cts., SI. OO, 51. 50, $2.00, $2.50, J ARE A B rage/ wassiamulls HIGH STREET t-B
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    • 189 3 Cocktail Parties are not complete without COCKTAIL SAUSAGES FRANKFURT SAUSAGES VIENNA SAUSAGES In Boz ICoz. tins. Guarantees Quality SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. U World's Most Experienced A*e tog MANILA 1 curwr ruoHTS every 1 Call your gravel *j^v£*i*V*" HOME? J FOR THE COLDER WEATHFR S%> i fffM \lv Ls
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  • 293 4 'No need for fuss,' says new I member IPOH. Mon. ABOUT A HUNDRED Ceylonese met at the j Ceylon Association in Ipoh yesterday and pass- ed a resolution condemnIng the Perak Government for the manner in which it nominated a Ceylonese Member. Dr. M.
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  • 74 4 PENANG. Mon— Penang and Province Wellesley branch of the British Red Cross Societv '.vi.. launch an appeal week from March 12. The Resident Commissioner. Mr R P Bingham. will open it with a broadcast from Radio Malaya. Penang. At the annual meeting of 1 the Welfare
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  • 31 4 SEREMBAN. Mon. The following were elected official of the Hindu Youth Organisation. Negri Sembilan: Presi- i dent. Mr MM. Awasty; vicepresident. Mr. M.C Nathan: hon sec. Mr K Gunaretnam.
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  • 181 4 DRIVER GETS 3 YEARS' GAOL TAY Kai Kee. a lorry driver, was yesterday gaoled for three years for possessing 40 lb. of raw opium worth 524.000. Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Stnsapore Third Criminal District < Court, ordered the opium to be
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  • 38 4 IPOH. Mon. Thp first Lo. -\1 1 Councils Association In th* 1 Federation was formed last nipht in Ipoh at a meeting at- tmried by representatives of j 14 new viilane local councils in I Perak.
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  • 17 4 SEREMBAN. Mon— A Negri 1 Srmbilan Smallholders and Tacli Cultivates Association v was formed yesterday.
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  • 99 4 SOOTY, the wide-eyed kitten above, has lived in darkness for the past four days. So it's natural for him to treat the world to a long, hard stare. Hr was rescued only yesterday from a bloi-ked-un chimney in I tn i >i i Puir Road.
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  • 238 4 We won't hide anything— Dr. Paglar THE Singapore Badminton Hall Fund Committee L will meet tomorrow to decide when to call creditors together and seek help in collecting money. The chairman Dr C J Paglar. said these steps were necessary to clear ud "certain misunderstandings."
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  • 26 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Mrs B Burns. Children's Officer. Johore. has gone on leave 1 owing to illhealth She is succeeded by Mrs Hong. 1
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  • 128 4 PENANG. Mon MR. JISTICE Spenser Wilkinson today adjourned a murder trial for two weeks because the air conditioning plant in the Penane High Court broke down. "A murder case is a serious and complicated matter and I do not think it fair to
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  • 149 4 Salesman fled with $4,000 YEU SWEE CHENG, a salesman of Chop Sin Lien S'.r:> Co.. who absconded with $4,000 belonging to the company, was sentenced in Singapo-- yesterday to four months' cao 1 Yeu. who disappeared on Dec 26 last was found six days l?.t> r in a Chinese temple
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  • 118 4 Housing plan protest in capital KUALA LUMPUR. Mon People of Kamponc Bukit Matt, behind the Lake Gardens, arc to protest against the Government plan to move them to make way for a S3-million housing estate for Government j officers. The kampong ha.s about 150 Malay houses each with its vegetable
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  • 61 4 The Alumni Association and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaya (Southern Branch 1 will hold a dinner and dance in Innour of Dr W. J. Vickers. retiring Director of Medical Services. Singapore. The dinner will be held at Capitol Chinese Restaurant at 8
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  • 124 4 rTHE NATIONAL Service law came Into force In Singapore yesterday. Everyone in the call-up age group will have to register, but not everyone will be taken. Mr. L. H. N. Davis, the Secretary for Defence and Internal Security, told the Straits Times yesterday. Call-up
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 STARTING _f|_ n tfn~£ iTfl U> lAS 4 TODAY |_S____y____ai b Ml %M) 4 STAR ACTION STRANGER rHAT >M___ e l_| JLA TALKING Homto I LAST r\f\ "k^fiT/i ji>^ ~ii^ 145 4 DAY 'PMWylLflMffl/ 6.30 9.30 I Mppoikmivx vffSHk^ IH LOMDOH OPENS TOMORROW «»Ass«ft*ftftl A STAR-STUDDED FEAST FOR CONNOISSEURS OF
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    • 184 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION 3J$m** ATTRAC t i LAST 7Z]kdJ if If i' PAYS! jfilltll \1 (J-M's Comedy Romance 1 SKg§k Dream Wife SCENES NEVER BEFORE SEENT -THE BATTLE OF THE GORILL A spectacular climax to perilous '<'\ M-(i-.M's r- i*w^ £*^i fe! GARDNER hex,AX 1 GRACE KELLY CHANGE! I'HONF. 21-116 for
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 551 4 »w,,. -I A IIIIHl I I'lJMJi ,1'iy MHk 4 i j JIB Mb j I I I I I i^^feifi- 3 L^B S > I I I I i i b £m SINGAPORE B. B. C. g-, ■RLfiTS&'tti i& A.M. 7.15 Time Signal and Open- P.M. 5 00 From The
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  • 258 5 TOP MEN QUIT FOR JOBS IN BRITAIN KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. a->o( iate producer and three other European specialists are leaving the (iovernmentiwited Malayan Film Unit at the end of this pintith. And the head of the unit, Mr. Tom Hodge, may too,
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  • 77 5 ...But only 5,700 AA members rltaf chairman. Mr. G. Plllay, told the Automobile Assoda i! general ny that out of a possible lp of over 31.000 in •■.>• thf association ister only 5.700 memL'.OOO new members -oiled last year but mbenhln increasod by i moior-eyclr patrol in rat withdrawn ihrer
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  • 75 5 Guat Yong. 25. was nred to three weeks' gaol fined $100, in default a 'h's gaol, in Singapore rrtav for cheatinc mad of $2.40. S >yed. a cigarette r, .-aid that on Feo 7 Lee another Chinese went to -tall and asked him for a of
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  • 35 5 For driving a car in a negn:ent manner at the junction M ahn Sultan and Victoria Street, Singapore on Dec. t9, n Kang Chew, of Si^.t mm yesterday fined 57 1 Traffic Court.
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  • 19 5 R M Krishnan. tre of the Ramakrishra in, Singapore, leavt on Thursday on ♦no to Britain nnri
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  • 55 5 Loh Hiser., alias Loh Chia. v r* s charged in a Singapore court yesterday with fraudulently using as genuine two forged copies of plans to th» Rural Board on Oct. 2 last. Loh. whose case will be mentioned again on Monday. v. a s allowed bail
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  • 49 5 Ismail bin Rahmatullah was tentatively charged in Singapore yesterday with armed robbery at Farrer Park on the night bt Feb. 20. He was alleged to have robbed A. Suppiah of $54. a tratcb, i.d a pen. He °.s remanded in prison fO] a wi J k.
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  • 103 5 GANG HID GUNS IN THE MUD TAIPIXG. Mon. FIVE rifles, well-greased and serviceable, one revolver and some ammunition Slave been found in a wooden bo\ buried in mud behind Port Weld VilUse. Police believe that this arms dump, the property of the Anjt Bin Hoay socret society, was hidden in
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  • 92 5 THE opening of John Littles annual sale yesterday delayed for 10 minutes of a traffic hold-up 11 Kallanp. While 150 shop assistants and crowd of bargain hunters waited on the pavement out- side the locked departmentstore. Raffles Palace, two i hends of
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  • 60 5 THE 1052 Srow Poh King medal, awarded annually to an outstanding Angio-Chincsr School boy went to hu.i Kit Leng. j Straist Times picture shows hua receiving a token of the i award from Mrs. W. A. C. Goode. wife of the Colonial Secretary, after yesterday's
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  • 203 5 Progressive Party attacks the University 'muddle' "PHE SINGAPORE Progressive Party in its newslct- ter yesterday attacked the Government for what it railed the "I'niversity muddle" and for five years of indecision in the development of the I'nive.'sity of .Malaya. It urges a fresh start on the clear cut lines recommended
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  • 50 5 T. J. Davies. of Shaw Bro- thers Ltd. was charged in i Singapore yesterday with cri- 1 minal breach of trust of $7.--500 belonging to the firm, between November last and February this year. The case will be mentioned "luain on Monday. Davies was allowed $4,000 bail.
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  • 38 5 Teo Jiak Seng, of Beach Road, was fined $50 in Singapore First Traffic Court yesterday for driving along Meyer Road on Feb. 7 without a j licence and $100 for not being j covered by insurance.
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  • 17 5 KLANG. Mon. v The Klang High School has published a j magazine, the Monthly Mirror.
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  • 228 5 Court told in robbery cane TWO men. Low Siong Hoe and Ong Eng Guan. who were arrested within eight minutes of a 999 call on Jan. 15 were charged in Singapore Ninth Police Court yesterday with armed robbery and caus ing hurt. Ho Yee
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  • 213 5 BETTER ENGLISH FROM TAXI-MEN SINGAPORE'S traffic chief. Mr. W.R.M. Haxworth, told taxi drivers last night: "Every one of you is a public servant. Do your duty well." The Registrar of Vehicles, Mr. B.C.J. Buckeridge. warned: "Do not fight with the law. It is framed to keep peace and order of
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  • 46 5 I JOHORE BAHRU. Mon— The Malay National Congress will meet in Penang on Thursday i to adopt the constitution of the I i proposed United Kingdom of I I Malaya. The venue of the meeting i has been changed from Kuala Lumpur.
    46 words
  • 80 5 Officials of the Indian Asso- ciation. Singapore, for this I year are: President. Mr. C. L. Fernan-. dez; vice-president. Mr. P. J. I Thomas; general secretary, Mr. M. Robson Miranda; asst. gen. j secretary, Mr. M. O. Koshv; treasurer, Mr. D. Eruthayam, committee, Messrs. W. T. Joh.\
    80 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 378 5 IDENTIFY THE BODY CONTEST s "tS? EM ■v^s^^-.^R I* L F S V Entries' niusTbf marked -Iden«fy~The~Body ;s < .^MB^k. Content" and must rrarh the Publicity^ i^ j fIH iftin N l Manatrr Odron Theatre Singapore by)'i 7"" ai naKml Thursday I lth March. l'i:,t. No rrspon-^ l^^W sibitity accepted
      378 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 327 5 SINGAPORE DIARY Singapore Chamber Ensemble: Gazette Shell House, Collyer Quay, Choral lPhearsal. H.M.V. Studio, i 1.15 p.m. MncDonald House. Orchard Road. Cn nMe YMC-A-: Tab]e tennls Alumni AMOciation: Cllnlco- 9P m ba < imlnt n BP™ nathologlcal meetinc, Pathology V.M.C.A.: Cricket 5 p.nv; Malnv laborator.v. Faculty of Meriiclne, J» w
      327 words

  • 73 6 in M...W. SM im.wimi.mi THE ratnil] ol the late .John Mm Choon Jin til :\es and friends who aenl wreaths, attended snd rendere<i aasMsaoa at the funeral. MR XV Adnano thank all n :or their kind ass valuaMc n-ndance and losn of can i>n theii Marriage on 27'h Fe.r
    73 words
  • 19 6 Hi.rrfs |M i minimum) MERISHED nemory of Grorie Ait* 1 (Bertie) I •iese on 2nd March i
    19 words
  • 829 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. March 2, 1954 Federation Elections The attack on the report of the official Elections Committee has begun in earnest with the campaign of the UMNOMAC Alliance and its associates in support of the policies which Alliance representatives argued unsuccessfully in the Commitroceedings. The Alliance has
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  • 442 6 The U.S. and the Tin Scheme American tin consumers have VOled against American particijpation in the Geneva tin ■chemc It comes as no sur- 1 prise, but it is pleasant to learn that Mr. Robertson. As- 1 sistant Secretary of State in charge of Far Eastern affairs. j delivered what
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 339 6 Commonwealth of S.E. Asia 'desirable' THE Under-Secretary for the Colonies. Sir Thomas Lloyd, was reported to have said in Malaya recently that it had been the British Government's policy to promote a closer association between the Federation and Singapore, but such an association must not be forced. A fusion, if
      339 words
    • 250 6 Cambridge exam results I^HE Cambridge examination results arrived in the Federation Examinations Secretary's otrue at 10 a.m. on Feb. -'3. They consisted of some 90 photostat sheets with trom 60 to 80 names and results on facli .sheet. To satisfy the needs of the PrMS, U wai necessary to make
      250 words
    • 83 6 1 SUGGEST that a school fnr Europeans in Malaya should have classes up ro School Certificate or whatever standard is required to enter i university Regarding a subsldj Brms 1 think that an i q ill able arrangement wnuld b that. If parents wish to maicn
      83 words
    • 281 6 1 CANNOT understand now "Taxpayer" can be satisfied i i with the results of the 'unior technical school Junior technical schools j serve a very useful purpose but are essentially for the boy i skilled with his hands rather j than with his brains
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    • 138 6 ]t| V .son. seven, attends a i i.»A primary class in a mornine B'lglun school in Ipoh. La-st week, his teacher detained some pupils, my son included, ii'til 3 pm because they were nof up to the mark in the day s lessons. The class
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    • 54 6 THERE was no control of thr traffic at the junction of Jalan Ah Fook anrt Jalan Station. Johore Bihru. during thr Chinese wayang recently. Thousands of people Jammed these two streets. I hope that the traffic authority in Johore Bahru will in future post a policeman on such
      54 words
    • 238 6 REPORTING the proposed bus .service to Serannoon Garden Estate you state that you understand "there is strong opposition (presumably amongst the members of the City Council Vehicles Commit- > I tee i to continuation of the traction monopoly." It would appear, from the above if
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  • 211 6 On the Margin At evensong CT ANDREW'S England Singapore \i I church i kno uninterrupted i i so then Lord B solemnly bla iho M duster." No mimui Itj sea, r.o con men. and these seamen, con!'. the ci oui Royal Navy and hip's apprei tin all sans the old
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 582 6 CLASSIFIED ADS M Ward, nn i minimum) •.•hompson on M March, Fir.capore Nursing Home. to Margaret, nife ol i. I. Ttaoaapaea HAIGH: 1 vfe ol Lawrence Haißli. c 0 Bhell Co, ol Singapore Ltd a daughter, Bexhill ivb: nary 24ih Both well. INNO1 NCEMENTS 7ii Wm4t SI" i minimum) BA1
      582 words
    • 41 6 CIRMAN PIN Tiniite I Improved Ljmy-Artut) flrenteM ink fillinc caparUj Tranv parent barrel. Mont dnr»h> iridiunt tipped 14K cold nib. Pn«larr in rent* extra. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., I<|. < Inili.i St.. Spore- 1 ENG SENG MEDICAL CO.. 8. Ah Qiif-e SI.. I'ei.ang.
      41 words
    • 69 6 j EVERY CAR NEEDS A I CAR RADIO i v A superb peformer for b G^V or volf b ftCf y 'upply Jr 5 .alvc.. 5 Wavrb*ndj J[ TV MITCHELL t CO. LTD 1 ANN PENG rpAOERS LTD. TELEPHONE 7631 ***** j MOTION SMITH SON LTD. (Incorporating John Duke M
      69 words

  • 202 7 BIG HOSPITAL THE SEED, SAYS CRITIC MANY peopk ;«t Batu Pahat dread falling sick because the Government hospital lacks profacilities, Johore State Council was told yeslay. ispital staff were doing Rood work with Itiet, said Mr. S. C. Maclntyre State Co\inri]lor. "It
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  • 138 7 MALACCA. Mon. I 1 CHOP YONG BAN KIT. a I firm of general merchants I here, had a gross liability of $131,000, Yong Pack Kong, the proprietor, said at a public examination today. He said the loss in trade wa-. ,caused by keen competition heavy
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  • 42 7 KV AI A LUMPUR. Mon.— The oflice bearers of the Technical J Collece Students' Union elected x yesterday were: President: Mr. r. Oalistan, vi«e presidents; Mr. Tan Teow Swan and Mr. Tan Choon Honp and secretary Mr. F. Kcoi Hoonc.
    42 words
  • 74 7 Sultan gives hero's badge to Ipoh boy IPOH. M' n IKINO at the i tach- Red 1 :iety, or the Padang i Sultan ol 1 ■plen- < it 800 with the Junioi k> d Badue i for Initiative and Ing a youth time the 1 to 1 1 from any
    74 words
  • 28 7 The office of the Representatlve ol th r Government of In Malaya at Grange Road. Blngapore, will be closen tomorrow for the Siviratn. a Hindu festival.
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  • 70 7 HUNDREDS OF BABIES GET JABS HUNDREDS of babivs \vcre| inoculated against diph- theria in Singapore City Council clinic.*; yesterday, the open- I me day of an island-wide anti- diphtheria drive. The response was very good. said Dr. Maggie Lim. Senior Health Officer 1 Infant anc. Maternity Welfare. Council clinics will
    70 words
  • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. 'See Yoah" temple in Puriu Street will hold Its an- nual procession round Kun:n lumpur town at nine tomorrow morning. Musicians from the Cantonese, HoKkien and Teochew communities will take part. 1 1 Tlierf iril] also be a lion danr<\ 1
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  • 20 7 KLUANG. Mon Kluang Di.s- diet Welfare Will hold a funfair in Kluang from Apr. 3 to 9. 1
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  • 81 7 This shield will say a Gurkha 's thanks Xl ALA LI VIPUR. M I MAJOR-GEN Per mi Kmrara Military Hos) I iiank then-, fnr help given "urkha pat:> Lubercul Gen Perowne I njirsinc staff. 'Tl-.^ Dirision i.s rerf srateful for the attention Gurkha soldiers have received here He then presented
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  • 79 7 SIX I.ITTI.E Wolf Cuhs »entry Kinc's House and asked I the High Commissioner. Sir GeraM Templer for odd .job? do. They got some work I and money for it. It was the Cubs' bit to raise funds durinc Siout Week Picture
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  • 192 7 Goldsmiths get an assurance about emergency control KUALA LIMPI X, Monday. THE emergency control of jjold regulations of 1953 have sn far been applied only to the Kaub district. Pahang. Federation goldsmith associations have been told by Mr. A. H. P. Humphrey. Secretary for i Defence. t "It is most
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  • 178 7 Thousands owe him happiness 4 MAN*, who has given happiness to thousands ds- abled at birth or by accident, arrived in Singapore yesterday. He Is Dr. Leopold Dreifuss, a lending authority on pla.stic t -mration. now on his second round-the-world tour on the liner
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  • 329 7 We don't want guesses, he says IPOH, Mon. AM R. W. G. Scott, chairman of the Federated Malay States Chamber of Commerce, Perak branch, today attacked "guesswork" in the Licensing and Registration of Businesses Ordinance. Mr. Scott was commentinc on the reply of the Federa tion Education Department to his
    329 words
  • 86 7 The man who 'itched to steal' MALACCA. Mon. THE MALACCA Magistrate. Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, today old Tan Seng I.iat. fi^: "Your lands ar? .always itchinc to :ake people's things. But the> ire all silly thefts." Tan. who has 16 convictions, line of them for stealing, was jour.d over last month
    86 words
  • 64 7 IPOH. Mon.— Searching for their son. who hari been mis." ir.r, all afternoon, a tailor and his wife fonr.ri his body floating in a disused mining pool some distance from th^ir home iii Menßlembu, near Ipoh, yes terday. The dead boy. Wong Cheong. "6. did
    64 words
  • 44 7 The Selangor regional een- tre of the World Fellowship of Buddhists will open an adult education class t the Buddhist Temple. 1 .-triple Road. Kuala Lumpur. Application should be made at the temple, between 6.30 P. m. and 8 p.m.
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  • 35 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— An Indian shopkeeper found $600 missing from his clothes trunk In his shop at Brickfields Road yesterday. In a house at Jalan Brunei $290 was stolen. 1
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  • 269 7 EIGHT of Singapore's most promising musicians and the three professional horn. >boe and bassoon players lewly-engaged by Radio Maaya took part In a concert of inusual interest at the Oei Dong Ham Hall. University of vlalaya on Sunday night, arranged by the Musical Society.
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  • 200 7 THIS IS ONE WA Y TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY —IF YOU'RE SHARP i VERYBODY has I heard of the trick of splittin); dollar notes into tun hut not many have aetaallj seen one which has heen split correctly. Shown above is a dollar note which was found in some change
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  • 126 7 for Ipoh town council polls ipoh. Monday. DEGISTRATION of. voters for the Qrsi town council rlrctions in Ipoh and Menglembu area started this morning. The Hrst person to registei >vas the State Secretary. Inchr Hashlm bin Mat Drls. By lunch time only m:< people
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  • 45 7 Detail) i results of the 1953 School Ortific.ite Cambridge examination* will bo in Slnsaporp on Monday Candidates arr requested not to make Inqulri iota or the Education orricr brrorr then. DEATH MR VII pencefuli Wtnmi 1 Don iin>,i<; |o p.- ice Pund, throw
    45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 CAD. 3 I* A JF J l v f,^*~— j i I^^ on a, n&w t£ou4&talea"fot, II D» nated *Hth rirh Cadhury WAV rhn^ol^tr and t"il P( i tor frr~hnPss. Aailahlp in I |b. and Ih. tins, 111 111 PtSTRIBUTEP BY SIME DARBY 1.A.1fl BooMinG Rgefits Rll RmunES AVIATION DIVISION
      97 words
    • 180 7 Mother—let your dreams come true MftjMf /Sv V^ |r u wan: vnur !e chi'J f« y r healthy and srroncV w-ant ro keep your health T syh *"d beauty, too. Take c.ire Llt^. Y^l a VOLir lhv -intl °^y° urs fif F" /^a Cod Liver Oil is a wonder: vi
      180 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 162 7 The weather 75 at Penang MINIMUM TEMPERATI'RK (7 pm on FPb. 28 to Mar I)' Sir. napw W <l<s rffs PenariK 7S. Koto 7^ Kunla I.umpur 73. Ipoh 75. Kmntan 7fi. MAXIMUM TKMPERATI'RE (7.30 i.m to 7.30 p.m. on Mar. 11: Singapore 87, Peniinj: 87. Kota B.ihrn H Kunla I.umpur
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  • 299 8 Bandits hurl 'fire bombs 9 at police trapped in de-railed car KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A crow of six in the armoured trolley which was mined and de-railod two miles south of Stinjrkai in Perak late on Saturday night beat off an attack by 20
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  • 104 8 Planter is ordered to pay wife MALACCA Men |-|ONALD William MacdonaM of Ong Hin Tianu rubber estate, was ordered in the Sessions Court here on Saturday to pay maintenance arrears of £154 to his. wife. Dol;na Christina Sutherland. Maedonald. and a child. The court president. Mr. G. R. T. Chelvam.
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  • 37 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Mr A. Commissioner ol Lands and Mines. Johore. has been appointed to act as BiitUh Adviser. Johore. until a successor to the late Mr J. D Hodgkinson Ls appointed.
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  • 71 8 PENANG. Mon. X-RAY examination of a youth alleged to have swallowed an earring proved negative, the Penang ma?istrate'a court was told today. Shaik Raman, the youth, was alleged to have robbed an 11--yfar-old girl. Tan Guat Nco. of the earring on Thursday. He was ordered to
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  • 137 8 rE THEME of the Fourth Asian Regions] Conference of the Junior Chamber International, held in Hong Konc last week was: 'The Brotherhood of man transcends the Sovereignty of nation.-." The conference, which ended on Sunday, was attended by delegates from 11 Asian countries. Including Sincapore and
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  • 68 8 MEMBERS OF THE Singapore Battalion of the Girls' Life Brigade march smartly along Stamford Road on Sunday on their way to Wesley Church in Fort Canninc Road where a Parade Service was held for the dedication of N.C.O.'s ar.d of their new Quee.i's Colour. The
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  • 400 8 •YOUNG VILLAIN' GETS 5 YEARS JOHORE BAHRI Monday. >'INTEEN-YEAR-OLD Leow Fook Cheong was sen--1 tenced to five years' gaol in the Sessions Court here today for consorting with bandits. His mother. Wong Kirn, told the court earlier: "If he did so I am prepared
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  • 47 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A. n^w building for the Domes':? Science School here was .ipenrd today by the Mentri Besar. Dati) Syed. Abdul Kadir PUBS have been made to build a domestic science school this yrar in Muar. Batu Pahat and Segamat will get such
    47 words
  • 93 8 HUNDREDS LATE FOR WORK HUNDREDS of workers were I late reaching their officr* yesterday morning after 3 mammoth traffic jam at Kallang slowed buses and cars approaching the city. A front wheel fell off a lorry near the gasworks in K ill. in, Road and the disabled vehicle blooked both
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  • 25 8 The annual meeting of the St. Patrick's Old Boys Association. Singapore, will be held in li the .school hall at 4 p.m. oni(
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  • 133 8 Homes up despite slump KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rjESPITE the low price ol rubber, estate-owners and managers are doing their best to improve housing for workers, says the January report of the Labour Department. In Central Johore. ten estates now have electric lights and seven cinemas.
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  • 58 8 PENANG, Mon.— About 500 Scouts, Cubs and Rovers braved the rain last night to attend a campflre which marked the end of Penan k's Scout Week. Despite the rain they enjoyed the campfire at the Union Institution. The evenings programme Included a short sketch from Shakespeare's
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  • 41 8 Officials of the Board of Dancing, Singapore, for this year are: Chairman. Mr. C. H. Chan; vice-chairman, Mr G R. Collide; secretary. Mr. David Chan: council members, Messrs. Victor Ontj. Cuthbert La Faber. C. Ellis and L. Siddons.
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  • 184 8 NO MORE OUTCASTS IF THIS SUCCEEDS PENANG. Mon. DISCHARGED lepers have settled down so well in Jawi New Village that they may be selfsupporting within six months. •Success of this rehabiliation scheme may mean expansion of the experiment. Mrs. Elizabeth Bingham. wife of the Resident Commissioner Mr. R.P. Bingham, and
    184 words
  • 75 8 An unemployed man who ould well have stolen a biccle. parked outside the Singa>ore Labour Office, took only he bulb and holder from its amp Mr. Song Kok Hoo ).S.P.. told Mr. Tan Ah Tan. i Singapore judge, yesterday. In the dock was Yeo Sons Ion?
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  • 21 8 ALOR STAR. Mon.— The first lertinc of Kedah State Counil this year will be opened by lesar on Wednesday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 T J ir «;4 'i 'S«a. MARIE BATA s H^Mff^ril w^o passed away peacefully 4 imBP^* n New York, U.S.A. on ■^^^H lMWBHM^^feftii ?> Saturday, the 27th February, 7954 af //7e age o/* 60. As wife of the late Thomas Bata, Sr., Founder of the Bata Organisation, she was constantly
      208 words
    • 160 8 fivtecr CHEST and LUNGS I P!n»ant laMins A1k...->. <„, uanil I to soothr anil vitlt I fori tht mttmmt you itii i I Net a l.i\.l"vc. >i)n fan ttk« Kl'ki I Seltzer anytime! 1 •M\\ \M!(»I MANGAI \M (Tamil" lEODG3iB c Tndiv 7. I i nhow !•> >AT" I •si
      160 words

  • 1640 9 TIMES special FEATURE Australian airmen struck first blow in Allenby's final victory )M., lumbering Handley Page bomber took off from a desert prodrome in Palestine in the early morning of September 19, the -controls was Captain Ross Smith, not long elevated the Australian Light Horse then mustering for battle in
    1,640 words
  • 514 9 DRITAIX is busily lay--13 ing the foundation of a vast atomic industry. Her scientists hope atompenerated electricity will put the country back on top as a leading workshop of the world. And so the atomic factories quietly mushroom up— busily and without the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 34 9 Ml PAH) HIS TRIBUTE TO THE AUSTRALIAN AIRMEN FOR "PUTTING VIC- 1 ORY WITHIN HIS (;RASP. WIIF.N THEY I.EFT FOR ■ONE IN FEKRIWRY. 1919. (By arrangement with the Sydney Daily Mirror). J^OMOIIIinW lroii-fi«l«»<l|j governor
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 645 10 TIN PRICE IS HIGHER AGAIN Industrials still rise 'THE further rise of $1,121 it. the price j yesterday, brought the prire up to $425 per picul, the highest since the end of Noveni(J last year. The pn-sent Increase which began on is attributed to the report that then ter prospects
    645 words
  • 150 10 The Malayan Exciiancr- Banks i Association m.ide the followmc I changes In Its rates to merchant* J yesterday. New York: buvinc T. T W\ p airmail, O. n. 33. 90 days 33'<. c credit btDB, 33 3 16 trxde bill*. Canada: buying T T. 31 13 16 1
    150 words
  • 61 10 Singapore hlnese Produce I rhariKr: Noon prices per picul were: Copra: Marrh April »34\ buyer $35 sellers. Coron\it oil: $58 i lien Pepper: Mn:,tok whi'e $345. Sarawak $340 Lampong black $295. A'l market* ai: et. I Lewis and Peat: Closing prices werr 1 Copra: firm; Marrh April May
    61 words
  • 14 10 The prire of tin por^i vst >r<l:n at 532.1.X:' a pirul
    UP  -  14 words
  • 75 10 on ihe Singapore m The market with very ItttU The close was barei pt-r pound No. I. R.S.S Spot Ko l r Bjß buyers .VI seller buyers U tellei Singapore Chamber Rubber Association no terday. M per pound weir: Bu.m No. 1. Ri-S Spot loose No I. F.oi'
    75 words
  • 142 10 Ships hint: alori or expertfri tnd;i\ are 1 2. Tecelberi; C.P 8 R i Beteceuse 13 14. Bi Bt 19 L'O. Time Pone N V. Ulwul N w.di r s md 9. M.illm 21 22. J3 L' 4. Benvec 25 26, I IT L'R 31 32 dtj
    142 words
  • 86 10 MELBOURNE M prices showed no d at the wo t'a >P' nlng today. Most movi s on light turnover; Exchaiv^Loan J 1956-59 Lo;in .T 1956-58 in Paper Bank of N.S \v A list Consol Ind i B Hill Prop i CourUuMl Dunlopi Colonial Sugai U Drue Ho l
    86 words
  • 58 10 Jarmarv rubbrv Federation was 49.929 M against 52.477 in I and 54.868 in Jan year Exports totalled 4 !of which 10.88R United Kingdom France 3.4!) i to States 2.689 to l 599 to Italy and jaoan. To Singapore H.:>B4 l> Ti>e total export* icrniber was 53.81 Impo
    58 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 735 10 NOTICE CONTROLLER OF SUPPLIES, SINGAPORE. TENDER NOTICE TENDER No. 4 Tenders will be reenrri ,v the Office of the Controller of Supplies. •>nd Floor Fullerton Buildinc. Singapore, up to noon on Thursday. 4th M»rch 1954 for the purchase of the undermentioned lot of Sugar Sueeoincs which m:u lie Inspected at
      735 words
    • 131 10 TENDER. I NUNICIPAL TENDER Tender* are invited for the supply of Hird Wood Poles as follows: i i n n poles to be delivered as soon i.s |.i"lble. and (bi 400 poles to be delivered in lots of 30 poles per month for five months. Tender forms and specifications and
      131 words
    • 1179 10 NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NATURALISATION NOTICE Is hereby given that LAM VAT SOON of No. 9-A Seng Poh Road, Singapore, Is applying to the Oovernor for Naturalisation and i that any person who knows any 1 reason why Naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed
      1,179 words
    • 326 10 NOTICES LARUT TIN FIELDS, LIMITED (incorporated In the Federation of Malaya NOTICE is hereby given that a j dividend, the thirty-fifth, of one shilling (Is. od.) per share, less Income tax at the rate of thirty per cent., has been declared due and payable to shareholders on the Register at
      326 words
    • 859 10 TENDERS I P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class *W and above Reclstered Contractors will be received by the Superintending Engineer. Public Works Department Kuala Lumpur, up to 3.00 p.m. on 10th March. 1954. for erection and completion of one Block i 3 bedroom type) of three class 'F" Qrs. at
      859 words
    • 30 10 MITSUI U^ LINE CAST-BOUND ROUND THE WORLD fKMGHT SfRVICt Europe Pcnonq Scqoport Hono, enq > r f in C.F. SHARP 6c CO, |M| LTD. SANK OF CHINA BUILDING, SINCAPORI Til: *****
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1091 11 MANSFIELD t* CO., LTD. Tt 411 (Incorporotrd m Smgopurt) (10 Unas) BLUE FUNNEL LINE '"d™;' 1 Soils P. Shorn Pmino jvUnVTo TIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. LONDON ft CONTINENTAL* PO°rTs Dua Soils P '.horn Pencnq ro<-! Dublin G 31/32 Mor. 5 M,r. 7 Mar. S Mar. 2 Mar 6 Mar .7/ B Mar.
      1,091 words
    • 981 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAYIAN/U.K./CONTINENT PASADENA"' ,'jr Kohslehong, Saigon. Hungkotig. Mcmlo. ••Mii^TvA" V f kohomo >«/2S Mer. 23/21 Mar. 22/22 Mar. MALAYA fnr Kohschong, SOlgon, Hongkong Man<ia ••MVoWNrCgTo. &J& "L A SAILINGS TO CONTINENT t SCANDINAVIA Far Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Ctenea, Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gothenburg 4 0.10
      981 words
    • 994 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to L.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Sport P. S'hom Penang Benreoch for Liverpool, Duhlin, Rotterrlam Hull 6-U 4/ 5 Mar. 4/ 7 Mar. "Xn'twerp'' Hnmburg° n 4/12 Mar. 11/ IS Mar. 14/17 Mar. Senvannach tor Avonmouth, London, Newcastle. Hull 17/21 Mar. 24/24 Mar 17/28 Mar. Benvenaa
      994 words
    • 1078 11 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. TCL No ***** ELLBRMAN «c BUCKNALL KLAVENESS i*!NB LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. LONDON HAVRE. RO>T!RDAM PORTLAND. SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER HAMBURG HULL ccga ror Central ft South and tor Li S A., North Atlantic Ports American Parts orvi itororto vo Colombo m.» CASTLFVILLt CITY Of BIRKENHEAD
      1,078 words

  • Article, Illustration
    105 12 Mat. .i. v >.< rirM Secretary (Commercial) Government ,>t India said last week Jhat in I' 1"'.: India came up to second place among the leading cloth rxportins i countries in the world. In IP.V! India occupied fourth pi; re and said. Mr. (o.lho. she had taken the
    105 words
  • 45 12 Mr F Braunsc!-.vre!g. rr.a■aeer of the Election Watch moany of Switzerland Is due o arrive in the Colony on Thursday. Mr Brru.r.sehweig is on Far Castern business tour. In SingapDre. he will vi;:»Chop Chun Chong. sole agents for watches in Malaya.
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  • Article, Illustration
    78 12 ON a round the world tour is Mr Donald Byford. manuring director of l>. Byford and Co. Ltd.. Leicester. England, hosiery manufacturers Mr. Byford who called at Singapore and Kuala l.umpiir last week is seeking Kastern markets for his company's men's socks and finished outerwear. The socks are
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  • 397 12 India has unfavourable trade balance with Malaya THE FIRST SINCE PRE- WAR p()R the first time in the post war period India had an unfavourable balance of trade with Malaya last year. In 1953 India exported to Malaya goods worth $84,809,349 while Malaya sent to India exports valued at 898,430,692.
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  • 163 12 4 L'STRALIA must in- crease her export markets In this part of the world Bays Mr. K. F. Hutchence of Wiltshire File Co. Pty. Ltd. of Melbourne. Australia, who is on a ten month trip to Far Eastern countries. Mr. Hutchence. who represents a company which
    163 words
  • 207 12 Accounts machine chief on visit TO study the Singapore I and Malayan market potential for mechanised accounting machines, Mr. H. R. Prytz. managing director of Powers-Samas. arrived in the Colony last week. The companys punch-card ac counting machines are u>"d extensively in Government and business houses in this part of
    207 words
  • 93 12 "THE 1953 export figures of a well-known British tractor firm Massey Harris Ferguson of Coventry show that the number of their machines dispatched during the year to the Far East including Borneo, Burma. Malaya. Sarawak. Thailand, Indonesia. Indo-Chin, tlu» Philippines, Pakistan an<l Japan reached 339. Of
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  • 30 12 A flashlight imported from Germany which flashes red. green and white lights at the (lick of a swich. U getting "lots of attention" in the New York market.
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  • 225 12 MALAYA and Indonesia are fast overtaking the Philippines as an American market said Vice-Pre-sident Carlos F. Garcia of the Philippines. Ho said that the Philippines had lost to India her premier position as the biggest American market in the Far East. Today the Philippines
    225 words
    • 200 12 Big U.S. drive is reported I>IG business Interests on America's weat< 1J are gearing-up to invade F. Singapore executive believes. Mr. Wong Tiik Sau. managing director of the Amoy Canning Corporation, said that during iiK recent visit to America he found businessmen anxious to explore any trade
      200 words
    • 32 12 Hard wood exports may end TfBE I cd Ughl cr.sup;), Accon Forest* softwoo ompetltion African til grade d West a But. i tion add to t hi., ture. Impori New Zealand h
      32 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 222 12 <\ WE KB m •^■k^ Jr^ <^^S^^BBsP/4^Lr .^BBBBBBBBBB^Hsr ■WV^^. mV. ndM"' /^^g^gM .^gflgr i cssS b Jot jSt 1 BBP^X BBf jft ?B 1 EASILY &V V QUICKLY \^%^W INSTALLED *^00r Simmonds. makers of the famous FRAM Oil Cleaner, have now produced its cousin, tie FRAM PETROL FILTER. The filter,
      222 words
    • 100 12 \g7 iL/s V V BUL LDOG FENCtNG J^^rp| »jt^. x^nn r*x^ t\* 1 uwin iilJ^i I^^^!y ik FACTORY I RUBBER ESTATE y? 1£ ••••••••••••••••••••••a**** Ornamental Wire Window Guards v J^ yx^v /y* Crimesh &R. C. Crimesh. Xvx v</7 Xsyy' M^nufjcturert Wire Mesh Fencing Dcpt SOUTH ENGINEERS LIMITED, 314-A. B.ifu Road.
      100 words

  • Article, Illustration
    792 13 MONDAY 0 spend an lnm it puzzling radlng the pn of people who .study and portents if nothing lv. hut I fee] they could theii reputations a.s they'd (jet toll mally. 0 wizard informed nir ■••rday that Bunu a day of great opei for social ad- nt
    792 words
  • 43 13 Chinese influence in the West TIH: lIINKSF influence is strongly in evidence in this satin evening coat from Dighy Mortons spring collection. The coat, in a soft shade of porcelain pink, is worn over an electric blue silk dinner dress patterned with roses.
    43 words
  • 628 13 ELIZABETH (LADY) PAKENHAM' SAYS... THE MOTHER WITH SOMETHING TO SAY IS HERE WITH YET ANOTHER LESSON "VjUMMY, I've got a tummyache in my face." announced an Oxford reader's small boy at breakfast. That was mumps; and a spell in bed. "February fill-dyke."
    628 words
  • 143 13 Spotlight on your hair again HAIR is aeain in the beauty neus this week. First is a new style which has the unset look and a casual parting. It is still short, but gives a new width to the face. A fascitiatinc hair paint is applied like nail
    143 words
  • 403 13 SISTER CLARE I hope that, mothers do not look upon the matter of "Baby's exercisp.s" as being "an additional routine" or "one more lob to do"! Although these exercises may sound complicated, they are in fact very simple. T can be done at bathtime or playtime,
    403 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 107 13 Wg -m <•> a* I r V I Bk S Urn Km Bm All over Malaya fine Lactogen-fed babies are growing tip around us. Happy and healthy, full of laughter and rnrtL'V, babies such as the*? will i f I one day become loaders in the fields of the Arts
      107 words
    • 204 13 It must be the best Made specially fr>r baby. flkT> \> /ohnson's ftnby Powder i$ \i i lM 1 flNw a the softest, /inest powder V* ajfti" I In the world. U prevents PO /C\ Irritation, sooth*s and wr**^. fan comforts tender skin. U:e y^* :.*> It regularly, at balhtlme
      204 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 323 13 Straits Times Crossword •25*5 I I' Ij" II A( KOSS If). 1. Oho! The nil luiiug i .!I 13. Very ancient aiili v stitTly for5. HciiM' Be a living person (5). inal start i9i. 8. Part of the iiipsponslbility be- 15. The lady herald of tomorrow i3i loi»»s t« them
      323 words

  • 524 14 POLICE OPEN WITH A 5-1 BARRAGE Haron led rout of Fathul Karib By THE SPORTS EDITOR Police 5; Fathul Karib 1 CINGAPORE Amateur Football Association's Senior League opened at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, and Police, last year's Division Two champions, were able to make a successful debut at the expense
    524 words
  • 142 14 WnOITI for four CL. 5. DIV. I— "F. I Diplomat II races for the se- j lm%on 900 Winner House H. 07 cond day. March 10 »f y\™,™ f 813 Hoo B hly 80; the IVnan t Turf 'iIS II 8.0 (üb', sprin 8 meeting The^ajy Mi 111.1w.11p
    142 words
  • 430 14 Malaya among 10 best at hockey SAYS LH.F. MANAGER IPOH, Monday. MALAYA'S hockey standard was placed somewhere among the second half of the ten leading teams in the world today by Mr. B. L. Gupta, manager of the Indian Hockey Federation touring team. "If the lessons from our tour are
    430 words
  • 403 14 SCO's 11 -GOAL NOTICE TO DIV. 2 CLUBS SINGAPORK Cricket Club have one aim in this season's S. A.F.A. Lencue to cet back into the lust division. •Judging by yesterday's form, in a trial match on the padant;. they have everj chance of acluewni; Ihts object. Hie S.C.C. beat a
    403 words
  • 177 14 (CHINESE Athletic A" were lucky y to score a 1-0 victory over Haikowyu Sport.s Club in a SAFA ntv. 2 league soccer match played tit, Farrer Park yesterday The match was played on a waterlogged ground and there were few occasions v hen the hri'.l
    177 words
  • 79 14 MARIX K DEPARTMENT Sports CM team to mt-et Kota Raja in todays S.A.K.A. Senior Division Rime at .lalan Besar Stadium will include two associate members and Johan. who last year pl»ycd for Fathul Karib. Hassan and Johan do not work in the
    79 words
  • 209 14 ■v-EWI Y -PROMOTED BMgapCW Corinthians made a very lm■,>res:\e start in the PAFA MOMM division league ov s.nring a wellearned o-l victory over Young Men M :s'.:ir. Association at Farrer Park yesterday. Corinthians, who scored a grand double last year by winning both ;;if
    209 words
  • 127 14 THE only goal or The came scored r-y Palamappan fo'ir minu'es from time enaoled Bartley .Secondary School to beat Johore English College I—o at soccer on the MMV BODCA ground yesterday. Bartlev School, who have only been beaten once so far this season, would have
    127 words
  • 41 14 The Singapore Hockey Association XI to play against Johore on the Singapore Recreation Club padang today is: E N. Ptllai; R. H. Barth, Ajit Singh; Gunendran. Vellupli>ii Devadas; S. J. Durant. Do?ey. A. Clarke. O. Rozario. B Coutts.
    41 words
  • 68 14 len schools have entered for the SAFA youth soccer competition this season Two of them Junior Technical 1 School and Methodist Boys Afternoon S.liool— are taking part for the first time. I The other eight schools are i RafPes. ACS Beatiy. Victoria. St. j Josephs.
    68 words
  • 44 14 Alexandra FT. beat Kebenaran 1 Club 3-2 in t..e first SAFA Div. 3A fixture on 'he M F.A. ground yes- terdav. Hassan Ahmad i2t and Hamifi Basil scored for the winners Safwar and Swanee po: the Kebenaran i goals.
    44 words
  • 54 14 Tamil Brotherhood Association received a walk-over from C.V M.A (Portuguese Mission) in their SAFA Div. 2 league soccer match scheduled to be played on the F N. ground yesterday. CYMA ha\e withdrawn from the i league. They informed the S A.F.A hon. Mental] of their decision only j
    54 words
  • 44 14 E. Mitchell won the Singapore Rifle Association spoon shoot at Bukit Timah on Sunday with a nett score of fi6. The handicap S. R. (b) winner vns to Miss B J Helenius 1 67.67 > and the S.R. <a) to Mr. Burgess (68i.
    44 words
  • 202 14 \M ALAYAS two top badminton iTI players Ooi Teik Hock and One Poh Lim. who played in the last two Thomas Cup tournaments, left Singapore by air yesterday mcrninc for Britain where they will take part In the All-England championships on Mar.
    202 words
  • 242 14 RIOT SQUAD AND EXTRA POLICE AT TEST GROUND Special guard for umpi, GEORGETOWN A POLICE riot sqund stood hv and police si the ground was doubled when play was here today in the third ertekei Tesi match England and the West Indus. These extra precautions, were taken because of the
    242 words
  • 118 14 HONG KONG HONG KONG is not eligible U take part at soccer a* the Asia: Games as they were not affiliatec to the Federation Internationa Football Association. But the Colony will send about 21 athletes to Manila and at least seven to Vancouver for the
    118 words
  • 29 14 Oriental Telephone and Elect Company defeat »d Ro.pts A' S in a keenly contested soccer fnen. at Fane' Park yesterday. Salim scored both goals for OTI
    29 words
  • 33 14 PERTH. Mon Marjone Jackson I equalled Fanny Blanker Koen> world record In winning the final oi the 220 yards in 24 2 ser JHHtCIOu. !in the Australian charrnionship.' I here.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 84 14 i HAARI.F.M. iH I men i min'mi chai All Dullish pla pton i i mark) 15-9 had I Choong had final and pla] for a timf i playir,.. Choonc .md n langor, i doublet but Hans 1 they Ills H In lie mlxe I
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 761 14 CLASS. FIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued frorr. Page fit Classified Advertisement Service Provided 3 Sti.nM Timei f Box Number n used, you I miy PHONE your small *ds j I to Singapore 2800. ACCOMMODVIION V\( ANT Wmm $i (Mm.) Hox i» rli. ■aSMt "CO8MO8". 17 ScotU Ril. Available ore small Pavilion for
      761 words
    • 1081 14 TIITION |it Wort, U (Him Box St rf.. saSPa. Bk.Kpg. A: Shand. Beslnnn.s Mar. Eve. Typing any time 3 places i 155 machines, speed daily 6" IM SIC Mid. Rd. Col.Q. *****. 8584H GUARANTEED Ongg Shorthann Typewriting. 18 3 months— j < 100 'li w.p.m. respectively) Classes i in (lifferent
      1,081 words
    • 285 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE 10 »ortf» Si (Mm t—Bux >• r'< (Xfra AISATIAN puppie.s by Imported dan of International Champion Bloodlines. Phone 8352R Mr. Robert office hour. After 2 pm. *****. I GOING CHEAP good old second- hand "Chapel London 2-Pedal Grand Piano. To be viewed per appointment. Apply Box
      285 words
    • 237 14 FOR SALE 20 H —i. ti i»in.)-U,,x <o flu. extra FOR SALE 15 genuine handpainted Peking Pictures of Imperial Palaces and Gardens, size 15" x 25" also genuine old Mandarin Cloaks from the Imperial House. Peking. 1 Can be \iewed by appointment." MISCELLANEOUS *j (Min.t Hox jii cl*. extrm. GANYMED
      237 words
    • 35 14 For extra plrnsurr anil satisfaction $K CHI RCHMAYS No. 1 s^"' "i- SO or 25, and A N r^W- r**_ j ■!-->■ i 1 «*F» [ROSKOPI -^FAMOUS SINCE ~H /f^ ACTUAL TMCKNtSS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA BORN
      35 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 112 14 SO( I i: > \l II \<i< I n Riij v Marine Depl I Mr. I'.fUK i Rangers, hoik i»n km v s.i.-iar i i Farm Police v. Kadm U I n. B. iinl.iii Gyvkhana. I VJ in 1 1 i; B 4 ikmii \i ton.t. Barker Rats' Bemtty, i
      112 words