The Straits Times, 31 January 1954

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
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  • 393 1 SINGAPORE CRIME WAVE- BUT POLICE ARE IN ACTION $22,000 haul in 10 days A CRIME wave in the past ten days in Singapore has yielded $22,130 for the Colony's criminals. There were 20 robberies and attempted robberies and 27 incidents of housebreaking and theft. While the police are "concerned" at
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  • 58 1 Three winners: 1,666 each W0K1) PUZZLE people share thp 000 prize in th^ Times Worr 1 ■jzzle "H" Each will Keive $1,666.66 SolglBoo" Chilian. 32 Brickfie Road KUALA LUMK. a. Khoo. Technical Col--I*l KUALA LUMPUR: Mw Irlam. 21-6. Long Rev 221 Veh. Bn. JOHORE BAHRU. FjUJt rhe wnn ng Hu'on
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  • 71 1 Malaya police to have closer link with Siam BANGKOK THip Of In southern Bi. closer co-ordination WD ;>olice igi ilayan tei opr MalayinSl* nrra Ll a. Ed v a Police Informatio: the Special Suppre squ \r of the Police 1 Investigation H\\\-r. from here tor j^gf in f- istal waters
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 61 1 Kl'M.A LUMPUR. Sat —Tan 8ia B> r and Lim Chonc Hoo quitted today in the Kuai our First Magistrate irt of putting two danc in fear of assault s they paid $50 protects ■^He maclstratr. Inch? Ismail. «ai£he wns not sure of thr ■^■^k innorence
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  • 213 1 and now Mary speaks English kJARY Wang. 21. daughter o* a Ch reve lOurna'St, joned liri tHe Adult Education cla^ at Can Enc Seng School. v npapo--e. a year ago She had to learn EiiRli-h to marry. Her fiame was a student in ■n Arrrrican university ?nd
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  • 119 1 She-wolves mothered this boy NEW DELHI Id OFFICIALS M B»lrjim|>r.rc tioipitii m Luc know %»<i today •mi j wolf boy who gnndt hit teeth and snarls like j wolf is to receive treatment by Indian university professors to turn him into normal human being Dr. D. N Sharma. of Balrampore
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  • 31 1 WASHINGTON. Sat. Thr United States has decided to xifct a Communist hid to rosumo preliminary Korean peace talk.s at P&nmunjom next Monday informed sources said today —U.P.
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  • 58 1 MONTREAL. Sat Tor the 10th year in succession Canada"s production of newsprint in 1953 boat all records. Mr R. M rosier. President pf the Canadian Plug and Paper Association, said last night. Total output was 5.700.000 tons an increase of l'j per rent, of 1352 Exports
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  • 70 1 KARACHI. Sat -Police yesterday questioned the Japanese crewmen of four trawlers ■hartted with fi*hinf? illegally n Pakistan .s territorial waters. Authorities said the trawlers, seized by a Pakistani warship >n Thursday niKht and escorted into Karachi harbour, beon? to a Japanese company Policy were tryi.iß to
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  • 34 1 NAIROBI. Sat Captain Gerald Selby Lewis Qnrtiths 43-year-old King's African Rifle. Company Commander, has been arrested on "ohldlnc charg's- of ill-treating Africans, a spokesman f°r Army Command hradquarters said here vstrrday
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  • 50 1 Sir Thonia* Lloyd. Permanent Under-Secretary of BtatI for the Colonies, arrived in Singapore yesterday by BOAC Argonaut from Hong Kong for week .s vi>jt Sir Thomas. who was accompanied by his wife, will I visit schools and hospitals I during his stay in the Colony
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  • 59 1 MILWAUKEE. Sat —George Oodford first reported to police that he last US$6OO. more than tvo months ago when his wallet slipped from his pocket as he worked on a construction job He delayed reporting it. he said, because I felt loolLsh and ashamed of myself 1 for
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  • 37 1 WASHINGTON. Sat A United State* official said yesterday the administration had reprimanded the United States Far East Command for engaging Japanese .surveyors of New Guinea without consulting thr Defence or State Departments i UP.
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  • 106 1 I IM Choon Huat, secondforeman of the labour force at Kah Hrn Rubber Factory. Bukit Trnnah Road Singapore, appeared before the Fourth District Judge Mr I B |eyaratnam, yesterday charged with ab ducting the m.lliona re Lim Kok Gin. and his driver. Ng Siew Sin.
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 1 The dovernur. Sir John Nk-01l watching veMrrdav 1 anuu.l Malayan ICugby iU«U !>r--twren North and South at the Jalan Brsar Stadium which South wun with an all-high record score —HI to Others hi llir |>„ 1.. >lr lrM' P lr" sidrnt ul iht- Mjljn.iii Kiix'in a,,d Mr.
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  • 131 1 First 2 prizes to Perak KAMPAR Sat 'THE and second prize* of the 18th Social and Welfare Service* Lottery drawn at Kampar today went to Peralc. The third prize of $50,000 was sold in one of the Federation pout offices while the fourth prize of $25 000 went to
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  • 109 1 ALBANY Ne» York. Sat. MR. Chester Bowles. lornv-r U.S Ambassador to India and Nepal, said at Albany yesterday that Asia would •fat under the heel of Communism if democracy fau«*d to survive in India. Mr Bowles added that neither the Ei.m -nhower nor Truman administration,
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  • 180 1 HANOI. Sat /'COMMUNIST guerillas overV' ran 15 French outposts in South Vietnam today and the rebel radio proclaimed a general offensive" to push the French out of IndoChina The Vietminh rebels stabbed into French lines all over Laos, imperilling the flank oi Franco Vietnamese troops who landed
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  • 54 1 SINGAPORE police an after the owners of pint* irlf-dnvt hire-cart. Recent robbenet tbow thrv are being uted by gangttcrt in hold-upt Th t $11,000 NAAFI robbery in Chua Chu Kan( Road was an ciample. Two of rfcree cart itted in the robbery were
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  • 55 1 OXFORD England. Sat. Free-spending American* were cited yesterday as one of aeveral factors responsible for th« high rate of Illefltlmate birth in thLs ancient univer.sity dty But the chui caiLv citnl »a.v the nrewlm btllef thai tbtre U nothing wiong in .sexual relations before marriage
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  • 224 1 BERLIN. Saturday THE Fce^n M.n sters of the United States and the 5 Union met tonight >n the frst tcp-e^c an o* P-es-dent Eisenhower's proposal tc put atorv c powc I wo'V tor peaceful purposes Over BHktalll anJ u\. la.'t nieht Russia's V M Molotuv
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  • 63 1 A thief who specialtata In hooking out trousers Irr I houses hkJ been bi^y aronni' Telok Kurau Road, Bin On Knday ni«ht h. out a pair of slacki kx to a woftian .itul I Kuropean man > trou-> another bfl He got away with
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  • 38 1 LONDON. Sat A labour M P.. Mr Richard Cros mm thut sir Win Chui or thro nw.iv w!nt mi ht be lvIn the Win hi: t><peace in Ihe i. ..(lc an I U P.
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  • 104 1 Queen's tears say farewell Zealand!. Sat THE Queen brushed away tears With a white;loved hand as she bad*> farewell to the people ot New Zealand from the boat ieck of the roya! Iner Gothic BlufT at the .southern Id •God Sea •'•,im,n: where un Wf>clne*day il rain Mired and th»>
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  • 8 1 I ilLsh in Mine.
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  • 12 1 WASIIINt layag »1 :nba>-v :.our df Pi A.P.
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  • 10 1 TOIO. latkM .i> Hi January it.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 I ill COCAM H>L tegjd bgj| fj Hid storage W Ppj r W Heameries I rj Pi '-ll T rNEW YEAR HlTS!~~*™*» 12 -INCH LONG PLAYING RECORDS. present >> 15-16 Top Tunes of the day, compiled according to Radio. Record and Music Surveys, on a s ng,le I'ccurd, rendered in
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    • 26 1 DIAL 2800 From tomorrow the telephone number of the Straits Time* office in Singapore trill be 2800 1 12 lines) }ti\trad of 5471 1 DIAL 2800
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    • 72 1 \mmkk <■'■ 4' 7 y> Vialtt Ski|h luri»» iky correct jppl.cjt.on 9» Fjcc fowrfcr from Mj« Fjcror. r ,r> the Mji Fjcror Sjlon H«ll,»ood FACE POWDER b > A fax Jactor HOLLYWOOD Soft II lit <lrl- v/t. ham Ml <-i Max F*i~ H»ihut4 Hrn IW* (Tiv» V«W v^ir I »»rm.
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  • 2335 2 THE RAFT OF DESPAIR TIIRA ENSIO tells anofher thrilling chapter of— Now rrcox'rd from h., ordeal. T>M »ble to fell the m ,rk»Mr «r«nr of t»««p* »»<»«" h, tptnt 5 5 day* on small raft before being picked up und brou<nt to Singapore. Tht p4«ot*r«»" fht left wit taken in
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  • 671 2  -  Wolf Mankowitz EX-KING FAROUKS KNICK-KNACKS' FOR SALE AT- By THE world s art trade is taking Its summrr holiday parly this year For the next two months B.O.A.C airliners will ferry art dealers tat £162 return) to Cairo for the greatest art auction in history. The
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  • 309 2 OQUARE DANCING has come O to stay in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya Despite the climate, the calls of "Honour your partner*' and "Honour your corners" are ringing out in wider and wider circles in our country. It has become a craze and will continue
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 73 2 007-X W &\rJ fly to Europe bf*-^ by fast comfortable IMIOtIIO [•i^% I I t I m¥ij^ Additional standard BO AC. ARGONAUT fl.ghts to Europe and the United Kingdom are as follows LEAVINC SINGAPORE on 27rh.. and 29th.. January and 3rd., and 10th., February. Rook NOW, throußh your usual Travel
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    • 254 2 MARMITE IS EVERYONE'S jfCthes? food I The vitamin* In Marmite keep ever.' and these vitamins mean gonri now and In the future. By ad' _^^^v. to our meals every day, we str N^pTo bodies to resist drills md get more goodness fro^ r., r/1 we eat: and children are v
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  • 198 3 Ex-policemen could help children over road JHE Singapore traffic chief. Mr. W. R. M. Haxworth, suggested yesterday that pensioned off policemen be engaged to help school children across the road during peak hours. Mr. Haxworth was commenting on letters from parent? romplainmg that motorists did not give school children a
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  • 110 3 TWO Federation men, Itmail bin A. Rahman and Hashim bin Awang, were fined S5O each in Singapore yesterday for hitting a police inspector. Inspector Copal Krithnan was motor-cycling along Beach Road in plain clothes last Friday night when a car suddenly came out from Kalian*
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  • 127 3 Entertainers of several nationalities performed colourful adaptations of snappy oriental and continental myth dance.s and mu-sic A laM night's international variety presentation of the Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple at the Singapore Badminton Hall. The presentation, under the patronage of the Commis-sioner-General. Mr. Malcolm Mao Donald. «x<
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  • 73 3 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Sat Ordered to be sent to a home of detention. Tee Shui Chee, 60-year-oUi bMltf, today asked the Bukit Mertajam Court to let him .spend the Chinese New Year with a friend in Bukit "I would like to join him in his
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  • 37 3 Cipli.n R Bntton and hit bride. Mist Ann. Rtchjrdton. p.cfmod after Htcir marriage at St. Andrew's Catfcdrjl. Singapore yesterday. Tfce bride works for the Br.fuf. Far Eastern Broadcasting Service in Singapo'c Sunday Time* picture
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  • 397 3 ALL-WEATHER PORT FOR MALAYA SCHEME KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. kJ ALAYA needs not more tmall ports but better ones. Mid Mr. D. F. Allen, former shipping adviser to the Commissioner-General in South-East Asia in his report on the country's minor ports published today. He urged the creation of an all-weather port
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  • 82 3 CHINESE New Year Joy rides 1 are being organised by the Royal Singapore Flying Club for next Wednesday and Thursday In addition to thrir own Cessna three-seater and two Auster twtn-seaters. they will use a Dakota borrowed from Malayan Airways Thr 21 seats on
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  • 211 3 CHUA Sene Kee told a Slnqapore court yesterday that Chinese custom was ag-amst borrowins in the New Year and it was not possible for him to raise a loan until the 15-day festival season was over. He was accused in the First Criminal
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  • 67 3 IPOH. Sat Two Sikh teenagers. Haim Singh, aged 17. and hi.s sister. Bans Kaur. aged 13. were today charged in the Ipoh M.urn- 1 itr.s Court with causing grievous hurt to a Sikh woman. Haioan.s Kaur. at the Kamponu Rapat New Village on Nov.
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  • 125 3 rE Singapore Oovernment may Introduce a new training scheme for thr Colony's workers in the event of widespread unemployment. The Chief Employment Offlrer. Mr F O Tyson, has sent the scheme to the Oovernor. Sir John Nicoll. for approval The Minister of State
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 1 C€MIV*MMLV mfft^ the fittest name on recorA r THIS >lO\ril N \I\V lIMOIIHS. FB.ItW March Mrdley Rrg Dtxon i n:t6!>« »n'rr\<QS) "Vara (on DioV (Waltt) V. Silvester gj H***** "Santa Clam I* coming to Town" M> (.ill 1 F. Sinatra riBSSSI "O^ \>Kr»" "Thr Minute Samba" Perry Faith r>B:nil
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    • 407 3 £4,315 FOR YOU AT AGE 55 Mon of worn'T). undf-r 4S by pillar monthly, half-yearly or yf-arly amounts under the SUN LIFE OP CANADA plan ran. for ewnpli M* 55 a lump sum t;4 31S for men f>r C4JS2 V r w« m< n or a prlvatf incomi- for life
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 181 3 The weather MINIMI M TtMPFRATI'RK i 7 JO P m on Jan 29 to 730 am. on Jan 30 r Singapore 7S desrrm. Pvnane 11, Knin Buhru 72 Kuala I-umpui 1-2 Ipoh An Ku.nisn 70 ■ItMM TI.MPKRATI'KC I 7 31 am. to 730 pm on Jan. 30 1 Singapore 90
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  • 869 4  -  S. RAMACHANDRA by I VISITED my "old love" Malacca after a lapse of four years and saw some odd things there which I never bothered about during my previous annual visits. That Malacca la historic ha.s been oltcn &uid and ls lactu- ally
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  • 274 4 And $5,000 for an elephant /X)MMUNIST terrorists, government restrictions and diminishing numbers of wild animals are making it difficult for Malaya's big game hunters to earn a living. Elephants and tigers are in demand on the wor"jd wild anlmaj market but they are scarce. The current price
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  • 460 4 LABOUR COSTS: BOTlLl OF WHISKY A NOTHER week has passed without any indications of a flood occurring, as predicted by the frustrated prophets of evil who. however, maintain that one is inevitable on the arrival of extraordinary high sprinK tides. These can only worsen the effects of
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 4 Ttin week's nature study fees* tt»4y for attack, comes horn Yofif H*»§ of 95 KmjU KjngMr Road Pen*««
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    • 67 4 Sg6^^s3^ss^A*^^ff%ji :^tf^^H>S^3^Plo|HSr^36^^^^^r^B??^g^^g^^^^gw^B^g^J^g^g^g^^g^g^g^^g^B^BM^B^R?^^^ J^^P^&bEz3£&^v //Vwfji. g^va^g^a a a a. Hft ■^■S 9 jbS g^g^V/*^' ***^M3t ai^^S^^Sg^ >3 >< §y3*QyH£yg?rgSgjj^B3gCL^»«gj»6^?^^^M^^^^g^^Hl^^^g^^^W^J|g^g^^Bp /mmF H^H w «<^j '^s .vr 'Jgfe w-P ~f' 2»?^csSSlfis^c^fcJc3^<^KrtjJ^'^ ~^^^TSo!lKj£!3r-jg^^P^g^g^g^g^^g^g^g^^^g^ggag^g^^g^g^g^g^S^^gS^ißl^g^g»sy/''. '^yy^^r^^t^ g^Fj^gl H Wmf f g^Kbf' v^ \p£ g^^r £^fc3£X*x3i£*tc™vE33£r2%P~acP' im^ga /j >wgir^ K. g^Va^g^ VJ m nVJ gfllf I^Lgfl I,
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  • 220 5 CITY RELIES ON YOU FUTURE ENGINEERS' MR. McNEICE SINGAPORE relies enormously on the 22 youths who have been offered scholarships by the Australian Government to study engineering in Australian universities, the City President, Mr. T. P. F. McNcicc. told the Sunday Times yesterday. The youths, he said, would return to
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  • 59 5 DANCCR AND STAR LAVA I "Clad to be here J?jin Rjki. 22. returned to Singiporc Ijtt night by Qantjt-8.0 AC. Conttellatien after toagh but p! i Mai time in New Zcjljnd. Lay* a Arthur Rjnk ttjr. hit been m New Zealand with I tck H*wkint
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  • 129 5 Call to back rubber workers KUALA LL-MPUR. Sat THE Malayan Trade Union Council's Srlangor division today called on workers in Malaya to .stand by their colleagues in thr rubber industry during "their hour of crisis. The divisional committee appealed to workers to "give wholehearted support for any union action which
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  • 72 5 The death took place at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday of Mrs. Maud Eunlcr Foonander 88. widow of Dr. Marcus Foenander. The latt Mrs. Fornander came from Ceylon 10 Selangor 66 yrar.s ago whon Klang was the capital of the State. The mining village of Kuala Lumpur
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  • 79 5 The first ever radio telephone link-up between Singapore and New Zealand will be inaugurated tomorrow when the two chiefs of the New Zealand Insurance Company in Singapore speak to their funeral managrr in Auckland. The two heads are Mr. D. O. Hare, manager, and Mr. N.
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  • 65 5 BECAUSE hr had lost his lob. Ong Ah Huat tried to take his own life with an overdose of sleeping tablets in a hotel at Serangoon Road. Singapore In the Sixth Police Court yesterday. On? was bound over for six months for attempted suicide. Pleading guilty,
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  • 74 5 Labourers at a rubber estate in Bah Soon Pah Road, off Sembawang Road Singapore, stopped work on Friday afternoon and chased two men following a robbery. The victim was a lnwl seller The robbers were making off after taking $18 from him when he shouted for
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  • 72 5 Two shopkeepers. Ram Kishen and Chini Jodha. yesterday pleaded not guilty in Singapore to a charge of dishonestly retaining sto'en army rations. The prosecution said that 145 tins of milk and 221 lb of sugar had been stolen from the British Military Hospital storr and sold to
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  • 86 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat— The following have been appointed to the Johore Bahru Hosplta. Board for 1954:- Datin Sharlfah Hawa binte Khalid. Datin Fati.-nah binte Ibrahim. Che Selamah binte Mohd Said Datin N Moothamby. Mrs N. Krishnapillai, Mrs L Dugdale Mrs. C. Danker, Inche Sardon Jubir. Mr. Yap Kirn
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  • 26 5 Eleven cases will come up for hearing at the next Singapore Assizes which open ;»t the High Court tomorrow before Mr. Justire Buttrose.
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  • 103 5 NEXT Thursday a team of Royal Ai r Forco experts will lravp Britain for Singapore to holp RAF' pilots In all parts of the world compare notes on the behaviour of planes. The experts are with what the RAF calls lt K
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  • 181 5 Rubber was moderately steady in SniRapore yesterday with lair business passing The price sained one eighth of a irem and closed at 55 cent* la lb. The opening price was 55^2 cents and business was done down to 55 3 16 centa. Closing prices yesterday la cents
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  • 106 5 After pleading guilty In the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday to a charge of having been found without any means of subsistence and begging for alms in Tampenls Road on Jan 29. Png Lee Heng. 60. asked to be sent to a home for the aged. Png
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  • 39 5 MODENA. Italy. Sat A huge mass of earth and rocks Inching down a nearby valley wiped out three farm settlements today and forced more than 100 peasants to flee their homes In the danger area.— UP.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 439 5 Free List Suspended for 6.30 9.30 shows ~FULL MOON! i r atkomse thk day shows and avoid the of not being able to see 11//(\v i-^-Jl, r^^y THE PICTURE everyone f/V VV 3 1* Jl M. IS TALKING ABOUT! I I \fj H,*tu4 tkrt UnlM ArtliU William Holden David Nlven
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    • 218 5 1 4ipitiol CHINESE RESTAURANT 0 BALLROOM BY POPULAR REQUEST Chinese New Year TEA DANCES on Wednesday. Thursday Friday from 4-7 p.m. •rilh riXin 4.*****0 nt //>#' ntihf EXSHAW^^ t he Finest C 9@3i Cognac Brandy /jjjj£ > BORNEO j mI FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR Th« h«ppi«at f> occasion of the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 317 5 CluriDAnr 110 v '> <t nr Ho 1 11 30 Joe Lorn: alnuArUKEi 100-504 At Singapore. 500 Pr<v 7.15 Mon.lng Star: 730 News: mm^ ell nw J sf*S?i 735 Melody Mixture; «00 Come Into 45 M ilf r^ The Parlour; 830 Breakfaxt Hour. P'« no p J*J R! v T"
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  • 426 6 Yes it was spelled all right, they found out LETTER recently sent by a retired Malayan Civil Service man In England to the City President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice. sent City officials scurrying round to Cavenagh Bridge to examine its Inscription. Writer of the letter was Mr H
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  • 339 6 Souvenir-hungry guests hit our hotels NEW YEAR SMILE COIVENIR hunting guests and visitors to Singapore hotels are one of the worries bothering the Colony's hotel managers. Thousands of glasses are replaced each month because of the "taking ways" of many patrons. One large Singapore hotel reported It replaced 1,000 glasses
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  • 712 6 Horse of I lie THE towkay had high 1 hopes of The Year Of The Horse. His eldest daughter would, he thought, marry a young doctor who seemed interested; trade would recover a bit; and Chiang Kai-shek would return to the mainland. I had no doubts about
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  • 259 6 ONLY the whites of eggs are used In the making of an angel cake; the yolks can be made into lemon cheese or custard. An angel cake may be the foundation of an elaborate masterpiece of icing and decoration. Smothered In fruit or ice cream it
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 |T Through service via 1 Py Singapore M 5213.00 \rtf\l\jsS^' per Kilogram. twr/ tj"^ cr j~j^jj I MEBAN\ IN THE WEST V (I EASY TO CARRY J| H EASY TO LOAD J| |i •EASY TO USE J| ||l OBTAINABLE FROM fl JACKS PHOTO CO.. M %sk 157 NORTH BRIDCE ROAD.
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    • 128 6 r\(i^ /4tr Service every Sunday I j jf\}^r v a Ko t a Bh^.y f fmX&tfi Arriving 1.15 p.^ "i. if Return Fare om P^^s^vl lH) Singapore M Cargo Rate fr g^Pi'/^ a Singapore M* w^» per O| m NORTH 1 J T0 W-fl p r otecte<<o: JV tm I
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  • 798 7 rKE glamorous swirling evening dress pictured here is of French lace trimmed with a stiff frill of nylon net over a very full taffeta foundation. The frill and underskirt are black and the lace itself is of pale
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  • 1205 7 I HAVE been married (or at* three years, but I have just fallen In love with a girl who happen* to be the boss's daughter. She knows I am married but she is In love with me. I explained to her that my wife did not object
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  • 40 7 w Ay»fii». MM here wit* J "friend," was dubbrd "Mitt Cin«- mjScopc 1" jfrei til* jppc^red in i the first made in rtto ntw proccit She had to instruct bi<I name ttart in how to act.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 476 7 Deep-Cleansing c/rci T e (je?p-cleansing is the greatest secret in beauty care. $c ause a perfectly clean skin is the foundation of true "Anne French Cleansing Milk actually floats away hidden dust and impurities right from the base of Be.' pores. It removes the dust you can't even *?e by
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    • 234 7 I**. f«| fa f brilliance ahoiit th* i\ I lonrrr-loting YarHlev V', ZW i,p,.,.k,. -W J vf fatrinatirig rolmin J inrludr thr < harming 5 lew shade Row Coral. i J YARDLEY K A^jy\ Feather Foundatiftn ,--v^C< I I A mrnt fUtf-nnf •moota. j*^^i n<-w liquid rresm B 'r <
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  • Article, Illustration
    963 8 FA THER: Novelist DENISE ROBIN* wants to Know Mouse? I APPEAL t<> t ln* rather <>f (Ik- [amity to reinstate himself in tin* household ;k Ihe No. 1 authority. I consider that the tarty st;iie of affairs thai exists in so man> homes loday homes of bolli wealthy and poor
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  • 4 8
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  • 910 8 NEW OI'EHATIOX BOHX IS WAItTIMK ||K was still limping a little as he came into the consulting room. "I'm getting worried about myself." he said. "You remember how 1 used to play hockey, don't you. doctor? Well now I find that I can't even
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 tA clearer, lovelier skin i^P^| day by day s? To be lovely, clear and smooth, your skin must be healthy. Make a habit of "4 washing with Rexona Soap: only "&Mr Rexona contains Cadyl^— its stimu* lating action helps to keep your skin clear, smooth and radiant. /M KW aY
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    • 238 8 THIS NEW STYLE IS HERE TO STAY Thr flow Inf. lintx J*l of Sincaporv's < oal-of-Armt "^^S romplrmrnla thi» rnsrmblr of lUhlwrifhl dirv and V*^ «C J W% N S~~l J*«hrt. The drvaa, in alub f S/V \lt\t mL b»4 Ml* in liar nt Migar TV 'P' J wsfrt/
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    • 247 8 Enjoy /Ac luxury lof fine ASPARAQui I es 0 fien qq dSS^^ 0 ///k( I CAMPBELLS Qraam of ASPARAGUS j SOUP WgS/B^Wlfk bell's Cream of jS^Mfji^U^k blend of garden-frr- golden creamery butt>touch f seasoning, and |t l^-* cuts of asparagus T I "JMrVgU^ Campbell's Cream o f >OC tomfiht' CONDfNSfD
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  • 429 9 By CAPT. D. H. dc T. READE DYDAND" is a little pet Rusa deer, owned by A" Company of the I*t. 3attalion Cordon Highland jrs in Malaya. Hij name, ap propriatdy, is the regiment s motto. He is about
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  • 115 9 Ninety people, Including 46 Asians, gate blood last week 10 the Singapore Blood Bank -but transfusion^ to patients to'alied 93. There were 26 new donors. Of these 19 were Chinese, eight Europeans and one Eurasian. Amon K the donors were 10 medical students from the University
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  • 61 9 THI Little Sitter* of the Poor in Singapore feel rick yetter.<y. It was Mr. Tco Kirn Hern 57th birthday and to celebrate the occasion, he gave $500 to the Sis»cr» home in Thornton Road. "It wat a wonderful gift, and it will make a lot
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  • 32 9 BUTTERWORTH, Sat—lnspector M Govindaaamy. district crime officer and court prosecutor, has gone to Klang on transfer. Inche Abbas bin Haji Zainal Abidin from Kuala Kubu has relieved him in Butterworth.
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  • 208 9 MR. DOUGLAS L. HOGF World President of tru Junior Chamber International, is visiting the Far East next month in the course ot a ten--1 week global tour. The Singapore Junior Chamber ot Commerce, which is affiliated to the J.C.1., will entertain Mr Hoge during his
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  • 19 9 Singapore Camera club drill hold a picnic at Mr Loke Wa n Tho's bungalow at Loyang today.
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  • 122 9 Lee Long Eng. former Governor of Fukien Provmce m China »nd a trusted official of Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek, is m Singapore. Gen Lee is visiting the Colony "purely for private reasons." His visit, he said, has nothing to do with politics. The 40-year-old
    122 words
  • 46 9 For permitting Tan Hoe Chean to use his car along Keppel Road on August 24 while not covered by third party insurance. Pek Siong Koon was fined $50 in Singa- pore yesterday. Pek was also disqualified from driving for one year.
    46 words
  • 75 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat OpHE Johore Bahru Telecoms building is now complete. The new building which cost $?30.000 is situated on Bukit Tambalan close to the Government Office building. It is away from the noise of main «-oad traffic. Is airy and commodious. However it will not
    75 words
  • 47 9 Five men. two armed with knives, broke Into a coffee shoo in Circular Road. Singapore, yesterday and took $29 worth of cigarettes. They woke an assistant who wa.s .sleeping in the shop by pulling his hair and forced him to open the safe
    47 words
  • 366 9 'Vic Optimists in Singapore By ERIC MOTTRAM "THE curtain went up between a more or less nervous audience and a line of delightful looking artistes against a striking night-blue sky. soft light and ritzy furnishings Ard after the witty personal introductions, the cathartic satire on Mr. Haxworth and the blithe
    366 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 J dreamed I arrived in Paris >^ iaidenette Strapless bra f[ s i new experience in carefret j^Llift! Mtidenette* Strapless givr i you such a chic silhouettt, fitters you with dainty inserts jflKd feather-light boning. Oh your favorite fabrics. |r t Maidenform Brassieres "ißt made only United States of America.
      250 words
    • 298 9 w*yT ther&s sometkUtq Hg9« m ike new You want a low-priced car with an aM-time high MrM|^kMHa performance, a family car with a petrol consumption 1^ of more than thirty miles per ga'lon The new Hillman Minx is your car! Looks are important, Mm Saloon $4.«j0 and Y 0 tend
      298 words

  • 25 10 t* U«rrf« fill i minimum) CAMPBEI.I DUNCAN, late of Ghlm Khoon bUH, Serdang. South Kedah, killed in an accident 25th Jnnuaiy ItM b) cable.
    25 words
  • 641 10 THE SUNDAY TIMES Singapore, Sun. Jan. 31, 1954 Malayans on trial AGAINST the full assault of Mr. Michael Hogans almost Burke-like oratory, all the protesting petition-signing, uproar and fulmination against the "No Jury" Bill melted away like ice in the Lake Gardens at noon. Two members of the Federal Legislative
    641 words
  • 1226 10 THE FRINGE OF A CONTINENT This map of the Qucefts travels in M50 miles t>r*'P u "f th Australia shews that although the royal J d 7"'«* b r travel party will bt on the move forV days they mad 5 I l 3 5 wiM
    1,226 words
  • Sunday Times POSTBAG
    • 106 10 I AGREE with "SAIFUL" in the Sunday Times that the Red Crass emblem is an international symbol of medical aid Being a broad-minded educated Malay. I have no argument about this. But illiterate people have an entirely different conception. To them the cross is a symbol of Christianity and, consequently,
      106 words
    • 154 10 THE letter In last week's Sunday Times Postbaj? from Mr. N. C. Thomas of Kuala Lumpur was highly commendable. The Delta Cannes Welfare Association. SlnRapore, appreciate very much Mr. N C. Thomas's gesture in advocating the formation of youth clubs in all key centres. The Delta Ganges Welfare
      154 words
    • 102 10 PLEASE allow me to refer to the Sunday Times of January 24 and the article headed The Old Days Bribes for the Jury 1 by Mr C. K. Campbell The accused and the dead man wore not relatives of the late Sultan Sir Idris. Both were nephews of
      102 words
    • 110 10 1 QUITE agree with the views expressed by "A Near Israelite- In hU letter published in the Sunday Times last week. Some people, like Mrs. Shirin Fozdar are tryinK to meddle with non-Christian people's affairs. If a man can afford Jt. he has every freedom to have more
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    • 63 10 DOES Mrs Shirln Pozdar, secretary of thf Singapore Women's Council, intend submitting the proposals of the Council to Mr. C. R Dasaratha Raj for inclusion In his Hindu Monogamous Marriage Bill (who I think will not hesitate to include therm or Is her committee really in favour of
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    • 93 10 ris a great pity that Johore State Welfare Committee finding it necessary, according to Dato H. E. MacKenzie In the Sun- day Times, to cut down welfare expenditure. At the .same time one reads in the press that there will be no Johore Grand Prix this year. Yet.
      93 words
    • 55 10 MY friend and I would be very obliged if you would kindly print our names and addresses in your paper and obtain u.s pen friends. Our interests art- varied. I>orern Harris Anne Cusark SSS.1S; K i I h f r n Clarrvillr Kcl h m, C: Kcnil worth
      55 words
    • 55 10 I nOVLD you please find me V/ some pen- friends, either sex. In Malaya My chief hobby is letter writing All letters will b<< answered. I am 2'Z ana a teacher in St Joh.i i Institute, a Brother ichool in Kuala Lumpur. A. (.(M)SAINATHAN I 11
      55 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 892 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. t* Word, fW f minimum I LIM-YONO: The engagement is announced between Bill Lim Chew Bwee ymingesi son of Mr and Mrs. Lim Buck Seng, and Kay Yong I/>o Khim. elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs Torn i^x>n Chonc. ANNOUNCEMENTS 211 Hard* HO I minimum THE WORLD famous
      892 words
    • 3 10 Jel TO ECONOMISE
      3 words
    • 44 10 1 1 Hi* 1 P> 21 \r 1N SPECIAL si Ik giftcartons I CONTENTS 24 PINT BOTTLES! -y Order the I K.KR curious from j any Fraser \ra\r branch. I l be delivered throughout Malay* Price $15.40. Singapore 1 517.80. Federation f DELIVERY FREE
      44 words

  • 180 11 I MEN from a secret society, operating in 1 raig Road. Singapore, raided a Chinese retail r shop at the junction of Tanjong Pagar Road teat up the proprietor's two sons. although bad y beaten, the brothers. Chew Hock Mm !tew Hock San
    180 words
  • 294 11 §SENAL LOSE TO ORWICH T|.K. soccer I LONDON. Sat. I 1)1 ItTII ROIMI 1 Norwich Itv 2 n 2 Hull < itv 2 1 Npwrantlr 1 It) (i Tort Vale 2 3 Swantra Town nn I I 1t,, 1i, ,n 4 let n 1 P.ii I) I Orient I
    294 words
  • 19 11 lew Zealand beat England 5-0 «C"KFNHAM. Sat. New d (All Blacks" beat Ens--0 in the Rugby lnternamatch here today.—
    19 words
  • 36 11 JOH E BAHRU. Sat.— All bin B Of the Johore mllita r.tenrrd to 45 .n>: lor extortion by Htting Chia Kirn Lorn: in fear o: and inducing him t< 7 towards i beer
    36 words
  • 79 11 Six members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons flew into Singapore yesterday by Qantas ConstelJation after a visit to Indonesia They are Lord Rae (Liberal". Lord Wilmot. of Selmer.ton < Labour i, Sir Harold R<>per i Conservative* Mr. Ptt»r Smlthers Conservative) Mr.
    79 words
  • 53 11 Mr. George Weltncr. pre.sidcnt of Paramount In.ernational Films Incorporation. flew Into Singapore ?ast night dv Qantas-8.0.A.C. Constellation from Jakarta Mr Weltner. accompanied by Mr. F. C. Henry. division manager of Paramount International Films, and Mr C. V Hake. managing director. i.s her c on a
    53 words
  • 44 11 PENANG. Sat.— Two bottles of mercury worth $26 were stolen trom the Municipal Workshops Sungel Pinang Road, ye.storday. k gold chain and a pair of .spectacles worth $62 were r* ported mUssinc from a hous<* in Toh Aka Lane.
    44 words
  • 45 11 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat —Chee Teck Sin, of Kulai, who kept his shop open on a prohibited day to sell newspapers, was fined $50 in the Police Court and 29 copies of the paper which wore found unsold in the premises were confiscated
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  • 22 11 Loe Kok Chye. whn drove a lorry inconsiderately in Keppel Road on Sept. 10, was fined $25 in Slnßapore yesterday.
    22 words
  • 904 11 This is the solution to Straits Time* Word Puzzle 'H', giving the answers which the committee of judges considered most apt. The prise of $5,000 will be shared by: Mrs. M. Mam, 21 B Long Row, 221 Veh. Bn.. oh ore lahni; Soh loon
    904 words
  • 116 11 rpELOK Ayer Methodist Youth •I. Fellowship. Singapore, is organising two bible-study courses for members, student*. Sunday School teachers and friends on Fridays beginning next month The first course on "Acts Of The Apostles", to be conducted by the Rev. H. L. Bone, former principal of Trinity College.
    116 words
  • 149 11 IT was an angry Singapore magistrate yesterday, who told a woman who wa< suing her husband for maintenance"lf you want a divorce, go to the High Court And get out of here if you don't want money from your husband." The magistrate was
    149 words
  • 54 11 HUNGER COST A BANDIT HIS LIFE SUNOEI PATANI. Bat— One hungry terrorist was killed by a patrol of B Section of th»--sth Battalion the Malay R*gi ment in the Blnjol are* Baling. 35 miles from Sungn Patanl. yesterday Another bandit escaped when security forces ambush ed the two as they
    54 words
  • 57 11 PENANO. Sat.— The Chief Police Officer. Mr H B J. Donaldson, today presented the Commissioner of Police's letter of commendation to three police staff They are Mr. Chee Way Kuan, a cierk and interpreter. Mr C O Tan translator with the special branch, and Mr.
    57 words
  • 184 11 TRIBUTE TO MR. CHENG YMCA hall to bt named after him THE auditorium in Singapore Chinese YMCAi new million-dollar building will br named after Its late prextden*. Mr. Homer Cheng, to "perpetuate his memory.' Mr. O. H. Kiat. the acting I president, who announced this yesterday, said "Mr Cheng's central
    184 words
  • 78 11 The Ist and 11th Singapore Companies, the Boys Brigade will hold a combined Chinese New Year fun-fair on February 6 to raise money for the Centenary Camp Fund. The fun-fair, to be openea by Mrs. O. G Thomson, wll] be at the Straits Chinese Presbyterian Church.
    78 words
  • 47 11 PENANO. Sat Yeoh Cheang Kay wnose retrial was ordered by Mr Justice Bpen ser WKklnson following an appeal was charged today with ha ring a terrorist document In the sea off Jelutonc on Not 26 The case w».« nxed for Ftb b
    47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 220 12 A TAIPINC amjtcur photograph** won Hnf B*is. in this week's Sunday Times Cwiw CtMitMt wlfli an entry which showed origmaMty as we! M mastership of the camera. The first prise-winner, of $30 it Chew Yrr Foong of 59 Main Road, Taiping. U,in» a RoUi»-x f J.
    220 words
  • 531 12 THE VttfTABU KMWDOM KVEALS ITS SECRETS OCIENTISTS In the B United States have created hundreds of amazing new uses for cellulose, the most Important primary substance of the vegetable kingdom. During the past 25 years cellulose has become one of the most Important and most versatile raw
    531 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 615 12 At 12 o'clock in HAVANA it's 7 o'clock In CAPE TOWN bW^U /M^l fl k^g^ WEtTeiQXim* gMksr i.n.. nM WESTCLOX -mht **M. Avoilo&ie in ivory and gunmetal a dial tMri o tetnt <tra«rnt fnm fairylom ftmshtd with nickel trim, has an easy At Om c/ock nck-teckj m tnt nd cootetf
      615 words
    • 72 12 Q[U?(Da]) ROLL FILMS S^^ S^^ H P 3 SE LOCH ROME Partchr«#aa»tc. •atrcmaly Hignly orthochromatk and A aMwsWB taat. wit* great »e«»iriy.ty notable tor great tipomre matic film of so to artificial ItajKt Hat a latitude Very popular ror for work long seal* of gradation and amateur snapshots and
      72 words

  • Article, Illustration
    615 13 Picture parade ERIC WOOLNOUCH SEES THE SHOWS THE HEART OF THE MATTER' Was it worth all the fuss? 'THERE was a lot of fuss about censorship beforr "The Heart of the Matter" was released for filming in Malaya. The ban on the film aroused an appeal, protes? i ana complaints
    615 words
  • 179 13 Vf-O-M has put some of Its best-known stars if together in the new comedy "Dream Wife." Among them are Cary Grant. Deborah Kerr and Walter Pid«?eon. Betta Bt. John wh > played In Broadway's "South Pacific makes her flln debut in thf picture as
    179 words
  • 140 13 Whatfilms do we like best? THE No. 1 man in Paramount International Films Incorporated Mr. George WeOner arrived in Singapore yesterday to discuss Hie "likes and dislikes" of South-east Asian film audiences. Mr sVrltncr. who pg«H lent i,' t*u f>r«i. t sVion !s jtt a roiird-tiv *< r«i sf> .nvestnatlng
    140 words
  • 79 13 St. Trinians' girls now come to life RONALD Scarlet terrible tcKool (irlt have invaded rile Sheppcrion Film Studio* where Frank Liundcf Kai started directing The Bcllci or St. Triman*." A new production for London Films, it Is based on th* 1 pictorial misdeeds of Searle V infamous young women who
    79 words
  • 286 13 SWASHBUCKLING, dar- he's in Scotland in the in* Errol Flynn is time of Bonnie Prince back again. This time Charlie. And the film Robert Louis Stevenson's novel The Master of Ballantrae. It's an entertaining film and Flynn fans will love it. It will alao
    286 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 251 13 And Chinese New Year Attraction BAY ft^r 1 111* 1 1 "4 6.30 f 9.30 WEN THE CRIMSON CRUSADE ROBtRT LOUIS STEVENSON S £*7j B theMISTERof 2 M pLUNTRAE j| *9>~s^ t '^aM^fcavla^ai afINH of HNH He White Cockade jflala^NHN^N^al '^ftrl down from Highlands /m HLto histurv 85^^ "^B Hit]
      251 words
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  • 1298 14 The Chinese festivals: New Year's Day and after By (i. T. BOON TrIE world has ncvor ceased to wonder why the Chinese have so many festivals. The reason is not hard to find. Celebrations of festivals stem from tradition and customs: some have their origin in mythical times and even
    1,298 words
  • 483 14 The fight against it THE dramatic story of the laboratory fight against poliomyelitis, or infantile par.ilysis, i> told in a recent imue of Public Health Reports mi.ik.i/ii.. by Dr. Harry M. Heaver, one oi the scientists dedicated to the discovery of the cause and prevention of this widespread disease.
    483 words
  • 25 14 Berta Sr. |ohn appearing in M.C.M. "All The Brorhrrt Were Valiant,' wear* a red, black and white print cotton ploy suit.
    25 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 470 14 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly 1 W« loo^rr akfrd yoo admirf nthrr* «nih thflt iaj of Stillman will makr ynu equally charmiot Continued application! will aurpriM Mu. convtarc you that thrrn« orjy onf beau tiler, only one whitf ncr that word* alone can eat upfri* it* beautifying powrt StiUman
      470 words
    • 143 14 %Z^ YOUCANBUYTIDENOfI Ss^ IN THIS DISTRICT! 1 VM-Tidet'ih.r. at laii Now vnurown cyrk can tell you, I 'lours nuCwai thia very nc»t wathir.p-day. why Tide drn womenhavttakrnTidrto their washes cloth) t( hearts- and thfir«-a»h-tub«! other produ. r,r*-f VWN MM thr dirt rushing out of to Tidr and the clothrs as
      143 words

  • 432 15  - Silver Spoon Lord Grantley By ■kj i vate income after World War I was £750 a year; Jean, rr.y wife, had only ill private allowance. Counting in my a i combined income must have been we £1,500 a year. though we often had to scrape for we never thought of
    432 words
  • 183 15 NEW JOBS FOR 'ACTIVE ATOMS SCIFNTISTS doing experimental research with Isotopes are steadily developing new uses for these products. Isotopes are radioactive atoms produced in an atomir pile. They are like other atoms, except that they (ivf oft tiny radioactive particles. This makes it possible for a physicist, equipped with
    183 words
  • 997 15 Born the heir to a fortune of nearly £1,000.000 and to a title created in Hi* reign of George 111, Lord Crantlcy has been a wage-earner most of his life. For if there was ever a silver spoon in Lord CranHey's
    997 words
  • 651 15 a few miles of Sydney you can fmd some of the mosf beautif jl scenic spots on the Australian coastlme: but they also iave their sinister side. The tumbled surf-boinrt rocks and the steep sandstone ruff* which pin. me hundreds of feet sheer nto the Pacific
    651 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 147 15 lir v^i\ FOR A gift... p or Kif /Jil\ REMEMBER Chinese *D L~ *Gl* Year.... Wjw tvJU(Wu <Dl pm PEN NAME FOR THE PERFECT GIFT For that tpvaal gift occasion— a birthday, anniversary. r<s Wf f f >S S»N I I \\l M ligious holiday— give New Parker "51". Its
      147 words

  • 202 16 Once years When Columbia I 'j tures decided to M the best- < „r -J| HERE TO ETEjtfM into a motion p |S there were ma Jl I Hollywood who J i "Don't ever try^l can't maki I story 0/ /4->- I illicit Imps I nfti/, o/ I I too
    202 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 600 16 r l^ You' get more for your money and more for your, beauty Add jhcer plarpor to your handvwithCl TFX nail polish 1 .You won't find a lovelier,' lougerwtartng polish nnr marter how much you p.i) (ol ors' Cltex offers you all the Jatest shades from the deepest, richest reds
      600 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 945 16 WSV^SIBLWWmWmTaI I HUMAN CONUNDRUMS Wf (m§\ W^S Ali'fi If MM J Brtvn-n Ihr Itth of Janiurt and th. I ''it. ..I Irl.ruin thr HL a^^sBBBBBW Ay L^J mL* .^LbbbbV Su I""*" 1 thruiifh thji srea ol <in /oditi knmn a* SbbbVv tSI K;Br^P 11 ay Aquariu.^ thr Wjl«t rVarrr. Vo«r
      945 words
    • 371 16 THIS WEEK FOR ALL TODAY Juvi the day for to© far ahead. FOK LUCK meditation, religious observ- TODAY WEAR OR USE. ance*. nettling personal dlf- Vermilion, 9, Bloodstone, ferences. Don't «:<• toe far 2> afield. FOR LICK TODAY WEAR OR USE: Lavender. 7. HEDNESDAV— Don t worry if life slows
      371 words

  • 982 17 THE SPARROW AND HIS WIFE... IN The Sparrow's Nest 1 The Sparrow and his wife were sitting on either side of their tiny fireplace reading little bits of newspaper they had picked out of a local dustbin. "Oh what a smashing type he must be," aaid The fiparroW«
    982 words
  • 147 17 Bird-watcher was held as a spy •THE British Army's mo«t travelled soldier, vi ho in three war years circled the world 13 times, visited 55 countries and every theatre of war. has written a book. But it Is about birds Even at the Cassino battle. Guy Mountfort, then a lieutenant-colonel,
    147 words
  • 399 17 From A Correspondent JPIRIT spectacles, claimed to make ordinary people clairvoyant, can be bought in London for £3 3s. ($27 Malayan). A "sensitive" wearer is supposed to become accustomed to seeing Hie "ayca," or psychic self," of a living person, "psychic entities"
    399 words
  • 111 17 Monte Carlo winnings aid ex-beauty V BRITISH housewife, who has a secret system for winning at the gambllnc tables of Monte Carlo, is going to give her profits to a lormer Spanish dancer, who 50 years ago was the rage of the Continent It was revealed last week that the
    111 words
  • 380 17 It comes to life again CHILDREN'S laughter and the sound of happy .oices are once more echoing through a "house of death" on the Cornish coast in Britain -where a year ago a son murdered his father and mother and threw their bodies into the sea. That house
    380 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 176 17 HP t r* 'r %«H aB itfaPmalirSaV V^ «aw -i W' -if*. -m. IHKJgflgiSS'li jHPf& w t g^g^g^g&^g^L^B^Kttt^ ttATS WATERPROOFS range of skirta slacks dresses. SOLE AGENTS IN MALAYA; T STORE WITH A \*S&£ TO OFFER B. I. ROUND TRIPS TO I JAPAN 2S to 32 days with approximately 10
      176 words
    • 80 17 SUNLIGHT SOAP costs even less Now >v 50* only ugJw per I I 111 Sunlight Soap now costs even less than before. It saves _bjj your money and your clothes I CI/ \L too! Sunlight's gentle lather gets I rid of dirt without hard rubbing. With ordinary soaps you wear
      80 words
    • 96 17 iW r^ c> Unrivalled n Road Worthiness, Outstanding m Design, Styling and Quality 46 MPC at 52 cents per gallon Dieselfuel Sole Distributor*: CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. Singapore K. Lumpur Represented throughout the Federation. 1111 those throbbing paint your muscles at mm I Apply Sloan's Liniment Ilfbtlj-— feel your
      96 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 157 17 Popular Crossword ACROSS DOWN 1. Nouri.hmriit (6) 6. Painter (Si I. Weak p*lnl 2. TimwH 11. SUckMilns (ti It. Katirlc <•> 14. 3. Lair (S) 4. Dtoeharfe (4) S. PUyi rarrlraaly It) 16. Kind of c*kr Abundance 6 > ompuU 7. II) 17. Trio (5) 18. l>«-«rrUr (3) 19. I«J»
      157 words

  • 494 18  -  Edin Peters By fPHIS year's Malayan motor racing season gets under way next Sunday at Lim Chu Kan* Road when the Singapore Motor Club holds its annual halfmile standing-start speed trial. Although the full list of entries was not available last night,
    494 words
  • 821 18 Acknowledgments to The Motor COULD it be that all the impetus has gone out of Singapore's effort to force the motorists to keep to the left. and that things »re rapidly slip ping back to where they were? I am very much afraid that it is
    821 words
  • 628 18  -  Johnny Johnson SINGAPORE SPORTS PARADE By DLEASING news comes 1 from Australia this week, as we read that Neo Chwee Kok has won three events in record times at the Victoria State Championships in Melbourne. Although not up again*.* the top stars of
    628 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 43 18 1954 CHEVROLET BEL AIR TWO TEN SEDAN -K Limited number with Powtrglide Transmission if ARRIVING SOON! c Write or call for details at Orchard Motors ORCHARD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR yL Represented elsewhere in the Federation by Borneo Motors Limited.
      43 words
    • 99 18 \jjgm beconiK I a tradition of Chinese New Year J| SCOTCH WHISK Imported by Fraser and .Neave Limited M*ilrp a KOLYNOS the Active' Chlorophyll i The instant you start brushing I with Green Kolynos, you'll enjoy wW its lively pleasant taste^ you'll Jed the glorious cool freshness that only Kolynos
      99 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 94 18 CROSSWORD SOLUTION ACROHH: 1. toddn Artist. 11. Rrmiwioii 11, ironlr. 1 1 Strums. IC. Bun 17. Thr«*. IS, H.n It. I irf :i Mrrr 22, Endow*, '.t. Spasms. i SUtiu. 17. Twirl*, in. HMr. :tl. J!. R«d. 33. Slamn, S.S. \do. 3«. \nimal. 3K. ItUmrd 10. < rlrbralr 41. Kiiim
      94 words

  • 1267 19  -  W. E. TREVOR Souths 62 to 3 rout of North By South 62, North 3., N THOSE bald figures lies the story of a shattcrin^ defeat without precedent in the history of Malayan rugby. It was a colossal victory for the South but it was
    1,267 words
  • 199 19 JOHANNESBURG, Sat. CENT in first on a damp w icke" South Africa struggled to MM up a score of 200 for seven on 'he first day of the fourth test a«aln»t New Zealand here. They were given a sound s'«" M .lacklr McOlew and Dick
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 55 19 Results of friendly soccer matches played at Farrer Park yesterday were: Young Soccerltes beat Maxwell XI 2-0 Mall YusofT and Ariz Ahmad Rcored for Soccerltes In another game Kinta Rangers beat Town Ranger* 3-1 Charlie Chan P K. Samy and Oovlnda scored for Klnta Rafaers and
    55 words
  • 270 19 PERTH, Sat SINGAPORE youth boxers met the strongest opposition of their tour of Western Australia at Narroßin last night against Australian Aborigines. In spite of their hard engagement the visitors fought brilliantly to win by sevea bouts to one In the nprnlng bou' of
    270 words
  • 75 19 SYDNFY. Bat MERVYN Rose rearhed the final of the Australian lawn tennis singles championships today when he scored an upvt victory over Ken Rovrw ill the holder of the title He meets his double!! partner Rex Hartwic. in the all Australian final on
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 302 19 Singapore knockout hockey A GOAL almost on the final whMlr. which Chinrse claimed was from a knock-on, put Singapore Chinese Recreation Club out of the S.H.A. Senior knock out hockey competition in their quarter-final round tie against Ceylon Sports Club at Ralestier Road yesterday.
    302 words
  • 254 19 Late goal puts Wanderers in semi-finals I ATTFT Wanderers had to bnns KJ out their best to beat RAP Seletar 3-2 to enter the semi-final* of the Singapore Hockey Association t senior knockout competition on :hf padang yesterday. The Wanderers, who played with ten men for most of the game
    254 words
  • 35 19 Bans' Kesenla 'A heat Alexsndrx Rangers by an only goal scored by Abdul Rahman In the secni-d half of he Breweries s.ireer lea^'i' gsme at Alexanrt 1 Road yenerdov DaMrt retereed.
    35 words
  • 72 19 KUALA LtJMPUR Sat SHangor Civilians' fatter runnlng and bettor backing enabled them to beat SeTan.or Services at rugger by 28 points if out goals, two triesi to five i goal* on the padane today. It was not a runaway victory the scores nuaht suesr^t Services had
    72 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 267 19 Hk many Barbett blades in this picture? The correct solution is 44. Mr. H H Khoo. 3328 Oun^xm Road H^vtrl*, BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO.. IMI Feathers warm \^^T Feathers cool jf I o^u'^: 1 gg^ 4... just like fe^TJfe™, AELQTEX Just 'C bird's feathers insulates its body against outside temp
      267 words
    • 173 19 >^> ii "CiM^ i ln every bathroom tß>ii§: in the tropics -^£^5 heat Qcmuenft POWDER Q PRICKLY HEAT POWDER and SOAP S Johrrson's Prickly Heat H j&>+y*+^J^ Pcwder and Prickly Heat v "s'* < > SrapbringquicKcpol relief fl Ij^L iJS"',> i j from the agony of prickly r^^^l 'V^V*^''^ r
      173 words

  • 2980 20 Mulley rides 3 winners in a row for Bagby Big Sweep Big Swctp TOTAL POOL 5212.4 M Ist No. *****0 ($57,361) 2nd No. 13*947 <$2*.680) 3rd No. *****0 ($14.34«> j STARTKRS ($2,048 each) I Nos *****4. 26X888. *****2, *****2 *****8. *****4. *****8. CONSOLATION
    AP  -  2,980 words
  • 20 20 The Slralls Times < P»rtur 1 Tip 1 far yeslriday's K 1.. rare* Cnlden Dolphin who won Rare It
    20 words
  • 318 20 BRIDGETOWN. Sat ISARBADOB scored 203 for five wickets yrsterdav. the opening day of their match against the MCC here The pitch, playing slow, gave little help either to the pace bowlers or the spinners, but the tourist*' spin attack of Tony Lock and Jim Laker bowled
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 363 20 the ni.Ji i €nt riB«: ASIAN HIM IIiSTIVAI, i.'Ji--7. .-""lIHI 1 '>'■"* '--I-Tgl <..ila Film Prrmiirc To Be Attended By Distinguished "oiimils of Pan-Asian Countrifs TONIGHT AT-9.30 P.M. Ss South-Kast Ast.i Kiltn (v proudly presents BOS* OIC X0349/O 'M AT AHG BABAING L*WIN" or DAKN.A Till: lIAWRt.IRL" A Super Filipino
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    • 43 20 THE WOM- FAMOUS i, J--4&Jj7J&> SYMCHKONIItQ HASM-aM 7 CRAVEN A FOR SMOOTH, CLLAN Largest-selling cork-tipped cigarette in the world. Imported from London p. REFRIGERATOR UMg^gf^gS^g^gf H D£ 51 5J CU. FT. CROSS SINCAPORE CASH SI-' FEDERATION CASH $780 m t\Ve T »roY« T
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