The Straits Times, 30 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times New**** 11 Established 1845 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1954 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 517 1 Dulles says: I'm ready to meet Peking representatives Secret session on five-power talks SECOND LOOK' BY WEST BERLIN, Friday. i Porei tn .Ministers decided last nijfht lo hold a secret cok to reconsider the Soviet proposal for a five-power erence, including nmunist China. it r Hie 1
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  • 54 1 ADELAIDE. Fri. A 24--year-old "Mr Godiva cycled naked through busy streets here tnrlay to the heart of the buslnea centre. He rode on unchecked by traffic light* or a motor cycle policeman who tried to run him Into the gutter As ne neared police headouarters, two
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  • 32 1 LONDON. Fri— Sir DonaM MacGillivrav left London Airport today for Entebbe. Uganda. Sir Donald'Yakes over in June from General Sir Gerald Templer as High Commissioner In Malaya.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 TOKYO. Fri Thirty-seven nen were reported missing toiay after 70 miles an hour )lizzards wrecked 142 small •raft off the northern Japanese shuid of Hokkaido— A.P.
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  • 31 1 LONDON, Fri Britain and Japan signed a sterling pay--1 merit- agreement here today. I which covers the pattern of trade between Japan and the sterling area this year. -Reuter
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  • 13 1 BELGRADE. Fri. Marsha] Tito was re-elected President of Yugoslavia today. U.P.
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  • 98 1 THIS HOPE MUST NOT BE IGNORED HONG KONG. Fri. R CHINA'S Prime Mr. chovi Entoday backed the Foreign Mm Molotov, ill for a live- conference to v Orld tens: ast by •This not be I unri i that the ronferrnco reasi igly reOnus on
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  • 20 1 Bishop blames U.S. servicemen i Tho BUhoc n a report blamed Ameen xs being le for Oxford 1 Illegitimate Renter.
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  • 245 1 It was coffee for the loser —then a trip to the cell PUBLIC-SPIRITED GRANDPA GOES INTO ACTION 4 GRANDFATHER of "^four. Lim Kwee Hone, 48. grappled with a man armed with a knife and overpowered him after a robbery in Tiong Bahru Road. Singapore, yesterday. Mr. Lim who is a
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  • 475 1 Three Specials killed: Gang posed as mine workers IPOH. Friday. 4 FORCE oi 50 terrorists attacked a police post in the Tapah area of Perak early today and killed three special constables and wounded four others. One terrorist is believed to have been killed in the
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  • 65 1 A CHINESE woman rushed A to her husband's aid when she saw three men attacking him on Thursday night. The men. who had demanded money, turned on her and the husband ran from the house, in Gulega Road, off Changi Road. Singapore.
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  • 53 1 MUNICH. Fri. -German til.v actress Jasefln Kipper wa< "kissed" by an alligator today and it put her in hospital. She held a two feet long reptile ;n bet ami while p<>v ing for a publicity picture. Suddenly the animal squirmed and bit her twice on
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  • 28 1 DAMASCUS, Fri— The government announced today that martial law was clamped down by President Adib ShLshekly yesterday to stave off attempts to overthrow his regime. A.P.
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  • 107 1 LONDON. FH CIVIL airline puots and ottlcials yesterday were warned against carrying explosives and other dangerous goods in aircraft The Ministry of Civil aviation issued a statement drawing the attention of pilots t n the regulations about carrying explosives in planes. The statement made no reference
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  • 65 1 RESTLESS NIGHT ROME. Fri— The Popr to- I day failed to read mass for the first time since he be- I came ill Vatican sources said he had spent a restless night. The attack of hiccoughs which the Pope has suffered since Sunday kept him
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  • 26 1 SAUGUS, California. Fri An explosion wrecked a detonator inspection mom of a powder factory near here yesterday, injuring 16 people, four critically— UP.
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  • 185 1 INVERCARGILL. Fri. THE QUEEN, in a farewell broadcast tonight, spoke of New Zealanders as a "great and united people." The Royal party sails for Australia tomorrow. The Queen added: 'We know that in the 113 years which have passed since the Treaty of Waitangi
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  • 223 1 KIDNAP HUNT STILL ON Secret society link ruled out SINGAPORE C.I.D. offi- cers spent yesterday trying to establish the movements o. the kid- 1 nappers of the million- aire. Mr. Lim Kok Gin. ii Polire spokesman said. This follows the detention of nine Chinese in Thursday night's raid on a
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  • 126 1 $13,000 S'pore robbery 4 gunmen hold up NAAFI cashier T<HREE Chinese and B 1 Malay, all armed with revolvers, held up B I NAAFI cashier yesterday at the i- milestone Chua Chu Kang Road, and stole about Si:}. soo. Th^ cashier waa on hi.s way to the bnr.K in a
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  • 39 1 VIETMINM I.ArNCH GEMEBAL ATT\rK (Sec Pace 3) HANOI, Iri French Hn:h Cumm.inil admitted tixl.ix Yirtmitili launched genera] nffensive towards Lan>. St.itcmrtil mid bamge tamed first MMMtt< around Dun Birn Fhu, t<» bloody drfe.i t. X P.
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  • 79 1 SAYS HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD. Fri.— Reverts j oublished her? say Jiat Alan Ladd may soon play tl;3 part of CoX nel James P Came in a film called "The Glorious Gloucesters". Colonel Came who wor> th" Victoria Cross while eomoundIng the Gloucestershire battalion in their famous
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 88 1 KOALA LUMPUR, Fri.— MajorGeneral F. S. (Peter) Lindsay, who will succeed MajorGeneral W. P. Oliver as Principal Staff Officer to the Director of Operations. General Sir Gerald Tempter, arrived in Kuala Lumpur by plane from Britain this evening. General Oliver will leave Jhe Krrtrr;ition on February •> to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 25 1 —DIAL 2800 From Monday, the telrvhone number of the Straits Times of/ice in Singapore will be 2800 (12 lines) instead of 5471 I DIAL 2800
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    • 42 1 MO MO4G 3 PALM TREE WASHING SOAP QtnUt on Hit iiatidi atid cIUAu Hid u> tcentmuui A* HO HONG SOAP FACTORY ITD BRYLCREEMS tonic ingredients lll^isllti^ £*'^Ssf »&> promote clean Sttss&i. x'? dryness JBB ensures lustrous, 'J WRk^B f y. dc» tte .-cfcjl
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  • 249 2 PROTECTION MONEY DEMAND ALLEGED KUALA LI'MPIR, Friday. p\<> dance hostesses, Anjr Ah Knjr and Yeo Ah I-ontf, alleged in the First Magistrate's court here today that after refusing to pay protection mottej they were assaulted by two Chinese. Ane said that at 3
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  • 105 2 Troops withdrawn but hunt goes on Xl I IMPIR. Kri. TROOPS searrhing for the missing Auster aircraft, which crashed in rtniM' i'.mglr 10 miles im of Ktiala I imipiir on I. in 'I. h.iw brrn withrir iv n Thr\ a r p urgently nrcri.-d for operations i
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  • 41 2 .SYDNEY. Fri The Australian Prime Minister. Mr R. G. Menzirs last night said that the Federla Cabinet i would consider an American Drnposal to use technicians for surveying waters round the Australian northern Island territories.- A P
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  • 36 2 MADRID. Fri. -The Soviet Red Cross has told the French Red Cross that 250 Spani.>h will soon be freed and handed I over at Odf.s-a. :t was officially •nnounced here last merit Renter
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  • 229 2 It's all work, work AND study... A YOUNG Singapore Chinese woman has returned to the Colony with a Master of Arts degree from London University after three years' study all on her own earnings and without any scholarship aid. Now Annie Chang,
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  • 54 2 NAIROBI. Fri Kenya i r Supreme Court has set aside entence of two months', imposed on a European N Urobl magistrate for: 'losing three pistols anr 1 300 rounds of ammunition. A fine of cinn impose') on Anders Karl Hyman a I dish airline
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  • 17 2 I-ONDON. Fri. Britain ana Hung U start trarif and fir.ani-ial talks her? n*x 4 Renter.
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  • 56 2 BRITISH actress Jeuii Collins wear x this negligee cut on Grecian Itneg i" the new Remus thriller film "The Good Die Younn." i,, which the ploys a G.I bride The negligee is in pale pink velvet and pique. The film was made
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  • 153 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. AT LEAST one district in Selangor will relax curfewi in villages in its area for the Chinese New Year on the nights of Feb. 2 and 3. For the people of Kajang in the Ulu Laneat district, it will
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  • 56 2 JERUSALEM Fr\— Jordan was censured yesterday by r majority vote of the U.N. Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission for a breach of the general armistice agreement o n Wednesday The commission held that a Jordanian village guard crossed the demarcation line and killed an Israeli policeman on
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  • 35 2 LONDON, Fri. Britain .ast night cancelled the visit of some Royal Navy ships to ports lin Spain and Spanish Morocco because of recent anti-Bri-tish feeling in Spain, the Ad- miralty said— Reuter.
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  • 23 2 NAIROBI Fri American novelist Ernest Hemingway survivor of two plane "rashes last week-end flew to Nairobi from Kampala. Uganda today —A.P.
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  • 231 2 MOHAMED TRIED TO FORGET HE WAS DIFFERENT... But now he known his solution SEREMBAN. Friday. ALL his life Mohamed Nor bin Atin's disfigured face has made him different from other people. As an orphan schoolboy. Mohamed Nor tried to forget he was different. As a $30 a month rubber tapper
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  • 26 2 SOMERSET MAOGHAM, playwright and author, reads a i-onsrUulatorx teleg'am at his hotel in London. He was 80 on Monday. A.P. picture.
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  • 124 2 Council to take over city's bus linos 'THE Binga] A Cnnnnl voted day to sot up transport atithr take ovor all transport. servic< Colony. Mr. V K Nair <Lah wanted thr c < run thp mtv pross thf p<i;nt wh< Rajah iPro C plained that a pih; por f authority
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  • 43 2 PUSAN. m A fire in two n. through crowded .<haeks and 1 tion of Pusan toda; Ing more than 1 md leaving 8.500 hon American and K men fought the for three I firmed report h sa Korean died— U.P
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  • 17 2 NEW YORK Pri I Merle Obe.-on rame hi I terday after an extei abroad.— A.P.
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  • 66 2 General A H. E. C. Lauzin. Commander-in-Chief of the French Air Force in IntioChina. will arrive in Changi Singapore, on Monday for a two-day visit. He will be accompanied by Madam Lauzin This \vU be General Lauz;nrst visit to Sineap* his appointment in Jui Durinc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 l^g^^Sh, L' nc pen that makes all others obsolete! Ideal for New Year Gifts! \wm^^^^^X \V \N)\v IV As you unscrew plunger knob, Pull filling plunger all the w.n VfflW^^*H^\\V Hlf I >dv will see the gold SNORKEL out redd> for one-stroke filling «K 1 The Sheaffer's Snorkel is the
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  • 42 3 KARACHI. Fri— All services In Karachi's strike-affected port, would be maintained, a port administration spokesman said here last night. There may be some delay in unloading, but there was no need to divert shipping to other ports— Reuter.
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  • 267 3 REDS ATTACK FORTRESS May be start of big Vietminh push into Laos HANOI, Friday. yiKTMINH patrols made their first stab* today into the outer defences of Dien Bien Phu, the last biff French fortress in north-western Indo- hina. The French said that only a battalion or less of the estimated
    AP  -  267 words
  • 155 3 HUNT FOR NYLON SLAYER 3 babies' bodies in suitcases LONDON. Fri. I)ISCOVERY of three ir babies strangled with nylon stockings and stuffed into suitcases started a nationwide starch for their killer today. Poiice said they wanted to question thrice-married Mr Elsie Rodger, 37. missing wife "l a mechanic. All three
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  • 47 3 LONDON. Fr— A new lightweight Jet engine for small Interceptor fighters and trainIng planes is being developed privately by Bristol Aeroplane my. Officials say they anticipate considerable demand for the new unit. They see a Trend toward smaller and lighter interceptor planes. A.P.
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  • 50 3 NEW YORK. Fri. An offluil of the Brotherhood of Hnilway Trainmen yesterday aid that a strike would begin on Sunday against the Long Island Railroad which daily carries thousands of people to work in New York. The dispute is over working hours and pay. Reuter.
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  • 27 3 COLOMBO, Fri— The Prime Ministers of Ceylon. India. Pakistan. Burma and Indonesia are expected to meet here on April 28 to discuss common problems.— Reuter.
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  • 69 3 SALISBURY. Fri.— The United Rhodesia Party, led by the Prime Minister. Mr R. S. Garfield Todd. has won the first South Rhodesian general election since the formation of the Central African Federa-j tion. The party won 26 of 30 seats in the House. Advocatin racial partnership it
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 60 3 JOHANNESBURG. *Yi. -ThP new Comet 11. undergoing tropical tests, arrived at Jan Smuts airport here yesterday after a 3,000-mile flight from Khartoum at an average §P< cd of 440 m.p.h. This is the Cornet that broke the London-to-Khar-toum flying record last v < The
    AP  -  60 words
  • 113 3 LONDON, Friday. MR FRANK FOULKES, Communist president of the Electrical Trades Union, said here yesterday that! tho union's strike campaign for more pay would be switched next week from London to Liverpool. It will be the second stage in I the union's new city-by-city programme.
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  • 45 3 LONDON. Fri —A Communist court in Canton has sentenced eight men to death *nd 30 others to imprisonment for pcf'i.e "under the orders of the intelligence service of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek." the Soviet news agency Tass reported yesterday. Reuter.
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  • 36 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Fri. -Mr Akira Miyazaki. of Japan. Mr for Toky 0 b y air yesterday on his way to take up a new pO9t as Minister to tt* Nationalist Government in Formosa. Reuter.
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  • 109 3 MONTREAL. Fri. THE entire police force here ii today searching for two lunatics who between them have razor-slashrd 13 women in the last week. The slashers struck again last nißht in Montreal at opposite ends of the town, confirming earlier police suspicion that
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  • 62 3 TIIK SECRET of 20-year-old Claire Kubattel is out. Claire, domestic help in the home of a Liverpool cotton merchant, is the daughter of M. Kodolphe Kuhattel. President of the Swiss Republic. She has been a domestic for three months to help to improve her English and to
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  • 310 3 ICE AND SNOW COVER EUROPE LONDON. Friday. STORIES of marauding wolves, ice-boun canal traffic, skating accidents, destruction of crops and power cuts flowed in from frost-bitten Europe today. ROME: Mayor Eusilio BeI lardinelli of Monte Ferrante rode a race for life with two hungry wolves
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  • 29 3 COLOMBO Fri. -The Cey tun Cabinet yesterday ratlflel the Indo-Ceylon cltizensrf!.rgreement sisned in New ttft'j*\ o n January 18. It grants Cey:on cltizensn:;. to 900.000 Indians— Reuter
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  • 236 3 LONDON, Frt. r*LOBrNG prices of selected stocks Vy were:— LOANS Consols 64 Funding 4<; 101 War t%% 84* BANKS Mrrrantlli (El2'-j) 24 HnngKong ($125) 97H Eastern (£5. 8*» Charterer 1 <£1> 42 +6 U.i.n .H's6-5U 194 12'6d INSURANCE Com Un. (uls.) 12 n i 13 36'
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Jan 29 Cash Buyers tfi.iO; Sellers t655; Forward Buyers C 630: Sellers CMSH; Settlement C 650 Turnover a.m. 45 tons; p.m. 25 tons.
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  • 35 3 LONDON. Jan. 29. Spot 16'jd. Mnr. 16'jd. Apr June 16 :l id.. JulySept Ifi'-d.. Ort.-Der 17d.. Ffb cLf. 16 d Mnr eJX 16 7 16d April r.i f 16 7 16d. Tone: Firm.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 i BUSES I TRUCKS tippers! DiESEL PETROL I MODELS AVAILABLE CYCLE CARRIAGE j CO. (1926) LTD. j Singapore &K. Lumpur J led throughout J the Federation, him PASTILLES j COUGHS M DAR X O N I he .Modern il.iir I'oin.idf DOES DARK£N GREY HAIR l>iir is a acflßltc handicap inur
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    • 156 3 I IDEAL GIFT I CHINESE I NEW YEAR J "PINEAPPLE" SALT PACK HAM Singapore COLD STORAGE Co. Ltd. Q^ (>v EAU OE COLOCNC LOTION >^ r Minor Yon/or ANOTHER NEW FOOD IDEA Rf COLMAN'S f( COLMAN'S BROIL; Mix 2 tb<tp*. Colman'* dry) Mustard Into 1 tbsp. lemon Juice till smooth,
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  • 284 4 'GET TOUGH' SA Y UNION CHIEFS Bosses' move to pay Taylor rate will be resisted KUALA LUMPI R, Friday. A SECTION of the Malayan Trade Union Council if urging a "get tough" policy in the protest against the Taylor arbitration award. And today, the Rubber Workers' Negotiating Committfc stated that
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  • 97 4 A.R.S. shoots tiger near Teluk Anson TELUK ANSON. Fri. A TIGER weighing 250 katl.and measuring 3 f^et from tip to tail was .-lid dead •corning by Mr. G"h C'liong Honi Rent Ollicer. at I.anskap N<w Village, 16 miles from Twi for wild boars nra r the bminng division ol I
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  • 37 4 First play a success KOTA BAHRU. Fri. KoU I Tin atre Group mad' r>f it.s t >dv -tion J.B. Priest- Inspec' niKht. Thn amateur group, formed •pmbcr, hopes to widen It.s activities because of public 1 Inter
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  • 44 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Workmen's compensation totalling $116,998 was paid last month. Sixtnro fatal cases were awarded I I f $60,778 and 43 workmen who were pnnmnently disabled received $56,220 The Labour Department also rec >rded 436 cases of temporary disability.
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  • 26 4 Soon Bee. the Red Funnel i Unes new ship for coastal se-- vice in Malaya, arrived in Sn^apore last night on its maiden voyage.
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  • 256 4 SAYS WIFE No. 1 Gaol us all SAYS WIFE No. 2 K. LUMPUR, Fri. A WOMAN, Uew Pang Thai, today told the Kuala Lumpur second magistrate. Raja Chik Jaafar. that she would ilke ncr husband to go to prison to spend his Chinese New Year. Liew had
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  • 38 4 The Rev. H. L. Sone. former principal of Trinity College, Singapore, will be the guest speaker at the fellowship meet- 1 Ing of the Telok Ayer Metho- j dist Youth Fellowship at 7.30 i p.m. tomorrow
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  • 104 4 A man whom -i Chinese trader gave a lift in his lorry on Thursday night tui free ride into a holdup ana 1 robbed the trader of $650. I At the 9th. milestone Tam- penis Road the robber asked to be let down.
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  • 25 4 I A thief broke into a shop in I High Street. Singapore, ana i stole $175 and a wrist-watch on Thursday night.
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  • 29 4 An Indian was waylaid at the junction of Changi Road and Lorong G. Singapore, on Thursday night by three Chinese armed with knives and robbed of $110.
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  • 42 4 Stabbed in row over a woman Two Chinese argued about a woman, while they were eating in a stall at the Beauty World Park. Singapore, on Thursday afternoon. Result: One was stabbea with a pair of scissors and also lost a tooth.
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  • 89 4 DR. G. HARIDAS. Commissio- ncr of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Singapore last night presented warrants of appointment to 4? Brigade officers He also awarded certificates to 121 officers and men of t h<- unit who had passed in thr fout and stretcher drills
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  • 162 4 TRADERS' PLEA TO TWO GOVTS KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. •THE ASSOCIATED Chinese Chambers of Commerce 1 have asked the Selangor and Pahang Governments to allow Federal and State citizens to sponsor applications for State citizenshiD. I Member chambers in Selan- 1 j gor and Pahang
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  • 180 4 QUIZ AIMS AT SAFER MALAYAN HIGHWAYS K. LUMPUR, Fri. T<HE Federation Govern- ment is considering setting up a national road safety committee inj an attempt to cut road i accidents. Police chief in all States are being asked to draw up accident statistics and submit plans for making roads in
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  • 94 4 THE Smsapore Blind Association's international bazaar at which stalls will have the national products of about 25 countries, will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Mar. 6. Proceeds will go to the Scho -i For the Blind building fund. Last year, the
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  • 58 4 Two members of the Eastern Bank. Singapore, Mr. N H. Green and Mr. D. W. Childerstone. were injured when a motor car and a motor cycle collided in Stamford Road, yesterday. Mr. Childerstone was admitted to the General Hospital. His condition was said to be not
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  • 146 4 Cuts red tape to essentials IMMIGRATION and emigration laws are under con--1 stant review in Singapore, a Government spokesman said yesterday. i "We aim to cut down regulations to the essentials," he added. He was commenting on a re port from Manila that travel
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 A New ALL-STEEL 1i Tonner with cost-cutting performance! These PLUS features make it the best buy. tfV~~~~ *ll Powcrfhl overhead valve engine for fuel-saving top //^sw l&j gear performance faster road schedules better hill-climbing with full load. ~^W^^\^/ Aj ~1l Heavy duty shock absorbers and low-pressure tyres lyr jL 111
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    • 175 4 —^7^/if and clean A sprinkle of Vim on a damp cloth a rub and those dirty, greasy things will like new again Vim leaves surfaces shining gleaming, so quickly and easily VIM m cleans everything smoothly and speedily &j 416- J 1 I In every bathroom in the tropics <hityn,mir
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 181 4 etufonAnci I y 30 N e»s; 9.45 The Tango; 10.00 SINGAPORE Strike Up the Band. 7.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News; BBC 7 35 Melody Mixture; 8.00 Time For C; 'mLJW 1 1 H S 1I H 5 p M Editorials 15 Contlnen1.02 Mantovanl and his p A xnrpf s 41
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  • 280 5 U.S. is urged: Raise synthetic price and aid Malaya JHE UNITED STATES should immediately raise the price of synthetic rubber by at least two to three cents (US) per pound to allow natural rubber to compete on a fair price basis, an American expert stated yesterday in Singapore. The expert,
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  • 151 5 Fish market at Marine Parade NO DECISION YET (2INGAPORE City Councillors have still not decided whether to allow Marine Parade to to be used for landing and marketing fish. Last- year, they decided that fish marketing in the area should cease by February 28. Yesterday, they were asked to approve
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  • 45 5 Professor C. Northcote Parkinson of the University of Malaya will talk on "Singapore in the sixties'' at a public meeting of the Singapore branch, Malayan Historical Society next Friday in St Andrew's Cathedral War i Memorial Hall at 8.30 p.m
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  • 77 5 Twelve people have been appointed visitors to St. John's Island Quarantine Station. Sincapore. for this year. They are: Dr Lim Boon Tiong, Brigadier (Miss) Bertha Grey. Tuan Haji Badruddin bin H;iii Paoang. Inchp Mohamad Sidek bin H. O Hamid. Mr. Tay Chek Rwans. Mr. Tan
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  • 174 5 AUTHORITY FOR CHARGE QUERIED A YOUTH, Ong Jin Her, charged yesterday with having "under his control" 24 terrorist documents, asked Mr. Tan Ah Tah. a Singapore Judge, the authority for the charge. Ong said: "I wish to be told under what regulations I have
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  • 67 5 Eloped— now she returns without her jewellery AN 18-year-old Chinese girl, i living in Tiong Bahru Road, Singapore, who eloped with a man last week returned home on Thursday crying. The man had left her stranded after taking all her jewellery valued about $300. She had been reported missing when
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  • 95 5 FIVE SINGAPORE HARBOUR Board tugs were called out yesterday to save more than 800 bales of rubber floating out to sea after a lighter sunk in front of godown 12. The lighter was coming alongside the wharf as the Isthmian-owned freighter Steel Apprentice was berthing. The
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  • 231 5 MALAYA will get the new and smaller $50 and $100 currency notes bearing the head and shoulders of the Queen either by the end of next month or early in March. A ."iii 1 1 ni piece will be issued later. Mr. W. C.
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  • 63 5 The Singapore Board of Licensing Justices will meet in the court of the District Judge and First Magistrate in the Criminal District and Police Courts building, South Bridge Road, at 2.15 p.m. on Mar 16. All applications for the issue or transfer of ordinary licences should
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  • 158 5 Temporary clerks seek salary rise THE Singapore Govern- I ment Administrative and Clerical Services Union was told yesterday that the Government would decide on th»> back Day claim of about 600 temporary clerks "in a j day or two." The union claims salaries similar to
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  • 69 5 THE Singapore Government Secretarial Staff Association will hold an extraordinary general meeting soon to protest against the Government's refusal to revise the salaries of stenographers, confidential stenographers and registry assistants on the basis of the Yong award. The meeting will consider steps to reach
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  • 22 5 The next session of the Singapore Assizes will be held in the Supreme Court building at 10.30 a.m. on Monday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 275 5 Buy the 6est LAMPS OJ^M\ Jr^- ENGLAND E. ZUELLIG (malaya) LTD. ,C. A POM KU*LA LUMPUR PENANG lave you discovered* these delicious Biscuits I F you have not tasted J y 'Ovaltine' Biscuits you iii have a treat in store. You Ul find them so crisp, so delicious, so sustaining.
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    • 247 5 SOBRANIE for PIPE smokers VtIOKIX. JIIVM Hi: A long cool smoke to culm a troubled world, an aroma fo answer all life's worries with the addition of rarest YeniJjc leaf as the authentic Sobranie touch. Made by Sobranie Ltd-, London, since 1879 SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY LIMITED SINGAPORE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 426 5 SINGAPORE DIARY TftnAY I Y.M.C.A.: Table-tennis 3 p.m.; i TOMORROW Singapore Chess Club 3 p.m.; volley- j TELOK AVER M.Y.F.: Fellowship MALAYAN CHRISTIAN COI'N- ba n 5 pm; M ovie Circle show meeting, church auditorium. 235 CIL: Tea-party in honour of Mr. -Rich, Young and Pretty" 8 p.m., Telok Ayer
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  • 26 6 VENON-EARMA The marriage t>ok place quietly in Singapore on 24 54 between C A Menon of SinR.i|»re and Dr irma of impur those presc: ■ed
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  • 862 6 STRAITS TIMES Singapo re Sat, Jan. 30, 1954. The National Schools The Member for Education was not very forthcoming in his replies in the Federal Council to Mr. Yeap Choong Kong, who had asked very pertinently whether the first national school .is yet in existence. No doubt Mr. Yeap suspected
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  • 457 6 A Meeting With China The Foreign Ministers conI ference goes into secret session I next week to reconsider the I Russian proposal for a five power conference with Communist China. It is the first sign of progress, not perhaps as j exciting as it seems, but an indication at any
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1133 6  -  CYNICUS THE change now apA proved in the assessor system of trial in the High Court postpones the introduction of the jury system in the Malay States almost certainly for many years. But while this is no time to gamble with justice (to use the Attorney
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  • 82 6 From the Straits Times of January 30. 1904. rpOUCHING upon the new X harbour scheme for Singapore, the London and China Express says that "for tfie adoption of this undrrtakfhK the Straits community are BTMtly indebted to the fore sight and wide outlook of Sir Frank SwHtenhJm.
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  • 756 6 A MALAYSIAN NOTEBOOK IT'S a long way to Tippand almost as far to Berlii and what, everyone wi'l nr asking me, has Berlin got tc i do with Malaya? Unfortunately this week it ha.s everything to do with Malaya. For it is the resolute behaviour of Malayans over the past
    756 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 703 6 Stnili Timet Fret Prw NMn, our NfMMMNN at lit floor, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGf, ORCHARD ROAD. w,ll <ecti>« to bat number* Ciomfitd odv*rli»m*ntt may ■lie b« hanrfed to CITY BOOH STORI LTD.. MflMknMi Houm, Collv.r Quay. kMM CITY BOOK STORE LTD., 93 Tonqlin Road, Srnoopor*. CLASSIFIED ADS JO Horrf, fit 'minimum,
      703 words
    • 81 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making with rtw World's f* Most Amazing*!!,, THIS famous '"dream"' camera takes the guesswork out of movie making, gives you perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters Secret is the amazing photoelectric "eye" a built-m governor coupled to both lenses in slide turret. You look through
      81 words
    • 154 6 HIS MASTER'S VOICE 31j R.P.M. RECORDS "LA 6OHEME" Puccini) conducted by Tosranini. Jan Peerce. Liria Albanese <fc Metropolitan Opera Artl NBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus ALP 1081/82 SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT-OP. 55 I EROICA i Frrthovcn) NBC Symphony Orchr. t:u col canlni ALP 10M SYMPHONY NO. 4 IN
      154 words

  • 301 7 SOW THEY'RE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT A START ON UNIVERSITY !<)l R'S discussion yesterday between the .-Initial Secretary, .Mr. A. (Joode, and hief sponsors of the Nanyang University, has spoMWI yrcat optimism. tnent, a1 the Inter? lew, made anwhich augur well for the University in Mr Tan
    301 words
  • 88 7 Unofficials named one year terms HAHRT. Fri. the impending 11 towards the the Johore "inrii and Council been appointed ir only. Council: Q Wong. Dato H E Abdul Rahihd Youln, Ha-ij 1 >mar. Dato H. E. AMul Hamid Wong n Inche Suleiman bin Mr S CheiInche Haji oin Omar.
    88 words
  • 40 7 :;iori with a broke into a in Bridge Road. Singapore, terday, woke up and robbed him j tnd his identity card. hey tore the card an-i j rw t: Into a drain 1
    40 words
  • 28 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.-The! Employment Exchange Service at Kuala Lumpur found jobs i for 204 people and the one at 1 Penang for 54 last month.
    28 words
  • 162 7 Says Government THE Singapore Government yesterday denied that it ever discriminated between European and Asian enterprises in the Colony. The Under-Secretary to the Government. Mr. J. D Hiaham, said this, commenting on press statement*that the Government appeared to discriminate against non-Europeans These statements also said
    162 words
  • 25 7 Tan Hong Nam. who owrs Eng Tian Huat $3,091 on a judgment debt, was adjudged bankrupt in the Singapore High Court yesterday. door
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  • 108 7 Power man is back for new job MR. J. W. Marshall, resident engineer in charge of the installation of plant at Pasir Panjang power station, Singapore, yesterday returned to Malaya to a new job. Mr. Marshall, who returned to Britain to retire last May. will be in charge of the
    108 words
  • 23 7 The Stage Club. Singapore, will present "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" at the Victoria Memorial Hall from February 16 to 20
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  • 177 7 HOME GUARDS GUARD FOOD KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. THE High Commissioner, Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, A in a two-day trip by road and helicopter through Kelantan. saw the latest steps taken by padj growers in remote areas In this State to combat the demands
    177 words
  • 78 7 MR S. Jaganathan (LabourSouth > said in Singapore City Council yesterday that the police should show toierance and understanding in their dealings with hawkers. He referred to a recent report of police raids in whicn there was show of force The President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice.
    78 words
  • 54 7 South-East Asia Film Company, Singapore, will hold the Malayan premiere of 'Darna At Ang Babaing La win," a Wlipino fantasy in Malay dialogue at the Garrick Theatre, Geylang, at 9.30 tomorrow night. The film, a possible nominee for the 1954 Asian Film Festival, will be
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  • 23 7 The Orthodox Syrian Church. Singapore, will held a retreat at St. Andrew's School Chapel at Woodsville at 10 am. on Wednesday.
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  • 197 7 rwas an intimate revue the Vic -Optimists produced in Singapore last night— sketches, songs, monologues, in fact everything from George Robey to Charles Dickens. Never have I heard a Victoria Theatre audience laugh so whole-heartedly. Brilliant dialogue in the first scene set the audience
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  • 39 7 Twenty people were held in a sawmill in Padang Jerlngau, off Kallang Road, Singapore, last night when police raided the premises. The party seized a large sum of money, paikow sets and playing cards.
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  • 23 7 A 17-year-old Chinese girl was molested by a cyclist in a lane off Seng Poh Road, Singapore, at noon on Thursday.
    23 words
  • 171 7 1,000 GUESTS AT THIS IPOH WEDDING ABOUT 1.000 guests, including the Sul. an of Perak and the Raja Muda, yesterday attended one of the biggest Chinese society weddings held in Ipoh in recent years. The bridegroom was Mr Low Lat, second son of Air. and Mrs. Low Kirn Boon, of
    171 words
  • 60 7 The Methodist Mission In Malaya is seeking legislation to change the name of "secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Building and Location Board" to "secretary of the Trustees of the Methodist Church in Malaysia" as from Jan. 1 this year. A Bill to this effect
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  • 32 7 Muku Singh was fined $3 in the Singapore Fifth Police Court, today for being drunk on the night of Jan. 28 in Upper Cross Street and New Market Street.
    32 words
  • 152 7 MEMBERS ARE GAZETTED I AST NIGHT, nine weeks after Mr. R. C. Hoffman was appointed president of the Singapore Rent Conciliation Board, the Government gazetted the names of the 13 members of the Board. The members are Messrs, Chin Cave Font?, Syed Alkaff, OnR
    152 words
  • 225 7 Places for 100 pupils in eight schools 'THERE ARE vacancies A in Primary I classes in eight Singapore schools. More than 100 seats want filling. These vacancies, however, do not indicate an easing in the overall shortage of primary accommodation "They exist because the schools arc a bit out of
    225 words
  • 54 7 Results of the St. John Council Lottery drawn last night at the St. John Ambulance Association headquarters in Stamford Road, Singapore, are: Ist No. ***** ($7.340>. 2nd No. ***** ($2,200). 3rd No. ***** (sl.looi. Consolation ($36 each i Nas *****. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****
    54 words
  • 275 7 HARD TIMES, SO WORKER-BOSS TRUST IS VITAL Labour chooses cut wages ig in the highest degree is and employees thij. year." ear at $470 a picul and >ber started at 88 cents and KIALA LI'MPI R. Friday. "TIMES are hard and may stay so for some time yet, A says
    275 words
  • 103 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. jtfß Duncan Campbell, a 1»1 retired planter from Kodah, died in Scof.and on Monday following an accident The nature of the accident ;Is not known. He came to Malaya in 1925 to join the K.MS. (Malay States 1 Rubber Plantations ltd.
    103 words
  • 61 7 Representatives of the Singapore Traction Company Employees Union and the management met yesterday to discuss outstanding claims. The union's loyal adviser, Mr. L. Rayncr, was present. The discussion.-, will continue and a dicision is expected next weekend The Union will hold an emergency meeting at 7
    61 words
  • 29 7 The Singapore Aeromodi-1-icrs' Society will hold its first model aircraft rally at the Shell Sports Club ground, Paya Lebar Road. Inm 9 am. to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
    29 words
  • 82 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. rpHE PETITION for a jury system in the Federation, whirh A was presented to the Federal Legislative Council on Wednesday, may be submitted to the House of Commons and the Secretary of State for the Colonies This will be
    82 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 Decca Brunswick Long Piaying Standard Records Hear the latest issues at authorized dealers th r oughout Malaya. :>ivtrihutors r r 1(11/ g ff\ |ti\ 168 a, Cecil Street, MxUya t. J. IjAAI 111., LIU. B'pore. 1, Trl. 4805. TIRED EYES hinder Efficiency! Jtk You can > be efficient with .47
      116 words
    • 68 7 MORI JvirrV^Tf jy lt«>«l fliianfi f I litre* 53.7J _^~*~m* White < In. inn 'If Ml 1 llfM \r.\ V 1 Th rilianli THE STORE WITH A TO OFFER New Country Hotel 622, BARTLEY ROAD Off Upper Serangooi. Read. Singapore, 13. DANCING TO-NIGHT MUSIC by SOBRIMIO'S AND EVERY SATURDAY KIGHT
      68 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 164 7 The weather MINIMI M TEMPKRATIRE iTJI p.m. on Jan. 28 to 7.30 a.m. on Jan. 29): Singapore 74 degrees, Penang 73. Kota B.ihru 72. Kuala Lumpur 68 ijhiIi 67. Kuantan 68 MAXIMIM I I Mil i: II i.i (7.30^ a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on Jan 2!)>: Singapore 88, Penang 88.
      164 words

  • 218 8 RUBBER MARKET Demand for low grades continues THE rubber market has had another quiet week and only minor fluctuations have taken place. The main feature has been the continued demand for lower grades from most consuming centres and most business transacted was in off-grade sheet and remilled crepes, says Lewis
    218 words
  • 256 8 EACH STUDENT WILL COST $17,000 THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is to train 22 Singapore youths to be civil and electrical engineers as its contribution to the Colombo Plan technical co-operation scheme. The 22 have already been selected from 220 applicants and will leave Singapore
    256 words
  • 141 8 /\NLY three "kindly voices" have responded to the about two half-days a month r.Hpeal for women visitors. Any woma.i who can spare about two holf-days a month is wanted to visit the same four or five blind people regularly so that they will
    141 words
  • 39 8 TELUK ANSON Fri.— The search for the body of On? Eng Kuei, 8, who fell Into the Pefak River last Saturday ha« been abandoned. The boy fell into the river while playing with his elder brother
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  • 216 8 Naval Base negotiations THE Navy, Army and R.A.F. in Singapore may come into the Colony's Workmen's Compensation and Central Provident Fund schemes. Mr F. W. J. Lawrance, secretary to the Superintendent of the Naval Base. Commodore P. M Walton, told the Straits 'Times yesterday: "Negotiations
    216 words
  • 49 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.—lnche Abdul Karlm bin Nawab Din, State Dental Officer,, Johore. wild be one of the two Malayan delegates to the dental seminar in New Zeaiand from May 4 to 12. The other delegate will be Mr. C F. Mummery Chief Dental Officer, Federation
    49 words
  • 55 8 IPOH, Fri.— Ang Beng Tak, alias Ong Thiam Sui, 36, was changed in the Magistrate's Court today with being found residing in Ipoh after having been deported to China from Singapore in 1941. The prosecution withdrew the charge. Ang was arrested on Oct 24 last and his case
    55 words
  • 32 8 tig Kin Cheng owner of Cnap Chin Yong, was fined $500 In Singapore yesterday wnen he pleaded guilty to selling a package of pepper mixture bearing false and misleading labels.
    32 words
  • 71 8 V Saunderson. an assistant superintendent of police, was in Singapore yesterday found guilty of negligent driving and fined $60. Driving along Yio Chu Kang Road in September last year. Saunderson collided with a bus New censor Mr. Teo Kiak Seng of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs office,
    71 words
  • 56 8 rE medium-wave transmission of Radio Malaya broke down for 17 minutes on Thursday night during the "Forum of the Air" feature. The Director of Broadcasting. Singapore, Mr. H. W. Jackson, yesterday said it was due to technical fault. The break-down, from 8.45 to 9.02 p.m., was
    56 words
  • 336 8 An order in Siamese and 18 tough men sprang to attention PENANG, Friday. EIGHTEEN tough men in dark blue uniform and beret came smartly to attention at noon today when their officer gave a command in Siamese in front of the 2nd Special Air Service Regiment officers' mess at Penang's
    336 words
  • 83 8 TVO Singapore young men. E. Oliveiro and C. H. Hogan alias Pom Pom, were bound over yesterday for S5OO to keep the peace for six months. Senior Detective Inspector A. Unison of Joo Chiat police station testified that tintwo were well known bad
    83 words
  • 92 8 Should court visit boy in hospital? THE question whether or not the Singapore Juvenile Court should obtain evidence from a boy in General Hospital is now being considered. The 'decision will be made known en Monday. The boy was attacked by seven other boys early this month in a lane
    92 words
  • 60 8 i JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— A woman. Yeo Wan Lam, was fined $1,000 here for running a chap-ji-ki lottery, and $500 for allowing her room to be used to run a public lottery. She and three other women were arrested on Jan 24 when in a police
    60 words
  • 40 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— The Johore Bahru District Association for the Prevention of T.B. has received an allocation of $5,000 from the Federal Lotteries Board. The Board allocated $1,000 to Muar and $600 to Segamat
    40 words
  • 25 8 PENANG, Fri— A trisha. the second within a week, was today reported stolen here. Th-» vehicle had been left (parked at Macalister Road.
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 Sptcial CHINESE NEW YEAR NunNr Movie News FEB. ISSUE ON SALE IN SINGAPORE TODAY LAST I'rf.lvflTyrijtf 11,1.45,4, DAY! ■■■■■■■nrai 6.30, 9.30 t Warner Bros johnWayne fl| An adventure in a Thousand/ f Our Chinese New Year Attraction Starts at Mitlniiflil ttmif/ht l When the CRIMSON ■fV T CRUSADE clashed VVmkfd
      253 words
    • 214 8 «^V CATHAY ORGANISATION r^ START OFF THAT FESTIVE MOOD with M-G-M's recfriicoLf* WILLIAMS bMb^v Jl^r -W^K^B^^ -Mr^|B^"V^*B R A N D v/v/zoxv^. CHINESE NEW YEAR ENTERTAINMENT DAI LV _^a%_ c 'y^: '/it( 9.3 C p.m. JHB^?3Kjm" ii J ffiAAnJ,' SUSPENDPn TONIGHT MIDNIGHT FOLKS! MEET CARY AND HIS^ M-C-M'» Hilarious jg^m,
      214 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 378 8 27. "Here, cousin, seize the (King Richard ll > (5). Straits Times Crossword SSScEVt! humlllty (7K DOWN 1 mm 1. The last puzzle, Doyle I 2 3 S§ b 6 3 thought (3. 5, 7). $gj| m 2. Wit I never meet formally tPHi Hi HH HI HI Hi HI
      378 words

  • 2314 9 A little street carries the name of the 'father' of a capital F E A T U R E pHERE is probably not one man in ten who passes by the little street in Kuala Lumpur that bears the name of Yap Ah Loy who could say why it is
    2,314 words
  • 150 9 BRITAIN HAS NEW WONDER SUB. THE Navy is secretly completing its first submarines that can race froin Britain to Australia cr New Zealand without surfacing or refuelling. These experimental highspeed submarines are capable of patrolling underwater for hoo months or more. They need no Snort mast cr air tube. The
    150 words
  • 397 9 JOHN AND PUGGY WILL SOON BE LEAVING US -AFTER 51 YEARS SINGAPORE'S "Stop-and-Go Brothers" the Traffic Chief, Mr. W. R. M. Haxworth. and Immigration Chief, Mr. J. L. J. Haxworth— are retiring this year. With a total of 51 years service in Singapore between them, neither intends to return. The
    397 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 w in Malaya, as everywhere, he owns the best when he owns a PONSON 1 1£ i Whirlwind 1 ghter: lights n any wind retractable). •i^ ne-turned ither coverStmdard all and certain I is this handsome Available in a finishes As usual it's lit' Release it's lonson Adonis fine
      90 words
    • 369 9 SENIOR DUOFOIO jVI C T O JTv^ *^0^ PS 1 1 Mf O lT~j Parker Pens II M a PrecisMQ-Mfc hi modem design |1 Senior Dvofold— a large pen Vtelory shorter and slimmer SKmfoM slender and elegant IBBR I a pen for smaller hands. Each has the modern simplified filling
      369 words

  • Around the markets
    • 47 10 T firm on t] nour.ced dividend t Loan 3 'i Au?t Coruol Ii B. Hill Pi i Dunlops Dnis H Electro Zinc Go!r!.sbro;.":h Mori Mount Lvpii Ynrr.'. S Broker Hill I Pa tons J. A Bl Burn? P.Felt nr.<: i B Hill SO Wi Peko
      47 words
    • 35 10 Rub!). nd < The mark! Iguort demand No. R.| I buyen buyers 5 buyers i 3 Frici.r "SS Sptv No. i Fob. Febr R R.S.B No. :i R R M A Vchy Apr r
      35 words
    • 23 10 to petn hieh- up to 01 In The n rlnsr. Dow .1 d:u ;m(i Thurj Wl 20 Rai': 40 no 1
      23 words
    • 420 10 TIN AND RUBBER RISE THE slight improvement in the Lndu the market which wns reported o i tinued yesterday when some count < small rises on quiet investment dema however, were again easier and rul continued neglected. The total turnovi r was still only small
      420 words
    • 82 10 Sin»aporr hinrsr Pindurt Ex- I change: N»y>n prices per picul were: Copra: stead v February $40 7 buyers. $41 sellers .\farch $40 7 huvers. *4i sellers Coconut oil: steady Jfi" sellers. Pepper steady, white up $5: I Muntok White $340. Sarawak $335. Lampone black 5295. I-r»ls and Pral:
      82 words
    • 39 10 On the frre exrhancr market In Hone Kon; TWterdmy the US dollar WM niio-pd it* 5 ***** for Man 5 8275 for TT. Sterllne wa:. quoted at IS 17 and one tnel of sold :r 248 I
      39 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 293 10 convince H OU CONS U*TT r/ X o At A v s y Ivcry motorist has the ideal car in hit mind's eye. ./j Though tastes may vjry. luxury, economy, speed jf and comfort continues to govern choice. Some seek one, some f /^!^r^ another; most prefer all four
      293 words
    • 719 10 NOTICES FAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE TIMBER Shippers are hereby informed that the Base Rate on Timber has been reduced to 130/- M. effective 1-2-54 KAMUNTING TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in England) Cabled advice has been received that at a meeting of Directors of the abovenamed Company duly constituted held on
      719 words
    • 491 10 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION All members of the above Association In the Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th February 1954 belr. B Chinese New Year. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OI /EN of the closing down of THE MONICO BAR RESTAURANT
      491 words
    • 572 10 TENDERS MALAYAN RAILWAY i i mii i; MAM TENDERS are Invited for the purchase of 25 lons Scrap Brass Bering' mixed with other metal lying at Central Stores. Sentul. Application for tender form. Inspection or for further particulars should be made to the Stores Superintendent, Malayan Railway. Sentul. Tender closes
      572 words
    • 168 10 SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES: HEAP ENG MOH SS CO., LTD. SOON BEE STEAMSHIP CO.. 33/35. Teluk Ayer Street— Thor- 3448. M\ "OIANG REE" DIRECT SAILINGS in DJ CIIERIRnv KORI Mr. in i SERVICI A. Sp«rf »ppr. I>h. 1 1.. „o rr appr. I M% ■GIANO Sf:\(;' BAILINGS I" PANGKAI riNU
      168 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 987 11 MANSFIELD <Sc CO LTD. T 1411 (10 lines i BLUE FUNNEL LINE ctk r pn-t, In lond OnH rliicharge cargo I^POOL, GLA-.CO*. LON6ON 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS rrnrjnn Jon 2?, 31 Jon 79/30 G 33/14 Feb. 4 Feb. S/ 4 Feb. 7/ Jon 31 Feb. 4 Feb. 7/ 8 Feb. 11
      987 words
    • 1041 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILItIGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT Spore P S'horr Penong Kino for D,rkor*o, Kohsi. Sataon, Hongkong, Monilo, Kibe A Yoknhomo 6. 8-9 "Mongolia" fr, r Kohs.rhong, H'kong 7/ 7 Feb. for Bongkok 11/1 J Feb. 9/10 Feb. •/•Fab. Songkhia" for Kohsiclvjrvj, Soigon, honnkono. Monilo. Kobe Yokohamo 11/19 Feb 17/17
      1,041 words
    • 1070 11 BEN LlNji. STEAM£RS LTD. SAILINGS te U. K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spou P. Shorn Penong Banalder tor Hovrr., London, Rotterdom, Hull f9l Beneleuch tor Liverpool. Ouhlln, Glosgow. Hwhutn. Antwerp Gdn. 8 7/8 Feb. 9/10 Fab. ■ennevit for Genoo Avonmouth, London, Homburo 4/ 9 Feb. 10/12 Feb 1 J/14 Fab. Bcnveriich
      1,070 words
    • 1107 11 McALISTER 6c CO LTD. ELL.RMAN BUCKNALL I LOJ 0 LONDON HAVBE, HOTTEROAM. POUTLANO, SEATTLE 4 VANCOUVER HAMBURG 4 HULL Accepting cargo for Central 4 South ond for U S A North Atlontic Ports American Ports ond Conoxio vio Colombo mi CASTLFVILLI CITY OF BIRKENHEAD S nor. r >, nm prn-r.o.
      1,107 words

    • 247 12 Foam rubber may be the solution ALT, rubber producers should take ofl tnoir hats to jX Mr. I "> Joon Ting, of Ipoh. for having opened the first "foam rubber factory" In the Federation Tins is probably the best solution to the overproduction of natural ruboer. Th( Mould be opened
      247 words
    • 348 12 'PEOPLE WERE SHOCKED' HARDLY has the unavailing cry against the undemocratic nature of the Registration Ordinance 1 195:0 di< d down, than the implementation and irregular Interpretation of the Bill by the authorities in the very ilrst year of its coming into force have caused grave concern in the
      348 words
    • 586 12 At first I hated it... yyELL. well, well. I'm 1 going home to England. It Just doesn't seem possible, not after all this time; not me "All this time" is a quarter of a decade, and I am a Serviceman. And I'm going back home. Strangely. I
      586 words
    • 75 12 A NUMBER of temporary clerks have been served with initial warning of re-! trenchment. It appears to me that the Federation military authoritj ics have adopted the policy of "last come first go." which is fair enough as far as Malay- ans are concerned. But there i
      75 words
    • 21 12 OFFENDING ma-istrarr.s note: "Benefit of tbfl doubt" is a risht and not a benevolent gesture. SCRIBK. Singapore.
      21 words
    • 77 12 |ii it to Create a marine panorama in the bath-tub that we get a jelly-like sea-weed or a sea- weed -like jelly <I do not know which for certain) in ooru r wate r supply? Or are the consumers of 1 .i 1 given the by-product ol
      77 words
    • 218 12 'This gambling should come into the open' I^ESPITE heavy fines imposed upon the Chee Fah operators, the Malayan "numliers racket" continues to flourish The operators are protected by ill that any Hues imposed are met 50 per cent by the Chee Fah organisation, and (2) by the fact that customers,
      218 words
    • 315 12 But Pepler should know it I HAVE read with Interest thr report of the Press in--1 terv c*- with Sir George Pepi le r in December last, and the subsequent correspondence foetween him and Torquemada The implication, if not the express meaning, of Sir George Pepler\ statement la that (1)1
      315 words
    • 107 12 rPHE Tiong Bahru-Alexanrini A Road transport facilities can hardly accommodate thr increasing population. Although buses do pass at one a minute we have to wait a loivj time before we can board one Those living at the lower hal: 'Tiong Bahrui have to wait a longer time. It
      107 words
    • 157 12 Juke bos storm in tea cup WHAT over tab! I Singapore suffered froi I Rivil: only music otin Malay, Tai new else. Some in pp>' collect the themselve matter. With uk< satlsfactlo ing that the i has 'i the prlvili j r.oiM' and play., or I j other nol be.
      157 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 RT/si/j r emerged from the ordral quite unharmed, its self-winding median! functioning as smoothly aa ever. Two famous Rolex features— the waterproof Oyster case, which makes the watch permanently ■S^^^ impervious to dust, grit and all moisture, and the j rotor self-winding mechanism, which keeps the A '^s^y w^ 3^.
      120 words
    • 29 12 p, REFRIGERATOR I 5.3 CU. FT. CROSS: SINCAPORS CASH S7? FEDERATION CASH $780 or I 2 m IHI or mr Illlltl lIICTIIC Co i,t liy.nron m.h t !•■.!>■.. ROLL FILMS!
      29 words

  • 399 13  - South XV should set record score of series today W. E. TREVOR By [N the last 25 years that the North have played the South in Malaya's most important rujfby match, the highest score has only been 17 0. This was the margin by which North won in 1935 and
    399 words
  • 153 13 r r MELBOURNE. Fri E Sviriapnre sinmmcr Nrn Chwcc Kok won the Vietnria n 220 yards trcc\tyi e title at the Olympic Pool tonight, narrowly bratina Sydney star John Devitt and settitia a new 'ccord or 2rnin. URsn The two men swam neck
    UP  -  153 words
  • 109 13 S.O.S.C TO LAUNCH DRIVE FOR FUNDS send about 70 'ho Spconri to nr held at thr Sincaporr Bporta Council earnest n aLsr tely aftrr thp nnn to wnd Thf Sinsa- lutfe a'hlftM. tooUMllen 'I h.,vlc»<hall SOSC Mr! Hi 'he ORidrn n H Kiai '"'iTr.mlttf* Nm Teem r):a« up toi 'hf
    109 words
  • 14 13 ilb t>r«t I frirndlv ho, key Mterday. md Hofdfn Ml Kun
    14 words
  • 28 13 lond si •>-• ir«. of nnf wir-krt ln v»- S first \HI at thr CIOM »b» fir.<;r 6v of thMr SI rid ma'rh her? lod^v
    28 words
  • 26 13 A.C. S. BEAT SIKHS t S'hr.ol hem Youns rw 4-1 m m I B rkir Road yr%H M md Kirn I.Up sroipd >:r:h Rh^s for YMRA
    26 words
  • 294 13 LONDON. Friday. W'lM England, who beat the Third All Blacks by 13 clear points during the 1935-36 tour, be able to repeat this success against the Fourth All Blacks at Twickenham tomorrow? I Since Wales beat New Zealand at Cardiff before Christmas, and England
    294 words
  • 619 13 NORTH POITH Aitken Ellington Born* Dawat Break* ell TrarMin WillinTham RnherU. Om» Naidole Bennelt Rokcua Peslana Naitinl T >rell ArmiUte Webster I /M rh s "iilh smith Urichtneoih |)alr .MrWalter Radrndrn Harper Crrmlrhael «"?le Rairri Hanson Srr<ike score a try aßalnsl Johore this yeai The half backs are
    619 words
  • 24 13 The R,vm: BpOTtl Cluh will hold their annual general meeting at Ceylon Tamtl Association 11 Handy Ponri. Singapore, tomorrow at fi prr
    24 words
  • 131 13 SYDNEY Fri TIIER\YN Rwr and Rex Hartwi? rv-ed their fourth doubles succeys of the Australian 'ennirhampioruhlpt today when they be; t ClJve Wilderspln and Neale M i-3. fi-4. 6-2 In the final at •he Wr-i-e City rourts. I here were barely 1.000 present to see
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 75 13 BRISBANE Friday Queensland scored I SS runs for the loss of one wicket Ir. reply to Went Australia s 102 on the opening day of their Sheffield S'melri Cricket match here toc";>v Brian Kivr.n. the Queensland bowler, took fne wirkets for 43 runs. Test bowler
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 423 13 SC A REJECT SPLIT-TIME BASIS FOR TOURNEY By Our Cricket Reporter THE annual general x mopting of the Singapore Cricket Association, held in the Singapore Cricket Club last night, voted unanimously against the proposal of the tournament sub-committee to run this year's tournament on split-time basis. The mertinc voted for
    423 words
  • 40 13 MRS.TEO TAKES MONTHLY SPOON Mrs. C. Teo won the Ladies sertion January monthly spoon stroke competl'ion at the' Kepppl Club with .srore of 86—23 S3 The monthly L.G U. winner ».i> Mrs M Srllars with a score ol 99—36 63.
    40 words
  • 34 13 The Sinsapore hofkev team will not have any trairinc on Sunrlav nomine n c oriKinallv fixed The tiaininc will be held at 5.15 p.m. on tin p;id;mc today and throughout neM week.
    34 words
  • 301 13 PALIO PROMOTED TO CLASS ONE fjALIO. a winntT over six furI longs at Bukit Timah last Saturday. Starry and Bridgelaw II have been promotrd from Class Two to Class One according 10 the latest amendment to the classification list of the Straits Racing Association Issued ycstiTday. Other transfers' From Clam
    301 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 13 A l!) 38 picture of Tom Hart. elected president of the Singapore Cricket Association Mist night. Mr. Hart, who is Director of f'ommerce and Industry. was an Oxford Blue ;ind Scottish international in cricket and rurhy. Straits Times picture.
    41 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 132 13 Marican&Sons HEAD OFFICE: BRANCHES: 74, ORCHARD RD. SPORE 16 18, BATTERY RD., KALLANG AIRPORT. W ANNOUNCE w* Y2w |gi tit i^ dT j ly lill ili '¥m 'i 'fti tf^ I m of their showroom at 74, Orchard Road from today for the comfort of their numerous esteemed customers and
      132 words
    • 449 13 \^^^^g2^p^ TONIGHT LA J^^T^w-^ Mhmans iß^m2S^) Cambridg6 Gaia Night yWi HAPPY CABARET l! •DX\ r\ Th lly M(V<t Fnrhantln N1 ht s FlrVVv LUCKY BALLOONS aIJSv SPOT DANCES V^ VALUABLE ENGLISH V CIGARETTE CASES f^T h SWISS POWDER A 2* COMPACTS GIVEN X-r 0 x FREE AS PRIZES DANCE TO
      449 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 38 13 MNMB NORTH V SOI TH. MM Bnar trrt. Capt. riavlnn); RF.ME v \n. I Station Work*. Avrr Rajah Road (Mr. Scott). HO( KIY SKMOR K.O. TOI RXKV: SCR( v CSC. CSC ground; l.iiirT Wini|. ■<■.. RAf Selrtar, SC( -miinH
      38 words

  • 364 14 REST RET A GAIN DESPITE HIS HEAVY PENALTY Forest Beau wi\\ be the danger By KI'SO.M JEEP (JAMBAR MELAYU is being saved f or Selangor (iold Cup race nc\t Saturday. him out of the way, Host Bel looks thing in the (iold Cap Trial o\ cr a mi at Kuala
    364 words
  • 213 14 CONFIDENT VOTE TO GOLDEN LOTUS By EPSOM JEEP GOLDEN LOTUS came out after a three month spell to beat Palio over the Penang 6f. four weeks ago a performance that was all the more creditable as Golden Lotus had always shown his best form in staying races. Today Oolden Lotus
    213 words
  • 731 14 Adelaide Star outstanding in Race 5 A DELAIDE STAR is clearly of •A outstanding merit and. with a luxury weight of 7.9, he stands out as a bright prospect in a below-strensth Class 1. Div. 1. 6-f. sprint field in S Race Five at Kuala Lumpur j today. 1 Adelaide
    731 words
  • 174 14 EPSftM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1. SALVADOR 2.30 Tiumpinglon II HooKhly RACE 2. Q SCHOLAR 3. M 1 1. hi"; Captain Valiant TRI'MPINGTON II Salvador Yorkshire Beau SINTRACE Rippling River (apUin Valiant SALVADOR Canton Fair Madrline (APT. VALIANT Thf <iift Suntrare RACE 3. I RIVER PATROL
    174 words
  • 1107 14 Race 1—2.30: Class 4, Div. 3— Abt. 7 Furs. 1 -98 Canton D. Jones 900 C.K. Ch'ng Mdm. C.T. Gho Daniels 2 700 Yorkshire Beau Lansriown 8.13 C.S. Tan <fc A Lewis Hobbs 3 800 Paveur Franklin 8.12 F. Ochlers Dr. J. Lewis Wadsworth 4 880 Constellation
    1,107 words
  • 179 14 /2OLDEN Dolphin Is my best be! of the day. This faM-lmnrov-ing sprinter Is up agnlrst a Class 1 field of limited strcnglh In Race Eiaf* ai.d I think he will prove ton good toi !,is opposition. In his last appearance at Penan:: nn ChrLstma-s Day. Golden
    179 words
  • 62 14 rERE was no rain in Kuala Lumpur yesterday and tingoing for today's races should be good. THE Double Tote will br hrlri on Races Five and Eight: Ihe Treble Tote on Races Four. Six and Seven. The Bis; Sweep will be drawn on Race Eight. Radio Malaya
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 14 Lord Garfiel can triumph in open race (MM lll\ HOW v Lord C. open field (Ra 1 I ran In: h P 1.01 over a 11 Then ai nr\< Dimensinnow i for a thn nri p biliu Ipoh In nver K
    43 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 464 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS t 1 Classified Advertisement Service Provided a Straits Times j Box Number is used, you may PHONE your small ads i r to Singapore 2800. t t OMMODATION INI w.,,*. M fJHa.i— J v NOW slngleraoti May Boardint I unle couple o: 0 NEW FLORAVII I Rond Available
      464 words
    • 814 14 ((nntlnurd from Pa«r fit TUITION ■■< ll.irrf, (Win I /.'..1 St rt: txtra. TREE Typewrit lim Tuition: Va--1 ancles in afternoon night primary 1, bk. -keeping s'hami. land urvey and Draughtsmanship City Oimmerciul College. Tel. 817'J7 HOOK-KEEPING. Shorthand (Been Ac Speed 1 Accounting, Eng- 1 bamatfca (All Slandardsi ping at
      814 words
    • 733 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE Hordn 5. (Mim.)— Box it) ctm. txtro. VAUXHALL 12 In good condition recently overhauled, $1,600. Phone 4805. FIAT 500 1949 recently overhauled, excellent condition $1,600. Tel. 2808 1952 MORRIS Minor 4 door mileage 16.000 excellence condition phone Mr. Yong *****. VELOCETTE LE 200 Moor Cycle. 10.000 miles
      733 words
    • 131 14 i?o od companion The HERMES "Paby" is portable in the sense of the word. Wherever you amazing little typewriter will accompany It is sturdy and light at the same tin smallness will surprise you Anybody HERMES "Baby,' the keyboard is t on a large office machine. For only (Duty free
      131 words