The Straits Times, 28 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Established 1845 SINGAPORE, THIRSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1954 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 345 1 7 to 6 for end of assessor system after first day's debate Kil KIALA LIMPUR, Wednesday. Utorm-y-Cencral. Mr. M. .1. P. Ho^an, hinted in the Federal* Legistive ouncil UnU) that trial by jury mijrht be introduced throujjht the Federation "when the administration of justice is not
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  • 50 1 They rush cordon to see Queen \EDIN BREAKS NEDIN, Wed. RAL THOUSAND >ple broke a police on when thr Quren the nuke of Edin- arrived to at- at the Hal] here last tht. linkod ping U md the rderly unt:l in, crowds Duke :i:irl sn Dunedln land Quern and the
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  • 9 1 •S. Wed Mr Oliver nial Sepowen rnmenta.
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  • 94 1 MADRID. V IE broke up a tion by about 1.000 outside the university Id had intended the Ministry of which is 1 hundred yards from protest newsidio had rei s demanding the Gibraltar to Spain. The students tried to block traffic passing along San
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  • 47 1 A YOUTH ROWS across a flooded park near Manchester following heav> rain that swamped large areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire Depth of the flood water is indicated by the trees, with Dranches showing only a short distance above the surface. Reuter picture.
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  • 50 1 A 2.000-WORD petition protesting against amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code which gives new powers to trial judges was presented to the Federal Council yesterday. The petition demands abolition of the assessor system and the introduction, instead of trial by jury. The peiitio7i is in Page 6.
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  • 1616 1 the opportunity, they would muster public support for the objections to the passage.* relating to assessors." said Mr Hogan. "Since the last meeting," he said, "we have had letters to the Press, articles, a monster meeting of 300 people— and there mv a football match on too
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  • 75 1 PANMUNJOM. Wed. The Korean Communists agreed conditionally tociay to accept 347 captured United Nations soldiers who renounced their native countries and asked to live as "free men" under Red rule. By radio. Red China and North Korea said they had granted a request of Communist Red
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Wed. -The Electrical Trades Union i s expected to call today for a seven-day strike in the Liverpool area to follow its present seven-day i stoppage in London. The union, campaigning for pay rises for contract workers, has called a mass meetine of Its members
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  • 180 1 IT'S A SOFTER ARMY All because British mothers are spoiling the troops LONDON. Wed. Lieut. -Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks told mili- tary stafT officers and students here last night that British soldiers Me softer today than they were 150 years ago because their mothers .spoiled them. "British mothers are almost
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  • 110 1 BRITAIN'S COLDEST DAY since 1947 LONDON, Wed. BRITISH motorists were today warned that snow and ice made 12,000 miles of British roads "very dangerous" and were advised to use snow chains. Broadcast warnings to motorists in eastern and northern parts of Britain and in Wales came on the coldest day
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  • 47 1 Back with more power WASHINGTON. Wed. The three Democrats who walked out of Senator McCarthy's investigating sub-committee six months ago. iast night agreed to return with increased powers. Senator John McClellan announced the decision on behalf of himself and Senators Stuart Symington and Henry Jackson. I —Reuter
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  • 35 1 ARRAS, Wed. A farmer ploughing his field here, in Northern France, turned up the skeleton of a soldier killed in the 1914-18 war The insignia indicated that the soldier was an Australian. A.P.
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  • 30 1 JERUSALEM. Wed. An Israeli Army spokesman said here that Arab legionaire.s from Jordan had shot an Israeli policeman dead today in the Israel; sector of the city. Reuter.
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  • 21 1 PORTO FERRARO. Wed. Gale-whipped seas today heiO up the underwater television search for wreckage of the British Comet jetliner—Reuter.
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  • 56 1 TAIPEH. Wed.-- One Chinese soldier who waited for three years in American prisoner of war camps for a chance to come to Formosa fell overboard the day before his ship was to dock and was drowned, it was i disclosed today. The soldier was swept
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  • 87 1 MERAPI: NOW THREAT OF FLOODS JAKARTA. Wed. LAVA from rumbling Merapi volcano rolled down toward the Apu and Senowo rivers today, threatening to cause .serious floods in vallejn where Indonesians live. Hospital in Solo reported 12 more people had died ol injuries sulK-red in explosions that already had killed
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  • 61 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. The (Jetted States Senate today raMfled a mutual defence tr- I .vith South Korea under wh the two countries promise to ict jointly to meet any Comnunist military aggression. The treaty would also strengthen the Pacific security system It was sent to Pi.
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  • 253 1 AND SHIN WELL BEGS: DON'T GO LONDON Wednesday. SIR Winston Churchill last night brushed off with a smile attempts in the House of Commons to quiz him about his future whether he is retiring soon or continuing as head of the Government. "It Is
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  • 20 1 ISTANBUL, Wed.— Sir Jame- j Bowker. aged 52. Britain's nrv. Ambassador to Turkey, arrived here today. Reuter.
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  • 38 1 NEW DELHI. Wed— Mr. R. A Butler. British Chancellor of the Exchequer, said here today it was "cleariy o ativanta^e to the United States and the sterling area to increase EastWest trade." Reuter
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  • 35 1 BERLIN. Wed. Mr Molotov today sent Mr John Foster Dulles, the U.S. Secret arv o! State, an invitation t,, dine with him ;it the Soviet Embassy in East Berlin o n Friday Router.
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  • 29 1 HOLLYWOOD, Wed--Come-dian Red Skelton had 30 stitches put into a cut in his right arm after he had accidentally broken a glass door :it his home. A.P.
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  • 24 1 LONDON. Wed. A threeman unofficial Parliamentary mission to the Middle K rived home last night after visiting eight countries. U. P.
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  • 80 1 PANMUNJOM Wed. The Communists today called on U.S. envoy Arthur Dean to prove 'your side has any s:n--i-erity" by either resuming the Korean peace conference j preliminary talks on Feb. 1 or proposing a date. Their Utter, cabled to the U.S. State Department made no
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  • 169 1 Rebels start big push On 187-mile front to the sea SAIGON. Wrri. THE Communist -led Vletmlnh today launched a strong offensive on B 187-milo front in (•(Mitral Indo-China. Thry have captured one French post, and 65 miles of a strategic highway. A French .spokesman said the attack took place between
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  • 41 1 NEH BRITISH D I BOMBERS l ONDON. Wed.— Defence In! 11l \.i idi inccd today Britain v ii bring Into mi vii i this i (> Hrst bis low Jel bomber*, capable easilj bombinn i of Rusaia.— l I'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 336 2 LAWSUIT FAILED, THEN COUNCIL DECIDES TO PAY FORMER acting Chief Justice of the Federated .Malay States. Mr. Arthur a'Beckett Terrell, i< to receive an ex-uratia payment of £85.18s.l()d. (about $730) I year from the Federation Government. The decision to make
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  • 75 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. AN "fiieer in the .V who had to retire because of ill brnucht on by overwork la to br Riven 15.432 as gratuity retire with:i he h:u: pass a mea: amination and was th< not confirmed in his appointment nor placed
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  • 32 2 TOKYO. Wed. K'-irran R*d:o last nlghi said tliat Tho Rovrrnirrnt had prnin pil *t observation p! v it, Choi Man ('hnna was paid a reward ol US$lOO- A.P.
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  • 19 2 HEREFORD. Wed.— N nine prdicrco bull? wei for £30.912 at Herefoi I Society's first spring sales Rontor.
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  • 173 2 Satin roll carries 'thank you note DELEGATION OFF TO BRUNEI KUALA LI.MPI K. Wednesday THREE Federation leaders will leave Singapore next Monday to deliver a message of thanks to the Sultan of Brunei for the State's S4O million loan which the Federation Government accepted last year. The are the
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  • 110 2 LONDON Wed MR Anthony Head, the War Minister, said in a broadcast last niaht that a Kenya inquiry had shown that the British soldier was tolerant and good natured and not given to brutality H said tr.e situation in Krrva was different from that in Malaya where
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  • 133 2 'Anomaly/ says Government KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. THE Federal Legislative Council agreed today to disA solve the Taxation Advisory Committee which was set up in 1950 to suggest ways of increasing GovernI ment revenue. The Soerrtarv. M: E. Himsworth. said the Member for Economic Affairs, frvir members
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  • 101 2 Exemptions baffle Mr. Gray KIAI.A LUMPI'R. Wed Tllr. l-'rdoration Chief Secretary. Mr. David Gray, could not say why some technical assistants in the signal and mechanical departments of the railways were exempted from the first and second technical examinations, when asked in the Federal Legislative Council today. The scheme was
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  • 286 2 WHEN six-year-old Jennifer Juneaux appeared in the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday, the magistrate asked her if she knew why she was there. Jennifer replied: "Because I have to tell a story." Jennifer was a prosecution witness at the trial of Nellie
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  • 74 2 But school learned NAIROBI. Wed— Two African policemen were slashed to death by Mau Mau sancsterrtoday near Kikuyu. ten miles from here. But before they died, they st.icsereri to a nearby school and warned the headmaster o< the approaching pang. The teachers and pupils fled
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  • 39 2 CANBERRA. Wed —The Australian Prime Minister. Mr. Robert today snid that tions were '-ontinuins 1 with the United States on the i;se of an American-Japanese party to survey islands in the New Guinea area. A.P.
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  • 35 2 LONDON. Wed.— Manuicnpts and first editions oi Somerset i Maugham's work were on view last night at an exhibition here In honour of his 80th birthday, which he celeorated on Monday. Reuter.
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  • 33 2 PORT SAID. Wed The British tanker London Splendour, which ran apround in the Suez Canal 40 miles from Port Said, blocking canal traffic for 12 hours, was towed off undamaged. A.P.
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  • 29 2 LONDON. Wed British 1 character actress Moya Nugent collapsed on a London stage yesterday during a rehearsal and died before she reached hospital She was 52 —A.P.
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  • 24 2 MONTREAL, Wed Aigle A7iir. a French airline, has inined the International Air Transport Association, bringing the membership to 70 companies.- A. P.
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  • 26 2 rine Corps pilot was killed j when his panther jet crashed and exploded on a beach near here durinK straling exercises yesterday. A.P I
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  • 24 2 CAIRO, Wed- Gen Franco of Spain has been Invite- to visit Egypt and other Arab States, an Arab League .spokesman said. Reuter.
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  • 22 2 NAIROBI. Wed. A swarm of locusts, estimated to be four miles wide and 10 miles lonz invaded Nairobi yesterda" A.P.
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  • 26 2 eapore ha.krrs appeal.nj S3S£rr arn\rcl at the ity Hall the President. SgPsP poor peoplp. earning a \,«v?., i f.'"™?! 1"? IgKSS restraint."
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  • 82 2 KUALA LUMPUK vwa A 1/6 Gurkha Rifles patrol yesterday killed two armed uniformed bandits in the Kati area near Kuala Kangsar Perak. A sten gun. two rifles and two nandgrenades were rectnered. A police patrol woun-Jcc. a terrorist In the Kuantan area in east Pahans
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  • 109 2 They're study inflour market A CANADIAI sum. hear. I William Rirtr; dian Who;] 1 mlssloner, arr] gapore yesti goodwill and Inl gathering visit Mr Riddrl explain™ th I formation obta Malayan markei Canadian exporter Hour that wo ild consumer Th^ mission ed flour d>- ill biscuit and
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  • 26 2 VATICAN cm condition ol thi I suffering I :>rovrd today It was anni n tha* the 77-yi had car enrp today foi Renter
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  • 19 2 HAMILTON than 40P Brii coining to Win.--; on Ch I to revive the B r it \\h
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  • 301 2 TERROR BOSS OF LIPIS AND THREE AIDES DIE 'Many will sleep easier now X! ALA LIPIS, Wednesday. I IM MENCi SEX, a former Clifford Government k School student who became the "terror of Kn&ls Lipis," and four other Communist bosses were among six kills by security forces in Pahang yesterday
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  • 99 2 Big-hearted husband is praised rpKF Singapore Sixth A Police Magistrate. Mr. R. \V. H. Davit's, yesterday praised tlie generosity of Tan Peng Leon?, who appeared on a maintenance suit. Tan, who said his monthly wages were Sl5O offered to pay Sinn morthiy for the maintenance of his wife and four
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  • 73 2 NEW YORK, Wed.— Mrs. Am Davison, the 38-year-old trijlish yachtswoman and authoress, who was the first to sail the Atlantic alone last year in her tiny yacht Felicity Ann. has left here by air tor England. She hopes to return in April to New York where the
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  • 39 2 JERUSALEM Wed. Hie is raeli Knesseth (Parliament) last night cave a vote oi :unfidence to the new conltfton government headed iy Mr. Moshe Sharett. the Larwur leader. The voting was 75 to 23. with five abstentions.— Reuter
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  • 19 2 PARIS. Wea. France naa i tentatively cho.'n Tahiti as] the ex-Sultan o: Morocco's new exile.— UP. I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 Straits Times THURSDAY WORD PUZZLE J' Cut out And pin with other coupons. Postin; instructions appear below. Name Addfc \~i~i i| A B E L|H fill |H|U JnJI lE] R I MISSING I L JO OdH letters a warn r w f T lACROSS'I ACR0SS 4 C H E USING
      366 words
    • 35 2 r J^fttfl [w "j presents the new r Jjj I XST ilia I'lft Mil U^' WE?: i d If //1| H'l Il| Distributors: LYONS MOTORS LTD. Orchard Road, sirzap>rc 9. FEDERATION REPRESENTATIVES: WEARNE BROS. LTD.
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  • 596 3 Molotov's plan rejected any other Asian problems Mr Dulles declared. "The meani for settling thf Korean political question wit!. the participation of the fivr Governments mentioned in tin Soviet proposal Ls provided i>. form (if a political conference recommended by the Korean armistice
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  • 43 3 THE I'-KITISII HOME Se< rrtary. Sir I:avid Maxwell r.vic. chats with Mrv l.v him H:isu. from ulcuttu i right i and Mrs. Vimon SanrhH, from nombay, durini; thr Indian Jnurna1 1> t Assoriation Kepubiic Day luncheon in London. A.P. picture.
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  • 91 3 LONDON. Wed. AN UNEMPLOYED former civil servant who cooks his own frugal meals in the tiny basement room he calls home is the new peer. The fifth Baron Farrer is known to villagers in .Markyates. Herts, as Tommy, a market gardener who has been plag ed
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  • 19 3 LONDON, Wed.— Sir Rocer Bogomolov. former Soviet Ambassador to Sweden, flew into London yesterday from Stockholm—A P.
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  • 36 3 PORTLAND. Oregon. Wed.— A US. Air Force F-94 Starnre crashed in a grove of trees in Portland yesterday, killing the two-man crew A four-year-old child was injured by flying debris. U.P.
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  • 35 3 LONDON. Wed— Sir Eciniund Hillary, one of the two members of the team which conquered Everest last spring, left by air last right for a lecture tour In the United States— Reuter.
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  • 16 3 LONDON. Wed— Lord Heneasre, aged 87. one of Briirin's oldest barons, died yesterday. A.P.
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  • 177 3 LONDON. Wednesday. I ORD FARRER, aged 49. who was due to appear in court on a charge of driving while under the influence of drink, shot himself in bed with a shotgun last Sunday, a Coroner decided yesterday. A witness said that Lord Farrer
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  • 109 3 3 soldiers fined for assault HONG KONG. Wed. mHREE British soldiers yesL terday were fined a tota! of HKS3SO each, or 14 weeks' gaol for assaulting a Chinese taxidriver. The soldiers are William Angell. aged 19. Alfred Law aged 19. and John Torrence. aged 20. all from the 72nd Light
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  • 258 3 Japan plans big new 'self-defence force IT WILL TAKE OVER FROM U.S. TOKYO, Wednesday. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Shigeru Yoshida. told the nation today that he plans to build a land, sea and air force to take over from the United States the defence of Japan against outside aggression. Mr
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  • 70 3 LONDON Wed Tilt Gangster. students' union magazine of Nottingham Iniversity. yesterda> criticised student love-mak-ing in the refectory and lower corridor of the university building. The article suggested that the "adolescents" should be "given a playground all to themselves." "One runs the constant risk of being trampled
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  • 118 3 MOSCOW. Wea. EVEN in Russia there are men with a caddish attitude towards women, workers who get drunk on pay day and foremen who swear. This bad behaviour should rease says Triui. the Soviet trade' union newspaper. ••The rotten 'tradition' of drunkenness on
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  • 95 3 'Gen. China' facing 4 charges NAIROBI, Wed. rPHE MAU MAU No. 2 Field A Commander, "General China," who was wounded and captured by security forces 10 days ago, will be tried on four capital charges at Nyeri 100 miles north of Nairobi, next Monday. The Attorney General, Mr. John Whyatt,
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  • 24 3 LONDON, Wed.— Mr. A. E. Bogomoloy. former Soviet Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, left Prague by train for Moscow yesterday Prague Radio reported. Reuter.
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  • 18 3 KARACHI. Wed— The Pakistan Government yesterday declared illegal a strike of 5,000 key port workers. Reuter.
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  • 217 3 LONDON. Wed. /^LOSING prices ol seiccttd stocks were:— LOANS Consols 64 Funding 47, 101 War 34% 84H BANKS Mercantile <£12S> 24 Hongkons? ($125) 97'i -2 Eastern (£5i 8*» Chartered (£1) 41/6 +->S Loan 3V< 1956-59 £94 12 '6d INSIKANCE Com. Un. (uts.) 12H Royal 12% Prudentla' 36V4 RAILS
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Jan. 27. Cash Buyers BMVtti Sellers t650; Forward Buyers C627'j; Sellers VBSS I^: Settlement BMM4. Turnover a.m. 60 tons; p. m 15 tons.
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  • 31 3 LONDON Jan. 27. Spot 16' Mar 16' id.. Apr-June 16> 2 d.. JulySept 16'vd. Oct.-Dec lC'-vd.. Feb. cl.f. ie>*d.. Mar. c.i.f. 16'sd.. April c If. unquoted Tone: Quietly steady
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Modess "those certain times/ »ff^ modern woman jC^ Bk "lies on MODESS, the (f^ 9^l B onomical. safe and fully *> C Wr ■otection. for complete confidence and comfort I V^ I MODESS Sanitary Towels and the TJ^l'^\ I MODESS all-clastic adjustable Wf Sanitary Belt for invisible sanitary protection. l^~r»^X.n^
      56 words
    • 259 3 «mil fPyv b m^^^ a genuine bayer'produci (bayer) manufactured in LEYERKUSEN. GERMANY j MIEBSON 51M0H5 bCO 118 I RAFFLES HOTEL 1 MARGOT I CHIWERTO C(& I H THE NEW AUGMENTED S RAFFLES HOTEL ORCHESTRA Elt3abetban Grill A Dtit£imti for the DixriminatiHt £k HM3777 watch your baby thrive on the complete,
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  • 308 4 COUNCIL GETS BLUEPRINT TO PROTECT I THE ABORIGINES Xl ALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A BILL to jjive the aborigines schools of their own, prevent the sale of liquor to them and safeguard their land was considered by the Federal Legislative Council today. The bill seeks
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  • 81 4 Agnes is seen above helping to serve three of the guests at the Little Sisters' Home in Thomson Road, Singapore. The guests are Lucy Wong. 70, Agnes Yun, 75, and Frances Wong, 78. Straits Times picture. THE LITTLE SISTERS
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  • 123 4 KUALA I.UMPUR. Wed. A $400,000 plan to win over the Aborigines is beinc; carried out. accordln Federal Council repos today. 1 the norI civil Aborieconomlc position nproved by setting up trading posts at the forts and providing them With limited meciie:W :md educational fad The
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  • 21 4 IPOH. Wed -Lam Mok. 57. unemployed, was found hanclng from a tree behind some ■hophouses in Menglembu this morning.
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  • 33 4 Yap Hai Chwee, a lorry driver, was fined $60 with the alternative of 12 days' imprisonment, in a Singapore court yesterday for negligent driving resulting in a collusion with a cyclist.
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  • 101 4 AWAKENED by the opening of a window. Sergeant R. C. Smith of the Royal Signals saw a man peering at him from outside the window led^c. He told a Singapore judge, Mr H. A. Forrer, yesterday that the man was a coffee seller.
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  • 85 4 BOOKMAKING REPORT Another five months to wait KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— Thp committee considering lir-nsing of bookmaking in the V ('deration will make itrecommendations in the middle »f this year at the earliest, j the Attorney General, Mr. M. J. Hogan, said in a written reply to Mr. Yeaj> Choong Koon
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  • 101 4 Home Guards given control PENANG, Wednesday. PERMATANG Tinggi in Province Wellesley last night became the second new village in the Settlement of Penang to assume full responsibility for its At an impressive ceremony I attended by the Senior District Officer. Mr. G. S. Mowat, village
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  • 86 4 MALAYA CANS THE WORLD'S PINEAPPLE JOHORE BAIIRU, Wed. Malaya now produces 80 per cent of the world's supply of canned pineapple, Mr. C. E. Courtenay, adviser for the pineapple planting industry in Malaya, told Johore Bahru Rotarians yesterday He said the industry was started in Singapore In 1890 by a
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  • 24 4 SEREMBAN. Wed.— To foster goodwill among Muslim youths in the State, a non-political body, the Seremban Muslim Youth Organisation has been formed.
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  • 112 4 MOTORIST ARRESTED AFTER INQUEST A MOTORIST was arrested yesterday soon I after a Singapore inquest on a girl, Tang San Kuan 7. The Coroner, Mr. K. T. Alexander, ordered the arrest when he held that there was evidence of negligence against the i driver, Ang Mow Eng. The girl was
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  • 62 4 Threatened a woman Youth gaoled A youth, Sim Ah Moh, was gaoled for a year by a Singapore court yesterday lur attempting to extort $10.80 from Wong Wai Geng m her coffee shop in Macphrrson Road on Sept. 14. Wong told the court that Sim demanded the money saying he
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  • 74 4 Normal bin Abdul Ghani. a Singapore Traction Company conductor, yesterday claimed trial to two charges of misappropriating a total of 30 cents in fares between Nov. 6 and 11. A detective of the S.T.C. investigation section, C.1.D., said he saw Normat take 10 cents each from three
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  • 205 4 MONEY IS KEY TO OPENING OF 'FREE' SCHOOLS To train the teachers, KUALA LUMPUR. Wednrsd v GOVERNMENT and aided English schools into national schools wln-n thc r enough money, the Member for Education E. E. C. Thuraisingham, told the Federal Le»i, Council today. The rate of progress in opening natioi
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  • 79 4 New stamps are still a mystery Stamp collector kno w when thElizabeth stamp; pore and Mate issued. In letters to Times, they poirv Kong and the have had tbelrj But they w::i Postal authority no information. We haven't ev< n proofs from the the Singapore Posts. Mr. M. L said
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  • 62 4 PENANG. Wed.— Ang pows will be given to every child taking part in the children's fashion parade at the annual Chinese New Year dance of the Penang Dance Association at E and O Hotel on New Year Eve's night. The pande will be open to
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  • 38 4 The 15,276-ton French troopship Athos 11 arrived in Singapore yesterday with 1.513 troops bo md for Saigon from Djibuti. The Athos 11 stayed for a few hours to take on bunkers, water and provisions.
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  • 34 4 ALOR STAR. We d Chinese weman susp< being a bandit ageni rested in Alor Bti Police picked Jalan Tunica ib: heart of the town and her under the E::. gulations.
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  • 29 4 PENANG V. Morecambe Buy is clue" t Penang on Feb. 6 She will put to morning on a i for Malayan Royal Na' serve volunteers.
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  • 77 4 PENANG, Wed— All Muslims should stop fishing on Fridays so that they can attend weekly congregational services in their mosques. This resolution has been passed by the Penang Muslim Missionary Society following reports that attendances at Friday prayers had dropped in recent months. The society
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 '10r^^ FOR A GIFT... For W Jli REMEMBER Chinese L WfT Year.. r*^v Urn TOJORJUu Ol fm, y~~^ PEN NAME FOR THE PERFECT GIFT >^ For that special gift occasion— a birthday, anniversary, re- v "V j iji \m ligious holiday— give New Parker "51". Its fame assures ""^g, H
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  • 250 5 -to 95,000 Chinese KUALA LUMPUE, Wednesday. 11KMBER estates of the Malayan Planting industries Kmployers' Association have d th«« first pa> merits of Taylor arbitration although workers' unions have not yet :>tcd the award. enta are being made to 95.000 Chinese >rkers for
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  • 28 5 y the Slnga- for 1 vcr- Vadivelu. ibblns thp Ml Road led tin Knight re- Vadivcl hi to Im that hr i when
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  • 22 5 bange Con- i ill < bu the Door of Fullerton Build- reek hi onon at Pel r. telephone r is *****
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  • 12 5 Two lons roi Q '0110. in an had i I.
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  • 43 5 All Singapore Rural Boarrl rates and dues on houses, land and rubber estates in the Somapah-Serangoon district may be paid at the Chuan Lye Seng Timber Yard, 223-D. TampcnLs Road, from 9 a.m. to 1 30 p.m on Feb. 16.
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  • 201 5 \|EN and women students in the University of Malaya should get together more, the Vice Chancellor, Sir Sydney Came, suggested yesterday. Sir Sydney told the International Women's Club of Singapore that students here tend to keep apart, unlike those in British
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  • 91 5 EX-REDS LEARN FARMING $120,000 camp KIALA LI MPI X, \Ve«l. A DISUSED police jungle camp is being converted into an agricultural settlement for surrendered Communist terrorists. Those who inhabit the settlement will learn farming and pig and poultry rearing under modern methods. At the end of about a year, they
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  • 141 5 Wage rises likely for the nurses and sisters r.t Singapore Middlrton Hospital will grt higher initial and maximum salaries if the City Council tomorrow confirms new scales recommended. These scales will bring them in line with the salaries paid in the Government nursing service. Initial pay for nursing assistants will
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  • 204 5 Director tells court 'Ididn 't break faith DAMAGES SUIT HEARING PENANG. Wednesday. ]V|R. CHEAH PHEE CHEOK, managing director of ITI Chop Ban Bee, textile dealers, in Chulia Street, denied in the High Court here today that he had broken faith with Henry Waugh and Co., Ltd., when ordering some cotton
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  • 99 5 Flying club to give joy rides /CHINESE New Year joy rides v; are being organised by the Rcyal Singapore Flying Club for next Wednesday and Thursday In addition to their own Cessna three-seater and two Auster twin-seaters, they will use a Ijaxota borrowed from Malayan Airways The 21 seats on
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  • 53 5 The public lecture by Dato Nik Ahmed Kamll bin Hajl Mahmud, Member for Local Government, Housing and Planning. Federation, at the University of Malaya on February 5 has been cancelled. The speaker will be attending the ECAFE conference at Kandy and New Delhi as
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  • 70 5 For blood donors who cannot attend during normal working hours, an extra evening session will be held at the new centre in the General Hospital, on Feb 1 from 4.30 p.m. to 7 p.m This move is to build up th« blood bank to
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  • 21 5 KUALA, LUMPUR Wed— Raub citizens pan to set up a blood bank soon to supply the local hospital.
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  • 181 5 Now "scrap mountain' has become a killer 4 MOUNTAIN of rusty metal (above) that wa< once part of the world's largest floating dock has •■laimed the life of one of the 100 men who are slowly carving up the 13,300-ton hulk for scrap metal.
    181 words
  • 32 5 An electric short circuit last night started a fire which seriously damaged a big neon advertisement sign on the top of a three-storey building in New Bridge Road, Singapore
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  • 196 5 Boy and girl scare off 3 'devils' I^INE-year-old Lee Sou and his 14-vear-old aunt. Lee Siang Choo. thought they saw three devils on Tuesday night. Both were entering the'.r room in an attap hut ir. Bukit Tlmah Road. Singa pore. when the sudden stamping of boots in the hall made
    196 words
  • 71 5 SEREMBAN Wed. A planter, F C F. Heathcots of Middleton Paloni; Estate. Bahau, claimed trial in the Seremban Magistrate's Court today on a charge 9l rash driving causing death Heathcots was alleged to have been involved in an accident in Birch Road. Seremban, last
    71 words
  • 50 5 Dr. Luther H. Evans, the now director-general of UNESCO, will arrive in Singapore by air on Feb. 4. He will be accompanied by Sir Ronald Adam, chairman of the Bntish Council and also of the executive board of UNESCO. They are on their way to Karachi.
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  • 36 5 The 27.000-ton U.S. aircraft carrier Tarawa will arrive in Singapore on Feb. 4 for a fourday visit. She is the second U.S. carrier to visit Singapore in the past six months.
    36 words
  • 51 5 Officials of the Society of Yorkshirrrnen in Malaya for this year an*: President. Mr F. A. Bickerd:ke. vice-presi-dent. Mr. F. W. Dunhill; secretary: Mr. W. F. Machin; treasurer. Mr. J. G. Ottolinl: committee. Mrs J. G. Ottolinl. IHM Mary Lra. Messrs. A Moody. A. B. Pulford and W. E.
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  • 30 5 Nine technicians who worked on the BritLsh film, "The Seekers, passed through Singapore yesterday on their way back to London after completing the film in New Zealand.
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  • 30 5 The catholic Social Guild. Singapore, will hold a tea party for Father Albert O'Hara at the Convent of thp Holy Infant Jesus at 5 p.m on Sunday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 348 5 A Rover costs less to own because it costs more to make Si ttRINCf No compromise, in "ONE OF BRITAIN'S &S fEJT£ fe /~*nc-> t-l r» fluence the werring FINE CARS The Rover desi g n T i,r rcuii.nß precision of he Uwnii has never been built down and Meerin
      348 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 274 5 SINGAPORE DIARY police Band: Public performaive milestone, Havelock Estate rom- ine 5.30 pm.; judo beginners clas* •it Kins George V Park 5.30 p.m munity centre, 7 p.m. 5.30 p.m.: bodybuilding group 5.30 t'.S.I.S.: Free film show Open pm.; table-tennis 7 p.m at Orchard 1 Far East Air Force: Annual ball
      274 words

  • 29 6 ;n r»,.rrf« tin i minimum) GORDON, '.an Si Ha pital. •he 27th Funeral ceme- > :i0 p.m. on ThursPrlvrnM -.lalornim. Ylo No wreatha by s A T A. from
    29 words
  • 28 6 II 1t,.,0'. tie < minimum) \H and lamily wish who attended the Mrv Jabeda,d thoso who Mlagnm and i ol condolence, or assisted J tM occasion of. <-ment
    28 words
  • 11 6 IN ME MORIAM fill (minimum) DIAS who died on •molten by
    11 words
  • 782 6 The Strait s Times Singapore, Thurs., Jan. 28, 1954. Tin Scheme Approved Authority for the federation Government to participate in ;m international tin agreement, given by the Legislative Council yesterday, makes Malaya the first country to act on the Geneva scheme, a lead which oth«T producers are expected to follow.
    782 words
  • 363 6 A lively contribution to argument on the rubber worker's wages and the long term ability of the planting industry to face the competition of synthetic, is found in the report of a small j but prosperous company which records a satisfactory profit of i $165,000 for the twelve
    363 words
  • 192 6 In rejecting a suggestion that the duty on medicinal preparations should be reduced, and the loss to the Treasury made jgood by still higher taxation 'on beer and spirits, the FederI ation's Financial Secretary won i !no friends among shopkeepers If stomach powders, liver salts and cod
    192 words
  • 1405 6 A 2,000-WORD petition calling: for the introduction of trial by jury In the Malay States of the Federation was presented and read to the Federal Legislative Council yesterday. Presenting the petition, Mr. Yeap Choong Kong, of Penang. spoke of the concern felt about
    1,405 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 246 6 THE true position should not be lost to sight in the technical argument between "Torquemada" and Sir George Pepler. Power is sought to ac- quire land at future unspecified dates at the value of the land as on a given date. It is
      246 words
    • 266 6 Minus the evils of revolution AMID the plethora of muddled thinking and the much- too-prevalent ballyhoo, more or less aimed at Europeans in Government service in the Federation, it ni most refreshing to read the letter signed Malay Reader under the heading "Advisers still needed." For one thin;:, it .<hows
      266 words
    • 88 6 READING "Asian Tong's" letter prompted me to write. I was travelling back to Kajang from Seremban one Sunday. Nearing the police road block at Mantin a car belonging to a European which overtook mine a few hundred yards before reaching the block was allowed to proceed without even a
      88 words
    • 129 6 Politics a dirty game IT WOULD seem that "AA." thinks that politics and social service are synonymous terms. Of course, if this were true no sane man would object to politics. But it isn't. Politics is one thing, social service another. The Methodi-st Church has a mast comprehensive social creed,
      129 words
    • 63 6 T AGREE with Mr. Jackson Soo that fees for games are charged but no games are played in some private English schools. Another thine which should be brought to the notice the Education Department :s the entrance fee charged when a new pupil is admitted. Could not the
      63 words
  • 182 6 Can Four RYKfI on Berlin in Berlin over. For M front in agreemei cold wai Obviously But U it that man Ho haj and 11 mat Ink* of a fro vital, he The two ther In a com!:: I Con.ser in his eyi crat whom traitor i
    182 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 569 6 Strtitt Timri Free Prett For the <or.von.rnce or od«.rtloor, SINGAPORE COLD STCRAGI, ORCHARD ROAD, -ill lII* vmoll odvorfiscment* end onsw^ri to but number* Ctottificd odvrrti««m«nr» moy cho be h-tndrd to CITY BOOK STORI LTD Winchrttcr HouW. Coll.rr Quoy Slnqopor* CITY BOOK STORE LTD 93 Tnnqlln Road, Singapore CLASSIFIED ADS. I
      569 words
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  • 222 7 Demand for higher duty defeated i.KSTION that price of i ii l>o raised by «iii- and of beer \1 cents to make revenue lost if duty on medicinal liutiix were rov. a> lo>l h\ i v ote in the Legislative
    222 words
  • 48 7 Mr. Fredericks sets a top job MX. t. A. FRKDKKICKS. who lias been appointed acting Clerk of the Federal Legislative Council. He will take over at the Council's next meeting. Mr. Fredericks is an expert on the legislature, its orders and procedure. Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 274 7 'PAIN WAS SO GREAT I CALLED OUT A BRITISH private alleged ill-treatment by R.A.F. policemen when he appeared before a military court in Singapore yesterday, claiming that he collapsed in a cell after his arms had been forced behind his back and he
    274 words
  • 116 7 SHIRLEY Winnie Montciro. 17. appealing against a lower court conviction and sentence of three months's imprisonment for theft as a servant, had her conviction confirmed by the Singapore High Court yesterday. Her sentence, however, is still being reviewed and a probation officer's report has
    116 words
  • 65 7 Dr. T. E. C. Barns, senior obstetrician at Johore Bahru General Hospital, has been awarded the William Blair Bell Memorial Prize. The cash prize is awarded annually by the Royal College of Obsteti icians and Gynaecologists to the doctor who makes j the years most significant disj
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  • 213 7 Man who designed Turf Club dies MR. FRANK GORDON LUNDON, well-known Malayan architect and sportsman, died yesterday at the General Hospital. Singapore, after a long illness. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Bardwell, now in the Federation. A New Zealander, Mr. Lundon came to Malaya 36 years
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  • 72 7 NO DECISION YET No decision has been reached yet on compensation for Items lost in the recent Comet crash off the west coast of Italy, the Director of Post.s, Singapore, Mr. M. L. Durrant, said yesterday. Mr. Durrant added that recent reports that compensation would not be
    72 words
  • 159 7 MINIMI'M TEMPERATURE (7 30 p.m. on Jan. 26 to 7.30 a.m. on Jan. 27): Singapore 73 degrees. Penang 68, Kota Bahru 71. Kuala Lumpur 72 Ipoh 70, Kuanlan 68. MAXIMI'M TEMPERATURE (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 pm. on Jan. 27 1 Singapore 89. Penang 92. Kota Bahru 85, Kuala
    159 words
  • 42 7 Two men, Chow Siew Kong and Bok Nee Yong, were injured yesterday when two cars collided at the junction of East Coast and Joo Chiat Roads. Chow was admitted to hospital. Bok was sent home after treatment.
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  • 54 7 AN advertisement for a typist In a Singapore Government department brought in 150 applications this week One of many applicants from the Federation, claiming to type at 40 words a minute, he would accept the job if the Government gave him a room in town.
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  • 38 7 The Sri Scnpaga Yin temple, 19 Ceylon Road, will present an international entertainment under onage of Mr. Malcolm j Mac Donald, CommissionerGeneral for South-east Asia, at the Singapore Badminton Hill. Omllemard Road, on Saturday
    38 words
  • 56 7 iron. Wed. I isted only Wong Hak Ying. I v Mr. •liltv to a capita] charge of having a re- volver at Sungei Itek, Gopeng on June 29. i j Police found Wong lying wounded in the blukar when they visited a spot where they had
    56 words
  • 45 7 Ha.iah Hanawaiah binte Haji Ludin. 30, has been missing from her house in Amber Roac, Singapore, since Jan. 19 She is 4 ft. 4 in. tall. with brown compki ion. She left j the house wearing a black baj v and yellow sarong.
    45 words
  • 200 7 Pepler's advice to meeting THE time had come for the Federation and Singapore to be surveyed, studied and planned for as a "region," Sir George Pepler, Singapore's Town Planning Consultant, said yesterday. He told the annual meeting of the Town Planning Institute Malaya Branch,
    200 words
  • 56 7 Air Marshal Sir Clifford. Sanderson, C-in-C Far East Air Force, will present training certificates to 20 officers and constables of the Siamese Police Force at the Minden Barracks, Penang, tomorrow. The trainees have successfully passed an advanced parachute training course which included five jumps into an open
    56 words
  • 115 7 IN THE High Court yesterday the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Brown, set aside terras on three men convicted of driving under the Influence of drink and substituted fines. Hp said: "I am not savine I that a sentence of imprison- ment for
    115 words
  • 275 7 K. LUMPUR, Wed. THE TIME has come for a full inquiry into the three-corner-ed labour-employer-government relationship in Malaya, said a statement by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions today. The statement attacked the Taylo? arbitration award as "so complete a travesty of recognised labour
    275 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS IN THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA. i ratrc<'i'iet> of employers have !*n^ation to employee- accidentally Federation Workmen* Com- > force on Ist April, 1953 .if c mployce including office md rates of compensation are burden on employers may I* of a Workmen's CompensaCOMMESCIAL UNION" [•if.klet entitled "Accidents
      125 words
    • 114 7 M> UILV ■m §I^s^ m >&*. II NAIL II cotOLm m .xsc:-.v,.>:-'*w^^^KiA-. .-<*. i /fi LIPST < X* Gala Lip Colours to harmonise vAth II JJL Qk every dress shade each one echoed ,'l /I l^Fi in Gala Sail Colours. GALA OF LONDON Also GALA FACE Silky toft Fuce Ponder
      114 words

  • 1249 8 SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY PROBLEMS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 'THE Federal LegislaA tive Council today authorised the Federation Government to take part in the international tin agreement. There were a few dissidents, particularly Mr. W. M. McLeod who called for a division
    1,249 words
  • 217 8 100,000 NEW PUPILS IN 5 YEARS The problem: Where to find teachers ABOUT 100,000 new pupils will seek admissions to Singapore's primary schools in the next five years. This has set a difficult problem for the education authorities. They fear that during the same period it may b» even harder
    217 words
  • 131 8 She wanted her slos for New Year yEO AH NAM yesterday re--1 fused in a Singapore court to accept her husband's offer to pay maintenance arrears of $105 in instalments She told the magistrate. Mr R. W. H. Davis, that she needed all the money for Chines New Year Mr.
    131 words
  • 46 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Salimah binte Abdul Hamid. a waitress, was fined $100 in the police court for driving a car without having a licence and without being covered by insurance. She was also disqualified from getting a driving licence for one year.
    46 words
  • 19 8 Gifts totalling $14,225 have I been received by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association towards its 1954 appeal.
    19 words
  • 146 8 You can learn a lot from India, Dr. Poplai advises 1 ]ll ALA YA can learn a great deal from the political j progress and economic development which India has achieved since her independence in 1949. said Dr. S. L. Poplai yesterday. I Dr poplai. Director Of Surveys'in the Indian
    146 words
  • 24 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed—Police Lt. C. W. Pavey, formerly of the Marine Police. Joliore Bahru. has left for Britain on long leav«.
    24 words
  • 149 8 Careless with police money KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. i A POLICE officer in charge of a jungle company has been surcharged $400 to make up partly a loss of more tha n $2,400 from the company s office. In a report to the Federal LeKislative
    149 words
  • 51 8 Fining Cheok Ah Pan the maximum of $25 for hawking in Connaught Drive, a prohibited area, the Singapore City Police Magistrate, Mr J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, said: "That is one of the beautirul spots in the Colony and it's not going to be spoilt by any
    51 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 284 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION D 4^ ATTRACTIONS "^JSIr "j^~i i OPENS TODAY ODCU N A.M. 1.45 4.15 5 n-lM F»r "",; 6.45 9.30 P.M. -=HILARIOUS— I is STALAG 17! f* YOU LL LAUGH CRY AND J CHEER! Stalag 17 ;*T The P. W. camp where they made ♦•i^^fc^ J the mistake of
      284 words
    • 177 8 Stmrts U 1,111,1 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30, 9.30 IJLJ I Vl/J fW JS^ true hie bt-.t seiier fJ ,'iil' HOYO NOLAN -WALTER ABEL- JAMES ARNESS -AS Stt turtle if .Hi tin iijh I Preview of our CHINESE VT^ NEW YEAR \T Ht wMIM rIL Attraction THUNDER M CRUSADERS i r^^r-\
      177 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 102 8 nrnaulU.UU ll MMMaMM>MMM»m«MMMWWMM^^^^^^S33S^SS9IB9S SINGAPORE 7.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News: 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8.00 Peter Yorko: 8.30 Malay Housewives' Corner: 8.57 Schools: 9.45 Close Down; 11.10 Schools; 1.00 New Con- i cert Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.45 Dance Music: 2. Schools; 5.02 CallIng All Hospitals: 6. Music of the People; 6.30 Looking
      102 words
    • 88 8 H:ippy Anniversary: 7.00 News; I 7.15 Interlude for Rhythm; 7.30 Take i» Prom Here- 8.00 Film I Fare; 830 Forum- 9.00 Hit Parade; 9.30 News; 9.45 Classical Requests 10.30 Go-dnisht Hawaii. PENANG 1.00—2.00 As Singapore- 5.00 Programmes in Chinese; 6.15 George Melachrlno Orchestra; 6.45 Sid Phillips band- 7.00 News; 7.15
      88 words
    • 90 8 pjn. Schools; 1.00 Music- 1.30 News: 1.45- -2.00 Dance Music: 6.48 Latin American Rhythm; 7.00 News; 9.00 Prom. 9.3 News; 9.45 Report on Federal Legislative Council Meeting. 8.8. G. 5.00 p.m. Editorials S 15 Serious argument; 5.45 MacPherson; 6.15 Sporting Record; 6.30 News: 6.40 News Talk: 6.45 Sports Round-up; 7.00
      90 words

  • 2055 9 Survivors found a lost race when a Dakota crashed in Shangri-La F E A T U R E T^HE decision of a missionary party p to make new contact by air with w a lost tribe hemmed in Baleim Valley *> in wildest New Guinea directs atten- P tion again
    Daily Mirror  -  2,055 words
  • 599 9 AS the frenzy of excite- merit following upon announcement of Australia's first oil strike subsides, sober efforts are being made to assess its significance. The importance of the discovery remains unshaken. It still remains to be seen whether oil is going to
    599 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 "TC/2073 platinum time and a Bail Point with twice the normal Ink capacity! W 7 Just one feature makes this the best Ball Point 1 here, anytime! Kefills, fitted in a jiffy: 55 cents. It's best to buy Platinum IMITATIONS \Aho at your sen ice! The new tv morn y-priced
      54 words
    • 227 9 QUALITY TELLS! o II 1 I A good tailor can improve on nature We take pride in the fact that our Order Books are filled with the measurements of particular people old friends who come again and again SOLE AGENTS FOR Aiisi't Rred Limited vf Rcgrm Sirrrt. Lunthn Gordons UHI
      227 words

  • 498 10 INDUSTRIALS STEADY AND TINS EASIER Around Ilir market* TIN UP, RUBBER DOWN THE Singapore share market was again very quiet throughout yesterday when the turnover was evea less than on Tuesday. It appears that no real activity can be expected until after the Chinese New Year and there is something
    498 words
  • 360 10 The following share qcota- tions were those of the M Sharebrokers Association. Singapore branch. at 4 cm. yesterday: ir Aiex Bucks. Prcrs Ords. 3.70 Atlas Ice 1225 b a fetrui 19 b m Trustees 6 50 Pre.' :8 Orcis 23/9 n United 33.50 Fed. Dlapenaary 2 Prof
    360 words
  • 38 10 On the iree exchange market In Hong Kong yesterday the US dollar was quoted at 5 8225 for cash and ***** for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 1522 and one tael of gold at 249 875.
    38 words
  • 77 10 Irom HALI i M M THE can be d the vi Times. The nothinu report th oppo.sih i| The rally saf< than th< I plain not po Ibl effective United 81 tin bai I tic prod Prod v tii particu] inten I cf the likely
    77 words
  • 18 10 firm. Drue H Ooldsbro I.yell S N. Broki H J. A. RFelt and Herald 1 PeKo
    18 words
  • 24 10 NEW -T-HE SI but well Cains The ii In more I lures. w< The m 15 UtUI fi4 BtO ayr
    24 words
  • 8 10 Produce pric es I <w i~ in i
    8 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 216 10 SANITARY EQUIPMENT t'r Domestic and Public Work of all kinds JOHNSON SLATER LTD? ENGLAND "PYRAMID" Brand "WESTWOOD" Brand JOHN SOLE AGENTS \£ziy t > BORNEO j. Earthenware and Vitreous China Spore. K. Lumpur, ipoh. Pening. fireclay. INDISPENSIBLE ACCESSORIES iriil^SlrJrS Bemister The advanraf;f c Nt fitting a pair of these urvK
      216 words
    • 775 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED immediately at Tanjong Katong Government Girls' Secondary School. Halg Road, a I fully qualified DOMESTIC SUB- 1 I JECTS TEACHER New Domestic Science Wing, well -equipped. Applications with age, qualifications and experience should be sent to the Director of Education, P.O. Box 746, Singapore. COST ACCOUNTANT. Federation
      775 words
    • 597 10 NOTICES NOTICE FW. Hamilton change of house telephone number: from the 24th January, our telephone number has been changed from ***** to *****. CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD FEDERATION OF MALAYA INTERRIPTION OF SIPPLYBATi: I'AHAT IT Ls hereby notified that elec- 1 tin ltv .supply In the town of Bat'j I Pahat
      597 words
    • 285 10 SHIPPING NOTICES WILH WILHLEMSEN LINE M.S. "TOURNAI" ARRIVED 20TH JANUARY. 1954 A General Sutvey of all damaged cargo discharged ex the above vessel will be held at Singapore Harbour Board Godown Nos. 6 A: 7 at 9.00 A.M. on 29th January. 1954. No further Survey will be held before or
      285 words
    • 46 10 Tin Price The price of tin in Singapore ye*terilay WWM declared at 5317.87' 2 a picul, up $2.75. I MITSUI |Jj LINE tAST-BOUND ROUND THE WORLD JIRVICt Europ* Prnonq Singapore Hong Kong A«cnt> I C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M> LID f'SION BUILDING, SINGAPORE TEL: 5396 I
      46 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1022 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO LTD. M mi BLUE FUNNEL LINE 'o'."" ZIRPOOI. GLASGOW. LONDON r CONTINENTAL' PO^'tS ham rr-n., Jon 27/28 Jan. 29/J1 C 51/24 Jon 28 Jon 2«/3O G '3, J4 Feb 4 Feb. 5/ 4 4Feb. 7/ 8 Jen 30 Feb 5 Feb. 4/7 Feb. 10/11 Mer. Mer 13
      1,022 words
    • 1975 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK. /CONTINENT SAILINGS to U. K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S por. P.S'r-om Penong "Xl««" n l. ir- t P S'harr. Pennng Benolder for Hovre, Loirlon, Rotterriom, Hull In Port 29/J1 Jen TyTt on<lkon Mnn1 K h Beneletich for Liverpool. Dublin. •riilll
      1,975 words
    • 1074 11 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. ELL.RMAN S£*ZZ 2£J~.J2"" LONDON HAVRE. ROTTERDAM PORTIANO SE/.TTLE 4 VANCOUVER HAMBURG 4 HULL Accepting cr..qo tnr C.ntrol 4 South -md f'lr USA, Nortn Atlont.r Ports Amencon Port, on* Conodn vio Colombo m.s. rRANCISVILLE CITY Of BIRKENHEAO Spore r horn r^ig Spore P Shorn Pe-.n->T G 38-39/29
      1,074 words

  • 762 12 REAITTY YS THE TROPICS IN a few days the Chinese New Year will be here, bringing its usual gaiety and festivities. Not the least of these will be weddings for which brides-to-be have been preparing for many months. If you are one of
    762 words
  • 69 12 This, hat, the "Wagram," shown at a Paris spring collection, lets in the light and allows the wearer to see what she's doing. It is held on to the head by a clip, so is suitable for wear on windy days. The girl below is wearing
    69 words
  • 601 12  - Should he be Prince— and all alone? Dr R.W.Shield Prinrv i liurhrs his startvd his Ivssnns— PRINCE CHARLES, now five years old. has lust started lessons. But Prince Charles will n t br .ible to chatter with bla ites. H:« school la a one boy school. He is its only
    601 words
  • 247 12 really pleased with myself for the rest of the day. I like doing little things like that for Ann. I know she would do the same tor me. said, "you'll wake the baby." "Sorry." she replied, "I'm' in a hurry" "Well, for heaven sake. ■< I've
    247 words
  • 281 12 SWAGGER TICK —For thy wi»tlJii'svi'i/ snltlitr CW AGGER sticks, may! soon be seen again In Malaya. Complete with ornate silver knobs bear ing the regimental crest, they were carried by i every well dressed soldier up till the First World, War (writes BILL FISH). They receniiy made thtir re-appearance in
    281 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 180 12 AND Tk WHY THEY'RE k^^M OVEN -BAKED Jjßpy Oven tukin;: make* all tlic I s^\^r\\A m difference in the world (tj£|]> bean*. It J>akr» them, to a In— J /kxiril tender, Inealy goodnen unl\\ ailC (.l.t.tmahlf in any otlxT way. \^KKH)B£M* 'I 1( <>ik t! Muce thcow :h I\\ 1
      180 words
    • 156 12 Hk Only Yardley kn< lecret of blendii with rare ottoi and musks to give a concentrated longer-last i ml; [ragrai The cool freshness and subtle distinction of Yardlry Lavender is unique and inimitable. YARDLEY I VST? LAVENDER all lxinoii I ir yd YARDLEY •33 OLD BOND bi'ki:. < I 'Viyella'
      156 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 368 12 27. Expressing passage to start 'I 111* Sjrail* TillieW 4 rOSS^VIiril -'8. Not""'™ 'expert characteristic (It), 29. Epithet for the drunkard (11) I 2 I r T~* 5 EB| 2. Inefflc,ent D °advic. to the SSSil__ I 1 1 I iV i N nomad'c i9i. HI *H 111 IH tH
      368 words

  • 380 13 SOCCER 'INDUCEMENTS' SBH officials decide! on greater vigilance [TINEL discusses the problems 0f... the first council meeting of the Singapore! Amateur Football Association this year, at least three members voiced misgivings over what they variously described as "shamateurism", "disguised rewards" and "inducements". Similar views were expressed at the annual general
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  • 422 13 SPOTTING THE WINNERS By EPSOM JEF.P liflY ten beft horses to follow ifl at the Selangor Turf Club's Gold Cup meeting on Jan 30., Feb. 4 and Feb. 6 are: Adelaide Star: Has all the makings o; a tip-top sprinter. Trotted in a four-length winner in a Class 1. Dlv.
    422 words
  • 164 13 CHARGES CANNOT BE PROVED Obviously men allegation! canno) be proved. lint, on the other hanil. thi'.v ire very hard In disprove at least to the s.iii^l.ntion of the carpi i n convinced that n^t one (if tne trams currently ted to the SB. UFA ranks any piayoi i merely be-
    164 words
  • 131 13 SAFA PROBLEM IS MORE DIFFICULT Tot Lhe record, one was subsequently re-instated, one iounri another job, and the other i.s .still unemployed. S VI IVOIW.KM IS DIFFERENT, AND MORK DIFFICULT. There is almost no question of ■tayen being given in return for their services. But there are undoubtedly rases though,
    131 words
  • 127 13 SINGAPORE Cricket dab, down in the rmirl division of the SinXVgmn \matriir Footb:ill \ssiu i.ition loaciie for the tint timo m 51 years. •rill niHkp .i drtrrminod hid this se;i«.on to rrsain their first dnision status. Training has already startrd— half a dozen
    127 words
  • 354 13 "pHERL has oeen a lot of bellowing 1 and bleHtlng about S.A.FA's refr.sal to aflillnie a team railing itself the Standard Sports Club. but I ran assure those resporusible for this c.iorus of badly orchestrated whines and snarls that SA.F.As decision will not be altered. Yesterday,
    354 words
  • 330 13 ANTIGUA. Leeward Islands, Wed. THE MCC touring team won their two-day mutch against Leeward Islands here yesterday by an innings and 56 runs. The islanders were dismissed I for 38 and 167 in reply to the net s 2«i The MCC playing a light -heart- ed
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 117 13 PHILADELPHIA Wed. j /"ML TURNER. Philadelphia mid- 1 dle'veicht. won a unanimous ten-round decision last night over the formidable counter-punching Frenchman Pierre Langlols. with a punishing two-flttad body attack Mo>t of the 7 IfiB spectators who filleo tha arena seemed to disagree with the decision for
    117 words
  • 186 13 LONDON, Wed The Evening Standard laid yanardiy the sale to America of world-famous .stallions have serious effects on British ;^e breeding but It doubted U BrHUh owners can afford to turn rioun the big money offers. d Hacrlein n< me writer nl the »i>ortine tha'
    186 words
  • 59 13 DUNEDINE. Wed —The Queen and the Di;ke or Edinburgh saw Miss Yvette Williams, the New Zealand and Olymplr women's long lurr.p champion, break her own New Zealand record at a .sports meetinc nt Carlrlirook here yesterday. Miss Williams jumped 20ft. Ma.— an inch further than her previous record
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 44 13 TORONTO Wed Tommy Harn'On. of I-o« Angeles, floored Canadian henvyweinht rhampion Earl Wall.twice for counts of nine as he scored a ten-round upset decision over the Canadian last nlghl. Walls, a pre-flght 2-1 favourite, went down in the fourth and sixth rounds.
    44 words
  • 133 13 LONDON. Wednesday. u'll I I Snoek, the Dutch light-heavyweight rham- pion, beat Britain's Alex Buxton on points in a m. inline ten-round bout at the Royal Albert Hall last night. It was a priiellitia. uninspiring and often dreary contest. Snoek secured the points in the final
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 83 13 LONDON. Wed. New Zealand h;ue Waited I.awiie Hm B as stand-off and included two new internationals in the team to play England in the Rugby Union internatlqnal at Twickenham on Saturday. Preference for Haig. the 'our vicecaptain, over young R. G. Bowers is a in
    83 words
  • 171 13 Jeep Jottingt T»HE WINNING owners' added money pool at the Singapore Turf Club January meeting was J199.080 or $8,295 per race This ficure compares favourably with the average added money per race last season whrn the Singapore Turf Club paid nearly *2.000.000 in
    171 words
  • 47 13 MELBOURNE Wed Herb MeKenlev. Jamaica* former Olympic sprinter beat the world professional record for 120 yards by clockins 1 1 2 sec at Marlb\rnonc here venterday. Previous best professional time (or the dlitance »a-, 1 1 2.Ssee by Jack Donaldson in 190D. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 136 13 •^■>a» V Sole Agents NG SEH 179 Bc.ich S porc-7. b *****. ATTENTION! MOBILE ENTHUSIASTS. v AIREUCAN 6c SONS, fry this for COUGHS I I COUGH MIXTURE! You know w. J^' SP. H.P. fr TABLETS •n-.ttmi tit Hi and rn<M:::i Atlet iinirni Hith Baceial n t nicmmN In vim,
      136 words
    • 436 13 CZECHOSLOVAK LINEN GOODS EXCEL EVERYWHERE ml /I Mi FOR interior Decoration of homes. W^" 1 s^* aB Linen fabrics are an ideal material for B*— —~^J furmshins; MB^iJWHi |N THE HOUSEHOLD. v ery prcrry an d useful linen table-cloths, whi'h we export in %jjm^ '"^^p a r cn assortment of
      436 words

  • 494 14 CARPENTER SCORES ALL FOUR R.A.F. GOALS Army beaten for hockey title A RMY went down by J— l to a far superior RAF (Malaya) side in the deciding game of the inter-Services hockey competition at Tanglin yesterday. Both R.A.F. and Army had already beaten Navy. RAF got all their goals
    494 words
  • 219 14 SYDNEY Wed. MALAYAN triple champion Neale Fraser and Clive Wilderspin entered the doubles final of the Australian national tennis championships at White City here today. They beat the American Davis Cup pair, Vie Seixas and Tony Trabert. 6-4. 12-10, 10-8 in a hard semi-final clash.
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 54 14 About 30 players took part In the Colony women's hockey trial held on the Singapore Cricket Club ground yesterday. The Sina,\;xire team to meet i Selancor Club ladies in Singapore I on Saturday. Feb. 6. will be cnosen from members of the Girls Sports Club and Sinjapore Cricket
    54 words
  • 73 14 NEW NATIONAL RECORD BY JON HENRICKS SYDNEY. Wed. lON HFNRICKS xet a new Auntralian 100 yardx style record of 51.2 seconds in a N.ud pool tonight. Coach Hurry Gallagher told lisa I'nlted Tress: "A had turn afler the third lap prevented a figure closer to the world record of 49."
    73 words
  • 89 14 The Island Club's L.G U January Monthly Medal 1 18 hole Stroke will be played tomorrow. The draw and times are 3.10: Mrs O, Lindeboom I Mrs. B Meyei 3 15: Mrs. O. Anrler.von v Mrs I Morrison: 3.20: Mrs. A. Murchison v Mrs R. Llm 3
    89 words
  • 79 14 Soccer friendlies at Farrer P.irk yesterday resulted HMS Charity b»at Socrerites «»cond team 3-2 Srorers were Huches. Plrk and Murthy for HMS Charity: I^ong Huat and Dollah fi>r Socreri'ev Town Rancers beat KM3 Newfoundland by 1-0 with a goal by Ksllmuthu. IRC defeated RN
    79 words
  • 71 14 Inriiin Ref-""':on Club offlcials for the year are Patron^ N V Vencadasalam. K. M Oli Mohamed. S K Jaga-the.-an and S A. Mohamed All Presirl'-nt A. P. Rajah; vicepresident.'; S P. Samy and K. NTuthuvel.v). Secretary: P. Appavoo: asst serrernry: S J Kandasamy: treasurer: K Vclayr'nKm; asst.
    71 words
  • 34 14 Bookings for $3 reserved seats for the North v South rugger match at Jalan Besar stadium on Saturday i can be made only up till tomorrow noon at Robinsons.
    34 words
  • 34 14 Results nf other rusby matches ibved Naval Bane "A" heat 221 Vehicle B.itlalinn l.v ?7-0 :.l Nfeval Base. R.A.F. Ten K ah beat R.A.F. Selelar by S-3 at lengah.
    34 words
  • 77 14 Kcben^ran Club scored a lucky 3-2 victory over Alexandra Football Team in »he Brewerl Kampone League for the Tiper Berr Cup p'.aved n' Alexandra Road yesterday The g.ime was keenly contested with half-time score at 1-1. Three minute* before the end Dollah T»mpang scored the
    77 words
  • 307 14 UNIVERSITY of Malaya II went to the seml-flnal round of the Sinzapore Hockey Association's Senior knockout competition yesterday by beating the formidable Indian Association 2 Ihi Buklt Timah This was the first major upset in the tournament as Indians were strongly favoured to win
    307 words
  • 172 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. MALAYAN schoolboys will not play agninst the Indian tourists next month because the Director of Education, Federation, wished to confine the selection of the team only to Federation schoolboys. The executive committev of the Malayan Hockey Council unanimously turned down the Director
    172 words
  • 416 14 PLAYING fast, open rugby, the Singapore Harbour Board yesterday pulled off an easy win by 16 points (two goals and two tries) to five (a goal) against R.E.M.E. Base Workshops after a match that had patches of good and bad rugby. R.EM.E.. Singapore finalists of
    416 words
  • 191 14 OINGAPORE Recreation Clul showed a clear weondsuperiority to beat Singapore En- Kineer Resiment 3-0 in a friendly hockey fixture on the p:idniv•er<!.iv The Recc could not get going in i the first half hut r.fter the interval their attack got the better <<• tiring SE.R
    191 words
  • 55 14 OINOAPORI O play. games ol th good whom tlv by 11 poii trips i t, team rug i The < given t to open friilec' i comblnal frequent I dale, d plnvi>d i U) tOIKII In the Pace falls off dull IThe
    55 words
  • 10 14 Weight liften annual dinner presirlrn' C I Hon to SAWI
    10 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1302 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISKMEXTS K'nntinurd from Pair 61 TUITION 'r\ -1- J A J '-ill Hcrrf. ti <Mir..)--Bnx S» tit. rxtra. Classified Advertisemi j oitaao barttMbd nywiiunt Q'atd rtdtkm.;.,>: ir diftnqUiriGS stapes spec'al coaching for I „i in. Chung Hwa InT n i« n h^ nn oann tnutlnn i 6 Short
      1,302 words
    • 412 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS fIOISES LAND FOR SALE I M IJ,n Box it) fit txlra 43. GOODMAN ROAD. Singapore. meant possessi-in. opposite Chinese Hich School. bedrooms, modern sanitation, telephone, attached bathrooms, freehold. 18.500 feet. SEASIDE LOT: Excellent building -re at Sarimbun Avenue. 19 miles ;he City Easy accessible, good Idea! spot for
      412 words
    • 630 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE .'/> Uorrfs «i (Mm.)— Box SO fte. extra 2'j LITRE Jaguar Mark Five 13.000 miles, excellent condition owner driven t-.ixed June. Insured August 55.200 Write Box A 2667 ST FOX HIRE :n U»rd. $s Mm.)— Box 50 ett. extra. REFRIOERATORS trom $10 upwards per month Singapore only
      630 words
    • 81 14 aC^SSa^^i aiwiMai^' ;-^^H wTFwtii£UA RAN T£E "-T^^a^B a^a^Sff /> 'fl N y I lf> COLLYCR QUAY. SPOR£. I S w I IS MODEL PESO I CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL i] 10 Wavcbandi Tun. J I 1 T r 9 Valve, (12 functions) P U »S Pull Pve 'Twin Vnion Tuner' '10PM I
      81 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous