The Straits Times, 27 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Established 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANI'ARY 27. 1954 PRICE 15 CENJS
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  • 599 1 Trial of strength is developing on award PA V US AS WE VOTE' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. ROW which may lead to a trial of strength between five rubber estate unions and the Malayan Planting Industries Kmployers' Asso- < iation is developing: over the Taylor arbitration award.
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  • 78 1 Photographer was on the spot WILLIAM WALTER FAILEY. 50. is seen above leaping to his death from the roof of a three-storey hotel in Phoenix, Arizona/ The photo was snapped by an amateur photographer from a window across the street. Failey, despondent and suffering asthma, left a
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  • 84 1 Union bid to hide report BUT TEMPLER SAID: YOU CAN PUBLISH 1< aders ssful ninute attempts tc the publication ...lor arbitration ••■rmirimmls- (a t>eI and in- labour. decision should bo 1 ounced on Pi Moved on Friday iyan Rub- after thr n from Mj Biddulph referred it to v. Duckworth.
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  • 67 1 S'PORE MACE ON SHOW IN BRITAIN EDINBURGH. Tup.s. gold, silver > namei just completed City of Singapor h< re tomor- Man four feot loi lid ounces it i.s of the kmanship and shows nitn Is .still xs In Britain. .1 theme of the hment of the n 1 elf, told
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 164 1 ICFTU MAN HITS REPORT VfR. T. S. BAVIN, the International Confederation of Free Trades Unions' plantation representative in Malaya, today criticised the Taylor Report. Mr. Bavin said: "Many of the more sensational statements in the report which were adverse to the unions" case have been
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  • 117 1 SAY THE BOSSES \IR. R. G. D. Houghton. secretary of l the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association, said that the association would reply to the comMr. Houghton mittee today. He said: "We are going to tell them that the association has accepted the award according
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  • 109 1 Leave a letter PANMUNJOM Tues. pOMMUNIST liaison officers I\j walked out of discussions here today with Allied officers after handing over a sealed letter addressed to the absent American teprcsentative. Mr. Arthur Dean. The Communists did not indicate whether they Intended to resume these
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  • 53 1 PENANG, Tues.— A 90-year-old fisherman, Saad bin Akob. was found dead in his sampan off Pulau Jerejak this morning He had been stung to death by hornets. The boat was seen drifting in Glugor waters. Villagers told the police who found Saad dead. His face was covered
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  • 53 1 FIVE Foreign Legionnaires, who were safe in Kuala Lumpur today alter deserting from a Frenrh troopship in the Straits of Malacca on Sunday. All swam for many hours before being picked up. sixth man. who jumped ship with them, failed to reach shore and is believed
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  • 109 1 Clank with Malayan terrorists BANGKOK. Tuesday. SIAM authorities have rushed Bren-gun carriers and armoured cars to a rubber plantation on the border of Malaya in the Betong Salient area where clashes have occurred between the police and Communist terrorists from Malaya. A delayed report
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  • 157 1 BERLIN, Tues. rl United States Secretary of State. Mr. Dulles, at the Big Four conference today rejected Soviet demands that Red China be included In 1 discussions on European problems or neutralising (iermany. The foreign ministers began their second session today with the French
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  • 151 1 Plane scared bandits, but a blowpipe got its man KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. FOR the first time since the Kmergenry began in June 1948. a Sakai blowpipe lias killed a Communist terrorist, iborigines reported terrorists to a security fortes patrol and offered to guide the patrol to
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  • 258 1 2.500 STORM PARK GATES IPOH. Tuesday. F/O old women and a man were killed, three others injured when a crowd of 2.500 rushed the gates of I the u ubilee Amusement Park here today. The old people, all Chinese. a. re trying
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  • 90 1 Madrid radio off the air STUDENT RIOTS MADRID. Tues. Riotin.-. I students seized Madrid rac!i;> today and forcen it off the n.: for half an hour. Elsewhere the students clashed with police for the second time in 24 hours The new riots were caused by student rage over strong police
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  • 74 1 INDIANAPOLIS. TQM.— Mrs. Rozella Feathprston, 65, who 1 said she left her husband a day i after they were married, won a divorce in a superior court yesterday. •I sues.s she was too youn« for rar," said Charles Peathi r.s'on. 91, who married her last June
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  • 34 1 NAIROBI. Tuos. -One term- I rlsi and two Home Guard* were killed and about 100 African huts were burned down when 150 terrorists attacked a Kikuyu village near Fort Hall. -Router.
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  • 16 1 GUAM. Tuos. The Guam legislature yesterday passed a Bill outlawing taxi dance halls. A.P.
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  • 265 1 Miners vote for pact Britain to be asked: Sign it KUAIiA LUMPUR, Tues. 'THE Malayan tin min--1 Ins industry has voted to join the international agreement recontiv negotiated at Geneva. The voting was 68. 3 per cent for, 29.9 per cent apakist, and 1.8 per cent absta. With the Rffniwml
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  • 47 1 < i VI ;i\ R| QUEST Ql 1.1 ton hni. iv elded i Quei n i brth to wear hct <»r i m n n hen -Oil- opens nexl urn of their V i.liim nfl mi April 1 1 m Vw I'.irh imenl mi .l.itiu'.ir< iter.
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  • 324 2 -AND WORK THEY DO IS it a mistake for the Army to set a time limit on soldiers coming to Malaya? Definitely," say many officers experienced in Jungle warfare. Possibly.' said an <.fliciai spokesman yesterday. Officers who denounce the time
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  • 108 2 SWEATER) —It*s came a long tray hy 19*14 -THE SWEATER has come a long way s from its strictly utilii tarian beginnings. This 1954 version. 5 worn by Gillian Webb. 5 is in white jersey. printed all over with i a floral design in black. A pagoda
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 54 2 Terrorists fire on bungalow KfAi.A i. rM run. r FIVF terrorists this rrornin; fired four shot at a bun I in the Batu Pahat area o jnhore. ties, mourec c dlsl Johore t< irned. were no Bnn<l:t.~ fired on th« Kanv pnnc the Ouvun Sunge Paiani. Km isv. They
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  • 21 2 WASHINGTON' Tuei Tr.> urtrnt Eisenhower yesterday vised Trdor:*! housing programme fli^icn^d to cnnri hi using .n good nelgh- Rrutrr.
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  • 30 2 I ONDON, Tu< Snow fell In many parts nf Britain during the nicht and falls of tip to threp inches were reported this morning in some areas.—
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  • 60 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. ONE of the two Communist terrorists who surrendered last Friday was Leong Khee. a branch committee member, it waa announced today. The other was Soo Choy. They surrendered at the Lenggonc Pohre Station, in the Grtk area of North perak. Both had
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  • 31 2 JERUSALEM. Tues. Mr Moshe Sharett. the Israeli Labour Leader, yesterday preseatcd his new four part,'' coalition government to the Knesseth 'Parliament! and uked tor a vote of confidence. Reuter.
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  • 30 2 KARACHI. Tues— More than 3 000 Karachi port workers went on strike last night lor more pay and improved work- mc conditions. Fourteen ibipt •'ere tied up.— A.P.
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  • 66 2 Mrs. Choy will tell them all about Malaya FILMS on Singapore will be shown in America md Canada next month by Mrs. Elizabeth dim. Singapore Legislative Councillor. In an eight-week tour she will visit San Francisco, Wash* ington, New York, Boston and centres in Canada. Her mission is to make
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  • 91 2 CALCUTTA i A yellow Humh'T car now enroute to Kahrrpong will tx mantled there and carried b> porters p rre by pircr throuen h: =n. snowbound mn-intain passes to Shigatse. second i nty of Tibet. It will be presented to thr Panrhen
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  • 199 2 Our girls hit the right note PRAISE FROM NEW MASTER OF MUSIC TtllSS Christina Sterling. iTI the Singapore Education Department's new j Master of Music, has been amazed since her arrival here last week at the hieh standard of j sineine in some schools. "1 have found classes of girls
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  • 32 2 I STURGEON BAY. Wisconsin. i Tues. Frank Braver drove to a aarage yesterday to ha/c his defective brakes repaired. He was unable to stop ana en through the garage door.
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  • 153 2 BONN, Tues PROFESSOR Ernst Heinkel. famed designer who built bombers for Hitler's air force, yesterday supported the theory that the crash near Elba of the Come.t jet airliner was caused by sabotage perhaps "connected with some insurance case He said: "ITir Elba accident should not
    AP  -  153 words
  • 308 2 DR. LIN IS EAGER TO GET THAT COLLAR TIE OFF New varsity head ready for wori NKW YORK. Tv,s f (l DR. Lin Yu-tanjf said here today that he i the way of life he has followed for the past to accept the chancellorship of the Chinese I ni\ Or
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  • 76 2 ym-: Reprexi Government thrir part in builrtii united ;i:;r: Malaya. In :>i cl l] P I with the diatc neighbours ai into life acain "We have no no enemies Tolei diverge) faiths, religioi political belief. have been an en with tv, "Lei :v to
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  • 28 2 TORONTO. r swept one million at a rubber causi: 000 damage In Toronl fire In Firemen which gutted Rubbt r Company (actor smoulder for
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  • 42 2 WASHINGTON, Tues Hyman G. Rickover, the US Navy's atomic submarine experl who last year gained temporary rank of Rear Admiral after a bitter controversy in the Pentagon, was nominated by President Eisenhower yesterday for permanent rank of Rear Admiral.— U.P.
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  • 33 2 LONDON, Tues.— Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, told the Housi of Commons yesterday 2.260 members of the Chines* nationalist forres in Burma had been evacuated.— Renter.
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  • 16 2 NEW DFLHI a million the centre to watel schoolchildi a Republic I ter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 §^Hg=S| The pen that makes all others obsolete! Ideal for New Year Gifts! p«\ 11It\\ 111 \'SSB\\ r*\v\W\\v\\ 111 Asyou unscrew plunger knoh. Pull filling plunger all the wv 8 AWffiiiS^A VvSvvi V V you will see the gold SNORKLL -ml rca<h lor one stroke fill.wil H ie iea ff
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  • 245 3 EG YPT'S BLOCKADE OF SUEZ SERIOUSM.P.s TOLD LONDON, Tuesday. DRITAIN was considering what international 'action could be taken over Egypt'l apparent nt ion to extend her blockade on ships going through the Sue/ (anal the House of Commons Id last nitfht. ihe blockade or embargo may be intended to arms
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 60 3 TWO I'KOPLE were injured when this 12' 2 -ton trailei skidded and overturned on to a rar in Syracuse. New York Air. and Mrs. Duane Snyder, of nearby Oswego, were admitted to hospital after crawling from the wreckage. They were later stated to be in
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  • 28 3 ombo. T SI Flnanc* Mln "11 nf calm and ■rid mail-." .inlmum." n ry" Joli trade, and men hard to i untries democr
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  • 9 3 Q KONG \:nent toa I U P
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  • 7 3 BRA/'. hEquaTues. Th» now place
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  • 46 3 miami. Tues.— Russell lonither of the itei lound guilt manslaughter of ila five-year-old daughter, gaoled foi 10 H." had stood trial for .aus.a her death by forcing her o dive into n swiminc pool rom a 33 ft. tower at M;..mi Router.
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  • 119 3 Britain told: Don 't ignore this market LONDON. Tues. THE leader ot a private Britrade mission to Russia .-..lid business "running into many millions" wa s going begging in the Soviet Union. •There :s an enormous potential market there." laid J. B sent, spokesman for a party of 33 British
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  • 41 3 MELBOURNE. Tues Citizens of Melbourne promised more than £4.000 in the first ten minutes after the Governor of Victoria. Sir Dallas Brooks. I made an appeal for the Cutty j Sark Preservation Fund which has opened in London.— Reuter.
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  • 18 3 HOLLYWOOD. Tues- "Prom to Eternity" has been the best direc-te-; plc--1 !»t3 by the Screen A.P.
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  • 183 3 NAIROBI. Tuesday. 4 EIROPEAN police officer, Edward Burgess, was fined £20 yesterday, with the alternative of eight months' hard labour, for assaulting two African suspects. The prosecution said that he struck two African suspects and let a dog worry them. Burgess, who is 40. married
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  • 39 3 BONN Tues The West' German Government last night said that the East German police now numbered 110.000 men. The force had light weapons and was now being armed with heavy weapons, including Josef Stalin tanks.— Reuter.
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  • 51 3 JOHANNESBURG. Tues. Meter Lafras Lembaard. 48- -> ear-old European farmer alleged to have shot dead five natives and wounded four other.-., was found today with a bullet wound in his head after the biggest manhunt in the Transvaal's history. He died on the way to
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  • 211 3 'Shut up' British paper tells Monty LONDON. Tuesday. THE DAILY SKETCH today told Britain's war hero, x Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery: "For goodness' sake Shut up!" The paper said that Viscount Montgomery. Deputy Allied Supreme Commander in Europe, has the tact and finenesse of a rhinoceros. The Sketch was commenting
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  • 63 3 LONDON, Tv c s.— Several gauge glasses have been smashed iii the 26.000 ton aircraft ca-rier Indefatigable, the Admiralty said yesterciay The broken glasses are the third case of minor damajr m the carrier ir. a few weeks A number of cases of n::nor wilful damage-
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  • 43 3 CAIRO, Tues. Egypt's ".strong man," Lh>ut. Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser, told youlh orpanLsations yesterday: "The fatherland is in need of i\v:y drop of your sweat and blood: dedicate yourselves to serious work and abandon the frivo'ities of the past." Reuter.
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  • 26 3 VIENNA. Tues.— The Vienna Catholic Press Service yesterday reported the arrest of another Roman Catholic priest in Warsaw. He is Father Zeja A. P.
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  • 110 3 MARILYN WON'T APPEAR IN 'PINK TIGHTS HOLLYWOOD. Tues MARILYN Monroe refused to i go to the studio yesterday because she does not like the script of her latest picture, j her lawyer said. Marilyn told 20th Century I <>\ that she did not care to appear in the musical "Pink
    UP  -  110 words
  • 236 3 LONDON. Tues /"'LOSING prices of selected stocks were:— LOANS Consols 64S FMndinn 4'; 101 i War 3Vs% l*% H BANKS j .lerrantlle tl\2'j> 24 Honßkong ($125) 95 1 Eastern (£s> 8% 'Chartered (£1) 41/Loan3Vi',i 1856-59 £94 12'6d INSURANCE Com. Un. (uts.) 12% Royal 12% Prudential 36Vi —ht BAILS
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  • 29 3 LONDON, Jan. 26. Cash Buyers C 650; Sellers C 652' 2 Forward Buyers C 628. Sellers C 629; Settlement €650. Turnover a.m. 20 tons; p.m. 20 tons.
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  • 30 3 LONDON. Jan 26 —Spot 16>,d, Mar 16Vrt Apr-June 16' s d.. JulySept 16\ri.. Oct -Dec IB^d.. Feb elf. 16V,ci.. Mar. cJ.f. 16'« d., April til. lfi^d Tone: Steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 269 3 Afar 1 /j Only one week togo! N^4^O'' V r \s^*/> Order your lucky j/rw&JJ.;. lX J\^: l J xfr£. cakes now and be sure of early delivery. (Minimum J nceißht for enkes-to. srder is 2 pounds SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO, LTD. gficJCs V \I It 4' OO I. '^^&[tl*-
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  • 248 4 Price war as Chinese await New Year KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. ANG pows, the gifts of money wrapped in red paper, will be lean this Chinese New Year, when the Year of the Snake gives way to the Year of the Horse. Chinese
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  • 67 4 Mr Chaiidhrv Mohamed Mi. Ptaance Ministei of I.ik spcakinu at KafTles Hotel, where he was enter! tea yesterday by the Overseas Pakistan League, <ingap Seated next to him are Mr. H. Mohamed. and Mi f.\ McNeice. President of the (if Council. The minis) his
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  • 24 4 The mace made in Edinburgh for the Singapore City Council, will be flown to th> Colony towards the end of February.
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  • 134 4 CHILDREN TOLD: You are the backbone of Malaya JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. DATO Seth bin Mohamed Said. State Secretary Johore. today told more than 2.000 boys and girLs that they were the backbone of the country and that on them eventually depended the prosperity of Malaya. He was speaking at the
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  • 38 4 A Chinese patient, who escaped from Woodbridct -icspital, Singapore, on Monday, is still missing. A hospital spokesman said yesterday that the man was not dangerous. He was a "voluntary patient." admitted about three months ago.
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  • 61 4 BJKIT MERTAJAM. Tues. District Boy Scouts will hold a fun fair at Kirn Sen School. Kulim Road, during Chinese New Year On Feb 27, Scouts will hold a rally and march past on the Bukit Mertajam Recreation Club padang The football association will hold a dance
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  • 165 4 IN THE LARGER AREAS THE Singapore Improvement Trust hopes to provide more adequate playgrounds in its future buildings I in larger areas. Mr. D. H. Komlosy. the chief planning officer, told the Straits Times yesterday that up to now the" SIT had been building in
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  • 98 4 Officials of the Singapore I V.M.C.A for this year are: president Mr J M Fraser; vice-president Dr Arthur W. S Thevathasan. treasurer Mr Lee Chiew Wing: general retary Mr Rowland Lyne; pro. gramme secretary Mr Andrew Lee. Sub-committee: chairman: The Rev Tracey K. Jones < religious work>:
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  • 122 4 Said they didn't like ship WHILE at sea. two coal trimmers of the ship Asha constantly defied their superiors and refused to work, the Singapore Sixth Police Court was told yesterday. Bali rum Gore and William David were charged with coni tinued wilful
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  • 37 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Wong Pat Kong, who was found outside his house in Kulai new village washing his car during curfew hours, was fined $10 today for breaking the curfew.
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  • 183 4 RoUrv Club Weekly luncheon meeting. Capitol Blue Room. 1 p.m. Mr. S. L. Poplui. Director ol 9iir\rys of the Indian Council for World Affairs, on "India Today A.C.S.r. Pocks flranch: Annual j meeting. I:,nharkalion HQ. NAAFI Canteen. Oate 5. 1 pm 1 1 ii mi- Of Sistem The
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  • 42 4 A thief hooked out a pair of i trousers, a coat and a >hlrt from a Chinese labourer's room in Crawford Street. Singapore, on Monday night. In the trousers wire a fountain pen, $8 and an identity card.
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  • 24 4 A set of tools valued about j $30 was stolen from a car parked in Robinson Road, Singapore, on Monday night.
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  • 339 4 BREACH OF CONTRACT ALLEGED PENANG AN alleged breach of contract had c textile dealer to suffer "loss of face the High Court here was told today Bee and Co.. Ltd., of Chulia Street, bn against Messrs. Henry Waugh and Co.. Lie Chop Ban Bee claimed
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  • 76 4 The Singapon \estcr(l:i\ householders t» precautions against petti tliicvin- .liirins; < hil Nrw \ear. Police s| said: Household* loik up Jeweller) Shopkeeper] sho their stores .n in have someone slwpiw mi the premises :ir owners should 1 move icnition keys lock iar hoots. Bicycle
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  • 56 4 A LOR STAR. Tues A Kedah State Councillor. Dt C. K. Cheung, said today py.ry Federal citizen should be proud of his Malayan natlonall'.y. "We are in the midst >• great events.'- he told 100 students at the Sultan Abdul Hamid College. He urged
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 NEW YEAR! NEW ENJOYMENT with the new PUII IDQ H iliLir O super IB radioplayers 1954 KF »l'g<". Fcrroccptor 2 Hjß i x in<l thort w c pl tc I i. W acnal An 5 Super m a I*l I I Pi I l bAsa iA^ Arboli»e* C «'«biii«». new
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 49 4 SINGAPORE 7.15 a.m. > 1.00 Dai Prom Down I News: -IS J 7 :in I N Mew; I Take II From MS Evening Ballroom: 10.30 8.8.C 5 pm. Fa: Archer* s 4 B Talk; ti 4 Show Bl the Be Commentan f 145 A Tw o Fl 1 1 no
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  • 251 5 TAYLOR REPORT SETS PROBLEM.... wn i n KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. W J B PRENTIS. Registrar of Societies and n Unions today confirmed that the title lan-Malayan Rubber Workers Union" is fictitious." The description appeared in the Taylor Arbitration Report published yesterday. Mr
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  • 126 5 Five more push-button crossings SINGAPORE is to have five more pedestrian-operated electric traffic signals because the set outside the City Hall j has proved successful, said t w I Traffic Police Chief. Mr W R I M. Haxworth, yesterda,-. There will aLso be 3D more I flashing beacons to he!o
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  • 18 5 Goh Chek Kang was bound over in Singapore yesterday in S2OO for two years for housebreaking.
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  • 132 5 They await Govt's iiext expat move rpHE next mo*e by the Singapore Government in the expatriation pay dispute with its employee organisations is regarded as a vital one by the 20.000-strong Council of Joint Action. European officers, it is understood, have suggested that the salary scales of senior men should
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  • 87 5 THi' GOVERNOR. Sir John Nicoll, (left) and tho City President. Mr. T. P. F. McNeicp with their host Mr. M. Gopala Menon, Representative of the Government of India, (at left, above) at last night's reception in Singapore to irlebrate Indian Republic Day The Commissioner General. Mr. Malcolm
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  • 117 5 'THE 20-year-old Singapore Road will be put into effect in Government scheme 10 March. fits tstftte ss j^^xs called :"or next month. •oH 1 scne me. costing about $280,000. includes: Removing the horse -shoe bend of Singapore River; building a newbridge over the canal
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  • 57 5 BUTTERWORTH, Tues Province Wellesley United Malays plan to celebrate Federation Day on a big scale. On Feb. 1 there will be a rally at Butterworth UMNO headquarters. There will also ;be a four-night variety fair i from Feb. 5 to 8. About 20 parties will
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  • 24 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Six fishermen were fined a total of $85 here for being out In the Johore Strait during curfew hours
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  • 28 5 A dance will be held at the St. Andrew's Cathedral War Memorial Hall. Singapore, at 8.30 p.m. on Friday. The charge will be $1 a person
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  • 44 5 A Singapore bank director and Buddhist leader Mr Lee Choo n Seng will open a" new vegetarian restaurant. Bodhi Lim. at Nell Road, Singapore on Friday. Guests will be served with both western and eastern dishes after the opening ceremony.
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  • 48 5 I SEREMBAN, Tues. The j funeral took place at the Seremban Christian cemetery today of Mr. J.P.N. Christie 55 who died at Kuala Lum'pui" yesterday. I Mr. Christie retired from Pajan Estate three months ago where he was hospital assis 1- ant for 18 years.
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  • 196 5 A MOTORIST suggested in a Singapore court yesterday that police should leave some notice on a car that had committed a parking offence. Kenneth Davies, charged with parking his car in a taxi stand last Dec. 19. said: "The only ■intimation I got was
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  • 187 5 COUNCIL'S LAST SESSION Term of office draws to close K. LUMPUR. Tues. 'THE last meeting of the A present Federal Legislative Council begins tomorrow. It will end on Thursday with neither fanfare nor valedictory speeches. Next month, the interim Federal Legislative Council will sit for the first time and then
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  • 55 5 Chan Vow. Wong Pak Seng and Chin Moon were fined $5 each in Singapore yesterday for wilful trespass into the artisan's quarters of the Singapore Harbour Board at Tanjong Pagar. When the place was raided early yesterday as a result of complaints police found the
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  • 50 5 A Canadian flour mission, headed by Mr. W. Riddel, is due in Singapore this morning. The mission will study customer requirements in SouthEast Asia to help Canadian flour exporters. Members will meet local merchants and find the uses to which flour is put in Sing- apore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 ,;];iiiumiiniiriiiimin!iiiiPi!!iic3iiiiiiniiiic: limm i lHimH g S PHILIPS 1 >v^^ii^ Since vs^ 1891 i A^, THE MAR tr* Sr PROGRESS ll RELEASE THE Super M Technique I FEATURINC SUPER MACNETIC J S MATERIALS AND MANY OTHER ;il I A» SPECTACULAR IMPROVEMENTS JM If 'ir>4 nwdeir /o choose. Prices from I (A^
      250 words
    • 181 5 CMue MJfUw^ wade ztrv/yer to /act /o/uyer HITACHI #/$E®\ CEILING FANS STAND FANS i H9Ws] wal L FANS DESK FANS VT All models styled for For free Information, complete J£\ specifications wrl'e to: /T^^^^m^ HALP TEXTIRY OF QIAI.ITV AND GUAR.WTKKI) PERFORMANCE Many others have improved their future by Ukine POSTAL
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  • 14 6 in H,.rrf, Hit immimnm) one: To Pf| Dr. Ong Fim XiI'Hal on baby
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  • 60 6 M M,,,rf> Mt (minimum) SPRu dproule. former Senior Puisne Judge of the Stralta Settlement*, lo his 81st year, at London, on January 17th, 19h4. WEARNE: On January 14, 1954, at her residence Hygeia", 3. Bolton Street. i Sellna Susannah Wearne, rederick Foster V tother of Walter. Foster (S Connie
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  • 40 6 c A. C. H thank all the :i(ONOH, thanks all relatives and friends who attended, sent wreal condolence. ]<•:; rendered valuable ineral of BRS. TAN YONG J [AT, Tan lies wish I Visits d mother Bemta and end :»s seng-
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  • 917 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Jan. 27, 1954. Wage Award Reaction In the early part of his report on the wage dispute in the rubber industry Mr. Justice Taylor, the arbitrator, remarks that the board of arbitration in 1949 produced a report which is likely to be quoted still for
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  • 438 6 In its attempt to change the assessor system in the Federation, and opinion is unanimous that there should be a change, the Government has manoeuved itself into a difficult position In doing so it had the generous i assistance of an indifferent public which showed no
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  • 267 6 ITLYNE Street said that at the recent public meeting to protest against the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, "no speaker had the courage to deal with the cases in which the verdict of the assessors has been overruled by the judge and to
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  • 237 6 Orderly, but only up to a point QNE of the few places where one will find an orderly queue for public transport is inside Singapore Turf Club after the races. We have paid our fare before Joining the queue, and as soon as the first bus has all its seating
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  • 143 6 EVEN if, as Singapore police say. hawkers were obstrucing traffic in Chinatown I do not see why it was necessary to create havoc on these heloless people by wrecking their paraphernalia. Such acts of violence are reminiscent of the Japanese regime. After all. these hawkers are simple folk
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  • 252 6 YES, MALAYA CAN 'COME ALIVE' TO THE WORLD "ifR. \V. G. C. Blunn's idea of. advertising Malaya to attract the tourist trade is a good one. The beauty of the scenery is an oft-told tale though it is usually the visitor to this country who pays it the fine tribute
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  • 10 6 Pcnang famous pagoda
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  • 227 6 TWO students on a motorcycle were involved in an off Ampang Road, Kuala LumDur, and were seriously injured in the legs. First aid was given by some other students. Meanwhile, a small taxi was Mopped and the mo.c seriously injured one was sent to hospital The
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  • 270 6 I Snobbery tTIHERE A liar: v human cularty Ans?lo-Sax, of hov e widen who display ■< at consiuciaK* > i make their nelghb they have p whrn they have Unhappily, the snobbery, a word England by t I writer, William has come alone I where i m
    270 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 570 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. <l onttnnril on r.rr 14) ;n U,,r4i $lf) (minimum} Ciill need between C"ar\l I ViceAdmir:.: Milton of Hamels Mead, BuntliiKiorcl. Hertfordshire. ;u. younprr daughter (f the late Captain A. H of Mrs. A. H. Holllns of Crookham HI Eden bridge. K INNODNCEMENTS ]n Ww4» $lli (minimum) ler puppies
      570 words
    • 48 6 H. 5.8." HARMONICAS For Soloists, or Harmonica Bands. 8211 H. 5.8 .1. Tremolo. $5.50 8212 H. 5.8.2. Organ. $5.50 8213 H. 5.8.3, Alto. $5.50 8214 H. 5.8.4, Vamper. $3.50 (By post $1.- extra) Catalogues and Price Lists on application. T.M.A. LTD., 61/63 High St., S'pore-6. m mmw mmmmmTmmmTm^mmmmmmm\
      48 words
    • 55 6 I MOitTyN HERRINGS FRESX or m TOMATO SAUCE AGENTS C E MORTON (MALAYA) LTI Singapore Kuala I.umpur Penan^ FEDERATION AIR SERVIC± SCHEDULED SERVICE: Between Kuala Lumpur, Bentong. Temerfoh, Jenderata, Sitiawan. Ipoh. Kuanl Trengganu, Kota Bharu. Ulu Bernam. Labi Kubong, Dungun, Bidor, Charter Rates on rcquco* aii i***. MANSFIELD CO., lh
      55 words

  • 257 7 Trade union council hits at Taylor pay award KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MALAYAN Trade Union Council* today escribed the Taylor arbitration award as the ivers "subsidy* 1 to Communism. itement signed by Mr. M. Arokiasamy the ■h> M.T.U.C. says: "The arbitrator tnents he himself has made, should
    257 words
  • 54 7 i i 1 < lIOM, AH VKK a?cd Itt, oldest among 1,350 aged people who Hocked to the Great W.>r!d Park, Singapore, yesfe"lay for Chinese New Year gills, has been receiving his share of rice, sugar, milk and money from Shaw Broth -rs every year
    54 words
  • 69 7 Bias against workers is Penang view l'l N \\<.. Tue«. tarj nt the Penang ol the Malayan i nion (Him il. Mr. todaj Uesihe i i\ lor arbitration h "shocking and dis;i dtstincl bias the workers," he .<>i<l i in <-^. report discloses niMu-i magnates prepared t<> put in order
    69 words
  • 6 7 Village gets 10,000 hall 00 Bomer.imted
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  • 36 7 cha with gang armed with b ton wa.- f the gang who robbed a Kirn Kent Road druggist of :iery and cash, worth >1.199 on Sunday. He was remanded for 48 hours.
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  • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The first prize worth $5,556 i.i the premium bonds draw In Kuala Lumpur yesterday went to No. *****6. The two second prizes each worth $1,119 were won Dy No.s. *****5 and *****3 and two third prizes by No *****0 and i *****8. The third
    54 words
  • 247 7 FIRST TO HOLD POST KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. INCHE Yaacob bin Abdul Latiff, 36. will succeed Mr. A. D. C. Peterson as head of the Federation Information Services, it was announced today. Inche Yaacob Is the first Malayan to hold such an appointment. He has been
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  • 102 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. 4 MAN ivho is an expert on the legislature, its orders and procedures, is to be the 1 !irst holder of the ;iew appointment of Clerk of the Legislative Council. He is Mr. Charles Anthony Fredericks, 42 Mr. Fredericks will "sit in"
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  • 38 7 The 92nd birthday of Swami Vivekananda will be celebrated at the RamakrLshna Mission premises. Bartley Road. Singai pore, on Sunday from 3.45 p.m. Mr. M. Saravanamuttu, Ceylon Commissioner in Singapore and Malaya, will preside.
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  • 27 7 An eight-year-old schoolgirl. Norsiah binte Mohamed Ali, of King's Road, Singapore, was seriously injured yesterday morning, in a collision with a motorcycle.
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  • 30 7 Telok Ayer Methodist Youth Fellowship. Singapore, will hold a Chinese New Year social in the church hall. 235, Telok Ayer Street, at 7.30 p.m. on i February 4.
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  • 227 7 THESE VEG EATERS HAD BACON And it was quite all right 'THREE Singapore vc- getarians had Bacon with their nuts-and-vegetable lunch at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday In fact, they had two Bacons- Mr. A. E Bacon and Mrs Bacon, visiting members of the London Vegetarian Society. The hosts were the
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  • 55 7 Sergeant Major S. K. Millar o: the Royal Signals, who has been 16 years in the Army, was yesterday ordered by a military court to be dismissed from the service. He was found guilty on three of four charges of indecent assault while staying at an
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  • 50 7 A 30-year-old woman. Saouh binte Haji Abdullah, has been mLssing from her home in Kampong Ban Siew San, Singapore, since January 12 She is sft. 6in tall and wellbuilt, with a round face. She was wearing a yellow and red sarong and white baju when last seen.
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  • 40 7 Gold buttons valued at $135 and $265 in cash were stolen from a room in Synagogue Street, Singapore, on Monday. The owner, a Chinese woman, was at work in the kitchen. She had left the door open.
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  • 115 7 Mr. Yap to lead ECAFE delegation MR. Yap Pheng Geek, a Singapore banker, has been named leader of the M.ilayan delegation to the ECAFE committee meeting on industry and trade now being heid at Kandy. Ceylon. Other members are: Dato Nik Ahmeri Kamil bin Haji Mahmud. Member for Local Government,
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  • 328 7  -  Or, hvttvr still* us \tnuny as he can Und FRANCIS WONG By A GIRL in every port is the dream of most sailors. But with Anthony Wayman, of Utf Royal Navy, it's cats. Big cats, little cats, fat cats, thin cats he
    328 words
  • 64 7 Four armed men waylaid a 22-year-old clerk, Johnny Chua, while he was crossing a field near his home in St. George's Road, Singapore, last night and robbed him of a wrist-watch, pen and $15 cash. When he came to a dark spot, four men confronted
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  • 41 7 Aw Oh Cheow and Madam Loo Siew Lian were each fined $100 in the Singapore Second Traffic Court yesterday for failing to furnish particulars of their drivers when requested to do so by th e Traflic Police.
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  • 29 7 IPOH. Tues. Tekka-Taiping Ltd. has declared an interim dividend of 6d. a share for the year ended October 31. 1933. payable in England on February 9.
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  • 19 7 Thirty-one goldfish valued at S2OO were stolen from a bouse in Paya Lebar Road, Singa;xne. yesterday morning
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  • 79 7 ON SCREEN AND TV KUALA LUMPUR. Tins. Merc than 100.000.000 people I throughout the world have v< n a Malayan Film Unit newsree] stowing the mount- Ing of a major operation against the Communist terrorists. i! Ucopters played a major In this operation which moved
    79 words
  • 42 7 A European woman last ;i containing $36 anri her identity card in a grocery .store in Orchard Road, Singapore. on Monday afternoon. The purse, left on a counter, was lost while the woman w:us inspecting goods.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 *3 Mars Unique combination of full-cream olate, layer of buttery flavoured caramel 1 creamy centre of chocolate malted milk, .vhipped in white of egg Best selling nocolate coated candy bar in the world! I Wonderful for the children! ANOTHER SWEET TREAT BY MARS. EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. The Camera of
      141 words
    • 64 7 SAMBOs are here EACH (O^ A/ew Season's V -5 ,y Cay Cottons DRESS j k Just Arrived $39/50 to jh $45/00 BE EARLY-STOCKS LIMITED V> THE STORE WITH A YffiL TO OFFER Cable \d( VIH\YKI>I #CATHAY HOTEL \W"L nllE" Bill DING SINGAPOBB) PHONE 2Hm WWWTIONED -MODERATE RATES lONNABEED <4jks! im
      64 words

  • 354 8 DESERTER TELLS OF 14-HOUR SWIM KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. EMVE FOREIGN Legion naires all Germans —told the Straits Times here today the story of their escape from a French troopship off Malaya on Sunday. I A sixth Legionnaire. Han* > Schmiegel, 18,
    354 words
  • 115 8 WHEN he returned home late from office, his wife I always questioned him. Kassim bin Said, a tally clerk, told Mr R W. H. Davies, a Singapore magistrate, yesterday. He added: "My wife is a very jealous woman. She made life unbearable for me"
    115 words
  • 33 8 The Tin Research Institute has opened an office at Dusseldorf to provide German manufacturers with technical servicp and information on the latest developments in the use of tin and tin alloys.
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  • 40 8 Mr S. K Poplal Director M Surveys for the Indian Council for World Affairs, will talk on "India in World Affairs" at a public meeting at the Faculty of Arts. University of Malaya at 5 p.m. today
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  • 130 8 MAGISTRATE HAD A LOOK —AND HA WKER WENT FREE KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. AN itinerant hawker, who was brought to the Singapore City Police Court yesterday on a warrant of arrest for failing to appear last Tuesday to answer a charge, said that his face was very familiar to the magistrate.
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  • 130 8 —EIGHT OTHER CHARGES 17-YEAR-OLD Indian, Bclbee Singh, was charged in Singapore yesterday with criminally intimadatins Sandasmy Joseph, an employee of the Seiclene Electric Lundry and Dry-Cleaners. Delta Road. An anonymous letter was delivered on January 23 to the Seiclene. threatening Joseph with injury and
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  • 177 8 MR Percy Julian Sproule. a former senior puisne judge of the Straits Settlements, died in London on Jan. 17. aged 81. Mr. Sproule. who retired in 1933. came from a well-known Ceylon family. From St. Thomas's College, Colombo, he won a scholnrsniD to Pem'oicke College,
    177 words
  • 40 8 The Old People's Club of the British Red Cross Society. Singapore branch, will hold its weekly fellowship party at the VVesloy Church Hall. Fort Canning Road, at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Tea wi)' be provided by the Chines* Y.M.CA.
    40 words
  • 19 8 Singapore Police Band will play at King George V Park from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. tomorrow
    19 words
  • 77 8 NEW CIVIL AVIATION CHIEF NAMED Mr. G. J. Warcup. Deputy Director of Control and Navigation in the British Ministry of Civil Aviation, has been appointed to succeed Mr A Savage as Director-General of Civil Aviation. Malaya-Borneo region, it was announced yesterday. Mr. Savage is at present on leave before retirement.
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  • 20 8 Fo r driving inconsiderately in St Andrews Road, a motorist. Hans Boesh was fined $25 in Singapore yesterday.
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  • 160 8 ORGANISER WAS TUU BUS* riE Japanese Consulate-General in Singapore is in the dark about a proposed trade fair here next May in which some 1.000 Japanese firms will i participate. Said Mr. Ken Ninomya. Consul-General: "We do not know anything about It. We
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  • 156 8 KINDLY, familiar women's voices are wanted for Singapore s young blind people. The chairman of the Welfare and survey subcommittee of the Singapore Association for the Blind. Mrs. J. R Lowe said yesterday that many Wind people stayed at home apathetically. We want to
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  • 81 8 Bad roads in Singapore's kampongs are holding up the development of the rural areas, Mr H. J. C Kulasingha (Pasir Panjang) told the Straits Times yesterday At tomorrow's Rural Board meeting he will put a motion suggesting that whtre the Public Works Department cannot
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  • 29 8 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Singapore branch, has received further donations totalling $145 towards its recent Christmas Appeal, bringing the total to $650.60
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  • 24 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— Mr. Stewart Moreria. ASP, of the CID, Kluang, has been transferred to Penang to join the Frontier Investigation Bureau
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  • 109 8 Singapore City Council cirployee has been recommended for a severe reprimand for allowing his quarters to be used for the distribution or election manifestoes. His service record will also be endorsed. It was alleged that he helped to distribute the manifestoes of a candidate who contestSi
    109 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION J*]l \TTKACTIONS "**mF~ f j/B^L^ HER PERSISTENCY JBRb opened the >^p?h c| into a man's k&y Merrill opens |ERiI3 TODAY /lk-* I lov* drama |a|D| H: n .E Mum 5 SHOWS DAILY! mm ll(l MILDRED DUNNOCK JESSE WHITE MARILYN ERSKINE M<r-M ?Ae4e«tr -Z&&& GRAND^ 51^ I^^ CHINESE }Jr
      206 words
    • 273 8 f P^MULH^HH OPEMS TODAY VERDICT: Laiujhtcr and liuckl.s d/f^ throucliout for adults only f^^m (SUNDAY TIMI You must certainly not miss secini; Macifie I for one. shall certainl) 4**^9 see her again. (FREE PREss'i jgS* AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT BOOK EARLY! COLLECT KASLT!! <imi H] v LIU HWA in "MADAM'S SECRET" MANDARIN
      273 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 372 8 I DOWN Straits Times Crossword no race horse ye t has n s starting-price (7). I 13 I p» I I l^^i T f» I ~~p I 3. Careful in his choic-e of food _J|j I|| I (7). ls§§ Hi 4 Seen floatine in a famous US lS| Mill us
      372 words

  • 2021 9 Gallant German chose death when Hitler ordered— "Scuttle" F E A T U R E little over 14 years ago, the British tanker Africa Shell wallowed in a choppy sea south of Madagascar. On the bridge, Captain Dove watched an unidentified warship converging on his course. He was not unduly
    Daily Mirror  -  2,021 words
  • 912 9 How they screen the African killers THE camp lies in a dry L valley. By means of tongues of woodland pulleys which crease the open downs above, a man can walk unseen from the forests of the Aberdares, where gangs hide from patrolling soldiery and low-flying bombers. \> ;irby is
    912 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 149 9 V FAB GO j I TRUCKS do your jobs cheaper T ONNERS PETROL OR DIESEL PERKINS 4 CYLINDER i ss s also table for p.isscnqcr bus BUILT IN KEW ENGLAND JCYCLE CARRIAGE (1926) LTD. :kE K LUMPUR in the Federation I s— is— s»»ss»fsJ I those throbb ng pains In
      149 words
    • 243 9 the NEW PAI j PORTABLE IIfSDB t%jJP^ .ldi-jst- the speed of th c carriage m tj y>.i>r own personal typing nabits Complete with 'Magic' margin r (exclusive to ROYAL) YOU'LL WANT ONE^ SO POST COUPON RONEO LTD. NAME Plrasr send tar details of t!ir )t I New ROYAL PorU le
      243 words

  • 377 10 Aroimil lli«- mark«'l*» RUBBER RISES, TIN FALU THERE was no improvement in activltj pore share market yesterday when 1 over was again very small. Both buyi i showed little interest in any section. I reasonably steady but a few Issues lo tins were definitely easier throughout
    377 words
  • 21 10 Australian stocks RMPHAI oil A lir.r. fie Irs A p. my. caused gres quiet. Uunlop J. A B Hi!! 50 Pckn
    21 words
  • 23 10 TV HII E The jily high* i In thi tempre. Dv P D the mai I predi": Pmv .li til
    23 words
  • 57 10 t^HII 1k Hi expected today were Etorofu Mar Eastern Prince I 80. 1.a1.r. 15 16, Rahuci I an !<>2fi. 8 Poiv:!"' >vm. r,, H3 34. G!< neari Gorgon Walrtmu 44 ol II K K0.1D9 Union Pearl, Pli ISM B ROADS Serda;. Pi Enc. An: Labuan Pulau tnri;i Dot
    57 words
  • 13 10 Staci Peppe LtWU .in. l 5 8 buyi l k bu;
    13 words
  • 183 10 Rubber In Singapore yesterday gained a quarter of a cent and closed very steady at 5-Fv cents a pound The market open.d at thrrvquaiters of a Cftnt below Monday's closing i rice with little interest. It later steadied on .shortcovering activity and inquiry lor lower grades. During the
    183 words
  • 36 10 On the free exchanee market In Hone Kong yesterday the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.***** for cash r\nd 5.8625 for T.T. Sterling was quoted at 15.22 and one tael of cold at 250.1625.
    36 words
  • 78 10 WELMIKOTON. D. Tues E. I. DU PONT NEMOURS company announced preliminary plans to build a new plan) to manufadure neoprrne Qmthetic rublX" ,ii Montagu, Michi'4 in The new plant Is c scheduled to beßln oonatrucUon late !his ve;ir and will probabh Ix- .n partial o|>eration early In
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 19 10 Thr price of tin in Singapore yesterday h;is derlarrd at 5315 1." a pirtil. down tt| rents
    19 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 372 10 <^k to break (fldMM"l world records '*^M v».th a SOO ie Norton broke 9 ,nter. .< Qjt national Cl»« I recordi ranging from SO 1O SOO k'lometrev Cattrol (26 28-IO- S3). :i->n C C. WAKEFIELD CO. l_Tr> KUALA LJMPUR SINGAPORE PENANG Extreme temperatures and humidity can ~jMZ i
      372 words
    • 1412 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS A VACANCY exists In the Public Works Department, Singapore, for a Dredging Superintendent in the salary .scale $780 30A 840 p.m. with COL. and Singapore Allowances. Total emoluments vary from $940 x 25A 990 p.m. (or a single officer. $1,130 x 25A 1,180 p.m. for a married officer,
      1,412 words
    • 721 10 NOTICES BOARD OF ARCHITECTS (FEDERATION OF MALAYA) It Is hereby notified for information that in accordance with Section 9. of the Architects Ordinance No. 48 of 1951, applications for renewal of registration muist be made on or before the 31st day of January. REOISTRAR. Board of Architects. (Federation of Malaya).
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1011 11 1 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Passage BLUE FUNNEL LINE »*«>' _|1M t» »rec.r-< .mi other ports to lend ono aWskaMM co.«o LIVERPOOL GLASGOW LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Jen 27/2S Jon^3o/3I r. ;i/24 Jnn Jen 2«/10 C -3 34 F.b. 4 F.b. S/ 4 AFrb 7/ B Jen 30 Feb 5
      1,011 words
    • 1041 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U K /CONTINENT F. S him Penong Kino" tor D,nl"T-to, Vol rhin/; Hinov irtg, Mor 4 Yokehoma G. S-9/1700 hrs. Mongelio" I Koh»tetsong, H konj 5 Feb. "Magdale" tor RnngV-m 11/13 Feb. 9/10 Feb. 8/ 8 Feb. "jngkhlo" tir Koh cr-nng Soigon MnnnkonQ, V.0n,10. Kobe
      1,041 words
    • 1112 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U. K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS S pore P S'l-om Penong Bennlder for Hovrr., Lo-iffon, Rotterdom, Hull In Pert 29/31 Jan. Bencleuch tor Liverpool, Dublin, Gloigov.. Hamburg, Antwerp 30 Jen/ 6 Feb. 2S/29 Jan. 9/10 Feb. Bennevn tor Genoa Avonmout-i, London, Homburg 4/ 9 Feb.
      1,112 words
    • 1046 11 McALISTER <Sc CO. LTD. LONDON HAVRE, IOTTERtIAM. POPTLAND. BATTLE I VASCOUVER HAMBURG ft HULL Accepting co-go fo. Central ft ;«uta ond for U', A North Atlon'ic Portl American Port. and Conado vio Colnmho rr s. FRANCISVILLE CITY O* BIRKENHEAD rvr—j Spore P Shorn Penong C IR-39/29 Jon. 31 Jon. 19/25
      1,046 words

  • 1352 12 Singing lessons for a Frog TIIK little frog felt very queer indeed. He stretched his back legs, puffed air into his cheeks, felt his loose, rough skin with a puzzled expression, then opened his mouth, and croaked. This was perhaps the most surprising thing of all the surprising
    1,352 words
  • 295 12 our Queen and Prince Phillip is blue in colour, value id. The threepenny stamp is light purple und show s a striking likeness oj our beloved young Queen. I understand that Australia will issue a set of three "Royal Visit" stamps, these will be for 3W.
    295 words
  • 484 12 ONE HAIR DOG— A DRAGON Well you couldn't really call that original could you? The six winners are Ooi Seng Yant;. a?ed 12. Ci. Bagan Luar Road. Butterworth. Mohammed Anwar, agod 12, 112 Mam Road. Taipme. Nancy Chee. aged 12. 104 Pantei Road. Bujtterworfh, ErroJ Comes, aged 12, 26 Brank.
    484 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 221 12 You'll feel cooler... >| and look better in Al>T>(\ \U LIGHTWEIGHT SHIRTS You jii-i r.-m't beat these new And these sparkling "I>rec7rArrov lightweights foi cool, weight" kmm shirts will alrool comfort! Note how tissue "'•'>■' th nks the >an thin they are-and how hand- fonzed t™de-mark. tome! \\rw little breeze
      221 words
    • 214 12 rr*uM p*uLwf v* y cud yod 1 T£F*y( f pl£a?€ live Me V- O JJ j y r \that Sf.eeN tin f\ ~\*fWi rwmt 'X fl I ah! vot/8 Mtsreess t^\ L\ 3 knows K/f/jr 'S sooo. U^f .>~^ >r /Tfm^. V V t see you o/fts as-e wnkins N
      214 words

  • 531 13 By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. ADELAIDE STAR, the Daniels Stable's sprinting star, worked attractively on the training track at Kuala Lumpur this morning when he strode nut freely over 3f. in 41 sec. Jockey (ieorge Whitney kept him well on the
    531 words
  • 134 13 \OTTIN(i!IAM. Tups. VOLANBC POMPBT, the Trinidad middlrnrißht. mrt hi-, ftr^t dffrat when he «s< outpointed ovrr t»n rounds h> nohhy Hanson il'nitrd Statrsl heir la»t night. It was a (lose ion lest all the way. Dawson won because he cot the edce over Pompey in
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 264 13 BILLY BAGBY, Malaya's "wondrr boy" lockev season when he became the first apprentice ever to Win the jockeys' rhamnionshiD will bp nnt «f tho Fqhhi „«?n out of the saddle until the next meeting; at Bukit Timah in March. This is the first serious
    264 words
  • 93 13 •^NDON, Tues. BLACKPOOL. the FA. Cup holders, defeated Luton Town 2-0 yesterday after seven hours of cut-and-thrust soccer to go into the fourth round of this seasons competition. They play West Ham United next Saturday. A total of 106.000 fans paid i' 16.000 to see the
    93 words
  • 70 13 LONDON, Tues. Gordon Pirle. Britain's outstanding long distance runner, has been chosen "sportsman of 1954 in thp ballot organised by the Sporting Record newspaper. He is the first amateur sportsman to cain the honour. He was followed In the voting by Stanley Matthews. England s International
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 61 13 BRISBANE. Tue<=.— Queensland took poln'* for firs; innings in the Sheffleln Shield match afjains' Victoria which ended In a draw here today. Scores: Victoria 287 and 255 for ftve i Jeff Hallcbone 143 not out, Maddodu n»' W»ti Flyn three for 1211. Queensland: 561 iKon Mackay
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 150 13 Two trophy races at Penang meet PENANG. Tues. TWO trophy races the Kedah Cup and the Penang Cup wll! be run at the Penang Turf Clubs three-day Spring meeting on Mar 6. 10 and 13 There will be two runs lor each division of Classes 3 and 5. First run
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  • 175 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TICKETS are now available for all the four matches which the Indian Hockey Federation touring team will play st Kuala Lumpur All affiliates of the Selangor Hockey Association requiring tickets are asked to apply to the Hon Treasurer. Bulwant Singh, c
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  • 78 13 TOKYO. Tues.— Orient feathers woicht champion Shlgeii Kanelco will defend his title againrt former champion Larry Bataan. of the Philippines 1 n a 12-round botH here on Thursday. The fight is a return match for the Filipino who lost the title when he was knocked
    UP  -  78 words
  • 27 13 NOTTINGHAM, Tues. Peter Keenan, former British and European bantamweight champion. o>;t pointwi Robprt Meunier. of Fruncp, an ei?ht-round baniammeigh' contest lax 1 night. A.P.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 901 13 ANTIGUA. Tues. THE M.C.C. tourists spun out a I Leeward Islands eleven for 38 runs in 80 minutes on the opening day of their two-day match here. John Wardle and Jim Laker turned the ball sharply on a treacherous pitch drying in the hot
    901 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 263 13 SALMON Great Northern s^>^; FANCY RED SOCKEYE lh. tins C ANCY RED 1 11). O I 11). available B C 5 1 ■> only tlic finest cuts ipedally selected Ciatu»dian Salmon arc ■i' d BUT the price is reisonable PACKED BY :iS MILLERD G CO. LTD. VANCOUVER lACLAINE WATSON £>
      263 words
    • 736 13 From the largest stocks of Plant and Machinery in the British Commonwealth DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN «m ;P j. Al,m ro.ipM to W0 kW. ALTIRNATOH SiTS. rO^WAKISSOS VU toH 7(Vi kVA.. 4SO kW. Alt»rn»lr.r Vt. InmrBrfeSU l^- WSR r«AM ■NGINI DHIVIN ireel caupM to ?UO kVA. bin k«'. ALTERNATOR SBTS .NATOR.
      736 words

  • 317 14 B.A.M. TO ENTER TWO FOR WORLD TOURNEY PENANG, Tuesday. THE BADMINTON Association of Malaya plans to send two top players to the United Kingdom to compete in Glasgow's world invitation tournament in March. After the tournament, the Malayans may tour Europe and the United States. While in Britain, the players
    317 words
  • 187 14 Chwee Kok 'at home' in Melbourne MELBOURNE. Tues. 'THE Olympic pool here is "just right" for Malayan swimming champion Neo Chwee Kok. He said today that conditions were more like those in Singapore and better than in Sydney, where he found it hard to get used to the "cold" pools.
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 97 14 AND PROVES IT BY BREAKING STATE RECORD MELBOIRXE. Tues. Chwee Kok tonight won the Victorian 11 (I -yard free style title witb a state record time of 60sec. one-fifth sec. better than the previous best by John Marshall and only eight-tenths of a second outride thr all-comrrs record held by
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 89 14 with late goal A GOAL sr ired by D McMullan curing a spirited rally late in i the second half enabled Singapore Cricket Club to ho d Shell S.C. to a 2-2 draw !r a game of hockey on the pariang yesterday. After a half-time score of
    89 words
  • 49 14 The Keppel Club's gold medal competition competed for by monthly medal winners in 1953 Was won by K.E. Meyer with a .score of 64. The January medal went to K. E. Meyer (64) in the "A" division and B. Collier <74 in the "B" division.
    49 words
  • 468 14 rjEYLON Sports Club, senior division knockout hockey holders. had to fipht hard for 70 minutes to beat REME, a second division team who have Just been promoted, in a Sinsnpore H.A. senior division tie on the SHC padang yesterday, Cevlonese won. 3-2 their deciding ?or>l
    468 words
  • 332 14 TWO DAYS after he was selected to play as hooker for the North rugby team, Capt. J. A. Moffat. K.A. ground liason officer at Butterworth. was killed in a parachute drop over Kedah. MofTat's death was the reason for one of the three
    332 words
  • 103 14 EAST LONDON. Tics. THE New Zealand tourists scored the biggest win of their South African tour when they beat by an innings and 60 runs here yesterday Border collapsing against the pace bowling of John Reid and Gi:\ Overton. lost their remaining eight second
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 86 14 Singapore Chinese Recreation Cub inflicted a 7-1 defeat on Base Ordnance Depot Civilian Association in a hockey friendly at Si Georges Road yesterday. On a wet and heavy ground. Chinese almost completely blotted out the BODCA a f 'ack while their own forwards gi c .he
    86 words
  • 90 14 Bromwich upsets Trabert BYDI JOHN BROMV old form' r vis Cup p] tnnn.s eh Tony Tran Bnals ol Bromwich. \v'. tralian Belorc the Cham lio work. 11..h. llil.Kl IW|, hi> UMMfhl ch.inor" Ml four major hi|.. Wimbledon. 1 tiili traUan and i Only on? pi Ken his bid Qeorge a
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 34 14 I The RAF I Army Cpl Xi '< iSele'.i: tan. V 1 Hummei i The A Cp'i. i farf: iGHQ iREMK V (GHQ iSpon Bn RAOC i REME Thap;i I Subba 'OH..
    34 words
  • 15 14 The S 1 will ho',( thei i the S V I p.m. Tli
    15 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 798 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS nntinnrd from Pair 6l v Classified Advertisement j Enquiries I Telephone 2800 i i SITUATIONS VACANT f« Horrfi $S (Mm. i— Box in ctt. extra. A QI'AI.IIIKi) A:' I eacher. morning or on Saturdays Apply; SIC Col WANTED Experienced Qualified Book-Keeper able to handle full ;ct Account Books.
      798 words
    • 875 14 EDUCATION !0 WnrdM t. (fHm.)-Box it rd. extra. HILL Crest Preparatory School for Boys. Swanage. Dorset coast. Specially suitable climate for boys from abroad. Holiday arrangements and general charge undertaken. ApHeadmaster. HIIMI LEAVE M Wardt ii <Hin.)—B.x i* rlt. txtra. 1 MILE Wlncantnn. Somerset. < Short Let, Long Let. in
      875 words
    • 801 14 HOUSES k LAND FOR SALE m Hard* $i IMIH.) Sox m ett txlrm 504. SOUTH BOURNA VISTA Road. Close to Junction Overlooking Paslr Panjang Sea. Area of Land Approximately 6.765 Square Peet. Freehold. Immediate Occupation Hire Purchase Payment Arrangement. Please apply Chen, Telephone 6884 45, Winchester House, Singapore. CENTRALLY LOCATED:
      801 words
      57 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 99 14 KIGGKR S.C.C. v Xavv Wanderers, padang Kapt. (laytonl: RN'AS SembawanK v RAI" Changi. Changi ISl.dr. WalUnsi R.A.F. SeleUr "A" v RAOC. Self tar (F/Lt. Crumptonl; RAF Tengah v RAF Selrtar. I t'nc.ili 'Mm Dnggan) SHB Recs v BB9ES, Krpprl Road IH (dr. Pike) Naval Rase 'A' v 2nd. Vrh. Bn.,
      99 words