The Straits Times, 26 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Established 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 1555 1 lown, says judge: and criticises union chiefs COULDN'T CARE LESS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. rents in the daily wajjes of tappers and 15 cents in those iorkers is made in today's award by Mr. Justice Taylor, 11 the pay dispute between the Malayan Planting Industries nation and the
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  • 273 1 Hemingway in TWO air crashes -AND WALKED OUT OF BOTH ALIVE KAMPALA. Uganda, Mon \|R. Ernest Heming;Tl way, the novelist, and his wife were safe today after escaping from two plane crashes in the wild Upper Nile country of East Africa. The 55-year-old writer and hLs fourth wife, the former
    AP  -  273 words
  • 288 1 This will save $15 m. year in wages II unto ratrs awarded Mr. Justice Taylor a saving of over mm yrar for the ■•MTV i til ;i vrs the daily pay contract tappers at s;.vv roll tappers $2.25 and I ken |LM for the quarter of l!*.">t. (|iif nt quarters,
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  • 62 1 IN GERMANY Lt.-Gen Sir Hugh Stockwell. Genera! Officer Commanding I Malaya, has been appointed to i command the First Corps 'n Germany when he leaves in April. Lt.-Gen. Stockwell was appointed G.O.C. Malaya in March 1952 He succeeded Major-General R. E. Urquhirt. Prior to his present post,
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  • 85 1 1 COLOMBO. Mon. -Dr S. A Wlrkremesinghe. secretary of the Ceylon Communist Party, was sentenced by three Sup- 1 reme Court judges today to m\ weeks' gaol and fined M 51.275 for contempt of court Failure to pay the fine will mean an additional six
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Mon Britain i had Its coldest night for nearly a year last night. At London Airport there were four degrees of frost. Reuter.
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  • 363 1 Big Four Foreign Minister* begin talk* BERLIN, Monday. THE Big Four Foreign Ministers met here today in a new effort to end the cold war between East and West. It was the first time the Western Foreign Ministers had sat
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Mon.— Rationing of butter, cheese, margarine and cooking fats will end on May 8. it was announced in the House i of Commons today.— Reuter
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  • 135 1 ON RED PLOT CHARGES BANGKOK, Monday. FE SIAMESE police today announced they had arrested 12 Chinese businessmen and rubber planters in the southern province of Nakornsridhamraj. near the Malayan border. These men are being held on charges of "Communist conspiracy" and of plotting to kill
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  • 71 1 CALCUTTA. Mon. 4 FOUR-DAY strike by 8.000 Hooghly River bargees for a 25 per cent wage increase was called off today. Mansoor Gilani, general secretary of the Bengal Mariners Union, representing the men said the strike had been stopped because of unprecedented police repression
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  • 100 1 CHINESE QUIT LUXURY— IN GO RUSSIANS BERLIN. Mon. UNTIL Friday a Communist Chinese delegation to East Germany stayed at East Berlin's most modern luxury hotel, the Hohanneshof. iut today a hotel employee said the Chinese nine men and one woman— had been moved to the Adria Hotel to make room
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Mon— Lord Farrer, 49-year-old businessman-farm-er, was found shot dead yesterday at hLs home in Hertfordshire, it was announced today. Lord Farrer, fourth Baron, was charged on Friday with driving under the influence of drink after an accident in which a motor-cyclist and a pillion passenger
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  • 32 1 LONDON, Mon —Mr. V. M. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister, yesterday laid a wrtith on the monument commemorating Soviet soldiers kilieU in the battle for Berlin in 1945.— Reuter.
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  • 37 1 A .seventeen-year-o'n Indian, alleged to be the leader of the "9999" gang, operating at Ganges Avenue, was arrested by Singapore Police early yesterday morning He will be charged with attempted extor- I tion this morning
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  • 25 1 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Four people were killed and 10 injured when a nitro-glycertno factory near Nora in Central Sweden blew up today. -A.P.
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  • 101 1 FRENCH LINK UP AGAIN PARIS. Mon FRENCH UNION troop b 'in Central Laos, split by Vietminh rebels at Christmas have now rejoined forces, the French new s agency reported today It did not say where exactly the French force s joined up again. The new successes followed the Fi ,nch
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  • 57 1 Singapore police are investigating the death of a t*>n-year-old schoolboy. Hen e Wah Seng, whose body was found floating m the Palau Mlnyak River behind the Lee ruboer factory at 9.30 am yesterday. Heng's mother told the police that her son left home about 5 p.m.
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  • 45 1 MALAYS GAOLED IN MED AN JAKARTA. Mon. Several court for entering Indonesian Malay fishermen have been wtera without a permit. The fishermen said an Indonr.i.m sentenced to one months gaol I nava] ship intercepted them on by a Medan North Sumatran. the high seas. U.P.
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  • 39 1 HONG KONG. Mon.— Voters in Peking, where district elections are being held today, were yesterday ordered "to visit barber shops and bathe yourselves clean before going to the polling stations," a report received here today said
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  • 28 1 MATTOON Illinois. Mon.— Three children died in a basement fire in their home early yesterday while their parents \< attended a benefit dance. j A.P.
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  • 21 1 london. Mon Beerulti for the British regular army during 1953 totalled 36.083 compared with 43,071 i n 1952. -Reuter.
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  • 140 1 LONDON. Mon "NEARLY 8.000 electricians beean a weeks strike in th<* London area today as part of the Communist-led Electrical I Trades Union fight for wage j increases. Electrical construction work stopped on scores T)f important biiildlng sites in and around the area, including five
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  • 163 1 Police fire on mobs Students riot in Madrid MADRID. Mon. pOLICE fired m the air and made baton Charges on thousands of students here today when they tried to reach tt <■ British Embassy shouting, "Gibraltar for Spain." The students .stoned the one ol whom was injured. All morning the
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  • 42 1 BRITAIN TAXI SERIOUS VII U I lIMIOV. Mon. Ml ler of St.ite SHwmi llnwl ti.M Commons tod i\ lit i lain will take serious view or Spanish demonstration against Qaeen's forth* >• nm visit to Gibraltar. i P gee tins ci..umn.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 W ml^s it SONS CROSFIELD Ml ITO "I enjoy them best I ..because the filte.' tip hold', 'hroat J**m irritants in check" \-k litr <lv Mauricr and rnjoy \3>v£2iJ^^lH^ il< :il ai il. rnolf»l and W^"^H L...1 from harshn.-v, and I^| j tin- <\<lu.i\r tiller tip. wH nou open lh«
      99 words
    • 21 1 VENT-AXIA HARRISONS LISTER ENC. LTD. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR »ENANC BS-67 Wherever you go--0^ r,.;> oi M -V--/7';./y }l l I (J^STntsjC
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  • 314 2 Woman bandit leader killed 4 others bagged MAN OF MANY NAMES SHOT BY GORDONS KUALA LUMPI'R, Monday. PIVK more Communist terrorists, including two bandit chiefs, have been killed by security forces. One of the Red bosses was a 25-year-old woman branch committee member. She was killed yesterday in the Kulai
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  • 70 2 A GIRL TO SERVE IT UIIUI AIMING a tiger at the hotel and catering exhibition at London's Olympia could have been diflicult. Fortunatel> Nizam. «vho went then- from the Bertram Mills circus ha* a taste for coffee and enjoyed a dish of it from Mis> Jan Barraclougn
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  • 69 2 Reds walk in, lecture villagers KI'ALA LUMPUB, Mon. AN armed force of 32 terrorists walked into a small kampone ten miles from Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan. just after 5 p.m. yesterday. They lertured Kampong .M emp a s dwellers for nearly 20 minutes. Two shotguns and 40 rounds of ammunition
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  • 116 2 Tip-off led to killing of 2 bandits BUKIT MERTAJAM. Mon. r>OLICE s.ixl today that a I tip-off led to thY killing iof two bandits near the Pro- vince Wellesley South Kedah border on Saturday. The terrorists have been identified as Teoh Her Thiam. 23. and O>i Soon Hoe. H members
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  • 52 2 NEW YORK. Mon. A former President. Mr. Herbert Hoover, has urged American? to sien petition aeainst Communist China's admission to the United Nations. The petition Ls being: circulated by the Committee for 1 .000.000. hraded by Mr. Warren Austin, lormer Chief US. delecate to the United
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  • 86 2 TAIPEH. Mon FIVE American LST's slipped into rainswept Keeling today loaded with former Chinese war prisoners who chose i Chiang Kai-shek's Formosan bastion. As the blunt-nosed Japan- ese-manned ships arrived at the docks thousands of Nationalist Chinese wildly cheered. The sea-weary former Com- 1 munitt
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  • 62 2 WASHINGTON. Mon. The Unttod States was yostrrday reported to b<- planning a half billion dollar cut in defence orders placed overseas next year as part of a move to trim foreign aid spending. This sharply reduced prouramme will be accompanied by an intensified drive
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  • 36 2 ROME. Mon— The Russian Ambassador to Italy. Mr. Mikhail Kostylev. baa been recalled and will be replaced by Mr. Aleksancier Bogomciov, Soviet Ambassador to Prague, the Italian Foreign Ministry i announced.— Reutrr.
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  • 34 2 OTTAWA. Mon Mr. Hump Wrong. Canadian Under Secretary for External Affairs. died in hospital here yesterday aged 59. He was Ambassador to the I United States from 1946 until last June. Reuter.
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  • 36 2 LONDON, Mon —The Soviet j Communist Party newspaper Pravda said today the Sydney conference of Commonwealth Finance Ministers was "irrefutable evidence of a further deterioration and intensiflca tioi n of Anglo-Amercan economic contradictions."— Reuter.
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  • 14 2 LONDON. Mon. Somerset Maugham the eminent British [author, is 80 today.— Reuter.
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  • 38 2 GEORGETOWN. Mon.— The People's Progressive Party general secretary Janet .lagan announced yesterday that th" Party had launched an intenj sive city-wide campaign aimed at sweeping the munlclpnl elections to Georgetown Town Cuuncll next December.— A P.
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  • 162 2 ]yjR F A. C Oehlers. one of a gifted Singapore family, has been awarded the Royal College of Dental Surgeons' degree of F.D.S. (Fellow' of Dental Surgery >. The College awards fellowships only to its most distinguished students The only other lncally-trainrri dentist
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  • 41 2 BUENOS AIRES, Sun.— The Argentine Government and a Moscow firm have concluded an agreement for the acquisition by Argentina of 7,000 metric tons of aviation petrol and 4.500 metric tons of fuel oil. it was announced today. U.P.
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  • 255 2 He's 'King of the Cats' again but only for a day PENANG. Mon PENANG'S "Gneow Ong" —King of the Catshad a happy reunion with his pets during the j week-end. But it was only for a day. Gneow Ong had obtained special leave from the Green Lane Welfare Home wherhe
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  • 22 2 EDMONTON Mon— A US Air Force C 47 crash lanri.'d yesterday a few minutes aft^r I taking off from Edmonton.
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  • 142 2 —and they all chased him out KLUANG, Monday. THE afternoon routine of Kluanp's Government offices was shattered today when a wild boar ran amok in the building. The boar entered through a side door about 330 p.m and made for the land office. It
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  • 71 2 Search for lost Auster continues KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rE ground search continued today for the Austrr aircraft which has been missing frnm its Kuala Lumpur base since Thursday. A flight-lieutenant and an army sergeant were in the plane when it crashed. Aircraft combed the area where it was believed to
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  • 277 2 Uneconomical, says Mr, Shinweli THIRTY National Servicemen came to Mai month with the Ist Battalion The Ro] shire Regiment although thrv had only richt m more of their Army service to <ompletr Mr. Emmanuel Shinwell. Labour M p former War Secretary,
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  • 89 2 THE Bingapor< bought h miraity's 23 docK The firm. SI million for jplit It 11: two labourers to worl Yesterday the was removed f Stores I where it will b( A director ol I Jold the Btr day: "We havi ed about 3.000
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  • 77 2 Jagan man will sue police chief GEORGETOWN MR Sydney K Minlstei tions. is to brii Court action lmprlsonn ci I 24 to Octo A member ol I Jagan'a Peopli Party, he served ni ti riay of hi< Intel I the action on S Griffith, Polii Charge of thi The claim
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 598 2 f Sl "ROMEO" In MllalMn lawn Shadr pllaht^ and Mill lr:ilhfr upprn. Dark hrnwn rtaattl lnsr|\ hi'ld snuclv to font. mith all Irathrr knlri and rubber hrrK. Price n .OO lAi per pair^ \wilahlr at: Srason Trading Co., 57 Hith Strfft. S'porf. Nj Kian Hin 2nn Allifrt Street, Spore. Inn
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    • 118 2 V ror i <**•&. I f** \f *]jgP*mi^r dllvl 1 Im. 1 I I I m^J »Tr give your baby 4 L^^^*' *mm*wii^^\ If you cannot successfully breaNt feed yi ftfWlj\ffWl3fi^ hahy y° ucan re 'y on Ostermilk. Vitamin I) IlpVTr-jy Kl _^^r*f atlded to this pure, nourishing milk to
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  • 227 3 Party rejects pact with Reds KALYANI, Monday •JIM-: CONGRESS Party's national conference yesterday rejected ;i proposed resolution favouring mutual defence treaties with Russia ;ind Communist China. Instead the governing party resolved to maintain India's neutrality between East and West and not align herself with any «roup
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  • 230 3 THE MEN AT THE BIG FOUR TABLE BERLIN, Mon. no WIIH I V (lifTcriiiß in Mialitta are the I r n'isjii Ministers, In: in today to <1«---t!n next itagc <>f Mi- oi the world, dramatic elmshes Inevitable. look on the opening Russia's Molofov no harder I < n i;i llty
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  • 72 3 Sally Barnes. television's latest comedy star, who -,vas presented to the Quern during: the Royal visit to Lime Grove studios, doesn't nerrl to call the- neighbours i.i uhrn she wants to test audience reaction to a new number. She just sits her 1(1--11 -nnth-olil daughter Lou on
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  • 94 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. THE United States Govern--I ment believes that its last year in the synthetic rubber producing business will b< the most profitable in its 12-year history. The President's budget recommendations foreca-st synthetic rubber sales for the fiscal year 1955 at U*****,900 000. yielding a
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 52 3 JAKARTA, Mon.— Talks will be held soon between Indone-iu and Malaya to brinß about close co-operation on questions of mutual interest, incluriinu trade, rubber and tin, Inforn sources said. The .sources added that II was not settled whether the talks would be held in Indonesia or
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  • 57 3 MANILA. Mon Senator Eulogio Rodrisuez was elected President ot the Senate and Miuin Josp B. Laurel bases Speaker of the of Representatives at opening sessknu of the NacionalLsta controlled third Congress of the PhiliDpines today. Senator Rodriguez, president oi the Nacionalista Party, wm Senate president during
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  • 141 3 Troops ready as Sultan warns chief CASABLANCA. Man TTHE Sultan of MorovTO A sternly warned today tti it Arab leaders in the Spani h zone tryins to split the country and his authority would be punished and banished from the Muslim community. Sultan Mohammed B>>n Mouley Arafa charged in
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  • 79 3 RUSSIA IN NEW PACT WITH CHINA MOSCOW. Mon. RUSSIA today announced the signing of a new protocol to a trade agreement with Communist China to cover 1954. It envisages a substantial increase in trade between the two countries during the year. Simultaneously Moscow announced the signing of an additional agreement
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  • 33 3 CAIRO. Mon Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of the late President Theodore Roose. velt. conferred yesterday with president Mohamed Neguib and Vice-Premier Gumal Abdnl Nasser at. the Revolutloniary Council Headquarters. A P.
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  • 196 3 THE TV SNOBS HA VE AERIALS, NO SETS LONDON. Monday. ORITONS have found a new. and expensive, form of snobbery. They erect elaborate outside television [aerials, but tney have no receiving sets. This is giving the General Post Office's detection unit a lot of extra work in their hunt for
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  • 36 3 BUENOS AIR2S. Sun. A shipment of 800 tons of Argentine frozen beef and 900 ton.s of butter was en route to Russia today aboard the Danish i refrigerator ship Egyptian RceI fer— UP.
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  • 78 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. SENATOR Joseph McCarthy's Senate Permanent Investigating Sub-committee said today that espionage has bee.i j committed at the Army Sign i 1 I Corps at Fort Monmoiith and In other similar places In a 55-page annual report covering the busiest year Ln its history, the committee
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  • 60 3 WASHINGTON. Mon.— Tho i American Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. George Humphrey, said last night he did not believe there would be a slump in the United States in the foreseeable future. Mr. Humphrey sa.l6 on a television programme: 'Tru' prophet;; of gloom are just
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Mon. Moscow Radio broadcast greetings yesterday to the Dean of Can- j j terbury on the occasion of his 180 th birthday.- A.P.
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  • 119 3 JERUSALEM, Mon. JSRAEL announced yesterday that she is ready to discuss suitable guarantees for safe- guarding rights affected by her disputed River Jordan hydro-electric project. Observers took the announcement to mean that Israel intended to carry on with the project, which was
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  • 90 3 New find at Comet crash scene KLBA. Mon I^HE Royal Navy trigata Wrangler, following a eIM ;n an R.A.I 1 photograph taken two hours alter the Comet piunged into the sen neahere last night located a 00--I'oot lons object on the se.i bea. The discovery was expected to oe the
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  • 230 3 LONDON. MOIl. CLOSING prices of .scicctcd stocks were: LOA.\3 ron-.ul, 64 Funding 4% 101 War l%% 84' 3 BANKS Mcrranttle <£12'/4> 24 Hoii':koii8 ($125) 95' 3 i teiu (tt) 8s Chartered (£li 41 U)uiiJ'»', 1956-59 £94 U C d IVSlKANCfc Com. Un. (uts.p 12 Royal 12\ Prudential 36
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  • 26 3 LONDON. .Tan. 25. rash Buyers V fi47 2 Sellers e<52V&; Forward Buyers tfi27: Sellers »J628; Settlement t650. Turnover a.m. 80 tons; p.m. 10 tons.
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  • 40 3 LO N DON RUBBER lONDON Jnn 25. Spot lfi'id Feb 16', cl Mar 16* id.. Apr -June 16.d.. Ji.!y-Sept 16 .ri.. Oct -De' !fi .ri. J;<n. cif. 16 3 16ti Frb rif 16' ,d.. Mar tit. 16' id. Tone: Quiet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 THE ,4ri' l %Ur' You can '"PP^ WORLD "*3^Hpi of >ha disfinctiv# p p rV *> \//rdSMy I Vocumotic through th» /tfF^jj§Smy~* J famous translucent barrel jf You can write for hours a* IV '^gSJ^__^^ -V*. one Tilling and it's ■A h eaty to (ill. Pocket-level clip. Choice of 8
      166 words
    • 421 3 KEiIIER'S DUNDEE CAKE AND SHORTBREAD FOR CHINESE v NEW YEAR ''jd Dundee nki-s, rich with fruit y\ I and topaed with delicious annoaat, and I Dim. lit- Miurll>ri;iil .in- i.!< 1! lor C.hiiu-sc Singapore cold storage CO., ltd. j Double-decked "Strat." Clippers' t. SAN FWWCO I I connecting Clipper service
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  • 354 4 'Hey presto' won 't help it's hard work you need, says Sir John K. LUMPUR, Mon. gIR John Hay. chairman of one of Malaya's biggest rubber agencies, said before he left Kuala; Lumpur today that hard work and not "trick solutions" would revive Malaya's rubber industry. "The feverish search for
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  • 96 4 SINGAPORE Customs men seized 50 lb. of Indian opium, worth S'JO.OOO on the black markrt from the pas-sencer-carßO liner Santhia which arrived from Indi.i yesterday. The opium was hidden in a coil of rope on the aft deck, water-proofed and ready for lowering.
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  • 70 4 Hearing a court order yesterday to send him to the Woodbridge Hospital. Singapore, Yu Peng Por charged with theft, asked Mr R W H. Davies. the magistrate, to send I him to prison instead. "I prefer the paol to the hospital," he said. Yue had
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  • 55 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mor..— Lt. Gen. Sir Dudley Ward. Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, is on a routine tour of army units in Notth Malaya. He had talks with the GO C Lt. Gen. Sir Hugh Kuala Lumpur. General Ward spoke to nearly
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  • 210 4 Pi-ovident fund offence MALACCA, Monday. IN a test case affecting rubber exporting firms. AngloFrench Benedixsens Ltd., Malacca, was fined $750 for failing to forward to the Accountant, Employees' Provident Fund, at Kuala Lumpur, the contributor's record card of one of its employees. Tan Oon
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  • 153 4 They'll try to find partners for widows AI.OR STAR. Mon. MALAY widows and widowers in Alor Star held a meeting during the week-end to consider forming an association to protect their interests, discourage prostitution and bring them "nearer to God." The association if formed will also try to find suitable
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  • 69 4 CUSTOMS ROW KUA LA LUMPUR. Mon. The Comptroller of Customs has written to the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce asking for specific details of allegations of delays by the Customs Department in releasing goods. If details were received they I would be fully investigated, he said.
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  • 45 4 The Governor of Singapore. Sir John Nicoll. and members of the Legislative and City Councils will inspect at 5 p.m. on Thursday the second type of two-storey house to be let out at low rents at Kolam Ayer Lane.
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  • 146 4 ROYAL Air Force authorities in Singapore yesterday re- fused to say whether they had tightened up their security arrangements following criticism by a judge in the Assize Court. On Friday. Mr. Justice Knight rebuked the' authorities at R.A.F. Seletar for a "thoroughly deplorable
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  • 37 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Daily paid workers of the Kuala Lumpur Federal Worksshop ol the- P.W.D. have formed a trade union. Office bearers are Inche Kupang bin Salleh chapman and Mr. P. Rengasamy secretary.
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  • 24 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Mr. c. E. Courtnay. Adviser. Malayan Pineapple Industry, will talk to the Johore Bahru Rotary Club tomorrow on "PlneaDples
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  • 173 4 OLD FOLK WAIT ALL NIGHT FOR GIFTS fHINESE old folk in J Singapore were last night queueing up for, the Shaw Brothers' an- nual distribution of Chinese New Year gifts at 10 a.m. today. A spokesman for the firm, Mr. Jim Lawler, said yesterday that this had happened in previous
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  • 90 4 700 S.H.B. clerks get bonus ABOUT 700 clerks in the Singapore Harbour Board yesterday received a bonus. For the first time for many years, the Board did not pay a bonus to its monthly-paici staff last year because the fund from which it was paid 'had been depleted in 1952
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  • 70 4 PENANG. Mon Visitors from Singapore and other parts of Malaya, who recently lost jewellery in Penang, have written asking if their property was among the big haul recovered by the police last Monday. "We have received letters from people all over the country and we check
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  • 83 4 Olnce-bearer s of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Singapore, for the year are: Patrons Dr William H< ng Mr. Eric Choa and Mr Yeo Hock Thye: president, Mr Tan Ewt' chee: vice-president. Mr. Lim Hao Hin; secretary, Mr. Bek Swee Hoon treasurer, Mr Chew Swee Kee, publicity
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  • 17 4 TAIPING. Mon— The Town, Board will hold its first meetbig of the year on Thursday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 229 4 I You can't get along I without ff Hir«r4fom>t./ I No keen up-to-date business or professional man would dream of using anything else in his office warehouse or store. I Apart from its outstanding economy Biro Minor writes on practically any surface hard or soft, wet or dry. Four distinctive
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    • 52 4 matec i\ rubber Ii Sizes Price Singapore Prnane v^~\ rcllci. uifi hrcls ps Superior I n n m .t t i i > .iblr Red. Price Singapore Ponanc l»m..i i I Available i n Mack <>r Singapore Penan); upprrs pi rmr. ■rearing lite in. id i i I i< ill,'
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 439 4 SINGAPORE 7.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8.00 Musical Comedy Memories; 8.30 Malay Housewives' Corner; 8.57 Schools; 9.45 Close Down: 11.10 Schools; 1.00 Light Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 Rhythm Corner; 2 Schools; 3.10 Close Down; 5.02 Time For Music: 5.30 Tea Dance; 6.00 Radio Malaya Trio; 6.15 Talking
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  • 290 5 FORMER 'SPECIAL 9 SENT FOR TRIAL i J^N ex-special constable, Mawi bin Dollah, was yesterday charged with the attempted murder of a Singapore farmer. A preliminary inquiry was told that the revolvei used was one lost from Geylang Patah police barracks last
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  • 47 5 Earl Beatty has granted permission for the Beatty Government secondary school. Singapore, to use certain elements in his coat of arms for a school badge. His motto "Non vi sed art!" (Not by force but by skill >. will become the school's motto.
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  • 42 5 A Chinese male patient of Woodbridge Hospital. Singapore, escaped at 12.05 p.m. yesterday He is believed to be wearing a shirt, blue trousers and no shoes. He is 32 years old 5 ft. tall and has long hair.
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  • 20 5 The Perak Library has now an Indian .section which wa.s up. ncd on January 14.
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  • 29 5 Lt.-Gen. Sir A. Dudley Ward. Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, who has been visiting the Far East, leaves Kallang Airport. Singapore, for Britain this morning.
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  • 64 5 A scene from "The I>oll's House" by Ilenrik Ibsen which the chiiii!; Chen? Dramatic Club mil senior students of the (him!; Cheng High School presented in Chinese at the Canton Theatre, Great World Amusement Park, in Singapore last night. The characters in the picture are
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  • 132 5 IPOH, Mon. Till three children of squatter Hor Mok and his wife Chan Yeng, who were found dead in their hut at Kampong Tawas new Tillage last Friday, are being cared for by relatives. The eldest girl, Tai Thye. 12. has become a baby
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  • 110 5 Last-minute posting at airport jOINGAPORES new intcrna•3 tional airport at Paya Lebar will have a post office at which airmail can be I accepted up to a short time before a plane's departure. Mr. If, L. Durrant, Director of Pasts, announced yesterday. He .said that preliminary work had been undertaken
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  • 62 5 PATROLS LOOK OUT FOR ROAD OFFENDERS KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Traffic police will launch surprise checks for traffic offenders from thk week. Mr. N. Fr^eborn. officer-in-charge of trartie branch .told the Straits Times today. Eight mobile units will do the job. Mr. Freeborn said the patrols are authorised to inspect driving
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  • 49 5 A three-month-old Malayan crocodile left Singapore yesterday for Germany by a XL.m Constellation. Samy described as a "highly perishable" reptile on the tag of his cage. i s being flown to a German zoo-keeper jin Frankfurt by Mavfteld i Kennels and Zoo in Singapore.
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  • 36 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Moii Two girls, Lai Kirn For.g. 17. and Loh Shien Foon, 18, were today fined $5 each for breaking curfew. They said they were returning from a social dance.
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  • 29 5 Maria Kunz. wife of a British businessman, was fined $150 in Singapore yesterday for driving a car without a licence and third party insur- ance. |i i
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  • 138 5 THE Council of Action, representing 20.000 Singapore Government local employees, held an emergency meeting night to protest against the separate talks on non-pensionable expatriation allowance which Government had with two European ollicer associations on Saturday. A Council statement issued after thr meeting accused
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  • 60 5 FROM BANKS PENANG. Mon. There will be no currency notes or coins of the new reign for Chinese New Year "ang pows," Mr. C. E. Gascoigne. Settlement Treasurer, told the Straits Times today. But the Treasury would issue through banks some new Kir.R George VI
    60 words
  • 47 5 lin referendum results today KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Tne results of the referendum on whether Malaya favours an international tin restriction scheme will be published tomorrow Copies have already been circulated to Federal Legislative Councillors who will discuss the subject at the council meeting which opens on Wednesday
    47 words
  • 53 5 KUALA LUMPUE. Mon.— The working committee of the National Conference will meet here on Thursday to consider the final draft constitution of the proposed Party Ncgara. Date for a meeting of the National Conference to consider the draft constitution and form the party will be
    53 words
  • 200 5 a PLAN to .stimulate interest A in Singapore industries. I lx><)'t siles and attract capital. heu-in v, take -shapr yesterday Rcpre.sentallve.s of 10 secon<1 irv industries in Singapore Government Public Relaturns ofliclaLs to dLscuss how the Colony's industries can best be
    200 words
  • 170 5 lib) WANTED HER PHOTOGRAPH SPURNED by the daughter of his former employer, Ahmad bin Aziz broke into her home last December and removed photographs from frames in the house. As he was sorting them out the giiTs parents saw him and raised an alarm.
    170 words
  • 20 5 The 2,491-tin Russian vessel Brest put into Singapore yesterday on her way to Tsingtao with a general cargo.
    20 words
  • 176 5 DEMOLISH HUTS, SAYS CITY Court order first, says Govt. Fi check the growth ol attap huts in Singapore, the City Council has asked the Government to amend the law so that it can demolish them while they are beinu built. The Colonial Secretary iv» replied that powers to demo lush
    176 words
  • 66 5 The Singapore Post Ofliri can pay no compensation on money .setit by airmail which wa§ lost in the Comet crash off the coast of Italy, said Mr. M. L. Durrant, Director of Po.sts, yesterday. Under international agreement, if ar. aircraft wa.s tool through drcumstancea "outside
    66 words
  • 44 5 KUALA LUMPUK. Mon. The police are investigating the robbery of a U hie. bed and bicycle from a contractor's store in Shaw Road here on Friday night. Four Indians walked Into the store and took the goods away.
    44 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 171 5 If you want a smart, smooth-running trouble-free bicycle that will keep its gleaming finish for many years it's time you h.ul a U.S.A. Strongly made, yet light and ca^v to control, this R.S..V Spurts Roadster r is ideal for the longdistance cyclist. Smartly ;d in clcamins: enamel, it will give
      171 words
    • 287 5 To<l;iv: ::.i:, I. 1.1 p.m MacWMI His Mprrv-m;ikrrs an- requested to return in "DARYAI LUTERA" 'In Hindustani Next Chance: "Paiita" THIS IS DAA.8.1," <<miim i\ soo\ I Wh» Mllei »nh .1 V>ur Stomach. I I siltks vnur di\<omtori »o tarn I I t.iMiiiK not llKlior I prclrrred b\ million*!
      287 words

  • 10 6 »,,r <ir, minimum) < DON died j: Duary, 1954, c
    10 words
  • 33 6 „i<<» till I minimum) MB <fc MRS Roland W. Giimmell wish to thank all their relatives and friends for their good wishes and resents on the occasion of their mirrlage on 19.1.54.
    33 words
  • 650 6 Singapore, Tues. Jan. 26, 1954. Rubber Wage Award The award of Mr. Justice I Taylor, arbitrator in the pay dispute between the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' ition and the rubbei workers' unions, may strike the workers as hard, but it is not unreasonable in the face of the rubber industry's
    650 words
  • 325 6 Unnecessary heat appears to have been engendered by the fate of the construction plans for Nanyang University. An application for the approval of the plans was first made in October, but the plans were not considered as further details were required. At two subsequent meetings between officials of
    325 words
  • 343 6 A new ruling on film censorship, which may prove of historic interest to the cinema industry has been handfd down by the American Supreme Court which has declared, in effect, that in America censorship is unconstitutional. Films are entitled to the pro- 1 tection of the First and
    343 words
  • 549 6 Wrong, says Pepler rpHE BULK of Torquemada's •1 last answer to my letter replying to his previous communication, comprises quotations from the White Paper, 1952. Quotations which relate in the main to the past relationship in Britain between "existing use values" and the "development charge." neither of which, so far
    549 words
  • 434 6 rERE is now a controversy over the teaching of the English language and the i Chinese are said to fear they J will lose their culture if they 1 are taught English. We must realise that English lls no more the language of I England, but
    434 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 296 6 jyfß. T. M. Hart says: "Singapore will have to cut its prices if it wishes to sell to Indonesia in future. The motive behind the visit or Mr. Hart to Indonesia wa:, an urgent and necessary one coming at a time when possibilities ror
      296 words
    • 101 6 rE writer Of the article on the Royal Malayan /varj/ describes it as a l contribution by the Federation and Singa- I pore to local and imperial defence." May I point uut that I the Bill establishinu the I Malayan Naval Force I which succeeded the Malay Section
      101 words
    • 177 6 AT last someone has had the courage to speak the truth I refer to Sir Sydney Palmer' 3 statement that the country is "riddled with communalism." How right he is- and how assiduously the Dost-wa r press Government spokesmen and political leaders strive to suppress this truth.
      177 words
    • 33 6 (CORRESPONDENTS are requestv «l to write their letter* clearly on one side of each sheet only, and set out in double spacing if typewritten. The shorter letters are, the more may be published.
      33 words
    • 221 6 OUR eyes and ears are daily assailed by news, articles, films and radio programmes treating crime in one or another of its aspects and we watch and listen avidly. But how many of us, the public, act to combat growing crime? We always condemn the police
      221 words
    • 229 6 I HAVE very little sympathy with "Grand Prix Riders' moan that he will have an expensive and highly-tuned motorcycle on his hands if the Johore road race meeting is not held this year. It will be very disappointing to dozens of car drivers too. but I would remind
      229 words
    • 133 6 STREAMS of cars throng tne coastal road adjacent to Banda Hilir Park (Reclamation Ground) and adjoining Coronat.on Park, Malacca, where, unfortunately, citizens of Sleepy Hollow go to spend a quiet evening. This bad habit of motorists cruising along the coastal road should be checked as small children
      133 words
    • 135 6 1 THINK it is a great pity the way some people criticise i Mr. Haxworth. Constructive suggestions are good but some of your correspondents are I jcmpletely selfish Holland Road is a recognised bad stretch ot road and the recent efforts to jog drivers' memories to make them observe
      135 words
  • 319 6 'Mooning at the l} :ir AN imposing ai. lust of M passed their Bai in London and i are to be i v what is this lur. i that attract people in all should Euro] alike flock to tl and unproductive stead of into n technical scienci
    319 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 854 6 Strait* Timn it Fret Prets For tr*« conv«ni«nc« ot odvtrti»«r», our repr«»«nrori»» ot 1»r Moor. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE. ORCHARD ROAD, will iccciv* twioll •dv«rfii«m«nti oni* oniwtn »O bo« numbttt Cloxiflcd od»«rtl«mc»ti Mtoy Oho b« handed to: CITY BOOK STORE LTD. Wmihtitu Houk, Colly«r Quay, Sinqopore CITY BOOK STORE LTD J
      854 words
    • 39 6 GERMAN PEN Tiniite (Improved Lamy-Artus) Greatest Ink BlHn* capacity. Transi parent barrel. Most durab> Iridlum tipped UK gold nib. Postage 50 rents extra. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19, Chulla St.. S'pore-1 ENG SENG MEDICAL CO., 8, Ah Quit St., Prnang.
      39 words
      37 words

  • 179 7 i\( \l I IMPIK Mon. Tis n» such body as the 'Tan-Malayan Rubber I'nion" Mr. Justice r said in his report of i bitratlon in the wages between the MIMFA he workers' unions. i ha s.ii<i u .,s ficii:ithoucta v had been describe
    179 words
  • 129 7 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (730 p m. on Jan. 24 to 7 30 am. on Jan. 2.i i Singapore 74 decrees. Penang 73. Kota Baliru 73. Kuala Lumpur 73. Ipoh 71. Kuantan 69. MAXIM I'M TEMPERATURE (7 30 am. to 7.30 p.m. on Jan. 25) Singapore 89, Penang 90. Kota
    129 words
  • 210 7 From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Mon. A letter of the week-end told a Nottingham mother that he- 21-year-old daughter had married a man in Singapore three days after meeting him for the first time, reports thj Th D e a iE d M, w r
    210 words
  • 213 7 'TAXIS ONLY' SIGN ISN'T KIDDING TWO of Singapore's women motorists ana ten men x yesterday found out the cost of parking a private car in a taxi stand. It was $10 the sum each was fined in the City Police Court
    213 words
  • 115 7 Stadium plans held up PLANS for a $2,000,000 sports stadium at Bendemeer Road, Singapore, are held up because there is no space for a car park on the 14-acre site. The planning sub-committee, formed five months aeo. has not met even once. The committee chairman, Mr. C r. Smith, told
    115 words
  • 56 7 Lim Bo Seng memorial gets a roof RAISING this bronze, Pagoda -style roof for the Imi I. Seng Memorial on the Singapore Esplanade was a delicate task yesterday. The roof weighs almost a ton It was fashioned in Hong Kong Four bronze lions to complete the memorial
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  • 24 7 Alexandra Youth Club. Singapore, will hold its annual meeting at the Christian church, 22, Prince Philip Avenue, at 8 p.m. on Saturday.
    24 words
  • 99 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A 67-YEAR-OLD woman Tan Slew, had been saving $500 for years to pay for her funeral expenses the day she died. Last Saturday her savings were stolen. The money— and jewellery worth $I.o7o— which she had i kept In a tin under a
    99 words
  • 140 7 OOLDING that the driver of a bus was negligent. Mr. Justice Taylor in the Singapore High Court yesterday gave judgment for Mrs. Mabel A. Martin and her husband against the Changi Bus Company in an action for damages. The question of assessment ol
    140 words
  • 29 7 Chong Tham, 32. was robbed of $15 in New Market Road. Singapore, yesterday morning by a Malay An identity card and social welfare pass were also taken
    29 words
  • 55 7 The Singapore Aeromodellers Society will hold a model aircraft rally at Shell Sports Ground, off paya Lebar Road, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m on Sunday. Passes for the rally can be obtained from Mr Michael Chee. the secretary of the society, at the Coronation
    55 words
  • 19 7 Singapore Rural Board will meet in the conference room. Colonial Secretary's office, at 11.15 a.m on Thursday
    19 words
  • 345 7 Force to be cut 35 per cent KUALA LlMIMrt. Monday A BOWS of half a month's salary for r\»i\ si months of service after two jrean in the constabulary is one of the benefits for which special < <mstables engaged during the
    345 words
  • 94 7 JOHORE BAHRU Mon i /\NE hundred and fifty res- I \J taurant and shop owners in the Segamat and Muar areas have oassed the "clean food handling" examination held recently and qualified for St John Ambulance Association certificate.*! The examination wj».s part
    94 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 i^ v Mil m Siß |7i« J ißflCsifßr G*tifcK #1 V^ PERFUME I AsX* AU DE COLOGNE LOTION K jhrrp c\ Co (m) Ltd. AViATION DIVISION BOOKING AGENTS ALL AIRLINES r! 'on BLDCSinOfIPORE 2 JI L 27
      37 words
    • 300 7 How You Can Master GOOD ENGLISH in #.7 minutes a day *»V." VA/HATEYER YOl'R WORK, there is VV one master k>-y to biergT pny lf^^** pnd that is a t T oorl command o r English. Statistics prove that men aid women who earn big money know how to J4?H^'
      300 words

  • 232 8 She nt on Way lots 'being wasted' VACANT sites along Shcnton Way, set aside for development under the $22,000,000 skyscraper project, should be used as playgrounds until the owners start to build on them. So claim the people w o want
    232 words
  • 72 8 And Oiirv v i>ut gi-wttlifainff in it HERE is every girl's dream of the perfect ball gmen a cotton dress of r untie oroandie printed 5 with black velvet sunflow- The strapless bodice :.s 5 composed entirely of cut--5 out flowers. The gown, designed hv Frank Usher,
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 117 8 Read to be Federation radio chief MR. A. T. tßcrt) Read Is to be the substantive Deputy Director of Broadcasting in j the Federation. This appointment has been filled by an acting deputy for the past three years. The present acting deputy is Mr A A (.Tony) Beamish, who has
    117 words
  • 101 8 MORE than a thousand firms and manufacturers in Japan will exhibit their goods in a Japanese trade fair in Singapore in May this year. Goods on show will include daily requisites, fancy articles, piece goods, patent medicine, building material, machinery, cosmetics, toys and hardware.
    101 words
  • 23 8 The office of the Australian Commissioner in Malaya at Union Building, Singapore will be closed today in commemoration of Australia Day
    23 words
  • 37 8 The Study Group Movement. Singapore, invites applications for a ten-week course on logic The fee will be $5 each. Applications should be sent to the president, care of the British Council. Stamford Road.
    37 words
  • 24 8 Eighty-five hawkers were fined $5 each in the Singapore City Police Court yesterday when they pleaded guilty to hawking in prohibited areas
    24 words
  • 181 8 THE 30,000 Services workers in Singapore will not know the details of their new salary scales now being worked out by the Navy, Army and the Air force authorities for some time. About a month ago, they were told that the details would
    181 words
  • 97 8 RAUB. Mon A. Foy, 34, the manager of a rubber estate in Mentakab. in the Temerloh district, appeared on two charges of cheating before the West Pahang Sessions Court. He claimed trial to both. It was alleged that he gave two cheques, one for
    97 words
  • 39 8 i JOHORE BAHRU, Mon Tenants' registration will 'be carried out in Johore Bahru next month. The District Officer Is preparing to subdivide the town i into sectors and appoint group I and sector officers to assist.
    39 words
  • 34 8 Indian ships Jalagopal and Jaladurga. bound for Korea to bring back the Indian Custodian troops, are expected in Singapore on February 2 The two shios may' take about 1.500 soldiers.
    34 words
  • 27 8 Firing practice will take place from February 1 to 5 and from IVbruary 8 to 12 on Blakang Mat. Detwccn 8 am and 4.30 p.m.
    27 words
  • 174 8 Less rice from Siam but it's cheaper OFFICIALS CLOSE BANGKOK DEAL VEGOTIATIONS have been concluded with Siam for 11 the supply of 276.000 tons of rice for British territories in South-East Asia during the first nine months of this year. The British delegation to Bangkok was headed by Mr I.
    174 words
  • 83 8 BOOKMAKING CHARGE CASE POSTPONED KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.-A bookmaking charge against a Kuala Lumpur businessman, R. K. Panikkar, wnich was to have been heard today in th« Magistrate's Court here was postponed again. Panikkar was arrested on Dec. 1 last year and was allowed bail of $5,000. The charges allege that
    83 words
  • 63 8 40cts.MOREA DAY THE 4.000-strong Singapore Harbour Board Labour Union will meet next Tuesday to consider the Boards payoffer of 40 cents more a day The secretary of the union. Mr. A. Doraisamy, told the Straits Times yesterday that the workers wanted $1.08 a day more He
    63 words
  • 48 8 BRUNEI TOWN Mon.— The Royal Brunei Yacht Clv j held a fancy dress ball here recently under the patronage of the Sultan. Mrs. Myles, who impersonated Carmen Miranda, won the first prize. Second prize winner was Mrs. Sharp who was dressed as Cleopatra
    48 words
  • 30 8 BRUNEI TOWN. Mon.— Government has advert u>°d for a, $2,500 a month man to be chairman of the Development Advisory Committee for its $100 million five-year development plan.
    30 words
  • 116 8 Angry mob corners two gunmen TWO armed robbers yesterday fought their way through an angry mob of villagers in Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, after they had been cornered in a farm house. They had forced their way into the house and the farmer had shouted to neighbours for help.
    116 words
  • 67 8 Singapore police arrested six men on Sunday night following a robhrry in Kirn Keat Road. Six masked robbers forced their way into the home of a druggist. Mr. Kok Han Sent;, and tied him up. Jewellery and cash worth 51, 199 was
    67 words
  • 50 8 BRUNEI TOWN, Mon.— The I Sultan oi Brunei will or en a fun fair and garden fete" here next month. The fun fair, organised by the women's section of the British Red Cross Society. Brunei branch, will be in aid of its building funds.
    50 words
  • 17 8 BRUNEI TOWN. Mon.— Mr. Patrick G. McAfee has nten appointed assistant district oHicer for Brunei.
    17 words
  • 101 8 pRINCESS Khatijah, yraiul- daughter of the Sultan of I Johore, recently gave a de- monstration of Malay cooking at a London restaurant. The proprietor of the restaurant is arranging classes on Eastern cooking and plans to provide demonstrations by expert chefs from Japan. Burma, Indonesia
    101 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 311 8 NOW id liJUil .«^4 11.1.45,4, SHOWING J l *';«SBl 6 -3«. 93» LI LI HWA in "MADAM'S SECRET" MANDARIN Picture with ENGLISH Subtitles PLUS! ON STAGE; at Ihr 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 SHOWS Hongkong Songstress TERESA LIANG AfejV t i7fit i§ fjf The ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE story of an ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE
      311 words
      237 words

  • 2092 9 A BUGGY clattered into the sleeping settlement of Hall's Creek, Western Australia, in the early morning hours of July 28, 1917, and stopped before the post office. Two men alighted and hammered urgently on the door. Postmaster F. W.
    Daily Mirror  -  2,092 words
  • 884 9 OACK in Germany for a short holiday is greying 63-year-old Dr. Henrich Focke the man who helped to design Hitler's fastest fighter— the Focke-Wulf. Focke has come to visit his family after a year spent in a secret factory in the Brazilian jungle where he
    884 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 84 9 in Malaya, as everywhere, she owns the best when she owns a PONSON n Adonis d.s--r ring re f .ither coverR^njon Princess |htct as dainty and to look <n as milady Available in satin or irned chromium. rr c^verI S'.ind.ird rh all, certam to handsome Press. s out 1 in
      84 words
    • 271 9 The world's ml first choice nf Buy a Swan pen and you gain a friend mk IMI for a lifetime a pen that writes g^K Mm smoothly and freely under all con- A^M '4r ditions. The secret is in the nib tiSj made by hand, individually, b IMI Im craftsmen
      271 words

  • 468 10 Around lln* inarkcls TIN AND RUBBER FALL I'HE Singapore share market had anot A yesterday when little interest was shov and sellers. Industrials were barely steal were easier if anything and rubber shan were neglected. The tan er wai I and part of the disinterestednesi butable
    468 words
  • 57 10 MBI CH MM Bxchan i Considerable i the still il issues. I StdCk t<x: I Loan3V« Australli < onsol. lnd Bank o( N B \V B;«nk O| N 8 W B. Hill Pro]) 1 Dunlopa I Electro 7.\\. GoldsDroug.'i yell N Broken Hill rtl A Amal Tin J.
    57 words
  • 18 10 "pHE M \m\ \oi:k CAN \r>\ trancs kroner 168 Norwi gian BONG On the Hone K
    18 words
  • 31 10 ca: THE S A J. R Van WIU today. "II ium produr: ca bnv all and thi terms foi n "i otir we di That is a interest."
    31 words
  • 162 10 Rubber lost one-eighth of a cent on the Singapore market yesterday closing at 54 5 8 cents a pound. The market opened moderately steady, sagged away and then improved. Little inclina- tion to trade was reported. The closing tone was steady Closing prices yesterday m cents per pound
    162 words
  • 81 10 Siugaporr Chinese Produce Exchange: Noon prices per plcul were: Copra: quiet; February »41', buyers. $42', sellers. March Ml% buvc-rs. $42' i sellers Coconut oil: quiet $67'- sellers Pepper: quiet, all round drop of $5; Muntok white 1340 E s:i:j,:>. i tinpong black *300. LMfh and Pral: ->-n:u prices
    81 words
  • 58 10 pore l Empln 13 14, Ri v. d Yin 31 32 36. Bantam iH 39 Zeelanci 44 oi UK Anshui Barna. Ch Fishinc Majkop. Kaa Pendopo l\\i R i Reed. Set (i Belaga, B i Hadji. Angby, Sons. Qagnmnl Serudom. Pulau Bukon Tournai P Albei t 1 1
    58 words
  • 9 10 The ari< Singapore declared down ."ill (Tills
    9 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 275 10 "-4 .f\ >^> •■>■"'■* v9^_E> '_t" > awaaa. II P^ We never let go! Wj.^^i Vigilance over the high quality of I "Black White is never relaxed. Blended I in the special "Black& White" way this truly H outstanding Scotch is in a class all its own. BLACK&WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY
      275 words
    • 483 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Electrical Engineer on contract for a period of 3 years tn the Public Works Department Singapore, in the .salary scale $528 36 A 852 Bar 912 36A 1200 per mensem, plus C.O.L. and Singapore allowances, with Housing Allowance if Government
      483 words
    • 1668 10 NOTICES RAARn OF ARCHITECTS HUAKU W AKCIII I £113 (FEDERATION OF MALAYA) on th!U ln accordance with Section of lne Architects Ordinance No. f 19M appllcatlons for renewal regtetraiicn! l H lnust made On or the 31sl da ot JanUaryREGISTRAR. Board of Architects. (Federation of Malaya). Re: RAYMOND FRANCIS nnurnnn
      1,668 words
    • 895 10 NOTICES "notice The public is hereby notified that tender notice fcr distilling and sale of samsu i arak > Issued by the Dis- trlct Officer. Rhlo Archipelago dated 15th December. 1953 appearing in this column on Jan. 8 18. has been partly amended ln accordance with new instruction, dated Bth
      895 words
    • 29 10 MITSUI Pj|[] LINE I WESTBOUND ROUND THI WORLD SERVICE Japan Smgopot. Port S«r«ft«nha- P.nonq 80mb... Aqmt, C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M) LTD f'NION BUILDING, SINGAPORE TEL: SJ96-7 II J
      29 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1188 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. ft "J» ir.iteci in Singapore 1 Pawag. BLUE FUNNEL LINE P t mm option to proeood via other ports to load ana discharge cargo rHfM«T- LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW LONDON ft CONT,NENTAI PORTS >"'' P S'h«n» P**f"in*vi I 3S/34 J0n. 26 j an 27/2t Jan. 3o/31 23/24 Jan.
      1,188 words
    • 1043 11 P/3 > tl^^^^i^^^^^^^Xii^r&^K~<'^^^J^m^M^^t^^^K^f**sm'' EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT S'oora P. Sham Panong Kino" tor Diokorto. Kohsichong Saigon Hongkong, Mon.lo, Kobe Yokohama 27/29 Jon. In Port Mongolia" for Ko-. s ,<"hong H'knnj S/ S Feb. Magdalo" for Bangkok 11/13 Feb. 9/10 Feb. S Fab. Sonqkhta" for Kohsicnang, Soigon, Honokong,
      1,043 words
    • 1114 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U. K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S oore P. Sham Penong I Bcnalder for Havro. Loridon, RoHerdom, Hull In Port M/ 31 Jon. j BenclatKh tor Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow. Hamburg, Antwerp 30 Jan/ 6 Feb 28/29 Jan. 9 10 Fcb Bennevis tor Genoa. Avonmout-v London,
      1,114 words
    • 1041 11 McALISTER tfc CO, LTD. LONDON MAVRt, ROTTERDAM. PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVIR HAMBURG ft HULL Acc.p.m, cargo for C I ft South ond for US A North Aflant.c Ports i American Ports ond Canada via Colombo <ss > FRANCISVILLE CITY 0' BIRKENHEAD Srv-r,. P~nnrtg Spore P S'hom Ppmn^ In Port/28 Jen.
      1,041 words

  • 205 12 MALAYANS LIKE THEIR WHISKY MALAYANS are showing an increasing preference for Scotch whisky i says Mr. T. C. HayesPalmer, Eastern sales 1 manager of William Grant and Sons Ltd.. distillers of Glasgow, London and Dufftown. Mr. Hayes-Palmer, who In the last six years has travelled lin 48 countries, became sales
    205 words
  • 165 12 IT IS the policy of the British Government to enniuracn trade between thi? country and China in all the goods permitted by our strategic controls" declared the Minister of State to tnt Foreign Office. Lord Reading in reply to a question in the House of Lords
    165 words
  • 379 12 TIN RESTRICTION SCHEME IS NOT TO BE ABUSED SAYS MR. SPENCER KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. «THE Government is fully aware of the abuses practised in the pre-war tin restriction scheme and, if another tin scheme is to be introduced, it will see that these abuses are not be repeated, Federation Member
    379 words
  • 78 12 SOUTHEAST Asian rubber producers may take common action to meet the threat of declining rubber prices, according to a report by the Indonesian Information Office. New York. The Director of the Information Office said that representatives of Malayan rubber growers had already got in touch with
    78 words
  • 323 12 G.E.C. MALAYAN BRANCH WILL BE A COMPANY THE Malayan branch of the General Electric Co. Ltd. is to become a separate company under the title G.E.C. (Malaya) Ltd. The G.E. C. is incorportea in England but when the Malayan company is registered "locally it will have its own share capital
    323 words
  • 198 12 RUBBER TOTAL $20,000 rpHE Singapore Appeals I 1 Board of the Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board is now functioning and is considering the appeals of six rubber packers against fines inflicted on them by the M.R.E.R.B. for alleged Infringements of packing regulations. The fines total $20,800 and the largest individual
    198 words
  • 58 12 rpHE British steel industry produced 17.6 million tons in 1953, beating all previous records This achievement, f orshadow ed in a United Nations Economic Commission for Europe estimate made shortly before Christmas, means that Britain's steelworks have turned out an average of 338.600 tors a week and exceeds
    58 words
  • 105 12 THE PARIS TRAXSPORT AUTHORITY is Iv apvrove orders for the equipment of one of its underground lines with rubber tyred rolling stock of a lightneight design This decision was taken after the French Minister of Transport had inspected the prototype carriage which had been under test
    105 words
  • 59 12 ASTANDARD-length cigarette with the addition ot a newtype. half-incn iilter means that in future the smoker will be able to smokp a complete cigarette and will not hav<» to throw away the butt. The new cigarettes, ar* made by a UK firm and BTC available for export. The
    59 words
  • 16 12 September. They are based on the requirements of the Rubber Manufacturers' Association oi New York.
    16 words
  • 115 12 19,000 TON motor tanker, the biggest vessel so far built in Denmark and chris- I tened the Briglt Maersk was launched at Odense in Octo- ber. The new tanker is about the same size as her foreign built sister ships. Gert Maersk and Helene Maersk the
    115 words
  • 264 12  - FEDERATIONS FIRST FOAM RUBBER WORKS GEOFFREY BOLAND K_J^ THE initiative and ability of a Chin< engineer in Ipoh has resulted in the of the Federation's first foam-rubber t Barely three months old the "Malayafoam" Factory, situated on the outskirts ol the town, has found it uiflicult to cope with orders
    264 words
  • 119 12 GOOD YEAR EXPANSION IN JAVA The n< tne rubber is able U the fad of milling Too sal the latex ai N The l.i 1 1 x and go* process or which It v. rt m steam and Alt. tnoroughl under two we and th' A foam" pin fillan said
    119 words
  • 43 12 4 np:\v Bi tl ■A has been annoui the Swallow VOW line at building Walsal the (JS ma Powered bj engine <•• 4 sou rpm the i able ol al I out overdrivi is. in fact, ii n.-vt'cj in Triumph
    43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 112 12 1 boyir* hs bO>NR aNVTE W W^^ I THE 1 1 *NTi CORROSIVE PAINT Sole Agents: ■~"<iff||P SAN I FRANCISCO 1 I f X Z. yßpW^ BY Golden Gate Bridge Pan American World Airways f GENERAL AGENTS: MALAYA MANSFIEID&COIL D J c SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. PENANG. 2 HMOK ivo-ct <^.o/tri
      112 words
    • 79 12 ♦v.v.^^^^^^v.v.^^^^^^^^^^^^^v.^^^^^^^^^v.v.v.v.^^^^^^v.^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 v NEW in structure and styling A car of advanced construction greater efficiency and comfort, j: improved springing, visibility, steering and road holding. Pp JfC "A" Increased performance and comfort. C C 1 C A More room for passengers and luggage. 1 I Higher speeds with smarter V"B
      79 words

  • Article, Illustration
    681 13  -  Christine II > Siiiiilm? d< eply Intrigued appearing torning'i paper cotton reels. that H3.000 cotontainlng less ban the label have been the polire. lip a del:- r.ire ot p;*h;ipplly unind yards ol in inspector i footrule, wonder, wind >ack on to th d they f!<, with n
    681 words
  • 529 13 3.tvdif t o fili4>nitonit tnnihor viyhi. %ittf%... IF% child could look ahead, what a big slice of life would seem to be taken up with obedience! We obey our parents. Obey our (dare I breathe it?) husbands. Obey (of course) our wives.
    529 words
  • 564 13  -  •By- SISTER CLARE ASELANUOR mother writes about her eight-months-old daughter "My daughter has not go: plump limbs, but sturdy ami strong ones. When peop'e come to .see her they say 1 should give her this and tha* until I do not know what to
    564 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 66 13 Lim Ch«t Chuan ,<~«~^\ O/i mm." i ,Jimm^ j,, themselves Chee mJO v-^' Chuan and 'J'haiyamah nre f* happy lovable children because they nre constitutionally healthy and good health means correct feeding. Give your Baby dependable LACTOGEN. Th.iyim.h LACTOGEN is consistently g00d it never varies in quality because it is
      66 words
    • 307 13 f Tek JMI ttAOt MAM ■jl I Now beiter ifian eyer lil w ith reinforced head lif/l anc ancnore d tufts! |I The new reinforced head together with iho j Ml Tek anchor means that the tufts of Tek are W£ /Hf M locked into the head. They're r xed
      307 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 299 13 The Mtf rails Times Crossword p lo II j ~7T is Oj '9 Tzo I_ill_lLii Ij~ Z -I I_l R IB 1 HI II 11 1 1 jr 9 11 ACROSS 13. Five pounds. two bushos. 1. Wp nilcht save it fnr breakfast three reams, for example ilOi (hi, 14.
      299 words

  • 341 14 STADIUM FOR K.L. IS WELCOMED* KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Football Association of Malaya is still waiting for a reply from the Federation Government on its request that entertainment duty on amateur sport be waived, states the Selangor F.A. in its report for 1953,
    341 words
  • 227 14 From Our Own Correspondent PKRTII. Mon. AISTIN niXSKORI) and Royston I.aiaroo, members of the Singapore youth boxing team now visiting West Australia, have hern unwell for some days past but are well on the way to recovery. Team coach Frank Pestana said today (he
    227 words
  • 146 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. AfALAYAN Hockey Council reserves, who created such a favourab'e impression by their fine displays a~alnst the All-Malayan XI at Kuala lumpur last week will play against the Indian Hockey Federation team which will tour Malaya next month. They meet the
    146 words
  • 35 14 A special meeting of the Sineapore Recreation Club will be held at the clubhouse at 5. 15 p.m. on Thursday to elect captains, vicer.iptain.s an^ convenors for cricket football, athletics and table-tennis.
    35 words
  • 151 14 BRISBANE. Mon i QUEENSLAND scored 561 runs ln reply to Victoria's first innings of 287 at the end of the third ri.v of their Sheffield Shield, cricket match here. Lefthancer Ken MacKay. who incensed the crowd by taking 221 minutes to smre 42 of his
    151 words
  • 59 14 HYDERABAD. Mon—The mnt^h here between the tourinc Commonwealth cricket team and Hyderabad State Cricket Association wns left drawn yesterday. Hyderabad not batting a second time. Scores: Commonwealth 399 for "3 dad (O. Edrich 10(1. Wat kins 90) and 207 for 3 (Barrlck 68. Ben Burnett 56
    59 words
  • 52 14 BANGALORE. Mon. The Commonwealth Oitket team rli.snii.s.sed the Combined Indian Universities for 120 and then .scored 90 for one wicket in reply by tea time today. Ben Barnett. the Commonwealth team's Australian captain, wi.s 4S not OOt It wa« the flrst day's play ln a three-day
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 43 14 Sineapore Cricket Club will play a friendly hockey match apainst Shell Sports Club on the padang today. The S.C.C. te«m will he: Atkinson: Berrlll. Arkell: Cornish. Wood icapt >. Brands: Wicks. B McMullen. D McMullan. Purslow. Bedford. Umpire: W Cdr Ru.ssell.
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  • 41 14 All members of the Ceylon Sports Club interested ln cricket are invited 'o attend a meeting at the Club nremises at 5 30 p.m. tomorrow when the new tournament rules recommended by the Singapore Cricket \ssociation will be discussed.
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  • 32 14 Embarkation HQ beat SHB. Police 2-0 in a friendly soccer match it Parrer Park yesterday. Weir and Rotherson scored. In another friendly Borneo Motors S.C. bent Tasek Utara 5-4.
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  • 497 14 Vy EIGHTS for Saturday, first day of the Selaneor Turf Clubs January 1... Illl. Cl. 1, DIv. I-6F Euphrates 9.05 Always 8.09 Asia Minor 8.0? Bo\ Oilier 8.0(1 Skryne Primrose 7.13 Dondang Sayang 1M Sporting Gesture 7.1'.' Purple and While Mil Adelaide Star 7.09 Honolulu 7.08 Ruhhor
    497 words
  • 138 14 MONTE CARLO. Mon. DRITAIN today lost a Monte Carlo Rally award which they were thought to have won. Thts shock for the British contingent came when it wns announced Unit a British car had not after nil carried oft the Charles Fsuoux Cup for
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 438 14 S.C.C 11; St. Andrew's 0.8.A 6. ST. ANDREWS Old Boys Association put up a praiseworthy game in their rugby match against Singapore Cricket Club "B" on the padang yesterday. With 14 men for most of the first half Saints held the Club to
    438 words
  • 111 14 ROSEWALL TALBERT LOSE TO VETERANS BYDI 'THE oldest A playing Australian ten Qulst and Jol today beal K (Australia) ai bert (U.S.) r, in tho q t.ho nation;., ships at th. hrrr. Tlaibert, thr rj f thr Davis Cuj now out ol altogether as h< thr Blngli T:ilix I wall
    111 words
  • 41 14 Bou:i:< V 10 scrape Kesenlan S pone 1 Beer Cup at Air- day 'Ihe unmo w rieht till :hr- en able to takr Scorers for !< Haji Jaim. and Slid; Ts^lim. Amat All an Da\id I. mi
    41 words
  • 28 14 cario Louis Chiron racing moU co. has beer winner 1 Rally, It the qualll and had for the 1 Immedi.' hill climb by official
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  • 15 14 LONDON Cup holder 2-0 In thr Wolverh 1 Blackpool are nevt Saturday
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 832 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ((ontlnurri from Paf« ■> t' "i Classified Advertisement i Enquiries Telephone 5471 I ill.lMl Ml, „MMMI I I MMlir SITUATIONS VACANT 10 Morrf. i Mil, Km id rtr. rxtrm. need Outdoor ,I'smiin. Good remuneration i and prospect Apph Box A 2646. ST. BRITISH Company requires Cr.niectionery CMh-CaVDVmMtBf Salesman.
      832 words
    • 807 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Words ti Mini—Box it rla txlrm. VACANT front doubleroom with boa;'i $450, with baths attached $500. slngleroom $280. Marine Parade Resthouse. 107. Marine I'arade Telephone *****. SPACIOUS furnished bedroom ln large private home for European couple or two bachelors. Board, own lounge, bathroom, dining room, garaKe own entrance.
      807 words
    • 815 14 HOI'SES LAND FOR SALE i, •»!■>«» tt itla.l Box >" rl. «*fra> NHTW bungalow hignly elevated at only few yards from th A mnin Thomson Road. s' mile, 3 bedrooms. 3 mod. San sitting A: dining rcom. kitchen rt servant room A: garage. Area ***** sq ft. Freehold, vacant possession.
      815 words
    • 108 14 Just received a wide range of Latest Ladies' Gents' Watches at POPULAR prices. I mW .mmmmW^ II -^ffßlkmmWWmLf^V n V UL :^~~—rZ2SmW^^MW- i. M~~ _J- SWISS PRECISION WATCHES SINCE W Beautiful in design Sturdy in performanct Sole Agents:- CHUN CHO N M 53. South Bridge Road. Singapore .^^M PEPENPABIE I
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous