The Straits Times, 25 January 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Sat* 0 1 New**** Istablishcd 1845 SIN(;\I'()Ki;. MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 272 1 Five other Reds bagged —4 in Johore KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. gIX more Communist terrorists, including in ■cttag district chief, have been killed by security forces. Four of the kills were in Johore. A patrol of the 6 Gurkhas accounted for two near Segamat. While the Gurkhas were
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  • 105 1 I \l B Sun. •PHI* is thr lies! an; p.iw -.nil ni ourt Interpreter Ho I m Hun when lold mm thr latest sir iitx Ml word pii//liest. l< 1 out whoop of ,i<>y •llcacaes eoatTatvlhitu mi ins ■at test v 11-. -.nil
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  • 44 1 Sew medical director for Colony Dl mcd .rch. Senior Ofl million 10-year mi I md health mak< had been i nmeni to expan n and schemes into i ore i l^ before r 1945. reaching putenant-C omin of Medical Services. IN 1 9 17
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  • 16 1 YORK Sun. o) Everest" has been prize in ;h :0.i3 Robert J Flaherty rj.p.
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  • 13 1 (bed a 16-year-olri girl of 545 and a cold I, Singapore.
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  • 131 1 Mau Mau 'queen' gets ten years NAIROBI. Sun. AKIKUYU girl, who was crowned "liau Man Queen" on coronation day. Juni 2, has been gaoled for 10 rears here for takine the Mau Mi and for being chairman Ol a women's terrorist movement, the Kenya government announced today roge was -crowned*
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 66 1 Pulau Tekong may have new roaris this year and. perhaps, a new Jetty The Colonial Secretary. Mr W. A. C. Ooode this yes terday when the island's ne* police station was officially opened by Mr. Nigel Morris. Commissioner of Police Its new health centre was i-pened by
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Sun. Mr. Herbert Hoover Jr United States Government oil consultant, is expected here by air from Washington soon for further talks on the Anglo-Persian oil problem. an authoritative source said here today. Reuter.
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  • 30 1 LONDON. Sun.— Yugoslavia has appointed Dr. Mladen Ivekovie. its ambassador at Bonn, to be observer in Berlin at the Four-Power conf>ience. Belgrade Radio said last night.— AJ.
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  • 32 1 NEW YORK. Sun.-Sir Hartley Shawcross. former British Attorney-General, sailed for Britain today after a 17-day visit here to receive an honorary law degree and attend bicentenary celebrations at Columbia University.
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  • 159 1 T it-three students II layt and Sarawak idying in Bnt.un. ol their recent on .1 British council Torquay tdent Mr. 8. Thera- In a letter to the Straits Times. Wr found Torquay's winter climate very mild compared with the rest of England. he said Malayans
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  • 69 1 While daddy's up there getting a medal I'HKKK urn- plenty of chairs and tables for guests at Klag*S House. Kuala Lumpur, at thr presentation ol awards on Saturday but thit didn't interest this little (■urkha boy. He preferred U get down to his snack on
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  • 157 1 Link-up in coast beachhead SAIGON, Sunday. 4 FKENCH armoured column ramming up the coast from the south linked up today with seaborne ommandos holding Juy Hoa beachhead on the east coast of Indo-China. With the link forced the French massed tanks here to chase
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  • 87 1 LONDON. Sun. THE Deputy High Commissioner. Sir Donald MacOillivray. acting on behalf of the Federal Government, yesterday presented Lady Gurney, widow ol the I it,- High Commissioner, Sir Henry (iurney, with a copy of a portrait of her husband by Harold Speed. Sir Henry was ambushed and
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 24 1 BERLIN, Sun— East Germany is issuing a special stamp to commemorate the the conference of the Big Four for«»icn ministers.— A.P
    AP  -  24 words
  • 115 1 RABAT. Sunday. THE French Resident -General, in Morocco, M. Ausutin Guillayme. disclosed last night that 1.000 troops have been rushed to the French-Spanish Morocco border because of Spain's 'increasingly avowed hostility." M. Gulllaume said hat demands by the native cnioftains of Spanish Morocco for
    Reuter; UP  -  115 words
  • 195 1 Plea to Indians: Help in building new Malaya THE Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nieoll. jrester day asked local Indians to play their part in MMine the new Malaya. Speakinß at the India Day meeting at the Victoria Memorial Hall Sir iohn said: "Here in Singapore we look with confidence
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  • 158 1 CHURCHES OPPOSE PROPOSAL KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. pHURCH leaden said here to- \j day they would strongly op- pose any attempt to extend gambling facilities in the Fede- j ration. They learned today that tre Mtorney-General vill be -i.s'::ed at a meeting of the Federal Legislative Council this week when the
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  • 96 1 Boy, 3, falls 20 feet from window \THRth. V AR-OLD Singapore boy yesterday fell 20 feet from a "vindow in h:s home at the jui. .tion of Queen Street and Middle Road. He was taken to Singapore General Hospital, seriously l .jured The boy Loonu Tuck Onn was playing in
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  • 119 1 ALOR STAR. Sun. |7«OUR men. one armed with a r pistol, last night held up a Chinese family and made oil with r.ore than $600 cash at Kampong Kandeh. Kodiang. 2'S miles north of Alor SUr The men drove up to the family's goods
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  • 24 1 Raman Ramasamy. 40. a Singapore Harbour Boar:! labourer, was rushed to the General Hospital last night with badly cut hands.
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  • 31 1 MOSCOW. Sun— Dr. H''sh L Keenleyside. Canadian Chief Of the UN Technical Assistance Administration, said vestirday that negotiation*, hue been completed on Russia's participation in ithe programme. A. P.
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  • 47 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Sun.— A rarofully-sfUctPd "cross-, eetion" groun of 500 American soldiers attended a style showing of propose^ now U.S. Army uniforms here and almost un- i animously chose onp consisting of a forest-green blouse and b< ;sp trouser s known as i •pinks." AP
    AP  -  47 words
  • 29 1 MILAN. Sun. The Turkish Air Forco Chief of Staff Feu/.i Onconer, arrived here fasterday by ear from- Turin where he had visited industrial centres. A. P.
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  • 273 1 MURDER THREAT BY GANG Two told: Leave jobs or die THE Chinese managingdirector of Roirlrno Electric Laundry and Dry-Cleaners, Delta Read. Singapore, and an Indian employee have told iti p police that a gang has threatened to kill them. A li'ttt r containing the threat ,%.i., delivered to Uv offlcc
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  • 28 1 7.1)0(1 STRIKK IN LONDON TOim LONDON, Mm. < <"" munist-led Qectrlcal 'I i ad< Union will call out over 7. (Kin men hew todaj on week's strike Renter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 24 1 NEW YORK. Sun The Government has botight M56.000.00(i worth of soybean nil for West Germany, trade on] o ported -A P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 ELECTROPLATING UNDERTAKEN \l ii >\ VBLE CHARGI S ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR THREE YEARS S. P. H. de SUVA, ICH ST SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR <V IPOH V- W I have a surprise for your breakfast, husband something that I think will brighten what illy "dreary Monday morning". Such a remark
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    • 86 1 .ONGINES The World i riost Honoured Watch Sold hy U HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS Si I I f=^ ||l MM! YEAR an aUr».tlv 9 (lam will b* |lvrn away f~) I 111 lUN II IKft with rvrr> I *\n \^C?>\ or Brd Lion Irom llth^^Ull 25th January llmly- «e^9, »lv*)
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  • 271 2 City advised: Don't contribute to the polytechnic pIK SINGAPORE City Council's finance committee has rejected a proposal that the council contribute each year towards the capital ost of the $8 million polytechnic institute which the (lovernment is establishing. The Government recently asked the council whether it wished to bo associated
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  • 260 2 NOW A NEW MOTHER CARES FOR CHUNG LING ('HI LING, :i (hiibl» little ris-a»Mtli-«M uin. win not be given av..i\ alter .ill. A nrw mitthrr astsl Uthrr brrn loimki to take cart <>f her lor the nr\i three years. Chunc Lkifi ptrenU, Mi. .mcl Mrs. Su Yi.. 'L.i ..n
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 2 HARVARD rSOraSSOB Wendell H. Kurv takes a rlrmk hilr testifyini; hefore Senator Joseph McCarthy's im\ pstigatkm siiTteommittee I nrv admitted he was onr ol m\ ommunists who orked in a top secret radar laboratoT) during the last war. Ht> refused to name the other five. Later he said
    AP  -  62 words
  • 71 2 NEW DELHI. Sun. Mr. Ajoy Ghosh, general secretary of the Indian Communist Party, .said that a secret Communist document wnlch the Democratic Research Service of Bombay claimed to have discovered was "erode forgery." Mr. Ghosh was commenting on a statement made by Mr. Purshottam Tricamdas. a
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 48 2 Prize a French beauty FRENCH FILM STAR, Anne Vernon, as she appears in the F.aling Studios Michael Balcon film "The Love Lottery." The I'm had its world premiere before the Queen and the Duke of I (I mini: gh at Christchurch. New Zealand. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 222 2 TOKYO, Sunday. 1)1.'! Ml Minister Shigeru Yoshida today urged Japan to stand "resolved to fight firmly against Commu--1 1 nism." In key address before the Liberal party's eighth national 'convention, the Premier nld the danger of war "appeared' to be receding. But. he added,
    UP  -  222 words
  • 106 2 WASHINGTON ALEXANDER B 31 -year-old forme: i- deporte yesterday because ol Comm i- I .fTiliation.s The Justice Department .in- nounce for Britain from aboard the Queen Mary. The Department said Bar- I man was born in London in l!'_'l and camp to the United
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  • 65 2 HE'LL GET 5.000 IN BACK PAY Promoted to the higher service of the Singapore Income Tax Department after five > ears' service. Mr. V Ki. I.i 1. 1 ia h qualifier, ior about 53.000 in hack pay. His promotion is back dated to April. IMI. Mr. is the president
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  • 57 2 TEHERAN. Sun— The Bri- j tish Charge d'AfTanos. Mr. j Denl s Wright, yesterday talked i to the Persian Foreign Minister, Gen Abdullah Entezam. on moves to settle the otl dispute. Oil experts and diplomatic circles here bclievcci the lalka concerned ths sharing of oil marketing
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 2 JERUSALEM. S v n— An Israeli Army spokesman allee- j ed yesterday that an Ecyptiiin "inhltratpr" was killed by an Israeli patrol in an exchange i of flre near the border 01 the Gaza Strip. -UP.
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  • 109 2 ATHENS. Sv.n. MR. Michael Seigeyev. soviet Ambassador to Greece was informed in a "friendly »ay :by the Greek Foieicn Otiu-e [today that he and his embassy staff will have to give r.-.tice i before travelling in Greece. The only areas lor which
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 68 2 LOS ANGELES. Sun. The United States vaa ri nru moiv than its than to find way to world peace but Borlet Russia was dmni nothing, the Dirc«'-tor-Gcneral of Lions International. Mr R. R. Kraton. declared. He told the annual Califor-nia-Nevada Lions ronvention that not
    AP  -  68 words
  • 59 2 HONG KONG. Sun— A .-ixj man Japanese mission representing the Kobe Chamber ni Commerce and Industry arr.v- i eri he-e today by air mm Japan on a business survey i trip. The leader of the group scid the main object of their visit was to
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  • 34 2 ADDIS ABABA. Sun— The Eeyptian Ambassador to Ethiopia. Mr. Iskanriar El Wahhahy is resigning his post here -sooii and retiring from the Eeyptian diplomatic service, it was reliably learnt yesterday. A.P.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 268 2 BANGKOK. Sunday. economic situation is causing serious concern here despite a recent Bank of Siam radio statement that the financial and economic situation of the country was "good." Thr national bank said the country's monetary reserves were stable and there was no need for
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  • 112 2 WASHINGTON, San.— Senator Joseph McCarthy's Senate lavestigation Sub-committrr said today that an "antiAmerican content" had appeared in some of the (•verasaeat's "Voice of America broadcasts. Reporting on its controversial investisationx carlv last year of broadcasts to other nations, the suh-comniitter declared it had found that a
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 94 2 Southern Rhod PLEVEN .itiri a nmntx have been mi work in seven the floodrri fCOtH Maun town in North analanri. The lonie, from food supp Sunday when t: The rhildif travel;,:-. in Fran day to catch I cm Rhodes On ThursdHv Stl turning to f
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  • 12 2 VIENNA S Slovakia's Con died A P.
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  • 11 2 BEIRUT. S-iii Arslan. noted leader and !mme here a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 SUNLIGHT SOAP costs even less Now 30* only iW per Sunlirzht Soap now costs even less than before. It saves M .HHM **> your money and your clothes H■" (T too! Sunlight's gentle lather gets B rid of dirt without hard rubbing. R hmtT With ordinary soaps you wear away
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    • 229 2 NACHIAPPA BROS. (HOUSE OF HIRE l'( RCH is/ I take pleasure in informing their many friends the Opening cf their IPOH BRANCH at 165, BREWSTER ROAD where tln-y now can obtain their and popular range of> PHILIPS. MURPHY. ERRES. EKCO PYE. C.1.C.. MULLARD TELEFUNKEN SIEMENS RADIOS b RADIOGRAMS REFRICERATORS AIR-CONDITIONINC
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 342 2 \Wk i J Iji kSI if' I I I rSa liM 111 kail lIKfliPrtRF s< hool.s inn Matinep i.30 NewSinVArVIU. 1.45-2.00 Ballad Time: 648 Film 7.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News; Melodies 700 News: 7.15-730 735 Melody Mixture B.nn Rhythm Buddy Morrow and his Orchestra; In the Sun; 8.30 Malay Housewives'
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  • 232 3 Smiles, shouts and a few tears in Korea town POHANG, South Korea, Sunday. riFTEEN THOUSAND Potung residents itaged plroming ceremony yesterday for former th Korean war prisoners on their first day of i.»m. '■40 anti-Communist ex-prlsonera roamed the crowd, thrrr wore shouts of procting and bean
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  • 21 3 ALLIES WILL SOON GET TOUGH WITH PRO-REDS \l to j in:. H: ■in pro-Ri d ca oon it they A P
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  • 25 3 INDIANS STILL HOLD ON TO 96 PANMUNJOM 06 formei M 01 thrill United i ntryMr dd them that hardly I murder of fello 1 I
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  • 37 3 [NOTON, Bun. The need today inqul Frank H. ie punished it the d germ warKon i muel C. Sheph immandai t. I thai irried out b irj law and dlcal i V'.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V!
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  • 80 3 First Korea men land in Formosa TAIPEH. Sun. THE FIRST Ol the 14.000 former Chinese communist -"idiers In Korea, on thr:r was to Formosa, after refusing to return to Communism, arrived by plane yesterday. were 29 stretcher Must of the former re coming on 15 landing ships. The distinction of
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  • 182 3 SEATTLE. Sunday. STANDARD OIL Company tanker crashed into a pier at the Point Wells "tank farm" 13 miles north of here and sparks from the collision set ofT I fire which rii(.' lamage "*i\- lated at more than a million dollars yesterday. Hundreds
    AP  -  182 words
  • 32 3 HONG KOKG. Mm. Sir Thomas Lloyd. the British Pi rmanent Colonial Undersecretary, arrived here today from Singapore on a ix-day Informal visit. He was accompanied by Lady Lloyd.— Reuter, .v.\v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v;
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 70 3 THE CLOCK anil ship's prow fieure, famous lon., mi landmark which WU renoved lroni the front of Sclfridges' )xford Street store to make way for the ['oronation decorations, was recently re:urned. The figure weighs over 15 tons md it took a gang of workmen and
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  • 215 3 MOLOTOV ARRIVES: FIRST DEMANDS AT ONCE BERLIN. Sunday. THE RUSSIAN Foreign Minister, Mr. Vyacheslav Molotov. arrived yesterday for the Big Four conference that starts tomorrow and demanded immediately that Communist China be admitted to discussions of world problems. "The sixmer that the great I I popular state, the People 1
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  • 111 3 Peer in court for second time I.YMINGTON. Sun. LORD MONTAGU of Beaulieu appeared yesterday for the second time in six weeks "ii morals charges. The 27-year-uid peer was accused, with hj s cousin. Michael pitt -Rivers, and a journalist, peter Wildeblood. of committing; serious offences against male persons- -twe Royal
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  • 68 3 CAIRO, Sun. EGYPT yesterday celebrated the first anniversary of the founding of the ••liberaiion rally" with a parade of 35.000 armed, uniformed national guardsmen piecUcd to drive the British out of the Suez Canal Zone. Carryin? the national nurds' red flas embla7oned with a skull
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  • 78 3 KAMPALA. Icaml.i, Sun. A HIPPOPOTAMI S a\ rmersed from the Kile yesterday and looked into the Owen Falls power station for a pre-viru of the £22.*****10 hvdroolectric project which the Queen will open next April. Its first call was to the retiring room reserved for the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 231 3 CALCUTTA. Sun. I I/IATE crashers forced Mr ll Nehru. India s Prime Minister, to interrupt his presidential address to the Indian National Congre.., and journ the first day's session BO 'minutes ahead of schedule 1 yesterday Thousands unable to secure tickets broke through
    Reuter; UP  -  231 words
  • 242 3 BISHOP RECALLS TEMPLER PLEDGE LONDON. Sun. 5 rHE Bishop of Dunwich (Suffolk, south-east <> England), writing to i,he > v Sunday Times of London < today. recalls that a directive given by the y Secretary of State {o Sir < Gerald Templer when lie was sworn in as High Commissioner
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 40 3 BUDAPEST. Sun. The prime Minister, Mr Imre Nagy told the Hungarian Parliament in hi.« annual message yesterday that waces arri pensions will be raised and trade with Britain may be resumed this year. A. P.
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  • 23 3 TURIN. Sun.— Novelist Paoln Lombroso Carrara, 84. whn wrote children's books under the name of "'Aunt Mary, died last niaht.— A.P.
    AP  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 ANNUAL SALE) TOWN COUNTRY 64, HIGH STREET, j; PHONE: ***** 1 ••••v.v.'.........v.v.w.'.'.v.v.«.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v/:
      12 words
    • 417 3 I MAKE THIS HER §ff MOST MEMORABLE m^ /p FESTIVE cv ~h SEASON J" 1 BRODERIE ANGLAISE New Colours In Tiny Motifs An All Purpose Fabric 55.50 a yd. and up SOFT BROCADES— Metal and Silk, New Assortment Specially Imported $12.50 a yd. and up SILKY COTTONS New Selection For
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  • 351 4 15,500 IN FEDERATION KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. TELEPHONES in the Federation may increase from 25,000 this year to 40,500 in 1959, says the Director (leneral of Telecommunications, Air. E. L. Spooner-Lillingston. He estimates that the development will be 30.000 on Jan. 1 1955. 33.000 in 1956. 35.000 in
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  • 54 4 IVhp.i Mrs. Kwoni; Ne.'i Leang, H 'f° °f a promin■nl I. iin pur physician, .lirtl recently, she left hrhiml ihildren. crandrhildron md great grandchildren. \ninii2 !ier children is Dr. Kwong Kin Cheong, Maairil>al Coiiiicillor Malacca. snn-in-law Mr. Levng lic;ms I inc. is ;i
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  • 108 4 A busy day for 2 blind children I'NTONG anak Bacan ar.f I Sawed an Mj b the two blind Dvak hik -en. vesterriav spent Busiest day n their lives in new home The children, who have 1i t ■\]i their lives away fro;: •■mvris. spent the day makin' new
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  • 39 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.[On her way home to Kula after being di>ch.iri:od fron hospital Kangambal had hal a tin of biscuits for whir] she did not have a movemen permit She was lined $5 ani .'the biscuits confiscated.
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  • 34 4 Seven-> ear-old Indirana earlands the Governor of Singapore. Sir John Niroll. at a gathering at Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. Sineapore Indians were rontinuinc their Indian Republic Dajl lelchrations. Straits Times picture
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  • 213 4 It will help Malaya, says expert PENANG. Sunday. rHE Federation Government has taken a "very dramatic step" in sending teachers for full-time raining at Kirkby, Miss F. H. Gwilliam. education Idvlser to the Colonial OfTice. said in Penant today. "I am also very glad that Malaya
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  • 49 4 KUALA LI'MPUR. Sun Mr Edwin Nicholas Myl\ and Miss Angeline Simon were married at the St. Anthony's Church. Kuala Lumpur. I day. The bride is ;i stair nurse at the District Hospital, Port Dlckaon. The bridegrdom Is with the Port Dickson Public Works Department.
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 4 Sergeant Major S..V Saunders and his wife were given a farewell dinner at the Tai Tons Restaurant in the New WrH-ld h> members of the stafT of Singapore Oistriet Workshop, R.F..M I. sergeant .Major Saunders, who has heen in Singapore for live years, is retiring from the Army.
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  • 80 4 Negotiations to sell houses start I^HE oincapore Joint Rt»lu Organisation has now started nriiotiatioas to sed 96 houses buiit at Kolam Aye t for Kiimpon". Bhri> rictlms. SJRO first nfTercd the h; lues to the Improvement Trust. The Tru.s: has reeommrnrien that the Government should buy the houses a.s it
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  • 33 4 Vocal and Instrument i gui i several parties local artista highlighted try birthday oelrbrit'.on.s jrester day of ihe South Indian rru*. cian-poet Thyagamj. held .1 the Ramakrishna Miisi Temple Hall. Sineaporo.
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  • 29 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Bun.— Dr P. A. AlLsopp. acting Principal J Vertical Officer. Johore, hay left for Malacca to take up the appointment of Settlement Health Officer.
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  • 19 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Mr. N. J. McElliot. Admin strative Oflicer Muar. ha- let: for Britain on leave
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  • 153 4 School's move delayed 3 years OAFFLES Institution will put nfT its mnvp to B i37-arrp sito in Dunoarn Road for another throe years. This is because of tht Singapore Government's decision to give priority to more new schools this year. Construction of the 30-cla room building at sth mile Dunearn
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  • 47 4 A variety show Will hl at the Singapore Badminton Hall <>n Saturday to aid 81 up. 1- 1 Vlnayagar T< n pie bu.ldins fund. The programme will include Oriental and European dancing and music. A women s orchj tr 1 take part.
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  • 59 4 JOHORE BArfRU. Dato H. E. MacKenzli been elected chairman C. G. Watts, secrr: Inche Razak bin J.t treasurer of the Johore 8 Welfare Committee. Dato Ibrahim bin Aodul Rahman Deputy BJohore, has been electee, additional member as we representative of thp British Rr-ri Cross
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  • 54 4 ALOK star. Sun.—lnspector Balwant S.ngh. Circ c Officer. Alor Star. d i gang ol rioters inday and was "sh >t lead When the police dispersed lls comrades. Inspector Ba. ■ani Singh stood up at. I .-.itched. It was an cx> r pst the effectlven* ss
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 97 4 LEST YOU FORGET: HERE ARE A FEW OF THE ESSENTIAL ITEM* YOU MAY NEED TO SAVE LABOUR MONEY /v**i I Eler-.. V l^& j Harbrw Ir c lter -=3*- 0 S Trier Bplral r nu-i S 0/ "'fV> SB. ORCHARD ROAD "V^/'/ <^% SINCAPOBE-9. Q&iiU&Sfy TFi- ffice 25m: Yr \if
      97 words
    • 175 4 South-F .s, "AAGHOSH In HUidaxi IM Bjinllsh So Itarrlns Nni )n Ifemi it »»\u> \i I.i ii i: \\iN(iiN(. mis rr^| I) A H I DIAMOND TH^ATRf "\.\LVAII Postal Tuition for Examinations I vinri.c! «.M. ik M ,«,jlh plannril Ihr < hj« a MaH nl I rs M.«1,., CAMBRIDGE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 174 4 i ElJLH^aVJUug^^^i^^Ui^s If inivrr-ii\ of Malaya: Pubii lecjj I ture mi "B on g tern Of 1( i Islam' by Mr. B. D. Ahmed Arts Tiientre. Clui.y R<v»d. 8 I.i p.m. T. 5.1.5.: Free Bin -how The Photographer. Valley Of The \\v crs —in a!r-ronditioned Theatrette. I 2« Raffle? Plare.
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  • 2183 5 Beauty who was Napoleon's love died in miserable poverty F E A T U R E A THEATRE audience in Bayeux, France, on the evening of February 23, 1787, found their attention diverted by a drama taking place in the orchestra pit. A messenger pushed his way through the musicians
    Daily Mirror  -  2,183 words
  • 587 5 VAST numbers of Indonesia's 70 million population are clamouring for English-language textbooks, novels and films to help them learn the language quickly. No longer is English regarded as a severely academic subject, akin to Greek and Latin, to be studied only for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 101 5 COGNAC ROBIN tirk O.P. V.S.OP. i SPECIAL CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION Free Dancing! Free Cinema! rmpty Quart ROBIN BRANDY lor 6 pint, or 12 half-pint bottles) to of the addresses below and you will receive THREE Dance n Books or ONE Cmema Ticket FREE: rs and coupons may be used
      101 words
    • 242 5 *W X :Byß mSfr I feel so much ■^s'^Slr idPPJ brighter, now v^*^" iJ^vir^' that I ■■/'!>/ /he morning with *'Tjo Andrea llerr\ the tin that UeR ts^sf^' A gires me so much mure energy #*>tif^ riwiti" llir day. ty' sjf^*^ %i 3 tn*s a It's so simple to 7'""'
      242 words

  • 18 6 II) Word- fW I minimum) HAOf.IE Alan Oarkr. beloved I peacefully HI pm Funeral ft pm. remetnI
    18 words
  • 31 6 to Wonf. fit (minimum! THY. FAMILY of the late Hermin •tided the funeral. \irs v N Ramakrlshnan nr marrtmge on 28 13 ?<3. MR Nicholas heir we<idin? i bureb, -54
    31 words
  • 48 6 JO Uurrl- fin (minimum) v day In to win -hop. No epted until 2nd K!<x>r. 13, mmencing Monday R«--\-tern(K>n 6: .Skirt lent which Is Reason- G.H. EO OOLITES ex ttwk. Bole Acfnts. The ScJentlflO Company Ltd.. 35, !!yrr Quay. phone 6874. MALAYAN Jewellerfiling, .Ipalntcd S Send j
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  • 12 6 MR MR.- ill !U:RT have im 39 Queen Astrid Park. 449
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  • 814 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., Jan. 25, 1954. Big Four In Berlin The first meeting of the Big Four Foreign Ministers in four i pens in Berlin today. I Tho fact that therr is a me tins ■1 all renews the flickering hope of progress towards the solution of some
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  • 460 6 Liberalising U.S. Trade It was not expected that the Randall Commission, in its recommendations for the liberalisation of American trade and tariff policies, would follow the Douglas Report all the way. But the Commission could have gone a little further than it has without being startling even to the American
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  • 719 6 FOR the 4,000 people of r Pulau Tckong, an island in the Johore Straits, it is only half an hour's motor-boat ride to Singapore. They can reach the Johore mainland even quicker. But the islanders make few trips and never an unnecessary one.
    719 words
  • 224 6 The Irony QNE OF the o plays, "Ever-, the story of a travelled the world iv'A love and foui for him by hi was reminch When I rr;n M r X lately where lv queu< concert while .inert up for placi show. Returning from I nant Asian
    224 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 331 6 I.ASSIFIKI) ADS. AF*N< c and Bill on .inrquellne. Hort»» %1» (minimum) nwinred in lie Charles k Ox- .11 Tullorh, Q A K Kew, I announced Toh Kooii STic Kin I W.m tMmi lan ChrnK PLUMBER Cameron. The rned twtwoen Plumber R N d Mrs Plumber of h Kent and Margaret
      331 words
      8 words
    • 49 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE. PHONE ***** Xv OPTICIAMS^*^^ K. E. MEYER F n.a.o o opt K. BELL DIP. OPT.. AST C. F.A.O A JohjU) qeJde^> \he llH» MONDAY, FEB. Ist SALE Dresses, Suits. Jewellery etc nxxffle/o riOTel /Dtncjapohfi ii S STAR BRANDY pjj^| MILNERS k THE SAFEST SAFE INVESTHE 1
      49 words

  • 289 7 Council attack on expat, pay meeting DISPUTE has arisen between the Singapore 1 Government and its local officers' Council! of Joint Action over holding "separate and 1 private discussions" with the two European officers' associations on the non-pensionable expatriation allowance. Last Saturday Government officials met dele-
    289 words
  • 33 7 IT'S YOUR DUTY TO HELP, MISS LEE SAYS duty of all to lpport the Inter- fOl i. Melbourne, Kit, a dical .student turned to noil I hlrd of Interan Ir.ternationthe Au.sto be a
    33 words
  • 32 7 Ls fror.i Rota systo m tilt haste! ccomidying beca India Philippine: also had md accommodation. would br I vould i 'iiild ould lid bo :egawould not be good,'
    32 words
  • 57 7 PORT DICKSOX. Sun.—Police today found the body of a 75-year-old Chinese man float Ing in one of the mining pools on Bendayan Estate, about six miles from the town. The man was Kuan Menu. •Ahn worked on the esta bamboo brush maker. He had
    57 words
  • 315 7 SUCCESS IN LAW EXAMS LONDON. Sun ALTHOUGH the standard now demanded is higher than in former years, so that In some subjects only half of the student.- examined passed. many Malayan law students wire successful in the Hilary general examination in London. They were Federation unless otherwise stated)Roman Law, class
    315 words
  • 40 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun —The Johore Bar Council decided ye.-'terday to oppose the proposed amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code in of the assessor system They also held that the Jury system .should be adopted throughout Malaya.
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 7 Mr Alan Clarke Kaggie. aged s:i. a civilian employee of the War Department, collapsed anri d.M n ~i Saturday night in Sime Road. THIS is the Golden Carpet which took a Persian slave 34 uiar\ t<> complete It ironliim his freedom from the Shah's palace hi the nth
    68 words
  • 158 7 THIS CARPET WON A SLAVE HIS FREEDOM TIIK story oi the Golden Carpet is like a tale out of the Arabian Nifihts. It is not a magic carpet. But the story behind it is one oi faith and perseverance. Persian slave look 34 years to complete the carpet be fore
    158 words
  • 30 7 MR. TAN KIM CHWEE and Miss Ku Kwai Yin* after their mairiage at Lorong J. Telok Kurau, Singapore. The bride is an embroidery instructor. Straits Tinges picture.
    30 words
  • 111 7 NEW 200-BED WARD IS PLANNED FOR T.B. CENTRE T*HE Singapore Government's tuberculosis treat- ment centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital will get a -JOO-bed ward and a training school for nurses this year. Tan Tock Seng Hospital lias 400 beds for tuberculosis patients and 150 for chronic diseases. Proposed extensions
    111 words
  • 71 7 City may pay for big show SINGAPORE'S City Day celebrations this year may cost the City Council $6,000. Last year local organisations gave performances at their own expense. The Arts Theatre, which ls directing the programme for Sept. 22 this year, has asked the City Council if it will meet
    71 words
  • 56 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.— Yona Yoon Seng, a passenger In im- train from Singapore, failed to declare at Johore Bahru that she had wearing I apparel which was dutiable l and also refused to compound I the offence. I In the police court she was fined $60
    56 words
  • 40 7 Inche Mohammed Yusoof bin Mohammed Noor. president of the Malayan Trade Union Council, hus been selected by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions as a delegate to the ECAFE conference in Kandy. Ceylon, startinp on February 8.
    40 words
  • 92 7 Production of rubber declines KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. PRODUCTION of rubber fcr 1953 declined 9,857 long tons, compared with 1952. This is almost entirely due to the fall in output of smallholdings. Estate production was 341.117 tons. Smallholders' production is estimated at 231.675. tons. Production for 1953 WM 572.792 tons against
    92 words
  • 47 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Youth Citizens Week begins tomorrow in Kota Tingi. Mr. Lan Howard. State Information Officer will address community leaders at the Malay Club on "Looking Forward" on Saturday. On Sunday, the Youths Cluo will be opened by Haji Sukor. the District Officer.
    47 words
  • 51 7 Tree falls on woman IPOH. Sun.— A 24-year-oH j woman. Lee Kin Yoke, was I killed today on a rubber estate just outside Simee village when j a rubber tree fell on her i during a storm. Her son. aged four, who was j with her at the time, escaped
    51 words
  • 23 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— Woo Lian was fined $110 in the police court for having 2.4 gallons of illicit samsu.
    23 words
  • 199 7 KUALA TRENGGANU, Sun. THE SuJtan of Trengganu today appointed six justices of the peace and awarded nine medals as part of the celebrations for his 48th birthday. Senior Government officers, members of the Council of State anci community leaders called at the Istana today to congratulate
    199 words
  • 71 7 50, 000 more acres of padi planted KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. ABOUT 50,000 more areas, of padi were planted in 1953- 54 rompared with the previous I season. Fiuures are 879,640 acres against 829.350. Perak leads with an Increase I of more than 12.000 acies, I followed by Pahans. 8.900, and
    71 words
  • 87 7 A new plan to allocate quarters ANEW plan to allocate Singapore City Council quarters has been recommended by a council sub-committee. The finance committee has accepted the plan. Under the new plan the quarters allocation committees will be dissolved. A committee of three councillors will allocate senior officers' auarters and
    87 words
  • 280 7 KUALA LUMPCB, Sunday. PUTS in fares and improvements in food and conditions will be made in this years pilgrimages to Mecca, it was announced today. The China Navigation Co., Ltd., through its agents. Mansfield and Co. has offered two sailinc. each by the
    280 words
  • 160 7 THEN THE RAIN CAME. SINGAPOREANS strolling along the Esplanadr terday afternoon were p.fPeted by two unusual sights. The lirst wa.s ;i baseball garni between two Vt rv vocal teams from t.he visiting American destroyer squadron, played on the Padang. What migti' h;iv e tM'e n an Interesting game, however, waa
    160 words
  • 58 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun The Ifentrl Besa r and representatives ot various organi.-;i tions in Johore Bahru have been invited by the Johon Bahru Rotary Club to a cocfctal party at the Royal Johow In ternatlonal Club at 7.30 p.m. or Friday The party l s
    58 words
  • 79 7 MR. LAU CHi:OW THYE of Chop Yonc Chen; OLan and Chop QuaO I*c, ,>cr.l Rfi pi peacefully ;.t his residence No 1! Balmoral Road, Smgapo-e at 8.49 p.m. on Sunday. 24.1.54. leaving hi.« beloved wife S sons Lav Pheng Ker. Pheng Hee. P!;<>ng Ouan, Phone Hiang and Pheng Yong.
    79 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 147 7 RUDGE BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLE Futnous for Oi r 90 Ytttft ALL MODZJ.S IN STOCK From All Good BicycU Dealers Smgaiwre Distributors: BAN HOCK HIN. 131. Beach Road. BAN HONC CHAN, 75. Victoria Street. SINC HUAT CO. 165/167, Victoria Street. sv-/ 4 AgentKKEE HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. -NGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      147 words
    • 221 7 j| JOHN'S %ij OTHER 'Ik LEG Sea dops alone the Thames tell of the time when Long John Silver ~vfa'J lost his leg in a bloody brawl, sh(>rtly after hi-> ladylove had pre- scntcd him with a pair of Allen J %JHtfJ^B. Solly hose To please her and his vanity
      221 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 187 7 The weather Minimum temperature (7 30 pm. nn 23 to 7.30 am. on J;u 24 1: I Singapore 7ti <iri;rees, Penan; 74, Koi;i Bahru Kvaia Lump ir "3. Ipoh 75. Kuantan 74. Maximum fmporalure i 7.30 n m. to 7.3d p.m. on Jan. 24i Sn 84. Penan* 85. Kol.i
      187 words

  • 702 8  - Story of the female is one of utter woe JACQUETTA HAWKES IK THE SECOND SEX. By Simon* de Bcjuvoir. (Cape. SOs.) HOWEVER it began, this most ancient business, I suppose most people are thankful that a thousand million years of it should have ended in our being made man and
    702 words
  • 316 8  -  KENNETH KONSTAM By rE final of the Devonshire Club Cup will be between the Junior Carlton, who beat the Constitutional by 1.090, and the R.A.C.. who beat Queen's by 1.900. In spite of HM score, the latter match was desperately close, as the R.A.C. were leading by only 170
    316 words
  • 864 8  -  SIR KEITH HANCOCK THE MEN WHO RULED INDIA: Vol 1 The Founders By Ph lip Woodruff C.ipc 30s) »RIDE effort— the he an beats taster achievement, the finest years in the lone record. pridV: Mr. Woodruff strikes t'.ie dominant chords of his theme in the
    864 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 402 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS i Broadcast liik M 138 B 144 pm with ruirent ;illowI'he employment will be I Instance. the !>oM will include nor- i ption and i! .1 and a knowledge <>t tins work will be an «d-. tv;-,inE ability Preference will be applicant! bctwen the agM Kith F*iKllsh education
      402 words
    • 370 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS TYPIST APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of Typist In the Department nf Commerce and Industry, in the salary scale of 190-6A-138 b;ir 144-6A-180 Cost of living and hou.ving allowances are payable in addition to basic salary in acrordunce with existin,,' Government Rosulations. Applications should be addressed to>
      370 words
    • 444 8 NOTICES CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD of the FEDERATIOX OF MALAYA REMOVAL OF CONSI'MEK'S ACCOINTS OFFICE Board Consumers in Kuala Lumpur are requested to note that the CONSUMERS ACCOUNTS OFFICE. BATU ROAD, KUALA LUMPUR, will close for business at 12.00 noon on Saturday, 30th January, 1954, and re-open at the Board's Offices.
      444 words
    • 885 8 NOTICES Re: JOHN BAYLISS HALL, Deceased All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of No. 8, Buckingham Street, London, who died on the 29th day of January, 1952, are required to send particulars of their claims in writing to the Public Trustee. Singapore, who
      885 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 326 8 Straits Times Crossword S|^ I 2 3 4 5 I Ti 18 19 i§|| 20 21 Z Z Z_i^Z Z Z Z_Z Zi!l_L. ACROSS il>. 1, 4i. 1. Express v fantastic desire (3. 8. Not a box number (6, 7>. 3 a 9. Successors to Daguerre <13>. 10. Appearance of
      326 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1094 9 MANSFIELD <k CO., LTD. «s£2s Postage Dents BLUE FUNNEL LINE d *p* t IIHH< "io other port» to load ann dtsckora. corqo ..PPOOL, GLASGOW LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Soil- P {•iwpp P»nnno 13J/34 Jon 26 Jar 27/29 Jon. 10/31 G 23/24 J0n. 27 Jon 28/29 Jon. 27 Feb. 4 Feb
      1,094 words
    • 1015 9 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCAMDINAVIAN/U K /CONTINENT ■a- S'ooro P. S'hom Panono Kmo for Diokorto, Kohnchoog Soigon. Hongkong, Manilo, Kobo „lT Yok )h T 'a 24/28 Jon. In Port Mongolia" tor Koh,,rchng, H'kong 4/ 4 Feb. Mogdolo" for Bongkok 11/11 Feb. 9/10 Feb. I 8 Fch Songkhlo" for Kohsichong,
      1,015 words
    • 987 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. on* CONTINENTAL PORTS Snore P. S'horr Penona B.nolder fnr Hovre, London, Rotterdom, Hu'l 6. 8/9 26/28 Jon. 29/31 Jon. Beneleuch for Liverpool, Dublin, Glosgow. Homburg, Antwerp 36 Jan/ 4 Feb. 28/29 Jan. 9/10 Feb. Bennovi« tor Genoa. Avonmouth, London, Homburg 4/ 9 Feb.
      987 words
    • 1109 9 McALISTER tic CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** ELLERMAN BUCKMALL J franco. LONDON HAVOC. ROTTERDAM. PORTLAND WATTLE ft VANCOUVER HAMBURG ft HULL Accrptmo. coqo for Central ft South ond tor USA.. North Atomic Ports American Port. onrl Canodo -io Colombo m f RANCISVILLI CITY O» BIRKENHIAD P-ni^g Sport P S'^im PenooT
      1,109 words

  • 956 10 SMALLER TURNOVER AND PRICES WERE EASIER -i Share market review II Buyers reluctant to acquire tin shares By Our Financial Correspondent JMIK Singapore share market went through another dull period hist Week when the total volume of turnover was small and little enthusiasm was displayed by either buyers or sellers.
    956 words
  • 58 10 NEW YORK. Saf. I THE stork market here clOMd very steady on PHdajr. Dow Jam treracet fn r Thursday and Frid.iv were: Thur*. Frl. I 30 Indus* ri.ils 289 48 289 6ft 20 Railroads 99 36 100.32 40 DnmesMr Bonds 98 43 98 48 19 tmUliea 53.67 53.88
    58 words
  • 35 10 Thr M;i!.iy»n Exrhance Banks AMOdaUon m.idf the followins: jps in its rates 'o merchant on Batordi HONG KONG sfllinp T T or OD. 53 11 16. buyinc. T.T. 53 3 16, O.D. 53
    35 words
  • 234 10 MONTREAL. Jan. 14. ■yyE seem nearer to converti- bility today than we have been since the imposition of wartime exchange control throughout most of the worid: but the prerequisites to convertibility have not changed." said Mr James Muir. President I of the Royal Bank of Canada. at
    234 words
  • 210 10 THE following list of business done in the Singapore share market from January 16 to January 22 inclusive, is reported by one firm of sharebrokers: INDUSTRIALS I Consolidated Tin Smelters Ords 23 9 and 24 Fraser Neave Ords $2.00 to $1.95. Gammon $2.95
    210 words
  • 86 10 RI'BBER production in the Federation of Malaya in 1953 was about 10.000 tons lower than in 1952. Statistics issued on Saturday show December production at 52,477 tons, compared with 48,235 tons in November, making the yea.'s output 572.792 tons. compared with 582.64!) tons in 1952. Of the December
    86 words
  • 766 10 1 <niiimnlil if nmrln'ts RANDALL COMMISSION REPORT BOTH tin and rubber prices show a decline on the week. Contrary to expectations the rubber market failed to respond to what was expected to be bullish news from America and a lower demand for tin resulted in
    766 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 335 10 SHOWING Wflt 3 6309 30 LI LI HAW in "MADAM'S SECRET 7 MANDARIN Picture with ENGLISH Subtitles PLUS! ON STAGE! 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 SHOWS HonsUrs Songslreu TERESA LIANG Nexi 07i#in#/ TWA *NER B <— m johnWayme m KiliiaSW JPJan adventure in a Thousand 7 ALASTAIR SIM RONALD SHINER ia
      335 words
    • 226 10 JQ CATHAY ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS now SHOWING! jgs B OnrTf¥TTT3V "*n Hire of rOI.AUOID VIEWERS '<> cento pindeposit refundahle on return <H VTEHKRs xi:.\r < 11 x\«.i: 1 MEM's revealing /jf^i drama of *»jr%2 11 mnw I private life IM^ ALLYSON r rrrrzz," Arthur Gary OS*F- KENNEDY MERRILL C^f^THE GIIL IN
      226 words

  • 71 11 MCC men in 'colour' storm < orrrspondrnt led fot c abroad by a tptala inning intc i-ro»-<is frntr ho run th' K*r L imported t( M planning ;i I orri i >■ p •irinc c^".":-! thf tru .aye ,v mixcc the ftne > f of spor'srrtr: a D m] of
    71 words
  • 19 11 "••■<■■■ r 3 Huddersflflrt 28 :rrponl Rorhrinic rrti Rton 19 Salf^rrf 9 n 13 Fentherton Towti H
    19 words
  • 11 11 ireltern^ignlne for a hamruon Kid i« Rovai Albert h.u:
    11 words
  • 86 11 MELBGI'RM JOHN LANDY. Australia's Msr miler \f.Mcrc.ay r;in foul minutes 118 .-.econris to win m Intl race at Mympic park bj fio }ir UlOk things \rr\ r !«ir:ri> s^id he VOUld cry mas: deration to the n h' the American Athle- pch. He Bald he WOUM
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 32 11 LONDON. Sun. THE. All Blacks beat a comj side rrpip-cntinz j the Welsh clubs Neath .md Abrravon. by 11 points igoal. iroppert coal' to five day.
    32 words
  • 598 11 SUNDERLAND BEAT ARSENAL ONCE AGAIN Motherwell score 12, m LONDON, Sunday. TED Purdon, a tall South African, scored three goals for Sunderland yesterday in helping the north-east club complete a fine double over Arsenal, the league champions. Lowly Sunderland, who whipped Arsenal 7 l at home last September, won on
    Reuter  -  598 words
  • 339 11 PARIS, Sunday. I^KAXCE beat Ireland by eight points (goal, try) to nil in the rugby union international here yesterday and so gained their second success in the season's international championship. All the scoring came in the second half. France had previously beaten 1 Scotland at
    339 words
  • 176 11 Booed for his 80 in 330 minutes BRISBANE. Sun. r-XCESSIVELV slo* batting led to two players, one of whom was booed off the flrld. being barrarkM by the specfitnrs at »h ShrffleM shleM cilckrt .nach here \csterdav when QueenMirr' replied to Vic'oria's 287 with 2fi6 1 for four wickets before
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 158 11 MONTE CARLO 9iin. I OVIS CHIRON the French motor racins driver, won the Monte Carlo ral)y in an Italian Lancia car. it was officially announced last night. Chiron, who was fifth in 1951. waf 1 "presenting nis native Monaco Hi* co-driver was Cvro Basadona Italy 1
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 64 11 NEW DELHI. Sun.— Jack Arkinstall of Australia won the men s smsles till* tn the Northern India Lawn Tennis champiinships here today. Ho defeated 3teffan BtOCKenberg. the Swedish Davis Cup player. 6-2. 7-5. 6-3. in the final. Stockenberv and Ritu Daxar. of India won the
    64 words
  • 21 11 yestcrd <■ 1 m Ouy'l Hospitnl 19 Devonport I; London Ir;.-h 1 I sfon II: Lordon S«~o'tl.-h 6 London
    21 words
  • 35 11 DURBAN Sun. Jiris'.p-. Drobny. re\ellir.g in hot. sunny ronritions took little more f hai talf an hiur to defeat Russe'l Seymour. Soirh Africa's No. 2 plavrr. 6-2. 6-2. here vesterd'y AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 387 11 P W D L P A pt» W Bnmwirh 28 18 5 5 "0 36 41 K'nlvw 28 17 5 fi 6* 40 39 ■Judder? field OS 13 9 6 49 34 35 Jurnlpy 28 17 10 10 60 44 35 Holton 28 13 9 6 S3 39
    387 words
  • 410 11 P W D I. P A pt Ip«nleh 2B 18 7 3 SB 2n iA Southampton 28 18 2 8 M 3.i Si Brighton 28 17 4 7 54 41 3? Bristol City 28 IS 4 9 55 42 3* Northampton 28 12 9 7 fil 3<i 33
    410 words
  • 281 11 r w v l r a pIH iMr's 22 13 4 S 57 33 30 >Uf*n o'South 2? IP 2 8 57 41 26 >ltlr 20 11 3 638 22 25 MndM 21 10 5 fi 32 32 25 Mvrtr 21 11 3 7 42 45 25 iberd**n
    281 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 THE CONSUL Stands Out as an excellent family car I FORD I [consul! five star features You'll feel a new sense of pride when you drive this distinctive, spirited CONSUL Over Square Engine the car more people than ever before are eyeing trying buying;! Full 104" k Overhead Valves wheelbase
      108 words
    • 453 11 '/MWWMV.VW.V.V.V.'.V.'.V.VAW/WiV.V I Smoke BANKERS CLUB Bsh ►•AWAW, i k (j'ijQfi I J .'.W.V.V.V.W.* Pure Virginia Cigarettes of the I Highest Quality, ;j P In Vacuum Tins of 50 J» E (Made in U. S. A Sole Agents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., P. O. Box 1133. Singapore. J'.SV.V.V^.SV.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.'.V.V.SViViVA'AV.vf CMORE SAFETY MORE
      453 words

  • 641 12 Colony beat Malayan Indians with second half efforts AFTER being on the defensive for the major part of the first half, Singapore struck form in the second session to beat Malayan Indians by four goals to two at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday at hockey. The match, which was in aid
    641 words
  • 44 12 LONDON Sun. W S Slow, of MMaya. was beaten In the men's slncles final ot the Kent open badminton championships last nicht by JefT Robson. the New Eaateprl champion Robson. who Is also an international lawn tennis player, won 15-5. 15-?. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 30 12 NEW YORK Sun —Mike AeosMnl 18-year-old Trinidad sprinter, broke •he 30-yea:-old American 100 varris indoor record last nicht. wl".i a time of 9 6 seconds —A P.
    30 words
  • 557 12 By EPSOM JEEP TT WAS THE handicapper's day at Bukit Timah on Saturday, last day of the Singapore Turf dab's January meeting. The judge had to call for photographs to decide the winners of three races, and In three other races the margins were a
    557 words
  • 189 12 Tom Fox top trainer at Spore meet VTETERAN trainer Tom Fox started the new season In grand stylo on his favourite course Buklt Tlmah— when he sent -.>ut sc\en winners to head the trainers' list at the Singapore Turf Club January- meeting. Riding honours were shared "2v Harry McCioud. George
    189 words
  • 59 12 Results ol friendly soccer matencs played ?i Farrer Pa/k yesterday: Star Soccerites drew 3-3 with HM.S. Newfoundland. Scorers for Socceritos were Rahlm Omar. Kirn Bens and Hoi Meng: for HM S (fewfoundland: Johnston Renui.-K and Brooks. Inrinn Rocrealion Club beat Kota Raja 3-1. IR.C. scored through Munlnandy.
    59 words
  • 68 12 New officials of the Jacks Sports 1 Club were elected at the recent annual eeneral meetinc. They are: Patron: H. F. Clements and K. S. Murray; President- C. Brown; vicepresident: Chan Kirn Choon; hon secretary: P. J. Ferras; hon. treasurer: Francis Chang; committee: P. Woolen.
    68 words
  • 35 12 BOSTON. Sun.— World middle- weigh! champton Carl ißolvm Obon warmeri up (or hi.s April M'le ri fence acainst Kid Gavllin with I fifth round knock-f-ut over Joey Rindone jie'e las' nigh*. U.P.
    UP  -  35 words
  • 23 12 MILAN. Sun Italy beat Egvrtt by five coals to one in their Woiiri Cup soccer match here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 454 12 A record number of 190 boats took i tl part in the R.A.F. Chang) Yacht Club's sixth annual two-day rcsalta which was held at Chansi over the weekend. Highlight of the meetinc was tht Allcomers Handicap race over a 12--mlle course on Saturday. Seventyfour boats
    454 words
  • 100 12 SYDNEY Sun VY r IC Seixas. holder of the Wimble- Irn title and United States' i.o. 2 player, was laken to four se's by Austtalia'.- former !e\din. Jobonjr OBrien. here ye>terciay iti the first round of -he AU<traUxn men s lswn tennis sinc'.e^ championship. The
    100 words
  • 103 12 26 TO START TRAINING ON THURSDAY FROM 1 Singapore i (>rs will go training In Tor tho Colo against thi Indian Hocki tion team Brsar starj matrh. Tho players, narrn nisht. are: A.iit Singh. R, Hon i Coutts, V, ii' :int. f r- ma nando S G Hay, Klrpal n
    103 words
  • 33 12 A draw gave Selangor Thivy Shield ior the yesterday mon Selangoi more 11 Sincanore Ii Tnrec- sent a powerful He continue but m the I inued oei ;a\e awa] till rajah, captati team.
    33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 822 12 CLASS I FIED ADVERTISEMENTS iniiiti-irii from Pat» <) SITI ITIONS 11*1 ft H,,rrf. I »f." I n-r M •'> r,lrtl. WAN lesman Good rem and prospect. Apply Box A BRITISH Engineering Firm in umpur Invites applications frosa niiiie stenographers. < j.r.ienred persons vwih sound know- accurate and i heir work
      822 words
    • 910 12 TUITION M Wordt tS (Min.)— Box it rlt. txlrm. PRIVATE Tuition only 1.400 pupils out of 2,500 passed Std. VI entrance exam. U953i don't let your hilditn down! Consult qualified specialised Sid. V teachers. Box A 2634, ST. PRIVATE Tuition two years work in one for primary children in schools.
      910 words
    • 799 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE GENERATOR Mrlaren-Brush so!;--rontained Diesel-Electric Generating set. GeneratinK a current of 85 kilowatts. 400 440 volts 3 phase. 50 cycles (230 250 volts single phase V Perfect condition, very little used. Apply Box A 2638. S.T. VEHICLES FOR SALE I* *->.*» «4 < Mi*.)— Box rlt rxlrm
      799 words
    • 159 12 MORE SPOi<f—Pll W-^'i HEALTHY I used to be alraid to look in my I Hked ni> fneod ihc itcn mirror. So very often my eyes were lo\cl> c\cs. "Opt tired, red nmined and unattractive.. said. "Yours can K S<»i uscdOptrcx rct:ul.'.M>. .uul soon m> ambaiMJ my e\es becdme briglii ancj
      159 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 56 12 Bvoon S.( -B v St. AndrruN in; padang (Mr. Battvi; K. Siss KNAS at Sembawang (Maj. Farr). HOCKKY JIMOR X.0.: nmhinrd Schools II v (able Wireless. I replay i Karrer Park KRIKXDI.Y: S.R.C. SUB I'" lice, at SKC S.( A' v M at CSC SOCCER BREWERIES LEAOI'E: Bonn.i VisU Ranger*
      56 words