The Straits Times, 23 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times fie**** Kstablished 1845 SINGAPORE, SATIRDAY, JANUARY 23, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 260 1 West will unite to reject invitation to Red China I- DEN FLIES TO TALKS LONDON, Friday. ISritish Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony den, lieu into Berlin today for Monday 1 I (Mir Foreign Ministers' conference dcterled to say "nn" along with the United States France t<>
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  • 69 1 HE'S AN AMATEUR HOUDINI Hanging from a cinema roof BANGING head clown and escaping from a str.iit.tackrl suspender! from the roof of the Granada The.itrr. Tootinc, nndfin, is 11 vcar-old locksmith Nick Jansnn. an amateur escapologist who following in the footsteps of the late Hotidini. Janson has already cone one
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 108 1 I UMPUR, Fri s 1 :s. m•nmittee render- 8 been r< killed last ilr.l ot police Mi Fatt. c memu;in. a nmunl- A woman terroriat wag Killed yesterday by a Datroj <>l the Royal West Konts in the Bfiitons area of Pahang Another terrorist
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  • 94 1 OFF TO KHARTOUM iiATKIELD. 'Herts.!. Vv: Britain's latest version of the grounded Comet jet airliner the Series II took off for the \:rica n Sudan at 0740 GMT to day in a bid to cut in half the record time for the 3.064-mile flight to
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  • 174 1 Took 3 days to master text KUALA LUMPUR. Fri 4 "VOICE" aircraft circled J\ the U'.u Klang and Ulu Semenvih areas of Selangor today and broadcast a mestafi mad, by the High Com- j mlssloner. Gen* nil Sir Gerald Templer In Chinese. In an
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  • 77 1 Is it a crime if brassiere falls off? NAPLES. Fri. THE Public Prosecutor here has dug- into his law books to deck V this pressing problem: Is it a wilful crime if an actress' brassiere falls off whiK. she's on the stage? That happened on Tuesday night to shapely Gilria
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  • 39 1 MOSCOW. Fri— Sir William Hayter, British Ambassador, and Mr. Charles E. Bnhlen. American Ambassador, today delayed their departure for the Foreicn Ministers' conference in Berlin when their aircraft developed engine trouble shortly before take off. Rcuter.
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  • 536 1 DEATH cheats Madam T And she sobs: I'm so sorry to be still alive MADAM THAm Death didn't keep a date, so she weeps .she said. They went to Madam Tham to see if she was still alive. She was. The story of Madam Tham. whose prediction or bet death
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  • 31 1 KARACHI. Fri. Railway I authorities announced that 60 were killed and 50 injured in the crash of the Pakistan Mail Express about 70 miles from Karacni yesterday. A.P.
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  • 33 1 BERLIN. Fri. Telephone connections between Commui OUt East Berlin and the Allied i Sector, cut off by thRussians 19 months ago. were restored today for the BiR Four Conference. A.P.
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  • 90 1 KUALA LUMPUR Kn. C COPIES ot the 38-page lay lor arbitration award wert received in Kuala Lumpur to day. The Labour Department im mediately distributed them to the Malayan Plantinig Industries Employers Association and the Pan -Malayan Rubber Workers' Union. The copies were sent
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  • 25 1 SEOUL Fri A Korean newspaperman. Chung Kuk Un aged 35. convicted of espionage. face s death by a firing sauad tomorrow. UP.
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  • 62 1 'WE WANT GIB' MADRID. Fri —A crowd of several hundreds demonstrated outside the British Embassy Madrid today carrying Spanish flags and shouting "We want Gibraltar." In other demonstrations crowds broke 20 windows of tne home of the British vice-con-sul in Granada and hoisted '.he Spanish flag over
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  • 36 1 A 45-year-old Chinese vnman hawker lost $1,000 in c i h and about $500 worth of jewellery when fire broke out in her room in Upper Chin Chew Street, Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 19 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri._ Bombers and lighters struck at Communist terrorist targets in Johore. pahang and Kelantan today
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  • 127 1 Carrier damaged— stoker arrested LONDON. Fri A STOKER mechanic was arrested aboard Britain's bigpest and newest aircraft '•artier, the 36,000-ton Eagle it nevonport today, following the discovery of damage in her engine room. The seaman. Stoker H M. 'Kirk, will br> court-martiallcd tomorrow. The Admiralty said t!ie damage was minor
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  • 244 1 French ask: Who told rebels of imminent attack? PARIS, Friday. FRENCH security agents in Indo-China were trying to discover today who had informed the Communists about the new powerful French offensive on the Annam coast. French troops landing at Thuy Hoa about 100 kilometres north of Nhatrang.
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  • 148 1 TRAPPED BY BLAZING MACHINE 4 MOTORCYCLIST was fatally burned yesterday when his machine caught fire after striking a stone pillar at the junction of Middle Road and Beach Road. Singapore. Low Kirn Yuan was riding along Beach Road towards his home In Minto Road
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  • 43 1 NAIROBI Fri. Men ol the King's African Rifles killed nine Mau Mau i n th" Nyeti ciistrict last night and srresl ed 11 it wa.s announced todaj The troops recovered two rifles 13 home-mad° rifles and ammunition. Reuter.
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  • 178 1 Villagers report explosion KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. ■"THE AUSter aircraft which disappeared while on a reconnaissance flißhi yesterday was reported today to have crashed In the lunfcle 20 miles east Of Kuala Lumpur. Villagers In the Sungei Lul ares ol Ulu Langal said that they had heard
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  • 53 1 < (iMI I SETS V U RE< ORD KHARTO M I n Bri tain's latest let Cornel ar rived here today al IMM CM I on Bight from lon dun bavins, completed tin ::.'i' -niic Bighl in si\ boot '.M minutes al an :i\ei,i i speed af IM
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  • 28 1 CAIRO ri. Sir Ralph Ste venson, British Amb i idor I the Eg; rnmeni promurder yesterday ol two British "1near Ismailia, :m Emb ;iid today Ri
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 PERFECT AFTER CURRY" ICE CREAMS "Ah! L fi fter"l2 For your hc.ilrh'i $^kc 9^^9^E drink No. I Beehive JF/ JZSr 6r,indy xn old tsvou- i^^^^^Hr rite for over 50 yjrs in V A product of Franco. S^ jl N2I BEEHIVE P| BRANDY
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    • 79 1 HO HONG OIL MILLS. 45.041H1A51 S*O«( TCI »»-5">U In Sichn«st When no other food* can b» lalirn Ov.-llmo will sustain you It* rich body building •Iftmcnti. malt and egg*, will restore youi health and strength w In Health Ovaltine helps renew flagging energy, restoring irayed nerves, giving you the "will
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  • 71 2 SIX BODIES FOUND INCHON. Fn. Port authorities today raised to 29 the number of mm missing and fd yesterday when a landing ship swamped a smaller craft loaded with U.S. Marim chon harbour Officials said six bodies have been recovered lrom the harbour. The toll
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  • 290 2 11 families to make way for World Bank experts KUALA I.r.MPI'R, Friday. ITLKVFA top-grade Kuropean Government J officers and their families have had to leave their homes to make way for the International Rank Mission, arriving in Kuala Lumpur next week. The Government officers were living
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  • 183 2 THEY SAW QUEEN THROUGH MIRRORS CHRISTCHURCH, Fri. SPECIAL mirrors were used today to give members of a cinema audience sitting in the stalls a good view of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arriving in the circles. The people below followed the progress of the Queen and her husband
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  • 54 2 HONG KONG, Fri.— Burma's Assistant Attorney-General, U Chan Tun Aung, arrived here today on his way to Tokyo to straighten out legal matters concerning the Burmese Consulate General building there He said there was the question of the ownership of the building, but refused to elaborate. He
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  • 33 2 CALCUTTA, Fri.— lndia's foreign trade recovery Jumped considerably last December v. hen a favourable oaicice of more than 120 million rupees was recorded, according to official statistics just released here. A.P.
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  • 31 2 BEIRUT. Fri —The Premier j Mr. Abdullah Yafi. yesternay said that the Arab delegation had reached complete hfrefrment on all Issues, at the recent Arab League meeting in Cairo— A.P.
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  • 239 2 Hotel 'discrimination' alleged JAKARTA. Friday. INDONESIAN police have arrested Mr. E. E. Evenhuis. 1 a Surabaya newspaper editor, and the manager of a Dutch-owned hotel as the outerowth of alleged discrimination by the Simpang Hotel against Dr. Iskak Tiokrohadisoerjo, the Economic Minister. The hotel manaser. Mr.
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  • 121 2 WASHINGTON Fn OEPRESENTATIVE Clark jIV Thompson yesterday -aid that he would protest to President Eisenhower against the I proposal tn rl(\s( the Texas Cl I ty Texas tin smelter. Tin. he said, must \v able in large quantities to maintain industrial production i tor peace
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  • 127 2 BANGKOK. Fri. SIAITI army and pclice have redoubled their patrols in thr capital and the bis suburb Of Thonburi. across the Ch.m Phya River, and an against any attempts ol Cornpoll* c Gem ral Phao sriyunond last nicht ordered troops and police to guard all
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  • 135 2 KUAL\ :,UV)PUR. ITi i MOTION Will br intrc- ducrd it rnursdays Munip.\l C'oj icii meeting by Mr. I G V Thaver. a nominated member at thr Council and president of thr Selangor Ma i.iyan Indian Association, ask- ing for the appointment >>[ ,i
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  • 111 2 They arr teaching; Frenchmen how to kiss or so it seems from this pn lure. But really it is only Henri Heroin makinc his new film. "The Intriguers", in France and he is placing the stars' heads in the exact position he wants for
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  • 115 2 Elephants terrorise a village TELI K ANSON. Fri. A HERD nf wild elephants is terrorising villagers at Sungei Dun. in a k;uii|!(i'i; on the Pcrak river opposite Batak Rabit Tillage, about four miles from here. For the past four days ihe elephants have been causing havoc in the area. They
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  • 59 2 MANILA, Fri— The Philippines Vice-Presldent and Foreign Secretary. Senor Car!').P. Garcia, is reported planning a tour of friendly South-Ea.<t Asian states. Including Malaya (soon. Accordlnp to sources close to Malaccanan Palace (the Philippines White House 1. the projected trip may be made either In the
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  • 145 2 LAGOS. Fri. rE SOUTHERN Cameroon a territory under British trusteeship, is to become a separate region of the Nigerian Federation, with a regional legislature of its own African political leaders decided today. They approved a proposal for an Improved political status for the Southern
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  • 68 2 ANOTHER four American destroyers, the USS Ammen. Cogswell. Ingersoll and Knapp. htp expected in Singapore today. A United States Naval spokesman In Singapore said that the four ships are from Korea and are now on their way back to America. The fleet will stay in
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  • 191 2 NOW HE MA V SPEND MONTH IN GAOL A BOY who wanted to s^r Malaya so badly that he stowed away on a ship may have to spend the next month in (?aol. I Mohamed Miriahath, 20 of Colombo, was fined $100.
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  • 255 2 Insurance charge dismissed •THE use of a motor vehirlr by an Milkens* A docs not necessarily Invalidate the Insurance against the holder, a Sincap.irp lawyei M r Green, argued successfully in a traflic ;,.,li 1 yesterday. I Mr. Green was criticising police wh( crane
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  • 25 2 MANILA. Fri— An Inrtone sian Students' Association has been formed in the Philippines to encourage friendship be--1 tween Indonesian and Filipino students— U.P
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  • 22 2 WABHTNOTI Attorni Brown i I at least on< of the C been d.. Uce DepartnK dent Etsenri nrogrammr. I" P
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  • 73 2 J'KARTA. Fri. 4N arnrf-d gaig attacked ;i rubber r:,nvov near (i.irut in Hfi; Java on Mnnriav. m co-ding: to delayed reports reaching here today. The bandits burned the ruMirr and destroyed transport vehicles, c.uisins an "tied MStio (inn ii. 1 mi.. casualties were reported
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 80 2 SUNLIGHT SOAP costs even less Now 30* only w per V^^Sx Sunlight Soap now costs i even less than before. It saves m tmmm jl^ your money and your clothes I M.^ CC too! Sunlight's gentle lather gets I rid of dirt without hard rubbing. I With ordinary soaps you
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    • 83 2 U %r\ for Paresj y° ur The HHMMMI 10-ot. tin this nourishing Weaning Food As the first step towards grown-up meals, your baby Farex. This ready-cooked 9 food can be mixed in a moment with D juices, milk puddings and other foods Farex every day and you will give \>"
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  • 190 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. i \IKKK AN officials yesterday said that they expected arrangements to be made in the next peeks to evacuate another 3,000 Nationalist troops from north Burma where they fled when ommunists took oxer China. vacuation ol the 3,000 addrd to the
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  • 63 3 SOME < the licaulilul gtftl who modelled I In- latest Antonio hair styles in .1 Paris salon smile at the television camera. The programme, part (liiciiinentarv and part variety, was huill round the day to day life of the t a mous French hair stylist.
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  • 13 3 T John B> in the i Reuter
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  • 11 3 trla on cl in n with a I
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  • 44 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The Fence Department jresterday said that a United States freighter with tanks and other military U(1 equipment would reach Spain next month. Some let trailing planes would be down to Spain next month for the Spanish air U.P.
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  • 154 3 'Freedom despite A- bomb 9 KALTANI, Friday. THE INDIAN Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, said here last night that India would hold to her freedom and independence "whether atom bombs fly or anything else happens."' "We are not going In for any military alliance* with
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  • 171 3 Navy silent on super sub story LONDON, Fri. yHE Admiralty today would neither confirm nor dciy a report that the Royal Navy is secretly completing a subI marine caoable of travelling ■1 from Britain to Australia without .surfacing or refuel.biff. They were .swamped With 1 newspaper inquiries following a Daily
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  • 69 3 LONDON. Fri— The British Government has instructed its Ambassador in Cairo, St Ralph Stevenson, to take I P with the Egyptian Government the shooting of two British soldiers in the Suez Canal zone, a Foreign Office spokesman said last night. The soldiers' bodies were found early
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  • 74 3 FAR EAST TOUR LONDON. Fri— Sir Thomas Lloyd. Permanent Undersecretary for Colonial Affair.* left London by air last night on what he termed "an educational tour of the Far East. In seven weeks he will tour Borneo. Sarawak and Hon^ Kong, and will have talk.s
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  • 76 3 BONN. Fri— Dr. Konrari Adenauer, the West German Chancellor. has asked the French Government to release Dr Robert wartime German Mayor of Strasbourg. Dr Ernst wa.s released on Saturday after a French apj peal court ruled he was a Ger--1 man national and could not
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  • 46 3 BERLIN, Fri.— A batcti of 420 Qermana released from prison camps in Russia arrlTcci in East Ocrmanj yesterday. They raised to 10.221 the I tot;ii i>i German civilians and prisoners seat home undrr a I Kremlin amnesty in the past four months. AP.
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  • 19 3 IKHKRAN fn Thr Bovif>t Ambassador. Mr Anatclv Lavrentter, l^it Teheran by plmir lor Moscow yesterday -A.P.
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  • 132 3 HONG KONG. Fri J^ Chinese. Cheung Yuet Wah, today told a Kowloon inquest on a victim of the biT Hong Kong fire on Christmas night that a kerosene lamp In his hut might have fallen from a nail on the wall and broken beside
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  • 52 3 BELFAST. Fn. The Iberia. latest of the Peninsular and Orient Lines' 28.000-ton super liners, was launched h( day The [beria will complete a vast post-war building programme by the P. and O and its sister Brm. the' Orient Line, ♦o speerf up the England-Aus-tralia
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  • 45 3 TIIK LORI) Mayor of London, Sir Noel Bowatrr. holds up this little cnuhiiv with his oun gun at a party. Sir Noel ami entertaining more lh:in 1.000 Londoi. children at tne (rariitional fancy dress party at the Mansion Mouse. Topper picture
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  • 103 3 PANMUNJOM. Fri. TWENTY-ONE Americans and 328 other pro Red prisonera MtW tonight they will .sit tight in their compound In Korra'.s neulral zonr when Indians euards lravr Ihrm on thPir own at mirinicht Thr Indian Command had warned again thai thr Pnw.ii
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  • 245 3 LONDON. Fri. /"'LOSING prlCCi of selected slocks were: LOANS Consols "i* Funding 4% 101 Wir 3<y r 844 BANKS Morrantlle < 1 1 2 a 24 Honekong i»l2S> 95' 1 Bwtatn <r.M Chartered iil 41 i 6 Uom»\k% 195W-59 £94 \2 6d INSURANCE I Coin. Un. (Ott.) 12\
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Jan 22. Cash Buyers CMS; Sellers tfiST 1 Forward Buyers t630; Sellers f 632' 2 Settlement K.6a'i i Turnover a.rr. CO tons; p.m. 55 tons.
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  • 41 3 LONDON. Jan. 22— Spo' lfi\<l Fob lfi\d.. Mar lfi \d Apr. -June 18 .d July-Sept lfi -r Oct. -Dec lfi id Jan ct f lfi 5 lfiri PPb ct.f. lfi 5 16<1.. Mar. c.t.f. 16 7 16. Tone: Easier.
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  • 40 3 LONDON. Fri— Britain exported £25.761.818 worth of radio equipment in 1953. the R;.dio Industry Council said yesterday. This was an all-time record, being over £1 million more than the previous recori of £24.500.000 for 1952— Renter
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  • 40 3 NEW YORK. Fri— The riuard lof Trade yesterday said that the Egyptian Ambassador. Mr. Ahmed Hussein, had cancelled plans to address them on January 27 because he must remain in Cairo "for mailers i ol state".— AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 ENGLISH .ELECTRIC MOTORS Lister Engineering l.lilj tOERATION l*uV~, 1 H 1■- 'r\ CASH 5970 UN" ty I Li [ISM. Rom |r— -J" y £&C R€FRIG€RfITOR
      25 words
    • 104 3 M A treat tfj to cat PHEASANT! Ja Tiy the North Chins variety fordiaivet Ntt to nitlht with :i!l (he ;vinimini«s you fin CJ Imij from Cold Storn^v- I lusc .ire piunip 3 jj :in<l tender WircU, impoilcd in tlu-ir *?H' plosM^c .m<l destined u> «1 wonden to 10 appetite*
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  • 181 4 CAN'T EAT RUBBER SAYS GOVT Grow more food campaign KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. SMALLHOLDERS in Kedah have been told by the Department of Agriculture: "You can-i not eat rubber. Now is the time to convert some of your old rubber land into a food producing area." This is contained in 20.000
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  • 102 4 Inspector was the customer... O. M. Abdul H.itiiird a shonkeeper, told the Singapore City Police magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, yesterday that he sold a packet of cigarettes on closing day because the customer was a labour inspector. Hamced said this in mitigation after pleading guilty to failing to mi
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  • 19 4 Mr I G. John. Assistant Director 01 Meteorological Services. Malaya has been appointed a Deputy Director. I
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  • 159 4 Council will get its first petition KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. I^HE PUBLIC petition against the criminal procedure code amendment Bill is to be presented to the Federal LeKtslative Council next week. Sponsors of the prote&t will submit the petition to the Speaker of the Legislative Council in time for the Council
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  • 55 4 Assistant Commissioner '>1 Police. Singapore. Mr. W. J. A Parks, escaped injury when i car he was travelling in overturned in Scotts Road after being involved in an accident with another car He was on the way to work "I suffered no more than a
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  • 22 4 Savings bank :acilities will be available to the public at the Jo 0 Chiat Post Otlice. Singapore, from February 1
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  • 197 4 Taxi and bus collided woman sues BOTH WERE NEGLIGENT, SHE SAYS j VI RS. Mabel A. Martin was injured when the taxi in which she was riding and a bus collided. In the I Singapore High Court yesterday she and her husband. (Walter Martin, claimed damages from the bus comi.
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  • 68 4 HE PREACHES EVANGELISM BY TELEVISION AMERICAS television cvangellft, Dr. Percy B. Oruw- lord, arrives in Singapore today with his wife and the Television Trio. They will hold three jro s pel j meeting! at The Life Churrh in Prinsep Street today, tomorrow and Monday. Dr. Crawlord, who is on a
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  • 71 4 Six of seven youths orig'n- rlly charged with the attemptMl murder of a Chinese boy early this month, were yester- i day discharged by the Juvenile Court. The remaining defendant was released on bail. He will come up for trial on Jan. 29 on an
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  • 55 4 Education rate in rural Singapore this year will be one per cent of the annual value of all houses building* lands and tenements Water rate and taxes >n all carnages, carts, wagons trlshas and tricycles kept or used .Mthin the rural area are n!.<-o ■.niblished
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  • 39 4 The Orphans Scout Gioup will hold a camp fire toniuht at Loronc 29. Geylane. to commemorate its fourth anniversary. Dr. A. If. Al<a?off. Assistant Commissioner. Singapore Scouts, will open the car. 5 fire.
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  • 43 4 Inspector D De Cruz has been appointed actine Deputy Superintendent of Police. Singapore, in place of Mr. T. F. Flynn who has resumed ciuty as Deputy Superintendent. Inspector It R. Balakrishnan has ceased to act as an Assistant Supjrlntaniir.t of Police.
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  • 27 4 Mr. W. C. Taylor has resumed duty as Financial Secretary. Singapore. Mr. H Shaw, acting deputy financial sreretary, ceases to act as Financial Secretary.
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  • 17 4 Mr. P. Rajaratnam. AS. P.. has been appointed an actine Deputy Superintendent of Police. Singapore.
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  • 324 4 The 'worst state in Malaya for water supply SIR GERALD VISITS A HOUSE WHERE THE TAP DOESN'T RUN TILL 2 a.m. ALOR STAR, Friday. CIX HUNDRED THOUSAND people in the towns, villages and kampongs of Kedah have poor water supplies. That is almost the entire population of the state. In
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  • 39 4 CLOSE-l'P picture of th e 7 003 -ton Russian freighter Noßin shows the gun turrets at her st» m. Built in I!)1D in the United States, the Nogin arrived in Singapore yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 92 4 ROPE ABOVE The decomposed body of a man has been found in a forest reserve off Macßitchie R?ser- voir. Singapore. A rope was hanging from a Dranrh above. Death la believed to have taken place within th.-> last three months. A pair of white tennis
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  • 133 4 The Commodore speaks Enrilisj pOMMODORE Pavel Pshenov, V/ 41-year-old Russian fleet commander, sailed into Singapore yesterday with 17 new fishing boats and a 1.600-ton refrigerated fish carrier Speaking fluent E Commode re Pshenov told the Straits Time.* yesterday that this was his
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  • 62 4 2 FOUND DEAD IN HUT Couple hud heard arguing A CHINF found di their hut In Tawa Of I poll. Hor M luarrellin tboul 3 i ;ind four. foui lianain the hall. On the .>• *-;is Hn r M Vine I; wound nn hi ■>ta:nrri axr wa the bed. The
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  • 35 4 KL'AI.A LI Sir Onu bin J cast to the youl try on F arv 1. Hi.s m< the blue Malaya at 8 and 8.10 ;> m On the re at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 TIR#m7J /> THE UNIVERSAL Jt*\ >x TOOL FOR LIFTING AND PULLING OPERATION Whether you w^nt a winch or 8 tickle TIRFOR it the one you need Duo »o lis;ht weight, imranMncouj working and Hrxibility. it is the ft worksite hoist. II mi i I MODEL 'SUPER' I HARRISONS CROSFIELD
      154 words
    • 30 4 rV/WbLi> Ig^^WHHi me v pretty and |kj^^^| sdys J|g|L_^ TOILET SOAP j -;i "*ffi. fc^9N^c3 Like all the loveliest si |njj| **O^ fragrant, creamy Wk 0^" I LUX TOILET SOAP
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 474 4 SINGAPORE DIARY TODAY I" 1 Ormislon, Madeleine Pearson. PuUu Trkong. Opening of new Orphan Buys Seoul (iroup: Fourth Roy Moirell and J. H. E. Flak, police station, school and cilnic 4 Uiniversarj '.inipflre. 80. Loronc 29. British Counril Hall. Stamford p.m. OeyUng, R P4n. Openinß by Dato Rr«nd. 9 a.m.
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  • 295 5 GUNS LOST THROUGH LAMENTABLE LACK OF SAFEGUARD SINGAPORE Assize Court judge yesterday! rebuked the RAF, Seletar, authorities for a "thoroughly deplorable situation" and a lamentable lack of safeguard." Mr. Justice Knight made these comments at the trial of Suep bin Dollah and Ahmad bin Haji Mansoor.
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  • 143 5 'Gaol me or I'll be beaten up' -PLEA TO COURT S. JARNAIL Singh told a' Singapore magistrate ye.sterday, that he would nuher go to gaol than be bound over. 1 He was convicted of assaulting I Pritam Singh. Jarnail. who was alleged to be a mfcfnier of a secret society,
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  • 59 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri The problem of destitutes and aged people in Bukit Mertajam district is to be examined by a medal committee to be set ".p shortly. The District Welfare Committee, at its annual general meeting yesterday, agreed th.a this committee should make recommendations
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  • 17 5 Mr. T. K. Alexander nas succeeded Mr. R. B. I Pates as the Singapore Coronor.
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— All Government offices and buildings will be decorated on Federation Day, February 1. Business houses are also asked to decorate their premises. remises.
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  • 202 5 $594 arrears of maintenance MR. TAN AH TAH, a Singapore judge, made no order yesterday in a case in which Hector Beaumont Clarke was asked to show why he should not be sent to prison for not complying with an English court order in
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  • 120 5 THAT'S OLD AS THE HILLS -MAGISTRATE A SINGAPORE magistrate yesterd. told a shop proprietor who was charged with failing to remain entirely closed on a specified closins; day that the story he told was as old as the hills. After pleading guilty. G. B. Mahtani told the magistrate. Mr. J.
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  • 24 5 The troopship Asturias will arrive in Singapore this morninn from Britain on its ways to Kure. Thrre are no majoiunits on board.
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  • 59 5 PENANG. Fri— Mr. J R. H Burns, Chief Police Officer, and Mr. J. R. Cole, offlcer-in-charee. criminal investigations are among the passengers from Penang boarding the Corfu which sails at 4 am tomorrow. Mr. Burns and his wile are going on leave while Mr. Cole is
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  • 52 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The Federations first electrical iron smelting furnace, which will cut down casts by 20 per cent., was installed in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Chines^ foundry owners came from Perak to .see how it works. It is at a Chinese foundry at Chn Sow
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  • 58 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. While cross-examining a vitness in the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate's Court today, the prasecuting police officer, Mr. I Sudarshan Singh, received news that his father had died. The magistrate. Inche Ismail, adjourned the court and the case of house trespassing against Rama
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  • 49 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— The UMNO branch here has given 70 yards of cloth to the prison for the prisoners to make costumes for their shows. As the quantity is 30 yards 'short of requirements the District Welfare Committee has decided to give the rest
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  • 40 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.—Abdul Had: bin Nagankan, in whose house at Sungai Boh i Customs officers found 10 Ib 'of Siamese tobacco on Dec. tf. was fined $1,200, in default 12 months gaol in the Session.-. Court. Pontian. yesterday.
    40 words
  • 181 5 STREETS in the Sennett housing estate, Singapore, are unlikely to be taken over as pubi lie roads by the City 1 Council until they have all been completed to the I satisfaction of the City Engineer. A council commit tec has directed that
    181 words
  • 228 5 ]YJ ALAYAN students of social science may be able to Join a flying classroom which the San Francisco State University hopes to get off the ground in June. The University Is now working out the details of the scheme
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  • 175 5 PROBLEM FOR STORE CITY COUNCIL THE price of water to Singapore domestic consumers A may go up if the City Council introduces fluoridation to improve the supply. The alternative, says the City Treasurer, is for nondomestic consumers to carry the cost of fluoridation $100,000
    175 words
  • 94 5 Court has a cure for headaches Singapore Pol'.ce Magistrate yesterday remarked that his court has an infallible case for headaches and stomachaches. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn made this remark when Lim Seng Lew. said that he was absent from a previous hearina due to a headache. Lim. who was charged
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  • 64 5 Soldier on patrol drowned PRIVATE J. G. ANNDARS, 18, of the Ist East York*, was drowned in the Melanti River, north-west of Kluanc on Tuesday while on a training patrol. He slipped into the swollen river. The body was recovered on the following day. Pte. Annriars, who hailed from Hull.
    64 words
  • 41 5 TAIPING, Fri.— A farewell dinner party was given by leading residents to Mr. Archibald Claude Till, assistant O.SP.C. and hLs wife. Mr. Ti'.l is going on long leave to New Zealand. H* has been here three yar.s.
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  • 23 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri. Mr. Chan Ewe Pin has been elected chairman of the Bukit Mertajam Adult Education Association for this year.
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  • 210 5 MR. GOODE PAYS A VISIT TO SATA THE last thine the x Colonial Secretary. Mr. W. A C. Goorip. saw on an official visit to sata rday intrrrstrd him most: the Clinic's thrairrttc "Is this for the .staff he a^keri Dr G H. Garlick "No, for the patients, Dr Garlick
    210 words
  • 65 5 PENANG. Fri.— Police are seeking the co-operation of employers in entorcing the curfew in Jelutong. "Employers could help as Immediately if they would arrange working hours of emliving in the curfe* thai they could return home before curfew," a spokesman >aid. No further applications for curfew passes
    65 words
  • 116 5 yyHEN Singapore's Victoria Theatre is reconditioned soon, one thing that will be missing from its present site will be the bar. A City Council committee has recommended that the bar oc removed and the entire "bar" corridor be incorporated in the theatre. But
    116 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 The wHofe m jj llAn&t Hi I s JTJ _j J J J_A TYRES TUBES {*jt\ SHEWAN, TOMES CO., LTD.^ I yf/ MARDEN HOUSE. SINGAPORE TEL. ***** J r actorv'so le, ag en t* an d repair/service station lon lor ARCADE BLDG. RA FF LLS PL. SINGAPORE PP3B j Mullard
      113 words
    • 133 5 Iftk. 7~~7~ jiomli. HiMaHfils^^r- m 1 \V' 1 'Jo« Market, M^ma, \\>»t Africa I I I |nni o M]%". i'&UjjjE 53' Ll -1 I A Canttrn at Kidderporr. India I K-nt* Hnnw, Manntim Best in Every Way "Arcon" structures ire designed and manuEconomy factured to specifications that ensure that the
      133 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 218 5 ciurADAor Palace of Varleti<>s 900 Ja c ub alNuArUnt 9.30 lime Slunal :md News; 9.4S The Tango; 10.00 Strike Up The 7.15 lime Slkikil ruid Announce- B nd nOO close Down, imrnt V.lfi Morning Star; 7.30 News: I .4 Melody Mixture; 8.30 Hospital.- BBC Hilf-Hour 9.00 Close Down 12.00 PiOKiammes
      218 words

  • 55 6 >• Worit tin (mimmumt OW PEDANT a remind; ellence. HIGHLY n El£IE MAR^ U5.1 bA Uvenmc I High btreev Singapore VV. P. r I i i A\e. C A MENON of Sil pur at the .S:: Temple. South Bj t-ations issued All friends are \ve'.rome MALAYAN 3 will be
    55 words
  • 18 6 111 fiord- .W" mm. mum) MR J DOBINSON MR CVS ••.15 tele phone Number is now 881
    18 words
  • 768 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Sat Jan. 23, 1954. Navarre Hits Back The recapture of Thakhek and the French-Vietnamese landings on the Annamite coast nut a :i"\v complexion on the Indo-China war. But it would be alm<»st aa easj to <~\ importance of General Navarre's offensives as it was to the
    768 words
  • 487 6 Another attempt may be made by the Malayan rubber (industry to secure Indonesia-. I support for a buffet stock proposal to be put before the next meeting of the International Rubber Study Group. If reports of the Randall Commission's recommendations are correct, the American attitude may be
    487 words
  • 1152 6  -  CYNICUS JWHHS UK3R the criminally r disposed the profession of kidnappins; offers in this country rich reward with perhaps a minimum of risk as long as society refuses co-operation with the law and relative? put tho victim's safety manifestly first. it is easy to docicie that
    1,152 words
  • 85 6 From the Straits Times of January 23. 1904 N interesting evening's entertainment was given in the Town Hall on Tuesday whpn a large number of moving pictures were presented by an Edison Cinematograph, which Is nn tour in charge ol two gentlemen who have exhibited it in
    85 words
  • 707 6 A MALAYSIAN NOTEBOOK THERE IS a fascination in the superlative. It afflict Americans more than most. But I too, am not exempt from the thrill of feeling that I stand, for ins.ance. on the most southerly point of the Asian mainland, especially when it lies within an hour's run of
    707 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 }l> Horrf« $10 i minimum) ENOM t«een Philip I •l. eldest O)h Yew be'weei the only Ml and the late Mrs Wong Kok Hir Au the ?n W.i».'> «/n i m.timum) Dr T I ,v Mrs fc. R Knshnnn nd Miss SITIATIONs VACANI It Hord. »j |Hiii-8»i J« rl« exlrm.
      527 words
    • 74 6 Now Foolproof Movie-Making with the World's f% Most Amazing^!!,, THIS famous "dream' rampra >^kr\ '■nit of movie makyoii perfect exposures without the nuisance of bulky exposure meters Secret is the amaz- rlrrtric "eye a buiit-m ouplfd to both lenses n .-rrt Y^u look through the tmrirr, line up two need'r
      74 words
      211 words

  • 393 7 They ARE worth $375,000 judge decides COLLECTOR OF ESTATE DUTY WINS CASE KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. SI PRKMK Court judjjc ruled today in Kuala Lumpur that the 2,500 Roustcad and Company harts owned by the late Mr. J. R. Young, a former director of the company, were
    393 words
  • 18 7 MURDER TRIAL RE-OPENS .ludqc dismism assessors MPUR. Fn. Court I. M: they c me lived in lining he
    18 words
  • 65 7 SUFTY FIRST posters on the proper us< ol buso be distributed by t h< traffic police fur display bus shelters and schools Three thousand copie- with words in English, and other vernacular aye been printed. >•■ distributed to Singapore Traction Company ;ind othtr bus
    65 words
  • 47 7 Mrs V A. C. Goode. wife of the Colonial Secretary. Singapore, yesterday opened an exhibition of Indian arts and at the Ghandhi MeHnll in Race Course I The exhibition will be open daily trom 930 am. to 5.30. p.m. till Tuesd
    47 words
  • 49 7 The architect employed to prepare a layout lor the Jurong Road sit) for the Nanyang University has been informed in ■•vrtting by the Singapore Improvement Trust that thi site a:is n.' 1 considered unsuitable for a university Mr T. P F McNeice. the Trust chairman said yesterday.
    49 words
  • 22 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fr:.— total of 957 assessors have oeen appointed for Selangor for this year Their names were gazetted vMrrdav.
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  • 159 7 Teresa, 24, has no boy friends ITNLIKE many other singers. Teresa Liang Ping (Water Blossom), never wanted to become a film star, but the film world beckoned to her recently and it looks as if she will answer. Teresa, one of Hong Kong's
    159 words
  • 72 7 Office-bearers of the stneaDore Army Civil Service Union. Town Branch, for the year are: Chairman. Mr. Tan Hai Tong: secretary. Mr. S. A Gomet; treasurer. Mr. Yonjj Pwee Seng: stores personnel representative. Mr. P K. A. Nair: auditor- Messrs. Ahmad Jabri bin Mohamed Akib and L. Vincent:
    72 words
  • 214 7 Streets blocked, say police SINGAPORE police yesterday afternoon suddenly i"^ descended on Chinatown hawkers while they were sellins goods for the Chinese New Year. Handcarts and road-side stalls were torn down, smashed and pushed into drains. Several hawkers who possesi licences complained that the ■"•lice
    214 words
  • 61 7 I ier- j by Mr Denis D'Cotta. for the Assignee, said 'hat Nonls had paid altogether, by nts. $850. and with should be sum- 1 cient rr.oney to pay a dividend of more that. 50 per cent. N inls 'old Mr
    61 words
  • 119 7 TANJONG MALIM. Fri. A KUALA LUMPUR bound helicopter made fore 1 landing in a lallang swamp ibout 100 yards from Behrany police post nine miles nortn it here yesterday. The helicopter cr;i.*ri-lander! :nto waM deep water A witness said that n.s the plane
    119 words
  • 22 7 THIS WAS the scene after \< --terday alt. rniMin's police sortie on hawkers in Chinatown. Straits Times nirture.
    22 words
  • 61 7 The Ri>v. and Mrs. Nga Hcim Chleng, associate pastors > ;at the Fan iield Methodist > Church. Singapore, for th few yean, have been > transferred to the We-sley h MethodLst Church. Sitlawan 5 Perak. S\ Th" Rev. and Mrs Wong Hoon Hee, formerly of
    61 words
  • 45 7 ROWDS OF VII.I.U.KKS visited Madam Tham\ hut ><■•.- terday after reading of her "appointircnt" with death. Picture shows some of them outside the hut. .MADAM THAM, clNappoinW d that the God of Heaven had "rejected" her. packs her death clothes.
    45 words
  • 85 7 New maximum prices «f << gold to t><> sold or offered for salt' to authorised dealers .n Singapore were announced oy s the Controller of Foreign Ex- > change, Mr. W. C. Taylor, ia.^ 1 i night. The rates are: Gold of 900 > lini in
    85 words
  • 304 7 IPOH. Fri AN associate jiustice of the United States Supreme l! Court. Mr. William Douglas, remarked in a recent speech 1 that there is a total absence I of hysteria and passion in i Malayan criminal trials. ju>tice Douglas visited Malaya 1
    304 words
  • 113 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fn THE FEDERAL Leglslativ Council, which ny Wednesday, will be asked recommend to *he High Comm'ssioner that the taxation advisory committee should be dissolved. This committee ot nin^ nvmber.s was formed :n Decembt-r 1950. under the chairmanship of the ySecretary, to advise
    113 words
  • 26 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. A "Ball of the Year" in aid m the V.W.C.A. fund will bo Held at ihr Residency here on Febniavy 6.
    26 words
  • 57 7 He went on a visit and was stabbed Wllil E Mr. Tan Ah K W< Bthlll Road, Singapore day, a man walked |n and demanded protection money froni him He '■> ed an was stabbed with a knife Mr. Tans Iri^nri punched the man and pinned him down until police
    57 words
  • 40 7 body <>i the second man I ngah River, Sin i venlng He wa a Akiah bin n rtnl \"nn. 35. The hndy ol hi frl 'tin. Samad bin Buai Irowivri wll nn Thursday morning.
    40 words
  • 20 7 Mr A T Head, programme assistant m the Departn of B- M ha been appointed a Dcuuty tor
    20 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 yjj Every moment 7/ttf^ Every mile-uith Economy Hire a /E-YOURSELF CAR i would expect to tour Britain and the cm in a Daimler Mire DRIVE- YOURSELF car! Step CM plane into new model HILI MAN or XHALL S.i loon. Complete itineraries planned and route- Free oil and Insurance, if A
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 299 8 A man can't do justice to more than 1 wife— women HANDBILL ATTACK PLANNED Till Singapore Women's Council claims that Muslim men are interpreting the Koran to suit their own purposes on marriage and divorce. The Council will distribute 5,000 handbills among Malay kampong dwellers, attacking the men's inter- pretation.
    299 words
  • 76 8 SINGAPORE Government is seeking authority for excess spending totalling 528.040.«7n.01 over the authorised expenditure for 1952. A Bill to this effect will be laid before the Legislative Council at its next meeting. A Government spokesman last night explained that the extra expenditure had been
    76 words
  • 221 8 NO GREAT SELLING PRESSURE On rubber market rpHE pattern of the rubber X market has again been much the same with prices surging towards the end of the week. There has been moder:it.- trade and factory support each day and. though sellers have met the market, there I has at
    221 words
  • 53 8 To celebrate Chinese New Year, the Singapore Civil Defence Association will hold a "China Night" dance at its premises in Kolam Aye r Lane on Feb. 6. Members are expected to wear Chinese costume— the ladies in cheongsam or samfoo. and the men in
    53 words
  • 43 8 The 1954 Singapore Amateur Dance Championship will bp held on February 25 and 26 at the Happy World cabaret. Four top couples will be selected to represent Sincnpore In a contest acain.-;t an Australian team arrivinc he;e on March 29.
    43 words
  • 52 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Frl. Members of the Kota Tinßfti Licensing t Excuse i Beard for this year are: the Administra- i tive Officer Kota Tinppi, (chairman 1 the District Officer, i vice-president', the MeCical Officer. Kota Tinpgi. Mr. S Sandison, Mr. T. A. D. I Menon and Mr. Koh
    52 words
  • 210 8 HE WAS CAUGHT CHEATING A MAN with six names was convicted in a Singapore court yesterday of cheating. Nordin bin Hassan, alias Malik bin Tahar alias Osiran bin Ahmad alia.s Mustapah 'jin Ahmad alia 1 Othman bin Ah- mad alias Ha&san. was
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  • 23 8 A Singapore City Council committee has rejected a proposal that the Council institute and maintain public libraries within city limits.
    23 words
  • 30 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.-Th° Johore branch of the Public Works Department Sports Club new club house in Jalan Yahaya Awal was opened oy the Teneku Mahkota o: Johore. yesterday.
    30 words
  • 39 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— The Johore State Welfare Committee- has approved for a loan of $500 to the Johore Youth Council. This Council was recently i established and needs funds to get on its feet
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  • 37 8 A British paint maker hu.< introduced an interior wallfinish designed for use in Malaya and other high humidity countries. The new finish is based on a I type of plastic emulsion paint
    37 words
  • 33 8 Mr. R A. Butler. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, tf due iti Singapore by air today from Sydney, where he ha* heen attending the Commonj wealth Finance Ministers' conI ference.
    33 words
  • 83 8 ENfiLISII racehorse trainer P. J. Vary, who is on a short visit to Malaya, 'net rm-mbprs of the racing fritermty at a dinner party civen in his honour by racehorse owner Mr. heoni; Thiam t'hye at his home on Thursday night. Above Mr. Vasey, an c*Malayan
    83 words
  • 112 8 COUNCIL TELLS HARBOUR BOARD— PAY THIS BILL SINGAPORE City Council i. asking the Harbour Boara to pay an outstanding electricity bill of more than $323,000 for 17 months' supply from July 1952 to November 1953. The Board suspended payment because it wanted the Council to reimburse it for the additional
    112 words
  • 32 8 The 8.719-ton troopship Sontay arrived in Singapore Yesterday with 700 French i troops for Saigon. The ship left soo n alter taking OB water, provisions! and hunkers j
    32 words
  • 186 8 LABOUR TO START MEMBERS CAMPAIGN THE Labour Party ol Singapore is ready to start a big membership campaign and to open several branches throughout the Colony to strengthen its position. The new president of the party, Mr. V. P. Abdullah. sav r the next annual conference, to Ibe held some
    186 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 DAY! I 6 3 0 9 3 0 CooPEßjgnf^ j color by TECHNICOLOR Released thru United Artists < S Todaj 9 .«.in "STROMBOLI" Tomorrow S .1 m THI lAZZ B— fOBB" Technicolor MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Jj k llonckonc S'inuvtrcs-. f TERESA LIANG Plus! ON SCREEN j LI LI HWA in "MADAM'S
      154 words
      225 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 377 8 I 29. Naval rer* white, and blue (6.. Straits Times Crossword 30 D1 ess -jjj; 8 S_i _S£ __a 2. This will take you several years 8 |H 9 (6). i §§Ss I 3 Par l of the engine that makes f~S SSS $$JS io $SS E^sS °ne choke <B>.
      377 words

  • 1968 9 Rescue bids thrilled the world when airship crashed at North Pole E A T U R E QN June 5, 1928, a Russian farmer near Archangel crouched with headphones over his cherished radio set listening to a concert from Moscow. Suddenly, as the music stopped, he heard a faint SOS,
    Daily Mirror  -  1,968 words
  • 349 9  -  W.E. TREVOR TREVOR ii v 'TRUE to its tradition x the Royal Navy the "Silent Service", is performing a valuable but Jittle-known of contribution to the prosecution of the Emergency. Its ships make monotonous never-ending but ever-watch-ful patrols along the Malayan coast.
    349 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 9 A rjlinit poliihet the name plate ot H.M.S. Lioness, m preparation for her return to Britain
    17 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 T FEB t\ and a Bail Point with twice the normal Ink capacity! Jusr one feature makes this the best Ball Point here, an) time! Refills, fitted in a jiffy: 55 cents. It's best to buy Platignum '-OID IMMiTATIONS \Alm> at your service! The new economy-priced SERVICE HALL POINT on
      54 words
    • 292 9 WU^i'IL (I IS/InS 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 A JOLLY HOLIDAY SPREE IN GAY PAREE' •mmmmWm to. Bull kp. RUTHERFORO p-MfcTW HARVEY inParis Today Tomorrow I] ;i m "BRAVE WARRIOR" kk, attraction fa~i7"— —^£j*4- W PICTURE EVERYONE «p«m.« :r, IS TALKING ABOUT! Ijmm—* |(J T-IJIUJ. Thr management of the Pavilkm Cinema
      292 words

  • 429 10 AriMiml flir miirkl Is TIN SHARES EASIER THE Singapor" sharp market, continues U very quiet conditions and yesterday the ti was only moderate. This dullness is probab] able to 'he approach of Chli yesterday weie steady but tins were Ini and rubbers were almost, neglected. 1 picul
    429 words
  • 159 10 Rubber lost thrre-richth of a cent in the Singapor" market yesterday closing at 55 1 8 cents a pound. The market opent d bitter on the receipt of President Eisenhower's budget proposals regarding rubber but when orders were filled It sagged away from 56 centa to 551 cents.
    159 words
  • 19 10 Thr price of tin in Sinunporp yostrrrtav nas Hit lared a i a picul Wn .'."i rmts.
    19 words
  • 40 10 1 on and oil rumours ol Bank ol N B.W B. Hill Prop Id Dunlopa I c l (Au N Broken Hill i in J A. Brown 'lip j-pi snd Heri id Times Hill 50 Wistrrn Mini' P«ko
    40 words
  • 14 10 >incapare < hinrm rlunsc: I and Pi il wc.r I I SC»; svllprc
    14 words
  • 42 10 CHITS lying ivn" ft or c- Bnlrmi C P Bfnnlripr B-8 11 >idi i i ISBenavon IR. Ri Hone Ami 38-39 I 43 M 44 Ol ii D ROADS I\M i: ROADS Monlk Koi! Philip Q. M( B-ikom I Krpiv
    42 words
  • 37 10 x h Mi I '-'i Motor-car Compa I approved thr- merg two companies Inl American M< I Cnmbinod assi I than $350 m panv will b( in thr i aftrr Oi i Chrysler
    37 words
  • 4 10 On the
    4 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 268 10 ;>'j--^.»,.— ;ii.<-.v.-: ;-CPTgI;i\ |I 8 M IS p m Smith-I mm \m.» Film Co'i AAGHOSH' in Hindustani nrith |M I ni;lisli Militill.v SI irtniL Niil 'li imi Kll ill Tomorrow It ,i in. M.G.M'I lilt;i I i Mil I (TOKOS" iln 'I ri ii i Those Who Know Tea
      268 words
    • 139 10 NOTICE Mr. Y. S Mao has reas»-d to be 111 our errmlovment as from the lfith. .miiaiy. IHS4 He is no longer au'horlsfri to transact any bn to rollect any monies due and owing in Hir firm. 1. w. wu fc CO Singapore Hongkong Give YOUR CHILD every chance of
      139 words
    • 575 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF KUALA LUMPUR Applications are invited for the i post of a Building Inspector in the Municipal Treasurer's Department. 2. Candidates should have passed the intermediate "B 9" (Building Insp ctoratci examination of the Institute of architects of Malaya or Mi equivalent. Consideration will however be given
      575 words
    • 971 10 NOTICES OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SHIP'S NAME We, Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. of Singapore, as agents for Pacific Ship Owners Ltd. of Suva, Fiji, hereby give notice that in consequence of the sale to Pacific Ship Owners Ltd., who have applied to the Ministry of Transport and Civil
      971 words
    • 698 10 NOTICES CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD Electricity sonsumers In the following areas are notified that no electricity supply will be available between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday 26th January. 1954. (a) Klang South prea between Ist and 2-. milestone, Telok Gadong Road. (b) The whole of Port
      698 words
    • 649 10 TENDERS P. W. d 7 TENDER TKNDERS from Contractors of Class IV will be received at the Offlre of the Director of Public Works, Singapore, up to noon of the 2nd February. 1954. for the Erection Si Completion of Proposed Three Four -Storey Blocks of Low Cost Flats Whltley Road,
      649 words
    • 161 10 SINCAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES HEAP ENG MOH SS CO., LTD. SOON BEE STEAMSHIP CO., (S) L*° 33/35. TcluU A.vpr Street Thone >i )v; M "«;i\N<; BKF" i>nti'( I RAILING!) n> n > lIIKIHOV I i»K I Mi. i| m SERVIf'I A. S"p«rr appr. Jan. 3f> 1.. Sfxirr ipp' M\ "GIANG
      161 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1068 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Tivort) Powaga BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dep" r.,,,.r, ..lion to proco.d via oth.r ports te load ana dlscr.ra. iA,L.N« t. LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON ft CON?,N f N TA T%ORTt S°'l» P. Shorn Penong Jon. 27 Feb. 4 Feb. 5/4 Feb. 7/8 J0n. 30 Feb. S Feb. 4/7
      1,068 words
    • 998 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE i SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINENT X M S'Dore P. S'hom Panong Klna" for Diokarto. KorvOchong I Soioon. Honrjkong, Manila, Kobe "M y I nicl J»/J« Jan. 24/2S Jan. In Part M 0 o or Kohsieohng, H'kong 4/ 4 F.b. Mogdalo" for Bangkok 11/11 Feb. 9/10 Feb. I I
      998 words
    • 1061 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'oora P. S'hom Penong Senlewers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg In Pert 24/25 Jen. Benelder for Hovro, London, rtetterdom, Hu'l G 8/9 24/28 Jan. 29/11 Jan. Banclauch for Liverpool. Dublin, Glosgow, Homburg Antwerp 10 Jan/ 4 Feb. 2S/29 Jan. 9/10
      1,061 words
    • 1020 11 McALISTER t% CO., LTD. TIL: No. JSI4I LONDON HAVRE. ROTTERDAM. PORTLAND «tATTLE t VANCOUV.R HAMBURG t HULL Accepting corgo for C.ntrel 1 South ond for USA N.rth Attgntk Por.< Amirl.on Ports or«1 Conorto vo Col^mho m.s FRANCISVILLE CITY O> BIRKENHEAD I S>,r Pwssna n/K'J t P Shorn r>»^,o 0 26/28
      1,020 words

    • 254 12 Yor rir;ilt too kindly w view thai smallholders lor replanting. The < Meet the impression that th .subscribed. agreed to be b nee. but many w< Government to r< ach th< pracbe dei similar [I i mbr; cinci Ivi iool of der pr nthetic
      254 words
    • 47 12 CAN any <>f your readers tell me where 1 can gel a tree known as the Chinese Willow. They can be seen alo\ ranal by the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital the playground In Veerasamy R Keppel Road and in Kins George V Park. I.s.j. Sinsapnrc
      47 words
    • 173 12 This sort of music is 'absurd' WHAT is happening to Radio Malaya? The nrourammc "Music of the People" which \i it (-very Thursday is quite absurd. Swing and Jazz fans, as well as classical music lovers, are crying for more time for their kind of music, and Radio Malaya tills
      173 words
    • 119 12 IN the last issue of the Rariio Wi ekly, Con Densor praised the play Cicero" broadcast 'he previous Sunday. He was fort -.mate to have heard this performance as., on that night, both this and the ■Vav from Radio Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, could not "be heard here
      119 words
    • 75 12 y wonder if "Musang" knows what he is talking about Mr. V. Eliatamby. a nominated member of the Pahang Slate Council, at the budget meeting said that no country can afford to spend more than one third of its revenue on salaries, especially at this time when
      75 words
    • 100 12 n/HEN "A True Chinesesays that Chinese culture' 1>- dying a slow death with the absorption ol Western t Western ideas and education made Dr. Sun n the Father ol China nr.ri it was he who gave the Chines* re, .such reforms as abolishing the pigtail
      100 words
    • 682 12 £JIR SYDNEY PALMER is quite right. For 20 years i»3 there has been no encouragement by Government in a real effort to ascertain what could be done by the \iso of rubber for road surfacing. In Malaya, this has been left largely to
      682 words
    • 180 12 ADVISERS STILL NEEDED IT was recently suggested thpt the post of British Adviser: was redundant owing to the existence of many other high' administrative posts which it was suggested, might very well run the administration without the services of British Advisers This may be true and is possibly welcomed by
      180 words
    • 326 12 IT the icent public meetA. ing in protest against the amendment of the criminal procedure Code much rhetoric was spilled and spoiled by the Use nl inapt cliches. But no speaker had th** courage to deal with the case? in which the verdict of
      326 words
    • 90 12 INCHE Abdullah Ya.s.sin stales he wants to rail a meeting of registered organisations ar.d other interested people in Pelansior to try and end proI stitution in Kuala Lum'our. I 1 tnink ho is wasting his time. Beiny a Municipal Councillor and also secretary of the Muslim
      90 words
    • 226 12 Managers, teachers to blame rjIHE CHARACTER of a 1 sober man and a scholar i la what everyone expects in a tutor, 1 wrote John Locke, the English philosopher, in "Thoughts on Education." In the light of that statement. I think that some private English schools do not produce well-bred
      226 words
    • 147 12 Ji S a member of one of the unions affiliated to the Federation of All-Malayan Estate Staff Unions, I was troubled by the report that the executive council had decided that all estate ttafl should be asked to give $2 a I month for a
      147 words
    • 67 12 THE other day, some people waiting for the No. 17 bus in the Tanglin area panicked when they were suddenly caught in a heavy shower This was at the end of Napier Road, past the roundabout. May I therefore appeal to the City Council to build at least
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    • 187 12 WHAT ABOUT CHICKEN AND PORK? IT is indeed gratifying to know that the Seremban Town Councillors have at last awakened from the lethargy to which they have sunk. It could not be denied that they were unaware of the large profits made in the market. How right therefore was the
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    • Article, Illustration
      9 12 Visit MALAYA IS this how the world sees us?
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    • 611 12 SIR GEORGE PEPLER. replying to Torrjupmada. quotes two paragraphs from the White Paper of the 1952 ("Amendment of Financial 1 Provisions." The second in order in the letter but the first, in the Whit. 'Paper is Para 26 < 3 To 1
      611 words
    • 28 12 'Made in U. S. A.' pair "Marie in I Being Chinese chai in pencil. Ob' •.•■ere ma I returner; I protest i to be careful. ■Ml inn Sinsapnre.
      28 words
    • 94 12 WHILE other major schools IT in Johore have science classes, So;<tmat doe^ not have one yet A I*ew years ago. there was drive for funds and the Segamat public uave about ***** towards a science laboratory. This money was sent to Johore Bahru and since then it
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 !IIIIC]MIMMIIIIIC]llllllllllll9llllllllllllt}:illlllllill[]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]||||||||||llt]llllllllllll(]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IMIIIIIMII[]llllllltllllC^ I TyresoleS (MALAYA'S FINEST FULL CIRCLE TYRE RETREADS.! TAMBUN ROAD 805 PASIR PANJANG ROAD PENANG. IPOH SINGAPORE. PHONE 3966. PHONE MANGIS 376. PHONE *****. s S cut iiiiitiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiii;;iii(]iiiiiiiiiiii(3i!iiiiiiuf.
      29 words
    • 23 12 Poor Chap he didn't book early enough! The "leave season" is starting! BOOK NOW toflyZ IkLM) a mm jmmr *m* lOT4I DUTCH M
      23 words

  • 429 13 9f RATED HIGHLY King Crow recommended as each- way saver By KPSOM JEEP pHKNOMENON, a staying five-year-old, came with a powerful finishing dash to run Three Rings to half a length over a mile last week. With an extra furlong to go, he appeals as a sound
    429 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 13
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  • 202 13 \>t I I HIBBON galloped linpres- slveiy over M. in 38 wide out on lie second traik on Thursday morn- j Inc. If lie ceu a fairly good wallop- :n^ track tod.ij he will be worth .)et in a moderate Class 2 sprint field
    202 words
  • 137 13 KUALA UJMPUR. Fn. There will be eifclit races nn the first day and seven on the second and j 'hlrri days of the Selangor Turf Club s Gold Cup mee'inc Following is tie racing schedule Kirst day, Jan. SO: Cla.-s 1. Dlvs. 1 and
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  • 204 13 THK MAGYAR put up a splendid x performance last week when he came from last at the top of the straight to finish fourth to Jackpot II over It. with 9.0 on his back. In i st.imina test, this staying four-vear-old appears to
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  • 169 13 iTt XASIB could not handle the 1 heavy track on Tuesday but he is likely to run a very different race if the solng U no worse than yieldIng this afternoon. As a two-year-old in England last season. Itu Na-sib ran fit. in lmin. 13 2
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  • 236 13 BARNFIEI.D and Olympic, who dominated the finish of the Class 2, Div. 2. mile race last week, have been penalised to the hilt and on the weights 1 think Ivornia. with his tremendous weight advantage, will have the beating of Fox's pair in Race
    236 words
  • 162 13 RICE MILL Is accepting, and he has only to reproduce his Impressive track form to account for the Class 2, Dlv. 3 sprinters he meets n R«re Three today. This Watling Street gelding scored four victories as a four-year-old last season, hif mast Impressive performance
    162 words
  • 53 13 The Radln Mas Ramblers team to meet Singapore DUtrlrt In a friendly soccrr mutfh at Fort Canning tomorrow will be plrked from: Tnnv Arialla. Joharl. Samad. Chwee l-en«. Oeorije Philip. T. C. 1 Balan Chong Chee. Jahrl. Ebrahlm I Fall. Kadlr Hork Seng. Bteven« Tan. Bakar, Omar
    53 words
  • 151 13 EPSOM JKEP ALL BOY POINTER Race 1. 2.15. ITI 1 NASIB Admission Red Wolf II ADMISSION Flae Of Price Rrmarkable ADMISSION Flag of Peace Rrmarkable Race Z. 2.45 THE MAGYAR Sir Climax Pilot* Point SIR CLIMAX Yesterday The Magyar YESTERDAY The Magyar Coronation Race 3. 3.15. It
    151 words
  • 1153 13 Kace 1— z.lo: Class Z, Div. 4 H Furs. 1» Yds. 1 253 Admission Woods 9.00 Uibb. Klrkham Si Simmons Fox 2 402 *'U( of Peace Mulley 8.13 Y. C. Cheong St Mrs. Leone Hobos 3 534 Observation Straker 8.12 Goh's Kongsi Yong 4 658 Cheitnut Smith
    1,153 words
  • 245 13 LONDON, Frl. DRITAIN'S bloodstock racehorses are being Inspected by a Moscow team of four Russian experls The Russians are here on a threeweek mission to buy English stal Urns for breeding with Russian mares, a spokesman of the Anelo Irish Bloodstock Agency, exporters of Engll.'h thoroughbreds,
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 249 13  - ROBIN HOOD HAS ONLY ONE RIVAL —SUPREMACY EPSOM JEEP Isv ROBIN HOOD, carrying 8.11, won as he liked in fln^s 2, Div. 2 over 6f. on Tuesday. Me is up a division with 2-lb less to carry in Race Five today, and appears tr> be so very leniently treated that
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  • 64 13 THE weather in Singapore |g unsettled. After tine weather on Wednesday and Thursday, therr >- rain In the early hours yesterday, but if there is no more rain th. eoinc today will be no worse than yielding. TODAY'S BEST BET: The Magyar in Race Two. BEST
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  • 206 13 Geif ang Star looks best of Rodgers' quartette HTHE RODGERS S'ablf Appears to hold the wnlp hand In Racr Four today with lour horses Sudden Choice. Gelfan? Star. Straits Codt and Harwood. All are proved Mv pick Is (ielfanj «Ur. Th'.s rne-vc.T--old by the Coronation Cup winner, Ardani ran a
    206 words
  • 47 13 Hartley Spcond.irv School opened their soccer season with a b'-o victory over H.M.S Charity In friendly fixture ut St. irorges Road on ThursrißV Mallloues 1 3 1, Tala and Chiaw Scan scored and a defe.ider deflected the Mxth Koal for the ilnnerx.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 inVicta W.fcri of Quality Clubk wilhm the meant of all pockets ,i hy all warch dealers ,;hout Malaya b Borneo I Distributors MALAYAN WATCH TRADERS |I9A North Bridge Road porc-6 Tel: 4774 ArAfJ-f.?.;; L •"> t o»" piru- all IS BABY CUTTING HER TEETH? fjJ>f;i;i:i;iiiHB'iall^ :i by turns, .ins !»o
      165 words
    • 455 13 Irish Bloodstock Agency, Ltd. S 7. ANGLESEA STREET. DUBLIN Bloodstock Purchased Shipped and Insured B S% COMMISSION CHARGED Irish Bloodstock Agency, Ltd. 7. ANGLESEA STREET. DUBLIN S Telephone DUBLIN ***** Wires— lnsurance, Dublin Personal Representative c/o Box BA 1012 Straits T mej p 7 Straits Times SATURDAY i WORD PUZZLE
      455 words

  • 367 14 GO FOR 39 West Indies win Test by 140 runs KINGSTON, Friday. VVKST Indies beat England in the first Test by, Ito runs, after a dramatic collapse by England's middle batsmen here yesterday. England went into lunch needing 180 more runs for victory with seven wickets
    367 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 14 IT'S HOAI) TO SERVE —IN THE ARMY: Slouch hat, khaki uniform and ammunition boots replace the tennis court kit ot Australia's No. 1 plater. Lewis Hood, who is now a soldier in the Australian army where he will be for the next three months undei National Service training. He will
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  • 129 14 WEST INDIES— Ist Inns.: 417 KN.H.AM)- Ist Inns.: 170 WEST INDIES— -nd Innv: 209 KN(iLAM) 2nd Inns. Watson <j and b Stollmrver 11« lint ton Ihu (.nine/ N May c Me Watt h Kentish ('nmptiin li Kamadhin Z (Iraveney Wrekes b Kentish Kvan* h Kentish II Lock li Kentish
    129 words
  • 193 14 rIE FORWARDS dominat-d yestrrday'j; rusby friend. y between All Whites and Rail--les Institution which A.; Whites won by 11 points a goal, two to nil on the 1 R. I. ground. All Whi'es had crossed the boys' co;i!-line twice in ;he first
    193 words
  • 47 14 Ra.iaji SC. cntrrpd thp finnl nf <hp Indian Rppublic Day soccer leapue competition when they ben Aznd Team 1-0 at Farrer Pi:k yesterday. I ncanathan scored their winninj: coal. G Mohan refereed. Raiaij will meet Nehni Team, thp othrr finalists, at Jalan Besa. today
    47 words
  • 147 14 COLONY BOYS FOR PERTH RETURN FIGHT I rom Our Own Correspondent PERTH. Fr:. A SPECIAL farewell boxing tournament between the Sineh;y>rp vouhs an<t the IPM Australian Poiice boys wil! be he!d here on Tue^dav Peb 2 This was anmunced by the chairman of the W««t Australian Federation Police and
    147 words
  • 158 14 'J'HE Johorp Bnhru District Welfare Committee will SUgg»tt to the Tuncku Mahkota that the Sincapore Motor Club's annual Grand Prix motor race be held on the town course on Hari Raya Haji as it Ls a public holiday. I The Johnre sovcrnment refused to .--'r.riii'n
    158 words
  • 162 14 TODAY RI(i(iER S.C.C. v Army, padang iMr. Beadles); SPORE POLICE v K.U Tengah, Police Depot IF LI. Mor- ganl: ST. ANDREWS «».B. v South li.lii.ii. Wondsvillc [Mr. Batty I. Ci.ll.Q. v RAAF lengah (G (apt. Seymour); li v R.E., Blakang Mali. S'PORL DIST. Signals Regt.. v RAF
    162 words
  • 112 14 NEWPORT. Fn The New 7";i- iand All Blacks beat Welsh Club here yesterday by 11 points (goal > cropped and penalty) to s;> ..try and penalty). This was the 18th victor* o! tiipir British torn- and it was not a speci r.icular success. The
    112 words
  • 60 14 PARIS. Fn. I OERCY BABBBTT the world Interim featherweicht boxinc champion, scored a ninth round 1 technical knockout over Prandl i Bonnardel, former French featherI weisht titie holder, in a non-title bout here last night. Bonnardel did not come up for I thp ninth round. I
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 42 14 NEW OFFICIALS OF NET AJI S.C. New nfticuls of thp Nplaii Mpinorinl Bport« Club are: President: V. T. Gomr?; him ■erretary: A. M. Miranda; hon. treasurer: t. s. Mimiam; morta capi: V. R. Suppiah, commntcp I. If. Miranda, P. Peter, V. Gopinathan.
    42 words
  • 43 14 LONDON Frl— The British La«n Tbnnll A.'-^ocl.uion yesterday .ri May 4 as the final "dat» for th.' completion of first round matches in the Kuroptan ZOM of the Da\i? Cup compMitioti. The British LTA coordtnatea the European £jne plaj A.P
    AP  -  43 words
  • 33 14 NEW DELHI Fri Jack ArkinMall. of Australia, beat tho Indian Davis Cup player. Sumant Mtsra 6-0. ti-3. 8-6 in Ihp mpn'.s MnclP* .'rmi-nnol of the Northern India tennis championships today.—Reu- ter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 21 14 Indian Rpcrea'lon Club's annual jenpri] mopMnj will he hplrl at the S.A FA. clul)liou«p at io a.m. mI morrow.
    21 words
  • 267 14 COMBINED Schools "A", who liclrlrd only trn turn for their S.H.A. Junior K.O. tip «t 3ukit Timah Road yesterday. were well beaten 2-0b V Utllvprsitv nf MalaVQ TTT Schools wS not only on* ot hooks win not oiuy on< short; they'had to field three
    267 words
  • 218 14 MELBOIRNE, Fri. AN over-enthusiastic crowd at Olympic Park last evening cost Australia's won- i der miler John Landy a j world record. For the first time in athletic history, the citizens of Melbourne became really "Landy conscious" and flocked to the ground to see the champion
    218 words
  • 123 14 PEXAXd. Kri. A UK K nf the coin v% ill dPcirtr the MM of tinMal.tva Cup I inal il thr Fontball Assorialion of MaUjri di'cirip In run this \car's rompctillun .1(1 in -ilnr; Io :l set of now riilcs. Oflitials nf thr I
    123 words
  • 257 14 THE Singapore Olympic Sports Council will mort Ml Friday to draw up qualifying standards for thr British Empire Games, which take place at Vancouver next June. The meeting will also discuss the question of finance for sending Colony teams to the Asian Gamrs
    257 words
  • 98 14  - Radrodro to fight GI conqueror a Boy Brooks RALPH MODDERE l'.\ DIG-TIME lf return to K par earlj three Isimell R holder of champion Amei station< d over Hi Chenwu I the 185- stopped B trip] Rizal M tv Radrodi men) there champion but hi Promoter < hone h plans
    98 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 573 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Contln-ied from Pate •> Classified Advertisement i Enquiries Telephone 5471 j I SITUATIONS v INTED ie »...j. <*■» i i i i seek* position < c AdmlnUti Malay. nowim- ■.on wlieie dl ACCOMMODATION V N W.tH. U '"in >-«.•« W <■" '.l!l--full I IO l K r Bedroom
      573 words
    • 847 14 TUITION Wort, M Win.)— Box SI rl: txlru. WANTED Home Tuition for Standard 1 boy residing Rare Course Ro.iri Apply to P.O. Box 257. Singapore. SAVE More than 50% on your complete wardrobe costs through expert tuition at Singer Sewing Machine Company Dressmaking Classes ,r smeapore. Muar. Kuala Lumpur, Penang
      847 words
    • 497 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES FOR SALE 2* Mo, I. BJ I Mm.)— Box it rf> rltr* FIAT 500 cc. good condition; throughout Insured till September I S'J.ono rejilies to Box A 2623. ST. AUSTIN A4O 1951; one owner. lT.inn miles, excellent condition, taxed June, insured December. $3 20n ono Phone
      497 words
    • 85 14 RACE REVIEW—P. 13 I v&t I Vncullouxl/ *\^^N^ Easy film threading. Single operating switch. Bm.l/) Automatic loop form, Bm/ 4 00 tcc 'ccli. 500 w.itt lamp. i t Motor rewind AC or DC. 110-250 voln rcr i V eH '(Ov"! t by DC-63 or DC-6 Slecp-.r Planes M from BANCKO::
      85 words