The Straits Times, 20 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 Nat*" 1 1 Established ISii SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 208 1 KIDNAPPERS GET $100,000 Multi-millionaire freed after four days 'GANGSTER FILM' CAR SNATCH IN DA YLIGHT u\l. MM KOK GIN, tho multilionairc ho \\a> kidnapped I rida>. i» back in his homo at ink some Road, Singapore, after than $100,000 had been paid in >m for his release. The sl<ii\ of
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  • 50 1 Miss Bett] l. :n tolephMM <n>eiatc>r of Kong lloa Limited rrcrivrd more than 100 calls within an hour vrsterdaj im iilm The calls were from friends and business associates of Mr. Kok (iin. naaaftaf director of the rnmwv, who was kidnapped on Friday.
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  • 36 1 VNCISCO. Tues. Two Polire said they were held after makins a telephone call to the family. The abductor- fir>t demanded USssoo. non ransom, then reduced 'i elr demand to U P J
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  • 31 1 NOW DETECTIVES GUARD MR. LIM'S HOME TWO DETECTIVES now raaHl the home (if millionaire Sir. The sates to the mansion are securely locked and the detertives check on every caller.
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  • 141 1 OUT— THE SPARE SKULLS and a jawbone From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Tues. TWO four-loot-high elephant skulls and a giant jawbone stood beside a dustbin in Admiralty Arch. Trafalgar Square, last night. Civil servants hurrying Home stopped to .starr. They prodded with then tightly-rolied umbrellas. Odd." they said. "Dinosai r.' 1
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  • 20 1 NEW YORK. Tues— Russia s population is about 210,000,000, according to Soviet newspapers received here. A.P.
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  • 194 1 MR. MORAGAKI HAS A -IG FLAX TOKYO. Tuesday. JAPANESE businessman has suggested that Japan buy New Guinea from Australia and Holland for M5P. 000. 000. 000. payable over a 30-year period to solve Japans pressing population problem. Shmaichiro Moragaki. President of the
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  • 65 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. TWREE tearful women begged I Government ollidai.for a chance to go to Korea to beseech two American PoWs to come home with them. The men they want to talk to are Cpl. Aaron P. Wilson. 21 and Cpl. Otho G. Bell. 22.
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  • 29 1 CAIRO. Tues. -An Interior Ministry spokesman said about inn members of the Muslim Brotherhood arrested last week when the fanatic association was dissolved were released tori..;. A.P.
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  • 53 1 HONG KONG. Tues. Private Samuel Brown, aged 23. oi Count;. v Deny. North Ireland, went oh trial today on charges after the death of another soldier. Brown is accused of Interfering with the driving of a ireo causing an accident and ihe death of Lance Corporal J
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  • 27 1 HONG KONG. Tues. The Portuguese colony of Macao banned the sale of three Hong Kong newspapers yesterday for one week. No explanation was Riven. -A.P.
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  • 35 1 NEW YORK. Tues. Tsttl Moo-kit, daughter" of Tsui Mankit, a Hone Kong dppartmrnt store owner, has sold Msvooo.--nnn worth of life insurance in a vi ai here, earning M 560.000 for herself. -A.P.
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  • 250 1 MEN of the Ist. Battd'.on the Fijian Infantry Reo ■uait .renowned throw '"<■■■' a'ai/a as courageous fi.v' I'en and magnificent rvortsnien. Will (wain hr deserving cause. This time they will help ra Ue funds to build an Intersil students' house at
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  • 293 1 JAKARTA, Tues. TIM great killer volcano Mcrapi rained ashes on a wide area of middle Java today after killing 25 persons and injuring 66 in a sudden blast yesterday. The population in an area of 25 miles from the roaring inferno has been evacuated.
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  • 210 1 But it's 'a matter of hours' SAIGON. Tuesday. THE TWIN French drive towards Thakhok. on the 1 River Mekong, is progressing slowly today owing to :he exceedingly difficult nature of the ground, a French Army spokesman said. Latest reports put the advancing French columna only
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 45 1 Office i hurt KUALA LUMPUR, rues. A British lance corporal was killed during airdrop operations in Kedah. it was announced today. A British officer was wounded No further details are available. Names are beinp withheld until next-oi-kin have been told
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  • 44 1 CAIRO. Tues.— Former Kinp Farouk was reported today to have agreed to divorce ExQueen Narriman if she grants him the custody of their son. Ahmed Fuad. and cuts her alimony demands from M 542.000 a month to M 54.200. UP.
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  • 47 1 LONDON. Tups. Wembnrv city fathers called in a naval demolition squad yesterday to deal with a four-ton whale. The dead whale was washed up on Langclon beach. The .squad blew it to relatively lnotTensivv bits with 29 lbs. of dynamite— A.P.
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  • 157 1 He's still their great lover LONDON, Tuesday. i GRAYING, chubby little real estate man from Los Angeles arrived in xmdon last night to throw a champagne party for 20 of his old sweettearts. He was Ramon Novarro, one of the great lovers of
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  • 137 1 The bosses lock out the strikers LONDON. Tues. HPHOUSANDS of electrical A worker^ were locked out !>y their employers today when they reported back for work after yesterday's 24-hour strike. They were told there woiild be no' work for them until tcmorrow The workmen's union, the Communist led Electri ai
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  • 18 1 ROME, Tues.—ltaly's newChristian Democrat cabinet, headed by Sicnoi Amintore Fanfani. took the oath of oilier today—Renter.
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  • 169 1 Tension mounts in Korea Prisoners due to return today SEOUL. Tues. TENSION mounted here A today as tho United Nations Command prepared to receive morr than 22,000 Chinrso and North Korean prisoners who have refused repatriation. Meanwh li Peking Radio has reported thai the Communist Command has expressed "re- mil
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 32 1 MASS SURRENDER OF REBELS KANGOON, ItaM.— Mori than 140 Karen rebels mv rendered at Zayatkvit jres terday in second lar«es mass surrender since m surrcclion started f<>u years aco.— Keatcr.
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  • 56 1 LIVERPOOL. Tuev The skating show "Seeping Beauty on Ice" turned into "Swan Lake' at the Empire Theatre here night. "An impurity apparently cot Into the brine oi the lc< making machinery and killr ezing properties," sal the theatre manager, He had to refund the
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  • 37 1 RAHWAY. New Jersey, Tues. Triplets born on Sunday save Mrs. Clara M. BurofT. 35. {he record of having five children in a year. Shy had twins on Feb. 10 last year.— A.P.
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  • 36 1 LONDON, Tues. A speech clarifying .some aspects of Soviet policy is expected to be made at a meeting in Moscow on Thursday evening to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Lenin.— Reuter.
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  • 22 1 LONDON. Tues. Moscow Radio nicht announced the appointment of Mr Boris Fedorovieh as Soviet Ambassador to Turkey.— A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 tgBSNL FINE >- g^ DIAMOND M A GEM SET W RIN6S p. H. HENDR^ 1 .rr Game and Set Thrn all wt for f ap«an **n <rnm\ J A/ MH> off quilr inmplrlf wilhoul U c Nrithrr.lnf thai martfr. anxporiinß MttikM^. <" W" 1 "tcasion apM-in jrr not m.X rtyftt^V
      71 words
    • 81 1 tsu lul 1/ 11 1 1 it?*** I gj VI AR an mttrarlliT fe^-^X II I v^sr 3( cl*» will b* slvrn »»ay 111 II J=^ i| 1-RIK .im every .1 r»*^ > I of arralrd w.i(.-r« and S II IJI] or Rrd I ion— from lUh^^till> (inrlu- rc*^,
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  • 387 2 Those high veg prices CAN be knocked down says Mrs. Eu FIRST STEP IS TO CHANGE MARKETING SYSTEM 4 GOVERNMENT], committee appoint-, ed to investigate food marketing in Sinea- pore reported recent- j ly that inflation was the real cause of housewives' hardships and that a "fundamental change" in marketing
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  • 116 2 DANNY GUARDS THE ROYAL TREASURES Palace plate goss on public exhibition DANNY', a specially trained mastiff dog. stands guard over a consignment of royal plate from Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle in a van outside the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Police motor cyclists escorted the van which took a
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 272 2 'Confidence' after big finance talks INDUS DELEGATES IN SINGAPORE ANE GREAT value of the Commonwealth Finance v/ Ministers" conference was that it enabled people uperating economic policies to get together. This gave a feeling ol great confidence to face any future problems. This was said by Mr. C. Deshmukh. the
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  • 52 2 EDINBURGH. Tues.— Admiral Earl Mountbatten, Comman-der-in-Chlef, Mediterranean, and Lady Mountoatten werr honoured yesterday with tv Freedom of Edinburgh and made honorary Doctors of Law by Edinburgh University. Sir James Miller. Lord Provost of Edinburgh, .said that lord Mountbatten was one of the most colourful figures of the 20th
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  • 26 2 BOMBAY. Tues.— Russia is expected to send India 30 000 to 40.000 tons of petroleum products this year under a recent trade agreement— Reuter
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  • 64 2 ANKARA, Tues. Turkey had demanded a formal apology from Egypt for the way her ambassador, Mr. Fuat Tugay. was expelled from Cairo on January 5, according to diplomatic sources here. Turkey would be prepared to consider the incident closed if an apology was made, the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 236 2 ALMOST ASHAMED TO ACCEPT HONOUR PHILADELPHIA. Tues. YfAJOR-General William Dean, who received the Congressional Medal of Honour after 37 months in a North Korean prison camp, said today that he would not have awarded himself a "wooden star" for his direction of the
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  • 50 2 CAIRO. Tues. -The civilian prosecutor today charged Fuad Sdrag El Din. former secretary-general of the dissolved Wafd Party, with high treason for abrogating thf-Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1951 without adequate preparations. The Revolutionary Tribunal will hear the defence today. The verdict is not expected for several days. -Reuter.
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  • 23 2 PARIS. Tues.— Field Marshal Alexander Papagos, the Greek Premier, arrived here by train today for a five-day official visit. Reuter.
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  • 31 2 WASHINGTON Tues.-Pre-sident Elsenhower will recommend a M 512.000 million slash in defence spending in the budget message he sends to Congress on Thursday, informed sources revealed today. -U.P.
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  • 22 2 MIAMI, Florida, Tues Miami Uni;ersity will open a fi^-year .tudy of big game fish in the Pacific this summer.—A p.
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  • 36 2 NEW YORK. Tues. Jesse Owens, who once set five world records and tied another in a single afternoon, will be honoured at the annual dinner of the Philadelphia sports writers on Monday night.— A.P.
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  • 43 2 Boy 'died* lives LOS ANGELES. Tues.— A boy, Frank Leanos, who.>" heart stopped while he was i having his tonsils out. wa-, kept alive by his heart bein^ massaged for three hours until the beat resumed. His conI <lition is now fair— A.P
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  • 123 2 CHRISTCHI'RCH. N.Z.. Tue s T*HE Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh watched an armies* man eat, drink and shave without assistance today. They were at a disabled servicemen's re-establishment centre in Christchurch. where they are staying four days on their New Zealand tour. During
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  • 123 2 $35,000 NEW YEAR'S CHEER FOR OLD FOLKS Shaws to distribute gifts rE Shaw brothers will spend $35,000 this Chinese Mew Year on gifts for 5,700 poor people above the age of co. This is in keeping with the practice of the brothers Run Run and Runme to bring cheer to
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  • 75 2 Rumours and money goes PRETORIA. Tues— The African Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Eric Louw, yesterday said that £10 million had left South Africa as a result of deliberately conceived devaluation rumours. It was not clear whether the rumours had originated in South Africa or overseas, he told Pretoria
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  • 23 2 LONDON. Tues— Earl Russell Bertrand Ruysell. the 81--year-old philosopher was to enter a hospital here today for an operation. Reuter.
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  • 33 2 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Tues. —An 11-year-old sir! Siew Toh. was kicked on fare last nl pony here. She lost four front teeth, ed to have a broken jaw.
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  • 115 2 BANGKOK rOMMUNTRT Siam liavi orders to their activitii Virtminh. accoruii high police source The source a recrnt political m Victminh a Chmr- i Ist commissar m. Reds in Siam shouli with H Chi M nl tnunlst drive towar Asia in nrrlrr to control
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  • 65 2 CANBERRA. T Australians will be personally by the G visit here next mot their work in prepare atomic te was announced ti The 0.8. E. (Civil I will be conferred Leonard Cuthberl 1 M.C.. Director of wealth Works tralia. Squadron Leader Kenneth Garden, ol I Australian
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  • 16 2 BOMBAY. Tnea cultural delegation opened hen in India to aid Mi tional Relief Fund
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 560 2 the pen with the 1 in fe hand-made nib vl^\ u y a Swan Pen and you gain a friend i^^m V3\ or a l'f et i m P en at w ri'c ■H \V\ smoothly and freely under all condivk^^L \^B tions. The secret is in the nib made
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    • 37 2 5/ PYRAMID HANDKERCHIEFS In white and colours for men and h omen A TOOtAL PRODUCT S« Rrgls«erf<l M.rl Lthr\ m IW] h»*infclrf .^E^ V t K M I I r 3lalayan Represcntalivcs— William .lacks Co, (M)
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  • 205 3 U.N. is preventing another, says Dulles WASHINGTON, Tuesday. J»HK U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, yesterday said that the United Nations had kept the United States out of a third world war and he now regarded a new world conflict as unlikely. "We would either
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  • 138 3 i nIINWAI.I., Ontario. Turs. HI\KI SEGIUN, who was to have hern liinted early today for murder fell dead last nicht. The 29 year-old lah- ■nvirted of mur-.ii-rme l.cnii.ird Hurd, 1 ,>ll.ipsrd and died in 1 unvulsions iust an hour before he was to be
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  • 26 3 N Tues. At:' treatment plan has up at Oxford U» verlower the suicide rate <:: Official riisNine Oxford unrieris have killed themIn ei'^ht years AP.
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  • 22 3 RANGOON. Tin's A British all parties. R'hich has spent nine days in iff! here for Bangkok and Jakarta this morning.
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  • 145 3 Asian bloc 'may be answer' NEW DELHI, Tues. 'pHE Prime Minister of Ceyion, I Sir John Kotelawala, s^id j here yesterday that the emergence of an Asian o'.oc I might well be the only moans of averting a third world war. He was addressing a meetthe Indian Council of World
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 32 3 LONDON. Tues —Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon. leader of the Indian delegation the U.N. General Assembly, returned to London today after consultations in New Delhi with Mr. Nehru Renter.
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  • 126 3 NEW YORK. Tues. IF THE Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, united India into a country that remained free from the Communists there was a chance of stability in! Asia, Mr. Chester Boules. former American Ambassador to India, said night. 11 India failed to remain free ami
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  • 38 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.—President Eisenhower yesterday asked Congress to set up a Ms7s million fund to reinsure private health insurance plans, so they can protect their mem- bers against the "catastrophe" of prolonged illness.—A.P. i
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  • 50 3 KARACHI. Tues. Tlie pakistan Government today decided to repeal a 35-year-old British law under which a person could be imprisoned j without trial. Tin- measure -the 1918 Ben-. sal Regulation Act was brought in when the late Mahatma Gandhi was urging in- j dependence. A. P.
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  • 14 3 KARACHI. Tups.—Pakistan is to Import thirty million rupees worth of Japanese textiles—Rcuter.
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  • 177 3 MR. ANTHONY EDEN. British Foreign Secretary, will lead a strong British team composed chiefly of experts on European affairs to the four-power Foreign Ministers' conference opening at Berlin on Monday. Mr. Anthony Nutting. Parliamentary Under-Seeretar; for Foreign Attains, w.ll be second
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  • 59 3 WARSAW, Tues— Poland >■ Communist Government yesterday announced new customs i duties to reduce the number ot gift parcels reaching Poles from abroad. By a decree coming into force on February 9. duties of as much as 100 per cent in some cases, will be put
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  • 53 3 BONN, Tues. West Ger- many's frontier force soon will have light artillery, Gov- j eminent ofliciaLs said yesterday, i A number oi 20mm. guns had been bought in Switzerland for i the 10.000-man force, an otfi- I cial said. The lirst six would be I I
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  • 156 3 LONDON. Tues. ABLONDK German mother flew into London last night to open a legal light for her six-year-old son Jimmy who, she says was abducted by his American father. Mrs llanna Ilillers, aged 27. claims that her estranged «x-<;i husband. Harry Hillers aged 3fi.
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  • 42 3 Weak link search Nil ROWS and rows of link which fill this picture arc part of the anchor chain of the liner Queen Elizabeth. 83,673 tons. The liner has ucen overhauled in dry dock at Southampton and earh link tested. Reuter picture.
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  • 115 3 LONDON. Tuesday. CUNDERLAND police today said that another member of the crew oi the Polish liner Batory had jumped ship in England the 12th in the last 18 months. He was Michal Rozak. 23--year-old assistant steward. A police spokesman said that be VU being
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  • 82 3 NEW COMET IS READY FOR A RECORD BID LONDON. Tues. ONE of Britain's new Series II Comet jetliners is being prepared for a record non-stop flight this week between England and Khartoum, capital of the Sudan. Air distance is 3,090 statute miles. The aircraft is the first production model of
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  • 166 3 LONDON. Tuesday. A YORK aircraft carrying an underwater television camera to search for the BOAC Comet which crashed off Elba a week ago left during the night for Malta. A deep sea diving suit is also being prepared and nn underwater observation chamber
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  • 41 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. Preklmt Eisenhower vill soon ask Congress for authority to use up to US$l,OOO million worth of surplus farm products to help friendly countries, the Secretary of Agriculture. Mr Ezbra Benson, said I here yesterday. Reuter.
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  • 31 3 HONG KONG, Tues. The Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, Sir Thomas Lloyd, will visit Hong Kong from January 24 to 30, it was announced today.— U.P.
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  • 292 3 LONDON. Tumi. I ONDON Stock Market* were mainly quietly mid dull tfxiiy Among Far EnMern Ksuey t«a share* were active, but they tended to follow the overall trend towards l.mcr level*. Shipping and banking Issuer however were resistant Far Eastern bonds were mainly steady but oils were dull.
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Jan. 19. Cash Buyers C 655; sellers C 660; Forward Buyers £626; Sellers C 627 4; Settlement £655 Turnover a.m. 10 tons; p.m. 40 tons.
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  • 34 3 LONDON. Jan. 19. Spol lfi.d Fefc. IP-»d Mar. 17d Apr -June 17' nd.. July-Sept 17' id.. Oct. -Dec. \l\A.. Jan. c.l.f. lfi-.d.. Feb C.l.f, :6,d., Mar. c.l.f. 16 13 16d Tone: D-ill.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 §GP ELECTRIC \V*dl!=lJEi=L> HOISTS Lister Enqinßerinq l.ldj MlKQTOpropeuer Aj°% craft v GAIN YOUR/SPEED SAVEymDR aw VA»IO{/$ StZIS A¥MtlABli i i ni'i 7 sroc* QUALITY GUARANTEED MIKATO PROPELLER WORKS LTD •S"/,' Agents: P. O. Box 1477. Distributor: CHOP LEONG SENG., J NMtoria Street, Singapore Teh 6860.
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    • 238 3 Only 14d?ys to go! Order your lucky Jl cakes now and be %r sure of early delivery (Minimum weight for cakes-to- order is 2 pounds i*r -~T" SINGAPORE (OLD STORAGE CO., LTD. ffrfffff!JijJilJl\\\ HOW QUICK IS A FLASH! Not much quicker than O-Ccdar Polish O-Ccdar dusts. And cleans. And polishes.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 855 4 j A Rover costs less to own I because it costs more to make j t N I X*"" "X It is well worth paying a little more to get a Rover, s n for it pays handsome dividends in service. The Rover "IT %%U- has never been built "down"
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  • 253 5 order over joint council 'ON LEGAL GROUNDS' Xl ALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. r|IK Rubber Producers 1 Cornell has decided nsl biking pjirt in the joint industrial tounril proposed In the rubber estate workers md employers. R.P.C. howevn, is not opposed to the prin|olnt council. ;i recent
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  • 18 5 REMBAN, T outban town in-a to l';i>.:' Kemmded Kn-'l- thai
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  • 27 5 Now it won't be shunned ROAD IMPROVED Road use condition, will soon In now the road (it to Changi beach < is com\v ill $1 million boach I
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  • 20 5 East-West Society. Singawill hold its annual at thr British Council Hall In Stamford Road at 8.30 tomorrow night.
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  • 14 5 side by him and Indians ngkap to i on Jan. 2'i. have
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  • 96 5 en nominated to contest 15 i Mats in the five wards three seats in each. Amons the candidates will he Madam Chew Ah Mooi. 45, who is both a rubber dealer and shop owner. She is the first woman candidate to stand for election in a
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  • 132 5 MAN ON STRETCHER TO BE HANGED Pointed gun at policeman SEREMBAN, Tues. ACOMMI'NIST terrorist, who was carried into the Supreme Court on a stretcher, was sentenced to death today. He was Tan Seng Peng who, the prosecution alleged, had pointed a gun at a police corporal on the MiddletonPalong Estate
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  • 72 5 An American youth leader and lecturer arrived in Singapore by Pan American Airways night fur a two-week stay in Malay. 1 He Ls Mr. Ernest Mason Howell. 27. now studying yojth movements in South-East Asia. From the intorniation he gathers. Mr. Howell hopes to strengthen
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  • 26 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Johore contributed $22,392 towards the cost of celebrating the Coronation of the Queen in addition to the Federal allocation of $30,000.
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  • 213 5 For the Choongs it's not all badminton AMY IS ALMOST A BARRISTER NOW From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Tuesday. DADMINTON has brought fame to the Choongs in England. But it is only incidental. Eddie, David. Robert and Miss Amy Choong did not go to England to win badminton tournaments and acquire
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  • 31 5 An examination in iir&t aid vas held in Batu Pahat Hospital, in which 23 candidates qualified as first aiders. Tney will receive the St. John Ambulance Association Certificate.
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  • 159 5 Govt. clerks seek big changes in their 'bible SWEEPING changes in the Singapore Government's general orders —the bible" of the clerical service to improve the working conditions of the clerical staff have been recommended by a subcommittee of the Federation of Unions of Government Employees in the Colony. Most of
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  • 33 5 Mr. Francis Wu, the famous photographer, will give a demonstration on portrait lighting to members and friends ul the Singapore Camera Club at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Room 4. Cathay Building.
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  • 211 5 Union threatens 'suitable action' ONE hundred and fifty temporary workers in the Singapore City Council Water Department will be sacked today be- cause there is no work for them. The Water Department Labour Union has threatened to take "suitable" retaliatory action against the dismissals. In
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  • 32 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Bangi-Denpkil road, in South Selangor. was flooded to a depth of nearly two feet at the 28th mile today. The roaa la impassable to traffic.
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  • 139 5 CROSS GOES UP ON 400- YEAR-OLD SITE MALACCA. TUC3 A NINE-FOOT-HIGH eaatl iron cross wa.s erected here last night on the same site on which the Portuguese? City Crass stood over 400-->ea"rs ago. Officials of the Malacca Historical Society, including the Resident Commissioner. Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom, watched the
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  • 60 5 MALACCA. Tues— The Rev. Father Albert R. OHara. technical adviser for the Hollywood nlm version of A. J. Cronin's Keys of the Kingdom." will speak at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jr.sus. Banda Hilir, on Thursday at 6 p.m. He is now on a tour
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  • 227 5 'No overcharging at playtime* SCHOOLS watch carefully the prices their pupils are charged for playtime snacks by hawkers, says Singapore's Senior Inspector of Schools, Mr. T. P. M. Lewis. But one mother has complained that hawkers at Bedok GirLs' School are charging her daughter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 lo ok SNORKEL a A\ v^ W The pen that makes vtv\\ all others obsolete! s See il to day sheaf fe r service and repairs at n I the Sheafer Service Station J IR-H. Battery Road, Singapore. I >B0M«;0 j I /r^*- siikiiii"'"' -K. Lumpur //«'>' PetUMQ. Kuchinq <&
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 302 5 SINGAPORE DIARY Rotary Club: Monthly business' OHMMdaI C p.m. In 9 p.m. luncheon meeting :il Capitol Blue :il SrlevU- Road Room i p.m. y.m.c. A. Malay mwnlhaul S'purr Arls Tlicalre: Sli;ikes]>r:ire's (litss 5.30 pm: judo, bodybuilding "Macbeth" Bl Victoria Then t re Mtd wi-iKlitliftiug 530 p.m.; Siniwm;Uinee for students
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  • 664 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed, Jan. 20, 1954. Occupational Risk Yugosll via is making Comrnuni.s; history. Alter being under attack for criticising party leadership and the priof tiiis leadership, VicePresident Djila> heard himself condemned and expelled from the party's Central Committee, Then publicly he recanted, apologising to the party and
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  • 410 6 Trade talks which have begun with Indonesia have been prefaced by the usual warning that "nothing spectacular" can be expected. Roughly speaking that is right, but the Malayan mission ought to return with some badly needed knowledge about Indonesian trade policy, 1 and it ought to leave
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  • 180 6 Periodically the secret societies upon Singapore special trial and tribulation. They are always there but every now and again, when rivalry between the gangs grows to battle pitch, there come the outbursts of violence which show just how serious is this menace to the security of Singapore.
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  • 391 6 Expat wife on 'dishonoured' pay promises IN THE EARLY rubber boqms in South America unscrupulous firms would attract labour to their green hells of the Gran I Chaco and Matto Grosso i by the offer of exceptionally high salaries. The unfortunates who swallowed the bait discovered that their salaries went
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  • 180 6 CONSULT MEMBERS FIRST fpHE general secretary of the 1 Federation of All-Malaya Estates Staff Unions states he is raising $1,000,000 for Lady Tcmpler's T.B. Hospital Fund by taxing all estate Asian stalT at the rate of $2 each a month for one year. Apart from being mathematically wrong in his
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  • 212 6 rE Johore Grand Prix has now been banned after the Singapore Motor Club had organised five successful meetings. A handful of people, like myself, are trying our very best to put sports in Malaya on the map of the world, and what do we get?
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  • 202 6 Abolish this pay at one stroke WHILE family allo vance is paid to expatriate officers it is impossible io .stifle the claim for a similar allowance by local officers. Abolish the family allowance not by stages but at one stroke with effect from the original date of grant. Local officers
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  • 176 6 'TODAY being Sunday, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and have my first bottle of beer o n the Blood Bank. So, I trotted along to the hospital. •'l've come to give my blood." I said, with a thirsty look in
    176 words
  • 45 6 THAVE been told that when a foreigner uses the wori 'Chinaman-, he holds us in con tempt. Can any one explain why Mr. Francis Wu had one of his cxi hibits at the British Council i hall titled "China Girl"? MiniAKl. YAP. Singapore.
    45 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 472 6 IS the tourist trade of no value whatsovor to Malaya, either the Federation or Singapore? Travelling recently to this country from Cape Town by a vessel voyaging from South America to Japan, my fellow passengers included tourists from the united States, the Argentine and
      472 words
    • 709 6 IHAVE read with interest Sir George pepler's reply to my letter, and I note that he limits this to one paragraph thereof. I am tully aware of the provisions of the Town and country Planning Act 1944 but the pegging of prices
      709 words
  • 247 6 One the Margin Generous J>R( (FESSOR N generous to the experiment in Strai'.s Tim»\<v "Fr ince", he been wither ment .since H^ could h Spc h:i oft( at all. iii 160 years th< had t monai two cli' Ls always cltei example ol a a well But had Pi quoted
    247 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 444 6 CLASSIFIED ADS.i ACKNOW I IXiMF.NTS .ri, $l» (mmlmamt Mr m Kirn Ouan MR A I on Uirir [N Hill than I K IM HIOSP shown \\\lll \< I Ml Ms 7* Wt4m til) (minimum) RKFh or Mr Condi- linninp :1 M aIV FOI.I OW to win mo. :»«n A nvailahle
      444 words
    • 52 6 IP!!!! PIANO ACCORDIONS Conlcssa IM. 34 Keys. 48 s of iccds. 3 Coaplsn. $3sn.o« Coniessn lIM. 41 Keys, 120 Basses. L> sets of reeds. 3 Couplers. Jli.vwi Coniessn HIM. 41 Keys. 120 Ra.vses. 3 sets of reeds. 5 Couplers. $S9l).flfl I// compleU with discs. T. M. A. LTD., i.l >::.
      52 words
    • 70 6 IP, REFRIGERATOR) atsCaiaiatC^Bia^B^Bii .^atV v^*"^^^ DE 51 5.3 CU FT. CROSS SINCAPORE CASH %12 r j or 1 FEDERATION CASH $780 or 1 ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO LTD OF EN FEDERATION AIR SERVICE SCHEDULED SERVICE Between Kuala Lumpur, Bentong. Bent.i. Temerloh. (enderata. Sitiawan, Ipoh. Kuantan Trcngganu. Kora Bharu.
      70 words

  • 253 7 Kidnap victims blindfolded— then dumped in Telok Kur au SECRET SOCIETY JOB? from Page One il horn: shock, but thn ild m whetbet th«- mil been 1 lie i r ;>ss;ul h.ii they dark glasses were their eyes, the tn said i! inquiries I would rather not answer'
    253 words
  • 209 7 IN Singapore today land can he rented cheaply for building small houses. For the Government has 30 plots to let immediately. The land is at Kirn Chuan Avenue, Paya Lebar. Because the land will not be used for the next ten or
    209 words
  • 65 7 FARMER'S LOSS Thieves raided a poultry farm in Aver Raiah Road. ire, >>n Monday nigh' c 300 fowls— half of tock on the :arm fanner, a Chinese. found the lock of the fowl pen forced open in the morning. Four dogs he had at the farm
    65 words
  • 191 7 He kept his vow to a god CROWDS LOOK ON AT BATU CAVES KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. VALAYUTHAM, a 35- year-old factory worker of Kuala Lumpur, prayed to the Hindu god Subramanya for thp recovery of his sick father. Valayutham vowed that if his father should recover, he would prove his
    191 words
  • 45 7 OVER 7.000 people were fed yesterday at the Chettiar temple in Tank Road. Singapore, in celebration of the Thaipusam festival. Preparations for the feeding started early In the day when 20 bags ot rice were boiled in huge cauldrons. Th- rice was
    45 words
  • 80 7 CHOSE SUPREME COURT TO SPEND HIS NIGHT IPOH, Tues. ABDUL AZIZ. 28, of Singapore, who wa.s found asleep in the witness room of the Supreme Court at 4 a.m. today, was cautioned and discharged when he pleaded guilty to trespass in the magistrate's court. He said he had arrived on
    80 words
  • 53 7 JOHORE. BAHRU. Tues Scr Teck Slang was gaoled for five rears and Tai En>i Kirn was acquitted at the Assizes hentoday on a charge of robbery. Tliey were alleged to have held up a cigarette dealer's van at Uie -7th milestone Pontian Road >n July 15
    53 words
  • 371 7 Honour, duty, service Mr. Cheng's ideals SERVICE FOR A CHINESE LEADER THE late Mr. Homer Cheng Hui Ming lived a life of service and sacrifice and his name will long be honoured in Singapore, not only as a loyal servant of the Government but also a devoted servant of the
    371 words
  • 144 7 TEACHER'S SACKING A 'SECRET' No reason given KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A SELANGOR village school headmaster, who claims to have T>een sacked "without any reason being given." has had his appeal against dismissal rejected by the Ruler in Council. Mr. S M. Louis. 57 was in charge of the Semenyih public
    144 words
  • 30 7 Eishtcen-year-old Leow Xoon Kee collapsed while rrdinr; a bicycle alone Yio Chu Ro;:ci. Singapore, yesterday tnd crashed on the road. He died before the ambulance r.rrived.
    30 words
  • 175 7 j Minimum trmprraturr 1 7 30 p.m. I (in Jan. 18 to 7.30 a.m on Jan. lit): I Singapore 73 decrees, Prnang 74 Kota Bahru 73. Kuala Lumpur 74 Ipoh 73. Kuantan 74. Maximum trmprraturp 1 7.30 a.n lo 7.30 p.m on Jan. 19p: Stneapore 81. Pen:ing 81
    175 words
  • 30 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Tups. Major A. Kerr, Chairman ol the Jobore Bahru District Welfare Committee, returns to Britain shortly. He ha.s completed his term In Malaya.
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  • 20 7 Sinsapnrr Police Band will I play at Farrer Park tr^m 5.30 D ir. to 6.30 pm. on Friday
    20 words
  • 12 7 pany i.s i •lid its AirFni-
    12 words
  • 10 7 pro- Pourrl" in the ad, nt 6.30
    10 words
  • 31 7 •ther 1952. Negotiations are now going between the Federation Government and the Foreign Before joining the unit Mr. [Indue was film adviser in the n Issioner-Oeneral's office
    31 words
  • 126 7 AN exhibition of India's mttaKe industry products will be part of the 10-day celebra tions to commemorate the toundation of the republic. The exhibition will be held at the Gandhi Memorial Hall, I Racecourse R^ad. Sineapore. It will be opened by trip Colonial Secretary's wife,
    126 words
  • 150 7 Rain stops even single 'catch 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. T»HE TWO searchlights, which have been illuminat- ing the night skies around here since the week-end r,o guide terrorists to a sate surrender point, have been a failure. They have not reported a single "catch".
    150 words
  • 51 7 A West Indian political leader arrived in Singapore by C*ANTAS-BOAC from Sydn-y yesteruay to .see a littl« of Malaya and talk to government officials Ht Ls Mr. R. L. Br.ulshaw. Deputy President of the Legislative Council of St. Kitts. West Indies, and Member for Trade and
    51 words
  • 85 7 BANK CLERK FAILS IN HIS APPEAL ipoh. Tues. Dismissing the appeal of a bank clerk, sentenced to two years' gaol for criminal breach of trust <. Sl.OOO. Mr. Justice Buhagiar said today that, from the records of evidence, he saw ru> reason for interfering with tin- decision of the lower
    85 words
  • 71 7 served on plaintain leaves with curries. The people were served in batches of 300 to 400 at a time. In spite of rain, the service went ahead without Interruption Hindu worshippers flocked to the temple m thousands during the day and offered prayers to the god
    71 words
  • 35 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Federation output of tin concentrates in December was 6.935 long tons, or 116.507 piculs. Perak produced 4.158 tons and Selangor 2.165. Smallest contribution was Trengganu'.s six tons.
    35 words
  • 41 7 JOHORE BAHRU. luesTan Hen was lined $30 in the Police court lor dealing in price controlled goods without a licence. His said he had been in hospital for two months and forgot to renew the licence.
    41 words
  • 268 7 He bought it for $246,500 (Jap) KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. KUALA LUMPUR businessman. Chang Peng (her today brought an action in the Supreme Court here against Cho Yew F.ii and 11 other trustees of the See Jfeah Chinese temple. Puds Street, Kuala l.umpur, alleging breach
    268 words
  • 159 7 Two say 'no' to $650 M.C.S. posts KUALA LUMPUR, Tues TWO Indians have turned n .Malayan Civil Service |obs, it was officially stated today. They were offered cadetships. which are for a three-year prrorl strut me at $650 for a |72fl for a mar.m. offered cadetshlpa becau c they were
    159 words
  • 60 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tuns. Charged in the Police Court with keeping a ferocious dog unmuzzled, Wong Teow. a woman, said the dog was not fierce. The man who was bitten must have beaten it. He had B stick in his hand at the time
    60 words
  • 26 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Inehe Talib bin Abu. Assistant Secretary, state Secretariat Johore Bahru. has Rone on transfer to Kluanp; as Assistant District Officer.
    26 words
  • 28 7 The Governor of Singapor S:r John Nicoll, will address public meeting to commemorate India Day at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.45 p.m. on Sunday.
    28 words
  • 26 7 The Island Players Singapore, will pr< enl "The VieOptimists" an intimate revue at. the Victoria Thr B n. m. on January 28 aiT\ r!9
    26 words
  • 28 7 MADAM MAKIMUTHU AMMAI (Valathammali wife of late A Supptah mother of 6P Mulhlah Cbcttbur, expired 19th 14 Mi m Chettiar Road :i 4.30 p.m. al Bldadar today.
    28 words
  • 39 7 THE CHENG FAMILY wish U thank all friends and relative, in their expressions of sympathy b ulfts and kind on the death of Mr Homer Clienc Hui Mine and ttell kind assistance and attendance ai the funeral yesterday.
    39 words
  • 113 7 IPOH: Tues. A $30 FINE imposed on Dions Siong Tiew. 35. squatter, for a food control breach was today Increased to $100. by Mr. Justice Buhapiar in the Appeal Court. Diong wa.s convicted in Sitiawan on December 7 of moving five tahils of
    113 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      73 words
    • 29 7 School opening Singapore LefUlathre CounIclUor, Mr. Thio Chan Bee, will open the new School of Building at the Junior Technical School in Balestier Road at 5 15 p.m. today.
      29 words
      102 words

  • 109 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. DATO Nik Ahmed Kamil bin Hfcjl Mahmood. Member; foi Local Government, Housing i i and Town Planning. w\\\ lead; the Frderation's three-man delegation to the tenth tes.sion of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far It opens on Jan. 26
    109 words
  • 193 8 Forces kill another 3: Bandits murder woman, burn a lorry KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. OECURITY forces have killed three more terrorists. One fell to an area security unit near Mentakab, Pahang, yesterday. Another kill went to a 2 6 Gurkha patrol in a camp in the Segamat area of north Johore.
    193 words
  • 43 8 AFTF.R a four-year romance, which began during their college days. Mr. Kenneth Scan Cheng Liang and Miss Helena Chan Pnh N'eo. both teachers at Boys' Town. Bukit Timah. were married yesterday morning at thr Sacred Heart Church, Singapore.
    43 words
  • 46 8 MR ROLAND GAMMKLL. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence t. .mi m. n. and Miss Doris Klass after the wedding at the Church of St. Joseph. Singapore, yesterday. Miss Klass is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Klass. Straits Times picture.
    46 words
  • 169 8 27-MILE TRIP UNDER ESCORT KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. "THE judge, assessors, court officials and counsel broke off a murder trial in the Supreme Court here today and. heavily escorted, went to the scene of the alleged crime at Kundang New Village, near Rawang. 27 miles
    169 words
  • 73 8 WHEN the new French liner, Henri Polncare, arrived at Singapore yesterday 340 French troops aboard were dressed up to go sightseeing. But they got no further than the gangway Singapore's Health Doctor would not let deck [TfiTTimgcrs ashore because Saigon, where they embarked, is
    73 words
  • 28 8 The Singapore Anti -Tuber- I eulosis Association will hold a Chinese New Year ball at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 8.30 p.m. on Feb. 12
    28 words
  • 24 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.The :>nnual meeting of the Johore State Welfare Committee will I be held in the Council Cham- her here tomorrow
    24 words
  • 94 8 CHINESE NEW YEAR LEAVE FOR RECRUITS PENANG, Tues. JjiEAR that once they enlist they would not be able to celebrate Chinese New Year with their families is keeping Chinse youths from joining the Federation Regiment. "This rear is quite unfounded as the recruits will be given leave to celebrate with
    94 words
  • 63 8 NELLIE, a kampon^ hen bought in Kuala Lumpur market laid a 3',-MU'h-l«n B e RB nearly two inche s in diameter', at-TSi ls TS l be an omen of Kood lutk f v (huan u k. of Kberwein Koad, Kuala Lumpur —Nellies owner. Picture shows
    63 words
  • 166 8 MAN WHO FAILED AS A TEACHER He f 8 looking for a labouring job IPOH, Tiws. A MALAY youth who failed his normal examination as a schoolteacher has registered at the Perak employment exchange for a job as a labourer. He was one of 70 Malays, Indtana and Chinese who
    166 words
  • 104 8 More money for 5,000 harbour men 'FHE Singapore Harbour Board 1 has offered tc raise the cost of living allowances payable to 5.000 daily-rated workers. Workers eetting 25 per :<rr.t. if their oasic wages in cost ol iiving allowances will now get 35 per cent. The offer became effective last
    104 words
  • 57 8 COST $200,000 The reconstructed Diamond Theatre in North Bridge Roal will be reopened tomorrov night by Mrs. T. P. F. McNeice wife of the President of the Singapore City Council More than $200,000 has beer spent restoring the theatre following last year's fire. Th>new theatre has a
    57 words
  • 41 8 Officials of the Telok Ayr Methodist Youth Fellowship Singapore, will attend a retreat at the Singapore Youth Council holiday camp a: i Tanah Merah Besar on February 4. The leader will be thRev. H. L. Sone of Trinity College.
    41 words
  • 45 8 Mr. B. D. Ahmed, author of I 1 looks on Islam, will givt a I public lecture on the •■Economic I Sy.stem of Islam" on Monday I at 8.15 p.m. in the Arts Theatra (of the University of Ma'aya. p Cluny Road. Sint-apore.
    45 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 IJS)/i\ H>7i7/7 fl/nlfVlJ SHOWS DAILY WlftVlllLllWlN^ 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 A JOLLY HOLIDAY SPREE IN GAY PAREE! M^-^l SIM^SHAD! <*& RSft^ T^ 1 BLOOM RUTHERFORD 7 Ml aß3p^ c** OAUfr.IN •ta HARVEY ,'Wm \H?^ -*-r EDWARDS £$TW w Innocents M4s k *WB by Shaw Broi. *Jsts3i*£Z >> .\i:\ i ni(.
      272 words
    • 36 8 _l™ 1 A ".SO Last Day HWniRAM- (Tamil) Krom Tomorrow SMI.AKHX ll\.\R" IHindil StarrltiK Mrrna Kumari A Jrrvan VmH Day 7.00 A 9.15 p.m. ■I.OVEI.V TO LOOK AT" (Tcrh.) Tomorrow "HAI VTEI) HARBOI R iSfriall I
      36 words
    • 230 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION l ATTRACTIONS -^fW ~**mv Iff II LAST a i j 1 4 1 f'£>~*\ M-G-M's Big Musical Romance 1 OPEN'S TOMORROW! THE NEWEST TIIRILI, IN MOTION I PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT! YW* i I FERNANDO ARff PATIiICU T \> w v LAMAS DAHL MEDINA riiiinr ti-iM F«r Booking 6.45 4
      230 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 135 8 SINGAPORE 7.15 Tune Signal and Openinß Announcement; 7.10 Morning SUir; 730 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture 8 Invitation to Music; 8.30 Malay Housew ives' Corner; 8.57 Ennllsh Schools Broadcast: 9.45 Close Down; 11.10 English Schools Broadcast; 12 PnjKrammes in Malay: 1 Dance Music; 1.30 Time Signal' and News: 1.45 Lunch Time
      135 words
    • 124 8 mes in Malay; l As Singapore; 2 Schools Broadcast r»0 Close Down; 5 Programmes In Malay; <U0 Playtime; 6.30 Records Around Him; 6.55 Announcements and Share Market Report 7 Time Signal and News; 7.15 Listen to the Band; 7.30 Happy Endings; 8 These are New 830 The Bing Crosby
      124 words
    • 147 8 in Chinese; 6.10 Listeners Calling; ti.55 Share Marke Report 7 Time Signal News; 7.15 The Radio Malaya String Ensemble; 7.30 London studio Melodies: 8 Radio Theatre, presents The Marquise; U Come Into The Parlour- 9 :io Tune ■■Ml News; 9.45 My Song Goes Round the World; 10 The Paul Whiteman
      147 words

  • 2030 9 World gasped at daring feats by dapper genius of aviation A PARTY of small boys flying kites P in the Paris park, Bois de Boulogne, I on the afternoon of September 20, 1898, shouted in anger as a weird and noisy f apparition burst onto the skyline. Unexpected winds had
    Daily Mirror  -  2,030 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 194 9 isoful.Most itilo Car for Ploasum and Business CYCLE CARRIAGE CO (1926) LTD. IRE KUALA LUMPUR liprrtcnrcd in rhc Federation AMBITIOUS? send for a copy of "The Direct Way to Success" This FREE Book will show you how to IMPROVE YOUR POSITION by quclifying through postal tuition for a BfTER APPOINTMENT
      194 words
    • 120 9 (MAKEMmMAGHOuh \r/rS "PASTEURISED t r** 'p Look for f N- famous Magnolia" tradca o'fl mark It'a your 70 n/tlCiU£s Ruarantec of purity zsgac^Z^&Cl' 11 1 "Magnolia" products f V <^^^^ >^^ > L' </ a' sr irnt 1 lie-ally RW^p^"^\... p^ pasteurised ;i n d IligJlfL. \J factory-parkod for NOTK:
      120 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 74 9 Ihv Harbor «f Scvillt* T DO/V BASIL IO, MY FRJENO -^/yOV LOO& \{yOUP HEAD Bt/MS.'J H V so Soi/ee not ill pale'Jyour\ you have a °Z> V- AFr£fi Ai L -y/^XMi ~Vf>ULSE /Sj eevEHj^S" F^ i>^^ TPMIPNIGHTrHINGsBp^ K C.A, PC« HIS MARRIA6* TO T ARE STIRRING INI It^^ l\ <rO-V
      74 words

  • 115 10 NEW YORK. Tues. rpHE 17-man Randall A Cotrimisslon has completed a four-month study of foreign economic policy of the I'nited States and will outline a new trade and tariff programme to President Eisenhower and Congress this week-end, officials saiil today. A Commission spokesman told Reuter that
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 385 10 RUBBER COMMITTEE STARTS WORK KUALA LUMPUR, Tup.' MALAYA is endeavouring to compile information on the rubber industry in Indonesia through private sources to help the rubber fact-find-ing mission which is coming to Malaya, the Straits Times was told today. Mr. H. A. Campbell. l chairman of the Rubber) Producers Council
    385 words
  • 77 10 CHIPS lying alongside the Slngapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Dunera 12. Pembrokshire 45. Okhla C.P.. Andes Muni 67. Br-n der 89, Katyo Mam 11. Ascanl.js 13 14. Victoria 15 16. Benavon 18 Fernhlll 19 20. Frederick Clover 21 22. Batoela 24 25. Bentong 26. Nishuo
    77 words
  • 88 10 WASHINGTON Tiles. INFORMED sources s;ii<t t<d..v 'hat Indonesi., had warned American offiem's that the c \v "v in;iv ii.ive to Mil itntagtc rubber iikl tin lo Red China and Hie Soviet Union unless it ran find olher markets to compensate for dec-lining exports to
    UP  -  88 words
  • 40 10 On 'he free BKIMMMJI market in Ham Kong yesterday the I' s (lulliir MM qnolrd at 5 ***** (or cish ;iiirt 5.R2.S for T.T. Marital 1 was quoted nt IS.M and one (art I of cold nt 24R.162.V
    40 words
  • 394 10 THERE have been sorm Indication labour and resources may reapp< January issue of Australia and "Quarterly Survey." and 'it is Itnpo .'hat excess demand in the Australian n cause these pressures to develop to a d start an upward spiral of prices am stability of
    394 words
  • 17 10 The price Of til I gapore yesterdai I dared at 5314 I down 52 37!..
    17 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 CZECHOSLOVAK LINEN GOODS EXCEL EVERYWHERE FOR INTERIOR DECORATION OF HOMES. Linen fabrics are an ideal material for jf jM furnishing. IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Very pretty and useful linen table-cloths, which we export in a rich assortment of attractive designs. AS FURNISHING MATERIALS FOR DECK CHAIRS AND SUNSHADES. Linen deck chair
      283 words
    • 706 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Frdrral Headquarter*. Kuala Lumpur EXPERIENCED temporary steno- I graphers are urgently required by the Public Works Department. Federal Headquarters. Maxwell Road. Kuala Lumpur. Sr'ary will be i determined by speed and experience within the salary scale of $192 x Al2 276 eff. bar 288 xl
      706 words
    • 676 10 Wall Street SEW YORK, rues. ACTIVITY was maintained on the Stork Markrt yaatavdajf «t the recently Improved pacr as the list proceeded with th- process of absorbln e lncrensM corrective proflt- taking Price movements were fractional either side of Friday's close with I ijalns and losses evenly divided. j Oils
      676 words
    • 193 10 Now meet the Moms ilon VAU WCKW ECONOMICAL W W W mf f ROOMY r^rm oh* INI SMA T •"""■TJ^^^^BjjJjjjjjEMißNißa^ J |H WT~ wi?* I* ii r Both vehicles arc equ pped with the aM^M^a^a^Maa^^aji O.H.V. engine as httrl to the worldfamous Morris Minor car. In the van '1 .7771
      193 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1024 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Passage BLUE FUNNEL LINE »*p' Due Sails P S'hom Penono j.7.24 £ss fea® Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Jan 29 Jon 27 Feb. 4 Feb 3/ 4 Feb. 7/ 8 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 4/7 Feb. 10/11 r-i-000l '••> Feb 1J r«h. 14/14 Feb. 17/18 ml
      1,024 words
    • 1040 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U K /CONTINENT "if i— r, S'oore P. Sham Panong K'na for Diokorto, Kohsichong i Soigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kobe •v Vf >. kr ;|Hi'T.a 2S/27Jon. 23/24 Jon. 21/22 Jan. Monqoho" for Kohsirnhng, H'kong 4/ 4 Feb. Magdolo; for Bangkok 11/13 Feb. 9/10 Feb. 8/ 8
      1,040 words
    • 1132 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penong Benlowers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rntte-r-lom, Hamburg G. 27/28 21/23 Jan. 24/25 Jan. Benolder for Hovre, London, Rotterdom, Hull G. 8/9 24/24 Jen. 27/2» Jan. Bencleuch for Liverpool, Dublin, Glosqow, Homburx Antwerp 30 Jen/ 4 Feb. 27/29
      1,132 words
    • 1106 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** FiirRMAN n r iruAM KLAVENESS LINE LON^ H.V* ""TTE^AM PO^TLA^E WiV I 'vaKSeß HAMBURG Accepting cargo for Central ft South and foi U.) A North Atlantic Ports American Ports '"ANOSVILLt i£S7* ,Vi h .T.b 24-;rs7.b "iV.;" J c aTY OF PERTH CASTLEVILLI Spore
      1,106 words

  • 2 12
    2 words
  • 1111 12 A HORRIBLE roar cchnrrt through the jungle stopping Mat. Mnusrdror in his tracks. What on earth 1.. 1 he thought, the roar wu followed by hi- pain. He crept round a nu.^h and up a path, then in a mous bandage wrapp d 'Why Bakar. whatevi
    1,111 words
  • 344 12 Ihave mentioned tome of the new stamps of Au--oOla, and you may remember that I illustrated tvo of them. The Ruck with its tony curved horns, and the Elephant which is shown Wtth its tusks stuck out. its trunk curved, and Us big ears Oi the a'.irt.
    344 words
  • 384 12 AN EXCITING NEW PUZZLE > Dear Boys and Girk, S No doubt you are thinking what a peculiar picture Auntie < Kathleen has printed today, > and wondering if it is a form of modern art. Well, it isn't. It is an entirely new puzzle. I want you to cut
    384 words
  • 14 12 Collect six of these coupon!; to join the Children's Corner Club.
    14 words
  • 597 12 ISAW a home-made miniature bow and arrow yesterday. The materials used were a piece of wood, a rubber band and a match stick, so it certainly didn't cost the owner very much. He had taken a length of flat wood and bored a hole in
    597 words
  • 171 12 I SAW such a pretty ornament which a boy had made when I was in Knc'*"d I a^ked him h«u hY aid it because I thought wiu mieht likr to make on,- too You nil a jflass jar with warm water and silicate of soda. Three parts
    171 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 Of course, parents will have prefer 1 ences and pray for either a boy or a Ni Mj^^ J~| g, r |.__even their prayers may conflict B^^^^^^^ One thing 1S certain! Mother must \^^K^ks\\^l^k\\\\WwSpm BRANDS^i
      35 words
    • 22 12 pLEASE enrol me as a member of rhe Children's Corner Wise Owl$ and send me a badge. NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH
      22 words
    • 73 12 !COW GATE 1 q4^M^p MILK %£f4 FOOD /j^^\ food J j BABIES I gfflgSSSl Hereford ALSO AVAILABLE: r^-__^_ CEREX feidP" THE NEW COW GATE li£L I* CEREAL FOOD %v~J Reinforced with Vitamin D and mineral salts. £"jLi TRAOt ENQUIRIES TO I \f\] I JACKSON CO.. TAIkOO GRANULATED SUGAR is the
      73 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 77 12 /m \THE TOUGHEST 6AMES, li H-^ 1 Xl i sv a n \v y\ y.'Si^ii^x 'THANKS, MOM WS HAi/f^ £^S| /'%^,T~""^) BEEN LOOKING FORWARD I «Wl/VT TO T///S Af/10 EI/ER SINCE j m^A-^P'z 0 Ki "«4aJ V*/ KNOW YOU UxF^&^k if'^^^OU' FMUn\ I CHOCOLATE t fiyU Jf^j K FLAVOURTQO. <*J>y
      77 words

  • 2753 13 iih. s\vi;i;i» TOTAL POOL $335,667 1st No. *****2 ($151,050) 2nd No. *****5 <S 75,525) 3rd No. *****3 <S 41,958) STARTERS: ($3,496 each) Nos. *****2, *****0. *****3, *****7, *****2, *****7. *****0, *****2, *****1, *****2. *****7, *****9. CONSOLATION ($2,517 each); Nos. *****3. *****9. *****3,
    2,753 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      179 words
    • 87 13 Irish Bloodstock Agency, Ltd. s 7. ANGLESEA STREET. DUBLIN Bloodstock Purchased Shipped and Insured a 5"o COMMISSION CHARGED Irish Bloodstock Agency, Ltd. 1 7. ANGLESEA STREET. DUBLIN I <, r nom DUBLIN ***** Wlr.s Insurance. Dublin Personal Representative c/o Box BA 1012 Straits Times UP-72 /C^popuiar" S 3.210 0 ™^^SBC»-
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 321 13 to the gunners i7>. Si rails Times- 4 rossword 29 fg^SSTm™ Malc 30. No smooth WHters (3, 2, 8). ■i DOWN HI a 3 5 0 i 2. Odes are dedicated to mouni I sSS^ tHln nymphg (7). Mil 11 HZ. 11 HU 4:No a bomb«{r __> g||- t 3
      321 words

  • 710 14 Split-time plan may be opposed By Our Cricket Reporter THE ANNUAL general meeting of the Singapore Cricket Association, to be held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Jan. 29, is certain to favour Sunday single-innings matches for this year's senior tournament in place of the
    710 words
  • 70 14 A 1.1. SMILES: Some of Ibc menbers of the Singapore youth boxing team pose with the Aw Cheng C'hye trophy which they retained against the West Australian Police Boys Club in Perth on Jan. 13. Standing (left to right): W. Abeysekera. I.iau Yong Chjre, J.
    70 words
  • 57 14 Roy.U Alt Force will meet Royal mi ir.tiT-Scrvices hockey' liMiire a* rSjangl today at .'i pjß. I'.ie RAF team Mil be: B B rengahi; F:/lt WaiK>r (Changli. W Crir RuaaeO iChancii: Cpl iCerryl ißutterworthi. Bgt Bcraae (Seletari.i Cpl B.'ker (Tengah): wo Durantl fo Doaey iCii.'nci' I'ech Can^emer
    57 words
  • 698 14 KINGSTON, (Jamaica), Tuesday. THE England batsmen failed dismally yesterday in the first Test match of the tour, and at the close of play thry had lost nine wickets for 168 in reply to the West Indies total of 417. With two days left for
    698 words
  • 52 14 KEBENARAN LOSE LEAGUE SOCCER Alexandra Rangers be;.t Kebenaran Club 2-0 at Alexandra Roari n Monday in the opening same ol the Tint Beer trophy league sponsored by the Breweries Sports Club The match was keenly contested md Rahman Aziz netted two coals for Ranjers. one in each half. C. n.
    52 words
  • 29 14 I The annual ceneral meeting of the S'.nzapore Cricket Association I will be held at the Singapore Cricket Club at 5.15 p.m. on Friday j Jan. 23.
    29 words
  • 419 14 TMIK >ui:srvtrd tournamrnt x\>lcm 1 I*:— II) Senior I <mi M.imnil One section, eic'M tf mi. games to be ]ii.i Ofi on one day, Sundays, sine!c Innlmt. each team In play al! others brth at home and away. tit Junior Tournament. Games to be plnyed on Sundays, sinele
    419 words
  • 42 14 Youns Men's Sikh Association beat Brotherhood S.C. by 4-3 in a ■occat friendly at BOD B rouna yeaUrday. Scorers- Adma Siiißh. H.ihn 3inqh. BLshen Slnsh and Mohincler Smgfa for the winners; Amln Kii"i-t (2! and S. Marimuttu for Brotherhood..
    42 words
  • 204 14 MELBOURNE. Tue* ARTHUR MORRIS'S XI beat x Lindsay Hassett's side ov 121 ran in the Hafsett testimonial c nrket match here today. Scores were Morris's XI sfi2 and 390. Hnssett's XI: 415 and 425. The came ncaln developed in'o a '<-.!■' ..I run-getttm today
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 143 14 PIETERMARITZBURG. Tues. IFTBB a spirited attempt by the New Zealand cricket tourtstf to make 2.i0 in 148 minutes to win they were held to a draw by Natal here yes'erdas. The toun> with -01 for seven. 51 moi short of victor\ In an exhilarating final
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 25 14 The cricket meetine n <'-~ c :rl tapora Cnineee Recreation Club will be held in the clubhouse on Wedne>riav. Jan. 27 at 5.15 p.m.
    25 words
  • 213 14 LONDON. Tuesday. BLACKPOOL. Holders of the F.A. Cup. and Luton Town, a second division side, battled to another draw yesterday when they met in the second replay Of their third round tic in this seasons competition. The score was I—L1 L So alter ii'-v and
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 28 14 The Malayan Jockeys Association \vi!l bold a farewell rocktail put) for Mr. Ruhr Billet', former S R.A starter at the Princes Restuarant a) 6 pi. today.
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  • 188 14 All-Malaya team again fail in K.L. hockey trial KUALA II MPI-R. Turs,!,, THE All-Malayan hockey tram wenhold their reserves to a Z-> draw in i 75.^? practice game on the padang here today. v, st nthe second eleven whipped the national team they mijrht have repeated the treatment a hit
    188 words
  • 195 14 rE Senior Golfers' Society of Malaya lost to ;i team oi "yotmgstere" from the Royal Singapore Golf Clu 1 by one point at the R.S.GC course yesterday, when the younger men scored points to the veterans' 26. "But the moral the senior polfei^. who
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  • 114 14 Auckla nd win by 197 runs AUCKLAND. Tues. AfCKLAT-D today beat Wellington hy I!>7 runs !n Plunket Shield crickf-t match, brinclna An Bad Centrr.l Distrirt- lerel with 2(1 points' each for the shield. Central have stil' hand— acains; Canterbuiy. On the first day. At* land hmtaman'a wicket, made 176 run.s
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 594 14 I Classified Advertisement j Enquiries Telephone 5471 CLASSIFIED ADS. .< .inlli.iir.l "ii Rate fi> ACCOMMOHATION v INI t>, Wmm v mv Box it ri. .»»f«. VACANI I ■■iin.i.'.heri Ix-d room. \er«ndali il break.' FURNlsiip:n Double lovrh prn ite home Katonu own cookmc mod s;.n Mltable Eiiropean couple ladles; Ph.. in
      594 words
    • 680 14 CLASSIFIED \I)S. VEHICLES I-OR SAIL M Mnnli Si (Mtit.)— Box in rlt rxlrm. VANGUARD. Sinpei BM 10 Station Wacgon 1950. MG. TC. 1947. VB. 240 Lavender Street. Phone 4880. AUSTIN A.40 first I^Wllli '12.51. 33 000 m-'.es. black. Insured Dei 1 n.=>4 Euronean o-ined. $2,500. on o. Rins 4744 loffice
      680 words
    • 72 14 RACE RESULTS-P j 10 BLUE GILLETTE BLADES IN JHj Gillette W^% Quick-feed I v Now only Sl.^ 1 In i: 1 All these advantages at no extra cost New b'lde in a flash Blades completely oil protected Built-in used Made container No clumsy unwrapping no damage to hIJ Blades slide
      72 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 119 14 l^d>>mmmJtadmi^ RCOCFR S.C.r. "A" v SUB. pail in: Mr Ta>lor); I'nli, c v T.T.C Police Depot II Lt. (rumpton); St. Andrews 0.8. v K\r li.uiui. WoodsVille Ifanilltnn) GHIJ r RAT Tensah. T. iieliii I Mr. Beail les): R.K. RAOC. (iillman (Mr. Dyer): R\\r TTaleatie n..,i BaM-. Tencah (S Idr Ru^-i
      119 words