The Straits Times, 19 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Mat** Established 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 296 1 Company director may have been kidnapped DRIVER GONE, TOO SINGAPORE millionaire has vanished. Mr. I. mi Kok Gin, managing director of llci Limited, and his driver, Ng Sic-w ire believed lo have been kidnapped en since Friday but so demand has boon received. it ion into the disthe
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  • 8 1 MB. 1.1. M KPK GIN
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  • 224 1 ;s I'm Kok (.in, wife of I the niKMii;; Singapore mil- appeared calm, reel nllectcd lien Inter--1 at her luxury home Kateng lasi niu'it. loin the Btralta Times: heard aewa from husband I de net tliim< hen is any cause fet .is
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  • 168 1 They were with bandits KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A TEN- YEAR-OLD boy was killed and a woman IX wounded when a security force patrol attacked two terrorist camps in the Grik area of Perak yesterday. The boy and the woman ionsortlng with terrorists," .i Government
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  • 90 1 GENERAL WARD FLIES IN FOR DEFENCE TALKS LI El T.-(ii:\. Sir Dudley Ward (above). Deputy thief of the Imperial (ienenl Staff, arrived in Singapore yesterday hy 8.0.A.C. Argonaut from Hone Kong for a week's visit. Sir Dudley, who will be the Kiiesl of Maj.-(ien. A. G. O'Carroll Scolt, General Officer
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  • 42 1 BOMBAY. Mon Customs! officials today seized nold worth i £135,000 in a raid on the headquarters of a gar.g of smug- j filers in Centra] Bombay. Some of those arrested had of gold fastened to their bodies. Renter.
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  • 45 1 ALLAHABAD. 1 lon.— Twenty men and women tie believed to have been drowned when a I pilgrim's boat to the Kumbh. a Hindu religious festival near here capsized today. Five others arr said to be the only .survivors.-- Renter.
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  • 31 1 HONG KONG. Mon Mr \V. i Ransay Mam and Dhun Rut-! tonic- left here today for Ceylon to attend the forthcoming ECAFE conference a.s Hon;; Kong's representative!, Reuter.
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  • 35 1 Feast— 42 ill TAIPEH. M'>n. Chinese Na- tlonalist doctor* who had rushed to small village .n I Central Formosa, today said that 42 Formasans had tood powmina after eating a rare I wild boar. -Reuter.
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  • 19 1 ROME. Mon Professor! Amintore Fanfani. Left-wing Christian Democrat leader, today formed a new Italian Government. Reuter.
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  • 24 1 TAIPEH Mon. Iflaj Chen Chl-fang, aged -'8. i.s leaving Taipch soon lor Bangkok to become an attache in the Na-UonaU.-t Embassy. -A.P.
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  • 31 1 GREYMOUTH. N.Z. Mon. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh left here today by train for Christchurch, 145 miles to the Ea;;( over the 2,500 feet Arthur Pass.— Reuter.
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  • 22 1 LONDON. Mon —The North Korean Cabinet has decided to improve and increase the supply of consumer goods, Tass said.— Reuter.
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  • 658 1 Britain offers Malaya a $50m. helping hand KUALA LI'MPI'R. Monda>. m BRITISH Government has agreed to lend Malaya the money to finance her contributions to the tin buffer stock, if Malaya takes part in the Geneva International Tin Agreement. This was stated in a white paper issued today by the
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  • 184 1 1 Violen t fiffh t ing HANOI, Mon. JTRENCH spearheads attacked Red-held Kamkuet today in a drive to surround ano trap eight Communist battalions. A French spokesman sain violent fighting' broke oul yesterday as the French ncareu the Red centre and both sides suffered "serious lasses."
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  • 34 1 OSLO. Mon— Three younß Reds who interrupted the awarding of the 1953 N ibel Peace Prize to Gen. George C Marshall last month have men fined a total of Ms 336 A.P
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  • 209 1 One week here y one week there BERLIN. Monday. PHE Berlin four-power conference will take place in weekly rotation at the Allird Control Authority buildinc in West Berlin and at the Soviet Embassy In East Berlin, a four-power communique announced last night. The
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  • 45 1 LONDON. Mon. Floods hit Denmark and Northern Germany yesterday, but Europe's weather generally was quiet after a bad week. Ten people still were missing in Austria's Walser "Valley of Death." which claimed 67 of the 120 lives lost in snowslides there. A.P.
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  • 48 1 NAIROBI, Mon. Police and troops were today nghtinu a running battle against a gang of about 300 Mau Mau terrorists trying to reach the interior of the Aberdare Forest. reports reaching police headquarters said one terrorist was killed and another captured. -Renter.
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  • 18 1 RANGOON, Mon. Government troops have recaptured the town of Eihe, the Karen brigade headquarters. UP.
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  • 27 1 STOCKHOLM. Mon. Membership of the Swedish Communist Party Is down by half compared with .some years ago former party leader Set Persseri said today. A.P.
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  • 136 1 LONDON, Mon. The Electrical Trades Union today launched its climax to last week's "guerilla" .strikes and called on 30.000 of its members to stop work in a 24-hour token strike throughout Britain. The employers have pledged to lock out tomorrow all men who took
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  • 75 1 Black smoke before take-off: all safe HONG KONG, Mon. AN OVIR-HKATED engine of a British Overseas AirHays Argonaut belched black smoke as the plane taxied toward the runway before taking off today, but the 20 passengers and seven crewwere evacuated safely. The pilot turned the plane
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  • 91 1 ROME, Mon. THE ITALIAN fishing boat \//.irdo has found SMM WMCkafC of an aircraft believed to be the Cop-.ei which crashed south of '.Ilia Island on January 10, a report from Castiglione Dell.i Pescaia on the Italian mainland opposite Elba said today. Apart from
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  • 73 1 BEIRUT. Mon. lEBANESh airport sources said here today that the strictest check was being made on all aircraft landins and taking off here. They said all planes were being searched. The Lebanese Directorate of Civil Aviation has completed its own inquiries into the possibilities of
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  • 189 1 India warns the West Free POWs— you violate truce PANMUNJOM, Mon. I lEUT. GENERAL K. S Thimayya, Indian Chairman of the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, said today the United Nation.s would be violating the armistice agreement if It released 21,000 prisoners nexi Friday as iilannod. lie tolri General John E
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  • 32 1 FRENCB 12 MILES FROM TUAKHI K XBee this pare) SAIGON, Mon— l rcu.Ji today crossed Se Noi River and are within 12 miles of Thakhek, reliable Monti said here.— Beater.
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  • 59 1 LONDON Mon— lvan Kovtunenko. Russian horticulturist, has developed a rate that passes tnrough several shades of colour every week until it reaches pale red the Soviet news agency. today Kovtunenko, a Stal n Pn/ winner, told the agency ne named his new rose Th"- cretary
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 246 2 The big Comet crash check may be extended to Spore SECURITY officers checking: the possibility that Comet jet airliners flying between London and the East may have been sabotaged are likely to come to Singapore, since it is an important Comet stopping place, a Bri-j tish Overseas Airways] Corporation spokesman
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  • 68 2 ROME. Mon— The hillside cemetery at Porto Azzurro. Elba, was thick with flowers today when funeral services were held for 15 of the 35 people killed in the Comet crash. In the northern Mediterranean a ceremony was held later above the spot where the Comet era-shed for
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  • 35 2 NEW YORK. Mon. Th»National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis said yesterday that it hoped to have enough trial polio vaccine for at least 500.000 .schoolchildren before the start of the polio season. —A. P.
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  • 83 2 PENANG. Mon SEVERAL thousand dollars worth ot jewellery believed to have been stolen has been tound by police after a raid on a shop h*>re. Some has already been identified by a family whose home was robbed last week and people who have lost
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  • 53 2 LONDON, Mon.— Atomic energy may be used to generate all the electricity needed by Britain within 20 years, according to a book just published by the Stationery Office. The book "Britain's Atomic Factories." tells in 100 pagc--the story of the birth and progress of Britain's
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  • 58 2 AS THE QI'EEN armed at Marton Junction durine her tour of New Zealand she noticed this elderly woman in a wheelchair, who had come to Join the welcoming < rowds. Her Majesty stopped, smiled and bent over the chair to talk, Kiving the old
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  • 173 2 KE KILLED 5 REDS Hero praised by Templer THE bravery of Rifleman Birbahadur Rai (above) earned him the praise of the High Coir.missioner. General Sir Gerald Templer. Rifleman Birbahadur killed five terrorists single-handed in an en^a^ement this month at I'lu Remis, Johore. Rifleman Birhahadur 23 is a meir.ber of "A"
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  • 73 2 MANILA, Mon.— President Ramon Magsaysay today said that he must first make the i Philippine. a model of Asian i democracy before he would tackle the problem of rallying] 3 South-East Asia against Com- tnunlsm He was commenting <>n mvi- j 4 tatiotu from Asian
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  • 61 2 NEW YORK. Mon. French' singer Charles Trrnet yesterday said that he still expected to marry Doris Duke despite a report from France that the' tobacco heiress denies knowing him. Trenet announced last Thursday that he would soon marry the twice-wed Miss Duke, one of the
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  • 43 2 POMPEII. Mon. Archeologists nave found a statute which they believe is the work >f Phidias, the artist of ancient Greece. The statue, marble represents a w,man holding j a sphere. Authorities say the statue j is of immense value. A.P.
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  • 41 2 ROME, Mon. Signor Amintore Fanfani. 45-year-old leader of a Left-wing group in t h c Christian Demo rat (Roman Catholic i Party officially told President Luigi Einaudi last night that he was ready to form a new government. Reuter.
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  • 120 2 PENANG. Mon. A MAN was seriously wound- j '1 last night when bandits at him and a friend in Kampong Chengoi a mile from the Malaya-Siam border. The wounded man, Osman bin Awang. and his friend. Ayob bin Ismail, were walking along thr
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  • 85 2 Xl ALA M VIPIR, Mon. rK Royal Alt Forre is to hold a court of inquiry into a bomb miship which caused the death of an 11-y<Mr »lil Malay *irl. Zainab hinte AH was killed near her home in Kampone Redan in the .Irrantut
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  • 32 2 taipeh. Mon. a teacher and thr captain of a small ship nave bren paoled for overload' ing a fishing: sloop with picnicking schoolchildren hrr" and causing one to bo drowned.—U.P.
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  • 164 2 THEY FEAR STERLING CONTROLS TOKYO JAPANESE rubber buyers were makinu J Malayan raw rubber supplies for Japanese Government would soon lmp< tions on sterling imports, officials of ti Japan saia today. The officials were commenting on a bank survey published at the week-end,
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 72 2 MERCHANT SHOOTS A TIGER On evening icai' K KUALA LUMP> A MERCH v Fong Ch m shot, a six-fr,. tiger at Bi tate. Banting Selangor, la I Mr. Fong with chant, Mr. 8 P m land (iwnrr. M: Wah. were wnlkin the estati said they <>f a a shotgun
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 469 2 FOP ALL PURPOSES The four firms below, for which Cuthries are the sole agents, make pumps of varying kinds, for every type of work: Estate water supply, mines, excavation work, irrigation, sewage, air-conditioning and for general use by contractors. Guthries' Engineering Department will welcome an opportunity of advising you on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 367 2 "s^Sis times ~TUESDAY j Cjr out and pin with oth r i PMflpQ irdtructions appeir be low. < N intc *^^**^^^> .«i. Addrcis.....j £flU""j IS I i |C|H|^! C e]l missing I3 m rrl NE^ S i H§||B^ l A I'SiNG J Z B > |Tt I Ej P| clues
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  • 267 3 Nehru to get a say in new plan for Indians in Ceylon ROW MAY END SOON M\\ DELHI, Mon. I KYLON'S Prime Minis- tii *mi .lohn Kotcl.iwalu |)nipusrd a settle meni on the status o! the nearly million Indian residents ol eylon, who in tlttci hold the political balance ol'
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  • 71 3 AN OVERTURNED fact or the Breßenz-Innsbnuk-Viennu train which was hurled into a valley near Dalaas. Austria, by avalanche. Only one person was killed. A family was due Sill alive from th<> wreckage. An Austrian railway official is seen at the open door of the coach, which
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  • 45 3 oo\. Mon. Thousands of Buddhistf trom al l over the world will assemble .il Rangoon in May for the ol the sixth Buddhist The main purpose will be to 11 an authorised verthe Buddhist sclpturcs language which say Buddha .-poke.-
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  • 22 3 TOKYO. Mori, rvkim; radio today said that a trade agreemeni between China and Indonesla had come into effect. A.r
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  • 123 3 U.S. has lost the cold war Senator WASHINGTON, Mon. R< ations rday .vi.d that th? t'n:t.(l States ws behind RibKla In u-.miinK Asia's support, but predicted eventual victory. Senator H, Alexander Smith i nnd Senator Guy Gilleti Asian affaira on the nd:u. ■I think that up to the present we
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  • 158 3 LONDON. Mon. T^HE auxiliary tanker Wave Victor '8.128 toils > was towed into Swansea Bay roads. South Wales, early today under a pall of .smoke, but the fire which threatened to engulf her last olfht was reported to be under control. All hands abandoned ship
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  • 22 3 ISTANBUL. Mon.— The Turkish President. Mr. Celal Ba;,ar, leaves for an official Visit to the United States today— A.P.
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  • 257 3 TOP TOPIC: SINGAPORE'S STATUS JAKARTA, Monday. "THREE-D AY talks between a Singapore trade dele- Ration and the Indonesian (lovernment started at the Economic Ministry here today. The discussion, according to a high source, centres on Singapore's historical position as Indonesia's main transit port. It is
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  • 92 3 CAIRO. Mon. TIIK Family Reform Committee yesterday decided that no K.cyptian should marry more than one wife without special permission The committee also recommended that in cases of divorce the mother should retain custody of children until they come <>f see. .In making its
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  • 27 3 CAIRO. Mon. Mahmoud Saleb EI F;ilaki. Under-Secrc-tary of State at the Mini.strv o( Finance and Economy, is to bo Egypt's new Ambassador to France. Reuter.
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  • 144 3 BELGRADE. Monday. yiCE-PRESIDENT Milovan Djilas. who has been T attacked for criticising the "privileges" of Yugoslav Communist leaders, was excluded last night from the Central Committee of the Communist League. President Tito told the committee yesterday thai he would regard it as harmful if
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  • 46 3 TRIPOLI, Mon. A fourth member of the crew of an American B-29 bomber which crashed in the Libyan desert on Friday (lied in hospital here yesterday. Two others were killed in the crash and a third died in hospita on Saturday. Reuter.
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  • 21 3 TOKYO. Mon. A 400-bed Germ an Reel CroM hospital will open soon at Pusan for Korean civilian.s. A. P.
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  • 303 3 LONDON. Mon. I^AR En.«t«rn Ixsues on the London' Stock Exchange *ere generally quieter today. There was some profit taking In tea shares with interest in some of the more spei illative lsMie> being switched clsew here. Japanese bonds were mostly little firmer while small gains w«;re reu uttered
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Jan 18. Cash Buyeis V64.t; Sellers CSSO; Forward Buyers C 622' 2 Sellers CMS; Settlement tfU* 1 2 Turnover a.m. "0 tons; p.m. R5 tons.
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  • 38 3 LONDON. Jan 18. Spot 17rt Feb. 17d.. Mar. 17d., Apr-June 17.d July-Sept. 17', d.. Oct. -Deo. 17 'vd. Jnn. ri f 16% d.. Feb c.i f. 16 II 16d.. Mir. (If. 16 13 16d Tone: Quiet.
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  • 38 3 PARIS. Mon —The Tunisian Neo-Destour Nationalist Partyyesterday demanded the release from French custody of its leader, Habib Boursuiba. r.s ♦he only man capable of concluding; a "serious and honest"' with Frani c. U.P. 1
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  • 19 3 KINGSTON. Mon.— Sir Noei Brooks Livingston, one of tho island's leading lawyers, died yesterday aged 78.— A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 Is your child getting sufficient nourishment Thaf. .i verj imporunl qumion t«. chiWren need iremeftdooi amoun i^^Hik •■>f nourishment to icMori- ihc enert) ihej v<> i.ipiiii^ wup in gro*in ami v activity. And. Mirpnsinel) .-Hon. (he tood lhe> normally eat does noi '7^__-r them all ihc nounshmcni iho require
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    • 218 3 [kra'f't] CHEESE SPREAD I easy and economical I j j In four delicious varieties CHEDDAR GORGONZOLA CREAM blui; IN 5-OZ DECORATED REUSABLE CLASSES, WHY NOT FRY ONE OF EACH? SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (bayer) &S*Wlj!t^ XRESIVAt I icucRKUSEN, mOOOMI MAC b toorhi»9. onhi«pnc wnrm««f ticcp M*n' heol'nfl pfopcfftti *Koi#
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 57 3 over the hurdles i >.-.e*i,c:x'*: VMjr i '.-A rt.v 1 A-:."^^^ I into if r AT HOME THAT EVENING I fel^ ANO SO T N»aii*^"fe^**^™i^ doctor's I-, BWBfaL ho g li ctcs >, 5 r I ueHif.€M£r^y -^jj^££& SOME TIME LATER F LATER AT THE 816 ATHLETIC MEET v fltati
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    • 248 3 HM BfeMß: K M.iiav.m MagMBM; SINGAPORE gyg-ji SSTI^ hcc^ 7.15 a..n. Time Signal and Op n- J£ ffir^K" H d Star A 7'3O l "NeTs en 7 35 7 Mrtof'SS? SSpSW .045 "iwS*' We e>iai J(i Nen.v i.JS Melody Mix- i D o ()KP no« n ture; 8 MusicM Comedy
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  • 188 4 ADULT EDUCATION GROUP PROMISES AID IN ALL STATES KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE MAI. WAN Adult Education Association will provide tuition Tor the thousands of hoys ■nd ijirl* who have been "sacked" from schools in the Federation. Tins was decided at yesterday's meeting in Lumpur of
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  • 34 4 About 500 to l.on'i pU] Mr D srhool to repori the nui <-hildren s> i Inch* B M Zalnul ol Pen IMNO .1 Ml I c dele itrhoola.
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  • 18 4 IPOH, Run When Kmta Town Board holds Janu- newly rrnnv.i' tionr'ii chaml
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  • 23 4 1..m Kwai trnrrd v when she pi guilty in a Kinnapore court to assisting In a public chap-Ji-ki lottery last October.
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  • 51 4 Mm. B'iri.s Holland. ii a Singapore travel i r m. m. la by Sunday to attend the thirl Asian and tar Butern Travel ssion mci I She will attend the Pacific Ar< a Tra\ tion confer* tire to be held ■m January 2~ to February
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  • 18 4 PFNANG. Mon Tengku Kassim. younaer nmthe' ij Kedah, has given $sn to the UMNO Independence fund.
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  • 82 4 Hindus mark festival of penance HINDUS in Singapore and the Federation ol Malaya tori iv eel( brate Thaipusam, a festival ol penanci in Singapore last night, devoteea with silver skewers piercing their tongues and kavadls h toked on to their bodies took part in a procession from Kreta Ayer Road
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  • 213 4 Flogging for man who 'savagely' attacked boy jyiß. Justice Knight 11 said in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday that Abu Bakar bin Ibrahim had committed a "brutal and savage attack" on a Chinese boy of 14. He was sent to four years' gaol ana ordered to receive 18 strokes of
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  • 50 4 KUAI.A LUMPIi: Federal revenue last month totalled $25,000,000, compared v. ith $2 Duty on tobacco nettc d $, about sson,nnn more than the prevlou month Rubbur export dul reased. from $2,800,(1111' N ".(niber to 53.400.000 while the t:utv on tin wont up from 33.600,000 to $3,900,000.
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  • 52 4 S MALAYAN BEAUTY QUEKb r Violet Sleigh smiles as •^Members o/ the Stlangor sCamera Club take their s i a! the Chenwu sivim--5 ming poo!. Kualu Lumpur. Violet, who recently rc- turned from a trip to HctllySirotKi. may star in a Malayan-produced film. Straits
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  • 142 4 But he picked the wrong man MAN offered to sell 728 ot>scpnc photograph* to a Volunteer Special Constable the Singapore Fourth Police Court was told yesterday. The man. Lee Chuan Hena. it WM stated, wanted $-77 fot the photographs. Lee wu arrested with
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  • 57 4 Two new ships, one Swedish i and the other French owned, will make their first call at Singapore today. Thoy are the 12.000-ton Henri" Poincare. belonging to Cie Maritime des Chargeurs Reunls, with nearly 500 passengers bound for Marseilles, and the Swedish East Asia j
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  • 187 4 SHE URGED 3 MEN TO KILL SON-IN LAW, COURT TOLD Woman alleged to hare looked on KUALA LUMPUR, Monda A WOMAN was alleged to have talked on and < courafjed three men to her son -in death, the Kuala Lumpur Supreme couri n today. The woman. Mohcndur Kaur, was
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  • 60 4 Al OH A shopl K( he and two home guard who son. Tlio shopkeepei Kua k charceii with n Han Phcny South K ■if man l.nv. told v ho was talking to I when K who •Ac cun at n to him i
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  • 49 4 KL^N'G. Mon. A Pnlau Ketam woman. Ah Heng C hoo, was fined a total of SI. OOO heir today after beinu found guilty of pMf sring liquor utensils and a complete still. She was also found guilty of possessing two bo intoxicating liquor and fermented null
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  • 39 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon Mr Carl de Souza, Assistant Seci retary Women's anrl G;rlv section of the Singapore .Sooia! Welfare Department, will talk on "The Cere of Women and Girls" tv the Johore Bahru Rntarv Club tomnrr"W
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  • 13 4 inn $20,000 Then :;d a free c n at th<'
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  • 92 4 PENANG. Mon. AFTER coming from Kuala Lumpur to Penang in search of her fiance, Tong Thai Thye had a ■misunderstanding" with him and swallowed 10 .sleeping tablets in a bid to end her life. The Penanu Magi Court was told thi.- today when Tong. a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 We have pleasure in announcing that we have appointed Mt'ttSl**. SIM LIJI Co.. Llfl 56, Snngei Road, Singapore 8. igenU for t\\t\S Brand Hoofing Tilts Ridges in the markel of Singapore and Federation of Malaya All our Clients are cordialh reuuesled lo approach them for supnlv. MALABAR TILE WORKS., vv
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  • 105 5 Training, Urn KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Till Malayan Adult Kducation Association will soon pro- vide teaching and training classes for Sakais in Pahang, the general council of the Association decided here today. If the experiment is a success, classes may be extended to Sakais elsewhere in the
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  • 37 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Men.— RIDA'.s programme for this i year Includes new roads and i tracks in Johore. RIDA has helped to build I 61 miles of roads and tracks in the State.
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  • 284 5 Govt. has plans to smash the 'protection money racketeers 6 SECRET SOCIETY ATTACKS ALREADY, BUT... YEW Government meaal sures to curb the activities of secret societies in Singapore are expected to be announced soon. Mr. R. N. Broome, the Registrar of Societies, who announced this yesterday, said that he was
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  • 186 5 CATERPILLAR SOUP WAS ALL THEY COULD GET, TILL.. PENANG. Mon. IJV3R months open air diner.s at the Chinese Swimming Club. Tanjons Bunsah. have been able to get nothing but caterpillar soup. They might order cream of mushroom or borsch but as soon as the waiter set down the plate a
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  • 46 5 MOKE THAN SM K upsts watched Mr. ()uah Bi-iik Kee. thief clerk of the Kuala Lumpur Artificial l-nnb Centre, help his bride, Yap Cfceag Kirn, cut their five-layer wedding cake after their marriage in Kuala l.unipur on Sunday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 60 5 Husband, 26, knifed woman, 40 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— A 40- year-old woman today sain in the magist rate's court her? that her 26-year-old husband stabbed her "between the eyes because she refused to give him money. R. Muniandy was convicted of causing hurt to his wife. Thanapackiam, with a penknife
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  • 146 5 A THIEF, who broke Into a bouse in Singapore Harbour Board on November 27. tried to molest a sleeping woman, the Singapore third criminal district court was toM yesterday. Harun bin Abdullah. 22. was found guilty "i housebreaklng and theft and .sentenced to
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  • 224 5 Stopped for a car across road: robbed of $2,352 salesman JOHOKE BAIIKI'. Monday. 4 TRAVELLING salesman. Tan Thai Hock, of Chop Hai Seng. Pontian. told an Assize Court here today that when his van was forced to stop by a car, which was being pushed along the Pontian Pekan Nanas
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  • 58 5 $168,893 for 'tips' JOHORE: $83,750 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Federation Government paid out $168,893 for information leading to the capture or killing of Communist terrorists last month The sum was paid out In Johore— sB3,7so. Pah;i:v; \va> next with $2:5.500. Perak $22,750. Negri Sembilan $15,000, [Malacca $6,589, Selangor $6,031.
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  • 56 5 Gaol for bus conductor POCKETED FARE A Singapore Traction Company bus conductor, Mohamed Shariff, was convicted on three counts ot criminal breach ol trust in Singapore yesterday and sentenced to six months' gaol on cai-h charge, the sentences to run concurrently. Three detectives told the court they saw Mohamed accept
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  • 53 5 i Chess teams of the University of Malaya and the City of I Singapore will compete tomorrow for the Mac Donald 1 Cup, won by the City last year by one point. The tournament will take place at the Oei Tiong Ham Hall, between 2 p.m.
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  • 20 5 Air Marshal Sir Clifford Sanderson. Commander-in-Chief Far East Air Force, returned to Singapore fiom Penang by air yesterday.
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  • 23 5 The office of the Representative of the Government of India at Orange Road. Singapore will be closed today for Thaipusam.
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  • 95 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. INDIAN women dressed in deep coloured saris ol red and yellow are arrivine hertoday for the Thaipusam iestival. Hundreds of pi'.arlms from surrounding districts started moving into Batu Caves, where the festival will start tomorrow. Many of them will spend the night
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  • 29 5 Sir Thomas Lloyd, permanent Under-Srcretary of State for the Colonies, will visit j Singapore at the end of this I month. He will stay here a week.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 material and rabbet heel*. si/is s 1 Prw r i rlliM icpc soles anrf In iN Sties: 2 sinc^ixn* fi Penang Krdrr.UK.n ol Malays A 'S i KsPv s^s^ s gV. *^B W^&^ "ii.ip California Jjjj Mnd.iU with s J i ii v h i k straps. Superior. lone paring
      115 words
    • 64 5 CRAVEN A IOR SMOOTH, CI I SMOKING Largest-selling cork-tipped cigarette < _N m the world. > -*\'~'-\*\j Imported from London Colman's _^A Mustard made the meal M'"n: HARPLR, GILFILLAN A CO. LTD.. Singtron m "fUf vk vii WITH EVERY CARTON (j^, b OF CARLSBERG BEER f >.„ M (w\^3 u
      64 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 218 5 THE SINGAPORE DAIRY Polirr Band: Public perf-.imnnre. Norw -iy Hal. Rix>r Rat and Rat 8 pm.: five Knvlisl! BaMßal 7 p.m. Kin* Ocofse v I'.uk, MO inn. to ProMrai Pathology laboratory, i<> v v.m Beieglt Road. 6:< o pm. Rm.iliv <.i Mi-iiiiiiu-, Bnaaj i.nn-.s. tMJCJL: Malay j..«i ii.. ,:c s"D«rr
      218 words

    • 51 6 N W*4* |M i minimum) ■\\\v. Engagement is announced I h Chwee Seng eldest Koh S'>on B Chwee Neo Of Mr. and I I H.>od K K!KX~> KAAN. The enticement meed between Khix. Veow l i indaon <>• M <■ Mi Knoo Mr A- and Winnie i i.
      51 words
    • 12 6 <rf. til (minimum) OK iHN Joel LoulM 1 of the
      12 words
    • 25 6 M H«rW» $1V I minimum) .lOV H11.1.. beio' ed HOMED Chi ted 48 T:fMdent of Chinese YMC Vfmon.i R' Mri 33d p n nietarv.
      25 words
    • 29 6 *(i W f if U ttt tn t rti ii irt THOMPSON In I ol Mollie who dirri as thr an accident In Johore on I! 1953.
      29 words
    • 61 6 JO Word, lilt (minimum) PAREWB I on. m.\. 3.A I 0 K PATBi c damp pr<» Cnmmrrtia'. and I' Pnone 8 I A*e. IHE ZFISS IKON I s< lentifli Quay, THE I tern" PriMn Binocular x 30 Obtainable fron Opticians and PhOtOf Pole Agents .wholesale 01 Instrument vo
      61 words
  • 705 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Jan. 19, 1954. Working The Tin Scheme There seems .-till to be cxi v iii everything to do with tin and the Geneva ■it [or control, although the scheme which the ii is being asked to consider is ol interest to inure than the tin
    705 words
  • 273 6 Until Sir John Kotalawala visited Delhi there had been no pioßirss towards solution of the problem of citizenship rights for Indians resident in Ceylon since Mr. Senanayakc, who was then Prime Minister, discussod the matter with Mr. Nehru when they met in London durinc their Coronation visit. In
    273 words
  • 289 6 The Singapore Harbour Board's year <.nds in June, which makes it difficult to relate its main figures to those of trade and Government finance, based on the calendar year. But one figure which catches the eye at once is the return of the ten million ton total
    289 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 264 6 publicity ha.s be a given this week to the dropping, over jungle areas, of I four million leaflets imploring the terrorists who might ;ee i them to return to the DOSODU of their families for the coming Chinese New Year when all will
      264 words
    • 60 6 RECEPTION of Radio Malaya programmes in the Bukit Tersenyum district of Port Dickson i.s just as bad a.s that described by your correspondent. Bee Gee of Batu Gajah. I have given up trying to tune to Radio Malaya, but I get excellent programmes and
      60 words
    • 60 6 WHY does not Mr. \V. K. Hi> suggest that all Government departments should have Chinese sections also? I believe Chinese educated students would want t<> work there too! As it i.s. most of the nurses in Singapore can speak Chinese dialects, so I don't see why there
      60 words
    • 280 6 THE area around Delta R";u' (Singapore) on three occasions has made headline news. First, there was the tilling of a mechanic at the June- i tion of Delhi Road and Alenn- dra Road; secondly, the murder of Mr. Guok Beng In in the Office Ol Hock
      280 words
  • 1807 6 By Professor C. Northcote Parkinson Head of the Department of History at the University of Malaya rPHE RESULT of delibe- rations now in progress in both the Federation and Singapore will be to recommend some form of parliamentary structure on the British model. We
    1,807 words
  • 200 6 Atomic cow HAVK long i i whether it col or atom bomb.s learn that tinatom bomb thai in India of the way ol Bi American SI ppei photograph! cai labo unlov east London, l do noi Ls couched In as ni' witche beth. Die Amerli a n
    200 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 463 6 BHB MBtDINt On iK'h to- K.mdani; Kerbau rife ol h l 1 H Mielmercllne. b daughter. »<i>rf« j;« (minimum) HANCOCK I I Bhep- I r-rd Cathedral 16th L'ipore Mr Bernard John H Plymouth Ensland to Mlas Audrey Carmcl Peterson Singapore. m M innounced bet«een Kenne'i: srrond BSD "T K»aiiK .lim.
      463 words
    • 39 6 GERMAN PEN Viiuite I Improved L.imy-Artusl (irrateM Ink «llin<: <a|'<nly. Trjiinparrnl barrrl. Mo>l> indium tipped UK K>lii nih. rmUce 50 UN r\lr.« EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., It, Inilia St.. S-pore-l ENG SENG MEDICAL CO., V \li QMC BI IVnan;.
      39 words
    • 63 6 PL TALENT.. \r Ihc bful Him v>\ I 1 from around v^> world- n ires, ii a me wonat-n pvi-; <\miw;iim.i INTERNATIONAI rocrptinn on all lo Waveb i 9 va'vrs Twin V: Ion" Tuner, and TMrnimlii twitch living Factory R TV MITCHELL t CO.. LTD. Distributors: AHN PENG TRADERS LTD
      63 words

  • 139 7 Inflation is causing high food prices, council is told .•Kill i t i'i< prlcea in ire .n<- <lin- In conditions esslrc profit lit made in the lish. comthr fLsh. marAll Im- of restoring order to the Mreet markets, the report It) the rural UTCH
    139 words
  • 133 7 luate teachers of Government hools in Singapore yesterday asked m Departmeni to consider an improved salary scheme for them. In :i memorandum to the Of Kciuration, Mr. D the teachers say that neni ol Injustice had arisen because, though honours les, they had joined the
    133 words
  • 7 7 this Im- nique
    7 words
  • 14 7 iry of the Federation ;vom 6 to 24.
    14 words
  • 16 7 The BI ship Ratula arnv in Singapore yestredas with 246 jers from India.
    16 words
  • 219 7 4,000 SIGN THE PETITION FOR TRIAL BY JURY Deputation may see Templer Xl ALA LI'MPIR. Monday. A PETITION, which by today had more than 4.000 signatures, will be handed to the Federation's Legislative Council Speaker asking the Government to introduce a jury system in the Malay States. Organisers of the
    219 words
  • 277 7 20 ministers for funeral of Mr. Cheng THE Singapore Chinese community has suffered a severe loss in the death of one of its outstanding leaders, Mr. Hc-ner Cheng Hui Min<_\ who collapsed just before the morning service at the Foochow Methodist Church on Sunday and died at the General Hospital
    277 words
  • 152 7 Sick horses miss trip to Bangkok TWO hor.scs imported from Australia for the Royal Mounted Police wentaken off a .ship In Singapore yesterday and placed in the animal Infirmary for rest and treatment. One has a .swollen right hind leg. with a'd sore lust below the knee. The
    152 words
  • 71 7 A suit fi'ed in the Singapore High Court on February 10. 1951, by M. M. Mohamed r gainst A. M. Mohamed Sultan and A. A. Abdullah asking for specific performance of a contract for the transfer of a shop, was struck out yesterday as
    71 words
  • 76 7 AVTO Mr. Tt'o B«ek Hock and RUM I'iif; lluan (ieok (abovoi j were married in Singapore I on SumUy night, they donated S7OO to charity for yood luck. Oi ihis. S3OO Mill go to the Nanyaag Unhrmtty, S2OO to the Social Welfare and the
    76 words
  • 133 7 PR more than 20 years Mr. B. Kaher Singh of Negri Sembilan was a schoolmaster in Malaya Then at b 0 years of age, he went to England to study for the Bar. With five other Malayans he has now passed the Hilary
    133 words
  • 210 7 SO ITS A COCKTAIL PARTY NOW URGENT messages to YIPs all over Singapore were sent out yesterday as two big parties were hurriedly cancelled. Both parties were for the same guest of honour, the Indian Finance Minister Mr. C Deshrr.ukh. who was expected
    210 words
  • 88 7 The sufferings of 7 chickens and a goose TAX TKOW. charced with causing unnecessary suffering to seven chickens and a s<w> s e by keeping them all in a basket, had his case dismissed in the Sinitupore Cit> Police Court yesterday After pleading; guilty. Tan told the macistrate. Mr. J
    88 words
  • 38 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A film on the atom bomb Issued by the British Home Office will be screened by the Civil Defence Department at the Buklt Zahrah School, Johore Bahru at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday.
    38 words
  • 55 7 Mr. Chia Chwee Leong. of the Singapore Chemistry Department, will leave for Britain thi.s week on t two-year study ccurse. He will .spend nine months at the laboratory of the Government chemist in London, followed by six months wilh a well-known public analyst. After that he will
    55 words
  • 52 7 'NO DUMPING' SIGNS ALONG THE CANAL Plans to keep Rochore Canal clean have been recommended to the Singapore City Council. A Council committee has suggested that funds be provided to instal "no dumping" signs, along the canal. Drains discharging into the canal should have gratings to hold baGk rubbish, the
    52 words
  • 45 7 JOHORE BAHRU. MonThe Johore State Welfarp Committee has decided that contributions from the districts will be pooled for assisting children in orphanages leper colonies and detention camps in Johore. The committee will make the allocations as and when necessary.
    45 words
  • 33 7 Tan Kiam Kuah was fined! a total of $600 in Sinsni-orej yesterday for failing to furnish j income tax returns of Oim Hop Company for 1951. 1952 j and 1953. J
    33 words
  • 52 7 SEREMBAN, Mon. AFTER several telephone booths here had been rifled police were alerted by the postal authorities. Today. K. Narayanah Samy was charged with breaking a telephone booth. He pleaded not suilty and the case was adjourned until Jr.n. 24. Bail of $300
    52 words
  • 134 7 Magistrate sees 'gang tattoos' on accused Wm;N MM All I.IM pleaded not cuilty in Singapore "enterday to havinc hern i member of a secret .societi on January 16. the Bttffei trate was shows the sncict> t:»ttiM>s on Urn's body. There were marks mi> chest, shoulder*. hack and left hand,
    134 words
  • 59 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A gardener entired away thr v.ifo of another gardcnrr, ;i magistrates court here was told today. Pleading guilty, M. Vallasamy, 30, oi Batu Aranc said that the woman had pressed him to t?ke her away from hrr husband. Vallasamy was bound over in
    59 words
  • 33 7 Mr. C R. Dasarth,. Raj, Singapore Legislative Councillor who went to India last month o receive war medals b warded to him. returned to the Colony yesterday in the Rajula
    33 words
  • 183 7 GOVT. MEN CONSIDER EXPATS Proposals 'best compromise' THE Council of Joint •■■Action. rpprrsontine L'O.nno local employees of the Singapore Government, mo! behind closed doors for more than DO minutes Last night, to consider the Government's latesi pay proposals and recommendations on expa riation allowances. The Government last week d to
    183 words
  • 32 7 Joseph Illovsky. a doctor, w.i fined Sin in the Singapore City police court yesterday when he pleaded z -n'tv to parking his car in a taxi Mand in Beach Road.
    32 words
  • 121 7 Earth for garden at trade fair A pound of Malayan earth will leave this week for America for the blgges" show on the Pacific coast The earth is being flown in a Pan American Clippc to tht international trati" fair m
    121 words
  • 27 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Men. -The Johore Bantu branch of the Women's Institute will hold its annual meetinc at the Dome.stic Science School. Johore Bahru, on Wednesday.
    27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 The food tTT of champions Ay/^^ Hardy men in every land know Y^&^**jn\ how they can keep free from coughs, colds and chest weaky XVV\BH^ nesses. They take Cod Liver OiL > -^J^fc^^^ SevenScaS Pure Cod Liver Oil, C VTJ Kature's finest food. /^?fr Cod Lt-cr Oii is a rtuignised
      97 words
    • 55 7 12 classes of fresh milk in every lib \t ists^^B B\ -thatswhy (M you can taste the cream L?»J DAIRY MILK WHOLENUT DAIRY MILK FRUIT NUT DAIRY MILK NUT MILK AND MILK TRAY y^BSV^Bf^^SK^BS^KTTI4BBBBBSPffrYY >l Y > 3HB B "MMMM |^P''^M|^HHHfl^s. v^B^BwUO^r^lwlinwiTTV^l lit I DM V '1 m SVKT^sV^ JVX
      55 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 164 7 The weather Minimum Trmprralur* (7.30 pm OB lan. 17 to 7.30 a.m. on Jan. 18': Gincaprre 73 decrees. Penanß 73. Kot:i Bnliru 74. Kuala Lumpur 72. i Ipoh ~2. K\>:intan 72 Maximum Trmpfraturr (7 30 :i to 730 pm (Hi J:tn. 18) BblSVPan 87 PeiU'iiß «5. Kola Balmi 80. Kttftfal
      164 words

  • Article, Illustration
    789 8 CHRISTINE has just returned from leave in England. This week, she moved into a new flat took her daughter, lane, to the market, recoverec her cat, and received a "*"xard" letter from her son in England. "What a week ir has been! 1 she says .IIoimIjiv WE
    789 words
  • 46 8 Latest fashion note in jewellery is this snake garter which can also be used as a necklace (below). Idea springs from the film "Mogambo" and the snakes are made of tiny beads. The snake's mouth is sprung to clip on to its body.
    46 words
  • 415 8 htiHh' mv I'huHuh' THE movement to put fluoride in drinking water to reduce tooth decay is gaining momementum in the United States. But so is its opposition. Nearly one of every eight Amercans is now drinking fluoridated water. By American Dental Association tally, fluorides have been
    415 words
  • 28 8 is Cheung Kwok Yip, son of Mr. Cheung Saik Kie. of 72, South Bridge Road, Singapore. Kwok Yip wins the five doHars prixe.
    28 words
  • 370 8 SAVES HUM III I I VI I II OX DEAR Sister Clare,"' writes a Seremban mother, "I am very worried about my son\s gums. He has a lovely set of teeth, but becausr of the gums they cormloose. The dentist says he can
    370 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 102 8 Wei Lan is only *> just starting, Somasiri has ai'.vani ed a little further. Let us quote an extract from Somasiri's father's "I fully recommend Jpjjl. that every child that requires r.rtirtcial feed- >< i ins should lie fed on t >•* j throughout the world .Jhl "^ilifefa. «mMP Somasiri
      102 words
    • 230 8 W KPWM A healthy child h »PPy child I For Children cutt.n. teeth, debility and 0 P^^ of appetite give StMd-l^^~~-~-~r»-»^^^^ man's Soothing PowH* M c/^ii' *i (ameia the soft, safe way to feminine hysicnc-with munr that flatten so neatly and extra absorbency plu< a frill, waterproof backing for confidence.
      230 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 384 8 f» I T7. Friday's noon Is doom' otraits Times Crossword iT). T I T 5 4 |^j s I fe I a DOWN SSS Doped oi wilted as I kil HI HI HI HI 2 rcrc'.uctor passes or the m SSS £sb K^ rlvtres t5). s§§i l 0 3 Canal
      384 words

  • 1297 9 F E A T U R E i nr, anti-prohibition demonstration '>f .'ul} 4, 1924, was the biggest parade of "Wets" in New York's history. Marching in the ranks, waving a banner and shouting slogans was a fat, balding man of 44. Periodically, as the marcli
    1,297 words
  • 727 9 dressed them and himself in football antlorms. :i .1 d smeared their faces with mud. After a preli m 1 n a r y bout of "rahrahing" outside the milk bar. he led the panting team inside They had just won the last match of the season.
    Daily Mirror  -  727 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 FARGO j TRUCKS I Built to fit your job! PETROL MODELS AVAILABLE IS cwt PAYLOAD j fO- 226 25 cwt PAYLOAD j FO-470 4\ ton PAYLOAD j FO-670 5 ton PAYLOAD I (VCLE CARRIAGE j CO. (1926) LTD. ..arc K. Lumpur J nU'd throughout J the Federation. Sulfarthro? Berna sulphur
      198 words
    • 5 9 I rO>IOIUMI\%:I uionrrr of fliuhl
      5 words
    • 183 9 Registered Trade Mart /^f BEAR BRMVD Genuine Natural SWISS MILK Solf Agents: M SlnjwpA"* Kuolo Lumpur Ipoh Penong v»* t »*»*< NE^rV m structure an X A car of advanced construction greater 4 efficiency and comfort, improved springf ing, visibility, steering md holding. -k Increased performance PRICE and comfort.
      183 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 52 9 I HERe IS #IV WARD, ROS.NA~ AH FI6AKO! COME\ L\ TH > s DO" ALONSO WHO WLc YlXj SHALL SHAVt Mt J 7.\^w you ******,*;> g/KMk WS^wS!^^ f^ J (fc<. **'**j& to stakt with d'k^ i fl Ma AT TWLLVt OLIOOC PKLti'.LIY "I 4 ILL COM T O Ft rCH
      52 words

  • 589 10 SMALL SHARE TURNOVER: STEADIER Around the markf(f TIN FALLS, RUBBER RISES THE Singapore share market had a very quiet day yesterday when there was insi'.fncient business to test prices Few price changes were, therefore, made and the turnover was the smallest for several weeks. Prices on the whole were reasonably
    589 words
  • 262 10 SHIPMENTS of prepared latex from Malaya in December were 6,913 tons of which 2,087 tons went to the United Kingdom. 2,079 tons to the United States, 499 tons to France, 383 tons to Germai.y, I 256 tons to Japan, 277 tons to the Netherlands. 317 tons
    262 words
  • 170 10 CHIPS lying ulonßside the Sinea pore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Henri Poincare 1 2. Pembrokshire 40. Pukuyo Maru C.P.. Bradeverett 6 7. 8 9. Kaiyo Maru 11. 13 14. Glen Kyle 15 16. Stanvac Benakat 18. Fernhill 19 20. Tung Sons; N. Wail
    170 words
  • 152 10 MELBOURNE. Von CHARE prices rase again today on the Stock Exchange though most moves Iran small. Oil ■ham were well supported while inc»res( in sold Issues continued. Closing quotation* of selects! stock today, compared with Fild.iy van: Loan 3 1 1956-59 £94 12/6 d Loan3',', 1956-58 £96 5/-
    152 words
  • 79 10 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce: Noon prices per picul were:Copra: steady; February $417, buyers, *41 sellers; March *41 buyers. $41 sellers. Coconut oil: steady: $67 L sellers. Pepper: steady, unchanged; Muntok white $340. Sarawak $335. Lampong black $305. Lewis and Peat: Closing prices were Copra: very steady; January
    79 words
  • 69 10 IN November factories In the Federation and Singapore produced 37,161 hundredweight if soap making the total proCiuetion for the 11 months of last year 413.156 hundredweight. Local sales accounted for 31,550 hundredweight making the cumulative local sales for the 1! months 336,999 hundredweight. Stock., of soap at the
    69 words
  • 79 10 EXPORTS of copra from Malaya in November totalled 6.548 tons, valued at $4.069 193. Exports of refined coconut oil were 410 tons, valued at $433,058 and exports of crude coconut oil were 6.839 tons, valued at $6,547,432. Foreign imports of copra were 10.177 ton.s, valued at $4,988,041. of
    79 words
  • 18 10 The price oT tin in Sineapore yesterday was derlared at 5318.50 a pii-ul. down 50 cents.
    18 words
  • 276 10 AS was to be expected the sharp decline in the prices of rubber and tin in 1953. compared with 1952, is reflected In a steep fall in the value of Malaya's overseas trade last year. Preliminary figures for December's trade were issued
    276 words
  • 77 10 PRICKS; SINGAPORE SHARE PR ICE. at lid 4 I* (oUowt: l»' 1 H M I ""in i Henry W I McAllsti Slinc \> n Ordv Weir:,. Wilklnso MINIM Atnpat Avrr Wrni; B inn Horn; Korij lrtrK Hyd. tl( Ki.mra' intlnj Xi t Klanc River"*! KmTOt K I.intui Lrroer PrriDi
    77 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 277 10 51 "ROMEO" In .iltr.n-iivr I'mtn Shade pliable nil -nfl Irathrr upprrs. Park brown rt.ftie insrU hold snugly to foot. n.ih all Irathrr solrs and rulihrr hr-rls. Price C I *J .OO Jf MMm per P atr^^o^r^^ ATaUahle at: Srasnn Trading Co., '<' lli;li Slrrrt, S'rmrr. Njf Ilin in?, Allwit
      277 words
    • 303 10 NOTICES MALAYAN TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in England) QI'ARTKRI.Y RKTIRN QI'ARTF.R KMHNC. 31 12 53 Output: 9.294 piculs. 3 Dredces working. The Sterllne equivalent of the j averaee Sincapore tin metal price > for the quarter was £612.4.11 per! ton. F. C. CALVERT General Manager. I SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING
      303 words
    • 781 10 NOTICES SELANGOR TURF CLUB (Hold (up 1954 Mrrtinc IST DAY— Sat— 3oth January, 1954 2ND DAY— Thurs— 4th February 3RD DAY— Sat. 6th February 1954 ENTRIES close at 11 a.m. on Wednesday. 20th January, 1954. MEMBERSHIP: For details please apply to the Secretary. $1 UNLIMITED. SWEEP each day. $2 COURSE
      781 words
    • 142 10 SHIPPING NOTICES i S.S. "JALAGOPAL" SAILINC. FF.BRI ARY. 5. 1954. DECK tickets to Madras and Ne•iapattinam per the above vessel will be sold on January 20. 1954 and can be had at our office on production of valid travel documents. R. JUMABHOY <t SONS LTD. Apents: Eastern Shipping Corp. Ltd.
      142 words
    • 92 10 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CORPORATION LIMIT! AeeanUag raiacimwi i To: P. Swettenham. Penanc. Kegapattli s.s. "JALAGOPAL" Singapore Port Swrtlrnham Arriving 2 2 54 Sailing 5.2 54 Enquiries to: Aeents for Ms. R. Jumabhov A: S<in Matey*: Malacca street, Stngaport. Penanc Ms. C.K. Joshi AsenU: 39 Green Hall. Penan? P. Swettenhum M
      92 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1120 11 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. T "12 Sngopore, ttyg" BLUE FUNNEL LINE «>«Pt ..inn fe proceed vie other port, to lead ano dlscharo. raraa X uvi.POOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTaT pVpTs Due Soils p S'hom Penong Jen 19/20 Jan. 22/23 Jon 21 Jon. 26 Jan. 27/29 Jan. 30/31 Jan. 24 Jan.
      1,120 words
    • 986 11 ■■■■■■■■■I BHPHHIbMHbbBPb^^^ PPHPMM| EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT S'oora P. Sham Penong Kine for Diokorto. Kohsichong Saigon. Honokong, Manila, Kobe 4 Yokohomo 25/27 Jan. 23/24 Jan. 21/22 Jen. Mongolia" f KohMtohng, H'kong 4/ 4 Feb. Moodolo' for Bangkok 11/13 Feb. 9/10 Fab. 8/ 8 Feb. Songkhlo" for Kohvchong,
      986 words
    • 1149 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. an-l CONTINENTAL PORTS S'poro P S horn Penong Bcnlawers tor Liverpool, Antwerp,, G. 27/28 21/21 Jon. 24/25 Jon. Bcnalder for Havre, London, Rotterdam, Hull G. 8/9 24/26 Jan. 27/29 Jan. Bencleuch for Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow, Homburg, Antwerp 30 Jon/ 6 Feb.
      1,149 words
    • 1052 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** ELLERMAN BUCKNALL J^S'Sl F," nsco, LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, PORTLAND. MATTLI ft VAN;OUVER HAMBURG Accepting co ao to, Central k South onci to. U.S.A., North Atlontir Ports American Port, and Cnnodo vto Colombo m> f RANCISVILLE CITY OF BIRKENHEAD Vpcrr S pore P. S'hom
      1,052 words

  • 140 12 A GERMAN FACTORY IS TO PRODUCE PERFUME IN SINGAPORE AN ORDER WORTH just under £500.000 for melting-shop cranes ha s been secured by a British group of crane builder > in the face <>f strong competition !rom Germany and USA Among the cranes ordered arc two large ones, each of
    140 words
  • 118 12 THE NATIONAL CABBOM (EASTKRN LTD. and 1.. B. TeK Co's Trading Society were hosts to Eveready merchants at a dinner party at the Win* Choon Yuen Restaurant on Friday. Picture above shows left to right. Messrs Tan I.i Ker (Thvp lint and Co Ltd.), C. Verschoor (new
    118 words
  • 96 12 DURING the financial year ended March 31. 1953. £7.206.000 was advanced by the Colonial Office to the colonial Development Corporation, says the Financial rimes. Altogether. a total of £30.414.000 has been advanced o the corporation, and after illowing for repayments of £250.000. a sum of £30.164.000
    96 words
  • 177 12 WORLD HARMONY, pictured above by an artist, is a new oil tanker of 33,000 deadweight tons which has been built to the highest class Of Lloyd's register, the Ministry of Transport and the American Bureau of Shipping, by Vickers-Armstrong at their nai^ai yard, New-castie-on-Tyne England for Stavros
    177 words
  • 249 12 A GERMAN FACTORY IS TO PRODUCE PERFUME IN SINGAPORE A new perfume factory Ikis been started in Singapore jointly by i 100 year <>l<| German co mpany and ;i Singapore company. The German company is trie Georg Dralle Perfumery and Soap Works, Hamburg, and the local company is the Rotterdam
    249 words
  • 116 12 PROJECTOR LIGHTS MADE IN COLONY SINGAPORE cinema roers are now seeing films projected on to local screens with the aid of apparatus made in the Colony. The apparatus Ls cinema carbons used in the projector for providing the light. These carbons have been manufactured by National Carbon (Eastern) Ltd. at
    116 words
  • 137 12 COMMERCE MAN WANTED BY U.S. CONSULATE NOW yHE U.S. Consulate-General in Singapore has a vacancy for a locally employed commercial reporter whose job is to assist in the preparation of reports for the benefit of those American businessmen interested in establishing new lines or connections in the Colony. The United
    137 words
  • 98 12 rpHE United States Department of Commerce move last week relaxing its control on the export of non-strategic goods to Hong Kong is not expected to have any reper- cussions on Malayan markets The move added a large number of items to the list of I non-strategic
    98 words
  • 3 12
    3 words
  • 363 12 COMMERCIAL NEWS VIEWS m OUR TRADE TALKS! WITH INDONESIA HA YE STARTED LOCAL business circles in Singapon I I the inclusion in the Malayan I left on Sunday for talks in Jakarta, ol Chian. tho Singapore multi-millionaire. It is felt that Mr. Lee. wli Is the first unofficial membei to
    363 words
  • 56 12 HOSCOTE Ru Ltd have nompin i credited a fully work., out at c Ki.4 p.;- planted of which 1,( phuitel with old w;i!i modern rub cular to Hoscoti explain., that a> is no h demanded plant* buildings, wh may the company future dcvi I rubber
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 VWWAV.V.V.V.V,WWAVV.WWWA%V.S%WAV r.».s-r, SAIGON r I" Buddhiit Temple J» I ffr I Pan Americaiv X World Airways GENERAL AGENTS: MALAYA MANSFIEID C0..V2. I •I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG I" L.X jhrrp Co (m) Ltd. AVIATION DIVISION lAT A BOOKING: AGENTS ALL AIRLINES Union BLDCSinGfIPORE 2ui7 £oufk class some Seames a, 6uvk,
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 13 DI.KONAHI) (West Australia) moves away from a swing by Sinw Watt fhoon (Singapore) during the fight in the Aw Chenc Chye youth boxing competition at Ciloueestrr Park. Perth, on Jan. 13 Siow won on points.
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  • 632 13 Spore, Fed. should play separately By THE SPORTS KDITOR JHE MALAYAN Hockey Council has selected the Malayan team to meet the Indian Hockey Federation at Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 20. Their choice is: B. Manuel (NS); M Shanmuganathan (Sel). F. Vias (Joh), P. Sankey
    632 words
  • 372 13 by reserves KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rpHE Malayan hockey team to 1 mccl the Indian tourists nvxt month were roundly beaten l-l by their reserves in an M.H.C. practice fixture at Gurney Road here today. The reserves will have an opportunity of proving that their Victory VU
    372 words
  • 22 13 BOMBAY Mo". Mr Hucn Warhsmann's Vedette won the Indian Oak* here yesterday over one and a lialT mile";.
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  • 213 13 DAFFI.ES Institution suffered one of their heaviest defeats of the season when they went down to SinuMpdie Cricket Club •B" by II I points i five tuesj to nil in a rußßer friendly on tlie padanc yesterday. The schoolboys stood up courageously to
    213 words
  • 577 13 Do duty or resign, 'cabinet 9 told By SENTINEL OPENING yesterday's S.A.F.A. Council meeting, Mr. W. McGregor Watt, the president, told members that they were "soccer's cabinet"— they must pledge themselves to fulfil the objects of the association, and must abide by majority decisions. Council mrmbors wore no* i I'y
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  • 141 13 DUNSFORD WINS IN ONE ROUND PEr.TH Mon. AUSTIN DUNSFORD. 18-year-old captain of the Singapore youth boxing team now touring W«l Australia, scored a T.K.O. victory In the Brat round of h.s bout against Colin Land, of the Bunburv Police Boys Club last night. Dunsford launched a two- handed attack right
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  • 93 13 TORONTO. Mon. t^DDIE CHOONG won the men's singles of the Strathcowan annual international invitation badimntnn tournament here yesterday. A crowd of 1,000 saw cVioong. acrlnmed one of the world's greatest players, defeat the Canadian champion. Don Smythe. 15-U, 15-4. Choonp combined series of hard If 11
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 85 13 Singapore Recreation Club beat REME by 2-1 in a hockey friendly on the SRC padang. P. Pennefather and R. Tessensohn scored for SRC; Lee Ah Koon for REME. Capt. P. J. Pears and D. Hay umpired. Results of other friendly hockey matches played at Balestier
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  • 46 13 .More than 150 entries have been received for the RAF. Ctengl Ya'ht Club regatta on Saturday and Sunday. The programme Includes a 12--mile handicap race on Saturday afternoon and eight class race* and two p.ll-comers handicap events on i I Sunda\.
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  • 27 13 MANILA, Mon— Afghani.stun will take pan In the second Aslin Games scheduled to be held here from May 1 to B thif year.
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  • 207 13 MELBOURNE. Mon. \iriTH nine second lr.nlnßs wickets vf.inrinc. I ind^ay Hassetts XI need 396 runs to beat Arthm MorrU'i leum at the end of the third (iav of the Hassett testlmo;ial match at Melbourne Crick** Ground. UonWu XI (Ml in their Ist in nines'
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 328 13 ~==z:~ rrz^& A CUAIA/C lIAIIV f^llMl&mi 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 LV HOLIDAY SPREE IN GAY PAREE! .a te» SIM ta* SHINER -v i J*k, r,Ci; bloom um mmm -mm *tfl^ a* DAUPHIN •i n HARVEY MXm *2f* EDWARDS K®m A- Innocents mm j|L^ in Pans, ~Jg EXT 1111. A I
      328 words
    • 326 13 CATHAY ORGANISATION jTh ATTRACTIONS ~*Q& «Jt» SWI nnrnw NOW SHO WING rfeMMtl'lM Kor Bookings M 5 <?i 9JOPJI. tsKK -HorniNr m first man EVER TO ESCAPE, FROM A .^BB^Bi rr^A|T-JACKEI J.\ MID-AOI Hfllipiiii W* color rr Technicolor TONY JANFT CURTIS" IEiGH 4 »,iiI3BK IKIUIII Prawn, HUH »l r^i«i»,t(lKl WISIUI f^T
      326 words

  • 348 14 Bridge Law II can win in heavy going today By EPSOM JEEP RRIDGE LAW II (7.10) whipped Punters Delight (8.3) by five lengths in their first meeting over the Kuala Lumpur 5] f. in November. With track conditions in Bridge Law ll's favour, I expect him to confirm his superiority
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  • 165 14 Bridge Law II can win in heavy going today kpsom mr \ll V.i>\ rOINTKR KRISKAY IKADICH! 1. ...1n. Kriskay Suiwr Pirtnrr Super Pirlnrr FLAG OF PEACE H.A<; Of H\< I Chrslnul Dbsrrvallon Obwrvalion Thiiumalursv B( (i MOKNING BI!(i MORNING Wldr Srrrrn BIUIBM Ryrgrass Kumar GONDOMNO GI'LAR II Gular II l.nrl.liilirio
    165 words
  • 204 14 Robin Hood best bet today ROBIN HOOl), in Race Seven Is my best bet in today's card at Bukit Timah. At his peak last season. Robin Hood outsmarted Always over 5V a' Bukit Timah and ran Best Tip to 1', -lengths in a fast-run 6F. race at Kual a Lumpur
    204 words
  • 438 14 TTr XASIB (late W—tmajwm) a three-year-old by Wood Cot. has come to hand since his first race in Malaya, at Bukit Tiniah in November. He has only 7.10 to carry in a rather weak Class 2 sprint field, iii Race Two today, and I
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  • 451 14 I hi- going at Rukit Timah toil Hill be heavy. There w.i> lir.iv> rain again }cslerd.i>. > TODWS BKST BKT Kobin Hood in the 5.;. V BEST LONGSHOT: lIuU Iml.i in the 4.15. i: nil. i Malaya u ill broailia-l Ihr lirsl seven races. i Rarnnet.
    451 words
  • 56 14 Girl's Sports Club and Smq.ipnrc Crlrket Club women drew l-l in a hockey friendly on the psjtfNa) day. SCC opened the scoring through Mrs. C. Necus from a flac hit In the first half, but GSC evened the score through Mrs Ebert. Mr. L. M.
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  • 1127 14 The Double Tote will be held on Races 4 and The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race 8. Race 1—2.15: Class 2. Div. 3—6 Furs. 1 222 Channe a r whltnpy B ofl Mr Mr K H Yap Daniels 0 334 K r i,kav Bacby 812
    1,127 words
  • 234 14 SYDNEY. Mon. 1 AUSTRALIAN sprinter Jon Hcnricks tonicht coa-sted through the 220 yards free style heat to qualify for Wednesday nights finals with Singapore's Neo Chwce Kok among a field of seven. Nco Is exempt from the heats uut will be
    234 words
  • 249 14 SUPER PICTURE CAN OUTCLASS A POOR FIELD HEAVY scratching* have reduced Ihe Hi to eight. If SI IMIK PICTURE (late is half the horso he was In England, he jhn outclass this lot. I As a two-year-old, t T i i son Sianal Lisht ran second to Pinza in the
    249 words
  • 244 14 I) ACE 8 Ls a pretty open expect bet tine will take a very i wide ranee. The Fox stable I in both Kempton and Jam in i Part Who '.taiied a keen last fin on Saturday. The Cydariv Ginseng, jackpot 11. Bohsworlh and Knola
    244 words
  • 16 14 SPORTS LETTER Support for Perak Turf Club stand i I The I PSOSPI R I Prnang.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 664 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Advertisement i Enquiries Telephone 5471 i j ACCOMMODATION VACANI 7u Wmrm Si i»i« i- i* CO6MOS able single room full board RILVERBANK Sl3 Orchard Road Ist KfbniHr\ doubh rar.dah I 80R34 VAC an Iry room mltahie for 5m..1l with cooking ChUt Roari. lei ***** 1 P m
      664 words
    • 864 14 HOIJSCS LAND FOR SALE »T«» Si I Will.)— Box it rll. rxlim. ONLY $3,000 excellent bul I i-.:i Road near Hedok Junction. R'; miles from the lil'O Close to main road. ■-■nation Oniv 11.,I 1 mile from .isirie Bsalthy I'xahty. Low Rural board area l/)t areas tboul fiooo square
      864 words
    • 23 14 MORE SPGRT-P. 13 Two's Company with PIAYGR'S N?3 rThe Quality Ap Cigarette fZ > I|OSKOI>I i Mr ACTUAL THICKNeSS r^ AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA BOR''
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    • 2 14 PICTURE TIP
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous