The Straits Times, 18 January 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Safi°« d Established 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JAM'ARY 18, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 428 1 Sinister co-incidence in Italian crashes LONDON. Sunday. kcrseas Airways Corporation, operators of the Comet ich crashed off Elba last week-end, announced yesterday that sending special security investigators to points along the Far route. news !n>t and a i spaper yesterday noted the sinister significance I hilippines
    428 words
  • 9 1 SHE WON $5.000 OUTRIGHT 1 tO to Mivs M
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  • 15 1 in. ih PhilipManila Y:ivand I The pro. 1 the
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  • 132 1 Whittle has bomb theory LONDON, Sun. 4 CONCEALED homh was a high probability as the cause (»f last Sunday's ("omet Jetliner crash, Sir Frank Whittle, the jet engine pioneer, said today. He iiuotid in the Sund.i> Express as saying thai was liin conclusion after| all the facts of
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 30 1 Dr. Homer Cheng. Presiden* ol the Singapore Chinese M C A., d.erj late last nieht in the General Hospital after a heart attack in shurch yesterday mornins.
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  • 59 1 ONE OK the BOAC Comet fleet is seen above undergoing a "minute"' inspection at London Airport. The fleet was grounded and a careful technical examination of every jetliner was ordered after the Emmet crash in the Mediterranean last week. A security check has also keea ordered along
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 272 1 Secret society attack broken up A SINGAPORE police oiticer and an undertaker yesterday rescued a Chinese from an attack by a secret society gang near the Lavender StreetBendemeer Road Junction. Unarmed, they waded right into the fight and arrested three men The two men were
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  • 111 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. CIX men from the second platoon of the Kinta Valley Home Guard yesterday shot dead a terrorist near ,Malim Nawar in the Kampar district of Perak. The patrol also badly wounded a suspect who was captured and is now in hospital.
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  • 48 1 HONG KONG. Sun. -The! Hong Kong Government an- j nounced today that Sir Thomas Lloyd. Britain's permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, accompanied by Lady Lloyd would arrive here on January 24 on a six-day informal visit. Sir Thomas will afterwards visit Singapore.— Rruter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 116 1 NEW DELHI, Sunday. COMMUNIST China has warned India it "Intensely dislikes" the Indian decision to return nonrepatriated Korean prisoners next Wednesday, and that it will refuse to accept any Communist prisoners, v Foreign Office source here said today. The source said the Chines?
    AP  -  116 words
  • 38 1 WELLINGTON. Sun. The n and the Duke of Edinburgh. Hying to west coastal towns today from Nelson, had View nl New Zealand's highest mountain, Mount (12.341 feet). The Royal Party landed at Hokltlka. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 108 1 LONDON. Sun UfARMER weather brought new avalanches killing more people in Switzerland yesterday. Elsewhere in Europe icy sales freezing the melting snow lessoned the danger which has claimed more than 150 lives during the week. Two avalanche deaths in the Valals, Western Switzerland, bring the
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 17 1 TOKYO. Hun. An earthquake shook buildings here tonight. The minute-long jar caused chandeliers to sway.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 opnilion l»v XIX N.n.U An Siiti.iilmu. which has Inal been iw;irdrd th. Ko>d Tntplu twt I«.V1. Picture ihowv- Troops cmbarkini; aboard a helicopter in the Malayan jungle.
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  • 18 1 HONG KONG. Sun.- Monsignor Peter Massa. 58. Bishop of Nanyang. was expelled from China yesterday. U.P.
    UP  -  18 words
  • 270 1 WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF LONDON. Sun. THE man who made millions for other people died yesterday. John Jervis Bernard, inventor of the football pool, died In Brockley, a Cotswold Tillage, all but forgotten. Bernard worked out the mail coupon system in Birmingham In 1921
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  • 248 1 British Union leaders meet on new strike London. Sunday. I EADERS of Britain's electrical trade unions held J week-end conferences here to plan "phase two" ol their more pay strikes a nation-wide one-day walkout by 40.000 electricians tomorrow. "Guerilla strikers ranging In number from 80 to 1.000 a day have
    Reuter; UP  -  248 words
  • 151 1 REDS MAY STRIKE AT CAPITAL HANOI. Sun. 'THE Long-feared Com--1 munist offensive, stil. hanging fire in Westei n Indo-China. may bypass the French stronghold of Dien Bien Phu and strike directly at the Laotian capital of Luang Prabang, French officials said tonight. The 80.000 Red.; have massed so mui'h strength
    UP  -  151 words
  • 28 1 MACAO. Sun.— The Judg-.-s stopped the first Chinese allin wrestling bout since 1911 here today when one of trutwo fighters took flying kickat his opponent.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 55 1 SYDNEY, sun.—Singapore swini -if Neo Cimco Knii failed b one-tenth of second N Ik New South V* :-d free style state i ord in unr rik- pool toUa been tvder- night twining bs< to powerful ander-watec U Uts. At end oi* tonight's swim he crashed into side of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 131 1 "fIECTROPLATING RTAKEN A 1 MABLE CHARGES all WORK GUARANTEED FOR THREE YEARS c p H de SILVA, MICH ST SINCAPORE :.UMPUK .V IPOH. 1 a better temper tins morning, 11, it was YOU who insisted and George should stay for potht. Was] to blame because you'd thai we'd decided upon
      131 words
    • 119 1 LONGINES The World* Most Honoured Watch Sold by ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS 11 I' *J;*** 1 If **W £-(2. II i 1 IS sfe~ I l ''i tST 95 -Jr I, T tor cawui "■"—/opfT |l MM I YEAR ID »tlr*rlivt F |lm will b* liven »w»y V. fj
      119 words

  • 107 2 TWO PRAISED BY COURT FOR BRAVERY i i iniinu .sun l MEN, Mr Ooi I Mr. Lye ral fi by Mr. i bravery ipi uri one ol who householder mpt. 0 v bin All long, Hassan bin 11 bin Daru.s. tresitesJ 11 in 18 nvnth imu 1 serv- and Omar
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  • 93 2 OSWALD, a beautifully marked tawny oirl, was rescued by RSPCA officer Kenneth Daw son from the buffer of an electric fain on irliich he had ridden from G'llinQham to charing Cross Noir Oswald won't leave Mr Datcson and even goes i it'h him to lunch
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 171 2 BERLIN, Sunday. THK three Western Allies today readied T»sic agreement" with the Russians on a site for the January 'I') Big-Four Foreign Ministers' I conference. The details of the decision were not revealed at once, but an announcement is
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  • 199 2 WORKERS at the Royal Singapore Tuberculosis Clinic, accustomed to dealing with all kinds of problems, are now facing a particularly difficult one. The problem is: What to do with Tan Kau Ann. A 33-year-old widow. Tan Kau Ann lives at 115 Albert Street She is
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  • 106 2 Russia 'sees hope for a solution' LONDON. Sun. I rE Soviet weekly magazine New Times, said Russia j was striving to make the Ber- i lin conference of Foreign Ministers serious stop towards a positive solution of I controversial international problems. Mosco* Radio repotted today. New Times stated that in
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 77 2 CAIRO, Sunday. P3LICE yesterday seized quantities of explosives found in a closed branch of the dissolved Muslim Brotherhood at Helwan near Cairo. Four leaders of the Helwan branch were arrested. The Egyptian Government dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood on Thursday and arrested hundreds ol leaders of the
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 36 2 in Proflrlo interrupt his former Barlay to fly to vi Republic tn reG rnment. p rt <d he will be >rmiT post of n Prance Mrs. 1 remain in Palm A P.
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  • 38 2 —The Kremlin, lately Moscow's brightest ball laxt night. Moscow Radio said the 3.000 Vi o< Industry, transport, building. arts, but neck the Kremlin wound up a > New YWt parties attended bu 70.000 children.- A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 13 2 BUENOS AIRES. Sun—Communist Rumania has proposed expansion of trade with Argentina.—UP.
    UP  -  13 words
  • 73 2 PARIS, Sun. THE Geneva correspondent of France-Soir reported yesterday that Doris Duke, one of the world's wealthiest women, denied yesterday that she knew French singer Charles Trenet. The singer announced in New York on Thursday that he would soon irarry Miss Duke
    AP  -  73 words
  • 38 2 KARACHI. Sun.— The Pakistan Prime Minister. Mr Moaammed Ah. sa:d in Dacca la.- f night that he bad suggested to Mr N^hru. the India:, Prime Minister, that th-y meet agaain to continue their discussions on Indo-Pa*;.-td:-problems.—Renter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 62 2 ROME Sun.— A new clas'i of opinions In Italy's b:? Christian Democrat Party la.-.t n:sht prevented Proieuor Anr.ntore Fanfani. Premierdts:snate. from putting thflnishlng touches to a cabinet he had almost completed. Big difficulties arose earlier yesterday when Toeliati. leader of Italy's Communist Party, hinted
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  • 147 2 A RUMOUR -AND THE BLIND CAN'T GET THESE GIFTS A RUMOUR that the; will br- put awaj prevented sightless people in Singai registering with the Association for the Rlmd Srvoral in the kJtmpongs have hidden association representatives, who called at recently. And Christmas present meant for thrn- are stlli at
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  • 32 2 BERLIN. Sun. Twenty Germans returned from Czechoslovak prison camp toflay on the train from Prague. They had been held hy the Cnmniuiii s since 1945 on war crimes charK es.-A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 45 2 Dakota grounded at Sibu pASSFN'C.FnS s Sibu. Sarawak, when a Dakot developed hydraull i c hotel ao. :om illir Ofl reslc i Kallang at the n< it landed at K 11 3() with th repairs had bei i out. the i expected to fly b
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  • 90 2 More runaways --but this time WITHOUT cash SCOTLAND had another lovers today but they Isabela Patino and Jimmy Jonny Min.shul 17. ami Hazel Castur 18. both of Elles- I mere Port. Kngland. had U) peel potatoes and teed lioaon a farm to pay for the;: tish stay. The law permit.-.
    AP  -  90 words
  • 48 2 NEW YORK. Sun.— Thr SI Department and thp Del Department are consiri request! for grants of milil aid lrom Iraq and 8a Arabia, a dispatch from \V. inston in the New York Tl said today. Reuter. DUMFRIES. Sui younc pair oi I lacked the Goldsmith.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 43 2 New study courses TMe Studj I ipore, is offi the next tl The subji tary E Elements ol E as, Short H and Applied up I vanc< and The Study of An write to Tl P > Movement C o The Br:--ford Slngap
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 184 2 PRODUCTION UP i Wt 4pP^l^ PRIPF nfIWN i FMBgjtiiMfc m^BJ^^^^j^^jg^^^^^^^^jg^^^g^j^^^^^^^^jg^^^jgjgjg^^^^^^j^^^g^^gjgj^^jj^^^^^^^jg^^^jg^l^l^l^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^__^_^^^ ?^™R, '.•ly.-.'. '•.'<•> NFW PRIPF- Xii 771 COMPLETE WITH HYDRAULIC POWER Wk: *^&WKtJ jKwffl* W rniUk. tf HI. I f#f LIFT AND POWER TAKEOFF Higher production to meet Hit increasing demand for the world's top value Dealers throughout Singapore
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  • 394 3 BUTLER PLEDGES AID IN DEVELOPING THE EMPIRE SYDNEY, Sunday. "\|K. k. A. Batfer, the Hritish Chancellor of the Exchequer, tonight pledged Kritain to give all -ho rould to di'W'lop the Commonwealth. in an Australia-wide broadcast, he also warned that Britain's defence rfTort limited thr amount of I men, money and
    Reuter  -  394 words
  • 41 3 Ike's atom talks 'too secret to discuss' ON, sun. i> nI conferred for v al the White day with :i policy. and atomic that the ."ii on the Mr ■man I In ton M nd confertook aid afterto an continent a
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  • 44 3 JULIANA T HANKS AMERICA the esident heart thanks" for the hrlp the Unit hrr country last Frbr The letter, written on Jan released by the White House today. The Queen said the .spontaneity with which the United tance has no lei in history. U.P.
    UP  -  44 words
  • 27 3 ATHENS. Sun— The Greek Prime Minister. Field Marsha! Alexander Papagos, left her-.' by train yesterday on a visit to Paris. Brussels and Th.»j Hague Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 130 3 LONDON. Sun. THE United States is nearing agreement with Bnain on a special M 5756 milion defence grant to brin'4 he Royal Air Force up to late as a jet-age fighting orce. The Air Ministry made no ifTieial comment because a pokesman said it was
    UP  -  130 words
  • 131 3 'U.S. can't organise society' Attlee LONDON. Sunday. THE Labour Party leader Mr. Clement Attlee said x last night he thinks the United States has "very little idea" of how to organise life. Reviewing world affairs at i Bristol, the former Prime Minister said: "In the Ea-st there is Russia, a
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  • 68 3 MADRID. Sun. Spanish Carlist leaders acclaimed Archduke of Habs-burg-Lorralne as their Prel tender to the Spanish Throne. They named him Carlos IX Political circles saw tlv Government's patronage ol yesterday's ceremony a warnin 1 to Don Juan, son of Spain's last king, Alfonso XIII. and
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  • 166 3 PARIS. Sunday. URANCE yesterday installed M. Rene Coty as r President of the Republic for a seven-year term with a giant show that was an artistic success but failed to arouse much enthusiam from the residents I f»f Pnric of Paris. Almost all of the
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  • 68 3 The ghost train to Peking MOSCOW Sun. 4 (.HOSTTKAIV with- out passengers left Moscow last night on a 000-mile nine -day jourBC) to I'ekinK. The newly built l>rii;Mt I) painted NTtl coach I tain will return from Peking on January :il. inaugurating the lirst direct Pekiny-M— cem »er- <• Senior
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 38 3 MIAMI. Bun. Actress Rita th said yesterday tha f her husband, crooner Dick I has been confined i" l> d with a bronchia! condition and would be nut ol ihow for the next few U.P.
    UP  -  38 words
  • 52 3 Auriol snaps the Press THE FORMES I>r<-sid<-nt of France. M. Vincent Auriol. has i n photographed by pressmen many hundreds <>l times So for a chance lie- borrowed a camera and snapped back al the Press. .M. Auriol, president for seven years, has just been sueeeeded by M. Rene Coty.
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  • 42 3 PARIS. Sun. A 10-month hunt by the Knnch police ended here last nijjht when Marco] Dufrlene, member °t the administrative committei ol the communist -lea General confederation o| Labour was arrested as he left a trade union meeting. Renter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 3 SOI ITION U the problem of dilferiiiK television tastes appears to be readied with this Mil Mont duoseopr television receiver. It shows two»«lilV< i< nt proma mines at the line time Yicwiin: is arcomplislieil through Polaroid glasses or panels, with earphones lo separate the sound. It can also be used
    AP  -  56 words
  • 234 3 U.S. shows I. interest in Russian market WASHINGTON, Sun. \MERICAN businessmen are I beginning to show signs of competing with British interests for non-strategic trade I I The Soviet Union is reportled anxious to buy fats and farm machinery, among othei I i things. The U.S. has the fat^ I
    AP  -  234 words
  • 52 3 The aim— full freedom SAIGON. Sun.— prince Bun Loc. new Vietnam Premier said yesterday his cabinet is g ilng to work for complete in- i dependence from France and for Vietnam membership in 1 the United Nations. He said Vietnam is Willing to .sign a treaty of association I with
    AP  -  52 words
  • 49 3 TOKYO. Sun— The UN. Commander. General John E. I Hull, yesterday announced the i transfer of Major General Ridgely Gaither from command of the 40th Infantry Division in Korea to Tokyo to become Assistant Chiet of Staff. G-2. fo r the Far East and UN. Commands.— A.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 33 3 CAIRO. Sun. -Saudi Arab a denied that talks were beini? held with the United States, for the conclusion of an alii- ance which would include j Other Arab states— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 153 3 NEW YORK. Sun. MR. Henry Kord. head ol tinFord Motor Company, called on the I iiitid States yesterday "not to make a fetish of security." Urgta| more liberal I'nited Mates trade policies in an address to an advertising and literary organisation the Poor
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 YOU RAYON -NYLON SUIIINC In all over and ■tub, new colours. VOGUE NOVEITY TIES-\r .m ded#»n Vartfeal and Daigonal Pleeting Plain Kmbroidcrcd and Lacquered also with the Square lx>ok. BOWS GIFT PACKED -by Sherman tnd \'o<lik > new colour combinations cxccllcni MS CiiftS. MENS TOILETERIES bj Spnrtsnun I most Kascin:itinf»
      285 words

  • 531 4  - 'Singapore, a child of my own'— Raffles n\rr tto.uxKY *hi BRITISH COLONIAL DEVELOPMENTS 1774-1834. Compiled by Vincent H.irlow and Frederick (Oxford University Prcst. IS*.) THIS is ;i collection of more than 'MW hi leal documents, some prmtcd for the :n >t time, now not readily Ible, illustrating the confllci of
    531 words
  • 714 4  - In Indo-China, no proper realisation of crisis WAI.TKII WAIIWII'K REPORT ON INDO-CHINA. By Bernard Newman. (Robert Hale, 18s /\NE of the hazards in "writing about a war that has not finished is the danger of four determined divisions wrecking the book. This has not happened to Mr. Newman. His book
    714 words
  • 329 4  -  KENNETH KONSTAM By SOME playen make a habit of false-carding in defence and so this devastatina weapon ca n seldom benefi: them It is the old story of -crying wolf" too often. The best advice that I can offer Is always to play the natural card until the play
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 374 4 25. It lauchs when spotted (6). s-. I 27. One-opponent fighter (8). Straits Times Crossword RS^wyr nowx nn ■j.iiuriiuii i. L^'"l H'l'-'J 1 Not quite within reach either "I-- I < PI 6 ff 7 11 ,2.4%). > s2s£ SS&i 1 Relation for me. the xport' k '"■*s: 9 <10i.
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  • 1857 5 Japanese fanatics angered the U.S. when dive-bombers blasted a gunboat F E A T U R E At 1.30 p.m. on December 12, 1937, the small United States gunboat Panay lay at anchor in the broad, muddy waters of the Yangtse-Kiang River, a few miles upstream from Nanking. Fn» the
    Daily Mirror  -  1,857 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 DO YOU KNOW Uth i- .1 mirror in. your I :mI he 1 wastes. Andrews for Inner Cleanliness Postal Tuition for Examinations U.CG k i »4 idMM an. DOB OVERSEA SCHOOL SCHOOL CERTIFICATES LONDON UNIVERSITY rl r <iu< .ition .^veli) ►to.) I I»TE OF COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS i i >'
      181 words
    • 309 5 This Is a ■rawVa^sws^- a^sswi Sandal IBSbssb>«s^"^«*«b! It Look for this libel your guarantee of satisfaction SANDAIS let children's feet grow strong and healthy MADE BY C. ft CLARK LTD. {WHOLESALE ONLY). STREET. SOMERSET, ENGLAND LOCAL AGENTS: G. P»rr«tt A Son, P.O. Soi 459, Smgiport ici iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii'icjiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiin OMMMj C^jT special
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 134 5 Sltv ttuvhw o/ Swillv hL 6 A NOTARY IN SEVILLE I I W I VTHE NOTARY WILL BE H£/?£ Ar\ r^ie* "1 |S WELL PLEASED AT I M 'SHOP AT HALF PAST MIDHIGHt I L^J 3^?';/ THE INCREASE TO HIS WOAMff/v YOU, AND ffOS/NA, J 'j) !V Bwlwsl A T
      134 words

  • 33 6 J» I4,,rrf, SJ» 'minimum) REFRIOERA lionlni troubfc HOUSEHOLD ItN nd. Telephone I [BLANI a p ni. A ordrr uader European A: EnFtneer'a I <x btotk. from th< d., 35. r Quay. blnjai
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  • 6 6 Mr 8 K K S
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  • 713 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Mon., Jan. 18, 1954. Anonymity Must Go One day last week a man appeared in a minor Singapore count on a minor charge and Was fined a small mount. It affair of do intrinsic importance and it took up only a comparatively few moment! of the
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  • 334 6 To his original slogan of consolidation, Mr. R. A. B. Butler, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has added a new one flexibility and expansion. He Rave out this during a broadcast on the recently concluded Commonwealth Finance Ministers' conference just after he had told his listeners that
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  • 240 6 I^atost victim of the Communist terrorists in the Feck-ra-tion is the Adult Education Association. The victim has not received a death blow, hut S cut of $100,000 in the GovI'lTimcnt's annual grant to help the vital work that the Association does among the grownups who were
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  • 1149 6  - 'Not that they love English less, but that they love Chinese more Jou Bien-miiig IF 2-L, that is, thr Billingual Scheme, is good for the education of the Chinese, why should the Chinese react to it so unfavourably? And if an initial example to implement it cannot be worked out
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 419 6 rE WORST indictment possible on any govern- ment for willing keeping up the cost of living must surely fall on the Federal Government. With a world glut of sugar, and ri< c lying rotting for want of buyers, in podowns in Siam and Burma, how can there
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    • 149 6 As fast as the slowest IT is difficult to understand the reason for the appearance of a number of posts and notices in the middle of Napier and Holland Roads in Singapore. The reminder that a speed limit of 30 exists 1 superfluous. Since it is not now possible
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    • 115 6 Generosity a scandal T HE A Mist ant Director of Education quoted the foilowing examples of the ycariamounts received by Malayan student., i n England as scholarships and allowances:— <a> One .student for maintenance of himself and -us dependants. hLs fees, of book.s and personal expenses 9,300 <b> Another
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    • 200 6 ACADEMIC EDUCATION NOT FOR ALL IHAVE been following with more than a passing interest recent stories about overage school children. The figures appear to be an alarming fraction of the total school-going population in Malaya. It is only natural for parents of such children to protest, a] peal and hold
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    • 303 6 QNE naturally hesitates to question the opinion of such an eminent figure in the rubber industry aa Mr. C.E.T. Mann, director" of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya. But there are occasions when such opinions must be challenged the public and planters net the wrong
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  • 179 6 On the margin Royal commission Now thai mission h 1 well for all M the problems th O: coursi 1 Slngapon ment, Nowaday all i<»r social d 1 as i n 1018 republican. liberal republic in from me to p. .risen 1 rate, h party race ox 1 I Royal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 399 6 Straitt Time* Krrr Prm ti««-t, our rrprcuntahvc ar lit door, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE, ORCHARD ROAD, will .ccci-« Is hoi number! Clattifird od»ertl««mtnti may olio br handed to: CITY BOOK STORI LTD. WmcfwtUr Houll, Collvtr Quo,. Smoopor* CITY BOOK STORt LTD., 9J T-nejhn Road, Singapor*. j (I- \SSIKIi;i) ADS. minimum) <
      399 words
    • 9 6 f I [ft COUrCf QuAf f Pot I £r
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    • 51 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE. PHPNE ***** .mUCUCA r. v. fHl4j(/L OWICIAiIIN II^ K. E. MEYER f.n.a.0.. d. opt K. BELL DIP. OPT.. ASTC. FAO A doni/o qedaeo \he luHle -ohof Good Neiv s I SALE FROM FEB. Ist *V-ss> _HB? v '••a'^rfiff'** .aTe* Charles Heidsieek CHAMPAGNE t a- i t> g
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  • 388 7 Hero on crutches receives Military Medal KIWI. A F.I \MM H Sunday RIFLEMAN Kharkabahadur Rana, of the 2nd king Edward VII Gurkhas, yesterday hobbled lorwartl on crutches Ip receive his Military Medal irom he liigli 1 Conimissioner, General Sir Gerald Lcillpler, Hi King.S House. In
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  • 134 7 4 KEDAH REDS DROP OUT r.MOR STAR. Sun. WO Communist ten been killed and two have surrender) d In K'dah during the la (change ol tire, in the Bonn-... smith Kedah a the sth Malay R< Riment killed a toi when they contacted two. \n automatic gun. a hiindgrcnade and
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  • 42 7 TEMERLOH, Pun. Young Farmers Cluba are to be formi^d In rural areas in tho Temerloh district of Pahang. A "Young i Week" ii lisa to b held In three Pahang Mentakab, Tcmcrloh pnd Trlang— starting tcom January 25.
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  • 47 7 Car found but radio was gone KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. yesterday morning a Chinese to the that his ear !.ari been .tolen from outsi at the junction of Mountbat- n Road md High Street. found a aband'mod 12 miles •n the Klang Road radio and two tyres I
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  • 32 7 Mr i? K Palayan and Mr. K Bomu, have been ehosec t'>: M pre enl th, c > >rnment and runcU Labour union on ty Council's Whltley Council.
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  • 67 7 TERRORIST MARKSMAN HIT PLANE 1 I MTI I! sun. attacked *tei pi. vi« 11 Jebore last \>. .in diM low ii A is lOW li\ IT 1 area when spotted .1 troup il the pl.inr. in the tail. I Finn aid 1 M lO It's minutes vi the air 1
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  • 8 7 1CI moves to F inlayson House T with
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  • 3 7 Irth-
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  • 53 7 I II l i ■> m i round 172 ■imps .md 82 dump.-, t I in r< rrorlsts ished »>on ruhbor trees. Band k::ieri. > m tured and 31 wounded. «rh:le rrendered. The security forct killed arid 25 wounded, of whom 16 wore special conTen civilians were
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  • 77 7 rHREE Singapore couples were married over the ucck-end. In the piitiire abovr Mr. Yin Khai Sim helps his bride. Miss Llsie Wong I shook Hi .i. to i lit theit wedding cake at Raffles Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Sect Chen? K.ui^ are seen on
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  • 123 7 THE TWO-MONTH-OLD survey of living conditions of Singapore families with Incomes below $400 a month will ond in March. By then. 40 Social Welfare dicers will have interviewed 5.000 families. The assistant secretary Social Research! told the Straits Times yesterday that response from the
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  • 97 7 'pUK Council Of Joint Action, 1 representing 20.000 local employees ol the Singapore Uovernment, will meet today to consider the Government's latest pay proposals and Ita i reconunendat ions concerning expatriation allowances. When the recommendations were made last week both the C, of J
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  • 43 7 SFREMBAN. Sun. The Negri j Scmbilan Teacher's Union i Afternoon School. which is now being run at St. Paul's Institution, Beremban, plans to tni two new classes for Standard Seven and Eight students, now known a Form Three and Four.
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  • 26 7 Over sO|| -nests attended the Wedding dinner ol Mr. Too Seek Hock and Mi.v, Png HIUUI iQeok in Middle Road last I night. I
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  • 20 7 I JOHOHE BAHRU. Sun. Dr. C. T. MacCarty has been appoint, d radiologist at Johore 'Bahru Genera! Hospital.
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  • 181 7 i>kiv.\tk builders In Singapore, encourmfed by thr 1 (iovpriimcnt nnrl City Council policy (<• hrlp their 1 stall buy houses, will .spend BsOri th.m >^' million this year building homrs for .i lf on Hie hlrfBjsjrehaae systom. And with now housing estates
    181 words
  • 101 7 in Saturday's Straits Times, in the roport of the inquest on Mr R G Lewis, who was killed In an accldi nt, it was that Mr N. F Paul, who wa In the car with Mr Lewis, lost consciousness" 200 yards befon the car m*t with an
    101 words
  • 63 7 BOMO WILL TESTIFY FOR SPECIAL RAUR Sun. A who was said to ible charged rh dr. to he called as a witness in the Session here. 'hie Ahmad bin day told the he was II! and by the Malay man lor pre I ficnt 1 the niea ot pullty He
    63 words
  • 51 7 >RE RAilRU S'in. A Civic Course for senior offi111 bp hPlrt at the lere on JanTh'^ Inctiirr;- will inrludr Sir Onn bin Chairman of rida; Mr o a Mrmtw fnr F,ro,:nmlc Affal a p phery, the Secretary fnr rvfrncr; l!-.p Triidr Union Arind the Director of
    51 words
  • 42 7 An rieht-yrar-nlrl Sintarx'i" 1 schoolboy. Khoo rhr-n? Hro, nf prinrr Philip Avrnur, was knockrri down and killrri hv lorry ladon with sand, in Norfolk Ro><i jresterday, Khon. with hts parents, was on his wav to visit relat
    42 words
  • 282 7 More ships, safety and more plans S.H.B. HAD A GOOD YEAR MARKED rise in the number of ships vsinc Singapore Harbour Board wharves, augmentation of its Police Force and development of the East I igoon area for deep water qiu-yage are some of the a points mentioned in the Boards
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 ln For pianos I of (}ualitu Dependability kjj DANEMANN, Lj| CHAPPELL, L A MARSHALL ROSE, v The Modem MOUTRIE, JkJ STROHMENGER J VISIT j IM I 1(1 IS SHOWIIOOIi K A op 1 io»r .ion.\ 1.1 n i.ks bum;./// FEDERATION AIR SERVICE CHEDULED SERVICE: Between Kuala Lumpur, Bcntong, Bcrta, Tcmcrloh.
      131 words
    • 159 7 RE DRAUGHT 1 LOOK FOR THE „ij ■mi GREEN BUTTON Burns ordinary paraffin or kerosine. No pumping required POLISHED BRA-S y*"~ $38.50 I COMPLETE WITH SHADE 350 f!" ISf THE PRESSURE LAN- lIJj IL WEATHER. f jf 'yr^^-^^Q Nickle Brass Fount. jd£^ LlllP^\ $36.50 JftiY%gC\ Pressure Caucr 539.25 JII M
      159 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 219 7 SINGAPORE 7.15 1 line n.ii ;,nd Openinv Announcement; iii Morning, st.v News; 7 a> M-l.xiv Mixture; 8.011 Rfaythm in the Suu; 8 :)n Mala; Housewives' Corner; 857 Kukli^li Schools Braadcasl; 5»45 Close Down 11.10 English acbooti Broadcast; 12.00 P i! Malay l.ou V; 1.01 Monday Matinee; 1.30 Him Iom;
      219 words
    • 202 7 THE SINGAPORE DIARY Singapore Vmith Cnunril: Mccl- v.c Onnisloii. Mmiflcinc Peanon I torlsJ Bbdl House Cniher Qiih\ ■■niii nfii. i.iis and raprMtnU- Proi i!"\ Momll, i.nrt j h. X. 1 1.19 pm. (Mkaud Ho«tinK club lives on phuwilm <«t 19f<4 Ommis.l I l.ik British CouncU Mill. Rt.imford meeting. SJC pm.
      202 words
    • 123 7 The weather Minimum I>nip»r»ture 1 7 3n pm lfi fo 7 10 a.m. on Jan. 17> Singapore 7« <v srrps pn <!i Lumpur 72 72. 'im IVmrwaturr (7 3 1 IM pm. >m Jan it re 87 IVnanc Ff.. Rots rnpur S7. Ipoh K.nnl;.:| 7 ;!(l p.m. mi Jan. 17);
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  • 165 8 More mishaps but a brighter chapter of accidents, he says SINGAPORE'S accident -ate has boon curbed, thmijjh does not show in the monthly statistics of the Traffic Poli«> Though there were more vehicles in the Colony, only 39 more accidents were recorded in December than in November. And all these
    165 words
  • 122 8 WEEK-END OFFICERS' COURSE rE Singapore Volunteer Corps wll hold a course for officer candidates this year. Applications from thosi nterested should be submitted to S.V.C. headquarters. Beacn Road, before Feb. 7. Candidates found suitable will undergo training in the evenings and weekends. The Government has agreed that suitable candidates from
    122 words
  • 45 8 The Japanese Consulate in Oxley Road Singapore, starting today wi!i be open in Monday, Tv.r.^day. Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12.36 pm.. and from 2 p.m. > 5 p.m. On Wednesday and .Saturday, the hours will be in .m 9 to 12.30.
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  • 159 8 KU \LA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE Malayan Adult Education Association is to protest to the High Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer, and the Member for Education. Dato E. E. C. Thuraisingham. that the Government's man! Of 5300.000 is not enough to carry out the 1954
    159 words
  • 74 8 Officials of the Straits Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship for the year are: President, Mr. Wee Teow Swans; vice-president Mr. Freddy Tan. secretary. Mrs. Wee Joo Liat- treasurer M;sCheong Quee Yin: commission chairman; Mis,s Julie Lim i Worship and Evangellm.) Mi.s.s Lillian Lim and Mr. Robert
    74 words
  • 51 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun -An UMNO-MCA Youth leauue baa 1 been formed in Johore with the < >t> i -i-t ol arousing mt among youths in social and cultural "matter.*. Plans for the present Include a musical patty on Saturdays In Chinese and in Malay and English
    51 words
  • 132 8 THE perak Progressive annual meeting today H getting public support' an than In building up a biu c A resolution, moved by the vice-president, Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam, that the subscription rate be reduced to $l for three years, waa pawed. Present party members will
    132 words
  • 131 8 100,000 building for St. Andrew's School I^lli present St. House at WoodM pore, will be tin shorllv to n ike v new simi MM boardin Mr. Geof secret irj of th< in- committee this tn the SI i yesterday, lhe new building, on lines, will no up ,i enourh funds
    131 words
  • 20 8 KUAI A I Four:* .]i thr- Fed< Other health n I week: scrub typh urban typhus, thr<
    20 words
  • 14 8 K'WI KUBU B\ M added to 1 I English term I
    14 words
  • 9 8 K h orl in
    9 words
  • 4 8 JO] I
    4 words
  • 67 8 MALACCA, Sun WITIi a $SM pair of coldon triason Mr (i. E. Wisdom, the Residei.t Commissioner. cut the tape to open thr Bag Sons Market at Bgert— Sou and said: "This huildini: is a mark of progress in market huildinu la Malacca." The market,
    67 words
  • 58 8 ABOVK are the finalists of the "Miss <iracp Moore" sincing rontest at the Capitol < ini ma. Winner was .Mrs. Joyce Thompson (left). Scconil was .Miss .Mabel Lm. and third prize was shared between Mrs. K l> Pluck and Miss Hoi em r Pong. Fourth
    58 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 269 8 an expression of public confidence During 1953 record new life assurances were effected in the Ordinary Branch for net sums assured exceeding £110.000,000 (English Sterling) Of the above total over £48.000.000 [(English Sterling) came from countries outside the United Kingdom. THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIM XT E D (Incorporated In
      269 words
    • 1004 8 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS TRAINEE TECHNICIANS In Telecommunications Department. Salary scale $90 X6 114 Exam 156 x 12 252 Exam. 264 X 12 360 pm. QualilicHtions. Citizens of the Federation; Age under 23; School Certificate, but candidates who have passed Std. VIII will also be considered. Holders of School Certificate start at
      1,004 words
    • 775 8 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION All members of the above Association In the Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Tuesday 19th January 1954 being Thaipusam. J I NOTICE OF REMOVAL As from the Ist January, 1954. the Offlce of Low Tat Construction Co., Ltd., will be
      775 words
    • 27 8 MITSUI |3^\ LINE WIST BOUND ROUND TNI ,VOI'LD SfRVICL Jopon Singoporc Port Iwtlwllllin Pinox Aq.nti C.F. SHARP 6c CO., <M) LTD. r'NIUN BUILDING, SINGAPORE ILL >J96-/-». *****
      27 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1026 9 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. »>«« I nooiwrr.- Passage' BLUE FUNNEL LINE Oapt -r »io other ports to lood ana d. ■chore, coroo uvEtraei, Glasgow, london t continental parts' Du. Soils P. S'hom Penong C JJ/ J Jan 19/20 Jan 22/21 Jon 21 Jon 76 Jon 27/29 Jon 30 31 Jon
      1,026 words
    • 2148 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta UK. and CONTINENTAL PORTS *'i»ra P. STxirr Penorvi Benlawera for Liverpool. Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hamburg G. 27/28 21/23 Jan 24/25 Jen. Denelder for Hovre. LonrJon. Rotterdom, Hull G. 8/9 24/24 Jan 27/29 Jon. (enclewch tnr (.iveroool Dublin QNaf. Homrjurg, Antwerp 10 Jon/ 7 Feb 8/
      2,148 words
    • 1140 9 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. TEL No 18.141 F.LLERMAN BUCKNALL J™SFE flSLfc LONDON. HAVPC, ROTTERDAM. PORTLAND. VANCOUVI* HAMBURG Acr.ptinq co a <. fo. Central t Soatk Sid to. U.S.A., North Atlontic Pin. I Am.neon Ports ond Cnnodo vio Colombo f. > tRANCISVILLE CITY O' BIRKENHEAD -m-o. Spore P S'hom Ponont, '2S/2ejon
      1,140 words

  • Share market review
    • 83 10 TIIK following dividends were .innouiued last week by companies operating in .Malaya HON(.K <) N BANK: final \i:>. in.ikinu V.'). for 1933. payable March 5 books close February 10. BKNTA KIBBKK: 10 per cent for yrar end "d September, payable Fohru.wy 10. rMioks close February 1 KUNDONG Xl
      83 words
    • 181 10 IN THE yea:- ended September The Kundong Rubber Estate Ltd. earned a net i^iont ol $70,850 alter charging $4,500 for proposed directors" I tecs and $41,000 for 1934 in- come tax. An interim divirend of 3 per cent was paid and absorbed $7,350 and a final c"ividcni of
      181 words
    • 204 10 NEW YORK. Rat A VIGOROUS stock mark..- ywl\ trrd.iy broke through more than rn«n'h long resistance levels to register new recovery hlgbtome evidence of broader public participation supplement ing other buying :>nd abort-covering hr list on balance touched the levels since last May. j Active tradin.: w.l
      204 words
    • 32 10 The following crops of ruh- ber are reported lor December pound* IChangkat SenUng 31.000 Chermang Development 118.000 i Indragiri Rubber 99.2P.0 Lunas Rubber 57.000 Nyalas Rubber 39.000 Tapah Rubber 53.343
      32 words
    • 80 10 THE Malayan Exrhancr Banks Association mprle tfip ("Howing cnange* in its rates 10 merchants on Saturday: CANADA: buying, T.T. 32, air mail. O.D. 32.. !>n (lays 32-i R crerin bills. 32 7 16 'rade bills: selling T.T. or O.D. 31 11/lfi. rendy. On thr FYe*> Exchange market in
      80 words
    • 784 10  - MORE SELLERS THAN BUYERS FOR TIN SHARES Our Financial Correspondent Industrials steadier and rubbers dull Bu TIIK Singapore share market last week found little to encourage investors and operators and consequently went through another rather dull period. Karlv in the week both lins and indus trials tended to ease and
      784 words
    • 255 10 ,q^HE lollowinn list of business done in the Singapore share market from January 9to January 15 inclusive, is reported by one firm of sharebrokers: ConsolSatM Tin Bmetters| Ords 23. 9 Fraser Meave ords $2.00 to $1,971 to $2.00. Gammon $"<m and $"> 95
      255 words
    • 29 10 Tomorrow. Tuesday, bein- a public holiday. Banks, share market and the rubber nrarket will be closed. The tin market, however, will be open for business as usual.
      29 words
    • 910 10 i innnnnliltf nmrln-ti TIN CONTROL SCHEME TVAII.Y fluctuations in prices in the tin and rubber l f markets last week were small but both tin and rubber are lower on the week, tin by $1.25 a picul and rubber by five-eighths of a cent, a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 204 10 CATHAY ORGANISATION ri ATTRACTIONS ""^V^ TODAY Hh^ "a 4 j iy \f n 1 1 LOVE rersm Money!... Millions or Matrimony? 'tk^ffffK ll LANA TURNER U jp MONTALBAN LUND CALHERN An M-G-M Picture Tin: scr i jPJPpEJJs^^ A LIFETIME! FIRNANDO ARLENT PATRICIA LAMAS DAHL MEDINA A Paramount flrtur. HURRY! HURRY!
      204 words
    • 216 10 DAY! "4 I 1 I m BLACK CAGL€ RUSSIA'S Mightiest Most Rirthless COSSACK! Tne s I fcWß I^CHNieOLOR TOMORROW 9A.M "THE OUTLAW' LAST IB)/i\M]}/l ff/fjjfyj 3 SHOWS XJFI&yuLiIwINS 6.30, ONLY GEORGE "Top Secret' COLE in "WILL ANY GENTLEMAN? in Technicolor fins 1 ih«> HOY \l 101 II i,, tnlnr H.
      216 words

  • 567 11 ARSENAL IN SMASH- AND -GRAB WIN AGAINST THE WOLVES LONDON, Sunday. WOLVKRHAMPTON WANDERERS, knocked out of the F.A. Cap before their own spectators last week, wore beaten at home by Arsenal in yesterday's league programme and toppled from the leadership of the first division. They were one of three division
    Reuter  -  567 words
  • 213 11 SCOTTISH LEAGUE GLASGOW Sun. J J irprlM ol yeMrrd.i;. Scottish L; icue tamos msknrly Raitb Hours of Celtic. Drummon.l the Riiith crnlkeep<" made some fine saves in ihr i-arly >Bt Copland cave Riuth MI interval lead and Young clinchf! the match lor them mx minutes from
    213 words
  • 53 11 'pin: t sited Mates l>a\U (up pla>rr\ national champion Ton> Tn hrrt and Rill TalherL "ill (ml play rvhihitinn matrhrin >ini:a|>orr and Kuala l.umnur no\t month an prewously arranged. The Americano have heen told to return home immediately aftri lhe \ii«tvalian open champinnvhipv the Singapore
    53 words
  • 163 11 TORONTO. Sun. IJAVin Choone and Eddie Choon- of Malaya both won Lhrough their thud round matches In mixed doubles at the international tournament here yesterday. David, partnered by Ehel Marshall o! Buffalo beat Wayne Schell of Boston and Peg Varner of Massachusetts 15-9. 15-11, while Eddie
    163 words
  • 37 11 PONTVPOOI.. Sun. THE All Blacks beat a combined side leprfsentine 'he WA'i Pontypool and Cross Krvv !>v l!) pom:s i two eo;ils. dropped joal, two t'i mx (penalty nal, tn i here yesterday.
    37 words
  • 196 11 HEAVY r.tin on Snlurday turne'. •he course of the StnßHpnrr i Mn' ir club's second Reii wiltj asterdty tn'o n quaKmlrr 'mil six II failure for Btaay f ompetltor* test, a steep, craggy h'l' off A\e:- Raj Road, -fnxed ■boul two thirds of ihe
    196 words
  • 651 11 Narrow win for England in game of dubious tries LONDON. Sunday. I ENGLAND gained their first victory over Wales at A home since 1939 when they won by nine points (three tries) to six points (try. penalty goal) at Twickenham yesterday. The teams were level 3-3 at the interval. It
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  • 42 11 ADELAIDE. Sun.— Freddie Brown (Northamptonshire) who captained the las: Ki.uiand cricket team to visr Australia., will return next September with the MCC team, to write on the 1944 55 test series. It ■M announced here today.
    42 words
  • 1057 11 P W D L P A IV* W. nromwith 27 18 4 5 70 3« 40 WoIVM 27 17 5 5 64 41 39 rinririei>.firld 27 13 8 ***** 34 Burnlry 27 17 0 10 60 44 34 Bolton 27 12 9 6 48 38 33 Manchester U.
    1,057 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 O 1 tjlliLi for safely! is durable, strong, fire resisting, vermin proof and easy to keep dean Sairofew IL »lt ilh\ie||«ll®ihV DUNCAN ROBERTS LIMITED. IBH R<-i^d. Singapore 1. I^Protectum CHIN HO CO. (S). LTD. SiNGACrsf k .A L A I. ijMPUR -PENANS r •Mr üßa I jins.ipotc/R.insoon $304.50 >ingapore/Mergui $224.35
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    • 403 11 I INDIAN REPUBLIC DAY I CELEBRATIONS JANUARY 21-31, 19Sd p Thursday, |an. 21, S.B.A. Hall. 8.00 p.m. H BADMINTON TOURNAMENT FINALS g»j Priics and souvenirs will be given away by Mrv M C<-p«ii «5 EXHIBITIoT n BAOMINTOrI £3 Ong Poh Urn Mrs M C. Menon Vs. Ismail bm Marian Tjt
      403 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 417 11 '~St»aits' Times "|""mOWDAy""J i «a** WORD PUZZLE k H' Cut out and |iin with other couponi. Pc;«inf instructions appear below. Name »y. Addrasi yf~ >f" ShMNlclLli TlT], niilN j_BL_iP._y_ c i-^jj' m|ssing 3 Mo R Ti EJHII letters kMiH b across A L M USING J I Q JL| AY^
      417 words

  • 357 12  -  KPSOM JEEP B) King Crow cost backers $24,000 VOR.M puntors had a disastrous start in the new season when favourite after favourite was beaten in the mud at Hukit Timah on Saturday, first day of the Singapore Turf Club's January meeting. Well-backed first and second
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  • 538 12 TEAMWORK WON THE FINAL FOR JOHORE Hy TREVOR TOHORF.S fir.M victory In the H.M .3. Malaya rtlßser competition will go down in Uie record books ai :i l.i-o win over Pcrak. But before rlrlnils <if the |aOW .ire Inst In obscurity and posterity looks on it ai i.n easy win
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  • 259 12 /■'KAZIi;. a Pink PtoWCf Him- year-old staiMtmg only 14.3 hands, showed a \ery smart turn of early speed in the lirst race at Bukit Timah on Saturday Oracle weakened once the Straight was reached and came home last. However, he is a newcomer and not quite ready
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  • 150 12 MADRAS. Sun. INDIA won the fourth unofficial 1 cricket Test by an Innings and 50 runs aiainst the touring ComBOnwcalQ) team today, fifth and v of the came. Ohulaffl Ahmed. the Indian .ap'nln and offspinner. shattered the Commonwealth second Innings taking seven wl kc^ 'or 42
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 103 12 •I'm*, araw ror me Singapore Hockc« Association's Junior knockon' quarter-finals, made yesterday, ;s ihnmo teama mentioned (tost): s.h.b.r.c. v rap. Tengah: University in or Combined School* v rap. Meter or h.m. Customs; Combined Scliools II or Cable Jv Wireless s.C. v SHB Police; Singapore En-Miierrs Recipient or
    103 words
  • 77 12 LONDON. Sun Yestrrdav's rag- i by league results were: Ratlev 7 Kclchley 7: Bell.vue Rangers t> Banford <: Castleford fi Rroiidfnrd Northern 45; nonc-ister I 4 WakeMeUi limiiu M; Peaiher- ■-tone Rovers in Wuliips id Halltax m Dewsbury i> Hull Kingston H<i\::s in Ynik Hunalel Barro I Hull
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 169 12 MnaotJaua; 11 ihii say Ilassett, Australia's former Test captain, knocked up a century for his team aeainst Arthur Morris's M on Saturday the second day j of his testimonial match here. With Ilassett contributing 126 and Keith Miller 100. Ilassett's XI scored 415 in
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 529 12 KINGSTON, Sunday. WEST INDIES had scored 408 for seven wickets In their first Innings by close of play on the second ,day of the first cricket Test against England here yesterday. Weekes. Walcott. Gomez and McVVatt attacked the pace .(■wlin>; but were subdued Ly
    529 words
  • 58 12 WEST INDOEa isi inns I rrderick r <;ravrnc\ h St.itham fl Stollmcvor Ihw h Statham rill I Holt Ihw b Statham 91 Werkes b Moss 55 Wilrol' h I ink 65 llrartlrv <• fllllij b Lock IK Gome/ tot out 41 I UeWaM h l.ork 54 li.unadhin not nut
    58 words
  • 67 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Subject to approval various Btatl Pahanß Is to be shifted to <-,one in tnis feax'i rompetitlon. ThLs was dPcideci toda] by the council of the Football ion of Malaya. I lias always played in the North ZotiP to date Perils, which was placed
    67 words
  • 65 12 Sankey to skipper Malayan hockey XI ki:ai a A Hockey 6 commltU i the A the Indian Hi ton tourli I ten tour, ;u K Feb. 20. The sell Burp Philip San;. North i captai side lr l l. Burdi I vice-captain The Cho) key pecti <i Mo that the
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  • 4 12 3-n
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  • 100 12 Kl\l.\ LtMPI'R, Sun. r ri.\M> r»i the North Soudi ru;l>> "teat" .it iii"..w stadium. Singapore, on Jan. M wire chiiscn Ikic tonight. The] are: NOIMII Aiikin (Kedah Kn-akwell (VkK Chandler (I'kl. Uillinsham H'k). irk I: Bennett isrii. iMkJa (Pk); ryrell i Sol). Mattel I Tenant
    100 words
  • 25 12 LONDON. Sun.--The 199 amateur uoll championship will oc :hp Royal Lytham \n<~. St." Annes course from May 30 to June 4 —A P.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1223 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS iC'nnllnurd Iron Pa:r 6) i Classified Advertisement Enquiries Telephone 5471 I I A<( OMMODATION V to W—M Home com! [mmcd 2 unfum. ipound Club. MJ i < r Road. I romiK.ii! i i i OMMOUAIIUN K l i i Apply ii posI (.OIMIWN MM > \< >M it,.,./
      1,223 words
    • 267 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR Ml I Words ts I Win. l— Box SO tt» exiru. THE Boofc, Prl c «in. a complete text book fmm elementary to advanced'- for every housewife. From i all Singer Bhops In Singapore. art Borneo. SINGER Spv-inu machines now on low hire purcnase terms from
      267 words
    • 50 12 MORE SPORT— P 11 /yf x^i For your health's sake drink No. 1 Beehive Brandy an old favourite p*-^i. for over 50 years in Malaya A product of France. BEEHIVE 1 BRANDY-^ 11 IMPERIAL I TYPEWRITERS SOLE ACL For Singapore and i McMULLAN 6, CO., LTD '■■■■■■■■a v r monsj.
      50 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 435 12 t-rmyf'ffii ttVGOtM S.C.C. "B" v Btagmpm Kntinrrr Krtt p.iriuic (Mai. Magiiirrl. ll()( KKY I S.R.C. "B" v I nhriMlv IV. SKC i partanc: INDIAN %S8N. v H.M (u<((oms. I. A. crnund. STORE WEIGHTS \yFH.HTS for In- I \dmissinn 8.11 I Colorado II S.OC morrow. the Remarkable S.lO I Trortor
      435 words