The Straits Times, 16 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times tfatien* Established 1845 SINGAPORE, SATUBDAY, JAM'AKY 16, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 576 1 He puts food squeeze on village that feeds Reds WE MUST STOP LEAK' From WILLIAM FISH \\<; LAYANG, Johore, Friday. i I KSK 20-minute meeting this morning i village councillors here, the Hijrh Com- oner, ficncral Sir (iorald Templer. deliI what ma\ prove I knock-out blow
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  • 49 1 Governor gets the real facts TIIK LITTLE BOY above is Sir J>hn Nicoll some >trnisht facts on how thiiiKs ir<- at thr Ama Koiir Knulish School. The Governor dropped into the >chool yesterda.v diiriiig his tour of I im (hu Kane- Straits Times picture
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  • 352 1 Mile-long chase in Singapore after girl runs for help SINGAPORE Police yesterday arrested thrrp mm within eight minutes of a rohb»*rv in GejrlMtft Road. Singapore, and srized a bloodstained daccer used in the hold-up. The police also recovered a Kold watch taken by the robbers.
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  • 96 1 SI \M VI Iti. t PI \TOON of thr H <.ur tndaj killed four near here. No dckvailable late t<>i- the platoon <>! No d i irlri Force i terrorist In 1 1 1 I ipis .vi.i of Pahanc Inothrr man
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  • 156 1 12 FAMILIES AFFECTED FjMFTY people were made homeless yesterday when fire gutted a shophouse and partly damaged the first floor of an adjacent house in Tanjong Pagar Road. The front portion 01 me srounn poor wa;> u.sra ny a rattan furniture dealer and a barber.
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  • 64 1 Hampshires here to join the war THF latest junglo fighters for Malaya, the Ist Battalion of the Royal Hampshire Regiment, arrived in Sincaporr yesterday in the tr Dunera. Nearly 900 men jammer! the decks of the troopship is the rame alongside the wharves taking their first look at the Colony
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  • 24 1 LONDON. Fri. Moscow Radio .sairi today Sovi'-i scientists have developed a perennial wheat which yields year after year without reseeding. A P.
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  • 17 1 HONO KONG. Fr: Bishop Potrr Massa. 99-year-oM Italian Catholic, has arrived hero from China. -Rrutrr.
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  • 310 1 1,000 ISOLATED IN DISASTER VALLEY VIENNA. Fri. A HUGE avalanche crashing into the valley of the Grosse Soelk near Groebming has isolated about 1.000 people in villages in the valley, according to reports reaching here. The avalanche was the biggest in northern Styria for 40
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  • 38 1 ROME. Fri Investigators from three nations today found no explanation for the crash of the Philippine Airline DC-6 whirh plunced into a vacant lot in a crowded Rome district yesterday, killing all 16 people aboard. A.P
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  • 81 1 rOMMI'NITY leaders with a" address of congratulation a n d loyalty arrive at the V nl.»ii.jde TaipinK OB Iho <ilth hirthday crli-hratinns of the Sultan of PeraU vrstrr!i.» Thr idrtTf-vs «as rrail h> IH«- 1 inuku Mrnlri. In thr pi.ture .an h«- srrn Mr. .lal „k
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  • 54 1 -AND A $62 HAUL Three masked men. one armed with a shotgun and another with a knife, broke into an attap hut in Jurons Road on Thursday night and robbed a Chinese family of 562. A.s they left, the m.m with the inn "fired a
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  • 32 1 TOKYO. Fri— The Japanese Government today supported the proposed noti-Rovernmental body to be known as the Asia Association to promote closer co-operation between Japan and South-EaM Asian countries.—UP.
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  • 29 1 NAIROBI. Fri. Kenya security forces have been warned that an attempt may be made to ambush British parliamentary delegates now visiting Kenya operational areas. Reutcr
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  • 145 1 HANOI. Fri SOME 40.0(10 Communist rebels, more th;in half the total Red force in northern Tonkin, concentrated today for an expected assault on the isolated Kronen air bastion of Dicn Bien phu. Ttv French Command said Dien Bien Phu airstrip, 180 miles west of
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  • 53 1 KITALE, Kenya. Fri. The Supreme Court of Kenya today reiocted the appeals of Jonio Kenyatta and four other Africans against conviction and prison j-entrnecs in |x>.sed at Kapengurla for manaitng and assisting the Mau Mau terrorist oreanisation. All five men had been sentenced to seven years' hard
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  • 33 1 HONG KONO. Fri Oen Sir Dudley Ward. Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, arrived today by air from London on a routine visit. He leaves for Singapore on Monday. U.f.
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Fri. a Lebanese aircraft, with two people aboard crashed into mountains in the Bekka district of Lebanon today while .searchinc for a missing British plane. accordmß to a Damascus Radio broadcast, heard here. The two flirrs were injured. —UP
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  • 34 1 PANMUNJOM. Fri.— United Nations and Communist liaison secretaries failed to makr any progress in a three-hour meetinß here today to discuss n ■sumption of preliminary talk.s on the Korean peace conference. Retiter.
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  • 502 1 Chinese 'yes' to tin pact Accept it quickly, say miners K. LUMPUR. Fri THE A 1. 1, -MALAY A ChlneM Mining Association today decided in favour of Malaya taking part m the proposed mternational tin acreement. Only one <>| tin- 150 <lelc2;;te. voted against thr decision Under the .scheme Malayan
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  • 55 1 BERLIN. Fri— Western commandants who walked out on the deadlocked necotiations on a site for the Big Four Fore :n Ministers' conference will return to the conference t^'hlr tomorrow with new Instructions, it u.t- reported todaj The Soviet representative also was exported to receive orders from
    UP  -  55 words
  • 27 1 SCORES KINGSTON. ItiIndies won the tos9 in tiic With Lunch •land left from sid COMKT DENIAL I.ONOON. F*L— Mil of < ,i would btvestigaf t'oui.t-irash.— K
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 PERFECT AFTER CURRY" v M Contains ViUwins A. x X-i^. -3 81. B 2 and D. «1»" PP Vitamins (Ni»cin). V Iron. Calcium and IJ_ JJ-5^ Phosphonii. >s ot age, speed of jht, rapidity of action nands these and more g power and the will-to-win niand SUa fink delicious OVALTINE
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  • 34 2 l ONDON. Frl The Turkish President Mr Celal Bayar. will spend two riay.<= In London next werk on his way to New York for an official tour of the U.S.— AP.
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  • 133 2 No austerity in Britain says Butler SYDNEY, Fri. THE Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Butler. told a press ennf* rence here today that he believed i ri* v« lopmenl was r there was a downward turn in trade or not. H'- described reports thai there wii-ild be austerity in Britain
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  • 22 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. Army Secretary, Mr. Robert T. Stevens, will leave on Sunday for a tour of the Far
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  • 14 2 LONDON. Frl. A party o.' Br;tish textile industrialists flew to Moscow yesterday.
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  • 96 2 Aged five, she has four steaks every day Ll( IANA BARBOM. a livov. ai diii Italian girl, has a pitholoeiral appetite, which necessitates her eating a larce quantity of food every riiv. I ni> day she gets through four big steaks, three pounds of pasta.
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  • 284 2 Self-reliance is keynote as financial talks close CAPITAL IS LIMITED LONDON, Friday. THK Commonwealth Finance Ministers conferraee in Sydney ended today on the keynote of self-relianei in the sterling area, largest monel.iry group in the world. The Finance Ministers of the nine Commonnr;dth nations reached no dramatic decisions. But they
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 34 2 LONDON. Fri The resignation of the Bulgarian was formally tendered when the Bulgarian National Assembly met yesterday for ihr flrM time alter the recent Communi.M -organised elections. Sofia Radio reported. Reuter.
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  • 85 2 'WE WANT NIGHT PATROLS' To beat crime wave PEOPLE living in Delta Estate, Ganges Avenue and Havelock Road, Singapore, are worried over the recent crime wave there. The Havelock Estate Comi munity Centre told the police i yesterday: -We are very nv.ioh 1 alarmed about these incidents". The incidents included
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  • 50 2 I NAIROBI. Fr..^-Mr Antony Head, the British War Minister, arrived here by air frorr. London yesterday to begin a tour of army units fighting Mau Mau terrorists. He will also make a Rcneral study and review of the problems of the whole East Africa I Command— Reuter.
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  • 22 2 NEW YORK. Fn Three American educators are to start a five-month lecture tou r of Asian countries this month. Reuter.
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  • 140 2 COLOMBO. Fri. A^ BRIGHT future for natural rubber m predicted by Mr. Warren Lockwood. chairman of the Far East commit- j tr-r of the Washington Board of Trade and former Dre.sident of the Natural Rubber A. tion here today. Mr. Lockwood, who is touring
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 107 2 A ClßOrr OF SIKHS, members of the Sikh Communal Party, lie outside the house of the Indian Prime .Minister. Mr. Pindit NVhru. committed to a "fast to death." They are starving to back up their demands lor a separate
    AP  -  107 words
  • 124 2 Now he finds father died in Comet PTE. John Steel of the Royal Artillery, who arrived in Singapore with other troops in the Dunera yesterday, only learned of the death of his lather while reading the Straits Times last night. His father. Mr John Steel, an employee of Qeorge Wimpey
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  • 25 2 PARIS. Fri— France yesterday claimed to have set up a world altitude record of 15,000 ft. for helicopters weighing under 1,100 lb— Reuter.
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  • 93 2 JUAREZ (Mexico) Fri. I JOHNNY RAY. famous for the tears he shed while in sons, wrpt as his wife Marilyn Morrison Ray was granted a divorce here yesterday. Hp broke into tears as Miss j Morrison filed her petition, charcinu incompiitahility. Ray said: "I don't think any
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  • 55 2 NEW YORK. Fr!.— A dliorderlv conduct charge against actresy Diana Barrymore wa.dismissed yesterday when, th" complainant failed to appear Nicholas Psaroudis. who sayshe is a captain in the Royal Navy, had filed the complaint charging that his neighbour. Miss Barrymore. had created a disturbance and called him
    AP  -  55 words
  • 38 2 The president of the Ramakrishna Mission. Singapore, appeals to the public for contributions to the Mission funds. The Mission needs $25,000 a year recurring expenses, besides funds for capital expenditure like buildings, furnitur--and equipment.
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  • 42 2 The Government has recognised Mr. Sigurd FriLs-Lunti as honorary Norwegian Consui m Singapore, and Mr. Rolf A Thoresfn a.s Vice Consul with jurisdiction in Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo. Brunei Malacca. Selanpor. Negri Sembilan. Pahang. Johore, Kelantan and Tr-^igganu.
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  • 201 2 WELLINGTON. Frl. £HEERING motorists drove alongside the Royal train today as it carried the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh or. a 65-mlle trip to Masterton. main town of one of the most productive farming areas of New Zealand. As the train left Wellington,
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  • 23 2 MANCHESTER, Frl—Manchester Chamber of Commerce in Its annual report just I* iMd expresses anxiety about Japanese competition in ;ho textile industry-Renter.
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  • 143 2 ALLAHABAD. Fri UALF a million Hindu:plunged Into the muddy grey waters of the sacred Ganges and Jumna rivers today to launch the world's biccest religious festival, the Kumbh Mela. The pilgrims, the vaneuard ol five million expected he.c during the 49 days of ihr
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  • 25 2 SAN FRANCISr j American Indep* Company ye i the first tai crude oil had beer. Its new termin Abdulla, on the I AP
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 i i with the /^mLXZ^9^ jU« 1 V>^ ELECTRIC COOKERS J r 1 1 Raffles Place, Singapore SENG HUP ELECTRIC CO >j v 36-37 Bras Basah Road. Smgapor Jig LEE SENG KWANG ELECTRIC CO i Q 5 SeaH Street. Singapore S NAM KWANG SONG KEE 2 330 North Bridge Road,
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    • 219 2 Milk does more for the body than any other food A much larger food budget would he neodod in the average Jm ,m^. home if the vitamin?, minerals Jmff^^^ and calories supplied hy milk Vf had to bo secured from other sources New research pives t'* Rreater emphasis to the
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  • 40 3 I.S. MONEY TO CHINA DOWN TO TRICKLE a \cisco. Fri. reasury spokes- 1 said Francisco reI I Red China reduced to a Minskoff, Din n[ the Con- said 1 hai governHong month had week KM), raisinß mount more j c
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  • 17 3 FRANCISCO Fri to a i J,ie Pre.^idinc Mun meri the rereir. Hal] chambers Router.
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  • 20 3 ARTOUM. Fri M Balem, the 'F, National Quidan c Ma]. Gen Abdel H mmandi r n Router.
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  • 18 3 LAN Puerto R; 'uerto Rican Senate 1 itii D by the In- i Freedom u-aw. P.
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  • 17 3 »'AX Greek Mr. Alexander with ritirinc hi.s' four-day r visit to ParLs nex: week
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  • 72 3 NEW YORK. Fri. Frcnrh Charles Trenet taJd that hr waa to many Doris Duke, former wife oi Porflrio I sa and one of the wealthiest women. The announcement was made two weeks after;\s wedding to Barbara Hutton. Trenet said the date of the wedding had
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  • 299 3 Freeing of prisoners will smash the If truce— Reds r PANMUNJOM, Friday. C onimunist radio said tonight that the I nited Nations plan to free anti-Communist Korean and Chinese war prisoners to be turned over to the r.N. next Wednesday "will destroy the Korean truce." n t Ht t d
    AP; UP  -  299 words
  • 50 3 M1.1.K LILIANK Piquet who Is 18. has a MgM smile for her subjects. She had just been elected "((uceu of Paris" by a jury of artists during the "Parisian Nifkt" organised by the omite ties Fetes de Paris. Liliane works in a beauty salon. Popper picture.
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  • 183 3 SENATOR ACCUSES DEAN OF AIDING CHINESE REDS WASHINGTON. Friday. \IR. ARTIU'K 11. DEAN, I.S. special ambassador in k Korea, who broke off talks with the Communists at Panmunjom last month, yesterday was accused by Senator of spreading propaganda for the appeasement of the Chinese Communists. Mr. Dean returned to the
    Reuter; AP  -  183 words
  • 37 3 STAGE slar Sonya Gorbeau at I tmrinn airport before living to New York, where she will st.i% .1 Week before coiiv; on to New Zealand to appear m the Folia Bergere. Beater picture.
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  • 75 3 I 75 feel, theu say LONDON. Fri. How high kl dangerous? Precisely 75 feet, a unionemployer group agreed yesterday. So from now on BritL-Oi 'spider men" structural steel workers will draw an extra three pence an hour when working between that height and 100 foot. The
    AP  -  75 words
  • 124 3 WASHINGTON. Friday. THE U.S Commerce Department yesterday relaxed A its control on the export of non-strategic goods tc Hony; Koiik. It added a larce number o! items to the list of non-strate-Kk BOOda which could be exported to Hong Kong without i prior licensing.
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  • 123 3 VIENNA. Fri. EIGHTEEN Italian war prisoners. held for many years in Russia, arrived in Vienna yesterday on their way home. They included a military chaplain and a priest. They men said they were among 34 Italians whom the Russians are releasing this month. The other 16
    AP  -  123 words
  • 65 3 MONTREAL. Fri.— The Montreal district of the Presbyterian Church has protested against the Quebec Provincial Government's ban on the film "Martin Luther". Mr Alexis Gagnon. chairman of the three-man eensonhin board, said last week that the film, made in co-operation with the Lutheran Church, could not be
    AP  -  65 words
  • 41 3 MONTREAL. Fri. Throe people died yesterday in a i four-hour lire that destroyed the Chateau Hotel here. The threat of COlUtpslng walls halted the search for live other |>e<>ple feared buried in the d.bris A. P.
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  • 26 3 RANGOON. Fri. Burmese Government forces have ambushed 50 well armed Communlxt puerillas and killed 17. including the leader. Government sources said today. Houter.
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  • 21 3 WASHINGTON, Fri—Presl.sident Eisenhower yesterday promoted Maj.-Gen. Thomas Francis Hickey and Maj.-Gcn. Blaekshear Morrison Bryan, to be lieutenant s^nerals.— A.P.
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  • 295 3 LONDON. Fri. AfERY sh:irp rI.M-s in very arthe dealings ra«dr Kaffirs the slar of today's stork market v following the Anglo-American group quarterly reports, which revealed very high v.ilue.N from actual underground reef development on western holdings property F:ir Easterns were apiin quite good. Ten shares were, however,
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  • 28 3 LONDON. Jan 15. Ca>h Buyers E«S7^; Sellers C6fiO: Forward Buyers C 634: Sellers C 635; Settlement V 662' 2 Turnover a.m. 120 tons; p.m. 40 tons.
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  • 35 3 LONDON, Jan. 15— Spot l« r Fob. 16 7 >d., Mar. 17d.. Apr.-J'ino I"'« d., July-Sept 17' 4 d.. Oct. -Dec. IT.d.. Jan. c.l.f. 16\d.. Feo. c.i.f 16\d.. Mar. c.i.f. unquoted Tone: Dull
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  • 99 3 Woman Red a U.S. spy Party COLOMBO, Fn. RODA MILLER, American wife of a Ceylon Communist, Jje Silva. us accused by the party, which has suspended her membership, of spying for the United States. According to Communist sources, she lived in Bridgeport. Connecticut, and was once correspondent 0:" the London
    AP  -  99 words
  • 143 3 NAIROBI, Friday. t KIKUYU tribesman, Charles Karlithi Mathumu. claiming to be a Mau Mau general known as "General Number Six" was sentenced to death here yesterday for unlawfully possessing a pistol. Tl.e judge said that the ar- c:,:^. had claimed ho had NaiccM for
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  • 41 3 Till' \KKHH. SISTKKS show just how Kriueful a leap from a sprung net 1:111 l»<-. Tlni arc momhiis of the Arriola Troupe, a fast moving Spinish art n»u appearing in Jaik ll.vUon's cirius in London.— Popper picture.
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  • 35 3 Hamilton. Bermuda, Fri. Four men in an -jcean research party, were washed overbcard Horn their .schooner during a gale on* Bermuda. Three got back aboard, but the other was drowned. A.P.
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  • 27 3 COLUMBUS, Ohio. Fri. Fifteen six-ennined F-47 jet, Ijombcrs took <>(T from Lockbourne base yesterday <>n .1 non-stop fiiKin for an undisclosed North African base. A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 ENGLISH ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE Aw Adds hours Dof leisure to every wash-day garrisons Lister Knqinßßriiiq Lldi New Country Hotel I 622. BARTLEY ROAD off Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, 13. DANCING TO-NIGHT MUSK by SOHRINHO'S AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGH) ONLY 9 P.M. MIDNIGHT Tel. ***** *****
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    • 193 3 may we < \S* J i/ A suggest... SHEEP S LIVER "You may be wrong and you way he right to serve Bacor Cf Egiis on Sunday night But for appetitcr needing an extra hitc SHEEP'S LIVER will add to the welcome sight" And On Any Day It's Delicious For
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  • 109 4 TIIK <;OVKKNOK. Sir John Nicoll. has a l)i« smile for childr. n (hu Kang. The pupils turned out to greet Sir John when he vis.tnl i Behind the Governor, on the extreme riijht. is Ins A DC. 1.1.-( dr. limes picture. THE GOVERNOR was still smiling when
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  • 325 4 NowSirJohn will help them get the bright lights THE Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll said yesterday that he would speak to the City President, Mr T. P. F. McNeice. about the extension of electricity supplies to rural area.s which aje still without supplies. Sir John made a two-hour tour
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  • 46 4 Mrs. C. Koek lias been trmipnrarily appnlntrd chairman of the Board of Film Censors. Malaya. with eflcct from January 8 Others who have also be-on temporarily appointed Him censors are Mrs. M. Sutton, Mr Homer Cheng Hui Ming and Mr. K. R. PUharody.
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  • 111 4 1,3001 b. of rice and 6 packs PENANG. Friday. forces discovered a bandit food dump in Changkat. Province WoUesley. on Wednesday Thov found over 1,300 lb of rice and a bandit resting piace in which were .six packs. The rice, kept in acid jars
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  • 27 4 A 75-year-old woman. Barip i btete Haii Mohamed Noor, ol village, Singapore, was admit od to hospital v. suffering from a snake bite.
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  • 19 4 PENANO, Fri The Service Team will hold a Hag Day Fund. Ten thousand flaji.s will be sold.
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  • 66 4 Xl V AIM >l in I M invoh in i Malaj padi new i (<>n pleteil fd farn •rs menai i existing In \r,| I on the m lin i I'i-i- in i: The IMr I), lleadlj Straits i new »illa equipped with < ichooh
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  • 6 4 4 Queen's scholars KUAI sttv K
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 329 4 ~m m H;!! m m m w. m m h su m m m w^H^^wmzm i r^£2oSßFjfflf x 7a 'S£^ T oastSBBBS I'i'i'iV-VWWf' CO iX rA ?i i 3 k^O C'JC" ii i A wvv j'iV'l if (iWdf-'i iiii ci^ ',1.1.1,1 js, J.i. ilSi tL \'i'i'» t>( "C '1 1
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 369 4 WEEKEND DIARY TODAY I Bible study rla.vs. fi :t() mm. Uiuler OhristmM Cliolr nietlin X"pore Dintrlct M.V.F. Annual I-he Rev. Chew Hn k Hrn. meeting and elertlorvs. Wesley I Y.W.C.A. Joint Junior"* party R»:d. Church Hall, Port Canning Road, j V.M.C.A., Orrluird Road, 3 p.m Spun Art-. Theatre: i>ii;ikrsi" 2.30
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  • 309 5  -  WILLIAM FISH Bj talks to the villagers BUT CURFEW STAYS KOTA TINGGI, Friday. \KW note one ot hope tor the future has rrepl into t;ilks which the Ilijfh Commissioner, .(iitral Sir (it raid Templer, is having with jllajre councillors in South
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  • 37 5 Quiet week on rubber market Rubber maim d at much mand i Japan mand i on coniii' mildly ement world intrles ne n'>vk- Bril iln and nave nd un- this may 41 4" norn 46 46 M
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  • 97 5 i Wil \<; student was kept lin a Singapore' police p for tiirr,- months ■rhile police tried t<> trace relatives, Thej had no h. ii one (l.iv last wirk a telephone operator at the stain in. s.iu tinMudent and e\clainird. "lie's mi brother.
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  • 136 5 MALAYAN WAR MORE SERIOUS THAN KENYA, SAYS OFFICIAL Till situation in the Kenya Mau Mail war is not as bad as the bandit war in Malaya, said Mr. Robert de Stapledon, I < i in it- Adviser to the Fast African High Comrrjssion. yesterday. He flew into Singapore yesterday from
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  • 92 5 Warrants out for 2 partners rO warrants were issue by Mr. Justice Taylor in Singapore High Court yesterday against business men One was against Ban Kee Wee, a partner in Liang Hwa. Whatt and Co., und the other wai against Lou Than Hock, a partner of Chop Kheng Her.g. The
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  • 25 5 TEMERLOH. Fri— The Abu Bakar School. Mentakab. has moved into its new $170,000 building. The new building has 13 classrooms.
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  • 39 5 TEMERLOH. Fn. British Army officers and men joined j more than 3.000 villagers in the sub district Of Chemor in Temerloh, Pahang. last night at a variety concert put on by local police, home guards and schoolteachers.
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  • 27 5 KOTA BAHARU. Fri —The Kelantan branch of the Women's Institute will present a concert at the Biarritz Park on Thursday in aid of welfare work.
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  • 109 5 MALACCA, Fri. I CHAN Kong Man alias Tan Hong Hin, was sentenced to death in the Malacca high Court today when he was found guilty of having consorted with armed terrorists in June 1949. Chan, a rubber tapper, took I part in the abduction of
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  • 88 5 IPOH Fri Recruiting teams will tour Perak next week to enrol at least 50 for the Federation RegiThe programme of tnese teams it as follows: Jan 21— M C.A. headquarters and Community Hall. Kampar. Membang Diawan New Village, Kampar. Jan. 22 Ipoh Chinese Chamber of
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  • 43 5 PENANG. Fri— The Penang High Court judge, Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson, today dismissed an appeal by Ismail bin Saad against a prison sentence for committing an indecent act on a boy. Ismail had been sentenced to nine months' gaol.
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  • 117 5 Police place a price on 'blood debt' killers THIS MAY LOOSEN A TONGUE SINGAPORE police have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killers of Mr. Guok Sing Inn. Mr. Guok, 38, was shot dead In his office at the Hock Lre Bus
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  • 34 5 KLANG, Fd. Tho IndoCeylonese Young Men's Association of Klang and Coast will stage a variety show tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Klang park stage hall in aid of their building fund.
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  • 152 5 Friend lost consciousness before crash, court told A MAN sitting beside a learn- I er driver lost consciousness I and about 200 yards farther i the car crashed into an oncoming car and the learner a driver was killed, it was said t at an inquest in
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  • 136 5 Rendel to report by Feb. 15 FINAL SITTING NEXT WEEK rIE Rendel Commission.] which is reviewing Singa- pore's constitution, plans to submit its report t o the Government by February 15. the Straits Times understands. The commission has met 15 times during the past two months and has already got
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  • 30 5 KAJANG. Fri.— The Malay school at Bangi one of the largest In Ulu Langat district will have a new building for Its domestic science class. In a month.
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  • 117 5 JOHORE BAHRU. ftt rpENGKU Abdul Rahman, pre- sident of the United Malays j National Organisation, yesterday warned members to be on guard against enemiPs who had been making use of thel name of UMNO to get the organisation into trouble with the Government. He said-
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  • 187 5 'Protective measure* to go on PENANG. FrMay. TEN thousand residents of .Irlutons; will havr to celebrate Chinese New Year on Feb. 3 unrirr curfew. There is no likelihood of tho prosont curfew hring lifted before that date, the Straits
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  • 56 5 DUMP DESTROYED PENANG, Fri. Security Forces yesterday destroyed an old army dump containing ammunition and bombs in BuKit G"dun.;, Bay an he pas area. The dump, believed to have been used by the military before the war. -was discovered recently. The explosion could be felt in
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  • 24 5 KOTA BAHRU. Fri. The Ismail English School will be known as the Sultan Lsmail College when it moves to the new building.
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  • 152 5 NO. 848 Naval r-olirnpt.-r Squadron, in a crirmonv at Adnura'ty House. Orange Road. Singapore. \ostercl;iv received a citation for thr (itiist.iiuiini: aehtevesMßti in Malaya thai won it tin- Be] i Trophy for 1953. noon the squa<lnm\ comma mlcr. Lieutenant-(tun-manilcr S. 11. Slithers, utcompaniiMl hy Hear
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  • 40 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri colour tilin mi the Emerger Will br .shown at Kuala Lum| Gardens on Sunday at 7.30 p It is called "On The Road Kota Tlnfgi' and the dialog will be in Cantonese.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 PVi W* flsT* UWflsT* W" WPnßJfc BJHJf HHJ| fiBCSB Sh2 H^EbSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW ff™ 1 *i^^^^^ -^"^gflnjp^psssssssj I fIiSASM ***** 1 Ml M R ROAD, MM.APORF. TIL. IIMI 4 nil Nl \KI BT HOTEL FROM THE KALLANG AIRPORT Music Drinks Food As You Like It Come Have Fun DANCING TO-NIGHT KVI'i:XSIO.\ To
      75 words
    • 105 5 protected from oven the finest metallic dust by the famous Amazing accuracy under seemingly impossible waterproof Oyster case conditions that is the characteristic <^^»~* of the Tudor Oyster Prince. Permanently 4tfc.^™^^ waterproof in its Oyster case, sclf-uound by lit 4sbbbbbkwSh^P patented "rotor" mechanism, this distinguished '2^sJoßbbb§P>^ watch has been proved
      105 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 287 5 Straits Times Crossword m i* mr i i a 1 1 7 H ZBZHZiZUZiZIZ i? l^ I_i ZBZpII— BBSZ^IMZ "~^~B~"$~~3""^Z8ZB~" 1 i i i§ m r^ I I 1 I I \rKoss "ii s s «'i tnatmt lu-ips t> 1 lliuuapectlna Herb i6>. (6). 5 rue station which to find
      287 words

  • 17 6 MR. A MRS IIM LENO CMYK Incere than! on the at Slngapnvr oi. :4Mi January, i«54.
    17 words
  • 135 6 7n M.,rrf« HO (minimum) by ulr. return t:cke' for single fare. Book i.ih througli Asia Travel Service. Arielph! Hotel. 'Phone SSI WE ALL TIRK somewhat of eatliiK 'he s.mir sort <>'. ftxtd. Don't you think a change would be a Rood Mm? M:>\ j' Javanese Riisinftr. h kpil" today.
    135 words
  • 27 6 TO H..rrf, Sin (minimum) w LEUNG died at 14. liubi Ro.ul, Kuala I.umpur, on I4iu January, I^4 at 11 p m ias4. b m rolls please.
    27 words
  • 647 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Jan. 16, 1954. Expansion And Hopes The final communique on the Commonwealth iinnncr conference appears as sound and unexciting v forecasts of the conference proceedings suggestod it would be, but there is wai-m drama in Ceylon's victory for development projects in Asia. Whi'c there is
    647 words
  • 406 6 There is still too much wen ey about the Government's tin policy and the manner in which it is intended to operate the Geneva tin regulation scheme should this be ratified. But two points which have been in doubt have been made clearer. Miners will be allowed to
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  • 240 6 The appeal for trust and faith, made by a spokesman of the Council of Action at the public session of the Rendel Commission, will not fall on deaf ears as the progress towards self-government made by other British colonies shows. But there must be trust and faith
    240 words
  • 1053 6  -  fiHHBIHHiMHi 'THERE is one contribution to the debate on trial by jury which has been ignored in comment and correspondence, but which will not have escaped the attention of the legal profession. Whether it has helped clarify the lawyers' views on assessors and juries, however, Is
    1,053 words
  • 98 6 f/ow r/x' Straits Times i o/ January 16. 1.M14 MR. Henry C. Pearson, ttv Editor of the India Rubher World, of Nrw York. \s l now In Singapore on a visit. Mr. Pearson is an optimist su lar us rubber prices are eoncerned mr the next genera-'
    98 words
  • 691 6 A MALAYASIAN NOTEBOOK "MALACCA, a recent writer >n these parts assures us, is the only town in the Federation that can boa-st an atmos phere. I would not quite agree. Penang has atmosphere and Taiping and Kuantan and Kuta Buhru. But it Ls certainly true to say that Malacca ha.s
    691 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 564 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. W.rrf. </'< (minimum) wife of j» v i- Michael ThnrmarnjMh. at XX Hospital, li I M Both well. ?fl H,.rrf. *W (minimum) ER Irn January «th In Horu; Koiir. LI Col Huch Indian Army Retired. LOST to HorWs II (Mint—Box 5* rf« »xlr«. l.os: twelfth, white .!.)<m£ Ka'.ong
      564 words
    • 49 6 The German 2xB mm cine AX^'JieiiomaUc The only camera possible to cope with all branches of cinematographic work. Its built-in exposure meter eliminates waste of film Price $725 including case. Model S2T (without exposure meter) $625/-. Pamphlets upon request. Snle Agents:— EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19, Chulia St. Singapore- 1
      49 words
    • 119 6 COLUMBIA \wJfL) 'Sif/iny \#Lt 331 RPM RK( ORDS Dimitri Mitropoulos Symphony No. 1 in D (Hahlen 33CX106R Kudoll Serkin Concert* I lßc<-'rn Walter Gieseking Sonata No. 8 in C Mini r tßrcthnrrn) Sonata No 14 in C Sharp (Bccthnven) 33CX1073 Albert Schweifzer in C Kuciip In A M Fantasia nnd
      119 words

  • 359 7 FOLLY TO LET RESETTLED PEOPLE GO BACK, SAYS HUMPHREY KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. -host" village! in the Federation closed del the Emergency regulations will remain; ula ted until the end of the Fimerj;enc> and thereafter. •Id to the Straits Times today by the L H. P.
    359 words
  • 210 7 FIRM DESTROYS HUGE NEST FREE A SWARM of hornets which had been terrorising 500 Singapore people and killed a durian seller wa.s destroyed last night by a team of pest exterminators from Thomas Cowan Co. Ltd. The nest was destroyed free. I The
    210 words
  • 35 7 21 areas affected i n thai have •>i .11 in the SungH Jrioh, Sragel i urn; Hylam Kangi -Minhilan; Temiang, S nii>k. Baling tan: Pul.ii Mii.ipoli. M San Ktmayan, i Tras, Highlands: ncrWrllrsloy. IVr-
    35 words
  • 16 7 Keep this $5 ore job for us, say peons should i $37 to a month! Hie
    16 words
  • 5 7 a bankrupt
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  • 37 7 Fri.— The R. K was today postponed to Jan. 25.. Panlkkar Ls also charged with using the premises as a common betting house He will be defended by Dato Sir Roland Braddell.
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  • 287 7 Lawyer is rebuked by city magistrate THE Singapore City A Police Magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Cole-bourn. told Mr. A. P. Rajah, a Singapore lawyer and City Councillor, yesteraay that his court would record its displeasure at his late arrival. Mr. Rajah arrived 45 minutes late. When he stood up to
    287 words
  • 54 7 Gang victim operated on OUT OF DANGER Several people have been questioned by Singapore poh<In connection with the Rand liuht in Raffles Quay on Thur*Chee Bons,- Hock, the shop ml who wils attacked by four oi the K^iß-^.-rs and knifed, has been operated on :n hospital. He IS reported to
    54 words
  • 48 7 Tji,. Canadian Association ol Singapore will hold a recep MoTtoolgfat at Raines Hotel for Mr Douglas Abbot I. Canadian Finance Minister. Mr Abbott, who will spend the "iPht In Sinuapore. Ls on his way home from the ComSonwealth Finance Minister. conference In Sydney.
    48 words
  • 29 7 a nu'etine to form a SineaUO p. St. Prick's School O'A i,, A.s->riat;nn will be he d ijTsptn. .in Januao 23 at the I school hall
    29 words
  • 323 7 Pretty Trudy turns into a witch twice every day T»RUDY HUGHES is a 1 pretty lass, but for her part in Macbeth she has to become a witch —one of the terrible i three. tl takes three-quarters of an hour to make the transformation for thLs Singapore Arts Theatre production.
    323 words
  • 31 7 OlHcial.s of the Non-Govern-ment Ho.spital Assistants' Association*. Jeram. Klang areMr. Tham Kai Trat (president*. Mr. P. P. Prreira (secretary). Mr. M. Kanthasamv and Mr. K. K. Pillai committee members
    31 words
  • 63 7 -MADE BANKRUPT Ltm Kirn Neo. a young mar-rii-d woman, wa.s made a bankrupt by Mr. Justice Taylor in the Singapore High Court yesterday. The debtor, who filed her own petition, had liabilities totalling $10,000. Holding that there should be an inquiring Into th.s a.s- pec* of the
    63 words
  • 40 7 Two clerks. Ong Yeok Wrxh and Mohamed Ka-sdan, were i adjudicated bankrupts in i Singapore yesterday on thei; i own petitions. Mr. Justice Taylor orders them to pay $50 monthly to the otiiciai assignee from January 31.
    40 words
  • 27 7 Three su: ninister.---1 the Revs el Fen-. Alfred Emil .md James i Leßoy Pocue hmve been licensed to solemnise Christian marriages In the Colony
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  • 76 7 The Singapore General Host Onve will be open from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, Thaipusam f day. Oth.r post oflices. except those at Tion« Bahru. Tov.ner Road. Kanrianp Kerbau and Maxwell Road which will be Closed, will be open from 9 am to 10.30 a.m.
    76 words
  • 150 7 HE WENT TO COURT TO LISTEN —but soon found himself in dock A MAN WHO went to a Singapore court vrsterday to listen to the case of three persons, charged with extortion. was arrested when a witness identified him as the fourth alleged extortioner. When Nk Kok Kirn, victim of
    150 words
  • 139 7 KUALA LUMPUR. F ri. \IR A. D. C. PETERSON. x Director-General of Information Services in the federation, will terminate his appointment in July instead < I October. lie Is doing this for personal Masons. i His departure in July
    139 words
  • 44 7 TIIK S( KNK of yesterday's fire In Tanjonu Tagar Road. Singapore, in which a shophousr was gutted and another damaged- Pirturr shows firrmrn fighting Ihr blaze and properly belonging lo the victims lying on the roadside. Btsatfs Times pi< lure.
    44 words
  • 209 7 WHO-LIVES-WHERE FORMS ARE OUT IN KUALA LUMPUR 30, 000 go out in capital KIM A LUMPUR, Fririav yHE first of the "0.000 forms for delivery all nvrr A Kuala Lumpur to check the movement of people in the Federal capital were bring scut ou( tonight the start of the tenants'
    209 words
  • 34 7 Mariners are warned that firing practice will take place on Blakan Mati Island between ft a.m. and 4.30 p.m. from Monday till Friday next week and from Jan. 25 unt:J Jan. 29.
    34 words
  • 38 7 S. V. Aiyar. a bankrupt. w?> _ed by Mr. Justice Tiylor In the Singapore Hign Court yesterday. Mr. DenLs D'Cotta. A. Official Assignee, said he had pair) up 75 per cent ot h.s debts
    38 words
  • 33 7 Mrs. Thomasin Broome has been appointed a member ol the Board of Visitors to the York Hill and Mount Emily Homes in Singapore up to the "nd of this year. I
    33 words
  • 99 7 |/IR. JUSTICE Taylor U t aJI clerk, Ang Kirn fine. :r. me Singapore High Cmirt yp.,terday "Your insoivenrv v div to extravagance and not .o of living ridiculous to say that it die to the high cost ol been pend ill your month]-.
    99 words
  • 29 7 Mr L:on<M Treason has re sumert duty as a member.* thf> Pi M Commis >lon md Dr. Kwr Blew Tee haa ceased to be temporary member
    29 words
  • 44 7 4 PEACOCK has been missing from Mallalg home of tlu Commissioner General. Mr Malcolm Mac Donald. since yesterday morning The peacock Is capable 01 «ir distances, a polio inn said. the bird Is asked to report to the nr.irr police station.
    44 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 ■M I K««' itviutstrivk es at authorized dealers throughout Malay*. t. S. ISAAC CO., LTD. spnrr. I.TH.IXO.V <'('i(il Announcement BINOCULARS I ROSS, C. B. S. etc. at 10% to 20% Discount I 'tiny lh« ||a<«' S«as«n OnK >. NEW CHINA OPTICAL C0 v (Capitol Building) I* W. North Bridge Road,
      56 words
    • 75 7 «T FOLLOWING Jlf THE COLOURS! In our Tie Department >*». are paraded some of the most famous Regimental Colours for •/our inspection mm* HEAVY QUALITY SILK .Jt REPPE TIES ANY REGIMENTAL. SCHOOL OR CLUB TIE f M H NOT IN STOCK CAN BE I OBTAINED BY SPECIAL Jt ORDER W
      75 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 146 7 The weather 92 DEG IN IPOH >linimum trn.prraturr > 7.30 pm U m. Jan. is. aaag 78 '4, Kuala Lumpur 72 Ipoh 7?, Kuantan 71. mmn lemprralurr ,7Hn UD to van pm on j an 15) Sln v poo M, ITnaiiß 87. Kota Bahn 84. Kuala I.umpur 88. Ipoh 92
      146 words

  • 250 8 INDONESIA WELCOMES SINGAPORE MISSION BUT— From Our Own Correspondent JAKARTA. Friday. INDONESIANS think that Singapore is trying to sell inferior goods at high prices, says Mr. Suchtar Tedjasukmana, president of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce. He welcomed the news that Singapore
    250 words
  • 209 8 Madame Chen's 'Hakka Family' OVKK n. 'ii. nun worth of paintings and drawings Ihe works of six well-known artists will be on display at the British Council Centre frcm today until a week tomorrow on an exhibition sponsored by Singapore Art Society. The artists are Phyllis
    209 words
  • 202 8 They'll soon know about kibbutzims IT MEANS LOTS OF HARD WORK KITTY DAVID, aged 11, and her two teenage sisters don't quite know: what a kibbutzim is. They only know that kibbutzims exist in Israel and require very hard work, and that they will all be very glad when they
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  • 62 8 Mrs. A. P. Raja, wife of the Singapore city councillor, will give a voena solo at the University of Malaya concert of oriental music to be held at Oei Tiong Ham Hall at 8 p.m. next Friday and Saturday. The programme will include Indonesian music, played
    62 words
  • 50 8 Trinity College. Singapore, and the Malayan Christian Council are jointly offering a Bible course on "The Life and Teachings of Jesus" to church members. Sunday School teachers, students. pastors, preachers and non-Christiana The course of 24 lessons starU this month and will la*t about six months
    50 words
  • 28 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— Dr. J D O'Shaughnessy has returned to Johore Bahru to resume riuties as acting Superintendent. General Hospital, relicvine Dr. P. A. Allsopp.
    28 words
  • 18 8 Mr. J. S. Robertson has been appointed an Inspector of Dangerous Drugs and Poisons In Singapore
    18 words
  • 37 8 Canon D M Gnanasihamani. Archdeacon of North Malaya, is retiring from his appointment at Taiping. For the past 17 years he has served in North Perak. Taiping. Sitiawan. Kuala Kanjsar. and Parit Buntar.
    37 words
  • 36 8 The ne v Russian freighter Taganrog arrived in Singapore yesterday from Gdynia with 1 3.550 tons of general cargo' for Tsingtao. She will leave for north China in a few days.
    36 words
  • 179 8 And 12 strokes of rotan AN INDIAN. Anthony John Frederick, who hurt ;A cigarette stall-keeper. Mohamed Ibrahim, while robbing him of $10 in Geylang on October 5 was gaoled for four years and ordered to receive 12 strokes of the rotan by Mr.
    179 words
  • 57 8 MR. CHOO ENG HAI. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Choo Koh Kn K and Miss Mug Win Ne,,. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phaiiß Hap Hin. after their wedding at the Kecistrv Ma a C<- s Sins,apor.' yest.-rday. A reception will be hold
    57 words
  • 169 8 Site hunt is on for nine new schools -READY CASH FOR THE GOOD ONES "FHE Singapore Government is ready to buy suitable school sites Mr. E. W. Houston. Superintendent Engineer of the Public Works Department, told the Straits Times yesterday. The Government la not confining its school building to odd
    169 words
  • 44 8 Kilakarai Muslim Social Service Sangam. Singapore, will honour the city councillor. Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, on his reelection with a tea-party at 178, Cecil Street at eight o'clock tomorrow nlsjht. Mr. Jumabnoy was returned unopposed from the City ward
    44 words
  • 60 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl. More th;in 100 children fr^rn the Social Welfare Home and the Princos Eliz-.ibcth School for the Blind attended a ChlistnUfl ixirty given by th* Johore Bahru Rotary Club in the General Hospital yesterduv. They were given cakes fruit and soft drinks, and
    60 words
  • 52 8 Mary Tay of Ponggol Koa robbed recently by two m»n at an identification paritie. later picked Ne Ah Tec. Hani Mary in a Singapore court yesterday, "I picked him as a Mend not foe. He la my bru Uht\s friend." N«, facing a chary* 1 »>f rub Ijery.
    52 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 So This islPve] kathrynGRAYSON Warner Bros. .Technicolor Plus! 10n Siuffv! Modem (ir;in- Moore Siujrinj; Coatctl SKMHINM.S (>.:{<> p.m. KIN M, 'UP p.m. i in§nur«nr A \iinultitf Onipf oi r OF RUdbIA COMES Till: Miffhiiesf itS nil I'itssiirlis.. ike BLACK GAGLG PLUNDER! SACK! LOOT! ENSLAVE! RAVAGE! BLEED! KILL! BURN n
      253 words
      238 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 396 8 CTMr ADADC Saturday Dute; 1.30 Tune Signal A- wit a Of* A aIfUvAIfOKE News; 1.45 As Simjapore; 5.00 Pro- 1 MALACCA Ml I Tune Signal ft Opening PW tif^SLf^^K SS? '00 Il hl M ;it) limp AnnouiKt-inenl: 7.18 Mornlnu St.r; fl Cl .U t .4S K H an of the
      396 words

  • 1875 9 'Legs' Diamond, vicious czar of New York crime, was 'gentlest, sweetest husband' F E A T U R E \[,|..h:ir(!-e\ed, cadaverous-cheeked ■ii. Hi* October evening in 1<>29 v York restaurant and turned street for an exercise stroll. heels walked two vicious young he employed as bodyguards, i powerful touring car
    Daily Mirror  -  1,875 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 124 9 AT BIG REDUCTIONS SPRING SALE for 3 weeks eyij: LAMES' !Hfi*si:s j HOLLYWOOD LADIES' DRESS HOUSE Hill Sttrn t (E u Court) Singapore Tsl. ***** S5 BT^| 1 mtVHH ore intm 01 1111 PBINCB88" Lml !>»> 3. 7 A n.l."> pm. hi I w r%\ \s (Malay) -a < SKTiiwr
      124 words
    • 93 9 c A i*h* Good i and its good P^ Nciiii i S << MIIK Chocolate pntalwty hum I-- n Buy th 6est LAMPS •/BsViT- ENGLAND F. E. ZUELLIG .malaya, LTD. SINGAPORE KU«L> LUMPUR PINANC zrfjfJM^K ECONOMISE!! lwißwmsk ANY MORE MILES ?lENLEY TYRES Made in United Kingdom Obtainable throughout Malaya Solr
      93 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 82 9 The Barber of Seville 5 Wa *esiM.,ri6i, fW/ff//,,;/ v 7 I W*sL% ''Wl'i/ A GO THEVE AGAIN.' I mTn A fjnrAev" SEVILLE, THIS AFTFr?--r must MAifey kkwi SrvL \oasilio-go to a notary i noou ma 6 two c^uwi uppt RurHnu,?/mW* 2*Jb, ANO A AN 6E re* V 1 WHO NAf?r?ow
      82 words

  • Around the Market's
    • 531 10 TIN RISES, RUBBER STEADY FIE Singapore share market had a rather better day yesterday when there was a welcome improvement in turnover, prices were steadier and what few price changes were made were upward. The (greater part of the business done was in the industrial
      531 words
    • 167 10 Borneo Company's shares From Hall Romney LONDON. Fri. "^PAKE-OVER" rumours. -I- In some cases justified by events and in others not justified, which have been a feature of the London Stock Exchange operations during the past year now involve Borneo Coir>pany, operating in Malaya, to such an extent that the
      167 words
    • 244 10 BRITAIN'S TRADE POLICY BUENOS AIRES. Fri. MR. DERICK HEATHCOATAMORY, Minister of State at the British Board of Trade, said here today that bilateral trade agreements "do not provide the climate" for Britain's post-war trade oolicies. Observers took this to mean that Britain might refrain from committing Anglo-Argen-tine trade to the
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 66 10 PENANG. Thurs. THE tota! tin and rubber exports from Penang In 1953 were valued st $492 million or $244 million below the ficiire for 1952. December exports were valued at $38,275 077. compared with $3,486,481 In November. Exports of rubher from Penantr in December were
      66 words
    • 46 10 RUBBER stocks in the Colony of Singapore at the end of 1953 were 49.701 tons. compared witb 44.478 tons at the end of November. Of these stocks. 42.290 tons were In the hands of dealers, 7.361 tons nt port and 50 ton* on Batata*.
      46 words
    • 171 10 NEW YORK. Fri. yHE Stock markei yrs!crd.iv continued the forward U reach a new hieh for the new year rally. The move was aided bshort -covering and reinvestment demand Inspired by the Improved tc::nr c.f most business news. In the third (uecaaalTe Mtranci the li-t cast aside initial
      Domei  -  171 words
    • 72 10 Singapore C hinese Chamber <>f (oinmercr: Noon prices per picul were Copra: easy; February $41 buyers. $41 sellers: March »40\ buyrrs. $41 sel'ers Coconut oil: vendy; Sfi7< I 111 Pepper: stenriy. unch.injrvi Mtmtok white IttS, Sarawak *3i>> Lampon; black J3fA Lewis and Prat: Cl > i were. Copra-
      72 words
    • 280 10 NEW YORK. Fri. SOMETHING .similar to the I price supports paid to farmers in the United States was needed on an international scale to .stabilise world commodity prices, the Indonesian Ambassador Mr Moekarto Notowidlgdo said here today. Speaking at a meeting of the i
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 158 10 MKLBCHRNE. Fri. THE Stock Exchange closed today with strong biding support for mast sections. Ciie.t interest In Mill being .shown in oil shtres and :he bond market wius linn. Clcinui, quotatkmi of stock today, confuted with yesterday were: loan J "45 1956-59 £94 12/6 d 2 fid I.OHH3',';
      158 words
    • 17 10 The price of tin in Sincaporr jrsterdav was declared at S.T.!) a picul. up SI.
      17 words
    • 139 10 Rubber remained unchanged on the Singapore rubber market yesterday. February first grade closing at 56J cents a pound. The market was qu.u: and featureless. CloMiii; piic-s ytgterday in cents per pound were: No, l R.s.S. Spot loose Oliver; 56, sellers 56... No. 1 R.S.S. r.o.b. in bales Frb
      139 words
    • 125 10 Cjhips lyiiiK alongafcU the pore Harbour Board wharves 01 expected today are: Hoeßh SUvermoon 1 2. Brima-ieer 4 5. Ttrutaina Maru C.P.. Eiko Mai 67. Eumeaus 8 9 Koke Mam 11 •IYesilliati 13 !4 Olengyle 15 16, Ja- B in. Iflarlanthe 1920 Sumpitftn N. Wall 8. Frederick Clover 11(33,
      125 words
    • 25 10 Singapore SHARE PRICE "TMIF M at ii.s 4 p m n■ lollows: IMM W ll.iinn M M J P S'por* ('< WP.iiric n: I Hit IR|
      25 words
    • 12 10 THE Malayan X-< telling, i On thi Hong k dollar
      12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1246 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS E rVecounUni Mai nine Operators tn Medical Ftore. Kuala I Exam H Bar 120 (i Ml Efl Bai ISfi x fi 192 pin phi COLA at current rates Qiu' 7en- nf the Fi VII in English School, Age: it to 23 years Applicatil Gen 147. obtainable from trirt
      1,246 words
    • 766 10 TENDERS I Tenders will be received from 1 Contractors of Class B and above at the office of the Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department High Street, Singapore, up to noon 'of the 29th January. 1954 for "The Construction of Drlllshed and An- i ciliary Offices at the Royal Malayan Nftval
      766 words
    • 157 10 SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES HEAP ENG MOH SS CO., LTP SOON BEE STEAMSHIP CO., (S) LTD 33/35. Teluk \yor Street— 'Phone J44J M.V. "CUVIi BKF" DIRK I BAILING!) I' KX|l CHUtIBON rORTNIC.HTM SERVK'I A. S'p«re appr. Jan. "11l 1.. s pm.- ftp* M •C.IANt; SKNC" BAILINGS l«» PANT.KAI lx XV
      157 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1130 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. «HH BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dcpt 50,,, yhom Ptnon9 Jan. 14/17 G 33/34 Jan II Jen 19/20 Jon 22/23 Jon. 21 Jan. 24 Jan. 27/29 Jan. 30/31 Jen. 24 Jan. 28 Jan 29 iiblin Jon 27 Feb. 4 Feb 3/ Feb. 7/ I Feb 1 Feb. 3
      1,130 words
    • 1001 11 SbibbW o^kjaW MM P^\.^^| Bllßliß^r^^al Sm^^^^^^i^^^^^^f^^K^^^Bl^^^Sß^^^^Ti Baii^^^B^ißlißW^^B^allllß^Js^^^^i^^Bo^^S^^Bß EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN U K. /CONTINENT S'oore P. Sham Penang Kino" for Djokarto, Kohsichong Saigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Vokohomo 23/27 Jen. 23/24 Jen. 21/22 Jen. Mongolia" for Kohsicohno, H'kong 4/ 4 Feh. ;;Mogdele" for Bonokok 9/11 Feb. 1/ t Feb.
      1,001 words
    • 1147 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penang Benlawers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Homburg G. 27/28 21/23 Jen. 24/23 Jon. Benolder for Hovre. London, Rotterdam, Hull 11/23 Jen. 24/24 Jon. 27/29 Jen. Bencleuch for Liveroool Dublin, Glasgow, Homburg, Antwerp 30 Jen/ 7 Feb. 1/
      1,147 words
    • 1007 11 McALISTER «Sc CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGILtS, SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND, «EATTLE I VANCOUVER and for U£ A., North Atlontir. Port. Accepting eo'ao tot Central 1 South city of °bir'kenhead m^'"Jra'ncisvil'le S pore P. S'hom Penono. r-nixi 17/21 reb. 14/16 Feb
      1,007 words

      • 112 12 X'orr? corre pondent "John 1 to the system of tied to do but man- 'oducon". •John rlared P I i April out Qf the nim ring: by the nated ibstitutmn in their place of Alrierm- n i lecti d by Ihe "temporaneously with the eievation of •ion
        112 words
      • 142 12 I HEARTILY support the views expressed by "John Citizen on the proposal in resard to the introduction of the aldermanic system in Singapore. How leaders of the Progressive Party in general, and Mr. p Rajah, in particular, who have always voiced unqualified support of the democratic
        142 words
    • 160 12 Sympathy to wrong people rIK rdici mrice in dows Ca -c■•e which ha i been quoted by ■Truth is Kinj tirmrd the contention ol Mrs. shinn Fozdar, and lormer This Judge, rearing that concubines in Singapon h ive no legal statu to claim maintenance or 8 and might starve, decided
      160 words
    • 120 12 EARLY our rainy morilill" recently. I dropped my wal- lot on the road on niv way to the office. It had m> dii\inc licence, identity i;inl. Miii(lr> receipt* and cash. When I found I had lost it. it mv too late tn en hack and look for
      120 words
    • 172 12 LETTFR draws attention once again to passengers .standing on the ,<teps of B.T.C. buses. It can be easily remedied. Send for the only practical and active police oflicer that we have in thus city. Mr. W. R. M. Haxworth, and let him deal with the position
      172 words
    • 132 12 SENSE OF DUTY VITAL I AGREE with "Progressive" that trial by jury in England la not confined to the same class of cases as in Singapore, Penang or Malacca It extends over a wider category. In criminal trials, in which the question arises, whether capital punishment should b^ left to
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    • 204 12 PROGRESSIVE" has missed my point regarding the essential qualification for a jury system. He writes of English juries being foolish (which some are i and complains against,' comparison between Malaya I and "countries who started I their legal system centuries' ago." I never raised the question of
      204 words
    • 181 12 HE CANT HEAR A THING I THE ATTITUDE of Radio Malaya must surely be 1 "The Show Must Go On irrespective of whether they have ar audience or not. And in these parts, they certainly DO NOT have an audience. Tonight"! rereption from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur was just impossible
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    • 150 12 ONE WOULD like to salute the United i Malays National Organisation for changing its erstwhile slogan of "Hidup Melayu" to "Merdeka. but for a conviction that the new-found slogan seems inapplicable at present. The Malay word. "Merdeka" simply means, "Independence and if the slogan now
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    • 107 12 rE FEDERATION Government recently announced a plan to set up a training centre for Government clerks. Junior staff would undergo courses in administrative and clerical work at the centre. The move was a very sound one Junior clerks looked forward to learning something that might be
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    • 143 12 'Nonsense rE Rev. Abel Eklund is reported to have said at the Malaya annual conference of the Methodist Church at Malacca that the church shou d take part in politics. To one who has been a Christian minister and a prea cher of the Gospel for mor>» than thirty years,
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    • 91 12 It's a hard job selling tickets HOW awful it must be for a young woman trying to earn a living and do a good job by letting Social Welfare Lottery Tickets to Zebra on the ferry. There are lots ct things that the Welfare people do winch I do not
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    • 57 12 II P. LYMN, the various turf clubs, and that much (Oft unjustly >. maligned body Radio Malaya, please note: I refuse to believe that the race commentaries have the biggest programme following. Only a comparatively small <but apparently influential and very vociferous! proportion of listeners enjoy
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    • 404 12 Ape-men spirits of the avengers APROPOS the local appearance of the Abominaole Man. I have long been convinced that the creature Is by no means confined to the Himalayan regions nor can It be regarded as vicious In any I way except to those it is searching for. It was
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    • 118 12 IN 1949, while leading a fiveman patrol on a jungle track some miles up-river from Kota Tingui. in Johore. I saw what appeared to be a human lurking in the undeigrovth. about thirty yards away. I halted trie patrol and let loose with one shot. There
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    • 186 12 SHE TRIED TO GET A CARD RECENTLY my sister joine-i the new batch of student nurses recruited at the General Hospital. The Matron asked the girls to produce their rice-cards. All save my sister produced theirs. My sister could not do so because we have lost contact with our father
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    • 66 12 Book profits air conditioning I ECHO John Homage's sentiments regarding book profits. I had occasion to ask in a local bookshop why a book marked £2. 25. ($l3) in England iixts for sale here at $25. teas informed a'ter all, you are buying it m airconditioning!" Needless t n say,
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    • 175 12 IN REPLY to Commonsense Adviser 'Love" is a word loosely used to describe biological reasons giving the male species free rein to his uncurbed passions. The taking of a partner at marriage surely implies the continuity of a lifelong partnership, giving both husband and wife
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    • 187 12 MR. WILFRED ANTHONY in "Colour Bai Malayans is a Myth" stated that the:. romplaint abou accommodation in Arl< may be so but as far as I know, many ol tl students are not satisfied with theirs I Thn.' at the Unlversit) Australia and mil could
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    • 239 12 AMAHS: $260 A MONTH 1 WOULD very much like to meet the gentleman whn works out the cast of Bring index and have the method explained to me. I am sure the calculation must take a lot of time but undoubtedly the conclusion, that the cast of. living for Europeans
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    • 153 12 THE P.C. AND THE DRIVER IN FRONT of a Malay police constable, a European driv j mc a car swerved to the riant. cut across double white traffic line.s and stopped at the entrance of a cinema. The constable saw this. < walked up to the driver, spoke i to
      153 words
    • 56 12 IN KLUANG, there are two cinemas. But it is a long I time since we had either a j Malay or an Indian or an English film on a Sunday— and Sunday Ls a holiday for many. Both theatres show oniy Chinese pictures on Sundays. Couldn't we have
      56 words
    • 56 12 rE RECENT student nur.v meant for thnsi ted in English those Chin, who want to take l;; Many OTganlsat St John Ambiilanr tish Rod Cross Boc both English and Chi tions. I don't see Whj ties should not id policy I hope that ih< system will be
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    • 30 12 IT IS the policy of tl mil I Qorernment Servant ;ltld 1 ID 8 admit ex-membei ex-membi rs members, I thorn pensinr has ri HARK TIM. Trenccanu.
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    • 87 12 OF LATE, I notice that rrral travellers have been prosecuted at Kuala Kubn Bharu lor carrying a [ew jrardo cloth which they happen to take In transit through thai town. No doubt cloth la one of the restricted articles unriT the Emergency Regulations, but this control Is
      87 words
    • 117 12 rIE VIEW.S of -property Manager" arc very inter c.sting and prove beyond doubt that an enquiry into the running of the War Damngr Commission should begin straight away. Regarding salary scales. I would Uke to point out that In Ipoh, a qualified engineer la employed as an assessor
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 26 12 IIIIIC]IIIMIini!IC]IIIIIIIMIIiailllllllllll[^lllllllliilC]lllllllllllll}lllllillllllt]llllllllllll(]|||lllllllllt]llllllllllllt3IIIIIIIIIIIICU TyresoleS [MALAYA'S FINEST FULL CIRCLE TYRE RETREADS.! TAMBUN ROAD 805 PASIR PANJANG ROAD IPOH SINGAPORE. PHONE 3966. PHONE MANGIS 370. PHONE *****. Wiiimiiiiiijiiiiii oHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiioiiiiimiiiuiii iiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiß
      26 words
    • 39 12 ATTENTION xAr-V^CNrri Any client esquires for supplies ol derifa shapr in .\K\& SPRINGS for Mecha cals,Molors, Printeri ami Industries concn PUaM uphh' tfi: WONG THIAM SPRING FACTORY, Officet 8-A, Fraser Street. Tel: ***** Factory: 7, Guillemard Road. Singapore- '4
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  • 3 13
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  • 1175 13  - Only miracle can stop Johore's 'wonder XV' W. h. TREVOR TODAY'S 25th HMS MALAYA RUGBY FINAL By JN today's H.M.S. Malaya rugby final on the Kuala Lumpur Padang between Johore and Perak, Johore, with a side studded with Fijian stars, will take the field 3—l on favourites to win the
    1,175 words
  • 55 13 •<>"<>r;i perak I dineUm irapt.) Chandler Vaidolr Craij Ifiilxrlv nrrakwrll I!»!■•■" i Willinsham li.m. ii Clemo K.iluil.. Mriklr N' 11 in i Shaharuddin 1 n Miller llr»iU WebsVr -iiikntu Andrrws I i«>kr Handcork (rapi.) Wiightnonth Watson Smith Radrmlrn Brett Serake Munro Kirk-ofT is at S p.m. K. H.
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  • 5 13 Perak's key men CHANDLER lIAMK'OCK
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  • 123 13 WELLINGTON, Frl |>ARRY BROWN, hard-hit tin*: 1 .'c.i hinder, won the British Empire welterweight boxing championship tonight by beating the holder. Gerald Dreyer tSouth In the seventh round. Brown, who is 22. ha 4 had only 14 professional rights and won them al' The
    123 words
  • 113 13 The final of the Singapore District inter-unit rugger championship for the FAR ELF Cup between GHQ PAREI F and REME Workshops will be played ai 'he RASC around at rVyer RV.ih Road at .=> ;vm. today. Teams are CiHQ: Maj Pairman: Maj Kettles. Capt Dow. WO
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  • 124 13 JOHANNESBURG. Prl. ■\*R. John Simpson, manager of iT Don Cockeli who is now in South Africa to defend his British Empire heavyweight title aealnst Johnny Arthur, said here today that Cockeli was prepared to meet Roland La Starza ISA in London on March
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 72 13 The following Singapore Recreation Club soccer players are requested to turn up for training on the Padang at 5.30 p.m. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, from next Wednesday. J. de Sliva. R. Westerhout. M. G. Wright. A dc Rozano. R. Henderson, A. W. Fox. K R.
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  • 274 13 LONDON, Fri HEADINGTON United, the southern League club from Oxford, won their F.A. Cup third round replay at Coventry yesterday to be the sole non-league club to reach the fourth round of the competition. Their victory earned them a home tie on Jan. 30 against Bolton Wanderers,
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 41 13 CAPETOWN. Frl. J. Bush took eisht wickets for nine runs when playine for Eastern Province against Orange F-ee State in the Interprovincial Nuffleld Schools cricket tournament here yesterday. Free State weri* all out for 16. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 304 13 Penang in 'Blues' final with late points PENANG A.l Blues qualified as northern finalists in the All Blues Cup runger competition when they beat Kedah All Blues by 13 points (two goals and a penalty) to three ia penalty) on the Western Road pround today. Penanc's victory came from ft
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  • 215 13 KINC.TON. Frl. r rill M.C.C. vlrrtors have an- nounced 12 players from whom the team for the first test to«U» against the West Indies will hf chosen. The 12 are I.m Hutton. Trevor R.iilrv. Peter May. Denis C'nmpton. Willie Watson. Tom > Oraveney, Evans, .lim
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 484 13 From Our Own Correspondent SYDNEY. Friday. FOR the first time in his career, Singapore's Neo Chwee Kok will compete in a night event when he makes his first Australian appearance at the North Sydney Olympic Pool tomorrow night. This will be at
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  • 143 13 MELBOURNE. F LEWIS HOAD. 19-year-old nut>- tralian Davis Cup player, wa> today ranked No. 1 in a world lawn tennis rankinc list compiled by Harry Hopman, manager of the Australian cup team. Writing in the Melbourne Hemlti. on which he is tennit correspondent. Hopman said
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 64 13 TORONTO. Fri— Marjorie Shedd of Toronto and Eddie Choonc of Malaya are seeded in th* No. 1 potions for the 10th annual International Invitation Badminton Tournament which begins today. Eddie and his cousin Da. id a:-e seeded No. 1 men's doubles, arid Ethel Marshall and B. Massman No 1
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  • 247 13 MADRAS, Frl. XHE Commonwealth 1 rriekrt touring team, \vii.h two wickets stand--1 ing. still need 102 runs to avoid the follow-on in the fourth "Test" match with India. At the close of play m tlif third day of the match. Commonwralth were 189
    247 words
  • 119 13 I\l>l\ —ki Inn-..: 440 for dccl. COMMONWEALTH —Ist Inns C J. H.irr.Ht Ibw Gupte <i Marshall h Phadkar .Menl'iivin mil out 89 Idtidi r Phadkar b G. Ahmed 1» Watklm r Phadkar b OupU 5 Barrick c Ahmed b Gupte 4 1 it.ii.n c Srinivasan h <:. Ahmed S«
    119 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 132 13 HO! OLD A „,H,h.big ,nk fopo<!«y m\ .c or 9\ a lot W zr nih tipr^d ■llo) lor j -rii- I i mi- I -r "Anow" I ir« and eight •T.nmg ro- I Wonior! INVICTA Witch ot Quality ■thin the mc.irn of all pockets I by all watch dealers "out
      132 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 135 13 THE WEEKEND SPORT Tnn V HWKEV IUUAI SHA junior k.o. tourney: S'porr rD Ensinrpring ReKl. v Y.M.S.A., GillXL i 1 1 1 1. man R.irrark« BINGAPOSE MM' FINAL: fr £nl)LY SRC V R\V (HQvRfMK Workshop. *T- JE^ UC^Lf It.uili Koad. i( apt. Clayton). liillilßK v tt\ Veh. Bn., SWIMMINO Lliorr
      135 words
    • 456 13 Stalls Times T s ATURJ>Iv j WORD PUZZLE G' Cut out and pin with othe coupo,M Posting instructions appear bcl»w f nmm Address M S /P n ■i 7;. jN 1 v I R I R I c ITTTTI fILL 3 I N E M Al Ill /T7v^ across, R
      456 words

  • 532 14 Cinder's Prince strongest rival By EPSOM JEEP [TING CROW'S double over lm. and ljm. in Class 3 at Kuala Lumpur in November showed this Kingrstone five-year-old to be reaching his true form and, on the evidence of two smart gallops this week, I
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  • 3 14
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  • 207 14 QLYMPICS track :orm suspests he has repalncd some of his old dash and owr h:s best dist«nce^ a mile this Ocean Swell Sfldlnc has a cood chance In Rare Four today H* will 1:0 well on a soft track. At his peak early last
    207 words
  • 205 14 Singapore "ad lißht afc— mn nf rain ve>terday and the goini; at Bukit Timah thi^ afternoon will be yielding a I best. Today* best bet; King trow in the 4. .15. Be*t Inngshot; Raratonga in the 3.15. Radio Malaya will broadcast commentaries on all eight races
    205 words
  • 936 14 fILAR 11. a smart-looking three year-old by The ll Pelican, has come to hand since his first races in Malaya, and I think he can be backed confidently in Race One today against a moderate Class 3 sprint Gular II shaped like a winner
    936 words
  • 1198 14 Race 1—2.15- Class 3. Div. 4— 6 Furs. 1 -57 Onlar II B-gby 9.00 T. V. Mitehell 2 Klaxley Green Boucoure MM Mmmc Kongsl R. Breukrl'-n 953 Ryetrans Talt 812 M. M. Whittles Basb\ 4-— (irazie Donnelly 8.11 Y. F Teng <fc E. K. C lean Hobos
    1,198 words
  • 160 14 MELBOURNE. Fri. 4 RTHUR MORRIS'S XI amassed a first innlnes total of 562 runs against Lindsay Has-ett's team on the opening day of the BUNK testimonial match here The game developed Into n feat of nin-R("finc Thrre were 62 boundary hitu and eight sixes totalling 29(1
    160 words
  • 260 14  -  EPSOM JEEP Bj I PICTURE Tip FARNLEY. winner <>•" four races In nine season, is rijjht :it liis peak. have n work with greater iesl than he did al Bukii i this week when he twice broke 38 for 5:. on track. I I I
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  • 4 14
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  • 23 14 LONDON. Frl Royal A beat the British F'nlire hv M\ pain) to three in rugby union game at j Conventry ymttttmf.
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  • 5 14 SC OTLAND LOSE badminton con
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 802 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ■•iitiiiu. 'l *****1. Page 6) 1 Classified Advertisement Enquiries Telephone 5471 I I AC(OMMOI>\TI()N VACANI 2* t«,.,rf. II flHm H«x .0 r>> -iir.i cosmos n, Available single nx<m |)i r trance, full board KAI' 77 Meyer R' family •ccomd :imm. Laryc gat den. Phone I F.RRACh Ro ii
      802 words
    • 901 14 lIOI'SKS LAND FOR SALE Hi w»r«« SI rWM.j— Bnx it rtt mxtrm. NEW bungalow. TanJonK Rhu. three bedrooms, bathrooms attached MTTBBtS qunrters. water, eleciriruy. ISA IfiOOO sq.ft. Vacant Possession, Freehold. Reply Box A 2509. ST. LBBfl THAN COST. Excellent buildinc site at Dunearn Park EMate. residential area. 4 miles from
      901 words
    • 116 14 MCKESPORT-P, A Time-Saver It takes an experienced operator c TIME-O-CRAF only a few seconds to determ ne the rate of a watch iy usir modern timing machine we can I regulate our watches qu.ckly and accurately whereas it formerly U This rema'kable electronic machinr I a ?appr tapp a record
      116 words