The Straits Times, 15 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Mo***** flat* 101 He**"** Established 1815 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 1 MEMBERS of Die inquiry commission examine the wrecked engine of the Comet at Porto Azzuro.—AP picture.
    AP  -  16 words
  • 68 1 In a cemetery chapel the bodies lie side hy side jet liner crasii on Sunday lie covered with i the Son Carbona cemetery, Porto Azzurro, Elba. The 20 minutes after leaving Rome on its Singaporekilled. AP picture \nd then sudden silom '.'RECK AGE picked up in
    AP  -  68 words
  • 1016 1 orgc Etendel, man of the ion which i> Singapore's on, warned that i" alery case 1 European had lost it> idence t«> the nists, it had through an 1 its internal He was comment 11m on a recommendation by thr
    1,016 words
  • 38 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. A I substantial majority of '.he > commission on judicial and j congressional .salaries was ie- 1 ported today to favour a US$27 500 salary lor senators and representatives a US$l2.--500 iM537.000» pay boost. AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 129 1 Death dive from 100 feet up ROME. Thursday. ALL 16 occupants were killed when a Philippines Air- lines piano, flying from Manila to London, blew up within two miles of Rome airport today. Local airline officials said there wore seven passengers and n'ne
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  • 58 1 BRITAIN AND SIAM FRIENDS INDEFINITELY LONDON. Than.— Britain ami Siam today exchanged notes declaring that the pence and friendship established between the two countries 1 under the IMf peace treaty I should be "maintained in- < definitely." Ihe notes exchanged in Kangkok formally ended thr I<M« treaty rifflf in Singapore
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  • 44 1 NAIROBI. Thur.s.--Bet\voon 60 and 100 Man Mar. attacked a (arm at Kinancop last night, burnt down buildings and killed one Alrican. A European farmer, P. F. Orimwood. and his wife fought off the attack and killed three assailants. A.P.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 25 1 PARIS. Thwrs. The Pope will canonise Pope Pius X on June 29. watched by televiewers ol elgni Buropi an nations. Rente:
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  • 24 1 trkntham. New Zealand, Thurs. The Queen, having a break from her hraw tour programme, went to the rucej here today. A.p.
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  • 10 1 LONDON. Thurs. Qalet ■wept .southern England yesterday. Rout'T.
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  • 215 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. rUR million leaflets, printed on red paper and headed "A Happy New Year. 1 arc being dropped into the I- 1 deration jungles in a bid to ecure the surrender Chinese terrorists br'nre the 1 Chinese New Year celebra- j
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  • 311 1 SHOP MAN BADLY HURT n\\ o Singapore secret societies, Gang in ana Gang 14, clashed at the junction of Raffles I}ua> and Cross Street iust after 1 p.m. yesterday. A young shop assistant, was critically injured when he tried to stop four of the panpsters
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  • 52 1 Seven mm from srj'ret society <;an;j 08 heat up a Chinese hanker in Minn iod Read, Singapore near the Singapore Traction Company deBat on Wednesday afternoen nic hawker, whose Bane has been withheld for security reasons, was taken to hospital unconscious. He lives in
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  • 177 1 Red guns hammer French Vietminh suicide squads attack HANOI. Thurs. yiETMiNH artlllery- men. believed to have been 1 1 alned by Red China. pounded the outer defences of Dien Bien Phu today while suicide patrols pushed through an inferno nf napalm bombs towards this Fr< nch stronghold. A French spokesman
    UP  -  177 words
  • 12 1 "IS Stall result Mill 111 Korean •po>Mi daj 1 idlme.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Distributors of ROLEX OTHER HIGH-CLASS WATCHES G C. Do SUVA BROS., Uert iporf 1 t'ho'ir X^l IS 6TOLLEYS/ CO., LTD. ;G **ORI hUM 1.1 MI-IK IPOH. PKNANG. M c him, and SARAWAK. T.S. T-102.
      34 words
    • 56 1 Same Pai| Jetocc Developing Printing Purging Kodak Mnla/n Limited Owns f.d.-.i r. <»• CaW,Sk«^i csne\vyear^ A 1 dime fob, a ±L 1N SPECIAL |2 GIFT CARTONS CONTENTS Z4 PINT fcOTTLIS J x I Order the TIGER Cftrlons lrom am Fraser t*v Neave branch, i<» 1 be delivered Ihroughoul Malaya. Price
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  • 176 2 Jason and Betsy team-up A SMALL boy in Singapore is having the time of his life learning to ride a pony which stands only seven hands. The boy is Jason Ambler, aged five-and-a-half and the pony is Brtsy. aged three. Rrtsy is a 100-guinra CS880)
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  • 360 2 NO EXPLOITATION UNDER RESTRICTION PLAN TIN Miners who prefer, under the proposed inter- i national tin restriction scheme, not to produce i their quota of ore will he allowed to sell their quota allotment to another mine at a price to
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  • 84 2 IPOH. Thurs. MINIM. In Pe:;ik. afb explanatory be pro- ment and how Malaya would ccnieme. Is, they ■ay, arc a control sch< purely ro- me Introd n That i drawbacks and "did not v jrk out fairly". The pre-war scheme cononly producing This the miners
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  • 19 2 BONN. Thurs. The West German Bund. nent i today a b:i! •n to Germany to rearrr. Ri
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  • 98 2 Tvv, flr. L ncoln bombers of No. 7 Squartion RAF. who ar^ rel vlng No. 83 Squadron, arrived at TengaJi fr<">rn N<'£nmbo. Ceylon, jresT) r >erond detachment Is due on January 19. the day on which the remaining aircraft ul No. Hi Squadron, and the
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  • 45 2 The new Proressor of Social Medicine at the University of Malaya, Prof. Trevor Lloyd Davis, was guest of honour at a Rotary Inner Wheelers' luncheon in Singapore yesterday. Dr. Ivan Polunin. lecturer in Social Medicine, talked on "Primitive People's of M;ilaya."
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  • 255 2 ALOR STAR. Thurs. LADY Templer, wife of the High Commissioner, said here today that she was very sad she had to leave Malaya in June. In her first public reference to her impending departure. Lady Templer told delegates to
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  • 293 2 Vice bosses know all the tricks, but- DAGODA Street, where a man was recently stabbed to death, is one of Singapore's i many bad gambling areas, Mr. J. W. Chilton, Superintendent of Police, told the Straits Times yesterday. He pointed out that
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  • 134 2 HE TELLS THEM ABOUT THE TOILING WIVES OF AUSTRALIA MALACCA, Thurs. WIVES of Rotarians smiled when told at a Malacca Rotary Club meeting today that they did not work a quarter as hard as Australian women. Kanagarajah Thamhipillay, former Malacca High School boy and final year accountancy student of the
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  • 34 2 Singapore police yesterday arrested a 19-year-old Chinese who was found carrying 38 secret society Chinese New Year greeting cards. A policeman said they were normally used for extortion.
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  • 108 2 NEW SHIP DUE IN S'PORF A NOTHER" new French pasJ\ senge r and cargo motor ship, the 12,000-ton Henri polncare belonging to Cle Ma ratime des Chargeurs Reunis is expected in Singapore on her maiden voyage next Tuesday Launched last October, she is the second of three sistt rships ordered
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  • 34 2 MANILA. Thurs. Representatives of 20 Pacific and AMan nations will try to increase their share of the world's tourist business when they meet in Manila from January 25 to February I.— U.P.
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  • 17 2 LONDON. Thurs. Deputy Commander George HatheniPi has been appointed head ol Scotland Yard's C.l.D.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 147 2 Comet's last mntm n PORTO A. fHE Come- i crash "ti on knocked nin ol I .suddenly thnt th. off a radio i n without even a it was disc BOAC said time that the p Alan Gibson, was r>. weather information I BOAC Argonaut the
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  147 words
  • 26 2 The Singapore yesterday return adventure quest on Lance Charles Morrison when a Land R driving skidded am In Malan Road on r real
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  • 27 2 NEW DELHI. Th ports reaching 1. said that at least I have died from the winds sweeping fn Himalayas brought ing temperatures —A P.
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  • 21 2 JUAREZ. Mexlc Marilyn Morrison R i ged wife of slngi t Ray. applied for a divorce ye.sterday.— Ap
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  • 53 2 4 N American author of a recent best -seller about business executives, is in Singapore. H3 is Mr. Cameron Hawley who flew into the Colony yes- terday by XI.M I from Jak.v Mr. Ha\v!> cutive Suito." whlcl being made Into a Metro Goldwyr. Mi here for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 41 2 4f* GAR. 6OOO .2fT^-^^ 3'" c YourV our baty complete, 4fy t balanced nourishment/ V» /^^V B *BY NE£bs VlTAkj H >. v "*rntn a rrV(1 nt rickr,,? r nun^> ani on I MlLKOSElMiiKosElp^b^ V, Hlii SL f climate of Malaya "^tu^nt
      41 words
    • 109 2 Johnson's Baby ft i the perfect I :;sh to baby's Soothing, cooling, comforting, and 3 more flvtvurvTW 'specials' for Baby JOHNSONS lAIY CKEAM JOHNSON'S BAIT LOTION JOHNSON BAST SO»P $km btemnhi. rash ond chafing. font c WmtM BABY PRODUCTS The Bnrner Company Limited II A The name DUPERITE always stands
      109 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 268 2 Straits Times Crossword I^_ I!L I 38 75" 1 I I I I I I LJ I 1 I 1 ACROSS 6. A certain kind of rOM 1. No fruit for the oarsman tc 7. Suitable metal for battleships? train on (4-6). (t-4). 7. This garment may make a 8.
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  • 204 3 WASHINGTON, Thursday. fHE Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulles, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday that a peaceful unification of Korea would be difficult to accomplish in the fore--eeahle future. The Chinese Communists, he said, had virtually Incorporated North Korea as
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  • 75 3 II \i;i I v I ORTE. who I ihulihi from 1 1 iI in ■>v iiiv i atrring intern ii: vi mi. mm. iri- likel) l<> lie iloil.ti in i .ins,, the 1 1 .1 i atrrinc magnate iiffel nl v. 1 .558.9*0 |.>r .i .1
    75 words
  • 13 3 ;uul ent, a mad v and 12 m:i:
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  • 137 3 This would change all, of course HONCr KONG. Thurs. 'rHE British China Mail wrote 1 today that if Malay t'l men prove to be the counwy'i Indigenous the constitution would certainly have to be tten. Mil go the political those who ;ik»' to preface their arguments with the reminder that
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 24 3 ONDON, Thurs. si r Winton Churchill has called a eting for next Mon- ol the resumption of Parliament after the ChristRruter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 134 3 CAIRO. Thursday. MILITARY police officials said today ol M m Rrotherhoori loaders were ox- l.ono and the government disa nation-wide state of emergency has declared. Ity forci over Egypt rounded up hundreds of the leaden of tn> fanatic political which has branches throughout the
    UP  -  134 words
  • 22 3 Police raid Jagan party offices Thurs. on inei retary no gOV- Coand Officer were discontinued. ippear In ■w cause should be de-
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  • 24 3 KARACHI. Thurs. Fourteen scientists from eight countries will participate in a .s-.x-ciay Pakistan scleno COUbeginning in Karachi on January 18.- A.P.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 104 3 Judge shot dead in court WARREN, Pennsy'.vana. Thurs. \MAN shot a judge dead :r. court yesterday before six I witnesses State police chased Norman Moon, aged 26. for six miles before bullets brought his car I to a halt. Moon shot himself in the j throat as officers approached him
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 64 3 BREtiFNZ. Wesi Austria. Thurs. Hundreds of rescue workers toiling in the hardpacked snow of Austria's "valley of death- today dug out alive two girls who had been buried for 55 hours. The Ministry of the interior today issued a list of avalanche victims showing 87 dead.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 47 3 FOGGIA. ITALY, Thurs. Fascists hurled four handgrenades into their own local headquarters here last night to try to ferret out party rebels who had barricaded themselves in the building The grenades damaged the furniture and shattered windows, but there were no casualties. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 27 3 ROME Thurs. -Mr Alexe' Korobotchkin. Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia, left here by plane yesterday fo r Cairo on his way t o Addis Ababa. A.P
    AP  -  27 words
  • 30 3 '"'I Irith Vietmink ..1,. Is. Thr has,, was buill months oed the fn,sp,, rl „f v,,,,,,, >liul Ml pp|i,s to the battle arca.-A.P.pu lure.
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  • 34 3 LONDON. Thurs. AngloJapanese di legates to sterling payments talks hero yesterdaj examined export and import i targets fo r this year fo r some commodities, according to an I authoritative source. Renter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 42 3 New Sudan Speaker JITDGE 15UHKIK \W.\l>.\LU..\. left, is greeted at Khartoum on arriving to become >i»r:iktr of thr Sudan House of Representatives. Judge Awadalla. who is Mi. rcsiynrd his appointment as District JiuUe of Obeid to take up the post A.P. picture.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 179 3  -  Gladwyn Jebb Sir BALTIMORE. Thursday. Gladwrn Jebb of Britain last nijjht said that it could be argued with some force that had Communist China been a member of the I nited Nations in 1950 there might never have been a Korean war.
    UP  -  179 words
  • 173 3 INDIA TO RETURN THE POWs -as PRISONERS PANMUNJOM. Thurs JNDIA notified the United Nations and Communist commands tonight that It In- j tends to turn more thar. 22.000 unrepatriateri war prisoners back to them as prisonen on Jan. 20. The Indian chairman of thr Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission said India
    Reuter; UP  -  173 words
  • 39 3 LONDON. Thurs— Lieut. -Col. James Came. holder of the Victoria Cross and commander of the "Glorious Gloucester*. has been appointed Commandant of the Army Apprentices' School. Harrogate. and promoted to the rank of Colonel. Renter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 25 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The. Civil Aeronautics Board yester- I day authorised Japan airlines to operate across the Pacific starting on February 2.— A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 49 3 LONDON. Thursv-The War Secretary, Mr. Anthony l-> ad, left by plane for Kenya to Investigate increasing Mau Maui attacks. He will visit British troops and meet the Governor, Sir > Evelyn Baring, and Lieut-Gen. Sir George Erskine, Com- manrier of the British East African Forces. U.P.
    UP  -  49 words
  • 37 3 NEW YORK, Thurs.— Mr. Andrei Yyshinsky. Soviet celccate to the United Nations. laughed and joked with guests' last night at the first informal American reception he has attended since the death of Stalin.-- Reuter.
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  • 35 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Thurs. Mr. Carlos Azucar Chares, special ambassador from El Salvador to Japan, who left for Tokyo yesterday, said that his mission was to negotiate for n renewal of relations. Renter.
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  • 28 3 WASHINGTON. Thur.s US yesterday said that 50 warships would be laid up to meet the reduced budget for the year starting on July I.— A.P.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 26 3 parks. Thurs. The French have rebuilt 5.000 bridges .sine the end of the war. but the) still have 2,550 more t 0 build A.P.
    AP  -  26 words
  • 158 3 LONDON, Thur.s. I^HK Queen is wearing on her Commonwealth tour jewellery bequested to her by late Queen Mary, the National jewellers' Association said here yesterday. A spokesman said thai the Queen had not worn any of Queen Mary's jewellery m Britain. The Queen wore a
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 297 3 ixjndon. Thura. AFTER a lontlsh «;pcll of no hard and fast tendency, stork BarMa today developed dtottnetl) mm tone arrcmpanled by an Improvement in the business volump Tea shares remained prominen 1 .mini.: the Par Easterns and the itlghUy Increased turnover resulted from M>me more than welcome piottl-lnking.
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  • 25 3 LOXDON. Jan. 14 Cash Buyers t657' 2 Sellers tlfifiO; Forward Buyers C632V. Sellers t635; Settlement t662'0. Turnover a.m. 2"> tons; p.m. 55 tons.
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  • 40 3 LONDON. Jan. 14.— Spot 17d., FYb l"n Mar IT-d.. Apr.-June 17' 4 d July-Sept. 17' 4 d.. Or t -Dec. 17'vd. Jan cl f 16 13 16d.. Feb. (If lfi'.d.. Ma-, c.l f. 16\d. Tone: Quiet but steady
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  • 40 3 KHARTOUM. Thurs. A crowd of 200 broke through airport barriers here last night t o greet Maj. Saleh Salem, the Egyptian Minister of National Guidance, who arrived here to congratulate the Sudanese Government on achieving independence. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 AUSTRALIAN CRAYFISH Serve it cold with :i welt chosen sahid and Kraft Mayonnaise before you visit the Pavilion on Mondaj night to see "Innocents in I'nris' the Charity Show in aid of the Singapore Children's Society, It's simple, satisfying and «-.isv to prepare. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. INSULATING BOARDS
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  • 12 4 n Lim Guek Menu i :hls in
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  • 264 4 CREWS ESCAPED WHEN CAPTAINS WENT TO RAISE 'RANSOM' MONEY ALOR STAR, Thursday. ITKDAII police arc investigating a report that six lishinjj boats were detained by a Siamese marine vessel alter entering Siamese territorial v ;iter«. The police were told that the fishermen escaped with their
    264 words
  • 55 4 She woke to find man on her bed \VO! .n liv--15 a.m. Her in. A Ik: :;ip in the by the voman found tl Youth meeting The annual meeting and •lections Ol the Singapore District Meth<>dist Youth Fel- lowshlp will be held at the Wi >ltv Church hall. Fort Canning
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  • 111 4 THE Rev. c. Stanley pro president o 1 stalled Trini: I night. X' Rev. H VY Balm shoo Raymond L Archer, head ol the Met!; On in Soiith-Eas- Asia, and leading nifmber.s oj the Methodist, Anglican and Presbyterian Churches were among those who attended the
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  • 19 4 JOHORE, I'AHRU, Thurs.- tdmitted to the Ba Federation by Mi Storr on Mr L. A G Smith.
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  • 68 4 1 MALAYAN SOLDIERS who are on a signalling instructors' course at the School of Infantry signal wing at Hythe in Kent. Sgt. Frani is Ooi of the Federation Regiirent (centre* is seen with sergeants of tiie Malay Regiment inspecting fire-fighting equipment at
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  • 126 4 They're ideal, say Australians bin Hassan will return to Singapore from Australia next week to recruit divers for Australia's pearl industry. Suleiman, a Singapore Malay who has been working for two years on a pearl lugger off northern Australia, was originaally recruited by the
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  • 92 4 A man with 18 convictions 1 for gambling and one for smoking opium was sentenced in a Singapore court yesterday to three months 1 gaol I when he pleaded guilty to .sinokirm opium again. After hearing the mans record, the magistrate said to i
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  • 135 4 If WAS USED IN ANOTHER ROAD MOH Kirn Seng yesterday admitted in a Singapore court that he had stolen a pile of stones from a road-building site near his home and sold them to a road contractor. 3efore Goh W*j caught, the second
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  • 19 4 A 58-year-old Chinese labourer was found hanging at the Singapore Harbour Board Sick Bay yesterday afti moon.
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  • 34 4 Two men, one with a revolv- 1 er. held up a couple in a car at Farrer Park. Singapore, on Wednesday night and robbed them of $35 and the car's ignition key.
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  • 19 4 The body of a baby girl was found on the beach at yerr.bawaog, Singapore, yesterday 'afternoon.
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  • 42 4 Qreetlng cards I New Year early to ensure and Singapore ('<• statem The statement ask i lie to !ix the .stamp at righi hand corner ol vehipe and to write I and address in Roman era or m English.
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  • 191 4 CHIEF CLERK WHO TOOK $8,400 IS PUT ON BOND KUALA LUMPUR, I A FORMER chief clerk <>t Bungsai Raymond Frois. was today bound ovi sum of $8,500 thrrr years and sentenced to one d gaol for criminal breach of trust of $8,482. The money belonged to the hospital funds ;ind
    191 words
  • 59 4 $15 fees? I want facts McLellan THE I) tion. Sinn parcel to plaints about pr which are suppor particulars, said Director ol Educ il M'-i ellan, It will not Inqu vague chari!' he added. He was comm report yesterday Instltutl the ihon ige primary schools between 110 i month The
    59 words
  • 33 4 'Deterrent' sentence FOR EXTORT Sent to a yeai .spronri dl Mr B am pa n Teo P( n-j V i <d (it atti mpting from Teo 8 I rearer by putting of Injury.
    33 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 J^nVnHnf ti&M *^i£M^BBBBKm sTJi/l/UT ■■"J"'" MM Ar( silk Bnuadr. Mr \^t A < 7 Iw x \?&LMEf i I In Rllst r rpen nlll<l < ?^ISBBBHMr r~^ ANGORA 1 v^zA^m I sizes 36" to 44 :>. Q >lj^ :>miM. I'sually 52.00 Ball BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH LACE 1 ik$HS S&^ ,s deliffhtful
      276 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 204 4 |SBjp9B|Hß|^^SHHinSHS|^HßPJ^^^^^^ i^B^n^nMßJHnHayHnii^flßßßnvnflknMi Vuncty Ahoy': 8.00 M ill SINGAPORE Y.ira:'B 15 Cheerful ChttPte; 8 tSArvvAcwnaj Mdaj Prcm. .9.30 p.u». Tlaw nal fi News; 9.45 Strictly I 7.15 am. Time Signal <fc Opening menta j jo.oo The Black Mi: Announcement; Tib Morning Star; ;o 3p Friday Ballroom: 11.00 7.30 News; 7.35 Melody
      204 words

  • 275 5 the sort of thing that happens in Communist countries' ■pm Sinjfapore Assoi ion ha> told UIC eminent thai the i Acquisition icndment No. Bill 1 !'■■>•■;. «i!l discourill private deveicnl schemes. elopments at ion one land >r such a to
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  • 83 5 They will be the Bournes of Malaya Till: MAN who will SMCMaI GCB. Tcn)iler in Malaya. I.ieut.Gea, (>. K. Bourne, is seen above arriving at his headquarters in Berlin. With Gen. Bourne is his wile and in the background his son. Gen. iioiirnc. G.O.C. of the
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  • 224 5 More 'raids' on Colony by U.S. Superforts THREE B-29 Super-' A fortresses of the 13th i United States Air Force, under the command of Colonel W. C. Bacon, j carried out a series of mock raids on Singapore yesterday. As the heavy bombers winged their way over southern Malaya, the
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  • 159 5 WI.XDOWS RATTLE L\ SUBLHBS KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. RA.F. bombers struck at terrorists hiding on the fringes of Kuala Lumpur today for the fourth day in succession. Window panes rattled tn j houses on the outskirts of the town a.s plainly audible "■crumps" from exploding
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  • 48 5 Mr. Chintaman De.-hmukh Indian Finance Minister, will address a public meeting at the Indian Association, Balestier Road. Singapore, at 5 p.m. on Monday. Mr. Desnmukh >vill arrive the iv from Sydney, wbi re he has been attending the Commonwealth Fh ance Ministers' Conference.
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  • 30 5 Mr. George Cordeiro. passenger agent for American President Lines in Singapore left yesterday by air for Hong Kong to attend a passager conference on Saturday and Sunda v.
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  • 39 5 he planned to reach Singapore and beat the curfew but the storm delayed him. He was carrying a load ol fish. Tay and five other Chinese in his boat w c being in a curfew
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  • 35 5 Loh Shan Sionp was fined $200 and disqualified from driving for year by a Singapore Court today i<»r nogliflent driving. Loh'fl car .sti'ick a three-year-old Rirl. who later died in hospital.
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  • 37 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thur.s Kami K Ayer llilam in the E»ontlan^DlJstrlct now ha.s v school oVits own. bsnlt hy the people with 1 \u\i\ aid. w;ls rpcentlyl opened l>y the District Ollicer#i
    37 words
  • 174 5 Plan to fit in surplus pupils KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. SELANGOR'S Mentii Bosar, Indie Othman bin Mohamed, proposed at a meeting with the Selaneor Parents' Association last night that the association should start afternoon schools to absorb thr children who cannot tfet into present schools.
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  • 70 5 Tan Eu Toh wa s sentenced to seven years- imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes yesterday lor robbing a farmer I and his wife of $2,055 in cash and jewellery on August II last. On another charge of armed robbery, in winch he wa* alleged to
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  • 49 5 The Tamils Festival relebraUon committee ni'4ht commemorated the Thai Ponggal, a Tamil festival, with a social function at the Happy I World Stadium. Singapore Among the 5.000 people pre- >( nt were Mr. M. Gopilu Menon, Representative of the Government of India, and Mrs. Menon.
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  • 46 5 JOHORE. BAHRU. Thurs.Rev. Father Francis Lck. pariah priest of the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Penang. will arrive here on Saturday to take charge of the Church of the Immaculate Conception from the Rev. Father Noel Got) who goes on transfer to Singapore.
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  • 40 5 MR. I.IM i.i m; 'II VK. of Malayan Airways, !nlp s his bride, .Miss Yip Fount; Yinn. to rut their wedding cake during the reception at the Capitol Blue Kimni in Singapore yesterday. Straits Ti nies picture.
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  • 78 5 SEREMBAN, Thurs.— Mr. S. Sathappan (Labour u-buk Ward i satd at the town council meeting today that it was high time the State told the oouaciUora what their duties and functions were. Mr Sathappan made this remark after tin- meeting was! told that ihr
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  • 353 5 A DEMAND, THEN A REQUEST —And the printers icorked as usual JT was a normal working day yesterday for the 75 printers, who had threatened to strike at the Malaya Publishing House. Singapore. I. ate on Wednesday night they withdrew their strike notice and offered to go on i working
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 for the LUCKY :H::::::::::::n.. <•••••■••••••■•••■•» +r Z^r^.^-^ ••■••••■■Mlllilllllk JJ >•• ••■•ItllUMIiMIIII ■^■■■■■■■MaMaMajfl ai ■•■■■■■■■■iimiiiiii •iinimiiitiii hA j J>--n aa jaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaa* -•<■■■» w <i >\< eear V 1 fl*,**!* Sir '■••••■■■•aiiSSSaa. *rJ w a a imijjj «a wfc Si! ill •I I AW mitt ail/ S>.<r. Jl I r M i
      115 words
    • 377 5 IT'S NOT NECESSARY feed the children better than you feed yourself W f^ "*?OO1 CRILDBBN most, likely get Quaker jwL Oata for breakfast. I%ey(H it hrnai— W^y tf'Jty V 11 ls st M V( rv K st nourishment to Jv.-i' help them prow taller and stronger with £$S]p^, y^.)
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 179 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY PoU<e Band: Public perlormanre, Fiee film show— The Y.M.f.A.: Senior Cambildxe M.iKa long Park. 530 pm. to 630 p.m. Pliot.^rnpher. Valley of the Weaver.-, cfatMCi advanced 245 p m Ro>al N.ivy: Presentation of token Ur-oondittoned tli< ilniic. l'K. l»- inners 4p m indo prat lice 530
      179 words

  • 12 6 IVTNO uwmor) <>'. Gemma Poey Hood ti. ay on In PenartK.
    12 words
  • 25 6 ;ii It HI minimum) CHENG HIN !or their present* marriage MR K MRS 1 HAS K)N tluml their d telegrams, of •redding on B
    25 words
  • 71 6 ANNOUNCEME NTS 11, ».,.</, till l minimum) U\ air. Ben Ice. GOING HOME Provide yourself with sizes 13 m is. Tommy Thomson O.H. Bids. Spore Tommy of Am'- Jaunty Bldg Batter] rOOKES Secretarial ng, offers lent .serFlhn .^;ni;ai>ore Monday. IHUI in Mrs Us n< kets H Ikon 11] Ii now
    71 words
  • 791 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Fri., Jan. 15. 1954. Smallholders' Danger The reminder by the Director of tho R.R.I, (in a letter on this page) thr>t the smallholders have made a .70 million demonstration of their faith in the future of the rubber industry suggests that perhaps it is time more
    791 words
  • 352 6 Argument on the stabilisation of land prices in Singapore has brought from Sir George Peplor B spirited defence of British experience with which not everyone who has read the White Paper to which he refers will ngri»e. More important to Singapoie is the Colony's land acquisition ordinance
    352 words
  • 167 6 The notion that Washington i.s considering a change in its China policy was born in an unguarded five minutes which Under-Secretary Dean enjoyed with newspaper reporters. Mr. Dean himself disavowed the construction placed on his remarks, and now Mr. John McCormack, Democrat minority leader, has published (he
    167 words
  • 710 6  -  T. E. VOHRA By Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of the Republic of India, is a man of Gandhian simplicity. He hates ostentation and display. But paradoxically, he has to play the same role as is assigned to British sovereigns for India has learnt
    710 words
  • man-in-the-street
    • 328 6 'Sugar coating for the Land B(P)ill' SIR GEORGE PEPLER is reported to have stated that the Conservative Government in Britain would introduce leRulatiozi before Baste? to fix land values at the l'J4!'» level to cover any change in the use Ol the land not contemplated! In earlier Acts of Parliament.
      328 words
    • 98 6 HOW do they get away with it? The European Civil Service Association of Malaya iTECSAMi is meeting to consider the Singapore Government's new pay scheme. Yet this association is not registered as a trade union although the trade union ordinance states, in effect, that any
      98 words
    • 336 6 P.W.D. AND RESEARCH ON RUBBER ROADS of Governmi i wants. Is it too much to ask that tho p.w.D should not nd In experimenting and supplying in:ormation regarding the ise ol rubber in roads m tropical count] in c inclusion, as tar aa I am aware, no one has yrt
      336 words
    • 304 6 PICTURE IS MUCH BETTER i IN SATURDAY FORUM. Mr. H. W. Reid arrives at a somewhat gloomy conclusion from his interpretation of the analysis of American rubber I consumption reported In the j editorial of the January num- ber of R.R.I. -Planters' Bulle--1 tin." Possibly, he has overlooked the point
      304 words
    • 100 6 SINCE the authorities do not take the lilm censor's decision aa Dnal, what about doing away with the censor? Thus should help the author t:i\s to save a lot as no salaries I w 11 have to be paid. Since the appeal board always reverses the censor's ban.
      100 words
  • 134 6 Kiplino's [lair A CORR [•>:'' to tell ii. Mr. R name I Afgha Ali xandi r M lanx In wlilcl b<rt Mun i e.sted and I Is now seekil K Klplil reverl ii the ti mi in m the ai the top right Ol At-; 1 The
    134 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 355 6 LASSIUKI) ADS. I <i. HI (mlnlmmm) Io J.-yce and Louis Uu.pital. on 13th -on. Alexander John. wife of tenahem, on I4;n January. KmidanK Keibui Hospital. wife of Cummlng, at t: Sydney, wife of n 7th January, 1954. Penang, LOST M K'orWi Si (Him I— Hoi St cti. txtrm. LOST: Small
      355 words
    • 69 6 DREADER'S igest The Reader's Digest has by far the largest cirrulatinn and the largest readership of any magazine in the world. Twenty six separate editions arc published in each month in a dozen different languages to meet the i demands of over 60 million readers, srattered throughout every country where
      69 words
    • 82 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE. PHONE <0642 r. v)rtll(/ik i x r X^ W J PTICIANS K. E. MEYER f.n.a.o. d opt K. BELL DIP. OPT A.S.T.C. F.A.OA P. Round Trips to U JAPAN A 21 day Cruise calling at I HONGKONG YOKOHAMA j I KOBE j s. s. CHUSAN j 1
      82 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 202 7 RENDEL COMMISSION TOLD: BEWARE OF DISTRUST AND SUSPICION ndol < ommis-j told yeaterthere ua< ml suspicion luci nf! conii ii ch:in: line attempt made toI arliamentary ie «;n of In ;i thr uncll Commission's first public hearing at the VieMemorlal Hall, pore. morandum read by Mr k. M. Byrne, leader
    202 words
  • 305 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. SECRET society man Wak K'-k Choonß demanded $36 protection money from a boy on threat of death. The boy Rtive him S5 and promised the rest next day. But instead he told the police. Today the president of the
    305 words
  • 199 7 QINGATOBK Legislative Councillor. Mr, Thio Chan Bee, believes that much of the discord in Malaya and other countries is the result of a "gripping: and grabbing" attitude in individuals, snnips and nations. In a message in the Coronation issue of
    199 words
  • 66 7 Murder bid charge The trial or seven Chinese I boys charged with attempted i murder was adjourned festerI day until next week owing to the serious condition of the victim. The sevrn were alleged to have wounded a Chinese b"v in ,i jane oir Cecil street earlier
    66 words
  • 310 7 "jtIACBI in la a trag-l ed; so vast In conand ep tn ption that thr world has n with thr failures of those who attempted bitter masterpiece In the con- mere stage. c's pro- which opened at the Victoria Men idly dellci:
    310 words
  • 70 7 VIIWNKI.IC :in«l «ustonnr <:iinc t«- blows in Change \lle\. Si»iK-iP«' r ;«l»°ut vesicular while barih,- hawker, Un Ah 21, U ot a li<a<l injury. police "<•"• < aml both lim :iiul his tIItWIW win- lukrii to the Central Police Station. This Straits Times picture shows Imi
    70 words
  • 262 7 He was strangled, court told MALACCA, Thursday. TWO surrendered terrorists told the Malacca High Court today that they s.iw Data Nanlnf, Inrhr Abdullah bin Mohamed Sab. .iKo known as Cnc Lall being strangled to death by tu< other bandits. Chan Kwong and
    262 words
  • 122 7 From HALL FOMMEY MhvnON. Thurs. j Fudicial Committee ot the Privy Council ha. a former bandii Yin, spinal leav- f hr order nf the Federation Appeal four' his appeal Court sen- death for carrying s in the Ulu Kelantar {rounds of the that thi mi.
    122 words
  • 37 7 —bit car near home An eight-year-old Sinaapon schoolgirl, Tans Sua Kuen. o Mohamed Sultan Road, wa knocked down and killed by I lew yards from he yesterday. Ith he mother when the acciden :'.rd
    37 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 23 7 1 Katonj I '.nk A*^ B x Bright- \4i v> Music > Drinks-Food As You Like It Come Have Fun J i. ***** 815^
      23 words
    • 135 7 IHE MNtS! SIIVIRPIAII mm*, CANTEENS for 6, 8 and 12 persons COMPLETE WITH FISH FRUIT EATERS (Tb.'P.Dy- Svl I Al LTD j S I 4. A I" O II I I' I N A N 4. DO YOU KNOW THE^ASJEST WAY to get Philips radioplaycrs, 1954 model, Sewing machines, h«nd
      135 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 165 7 The weather Minimum tcmjvniture (""in pJB i:i in 7.3 ii t.m. on J in. 14) Singapore 73 degrees, Pi Kf>'a Bahr\i 73. Kiwi a LIID Ipoh 72. TO. Maximum Irmprralurr ■7 3d an. to 730 pm. on J.'ti. 14 pore SO. Prnani; 87. X" R2. Ku.i la Lumpur 91.
      165 words

  • Entertainment Page
    • 728 8  -  4. 1. 0 114. 1. I IM X.I It Im "gTALAG 17" is ;i compelling film aboul United States Annv Air Corps sergeants behind barbed wire somewhere in Southern Germany in the harsh winter of 1944. II is a fine stuck in human relationships
      728 words
    • 381 8 pEOPLE were making a Sedan chair «he n I called into Mr. Donald Davies' flat in the Cathay Buildini the other evening This outmoded form of travel wil 1 play ,tn important part in a new comedy sketch which la going into the forthcoming Island Players'
      381 words
    • 157 8 Tn kv<>p you in (h<> I THE CONQUEST OF EVEREST. Definitely the film of IT»f. Amazing .md enthralling record of the pionc- ering fiat that was the crowning glory of Coronation I morning. Superb shots taken on the roof of the world I and unrehearsed outburtt of human emotion
      157 words
    • 471 8 •PFTIRN TO PARADISK" is a coloured Him set on an Imaginary island in the Pacific. The whole plot turns on the old and vexed question of the white man's pernicious influence in Polynesia when he philanders with the island girls, only to sail away and leave
      471 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 278 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION JJL 4jWfc- ATTRACTIONS d^JjP t> 5 SHOWS ;.r Ai j iliY i r l \??Z~ tM DAILY! «MU1M»"” ALWAYS TOPS WITH BIG MUSICAL PICTURES... M-G-M •^j^aJj^^JP^^^^ Presents LOUIS V J ■•*3 ijy?^4 paiutdm iianhacin ty JBH m*M bflLHrnll inilARO FRANZ ft fJM MM r TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! 1 THE
      278 words
    • 319 8 SHOWING IW J I IIIHJI 6.30. 9 i THE STORY OF GRACF MOOp'r "SoThisisI Qv c KATHRVNGRAYSON' Warner Bros. Plus! ON STAGF 8.30 a.oU bHAR? (In lonjunctmn with BCTCCnilli ol S U I 111-, In u\\ sth 6th HEATS of the MODERN MiSS GRACE MOORE Singing Contest Don't mis* the
      319 words

  • 2051 9 Weird schemes were launched by the head of noted literary family F E A T U R E A TALL, imposing, aristocratic-looking man descended upon a London department store shortly after the outbreak of World War I. He demanded to see the general manager, announcing that in his pocket he
    Daily Mirror  -  2,051 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 RI4S v CUSTARD POWDER JELLY CRYSTALS CORNFLOUR 9 I Jk I I f 1 I A |$AYE $AFELY REMEMBER TO FULL-CREAM j' POWDERED MILK I 1 RK O N Pomade kRKEH :y hair Ii null. i|i ,!l 111 tntll .1 ullli 1.. i- guile inDAEKOM >> iellcstel] >^^ D .i|nirr
      56 words
    • 436 9 Now! ONE Brushing With COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Removes UpTo 35; Of Decay And Odour- Causing Bacteria! Oi ly The Colgate Way «"V *o* lltl *m CIEANS YOUR BREATH whllc gmk fljfe CIEANS YOUR ffETH •"<» i STOPS MOST TOOTH DECAY ONE Brushing with Colgate', Stops Bad Breath Instantly t Your
      436 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 87 9 Thy ttarbvr <>S Svrittv WHO 15... •VWCHEQ V f\J /fi DRUNKtrJ 50LDIEP rnARDIAM UrrZlWii i*m HOUSE BY FIOAKU bINJCt S^ s2^* no ftAPrnTn' THF^TTER M \*J THE POCTORS SERVANfS i<.-^- DR.MRTOLO... Jf^rKus'^ 6 M^ S^f f ARE "TCMPORARILy 4T- V- ywARRyJNG h\s warp, 1. jflLis js-r^e-. —^—^P^QStp T i TuuSH
      87 words

  • 220 10 SHARES A SHADE STEADIER RUBBERS DULL TIN RISES, RUBBER EASIER THE Singapore share market was again very quirt yesterday but both industrials and tin shares were a shade steadier than on Wednesday, and turnover wu slightly higher than on the preceding day. The market was without particular feature and price
    220 words
  • 177 10 MELBOURNE. Thurs. rpRADING was quiet on the Stock 1 last. The Benta Rubber moves were small. Oii and uranium shares showed good rises and the Bank marki t wai active and higher. Closing quotations of Ntacted stock today, compared with fOltSl Iday were: Loan 3 1956-59 £94 10
    177 words
  • 95 10 The Malayan Sharebrokcr.s' Association said "Industrials were again easier and tins were irregular with a downward tendency." Members reported the following business done yesterday: B. B. Petrol 36-; Henry Waufh $2,274: Cold Storage $4.37J to $4.35: Straits Steamships $20.50: United Engineers ords. $12.60: Wearne Bros $2.22J to $2.20:
    95 words
  • 154 10 Rubber lost an eighth of a cent on a quiet Singapore market yesterday closing at 56' 2 cents a pound. There was no particular feature either in buying or selling. The moderate demand for lower grades continued. Closing prices yesterday in cents per pound were: No. 1 R.S.S.
    154 words
  • 34 10 The following crops of rubber are reported for December. Pounds Amalgamated Malay 61 Bor Borelli Rubber 77.000 Connemara ***** New Serandah Rubber 60 500 Bassett Rubber 35 000 Kuala Sidlm Rubber *****
    34 words
  • 160 10 NEW YORK, Thurs •■INVESTMENT and other demand was in somewhat Improved volume as the Stock market made further recovery progress yesterday Some more cheerful business news items aiaed sentiment and the list had little difficulty in converting initial indecision into fresh but mostly fractional fains. RaiK continued the
    160 words
  • 185 10 CJHIPR lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Hoegh Silvermoon 11! Kertosono 45. Terut.ima Maru C P.. Aenea> ti 7. Akibasan Maru 8 9. Bali 11. Tresillian 13 14, Rempang 15 16. Java 18 Mariamh 19 20. Lami>ont; N. Wall 6 Mvi Ann 2122.
    185 words
  • 81 10 Singapore Chinese Produre E\rhance: Noon prices per pirul wer«-: CoDra steady; January buyers: MIS sellers: February $41 buyers 541 sellers Coeor.ut oil: steady; $ti7 :r!lors Pepper: steady, white up *S Muntok whi'e $335. Sarawak S33n. Lai,. pong black $300. Lewis and Peat closing prl were: Copra: vi. certain
    81 words
  • 77 10 'j'HK Malayan Exchange Dink. Association nvide the foQo changes in Us ntd to merchants ycsierdav: CANADA: buying. TT 32 air mail. O.D. 32',. 9(1 dajl T2 credit bills. 32 7 16 trade bill line. tt. or on :u n it; rwdy On die tree exchange mark Hong Konc
    77 words
  • 61 10 TH.. 1 at Its 4 p m follows: ISM -HIM. v: tUmi iH'ko M Br< M i M 1> i", Ins H Ist Prcf >.-. Tr. I MINIM. Austra B.itu Selangor 1 rin Hltao Hon« Pat. Ipoh r Kamra K.imiinting K Kamununff n« il Kr.i m.i
    61 words
  • 101 10 IN tila.-;. Thi B th< I earni d i $177,298 in the p i ed $70 221 to ri mi and tli. 10 per cent, reqi ft sun eel for wrltten-ba received in i mentan The 797.000 $550,163 an of 69 03 c pared with precedln The
    101 words
  • 342 10 The price of tin pore yeslrrdtv „< v.IS piCUI PAYING TRIBUTE to "a keen and capable manager and agents who know their work. Sir Eric Macfadyen. chairman of Layang Rubber Plantations Ltd., report.s a reduction in costs during last year from 19d per lb. U 14.19 d. equivalent
    342 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 423 10 ■'«««««««««««««<««««<<«<««««««««««««»<«:«««««««««««««'««««<««««««««"""""*<««<{ (the new -I STANDARD EIGHT Designed for Happy Family Motoring in Malaya THE STANDARD EIGHT represents a major achievement in the realms of popular motoring. Its designers set out to produce a car which would give the family motorist all that could be demanded in the way of etticency.
      423 words
    • 871 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SARAWAK CONSTABULARY NOTIFICATION Vacancies exist in the Sarawak ConxUbulary for direct entry applicants for the post of Probationary Inspector. Candidates must be British subjects or British protected persons. Successful candidates will be appointed Probationary Inspectors In the salary scale $120 x 12 144, with regulation prospects for promotion
      871 words
    • 848 10 NOTICES TEMOH TIN DREDGING LIMITFD (Incorporated in England) It is hereby notified that an Extraordinary Genenil Meeting of the above-named Company will be held at the Registered Office. 4. London W;ill Buildings. Blomfleld Street. London. E.C.2 on Wednesday, the 20th day of January. 1954. at 12 o'clock noon to con.sider
      848 words
    • 210 10 P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class L anrt above registered Contractors will be received by the Slate Engineer. Pahanu. Kuala Lipls, up to 4.30 pm on 28th January, 1954. for the Erection and completion of Fisheries Office block, laboratory, etc Including sanitary Installations septic tank and water supply
      210 words
    • 26 10 MITSUI 1^ LINE WrjT BOUND ROUND THI WORLD IftVICI Japan Singapore Part Swtttcnhnm Penana, Uomba* C.F. SHARP CO., (M) LTD "NION BUILDING, SINGAP(m TIL >J9»-7-i. 210"
      26 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1129 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. T BLUE FUNNEL LINE 0*" Due Soils P. Shorn Penong rpool Jen. l 4/15 Jan. l 4/17 Hcvre G 33/34 Jan. 18 Jan 19/20 Jan 22/23 Jan. 2l Jan. 24 Jan. 27/29 Jan JO 11 ■mouth Jon 24 Jan 28 Jan. 29 I Dublin ft. Jo..
      1,129 words
    • 1036 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN, U.K./CONTINENT S'pora P. Sham Panong Kino" for Diakorto, Kohsichong, Soigon, Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Yokohama 25/27 Jan. 23/24 Jan. 21/22 Jan. Mongolia" tor Kohsicohng, H'kong 4/ 4 Feb. v.gdota" for Banokok 9/11 Feb. 8 Feb. 7/ 7 Feb. Sonakhla for Kohsicrnng Saigon H^pkonn, Manilo, Kobe
      1,036 words
    • 1180 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Penong B*nlawers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hamburg G. 27/28 21/23 Jan. 24/25 Jan. Banolder for Hovre, London, Rotterdam, Hull 19/24 Jan. 27/29 Jan. 30 Jan/ 1 Fab. Benclauch tor Liverpool Dublin. Glasgow, Hamburg, Antwerp 30 Jan/ 7
      1,180 words
    • 1096 11 McALISTER tic CO., LTD. Ittl No. ***** ELLERMAN «J* BUCK.K-LL KLAVENESS LIME LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANSCLES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEMTLE ft VANCOUVER ond for U S North Atlantic Ports Accepting ccqo tot Central ft South and Conodo via Colombo American Port» CITY OF BIRKENHEAD m fRANCISVILLE S'pora P.Shom
      1,096 words

  • 386 12 NATURAL RUBBER GETS A BIGGER SHARE OF U.S. MARKET NATURAL rubber continued to capture an increasingly larger share of Iho United States rubber market ;is I!'.~>'{ drew toward close. The I.S. Department of Commerce h;»s reported flint American consumption of Dfttural rubber during November 1953 totalled 13,167 tons. Of more
    386 words
  • 167 12 New partner for Fraser Company I^RASER and Co the 81 year old firm of Singapore sharebrokers has a new partner from January 1 this year. He is Mr. E. A. Corless, who succeeds Mr. R. J. W. Brown, who left the Colony en retirement, on Wednesday. Mr. Corless who is
    167 words
  • 185 12 JAPAN'S imports of crude rubber during Novcmbor amounted to 7.900 long tons, of which about 32 per cent. 1 came from Indonesia and about 68 per cent from MalaI va. according to the Japan j Rubber Importers 1 Association During October, the Association said. 46
    185 words
  • 247 12 SEVERAL new records were set up by Vauxhall Motors in 1953. During the year a total of 66.300 Vauxhall cars and Bedford commercial vehicles were exported, an average of 276 each working day, which represented 60.2 per cent of the company's I
    247 words
  • 69 12 THE three executive vicepresidents of KLM. Messrs. F. von Balluseck. F. Brsancon and If. J. van de r Ploeg. will carry on the management of the company following the death of the president. Dr. Plesman. The KLM board of directors after con.-ultatio n with the board
    69 words
  • 64 12 MR. Warren S. Lockwood, forme r President of the Natural Rubber Bureau in Wa.Miington. D.C.. is scheduled to visit Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on January 30-Febru-ary 6. He is stopping i n Malaya in the course of a visit to Southeast Asia in his capacity as
    64 words
  • 19 12 MR. H. B. Van Praagh of Penan g ha.s joined the board of Bertam Consolidated Rubber Co.
    19 words
  • 199 12 A MILLION DOLLAR luxury hotel (shown in artist's impression above) which it is claimed will be the first in Sarawak, is to be built by Tan Hoan Kie Realty (Sarawak) Ltd. To be know n as the Aurora Hotel, the building is expected to be ready
    199 words
  • 99 12 AIR SPRA V STOPS RUBBER TREE PEST IN CEYLON m By A Special brrespondenl ALTHOUGH oidium (rubbrr leaf n disease \.nir-h tori.iy cause: rubber-growers in Malaya, an i carried out in Ceylon will riou 1 tl I sulph v the Ri of < from The or helico Pr>t I over
    99 words
  • 86 12 THE ANGLO-AMERICAN Corporation Limit about one hundred Singapore motor tyre dealers to i year dinner party at the premises of the Singapore Tyre Dealers ,\smk iatmn on Baturda) to celebrate i pointment of Anglo-Amerir.m Corporation Ltd. presentativr lor < automotive tyres and for Singapore and the Federation
    86 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 313 12 T0 "CH ENOUGH f me tooGKST *'T^?ffa H p THE DRAYTON DUMPER dependable transport thn DRAYTON Ml MPI R i Full Batch Irnm 10-7 nr I imlcal runninc and hishly m with a Lped capai DR v ion DUMPER igh i nougti for the t contracting lobs Special featui tuge
      313 words
    • 47 12 In all things... Hoi Iwergjl That it why, all over the world BOOTH'S is acclaimed I Be M the CKsrntial for every gin drink. For iv smoothness, dryness, authentic flavour and perfect blni(lin<;, the connoisseur i "S^22 will always choose BOOTHS 1)111 <j.LX I Agents >— CALDBECK' $A
      47 words

  • 397 13  -  EPSOM JEEP By Farnley again) works fastest in final trials THE REMARKABLY-improved King Crow went stylishly in his winding-up gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday morning when he outpaced Supremacy (Mawi) in a splendid tryout over 3 f. in 38 a fine effort by a stayer
    397 words
  • 209 13 i >t.c ou' to ihe i:-s 'o '.nro his Ipoh n ti ne a strong 3. Dlv. l «f. "nped in fine when he I 15 01 the bit cloud i finished his sprint up the and Trial by ie straight sU .High was
    209 words
  • 28 13 no\ Th'irs A hors* :inidad won ihe Novices t Race Dttoxetei ollapsed .uid died to the winner 1 H' M concerned in i fini*h. I*
    28 words
  • 114 13 A profit of SI 84 EPSOM JEEP'S new racing feature the Star Six on the Track which was .started at the November Meeting at Bukit Timah, is showing a profit of $184 on a level stake of $5 on the win tote. His winners at
    114 words
  • 37 13 i CHICAGO. Thurs. Ezzard Charles, former world heavyweight I ch.impion. knocked out Bob Satterfield with a left hook in the second round last night to strengthen his .hum to a match with Rocky M;irrlano— U.P.
    UP  -  37 words
  • 310 13 CAMPUS BELLE WON AT ASCOT CINDER'S PRINCE, a game and consistent sort who earned $20,770 in stakes last year, should continue to make more money for his connections in the new season. This five-year-old was running on strongly at the finish of a 3f trial in 38 4/5 with West
    310 words
  • 54 13 SYDNEY. Thurs— Pam Singleton. 17-year-old New South Wales backstroke swimming champion, set up an Australian record of two minute.---47.65ec for the women's 220 yards backstroke in a special attempt here last night. The new figures are s.2sec. faster than the previous best, set In 1933
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 41 13 LYNN, Aston Villa fullback, comes to the aid of his goalkeeper Jones (left) to make a grand save on the goal line during their third round F.A. Cup match against Arsenal at Highbury last Saturday.— Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 392 13 fINSENG, a striking grey by Pampas Grass, hasj "made good headway since his maiden win over the Kuala Lumpur 6f in November. With Gordon Lansdown astride, this four-year-old shaped like a^ winner when he paced Phenomenon, a Class 2 prospect, in a testing tryout
    392 words
  • 205 13 All Blacks score 16th victory CORK Ireland v Thurs. A TRY in the last minute enabled the All Blacks to defeat Munste r here yesterday by two tries (six points) to a try (three points) before a record crowd. The pitch was in a sodden condition after morning snow and
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 75 13 EDMONTON. Alberta, Thurs Promoter Jack Berry yesterday oflered British Empire heavyweight champion Don Cockell. of England, U.SSIS.OOO to defend his title here against Canadian champion Earl Walls at Edmonton. Berry said he also offered Corkell the option of 30 per cent of the gate for
    UP  -  75 words
  • 103 13 LEEDS, Thurs. The draw for the first round oi the Rugby League Cup made here last night resulted as follows: Halifax v. Dowsbury: Liverpool City v. Oldham: Rochdale Hornets v. Bradford; Northern Keighley v. Barrow; Hull v. Wldnes; Leigh v. Swlnton: York v. Hull Kingston Rovers; Wlgan
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 324 13 KINGSTON, (Jamaica). Thursday. pEORGE HEADLEY, 44-year-old Lancashire League cricketer, who was brought home to Jamaica by public subscription to play against the M.C.C., is a surprise selection in the West Indies team for the first Test, starting tomorrow. Headley last, played Test cricket in
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 1954 CHEVROLET BEL AIR TWO TEN SEDAN kf Limited number with Power glide Transmission yL ARRIVING SOON! A-wmmz Write or call tor details at Orchard Motors )f ORCHARD MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED. "¥> SINGAPORE AND Xl Ai-A LUMPUR Represented elsewhere in the Federation by Borneo Motors Limited.
      45 words
    • 56 13 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. Members are advised that the Second Day of the Singapore Turf Club January Meeting, advertised for Wednesday, January 20th, has been put forward to Tuesday, January 19th which is a public holiday. Singapore, L. C. BAILEY 14th January. 1954. Secretary, S.T.C. w Tone up your system with
      56 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 449 13 tut .ions dotted 1 Straits Times FRID^V I WORD PUZZLE «C I I Cut out and pin with othc coup/ns. I Patting instructions jppejr below. "^f i 7 > V i N >p /t> v_/ I Addrett J. 1" i ./*. U-L M'IAjSL EIJrW'Z,. I UMO U /ft M/ HISSING
      449 words

  • 75 14 CHOONGS ARE BEATEN ON CANADIAN TOUR MONTREAL, Thurs. DON Smythe of Toronto, the Canadian champion, won a surprise victory over All-England champion hddie Choong. of Malaya, by 15-12. 8-15, 15-13, in an exhibition badminton match last night. Symthe's victory followed another surprise result when Gordie Simpson. Montreal, drubbed David Choong
    AP  -  75 words
  • 199 14 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. A CHALLENGE cup for sma 1 bore rifle shootinc has beei presented by the Sultan of Johore. The Cup. which will be known as the Royal Johore Challenge Cup. will be competed for on a Pan-Malayan basis, the competition being open
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  • 100 14 IPOH. Thurs. STRONG second half r.illy enabled Malays to eliminate Ramblers 3-1 in a senior hockey knock-out competition tie on the padang today. It was good game and the first ball is evenly contested, the .-.core beine l-l at the interval. Malays outside left Wahab
    100 words
  • 54 14 Rariin Mas Ramblers will meet Jobara Prisons at soccer on the pound, Kampong Bahru, lon Sunn. iv Their team will r>e picked from: Tommy Adalla, Johari, Samad, I 1m rnwee Leng. George Philip. T. C. Balan, Chong Chee. Jabi, Ebrahlm Fall. Kadir Yassin. Aziz, Steven
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  • 34 14 The second round draw of the SHA uinior knockout tournament vill 'ake place at the SRC. clubhouse -it 5.3(1 p.m. today. Secretaries of teams in the meet are invited to attend.
    34 words
  • 508 14 But he's eager to get to grips with Australians From A Special Correspondent SYDNEY, Thursday. THE Singapore swimming star Neo Chwee Kok gave his supporters some concern after his first work-out in the famous North Sydney Olympic pool on Tuesday. He had immediately to
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  • 125 14 SHB put out NB Civilians in junior k.o. SINGAPORE Harbour Board Recreation Club went into the second round of the SHA Junior knockout tournament with a 2-1 victory over the third division league champions. Naval Base Civilians, at Bukit Chermin yesterday. All three league champion teams. are now out of
    125 words
  • 56 14 LONDON. Thurs: Scores in third round English Football Association Cup repl.i\> today were: Swansea Town. 4. Barrow 2; Scunthorpe United 3. Wrexham 1; Leyton Orient 4. Tranmere Rovers 1 Leicester City 3. Middlesbrough 2: Headlngton i Stockport 0. Portsmouth 3. Charlton Ath. 2; Hull City 2. Brentford 2:
    AP  -  56 words
  • 102 14 PENANG. Thurs. II'ITH their eyes on the cup tt this year. Penan? All Blues are ron'iident of beating Kedah All Blues in tomorrow's match on the Western Road ground here. Penanjj will field the team which beat Penanjs Europeans in a trial match last Tuesday.
    102 words
  • 361 14 LONDON. Thurs. THERE were thrills and spills as players slithered and floundered in water and mud in mast of yesterday's FA. Cup third round replays. Torrential ruin befo'e the stait and a persistent drizzle waer-lcg-cert the pitch it Fulham, wlure the match with Grlmsby
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 14 MILLS, Huddersfleld goalkeeper, dives at the feet of Dick, West Ram inside left (centre), as he is robbed of the ball by fullback Kelly during a third round F A. Cup game at Upton Park last Saturday. Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 101 14 New officials of the FtairwilMl BP were elected nt I recent nnrun] general meeting. They are' Pntronr: Messrs. P. P, rie BQVU, J M Jumanhnv. Chua Hock S«nc. Abdul Malik and Kan_- \,:h Chew: President: A. P. Menon. vice-presidents: Low Meng Chum. ttlm Irene
    101 words
  • 75 14 LONDON. Thurs.— A change has been made in England's team to play Wale? in the Rugby Union International at Twickenham on Saturday. W P. C. Davier the Harlequin centre threequarter. injured an ankle last weekend and his place will be taken by J. P.
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 86 14 I LONDON. Thurs Don Cockell. I British hoavyweicht champion, har j been matched against Roland La i Starza. the American heavyweight, at Earls Courts. l,ondon. on Mar 3d Promoter Jack Solomons, who i.s In the United States, announced tins through his London office today
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 136 14 THE Indian Republic Day badminton tournament will be brought to a close at the Singapore Badminton Hal! on Thursday. Jan. 21 at 8 p.m. with the following fixtures: Merfx sine Irs (final) Antony Gomez v Titus Mathews. Mixed Doublet (final): Harbajan Si'Veh and Miss Ja;tar Kaur
    136 words
  • 295 14 RAMCHAND GETS 96 MADRAS, Thursday. THE SECOND day of the fourth "Test" match finished satisfactorily for India who declared at 440 runs for nine wickets and then took a wicket for 22 runs at close when Commonwealth batted. India had put themselvrs
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 151 14 I.M)I\ Ist Inns. Roy c A b Loxton ]1 1 Srinivaaan t Natkins b Loadci II Manjrrkar ll.w Iverson 17 Gopinath Ibw Ivprson Vwtigmt h Berry H Ramchand r I «>\tnn b Mar-hill M Kripal Singh b Berry 31 Kenn> run out rharikar c Barnett b Barn.' II O.
    151 words
  • 159 14 22 FIT MEN BUT NO TEAM WORK M.H.C. first Tri^ K. lUMPUI? 'THE Mai.:-. A Council for a placi team to play t: Indian Hocki tion showed In a fullthe Headquari round t<x ill trial M H.C o fitted from thi Ing and lectui have nr-en The- an oth'': match
    159 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1550 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (rnnllnurd from Pa;r Si WANTED TO PURCHASE M,,rrf, ts (Mim.)-Bmx it ctt extra. WANTED 1952-S3 Serondhand 4 ivvir Saloon Morris Minor In good condition. Please forward particulars to 30 Wee Nam Road, Singapore. WANTED M Ward* *v (Milt.)— Box 5* rlt exlru. WANTED urgently loan of $300 payable
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    • 65 14 TRACK NOTES BY EPSOM JEEP-P.13 flDost fameuc liqunir 4_»^r for mant crntfica. W *tlw; |J c HICTI N£ B orcat an^ ancient m^m ■A M Meccrccv; contalnino B fi 0 [fl. vital health o vino herbs. "i^ Sole A^nts: THE EASTERN IfiEHCIU P> ARRANGE YOUR .WAV STAY STRAND HOTEL 25,
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