The Straits Times, 13 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. Haft** 1 Established 1845 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JAM ARY 13, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 304 1 Govt. proposes to stop allowances —by stages CUT-AS-YOU-EARN' By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN i !IK Singapore Governmeat proposes to stop non-pensionable expatriation allowances \patriato ofllcera from June 16, 1953 by lual stages. I'Yoni thai date the allowances will be cut t lie amount of increment earned each year
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  • 37 1 CAPTAIN G. S. MOSS and hostess Patricia Luke photographed on the steps of the Comet which left Singapore for London yesterday to be e rounded and examined. Straits Times picture.
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  • 340 1 DECORATED, 2 COMMENDED KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday F:E QUEEN has decorated one and commended two members of the Federation Police Force for bravery. They are Mr W M. Humb'e, A.S.P who is awarded the C'lloniul Police Medal for gallantry, and inspectors Au Yeong Wing Sang
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  • 122 1 WELLINGTON Taes. Till oi I in. wearing her i inn ;n«n With '■I tiara. diamond c mil earrings, and mil of the Order of (.arti opened the of New /i.i nth Parliament here in i brilliant ceremony lour and pageantry, the lirM occasion on
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  • 28 1 SEOUL. Tues. The UN. Command today agreed to meet with Communist liaison Officers on Thursday to (UacUM resumption ol negottotkwi* to arrange a Korean peace conference.
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  • 143 1 Charity bout may mean tea for one MACAO. Tues. TWO Chinese wrestlers, due to meet here next Sunday in the first "all-in" Chinese wrestling bout since this form of fighting was officially banned in China in 1011 have signed statements forfritinit their right to compensation if they are killed. The
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  • 51 1 BERLIN. Tues. Representatives of the three Western Allies and the Russians ended a marathon third meeting early today still deadlocked over a meeting place for the Foreign Ministers' conference. The dispute, should it extend much longer, could postpone the scheduled January 25 opening of the conference.]
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  • 44 1 BOGOTA, Tues. Eighteen passengers and three crew j were killed in a Colombian plane crash yesterday in the [Caldas Department of Colombia. The plane left Medellin in the morning on a regular flight and crashed in mountainous country. -Reuter
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  • 49 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. -Pakistan's Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Ali. said in an interview published here today that in an emergency there would be nothing to prevent his country from inviting any friendly power, including the United States, to use bases in Pakistan to defend the region. Reuter.
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  • 31 1 VIENNA. Tues. -Fifty more people have been buried in a new avalanche disaster that pushed the official Austrian toll of dead and missing past the 100 mark.- -U.P.
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  • 27 1 FORT PIERCE, Florida, Tues. -Juan La Cruz, aged 75. 2 ft. J tall and last of a famed trio of midgets, has died. A.P
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  • 538 1 Fleet of Comets grounded LAST ONE LEFT STORE YESTERDAY THE last Comet that will be flying for perhaps a month took off from Changi airfield, Singapore. at 12.30 p.m. yesterday. It is due to arrive at London Airport today without passengers for the first time. In London it will be
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  • 135 1 LONDON. Tues. OIR JOHN HAY, in a letter in the London Times today said it would be a mistake to diar.nose the economic situation in Malaya in terms of a "slump," although the prices of Malaya's two chief products had fallen sharply. Writine from
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  • 222 1 French win battle for stronghold BAIGON, Tuesday. "THE battered remnants of seven Vietmin 1 batta- lions fled into the .j uncle of central Laos today, apparently ending the battle for the French-held fortress at Seno. The French Command, claiming that the rebels
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  • 204 1 'Get off Red horse' call LONDON, Tues IT'LECTRICAL workers called Hi out by their communist leaders walked off three of Britain's key sites— includ ing the nations first atomic power plant in a series of guerilla strikes today But at one site the men refused
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  • 80 1 JASIN INCIDENT KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. An Army inquiry ha.s cleared ;i patrol or the Ist Gordons in Malacca "f any blame for the shooting of two Malay women and a man during operations i n the Jasin area of Malacca on December 20. The patrol b< lieved
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  • 38 1 CALCUTTA. Tues India IS i expected to nominate Dr. Radnabinod Pal to nil the vacancy on the Internationa l Court of Justice caused by tindeath ntl November !iO of Justice Senegal N. Rau. v.P.
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  • 36 1 ADEN. Tues. —A new AngloIrania n Oil Company refinery with ft.noo.ono tons <,-• ai capacity is exported tll start operating here before th<> end of this year. Total cost is estimated at C 45.000,000. Reuter.
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  • 321 1 5 Reds killed in Johore Running battle at Ulu Remis A COMBINED PATROL from "A" Company o, the 1 10 Gurkhas and tWO Special Constables at Ulu Rpmis Estate yesterday routed a gang Of nine uniform- rrorists, killine flvr in a running tiun battir on the outskirts of thp estate
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  • 27 1 r to TRIA V, TllCS.— Wrsti-rn ivecnmenta today i4riun Govern" ment they will m brine Qiiestl treat] up ion v Berlin foreign minis* onference. Boater.
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  • 53 1 SEOUL. Tues. One South Korean was sentenced to death and another to Indefinite lmprisonmi nt today for turninc Mai -Gen. w.lliam Dean over to the Communists in the early days of the war. The heavy sentences were given despite a written plea from Gen. Dean that
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  • 53 1 Vincent Dunwoodie. the Australian jockey who rude with some success in Malaya two seasons aso. has b.en suspend-. Ed foi life by the West Au.s-I tralian Jockey Liub. Hi- was found to have used an electric battery nn a horse which won a race recently. port
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 JL P. H. HEN DRY, Si| ~m,-;i|<- yome/i are'/ /mwk-j '3TI! I''+ #P S Jft wf. omett, mad BUI WHEREVER H\E CIGARETTES V PPRECIATED SMOKERS PREFER. S^TE (XPRf SS 555 I
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    • 49 1 ESSSJ ([NEW YEARNS i\ dime jms a ±L <^ 1N SPECIAL |2 GIFT CARTONS 1 11^^ £nSM^£-m 2£a L«O O rO t CONTENTS 24 PINT BOTTLES Onlrr Ihe TIGER cartons from iiny Fraser Neave branch, to I be delivered throughout Malaya. Price $15.10. Singapore I 51 7.80. Federation DELIVERY FREE)
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  • 588 2 13 WORLD BANK EXPERTS TO SURVEY OUR POTENTIALITIES AN International Bank mission will arrive in Singapore Hi^ month for ;> 3| month slink ol Malaya's economic position. Thr 13 experts from various countries will make I a general survey of Malaya's
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  • 63 2 F. i g h t-inonths-old Liliane Lambert has an j unusual playmate a 6 ft. long python. Liliane is 5 the daughter of a Paris Is animal trainer, and iMMPJ no fear alien taken near 5 the circus animals. is Her christening next month will
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  • 47 2 LONDON. Tues. -Production and home sales of television j .sets reached a new peak in October when 128.000 recei- j vers were made and 136.500 sold, official statistics publlshed yesterday showed. Figures for the previous ironth were production 107 3on and home sales 114,900.
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  • 157 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue*. Malaya's mysterious anthropoiogical curlosltes, the ape-humans, have disappeared again into Trolak Forest but reports of previous tights oi iimllai creatures continue to reach the Director ol Museums, Dr. G. de G BleveMng. The latest come.s from an army I officer now In England,
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  • 28 2 BELGRADE. Tues.— For the second time in three days, the Yugoslav Foreign Secretary Mi. Oca Popovlc, last night met American and British envoys on Trieste.— A.P.
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  • 177 2 HAD 9 PREVIOUS CONVICTIONS VIE. JUSTICE KNIGHT in the Singapore Asssize Court yesterday told a Chinese, found guilty on two charges of cheating and with nine similar previous convictions: "You appear to be a past master in the art of trickery." 11 Kirn
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  • 62 2 TOKYO. Tues. A Japanese court yesterday indicted three young American sailors in Sasebo in the first case of U.S. Navy men coming under Japanese jurisdiction since the war. Kyodo news .service said that the three were charged with attacking and robbing a Japanese open-air stall proprietor of
    AP  -  62 words
  • 51 2 KAMPALA, Uganda, Tuts.— 1 The acting president of the Uganda African National Conpress, J. W. Kiwanuka. \.jus arrested yesterday uncier emergency powers. On Saturday Kiwanuka was arrested and charged w!th sedition, but released on call A .statement said that yesterday's arrest was unconnected with that charge— A
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  • 40 2 TAIPEH. Tues. American economic aid to Nationalist China for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954 will be increased by US $6,800,000 making a total of U.S. $76,800,000 for the year, the Nationalist news agency reported today.—
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  • 53 2 DARMSTADT. Germany Tues— The p-.lot of three U.S Air Force F-86 Sabre jets baled out near here last night when their planes, flying to Germany from Francran out of fuel. An Air Force spokesman said that two of the pilot < landed unhurt and the
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  • 35 2 WASHINGTON. Tues— The Soviet Ambassador. Mr. Gcorpi Zarubin. conferred with the Secretary of State, .Mr. John Foster Dulles. for less than half an hour today on the President s atom pool proposal. Reuter
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  • 29 2 NAIROBI. Tues.— Talks between British and French stafi officers on the defence of the Indian Ocean area have begun here and will continue for six days.— Renter.
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  • 94 2 REDS TOLD HIM HE WAS GOING MAD SPORTING a black beard which he has grown during the last two years is Lieut. Dennis Lankford, a London RNVR photographic officer. He is seen here telling an Admiralty news conference of his ordeals as a prisoner in North Korea until released last
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  • 119 2 PENANG, Tues. VTATIONAL serviceman Alec cooper, a 19 year old private of the Manchester Regiment who was accidentally ihOi dead at Minden Barracks yesterday, was burled with lull military honours at the Western Road cemetery here this morning. Pte Cooper who arrived from his native
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  • 253 2 GRENADE-ARMED GIRL TERRORIST BOSS KILLED And 3 other Reds are shot dead KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. A WOMAN Communist boss armed with a grenade and a parang was among four more terrorists killed by security forces in the Federation. She was Lun Choon Lin. 22 a branch committee member of the
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  • 27 2 QUEEN SEES DISPLAY OF SHEEP-SHEARING THIS HAPPY picture of the Qmra was taken was watching a sheep shearin s display at Hannl' Zealand.— Popper pit t m
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  • 183 2 Crushed by crane in erginc-sl A MALAYAN engineering student, krishnan. 19. whose parents live Johore, has been accident ly killed in a shed in New Zealand. He was crushed by a eran° at the Hillside workshops in Dunedin. I The Minister of External Affairs in
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  • 30 2 LONDON crowd 2nd yesterd ti'alian woman hotel. She was Ml son, aceci abo i oe from Bydi to an Amei is at present in States.- Reutr:
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  • 13 2 PARIS T'.k quiere, muni-; r region, bas the Comm Paris In <
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 78 2 because the lens is sc good j Hie DCD^crt t*Clf rvtV i Th* hallmark of mechanical and optical precision Voigffander PERKEO. a fully fledged 2, ia ***** cimera, and vef hardly bigger than .1 mini.?rurc lu»r 11 h .md versatile y#t it gives an album sue contaf i Excellent picture
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  • 277 3 Build-your-own plan can aid homeless in Far East BANGKOK, Tuesday. housing experts meet ing in New" Delhi later this month will discuss whether 100.000,000 poor families in the Far Kast living in slums and hovels can he sho vn a way to build themselves homes in which they would* be
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  • 40 3 JAMES GOLDSMITH and bit Bolivian heiress bride. .Maria. whose runaway romance thrilled the world, arrive in London from Kdinhurgh where they were married. Maria's father, Senor Patino, relented his derision to stop the wedding. Reuter picture.
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  • 41 3 Xl I'NOTI "i l.ulv Wulxir1 1 im ii i -.i t kid inspir I he film musical "Band i la this Feathered hat > bite s;itjn crow ii The i ii mite" is certain- w-i itchm:; Renter picture.
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  • 47 3 NAIROBI A KENYA G broke up a •on In the foothills ot N Chaplin cxc- immlttee and hi^ while thi ar Ttnbu. ChJiplins, accompanied rt nf three away oth< i Man not quick lhaplin bound his hands h< and marched him was handed
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  • 13 3 s built ipplies the yardi in of the Brita; Reuter.
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  • 9 3 ■ph \I Swing, 6th ■ill retire more
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  • 5 3 it election i.OOO
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  • 171 3 LONDON. Tues. LORD Simon, formerly Sir John Simon and former F(<reis;n Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer, died in hospital here yesterday. Lord Simon, who was SO, went into hospital at Christmas. One of the greatest legal minds of his time, he gave up a
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  • 104 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. /■'EN. James Doolittle, leader *I the iirst carrier-based bombing raid on Japan has predicted atomic powered aircraft probably within 25 years Gen. Doolittle. in a n articlt In Planes, oflicial publication <>f the Aircraft Industries Association, said thai it was entirely probable
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  • 27 3 MANILA. Tues.— Globe Wireless Ltd. last night said that it had received an SOS from a ship the Inspecteur Pouyanne. she had generator trouble.
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  • 295 3 GLOOMY TRADE OUTLOOK SYDNEY. Tuesday. "THE Commonwealth Finance Ministers were today L reported to be concerned at the official estimates placed before them forecasting a serious worsening of the sterling area's general trade position during the current year. The trade balance with the rest of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 3 PATRICIA MKDINV the filn mi television star, smiles as she leaves London airport for a holiday in Switzerland. Popper picture.
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  • 54 3 K>\ Tues. A man who had bei with a book- at odds ol 64,000 to 1 eon £16.000 to r ss. Mr. R( rd, of Halifax, correctly picked three .n the football fixtures would be drawn and fore. ;h side His win Is a record tor
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  • 29 3 LUSAKA Northern Rhode sia, Tues.— The British Colotary, Mr Oliver Lyttelton. met European electe members of the Northern I itive Council lay and discussed constitutional changes. Reuter.
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  • 38 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.-Pre-sident Eisenhower .s.»:rl today United States would soon send a scries ol trade missions to Asia. Europe and South America to explore the Immediate possibilities ol expanding rial trade In food, and cotton.- Renter.
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  • 28 3 SEATTLE, Tue l Japan, India, the Philippines ;.nd Kdi'.l; have re* 94 stalls at the third annual Washington Stat tradi from February 1 to 24 AP.
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  • 38 3 U'TOK Michael Redgrave and his wife seen at London airport before taking off for Amsterdam. He will play AnJonv in the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Company's production on the Continent of Antony and Cleopatra. Beuter picture.
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  • 42 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues Mr. Edward Stegel, who represents New York firm, in the Far, today said that Japan would be forced to trade i more with China. 'Japan must have more 1 markets or collapse, he said.
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  • 41 3 KHARTOUM, Tues. The Sudanes-- Cabinet yesterday decided to invite President Naguib of E(?ypt. Sir Winston Churchill and representatives of the United States, Indian. Pakistani and Arab Governments to attend the reopening of the new parliament on 'March 1.-AP.
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  • 96 3 COSENZA, Italy. Tiu s. MARIA ROCCO trailed her loruier (Unce aboard a train here today and suddenly .shot mm three' times. I Blocked Horn escaping by l (Mseensen, the 28-year-old woman then emptied her gun into the crowd, wounding four other people. Her former fiance,
    AP  -  96 words
  • 347 3 LONDON. Tues RESPITE quiet markets, the under- j tone for most of the day h, I been a good deal nrmer than nt first seemed llkel>. GUtedited ki;idually attracted support and finish- ed better while industrials moved up despite threatened labour troubles The feature of the Far EaM.rn
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  • 27 3 LONDON. Jan. 12. Cash Buyers C 650; Sellers t6s2'_-; Forward Buyers £627-; Sellers C 629; Settlement V 1655. Turnover a.m. 50 tons; p.m. 5 tons.
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  • 38 3 LONDON. Jan. 12. Spot 17d, Feb. 17(1., Mar. 17'; d Apr-June 17 r ,d.. Juh-Sept. 17\d.. Oct. -Dec. 17\d.. Jan. ri.f. 117-d..6 7 -d.. Feb. c.i.f. 16"» d.. Mar r.i r. 1H II 16d Tone: Steady
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  • 25 3 RANGOON. Tues— An agicement for a joint oil venture \>ill be signed today between the Burmese Government and the Burmah Oil Company. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 }l STAYING POWER yiarrisons Lister Engineering Lldj IL 14
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    • 245 3 <* from the world s richest dairying districts from the North Wand <>f Nen Zealand <>mp* Anchor full-crrani poudcri'd milk. It's chock >- block full of all the coodnrss JTOV aSMCiatc With tresk milk. and only thr w;iter contt'iil is ri'tnoxcfl Make sur \niir family has the best look for
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  • 106 4 S.T.C. Union decides to extend 'ultimatum' for fortnight HALF of the 1,800 members, of the Singapore Traction Company Employees' Inion j met last night and decided to extend to January 27— one week before Chinese New Year— their ultimatum to the company to settle outstanding claims.
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  • 265 4 Mr. Chong, 80, warns: This scheme will cut the profits UNEMPLOYMENT, TOO KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A MAN who has been in the tin producing business for 60 years today warned the industry against an international tin restriction agreement. Mr. Chong Kin Voon, 80, who came to Malaya in 1895. said
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  • 108 4 $1.5 m. station CJINGAPORES new •3 $1,500,000 flre station in Alexandra Road, to serve the West Coast of the island, is expected to be ready within a month. The station, which will be the biggest in the Far East, was to have been ready
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  • 92 4 PENANG. T>hFR using criminal force with intent to outrage a unl.s modesty. Toong Fah Ip. 20. was today sentenced to receive six strokes of the rotan, plus six months' gaol. Toong, who pleaded guilty, was said to have intercepted the girl while she was
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  • 37 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues— An official statement today said that a Chinese woodcutter was slightly wounded near Titi. in Negri Srmbilan. when a patrol of the Ist Gordons opened fire. He was immediately removed to hospital.
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  • 56 4 Air Marshal Sir Cliffotci > Sanderson. Commander in Chief Far East Air Force, yesterday flew from Penan? to Singapore to attend the funeral of his former aide-de-camp, Flight Lieutenant M. i Short, which was held with trill honours. Ft Lieut Short was killed in a
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  • 56 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Deadline for renewal of licences under the Registration and Licensing of Businesses Ordinance is February 28. it wa«. officially stated today. The expired 1953 lice' -c and the fee in money order or cheque should be sent to the Registrar of Businesses. Suleiman Building. Kuala
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  • 62 4 A labourer, who said hLs monthly wages was $90, was fined $10,000. or one year's gaol, in Singapore yesterday for possession of 720 lb. of dutiable tobacco in a house at Telok Mata Ikan. off Changi Road, on Octover He was Tay Ah Chye, 32
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  • 37 4 SEREMBAN. Tues— T. C. Bridger. manager of long Kahi Compound, Ampanean, was today fined $200 for allowing the mine to throw off muddy water in excess of the limit permitted. Bridger pleaded guilty.
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  • 178 4 BUT JAKARTA'S DIFFERENT FSE^S^TS^ SST. 2S drive round Singapore yesterday afternoon and was very impressed with its lay-out. "You have some miyuoniE buildings and very good roads." he said. The professor arrived in tru Colony yesterday on his wav back to England aftrr sue months
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  • 256 4 I'LL STOP FRIVOLOUS APPEALS— JUDGE Man gets seven years at retrial SENTENCING Punß Chow Song to seven years' gaol on his retrial at Singapore Assizes yesterday cm a charge of armed gang robbery Mr. Justice Knight told him- "I propose to discourage people like you who waste the time of
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  • 48 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.Indians in Kuala Lumpur will observe the Indian Republic day by holding a public meetIng at the Town Hall at 5.30 j p.m on January 26. The Federation Government I has granted permission to fly I the Indian National flag on the day.
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  • 29 4 IPOH. Tues The band of I the Federation of Malaya Police from Kuala Lumpur, will beat Retreat on the padang here at 4.45 p.m. on January 24.
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  • 34 4 i i Jewellery worth $610 mtl stolen from a tailors shop in I Jalan Besar. Singapore, on Monday while the proprietress I was at the market Police I have detained two youth.'..
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  • 58 4 MARRIED at St. Mary's Church. Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. B. Annesley. The bride was formerly Miss Angela Gorrince. MR. CHIN HON SIN and Miss Wong Shook Moot, married at the Eastern Hotel. Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday. Picture shows Mr.
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  • 92 4 SINGLE VOTE VICTORY FOR TWO AT POLLS ALOR STAR. Tues. At the village council election at Serdang yesterday candidates won by single vote majority in both wards. Five men contested the elections. In Blue Ward Mr Ng Ouan Hoe triumphed over Mr. Nk Chin Beng by 21 votes to 20
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  • 21 4 KUALA LUMPUR Tues Kota Tinggi-Mersing road, in Johore. is now clear of flood according to latest reports rereived here.
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  • 151 4 'THE Governor of Singapore. Sir John Nicoll, has com- J mended an appeal for funds to build a $100,000 boarding house for St. Andrew's School. In a message to the school, Sir John says: "Knowing ot Iht line training that has been (jlven to our
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  • 152 4 The mines are opening up again IPOH ttOME indu Perak are Impi Labour Officers last month. ■■Business in foui sawmills appear^ to up. said one Labo Workers in three the Kampa: engaged full tin earning nearly they got in the months. Furniture manufa I buildinp; contracto: creased butitt have gone
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  • 146 4 THREE American Superfortresses 'ast night roared into Singapore bringing greetings from the United States Air Force— and a load of bombs each. The aircraft, part of the 13th U.S.A.F.. arrived from Clark Field in the Philippines. Their visit to Malaya is the fourth stage of Operation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 mx>k at thcae mouth AJ p. watering party favour!- I"' tea! "Magnolia" Ie« /AA th creamy A \_J II uhl delldou*. "Magno- Avaamama* tit with .ts > /a^aa/ v v^aa/v^ delicip-is chocolate uring "MaKnolla _^^^gmmm^^^^ I, Orance the popular \^^M M|. (jucnchrr made J f*W»- irom the finest sun- flnV^H
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 129 4 Toil a? "s lladi«i SINGAPORE 7.15 Time Signal Opening Announcement; 7.16 Morning Star; 7 30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8 Invitation to Music; 8.30 Malay Housewives' Corner; 9.00 Close 1 Down- 12 Programmes in Malay; 1 I Dm ire Music; 1.30 Time Signal News- 1.45 Lunchtlme Prom.; 2. I Close
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  • 275 5 From Our Own Correspondent 1 SYDNEY, Tuesday. 11K. I. C. BENHAM, Economic Adviser to the nmmissioner-General, Mr. .Malcolm Macmaid, made clear the extent of the dollar coni but ions to tho sterling area of Malaya and other lonial
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  • 70 5 STORE MAN IN BELFAST Guest at civic luncheon MB. J. T. KFA, deputy presides! of the Singapore City Council, sinus the visitors" liook at the lily Hall. Belfast, in the ronipanv of the eltjr'a i deputy Lord Mayor, who proposed Mr. Kea's health at a civic luncheon. Mr. Ke.i was
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  • 100 5 THE JUROR WAS REPLACED He didn 1 know enough English PENANG, Tue.s. A JUROR in the Assize Court here was told by the judge, Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson, to step down because he did not have a sufficient knowledge of English. His place was taken by another man. Mr. M.
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  • 17 5 LIAISON GROUP TO MEET I. ink-up between (,ort. workers mmitXt month. iment that not the which i
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  • 7 5 Pleads 'not guilty*
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  • 20 5 THE MAN WHO HAD JOB FOR WOLD WOMAN M il i European id the pair o ear $14 by threatening
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  • 37 5 IPOII. Tues. A drive for Mi Regiment recruits carried out in Perak tins month el Ipoh. Kampar and Teluk Ansou. A team will visit the threr places and recruit Chinese, ins and Filipinos.
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  • 42 5 Officers of all youth oiganlsatlona in the Colony are asked to attend a m< discuss the 1954 Gen< ral ly ol the World A.-sein-xoutb at the Singapore Youth Council hall at 145 Orchard Road at 5.15 p.n. on January 18.
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  • 31 5 The Singapore City Councu'a health committee has approved plans to extend the flan auction yard at Ellenborougn market and re-arrange atalia at a cost of about $62.011(i
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  • 68 5 There's a printing class, too Methodist Mission in Malaya has started trade In two ot its schools. Bishop R. L. Archer day. the •n Ma- arnlng order for In printing manual artu," Class <>l 10 in, Perak, is ng print in I I 10 students. lon
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  • 84 5 CHARGED WITH STEALING AN INVOICE KUALA LUMPUR, Tin p. Edward 26, was charged at the sessions court here today with stealing a n Invoice sheet on November 16 from the Malayan Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited, where lie wa-. employed. He was alleged to have used the invoice to cheat Ourbakhsh
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  • 124 5 THIS MAY MEAN A FOOD CUT MONDAY was a truly black day for 160 beys who returned to the Boys' Town In Bukit Timah Road. Singapor alter the holidays The y learned that a thfef. i during the week-end, had I stolen S4(Ki hi the town's funds. The money repre.Mntcd
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  • 43 5 KUAI.A I.UMPUR. Tues. The Ounong Bnnrhaii" side road Ul the Cameron II: nlands i.s now clear for traffic. Heavy landslides on Friday blocked the road between the 46th and 60th miles. P.VV.D. workmen cleared the road In three days.
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  • 44 5 KUAI.A lUMPUR. Tue.s K. L. Garrison Players' n< xi production. "While Parents Sleep," i.s in aid of Lady Templer'.s T.B. Hospital Appeal Fund. It will be staped at the Town Hall here at 9.15 p.m. jn January 21.
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  • 34 5 RAUB. Tues.- -Mr. Ru Hi B| of the Education Department has been transferred to the district office to replace Mr. Khoo Ewe Tee who has bean transferred to the state Treasury, Kuala I.ipis.
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  • 22 5 BUTTERWORTH, Tue.s.- Mr. Phee Joo Tcik. new Bultrrwortli Town councillor was elected president of St.'.s OKI Students' Association.
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  • 32 5 TAIPING. Tues. Rev. Brother Cusimir. former director Of the St George- S Institution here, has returned from leave in Europe. He is now attached to St. Paul's Institution. Seremban.
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  • 31 5 TELUK ANSON. Tue.s. Inche S Bahaman talked on elections to the Perak Labour party Teluk Anson branch, at the weekend Mr. T. C Won-;. chairman of the branch, presided.
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  • 185 5 SHE WAS TAKING IT TO REDS KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. 4 WOMAN. Chan Yin. 43, was sentenced to seven years' gaol by Mr. Justice Bellamy today at the Raub Assizes for possessing supplies for bandits. The Deputy Public Prosecutor. Mr. B. Sheldo. told
    185 words
  • 14 5 The fun[nche Abdul Rani, Kurau was K i Fan bu ccAbdul wa
    14 words
  • 102 5 ponsorlng i>ro 01 Memorial t no Council committee lhat such .it the unleei the performers give their .serfree. Die pip.sent ekarg* '°r amateur showa Ls $oo night, and for professional. $200 The council's finance committee earlier rejected a ,***** thai the amateur ihould apply to
    102 words
  • 65 5 TWO (.It UK ({iris, .Miss M. Kulcji dolt and Miss M. Temopulou. passed throiiKli SiiiKaporc lust in hi by ({antasI'.o \i from Athens In join their family in Australia. It was flieir lirsl HiKht and they were thrilled. The Kirls were excited at the til—gill
    65 words
  • 111 5 IPOH. Tues SUBMITTING that the pack of cards seized by the police during a raid on a suspected gaming house, was m(.•omplete and had duplication Of suits. Mr. K C Chan, defence counsel for 18 persons who appeared in the magistrates court yesterday, said
    111 words
  • 155 5 5 quiet robbers get $6,600 PENANG. Tue.s. FIVE masked men escaped with 56.000 worth of jewellery and $600 cash in a daring daylight hold up at the home of Mr. Nr Chew Ho, a contractor, at Lorong Seratus Tahun this morning. Four of the robbers were armed with revolvers. The
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  • 53 5 The Rev. Father Albert O'Hara. well-known sociologist, will give a public lecture on "Early Development of Trade Unions in the Philippines and Trade Union prob lems" in Singapore on Sunday at 7 p.m. The lecture will be at the Oei Tiong Ham Hall of tlv St. Joseph's
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  • 55 5 A sow attacked a six-year-old boy. Pen Ton Whatt on a farm in Tempenis Road, Singapore, yesterday afternoon and bit off one of his ears. Peh was on the way to pluck fruit when the sow, which had a new litter, sprang on him. The
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  • 52 5 PENANG Tues.— Mr. G. M. Thomas of the Penang Free School and Mr. Abdul Kanm bin Abdul Karier, a probationary teacher, have volunteered to teach at the Federation Military College. Their offer has been accepted. They will leave soon to Kuala Lumpur to join the
    52 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 330 5 |1 jgr 4 4*m'm Jm >B 1.< a .<a if S^ *,"~J -<■ 'if/ 4 f Outdoors! Indoors! THESE ARE YOUR SHIRTS! If you like exercise outdoors and checks, \Jiicli lend tpark —or just plain loafing anmn-I to your wardrobe. indoors you'll enjoy BOTH Stop in toda*y ;i t jroui
      330 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 223 5 SINGAPORE DIARY Itoiar, tlub: Weekly lunriteon i —advsnred 345 pm.. bSftanari meeting, Capitol buk- koom. 1 p.m. B pjn.- Etafllei Quay. Speaker*: Lard sjhephard on "Par- VMJCJLi Malay oonveraatlona] llamenl a: Work." »J0 i"" Judo, bodybuilding s'|Hir r \rt Couiu-il: Exhibition and velgntllfUng 5.30 p.m.; Ait „i photognphj by Prand*
      223 words

  • 13 6 H...rf. >/« imlninum) HASH HI rSON, a^ed 40 New Rnmpin murdered on tho
    13 words
  • 1020 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Wed Jan. 13, 1954. The Printers' Wages The strike notice given by the Singapore Printing Employees' Union to the Malaya Publishing House expires tomorrow. Negotiations for a settlement having failed, it is to be presumed that the men will come out. l>eginning a curious strike fir
    1,020 words
  • 311 6 By the death of Viscount Simon at the age of 84 Britain loses one more of the political giants of Liberalism who formed the Parliament of 190(5 They included Lloyd George, Lord Haldane, Sir Winston Churchill and Lord Samuel, of whom only the last two now survive, still
    311 words
  • 1596 6  -  Barbara Ward For three years, popularly elected African leaders have worked with British officials to administer the Gold Coast. Now, the Africans arc asking for unqualified Dominion status. This will be the greatest test for the Commonwealth and the Colonial Empire.
    1,596 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 255 6 'Vacuum 'not Ritson 's object T"HE Council of Action would have one believe that when in para. 20 of his Report Sir Eu ward Ritson suggests that the non-pensionable expatriation allowances should go. he is at the same time suggesting that in place of this present pay there should be
      255 words
    • 59 6 THE letter by A True Chinese entitled "Chinese culture is dying" is a shortsighted one. Non-material culture elements like a religion, a language, a political or social system, a social habit or superstition, cannot be owned by anybody exclusively. The old concept that the world consists of a chess-board
      59 words
    • 224 6 A FEW QUERIES FOR THE MIC CHIEF TWE government asked for nominations for the Federal Council from various organisations, including tho Malayan Indian Congress. It la .surprising that only three names have been su and that, too, from the work- I ing committee, a body nominated by the president from
      224 words
  • 121 6 "The Golden 'h that famou has particular 1890. volume, i,. 1915, c "The Oolde with an exampl the I controve disputing who] v ly read i miy I Golden B mains I laya, 11 ti"n inn No c fall to bi 1 all >;■■■ common i ■i
    121 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 500 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. id En on, on Uth .January, wife of I lth January, 1 umpui. KNOWLKDGMI N I /*< i»u;r/' >/# < minimum 1 MR fc MB k Penis. thank all their trirnds and t wUhm and t.sinn of on the 10th January, IN MEMORIAM Ifl Hur4* $111 t minimum
      500 words
    • 45 6 "COMET" Curved Model Harmonica Model 15OJ. lIOHNKR-rOMKT is a curved model harmonica, with 32 reeds, in Ortave Tuning. It is supplied with streamlined K<>ld-lacqurred case. PRICE $6.00 EACH (By Post $7.00) From all Good Stores, or T. M. A. LTD., (il K3. High St.. S'pore-6.
      45 words
    • 39 6 Nsj^-t fcrJsUerg FEDERATION AIR SERVICE SCHEDULED SERVICE: Between Kuala Lumpur, Bcntoni; Temerloh Jenderara, Sitiawan. Ipoh Kuantjn Trengganw, Kora Bharu. Ulu Kubong, Cungun. Bidor, Charter Rates on request. m m— MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Lokc Yew Building Kuala Lumpur. Tel
      39 words

  • 363 7 A fight in the mess— and a man died STAFF-SERGEANT FACES CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER ITISH NCO died >l i« after he hi* ln'iid knocked 1 ;i concrete i. another NCO > Iwmi he w;i^ iii- in ;i fighl l;i>t >nth, it «ns alleged ngapore court terdaj is told inquiry rjceant
    363 words
  • 193 7 17 PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. AFIRE today destroyed four houses at the Sentul quarters for Malayan Railway employees about tht'.-e miles from Kuala Lumpur. 'Uth house wa s partly g itted. A n eyewitness, \tr. s AmmuKani. told the Straits Times
    193 words
  • 60 7 IX HIS best party dress, three' year old .Marian Assnmull poses proudly for the Straits! Times c.imeraman yesterday, uith hi> sister Shakun. li Shakun'i fifth birthday. yesterday, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). P. Assomuli. gay« her a party. Shakun is only three,
    60 words
  • 148 7 BIRD ON A HOUSE-TOP CAUSED A COURT CASE THE Singapore Eighth A Police Magistrate. Inrhe A. W. Ghows yesterday acquitted Leong Kong Wing on a charge of stealing a bird Inche Ghows said there was no dishonest intention. Leong was charged with stealing: the bird valued at $4. from a
    148 words
  • 83 7 WORKER LEFT ORPHAN IN SINGAPORE A Negri Sembilan MtaU worker brought a youth. Kuppusamy, who ha.s a deformen hand, to Singapore and i?fl him without any means it was alleged in Singapore comt yesterday. Kuppusamy, pleading guilt) to vagrancy, said he came to Singapore wjth the estateworker during the Britisn
    83 words
  • 136 7 TIIKF.K ynutiK Indians living in Bukit Pan.\an K who were said to be terrorising the villase. were yesterda> hound over by the Singapore Seventh Police Ma«istrate. Mr. T. Kulaseuaram in the sum of $100 to keep the peace for six months. They were Y. Pachimuthu.
    136 words
  • 113 7 Squadron in Malaya wins Boyd Trophy THE Admiralty la>t night anmunced the award of the Boyc't Trophy for 1953 to 848 Naval Air Squadron in Kuala Lumpur. The trophy, presented by Admiral Sir Denis Boyd, is lor the hnert feat of naval aviation during the year. The 848 Squadron ha.s
    113 words
  • 42 7 1 led to the n< n- Ity Council and the Diamond Metal Products. Co Ltd. Tlie letter says: "In spite of' •he ('nlor.v Government tlon h.ivint: been drawn to affairs, no (risactlon has so far been taken".
    42 words
  • 98 7 1' WE $*****(1 KbOOl building in Chua ("hu Kang Road. Singapore, which was onced used as a rehabilitation centre for detainees unrie; the Bmer- mcv is now a Malay school. About 70 boy* and girls attrnd. Now called the Chua Chu Kan^ Malay School, it
    98 words
  • 51 7 A NI'MKKK of Singapore railway illicials arrived in Singapore yesterday on a t;ood.\ ill visit. Pictured above are Siamese State Railway Chief, General R. Srrirornsrithi, and his wife-richt and centre. On the left is Mr. 1.. T. Podmore. Traffic SupcrintiMi dent. Malayan Railway. Straits Times
    51 words
  • 70 7 Rendel men to discuss workers part TUT question of worker-,' participation in Singapore's future constitution will be discussed at tomorrow's public meetinc of the Kendel Commission. The meetinu will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall and will start at '< p.m. Representatives of the Council of Action. representin:: more
    70 words
  • 54 7 JOHORE BAHRU. TOM. Twenty witnesses will be called at the preliminary inquiry into tin- murder of Sansaia Singh, son of Ti'ju Sin^h. on February 20. 21 and 22. Marsa Blngb is licensed of the alleged murder. He is alleged to have .stabbed Sangara Sin^h at
    54 words
  • 41 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tue.v Won 1 Joon Lim. who wa.s sentenced by the sessions court to four months gaol for cheating the NAAFI. Johore Bahru, ol $2 981. had hi.s appeal against the sentence dismissed by nr Supreme Court.
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  • 30 7 The annual ball of the Far ■Ml Air Force will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Sinnapore, from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. on January 28.
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  • 151 7 Judge congratulates police JOHORE. BAHRU. Tuesday APART from Emergency cases there was ver\ little major crime in Johorc last year, said Mr Justice Storr opening the first Assizes of the year. This had enabled the court |to hear more civil cases and i avoid
    151 words
  • 112 7 I'HE ban by thr Malayan censor. Mrs. C. Koek. on the Grahame Greene film "The Heart of the Matter" has been lifted with one cut. Mr T. P. F. McNeice. chairman oi the Singapore Cen o ship Appeal Board, told the Strait* Times
    112 words
  • 48 7 A man lound vvith a ladies' nold wristwatch and strap worth $60(1 was detained by the Singapore Police yesterday The watch and .strap are relieved 4o have been .stolen. It i .so the owner can recover it from Detective Inspector Amcrlslnghe at the Central Police Station.
    48 words
  • 239 7 DEATH SENTENCE ON MAN WHO CARRIED A RIFLE He followed sister into jungle JOHOKK BAHSU, Tuesday. pHONG KIM .TOON, 19, of Pekan Ninas, who follow v ed his elder sister into thr jungle to become a terrorist, was today sentenced lo death in the Supreme Court here for carrying .i
    239 words
  • 135 7 Assistant on charge of corruption CLAIMS TRIAL FIMBAN. Tues. Ceytonese tanl ii Government Dispensary today appeared in eoun I three chai corruptly accepting S2 from a c v vomnn a defended by Mr. R oorla of Kuala i .ned trial to di nlleceri to have taken the money for malaria
    135 words
  • 38 7 Deck trotr. SincaBxitlsh subjects na hn wish to visit Sarawak must now obtain a isa or entry prinut under tn Immigration Ordinance of the Colony. The document must be obtained through a sponsor in Sarawak.
    38 words
  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues._ The Selangor Parents' Association today submitted a lfi oolnt memorandum tn the Mentn Be^ar. Inche Othman b:n Mohammed. It contains the association. reply to the Mentrt B' j sar.s [or the lark let in Ku .li '..timpur. The n will resume talks f
    58 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 76 7 t e el occompanime^ <?**\ cr^ect dinner BLUE NUNw LIEBFRAUMILCH H. SICHEI SOHNE crt advice on the selection of ible wnes for your next dinner lease 'phone our wine Singapore 5324. EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Specialists in choicest wines. v.v.v\\v.\\v.v.v.\v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v Special Announcement BINOCULARS ROSS, C. B. S. etc. at j
      76 words
    • 59 7 Gay Waistlines fc t ADD A CERTAIN TOUCH LATESI BELTS from LONDON, Ni;\\ YORK PARIS A wide selection of outstanding designs. From Si /HI to SI2/M THE STORE WITH A TO OFFER AT BIG REDUCTIONS SPRING SALE for 3 weeks \i w vi vu; i Aim s i»ici*si;s HOLLYWOOD LADIES'
      59 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 173 7 The weather .92 deg. in K.L. MINIMUM TEMPERATIRK < 7 30 p.m oi Jan. 11 to 7 30 am. mi .hin. 13): Slncaporc 7S defireps. Penane 72. Xota Bahru 72. Kuh'.h Lumpur 73. lpoh 70. Kuantan fl7. MAXIMUM TEMPER ATIRK in m. to 7 30 p m. on Jan. 13):
      173 words

  • 382 8 COMMITTEE DIDN'T KNOW OF HIS ORDERS TOE City President, r Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, straightened out the taxi-meter mix-up yesterday. He said part of the "confusion" was because the City Council's live man Vehicles and Traffic Committee bad acted in ignorance of
    382 words
  • 100 8 $319 m. paid out in war damage SINCE the end of the Japanese occupation 120,000 composite claims have been registered with War Damage Comission in Singapore involving $1,500,000,000 But only $319,000,000 has so! far been paid out in final awards to 106,910 claims. Expenditure of the commisi sion has cost
    100 words
  • 32 8 Ong Boon Enc. a tax; driver. I was fined $50 in Singapore yesterday for refusing to produce his driving licence whe n requested by a uni- formed police officer.
    32 words
  • 29 8 Chia Chin Tcng. a Singapore Traction Company driver. wa s fined $sfl i n Singapore yesterday for negligent driving resulting i n a collision without another vehicle.
    29 words
  • 84 8 SIX MONTHS I. R. Packrisamy, 20. Omar bin Mohamed Sait, 19. and Low Ah Boon. 19. were in Singapore yesterday gaoled for six months for housebreaking. Low, who Ls serving a sixmonth sentence for a .similar offence, will undergo two ytars' police supervision The three youths were
    84 words
  • 176 8 EXPERT TO BE APPOINTED k CHINESE aquarium in Singapore has offered to contribute several rare species of tropical fish to the Colony's $470,000 Van Kleef Aquarium in Kinp George V Park. The City Council has accepted this offer— the first made so far.
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  • 31 8 Singapore Legislative Councillor and principal of the Anglo-Chinese School. Mr. Thio Chan Bee. will open the Junior Technical School at Balcstier Road at 5.15 p.m. on January 20.
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  • 68 8 rpilK former headmistress of the Pudu English School in Kuala Lumpur. .Miss Josephine Foss. has returned from England to settle down in Malaya. Miss Foss, who tried living in England after her retirement, found she could not stay away from Malaya. She
    68 words
  • 127 8 Big scale anti-Red action continues KI'ALA LUMPUR, Tues. BEHIND the concentrated action against 40 of Selangor's most dancerous terrorists, which began a few miles north or here yesterday lies the story of an operation which might be given the code name "Decoy." There was ostentatious and frequent large-scale movement of
    127 words
  • 271 8 BRINCHANG, (Cameron Highlands), Tues. THIS lonely village, more than 5,000 feet above sea level and the highest inhabited part of Malaya, had its first school declared open officially on Sunday by •the District Officer. Mr. O. F. Jones. Providing accommodation for about 150 boys
    271 words
  • 60 8 New bridge survey Singapore Public Works I Department will soon make a j full survey of the west coast area where the Government plans to build a new bridge over Jurong River. The bridge will cut the Jurong-to-town route by eight miles. It will permit Jurcng residents, now using Bukit
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  • 20 8 A thief broke into a house in Nassim Road. Singapore on Monday and stole a $500 woman's wristwatch.
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  • 207 8 All arranged by the R.S.P.C.A. yHIS is the story of Charlie, a very sick Alsatian who was too ill to travel when his European owners had to leave Singapore for Kota Bahru about three months ago. He was left with a friend, who
    207 words
  • 59 8 The Singapore Chinese Ladie.i' Association will Tiold their annual dinner and dance on February 6. at 31. Amber koad. Mrs. Johnnie Lim. the assocntion's .secretary, said yeslerday, 'There will be mahjone and bridge as well. •We are trying to raise funds for our new clubhouse. Tickets for
    59 words
  • 76 8 I A film premier 1 in aid 01 the Singapore Children's Society Is t<> be hcU &t tn <- 1 Pavilion Theatre, Singapore, at 9.30 p.m on Monday. The film will be "Innocents In Paris' with Alastair Sim and Margaret Rutlurioni Balcony tickets at $5
    76 words
  • 49 8 Lord Shepherd. nation n agent f(ir the British Labour Party from 1929 tO 1946 find chief government whip in the House <>f Lords under Labour Government, will ipoak .it todays Singapore Rota y Clur, luncheon mcpt.inu. Hiv subject will he "narliri 1 ment at Work."
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 iwtU. ANY GENTLEMArf. Color by TECHNICOLOR YL I'mm the Same Stable as S3 BA "Laughter in Paradise WM M AND JUST AS GOOD! m Starring GEORGE WQ» Top Secret COLE PLUS! SPECIAL 30-MIN. FEATURETTE «SSOCI*TIO BRITISH PiTHt prrSPTfS y iiniiiiJMiffiiiGi ©CBW,.^ T0«6» I FIJI CHARITI IklkinrCMT^ IN DARK" IKth Jan
      343 words
    • 248 8 C\ CATHAY ORGANISATION 1^ ATTRACTIONS -^T-^fJ LAST' DAY! mfmi' ROBERT Bmil TOMORROW! j BRAZIL!... where the chillies are imt. and the '•f/mmf^&t mm i Hotter! in M-G-M s Kafir .'<*'■ •♦■.V^ r^Jß RICARDO JOHN J^\ LALHIKN EDUARD FRANZ THE MOST TALKED OF PICTURE IN SINGAPORE'S FILM HISTORY TAKES ITS
      248 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 400 8 N*r;ails Times tross^ortl 26. so many P i« ys Pn <i unha PP nv for Sam (6). 27. Crazy to fetter a sheep (10>. 1 I i V^ s 4^\# 6 k-^ 28 Learned man looks stupid I ii_lMl^ M H traHiiui a key t 6). i~ DOWN «SS§ !§§ss
      400 words

  • 2063 9 IHE broad waters of the Mississippi L River have witnessed few more terrible scenes than were enacted on a little C paddie-steamer that churned its way up stream in March, 1849. Crammed on M board were nearly 400 French men,
    Daily Mirror  -  2,063 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 [CAMAY I brings you Softer, I Smoother Skin! I -i-a\ ji.J ho.d romance i> setter, smoother corr»--v ith your en evbilcanic C imiv Mi di■rper. i I(S<, i ly ii in £i\e you tmooihcr, I I CAMAY THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN I Alt I I I s I AT
      99 words
    • 7 9 fT«>l«HII«W:L i'ltomrti i n<\ hi it o
      7 words
    • 163 9 Gordons (br^Sjl For a most re(r< shine B^rf^j and stimulating dnnk i r v Owdon's Oln with cood Tonic Wat^r. ]cr and a slice of lrmnn. K^J H the 1-& 'IJLa idMl drink I s D -sss iis at any Singapore K. Lumpur Ipo 1 Pennng KttChlnf and other Bomfo
      163 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 95 9 Tin Barber of Seville 1 L*' i FitsT with v ii" JfiXGf/ffl< WF -^itl'^HBiB BUT ALA6, SHE 16 FOLLOWED BY ftWtA r^/>LADy, ROSINAONHER BALCONV. 1/ I JJ I LJLiffkYv zi'.tjr c *■<*■' L- 1 1 p— ~^^S Tl 7~~£~ I W ILE HER 6UAR0MN W5APPEAIK. >f«4r/5 7>//<r /^/^F>e r V^
      95 words

  • 108 10 Malayan Share Brokei>' Association report: Market dull and featureless all sections. The Association reported the following business done yesterday:— Con. Tin Smelter ords 23 f>; Federal Dispensary $2.77 ':>; Fraser and Neave ords S2; Hammer $2.85. $2.87' 2 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank $855; Jackson and Co. $1 50:
    108 words
  • 174 10 Rubber closed unchanged yesterday at 56? b cents a pound on a dull market. There was small M. v factory buying at 561 cents with other orders slightly below this price. No particular keenness to sell was shown. The tone was steady at thr close. Closing prices ye.-terday
    174 words
  • 227 10 Around lhr mar kef* TIN DOWN, RUBBER STEADY THE Singapore share market yesterday was quirt and the turnover in all sections was small. Industrials were steady, tin shares, with one or two exceptions, were generally easier and rubbers after a few deals were again dull.
    227 words
  • 92 10 T«HE Mala 1 loclmUan revlw I 4 pin nw I ldlk.'A Rl I r B B ivtroi. hi M I Pref Gamniu:. O'towii <; t Ufa mi r H'konu <•■■ M CO (Vmm d Vir M Publi.sliine O Chin Hntfl Robin- 2nd Prrl R'> Ord^ 1 1
    92 words
  • 19 10 The price of tin in Kincapnrp yesterday was declared at $***** a picul. down 37 2 cents.
    19 words
  • 188 10 MELBOURNE, TIMS. INING and oil shares were again iTI well supported on the Stock Exchange today. Industrial slocks also continued to advance The .strong opening of the .second tuilf of 1 wrwil srlhrvseason in Sydney yesterday was well received by the market Japanese ■.iiitl French buying of wool
    188 words
  • 76 10 NBKMMTC Chinese Prodiirr K\changc: Noc l prices per pi< ul Copra: {.ready; January $41 buyer*; $4.'j sellers; February »4P. buyers. $41' sellersCoconut oil: steady. $66 buyers Pepper: steady, up IS; Muntok white $330. Sarawak $325; Lamponp black $300. Lewis and Peal- Closing prices were: Copra: steady; January $4i'-.
    76 words
  • 83 10 THE Honskons: and Bha Banking Corporation Is to pay a final dividend of £3 a share, making £5 for la same rate as paid for 1950 1951. and 1952. The dividend will b<> paid free of Hon K Kong corp profits tax. a sum ol HKS4 million
    83 words
  • 73 10 TN December movements ol ■I tin-in-concentrates from producer:, to smelters totalled a.053 tons, compared with 4.549 tons in November. ,9* December movementa J,173 tons went from Perak 1,454 tons from Selangor, 108 tons from Negrl Snnbilan 107 tons from Pahang, no tons from Johore. .seven tons from
    73 words
  • 176 10 CHIPS lying alongM.-ip the Singapore Harbour Board whurvea nr experted today are Chusnn 12. Akita Mnru 4 5 WUrora CP, India Mail 6 7 Benvorlich 89. Sunda 11, p,-.:* i:;u Korea 15 lti. Panama lh l!>20, scudai N. Wall 6. Dane! 21 22 Raiah Brooke 23 24. Star
    176 words
  • 47 10 NEW VOI.K T'HK 81 airni The enlargemec ;i fair] n. ii tlonal dustrials. B noting and worker fin Rails ,111,)!, of price tendem !>onie bome-hea Latterly the oi go low« 'me. Ud Monday wer> 30 Industrial 20 Railnuik 40 Don 15 Utilitie-, 64 SKx aver
    47 words
  • 49 10 The following o an reported i 1 1 pel for UM ChMtdarUo Goppng Consolidated Hon. I K"-ni IF MS Tin Kmtii Tin Klllln Malay. urn Tin iTrib'. i Pen [kalen Pel iling i in. Puds Ram bu tan, i anjong iln !>:• i Kruln 'I in KlnU Kellu Tin
    49 words
  • 26 10 Oi the free > kot Hong Kon thp us dollar *a I 5.79 for ca>h and 5.W I Strrlinc waa quot and nnr t,,, I
    26 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 207 10 Your guarantee personal service in Your local 8.0.A.C. Appointed Agent I out \r^\f(^\ ambassador on the ground. O" liavci uch he has a rexpon .lblllty to Ui to take good tare ol yen. to O"*'^ >^ IU lhr km(l nt Kwwwl ervlce <^vi^>' fr m s thr a r NO
      207 words
    • 842 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited for the post of a Temporary Surveyor In the P.W.D. Larut Matanr on a salary scale of $60 x 6 84 exam 102 x 6 150 efficiency bar 162 x 6-216 p.m. plus cost of living allowance at current rate SEE. PWD. Larut tt. Matang
      842 words
    • 521 10 TENDERS POLICE TENDER NOTICE Tenders which will close at 12 noon on Wednesday 20th January 1954 are Invited by the Commissioner of Police, Federation of M:.laya for the manufacture and fitting of metal roofs and canvas side front and back serins for Ausf.n A7O pick ups model BK 3. Fuli
      521 words
    • 116 10 SHIPPING NOTICES NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL Agent-s Holland East Asia Line NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES m.v. "HOOGKERK" Arriving 13th January. 1954 Berthing: 13.1.1954 S.H.B. Godowns: 36. General survey will be held on the 18th January, 1954 No further survey will be held. NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL Agents:— Holland Bml
      116 words
      20 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1065 11 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. T To; o n Sngopore) Passaga BLUE FUNNEL LINE d *p'- m proc^-.d »io oth.r ports to load ana discharge corae LiVtRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON 1 CONTINfNTAL PORTS Dv SO'I« P. S'hom Penong C 38/39 Jon. 13 Jan. 14/13 Jan. 16/17 I Rds. Jan 18 Jon. 19/20
      1,065 words
    • 1005 11 iM I t%M WHL^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m^t^^fllMr^^^nkK^^^^^^^^^^^'M* EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINENT Spore P. Sham Penonj for Kohs.chong, Hkomj 6dn. IB Kino" tor Diokorto, Kohsichong Soigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Yokohama 25/27 Jon. 23/24 Jon. 21/22 Jon. Mongolia" for Kohsicohng, H'kong 4/ 4 Feb. "Mogdala" for Bangkok 9/11 Feb. 8/ 8 Ftb. 7/
      1,005 words
    • 1122 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS te U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penong for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Homburg 14/20 Jan. 21/23 Jan 24/23 Jan. Benolder tor Hovre. London, Rntterrtom, Hull 21/27 Jan. 28/30 Jan. 31 Jon/ 1 Feb. Bencl.uch for Liverpool. Dublin, Homburg, Antwerp 24/30 Jon. 31 Jon/
      1,122 words
    • 1153 11 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. TEL- No. ***** ELLERMAN «t BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE. ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE t VANCOUVER onct for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo foi C.ntral t Soutb ond Conado via Colombo American Ports CITY OF BIRKENHEAD m.s. FRANCISVILLE Spore P horr.
      1,153 words

  • Article, Illustration
    31 12 Polly the Bush Baby is s o small that she can be held m the hand and still have plenty of room to move. Folly hails from East Africa.
    31 words
  • 736 12 Tantrums at the palace ALD King I in B terrible temper. Thr palace !;iirly shook to thr sound of his Thrm was no c* aping it. it weni on ;md on rnntniL f and racing until thr walls rrhorcl. Th' -irl p tantrums little one. H tea had
    736 words
  • 528 12 Dear Boys and Girls, How nice it is to be back in Singapore, and wntng to you once again. I must 'Sank these of you who sent me Christmas cards Auntie Joan kept them all and gave them to me when I returned.
    528 words
  • 277 12 Puzzle your friends HERE is a very clever trlcx which will mystify everyone Ask your friend to open a book at any page and choose any of the first nine words printed in the first nine lines of the page. By means of a simple sum you will be able
    277 words
  • 395 12 WITH the Tonga Islands— or "The Friendly Islands'' so much in the ne«\s, think this is a good time to tell you about the rest oj the recent issue of new stamps from the Kingdom 0' Tonga. When our gracious Queen ai.d ncr husband
    395 words
  • 42 12 "It's nice to see you again, boys and girls. I've popped on tn this page to tell you that I'll be back with you next week, so ivill some more old friends. Goodbye until Wednesday, and good luck."
    42 words
  • 12 12 Collect su of these coupons to join the Children's corner Club.
    12 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 12 What in the ltwrld is (/"ma on here? Dogs leaping W the air. Cats balancing on front, legs, v looks like a modern version of Hey diddle diddle. The dog beUJHga to a,, er-bnllet dancer irh n due an accident had In qivc up rianenm. the trained her pet t
    56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 64 12 r m^M I 1 mJ Mouth \Jj v \Vi 41/ sHIHiBi ■Jj Mcniasol keeps your mouth clean and fresh all U^^ttH daylong. It prevents mouth odour, tights tooth decay and combats common gum troubles a^| '^> itnd of course it keeps >our teeth really clean K. J w^^^^^^^m and /■<iv//i'
      64 words
    • 165 12 muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu^^m yes. i have \Wfmu must rev *>c 1 V w -u, ihave fouoweo WT^TJ PKGAiHEDM HOH HAt/i YOU iNS^ueVONS-SKZ STRENGTH -A^ MANAGSD? j p,c r A ¥fi MIL O. N( J v f I SHALL REMEMBEX THAT. j^ ASD 5/f#VaVf \t^ <^\^ \L uikCMILO PPOI/'DES ?/™1 jK'C^feZ" I KOMSHMENT,
      165 words

  • 26 13 MANTJ A. Tues. Lennnrt Berpelin and StofTan Stock'iibi rg. topytn »-ii drfinrelv tain part in 'hf Asian .mpinnships here, bcpinn Frb. 14.
    26 words
  • 399 13 GALLOPS WELL AT BUKIT TIMAH By EPSOM JEEP (JI'LAR II (late Jock Fox), who had his introduction to Malayan racing as a two-year-old, has developed into a smart looking three-year-old and I think it is time to start taking a serious interest in
    399 words
  • 297 13 DISNEY AND ABOVE ALL HOLDING FORM nmm and Above All two useful moi.ey -spinners in the \nn BreuKPlen .sin Dies are retaining their Ipoh November form. Dtsnev (MftWl) and Above All! ißougourei were n-atched in a good a Bukit Timah yesterda\ morning. Disney forged ahead close home to win Hie
    297 words
  • 248 13 Electric battery found on him after Australian race FORMER Malayan Jockey Vincent Dunwoodie. has been disqualified for life by the West Australian Turf Club for being in possession of an electric battery. He was alleged to have used it on Nasib. in the Miller Maiden Handicap
    248 words
  • 507 13 SEVEN new horses, havinc their first runs at the Singapore January race meetinc which starts on Saturday, were winners as two-year-olds in England last season. m he po X stable. i s a They are Parwaaz 'late Tentwort i." Pearly. Kilimanjaro late Beau Nashl.
    507 words
  • 628 13 FARNLEY SHAPES LIKE A WINNER LVARNLEY. who won four times in his first season on the Malayan Turf last year, looks certain to «am more laurels in the new season. This five-year-old shaped like a winner on the training track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning: when he galloped over 3-f.
    628 words
  • 65 13 IPOH, Tue.s The Perak Turf Club will hold its first meetinc ot 1954 on Feb. 20. 24 and 27 and the meet will cater for Class Two ana Class Five horses. Trophies will be presented to winners of the following races: Cl. 2 I Div.
    65 words
  • 313 13 An example for the Jockey Ciub Hi a m"-i correspondent) LONDON. Tues i BIG need in racing is a round- table confe:ence. fn which a tr.terestea In the sport could participate. Recently the Jockey Club ol America sent to their members and Mhers Interested in racing a copy it
    313 words
  • 81 13 PARIS. Tues. The French International table-tennis championships provided several upsets In the .sinyle.s last night. BrltLsh players in particular were ou;nl.iyec, lncludinß the former world champions Richard Bergman and Johnny Leach, and the women star.s. and Rosalind Ro .ve. All were beaten in the quarterfinals.
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 351 13 rpHE Senior Golfers' Society of I 1 Malaya It to play the Royal j Singapore Golf Club at Buklt Timah on Tuesday, Jan. 19. The match will be played in fourcomes aiiil the results will be on the position at the finish of the 18th
    351 words
  • 278 13 LONDON. Tues. LIVERPOOL, bottom club In the First Division of the English soorer league competition, has spent £45 000 on new players In a fortnight—and are ready to dip further Into the kitty to strengthen the ■•We want to Improve our team and we don't mind
    AP  -  278 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 148 13 tempo ma tic r J(jt OS.rrvatory K I > > LfADINC lEWELLERS ATCH DEALERS ALL OVER THE WORLD MOVADO .t iTATION FNSON RD S PORE. '??s\"^K "CTww m j i^^X^r m mom m KILLS PAIN PILES Recto -Serol (Ointment) internal and il or pilr^. In n to ice In m
      148 words
    • 554 13 J^%SPANGIES Tk\lr^^v FRUITY CRYSTAL SWEETS GOOD TASTE" N^/^^^fc Six selected luscious if fruit flavours sealed W V >/ factory-fresh >n purest Ufci^QV^.'frg^' l^'/ sugar confectionery. r*~¥ -'^j I&jf COOD HEALTH" *mmmm »,,v Spangles are most refreshing and COOD BUT produce energy you should never W<-rVerfu! value tor be without them
      554 words

  • 462 14 Miller attacks press 'ballyhoo 5 about Trueman From JACK FINGLETON (Special to the Straits Times) SYDNEY, Tuesday. fALLINC, him "Babbling Freddie,'* Keith Miller, in a hot attack upon British pressmon and England's Test fast bowler Fred Trueman, says that after hearing Trueman talk about
    462 words
  • 82 14 RI'CGER S. V 1 All r.ln.v padatiK (\V<dr I'ike). (l.H.q \V v X.M.P.. Imi iin n apt. lliiint.irr 1 Royal 1 Navy v Array. Naval Basr IC ('apt. Srymour); R.K. v RAF Tengah. i.illp-.hi Barrarks (Mr. Bradles). HOCKKV lntrr Srrvirrs championships: Army v Royal Navy. Nee Soon; HA
    82 words
  • 101 14 PEN'ANG. lues fpHE Penang Chinese Football AaaoetaUon la looklnc forward better season In IIH4 after differing several setbacks last year. •'With the wholehearted cooperatton of players and officials, Ihe association hopes to prow from strength to strength.' writes M: 001 Kue Choo. the hon. secretary,
    101 words
  • 56 14 I'ARIS. Tues— The international I eveline union today recoeniseci s a world am "cur record 'hp on« kilometre standinc star' timp of lmm. 10 4-sec made by thp Russian cyclist Rostlslav Varcarhkln in ifoeecM (act July. PrevkNu record wai lmin. 10 ■ec, ae< up by m. Morettinl
    56 words
  • 72 14 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Tues. k second half rally sa>? Selancor j-\ Malaya 2-0 vietorj over hq Malaya Command In a Div. 1 (South) hockey league fixture on :iif Malaya Command {round today. After a seorekSS first half. Malays played a spirited game. Centre forward Raffique scored
    72 words
  • 170 14 Hogan gets $30,000 award NEW YORK. Turs \IORE honours have been bestowx cd on Bpn Hocan for his unprecedented sweep of the U.S. and British Open championships and the AngUSta Mast»r.s Tournament in 1!»S3. Hocan. named as the male athlete of the year in the Associated Press poll last week,
    170 words
  • 105 14 KIMBERIEY. Tues. Griqualand West failed by 72 runs to set 288 in 200 minutes and could onlydraw their three-day match acmiw the New Zealand cricketers here yesier* The New Zea landers, who scored 236 in their- first innincs. declared their second innincs at 163 for
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 33 14 A meeting of the soccer section of the Singapore Cricket Club will be held at the clubhouse on Friday. Members who p'.ay soccer ana others inierested are asked to turn up.
    33 words
  • 66 14 Mr... A. Murchison won the Island Club's L.G.U Silver mecial for last year with an a||ll| lfe of 291 for four scores. ThP L.G U. Bronat medal for year went to Mi<-s If. A. Reilly with a total score of 281. The Lady Captain's
    66 words
  • 50 14 Winners of December comi>etitlons 'of the Keppel Golf Club (women's section) were: Sliibleford medal: Mrs. E. M. Nettieton: Dunlop Coronation chnllenue Cup: Mrs R. Irving Jones, runner-up: Mrs. C. Tes; Annual eclectic competition: Mrs. M. Kean. runner-up: Mrs. I. Murthison; Bronze medr.l: Mrs. C. Teo.
    50 words
  • 148 14 LONDON. Tues. THE ARSENAL and West Bromwich were made joint favourites at six to one against at the second call- I over on the Football Association Cup at the Victoria Club here last night. The Arsenal, who mrct thf winners of the
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 310 14 KINGSTON. Tuesday JAMAICA led the M.CC tourists by 70 runs with seven second innings wickets standing at the end of the third days play here. Indifferent batting rather than the excellence of the bowline brought a swift end to the M.CC. innines yesterday. The last
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 182 14 SINGAPORE Chinese Recreation Club rallied stroncly lin the closinß stafje.s of their hockey game against V.M.C.A. to win by two goals to one at Bnlcstier Road yesterday. The first half wa-s scoreless and evenly contested. After the resumption play became exciting. V.M.C.A. opened scoring in
    182 words
  • 193 14 IPOH. Tues. PERAK will field their strongest side against Johore in the H.M.S. Malaya ruggrr final to be played in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. There will be six chinees in the side which met tn* Fijians three weeks ago in Ipoh. Ex -Singapore and South player
    193 words
  • 262 14 From A Special Correspondent PERTH. Tuesday. THE Singapore and West Australia youth boxing teams were level with 18 points each aftrr the first 12 matches in the annual competition for the Aw Cheng Chye trophy here last nijjht. Singapore are the hc.'ders of the trophy.
    262 words
  • 79 14 IPOH. Tues TIIK Pcrak Imateur Knot hall Association has decided to help inter-si hools soccer financially A mat of S'iflfl to cover travelling expenses will he made to each school taking part in the competition lor the Hussars ChallcriKe ln>ph.v. An offer to this effect has
    79 words
  • 44 14 LONDON. Tues. Ipswich Town brat Oidham Athletic by one _;0.,] 10 nil in theii FA Cup third round replay al Oidham today Ipswirh will now be at home to Birminsham City in the fourth round on Jan. 30. Reiner
    44 words
  • 34 14 Robert Brothers beat Star Youncsters 4-3 in friendly soccer match at Farm Park. Lee Senc (3) and Geok Seng c2> scored for the winnrrs and Thamby (2) and Peter C in- replied.
    34 words
  • 107 14 Eurasians are S'gor hockey champions KUALA 1.1 SELANOOR r ion Lumpur Combim a .sen:- Roaii iiirrn Bectlon the Solanßor Hex tion first division Eur.islans were ,i place with nine poln For Police, Woi half defence who i perform attack fell on mohan 81 n ell training B B I Mike
    107 words
  • 21 14 Ro\al N. Royal Navy: N Wllsii Whitey, EM rClark \inn Richan Smith I K Marks, G O
    21 words
  • 23 14 KUAI.A LUMPI C nGOR CLUB 8 k in^ between then proved too much in poii. Ito 11 igonl two
    23 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 433 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS from P*tr *> Classified Advertisement Enquiries Telephone 5471 SITUATIONS M wi SHIP! (i.iim-m. I ineering r PO. Box 841 Ing Ar. 'd pros- WAN I Kngllsh and I•■ < SI ArriT will be B<rnrdliK .Sc heme Apph Ilirefior Aided School. Johore tinn wr en red II
      433 words
    • 969 14 I IM \IION .■n H,,»rf. Jj c Mti, )--«ox SI) rts ritrn I lON AIL Those re-i-eived admission forms from Cnv Commercial College for Afternoon Night Classes are requested to at- TIITION WmHn %i I Mim.t—Hux SO tit txlr*. II OWERS msde from Mlk satin velvet, nnner blossoms for brides
      969 words
    • 429 14 EPSOM JEEP'S TRACK NOTES IN P. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE M K..rrf« 55 Olin.i—Bnx SO ri: extra. RACHALS Grand Piano: 6 ft. fi ms perfect condition, wonderful tone: 13.200. Phone *****. 1953 1 EONARD Refnccralor for s.,le 5 cubic feet S4OO. Apply Bowaeaa, 7. Mannalaj Road. Tel 5483 I
      429 words
    • 87 14 T«ER£S ALWAYsN I ROOM FOR AN V A&TPAI J~\ S ASTRAL MAKES > Mc.-turc^ only i 2 20 ICE CUBES 211' 1 c PR Ei-"»".'rh ly "w S pore 5360 *No Motor, no m-mn; t>«"> S F»r| fjqfl fAJ Completely s.lrnt r s rea. $J3O \{jj un.» c v f
      87 words