The Straits Times, 12 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. Mat**** fat*** 1 Established 1845 SINGAPORE, TTESDAY, JANTARY 12, 1934. 15 CENTS
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  • 615 1 'No reason yet to think so' KOBE WILL COVER ALL THEORIES i LONDON. Mon. PIIK iKt>>il)ilily ol sabotage in yesterComet M't liner ish which killed i»ple ia being cond. BOAC said toda) poki man said: at pi s. :ii no c it was arc conissible ntlng oi
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  • 266 1 1: For Mr. Pahlen his second escape LONHON. Monday. MR. VICTOR PAHLEN. American him producer, cancelled his seat on the plane at the last moment be cause he heard it had been delayed on Its way to Rome. When told of the he said: "Mv God.
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  • 11 1 Mr R. nberra on >bly to
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  • 66 1 And back to icork PARIS. Mon. MAJOR Frank Goldsmith, father of James Goldsmlth, th p 20-year-old runaway bnrieproom of Senorita Isabella Patino said today that his son must go back to work at once. •No more gallivanting or honeymooning for James. He to back to his
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  • 26 1 HONG KONG Mon Fifteen Russian sinters arrived here today by train from China on their way to Japan for the world .speed skating contest
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  • 42 1 lAI Cherry. <; rman trick MOOtinP a spinnl which his wife was fastened He was doinc fine, police said. until something went wrone buiie? hit «o-year-old Mr.s Cherry in the chest. She died three hours later in a hos- P
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  • 356 1 PORTO AZZURO. Mon. THE bodies of 15 vie- tims of yesterday's Com< irash were brought here last night by Isle of Elba fishermen and carried to a tiny whitewashed chapel of the local cemetery. The Island's police chief .-Aid two of the victims
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  • 236 1 25 Reds swoop from ambush SEREMBAN. Monday. MR. JOHN BASIL RITSON. 40. the Australian manager of the Bukit Pilah Estate in Negri Sembilan was ambushed and killed by terrorists today. One of two Special Constables who were with him in an open car was also killed.
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  • 47 1 LONDON. Mon. Among the lfi R.AF. rugbv players who, lost their lives when their Valetta aircraft crashed in a -now storm in Hertfordshire was Master Signaller T. B. I ■■•iM'.oot who returned to i England recently after two 1 years- service in Singapore.
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Mon. A bliz- sard roanne in alter three dan of steady .snow blocked nri isolated hundreds of villages in Western Europe today. A.P.
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  • 71 1 Mr. Molotov has a heart attack —LONDON REPORT LONDON, Mon. THE Daily Sketch said today that Russia's Foreign Minister, Mr. Molotov. has suffered a heart attack. The story, attributed only to •information received in London," said Mr. Molotov collapsed in the Kremlin a week ago. He is 63. The Sketch
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  • 42 1 SAIGON. Mon The second lap of the long-distance bicycle race of South Vietnam was cancelled today after several cyclists had been fired at by puerilla snipers between Cantho and Soctrang, 120 miles south of this city. A.P.
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  • 110 1 FOUR years "Id P>' r B;ul Vitl of Nanking Street irll 20 ft from the window of his first storey home yesterday and landed on m. back of a UTi washing; Bah Ot ?S was playing near the window of his home while
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  • 26 1 PANMUNJOM. Mon The Swedish clelecate to the Korniii Repatriating Commission V poser! today that aJI war prisoners be released v civilians on January 23.
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  • 38 1 TIIF SEVEN SURVIVORS: (standing, left to right): Chua Guan. Ng Kent; Hoo, Teh Beh Teik (the captain). Tin Kirn Lock, (squatting) Ah Tee. him Ah Hock. H:>n c Kirn Soo Straits Times picture.
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  • 165 1 Spore Govt. may announce its decision today A DECISION on the payment of non-pensionahle ex- j patriation allowance to expatriate officers of the Sin- gapore Government is ex- 1 pected today The Council of Action, representing the local employees also expect to know the rate ■I variable allowance
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  • 273 1 Fishing boat blows up at sea five die SEVEM SURVIVORS COME BACK Krvivors of a sea explosion which killed five in Singapore yesterday. It was the first the Colony had heard of the four-day-old disaster. The mm were part ot a cre w K which set out from pore in
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  • 52 1 RANGOON. Mon. -An all- j party British parliamentary delegation arrived here last night for a Goodwill visit of nine days as guests of the Burmese branch of the inter- j i parliamentary union. The martfttl. headed by Lord Rea. will make a tour up country during their
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  • 36 1 AMMAN Mon. Jordan security forces announced today that they had arrested a number of Arabs trying to cross the truce demarcation lino in Palestine into Israel with written military information in their possession. -Reuter.
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  • 19 1 BELGRADE. Mon—President Tito will visit Turkey in i i the first half of this year.— Reuter. >
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  • 37 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Former President Harry Truman speakinc on a television proßramm? today said his choice for the i "Man of 1953" wnuM he Brii "Man of 1953" would be Sir I Winston Churchill.— U.P.
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  • 109 1 BANK OF ENGLAND HAS TWINS— TWICE LONDON. Mon.— The Old Lady of Threarineedle Street has come up with a set of twins for the second time in than a week. The Old Lady is the Bank of England and the twins are sets of identical one-pound notes. Harold Dixon. 30-year-old
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  • 187 1 12 killed in U.S. air crash Plane struck power line SHREVEPORT. Louisiana, Mon. IN amphibious plane A crashed near Bhreveport last night, killing 12 people Including the president (it an airline which has flown almost, three billion passeneer miles without a single fatality. The piano belonged to Urn United G;i*
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  • 41 1 INDIA ASKS D. N. ON KOREA 1 YOKK, Mon.— ln dia today asked United ii tary-Gcae- null or (in mem--1 ited Nations on her to reconvene eighth General Assembly to discuss Korean situation on lebruarv 8 or f.— ■rater.
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  • 57 1 SALT LAKE CITY Mon —I Because Mrs. Albert Ehlrrt lost a diamond ring while packing clothing for Korean relief, the United States Army searched 1 through 1551 b of clothing with a metal detector The Army found two other rincs but not Mr Ehlert's. She found
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 WAKE YOUR CHOICE ttfßMicX ICD. LAMINATED PLASTIC ARRISONS CROSFIELD (M) LTD. 1 enjoy them best ..because the filter tip holds throat j£*W irritants in check" \-k for dv Maurirr and rnjoy i Iral ;ii it* coolest and N?~v -v'" Freed from hsvstsHM nnd w\3 l.\ ilk c\< lii-it r filler
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  • 67 2 I. They .l'C sown on s.irm< nts in order ro f.istcn them. 2 employees is i ti\k for responsible person. i. Disposed of. or betrayed, in exchange for money. 4. People may become impatient it you very slowly. 5. A.reraft used tor dropping high
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  • 192 2 lach djy this week The Struts Times will publish a Word Puitlc In each puiilc there will be six words, each with one letter missing What you have to do is to till in »hesc missing letters with the aid of the CLUES given with
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  • 66 2 Keen aU youi Saturday, Un 16 Then r>n them together m lets it them to "WORD PUZZLE "C" Tn r Straits Timps. Pr Jre II am. on Wednesday. lan. 20. Yn ■XI pie^r. hut they must be in couplet! in order fr-m No. I to No.
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  • 713 2 WILMOT'S LAST ASSIGNMENT THIS WAS THEIR LAST PICTURE jHSVEN MONTHS AGO TELEVISION reels recording Chester Wilmot's interview with the Commis-sioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, are believed to have gone down with the ensiled Comet. A film Of Mr. Wilmofs
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  • 96 2 FLT. M. SHORT, R.A.F., lormcrly aide to Air Marshal Sir Clifford Sanderson. C-in-c Far Fast Ai r Force, was killed on the Bukil Timah Road, Singapore, early yesterday when an R.A.F. vehicle which he w.iririving crashed into a lamppnst. The funertl will take place
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  • 148 2 r |pHE Director of Posts. Singapore. Mr. M. L. Dvi 1 announced yesterday that all mails Singapore posting boxes after 7 p.m. las' and up to 7 p.m. on Friday fo.- Britain. South America and Europe (fxcept Italj and Switzerland) have been lost in
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  • 190 2 He fell ill at Christmas party From HALL BONNET LONDON. Monday. tyiTNESSES at an inquest at Hamble. near Southampton, described how a Singapore student. Jimmy Koh Yew Ghee. 20, was taken ill during a Christmas Day party at the Air Service training establishment at
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  • 69 2 Han Suyin's book banned in Spain The widely-read novel by Johore Bahru author Han Suyin (Dr. Elizabeth Comber i. "A Many Splendoured Thint?." has been banned in Spain The book has been a best-seller in Britain. Australia. Canada. South Africa', and America, j and is being translated into French. German.
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  • 32 2 CAIRO. Mon.— Egypt has acranted in principle an Iraqi scheme for Arab unity, pre- paratory to an Arab Federation. Lieutenant Colonel Abd^: Nasser, the Egyptian Vice-Pre-mier, announced last night. Reuter.
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  • 33 2 JAKARTA. Mon. -The Indonesian government has decided to place an orde r for 19 ships with Dutch shipbuilders and 15 ships with Japanese builders, the Ministry of Communications announced today. A.P.
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  • 58 2 Russian ship is arrested OSLO. Mon.— A Norwegian corvette fired warning shots and sent a boarding party on board a Russian trawler to i MOrl it to the port of Vardoe o n the Arctic coast yesterday, the Norwegian Radio reported today. The corvette. Soeroey a rrested the trawler because
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  • 193 2 LONDON, Mon. MISS Cynthia Seymour. ID, daughter of Lady Katherine Seymour. Lady-in- I Waiting to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, who was seriously burned in her flat here last month, died in hospital on Saturday, it was announced today. She had
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  • 158 2 Trafficin drugs is on the increase GENEVA ILLEGAL drug 1 ing has during the years, accord,:. annual report o tnaneni Ceni r Board publish <j today. The report, whl the United Nntio and Socipl Council, become Increasing traffickers to gel lcfif>l .source Governm< til coca-leaf produi should tighten coi I
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  • 16 2 CAIIRO. Mon League Defence Coui ri the in defence command* uniforms for Arab Reuter.
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  • 38 2 PANMUNJOM. Mi can pro-Communl put on a music i] night for 101 Indl custodian !<>■ demilitarized zone. An Indian p "Had any oi tl wished to tM had an excellent to do so.- AP.
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  • 74 2 BEDFORD. Ainu. Scientist at Bedford Hospita! announcer! today that they had confirmed for the first time in Britain a mysterious and rare disease which affects only unborn children. The disease known as eon- srnital toxoplasmosls, Is carried to tiic child through its mother by a microscopic parasite and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 TXI IT CTfc A V i wokoVx^Lk i e Cut out 'Cl«**y witrV othc coupons. PosrVi; inVlj*Ktion> aju>cir below. V^ Addr,,, \.....V^..-\( I w^ V 2 UTT o\Nfs^ W in MBE Ri> ttrts>! A GIFT TO Rr GRATEFUL VOR l-^, < Bl V I WKI--IH R\ W\ Kills THE HATCHES
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  • 291 3 And let her have own air, sea and land forces LONDON, .Moiul:i>. will probably propose at the Berlin inference this month that all foreign troops drawn from Germany by the end of 1955, in. sources here said today. the Soviel Foreign "Minister, is also 1 that
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  • 140 3 Show-down battle in central indo-China HANOI, Mon.— French I against seven < omi letminfa battalion!) in a "show-down" -j<- for central Indo- iiin.i French spokesman said oyalisl pilots had killed at i.imiii Reds in the past four days with direct li i t < H illi Banin| napalm spokesman said
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  • 42 3 JAKARTA. Ifon Indonesian Foreign Ministry announced today that the draft tnent with Commulina will be published this v. The Government in one of eationa of 1953 approved the results reached by the Indonesian trade delegation to Peking— Reuter.
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  • 299 3 LONDON MOB THE stock market; rimained very quiet today with most of the comprising evening-up in preparation for tomorrows end account. Tradings In Far Eastern Issues wns ajjaln very largely confined to tp-.i shares, for which a nood investment demand continues. 'This section aßain received a good
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Jan. 11. Cash Buyers EMI; Sellers 1:660; Forward Buyers C 632; Sellers V 1633; Settlement 1:660. Turnover a.m. 55 tons; p.m. 30 tons.
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  • 34 3 LONDON. Jan. 11 Sp •■>' II Feb 17d. Mar. 17d Apr-June 17.d July-Sept 17', d. Oct -Der 17 Jan oil. 16", d.. Feb. elf 16 "id.. Mar. c.i.f. 16 1? I6d Tone: Q"!et.
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  • 49 3 LONDON. Mon.— Sir Alan Lascelles. former private secretary to thi- Queen, has joined the bo .rd ol thi Midland Bank DC of Britain's •Big Five" barking booses it was announced here today. Sir Alan. 36. retired last year from his post in the Royal household. Renter.
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  • 4 3 >n war
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  • 54 3 TEST FLIGHTS SYDNEY. Mon. The plane to be used by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in Australia Is making trial tlights over the 10.000 miles of Royal tour routes, the Air Minister. Mr William McMahon, an- i nounced today. Time tables, radio and meteorological services
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  • 56 3 ATHENS. MOO. Dmitri Kar. dassl alleged to b. the chiel it the C"iniminist party underground In Greece, has been arrested In Piraeus, the port 0 police have sought Kardasnl for eighi months and a rew (1 u oi eighteen million drachmas I 1.000. was ofler- j
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  • 147 3 I pok'V- liner; official comment ot any .sort on United States plans' for the preliminary nclons. Pre« report.- here .said Mr. to give Mo#- choice, within reason, ot how to conduct the discusThe report* said the Secretary of state would probably lndicate preference to limit
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  • 139 3 No U.S. aid for Egypt until... LONDON. Mon. AUTHORITATIVE Ameri- can Quarters .said today Britain and Egypt failed to reach agreement on the Suez Canal zone, the United States would have to give serious thought to ways and means of keepmu E^ypt in the Western camp. So far. they said,
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  • 114 3 BLIND— BUT HE CAN SEE TV GEORCr LAFLEUR, It-year-old Canadian, radio operator, watches lun television screen. The unusual thin; about this is that Geige is blind, and has heen since birth. A few days ago Mr. I .allcur suddenly found he could see the programme on the screen of a
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  • 236 3 Korean Communists want to resume peace talks with U.N. TOKYO. Monday. DADIO Poking said today that Communist envoys have sent a note to the United Nations at Munsan. Korea, requesting a meeting of liaison officers to discuss resumption of negotiations to arrange the loim delayed Korean peace conference. Radio Peking
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  • 89 3 Prisoners will release themselves WASHINGTON, Mo n. SENATE Republican leader. William Knowland predicted yesterday that Korean war prisoners refusing to return to Communism will "release themselves" if they are not freed by the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission on January 23. But the California Republican said on the NBC ".Meet the
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  • 43 3 LONDON'. Mon. The condition of Viscount Simon. 80--year-old former Lord Chancellor who la in hospital for examination, was stated here today to be "unchanged." The hospital reported last night that his condition was •giving cause for anxiety. Reuter.
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  • 64 3 THIS IS ONE of the first pictures of one of the Kremlin New Year parties attended by children from all over Moscow. Kach child received a tift. oranges and taimrrinp> from Father Frost, the traditional Russian equivalent of Father Christmas. Snow Maiden, another tiaditional character seen
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 i L Cocktail Parties are not complete without COCKTAIL SAUSAGES FRANKFURT SAUSAGES VIENNA SAUSAGES In Boz. !6o; tins. IMMIME guarantees quality SINGAPORE (OLD STORAGE C 0. y LTD. Wm "l& B fit |a 1 m |n /x\ a genuine bayer'prodict. i (bayer) manufactured in \R/ LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY ~-Y£U YEAR—i\t:\\ ARRh-MS
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  • 422 4 'Black Monday for the parents THEY LEAVE SCHOOLS WITH THEIR CHILDREN STILL UNPLACED KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. >FODAY "as "Black Monday" for the parents of man] children seeking admission to schools all over Malaya. In Ipoh several determined parents left in tears after spending hours trying to xv\ their 1947-boni children
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  • 22 4 IPOH. Mnti Gunoiu B at 10.30 last night, Wong Chong, 20. collapsed and died :n his ticket booth.
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  • 188 4 THAT HELP ISN'T JUST A GQVT. CHARITY PUBLIC assistance given by the Singapore Social Welfare Department should not be regarded merely as a Government charity, Mr. T. P. Cromwell. Secretary for Social Welfare, told a Press conference yesterday. The money, tin> department givea to the destitute, sick and unemployed aims
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  • 57 4 Foe, Poh Tick, aiias Ah Chai. was charged in Singapore yesterday with the murder cf Teo Sah Te e on Friday at Pagoda Street. Kwai Choni faced t similar charge on Saturday in the same court. The case will come up for mention on Jan 16.
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  • 104 4 OH, I SAY -HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN ABOUT 10 000 bargain hunters flocked to Whitcaways annual stocktaking sale which BCgaa yesterday in Singapore. Queues were waiting when the doors opened at 9 a.m. At Hosing time the manager. Mr. J. 11. M. Summers, said the crouds had bren about three
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  • 150 4 Tests for automatic machines THE Smeapore Traction Com- i pany is considering usinp j automatic ticket Issuing machines to replace the present system. "We arv .satisfied with the pre- sent system, but we shall go into the matter of automatic machines". Sir Thomas
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  • 74 4 I^XPECTED in Singapore on her maiden voyage in March Is the N Y.K'.s latest cargo liner, the 7.630 ton Aki Maru An 18-knot .ship, the Aki Maru was launched at Nagasaki on October 26 last year. Built for the N.Y.K's JapanEurope service, she
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  • 32 4 BENTONG. Mon. Chon? Koon Yeong. of Perttng n<?w village. Bentong, *-as fine.l SlOO. or one months gaol, here j when he pleaded guilty to I stealing a rubber tree.
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  • 40 4 JOHORE BAHRU Mon The followine candidates have passed Part 1 of che Johore Civil Service examina Inche Sarajudin bin All. Inehe Abubakar bin Abdullah. Inche Abubakar bin Sidek. Inch, mail bin Abubakar. and Inehe Othman Din Abdul Wahib
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  • 112 4 PROMISED THEM A STALL— GIVEN $3,707 rpAN KIM YAM. alias Ismail bin Mohamad, plearted guilty at the Singapore Assizes yesterday to two chargi cheating. He waa alleged to have obtained $3,007 from Abdul Ha- 1 mid and $700 trom a man called Abu by falsely representing to them 'hat he
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  • 266 4 LET'S KNOCK OUT THESE LAST REDS SAYS MR. B. Only 30 left in Penang and P. PENANG, Mondaj pOMMUNIST terrorists In Penang and Wellesley are struggling desperately to s "Now is the time to hit (hem hard," the l: Commissioner. Mr. K. P. Binfham, said toda He estimated then- were
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  • 29 4 Ex-detective is cleared of abduction PHANQ Kah il- Court of ab< by Mr him. Mr T phar ry ret urni d < rdlct and rd He did noi p offer
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  • 14 4 omc Di.-trirt Committi rman, Im Phuah King Rahrnn'. Osman and Ahad
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  • 11 4 A bi H wounded b\ Rengan i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 296 5 TENANT REGISTRATION IN KUALA LUMPUR MALA LUMPUR, Monday. \\TS registration, the Federation Government's bium-M scheme yet to keep a check on Dvement of people in Kuala Lumpur, begins on Friday. :.i distribution of more than 30.000 forms in i cry house
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  • 26 5 TWO DEAD PICKS, ONE DEAD MAN 'slaughter cose STAR, M embti Lh manHili I hi.*; n li i is duckllnt&j ny fathi him with not inlurln;
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  • 131 5 HIS ESSAY WAS A WINNER Schoolboy awarded diploma T. R. s. KJUSHNASAMYi IG-yrar-old pupil of Kaffles Institution, yesterday won the diploma shown above :iMd S2O cash for the best in t c r-s <• ho o I essay on "Chances of Scene in Singapore During the Last 100 Years." The
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  • 21 5 >RK BAHRU. Mon.— the disin Johorp havi ■> tho situal :.:ni>; district boundaIble the n< oppii taken to mark
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  • 79 5 Mr. G. offers his help in dispute OINGAPORES Assistant Com- missioner for Labour, Mr. W. I. Galletly. said yesterday that he would be ready to offer to the Printing Employees' Union and the Malaya Publishing Ltd. their wage dispute amicably. But both parties had not Fresh approach to him
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  • 27 5 KI.ANO. Mon. Tamils in Kuala Langat district will celeTamils Day" on Thursday. A sinuing contest for school children and a public meeting have been arranged.
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  • 242 5 LOST HIS GUN— IT COSTS HIM $70 Holster was too small, court told JOHORE BAHRU. Monday. p J. W. STOUT, of Midlands Estate. Kulai. was 1 lined S7p in the Police Court today for losing the revolver which was issued to him by the Police. Stout reported the loss of
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  • 13 5 RWORTH double lurch 01 the Butol Mr. P nang I
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  • 9 5 M Pi in 01 for 72 deatl
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  • 62 5 thr J4.125 ship to c;ill :it JapaJ pan the Japan in April. winch is Cherry Blossom time are now being received, a spokesman for th^ local agent's Id the Straits Times yesterday. The Chusan will call at Yokohama and Kobe via Hong K after she
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  • 44 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Indian Congress has submitted three names to the Hish Commissioner for nomination to the Federal Legislative Council. They are Mr K. L Devaser. Its president, Mr. K. Ramana- 1 than and Mr. M. Vasagam.
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  • 22 5 RAUB. Mon. Mr. C. F. Mummery. Chief Dental Officer Federation, has made a tour of dental clinics in Pahan?.
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  • 20 5 RAUB, Mon— Mr. Hoh Un<; Hun, a Chinese interpreter from Tapah, has bron transferred to the Supreme Court here.
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  • 22 5 RAUB. Mon. Mr. How Km<> Khim. a Chinese Interpreter of the Supreme Court, has been appointed .i trade union officer.
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  • 54 5 PENANG, Mon— A detective stopped young Zainul Mohd in Chulia Street and found a stolen movie camera hidden in his Dasket. Today in the Sessions Court Zainul Mohd was sent to prison for one year after pleading guilty to retaining the camera, worth $342. It was
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  • 73 5 tWO British Ki-d Cross nurses. Miss K. K«M-d (left) and .Miss Winifred B. ■sfffMß. left London on Jan. 4 for Malaya to work in the new villages. They will be attached to a mobile dispensary. Wliert- motor vehicles tvinlint be used tlicy w ill travel
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  • 105 5 PENANG, Mon. rpo prevent the poor gambling away charity money, the Penang Social Welfare Department tries as far as possible to give relief in kind instead of cash. A .sjiokesman said today that, fifty parents had asked for money to meet their children's
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  • 344 5 F>LICE last night rushed to a Singapore Improvement Trust flat in Prince Philip Avenue, forced open the door and found a frightened Chinese inside. The man wa.s detained on suspicion of housebreaking. About 100 tenants had surrounded the flat to prevent him
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  • 49 5 ALOR STAR. Mon— An 81--year-old woman, Wons Nooi Hai, died this morning. 24 hours after she had been discharged from hospital. Wong entered Alor Star Hospital on Saturday with Injuries received when she wa.s hit by a door plank at her home. Sebrang, Perak
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 sfS!^ for N every purpose -nts: (Wj^HEWAN, TOMES CO., LTD. HOUSE. SINGAPORE. TEL. *****7
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    • 228 5 straight backs I 1"^ 1 C\l 1 t m tI 1 give your baby x^^«i^te this pure milk ■bbjjsjb^^^ Mothers do well to ask for Ostcrmilk when j t^&fP\WffljLffffr breast-feeding is not successful. Vitamin D has been added to this fine nourishing milk lir^-iii: to build strong bones and teeth;
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY TIBSI fur" 1 IsttlT" "<»>«• Collyer Quay, 1.15 pm. aclv.meil 615 pm; Square fomnune, nprlv at B.Y.C. pm Danre Club-" Night" 8 pm. onfeenrer^m,T4sO^hardßoad. Singapore %rl S^-jrlv: Exhibition at Raffles Quay. 1 t°Jli m lot Photograph- by Francis Wu of YMJDJk Malay Jawl r**m 5 f.& Voun
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  • 934 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Tues., Jan. 12, 1934. Malaya And Tin Pact Weighty question are posed by the referendum which will decide the final attitude of Malayan tin miners to the Geneva tin restriction agreement Tiic agreement is open to denature <>n March 15, and will come into force after
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  • 363 6 The claim by the French High Command that the Vietminh drive in Central I^aos has been stopped unfortunately competes with news from the political front that is less re- assuring. The Vietnam Radio j has broadcast what appears to |be a thinly veiled appeal to I Ifoteow for
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  • 416 6 HAVING road the letter by "Rice Consumer". I feel urged to denounce the illogical, ridiculous, and completely uneconomical methods adopted by the Government in controlling rice. It might be argued on the Government's behalf, that its control of rice helps in restricting the supplies
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  • 199 6 'LET RICE FOLLOW FLOUR' T HAVE read with interest the various reports of inIterested bodies agitating for the de-control of our staple food— rice. After nearly nine years of Government control, the powers that be have not seen fit to let controls go, ;n--spite of the clamour from reputable and
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  • 133 6 lI'HO SAID that there are tt no suitable buildings in Seremban to start a new school? I believe that at least 700-800 students can be accommodated. The building is no other than King George V School. Let's have an Afternoon School at K.G.V. I suggest that
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  • 151 6 Imil TONS WITHOUT BUYERS IN 1946 if the Government paid $160 per ton of rice in a sellers' market when there was a shortage, the rice consumers are certainly entitled to an explanation why it ought to pay more in 1954 in a buyers' market with 1.000.000 tons :n Rangoon
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  • 143 6 VX'ITH the start of the new racing year at Bukit Timah on Saturday, it Ls to be hoped Radio Malaya will get down to planning a full broadcasting service for the I thousands of listeners who j tune in on race days The-^e commentaries have the
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  • 326 6 'British justice' vague term T*HE letter of "Klyne Street on British justice and ti^e jury system deserves pondering over, and its lirst foiv paragraphs provoke thought. I think that a reference to the anthontative works oi Maitland and Holdsworth on the history of English law oi even less pretentious books
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  • 106 6 ¥T la amusing to read the suggestion by Query of Seremban that the G ment should dispense with all police temporary tra: to as to enable permaneri clerks in Government Deparmeats, who in the writer's opinion are suitable, to occupy such posts. "Query" is oblivious of thf
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 265 6 T HAVE read with interest the report that the Pani Malayan Labour Party has j been asked by the High Com- I missioner to recommend mem- j bers for nomination to the i Federal Legislative Council. 1 You also stated that Ihe party's chairman, Inche
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    • 111 6 according to yesterday* A. Straits Timt>s. ynunj Malayans are cnmpKiinin about the lark of aeronautical training facilities in Singapore and the Federation. It ;s obvious they have not looked very far. The Malayan Air Training Corps has lor some years beer offering FREE basic trainin,; in theory
      111 words
    • 512 6 Assessment of restoration awards V|R. G. W. SIMMS of Sungei Besi Mines. has drawn attention to the unsatisfactory record of the War Damage Commission in its assessment of building and engineer- i in« claims. It can hardly have escaped attention that the Commission has remained singularly quiet on the position
      512 words
  • 191 6 Dog English J|r>\v i Lumpur cli sent* th<- w I "chain.' verb i if Bni guage ol the i let it be c< gon that p;* day. not only in after the 1 1 the i more like wrote Shak' like thi E. T. Outhrie i same
    191 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 641 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. H,,rW. Sl* (minimum) VEI <•) 10 Constance. ;<, XX. Hospital, on a »on, "R V II." in n»r«< }l* {mimimumi I HK engagement la announced rw">een All Sar. eldest ate Ml V*ri Chin and i K hter of Mr. 111!.. \< KNOWLEDGMENTS 2ft M ti>ti\ ft ft
      641 words
    • 46 6 GERMAN PEN ▼imite I Improved Ljmy-Artm) n a r Nfli W I 111 (.remlr.t Ink Wlinj rapacity. Tri.ruparrnl b»irrl. Most durab> indium tipp«J MX fold nib. rnxtacr 50 rents rxtr». EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO., 19. ('hulls St.. S'porr-1 ENQ SENG MEDICAL CO., R, \h <}ucr St.. IVnaTi*.
      46 words
    • 59 6 NO FLUORESCENT TUBES are better value for your money THAN QsraiTj because XO FLUORESCENT Last Longer Give more Light Are more Reliable specily ai> r op thk OSM II AL ILBCTBII C< HNOAMWa MALACCA K >s MOTION SMITH SON LTD (lncsrtw«lln| John Ouk* a M Cttklil a Sons) i W^lNS^
      59 words

  • 45 7 A joint delegation of tho Councl] of Action, industrial uniona and the Federation ot Government Employees' Unions will (-ivr oral evidence before X' nd< Commission on muraday. e:ght-man delegation aded by Mr. K. M. an assistant secretary in the secretariat.
    45 words
  • 37 7 MALACCA Mon. Shouts merdeka" filled the air when Dato Sir Chene-lnck Tan Tf ngku Abdui Rahman nded rallies .staged b y the ••-formed UMNO-MCA nee at Alor Gajah and I id ay
    37 words
  • 11 7 Two get into council without poll i >RE BAHRI M n
    11 words
  • 9 7 Service boy sackings' itional A-- i that ■i dis-
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  • 20 7 C .unl Mum havf July 23. Brldg ip ;tnd Man r ted 1
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  • 51 7 II Union and nd ex- He said this when he fined Ong Eng Lum $50 for causing unnecessary suffering: to 83 ducka by putting them in seven baskets. Inspector M Majid. prosreutlng. said 'hat except tor onr basket Ong had in ducks in f thr
    51 words
  • 239 7 ORCES STEP UP DRIVE TO WIPE OUT K.L. AREA REDS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. artillery went into action against Com-' unist terrorists eight miles from Kuala tonifht. the shelling echoed over the town. rnmeni spokesman said tho shelling wa.s Intensification of operations which against terrorists
    239 words
  • 104 7 It's testing time for the testers SINGAPORE Traffic Police have thinned out the applicants who .seek jobs testing the Colony's learner drivers. Those who remain will t.u t a 1 test themselves today before a j final decision is made on how many will be appointed Asked how many new
    104 words
  • 21 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— Tne Johore Council of State meet,ing has been postponed from January 26 to February 2 I
    21 words
  • 136 7 Building of illegal huts has been halted "THE number of un- authorised houses being built in Singapore has dropped from an average of 100 a month from January to June last year to 15 in the last six months, said the City Architect. Mr. W. I. Watson, yesterday. This reduction
    136 words
  • 87 7 Five new sets of automatic traffic lights were installed over the week-end to help control Singapore's increasing traffic. The lights at the iunctioas of Arab Street and Beach Road. Beneoolen Street and Middle Road. Upper Serangoon and Aliunied Roads Uppei Serangoon and Paya Lebar Roads
    87 words
  • 111 7 Now Ruby has become a planter's wife RCHY became a planter's daughter a few month* after she u-as born. She was adopted by Mr, Frederic ("Soldier") Densham, mana--1 the Sungei Kahang near Kluang, Jo'iore. Thi n she grew in and met Mr. Nigel Sanderson, manathe neighbouring Sungei
    111 words
  • 205 7 RED DOCVMEST: SO SHE IS GAOLED IPOH. Monday. 4 CHINESE girl who tried to burn a terrorist docu- merit which was found in her room by the police on Nov. 20 last was sentenced to four years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. E.
    205 words
  • 65 7 DUE ON FRIDAY THE Royal Hampshire Regiment will arrive in Sinya- I pore on Friday for duty in the I Federation. The Ist Battalion of the regiment will relieve the Ist Battalion, the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment. It la one of the few regiments In
    65 words
  • 106 7 URNEST Mason Howell. 27 Vj American youth leader anJ lecturer, will arrive in Singapore from Saigon on Jan 19 for a week's stay in the Colin.v. Mr. Howell In South East As; a to gather information on youth activities, will lecture local youth
    106 words
  • 83 7 More than 4.200 Scouts in Singapore have been told to use special .stamps, issued by their headquarters, in their Chinese New Year greeting and general correspondence and to sell them until the wnole 100.000 are nnLshed. The .stamps, of two design^ and at five cents, will
    83 words
  • 43 7 The Singapore Traction Com- I pany Employees' Union will today hold a meeting nf its members to discuss the waae claims of the workers. Last a eek the union decided to i encase a lawyer to negotiate j with the company.
    43 words
  • 37 7 Two new banisters, Messrs. T. K. Alexander and Omar bin Saleh, were admitted to the j Singapore Bar by the actins i Chief Ju-stice, Mr. Justice Brown, In the High Court yes- j terday. I
    37 words
  • 51 7 majok-<;knkkal K. b. *Ie Fonblanque, Inspector-Gen-eral of the Home Guard in the Federation, presents a colour to Permanent Staff Instructor Misban bin Dillah of the 2nd Battalion of the Kuala Srlangor Home Guard at a parade at Kuala Selangor. 11-j Also presented the Ist Battalion with its
    51 words
  • 582 7 Printing Employees 9 Union issues statement THE Singapore Printing Employees' Union has .sent th;roliowing Ktatement, signed by inche Othman bin Wok. hon orarv secretary of the union, to the Straits Times; ••The Singapore Printing Employees' union regard! untrue and completely misleading a report published .n the straits Times on Monday
    582 words
  • 339 7 'NO' TO STRIKERS WHO ASK FOR THEIR JOBS BACK Too late now Pulau Brant boss of thr strikers ;it the Stnits Tradinß Cnm- panys smelting works v Pulau Krani have returned to work and many more ;nr seeking thei*- johs hack, the Straits Times was told h\ the firm's contractor,
    339 words
  • 64 7 SOLDIER'S CASE The Singapore Ninth Police Court will hold a preliminary inquiry today Into the case oi Staff Sergeant David William Regan of G.H.Q. Signal; R ment. tentatively charged on Saturday w*th manslaughter He was alleged to have c;uieri the deith of S*t Henry Haig Hamilton
    64 words
  • 107 7 [TUN KIM lEONG. a trisha ril sentenced to three months' caol In Bingapon ijr for I |pa.s.s two! prisoner al thr Remai H1 Outram i Bingh, .sub-warden prison, told the court I that Tan cam. to see a prisoner on Nov. ifi
    107 words
  • 39 7 Boctett of th' rill h.)ld a conci rt nl oriental at. Ori Tiong Ham Hall. .^:ngapore at I la p .n: on Jan. 2:' and 23 Tickets can be obtained fmm n itrai ol th'
    39 words
  • 152 7 MINIM 1 I KATinj. 10 to 7 3d a m on Jan. l! Singapore 7.s degree* 1 Kuala 71. ipoii io Kuantan t-7 MAXIMI 1 (I Mi^KATI'RF. (7 30 a.m to 7.30 pm on .Inn 1 1 ire K6. Prnanc R7 Kot.i Bahiu 84 Kuala I iimpur 91,
    152 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 >on't bump the kerb! if You can't expect the casing of a tyre, designed for resilient flexing, to withstand the impact of the sharp edge of a (tone kerb. An invisible fracture endangers the whole tyre. for safety, smooth riding and long service os« MADE IN SCOTLAND l/&3
      48 words
    • 160 7 s,vi. -ROMEO" In »ttrJ^ti^^ I .v.n Shad, pllalilr and sot leathor npprr«. nark htmn rlaxlic invrtv h<>l«i >nucl» '(> font. mlh all Ir.illi'r M)l^^ and luhini hrrls. Price CI^.OO f Ist per pa"^ Available at: Sra>on I i. ..1n,- (m. Hi. 'i Rtn port*. \c Ki»n Hin 11 Ml,, .1
      160 words

  • 266 8 The judges call at cathedral then open first assizes BEWIGGED High Court judges yesterday took part in two ceremonies marking the opening of Singapore's first Assizes in 1954. There was as much contrast in the ceremonies as in the scarlet and black robes which the judges
    266 words
  • 138 8 ALL-DAY BULLET SEARCH Murder tic denied SINGAPORE police yesterday made an all-day search for the bullet which was fired by one of throe Chinese gun- j men at a hut in the com- pound of thr Seirlene laun- j dry in Delta Koad on Sunday night. Although the shot Has
    138 words
  • 29 8 The troopship Empire Fowey, which arrived in Singapore from Britain yesterday, brought, 500 troops for Malaya Also on board were 102 Ser- I vice families.
    29 words
  • 25 8 The first Ceylonese woman > barrister to be enrolled as an advocate and solicitor of the i Singapore Bar is Mrs. Mercy. Jayaranee Rajah.
    25 words
  • 189 8 IPOH. Mon. THE Perak State division of the UMNO. formed about six years ago, has been dissolved. Thus decision was taken yesterday by the division's executive committee and branch representatives. Dato Pangllma Bukit Gani tang, president of the division, presided It was agreed unanimously
    189 words
  • 44 8 Rex Robert Cornelius was lined $150 in Singapore yesterday when he pleaded puiltv \n riding a motor cycle without a licence pnd without being j -overed by third party insurance. He was also disqualified from driving for one year.
    44 words
  • 28 8 Lurd OHagon. Deputy Speaker of the Hou.^r at Lords, arrived in Singapore yest< rday with hi.s wife on boara the Ciiusan. They are on a holiday.
    28 words
  • 27 8 Llm Chwoe Chou m fined SlOO in a Sinsapore court yc>trrrl.iv for ignoring a police notice asking for particulars o! the driver of his car.
    27 words
  • 208 8 2-tongue Chinese school policy may now be modified TPHE conditions in the White Paper on bilingual education in Singapore Chinese schools may be modified and made acceptable to both the Government and the schools. Consideration is also being given to the early payment of increased aid without conditions to Chinese
    208 words
  • 98 8 Reprieve it is 'PHK Singapore City A Council's vehicles and traffic committee gave a reprieve yesterday to taxi owners who have not yet Otted taximeters to their vehicles. The Council decided ;ast year that all taxis must have meters by Jan. 1. The committee agreed yesterday that
    98 words
  • 55 8 Flight Lieut. Robert H. Moore, of the Royal Air Force, Soletar, pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to driving a car while under the influence of drink, to such an extent that he was Incapable of proper control over it. He was fined $500 and disqualified
    55 words
  • 216 8 Singapore in broad-minded jyjUSLIM women in Singapore have no objection to beinu medically examined by male doctors. This Ls mainly because of the shortage of women doctors and the passing of tho "purdah custom. But in most Muslim countries, i according to the chief
    216 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      387 words
    • 251 8 JT CATHAY ORGANISATiCM attractions -*Vt Air fif IT WILL BOWL YOU OVER WITH JAC^ LAUGHS! WARNER Wk4mmmK^k M Am^ J 85 TODAY! ■■i Jki j a j I j Af DAILY 5 SHOWS SpPB 4. JLIiLI <U.") I- Plus Special (.15 News TK AIN DISASTER IN M \i n TKIBAI.
      251 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 461 8 SINGAPORE r; s c^e^ 5 wn TonlRht Wc Danc MALACCA 7 15 a.m. Time Signal Open- KUALA f ITMPITB P- m Li f?h< Music; 1.30 Time ing Announcement; 7.16 Mornin bUmrun <,,„„.,, Npws 4f) RMylhm n II I"" Pr.ivr.unm.s m Malay: corner; MS Loml AnnounceSlur. 7.30 News; 7.35 Mel.dv Mix-
      461 words

  • 2037 9 Socialites fought for the seats at Mayfair darling's trial for murder IHE cordon of policemen and mounted troopers guarding Westminster Police Court on the morning of June 18, 1932, JT fought a losing battle against a crowd of sightseers. In the forefront of JL those who pushed and jostled were
    Daily Mirror  -  2,037 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      101 words
    • 7 9 1 'HltllHIIIOwTl S i onimiinal *l lopia*
      7 words
    • 162 9 11 'Bire I citizen ■S "the world's best value I in ballpoint pens I B An attractive, thoroughly reliable, yet kfj inexpensive pen —in Blue, Maroon, jl| Grey, Black or Mottled cases. fI! REFiLLS Blue, Red, Green II 111 or Indelible ink. TO the ballpoint pen with the world-wide service
      162 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 343 10 Around the mnrkrK TIN UP, RUBBER EASIER THE Singapore share market opened the week yesterday very quietly but prices were steady and the turnover was small. Industrials attracted a utile more buying interest but business in the tin section was difficult to negotiate. More interest
    343 words
  • 157 10 The rubber price sagged ufl in Singapore yesterday by three eighths ol a cent and closed at 55 3 8 cents a pound. Then- was a certain amount of trade Inquiry and small upcountry liquidation. ClositiK [.rices yrsterd.iy In cents per pound were: No. l R S.S. Spot
    157 words
  • 166 10 MELBOURNE Mnn THE Stock Exchange opened the week continuing the Mronc upward move it started las' Friday. Rises apain predominated and included many Industrial leaders awell as some of the oil and uranium stocks. shares were generally active. Closlna qtiotntlons tiay. compared with Friday were Loan i :!(:>'■--.■•
    166 words
  • 152 10 »T"HE MfttejrU FV.;.i:ue Bank.s Association m.vie 'he following changes in its r;ite.s to merchant* yesterday: NEW V<»RK: buylni .1. 32 78. dr null, O.D. 33. 90 days 33 1 8 credit bills. 33 3 16 trade bills soiling. T.T. or O.D. 32 11 16. ready. < \l>\ lying,
    152 words
  • 22 10 Tho following rubber rroi>s a.c reported for December:-' pounds Bukit Katil Rubber 34.133 Ayer Molek Rubber 26.930 United Malacca 87.230
    22 words
  • 166 10 I CHIPS tjfa ixjre Harboii'- Boarc v ha: I expee'eri tod Chuaan 113, AMU M.r.-u 4 s, Bertong C.P. Java fi 7. Be-uorluh 8 ii. Sunda 11. Bah 13 14, Korea 15 16. Panama 18. T.uit Uua l! 20, N. Wall 6 and 8 Darvel 2122, Falstrli lm
    166 words
  • 19 10 'T'lli: M 1 I I IMM I B B W H M i--. 1 MINIS'. H
    19 words
  • 23 10 "<»->] Jurr rhaner: buyers buyers. *4nCor en Pepper ♦ok whitr> Lampong I«-«U 111. 1 f $4! h $4i buyer* c-r Cnrnnir oj]
    23 words
  • 25 10 KUA] T»HE Ma tiirp;.- •> ed to dip Fedei fnry factun Tiir Hill if ;i tobaci o submltte i riie ■ajm thai
    25 words
  • 24 10 Xl TMJK •t Piihli. Debt i I The I; id bj ii n pe'-l. will 1.. Th« ho<v mr Tlir 1974
    24 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 182 10 WOODWORKING MACHINERIES Here arc a few of the popular and esscntic! items you mould require B omrtfui Planer Jointr: |H f r »A», taw. R'.Hrk PrlnreJ 1. Thickness Planer Spindle S> /KK^t^^M^^ <$o£-^lj4/l 58. ORCHARD ROAD SINCAPORE-9. (7 V* TCI <> FF| CE *****. W^u&lzQ iif SALES: 7734 I RAFFLES
      182 words
    • 355 10 NOTICES THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY LIMITED (.Incorporated in the United Kingdom SFRVICE NO. 19 EXTENSION TO WHITLEY ROAD As from 11th January, 1954. Service No. 19 operating from Tanjong Pagar tn Thomson Road will have alternate Buses, proceeding to Whitley Road at Mount Pleasant Road. The extension will operate at
      355 words
    • 382 10 NOTICE I All Persons having claims against the undertaking trading under the 1 style of Kong Ling Medicine Shop Yit Kee of No. 38 Ah Peng Street. Bentong which Is being wound up by an order of the High Commissioner dated 17th October. 1953 In exercise of powers conferred by
      382 words
    • 691 10 NOTICE NOTICE This Ik to notify that Mr. Cyril Wee, General Manager of Sin Hock Leong Construction. Kuala Lumpur, has this day withdrawn as partner from the said firm, and that he will no longer execute or transact business on our behalf. Notice Is further given that any claims against
      691 words
    • 26 10 MITSUI LINL WEST BOUND ROUND TMI WORLD SERVICC 10t Jopon Singapore Port Pcnonq Bombot C.F. SHARP CO., (M) LTD. "NION BUILDING. SINGAPORE TIL: J390-7i, 2109?
      26 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1159 11 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. g£g ntrrl in Singopore) Poiseo. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dept option to proc-.d vio other ports to load ana dlwhar*. L.VIRPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON I CONTinintaT POR?S Soil, P.S'hom Panong G 3B/39 Jon 13 Jon 14/16 J0n. 17/18 mov re E Rdv Jan 18 Jen 19/20 Jan. 22/23
      1,159 words
    • 1038 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDIN AVIAN/U K./CONTINENT S'pora P. Sham Penang "Java" for, Saigon Hongkong, Monilo, Kobe 4 Yokof l «"O Gdn. 6/7 Panama" for Kohsichang, H'kong Gdn. 18 1700 hr*. Kino for Diokorto. Kohsichang, Soigon Hongkong, Manila, Kobe „v 24/24 Jen. 22/23 Jan. 20/21 Jon Mongolia" foi
      1,038 words
    • 1136 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS te UK. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'poro P. Sham Penang Benlawer* for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hamburg 14/20 Jan. 21/23 Jan. 24/23 Jon B.nelder for Havre. London, Rotterdom, Hull 21/27 Jan. 28/30 Jan. 31 Jon/ 1 Fob Benclcueh for Liverpool. Dublin. ItojIMjUH. Antwerp 24/30 Jon. 11 Jon/
      1,136 words
    • 1155 11 MtiALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** EL'LEKMAN tk BUCKNALL I KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGILfS, SAN FRANCISCO. HAMBURG PORTLAND. <lATTLt 4 VANCOUVER 000 for I' IV, North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo tot Central 4 South Ond ConOflo vio Colomho American Portl CITY O» BIRKENHEAD m rRANCISVILLi Spore
      1,155 words

    • 377 12 Atomic energy may help provide better Malayan rubber BETTER rubber for Malaya is forecast with the announcement that atomic energy is an instrument that can be used to produce more and better plants and also destroy insects that prey on plants. The prediction is made by Dr. Elvin C. Stakman,
      377 words
    • 430 12 THE BUSINESS WORLD THE ANNUAL REPORT of the Chirm and Far East Section of th Manchester Chamber of Commerce points out. in regard to Malaya. that while imports of Japanese cloth ffU by 30 million yards in the i'.rst eight months of 1953. Mipments from the UK rose by 6
      430 words
    • 129 12 IN ew directors forCommercc Department THE Department of Commerce and Indus- 1 try now has two new} Deputy Directors. They are Mr. O.H.R. Beadles, who was formerly Controller of Supplies. Federation of Malaya and Controller of the Trade Division of the Treasury and Mr. J. O. Kiddle, formerly State Finance
      129 words
    • Article, Illustration
      94 12 TO CKLE»RATE a record year of business in 1953 and bring to a pleasant end a conference of branch managers from Singapore, Malaya, Borneo and Ceylon, the Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. Ltd. held a dinner in the Cathay Restaurant last week. Dato S. Q. Wong, chairman, (above left) told
      94 words
    • 230 12 NOTHING spectacular is expected to result from the talks which are to take place in Jakarta soon between representatives of Malaya and Indonesia on mutual trade matters but it is hoped that the talks will be the forerunner of others. Indonesian HI ala
      230 words
    • 149 12 G.E.C. chief on Singapore trade trip MR. LESLIE GAMAGE, the vice-chairman and joint managing director of the General Electric Co. will arrive in Singapore on Tue.sday on a visit to Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. Penang and Hong Kong. Mr. Gamage who was educated at Marlborough and Oxford became assistant secretary
      149 words
    • 139 12 SOME of the recommendatioas made by the ECAFE Conference on Mineral Resources Development, which met in Tok>o in April last year, are being studied by the sovernments of Malaya, India. Indonesia. Burma. Great Britain and other sovernments which attended the conferenre In some cases, the governments are
      139 words
    • 26 12 The manager of thr Union Insurance Society of Canton Ltd.. Mr. R. Russell Ross has returned to the Colony aftr>r leave in Britain.
      26 words
    • 252 12 Britain starts drive for Malayan markets gRITAIN has strengthened her trade promotion organisation in Malaya for her effort of increasing her overseas exports in face of rising foreign competition. The office of the U.K. Trade Commissioner in Malaya. Mr. K. E. Mackenzie, has been reinforced at an opportune time by
      252 words
    • 114 12 MR. C. L. BriTICAZ. a dire-tor of one of Sw itzerlands 1 Urcest textile firms, llausammann and Co.. paid a visit to Singapore last week to investigate the prospects <>l expanding his organisation's link with Malaya. Mr. Butticaz. who is a weilkuoun expert in textile i
      114 words
    • 52 12 1/|ISS Barbar.i A*i the tirsi woman pointed by the B ernment to unrt' promotion work in turned to Britain Walnwrig I left on the expir tract came to 1947 as AComn. and dealt aspects ol siv ]olm Trade In i six women i i out the
      52 words
    • 223 12 $IM. FACTORY IS RESULT OF 50 YEARS' WORK THE new $1,000,000 factory of Framroz Ltd celebrated its Golden Jubilee on Bund result of the initiative and many yeai by the chairman of the company, Mr. r Manekii Framroz. Till: new I rimro/ which is nannfai thousands of bottl.s aerated v
      223 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 109 12 iMSI Vho 1011 7 ykitsi f%i>*< ww !\i>jft >■*<>//> iv.o^»r>vi>-rc >x<>^ r*.ojPi t%.v MANILA j a \y Ruins of Manila Cathedral t Pan American World At r ways i GENERAL \GENTS: MALAYA MANSFIEID&COK? SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG t ■+i w%t »^<>^' >o<>-%i >*<,•*: Wil Mr%A#l most i^o-^i iv.o^'i MIMIMWI f
      109 words
    • 131 12 a a for your cl IIfHII M 1 New features UJIIM B Made to suit low cc.l.ngs I&(S*MPr(XM£ Beautiful streamlining S s?s^!!^^^; m Hi h attribution MADE IN fNO I A Silent operation pA[ I Very low consumption 56" Unity power factor \55 f Two years guarantee for COMPLETE WITH
      131 words

  • 419 13  -  1 H 'TO lit. 1 1 11 1 PPKLE ,orro\ nfi Tocur for is far hi d Noi only /eloping in its In thr comirm ollections to br bj the InrorDorot Ixindon Designers, but Margaret, and Of Krnt shown their the idea by m tor public went >::ng
    419 words
  • 74 13 I OVINC keeps a lady lovely r iv>. French film star CorinS nc Calvet. Curvacious Corinnc. back in Paris afrcr five years in Holly- wood declares solemnly rhar the secret of a woman's beauty is in loving as Ion; and as often as possible. "You ask
    74 words
  • 421 13 Your hair should be wispy, curly, short NOT one hair of your head should be longer than two inches but don't think you can cut your hair short and just have it at that. The unt ended, "shaggy dog" look ha.s had its day. The hair should fall in :urls
    421 words
  • 381 13 sriigi itrriiiM' 1 <ilt-4>t the told reporters in a Champs Elysccs hairdresser's shop. A gill doesn't have to to husband-hooking to keep love fresh cither, she stressed. A simple, caiy to change personality switch will do wonders, she explained. Corinnc. smiling happily as she onc<- again discovered her "Cher
    UP  -  381 words
  • 430 13  - Rings on thumbs, rings on foreheads IVVI lISHLFA H> THE wedding ring has been the traditional I token of marriage forj centuries. Although its, exact origin is unknown,! I it is believed to have > been evolved from the early Egyptians To them, the circle repre- > scnted eternity, having
    430 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 75 13 a^ TO EXPECTANT AND ft NURSING MOTHERS RECORD BOOK Urn this artracli»f 18-pape book to record the detail, of your bssy*! birth and hi, pr«gre-> through the early >eari. Include. -|'.i« > for photographs FROM THE DISTRIBLTORS OF LACTOCEN BABY FOOD. Please send me a copy of the Record -Book
      75 words
    • 236 13 SENIOK DUOFOID~{ »^w SH^m Parker Pens 1 1 'J [I Precision-made in modem design Senior DuofoW— a large pen Victory— shorter and slimmer Slimfold— sender and elegant HK Each has the modern simplified filling system, visible ink supply and famous Parker "Arrow" clip. Choice of Black, 1 Blue, Red and
      236 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 379 13 Strait* Tiimvs €wmmmwmr4 2y "^2^*7*™"** rold t 29. FnrniTlv formerly i4>. rawer-; fs*iiil KC^s P^TF s 30 P»terfamillM has to, and b H 1. Drake> was cnlden <4V Tr I 2. This clue con'ains this solution JH 1 B M H B li 3. Oarb worn by the (4). ST*
      379 words

  • 576 14 FLOODLIT SOCCER By SENTINEL QNK of the biujrost and brightest schemes for many years in Malayan soccer has been launched by the Singapore Amateur Football Association. It will bring the best players in Malaya to Jalan Besar stadium almost every weekend of the coming season under
    576 words
  • 95 14 Turpin may fight for Colony fans BIRMINGHAM. Mon. RANDOI PH TURPIN. British and Euroiiean. middleweight boxinu i-lianipion. may make an exhibition tour of the Far East before defendlnp hU European title in April. If present plans materialise, he will pne exhibition bouts in Btanl>ore. Bangkok. Manila and other cities. The
    95 words
  • 395 14  - Punters spent $60 million on tote sweeps last year EPSO.M JEEP I?v RACING in Malaya continued to be a multi-million dollar "industry" in 1953 in spite of the gloomy outlook in the country's economy. During: the year racegoer? betted almost S6O million on the totallsatot and sweepstakes. Reports from the
    395 words
  • 61 14 JOHOKKS pn.hablr side against Perak in thr MM S. ruggrr final at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday will be: J. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 > 1 1 (capt.); Tomasi Naidolo. N. Roberts Orisi Dawai. .M. Kokoua: T. Kabuta. L. Naitini; W Fox, 1. Hewitt.
    61 words
  • 264 14 Gould kicks the winning penalties SINGAPORE Cricket Club B boat Royal Engineers by six points (two penalties) to three (a try) in a scrappy game of rugger on the padang yesterday. It was disappointing pame for a fairly sood crowd that watched the came. There were too many knockons and
    264 words
  • 65 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Miss Yeoh Pow Llan. Selaiiiior Chinese Recreation Club centre forward, was in top form when she scored four coals which enabled her side to beat Klang Club 6-0 in a women's hockey match at Pudu Road on Saturday. Chinese displayed all-round superiority
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  • 20 14 The Singapore Chinese R.C. and ihe V MCA. will play a hockey friendly at the V.M.C.A crounci today
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  • 26 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. OELANGOR Club routed Selancor Eurasian Association 5-0 in the women's hockey league the first in Selancor on the pailang today.
    26 words
  • 247 14 LONDON. Mon. QUTSTANDING feature of the fourth round of the English Football Association Cup .-ompeUtion. which was mane in London today, was the luck of the big clubs. The three favourites Arsenal, West Bronmuli Albion and Burnley who have h;id remarkable fortune with home psimes In
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 70 14 University of Malaya "B beat Stngapon Recreation Club "R" s In a hockey fixture on the padanc yesterday. University vent into an early lead through niaramaratnam and nr-t before the interval Vilvaratnam cave them a 2 0 interval lead. Man Kwen Chin cot their thir<-|
    70 words
  • 66 14 RYE. (Sussex i. Mon. Gordon Huddy. six feet tail Cambridge University golf .secretary, beat .Ir Acate. also of Cambridge, by four and three in the 18 holes linal for the Oxford and Cambridge Golfing I Society s Presidents Putter hcie yesterday. Huddy. who is 22. is the first
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 20 14 The hockey friendly between In dtMl Association and H.M I scheduled for I A ground yesteida, was cancelled.
    20 words
  • 158 14 T/SNDON. Mon. 'PHE draw lor the fourth round of the Football Association Challence Cup m;.de here today. resulted as followsV.'rexham or Scunthorpe v Port.sinouth or Chariion Ath Mancheatar C v I^eris Utri or lottenham: Stoke City v Mlririlesbiouch or Leicester City; Buntta) v
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 14 VAN LIDTH. the Federation inside-right, takrs a shot at coal. but the hall was kicked clear by Filial, the Singapore Roalkecprr. The Federation won this hockey international by 4 o at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 180 14 RUBE BIUETT RETIRES 4 LINK with tile ";;ood old days of Malayan racint: will be ■-evered with the departure shortly hi Mr. Ruse Billet;, one oest known of Malayan per.-onalities. Durinc his 40 yea is DO Urn Turf, Rube Blllett w:ijockey, owner
    180 words
  • 37 14 MADRAS. Mon The match between Madras Cricket r the Commonwealth XI was drawn here today. Scores: Commonwealth 166 for 3 dccl. (Meuleman 48. Erincli 68: Mitrusesh 3-57'; Mw ar.H 9i for 3.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 123 14 i:> Special Com p.,,,,, SAVE PIRII. 1 01 ha:; I i trark runn< Shrubh ;.mobility of his in by a Unltc< American uni 1 a practl .is well ships, i miter John I Amei Pi: the world al i the trac
    123 words
  • 86 14 LONDON. Mon RECORD numbe' ot naticua] tc mis and Individual w assured lor the world Lahla tennis champions here ne\t April. The Hood o; entries for Hie men's knag c\en> baa alreadj made II to hold quallfyii petitions lor the tir.-t tine history of the championships.
    86 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 511 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS IC'nntiniiril from Pace 6) Classified Advertisement j Enquiries Telephone 5471 srri m ions w '">''■ M >>14 < ifia BAjn not be before II OENERAI Imp r-'insihle position Ule Au yorsii T-pist. Malay Com ;«>•■ dei waam, see- i ,c apply Bex A 24.53. ENGLISH munera rrarther Car
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    • 805 14 TUITION I Hfoidt Si 1 *ti' Wm it rtt txtru. AT YOVR Home Private tuition 11 all school Rubjec'* for all Rtantiards 1 r "ir $2n monthly. Apply \2338. ST. TAYLOR DANCE STUDIO. 33. c R.wri. Ballet. Tap. CharDancing. Children ano Tliss or private tuition. Phone 336 U. EDUCATION M
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    • 462 14 CLASSIFIED ADS VFHK IKS KOR SALE W,,tdt ti (Ml*.)— Box it ttt. exlru. AUSTIN A7O Armourer 1 Pickup I l!»5'J Mode:, mileage 10.435. Taxed to June. 1954. Comprehensive Injsurance to December. 1954. Firsl 1 rder. Oilers to Southern Mala; Estate. IJengam. Johore. M WFIOWER" Triumph 10 H P 1951 Car
      462 words
    • 36 14 Just received a wide range of Latest Ladies' Bants 1 Watches at POPULAR prices. .^ssssssss^^ssV'i J-— SWISS PRECISION WATCHES SIICE 1848 Beautiful in design Sturdy in pmrforman* Sole Agents.- CHUN CHON' 53, South Bridge Road Singapore.
      36 words