The Straits Times, 9 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Established 1843 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 304 1 Vote for each picul mined COUNCIL MEETING PUT OFF FOR WEEK I.IMIMI!. Fri. 4 < ill', is being held Malayan I'm In divide win' industry is in i (icneva tiuil Tin Itrs Agi cement. tin prothe Federni today. and ill tO Views wanted 15. rnment tin
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  • 10 1 will Britwo K iicre l"r a
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  • 4 1 and frecz-
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  • 9 1 Youn g man with a big mission in Australia
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  • 283 1 THERE is a lot more than just clothes heine packed into thin hag. There lire hopes. cli 'Mills and months of hard work also going alone in it. I hi- bag hrlonts to Nen lihic Kok. Singapore's crack swimmer, who leaves
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  • 111 1 1, 500-YEAR-OLD GOLD LION By PATRICK CHB AN historically '^priceless" exhibit has been stolen from the Raffles Museum. Singapore. o'ilri lion measurinc two and a half centimetres was missing from a showcase yesterday morning. It was unearthed in Krdah during an archaeological expedition in
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  • 46 1 NAIROBI. Fri. Fifteen Wakamba tribesmen, 12 of them on remand for Mau Mau offences, made a mass gaol j break front a prison at Macha- i ko.s. 40 mile.s south of here, la.^t night after .slashing two Alucan warders and takins their rifles. Renter.
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  • 314 1 NO WEDDING -MY SEX IS CHANGED SAYS BRIDE LE BLANC. France. Fri. I OCAL magistrates to- day ordered a medical examination of Lucie Blanchet, a farmer's daughter who called off he.r wedding at the last minute on the grounds that she had changed her sex. Lucie, aged 25. told reporters
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  • 93 1 Guns damaged turf Heavy guns fired from the Singapore Esplanade on ceremonial occasions have caused about $1,000 damage to the turf. The City Councils estates and fire brigade committee has agreed that in future guns should not be allowed to operate there. Landslides IPOH. Fri. Heavy
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  • 21 1 NEW DELHr, Fri Two American-made Flying Boxcars will be added to the Indian Air Force next month AP
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  • 187 1 SECRET society men in Singapore last night stabbed to death a 30-year-old fruit hawker. Teo Sah Tee in Paiznda Street This la thr fir.-t murder this year in the Colony. Teo was killed on his birthday He had wounds on the leftside
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  • 384 1 AND SO MARIA AND JAMES CAN NOW LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER KELSO. Scotland. Fri. BOLIVIAN tin heirese Maria Isabela Patino. 18, and her dashing English lover. Jimmy Goldsmith, 20, were married yesterday in this picturesque little border village a few hours after her father withdrew a court ban on the
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  • 92 1 The Queen honours Mr. Butler LONDON. Fri. THE Queen has marie Mr R. A. Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer, a member ol the Order of Companions of Honour, it was officially announced here today. The Companionship Honour, created in 1917. is in exclusive body limited to 65 members. The awards
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Fri. Two wedding rings, one apparently a mans, were dropped last, night into a collection box fo r the, restoration fund outside London's Westminster Abbey.
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  • 29 1 CHICHF.STKR, Fri. Lord i O^ddes a statesman and Bri- I Ush Ambassador to thr us. from IP2O >) 1924. died here today He was 74 AP.
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  • 18 1 MARIA ..Last night's picture from London .and this is James
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  • 137 1 Meteor blasts windows Bowl of fire across the sky DIEPPE. (Franco, Fri lirench astronomers said today thry brllevod a meteorite smashIng Into tho earth's atmosphere had caused the explosion which rocked Dieppe yesterday The blast, which shattered windows and doors here in the early hours of the mornini; w;i s
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  • 36 1 I.YTTELTON Ol I TO AFRICA LONDON. Kri- Colonial S< i retary Ollvi I How to Africa Ud; Ulml first band with political disputes in Northern Rhodesia and Nigeria n\«i projected ehaagei In htuutions.— AP.
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  • 36 1 PI san. Fri A bis South Korean navy warehouse full ol Inori and clothing burned tonight the city's biggest ftre he disastrous fire which 'd much of Ptisan's suburbs a month ago. A. P.
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  • 85 1 PORT AU PRINCE i Haiti'. i Fri. The Haitian Government says it was broken up a ring of subversives trying to incite a revolt in this negro Republic. A communique announced I that police arrested 23 politi- cians and uncovered arms and ammunition In a raid
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 'p[fiFECT AFTEE riIRRY" |(ECREAM^||J CHESTERFIELDS ARE ALWAYS I -I M CHESTERFIELD Much M/lD&l with an extraordinarily good taste! I Imky CjiinH>r numbci it 1814. H t^,, numbri is on your .Shnro c»lrnd*r, i to j Shriro (China) Ltd Office.
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    • 40 1 He**"** s *^/y TT TT /f^*\\ XV V AY ll f( I /\V 11 H PROP£H \6UHISHMfM PROJrHER Sllv^P j is tliv Worlds Mosi Popular food Beverage and the World's Best NUjlii-^ap m A WANDER LTD. (lnco.po..itid in Engine* SINGAPORE-
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    • 5 1 HOHON6OILMILLSn,v)LT3. fcS.CUUIiASf s'POtt Tei CTti-S»IT
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  • 228 2 'MOST IMMEDIATE' SIGNAL I SENDS L/CPL. GEORGE HOME K. LUMPUR, Fri. lANCE Corporal 1 George Baker of the Royal West Kents had just come back from a patrol in the Salmi district of Bentonjr, Pahang, when the message that began the fastest 21 hours
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  • 111 2 Reception raided and groom fined HONG KOV.i. Fit A 'DING banquet was broken up by police and the bridegroom lined for violating the marriage law nnd for giving a lavish reception, the Kung Sheung Daily News reported today. The Chinese language paper Kaid the incident happened in Canton on Der
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  • 109 2 Telescope will go 13 miles up for sun photo BRISTOL Fri. Astronomers at Cambridce I'niversity will send a (iO-foot telescope and camera more than 13 miles into the sky by balloon next j May to photograph thr sun's j corona Professor V Powell. Bristol atomic scientist who is tak- ins
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  • 33 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Kota Tln^gi-Mersing Road is flooded to a depth of two feet at the 21i milestone and two j and a half tort at the 45th i milestone.
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  • 181 2 THE nino labourers "t the Enriau Sawmill Co. who stopped work fallowing a dispute with thr management will leave their quarters m tib ftrri floor of thr flrm'j pre- Yesterday, in Singapore High Court. Mr. Justice Brown granted an interim injunction restraining the
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  • 211 2 THE YOUNG ARTISTES ALL STAYED IN THEIR HOS PITAL COT S "THIS WAS no ordi- nary concert. The performers all lay on little frame beds. They sang, moved their hands and wiggled their bare toes. All were patients at St. Andrew's Orthopaedic Hospital for Children, Siglap. Singapore. The girls, their
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  • 30 2 KARACHI. Fri.— Abdul Wa hab Azzam. Egyptian Ambassador to Pakistan, left last night for Cairo to attend a conference of Egypt's envoys abroad called by the government.—A.P.
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  • 59 2 No ordinary concert th is THESE five little ***** boii* all have crippled limbs in plaster tied to their fmme beat. WITH plaster casts under their gowns, these tiro little patients participated i v the concert. THESE little angels, dressed in white satin and silver haloes, thought it (MU wonderful
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  • 22 2 NEW DELHI Fri.— Dr All Asghar Hekmat today presented his credentials to president Rajendra Prasad as Persian ambassador to India.
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  • 79 2 LONDON, Fri. A FOREIGN Office spokesman a*, said today it wa.s "quite likely" that Britain would not join America and Russia in the preliminary talks in Washington on President Eisenhower's plan for atomic pool. The spokesman, replying to questions, .said Britain had already consulted the United
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  • 177 2 Pahang Govt. now has a 'safe area' -for pigeons KUALA LUMPUR. PA. THE Pahang Government has set aside a two-and-a-quarter mile long coastal strip just north of Pekan as a sanctuary for tb'_ preservation oi gr^er pigeons. The area is bound on one side by the sea and on the
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  • 236 2 His medal presented to father LONDON. Fri l of three dead men brought relai rpHE mMas Office today to hear talcs of h l c hvi gi« s O f Malaya and the snows of tn in tne jan* land Islands Police Lieutenant Rcuinald Hemsley,
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  • 101 2 SO IMPORTANT HE CAN'T SAY A WORD LONDON. Fri. VICE-ADMIRAL Sir Charles Lambe commander-in-Chief Fa r East Station, icft London by air last Bight I" 1 Singapore at the end ot lour days' consultation with the First Sea Lord. Before leaving he said: "It was not a routine conference. I
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  • 90 2 ...of a civil servant LONDON FA JUDGE told servant giving mcc in court ru terday that the language ho wa made him "souno crossword pux./i< 'Words, words i doi how they creep in mentcd the ludge. 81 Dodson phrase^ used by. the included: "Incremental di r a rise
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  • 38 2 BERLIN, in.— -me communist lnforn reau yesterday sa llsh border guards on it the Oder R o n an East German patrol o n Ne w Yea: killing a lieutenant ai ously wounding twn men— A.P.
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  • 29 2 CAIRO. Fri. V C B R PpHv- Commai Chief of the Br East Air Force, returned his Suez Canal hea yesterday after a 'o Kenya. A.P
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  • 42 2 WASHINGTON Fri Assistant Secretary Mr. Walter S. Rob rously denied tonight United States is tak r look" at its nnn-r policy toward China. "There has born n In our policy of nnn-r--tion of China." he U
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  • 21 2 NUERNBERG. Fri Grand Hotel, temporary I for many America: many since the war b turned to German yesterday. A.P.
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  • 316 2 ALDERSHOT. Fri. FIVE young Malayan offic cadets did their besf. not to shiver as they stood stlflly to attention on an officers passing-out parade here to- day. They were taking part In a j ceremony which marked tr.*
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  • 104 3 'U.S. IS BUND,' SAYS S. KOREA SEOUL. Fri Korea today ■;i?rmrnt of tlema with both immunist.s and the nese. It en?. ted Nations and nited States m nt, prepared by trip ibllc Inforribed as the ;i series that "pre ttutl rltatlva i U and I a trup popular senti■■The United
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  • 25 3 YORK. Fri. Chri>t a restaurant owner, on December 16. le!*. o to build an athleti" isium for the people of native Coutraki. Greece.
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  • 19 3 ngham- .mmiurr has I t<. ban .^P' dal coach-home-work to prepare lor the secondary ••hooli; selection examination
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  • 17 3 COPENHAGEN, Fri. Den- < li to end all currency ins on foreign travel to dollar countries.
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  • 12 3 081. Fti Twrfi re killed in a battle \P.
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  • 137 3 ITALIAN PARTIES SPLIT I ROME. Fri. rALYS centre parties last night, were split into man] hostile factions as they faced I the third cabinet .sinethe general elections last June. Their problem was to J.i.d successor to Signor Giiuseppe Pill;., who resigned on Tuesday when his attempt to establish a
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  • 251 3 PARIS, Friday. (JEN. ALFRED GRUENTHEJt, Atlantic" Pact Supreme Commander, said here yesterday that NATO, far from being a failure, had done so well that it had become the number one objective of Soviet foreign policy. Addressing the American Club of Paris he said
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  • 46 3 SOME of the rrew of an Indian sail boat which, it is alleged, was boarded by pirates in the Persian Gulf. The men are seen squatting outside a court in Aden where l.'i Arab sailors were remanded on charges of piracy. A.P picture.
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  • 156 3 WASHINGTON. Friday. ll] JOHN FOSTER DULLES. U.S. Secretary of State, told the Senate Foreign Relations Cornlast night that both the United States and a wrro having foreign affairs troubles. 'As bad as our troubles are. I would not trade our trouble.* for theirs", he said.
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  • 39 3 'ON Fri.— The Prime Sir Winston Churand Lady Churchill "ended a memorial in St. Margaret's Westminster, for the I Norwich, formerly red Duff Cooper. »ovi :c_:er Viscountess is to resume her old Lady Diana Cooper.—
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  • 35 3 Fri —Arab rulers of the western Aden ite have agreed In proposal that federate, the Brij announced here Arab chiefs rule 112.000 square miles of the half (if the Aden ProReuter
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  • 21 3 HI. Fri. An aerial West Pakistan for ourcej which startColombo Plan two xpected to be coinend of the year.
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  • 21 3 RAWALPINDI, Fri Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, known a> Frontier Gandhi." left gaol ye.sterflay after more thun fean' imprisonment Reuter.
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  • 21 3 NEW DELHI Fri. Mr. Viand M"han Sahay. Indian Commissioner in Mauritius. n b^r n appointed Con-sul-General in Madagascar. AP.
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  • 25 3 BERLIN. Fri. The East German cabinet yesterday set up a "unity commission" to prepare a peace treaty for Germany and German unification. Reuter.
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  • 42 3 LONDON. Fri. A 19-year-old soldier wa« said at a Chelsea court martial to have told ,i member of the Army's Special Investigation Branch "They used to take my kit so I had to steal theirs to make it up."
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  • 22 3 TOKYO. Fri. U.S. cruiser Toledo yesterday rescued six Japanese fishermen from their foundering fishing boat. Navy headquarters reported today. AP.
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  • 66 3 LONDON. Fri.. A 73-YEAR-OLD Russian who made television of the Coronation has been awarded a medal The Institution of Electrical Engineers gave their Faraday Medal to Isaac Shoenbert:. He was born in Russia and was chief engineer of the Russian Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Company.
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  • 55 3 MANILA. Fri. A former Justice Secretary. O.<.car Ca.stelo, today pleaded not guilty I to a charpe of murder arising from the killing of a key witness against him in bribery charges. Manuel P. Monroy. the wit- I ness, was fatally .shot while playing mahjong with his wife
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  • 56 3 OTTAWA. Fri.— The Crumps are together again at iast after a crazy Christmas duiing which husband Wilfred flew from Leamington, Ontario, to surprise his wife ir. England and she set sail for Canada to surprise him. Mr. Crump almost missed her again, by going
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  • 50 3 LONDON. Fri A lOft-lon^ section of wing-flap fell off the new Victor crescent-winced j jet bomber during a test flight from Radlett. Herts.* It landed harmlessly in an allotment. The pilot, Squadron-Leader H. G. Hazleden, was told by radio and landed the aircraft safely.
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  • 237 3 SUICIDE VERDICT ON EX-MALAYAN LONDON. Friday. I\K. Henry Pollard Hacker, former malaria research officer for the Malayan Government, killed himself early on Tuesday morning by jumping from the roof of his London home, the Coroner's inquest decided here today. The doctor, who was 60, did
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  • 214 3 Soldier on manslaughter charge: made jeep turn over— Police PHONG KONG. Fri Samuel Brown of Battalion Kind's eni for trial on ihter charge hen the sequel t.) Di .it Fanling, the China in November 7, in Corporal Harold 'he same Re [lmenl Injuries from which ii November Irupectoi C. J.
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  • 49 3 Talks in East Berlin Russia BERLIN, Fri. Russia has demanded all meetings of the Big Four Foreign Ministers be held in Communist East Berlin and this stand has deadlocked conferences between the city's military commanders to select a site for the January 25 discussions, informed sources said today.— U.P.
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  • 37 3 NEW DELHI. Fri. Five people, including two members of a visitins; Russian trade delegation, were killed in a plane crash in Afghanistan, it was announced yesterday.— AP. held v pin his father's arms.
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  • 22 3 HONG KONG, Fri. The Catholic Missionary Bulletin today said that 71 foreign missionaries are in Red China prisons. U.P.
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  • 127 3 WELLINGTON. Fri. liHE most informal occasion j of the Royal tour so far in I New Zealand occurred at Stratford, the stop of the clay before New Plymouth. The Queen and the Duke left the train for presentations on a daLs in Broadway—
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  • 23 3 LONDON. Fri. Rosemary Clooney, American tinging star and wife of actor leae Ferrer, makes her first British broadcast on Monday.
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  • 25 3 TOKYO. Fri The Japan Export and Import Bank his appointed Mr. Shotaro Tajimi to head the bank's new office in Karachi.— UP.
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  • 195 3 Reds made him dig his grave LONDON. Fri. LIEUT. Dennis A. Lankford. a Royal Navy cameraman, told a Press conference yesterday that while a prisoner of war in Korea he had to dig his own grave and let his Chinese captors play "Russian roulette" with him He said thai- they
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  • 41 3 LONDON. Fri. School caps began to come in at the last property office soon after the Schoolboys Own Exhibition opened at the Horticultural Halls Westminster. An official said: "We shall have over 400 when the show ends.
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  • 37 3 BRYN MAWR. Pennsylvania. Fri. Chester Bowles, former United States ambassador to India, said night many pro-American Asians oppose United States policies because we "rely too heavily on purely military answers to complex situations" U.P.
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  • 275 3 LONDON. Fri. rpEA shßres BRHIn supplied the major Interest among F»r Eastern Issues on the London Stock Exchange today. Business however, was curtailed In many cases by share shortage. Other commodity shares were rather neglected. Closing prices ot selected stocks were kVBHI Coivok 64 1 'i Funding 4'i
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  • 29 3 LONDON. Jan. 8. Cash Buyers £656; Sellers C 657' 2 Forward Buyers t632' 2 Sellers C 633; Settlement t637> 2 Turnover a.m. 90 tons; p.m. 15 tons.
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  • 33 3 LONDON, Jan. 8 Spot lVrt. Feb 17d Mar. 17' d.. Apr.-June 17' id.. July-Sept 17\d. OcL-Der. 17% d. Jan. rl.f. 17 15/16rt, F.a eil. I7d Mar. c.U. 17 1/I6d Ton*: DulL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS CANCELLED VIENNA. Fri. Till official Rumanian news agency. Agerpress, yesterday published a long article praising the Soviet Prime Minister. Mr. Georgi Malenkov, on his 52nd birthday, but tanrelled it immcUately. The birthday message was followed by repeated i alls for attention from all editors. Then came the aniiouncfinent
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  • 222 4 AFTER getting off to a slow start the rubber market showed some real improvement on Thursday on London and Continental buying. Low grades were in good demand but sellers of these are becoming more reserved. There is a better inquiry for forward deliveries but supplies are
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  • 111 4 TRAFFIC PLANS TRAFFIC restrictions wttl be enforced from In a.m on Monday whe n the ceremonial i opening of the Singapore AsMzes takes placv. Restricted parking will be allowed along St Andrew's Road. However, no parking will be allowed on both sides of St Andrew's Road from
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  • 369 4 Eight have university degrees two\ hold special diplomas THF Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll, has approved the appointment of 10 local men to posts in the Government higher services, part 11. Four appointments are to the administrative service. Out of
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  • 91 4 Rubber board appointments Mr. C. F. Smith has been reappointed chairman of the Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board. Mr. I. G. Salmond. Mr. F. L. Waterhouse. Mr. Tan Puay Hee Mr. C F. Fell. Mr. H. A. Campbell, Mr. W. Anderson, Mr. Lim Chong Chee and Tuan Sheikh i Ahmad
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  • 17 4 The Singapore Government has recognised Mr. Fujio Hara i as vice-consul of Japan in Singapore.
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  • 25 4 Mr. Loke Wenp Chee. Council Reporter. Singapore, will act a.s Clerk of the Legislative Council while Mr. L. W. Donough is on leave.
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  • 17 4 The $30 million Hi per cent. 1953 Singapore City Council lean is now oversubscribed.
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  • 28 4 Gifts totalling $11,650 have been received by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association in Mi annual appeal for this year. They include $10,000 from the Singapore Turf Club
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  • 56 4 uHh J h' L V U^ WIL k LIAM TAN son of Mr "«»«<« Tan. g*^¥j br i d ho formerly Miss Alice Agnes Low (laußhter of Madam Chn K (ieok and the late Mr Low Ah Kow. They were imrried on Boxing Day and
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  • 298 4 TODAY Spore Police Inspector*' Club Anniversary dance. Victoria Memo- j rial Hall. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m 1 niversltv Of Malaya: New Year tall. Oel Hong Hani Hall. Buku Tlmah. 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ipper Seranfoon Boys' Club: First anniversary and opening of clubhouse. Social Welfare Centre.
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  • 36 4 SOON THEY'LL BE RIDING THESE BIKES IN CHINA I.AHOI'RF.KS unload the bicycles of Chinese passengers about to embark in the ll. u Lee for China at Port Swettenham. A total of 101 people boarded the ship.
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  • 187 4 COXDUCTOR DIDN'T ISSUE TICKETS RAM HAJUR RAI. a Sin* bus conductor, was ye months' paol on two cour trust of 20 cents belonging Ram jtave notice of appeal and was allowed $2,000 bail. Two detectives said that while travelling in a bus they
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  • 76 4 SERGEANT TO APPEAR IN COURT A British sergeant will appear in a Singapore Police Court today In connection witn the death of Sergeant H. H. Hamilton of G.H.Q. Signals Regiment. Sergeant Hamilton died in the BritLsh Military Hospital, Singapore, on Dec. 29. two days after he was involved In an
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  • 62 4 NO GOVT. REPLY THE Singapore City Council is legally still the highway authority, although it was decided three months ago to hand control over to the Government. The council has told the Government of its recommendation that the traffic lawshould be suitably amended It has sent
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  • 29 4 $500 The Singapore branch of the Royal Society for the Prevention Cruelty to Animals has received $505.60 being donations from members and friends towards the Christmas Card appeal
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  • 134 4 To 'complete studies in U.K. QUEENS Scholarships for 1954 have been awarded to two former students of the Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore. Dr. Tow Slang Hwa and Mr. Lee Yong Leng. Dr. Tow will prepare for membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
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  • 101 4 PETITION TO KEEP MAN IN JOB FAILS TANJONG MAIJM. Fri. The Tanjnng Malim people's petition to the High Comn issioner last month to retain Mr D. S. Dutton as Assistant State Home (iuard Officer and District Resettlement Officer has been rejected due to the 'exigencies of the service The petitioners
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  • 37 4 Singapore's Tamils will celebratp the Tamil Festival next Thursday at the Happy World .stadium. HiKhllßht of the celebrations will be dance.s by Tamil women There will aiso be lectures, music md variety entertainments.
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  • 27 4 The ■ncwmenl rate on rub brr .Mutes under ion aerea m Singapore rural area will he tt 32 rents for each tappable tree.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 ""BROOM WADE" SSS" docs it quicker and better The fomoui BROOMWAOE" t—C^^lll* SV 245 portable compressor rfc- »==s^P^B 1 ~A ~t3fc lirenng 210 cv. ft. free air ptr ~W~~^^M 'ij^a^ mm. at 100 Ib*. p.s.i. —is one of a ft l^^*i». J5 range of modeli from 60-500 c.f.m. This BROOMWADE"
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    • 315 4 •YIFTY.IFHE'Sa DAY BUT YOU'Q NEVER GUESS IT» (Dottn t look > i|». O««S1 l«, ftntu Hit itcrtt Th« rtdoc'tnolojitu he hat a mt ■Tt p'fpirtd m tht light of th> tjiscovtntl '»Ut'«| to tht glar^it Glandular «MtrtCM ar* i*« Hat lorm io' oral idmifljt'i 1^- quite tift to nfct Pc
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  • 215 5 -AND PETER WILLIAMS BLAMES TRADE UNION CONGRESS yiORK THAN 300 nun, who lost their jobs in 11 thr strike at the Singapore Straits Trading Company's smelting works at Pulau Brani, have been replaced. the new workers were recruited .minim Pagar Area. And the union
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  • 60 5 Three more bandits are killed A LUMPUR more Communist I rists have been n the Federation. K A shotde by the 22 SpeKuala Lipis i ten orlst with him was Q .'"hole, in d am- :i>n. undod by ter- OUI ->. I I ill the tan area oi R lunded
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  • 29 5 N\ F:i. six students 10 girls ngkap i :ti miie.s from here, oiled as membei d to them by Miss :'..itLsll Re Perak Branch.
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  • 54 5 SEREMBAN. Fri —Mrs B. R. Stanislaus, mother of the Negri state hockey player Clement Stanislaus, died at the Seremb n General Hospital last ni':ht a short illness. Mrs widow of Mr. B. R. Stanislaus, state torekeeper I'WD. Johore and Ipoh, leaves two son.s and two ciauuhters. The
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  • 34 5 PENANO, Fri. Municipal meetings ard other public functions may be held in the Town Hall later thus year. The Federations medical headquarter.';, now occupying The hall, may move out in June.
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  • 18 5 The Efficiency Decoration has been awarded to c apt. On:: Wee of the Bin Volunteer Corps.
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  • 147 5 DOES THIS MEAN END OF RICE CONTROL? plans 'THE Singapore GovA ernmont has set the Colony's rice dealers guessing. So far' no tenders for handling new rice shipments nave been called. In thfc past tenders were j generally called before the beginning of a new
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  • 81 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. \N experiment is being carried out by the Customs Department at Johore Balm; to lessen inconvenience to Singapore bus passengers going to Johore Bahru. The success of the experi ment will depend on passengers co-operating with the Custom* Department. Passengers
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  • 43 5 SEREMBAN. Fri.— The district officer, Kuala Pilah. Mr. A B. L. Clarke ha.s ordered that every shopkeeper in the regrouped areas of Dangi and Kepis must have all tinned uoo'ds punctured before they are sold and taken out of the shop.
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  • 79 5 11 B«*a to !.<■ In. in v in d Kih tin- youim beat ii'-ri more than an> in the world. ■"j »v«-r < hrislmas. he suil""<l> developed t.istc for lathi >» Johore a months ago by I kasapeag folk, and now belong* to Mr.
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  • 49 5 Q, Fri- A 121-year-old \:i Nooi, who w.iIn Kimbe:. day died this mornPenang General Hos- Chow, who lived in Batterworth, collapsed on the pavement with two wounds an. I was taken to hospital by A man has bet n OO- i t a; ned.
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  • 176 5 T JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Federation had ived with both Riiinfi s loan of '000, Dato Seth bin d Saul. Johore's Secretary, said last. at a buffi i the Koyai Jobore inCluh to welcome the Brunei committee lan of Brunei sent to Malaya to study state
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  • 173 5 THEY SYMPATHISE, SAYS PEER PENANG, Friday. THE British Government had every sympathy with Malaya's political problems. Lord O'Hagan, Deputy Speaker' of the House of Lords, said in Penang today. Lord O'Ha«an, who arrived here in the Chusan with Lady OHai;an. told the Straits
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  • 53 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Mat Devu.< bin Muhammed, 18, tvas at the first magistrate's court today acquitted of offering $10 bribe to corporal Ali Mohd. Ismail of the R.A.SC. It was alleged that Mat offered the money to the corporal as an inducement to be accepted
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  • 267 5 It was 'speeding he told court BUT THE CAR WAS FARKED SOH Pens Kee collided with a parked ear and then with a cyclist. But he told the Singapore Traffic District Court yesterday that the parked car was speeding. The judge. Mr. F. A. Chua, told him he was very
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  • 59 5 'No gentlemen' ALOR STAR. Fri. Kedah's State Surgeon. Dr. M. B. Osman. last night criticised late-comers who had accepted invitations to a nurses' graduation ceremony but did not turn up in time for the function. "Tney are no gentlemen, ne .said. Mrs Osman presented badges and certificates
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  • 70 5 IPOH. Fri.-A total fine of $>2i) w;i s imposed on a young lurry driver, Ng Ah Chua. for overloading. Ns pleaded guilty to overloading liis lorry to the extent ol 2 tonsocwts. using the vehlcle in breach ol the haulage permit by carrying two excess persons
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  • 90 5 An artist's impression of the\ new $300,000 Hokkien Associatio,, school to be built on the site of the Chong Hock Girls' School in Telok Ayer Street. Singapore. The ilx-ttorey building will accommodate about 3.200 boy., and girls from the association's tiro schools in, Tclok Ayer
    90 words
  • 80 5 City Council to extend Katong Park A SINGAPORE City Council committee has agreed in principle to extend Katong Park to nearly three time.s its present size. It has approved a proposal that the Council .should buy 13>4 acres adjoining the 8:i -acre park, and make it a seaside retort extending
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  • 26 5 KLANG. Kri. Sikhs in Klang and Port SwetUnham will celebrate the birthday of Guru Qovlnd Singh on Monday with prayer neeungs.
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  • 25 5 IPOII. Fri. -A Tamil school in the Gunoni Ruput new village at the 31 auk Oopeng •Road, Ipoh, will be opened on •Monday.
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  • 129 5 SINGAPORE'S nr.-t home for stray dogs will be opened late next month or early in March. Clearing of the 21-acrc site in the "Garden of Liberation." off Thomson Road. ha s begun and work on the building itsclt starts next I week.
    129 words
  • 196 5 CLERK DIVES TO SAVE WOMAN IN CAR PENANG. Friday. A CLERK, Mr. R. B. Lesslar. dived from a ferry today and saved a woman motorist trapped inside a car which had plunged Into the Penang i channel. Hundreds watched v Mr. r grabbed hold <>f a door handle and dragc^d
    196 words
  • 200 5 TB hospital fund is now $244,205 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A British iirm. Brands Chicken Essence, has given $10,000 to Lady Templer's TB Hospital Appeal Fund. The branches of the Overseas Chinese Bank ha.s given $5.(1110 and Mr G. Uttamram has given Other donations include $75f> from employees of the
    200 words
  • 46 5 i KLANO, Fri.— The Tenant's Registration Order will come Into effect in Klang and Port! Swettenham on Monday People over the age of 12 leaving or coming into the towns must report to the appointed headman in their particular block of houses.
    46 words
  • 86 5 MALAYATAKES PART IN TWO TRADE TALKS penang. Fri. The Federation Government will be represented at two trade conferences In two different countries this month Talks will be held at Jakarta next week' end. when Mr, A. ii .stun, ham, Penang Econo in.. 1 Affairs Ofllcer. will mccl Indonesian authorities to
    86 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 «T.S».» The Tudor "Oyster Primes-," it the feminine tounterpart «if the "Oyster Priam", ami has the identical Rnlex feature*. The "Oy\ier Prime" »a* »<irn b\ a miner, a riveter, a pneumatirdnll operator eu., in the severest tests ever devised for a self-winding »auh. It came through unhitmed, despKC deadly vibration.
      96 words

  • 77 6 U WorW, tit I minimum) 7.ILWA At Bungsar Hospital on Punaral Kcuwi Cemetery today, the I pv.rir nrc 2'.)0 C hmu Rood at 430 p.m. LAN TONQ CUKNCi. a«rd 63. aaaMd «waji awfully l M at 34 Orsme* Rrwii lr;i\inK liehind his Mtr ft\r -ons. Teck Menu. Vk Chuan.
    77 words
  • 206 6 Wt,,4, Sl* (minimum) ten. «th. milf. l'pp*r Sfraneoon i .pens M<.nria\ January inn. r a few varanrlrv WHERK ARE yOU lunching \n\ plan*? Rii'c 3K4« aw] rrwne a UDte at "The Ccxkoit" lor a RtjetaM. You tre pr*Macbeth" al Thr..trr 14th. 15th, 16th January. 800 pm. Bookings at
    206 words
  • 36 6 H utt* Wft minimum) FOR I*' connection, will the gentleman t>: tlie narr.e ol Tal Kain En or his lnrn<<>; please write and advise his vhereaboutc to Jre I lan Patt, SVPM Ft Grronj iPal-mbuna >.
    36 words
  • 825 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Jan. 9, 1954. A Position Of Strength Outside the UniU-d States, President F3sf nhowrr'g State of the Union MMfl DM) have a mixed reception. In the new defence programme which the President outlined there is room for the "agonising reappraisal" of policy of which Mr.
    825 words
  • 507 6 Rice And Sugar And Bread There has been an excellent start in the new year to what I all will hope will become a determined battle against the 1 cost of living. In their various 1 ways the Federation and the 1 Colony Government have 1 brought down the price
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 6 SKY-HICH Arthuc Khon.
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  • 1076 6  -  CYNICUS 'JSgmmgrmammm VO-ONE likes censor- ship in any form, but paradoxically where there is the most censorship there is also the least complaint about it, for obvious enough reasons. "The Heart of the Matter" is. I fancy, the first sizeable film row since the Jack Evans
    1,076 words
  • 103 6 From the straits Times of Jumtury l!) 04. THE commanding p(xsitloi which Russia has grasped alonn the frontiers of China India and Persia seems vi leave no doubt as to her Intenlions, writes the Influential American m;inazinr Cf>.sm<>p<>litan. We are to have one great iinul whlcb
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  • 715 6 A MALAYSIAN NOTEBOOK TniEPE is much talk these days about r ie* foi Malaya and it is no function o'. thto notebook to say II <hese would be a good thing or a bad Few senior counsel do not look lovingly back to the old heydays of the British jury
    715 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 510 6 tt War*. I minimum) In Tri. Bon* Nf".. wlfr n[ Koic BwnS «>n 1 M at k.K. iv-th well. siTIATIONs VACANT BOX A 1234, S.T. Position fi'.'.exi. nti thanked. WE Require the >erures of a freelajue window dlsptajmr. Plfase pply to Box A 2422, ST. WANTED Mala tp:- rlerk In
      510 words
    • 50 6 Tht Carman 2xB mm tine A'Xza-Meliamatic The only camera poitibte to cope with all brinchci of cinematographic work. Its built-in cipoture meter climinjtet waiK of film Price $725 including cue. Model S2T (without cxpoturt meter) 'ij $625 Pamphlctt upon requctt. Sole Agents: EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia St. Singapore 1.
      50 words
    • 155 6 HIS MASTER'S VOICE 33i 11. P.M. RECORDS Edwin Fischer Sonata No. 3 in F m no r Op. 5 (Brahms, BL? 1017 Jasclia Heifeb Sympnonie E-pagnnip Op. BLP 1029 Moura Lvmpany Piano Concerto No. 2 ln C minor (Rachmaninoff) Capricclo Brilliant in B minor {Mendelssohn < CLP 1007 Dietrich Fischer
      155 words

  • 220 7 DESERTER STAYS THREE WEEKS WIIH DANCE HOSTESS F-iiK three *«ek*i I'te. i j Leonard Dilli\od with a hostess in GeySingapore, innt returning leave to the Army Ord- Corps. Yenterat his court ■1, he was sen- I to 112 d;i\ ition f«>r deser* Id the
    220 words
  • 53 7 SCHOOLS GET 70,000 C-SEALS ORE'S Junior I Commt handed over 70,000 Issued by tnent for to Colony J.C.I special! i; nearlng the natioi I chamber 1) the balance ol should be pre- es' chambe/.s the Common- the Sin lid the pur; funds the Corona- ipients whe- which would be forwarded
    53 words
  • 46 7 Thieves broke into a shop in George Street. Singapore just behind the Central Police Station on Thursday nißht and j stole four cases of cigarettes valued at $1,000. The front door wa.s forced open and the padlock was mi.^sinc. in the morning.
    46 words
  • 44 7 Gifts to the Singapore Ramrikrishna Mission Boys' Home totalling $301 have been received by Swami Nlshkamananda. the new president of the Mission, through Mrs K. K. Ramehandani. The gifts from Mr.s. B. A. Lalwani. friend and Mr.s Lachu Sabnaui.
    44 words
  • 139 7 THE GOVT. ASKS FOR SUGAR Traders' chance KUALA LUMPUR, Fri TRHE Federation Government A ha.s decided to throw open importation of refined sugar to private traders as the British Ministry of Food has given ud this trading. Malaya must now buy its i>wn sugar either direct from the world market
    139 words
  • 59 7 3 accused of robbery bid PARANG CHARGE Abdulla bin Ahmad. Teo i Kok Thoh and Yahshad Mohamad were charged in Singapore yesterday with attempted robbery and using a i deadly weapon '—a parang. The off»nce was alleged to have been committed at a hou.vr in Clementi Read on Thursday night.
    59 words
  • 25 7 S' pore must hoed new sea laws >nal ilatlons venting collisions at Involving n the water, an iixire. regulations wire ac- viTll- It intO effect
    25 words
  • 12 7 H Murphy has i.ted an A. f Income Tax in
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  • 13 7 old girl. Chua Ah ig from v rullla Park. n Thursday.
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  • 63 7 MB. UM BOCK SIM. of ilie Royal Dutch Airlines in Singapore, who left yesterday for Ilollind, for a retraining course. Mr. Lim. ag"ed 29. of XI.M reservations and hookings department is expected to be away for 25 days. Another member of the staff. Mr. Tan
    63 words
  • 82 7 The death occurred at St. I Mary's Hospital, London, on December 31 of Mr. Albert James Kelman, a leading member of the Malayan tin industry. Mr. Kelman was a director of Malayan Collieries Ltd. when he Jived in Malaya. He joined the boards of several Malayan
    82 words
  • 174 7 Todaft f ou tlook: niINOAMMU taxi owners who O have not litted taximeters to their vehicles li\ -'an. 1 may pH a reprieve. The City Council's vehicles and iraflic committee, which decided on Wednesday to refuse renewal oj licences ot taxis without me»ers. will
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  • 44 7 IHIS IS what a workman on the 'M(i-foot high scaffolding at the Asia Insurance building in Finlayson Green sees when he looks down. The wooden scaffolding is said to be "as strong as if made of steel.' Straits Times picture.
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  • 233 7 THEN GIVE CHAP-JI-Kl VERDICT THE Singapore Fourth District Judge. Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam, will inspect a shophouse in the Beauty World Park in Jurong Road today and then return to his court to give judgment on Tan Sai Bah, who was charged yesterday with running
    233 words
  • 176 7 PRESIDENT of the City Council, Mr. T.P.F. McNeice. has been appointee' by the Governor to be chairman of the Singapore Filmi Apueal Committee. The 17 members have Deen nominated by various public bodies for three-year terms Their appointments, which became effective yesterday, abolished the old
    176 words
  • 40 7 Green Bus Company has applied to the Singapore Rural Board for licence to operate a service from Queen Street to Tanjong Kling. The service will run through Bukit Timah Road. Jurong Road and Boon Lay Road.
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  • 76 7 THE OLD lady above bids t.i-nri.ii Templer a cheery we lcome as he arrives at the in- w l% opened home for the aged at Buloh Kasap. Chee Choong, 68, said she wa» thrilled to meet the lli::i. Commissioner and had al- ways been one
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  • 16 7 Mr. Chen Kwee Hin has been appointed an assistant registrar of criminals in Singapore.
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  • 223 7 Of course wood is safe, say builders THE FLIMSY woodon 1 scaffolding against, walls of new buildings is 'very strong and as safe as if made of steel." say Singapore building contractors and their workmen. It is made from long, stout poles only about two or three inches in, diameter.
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  • 22 7 Mr. H. Bretherton. ASP., has been appointed acting Deputy Superintendent of Police, Singapore, in place of Mr. J. E. Fairbalrn.
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  • 23 7 Singapore's Director of ComniPicp and Industry. Mr. T. M. Hart, has been appointed n nominated official member of the Legislative Council.
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  • 142 7 TIE Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm -Mac Donald. will sit for the visiting Honi; Kong photographer, Mr. I Francis Wu. on Monday. Olliit Colony notables who have had their noryait.s taken by Mr. Wu Include the Governor Sir John Nicoli. the Deputy President of the
    142 words
  • 326 7 And sell without profit SINGAPORE Education Departmrnt has instructed all government and aided Fnulish schools to buy text-books at the lowest possible prh c and to sell them to pupils without profit. These and other orders have boon Issued following complaints by parents
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  • 117 7 Thought he had to kiss the Bible A SINGAPORE doctor told City Police Court yesterday (hat he did not want to live the Kihlc to takr \<\% outh beeMMt he did not like to v s it. Dr. <-oh Knk Kre merely rai«eri his right hand and »>' a'iniit to
    117 words
  • 137 7 Sultan flies to visit border folk IPOH. Fri. THE SULTAN of Perak thLs morninj: flew in <i Beaver plane to Kroh vilaae. the state's northermort outpost, on thr Kerl.-iii -Prrak-Siam border After a brief inspection ot Rovernment offices, he motored to Klian Int;m The people there, who are almost cut
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  • 183 7 Ban on Siamese cattle lifted FOR THE FIRST time in about 12 years, cattle are being allowed to be imported into the Federation and Singapore from Siam. As a result, the price of locally slaughtered meat may drop and housewives may be able to get
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  • 68 7 Bail refused in opium case DFTTF 1 SIGURD BIKBEN a 27-year-old Norwegian was in Singapore yesterday refused bail after he nan claimed trial to possession of raw opium. Eriksen wa.s charged with possession of approximately 8' 2 lb. of raw opium on Thurs day. The opium was sain to have
    68 words
  • 83 7 In a drive for funds to help build a newly acquired campsite in Jutonjf. Sincapore Scouts will sell .special stamps at five cents each, beginning or". Monday. The .stamps are available In two designs, one of which L based on a Scout stump re- cently Issued
    83 words
  • 72 7 >' «^w a. k v% I I A Sikh watchman employed by i hipping company was attacked by two mm at a :odown in Reclamation Road. Sinuapore on Th irsrlay night and .stabbed In the :.rm with a penknife. T!-,r men came to the ROdowr. in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■111 P^ Round Trips to \J JAPAN A 21 day Cruise v m 1 AGKONG YOKOHAMA KOBi: s. s. CHUSAN I sailing 14th April 1954 First Class £110 J Tourist Class 70 Children according to age Rtturns Singapore Bth May 1954 PLY <AY KERR CO LTD., A, Colly er Quay,
      78 words
    • 48 7 CHILDREN'S GIFTS STERLING SILVER tt if t i m 4* Porridge Bowl and Spoon, Egg Cup and Spoon, Spoon and Pusher, Spoon, Fork and Knife, Serviette Rings, Rattles > and 3i«ntj nthvr suitable ArfirlfM fnr n i hristfiiintf ffift ItDo iFeIUIK iNIIIiA /A 11 i HllanAifaciurUxfj (Jewellers r swghpore
      48 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 174 7 The weather MINIMI M TI.MrKKATI XX i 7 :(0 pin. on J:i 11. 7 to 7.30 am. H J.m Hi: MnsaSOn 74 dwrrcs, ftMßj ,J. Kutii It: Inn 75. Kualii I.unip'ir Ipoh ~,.i KwMl.i" U. MAXIMUM tkmi''RE <7:;(i i in. to 7.30 p.m. on J..n Btaga- ixiie 6b. Penani; 89.
      174 words

  • 240 8 Tin prospectors are guarded by troops WORK STARTED IN JUNGLE IPOH. Fri. PROSPECTING for new tin ore deposits in Perak jungle is now being conducted under the protection of Security Forces made available by the State War Executive Committee. One European company Is!' already engaged in prospecting under guard. It
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  • 209 8 RAO SAYS: ALL MUST UNITE SEREMBAN, Friday. INFANT mortality rate among Indians in this coun- try is very high, said Dr. J. Samuel. Negri Sembilan Indian leader, at a dinner at Seremban Rest House last night. The dinner organised by In dian women
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  • 158 8 It's time you knew, women told KUALA LUMPUR, Fri IT WAS nigh time that people realised that the Emergency had not yrt ended. Mr. E. Brown, president of th» Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court said todaj Five women. Wong Kon Thai. Tai Sun. Theam Thye. Thee Hong and Mong Ling. Dleadrd
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  • 219 8  - Council may take action on that danger spot W. E. TREVOR By SINGAPORE City Council may soon take action to make the beach near Katong Park safer for unwary bathers and non-swimmers. This step, which may result in warning boards being put up near dangerous areas, follows a story three
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  • 45 8 Singapore City Association will register students for adult language classes from Jan. 11 to Jan 15 at 7 D.m. Students may register at Dorset Road School. Griffiths School Towner Road, and Haig Boys' School Halg Road Classes start o n Jan. 18.
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  • 235 8 Highlight of two-day conference ANE of the most widely-travelled of all British v Colonial officers. Miss Freda Gwilliam. assistant adviser on education to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, will give an address today on "Girls' Education in South-east Asia." |~he will speak to
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  • 68 8 An eight-ton car ferry for Sarawak has been completed at Portsmouth. It is now ready lor delivery. The ferry, made of aluminium alloy and drawing two feet of water, ls 75 feet long and 16 feet in beam. It needs only one man to
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  • 39 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri— The Local Indian Congress increased its membership in 1953 according tg the report to be presented at the annual meeting on Sunday. Present membership Ls 443 against 236 in March last year
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  • 315 8 SINGAPORE 7.15 Time Signal Opening An- j nouncement; 7.16 Morning Star; 730 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture: 8 i Time For Music: 8.30 Hospital's Half Hour; 9 Close Down; 12 Programmes in Malay; 1 Programme Summary 1 02 Billy Mills; 1.30 Time Signal <t News 1.50 Interlude of
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  • 198 8 MALAYS FIGHT SHY OF THIS OFFER KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. MALAYS are fighting shy of a Government offer to set them up in j the timber business. A report published today on Federal Forest Administration says: "In accordance with the Government's policy of assisting Malays to take part in timber Industries,
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  • 49 8 Bernard Wee Hong Seng wa s sentenced to eight months gaol i n Singapore yesterday for housebreaking and theft. Wee entered a house belonging to a woman. Jilt Ah Kan. i n Cornwall Gardens on December 7 and stole $200 and a watch worth $55
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  • 45 8 P Kandasamy was allowed $500 bail in Singapore yesterday on a charge of kidnapping He was alleged to navp kidnapped Marimuthu Ramasamy. a girl under the age of 16 from her father. V Ra masamy. at Sembawang Road o n December 30
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  • 36 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl.— The meeting of the Federal Legislative Council fixed for January 22 has been deferred to Jan. 27 because the tin agreement to be tabled at the meeting Ls no.t ready.
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  • 30 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Frl— Mr. H.C.M. Horsley, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Johore, accom. panied by his wife, left Johore Bahru today for a fortnights leave in Port Dick-son
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  • 26 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— ln- che Mahfar bin Abdullah has been appointed to act as As- i slstant Secretary. Service Branch, State Secretariat. Joh<ir<- Buhru.
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  • 24 8 Jusoph S. Dankrr, son ol Mr. and Mrs. A W. Dankrr of Spremban, has jolnpd the St Josephs Novitiate at P^nang. I
    24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 361 8 CATHAY ORGANISATION jTjl |^flP r> ATTRACTIONS '^'vgjF' TODAY ?£dki'.W i"J|TYI r nno am 113 4tt Spencer TRACY tMfc K Jean SIMMONS fg% Up Teresa WRIGHT HMBBf TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT! wS You'll get right into that romantic South American mood when you see them dancing the spectacular samba in M-G-M's IfcaH^iJ
      361 words
    • 257 8 A CINEMATIC MILESTONE! As BIG as any HISTORICAL or BIBLICAL EPIC EVER SEEN in Singapore! J_£ ALL THE GLORY OF THE K. FABULOUS ROMAN EMPIRE. wy^ th*' \nt TO It 1 1 ft t Stupendous "SPARTACUS" 1 t'fif Uhulititiu > GIGANTIC SPECTACLE a cast of THOUSANDS Distributed by Shaw Bros.
      257 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 112 8 Si rails Times Crossword ir m m 3 py a 5 arp a |H 9 j 13 M I* 25 26 2/ j I^l^l Ii- I I ACROSS liv; slonc •8 8. A eclour la be erased <6i. 15. I.i(-d In lazy and futKi9. All but luxurious epithet lor fashion
      112 words
    • 219 8 24. Firmly fixed yet rapid (4). 25. Centre page part In relation to the whole (10 >. 28. Such clothes may make a person attractive (8). 29. Obviously no tyro (8). DOWN 1. Shown the meat In the grass (8). 2 River usage (4K 3. Jn which people take a
      219 words

  • 447 9 Frohman, boss of death p\ the ■fternooi of May 7, 1915, the giant British liner Lusitania was in „i the Irish coast, nearing the end voyage from America. With ng suddenness, two German edoes fired from a skulking U-boat, ted open her sleek hull. The Lusitania to slide beneath the
    447 words
  • 250 9 Big. vital. alive American thra t r p the Frohman tar..made It hla bu rybody on monopoly. Fabulous it nl his rnered ih> until QO without thp die- frow x i ruii-d hla m a modest npire Thea- w York. d, li" i. He turned the streammaking machine rumbu mana!irl(
    250 words
  • 218 9 Within five years, he had nearly 300 theatres on his books as clients, and no American actor or actress had a chance of engagement at any of them unless through Frohman's office. Frohman's Napoleonic activities soon brought him into headlong collision with arrogant Austin Daly, hitherto the unchallenged boss
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  • 179 9 Frohman's greatest coup was the capture of shy Scottish genius James Barrie. whose whimsical stories were already world famous. Frohman took Barrie on a holiday to Paris, feasted and flattered him, and tried to persude him to dramatise his sentimental novel. "The Lit- tie Minister." Barrie. who hated
    179 words
  • 114 9 Heartbroken Ethel He found a heartbroken Ethel Barrymore living in cheap London lodgings, and within a month had her name blazing in electric lights on Broadway. 'Give me thr kind that have suffered and hunsered to work with, he S Frohman insisted on attending all rehearsals of his Dlays. often
    114 words
  • 257 9 Broadway, with brave words and a smile an artist." To which Frohman imperturbably replied, "Madam. I will respect your secret." On one occasion an English author whose play had been a disastrous flop in New Yorl: cabled Frohman: "How is my play going Frohman cabled back one word: "Gone." Frohman
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  • 100 9 Despite hi.« Napoleonic power, Frohman shunned the public eye and lavished all his publicity on his stars. He lived simply in a New York hotel suite, amazing his highliving friends by a passion for sudh homely fare as pumpkin and apple pies and drinking nothing but sticky orangeade and
    100 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 9 pire mi threatened by the Shuberts, Ziegfeld and a newgeneration of theatre magnates, and the cut-throat competition involved him in heavy losses. In 1915. with Europe drenched in the blood of war. he staged a provocative drama. "The Hyphen." to appeal t o the American patriotism of European migrants.
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  • 125 9 A caller warned Three weeks Frohman boarded the Ltsltania for England to settle a copyright law suit and look for more budding stars in the West End. A few days before, an anonymous phone caller warned him not to sail in tnc ship. Frohman Joked about it on deck
    Daily Mirror  -  125 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 TIH/Z7/7 THE UNIVERSAL tt\ LV TOOL FOR LIFTING AND PULLING OPERATION Whether you want a winch or a tackle TIRFOR is the one you need Due to light weight, instantaneous workin, and flexibility, it is the ideal worksite hoist. 1 J and 3 ton* capa- C vk -,«M^ MODEL SUPER'
      60 words
    • 198 9 Babies r^ thrive psn I,,^^ NOu RiSHIMG BLEr<«> J Tht tconomuM io-om. (sa this nourishing Weaning Food F-«.rex is the perfect weaning food for your baby. It's ready-cooked and mixes so easily with milk, fruit juices, milk puddings and other foods. Give Farex every day and your baby will have
      198 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 169 9 ffi^^ff I?on Qtiixote dela Mancte ari SancboTlanza THE MOBF IMCREOIBLF TME STORY, THE Tk* 3 V i > //S? BP r I £i$ MORE PLAUSIBU DON QUJXDrF FINDS IT/ W& it >Wr> TH! CREATURE HE SUPPOSES TO Bf A C^Sl %%Lf% J-J. BEWITCHED PRINCESS PERSUADES HIM <<V<> i) fiXLyL £L,
      169 words

  • 753 10 SYDNEY, Friday. \f R. R. A. Butler, United Kingdom Chancellor of x the Exchequer, told the Commonwealth Finance i Ministers that their economic conference which j started here today, must stimulate not only greater trade expansion and material prosperity
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  • 570 10 The following quotations were those of the Malayan Sharebrokers Association revised at 4 p.m. yesterday:- I > I 'I .1 1 H1.1L3 Bujer* ttellerr Alex Bricks. Prrf.% 2.10 Ords 3.7n Atlas Ice 1? 25 B B. Petrel 34.6 B M Indices 6SO Con. Tlu Smr lt. Pref
    570 words
  • 28 10 Malayan Collieries produced 60.108 tons of coal in the last quarter of 1953, making 286.--364 tons for the year, compared with 314,922 tons in 1952.
    28 words
  • 82 10 SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Baud 4, Braeside C.P., Awa Maru 6-7, Benvorlich 8-9, Arima Maru 11-12 Bali 13-14, President Grant 15-16, Bentong 18. Chung Sang 19, Lariang N.W. Lai Wui N.W. 5, Lipis 23, Angby 24, Gan Seng 25. Loksang
    82 words
  • 217 10 WASHINGTON. Jan. 7 AMERICAN officials met > V today representatives of the United States rubber manufacturers and traders to discuss possible changes in the "rotation" policy applicable to the government's natural rubber stockpile. Representatives of the State and Commerce Departments and the Office of Defence Mobilisation
    UP  -  217 words
  • 162 10 AKRON. (Ohio). PRODUCTION and sales o I rubber products next yea nay approach a level nearl; is high as 1953. one of th< >est years in the history o he rubber manufacturini ndustry. Mr John L. Coll rcr. president of the B.F soodrich Company, remark
    162 words
  • 49 10 In the last quarter of 1953 the rhMre of Selayane Tin Dredcinp Ltd. worked for 1.797 hours and recnvpred 1.145 plruls of <tn-ore. In December last year dredges nf Takuapa Valley Tir Dredcine worked for 1.264 hourr. rnvrred 21S.nnn r.ihlr yard"; and produred 420 piruls r.f tin-ore.
    49 words
  • 25 10 The following rubber crops are reported for December last year: pounds Alor Pongsu 119.293 Bedong Rubber 63,736 Temerloh Rubber 48.700 Trong Rubber 32.H00
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  • 387 10 WASHINGTON. Friday. A C. G. PIENNE of Ipoh, said in an interview today rk that tin producers in Malaya were greatly concerned over getting a high enough world price to permit the continued operation of marginal Droducers. Mr. Pienne, Ls a partner
    UP  -  387 words
  • 354 10 COMMODITY PRICES /.|/j THE Singapore share market had a rsithr-r day yesterday when there was Increaa in the tin and industrial sections. Rubh. were, however, neglected and only on< reported in the Loan section. Tin was dov. a picul at $319.75 and rubberjost half-a-ci day.
    354 words
  • 19 10 The prire of tin in v. pore yesterday was dr,i at H1t.76 a pirul. rt n, cents.
    19 words
  • 92 10 MM !'.< It T'H^Stock Bxi W a strong 1),.' da^triai iharea were takin K the Herai. highest level for near. doalng quota tioi slocks t. terday: Loan :r ih.i Loan 3,; 1958-5R Australian Paper Alls'. Consol li. Bank of NSW Bank of n.s.w. rlgh B. Hill Prop Courtaulds
    92 words
  • 115 10 NEW -.ORK frpHE Stock mat ■■sllßhtlv or. evenlni President rilarnhniii i Union mewage. i o > fractions were in the industrial* leading Noted for ence, however, wa Bank observation major busmen d« 111 generally e\ident. Oils were mo lower. In (he afternoon the market moved Mdc as oikt
    115 words
  • 178 10 Sellers of off grades were again reserved on *he Singapore rubber market yesterday. January first grade, which opened at 57 >, 4 cents a pound and eased to 57 cents during the morning, steadied slightly during the afternoon to ciose at 57 cents, half a cent below Thursday's
    178 words
  • 53 10 Singapore Chinese TnvtiK' change: Noon pri were Copra: steady: buyers $40 seller* buyers, *4() t selle. Coconut oil: steac. Pepper: quiet, Wl Black up $5: Muni Sarawak $320. Lant| Lewis and Prat: were:Copra: %U $40 buyei »4 *40\ buyers. $4(i »40".. buyers. $40 $40', buyers. $40' Coconut oil
    53 words
  • 53 10 T»HE Malayan K\chan:f B» Association mad« chnnges in its rat* yesterday i w IDA: buying mail. O.D. 32', 9n d bills, 32 9 16 t-adr T.T. or on. read On the free i Hong i. dollar was quoted cash and 5.8675 I was quoted at 1500 Of Rold
    53 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 747 10 NOTICES TAN BAN JOO COMPANY, LIMITED Xl M II MITR i ln Voluntary UquMallßßj NOTT' ::nen 'hat we. the undersigned. aie appointed liquidator* of the above C .liitloa of the Company dated 30th December II And notice is ako hereto? men that all claims must be Kn warden to the
      747 words
    • 852 10 NOTICES All Persons havlnc claims acimst the undertaking trading under the style of Kone Ling Medicine Shop Yit Kpf of No 38 Ah Peng Street. Benlong which is lymi; wound up by nn order of thr High Commissioner dated 17th October. 1053 In exercise of powers conferred by Regulation 41
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    • 840 10 NOTICE P. W. D. ROAD NOTICE Bridge No. 1 70 at SenKparnnß Town on the Batu Pahat Pontian Read wtll be closed to all traffic on the following days 14th. 15th. 16th and 17th January 1954 In order to ;>rrv out urgent repairs. The Bridge will be closed at 6.30
      840 words
    • 187 10 SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES: HEAP ENG MOH SS CO., LTD. SOON BEE STEAMSHIP CO., (S) LTD. 33/35. Teluk Ayer Street— 'Phone 3148 M\ r.IAXC. BEE" DIRECT BAHJNOf TO I)l\kM' v A CHFRIBON FORTNIGHTLY SFKVK I A. Spore appr. Jan. 19 L. s'p nr appi M.V. "GIANG SENG" SAlLI\«;s TO P\\«;K\l
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1238 11 «2 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. T f !w iino*j ii n f r ((rworporOTWi m 3<r>O' Po*n« BLUE FUNNEL LINE D**' i ij,,' optisn t. >>««<! via oth.r ports to load ano oVthorot earaa sMIINGS T. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft eONTINENTATroff! *>»• Soils P. Shorn Penang n «^l Avon- "3
      1,238 words
    • 1072 11 WKKKKtMrnKK^^^^^m^mm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINENT 1 S'pora P. Sham Penono Jeve" for Kohsichong, Saigon, Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Vrtoromo 10/12 Jen. In Port Panama" for KohsicMng, Hkonn 12/14 Jan. Kine for Djakorto. Kohsichang Saigon. Hongkong, Monilo, Kobe Vokohcmo 24/24 Jon. 22/21 Jen. 20/21 Jan. Mongolia" for Kohsichong, H M
      1,072 words
    • 1187 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL POUTS S'pora P. S'hom Penong Benledi for Liverpool. Glosgow. Hamburg, Rotterdam I" Port Benlewers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Homburg 15/21 Jan. 22/24 Jan. 25/24 Jan. ••nalder for Hovre, London, Rotterdam, Hull 21/27 Jan. 28/10 Jan. 11 Jat»/ 1 Feb. Bencleach for
      1,187 words
    • 1112 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** ELLERMAN «k BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM. LOS AKGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG PORTLAND, SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER and for U.S.A.. North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo for Central ft South ond Conodo via Colombo American Part* CITY OF BIRKENHEAD m,. FRANCISVILLI Spore P. S'hom
      1,112 words

    • 205 12 WOMEN TOUTS arc bark on the Penang Harbour Board ferries pressing their Social Welfare lottery tickets on to people who are reluctant to buy them. The Member for Social and i Industrial Ri I aid in the Legislative Council that th<" Chli I had born
      205 words
    • 136 12 STOMACH PEOPLE'S GUIDE THE heading "But you're M. starving the people, too, Govt. told," in your paprr Ls misleading. Mr. Govindaraj never meant to criticise the official policy. He only requested the Government to increase the rice ration in the food restricted areas as some people are apt to judge
      136 words
    • 86 12 1 NOTICE that Mr. Ponnuaurai. ot Pcnang, Is holding torth on taxing husbands who don't stop at one wilr. It is only a short while since he expressed himself as a vigorous opponert of family limitation. If one rirh man has several wires, and
      86 words
    • 99 12 IT is gratifying to note that the Malayan Indian Coneress wish to deliberate before deciding to become an ally of the United Malays National Organisation-Malayan Chinese Association Alliance for the purposes of elections. To sink our independent position to a lower level of an association or
      99 words
    • 231 12 THE LETTER titled "English the choice-but" Is interesting. The Malayan citizen "i today seema to make more than wellknown general statements like "W a cosmopolitan country 01 ur common tongue la English." Z A. of Kajang has mentioned tli' the teachinc <>f English in
      231 words
  • 390 12 VOl'H correspondent Padang asks: "Has our initiative gone/ Unfortunately the Government has kitted all initiative, for there ia now-ii days no security that terms and conditions granted to planters will be respected by Government The verbatim report of the last Federal Legislative Council
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  • 146 12 Things the censor must watch BY banning the film "The Heart of the Matter the censorship board has reached an all-time low in stupidity. All colonies have people in high offices who know better than the people themselves what is good for them. The film censor does not ban a
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  • 143 12 PRIZES THEIR OBJECT KELANTAN, in common with other states, is addicted to the holding of agricultural and horticultural shows— but I am completely mystified as to the results which accrue. At these shows, the highlights are the award of prizes for the best fruits and the best vegetables grown and
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  • 347 12 Ceylon, Canada show way WHENEVER an attempt is made to extend the scope of democratic forms of government in countries of the East, problems arising Irom communalism have to be reckoned with. But communalism neea be no obstacle to the efficient functioning of a government that is fully responsible to
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  • 80 12 rnHE S.T.C.'s service No. 19 i is steadily increasing in popularity. The result is that during the rush hours, most buses are filled to capacity and passengers are often ridine on the steps. I am one of those unfortunates that board the bus after the
    80 words
  • 41 12 \JANAGERS of theatres screening Tamil pictures are ignoring the Tamil language. They do not bother to get an able Tamil scholar to write out the notices. The notices are full of mistakes and annoy educated Tamils. GNANAMUTHU SOOSAI. Penang.
    41 words
  • 71 12 T RECENTLY ordered a copy of the "Ascent of Everest" from London and have received it for $11.20 delivered to my office. I see that it is offered for sale at $15.80 post price by local booksellers. To whom does this difference of $4.60 go? Thr sooner the
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  • 322 12 THOSE who call for a jury system in the Federation do so mainly because that system is in force and has been successful in Britain and has come to be regarded as part of what is known as "British justice." Such people should consider
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  • 43 12 I AM astonished to see that some pictures now have Chinese sub-titles imposed on the film. This disfigures the picture and distracts attention. The usual mothod of projecting sub-titles beneath the screen serves its purpose just as well I-OH MENG KWONG Singapore.
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  • 306 12 THE current furore on edu- cation in Negri Sembilan prompts me to write with a couple of suggestions It appears that the two main problems at present being experienced in the educational field are shortage of accommodation and shortage of teachers. Regarding the first problem
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  • 246 12 AS an underpratuate of Adelaide University for the past three years. I must comment on the report that certain Malayan students are living in Adelaide slums because they are victims of a colour bar. This is about the most preposterous statement I have
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  • 143 12 I SUPPOSE it is to provide the kampong dwellers with an opportunity for self-help that the public road to Padang Java, in the Klang distri?t. is left in an uncared-for state. But then, why should that prevent the P.W.D. people from making a visiting
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  • 40 12 RESIDENTS OF Carpmael Road would be grateful if Singapore's City Fathers would kindly install street light?. This would be a great help to us. At present there are lamp posts, but alas, no lights! ANG KIM YAM. Singapore.
    40 words
  • 313 12 STANLEY STREET Ls splitting hairs to say that Dickens did not say that The Law is an Ass." The wordf are actually spoken by Bumble, but since Bumble Ls merely a creation of Dickens's imagination, it is fair to quote them as
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  • 27 12 TTNWANTID X mas Cards, vJ etc., may be sent to: Sister M. Isidorg, St. Rita's Knitting School, P.O. Brttiah, cViamparan, Bihar. India. P. G. Singapore.
    27 words
  • 66 12 THE Chinese con hard put to fl most entirely, 71 this colony, and tl a practical need. Any attempt to Im Chinese schools ■it her standard or in eqw.: be welcomed, but coul be argued that al granted without conditions? After all. it i every citizen t"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 ACTION NOT WORDS EKCO docs the job perfectly 1 iTt' #Vt Elf CO ''■^Z/M LAMPS MADE IN ENGLAND The difference it ILLUMINATING F. E. ZUELLIG imalaya, LTD. jl SINGAPORE KUALA lUMPU* FfNANG
      32 words
    • 27 12 p ter Quink FILLING STATION h :jvcs ink 1 It k clean FOR USE IN OFFICES, **„<•-** 5CH00L5.5H0P5. blAilUNhnb SOLE AGENTS: ffOli/Of ARCauI SUILDINC, fUFFUS PLACE, SINGAPORE Ifl
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 239 13 [Hastings only 'outsider' with a chance LUTON TO UPSET? LONDON, Fri. OIXTY-FOUR football clubs go into action tomorrow in the Football Association Cup competition's third round and many ofj them will have visions of a Wembley appearance in the final at the end of
    239 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 13 n»M h\\i v
    5 words
  • 114 13 ■400 people MfJ the llUtUal HM S Slmbanes tournament, helri He card only < thr full cV. lU'ht-nelterweißht bet wren AB V enables inri Cpl. Grssory Meti Cpl Qragtx? C bell for thr Kind owing lo a rut above rvr E M
    114 words
  • 63 13 I ri -Mal;ivnn cyclists I ■if All-Malayan Cycling i il heir" here dunne the New Holidays have formed a Pedermtton. I r.non .urns at nrtanisinc llnj competitions and i friendship among I. States and Settle- Singh, Hon. SecrePcnang C\ i line A.«soclanisers of the Carnival. Miat
    63 words
  • 52 13 NEW YORK. Fri Ben Hogan. en lied ny many the greatest colter \»hr> ever lived, was vot*d America's "Male athlete of the Year for 1953 in the 23rd annual Associated Press poll. For the second year in succession Rocky Marciano. the world heavyiveich; boxing champion.
    AP  -  52 words
  • 100 13 LONDON. Kri. VL'ITH the transfer to Sunder- land from Birmingham < it» vestrrdav of Ted Purdon. ihf South African centre-for-ward. Sunderland have since the rlo«r of last season spent almost £100,000 on players. Pardon cost them about C17.00U it was learned and follows the earlier
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 131 13 LOFTHOUSE WILL LEAD BOLTON Bolton .last year's losing finalists, hope to have Nat Lofthouse fit to lead their attack against Liverpool, who have made seven changes compared with the team which lost a home game last week. It will be something of a triumph if Liverpool win, for they have
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  • 145 13 CLASH BETWEEN THE SHEFFIELD SIDES With 64 clubs going into the draw, it was a strange twist of fate that the two Sheffield sides. United and Wednesday, should come out together. United won a home league match this season but ground advantage if with Wednesday this time and may decide
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  • 101 13 NEWCASTLE WILI TAKE NO CHANCES So it may well be tomorrow. No club dare takf chances, even a First Division side against minor one. A& Stan Seymour, the Newcastle manager, says about his club's game with Wigan"We are taking no chance. r This has to be won" and he sent
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 73 13 SEVERE TEST FOR THE HOLDERS At this stage of the competition, however, it is naturally the giants rather than the potential giant-killers who are studied with a view to assessing their chances of getting to Wembley. In that case one must first look at Blackpool as holders of the trophy
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  • 149 13 Big entry is assured LONDON Frl. A RECORD entry for the world table tennis championships Is virtually assured from a preliminary enquiry from countries to which Invitations were Lssued. The championships take place at Wembley from April 6 to 14 and replies received *>how that 38 ,-ountrief will
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 99 13 SAO PAULO. Brazil, Frl. EMIL ZATOPEK. Czechoslovakia's Olympic star vi'stprday failed in a bid to set up a new world record for the 10.000 metres before a crowd of 30.000 here. Although he won by more than two laps from Germany's Herman Eberleln. Zatopeks time
    99 words
  • 48 13 NEO CHWEE KOK leaves the pool after breaking his Singapore 100 metres and 50 metres free style records at the Chinese swim mine Club on Thursday. Neo clocked 57.25ec. for the 100 metres and 26.? sec. for the 50 metres. Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 133 13 CEYLON, SIAM H.K. GET CHOICE OF COURTS Thomas Cup LONDON. Fri. "J^INE teams have en- tered the Asian and Australasian zones of the Thomas Cup international badminton competition and the draw was made at Wimbledon, London last night. The Australasian zone draw gave Australia choice of cour' for their encounter
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 293 13 SYDNEY. Friday. THE FASTEST short-distance swimmer Australia has produced, 18-year-old Jon Henricks, on the treshold of the most gruelling season in his short career, is waiting anxiously for an invitation to defend his 100 and 200 metre freestyle titles in Japan. But the tall,
    UP  -  293 words
  • 88 13 NEW YORK, Fri. POR the third straight year, Maureen Connolly—the world's tennis queen —was chosen female athletic star of tbe year lor 1953 in the 23rd an.vial Associated Press year-end poll. Little Mo who holds all the world's major tennis titles and heads
    AP  -  88 words
  • 52 13 LONDON. Fri— The result of the Ruicby League m:«;rn between Rocnda'.e Hornets and Belle Vue Rangers, •.vhtrh was abandoned after 73 minutes because of weather conditions on Dec. 26 will stand, the Rugby League management committee swid today. Rorhrirle were leading 15-0 when the match «ns called
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  • 261 13 SYDNEY, Frl. WORLD bantamweight champion Jimmy Carruthers may have to postpone his nontitle fight against Filipino Larry Bataan in Manila on March 3. His manager. Dr. J. J. McGirr. said that the fight would have to be postponed if treatment to remove a tapeworm
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  • 118 13 LIVERPOOL. Frl. T«HE Grand National, to be run at Aintree here on Saturday March 27, has attracted a smaller entry than for some years. The list has closed with 55 entries compared with 73 last year. 84 in 1952. 73 in 1951 and 86 In
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  • 126 13 Elliott to train for M. Boussac PARIS, Fti. (CHARLES ELLIOTT, well-known English Jockey, has been appointed trainer to French owner M Marcel Boussac. Elliott, who will have about 100 of M. Boussac'.s horses In his charge In the stables a*, Chantilly near here, was appointed to the post on Jan.
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 157 13 Tokyo: f« VyORLD fly weight champion Yoshlo Shirai. does not care who hi* next challenger ls. but he Ilx very anxious to battle It out I again with Filipino Leo Espinosa who t.k.o 'd him last September. In a., interview with the English language newspaper Nippon Times
    UP  -  157 words
  • 28 13 MOSCOW. Frl.— World champion skater. Oleg Ooncharenko and six Soviet skaters left for Japan today to take part In the world speed skartng championships.— Reut«r.
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  • 294 13 ITALY FIGHT FOR TURPIN DENIED LONDON Fri. QEOROE Middleton, Randy Turpin's manager, denied reports that he has received a "substantial offer" for Turpin to defend his European middleweight title against Tiberio Mitri in Italy. Mitri. 27-year-old former European middleweight champion, has been nominated offirial challenger for Turpin's title. Mitri relinquished
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      62 words
    • 543 13 I y^JH^ ECONOMISE iMWmBSk MANY MORE MILES ll^Of HENLEY Obtainable throughout Malaya Sole Agents: SWEE HIN CO., 1 1, Havelock Road, Spore. Tel. *****-***** Branch: 43!, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur. Tel. 5033-6766 i a—^aaa— a— a—i ai a—aa aa^ aaw a— a— a— a— i New Country Hotel 622, BARTLEY
      543 words

  • 726 14 Rain and S.C.C's fighting spirit may check the Fijians By W. E. TREVOR WITH THE end of the rujfby season fast approaching, the big important matches of the year will soon be coming up in rapid succession and rugby fans in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur should, if they are lucky,
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  • 162 14 Rose, Hartwie upset Hoad Rosewall ADELAIDE, Fri. MERVYN ROSE and Rex Hartwig today scored an upsrt victory in the South Australian tennis championships when they beat the Wimbledon champions, Lewis Hoad and Ken Rosewall, 6-2, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4 in the men's doubles final. Today's final was a repeat performance of
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 59 14 The kick-off will be at 5 pjn. Mr. O. H. R. Beadles win referee. Teams will be: S.C.C. HJIANS Parker Tuir-abua Owen h.i.mi i Mi lii Knkoua U.ti-i.n Kananrrc Koper Cawal Hunnincs Nailini I'lCnn lie In Xrmitatr Saukuru Lorhhead Vulatolu Dale Uaqavulau l iv. Tana Baird Qio S'-oM
    59 words
  • 141 14 MEI BOURNE. Fri. KEN ROSEWALL. of Australia, and Tony Trabert. American Mnsles champion, are the home anc fonlgfl top seeding* for the Australian tennis championship in Sydnej from Jan. 22 to Feb. 1. Iruis Hoad. now considered Australia's best sincle s player, will br in camp
    141 words
  • 150 14 SINGAPORE Recreation Club "A" made full use of their second half superiority to beat RNAS SembnvaiiK 3-1 in a hockey friendly on the padan:; yesterday. Sembawai's becan promisingly with a se-ic of early raids in which he was hit on the face by the ball and had
    150 words
  • 38 14 rwiuta huh i ihik wnn SC drew 3-3 in a sorcer friendly at f'arrer Park yesterday. 9rorers for Klnti Raneers were Cheng Soon. Karan and Thamby; Tin Soon <2> and Sook Sens scored for TOOt Wall.
    38 words
  • 384 14 MALAYA'S preparation for the international field in hockey gets into stride tomorrow when the Federation of Malaya play Singapore at Kuala Lumpur in the first 'home international" ever arranged. This match marks the becinnirie of Intensive training of the All-Malaya
    384 words
  • 53 14 n.irl'.n M;\s Rambten S.C. socrer team against H.M.S. Charity tomorrow on the Railway ground will be selected lrom: Tony Adalia. audin Mockmair.. Grorpe Phillip. Sr.mad T. C. Halan, L. C. Lenc. Dol Atan. Kariir TaMtß, Tahir Abu. Ahmad Jabrl Kali. Joharl. B;i<iar, Stephen Tan
    53 words
  • 377 14 lEAGI'E champions I'nivcrsity of Malaya "A" J dropped out of the Singapore Hockey Association's knockout tourney when they were braten 2-1 by Latin" Wanderers in their first round replay on the padang yesterday. The first encounter between these two teams ended iii a one-all draw
    377 words
  • 130 14 HENRICKS SETS 200-m, RECORD AT MANILA MAN A USTRALIA S S\ defeated thr swimming star Al today's 200-mrtn linal in the thin Philippines nat swimming champio Henrlcu' time 2 broke the all-con I'min. 11.6 sec. Henrlcks, who iree I thr i.i another heal J tim< 1 of 67.7. I tiM
    130 words
  • 15 14 I I Brol rd. aim R, u.Q.i n the Ramp
    15 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1217 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i( nntinurd from P»e* > MTI Ml»>\- \< Wl SAVE More thßn M>'., on your ■n i* r/». fx/r«. complete wardrobe costs through expert tuition a! Singer Sewing Ma- II ompany Dressmaking Clares ,r' centre and learn to put that expert finish to your dTM Trquirrri to EDUCATION
      1,217 words
    • 343 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS VEHICLE FOR SALE m H,,rd, II (Min.)-Hnx iO rfj. txlrm. FOR SALE. Plymouth. 1950 M"drl with Radio Acer.- I sorlrs iM Class Condition. $3,500/-. Tel. ***** aftrr 6 p.m. m.M RENAULT 750 Taxed insured O< t.iltor regularly serviced good ir.erhanlpal concitlon $1,800 0.n.0. Rinc Clement *****. 1!>48 NASH.
      343 words
    • 329 14 FOR SALE !t> *ord, jij (Mim.)-Box m rl«. txlrm (ARINCTU'ISER 18 feet lnclun- t |B| 2.i HP. Johnson Outboard Motor .S>2.onn. OBers Tel. *****. E 1 ino2 LEONARD Refigerator for sale .i cubic feet offers or view Bowness 7. Manri.Uay Rd Tel. 5483 Ext. 38. PARK Brown riining room t
      329 words
    • 4 14 MORE SPORT— P. 13
      4 words
    • 136 14 WEEKEND DIARY TODAY ri oom S.( Fiji Ke>:t.. p.itl.iMi; Royal Navy v Army. Na\;il K.i^> R\l Tencah v (..11.(J.. r<iii;dh -I Andrew's 0.8.A. v Siniaporr P.iln Woodsville; OJLQ. '-is*. Ri-i;l RA. Tanslin: KKMI KliM Rajah Road HOC KM SRC. A' v R\y Mal.iM. I r.s.c. \av\. c.s.c. u round Indian
      136 words