The Straits Times, 8 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Established 1815 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 18 1 KOREA: Red, warned INDO-CHINA: Aid goe. oa IRON CURTAIN: Treble.- From Ike: But we use
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  • 207 1 A-weapons if... TRUST OUR ALLIES' PLEA HDENT EISENHOWER Uw would be glad to dfsom any issues with Russia When«r there was a reasonable chance of results. the same time he warned thai the United Sinks had ■I "a massive capability to strike back" al Mcd aggressors Me rlcarh meant, sa>
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  • 84 1 POINTS from the Message M9Otnt t a Ptcsirieftf Eisenhower's j i- ii'- were: a The I'.s. mil hit w back if the fii-r/s rr- "<;/• Ihr irnr in Korea. The message is Interpret' <(/ to imply the use of atomic iccapons. The President asked Congreu for powers i nto,,i secrets
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  • 105 1 Tyranny in trouble He .saw encouragement, too. m the ■vigorous resistance ot France and the Associated States' in Indo-China. He added: "1 shall ask Congress to authorise continued material assistance to hasten the successful conclusion of the struggle in Indo-China. This will bring closer the day when the Associated States
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  • 113 1 A new start possible He urged Congress, many fioee members are rrhim [wwrr.s United ed lt.s with it. I R an international p he said, would >ward n LlUea, lie suzge.strri a step to benefit both them r.S. taxpayer. Mi- s:iici: "This step is the creatiea of i healthier and
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  • 118 1 »> Than.— The I niled Britain and F'aiue reed to make tlieir i ran tee offer to c Berlin confer'il on BragTCM ■i .md Austrian latire sources tewen have llj rep. .i ted :k (l mi the torm i fmnuitee be offered to illy any (can OJ
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  • 190 1 Global review of policy The President gave this plobal review of America's foreign policy: FAR EAST: A mutual security pact with, Korea to be submitted to the Senate; indefinite maintenance of bases on Okinawa island; continued assistance to In-do-China and Formosa SOITH ASIA: Progress through democratic methods is being shown,
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  • 37 1 BELGRADE. Thurs— A British Embassy official today said it was clear that an unidentified jet which attacked a British Dakota on New Year's Eve inside the Yugoslav frontier v as not a Yugoslav plane.
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  • 27 1 VATICAN CITY. Thurs. Vatican Radio .'.ad today that Lavronti Bcria, Soviet police head, af.ker 1 for a copy of tho Bihlr before his execution. A.P.
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  • 195 1 INJUNCTION IS DROPPED, SO RUNAWAY TIN HEIRESS MARIA MAY WED HER JAMES EDINBURGH. Thursday. MILLIONAIRE tin magnate Antcnor Patino today i l cave up his legal attempt to block the marriage of his beautiful 18-year-old daughter. Maria Isabella. to a handsome young Englishman. Kivay
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  • 90 1 gIiNGAPORE model, Gwcn Day, a Chinese woman and her daughter, were injured in a head-on collision between two cars near Serangoon Post Office. Singapore, about 8.30 last night. The Chinese woman. Mrs. Eddie Chung, wife of a Chuiia Street business man. was admitted to
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  • 33 1 GRINDELWALD. West Germany. Thurs. Strict nonfraternisation Is the order of the day for six Russian <;irl skiers entered for the international women's skiing contest which starts here today.
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  • 43 1 LONDON. Thurs- Russia has agreed to supply Britain with large quantities of two important strategic materials iron and manganese it was disclosed today. This surprise deal was the first of its kind involving such materials since the war. U.P.
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  • 197 1 KAMPALA. Uganda. Thurs. THE Queens visit to Uganda 1 next April should be cancelled unless the .situation n ,he native kingdom o! Buganria improves, a high police officer said here y^ter day. He thought it inadvisable to •roue the Q»ren to
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  • 134 1 ROBBERY ATTEMPT FOILED Police storm hut WHILE an armed robbery wa.s going on in an attap shack at the Bth mile. Holland Road. Singapore, last night, a police party rushed in. They detained two men. Madam Tan Ah Tia. the victim, told the Straits Times that two men walked into
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  • 58 1 3 OF 10 KILLED KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. I Troops of the 1 10 Gurkhas t killed four Communist terrorists in the Rengam area of Johore today, the Information Services announced to- night in a special communique. A patrol got one terrorist. A second patrol contacted 10
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  • 40 1 GANDER. Newfoundland Thurs. A girl was born today aboard a KLM plane as it neared the International airport here. The stewardess made the dehvory 10 minutes before the plane landed. Mother and oh;ld are well. -U.P.
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  • 39 1 A Singapore City Council committee yesterday approved .by-laws which prohibit people "bringing intoxicating liquor into the Esplanade restaurant Those who are found unde j the influence of drink could 1 also be ejected under the new by-laws.
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  • 26 1 COLOMBO. Item. Reliable sources said today that Finance Minister Sir Oliver Goonetilleke has secured a World Bank loan in Washington for Ceylon.— A.P.
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Thurs Six Members of Parliament left by an today to take a dOM look at Mau Mau hot spots in Kenya. A.P.
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  • 150 1 SINGAPORE'S N«'« Year triplets, born to a Malay woman in (icylang Serai on Monday, are doing well. Their mother. Mariam hinle Abu Rakar. wife of Abdul llamid hi n Rujang. a Public Works Department machanic. not up yesterday for the Hrst time.
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  • 99 1 WE WILL MEET YOU ON A-TALKS MOSCOW, Thurs. OUSSIA announced to- day she was rrady to join the United States in preliminary discussions in Washington on the problem of atomic energy. Mr. Molotov gave the Soviet decision today to the American Ambassador. Mr. Charles Bodlen. An official communique issued by
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  • 95 1 The communique said the Washington talks would of an exchante of views on the procedure to be adopted in eventual atomic energy negotiations. There would be a discussion on the time, place and agenda of the final meeting. In Washington the State Department said that the
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  • 28 1 HANOI. Thurs. French Union troops paced by parachute commandoes killed 169 Vietminh rebels in a violent fight yeslerday only 25 miles north of Seno airfield.
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  • 201 1 Mr. Rhee thinks it over Meeting follows U.S. threat seoul. Thurs. president Byngman Rhop called an rmrrgency meeting <>f his top oflicials today to consider General Maxwell Taylor's blunt, threal to use Eighth Army troops against any South Korean attempt to frcp 22,200 anti-Communist prisoners brforo Jan. 2\. General Taylor,
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  • 50 1 IWNMUNJOM, Thus.— Neii I nited Nations note to Neutral N Rc;ion Commission i-d extensio i of January II de.,<' I Ing 22,000 i it, it Note ua I i »c to from chairman It. K. 8. Thimayya to 1.. Nations and Conriunii->t commands liking for their \ U.P
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  • 48 1 HITLER: Not dead— officially BERLIN. Thurs.—Hitler an* i his Goebbels are not official: dead. a.s far as the authorities here arc concerned. The registrar's office announced last night that the pair could not be declared dead because nobody notified the proper authorities ;it the tune they died. Rruter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 Official Distributors of ROLEX G. C. De SlUf BROS. •Hers I MafaaMNt 1. rhonrß,Tlls 'How happy could I be with either 1 nothing like a Guinness, except another Guinness WOLF (s§) BRAND Sole Distributors McAUSTER CO., LTD. ORE, Xl ALA LUMPUR IPOft I'ENANG
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    • 3 1 See Page Two
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    • 106 1 We Pm| SeWce Developing Printing Enlarging Kodak Malaya Limilod IN AA F I 4Jt t«oiK Mr.t^i I il II 'Illlllll! Ii Ik «V I Illlii f£' esr/>ti Jf 1 1 Mm! YEAR n llr rllVf c^iai P llm will b» t t»rn »w*y V H 111 I T^< mi. »Hh
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  • 322 2 ANOTHER MALACCA AREA GETS THAT i 'WHITE' LABEL M tLACCA, Thurs. ANOTHKR section of Malacca— the third— whs declared "white" today. And Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom, thr Resident Commissioner, told thr proplr of Lubok China village (pop. 3.200) in a message: "This freedon
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 MR. TOM MOORK, an art director, and Miss E. M. Fairbrother, a liaison editor, both of Woman's Own magazine passed through Singapore yesterday by QANTASBOAC Constellation on their way bark to England after a three months business trip to Australia. Straits Times picture.
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  • 52 2 From Page One A LONDON artist, who was in Singapore during the war, yesterday marie a rome-back in a (Jantas-8.0.A.C. Constellation to "paint the town." He was Mr. F. Wottnn (above i who is here to paint travelling posters and calenders for 8.0.A.C. Straits
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  • 146 2 Patino gives consent obtained a temporary injunction blocking the wedding for a week. The lovers, through an attorney, filed an objection to the injunction. This morning the couple's attorney announced there was no longer any need for him to contest the injunction in view of forthcoming developments. Then Patino's attorney
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  • 55 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. The Indonesian Government is exported to mako up its mind within two weeks on whether to liquidate th IndonesianDutch .Union, informed sources said today. There was much speculation that the visit to Europe by the Finance Minister. Mr. Ong Eng Die. is closely connected with
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  • 162 2 Jungle Green' publishers I agree to 16 deletions KIAI.A Ll'.MPl R, Thurs. The author and publishers of "Jungle Green", bestseller on the Malayan antiterrorist war. have agreed to delete in reprints of the book 16 epithets considered offensive to the Chinese, a spokesman of the Malayan
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  • 284 2 Ex-skyman doused a sergeant 6 months A SQUARE PEG, SAYS OFFICER a FORMER jungle parachutist, who created a disturbance in Raffles Hotel and later threw a bucket of water over a sergeant guard commander, was yesterday sentenced by a Singapore military court to six month's detention and ordered to be
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  • 70 2 —as mace-bearer The Singapore City Council may have a steward who will also be mace bearer for the future mayor and toastma^ter at City Hall functions. When such a post is created. it is proposed that it should be filled by a retired policeman or
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  • 55 2 MUNICH. Thurs. A U.S. High Commission court here yesterday ordered the confiscation of £6.566 worth of rifle parts manufactured by a Munich firm and originally intended for the Dominican Republic The parts were seized last May when American authorities accused seven men with illegally manufacturing arms. Later
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 132 2 K. LUMPUR. Thurs. A PATROL of the 2 10 Gurkhas yesterday killed a terrorist In thr Kota Tlnggi ana of .Tohoiv s with him escaped. A rifle and .<ix food packs wrre recovered. Terrorists smashed six rolllnp machines on n Chinese rubber smallholding
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  • 58 2 What's all the fuss? Minister SYDNEY. Thurs.— Pakistan's Finance Minister. Mr. Chaudri Mohamed Ali. said today that the facts of possible U.S. military aid to his country wen not as sensational as had bot'n reported "I don't know what th^ tun is all about." he said aft^ his arrival to
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  • 129 2 KUANTAN. Thura A 7.=> TON motnr Hone Lian 2 belong tiie Hone B Kuala Trrncgami. with about 90 tons of raruo. sunk about fron; Wuantan River after hitting a fanribnnk. The crew of 20 escaped. The boat was on its way foJ Trenfigami from Singapoie
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  • 23 2 TOKYO. Thurs— Gen. Maxwell Taylor, U.S. Bth Army Commander in Korea, arrived in Tokyo by air today from Seoul.— Reuter.
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  • 32 2 MANILA. Thurs.— A former American Ambassador to the Philippines. Mr Myron M. Cowen. yesterday said that he favoured the lifting of controls in the Philippines to attract more foreign investments.—U.P.
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  • 32 2 THESE WEBB broad smiles as men of No. 83 Bomber Squadron. R.A.F., boarded thrir Lincoln aircraft at Ten ßah yesterday to take off for Britain.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 211 2 A FTER nearly five months in Malaya, with more than 200 .successful sorties to its credit, No. 83 Bomber Squadron of the Royal Air Force is returning to Britain. The first four aircraft left from Tengah yesterday morning and
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  • 224 2 K. LUMPUR, Thurs. A CHINESE society wedding here on Jan. 16 will be the biggest in many years and the culmination of a childhood romance Invitations have been sent to over 3.000 guests to attend the ma'riage at the Selangor Chinese
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  • 131 2 TWO KILL TIGER IN SELANGOR Businessman pa,. $150 for skin KUALA LUMPUP A TIGER over i r% long from nos< which h# been on livestock in k; and farms at Sune« Choh Simpantr th* miles from RawarrSelangor was sh by two Malay hui Monday night A traffic jam wa.<= i
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  • 43 2 GEORGETOWN. Guiana, Thurt T brrs of a British G< commission to Ing ill constitution oj r- i arrived hrrr yeafc The chairman. 81 Robertson, said th< would tour thr counl beginning its hearing; the Peopled 7»rogn will boycott AP
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  • 36 2 ROME. Thura [1 night headed for poll! fusion after the collapse j| Premier Pella's gov according to spokesmt partie.v The President, 81 Einaudi. will beein h for a new Prime I day. Renter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 156 2 and all over the six ceni* LONDON. Thurw BRITAIN'S key Industries will suffer from "guerill strike action by electrical workers culminating a national 24-hour strike because employ* workers cannot P^ree on their overtime rate. Ministry of Labour officials fai!ed to heal the breach ovei higher
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  • 59 2 LONDON. can Vicar has i 1 A^hbishop of Ca GWfTrey FishPr. rhurrh because of Dr connection with freeri The 43-year-old Vi Rev. Hubert Th of the Church o| Magdalen. Padding! the ban \va.s a principle. Mr. Trapp taid I tians' God and thr God are not onr
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  • 41 2 Seven days after the bepinning of the New Year, the I Singapore Swimming Club is still receiving cheques dated 1953. In the latest members, one Iten "Members are r< as from Jan. 1 cl be dated 1954.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 THE FRESHNESS OF AND THE MILDNESS OF f-ijwff\ j& n n 1 y B^B^aa^^aw!^^Bi ADVANTAGES! Chlorophyll— Pure, Mild, '^4r Nature's Wonder-Worker Protective Olive Oil "«< vvi/:''^'' Purifying Chlorophyll, the The gentle, pratectivt Olive Oil wonderful life-sub>Unce of in Palmolive kerfs skin fresh every plant that growi, gi<'et and youthful. Beautiful
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    • 55 2 CATHAY HOTELS OPENS TOMORROW! TARIFF EVERY ROOM AIR- CONDITIONED ITH SHOWER BATH ,K TELEPHONI Single Room without Verandah SIS" 1 Single Room with Verandah IM Double Room without Verandah Double Room with Verandah (medium) Double Room with Verandah (larpe) Suite Room with Verandah (extra charge) Breakfast Luncheon Dinner A La
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  • 237 3 „x, TEHERAN, Thursday. phRSIAN police last night redoubled their hunt for underground Communists after the discovery of 1,000 sticks of dynamite in a Communist hideout near the main Teheran railway station. Officials claim that the dynamite was to be used "'^assassinate a member
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 57 3 A IR CRASH IS SNOW HILLS 15 RAF MEN ON DON. Thurs. i- r.a.f. tnmspori ne crashed in a hist night, killing 16 men aboard. covered com north ol London. The ti m apart as It rlp- pulled out of r but one conEl A K. ruebv victims I the
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  • 57 3 FOR EX-BANDIT AL Thurs Reformed train robber Al ningi and his wile have lebrated their golden idiriR anniversary. Al Is hi 73. <if a that looted trains and in Oklahoma. Arkansa K as in the 1890s of his robbeii' he and hi re arPresideni Theodore Roosevelt
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  • 28 3 BERRA. ThuH Aust- the declaractending tariff schedules to July 1, bt event her from raising Us td levels mat might t>' usually reliable sources.-
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  • 140 3 M YORK. Thurs. 4 LETTER is on its way to Buckingham Palace asking the Queen to pardon a 72-year-old man who said he deserted Irom the British Am v .">1 j ean ago. The letter was sent for the one-time soldier. K.ilxrt Donald,
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 117 3 How much are you worth? MANILA. Thurs. PRESIDENT Magsaysay has 1 ordered all government officers to make public their financial assets and liabilities before January 31. The order Ls designed to prevent government officials from enriching themselves while in p;.blic office at the expense of the people. The President set
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  • 62 3 U.S. dollars are dumped RED AGENTS IN HK HONG KONG. Thurs-Com-munlst agents dumped more than US$5OO,OOO on the Hong Kong market last month in reveral of normal buying, it was learned today. Banking sources said within a few days Communist quarters got rid of about U*****0.000 in one swoop. The
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  • 40 3 MADRAS. Thurs. Earthquake tremors of more than seven seconds duration were reported yesterday from three places in Madras State. In two. Kothagudem and Ramavtiam, people rushed out of shaking houses. No loss of life was reported. A.P.
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  • 27 3 NEW DELHI. Thurs. The Indian Premier. Mr. Nehru, has sent meetiiißs to Mr. Malenkov the Soviet Prime Minister, who i is 52 tomorrow. A.P.
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  • 26 3 HONG KONG. Thurs.— Mr. D. Rusad. Indonesian viceconsul, here .said today that his country was anxious to maintain trade relations with other countries.
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  • 19 3 MOSCOW, Thurs Mr. Jamal Magomaev, former Azerbaijan Local Industry Minister, has been appointed Deputy Premier. Reuter.
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  • 175 3 new york. Than. A "PUBLIC trial" of Senator Joseph McCarthy was hold here today. And 6.000 penoOa paid five cent* each to take part in the mock trial on the man who is head of the Senate Permanent investigations Sub-committee. A dozen pickets paraded
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  • 346 3 But officer's letter starts row LONDON. Thursday. \3RITISH Army Colonel has sent letters to engineering apprentices telling them they face a "sheeplike procession to the office for the daily grind" and contrasting the joys of army life. The- British Employers" Confederation are furious an«
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 49 3 Snow snarls traffic BRITAIN SHIVERS LONDON, Thurs. Ice and snow today created the worst traffic conditions of the winter m many parts of Britain Road and rail transport were snarled with some services cancelled. Northerly gales with showers of sleet and snow continued to buffet North Sea shipping. Neuter.
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  • 258 3 LONDON. Thurs. UAH Eastern Issues Rave n'Hte a reasonable shnwinc on thr London Stock Exrhange loday. Rubbers and tin?, however, were neglected. Closing prices ot selected stocks were ttmmmm Consols 64\ Funding 4': 101 U -I War IH% +'.4 RANKS Mercantile (lU>i) 24 Hongkong isl2si 95'j Eastern (£5)
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 3 YKOMi:N warders and Inited States marines form a guard of honour for Corporal Raymond Schubert, aged 22, and his 19-year-old English bride. .Miss Rosemary Recce, after their wedding at the -.'hapel in the Tower of London. Corporal Schubert is a security guard at I.S. Navy headquarters in London. Reuter
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 27 3 LONDON. Jan 7. Cash Buyers t660; Seiltrs t662' 2 Forward Buyers tf.36; Sellers C 637: Settlement C6fi2' 2 Turnover a.m. 35 tons; p.m. 25 tons.
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  • 38 3 LONDON. Jan. 7 Spot IT.d Feb. 17'« d.. Mar. 17' id.. Apr-June 17\d.. JuK-Sept. nVt&., Oct.-I>r 17' d.. Jan. c.l.f. 17 1 lßd.. Peb CXI 17 1 16 d.. Mar. cl.f. 17", d. Ton.;: Fully steady.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 ENGLISH ELECTRIC FRACTIONAL HORSE-POWER MOTORS Capacitor Type yiinrjjinns Lister Hnijinßßrinq l.lrij There are over 35 TYPES of OK ELECTRODES, each specifically designed to meet the exacting requirements of every individual arc welding application. SOLE AGENTS:IVVIUISO*. §lMOitiS A <O. I 111. ENGINEERING DEPT. 'I.'. LUMPUR SINGAPORE Be PENAN'ft
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    • 66 3 Ilk e «cs J They're economical because they're EXTRA LARGE! SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. m r-y-ux Jj-rg-— Ours couch syrup 'tTH GUA!ACOL& CREOSOTE) the Ora nge B I v c Ca rton. J /Dewitt's baby couch sywFpV (EOe CHUOREN UNDER 5-YEAfiS) V in the frink Silver Carton. y in
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  • 388 4 But threat of quarantine brought them out of cabins QJKYKN Communist Chinese diplomats, one of them the Amhassador to Burma, flouted Colony regulations on their arrival from Rangoon hy refusing to leave their cabins for a medical inspection. The diplomats were returning
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  • 215 4 Way paved for national schools STANDARDS ARE RE-NAMED KUALA LUMI'I K. Thurs. THE re-namlng of English school Standards wil] pnvr thr way for schools, an I spokesman told thi 1 day. In future, Standard Primary one to SI Will be railed Standard one in Standard m>: ust as those In
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  • 129 4 Petition to Ruler on driver Six months' gaol KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A PETITION is to be sent to the Sultan of Selangor by friends of W. F. Nattrass, 28. a mining onpineer sentenced to six months' gaol for drunken driving, asking that his case be reviewed. Nattrass was sentenced on
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  • 31 4 IPOH. Thurs. a former president of the Malayan Rail. vay Institute, in Ipoh. Mr M j. Koley has assumed duties is senior asMstan* traffic sujerintendent. Malayan Railvav Ipoh
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  • 117 4 T'HK uniformed branch of Singapore Police Fonv and tin branch arclikely tn remain separai time It Ls not possible at present mber ol th> uniformed rank and file, a at the same I police spokesman told the straits Times yesterday. He was commenting on
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  • 61 4 THE UNION MEN ARRIVE Opening of wage hearing THE EIGHT-MAN team of the Pan-Malayan Rubber Workers' Union is seen above arriving; at the Federation Treasury conference room in Kuala Lumpur for the arbitration hearing of the union's wage dispute with th.Malayan Planting Industries Kmployers' Association. Mr. P. P. Narayanan secretary
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  • 110 4 ALL-NIGHT SEARCH FOR FAULT KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. AN all-night .search to trace an electric fault which plunged this town and Port Swettenham into darkness last night, ended just before noon today. The power failure lasted just OTW IT hours— one of the longest blackouts
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  • 159 4 Death reports I NEW scheme designed to -i* cut red tape in reporting the death or serious illness of Singapore Government overseas officers to their next-of-kin abroad has been introduced by the Colonial Secretary, .\ir W. A C Goode. Hitherto all such cases first
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  • 60 4 The guest had gone also the host's clothing A Javanese living in Thomson Road. Singapore, returned home on Wednesday afternoon to find all his clothing valued at $200 missing. Also missing was his guest, another Javanese. Host and guest met for the first time on Tuesday The !iiiist was invited
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  • 59 4 Officials of the Army Civil Service Union, Portsdown branch, Singapore, are: Chairman, Mr. J. S. Nair (re-elected secretary. Mr. J. T. Rocky; treasurer. Mr. P. Natarajan cre-elected) auditors, Mr. Quek Ah Lock and Mr. Teo Chwee Chye; committee: Miss Monicar Morrier, Messrs. Dick Scow. N. V. Dharan, L.
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  • 51 4 MR. R. G. D. Houghton. secretary of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association, smiles as lit- arrives for the arbitration hearing of rubber workers' pay claims. He led the fiveman employers' team at thr opening of the hearing in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. Straits Times
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  • 106 4 Automatic alarm system IPOH, Thursday. THE Kinta Electrical Distribution Company has designed an electric fence which includes an alarm system, for new village perimeter protection. Three new villages in Perak have already been equipped. The K. ED. who are In charge of. lighting in the
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  • 123 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 7.15 Time Signal <fc Opening Announcement; 7.16 Morning S'.ar; 7.30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture 8 Hlll-Billy Half Hour; 8.30 Malay Programmes; 9 Muslce While You Work; 9.45 Housewives' Choice; 10.30 Matinee Classical Concert; 11.30 Malay Prograrrmes; 1 Programme Summary: 1.02 Muchu Novy; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45
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  • 160 4 Keep guns locked up, owners warned SINGAPORE police yesterday warned all owners of licensed firearms to take fullest precautions against the weapons falling into wrong hands. The warning followed the theft ot a pistol and 14 rounds of ammunition from an Australian living in Rebecca Park on Wednesday afternoon. Two
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  • 113 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. JOHORE has more than 20.000 dogs and the Veterinary Department, which is now handling the issue of licences instead of the Post Office, hopes to collect $100,000 in licensing fees at 55 a dog. No receipt will be issued. Instead a blue
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  • 39 4 Singapore's Social Welfar. 1 Department last month received 670 new applications for public assistance, eight more than in November. It paid $253,148 to 8.758 cases, of which $71,710 went to 3.166 cases for sick allowances.
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  • 29 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Siamese railway delegation which arrived in Malaya on the newly opened Bangkok to Prai express visited the Malayan Railway.- Sentul worki here today.
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  • 32 4 Sudin bin Awang. ex-fore-man on board a ship altered his discharge certificate from ••good" to "very good' because he wanted a job. Sudin was fined $100 In Singapore yesterday
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  • 32 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs A Chinese woman, Er Soo Cheng, was fined $100 in Johore Bahru Police Court today for attempting to smuggle a wrist watch from Singapore into the Federation.
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  • 111 4 THE new law relating to the exhibition of films in Singapore, passed in July last year, comes into force today. The Cinenuttouniph Films Ordinance 1953 abolishes communal representation on the Film.s Appeal Committee I It empowers the Board of Film Censors to classify pictures
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 127 4 «««««««««««<«««< <<«««««««««<«««««««. ««««««<«««««««««««««««««««««««««««</x A wringing ou new refinements in 1 Stqle, Comfort and "Performance I m9L *^*^W m I £1 mi m^_ wߣ*mml I I 11 I' SixuxcLaJixL I WMM&WMMB Quick acceleration No luggage problems. Safe cornering The Standard Vanguard The large luggage boot of "ceprional roadrcvpondi iwiftly to i
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    • 274 4 51yl ROMEO In »Hr»ctivr >li»d»- pliaW. anil vnll lrathrr upp<-r». Park l>ir>,,, rhlsli< ln*rli hold Millgly In fry.i »ilh all Irathrr solr« and ruhh< hrrls. Price .OO IMm per paJi^ Available at: Season Tradinc H Hi«li Street, Sporr. XX Klan Hin 103 Albert Strrel. S porr. Foo San 1
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  • 251 5 Rubber roads being tested all over Federation P. W. D. DIRECTOR REPLIES TO SIR SYDNEY PALMER KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THK Federation Public Works Department is experimenting widely with both rubber latex md powder in road surfacing. K. Nankivell, Public Works director, rcvcalidded that special laboratory equipbeen ordered for research. The
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  • 65 5 Visit to railway control room MB. K NAYI.OK. Chief Train Controller, explains to the Siamese state railway mission the working of the Malayan Railways' Operations Control Room at Railway Headquarters. Kuala Lumpur. On his riijht is Gen. C. R. Seriroengrithi, General Manager of the Siamese
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  • 16 5 Repairs are better than demolition pull- all rder h fall- down an the tion, Mr $25.
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  • 77 5 OUR CATTLE WILL BE BETTER NOW Bic; Improvements in the ■>■ ol Malayan cattle are expected to lollow the lung term experiments by the nwealth Sclentlflc and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia, a state- m the Commissioner General's Office suici yesterrganlsation, the statement added, aims to combine the high producing
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  • 28 5 IPOH. TOurs. A State ball will be held at the Istana Iskandaraiah, Kuala Kangsar, en January 16 to celebrate the birthday of the Sultan of Perak.
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  • 12 5 \(i Thui The 'i ol MN I iturday Pension agreed
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  • 48 5 PKNANG. Thurs. An antei atal and infant welfare clinic and market are to be built ,t Kampong Bahru. •This is pad ol our livcvear programme to expand ante-natal and Infant welfare services." Dr. Urn Khoon Hua£ „t municipal health Gfflcer. told the Straits Tunes.
    48 words
  • 7 5 ol the the
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  • 236 5 -HE TURNED TO SMUGGLING PARIT BUNTAR. Thursday. KOEK BOH CHENG, a 28-year-old labourer, won $23,000 In a lottery. He bought a new sports car for $5,500. did no work, fell into bad company and lost all his money. Then he was persuaded to use
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  • 74 5 HE CUT HIS TONGUE WITH A PENKNIFE I JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. In reply to a charge of attempting to commit suicide oy cutting hi.s tongue with a penknife. Yon K Soon told the Police Court that he did not know what he wa.s doing. He wa.s ill at the time
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  • 43 5 KUANTAN. Thurs. A young woman, Yap Chong, was, charged wlto possession of i hand-grenade and a detonator at Fook Kuh Men- I ite, Bungel Pandan area, on De-| cember 17. The case wa.s postponed to Saturday. Yap was remanded.
    43 words
  • 110 5 I)K!YVn: John Doofla* Barker, of thr Koyal West Krnt Kruiinrnt. who was sentenced to six months' detention and ordered to he discharged with imiomiiiy from the Army at a Singapore court martial in December for talking back to a Military Policeman, has had his m-m--tence reduced
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  • 43 5 PENANG. Thurs. Plans for holding classes in cooking and sewing will be d .mnual meeting ol the Anglo-Chinese Girls School Ex-Pupils Association m Saturday. The meeting will be held at Marble Floor. Wmctiell Home. Logan Road at 4.:(u p.m.
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  • 29 5 PENANG. Thurs —The second batch ol fisherman taking a special course in navigation, oilotase and seamanship in Penang will •graduate" at the end of this month.
    29 words
  • 226 5 says Social Welfare report UXPERIEXCE has shown that it is exceedingly ■-'difficult to influence a person who is a staunch member of a secret society says the progress report of the Singapore Social Welfare Department for December. The report was commenting on the caw of a
    226 words
  • 196 5 SINGAPORE taxi owners may be compelled to buy taximeters from a local firm a.> a result of the City Council's committee decision not to renew the licences Ol taxi* without meters. Mr. T A. Simon, president of Singapore Hire Car As.<ociation, that an approved
    196 words
  • 49 5 PENANG, Thurs Indian. In Penang will give a farewell tea party to Mr. T. v. Ramakrlshna Rao, Agent ol the Government of India in Ma- laya, who is returning to India for re-assignment. The party will be held at the Indian Association op •Sunday.
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  • 24 5 IPOH, Thurs. Mr. E V. Collins inspector of mines, stationed in Batu Gajah, will go to Britain o n leave this month.
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  • 23 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Federal Film Library here ha.s received a number ol new Ki-MM films from the Australian Government. I
    23 words
  • 47 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Thurs. The new Town Council here will hold its first meeting In the council room on Monday. Three nominated councillors, Mrs Florence s H Wong. Mr. Kanagasingam and inche Mohd. Noor Hamzah will be sworn in together with six elected councillors.
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  • 26 5 IPOH. Thurs. -Mr T. R. Hepworth returned from leave at tho week-end. He will take up duties as Legal Advises and Federal Counsel, Perak.
    26 words
  • 82 5 AI.OR STAR. Thurs. POLICE here are looking for I a 15-year-old schoolgirl, who has been mussing f or I three weeks from her home in ja!an Tang*!. Khun Pek Yoke, a pup:i .it Ist. Nicholas' Convent here was reported to have left hoirr during thr fttoence
    82 words
  • 252 5 Police Band: P'lbllr performance. Kins George V Park, 5.30 p.m. to I 6 30 pm. Singapore Art SoriHv: Exhibition I „f Photograph! by Ir.mcis Wu. Bii- i,sh Coum ii Hall BUunford Road, <l m Ul i M |i hi Ailnn ion Inf. ltoyal Kuei H Anmh i.itioii
    252 words
  • 199 5 TEXTILE FIRMS SELLING AT A LOSS textile mer- chants are today beirm forced to sell accumulated stocks of Japnnesf> and Indian textiles at 15 to 17 per cent, less than they now cost in Japan and India, a prominent textile merchant. Mr Hardial Singh, said yesterday. Local merchants, he said,
    199 words
  • 59 5 From colleague PENANG, Thurs— When he retained to hi.s quarters vi steruay. Constable Mohamea Si. ah. attached to the Penang Hill Police Station, found another special constable ransacking hi.s bag. Today Hussaln Mohd AUil. 21, pleaded suilty to stealing a gold ring and a silk sarong wort
    59 words
  • 56 5 PENANG, Thurs.— The Youth Centre committee plans v lun fair at the New World park from January 14 to 18 to raise funds for the centre. Settlement Youth Council a talentime .->i:o\v ith displays hy the Penaiig Chinese Chin Woo Association. Ten thousand Bag! wi.l
    56 words
  • 44 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A Cantonese wayaim will b" held at Bukit Blntang Park on January 13 and at the Lucky World Park the next day in aid of the King Georcr V Silver Jubilee Memorial Fund and the Tong Shin Hospital Fund.
    44 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 TILLEY Uunpf lie lea res t brightest I i '4 lit of them (ill! BORKEO (uticiir a \IC\ treatment' t. Iv VJOI SENSITIVE SKINS
      24 words
    • 168 5 LUCKY ••.•■••■••■■at l. •><■■■■■■•••••- it:. J,i«Pr^^-^«lrc«:^5 1 ■••> ■B^~- at ••-<MlilC3|||«MHl ilf s^^-- sg 'g! m l W V»^ ttm «.i «•*••>'■•■■»••■•■•' jj^uMUHs^:: ;ji fcf. vu -j[ •is \>*T r l n *h j <■■■■■■•■' >••■■••■••* <■«•■••■... Imported By THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. FROM sth TO 15th JANUARY WE
      168 words

  • 107 6 ARRIVE) froa rnfnn Blouses In i < pritrs from t rnwn <V Country. fi4. Hirli f-'-rr' SINGAPORE Arts ThMtTB prfMacbtMh at the TlkMtn Mtli. 15th, IRth January, Bookings ftt Robinsons i >pm WORII Puzzle Solutions. Send $1 mperi addressed f? ■i la!*! than Saturday- ai- solution}, guaranteed postf riav
    107 words
  • 758 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Jan. 8, 1954. The Chinese Schools Mr. Lee Kong Chians statement on the Colony's Chinese schools is a moderately phr— ed and impressive case [or aid from the public purse for the education of children not accommodated in Government schools. ()t the 160,000 children now
    758 words
  • 514 6 A vote of confidence for Fiance's Premier, and Russian ■gretltnt to preliminary discussions in Washington on the problem of atomic energy, are encouraging omens for the Berlin conference. But the basic question remains unanswered —does Russia really intend this conference to reach practical decisions If so, in what
    514 words
  • 848 6  -  John Fisher The Four Foreign Ministers of Britain, the Vnited States, France and Russia will meet in Berlin on Jan 25. The vital question is By West would probably object to a live-Power conference sin< c the Issues such as Korea, atomic weapon control
    848 words
  • 168 6 STRAITS Times reader V K.Y.. of Kuantan. ha.s asked if old Christmas cards could be of any use, and. if so. to whom. Many thanks Y.K.Y. for your kind thought. I shall be very grateful to readers lor sending me any cards. We always gel requests from
    168 words
  • 64 6 IT was rumoured in 1950 that the authorities were contemplating the issue of plastic identity cards. Most of the writing on present card.s is fast fading away, not taking into account that the person's photograph thereon is out of date. Shall we hope that 1954 will
    64 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 260 6 THERE may be some special standing orders or rules governing procedure at Johore State Council meetings, which might explain the rather unorthodox treatment of a motion by the Legal Adviser, at a recent meeting. The Legal Adviser moves (I quote from the minutes of the meeting or
      260 words
    • 145 6 UNDER the heading 'Peculiarities of Pn vident j Fund" you published a let- ter from C. A. Donadio. Kulim. The accounts section of the Employees Provident Fund is under my Jurisdiction and if I the writer of that letter will j give me particulars of the case
      145 words
    • 104 6 THOUGH the Pahanp; Government ha.s rightly tumrd down Councillor Eliathamby'.s proposal advocating drastic retrenchment, one cannot help j sympathising with his point of view Departments like the Na- tional Rgistration and the Food Control must have been uppermost in his mind when he took up cudgels against
      104 words
  • 47 6 lAGF.EE with Mr. T. H. Boon anout the Singapore Tractioi Company extending its service to the end of Upper Serungoon Road. During rash hours th present service, by another company, is not enough. The schoolchildren are tne worst sufferers A Bis USER. Singapore.
    47 words
  • 241 6 I CAN credit Fourth-Genera- 1 Uon Chinese with a strange! BeAM Of humour but I cannot see how I ca n credit him with i presenting a fair and masonable assessment of the g«v--ernment'B Bilingual Plan. His criticism i s consistently inconsistent. When a student from a
    241 words
  • 328 6 On the Margin Pageantry iT IS good to rdrab d when '.'•e all run rr.unr! white .shirts and terns, unless we iri I'd to wear the hi that on hi the Sultan oi p hli pc iple's loyalt n its mounted »n elephai How t in world h ii pagi
    328 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 589 6 Strait. Timrt Frrc Prcii F.r the ronvrnitnc* ol «cl»irriwt, our re prtl*nt«tivff ot lit floor SINGA'ORI COLD STCRACI. ORCHARD RO4D. will •«•■>• i to b*> numbers lie b» li<ind>o to: C!TY BOOK STORf LTD.. Winch. »tpr HouW, Collyrr Quoy, Sinqopor* CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. J Tnnolln Rood. Singapore. CLASSIFIED ADS.
      589 words
    • 85 6 1 m JUST OUT! I All About Twins Arr id. nli. a I tain* ai alike in trniprrmnrnt a< thr* arr in appearance Amwen to thi* and other qurMina* on tin- (»v< mating subject. Medicine's Indispensable Man Niik, the krv man in Ihr \trugulr w uainst diwasr n fiftrn not
      85 words
    • 50 6 J3 Meet nfllEr Scotland s l^gg Idvourilv I f Son J^ JOHNNIE WALK Hit SCOTCH WHISKY The fashionable drink everywhere John Walker Sons, Ltd., Scotch Whisky Distillers, Kilmarnock, L.i. JHRRP hi Co (m) Ltd. AVIATION <$*&2^ DIVISION I ATA BOOKING AGENTS ALL AIRLINE Union BLDCSinGfIPORE ,ll L 2 7
      50 words

  • 337 7 Raise hell if you want more pay: Sir Gerald BUT NEVER, NEVER TAKE A BRIBE SEGAMAT, Thursday. disputes were no excuse for corruption, the Commissioner, (General Sir Gerald told Government servants today. What i"iild do w;is to jret their unions to make hell" for the Government that they jjot '•u\
    337 words
  • 67 7 ATTEMPT TO END PRINTER'S DISPUTE Labour Chief suggests a Labour chief suggests a now formula ur, Mr. between the Union Publishing union 1 firms manailled by apt to tl ike. .strike iemes different the union's deand the te sch< were mow only I of s method to his pro- w
    67 words
  • 21 7 New traffic lights starts M rson ad went I hen the I at .'-xt year. light hto ope- > we could," pokesman
    21 words
  • 40 7 oingapore ponce yesterday detained a man in connection with a report made by a watchdealer in Victoria Street. The report alleged that a credit note for $1,680 against delivery of 70 watches, had not beet met.
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  • 39 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs— l Dato Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman and Dato Seth bin Mohamed Said, have been confirmed as deputy Mental Besar and State Secretary, respectively. Dato Ibrahim's ap;x>intmi nt takes effect from July 18. lest year.
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  • 21 7 Chia Seong Lim. a Singapore i Traction Company driver, was' fined $5o in Singapore yester- day for negligent driving.
    21 words
  • 48 7 I Into the] i rdressine Rci;irt. St* .tnri sto.e llery ard ie pr>'Sian and her family, were sight-M-einß at Haw Par Villa. She had closed the shop for the day and left it unattendnd. She found the back door >reed and the premises ransacked.
    48 words
  • 88 7 Mother looks on |iroiiiM> as visitor* «»all MORE THAN 250 visitors E have called at ihe home 50/ Sin </a pore's Neiv Year triplets in Geylang Serai. i4()Oi'e, their mother, Mariam binte Abu Bakar. s looks on nroudly as f r iends and relatives gather round.
    88 words
  • 228 7 CASE ADJOURNED FOR A DAY 4 N APPLICATION' for Hiuh Court injunction against 10 workmen of the Endau Sawmill Co., Ltd. to restrain them from occupying the factory's premises in Lavender Street. Singapore, was adjourned yes*erday until today as the workmen want to contest the
    228 words
  • 129 7 Women, 72, fought with policeman MR. J. M. Devereux-Cole- 1 bourn. Singapore City Police Court Magistrate., yesterday taid: 'The court has great sympathy for an old lady who can fight with a policeman." He was replying to the prosecuting officer, Inspector If. Majid. in the case of a 72- year
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  • 16 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thuts The first Assizes of th« year ben Will oprn on Tuesday.
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  • 42 7 MISS PAMELA BATTSON, a BOAC g round hostess in London, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by QANTAfI Constellation on a familiarisation trip lo the Ka>t. She will be M thr Colony for four days. Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 57 7 1,242 get TB allowance $83 A PERSON Singapore Social Welfare Department last month gave 533 each to 1.242 people as TB treatment allowance. The Department approved 71 new applications. Allowances tor 106 people were stopped. 92 had bejome tit for light work, and lour were not cooperative tn lollow treatment
    57 words
  • 161 7 'Frank, friendly arbitration hearing KUALA LUMPUB Thurs. MR JUSTICE TAYLOR, arbitrator In the present v ;,..<• dispute in the federation's rubber industry, told the Straits Times today he oll |ci not predict when he would be able Ui issue thr award because 'Hut her cxpminatlon of the o»ur©| may be
    161 words
  • 38 7 Gimson School for Boys, Singapore, collected 2,450 katis of vegetables and fruits from their community farm last month. They also supplied 17(1 pounds of diick for the ChristDIM table, and baked 7.927 pounds of bread.
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  • 107 7 PLEA FOR ASIAN DONORS Blood shortage rE Singapore Transfuaicn Service is appealing for more Asian donors They are finding :t difficult 10 cope with the many demands for Group B blood because few Europeans. wh.> form the majority >t donors, have blood of th.s group. A statement Issued by the
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  • 52 7 HI AMEMCAM Consul, Mr. Robert J. Jansen. conjtratiilates bin Abu Yamin afler his marriage to Miss Sah Odah whose father, Keso t bin has been chief messenger at ihe I'nited States Consulate-General, Singapore, for 3 1 years. The wedding was at Lorong Limau, off Kirn
    52 words
  • 146 7 A "YOUNG citizens' week" U to be held throughout Malaya from Jan. 20 to Feb 1. Mr. F. C Arulanandom. chairman of the Malayan i Youth Council, announced today The Idea, he told the .Straits Times, is to turn the spot linht on the
    146 words
  • 85 7 Rubber, tin blamed KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs (CUSTOMS and rxcisr revenue in the Federation last year dropped by nearly $88,000,000 compared with 1952. •The fall in the price of rubber and tin Is the cause' said an official today. Detailed excise fipurcs too when published will
    85 words
  • 208 7 Bus man kept fare, court told TWO detectives boarded a Singapore Traction Company bus one day and saw the conductor take 20 cents from a woman pasrer.Rer without issuing a ticket, a Singapore court was told yesterday. The detectives. Tan Kc**.| Juay and Tan Swop Ann.
    208 words
  • 99 7 TWO SHIPS IN HARBOUR COLLISION J|!\VO -.hips. Hi,. Anshiin and 1 Sudhuiv Mill collided in Krpp«-| 1 1 1 1 hour yesterdiy evening. Slight damage was c :uisi-d in the bows of the Sudhurv Hill There «erfno easnalties, The accident occurred in front of Godown S3 at about LSI p.m.
    99 words
  • 58 7 i ►een missing from the Gimson BoW Home, in Clrmm'i Road. Singapore, since Wednesday. A spokesman ol the Sccial Department said. We expect the boys will show up before Ions". Law passes Messrs. Annamalay A. E. Quinn and N Vaithinathan. I the UniverI "tidnn intermediate examination
    58 words
  • 46 7 Flora Elias of Middle Road Singapoie, m taken to hospital ye-terday morning a.'te: an accident in Orchard Roid. near the Pavilion theatre. She wa.s injured in a collision with a military lorry. She was treated at the outpatients' clinic and sent hoir.c.
    46 words
  • 103 7 Police can't help if customers don't pay IfVERI daj an increasing J number of Stnc-ipore traders report to thr f'olic. nhnut easterners not meeting credit notes. A Police ipokeSSMBI viid yt»trrd;iv lhat, although this form ol cheating is on the there Is I'ttf,. the police <;m do In stop
    103 words
  • 72 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar Member for Home Affairs, today flew in a helicopter to Pahans jur.-le.s to see '-inesHe took off from here with Mr. R. O. D. Noone. Fe<ieraM tlcna adviser on aborigines, in tno mom 'nR and returned In
    72 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 DOGS HEAD _^pjf^rf£pj^Lj| -*S ■*^^J' \Wkt rfr hSgas^sjj. j£ x^^^^pj^^^M^^gSS^^^^Bf Ho^os B f 9//S3 \fr
      15 words
    • 151 7 I WASHDAY SCRUBBING DISAPPEARS FROM YOUR HOME WITH A Westinghouse Bi'O\ ;juj*i^| LAUNDROMAT -i i-.r- i tundraoMl ukobmiMi "weiKh-to n«O" Door and nater saver. 1. User wrlchs the soiled rlot,ies on hanriv Afi;h-to-»»ve" door. t. Kfts "Wat»r Saver" tn <|7» load shown on pj Indicator "Small, Meditim Pecilar J.
      151 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 The weather MINIMI M TKMPKRATI RK ,7 30 l<n.. on Jim: 6 to 7.30 a.m on Jan 7i: Singapore 75 degrees. Pm;uu; I 73, Kota Biihru 76. Ku.ihi Lumpur i'l. lpoh 14. Kuantan 74 I HAXIMIM TUtntKATDBI (730 11 in pm. 01. j;,n. i>: siniM- pun BS. Pcaiuaj 88.
      186 words

  • Entertainments page
    • 460 8 SIM >l UM TOP SI \H I.IIAIIL THK EASY WAY TEXAS. Hollywood's main source of supply of beautiful star material, has delivered the soods again. This time the thanks so to Amarillo. hometown of Carolyn Jones, the Lone Star State's latest contribution to film
      460 words
    • 221 8 Wildly impossible but amusing WILL ANY GENTLEMKN is an amusing and ingenious Englisn farce that revolves round the dual personality of a respectable bank clerk and the lamentable effects that a hypnotic display in a music hall have upon him. It all ends up with a Chase backstage but before
      221 words
    • Article, Illustration
      604 8  - WORLD of THEATRE VIC MEM WHEN the Singapore Arts Theatre production of "Macbeth" noes into rehearsal, complete with set, on the sUge of the Victoria Theatre this week-end. In preparation for its first performance next Thursday, nocturnal wanderers in Empress Place are likely to be startled by strange and violent
      604 words
    • 330 8 Out-of-the-rut action "APPOINTMENT IN A LONDON" is one of those films about the R.A.F. in 1943 that usually follow the same pattern anc have the same set of stock characters. But it is different from the run of such films because the hero. Wing Commander Mason, is played with such
      330 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 (ATHAY ORGANISATION J*i \l -I U\< TIO.NS -^p NOW IN ITS 3rd GREAT WEEK sEsOTltiiill riiiiiu tl-lM For Kookinvs <£Z-.Z<>&> A '•IHIIST SEE" H\ l M s| ONLY THK (INF.MASCOPF. s«i;iin \N PROVIDE 81TCH SPECTACLE -it INI xrKNSIVFI.Y CINEMASCOPE !Ml HODEKN MIRATLC \OI sf.f. WITHOIT <;i.ASSFS! liliiniiP Bl KION ISAM
      332 words
    • 147 8 \\VMCTH>H% I THE CONQUEST OF EVEREST. MWMI the film o* the year. Am.ixing and enthralling record of the pioneering feat that was the crowning glory of Coronation morning. Superb shots taken on the roof of the world and unrehearsed outburtt of human emotion in crisis. An experience not to be
      147 words
    • 239 8 A^i'^HVL hf plundered tK, mY-W ast forgotten cornrr Jv I). I. present* wr j JEFF Jl^ I CHANDLER uuuWxSc MARILYN MAXWELL '^^kwr ANTHONY QUINH SUSAN BALL in Toiiioi run 9 a m. -TICK UP 1 Sunday a.m. "i:\CrSl-: MY IH'ST" IX h TOMORROW MIDNIGHT ATTRACTION mMM FROM THE ALAMO SI
      239 words

  • 650 9 Horrors of Devil's Island wracked Degraves, innocent prisoners of France F E A T U R E POSSIBLY the best known miscarriage ;ce us the false conviction for n of the French Army officer \lfred Dreyfus. Barely a year the Dreyfus case, however, another shocking iflstance of nt men railroaded
    650 words
  • 192 9 Iglan j:\t- young men il and event ..rie a SUC- the edish Rcul-•-•nd. Ived gold and their n of by ited ort tnu they were i treed to ship befnBy 1890, the Degraves^still er— were in the South •Tying as officers in small Lsiand trading vessels They were engaged
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  • 317 9 (MbMO appeared on deck In response to Leonce Degrav\ ahouto. A few minutes latti Gibson was struck a violent blow on the back of the bead by the boom, as it swung over to .starboard following the •snapping of its holding tackle. Knocked into the sea. Gib .son was
    317 words
  • 166 9 In Manila prison For a yea r the? were COOlined in a Manila prison, while the Spaniards tried to foist them off on the French. The cue was considered their n sponsibklity. as the NluoraIr.n wa s on the French reat Tahiti. Eventually, in March. 1891. Leonce and Eugene Degrave
    166 words
  • 77 9 When, after 47 days, they reached Toulon and wore released from their shackles the hanclcuffs on their wrists COOld in >t be -e>n The rtosh had swollen and covered them completely. Removed t 0 Brest for trial before a Naval Court. the i v.- broMnr.s spent an-
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  • 40 9 Three trips to shore Eugene made three trips to the shore with drowning convicts before someone shouted the dread warning. "Shark!" The warden in charge, seeinu Eugene's swimming prowess. ordered him to dive in and rescue the shovels and tools.
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  • 343 9 Eugene was with him when ne died. When the emaciated body he neld in his arms breathed no more. the younger brother went berserk and tried to bash out his brains against tl.e wall. Six men hustled him outside and held him down until his f'enzy subsided.
    343 words
  • 169 9 One climbed aboard. He ben; over to assist the other over the side, but their combined weight was too much io r the frail craft. Afte r a few yards of laborious proRTM it sank underneath them. Nearly exhausted and cursIng their disappointment, the tw o men regained
    Daily Mirror  -  169 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 ITALIA* Vho Vadiw* ARENA FIGHTS! Lllltl GLADIATORS! pectacular "SPARTACUS c GLADIATOR) in English Dialogue NEXT CHANGE to the CAPITOL ..A irl'V/J^ 3.6.15*9.15 last llhn ".FEEVAM .IVOTHr (Hindi) tit II > in i iin Sl.irrliu Shammi K»poor Tomorrow 1V "lOW M f UVVUrJ lire rtorlt I Bahru Today 700 MS P
      90 words
    • 353 9 Agents i CALDBECKS 15 HOURS IbVITHOUT FOOD That's how long lots of people go without proper nourishment for their systems! Figure rr out. Let's say yon have dinner al around 8 o'clock tonight. Tomorrow morning for hrrnkfant, all you have is a hasty cup of tea or coffee, and your
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 7 10 SUNGEI B ESI M INES •••>,/>m- Meetim
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  • 3789 10 AND AYER HITAM TIN DREDGING INEQUITABLE WAR DAMAGE AWARD MR. G. W. SIMMS ON TIN CONTROL Hie Annual f-nncei Hltam Tin Dvr ere held on rV'-rmber 3(1 in I W Simms. Die chairman, presided The follnwli I Is from menu which had i*-en cirv| NC.I l-.l MIM Hen >■ Injustice
    3,789 words
  • 48 10 NINE YEARS PRIOR TO COMPULSORY TIN RESTRICTION SCHEME I Labour forrp Year employed F.M.S !>22 82.195 923 9(16fi2 M 4 106.479 >M 107.257 I 110.293 Ml 122 HBB n2B innMi 929 104 4«8 330* 80,528 M:i;.iyn tin production (tons i 37.2-?6 ***** 4fi!M7 48.141! 47.790 H.:i!xi 64.505 63,974
    48 words
  • 276 10 Atom ml <!»«• nmrkfK TIN AND RUBBER RISE THE Singapore share market yesterday co quiet but the turnover was a little bettor th Hr the preceding day. Tin shares were again choice, industrials were inclined to be lire) rubbers and loans were neglected. I'm i cents a
    276 words
  • 123 10 January first grade the Singapore nibhr: yesterday at 57> R pound, one cent above day's clo.-^e. The market I. with January at 57 Sellers were Inclined reserved, particula: grades, and then i ate trade buying and support. The market wa throughout the day same tone at the close
    123 words
  • 77 10 MB BOURNI C!:>sing Quotation* stocks today, comparer •rrd.iy Loan 3,; 1956-59 CM Loan 3,-. in.-iH-.iB Australian Paper Aurt. Consol md Bank of NSW. £:<R Sank Oi N B.W. right B. Hill Prop. Com tau lds Dunlops Bug Drug H 11(4 Zinc Qoldsbrough \t lust.) Mount I.yell Tarra
    77 words
  • 63 10 NEW YOI the Stock Marki further ground Industrials takint the from rails a..ri i eat level since Buyers had losi mid-afternoon and I aVIJP from the be 1 the list still aj riant fractional c ;iiii< Dow Jones averim and Wednesday were 30 Industrials 2H4 20 Railroad* 96
    63 words
  • 52 10 Singapore Macs* rVmlii"--ohanßr: Nnon priec Copra itead IX MO bu Coconut oil vteicv Pepper: qule': All mtok «rhite 1330, I :iiii|>iin'_' hi. h I I '"is and IV»t veie Cup' i I MO buyers, 140 arv $40 buyer*, $4il March MOVj buyei Apni S4n buyers, |40S Coconu Ml
    52 words
  • 36 10 Tii.- Malayan B* Association a wllini for l-'n-n.h :I.lm I 1 read) was 11 MB on the free exchai it.. n Kon yerterrti i r r butMi at M 95 and one tMI 0
    36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 852 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS TECHNICIANS (temporary) in the Drainage and Irrigation Department. Research Station, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Salary OOP X 6 114 156 I 12 252 264 x 12 $360 p.m. with current COLA. Applicants with school certificate will be permitted to enter the scale at $102. p.m. 2. Qualifications: Federal cltitens.
      852 words
    • 543 10 NOTICES "notice The public Is hereby notified that our unused official receipt Nos *****9 to *****0 inclusive have been mislaid and will not therefore be considered as valid as from oih January, 1954. Rapid Baggage .t Transport Service Sole Proprietor 34 Msrket St. Spore- 1. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE Assessment
      543 words
    • 655 10 TENDERS Tenders fojTsupply of RAILWAY SLEEPERS Tenders are invited for the supply of Xeruinu' and Konpai railway sleepers during the period January to July 1954. 2 Specifications may be obtained, from the Timber Purchase Office, Court Hill. Kuala I.umpur, or from any State Forest Office 3 Only tenders from holders
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1083 11 MANSFIELD <Sc CO., LTD. gfgj °O»») Po«.l 4 r BLUE FUNNEL LINE r. UVMMOL. GLASGOW.' LONt>ON fcONTlNtNTAl'po'llTi Homburg Jon or r Hombunj 31/39 Jen. j ol t/)0 j on rrpool Jon 9 Jan 13 Jon. 14/16 Jon. 17/11 Jen 12 lon It Jon. 19/20 Jon 22/21 0 Jon. 20 Jon
      1,083 words
    • 1030 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDIN AYI AN/U K CONTINENT "Java" l. r Spore P. Sham Panana, Jove for Kornlcriong, Saigon Hongkong, Monila, Kobe <or K °h«irhong, H-kong 11/13 Jan. Kino for Diakorto Kohvehang Saigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kob» Mongolia" for Kohsichong, H kong 1/ 1 Feb SAILINGS TO CONTINENT t
      1,030 words
    • 1144 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Sham Penona Bennnnes tor Avonmouth, Condon Rotterdom, Newcastle, Hull In Port Benledi for Liverpool. Gloigow, Homburg, Rotterdam In Pert 9 Jen. Benlawers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Homburg 15/21 Jen. 22/24 Jon. 23/24 Jon. •enalder for Hovre. London. Rotterdam,
      1,144 words
    • 1058 11 MoAUSTER CO., LTD. TIL: No 1 1241 HAMBURG LOS ANGILIS. SAN FRANCISCO, onci for li}*., North Atlontic Ports PORTLAND, StATTLt ft VANCOUVER on,l Canaoi: vo Colombo Accepting coiqo tor Centrel I South CITY O> BIRKiNHEAD American Ports Spore P. Shorn Penono SUNNYVILLE 17/11 reb 14/14 Feb 14/« i reb. Spore
      1,058 words

  • 126 12 Indian textile dealers are annoyed at Rangoon report of 'rubbish consignment INDIAN textile exporters in Singapore are incensed ai ;i Rangoon accu sation that one High Street Indian (inn "sent rubbish' to a Rangoon business house. It was reported that four cases claimed to contain rayon and cotton piece goods
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  • 443 12 THE BUSINESS WORLD A DANISH delegation has left Copenhagen for Indonesia to negotiate a new trade agreement. The previous acrermrnt has been provisionally extended for three months. In Copenhagen, the Indonesian Minister in Scandinavia greeted the announcement. He said Denmark was about to become his country's biggest nordic customer -A-
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  • 69 12 GOODYEAR EXPANDS IN INDONESIA mHE Goodyear Tyre and A Rubber Co. has announced expansion of its plant at Bogor, i n West Java, to meet all nf Indonesia's needs for car. truck and bicycle tyres and tubes. It is planned to produce 190.000 ca r tyres. 173.000 truck tyres. 328.000
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  • 139 12 THK British Government should Rive a lead in extending the use of rubber in roads and help absorb some of the world's surplus rubber. This call to the British Government was made by Sir Hen r j Birkmyre, chairman of Mal i y a
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  • 255 12 THERE will be no marketing quotas and no acreage allotments on the 1954 rice crop in the United States. This has been announced hy the United States Department j of Agriculture in view of an expected continuation of the heavy export demand of the
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  • 140 12 U.S. hit record with new rubber used in 1953 RUBBER consumption in the United States hit a record 1.341,000 lone tons in 1953 compared with 1.261.413 long tons in 1952. according to the Rubber Manufacturers' Association Industry Group. Industry officials look for a continued high level of business this year
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  • 143 12 Although no official figures an yet available on the use "t natural rubber for the year as a whole, consumption of the imported, tree-grown product was running more than 100.000 long tons ahead of the 1952 rate during the first 10 months of the year. The U.S. Reconstruct
    143 words
  • 113 12 A NUMBER of Singapore garage proprietors ar° striving for a "new look" ir their service stations with the addition of high pressure Jet steam cleaners. The cleaners are used for cleaning motor car chassis, fenders and motors— and then for cleaning the service station of oil
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  • 215 12 Mr. Lee also emphasised that the steam pressure cleaned grime away from a cars chassis and made thorough lubrication possible. One steam cleaner used in a Singapore garage has been seen by other service station men and now 13 more of the machines have been ordered. Mr.
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  • 164 12 'DOUBLE TAX' MOVE BETWEEN U.S. AND AUSTRALIA INSTRUMENTS of ratification of conventions br--1 tween Australia and the United States designed to relieve double taxation of incomes and Rifts have been exchanged in Canberra. AcUs ratifying the conventions and a similar convention applying to the estates of deceased persons were recently
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  • 163 12 Sponsored by the Japan Wool Spinners' Association, the fiveman mission has been visiting a number of centres with the display. It was the first post-war display of its kind presented by Japan in Singapore. In the above photograph, the leader of the mission, Mr H.
    163 words
    • 243 12 BETTER RUBBER FROM MALAYA IS FORECAST A REDUCTION in the variability of nati produced in Malaya La forecast by the Research Institute of Malaya. This forecast is made in the. latest issue of the institute'/ Planters' Bulletin. The magazine revealed thai an ever recurring complaint by rubber manufacturers waa that
      243 words
    • 113 12 "THE Rubber Research Institute at the md n year was technically classifying aboui 30,0 per annum of Malayan produced rubber, thr in revealed. "This scheme ol i ition has I i ed to the produce of th cv estates and sn through packing h< the course of
      113 words
    • 78 12 INDUSTRY KEEN TO BUY GR-S PLANTS PRIVATE Ind showing keen in assuring tho su the sale of U.S. G ment-owned rubber plants to terprise. New Yo: Comnu rce n about 2o Interest* baa visited the o three-man Rubb Commission in w The Journal of these visitors Ing the commi! they
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 188 12 Caterpillar DIESEL TRACTORS fy^^^^mi' 32 to 150D.8.H.P. FOUR WHEEi __jr^^_il >-.- -275 H°P. \OzJ/ TWO-WHEEL MODEL r^^SL Ijjpv 275 H. P. mL j> n 'V^r- New and Reconditionad */^^i^V^V™cpiJL Units are available 5' jSßt^r E.x-stock Singapore. A44(jijpr kJ—^ For details write: *^< fu«Ai iwpriu ro»rv» }|)f The PORT of LONDON
      188 words
    • 37 12 NEW YEAR S j RESOLUTION /hi i 'Hi ittk 15 M at '"yS i S\,'% W i■« v''B&> i i buy i ■BROOK MOTORS: B SOLE AGENTS: R. E. MORRIS CO., LTD. 18, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORt. 1
      37 words

  • 193 13 'DISCIPLINE MUST BE MAINTAINED 9 COMPLAINTS that Singapore nurses have to do too much menial work are nonsense, said the Direc-j tor of Medical Services, Dr. W. J. Vickers, yesterday. "Our nurses do not have to do anything like as much menial work
    193 words
  • 194 13 RECRUITING DRIVE A SUCCESS THE recent drive to recruit nurses has been successful and has created a milestone in Singapore's medical history, the Director of Medical Services, Dr. W. J. Vickers. told a Press conference yesterday. "If morr girls came forward
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  • 160 13 ■JHE Singapore Coroner, Mr R. 8.1. Pates, yesterday returned a verdict of misadventure at the inquest on Lance Corporal Allan May and Loh Ah Khian. who died after a collision between a military truck and a bus. The collision occurred at the 12th
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  • 33 13 A fountain pen with the name Goh reck Soo engraved on it, is among property awaiting owners at the Central Police Station. Singapore. Owner should contact Inspector Michael Chong.
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  • 21 13 Tan Pens Seng, was fined $50 in Singapore yesterday and disqualified from driving for six months for inconsiderate driving.
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  • 41 13 An Indian broke into a room in Tan.jong pagar Road. Singapore. o n Wednesday and tried t^ molest a 15-year-old Indian girl. The girls grandmother re--1 turned fro m market just In time and the man ff^ri.
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  • 38 13 See Tian Kit. proprietor of Wah Toon? Travel Service 1 was fined $100 in Singapore yesterday for failing to furnish I particulars of the driver of his car when requested to do so by the Police
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  • 13 13 PENANG. Thurs. Rubber imports into Malaya during December totalled 27,745 tons.
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  • 281 13 Miners to decide: Shall we back it? TIN RESTRICTION IPOH, Thurs. WTHETHER to back a tin restriction scheme will be the main question when owners of the more than 300 Chineseowned Perak tin mines meet next Wednesday. Thr international tin agreement reached late last year jat the United Nations-spon--1 sored
    281 words
  • 202 13 SONNY, YOUR TRICYCLE SHOULD BE LICENSED STRICTLY speaking, any vehicle with wheels on the roads, including toy Iricycles and toy motor cars, should be licensed and conform with num-ber-plate and lamp regulations, the Registrar of Vehicles, Mr. B. J, C. Buckeridße. said yesterday. He was con mentlng on the case
    202 words
  • 42 13 Loh Ah Sun and Chong Hong pleaded guilty in Singapore »'3?t3riiy. ta stealing 43 iwWla from a market stall on Wednesday. They were sentenced to five months gaol each, to be followed i by a year's police supervision. I
    42 words
  • 203 13 Kampong lay-out more important FIRE-RESISTING roofs to wood and attap huts in Singapore will not make them immune to fire, the has told the City Council. Such roofs will retard the spread of fire only where a kampong is well laid out he says. But
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  • 78 13 Singapore City Councils Water Department Labour Union will hold a general meeting on Sunday to decide what action it should take regarding the dismissal of 142 riggers. The City Council authorities I have stated that the men were i I employed on a temporary basi^ I
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 256 13 These wonderful m,-r% PEPS J SOOTHE SORE THROAT AND BANISH COUGHS, COLDS, INFLUENZA Im'^^^tf lungs. This y***^%!«l^vj *y moiianc quickly v^ germs. removes \iL^?^y!fl^^W! ■ess and irritation and stops ihc nt cough. Peps Mrcngthcn and \0 ironchial ssstcm and arc >/ i^Hlv [>rr»c: ANTISEPT ic throat W r t"<3 AND
      256 words
    • 473 13 Straiti Times j FRIDAY WORD PUZZLE >F»r Cut out «n<4 pin 'With other coupon* Potting instruction* appear below. Addrett \....4>."-~ 1 5 L....J L_£_i 1 1 I I H E A hBB fill in ZHA-8.-B1 JU. w! missing j 3 U A s K E t^B J™ 1 5 H
      473 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 109 13 Si rai Ik Tim<>s Crossword LJ LJMJ 4 W s IJ 6 1 r 1..T" 13 1* 15 16 T!~ ?2 IT" 2*T I 2S "si" ||1~ ACK«ss 12. Rnal ailempt to lind a w«y m 1. important rl'y «hould not H <«• one without interest (7). n |g) 1
      109 words
    • 223 13 36. Level headed but praises unduly <9>. 27. Chimney-corner in a single fireplace (t). 2S. Applauded (7). 20. Offers to follow the engine fT). DOWN 1. He followed his trade in Chu Chin Chow t~). 2. Popular residences Tor sailors wives? <s>. 3. Beliefs held about men «n dwelling houses
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  • 452 14 NEC'S NEW RECORD EQUALS AUSTR ALIA N 100-m. MARK CINCJAPORE'S champion swimmer, 22-year-old Neo Chwee Kok, yesterday laid his strongest claim for recognition as one of the world's best sprint swimmers when he broke his own Singapore records for the 100 metres and 50 metres free style. Swimminp at the
    452 words
  • 85 14 "L"M\ I N Fergusson, son of •E* Singapore Legislative < <ni in 1 1 Imi sir Fuen Fergusson, will nlay for Scotland in their rugby union fixture .ii;:iinst France tomorrow. This will be Ferßiisson's first international rap. He is an Oxford "blue" and toured
    85 words
  • 176 14 'pHE dr;u< ;>nd sturtii 2 times for 1 the Polirr Ch;i Hence Cup. to lir pbyeri ;it Hie Islinri Cluh tomorrow and Sunday are i times r.iven ;.rr for Saturday and Jsunday>: .Tours v Murrhlsoi. J p m.. fl 30 .1 m.: Murphy y Pal.«'fy 2
    176 words
  • 86 14 KUALA I.l'MPt'R Thurs Selancor Untfri "B" today won the j servtm open wwhi ilflß nggm t.mrn.imrnt ty;itinc Ist Somerset Uffht Infantry In the final after; mating ;i mmjot upsrt by pliminntlng the tr.vouritef. Selancor Club "A", n the semi-fini 1« Unitort "B" beat Sompr.-ets
    86 words
  • 393 14  -  EPSOM JEEP By fJIMj.ArOKh-traincd horses were out in strength M the second and third tracks at Bukit Timah 1 yesterday morning when oflicial training started for the Singapore Turf Clubs meeting on Jan. 16. 20 and 23. Despite the heavy rain the tracks
    393 words
  • 62 14 INDIAN Brotherhood Soccwltes entered the final of the Tamil Festival knockout soccer competl- tion by beating Tamil Brotherhood Association 3-1 at Fairer Park ye.-terdat. i They will now meet either Sivijl. who beat Rajaji 5-0 in a quarter final match yesterday, or Indian Recreation Club. Sivajl
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  • 38 14 HOCKEY SIIA K.O. StMOR UKPI.AY I.ati(T Wanderer* v I 'niverMl> of Malaya. SCC padang. FRIENDLY: SRC v RNAS Sembawane. SRC padang: S.C.R.C. v Inhrrsilv of Malaya. Sepoy Lines. BOXING ROYAI- NAVY championships. H.M.S. simhang. 8.30 p.m.
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  • 290 14 MELBOURNE. Thurs. AUSTRALIA'S John Landy. fastest mller In action today, will switch from the mile to two miles when the athletic season is resumed here on Saturday after the Christmas break. Landy applied to Victorian Amateur Athletic Association yesterday for a special two-mile
    AP  -  290 words
  • 148 14 POUR winners in Class Two at the Penang Turf Club's Christmas-New Year meeting. which ended last Saturday. have been promoted to Class One, according to the latest j Straits Racing Association's amendments to classifications. < They are Golden Dolphin, j Majcstas, Carthusian and Golden
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  • 116 14 CARDIFF, Thurs. A HIOMAS. the Cardlfl "utility" l>ark, who has yet to play on a losing side for Wales. takes the place of hts riub mate Oareth Grlftiths. in the Welsh Rucbv Union team 10 play England at Twickenham, London on Jan. 16. This U
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 48 14 MIAMI, Thurs. Sammy Snead. golf's hardeft swir.Rer. said nisht he planned to enter the British Oren championship next My. It will mark Sneari's first app(-ar-anrc in the tournament in eicht years He won the Briti*h title in l!Mfi but failed tn defend it. A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 73 14 The team to represent Army asalnst Royal Navy in rugger friendly at HM3 Tenor tomorrow will be:— Maj Fairman <capO 2LI Rirhardson. Capt. Duckworth. Cpl Evans. Cpl Colquitl; Capt, Watson, Cpl Payne; Set Ritchie. Sgt Black. Capt Smith, '2 Lt Keneirlck. Capt O Brien. L/Cpl
    73 words
  • 42 14 I TAIPEI Thursday— Nationalist i Chir.a will he fulh represented it the Asian Games to he held In Manila, lii May this year, according 'to Gun Son-hon, who returnc-d here 'yesterday after a negotiation tour 'of »he Philippines. U.P.
    UP  -  42 words
  • 193 14 SAIGON, Thurs. VIETNAM athletes hope to make a (rood show in the Asian Games tc take place in Manila next Haft especially in football, Nguyen Phoc Vong, president of the National Sports Committee said today. Vong, who is also president of the
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  • 400 14 KINGSTON. Thursday. THK M.C.C. won the opening first-class match ol their West Indirs tour when they beat Jamaica by an innings and 21 runs yesterday, 4he Scoreboard reading M.C.C. 457 for seven decided and Jamaica BM and 170. Jamaica are consider* d to Iv
    400 words
  • 96 14 Jamaica Ist Inns. 2f>fi. M.C.C.— lst. Innv: «.i7— 7 derl. JAMAICA— tNO INNINGS V K. r h Trueman 1 > M. I irilrrick Ibw Slatham '.0 .1. K. Holt Ibw Trueman K. Kickiirds c Hulton b Laker 35 Kmi In ti Stalham 20 A. P. Binns b Trueman 4.1
    96 words
  • 59 14 The British B-oadcas ins Corporation will bra nmentarie.s on tomorrow's Ireland v He i Zealand rugby union Inter) match from 9.45 p.m. to 11.35 p.m. on the followinc wavi 9 43 11.35: 12 093 BM metres*. 9 45 11.45: 95! me s (31.55 metres i.
    59 words
  • 26 14 LONDON. Thurs Mal.u.i among the 24 countries who havi enteretl athletes for the British Empire Games at Vancouver from July 30 to Auc. 7.
    26 words
  • 86 14 ADELAIDI Rex ;lng ofT tl day when hi on currei best sin South Australian I pionshl in Auati the Un: In the Trabert, the who 01 xuperloril 6-: i. ii-3. (i-j partnered Ha d In Bui which he ni.ide Ii everj point
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 11 14 The n Bens:. Otln Thin Dim H
    11 words
  • 10 14 Trotters thrill in Australia MEI In between their the Globetrotter*
    10 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 478 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. MiiiH.-rt from Pace (I ArroMMonMicN w imt |S tt.ri*. M < Win <—«<•* rtt. txlrm. Jririt. kMingi WHOLE !*U frmr i nnkrr TO 1 FT Imn low with thrf nnunsHFo i fifteenth, own i mn bath ro< tern vi-:. AVAII.ABI I I ntil modern two l>eri tonable ren'
      478 words
    • 955 14 WANTED M Jlj lMim.)-Box i« rlt txlrm. PRIVATE Dannnß ktaotll want«l In tv or s revlrlence. Sate term*. I il>r.l<- to GPO Box 1736, K pore. BLSINKSS OPPORTIMTIKS ».,dt U (Mm.i-Box M rlt txlrm. StTB Acennes required {or North Bi.rnro apply Box A23H6, ST. WEI L Establlnhed European Ex- I
      955 words
    • 406 14 CLASSIFIED ADS VEHICLE FOR SALE Wnrdt fS (Min.)— Box i» rtt. exlrm. 1947 Plymouth extellew condition one "owner best ofler over Bon A'J4O3. FOR SALE !V Wordt ti (Min.)— Box U rlt. txlrm BRAND New Time-Master Dictaphone with transcril>er and 200 mcmobelts $1,600. Rinp ***** office THOROUGHBRED Alsatian puppies eood
      406 words
    • 133 14 Discovery of DOM ■'■'Jz Benedictine Dfim, crested >n k\V Monk» 400 venr* ngo (mm i j, formula, contains the fxtrai H r «3 certain herbs chosrn 10. th« t health and stri nfitn Civio^ pr* It is today tht world* me 3^NEDICTINE m.£ DOM so!:- A^nts: THE EASTERN AGENCIES {19
      133 words