The Straits Times, 7 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Net*** Established 1815 SINGAPORE, THIRSDAY, JAM ARY 7, 1951 15 CENTS
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  • 207 1 Threat No. 1: IKE TO MAO Threat No. 2: TA YLOK TO RHEE ISHINGTON, Wednesday. pRKSIDKNT EISENHOWER and one ol his top (lenerals (oda) issued blunt warnings I i possible armed action by the I'nited States mi Ihe Far East. I'lic Picsiilcni [old (Congressional leaders
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  • 297 1 Maria and Jimmy to fight order banning wedding LOVERS STILL IN HIDING EDINBURGH, Wednesday. I>.\VKN haired Maria Isabella Patino. 18-year-old heiress, drridrd today (n defy her multi-million-aire tin magnate father and Afhl a court order forbidding her to marry the man of her heart, year-old .Fames (loldsmith. An attorney for
    Reuter; AP  -  297 words
  • 83 1 WASHINGTON, W Tl Informpcace y Suydam, I that be were made to the Chinese Government in Pekinc, and also at Panmunjom, but ter he said that thr netipna were going on only at Panmuniom. Hl «''i'l'-rtod to name thr •"intermediaries" unofficially d hrrr as India.
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 76 1 Tterda invaders or (i that the 00 killed, wounn- ittled with i Viet- ■hushed the rebels in Jungle country yeay. The Reds were also •tacked by French tichters and bombers. Farther north the French Air Force hammered for the tenth consecutive day at Vietminh troops
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  • 253 1 THE QUEEN'S PLANE FLIES OVER 6,000-ft. MOUNTAIN RANGE GJSBORNE, New Zealand, Wed. E O"''" Wtttdi and sunshine Ell greeted the Queen s and the Duke of Edinburgh E When they flew here today E for their first official t%- gagem/SiUs since their tWOE dun holiday
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  • 131 1 Box 5000 tip-off PENANG. Wed.—Acting on a tip sent through Box 500(1 a police party led by A.S.P. Chno Kok Weng of the C.ID. raided a coffee shop in Bridpe Street today and recovered two .32 revolver! and 23 rounds o! ammunition. Five men have been
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  • 77 1 FLOODS IN ITALY LONDON, Wed. Winter gales lashed the Adriatic Sea into a boiling torrent that burst through dykes in the Po River del'a of northern Italy today and freezing temperatures put a thick conting of ice over most of the rest of West Europe. Near Rovigs
    AP  -  77 words
  • 43 1 STOCKHOLM. Wed. The Stockholm newspaper. Aftontidininjien said today it has received one Swedish crown <60 Malayan cents' from Soviet Prime Minister Georsi Malen- kov. together wi:h his autograph as a contribution to the tight against polio in Sweden. A.P.
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  • 42 1 TOKYO. Wed. Eiichi Tanaka. chief of Tokyo Metro- I poiltan police, today .submitted his resignation following the tragedy at the Imperial Palace last Saturday when a crowd stampeded into the Imperial Palace grounds to pay homage to the Emperor— Reuter.
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  • 38 1 NEW YORK, Wed. The United State* Government's j synthetic rubber programme marie a profit, of US$59 9 milHOB in the year ended June 30. j 10.=)^ four times 'the profit of] the previous year. -A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 235 1 —IF NO FOOD GOES OUT TO BANDITS KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday PROVIDED there have been no food leaks to the Communist terrorists, three villages in the Segamat district of North Johore will have their curfew cut by one hour from Jan. 10. The Hiah Commissioner.
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  • 82 1 Two Johore roads under water JOHORE BAHRU. Wed HEAVY rain in central Jonore in the past few days has flooded the Johore I River and its tributaries. Today the Johore Bahru Mersing road was blocked for traffic between Kota Tinggi and Jemaluang at the 68th mile, where the road was
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  • 26 1 HONG KONG. Wed. F;v British .soldiers were remanded in custody for three dayyesterday, pending further Investigation of charges <>f assaulting a taxi driver.— U.r
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  • 28 1 NEW YORK. Wed.-BOAC has asked the Federal Government for permission to extend it.s trans- Atlantic flights to Chicago by way of liOririon and Montreal.— U.P.
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  • 26 1 FRANKFURT. Wed.—West (Jermany produced about 395.--000 passenger cars in 1053. agaliui 301.089 in 1952. according to provisional figure^ issued by principal manufacturers. Reuter.
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  • 21 1 KROONSTAD. Orange FnState. Wed. A cow has givpn birth to five calves on a farm near here. Reuter.
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  • 166 1 Couple accused of stealing US $160,000 all in brand new notes WASHINGTON. Wed. A YOUNG Negro married couple were accused yestprdav of stealing US$l6OOOO from the US. Governments Bureau "f Enttra\.n?. They were taken before the us Commissioner. Mr Cyril Lawrence, for arraignment alter part of the money had ben
    AP  -  166 words
  • 44 1 LONDON, Wed Japan Air Lme.s soon to start overseas services, applied here today for membership of the International Clearing House which adjust* mutual claims between world airline operators. The Japanese line has also joined tn^ International Air Transport Association. Reuter
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  • 27 1 CAPFTOWN. Wed South Africa's first "frog Olympic" will be staged here this month, when hundreds of froß.s assemble to decide the country's champion jumper- Reuter.
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  • 28 1 LONDON. Weri A fire enCine caußht fire today while travelling down a main atrcei in Oxford The blaze mi caused by a .short circuit.- Reuter.
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  • 28 1 HONG KONG. Wed. Rear Admiral j. m. Quemiie, commander "f I-'rench Far Ea.^t naval tnrccs arrived here from Saigon today on a threeday unofficial visit Reuter
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  • 28 1 ROTTERDAM. Wed. Six people were feared drowned here today after a collision between the German vessel Damascus (4,500 tons* and the 107-ton Dutch tuR Arpus. Reuter.
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  • 76 1 Killer seizes children SYDNEY. Wed. Five Australian children marched into thr bush by a man. who had jnst >hot their mother and grandmother, were reseoed today after an all-night search. They were terrified hut unharmed. The youngest was only two. The man who had taken them into
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 16 1 HONG KONG Wed A car plunged into the harbour here yesterday —U.P.
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  • 90 1 MtHUOOH blamed THE P and o liner Chusan, a it li more than 900 sengera for Malaya, broke it. moorings in Colombo harbour on Tuesday and nearly rollided with the Japanese Mit-ui liner Ak: basan berthed ;;longside Rough monsoon weather va the cause The Chusan is
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  • 31 1 SANTA MONICA. California Wed.—Zsa Zsa Gabor. sued for divorce by actor George Sanders yesterday denied his of mental cru< filed a cross complaint for divorce similar grounds.— A.P.
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  • 35 1 [MPRRI.A. Italian R Nlon A pigeon which ■< on a fishing boat here t day had a disc tied to it.s lei. bearIng i Red star and the In crip tion "*****7. Murmansk." Reuter
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  • 42 1 CAIRO Wed. The official Egyptian Government newspaper ai Ooumhouria today ti the British Amb.i" ■adi r, 81r R.ilph Stevenson, for seeing rtT the expelled Turkish Ambassadoi yesterday at Cairo airport In an editorial addres <d to Sir Ralph the newspaper s.tid:
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  • 110 1 Girl, 17, fights attacker Knifed by man near her home 4 SINGAPORE salesgirl dmitted to t^ 1 pit;il last nißhl with a deep knife wound alter she foußhl oil a man who attempted to i saull her at a lonely spot near < tanges Avenue, oil Delta Road, a few
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  • 11 1 J.\Nlii. APl'* i(»K MAMi I ;i r it. Renter.
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  • 22 1 LONDON. Wed. Sir Win irchill and the Cabinet forthcom n i B ti l«i M tomorrow after noon. Reuter.
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  • 32 1 indeed regrettable that you should act in this >' a time when rela■en our two counassing through a The Tui h Amb i isadnr, Hulu I led by Egypt for 'undiplomatic he*i;r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 U.S. de.SILVA jewellers IO« ORCHARD RC3«D TIL ***** TANGLIN 1 The Superior Sausage tor Breakfast, Lunch or Supper, Grilled or Fried SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. LTD.
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    • 89 1 ELECTROPLATING UNDERTAKEN \'l REASONABLE HARGES ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR THREE YEARS S. P. H. de SILVA, 45 HIGH ST.. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR ft IPOH. l^L Tor modern man shaving tPHILISHAVE Mod* m tunes hnnc modern method designed to givi« nomforl ill round The most modern way of shaving at the
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  • 386 2 RUBBER STEALING IS RIFE, SAYS SIR SYDNEY MALA LI.MIMK, Wednesday. THOUSANDS <>1 icrea »I rubber in the "backblocks* 1 of Sumatra, planted at the time of the Stevenson restriction scheme in 1926, have never been tapped. This report ol the production
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  • 98 2 Queen gets robe of highest Maori chieftain 2 A MAORI BISHOP drapes A a cloak round the Queen's shoulders during 5 o ceremony in the New 5 Zeala'id town of Rotorua. The cloak, which is a E square sheet of white flax E sewn
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  • 29 2 Territorial Commander. South Africa, Ls among those named as possible successor. Grnrral Orsborne retires in .Tune. The Salvation Army's High Council will elect the successor in April.
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  • 135 2 S.I.T. OFFICER TOOK BRIBE -6 MONTHS He demanded $3,000 from barber TAN Voo« Suan, a Singapore Improvement Trust housing investigating officer, was yesterday sentenced to six months' gaol and fined $2,000 or a further six months' imprisonment for corruptly accepting $1,000. Notice of appeal was given and $5,000 bail allowed.
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  • 36 2 SEWAGRAM. Central India. Wed. The Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, yesterday opened an international hostel built by 44 volunteers from nine countries in this village where Mahatma Gandhi lived in a mud hut. Reuter.
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  • 32 2 BONN. Wed. The West German Social Democrat tOpposition i Party has submitted a fresh memorandum to the Karlsruhe constitutional court in its fight against the Allied West German treaties—Reuter. i
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  • 74 2 Severe frosts grip Britain LONDON, Wed. I^LMOST all England and I Wales were gripped by frost today. Overnight temperatures plunged to the lowest this year. It was freezing everywhere away from the coast. Near Chester the thermometer registered 18 degrees fahrenheit (about 8 below zero centigrade^. In the Manchester area
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 32 2 WASHINGTON Wed Mr. G. P. Jooste, South African Ambassador to the United States, said yesterday that South Africa was on the way to becoming the worlds largest uranium producer. Reuter.
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  • 149 2 KUAI A lIMPIR. Wed. SIR BTDNrt PALMBB, formrr ih.iirniMii ol thr United Ptantini A»Metattoa <>f Malaya and i I reislalivr onncillor for many yr;irs, declared today thai a united Malaya apprarrd further ..«.i\ than it had heen three and a hall \r.:rs aco. ■The
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  • 25 2 I.nNDON, Wrd. Commissioner Herbert Lord, who was formerly in Malaya, may succeed General Orsbnrne a^ heail of the Salvation Army, Commissioner Lord. now
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  • 243 2 Patient Gurkhas bag 3 bandits KUALA LUMPUE. Wed. A PLATOON of Gur- khas patiently waited 90 minutes yesterday—then killed three Communist terrorists in the Segamat area of north Johore. The tenth platoon of 'D' Company, 2/6 Gurkha.s. commanded by Sgt. Kama Bahadur, were on patrol when they came across tracks.
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  • 77 2 KAMPALA. Uganda, Wed The Buganda Lukiko (Parliament i yesterday passed a resolution that a "humble -equest" be sent to the Governor. Sir Andrew Cohen, pointing out that "it would be dfncult for Buganda to welcome the Queen in a suitable manner' so long as the recently deposed
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  • 26 2 BONN. Wed— A book on Hitler was among gifts presentee to the West German Chancellor. Dr. Adenauer, on his 78tn birthday yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 19 2 ATHENS. Wed.— Princess Fawzia. sister of ex-Kinc Farouk. was bruised m a road collision near Athens yesterday.—AP
    AP  -  19 words
  • 94 2 LONDON. Wed. Theatre-goers watching a musical dhow saw an unrehearsed real-life rescue from drowning on a stage here tonight. Actor Christopher Hewitt, who I is thrown into a swimming pool at the end of act two of the musical comedy "Wish j You Were Here," hit
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 134 2 A PRINCE HAS THE TIME OF HIS LIFE PRINCE ALEXANDER, 8-year-old son of ex-King Peter of Yugoslavia, opened the schoolboys' Own Exhibition at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Westminster, today. The prince had the time of his life, especially in the "Time and Space" exhibit staged by the Electrical De- velopment
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  • 339 2 Hand-over announced 2! years ayo THE prolonged delay in transferring; the admim tration of the ocos-Keelinjj Islands from Sinja poer to the Australian Government has been raiKr, by "technical difficulties." the Colonial Under-Secrt tary, Mr. D. Higham, told the Straits Times vr He said
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  • 76 2 WINSTON LEAVING No. 10 AND LOOK AT THAT FOOTNOTE THK PRIME MINISTER. Sir Winston Churchill, clad in fur-collared overcoat ami wearing monogrammed shoes, leaves No. 10 Downing Street on his way to Chartwell. his country homein Kent. He has resumed his holiday which he interrupted t« preside over a Cabinet
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  • 12 2 ATLANTA. Wed the hern Baptist missionary China, has died, ajoc!
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  • 110 2 "More realistic' synthetic pr'w Washington. Wednei \|R H. C. Bugbee. president of the Natural A Bureau, urged yesterday that tho price <■■ States-produced synthetic rubber be raised to "i realistic levels" to alleviate the pllghi ol I and other Far East rubber producers now
    UP  -  110 words
  • 119 2 CRISIS FOR BOLIVIAN TIN MINES I.A PAZ W( Ai; o v i: m M int ijHiwiii laM I"-11' Bolivia faces erim rcntmmir prospects in 19'>1 unless the Vuttei rpMimrs purrh.f-r-I'.cilivian tin. Scnor .losr Nui" Rosales. vice-prcsidr; the official Mmmc poration. said tower tin prices resulted in th f dosing of
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  • 24 2 BRUSSELS. Wed British tourists visit glum last rammer t! other nationality, thr R< General Tom:. Between June and Airtotal was "355.874 R<
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  • 18 2 Moscow wed T Rrri SUI I nounced the death Nikolai Droadov, ased 'ill on active dut
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  • 269 3 BE BRAVE, SAYS BUTLER: BRITAIN WILL HELP Long haul to prosperity SYDNEY, Wednesday. y\\i. Kit-hard Butler, the Chancellor of the Kxcheqiier, today appealed to the sterling area to take risks and be audacious. He told a press conference upon arrival hero by .iir that Britain must not be treated purely
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  • 43 3 Prince at the show HUNCI AI.KXANDKR. son of ex-Kinp Peter of Yugoslavia. meets the stars of Humpty Dumpty On Ice" in London. Here he is with Anne Rogers, ri?ht, in the title role, and Eric Waite. who plays the Pa me.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 44 3 Maclean is named in £64,000 will LONDON. Wed. n MACLEAN, one Britain's two missdiplomat d today In the I 15 will of his uncle. I veil John Maclean. a 88 to his i with Bur- I nonths It is him behind th n Reuter.
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  • 11 3 Tur- I N II link in trage-
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  • 38 3 TOKYO Wed The U.S. Onvernmrnt today withdrew the ofTcr to return to its rightful owner a MIG- 15 Jet frjhtpr flown to Seoul by a -''inbor. No le owner or to -:o.s:nan *aid.— U.P.
    UP  -  38 words
  • 32 3 (iv !> J Batchdor, is. \rni\ corporal, who changed Ins mind at the last minute and asrecd to return to \mcriian lines in Kore.i from CeSßsmnM hands. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 103 3 RELGRADE. Wednesday. 08LAVIA is ting a New Year's Evo ick on a British piano over Yugoslav territory. is officially announced today. The official news an official statement would bo Issued after the inquiry. report snid the ned that at i"O2 December 31 an unknown j«'t
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 39 3 Boys' heads shaved by police TEHERAN. Wed. > :.<; shaved a i 000 boy and '-i>'! stud betweei hi a the I'arliai.ilinn in nprlaonment fif ed Premier, Dr. Mos- ited to jxilire Shoot us leg." d the girls had proI wore
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  • 48 3 SUNUERLAND. Wed.—Half i ship was launched here ;cs- > rday. The remaining half— the stern of the 18.250-ton .i: 1. tanker wlli be launched next summer. It is built in two parts beie yard' Ls not big ni>ui:h for the whole ship. A P.
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  • 35 3 PORTSMOUTH. Wed.—Aci- Michael Denny uiitil recently Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Royai Navy ay hoisted Ins flag in .Mi ship Vanguard, at Portsmouth, as new Comn;ai!d( r-in-Chicf of the Home Renter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 34 3 hirli ViHniinh n-brls marie iiiimt--1111 ;i«Tiiiin,,,.,- ..t liii-n-liirii -S'hii. I'»« I(|( >\ in;i Command muto an airborne b) dicrlni hates f n.h.'sl' ((f Ilinoj ._s.P.l attack on Diiii-Diiii-I'lui w liu-li is l>« nims
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  • 134 3 U.S. protest on contract to Britain NEW YORK. Wed. rpHE General Electric ComX pany has protested against the government's award of a U553.651.476 conI tract to a British firm for building two giant electric power generators. The English Electric Corrpany. of Stafford. England, recently won the contract to 1 build
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  • 20 3 WASHINGTON Wed. -Pre >:d''nt Eisenhower yesterday decided not to hold his usual A-'iklv press conference this week. Reuter.
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  • 143 3 LONDON. Wednesday. THE SPANISH Government has refused visas for a delegation which the British Labour Party proposed to send to Spain to try to secure the release of imprisoned Socialists. Mr. Morgan Phillips, secretary of tlie Labour Party, announcing this, said: "That the Spanish Government
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  • 19 3 NEW YORK. Wed.—A 36-d.iy strike of 14.500 steelworkers of the Continental Can Company svas settled yesterday.—Reutcr.
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  • 168 3 REVOLT IN THE PARTY ROME, Wednesday. pKK.MIEK GIUSBPFI Fella last night handed in the resignation of his five-month-old Christian Derao- crat Government. A last-minute revolt dv the Left wing of his own party foiled a fortnight's efforts to reinforce the cabinet by a reshuffle favouring
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  • 34 3 RUSSIA FREES A P.M.'s NEPHEW WAI.TKR (J KOTK\V O H L. aged 42, ne|>hp\v of the East (.ciiiian Premier, who has just been released by the Russians after years in captivity. A. P. picture.
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  • 46 3 LISBON. Wed. A British European Airways turboprop Viscount airliner yesterday Qew from London to Lisbon in two hours r»8 minutes, claiming to nave vet up a record. The plane, carrying 28 passengers, covered the 1030 miles at an average speed of XVJ m.p.h..—Renter.
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  • 25 3 LONDON, Wed. Gen Albert Oflborn, hoad of the Salvation Army is to retirr on June 30, after 48 years as an ofllciT. —Rcuter.
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  • 85 3 PPP controls another big union GEORGETOWN. British Guiana. Wed. THE Peoples Progressive Party has uained control of the central executive of British Guiana's powerful Transport Workers' Union in the elections lor ollicers for this year. The party also won six veetions of the union's transport department. Result li-cm the three
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 27 3 LONDON. Wed.— TVn Chinese Nationalist airmen nave flown to the mainland from Formosa to join the Communists, thr New China News Agency said today.—Renter.
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  • 20 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Seven Korean agriculture specialists are returning home soon after studying United States agricultural methods.—UP.
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  • 284 3 LONDON. Wed THERE was anain some fairly snbfUntlat buylnc of lea shares on the Lonion Stock Exchange to day althoush this was more selec tive than of late. In the bond sedlon Jstpsne^f were fractionally harder In plarrs but these were quieter than Chlnc«« for which there »ns
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  • 27 3 LONDON. Jan. 6. Cash Buyers tfifiO; Sellers K. fifiS 1 Forward Buyers V:635; Sellers t637; Settlement t1662' 2 Turnover a.m. 35 tons; p.m. 15 tons.
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  • 31 3 lONDON Jan. fi ."pot 17d.. Feb. 17'-d. Mar. 17'vri., Apr.-June 17',d., July -Sept. I'^d. Ort. Dec. 17'vd., Jan. c.i.f. i." .d., Feb. c.i.f. 16\d., Mar. c.t.i. 17d. Tone: Steady.
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  • 31 3 CANAKKALL Wed.— A Turkish state airways plane crashed and ourned yesterday while on Its way from here to Istanbul Four people were Killed and rive Injured— A.P.
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  • 34 3 GENEVA. Wed.— Prof. Gunnar Myrdal. of Sweden, executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission fo r Europe, will go on an official visit to Mosco w on January 21— A.P.
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  • 121 3 NEW YORK, Wed. IF the United States did as well in the future as Britain had done in the past the world would have peace. Lady Astor said on arriving from Britain in the Queen Alary yesterday. She felt that the whole world desired
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 130 3 MANCHESTER, Wed. [ENCOURAGING prospects of a moderate rise in trade between Britain and Russia were reported by the Russian section of the Manchester Chamber of commerce in its annual report. But it Is too soon to Jud!?e whether recent inquiries from Russia are likely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 r itiSTAM POSn/Af I LOOM FOR THE SEAI/ff \\l V YOUR <MRA/vrEE'H JJI Enjoy this deliciou^sdrink around the clock^k Too need nerer sty no to In-t.-mt rnstum Drink it mornine or nicht. with meals or between any time you want a delicious beverage. Instant Postum i? a healthful blTMagi rradc
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  • 278 4 HUNDREDS OF TONS GO INTO KELANTAN EVERY WEEK FROM SIAM KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MALAYAN customs officers are doing everything possible to break a smujnrlinfc ring which is luinjfin^ hundreds of tons of rice a day across the Siamese border. Oovernmeni officials believe that more
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  • 168 4 ON Monday night Mr. S. C. Smith, Chief Officer. Johore Bahru Prisons, lost throe pairs of slippers which wore left on the steps of his house. He lost another two pairs yesterday afternoon, but found the thief —a dog named Pappi. Mr. Smith
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  • 51 4 7 boys on murder bid charge Si I boys were ehargi d in Ihe Juvenile < ourt. Sini;:ipiirr. jresterdaj with attempted murder. liny irere alleged to have .il i.rii ,i Chinese hoy in a lane „11 ecil Street last Suiui.n evening (roandlni him seriously. 'I lir MM Ml ;i(ljiiurnc(l till
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  • 26 4 lI'OII. VV. $300 illowed a let, Chin Ko with Chin lty. to have Induced i \>o a driving The ned to 12.
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  • 67 4 IPOH. Wed.—About 1.400 Indian books on classics, poetry, nlstorv and general fiction have been purchased by the Perak Library to form the Indian section which will be officially opened at tea-par'\ Most of the books were on Thursday Jan. 14 at 5 pan. bought from the
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  • 240 4 Agreement on railway plans Xl ALA H'MPI'K. Wednesday. THE international express between Sia-n ;m<l Malaya may one day extend to Singapore, Gen. C. R. Seriroengrithi, General Manager of the Siam State Railway, said here today. Gen. Seriroengrithi arrived here loday from Penang for a
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  • 105 4 Wanted mon found in park: Police PENANG. Wed. DETECTIVE Corporal Cheah Loo Kang. of Kuala Lumpur, told the magistrate. Mr. J W D. Ambrose, here today that while visiting Bukit Bintang Park in Kuala Lumpur on the ni?ht of October B he spotted a Chinese wanted by the Penang police
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  • 60 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Goh Chee Sen?, 42. a labourer. was today charged here "vith voluntarily causing hurt to another labourer with a chLsel It was alleged that Goh assaulted Chuah Ewe Chye In a rubber factory at sth mile Klang Road, on Tuesday. Goh pleaded not puii'
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  • 73 4 Wed TRajoo, v and [shak bin 'il here 1 when a van in I which they were tr caught lire near the function ol Braptt and Tanah Liat Roads. Two other men- Hassan bin i iNayan. the driver, and Harun I a p senger. stopped
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  • 22 4 Two Chin Iced a ilder in People's Park two of t and iirs wei c man. n from
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  • 49 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed- A man charged in the Polic > Court today with attempting to commit suicide by jumpin;' to river, said he men :v went lor a swim. He was allowed ba.: at $50 pending trial at Kota Ting,;: on Jan. 20
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  • 129 4 GREGORY FORGOT HIS COAT and it flew on to Singapore r piH. overcoat m>u We in n.< i. picture could be just one <>f those 4hin?s. but it isn't really. It belongs to Hollywood star Gregory Pock. Thp cant flew into Singapore list ninht by O.intas-8.0.A.C. Constellation without the (tar.
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  • 212 4 tOO SIGNATURES OPPOSE NEW LA W KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday 4 MEMORANDUM against the Criminal Procedure Code Amendment Bill will be drafted tomorrow by sponsors of a public protest meeting to be held in Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 16. starting at 3 30 p m
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  • 44 4 A 16-year-old girl. Annamal. has been missing from Block 61. Room No. 8 Navai Base. Singapore since 5.50 am on Tuesday From Block 65 Room Naval Base, a 20-year-old Indian. Bala Krishnan. has been missing since 4 p.m on the same day.
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  • 37 4 IPOH. Wed. Mr. Justice Buhagair formerly of Penani; and Johore. has assumed duties as judge in the Supreme Court. Ipoh. He takes the place of Mr. Justice Pretheroe who left early in December on leave.
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  • 193 4 WALK-OUT PLAN IN LEPER COLONY They don't want to be moved JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. LEPERS in the Tampoi Settlement are perturbed at the news that most of them are to be sent to other settle- I ments because the Government want s to close Tampoi for economy reasons. Some lepers
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  • 52 4 PENANG. Wed.— Mrs. Irene Row. a music student in London, flew 8.000 miles to Penang to attend her father's funeral yesterday. Mr. G. N. S. Sabapathy, for- mer member of the Kn TOwn Board and other bodies, died here on T 67. He left a widow
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  • 159 4 ELEPHANT PARADE ON SULTAN'S BIRTHDAY IPOH, V lIIGHLIGHT of the I n tan of Peraks birthday celebrs on the Taiping Esplai ade on Friday, Jan will be an eleph; procession of cammi; ity leaders bearing I all-community addr* of loyalty. For the second year in BU< sion. breaking with honoured
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  • 52 4 ROBBERY ALLEGED PENANG Wed 0 Hock. 27. was committei for trial in the Assize I a charge of armed gai bery. Ong was alle^er" to I robbed a sundry goods owner, Lim Sim Sian. In P Terubong Roaci of $3,300 and jewellery with four oi men still
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  • 32 4 Ball nets $2,001 tor TB fund PENANG, Wed.— A Civ Bali oi Mak and M: I and O Hotel' i 75 for the Fede Anti TB Fund. and $100 each from Mr
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  • 38 4 Mr. R. F. Swallow. Assistant Controller of Telecoms (Radio* and his wife dined with members of the Taipin? Telecom* Athletic Welfare Association before sailing to Britain on leave Mr. Fong Soon Hen will replace him.
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  • 30 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Selangor Club dona I <! S5O and not $15 and the "Dollars for Discs" $990 and not $99 to Lady Temolei-'s Tuberculosis Hospital Fund
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 B^c Mt wHflkirlf M s i For all Gardeners I I 1 erhaps you "potter at the weekend, maybe you are a professional or a man to whom irdenmg has been a lifetime hobby whichever you are this is the book for you. Professor Holttums years of knowledge and experience
      123 words
    • 82 4 THE >^i«8l You can '"pp** V|fOßlb^*^(^Mß^ of th« dljtinctiv* Porktr I^\ihl throigli tH» famoui translucent barr*L y^^»9^ y ol eon wr le or lour yVT^Sty' on* filling and it i y<?%tf a *y "m Pocket-l«v»I or 8 flexible pcint». POINTS TIPPED Available in a wid. WITH COSTLY colour choice I
      82 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 346 4 Today's Radio SINGAPORE i.15 Morning Star; 7.30 News; 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8 Jack Coles and hii Orchestra Moderne; 8.30 M.ilay Housewives' Corner; 9 Close Down: 1 Charles Williams and his Orchestra; 1.30 News: 1»45 Dance Music: 2 Close Down; 5.02 Calling All Hospitals: 6 Music of the People: 630 Lookine
      346 words

  • 202 5 MALACCA, Wed. r\F. churcb must keep informed of political movements In .;i and take part in them, the Rev. Abel Eklund of Seremban said here today. that i hould tbii growing Malaya and said It ha 3 a definite contribution to
    202 words
  • 143 5 Loan* for students ■im. M'OKl Rotary Club will mm Mt up .i itudents' i mill in help ieserring tounf nun .mil wiinicn > > imm or complete their rdu- iticm at the I niversitj of m.i i.o.i t.^ hare adopted !he me in principle
    143 words
  • 14 5 Dr. R. F. PCn-'.-. M X 1 han Kit K ncll.
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  • 106 5 Legalised bookies a! so opposed MALACCA. Wednesday. ■\J Itutions and organisations in 1 .lava wen today urged to refuse donations raised by lotto I chance. This was one of two recomtiona adopted by the I laya annual conference <■: the Methodist Church at M.U.iThe other
    106 words
  • 49 5 •nil Gl Mi: \i Sir Hugh Siockw 11. <.<>(. Malaya, .11 the Town Hall, I umpur, on Tuesday on the AniM in M.i--i he talk h;is the lir-t I series af lectures on n( aspeeta <>t Malaj an rganised l>\ the British
    49 words
  • 360 5 Three big steps to put local Govt. on firm basis DEPT. WANTS ALL POSSIBLE ELECTIONS KOALA I IMIMR. Wednesday. TIIK Federation's Local Government Department 1 will take three big steps this year to put local Government on a solid foundation. It will encourage the establishment of all elected local and
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  • 56 5 ANOTHER SIX VILLAGES WILL VOTE MA I U I'AHAT, Wed.—Coun■•■d last year ti > proved a success Oovernment has det the tame policy in the following: villages this Mi nyak Beku. Semerah. Brl Oardlng, Rengit and Senggarang es with local councils at present are Yonp Pen", Parlt Sulnnp, Bukit Medah,
    56 words
  • 55 5 MAN DETAINED PENANG, Wed— Pretty Chow Ah Nooi, 21, wa.s admitted to hospital today with two stab wounds in the stomach and another in the arm. Her condition is not serious. Police have detained a man. chow was found by a police radio car when she collapsed
    55 words
  • 34 5 I poll. Wed. The office of he Perak branch of the Public Trustee and Official Administrator will .soon move from the Food Control building in Brewster Road to the Supreme building-
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  • 70 5 THEY DON'T HAVE TO MOVE WITH THE HQ R.A.F. authorities in Singapore have assured the Air Ministry Local Staff Union; that the change of the Air Headquarters. Malaya, from i Singapore t > Kuala Lumpur will not mean transfer of Colony workers also. The president of the union. iMr A
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  • 68 5 i i KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. SaUeh bin Din. 12. a student, was knocked down and Killed by a lorry while cycling home irom .1 Han Kaya visit to a friend it was said in the nrst magistrate's court here today. yap Pak San. 27. wa
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  • 110 5 KUALA LUMP! R. Wed. A COASTAL site has been chosen for Malaya's first Outward Bound School. Negotiations for the buying of the property have not yet been finally settled, but an announce-U'-nt by the committee set up to establish the school is expected soon.
    110 words
  • 170 5 Haul estimated at $10,000 AIORE than 10 watch dealers in North Bridge Road and Victoria Street. Singapore have fallen victims to a glib-tongued Chinese in the past two months. The iran. who is about 25, has got away with more than SlO.OOO worth of watches,
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  • 72 5 JOHORE BAHRU Wed Shaw Brothers, who own the Rex Cinema in Johore Bahru I plan to build another theatre in Jalan Ah Fook The works and oulldlng committee of the Johore Bahru Town Council have approved the theatre in principle but have expressed doubts on its
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  • 26 5 JOHORK BAHRU. Wed. The annual meeting of the Gmiius branch of the Malayan Railway Traffic Operating Union will be held at Gema-s on Monday.
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  • 36 5 A three-month course 00 oral English will be given oy the Br.tish Council In Singapore. It will -start on Jan. Applications should be made to the Adult Education Otlicer British Council, Stamlord Road, Singapore.
    36 words
  • 32 5 '111 AUDIENCE M- Dorothy Xrwton <lrfl» Xmiiah binte Mohained Syoi bear sir qg™ Ullt 'he number ol terrorist Inctimta had dropped clurins the last VI months.
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  • 75 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The Federation Government tl considering the question of .setting up a university in Kuala Lumpur, Sir Sidney Came. vice-chancellor of the University of Malaya, told the Straits Times today. Sir Sidney was attending a meeting of the Malayan University Council.
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  • 113 5 TELUK ANSON. Wed. ITS a case of all's well that ends well for the family of Mr. Lim Leong Hoe of Anson Road here. Mr. Lim. missing since Monday night when he went for an after-dinner stroll, returned this morning as suddenly as
    113 words
  • 36 5 TAIPING. Wed. Inche Abdul Majid bin Mohd. Yusof, deputy assistant district officer, Taiping, is shortly !;oin» on transfer to Lenggong as assistant dLstrict officer. Inche Adam bin Abdullah from Trengganu will take his place here.
    36 words
  • 86 5 Rail guard charged with theft IPOH, Wed. SPECIAL Constable Hamzah bin Daud was allowed $100 bail when he w;'-; charged today with stealing six katis of rice at the marshalling »ard of the Ipoh railway station. Hamzah was with the hallway Protection Company and the offence was alleged to have
    86 words
  • 41 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Fifty toddy tappers in Kuala Lumpur have lost their jobs. A spokesman on the Negri Sembilan and Selangor Toddy Tappers Union said the men were dismissed by their contractors because of their trade union activities.
    41 words
  • 137 5 SINGAPORE'S A it ant Cumniissii.nir mr Labour. Mr. W I GailtHy. yestcrdav Invited the Printing. Employees Union to a mc-tinu to (Jimmij.s its wage dispute with the Ma- Publishing Hou«e Ltd. Alter accepting the invitation, the M'rretarv of the union, Inrhe Osman Wok. told
    137 words
  • 197 5 POLICE DETAIN 9 AS DRIVE TO BEAT SINGAPORE BURGLARY BEGINS VINE men were detained in Singapore yesterday morning following an all-out police drive against burglary. In this police drive, launched for the coming Chinese New Year season, extra men havr been detailed all over the Colony to watch for prowlers.
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  • 143 5 Police chief asks for full report KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. ■pHE acting Commissioner of A Police. Mr. J N. M. A Nicholl, has a.->ked the Cliief Police Officer, Selangor, Mi R Catling, for a full report on the alleged mar.hamilinu of Mr. Chiu Nang Hon^, proprietor ol a store in Batu
    143 words
  • 46 5 BATU PAHAT, Wed. Dr Syed Mahmooo bin A. Rahman ijalan Sultanah Ward) and Inche Abubakar bin Haron 'Gunong Soga Ward) have resigned from the Town Council. This necessitates a t>y-elec-ion. and nomination will be on Monday and polling on Jan. 30
    46 words
  • 17 5 SEGAMAT Wed. The adminstrative officer. Segamat. has been appointed registrar of marriages for Segamat district
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  • 19 5 SEGAMAT, Wed.— Dr. Keshmehinder Singh, Medical officer at Segamat, has resigned to join Government service in Singapore.
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  • 22 5 The Rev. Abel Eklund. pastor of the Wesley Church at Seremban. Is retiring. He fhot came to Malaya in 1909.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 317 5 I at le dinner table! jl TTEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP adds fl^_^^^rt JT. A tangy, tempting flavor to >^ J^**s your meat dishes and special f lij-HEINzHI recipes! Sun-Hpened, cookeddown "Aristocrat" tomatoes, I fljfti\ choice vinegar and aromatic if H» spices make Heinz Tomato I l^Bl Ketchup the flavor delight of
      317 words

  • 9 6 •mm) All I 8 l>iii. V.' i I
    9 words
  • 2 6 1.
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  • 1058 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Thurs.. Jan. 7. 1994 The Judge As Juror A public meeting In the Federal capital to protest wgrhwi proposed amendment of the criminal code is a novelty that is not unwelcome. It is be og sponsored by 18 political leaders, tr.idi unionists and Federal Councillors, who
    1,058 words
  • 336 6 Germane to the' growing argument against continued Government control of rice, both in the Federation and Singapore, i.s Burma's own rice "crisis." It is a crisis of too much, of godowns filled witl surplus padi from the crop harvested 13 months ago. An American news agency reports that
    336 words
  • 939 6 Storm over the Malay captains ipAPTAIN Benfleld of the] I*■ Straits Merchant Service Guild said that a Malay could command a ship of over 100 tons net if he had the necessary qualifications. That word "if" covers a multitude of sins, inasmuch as the
    939 words
  • 92 6 RECENTLY a long white line was drawn alori" the centre of Beach Road, thus depriving vehicles of parking on either side of the road. I believe the traffic committee do not realise the heavy loss of business suffered by the shop-keepers after thi.s white line wa.s
    92 words
  • 172 6 Justice from Olympian heights I CONGRATULATE the film censor on her iirni. unbiassed bannint; of the him of Graham Qreene's novel "The Heart of the Matter." Exhibiting the film here, will. II feel, destroy that imposing tront that our rulers have put lon for us locals, and make u.s I
    172 words
  • 202 6 THOSE 'JEEP ROADS' IT Ls noticeable In this small corner of Malaya that not only arc there very few roads leading to or from the kam- but that those roads that do exist are known as "Jeep < roads What one may ask js the use ol a 'Jeep
    202 words
  • 125 6 y\I.INTIXK YAP wrote: "If their non-Chinese friends cannot, or do not bother to try to remember their Chinese names, then 1 do not see what sood they are as friends Having experience in teaching in a Chinese school, I do not agree with that statement for. in a
    125 words
  • 149 6 I NOTICED that Mrs. Shirin Fozdar, in her letter in the Straits Times, referred to St. Paul's exhortation: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord." it i.s a great pity that Mrs. Fo/.dar and the Council of Women will not or cannot see facts
    149 words
  • 114 6 I READ with much regret the letter of a too conaerrat Ive-mlnded Chinese Ettngaporaan in your paper. He sayi that Western education ha.s been the cause of the slow death of Chinese culturv. In this fast-moving modern world, in my opinion. one .should not be too nationconscious.
    114 words
  • 116 6 On the Margin Finesi English IT WAS stlmulal I that holds up 8U nil's writings I brimful of mini:' On: much children learnin I i I the i I shall fight tl iurrender. When asked, what Ap.ut from his toda Is In tln of thi They arc mod I land
    116 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 tt Times Frcr Press I nHv.rot lit I .0 STORAGE, will .etc* end oniwcrj j (-^v^rti^cml■^t^ moy CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. Quo r CITY BOOK STORE LTD.. J Timlin Rood, Singapore. CLASSIFIKD ADS. ■,n:,,m) mum) SITI lONS ICANI extra. t r. i o!.e i c d I wide Salary SITUATIONS
      61 words
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    • 233 6 At an cnjiinccrinj: works in the Midlands, a 2,000 ton forging press had to be overhauled hoc. rise of wear. The I decided that a good way of effecting repairs would be ti lit" new parts in places of worn ones. metal part to He fil by this process is
      233 words

  • 8 7 A I :her
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  • 4 7
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  • 57 7 I:. id been j n —iol s j\ for imokint. opium m fore. he pleaded ffuilty in I 'P»re (,mrt to sniuklin. He told Ihe magistrate: The last time 1 was in pri---iii, it did not do me much sood. <-ive me more time. "T«
    57 words
  • 178 7 100,000 leaflets ask ONE terroristWhy not give up? (HID WAR CAMPAIGN OPENS IN SELANGOR KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. i lAL leaflet campaign v being waged in I In Langai area <>1 Selanjjor in a hid to c the surrender of a Chinese Muslim i-(. Sarlip ;ili;iv Scow Won^, it was need
    178 words
  • 90 7 THE GENERAL MANAGERS or the Malayan and Siamese Mate riilways met at Malayan It.iihvavs' Headquarters, in Kuala Lumpur, yesterday to sign a formal agreement to plans IVlaUat to the two joint bordrr railway stations at I'.ul.inu Kt-sar, Keilali, and Sunuei (.olok. Kelanlan. Picture shows: Sir John
    90 words
  • 10 7 Court action against "stay strikers bririK other v ned to
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  • 43 7 Eriin^ Jorgensen. la. Danish seaman missing i n Singapore nee Monday morning, was :":ind by police in a North Bnriue Road cafe on Tuesday He said he lost his way ebrating in town. His India, left port yesterday morning.
    43 words
  • 49 7 Mr. Robert cie S. Stapledon. Ie Adviser to the Bast High Commission, arore l^t night by Qantas-8.0.A.C. Constellation on his \\ay to Sydney to attend the Commonwealth Finance Ministers conference. Mr. de 8. Stapledon. who i.s the East African the talks, leaves Sydney.
    49 words
  • 161 7 WORKERS MEET BOSSES Arbitration starts KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE ARBITRATION hearing here on the wage dispute between Federation rubber estate workers and employers ended its first day very satisfactorily today. Mr Justice Taylor. trie Arbitrator, told the Straiu; Times. Tlie bearing, which la.stod more than six hours, ra devoted to
    161 words
  • 34 7 Fire damaged the roof of an attap house in Ea-st Coast Road. Singapore, yesterday. Three fire engines attended the blaze, which was under j control within a few minutes.
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  • 170 7 $60 MIL. LOAN ISSUE ON MONDAY KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. TIE first instalment —$60,000.000—0 f the recently authorised $100,000,000 Federation loan will dp issued on Monday, it was officially stated today. The loan is to reimburse advances made for drainage and irrigation works, electricity, public works, railway, marine, telecommunications i;nd housing
    170 words
  • 100 7 Portfolios extended for a year KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. N[O CHANGES in the holders I of member i>ort folios in the Federation Government are expected ;n the near future. It is understood mat a i year's extension nas been I given to those unofhcials who nold member portfolios and whose services
    100 words
  • 66 7 IPOH. Wpd.-Miss Esme Mnreira. eldest daughter of Dr and Mrs. AWE Moreira of Ipoh. has joined the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood It l« a religious order of the Roman Catholip Church, engaged in medical welfare work. Relatives and friends were at the
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  • 56 7 Two former members of the London Philharmonic Orehes- tra arrived in Singapore yesterday on the Corfu to join Radio Malaya Orchestra. They are Mr. P. Mosby, Oboeist, and Mr. T. Ainsworth. ba.s.soon player. With Mr. Mosby is his wife. who under her stage name of Gwenvth Loades,
    56 words
  • 20 7 Three buoyancy tanks valu?d I at $60 were stolen from the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Tuesday.
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  • 232 7 court martial told V FORMER paratrooper who faced a Singapore court rruirtial yesterday on eight charges was alleged to have thrown a bucket of water over a guard room sergeant after setting lire to a mosquito net. Gunner Duncan Ewan An- der.Min. r.a formerly of
    232 words
  • 198 7 SEREMBAN, Wednesday. NEGRI SEMBILAN parents' representatives, headed by their chairman. Mr. Chin See Yin, met the Negri Mentri Besar. Inche Shamsudin bin Nain. at his home last nie;ht and for three hours discussed the shortage of accommodation in English schools and the dismissal of
    198 words
  • 30 7 MISS JOAN TI'CKFK. newly appointed domestic scienre tr.-irhrr ill St. Hildas School, Singapore, who arrivi-d in Singapore >rst»'iilay by QMtM-BOAC (onstrlhttion from Adelaide. S.T. pM>N
    30 words
  • 51 7 KLANG, Wed- Headmasters o local .schools have been asked by the Town Bond to order students not to cycle i more than two abreast. The chairman. Mr. John iiamer, announced this at tin monthly meeting today. lir. O C. Proctor raised the; matter at the last
    51 words
  • 68 7 MLss Rita Fenoulhet. a former matron of the General Hospital in Singapore, died in London on Monday. Sh«j left the Colony on retirement in March 1939. MM Fenoulhet had been In the Malayan Nursing Service for 16 years. She tame out in 1918 and served
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  • 26 7 TAIPING, Wed— Students of the Hua LJan High Schooi here, will begin their scho< 1 term on Monday in the new $-j(io .1)00 building.
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  • 186 7 A SINGAPORE macistrate had to settle a hiusbam!wife row in his court yesterday p.fter he had fined the man. Tan Kok Leong. $35 for setting Dp a stall in a place not specified in his licence They had been arguing for some time,
    186 words
  • 107 7 Small Spencer, William Collins ami FrancLs Fleetwood wore fined $30 each in thr Sinpapore FKlh PaUM Court yesterday for driving a I car away on Jan. 1 without the consent of the <>w n- r. neetwood told the magistrate Mr. D. H. Chapman: "As
    107 words
  • 118 7 Cook found hacked to death SEREMBAN, Wed. A Sarawak Ranter, Kino Anak Urih. 24. w;us charged here today with murdering Wong Lok Fong, 53. a cook. Both Kino and Wong were [stationed at Siginting camp. I 10 miles from Seremban. Kino was batman to
    118 words
  • 54 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Lee Shin. 01 Batu Road, today pleaded Ruilty to two charge* of stealing a bicycle. He stole a blrycle belonging tr> Mohamad Isa on October 7 and another owned hv |fohamed Alio n on December 16. Sentence was postponed to January 12. Hail
    54 words
  • 129 7 Now the council committee decide: we'll enforce law lirNnRKDS of Sincapr,rr taxis now without I. m i meters will have to zn off thr roul if the City ouncil confirms a committee drrisi«in when it meets on Jan. 2fl. The council's vehicles and (raffle committee reaierdaj a^roed
    129 words
  • 196 7 City Council men not so keen \IORK and more Singapore (invernment employee, are applying for loans to buy their own houses, but only a handful in the ity Council, also entitled to apply, have done so. Thr Government and City Council to encourage
    196 words
  • 35 7 BATU PA HAT. Wed. The annual meeting of the Malayan Indian Conerpss. Batu Parnl branch, wil he held at the In- dian National School here on I Jan. 15 at 4 p.m. I
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  • 21 7 Three of ei_;ht Singapore Divisions. Marine. F and Rural Wr-t yesterday sent In crime free returns for Tuesday.
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  • 105 7 THE SINGAPORE City Police Magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Oolebourn. said yesterday that when the manner of any finn is summone;: to appear in court he expects to .^ee the manager and not his employee. This occurred when .several clerks and coolies told
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 LYONS I SWEETS I! a i 14 ASSORTED FLAVOURS gggjK PACKED IN Boz S I6or VACUUM SEALED JARS f^^HH J LYONS &CO LTD r**^ Jhß CADBY HALL LONDON L "Dp Your Lifetime Saving Now! •5\ Buy A >£ nAm ill ELECTRIC-OPERATED /m) GOBLIN clothing washing machine Jj\ ■>nih/ .-^U —U,
      106 words
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 175 7 The weather 91 DEG. IN IPOH MINIMUM IKMrH!\T(RK (7 3n p m i. I. in 5 in 7 30 ;i m .J.m f i Singapore 75 decrees. Penar.g 71, .nir 73, [pota 74 Kuan) MAXIMI M I! MIM R\Tl RK .7 31 •i m. to 7 :ii) p.m. on Jan.
      175 words

  • 215 8 He will help 300,000 to get cheaper and better fish PFNANG Wed AM „v iwHavnn u/i'll N ex-Malayan will rrturn from Britain on Friday to plan a lish marketing and distribution nroicct in KcH n The s?hcme Kciantan. mc scnerne is imanced by the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund Mr
    215 words
  • 261 8 CASH FIRST, SAYS MR. LEE KONG CHIAN I SINGAPORE Chinese sehools urgently need the 3 increased aid to whieh the Education Department has agreed, Mr. Lee Kong Chian, a Chinese leader, said yesterday. He said that last July, the Director of Education. Mr. R.
    261 words
  • 388 8 A SUPERB SHOW BY FRANCIS WU raRANCIS WU'B photographic r exhibition whicn opened at the British Council Hall,; Singapore, yesterday, la undoubtedly the finest one-man show 1 have seen presented in the Colony This Hong Kong photographer has a wo:id reputation and has chosen for
    388 words
  • 139 8 NEW $800,000 SCHOOL FOR 3,200 STUDENTS ANEW six-storey school to accommodate about 3,200 Chinese students is to be built on the site of the ChonK Hock Girls' School in Teluk Ayer Street. Singapore. The new building will take in students from (honj: Hock Girls' School and Ai Tons School. The
    139 words
  • 39 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Yang Chu Ming, a 62-year-old woman teacher of a Chinese school in Kluang, was fined $75 in the police court today for attempting to smupcle textiles, cosmetics and slippers from Singapore into 'he Federation.
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  • 47 8 Mr B. E. F Oage. British Consul-Oeneral in Chicago, has been appointed to succeed Sir Geoffrey Walllnger as Ambassador at Bangkok. Mr Gage rved in Peking from L 835 i D 1938 and was again in China from l.Ml to 1944.
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  • 37 8 The Dutch High Commissioner in Indonesia, Count W van BvJanrit. who has been six-nding a few days in Singapore on his way back to [ndor.esia from a vacation in Holland, will leave tomorrow for Jakarta.
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  • 55 8 "STICK'EM IP UNCLE." The "gunman" is five-year-old Alan Tishur.v. who went to meet the Corru, which arrived in Singapore .vt-sterdiy, to crr«-t his mule, Mr. Basil Ko/ario. .Mr. Ko/.ario returned to the Colony after spendin c three years in EmgUm4 on a Rovrrnmrtit scholarship i'»r
    55 words
  • 158 8 He broke into store and left his fingerprin ts beh ind FINGERPRINTS found on a V vaseline bottle in a looted NAAFI store on Nov. 15 tallied with those of P. Subramaniam. vL£rd£f aPOW C°Ult %iUS t°W broken into the .storr and •stolen two silver cum valued at $84 Sentence
    158 words
  • 248 8 LEADERS HAIL MUNSTER'S PLEDGE KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. POLITICAL leaders in Malaya reacted warmIf today to the assurance by Lord Munster, Parliamentary Under-Secre-tary of State for the Colonies. of Britain's firm stand to give selfrule to colonial territories despite "temporary set-backs." They also welcomed his statement that the unification of the
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  • 41 8 More than $29,000,000 of the Singapore City Council's $30,--000,000 loan has been taken up. Mr. J. R. Hill. City Treasurer, said yesterday. The loan will close within a few days and intendins subscribers should apply early.
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  • 265 8 SETTLEMENT IN 3 WEEKS "THE two sisters of 18-year-old apprentice ]ockey 1 Mohamed Padek, killed in a racing accident at Bukit Timah last year, will benefit from his $24,000 estate, it was learnt yesterday. Padek died in Singapore General Hospital on February 28 after
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  • 31 8 Singapore's chief Veterinary Officer, Mr. R. A. Wright, and hi.s wife returned to Singapore yesterday on the Corfu. Mr. Wripht r.pent 19 months eon- vale.scent Jeave In Knulanrt.
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  • 25 8 Mr 11. J. C Kula-sinuha. a Singapore Legislative Councillor, left for Kuala Lumpur yesterday on leave He will return on Jan 22.
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  • 28 8 Air Marshal Sir Cl'fTord Sanderson. Commander in Chief Far East Air Force, Is dying t<> Prnans today He' will return to Singapore on January 18.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1900 9 IN 1740, Commodore Anson, R.N., sailed from England with six fighting and two supply ships, manned by 2,000 men. to blast Spanish naval supremacy f in the Pacific. Four years later he was back with the vile smell of
    Daily Mirror  -  1,900 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 ■"^TmONTM LOOK FOI HERRING RECIPES MORTON >. HERRING PIE J| i b'fidcjmbi r m B p Plt IOfV»«IO >*UC«. >. i iftCf a^d p*pp«r. cs<ir MORION HERRINGS J ONION RINGS -^m it, I t«bl«tpoon. <i mt" p«dp«' i Sr- nut nun over Ml Fr, 4 >«»l. cooktd o ni oft
      187 words
    • 6 9 _J io>ionno\% 1 m vii's isi
      6 words
    • 401 9 CIGARS,£<§ I Vis wisely chosen lM^ are appreciated. WE CARRY A LARGE SELECTION OF FAVOURITE BRANDS IN STOCK WHICH SHOULD MEET YOUR EVERY REQUIREMENT. HAVANA Romeo No. 1 Boxes 255. $50.00 lln aluminium tubes) Punch Rny*l Coronations. F ZSf. 350 00 'In aluminium tubes) JAMAICA Temple Hall Corona dr Urn
      401 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 187 9 7^W*ff J>o" Quixote dela Mancb wSandwT^nza P^ /PENAS.CS MAN t W' 'l\ Jfc^ 8 1/55 THY MASTEZ,TV( j fr i -^BT y-^XW you fool', '^/(.v p^ dß^flb [NEVER HAVE I SECV~W THEN, YOU, FRIENO, 1 THE COWPANIONC SEARCH EO FOR~| JESS {AN/THING LIKE IT TAKE THESE A SOUND OF Wf
      187 words

  • 384 10 Around the mark*!* TIN RISES, RUBBER STEADY OPERATORS displayed a little more interest in t: Singapore share market yesterday but the turnover was still very small. Industrials were inclined to turn sellers and tins and rubbers were almost stagnant. Prices throughout, however, showed little
    384 words
  • 156 10 Opening slightly below the previous day's close on the Singapore rubber market. January first grade yesterday closed at 56 S 8 cents a pound, unchanged on Tuesday's close. There was moderate trade inquiry. Business was done during the day up to 56 3 4 cents Tor January. The
    156 words
  • 188 10 MELBOURNE. Wed. OIL shares suffered a .^liarp setback on the Siock Exchange today following a rej ort tha was struck in the .atest test at Exmouth Gulf. Waal Australia. Both Ampol atocki were m.irk»rt down, other oil shares c; sympathy. I l\e IndustrlaJ >ection was not anected and
    188 words
  • 21 10 The followine rubber crops are reported for December: Pounds Sunßci Tukang Rubber 54 500 Kuala Reman Rubber IC9 860
    21 words
  • 138 10 NEW YORK. Wed VT'ITH Pre»kteni Haanhi ing all Federal help for pro^- his speec. night the Sock Marke: yes erday continued to n.ily to reach onbalance ;>oiu a pace as ;he 11-: developed a lons line of advances ra igir.c rr. .<s;\ up to one point. R >ils
    138 words
  • 111 10 Letters I 1 As a ihareh d Tin I am b'>. with "Old c 'Straits Times J I agreed I director I I magnit i and gei. with the Implies 100 igers and bt. If these person p:irtmr> n gers 1 !:rm, or .n I jacent to perty
    111 words
  • 24 10 The following tin-ore are rep' r: Pah;.- C Sungei Kinta Ipoh Tin (Purhi Thabawlelk Tin Pun| A K (trlb Ulu S Puchong
    24 words
  • 72 10 Singapore hinrsr Produce F\chaner. Noon prices per pi.-ul wore: Copra, steady; Jamiarv |40 buyers. $--OT.0 T scliers: February |40'j buyers. $40 sellers Coconut oil: steady: $64 seller 1 Pepper quiet Muntok white *3:m Sarawak 5325. I«impoi.j black $399 Lewis and Peat: Closing priors were Copra: fair: January 140
    72 words
  • 55 10 Imports of rubber into Ma 'aya in LVermber were 2174S tons, compared with 19.857 tons in November, making 277.530 ton.s lor 195.4. Ed with 338.856 tons in 195:'. December figures 5.804 ton.> imported on provisional permits in November and exehadcfl approximately 14.547 tuns fop which fltia! docum< nt.s
    55 words
  • 19 10 Rahman Hydraulic Tin pr.> Ouocd 747 pic.ii.s ol tin-ore lr December, compared with 57.' plcula in November.
    19 words
  • 22 10 The HONG KONC o n. sa 9 it ii o n. 53. On Hong 587 for 15.15 and one tm
    22 words
  • 42 10 CHIPS H Corfu in 15-16. BellMlle 18 Si A 8 Reginald Ken 21-2: Bee ■J9-30 33-34. Maetauychei 38-39. Darwell •ti 44 in in: i Prosper Kaliund Tran< Hai Lee v INNHJ KIHIK Sedei. il B unl. H. Hal i Iple,
    42 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 218 10 CLEANS AND v ,ROT.CTS <^e^jl YOUR PEN AS YOU WRITE Porker Qu/nk a^^>" THI ONLY INK WITH SBgSWjaiP I smvoc Most prn rmuMrr arr cl'jsrri f>* JP^Bj l^^a*' i cheap ink* Avohl corrosion, clog- m sni. ruhher rot —u«e Ownk with Qglifll^^^k ■"/'•->■ Outnk cle«n« and proy~^mnr^fPy^B lc ':'<- k
      218 words
    • 1868 10 COMPANY MEXTING MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LTD. and SOUTHERN MALAYAN TIN DREDGING, LTD. The annual grncral mprtiriß.s of Malayan Tin Dredcing. Ltd. and Southern Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., wrre held on 30th December 1953 in London. Mr. Ernest V. Pearce, Chairman, presided. The followinp are extracts from the Statements of the
      1,868 words
    • 836 10 NOTICES NOTICE Lost Receipt Book containing receipts No« 2851 to 3000. Pe-e'pts bearinc these numbers win nn be accepted as valid under any circumstances whatsoe'er. Singapore Steam Laundry Ltd.. AH. HAWKE. General Manager. NOTICE Notice is hereby civen that Mr. Tong Poh Chuan, our Salesman, has terminated his service with
      836 words
    • 313 10 TIN PRICE The price of tin in Singapore yesterday was declared at $319.50 a picul. up $1. NOTICES NOTICE OF REMOVAL As from the Ist January 1954 the Office of low Vat Construction C« Ltd will be moved to their New Premises at No. 3348, Batu Road Kuala Lumpur, Telephone
      313 words
    • 27 10 MITSUI H>Q LINF WIST BOUND ROUND THI WORLD WKVICI Japan Sina.apor< Port Swctfcrhom Pcnenq Bumbo C.F. SHARP CO., (M) LTD. "HION BUIIDING. JINGArORt TIL »J»» J•. 210?'
      27 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1262 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I'vorpomterl m Singapore) AH other BLUE FUNNEL LINE Boats. Ciillif »pt*on to proceed via other parts to lead ano dischoroe ear*. SAILINGS t. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Du# So' 1 P. S'hom Penang C"M>es f>r Liverpool, Dublin ft «riany Jan 7 Leerfes F''hoo. Liverpool. Avonrli
      1,262 words
    • 1041 11 V* 3oW JBbw I JbW Bk LBr^B^L^^V^L^^aß^^^Bf^l^l EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTINENT ~i._~ m^ m Spore P. Sham Penona Jay«" for Kohsichong, Soigon, Hongkong, Manila, Kobe .Yokohomo 10/12 Jen. 8/ 9 Jen. .Z* nc mo for Kohsichong, H-kong 11/11 Jan. Kma for Diokorta, Kohsichong Saigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Yokohomo
      1,041 words
    • 1119 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. ond CONTINENTAL PORTS S'poro P. S'hoin Penong Bonrinnes tor Avonmoiith, tonoon. Rotterdam, Newcastle, Hull In Pert 8/ t Joo. Benledi tor Liverpool. Glasgow, Homburg, Rotterdair in Pert 9 Jen. Benlawers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Homburg IS/21 Jon. 22/24 Jon. 25/24 Jan. Benalder for
      1,119 words
    • 1100 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL: No ***** HAMBURG LOS AN4CUS, SAN FRANCISCO, ono for I; i a North Atlontic Ports PORTLAND, MATTLt ft VANCOUVER ond Conorlo via Colombo Accrpimq caiqo for Central ft South CITY OF BIRKENHEAD American Ports Spore P Vhom Penono SUNNYVILLE 17/23 tab. 14/14 Feb. 24/25 Feh
      1,100 words

  • 863 12 FIRST a dean skin A I'.ld problem ol women living in the tropics is Ihe preservation of ;i Qawleas complexion \oii can'l expect to do tliis unless von are prepared to give your skin constant care and attention. Application of make up is not enough Your
    863 words
  • 360 12 ...A Singapore girl, Ann likes the gay life, games, picnics. But she works hard too— and she's got some common sense. Listen to her each week in this page— I WAS wandering around th» shops this morning w4ien I heard a cheery voice call "Hello.' "Oh.
    360 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 12 A perfect balance of colour is this suit of charcoal black with its champagne coloured vest wot' by film star Pier An;cli
    22 words
  • 626 12  -  II iLkiXSOX ttv piRST it was bogs; then it was soya beans: then it was clocks. Then one day about six weeks ago my husband came in. sat down for tea and said. "Now its seaweed •Seawoori!" I said. Of all things! What's it for? "A feature
    626 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 12 Happy couple are swimming film ttar Esther Williams and her husband Ben Cage. Ben is teen visiting Esther on the set of her latest film.
    25 words
  • 387 12 ITS a great fcmininr failing, when following shampoo instructions, to use double the quantity statrd on the packet, hoping the result will be twice as Rood. Usually the result Ls a mess, though with shampoos it docs not matter all that much, home bleaches available, however,
    387 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 65 12 'Vivella' takes good care of babies ot s ***v*;isHi ~m. •Viyrlla' is perfrc t l y^^/'']\h( for I<i [ti ift and light anil waahca wondofully. '\i\olla' J lasts. Nur-rs ainl rlinii s pirfer •Viyella' every time— for health, for long lasting economy. HlUllSSt<i>|Tll| *night wear Viyella IF IT SIIRISKS WE
      65 words
    • 424 12 s^^ i^ t. DRINK Gold Dollar Tea (Red Label) 5 Finest Broken Orange Pekoe I M Hvrnusf Cold Dollar Tea is ALWAYS FRr. (Freshness is Guaranteed) and '< tastes so pood! l S Cold Dollar Tra civp-- von mere cup; tea for your dollar. For the quality an^ C* 1
      424 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 322 12 Straits Times Crossword 26 T^^^^-^r^ IT. They know not where they walk fll fSs 1^ Hi jH* §1$ H^ i|| 1. Poor term ends'with a distorted SM 6 7 issH v iew of Rome tBj. lil Us 2 Carried away, yet mostly v^o 3SSSS *§§r .P). 8 Hi H __il__ii_ll_li
      322 words

  • 391 13 Rates Neo his toughest rival' in Aussie meets B) A Special Correspondent SYDNEY, Wednesday. i\ sTK ALI.VS sprint swimming champion Jon llcnricks Singapore star Nco Chwee Kok's I in the Australian championship circuit the next two months comes out for his tig t«
    391 words
  • 115 13 'Wri. .:n tn meet thr .ilth tonrinu sirlp Iras on Jan 13. hanges from thr thr third ntly. to Test t ludi d K s. Srikeeper, R. B. Singh. Ph.idkar and C. D illori. irl, V 8 H p Ben ;md O. R dropped
    115 words
  • 53 13 SATURDAY'S F.A. CUP TIES Cup ihirci .'or Saturda\. Jan. 9 Villa: Blackpool I idford Manchester Koilierham U Manchaatcr U.; Chetterh\ eron Notts Co N* I eeck 1/ Middle.sbro. Nn::s Forest; c; stookHr.irtinrnn r SunderRrom. A. Woherhampton W. T Bolton Brei turn R Trterboro F. Orimsby h T. Oldham Hartleon O
    53 words
  • 72 13 SYDNEY. Wed Australian baek--;!:oke swimming champion Robert Dtflf, .set up a new national record Df two minutes 30.2 sees, for 220 yards backstroke here last night. This be.v by 4 3 sees Barry s own record established two years ago. Both Barry, who is 22. and
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 63 13 If agree to new ruling N Wed Mr. manager of Ickel team at rig In the \v> t fhr Wesi 1 ftntrol yes- hey arc aererable 65 overs ball la taken all matches. the West Indies ball after 200 rod but a from the MCC ted out that the presentative
    63 words
  • 233 13 NEW YORK. Wed. JACK KRAMKR. one of America's greatest Ivin tennis stars, yesterday offered his time and money to help develop nru talent in an effort to win hack the Davis Cup from Australia. The former Wimbledon champion, who is now
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 33 13 LONDON. Wed —Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother ano Princess Manmret will attend the Football Association Cup final at the Empire .Stadium, Wembley on Saturday May I. —Renter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 42 13 WILLEMSE. the CheUea left back, uset hit h>-arl to save the situation on the goal line. while other Chelsea plaj/er^ watch anxiously i n the match against Charlton on Jan. 2 Tlu result mas one-all Reu'.cr photo.
    42 words
  • 318 13 S. AFRICA FOLLOW ON BUT SA VE THIRD TEST CAPETOWN. Wednesday. COI'TH AFRICA saved the third cricket Test against New Zealand here yesterday. despite following on. and the game was drawn with the final Scoreboard showing New Zealand 505. South Africa 326 and 159 for three. South Africa had won
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 154 13 \c« Zealand Ist. Inns. Mi.V SOt Til URICA— IST. INKS. MeOlew r SuU-lifTr h Mac-Gibbon 8H Uaite Il.u Mar(;ihhnn 8 tVestrnlt r l^tjat b MarGlhbon I r SutrliftV h MarGihbon N M I '.hi i Mnoney i. Rabonr Van Rvnrvrld r Mnoney b It.llmnr 23 hertham h Rahnnr
    154 words
  • 48 13 TOKYO. Wed. -Larry Bataan of ihr Philippines will attempt to regain his Orient featherweight boxins crown from Japan's. Shigeji Kaneko at the Memorial Hall here on Jan. 28. KaneKo knocked out Bntaan In the fourth round at Osaka on Dec. 6 to win the title—U.P.
    48 words
  • 399 13 MCC flog Jamaica, get 457-7 WATSON 161 KINGSTON, Wed. THE MCC touring side gained a mastery over Ja.naica j here yesterday— the third day I of their opening first-cla&s match of the West Indks tour i —and Jamaica, with all their second innings wickets intact, finished 162 runs behind. In
    Reuter  -  399 words
  • 46 13 LONDON. Wed—Queen I Elizabeth's racehorse Choir Boy, winner of about £4,000 ;on British tracks, has been sold to Uruguay, trainer Capt Cecil Boyd Rochfort conhimed yesterday. It is reported that the Uruguayan government has bought the five-year-old thoroughbred. No sale price «a.< njven.
    46 words
  • 845 13 A TOTAL of 189 horses from Cl. 2 .md Cl 3 has been entered fnr the Sinc^pore nirf Club meetinc on .Inn 16 2n and 23. En'ries are Class Two M Run 2nd Run 6F. 1M. 6F. 9F. Admfe-.-ion x x Adonis x x An- Rate x
    845 words
  • 79 13 THERE will be eight racrs on each day. Schedule of racing is: Jan. 16: C] 2. Divs 1 and 2. 1m: CI. 3. Divs. 1 and 2. 6f. 7f.. Div. 3 and 4. 6f. Jan. 20: Cl. 2. Divs 1, 2. 3 and 4, 6f Cl. 3
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 475 13 /^N I .t^V***PJt- ShHi air -conditiqne o 5 HOTEL, BAR I %<>W^ RESTAURANT f Hold thot private party at the BALI ROOM Enchanting Music, Exotic Atmosphere. Superb Cocktail >.n: Stay at the 7th STCRY during the Singapore Races TRUNK CALL FACILITIES IN EVERY ROOM 5 228-229 ROCHORE ROAD SINGAPORE. TEL.
      475 words

  • 487 14 By \V. E. TREVOR THE WALLABIES, or to give them their correct title. No. 1 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force XV, retained the Sanderson Cup yesterday when they beat R.A.F. Seletar "A" XV by five points (a goal) to three (a
    487 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 14 MRS. I.OKNA CAWTIIOKN t lie former Lorna Cornell), plays in black sweater and gloves at Roehampton, London. «here she met her friend ami doubles partner, Angela Buxton, in the under-21 final of the junior lawn tennis championships. Rruter photo.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 178 14 Henricks sets new record MANILA. Wed. JON HENRICKS. thp 18--yi-ar-nld Australian swim champion, bmkr thr Philippines record l<>r the 209-mptree freestyle at todayV opcninK of tin 1 Philippines open swimming championships. Hc-nncks's time of 2min 15 RlOscc. was A fi lOscc. hotter than the .standing record. Gary Chapman, another
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 35 14 Indian Recreation Cl'ib hear G\TrkhaiM PC 4-?. in I Tamil Festival lcapne career match at F*rrer Pnrk yesterday Vamvannn <3 > and YusofT All scored for IRC: Mniid snd Kri*hia for Ovmkhans ?C
    35 words
  • 28 14 T-imil Brotherhood Association heat Seletar DarWa Club fi-0 in a soccer friendly at Farrer Park yesterday. Chandra, Kanakaran and Eth.-iraju scored two poals each.
    28 words
  • 304 14 full back, fielded the ball and covered 10 yards before passing to Pinkerton who touched down beuveen the posts. Holland made It a goal with an easy kick. Selancor Club attacked more after t lie resumption and In the 15th minute scored their second coal.
    304 words
  • 40 14 Results of rugby matches played in Singapore yesterday were GHQ beat R.N. Kranji by 9 points (I tiiesi to nil at Tanglin Tie match between rap' Chanel and RAF Seletar played al Chanpi. mried in ;i scoreless draw.
    40 words
  • 88 14 The starting times for the I.ady Captain's Prize, to be played t Island Club next Sunday are--230 Mrs. Meyer—Miss E<»Tt>tt: 12 35 Mrs Gaw—Mrs. Williams. 240 Mrs. McMllllan Mrs. Brooks; 2.4S Mrs. Ltß-Kn. Munliison; 2.50 Mrs. Morrison—Mrs. Jones. 2.55 Mrs. Hodqkinson MrFrenken; 3.00 Mrs Abbe'i Mrs
    88 words
  • 58 14 MADRID Wed Spam beat I Turkey by 4--1 here today In their Group Six of the World championship. The return match between the two countries, thp only two h group, takps place at Istanbul o. •Mar. 14 and the overall winners on the two games co forward
    58 words
  • 22 14 4 h rallic-rl wrli to rritv Cnrnr from r half. De enl Mil P.O Hong Hee ump
    22 words
  • 332 14 A SNAP TRY by wins-forward Wright Rave Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers a 3-0 win over Singapore Cricket Club "A in a (tame of rugger on the padang yesterday Althoueh it WM the Club who did most o f thp attacking. REMK were prominent
    332 words
  • 322 14 LONDON. Wed. THE Army, who open their official Rugby Union season with a match against Gloucester On the line Kingholm ground tomorrow, will h;ive their work cut out to retain the Inter-Services title when the triangular tournament gets under way next month. The Royal
    322 words
  • 28 14 The Island Club's L.G.U. competiUor. played on Sunday laM. resulted: Winner "A 1 Division—Mrs Anderson Ml —l 4 77; "B" Division—Miss Conw i'.y 99- 33 66.
    28 words
  • 23 14 The ni^cer match between RAAF Wallabies and Smcaporr V^. r m heduleri to he played al Pn'ice ivnot vr.-tndav. wm cancelled.
    23 words
  • 202 14 MILWAUKEE. Wed. DAN Bucceroni. scored a unanimous points decision over Heln Ten HoIT of Germany in their ten rounds heavyweight bout here last night, Bucceroni weighed 13 f.t. 61b to the German's 15st. 3J The American was cautious ot the tall German's long left in the
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 139 14 COLONY'S $30,000 CINDER TRACKS AWAIT APPROVAI By JOHN MARKS CONSTRICTION of the < inclrr tracks y Park will brpin as g*M ;is the finanrr rumm the City Council ffivr fhrir linal approval scheme al their next mertinj: in a fortnifht Tho preliminary work on thr schem< (omplrtpd and now approval
    139 words
  • 224 14 ADELAIDF. Wrd. LEWIS Hoad and Kfn Rose wall Australian teen <-•■ tonn^ stars, defeated Vie Scixas and Tony Trabert, of America, ft—S, 6 3.6 3in the spmi-flnal of the men'a dpu bios In thr South Australian championships today Rosowail was dropprd hv the
    224 words
  • 89 14 1 MANILA, wet:, tjemium uavi i Cup stars. Phil ppe Wa.«her and JaCfljHsa Brichant nade their debut here today in a scries of one-set exhibitions agalns Philip; champions The matches ale a warm-up for the visitors «ho will compete In three -day Philippine-Belgium InMlalional tournani'n: itarttng
    89 words
  • 85 14 THE Royal Naval Air E Sembawanc are oreaniMn:; i boxinc tournament, 'n ite held lo Mie Main Hancar. Sembawani. at 8.30 p.m. tomorrow. The objei is to bring toeefier fighters and fans from all Sen ices. The following will send reprrsentative.^: R'n AB. Semoawans h nt 9
    85 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 615 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. i< niiitnurd Irntn Pi(r 6) srrvATioNs v wted TOtTNO Em i I better pr-> I v^ A 2381. ST. THINV I nrr m rubber -enr r! of: 1 I A234!>, S.T. Qt/Al I' I tools BACH] perience ir: K OB en, excellent test mi A 2359 rRAN him
      615 words
    • 956 14 TUITION 70 Wnrit $i (Mm.)— Box S» »xlrn. STARTINU Jan: Mornings liook-keepln?. Typing. Shorthand by B S. Miranda. Tutor with 24 r idling experience 107 Sclcslp Roßd KINDKHGARTF.N c >mmpncinj lHh January at Hhmt Roid of! HillsHe Drive s'. milrs Upper serancoon Enrolment dally 9-12 Telephone ***** 11 TAN ACCOUNTANCY
      956 words
    • 537 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. VEHICLES FOR SALE H Hunh SI (Mill.) Box Ml clt rxlrm. I %n '.il Merceries 170 V. Petrol driven. Good condition, new paint, Com. In May "54. $3,600. Cash or terms. Phone Chong 3938 Ext. 2 Office Hrs. 1953 MORRIS Minor 2-Door saloon, 8.000 miies. showroom condition. Average
      537 words
    • 93 14 SWISS PRECISION CRAFTSMANSHIP Ine most recent developments .md d jf 8 mm motion pictures have Rone into try 'he BOLEX B 8 Its ingenious, dependable oressly intended to meet the requirements of the n maker who demands and expects thr The BOLEX B 8 cine camera is the latest newcomer
      93 words