The Straits Times, 5 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. Nat**"* 1 Lstablishcd 1845 SINGAPORE, TI'ESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 311 1 Much will depend on Sydney talks K. PONDERS STOCKPILE consider ing stork-piling natural rubber, said Mr. R. A. bam ell or of the Exchequer, in Singapore yesterday. Mil the plan would Ik- discussed ;ii the Commonwealth Finance s' conference in Sydney. !i undecided was whether rubber oured
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  • 307 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |THE WEATHER— B,OOO rililliMl MILES AWAY nmillhr LONDON. Mon. OATTERED all
    Reuter; AP  -  307 words
  • 40 1 SAIGON. Mon. The French Air Force in Indo-China last night launched heavy bombins attacks on Vietmirih supply convoys carrying bin guns and other war equipment under cover of darkness to the northern borders of Laos. Renter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 27 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. General Lawton Collin.s .smri last nmht that NATO* military forces had grown strong enough to prevent any sudden Soviet attack from overrunning Europe—Reuter.
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  • 28 1 NAIROBI. Mon African guards opened fire with rifles when 40 African prisoners broke out of a remand prison here today. One of the prisoners was killed—Reuter
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  • 96 1 THE BOY HERO GETS A MEDAL FROM GENERAL TEMPLER IN NOVEMBER, 1052. 16-year-old Omar bin Kamal (above > saved his Home Guard father's rifle from falling into terrorist hands. He and his father were ambushed near Segamut and his father was killed. In spite of terrorist bullets. Omar picked up
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  • 209 1 SPOOK GOES IN FOR TRAVEL BUSINESS AND VILLAGE HAS SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ALOK STAR. Monday. V"HAXTT RAYA" ghost which moves sleepers from one place to another— is giving; restless nights to the villagers of kampong Telok Teletun in Kuala Kedah, 12 miles from here. So
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  • 83 1 Indian Reds plan a secret army MADURA India. Mon. rE Indian Communist Party has secretly mapped plans to build up guerilla forces along India's frontier in the namtof defence against US.-aided Pakistan, reliable sources said here yesterday. Indian intelligence officers assigned to thr third Indian Communist Congress, concluded vestorday. uncovered
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  • 25 1 MEXICO CITY. Mon.—Mario Langrage. nine, was killed when his grandfather's tombstone toppled over on him while he was weeding the crave. A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 77 1 A t in Financi il Time* lon in this there American consumption increasing are heartening. It Ls also not forgotten that despite outward disappointment at the results of the last International Study Group meeting in London there are Still srounds for believing that political pressure
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 64 1 tin the Smca; h man'- •v the the prices buffer the corres- Undoubtedly the .scheme could be operated without American ratification, but its chances of success would correspondingly diminished. I do not think many producers In Malaya would be ■neatly .surprised if a further occurred and. in
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  • 36 1 CAIRO. Mon. The "Supreme I Guide- of the powerful Muslim j Brotherhorxl. Dr. Hassal elI Hodeiby. today advocated a policy of neutrality in worli affairs for Egypt and other Muslim countries- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 34 1 PARIS, Mon.- Lord Ismay, I secrctnry-eencral of the Nnitii Atlantic Council, entered an Oxford nursing home ycsterj day .suffering from acute flbro- j situ, a NATO official said here today. Renter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 26 1 NEW YORK. Mon Five young children died today in their flaming two-storey home In the resort town of Old Orchard Beach, Maine AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 129 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Billed as i a "20th Century Phenome- 1 non." Christine Jorgensen made her New York night club ri<hut yesterday as a headllner at the Latin Quar- i In raf\ A lormer U.S. Army .sergeant who underwent a srrio.s of operation In
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  • 187 1 MULTI-MILLIONAIRE HUNTS FOR ELOPERS Daughter wants to wed Briton EDINBURGH. Mon. ANTENOR PATINO. a fabulmi.sly wealthy Bolivian tin magnate, began a needle-in-t he-haystack search of Scotland today for his eloping 18-year-old daughter, Maria Isabella. Patino is the son of the late Simon .Patino. who left a fortune of M 5600.000,000.
    AP  -  187 words
  • 22 1 CAIRO. Mon. Egyptian Army and Air Force unit have begun a fmir-day opera |t:nn on tho Cairo-Suez deser' road. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 34 1 MANILA. Mon. Former I Philippine Consul-Oeneral in Son Franei.sco. Benigno Pidlaoan. has been fired from the foreign service for misconduct in ofticr and misappropriation -)f funds, (he Foreißn Office an- nounced today.—UP.
    UP  -  34 words
  • 426 1 THE WORD GOES OUT:B RING IN THE 3 HAIRY THINGS' ALIVE KI'ALA Ll'MPl'R. Monday. rHE three hairy "things"— two men and a womenhave spread fear through the entire labour force on Trolak Estate in south Perak. Terrified by accounts from fellow-workers who had met these creatures, the workers at first
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  • 131 1 Ike plan: US envoy sees Molotov MOSCOW. Mon. THE United States Ambassndor. Mr Charles E Bohlen announced today that hr has again talked to the Soviet Foreign Minister. Mr Molotov on "how to get started" with the atomic negotiations to which Russia agreed last month. Mr Bohlen said he conferred
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  • 43 1 COLOMBO. Mon.-Ceylon's Rubber commissioner, Mr. h. Jinadasa. said today that Ceylon was offering R-d China the first option of purchasing vrvlon's surplus of sheet rubber estimated at 15.000 tons this year. Thf price was open to negotiation. Renter..
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 59 1 NEW DELHI, Mon. Ten people were killed and 40 injured when a passenger train was derailed near Bhatinda, in the Punjab, about 200 miles north- west i'! Delhi today according to reports t<> the Railway Ministry here. Five coaches of the train, which was bound
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 184 1 On-the-spot Govt probe LONDON. Mon. THREE Governmentappointed officials loft London airport today for an on-the-spot inquiry Into the situation in British Guiana, where thr constitution was BUS-" pondod and thr- Peoples Progressive Party administration dismissed last October. The Investigators, whn are expf-wi to hr away f
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  • 40 1 ALLIED NOTE I OW, Moo oday acknowledged the acceptance of a *>er conference of i in January Z•■ .-'id <i.niiunicd It bad I High Coniraisslocu r n Germany to I i plans to set up i.i'ki -v r.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 Your prized SILVER PIECES \*/j Restored BRITISH CLICTRO-PLATINC WORKS. ■^■^i^i^^"^" Phone 6377 RUBBER: tt*~X: TIN: TJf RICE: *ZJ?S? VLI Light- weight ELECTRIC IRON O 5850 4-lb Light-weight Fhermostatic flectric Iron with Primrose enamelled «hoe and tight albv tele Singapore Price $22 Federation Price $24 LECTRIC CO. LTD. OF ENGLAND j
      55 words
    • 32 1 OSCILLATING FANS Dl'.TRir TAN GHENT. Moll I Il( < o 152, CROSS STRUT. SINGAPORE 83M9 Wherever you go > >$t ~^t\ 13 ii 'i 1 1 1 SgefMP I -■I —^=c I SI|ITARY fittings
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  • 97 2 THE BRIDE' WHO TURNED OUT TO BE A MAN MA KWONG-HSI 'ihovii ])ds<(l as a girl to get married lo I rune Ihi Him; in linn); Kong. Ho was gaoled for weeks fur ohtaininc money from the "husband" under false pretenres. This, said the magistrate, was the onlylaw that had
    AP  -  97 words
  • 27 2 He was once fastest man on water I I GLASGOW, Mon—Crocodile *kin .shoes costinc £25 a pair arp being snapprd up in Glasgow.— A.P.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 301 2 COUNTRY MUST FIRST BUILD SOCIAL AND EDUCATION SERVICES, THEN- MALAYA'S post-war recovery must be followed by an era of dewlnpment and expansion, said Mr. R. A. Butler, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, in Singapore yesterday. The country might crown its
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  • 115 2 —now he fights polio as a job Fj>Mh.-VIAK-Ol.l» Janet liuthrie limps on her right foot. Her left arm hang? useless at her side. But, her father told a radio audience of millions: "Janet, I suppose, was one of the luckier ones" of those who have been
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  • 58 2 MANILA. Mon—The title Businessman of the Year" for 1953 in the Philppines has be.'n won by a British übject for the first time in the history c! Business Writers 1 Association awards. The winner is Mr. Gerain Wiikinson. managing director of the O.H. Davies and Co..
    UP  -  58 words
  • 200 2 KAY DON, a pre-war British "speed king" on land and water is in Singapore to sell motorcycles. Now 62, Mr. Don, managing director of an engineering firm, Is not here to set up new speed records. I'm much too old for that sort of thing
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  • 61 2 DURANOO. Colorado, Mon.— Arthur Perkins trapped in a well he was trying to deepen was killed yesterday by a dynamite charge he had set. Parkins, a rancher, was trying to explode the dynamite in n well near his home to increase the flow. On lighting the
    AP  -  61 words
  • 30 2 CAIRO. Mon.— Egypt's Ambassador In Moscow. Lieut.Gen. Ariz El Masry. arrived here today to report to the Egyptian Revolutionary council which is considering a new foreign policy.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 222 2 THE FIRST Siam-Mala; which arrived at Prai. night after a break of 13 <»n its first return journey PENANG. Monday, ya international express. Province Wellesley last years, left at 9 a.m. today to Bangkok since the war. i Ten pasf-engers—seven first
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  • 17 2 LONDON. Mon.—A £14,000.--)00 five-yer development plan for British Guiana is proposed by the World Bank.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 61 2 P.o.W. quiz goes on TOKYO. Mon—Army Intelligence officers today continued their questioning of an American war prisoner who gave up Communism to comfort his heartbroken Japanese wife. Army sources refused to divulge whether the former captive, Corporal Claude Batchelor, offered hopes that anymore of the 2! Americans still j with
    UP  -  61 words
  • 20 2 VIENNA, Mon.—More than 200 lawyers attended the opening here today of a fourU| Communist-.sponsored International Conference of Jurists.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 13 2 CAIRO. Mon.—The Education Minister, Ismail El Kabbani, resigned last night.— A.P.
    AP  -  13 words
  • 116 2 Sir Claude on way to Japan FIELD-MARSHAL Sir Claude Auchinleck ("the 1 Auk" arrived in Singapore on the Pyrrhus yesterday for a four-day stay on his way to Japan. Aged 69 and retired, Sir Claude has many business interests in England and India and
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  • 37 2 TOKYO. Mon. an armed i Chinese Communist trawler seized a 372-ton Japanese fish- ing boat in the East China Sea i yesterday after first firing on her, Kyodo news service re- 1 ported. A. P.
    Kyodo  -  37 words
  • 124 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. THE Johore Government Is issuing a special calender to remind the people of thL' year's historic elections to the Council of State Superimposed on the leaf for each month in the calendar i arc th<* words "State Council 1 Elections". Earh leaf
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  • 236 2 THESE NUDE ACTS SHOCK EVEN THE U.S. AIR FORCE LONDON. Mon. ITNITED States Air Force U officials were horrified today at reports that American airmen paid British girls as rruch as TSS2B to dance naked in service clubs. "If the airmen are really doin? that, they are violating all sorts
    UP  -  236 words
  • 123 2 DOWNPOUR FLOODS KAMPONGS PENANG. Monday. A SUDDEN rainstorm uprooted a coconut tree and sent it crashing into an attap hut occupied by a Malay family at Glujsor near here yesterday evening. A schoolteacher, oil? of thr family of five. Injured his rißht
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  • 221 2 THE STARS CAN'T FORETELL ...if Cupid shoots his arrow PARIS, Mon. COMPATIBLE horoscopes do not guarantee married happiness, a leading French astrologer told a conference here of fellow star-gazers from all over the world. A couple who seemed perfectly suited according to their horoscopes might never get on in real
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 143 2 Gurfew wasn't so bad after all PEN RAIN and kept 10.000 J< residents Indoors night but apart h::vinc: to stay ;f they wove not inconvrnirnrrr: first curfrw night Radio and mobile speakers from thr of Information remlr people of thr curfew Towards evenlna vrn. Mr. On^ Ji ■> Sunn i
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  • 21 2 1 ONDON, Mon Tl ciitinn of Lord Simon. B old iormer Lorri c today was reported t i --Scuter.
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  • 79 2 PENANG. Mon —Police here are Investigating two sudden deaths which occurr^o within an hour last night in different ,-\rts of th>town DEATH No 1 An Indian Muslim. 45 walked up to the first floor of a Love Lanr hotel at about 11.30 p.m. He suddenly col'ap:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 378 2 t& *J waJ* ja^JJ FTrr m //3 l'ljma* "traits Times T"™ s^ WORD PyZ*LE k F' Cut out and pint with othct coupeni Posting irutruejtions appear below. Address tl I <% H^SEBI fill iii 1 [r| jE y R T using ~s|"c|? -A|Rjt| clues j Ljhb^Li^H below L»— i *^^^m^*
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  • 47 3 PRIVATE FRANK KELLY, who spent seven years in gaol behind the Iron Curtain, seen with his mother, >lrs. Bennett, at her home in London. Determined to go home fron hospital for Christmas, Kelly went on hunger strike and the authorities relented. Topper picture.
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  • 191 3 Thousands of German rebels are sent to Russia US WASHINGTON, Monday. fHOUSANDS of people who took part in the Kast German uprisings last June including women and children were reported to have been seen aboard trains going to Russia, a State Department official reported here yesterday. The official, Mr. Geoffrey
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  • 123 3 MOSCOW, Mi. n. Vi.r.l I; in modern su\ict vorirU i omits lucky if he jets I-, v ith i tt-yeai seat in a series <>f publicised trials. i i irih ii a number .ir sentences fot itli violent fear-term means in c arrective
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  • 33 3 'Cowardice' query for Minister >ON Mon a i ANTONY \i< War ked for K m ans- Gen. West -ion on Offi-e n ci with The War there a ca.-e cases :red Re 1
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  • 19 3 K I i his rom a ninutes. sto;> im a But Li fell iremen could
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  • 17 3 I .> ich. formerly Sir per, stat or. arrived rday. iddenly I n
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  • 9 3 ins were lal secu- iber 31.
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  • 128 3 LONDON. Mon. r PHE yesterday' prepared tor what may be the last attempt to avert tikes by thi munist-led Electrical Trade Union in atomic stations and other major indust officials wit,- to tneel ibour Ministry obsi rvi rs saw little h< !>■ thai the
    UP  -  128 words
  • 52 3 French P.M. offers to resign PARIS. Mon. THK Fiench Premier. If. Joseph Laniel, has offered slgnation to President Vincent Aurlol. M. Aurtol, after talks with the Incoming President. M. Coty, refused the rcsicn- It i.- traditional for a Prime Minister to offer his resignation after a new President has hern
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 48 3 crewe. Mon Twentythree men t-i^ drivers h^re asked the local council to ban the town's three women tax: drivers. T!.. riv n say -,he job Is not fo r women and there Is the danger of them being especially at night. R' uter.
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  • 92 3 Jap was a Ho Chi Minh dentist YOKOHAMA. Mon. A FORMER lieutenant in the Japanese Army returned here yesterday from IndoChina in the French liner Marseillaise after serving five years with Vietminh forces as a dentist. Ma.smaii'hi Oka. aged 39, said that he wa.s captured by the HO Chi Minh
    UP  -  92 words
  • 27 3 NEW DELHI, Mon. A 32--member Soviet cultural deles^- I tion Is arrivinc here tola i month for a six-week tour of India.— A. P.
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  • 15 3 VATICAN CITY. Mon. aJ circus troupe visited the Popei yesterday. -A. P.
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  • 41 3 CHICAGO, Mon Rodney Brodie 27-montn-old survl-head-joined Siamese turned to the hospital after his first Christmas with his parents and four brothers and sisters. Surgeons plan b. hard protectlns. coy -.n.' for the tnp ol hi skull, P.
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  • 36 3 CAIRO Mon J-.gyptian mthoritles last isht had seised Egyptian md American mr-ency ant: cold w »rth 4.non from the Sthiopian Consul in Jerusalem. [for/cos Agagllo, as he prepar■d to leave Egypt. A. P.
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  • 43 3 London Zoo takes stock h« annual utoekUkiai at l.ontlon Urn M*. JJ mts never rorxet, what better thMi «etUB«*K? w! H. It.Mk .lours has his k m the African .-1.-,.h..n i. i.-ii ami Khm.v. «ho is from i n Inn .—KtutiT picture.
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  • 27 3 AMAN (JORDAN i. Mon— Mr. Aneurin Bevan, leader of the British Labour Party's Leftwitiß faction. lunched herp yesterday with Kini? Hussein of Jordan. -A. P.
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  • 12 3 RANGOON. Mon Burma today celebrated the sixth anniversary of its independence—Renter.
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  • 194 3 Extra process ion Yes, says Queen Adelaide. Monday. THE QUEEN has agreed to an extra mile-anri-a-half procession through Adelaide during her visit in March 19. the South Australian Premier. Mr. rhomas Playford announced today. i The extended route, taking In a bigger part of the city's residential area than ori^nally
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 107 3 ROME, Mon. ITALY'S Christian Democrat leaders last night gathered round the sick bed of the former Primp Minister. Signor Alcide de Ga.speri. to try to end the two-week old Cabinet crisis. The present Prime Minister, Slgnor Giuseppe Pella, whose demand for fuller .support from the
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 299 3 BANGALOSE, Monday. THK INDIAN Prime .Minister. Mr. Nehru, told public meeting in Bangalore yesterday that if Inited States military aid to Pakistan became a reality it would be a step towards war. "'lt is a step which will brins; war
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 83 3 LONDON. Mon. BRITAIN'S sold and dollar reserves fell by only r5543.00H.000 during; December, despite a payment of I 551 81,000.000 on her North American debts at the end of the year, the Treasury announifd today. The e»ld and dollar reserves now stand at I
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 47 3 PERPIGNAN. France. Mon.— A ground rescue team today made Its way toward the wreckage of a French military transport on a .snow-covered peak in the Pyrenees. There wa.s littl f > hope that j |any of the 11 men aboard had survived— A. P.
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  • 32 3 LONDON. Mon. —Professor Hideomi Tiisro. secretary general of the Japanese Association of Democratic Scientists, addressed the biological section of the USSR. Academy of Sciences in Moscow, yesterday Taas reported. Renter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 83 3 NEW YOKK. Mon. GIHDI.IS (It-signed to hr seen they are worn outside ordinary clothing will lie on sale throughout America this summer. The new girdles, described In their Bridgeport manufacturer as the first major change in foundation garments for more than 20 years, have been
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 157 3 REDS 'FANNING ISRAELI-ARAB DISPUTE' WASHINGTON. Mon. RKPUBLICAN Repre.sentat Lv<Lawrence Smith last night said that present tenakms between Israel and the Arab nations were a potential for war. Communists were fanning thr fires, he said Mr Smith headed the House Foreign Affairs Sub-committee 1*,,,,-!, made I week study 1 1
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  • 299 3 LONDON. Mon. I UAh E:i^(fni IMH on ISOUttm Stock Exch.inco mainly had I firmer appPHrance today. Tea shares were quietly supported throughout nelped by some favournble pre.«w comment and there m kIM mmc buying ol .s|ii|<|iiru> ntid oils. BankinK shares were steady while lins and rubbers were rather
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  • 26 3 LONDON. Jan. 4. Cash Buyers CtM; Sellers tfi«o; Forward Buyers i:f»30; Sellers C 632' 2 Settlement BtM. Turnover a.m. 15 tons; p.m. 20 tons.
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  • 36 3 LONDON. Jan. 4 Spot ITri. Feb. 17d.. Mar. 17d.. Apr-June 17\d. July-Srpt. 17'iri. Ort -Der. 17 -d.. Jan rl f. lfi 13 16d Feh ri.f. 16 7 vri.. Mar c.i.f 16\d. Tone: Very quiet.
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  • 41 3 taipeh. Mon.— Building of a new Christian university in Formosa will start this month. The university will admit 200 freshmen students for the first term in September. Colleges of art. science, medicine and engineering will be :n---eluded.—U.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 184 3 PLUMROSE HAM Ideal for cold buffets, lunches, picnics and suppers. CHOPPED HAM in lib tins PICNIC HAM in I Ib fins ir COOKED BONELESS HAM in 2 Ib tins "Delicious in taste; Not an ounce of waste." SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (bayer) v&VAjSffitor* CRESIiIt 1 40 S PI 111
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  • 248 4 Air Ministry agrees to shift of H.Q. to capital KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. HEADQUARTERS Malaya will move permanently from Chanpi, in Singapore, to Kuala Lumpur in February to be nearer the light against the Communist terrorists. For the last few years the Air Officer Commandins Malaya
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  • 84 4 Tapper badly gored by wounded boar IPOH. Mon. WOUNDED WiM boar severely gored :i rubber t.ipper near bidor railway station yesterday morning. The tapper. T>h Boon Lee. was admitted to the Ipoh i with serious injuries. The man was tapping a tree ••hen he was suddenly attacked by the boar
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  • 65 4 IPOH. Mon. Arrested in a mining konc^i on a charge ol j carrying on a "charart-.T*' lottery, two Chinese were allowed $1,000 bail each when. they appeared at the maglo- i trace's court today. Leons; Voon Hinq. 21. and Chin Kom Sin. 28, were arresti d
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  • 56 4 Singapore olice are probing the death of Lai Wee Fee. 35.. whose body was found in the i Beach Road, yesterday ,iflernoon. An identity card found on the body showed the man j lived in Jalan Mcrsing, Kluang, johore. A .spokesman said "the posibility of foul
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  • 80 4 IPOH. Mon— The UMNOMCA Alliance in Perak set up a branch on Saturday at Lens- ucntr. Upper Perak. Thi.< i.< their lifth district branch la the State. The following were elected office-bearers of the branch: Chairman, Inche Ahmad Saici vice-chairman, Mr. Lee Kirn Seng:
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  • 191 4 NO VICTIMISATION' PROMISE TAIPING. Monday. OFFICIALS of the Perak Progressive Party promised yesterday to protect Government workers who wanted to join a proposed Taiping branch of the party. I During a public meeting held I to form the branch, the officials had
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  • 89 4 REVEME collected by the Singapore Customs last year totalled $78.367.000 an increase of $1,565,000 over 1952 and a record for the Colony. Tobacco topped the list with $34,307,000. showing an increase of $669,000. Liquor was next with $21,501,000 but it showed a drop of $440,000.
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  • 68 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon More than 1.000 pieces of pottery, porcelain and earthenwere, dug up during the expedition to the ancient Johore Lama fort In August last year have been declared treasure trove. Persons who claim all or part of the treasure should see the Collector of
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  • 62 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Thirteen nominations have bee n received for president of I thp Malayan Indian Congress. Working committee of the MIC met yesterday t o scrutinise the names. The committee has written to the nominees for their consent before submitting the list to local branches foj
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  • 35 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Burglars stole $3,400 in cash and jewellery from a Chinese family living at Kampong Satu. Chera s Road, early yesterday. They forced ope.i a window while the family slept.
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  • 46 4 Ghanl. 30. from Penang wa.s injured and removed to the Ipoh hospital when the car he was drivng crashed into an electric standard at the junction of Maxwell and Kuala Kanpsar Roads yesterday The car was damaged badly on one side.
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  • 34 4 THE WIFK OF RAJA SIR I? DA. Malayan Commissioner in Britain (centre) with four Malay ladies at the Malay Society annual dinner held recently at the Cafe Royal. London.
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  • 243 4 Work in new villages MALACCA. Monday. CHRISTIAN SERVICE in the Federation new villages is the greatest challenge of the century confronting the Methodist Church in Malaya, said Bishop Raymond L. Archer, head of the Methodist Church in South-East Asia, at the 59th Malaya annual conference
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  • 123 4 Muslims are against one-wife bill KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. rE SELANGOR branch ii the All-Malaya Musi. m Missionary Society, at iU> meeting here yesterday, decided to oppose the proposed Blgamotu Marriage Bill to b«> moved soon in the Singapore Legislative Council Ths Bill seeks to make "one-wife" marriages compulsory in Singapore
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  • 27 4 KUANTAN. Mon. Mr Wong Kwan Tan. a member of the Town Board, has been elected president of the local Klieng Chow Wool Koon (Malnanese Association^.
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  • 235 4 It ivas their third time in court THE Singapore City Police Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, yesterday rebuked five hawkers when j they appeared before him on a third charge of setting up un- licensed stalls in China Street, I a prohibited area.
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  • 89 4 Former boss of PMU is accused KUALA l IMPIR, Mon. HASIIIM GHANI, forn ,r president nf the Peninsular Malays Union, was today charged in the Sessions Court here with criminal breach of trust of 5550. belonging to Viu.ii bin Talib. lie pleaded not guilty. H< Iween October 10 and (><-tuber
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  • 89 4 He hopes for better trade in Perak IPOH. Mon. jrfWIK Perak Chinese Cham--1 ber of Commerce pres Ident. Mr. Lav Pak Khuan. .said today he hoped therr would be increased activity and livelier business this year He was speaking at the annual reception of the Chamber. He urged members to
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  • 38 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.Salleh bin Sal Yu. 58, a baker from Kuala Pilah, was killed this afternoon In a road crash. He came into collision with a police lorry in Campbell Road, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 236 4 A KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. CHIEF CLERK, who had 24 years' service and had been handling over $1,000,000 a month was acquitted and discharged by Mr. J. G. Adams, president of the Sessions Court here, today, on a charge of criminal breach of trust of
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  • 45 4 IPOH. Mon. A specialist In i mathematics. Mr A. T Balraj. who recently arrived from Madras, has joined the Ipoh i Anglo-Chinese School He is one oi M graduate tc.ulicr.s who have been recruited from India to teach In Malayan schools.
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  • 183 4 Headway in our schools 'remarkable' EXPERT SAYS: PROGRESS in education In Ihe Federation dm the last foui years was remarkable says Mls Freda H. (iwilliam, assistant education ;u)vlsi the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Miss Gwilliam flew into Singapore yest< air from Kuala Lufnpur to study education pr< in
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  • 82 4 New lab for research on viruses PENANQ rE new $425,000 labo for the In:stitutp [o cal Research in Kuala will be opened at Februai y. Equipped with the i to-date apparatus, I duct research on vln. It has a lar?e llbrarair conditioned lecti Facilities for visiting teams have aLso been
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  • 35 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Association of Boys Clubs will be inaugurated in Kuala Lumpur on January 23. Plans for such an organisation were first advocated by the Government in 1947.
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  • 37 4 The Public Works Department yesterday handed over the new science block at the Tanjong Gir':;- School in Haig Road. Singapore, to the Education Department in a ceremony at the school yes- J terday
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  • 45 4 IPOH. Mon The Dance Association gave party to K«i children day. The children of memh and about 30 children from Salvation Army home wi tertained. They had iweel freshmenta and .saw a show by Mr. Xavicr anrl ba. item by little Yvonne
    45 words
  • 106 4 KLANG, Mon. THE new campaign against rabies in the Klang and coast districts begins next month. The programme is: February 2-4: Two inoc ins teams will visit rubber estates and towns in the coastal districts. February 5-6: One team at the Great World Amusement Park arid
    106 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 232 4 Ind i\ I II CM i.ll pm "Mill 11l I .Ist Asj.l I I I 111 <> prrsrnts thr St;irs <if \(K I In llnir litest \r« Vrar Hit! HAGUF/i WIT* ENGLISH 5JIHIII? M n GREY HAIR SNIGRIS COMB •> tne H.i:<;;i!nir Oils A B !o<l in e:i( h lx>\.
      232 words
      61 words

  • 311 5 MPUR, Mon. r Malayan Film Unit la meant to as a medium of i duration in widesi sense, Mr. Hodges, head of nima division of Department of [nation Services. the Straits Times v d< this will never b< able to 1
    311 words
  • 75 5 Hi Kit drowning SI i:i MKW. M,,,, A> him M mechanic, :i--••1*1 Law Prn.iim \V;»n. ■wed at I'ort Dickson niiiiii". knl it the Struts lin |mr iii in it >>, 'irmb.ui. treating «it ti three othi-rs. "it beaded for shore he dived into
    75 words
  • 56 5 KLANG, Mon A m;in tried If after quarrelling with hU brother over the brother.* wife, the K!an-^ magistrate v ;u-; n.ld today. niah, 33. an employee of a bank here was bound over in $150 to be of good behaviour tempted micide. Ramiah drank caustic soda
    56 words
  • 61 5 RENGAM Mon. Hghtyfour per cent, of voters went to polls y< sterdaj to elect six men to the first local council in Rengam. Johore Successful candidates are: Ng Nai Foo. Loong Fong k Chan Kwai Nan.. N. Lop< Lim Uang Hoe and Lav Ah Three members,
    61 words
  • 126 5 Bui it was not poisonous SEREMBAN, Monday. PIE Seremban Magistrate was told at an inquest ■'■"day hnv%- two Chinese children had died after g fish which later analysis showed to be net j poisonous. Lai Yin. the mother, said her husband bought the at
    126 words
  • 40 5 l>t Ml >l \l'll\ bin Osman. Kedah State SBTfesn mhl Health Officer, wim was ■warded the I. In the N>« V ir iliimnirv Hi 1 is a bretber ol the Kedah M^ntri ,i lliji Hohd. Sheriff.
    40 words
  • 115 5 Founrf them in stadium at night MALACCA. Monday MAHMUD BIN OTHMAN. lorry attendant and a olunteer reserve, was .sentenced to six for extortion in the Malacca MagisCourt today. md a jroun« the Malacca nighi last Oct<>- m In and watch and
    115 words
  • 71 5 KOTA BAHRU. Mon Because of a shortage of teachers and funds 273 applicants will not be admitted i primary da.sse.s at <^' vi "i--ment English Schools in Kelaa:m s S l!rwho appli-d. 340 w ,,e lucky and this figure shows an Increase ol mi imr
    71 words
  • 12 5 'Mi. Mon. Truna will hold pting on Wed--1 the club
    12 words
  • 234 5 KOH BKK HUAT. a«.ed 16. who pleaded Kullty In Singapore on December 2 Ui lurking trespaw and *u. i m. three snapshot* h pean woman hi Ox lrv Roacl w.«.s sentenced to four v>"k•He'^ou. h.;-rj..r magistrate. Mr. B. H 1 Nr
    234 words
  • 252 5 EDUCATION MAN TO DO SPADEWORK "rill-: SINGAPORE (Jovernment has selected an ollicer of the Malayan Kduration Service to do the spadewwt of the proposed Fxecutive Service for its clerical officers, Thp Bervice, modelled on the public services in Britain, is being introduced to overcome
    252 words
  • 72 5 Xl ALA 1.1 Ml' l R. Mon. TIIK MALAYAN Film I'nit is submitting a Mm in the Friinburgh Film Festival in September, it is "Haaaaa's liomeCi»minK," a 40-minute film, which will be completed in .March. A 1"> minute reel of Malacca in colour will
    72 words
  • 59 5 SEREMBAN. Mon.—Varatharajoo. who was arrested on Christmas Day for the theft of a bicycle from the Welfare Home at Temlang pleaded md waa lined S2OO here today. He took the bicycle n lien the owner, Wong Swee Nam. parked it at the welfare Home on December
    59 words
  • 77 5 CITY Police Magistrate. Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn. said yesterday that It would bra great day when the poUce could brinK makers of falsd 1 trisht badges to court. Tan Ah See pleaded Ruilty to using a false badsje, riding a trlsha withont
    77 words
  • 155 5 WEST PAHANG THE following are the grades ol Government rationed rice for sale to the public In West Pahanp for the period January 11 to January 31. Hißh erade Siam white rice II per cent broken Retail price 38 rent a kati. Medium grade Burma ngratseln rice.
    155 words
  • 19 5 IPOH. Mon.- Mr A. Inglis who recently returner! Ironleave has taken over duties as state Engineer, Perak.
    19 words
  • 241 5 We sees clinic, flats and pool IS i: 1 T A I N S I'arliament.irv linler-Secretarv ol State for the Colonies. Lord Minister, yesterday went on a whirlwind tour of Singapore after an uncertain start. Lord Minister, who broke his journey to the ('omii<>iiwealth Finance Ministers' j
    241 words
  • 178 5 KILLED LEADER, ATE HIS FOOD —THEN GAVE UP After seven years in jungle KI'ALA M'MPI'R. Monday. ON THE MORNING of New Year's Eve, Four San. a terrorist in Perak, shot dead his section leader, Haak Yonjj, sat down to a double share of breakfast I and then surrendered to the
    178 words
  • 132 5 MEMBERSHIP of the Singapore Government Administrative and Clerical Services Union has doubled since June last year, the president of the union. Mr. N. A. Kularajah. said yesterday. He told the Straits Times: "The membership of the union in June was 527. Now it la 1,082."
    132 words
  • 82 5 TAIPING. Mon.— The Committee o[ Management of the Taiping Co-operative Housing Society is: Chairman. Mr. K. S S. Maniam; secretary, Mr. Ki»nagasabai; treasurer, Mr. cnuah Chow Liew; committee, Mr. On;; C'hooi Aw. Mr. D. Nadarajah. Mr. A. D. Thavarajuh. Mr. Lim Chop Kum. Mr. Yeoh Swce How
    82 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. Singapore. (Incorporated in Sinjjnporc 1920) To commemorate our 34th year and in keeping with our continued expansion besides wishing to render even more efficient service to our many clients in the Federation of Malaya, we take great pleasure in nnnouncing the opening of two Branch offices
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 206 5 THE SINGAPORE DIARY Police Band: Public performance. I Century Shell House. Collycr Qiuy, K.ito: i. Park. 5.30 pin. to 6.30 p.m. I 1 p.m. and 4 30 p.m. Singapore amera Club: LKfem CHMH Y.M.C.A.: Table-tennis 2 M Ptancti Wu of Hont; Kong pni.. 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.; bodyi.n How
      206 words

  • 35 6 OOH BNO H r Ulnees, .it II Road, ire Deepl] rhursday Jan. 7 at ii m. MM>A\! (Jr>h S-.i .i ndmother o! D: Chla f.n _'-i- I 3-l-M Thanks <-\; »ho .sent wreaths :m<l condolences.
    35 words
  • 49 6 M M..irf. fill [minimum i thnnk I and friends for Istance. Wlsl t MR those who h.i\e In th« MR. lIM CHWEE li< <■ family relntive; help which Ml. 1.1111 i Ban. MRS M. P i ;md fliewl S'-nt dolence at the funeral of her I A Rangome an
    49 words
  • 42 6 ANNOUNC EMEN TS 20 Mi, if/. 11l minimum i uy.v\ feCK the i ■I that gown O.H. BMg. i">re. wan mi Professional models to publicity ;> <: I DC B ITO- i.30 p.m. I HE TRTJ 1 farilltati known to paresu Write v. Mc-
    42 words
  • 399 6 Malaya will find comfort, and ;it least a ray of hope, in Mr. R. A. Butler's assurance that at the Commonwealth Finance I Conference at Sydney the problems of the lubber and lin industry will be given their proper place. Britain's Chan- cellor of the Exchequer
    399 words
  • 905 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues Jan. 5, 1954. Asian Trade With Europe The extent to which the pattern <>f Asian trade has changed iti the last three decades, the pace quickened by the war, is rarely given its proper share of attention when the problems <>f development and expansion are
    905 words
  • 1688 6  -  WILLIAM FISH By AMONG the jungle swamps and mistswathed hills of South Pahang, terrorists are on the run again— and this time they have turned in their tracks and are heading back to their old operational areas in eastern Negri Sembilan. This oxodus
    1,688 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 325 6 J AM not a Government servant and. even if I were. la m a bachelor so would not be affected by the "third benefit" referred to by Mr. K. M. Byrne in his letter of January 2. But I have followed this controversy very
      325 words
    • 215 6 THE Christmas spirit must have given Mr. Thomas Paine a super sense of humour, for no ordinary person reading Mr. E. K. Tan's very mild criticism of the Government's White Paper on bi Inliial education would Jiiul it at all funny. I am in full support of
      215 words
    • 96 6 AS an elected member for the Tebrau ward on the Town Council. I would like to advise "A Citizen" and all residents of Jalan Storey that the Town Council at its meeting on November 9 approved in principle the recommendation of the traffic committee tor an extension of
      96 words
  • 289 6 Secrets of :i^e INTERVIEWS wltl nan.s are apt to hilc because at th usually forget thi i once knew an old B man w !n> had kn bui all thai that he v in and .said nothing that the Eilstorli the Ui.i went oir tv Intel l<
    289 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 495 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. }n H..ii(« Mil (minimum) CROCKEH I and Gordon nn, luud Both well. KINAHAN 0 1 I.onrlnn. to K.i'hleen irle* Km.ihan i remothv Chai M.,,rf. |ft minimum) ihf: enoai Kee Ewe r.d Mrs. Phuah ■:d Joan T:in Benz Choi :i Ol Slt SITI WTIONn VACANT I» Worii j; I
      495 words
    • 41 6 CERMAN PEN Tiniite I Improved La«ny-Artui) ill j <.rr*U-M ink lillin* caparily. Transparent barrfl. Most durab> indium tipped 14K (old nib. Postaifr r>o <rnt» extra. EVERBRI6HT OPTICAL CO., 19, Clialia St.. S'pore-1 ENG SENG MEDICAL CO., X, *h Qurr St.. Prnanj.
      41 words
    • 74 6 1 EVERY CAR NEEDS A CAR RADIO/ A superb performer for 6 f L r^L or 12 volt b.itfcry supply f (>^\. 5 v;llvcs 5 Wivcb.indv. Jr Tropi«-.ilitcd J% TV. MITCHELL t CO LTD. h,,i r ANN PENC TRADERS LTD. TELEPHONE 7631 O 4600 MOTION SMITH SON LTD. (In-orpnrating |nhn
      74 words

  • 188 7 SCORES SEE SECRET SOCIETY IN ACTION secret society jjanusters set the c for Ihoir If).") 1 activities on Sunday, when error attack, a u'anjr of 2(1 men knifed and Milled a young; Chinese fitter. Scores of watched without trying to help.
    188 words
  • 84 7 There were plenty of congratulations YOIKK YOUNG yet," says one septuagenarian (Mr. Oil Jiak Sck. right) to another (tli<- Rev. Uink Kent Moon, pastor of the Presbyterian Life Church. Singapore, left). In the centre, a third septuagenarian, the Rev. Tan Leng Tian. waits his turn to ciinicratuate
    84 words
  • 20 7 [on nothei ..nd Jo! •to md >hut her ,n the ibdurtcd a thr Ta: ihHighlanda
    20 words
  • 28 7 the Union ol I ;mpur brand;. Osm&o bin Aylt: Abdul Majid bin i f bin Khlr committee: I n Jamil. Amir bin Bakur. iditora: Moha-
    28 words
  • 49 7 The Pakistan Prime Minis-' ter, Mr Mohammed Ali. flew Into Singapore yesterday by no A.C Constellation from Calcutta. Mr. Mohammed Ali. a former Pakistani Ambassador to the United states, wu on his; way to Sydney to attend the Commonwealth Finance Ministers conference He leaves today.
    49 words
  • 254 7 IF world-famous Hong 1 Kong photographer Francis Wu ran find any suitable nude models in Singapore he wants to photograph them. And he's willing to photograph anyone at his price $150 for three 10" x 12" copies. Mr. Wu. who has received U
    254 words
  • 91 7 Air Marshal Sir Clifford 1 Sanderson. Oommnnder-m-Chlef Far East Air Force, visited Tengah yesterday and said goodbye to officers and men of No. 3:i Bomber Squadron 1 which will leave soon for Britain on completion of its overseas operational tour. Air Marshal Sanderson congratulated them for
    91 words
  • 250 7 HAPPINESS —4 times over He had 4 reasons to celebrate T»HE bride was pretty but it was the father of the bridegroom that everyone was talking about For the Rev. Quok Kong Boon, pastor of the Presbyterian Life Church in Princcp Street. Singapore had tour reasons
    250 words
  • 94 7 Deputy fire chief leaves for home MR. A. PLATT. deputy superintendent of the Singapore Fire Brigade, left Sini gapore on the Cyclops yesterday for retirement in England after 27 years service here. i Mr. Platt. who la 55. joined I the Fire Brigade as a fourtn officer in 1926. He
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  • 21 7 The Singapore Police Band will play at King George V Park from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 48 7 A woman. Lee Lcow Yaw. of Maude Road. Singapore, was yesterday treated at the General Hospital for stab wounds j which .she received when she was attacked by a man in Jalan Be.sar. The man ran off when she screamed. Police are no* investigating.
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  • 34 7 The central committee <■'■ the 1954 World Youth Assembly will hold it.s first meeting *t the conference room of the Singapore Youth Council at Orchard Road at 5.30 p.m. on Jan. 11.
    34 words
  • 168 7 In four district*, one mukim i KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. MORE food control measures will be enforced in four districts and one mukim in Kedah from Feb. 1. The districts arc Kuala I M uda. BaUm. Yen *nd gtt and the mukim is Aycr Puteh
    168 words
  • 59 7 FOREIGN DIPLOMATS, coii>.ular representatives, community leaders and Legislative and City Councillors were among those at a cocktail party last night at the new Burmese Consulate at St. Martin's Drive. Singapore, to mark Kurmese Independence Day. From left are Mrs. Ra Thaiing. Mrs. <;iuck. Mr. S. Gluck and
    59 words
  • 189 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mori t^IVE Malay youths were fishing in the Klang Straits when one was hit by a bullet and killed instantly, the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate's court was told today Before the court were three Police Lieutenants W H. Bradbury R. D.
    189 words
  • 26 7 Mrs. Cottrrill will talk on gardening to the International Women's Club at the Y.WC.A Hostel in Fort Canning Road. Singapore, at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 19 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mnn. The Jerteh ferry at the Besut River in North Treng'^anu was open this morning.
    19 words
  • 84 7 ALOR STAR. Mon During a storm that sank his tongkans:. laikong Huan Song and arvtnpr rrrw mpmbpr climbed the mast and clung there 22 hours before rescue He told the Alor star Coroner* Court today that hr had no hope of saving Saw
    84 words
  • 298 7 Finance Minister's pledge T«HE INDIAN Finance Minister, >I Mntaman x Deshmukh. who was in Singapore yesterday, assured local Indians that his 'iovernment would look into Malaya's new immi; law which they had said was anti-Indian. He said this at a tra party
    298 words
  • 82 7 $400 fine on Colony publisher J^G CHXR SUA, publisher of the Chnmpacnp Post a Chinese paprr. wu finrr! $400 in a Kincapnrr rnurt yr.storriav for riofnminc Mr Chua Slew, principal ol thr Seng f"hi School, Gej Wung Tra Kaun. Iho papr--'.-, printer, wu fined $10 for thr I same offence.
    82 words
  • 43 7 KLANG. Mon. Ng Thye Hnn?. 45. was today acquitted without his defence bein" called. Ng was charged with possession of 15 stolen batteries valued at *!.125. The magistrate said prosecution had failed to prove the batteries were stolen property.
    43 words
  • 83 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rVENTY terrorists jrren dered in the Taiping area of Perak last year. I Fourteen other terrorists in the area were killed and two captured Two civilians are listed as missing. A Government statement to- Ida; -i;rl that one surrender leifler l a n^w nut
    83 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 Lovely children fc'/£% ng to be sturdy I •'■■n-irps some day, and they "II \W| ond health for th« big \SJ l^fc'V.*^' r.s\ they're going to do. Their V -^v i ;;re built the proper jX^ !^k take Cod Liver Oil. W > Pure Cod Liver Oil, I^l ~Q
      92 words
    • 76 7 li glasses of fresh milk in every lib (if l\ :> I J I -thats why i i you can taste the cream L?*/ <r>\. DAIRY MILK WHOLENUT DAIRY MILK FRUIT NUT DAIRY MILK NUT MILK AND MILK TRAY RAD-JO MADE IN GERMANY obtainable from M Chcmnti .md Stoici THE
      76 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 166 7 The Weather 91 DEG. IN IPOH Minimum Trmprraturr i7in pni on .iii. 3 to 7.50 i m. on Blnßaporß 73 degreea P^n^n: 73 Kota B;ihr'i 71 Kuala i.'impur 71. Ipoli 72. Kiifiii'an 71. .Maximum Trmprratiiri- .7 10 a.m. to 710 pm on Jan. 4 Smcapoi% R.">. Prn: g fin Rota
      166 words

  • 302 8 TRUST OFFICER TOOK $1,000 FOR A FAVOUR, COURT IS TOLD rFHE SINGAPORE Second Criminal District Court was told yesterday that Tan Yook Suan, a housing investigating officer of the Singapore Improvement Trust, took $1,000 from a barber as an inducement to do him a favour at the S.I.T. office. The
    302 words
  • 81 8 Trade talks with Indonesia SINGAPORE Government representatives are leaving soon for Jakarta for talks with thr Indonesian Gov* ernment on Indonesian restrictions on rubber shipments to the Colony ;lll <l •"> the textile and sundries entrepot trade. It is understood that thr Director-General of Civil Aviation for the Malaya. Borneo
    81 words
  • 77 8 The nrst Singapore Assuws for 19."i4. opens in the High Court next Monday. Before the courts sit. the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Bn»wn. other judges of the I Hieh Court, members of th« I Bar. senior officers of the ReICistry will attend a service
    77 words
  • 43 8 Kl'\l I I'MTUR. M«n. The SHnncnr Chettlars' Chrtmbiy of Commerce today save a party to Mr. T V. Ramakrishna Rn". the outgoing Agent of the Oovernment <>t India and the nr\> Agent Mr M.uihavan NanMr Ramanathan Chettlar I presided.
    43 words
  • 51 8 Onp Ker Kah, a contractor, was fined $75 in Singapore yesterday when he pleaded Kiiilty to failing to furnish returns of his income for 1949 1950 and 1951. Ong was allowed foi.r weeks to complete the return.-, and send them to the Income Tax
    51 words
  • 44 8 The b<xiv of a Harbour Board '■mpl'u-iT, Animiieam Suppiah. 24. whn was drowned whe n a small cargo truck he was dnvinz. ran off the wharl into the sea at Empire Dock. 1 Singapore, on Saturday, was recovered by a diver yesterday.
    44 words
  • 119 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. rpilK FIRST battalion of I the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, after 3" 2 years in the Federation, eliminated their 100 th Communist terrorist on New Year's Day The terrorist was killed by No 1 ("Jumbo's Jets") platoon. 'A' Coy,
    119 words
  • 57 8 MALAYAN GIRLS LONDON MEETING THREE MALAYAN students listen intently during the "Any questions" session on race relations held during the second annual festival of the National I'nion of Students at the South -West Essex Technical College, London. From left to right Chinniah Pushpavathy, of Perak; Tulip Che I.ah. of Selangor.
    AP  -  57 words
  • 145 8 They hid stolen goods in field A SINGAPORE labourer sleeping on a five-foot way in Telegraph Street woke vp at 4.30 one morning and saw two men carrying wooden cases towards Robinson Road. The labourer, Lim Kirn Tuan, roused a co-labourer, Attan
    145 words
  • 21 8 Bandlati Dullid was fined $100 in Singapore yesterdaj for negligent driving resulting in a conUlun with anotbei motor ear.
    21 words
  • 51 8 Hilary term opened yesterday at the University of Malallore than poo students. wt-.<: have been on vacation since December 12. returned to classes to resume their studies till March. On Saturday, the university will hold its New Year dance, the first major social function of this
    51 words
  • 34 8 Tnni; Ying Choi, a motorcyclist, was fined a total of $225 in Singapore yes'e*day for driving without a licence and third party insurance and oefore tho expiry of his disqualification period
    34 words
  • 53 8 A fivr-man Japanese woollen textile trade promotion mission arrived in Singapo.v yesterday by X.L.M. Constellation for a week's visit. The mission, organised by the Japan Wool Spini AsM>ciation. Is headed by Mr H. Urda. The other delegate* art Messrs. K. Fuji;. I. Tanabe. T. Yamamoto.
    53 words
  • 46 8 Lady McGrigor. wife of th.' First Sea Lord. Admiral ;s:r Roderick McGrigor. »ul launch the new 28.000-t( n P O liner Iberia at Harlami and Wolff's Musgrave Yard in Belfast on Jan. 21. The Iberia will be for tlv British-Australian .service
    46 words
  • 38 8 Gan Seng Kee, a rubber i dealer, was fined $100 in Singa- i pore yesterday for failing to furnish particulars of the driver of hLs car when requested to do so by the Traffi? Police.
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  • 157 8 POLICE PROBE LOTTERY Row over ticket SINGAPORE Police are investigating certain aspects of a lottery drawn by the Singapore Admiralty Local Starr Union about three months ago. A police spoxesman told the Straits Times yesterday: "We have just started the investigation. Until It is over I cannot say anything more
    157 words
  • 204 8 Department's best feat— chief KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE PROBATION work of the Federation Social Welfare Department has now been handed entirely to Malayan officers, the Straits Times was told I today. This was one of the most satisfying achievements ot the Department, said Mr.
    204 words
  • 109 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A DRAFT 10-year plan being prepared for blind welfare work in the Federation will be submitted to Government, early this year. Chief Socia.: and Welfare Oilier. \i r J. L Mi-Douall says the plan will lu v d<>wn future
    109 words
  • 36 8 Dr. Chan Ah Kow of Singapore was fined $10 in the City Police court yesterday when his nephew pleaded guilty on his behalf to a charge of parking a car in a taxi stand
    36 words
  • 29 8 Kont- Mum Kwoog was lined $75 in Singapore yesterday for dangeroui driving remUtkiK in A collision with another cai at Pasir Panjaiiii R"ad on Noven>- ber S.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 DAY 11//' 5.30, 9.30 REAL AS FLESH Q^\ ["j THRILIS! N^P^Ll^^Lf IB HOWiID HUGHES JkHJ- DEVIL'S 1 fcjUJg SANYOM VIRGINIA MAYO "OALE ROBERTSON 1 HI STCPHEN McNULY-RRTHURJUINNICUITJII Cl.l«i. |||L=/c TlCHNlcbr6«^^ Ilirr o| Viewen ;n< plus deposit lOr. refundable OPENS TOMORROW STANLEY KRAMER has now created his masterpiece oft U/<ndto JA(utcca&'
      300 words
      207 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 255 8 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR MALACCA 715 MonililE Star; 7.30 News; 1 I,i: lit Music: 1.3(1 News: 1.45-3 7.35 Melody Mixture; 8 MuHcl J^Jj^ V2T E^I^Sji?UPSUB Comrdy Memories; 8.30 Malay Doctor; 730 Music by Melachrino. n Adventures of' P C 49 9 30New.« COT er: 9 CloSe DO^ 8 9 3f' N
      255 words

  • 1707 9 Thousands died when giant Scot made jungle hell prosper i K one afternoon in 1933 a battered m n „plinc. its wings held together with I and baling wire, ground painfully (V cr the streaming jungle of the Gran Ch«co region of Paraguay. An ni an in the plane tapped
    Daily Mirror  -  1,707 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 j I IOMOIIMOM LT iM)in.iii i T-■!'••-I J
      8 words
    • 112 9 SOAP" Like all the loveliest stars, care lor your skin with <Os^)LLi "^^ilj fragrant, creamy B^BS'-v '.^f LUX TOILET SOAP the beauty soap S o\ the lilm stars ■.rrrft nnrrrv» t.n+m If things are looking bleak for you Tiredness of the body cau make (he Inelifvt spirit <*it And
      112 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 75 9 T^^^ r o/J)on Quixote deb Mancha Sancbol^nza T Hf CONVICTS SAW THEIR CHANCi ,-i^S^L BROKE THEIR Chains ANOdOiNED TpSSL^M'tk 0 I t4^Jns 'butCtead of showing HE LISTENED AS EACH RECOUNTED HIS A V NEH STONED TwE KNIGHT STORY TMESi GOOD UIIOM ShOulP AND T«° MADE OFf"e«h [HOT 60 TDTMf 6*LIfVS
      75 words
    • 144 9 She nearly bid farewell io welfare <^Z^H-/*i YOU V S«"i«rl 5-.' I lj« far tOO OU'., <..-" ,-v •'>*"* /iSHKJ ™«'f a Offictt a Jf-v k<»a B > ITh~tks) Irtol ,ugh> f I J'iX > V1 I ANJD l«*i»urf>ris«datyouMr»S*..tO I, ATTHt POCTORS U You u*«d <o It* our most cowpcttr*
      144 words

  • 525 10 Aroimil the markf^ TIN STEADY, RUBBER DOWN 'THE Singapore share market opened the week v A quietly yesterday when the turnover in all sections was very small. There were no features. Industrials were steady but quiet and price changes were re* and small. Tin shares were
    525 words
  • 181 10 After opening above the close on Thursday. January first grade closed on the Singapore rubber market yesterday at 563 4cents a pound, five-eighths of a cent below the pre-holi-day close. There were some orders when the market opened yesterday and there was slight selling from upcountry. The market
    181 words
  • 73 10 Singapore Chine*? Produrr Exchange: Noon prices per picul were Copra: steady; January $40 buyers, $40 sellers; February $40 buyers, 40 .sellers. Coconut oil: steady; unchanged $63.. sellers. Pepper: quiet; No business reported; unchanged; Muntok white $330. Sarawak t32S, Lnmiwng blaclc t'295 Lavh and Peal: Closing prices were Copra:
    73 words
  • 61 10 TIN RUBBER EXPORTED Kx ports of rubber from Malaya in I)c ember ircrc 78,173 tons, comparrd with 7?.668 tons in November, making the 1953 total 846.31(i tons, coivpared with 910,408 tons ir 1952. Kxports of t-.n in Decrmber wore 3 ?tZ tMU compared with 5,300 tons in November, making the
    61 words
  • 224 10 MELBOURNE. Mon 'THE Stock Exchange opened the year on a rlsine nntp todiv The pre-Chrlstmas gains wore fully maintained but the sales volume was lighter. The turnover In Industrial stocks >.is aba lti'htei but changes were niastly in sellers' favour. Oil Mocks maintained their popularity ;iiid most were
    224 words
  • 151 10 T^'E Malayan Exchange Banks Association mnde 'he following chanaes in its rates to merchants yesterday NIW YORK: buvlnc. T.T 32": nil mail. O.D 33. SO days S3 1 crpriit bills. 33 3/16 tr:ide MBb: selling T.T. or OD 3" I 1 16 ready CANADA: bi:vins. T 7 r:
    151 words
  • 134 10 hlng alongside the Singa*J pore Harbour Poard whar. expected tod;:y are Orna 3. L'me Mini 4-5. City ot Ccilcapo 6-7. Ishu.der C.P.. Caltex Adelaide 8-<i. India 11-IJ. r. 13-14 Neckarstein 15-16. Atla.--17-18. Belleville 19-20. Selancoi N.W. 5. Kampar N.W. 6. Humpit.m NW 9 Reginald Ki>rr 21-22. Brnlpri! 2:t-24.
    134 words
  • 212 10 v w»re l.\Ui<l KIM i, A., x llr.dti I- I h Petrol II M I i i-trr, Dim 1 ii 8/Krasrr .v It .so Oanunon U'lO»n I>:.sp. ■>d Par* W Hammer Htm g ft S nil Bank ill [ana reg.i Jackson 0 M Brcwwiw c mi
    212 words
  • 40 10 THE fnllnwins out t.n-nrp arp rop 1 DtTPmbpr: Katu Tin drprleprt cubic yards and prod pic tils. Ri-nnnu Con.solldaf< drrdqcd 120.000 cubl and produced 249 Sungei Bidor Tin worked for 641 hours 290.800 cube yards duccd 877 plculs
    40 words
  • 14 10 The price <>r Un Singapore vrslrrrlu w<' declared ;il 8517J21& pirul, unrh.-incrrl.
    14 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 438 10 NOTICE CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE Awsrvimrnt for the year 1954. P. a Irs dur for the \*t half-year 1954 Owners of property are reminnec that r.itrs for the Ist half-year 1954 are due and payable In advance without demand at the City Hall in the month of January 1954. Notice
      438 words
    • 474 10 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS NURBING Sisters for Federation i Military Forces. Applications from Citizens of the Federation. Salary: •324x18-486 p.m., pensionable. C.O.L.A. usual rates. Will be requlri ed to serve In Port Dickson, Kola i Bahru. Alor Star or Talping. Qualifications: State Registered Nurse and have Certificate in midwifery. i Apply
      474 words
    • 706 10 NOTICES NOTICE OF REMOVAL As from the Ist January 1954 the Office of Low Vat Construction Co. Ltd., will be moved to their New Premises at No. 3348, Batu Roa-i, Kuala Lumpur, Telephone No. 5750 <fc P.O. Box 405. CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE Assessment List 1954 (Section 63. Municipal Ordinance)
      706 words
    • 46 10 MITSUI |4^ LINE WFST BOUND ROUND THE WORLD SERVICE Japan Sinqopore fort Swttrtnhom Pcnanq Bombay Kir. C.F. SHARP ft CO., (Ml LTD. "NI'JN BUILDING, SINCAPORE TEL: SJ96-7-0, ***** L.X jhrrp &i Co (m) Ltd. T^/^ DIVISION I AT A. BOOKING AGENTS ALL AIRLINE Union BLDCSIIIGfIPORE ,Xi?
      46 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1183 11 -.7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. ft Korporated ln Singapore) A M other BLUE FUNNEL LINE °«p" option to pmc.-ed via other ports to load ano dischnrar S»HINCS t. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS ...01, Dublin PS hOm Pgoon 0 Jon. M 4 Jan. 7/ 8 r-riiool. Avcn- Horn! .'g G. 42/41
      1,183 words
    • 1080 11 Ijp." Bf jjy'^^^^B B^^^^^^^^^^^^jT^^^^^ EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK /CONTINENT "J— k-^_ s P°' e p S'nom Penona Jovo for Kohskhang, Soigon, Hongkong, Manila, Kobe Yokohama 8/10 Jen. 7/ 7 Jon. ..L" n ",7' a for Kohi'chong, H'kong 11/11 Jon. Kino for Diokorto. Kohsichong, Soigon. Hongkong, Monilo, Kobs Vokohomo
      1,080 words
    • 1120 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. an 4 CONTINENTAL PORTS Spora P. S'hom Penong Ber**x^»« *ni As/o*>mfx,th. London Rotterdom, Newcastle, Hull In Pert 8/ 9 Jan. Benledl tor Liverpool. Glasgow. Hamburg, Rotterdom G. 21/24 7/ Jan. 10/11 Jan. Benlawers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Homburg 12/18 Jon. 19/21 Jon. 22/24
      1,120 words
    • 1158 11 McALISTER 6 TEL: Nc ELLERMAN tit BUCKNALL LONDON. HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG 4 HULL and for OS A., North Atlantic Ports ond Conodo vio Colombo CITY OF CHICAGO Spore P S'ram Penong G 6-7. 5 Jon CITY OF BIRKENHEAD Spore P. Sham Perx^g 17/21 reb. 14/16 Feb. 24/2S rob. P. S'ho-n:
      1,158 words
    • 52 11 c CO., LTD. > ***** KLAVENESS LINE LOS ANGILES, SAN rRANCISCO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE I VANCOUVER Accepting ergo In Cpntral > *<iuth Amrricao Ports SUNNY /ILLE t m Prno">g 7 Jan. 6 Jon S Jon. Ms fRANCISVILLE S'porc irr Penong 26/30 Jon IFeb 2 Feb. Shorn Anglo-Frenci-. Trodlng Co., Ltd. Penong:
      52 words

  • 464 12 THE BUSINESS WORLD I ft. NEW SUPERSONIC wind tunnel being built by Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft in Britain la expected to create test conditions at two and a half times the speed ol sound. Five per cent, of the British city of Coventry's total electricity load will be required to operate
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  • 250 12 More East- West trade opportunities in 'Sterling Area's interests' Says Mr. Butler OPPORTUNITIES for greater trade between the free world and the Soviet bloc are in the interests of the Sterling area and in the "interests of Malaya," according to Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. R. A. Butler. He
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  • 86 12 BRITAIN'S Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. K. A. Butler, said in Singapore yesterday that the slogan for the Sydney conference of Commonwealth Finance Ministers could well be: "To consolidate our gains." "This may not be too easy in the coming year," he added. "We must first overcome
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  • 104 12 British car organisation 'Streamline' THE British Motor Corpoiation, the Morris-Austin combine, is sacking 100 men and dropping the Morris Oxford engine, under the latest rationalisation move, according to Reuter reports from London. The old side-valve Morris Minor engine has already given place to the Austin Seven overhead valve unit in
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  • 230 12 YIR. Butler revealed that the outlook in the balance l of payments of the Sterling Area depended largely on the outline of world trade and conditions in the United States. "We must go forward with expansion and development, and above all. consolidation. We must not slide back
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  • 115 12 fIWE fourth architect in one family, Mr. Ho Kok Yin. has arrived in Singapore after completing his studies in Australia, to join two brotherarchitects with Swan and Maclaren, Singapore architects. They are the sons of the late Mr. Ho Kwong Yew. a well-known Singapore architect, who was
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  • 235 12 EUROPE WARNED OF JAPANESE TRADE THREAT VT ESTER N European countries have been warned of rapidly growing Japanese competition in Asian markets and urged to adapt themselves to fundamental postwar changes in Asian import requirements. The warning is given in a United Nations report issued in Geneva. The report "Study
    235 words
  • 176 12 India signs agreement to exploit oil in West Bengal THE Indian Government and the Standard Vacuum Co have signed an agreement for joint exploitation and production of petroleum if it is discovered in commercial quantities in West Bengal. The Indian Government and Standard Vacuum have agreed to contribute jointly to
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  • 200 12  -  Eric Wmlnough Iak^HHHHdHHHUI^HHbBMHHHtRHHHHi^BBHSE By VfORE sites are needed in the exp< conducted by the Rubber Research Malaya for aerial spraying of rubber means of combatinß the destructive So leaf disease should it appear in this c< The experiments are being conducted
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  • 124 12 r[E end of 1953 mSrked the close ot thi programme of research and development by the Malayan Rubber Fund from t. cess on rubber exported from Malaya. In a review of the programme, the Planters' Buiietin of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya pointed out that
    124 words
  • 100 12 Have Malayans lost initiative? Letter to the Editor VY r OUR flnai c dent I gloomy pirturr pects for thi I COU!<: more. One pol have n::>.' d the Singapo of course. pore. V. and tn count:exestati less than the pore. When rubl cents, i i Good- less kno nior
    100 words
  • 129 12 ENCOURAGING quantities of cold have been found in several provinces in Ceylon, according to an announcement released by the Ceylon Commissioner in Malaya, Mr. M. Saravanamuttu. Specimens of quart/ assayed for gold have provided conclusive evidence for the belief that there are substantial gold deposits on
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 243 12 (arlsbgrq (lust rightl^m Jutt right for looks and just j^Bk^^-^^H Svflv right for value, John White '^^Ek^k^kwmlm Shoe* are made in England b\ £M BU/' expert craftsmen. Tied to^H^^^^^H|HHP^H|Kf •very pair of John lnt> i^B Hi^jjijßK// Shoe* il the Guarar.ter^^H Shield—the sign which^H W*^\M^£S^Fj^' deans 'Just ri^ht' I rf-Jfci!^*^/ IXl3O©
      243 words
      15 words

  • Article, Illustration
    53 13 lf»f'ff' > ff's f/tiiit. Franri>\ t nrinnv F:.incc's lo ii America's gain in terms of Corinnc Calvcrt. above, beautiful star of "Flight to Tangier." Rhonda i Fleming, left, would look good in inyHiing. and »tic certainly shows up to advantage in this two-piece battling suit. Rhonda is one of
    53 words
  • 692 13  -  KAY MtKRAY- IK IHAD a private invitation to the White House. By a stroke of fortune I was kept waiter 10 minutes in the President's own study, the so-railed "Oval study." which Mr. Eisenhower has turned into a kind of personal museum. This Study, In contrast to
    692 words
  • 620 13  - Chinese linen, earrings, and a whistle JOY !U SM I I By THERE is a Spanish prov verb which says that "The grass is always preener on the other side of the hi11."... it is very true. We always think of things distant, out of reach, expensive, as more attractive
    620 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 13 I'lonsr and liuhis for jay p.uiiiA Silk organza over a taffeta boned strapless bodice, worn with the new sleek black tights, (left) is the kind of thing that's all the rage at Paris parties just now. Right: romantic white organdie embroidered with black in the same style is equally popular.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 •JIH A** S I mily Teo Azna bin Hidop .'..through Utttt < ***'Bi|Mttf and Bahv A/ria u< tlmr r m:i in hesitatingly \l^Aj^^-«~<-^ *'^|Htaf Hm.KV Kotti n,,Vr* ininrtively ttm-w tlint onrr thrir Babips «mc n xvorM ir,,,,unrd L.MTOHEX there ji^HliiPilsMsW-^ mid never be a -li.idow uf doubt as
      82 words
    • 269 13 V i"F/!!!L s Is A healthy child is a n >PP/ child. I For children cutting <^Jp- teeth, debility and loss of appetite give SteedjgsjsM^ man's Soothing Powders. t" r I \djne\a the toft, tjfe way to feminine rtYfiene-with rounded ends that flatten so neatly and extra absorbency plus s
      269 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 434 13 «i mi w-> m~i a 32. Fine prerept. but no tennt; ftiraii* I imes I n»ss\Minl >■« «.-%y S3. Such sees are eaten onre n t i i i i m.>m ii l*si (fi) fc.^ \7 3 1 4 H b 6 [7 a 34. it Isn't In Norfolk. Vire
      434 words

  • 236 14 Earth's only goal of match beats Recs r«ABLE and Wireless, with I*. Colony fullback Barth and John Martens putting up ian unbeatable defence, beat a Singapore Recreation Club XI by the only goal of the game m a hockey friendly at the SRC padang yesterday. It was for the greater
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  • 17 14 lONDON. Mon. Football NMll tonight: Scottish I.eamie "H" Dundee DBlted l. nurd Lanark l— Renter.
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 368 14 SIKHS GAVE S'GOR DEFENCE NO REST KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. IN one of the best games seen this sea.son, Malayan Sikhs Sports Council XI beat a representative Selangor Hockey Association team by I—o1 0 on the Headquarters Malaya ground today. Former F.M.S. goalkeeper Mehar Singh turned in a grand performance to
    368 words
  • 89 14 NEW YORK. Mon. I^RANK SEDOMAM of Australia, 4 eenerallv rerounised as the world s leading professional on end[orm, was defeated by Richard Ooaaalai of the United States in J.\ck Kramer .s i)iofe>sional lawn tennu, tournament here Utft nicht. Oonsalea, ottt-amaablng and out■ervlng t lie Australian, won
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 31 14 CAI/CUTTA. Mon. The mixed toubles title of the Indian national i ennis championship was won by tftikhar Ahmed and P. Sheikh i >[ P.-kistan on a walkover. Renter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 362 14 KNAMG, .Monday. PHEW AH TENG of Singapore won the open chamv pionship at the All-Malayan cycling carnival on the Victoria (ireen yesterday. Singapore had two other .successes in the schoolboys championship which was won by John Soh and in the four miles inter-State relay. Amy
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  • 378 14 Club were seldom in the hunt By TEOH ENfi TATT DESPITE the fact that they had the services of several first-team players who are getting themselves fit for Saturdays clash against the Fijians on the padang— Singapore Cricket Club "V were well, beaten on the padang yesterday by a fifteen
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  • 263 14 A LATE recovery which proiY duced two quick goals gave Indian Association a deserving 5-5 draw against Ceylon Sports Club in a friendly hockey fixture at Balcstier Road yesterday. Ceylonese had the better of the Baity play but in the second half allowed the
    263 words
  • 58 14 Singapore Amateur Weicht I mmc Federation will hold a Chinese New Year ball at the Singapore Volunteer Corps hall on Saturday. Feb. 6. Tickets are priced at *5 per couple and S3 for sincle. The dance is In aid of the club's fund. There
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  • 35 14 In Tamil Festival league soccer match plavcd at Farrcr Park yesterday. Indian Brotherhood Socccrlt?s beat Kamala M.1,. 4-2. 9-orers were: I/icanathan (2;, Mutlm and Bangar for the winners; Syed and Samad for KML.
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  • 39 14 The 7r> Coy RASC heat Sincanore I Base District r i-3 In a soccer irlendly at F:irrer Park yesterday Rix>nc (21. Blythe Hobea.i and Adalr scored for RASC and II Alison and Nell for Base District.
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  • 494 14 SPORTS LETTER j yyiTH the 1954 cricket MM barely three months away 1 many followers of the game are I wondering what plans the Singapore Cricket Association have in mind for the coming season. It would appear from some .statements made public at the end of
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  • 82 14 I But it was touch and go TIIK winning Australian tennis team, pictured with the Davi» (up after their victory -at .Melbourne on Dec. 31 in which they beat the Americans by three matches to two in the challenge round. From left to right during the
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  • 167 14 SYDNEY. Mti. RITCHIE Benaud, New South Watet Test allroiiiider Who loured EnEland last year, today ".ammered ilio Queensland bowling o score 144 not out in the Sheffield Shield match here. This was followed by some xace bowling from Ray Llndwall, Keith Miller and Alan
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 164 14 Aussies set a record in keeping Bavis Cup By (.AYLF. T\l •NEW YORK r COMPLETELY the extent to w] tralia has come I world tennis, it to rcai'-se that thifirst time in tiv tury history oi Cup that a natli illy defend' alter losing its In fact, only once defending
    164 words
  • 53 14 MBLBOURNI COME bright hamne Donald and .Jeff today put Victoria in an Rli precnnble position tbeto Sheffli match here. They had scored U knofk to which South o\ernit:lv 28fv I ■if a Ihicll I n Johns i torlan bowler. taking four fi>r sn with Hi- cleverlj
    53 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1734 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. nn ll nurd irom Pacr X) TUITION i"..,rf. J, I Vim.)— Bvx S§ rtt. txtrm. i.kak.n To T\pc Accurately r i:iidf r expert anlflance. Choose own i time, place A: make 155 machines, models. SIC. 6 POSTAL TUITION Bootsr Keeping. Accounts. Business Correspondence. Special coaching for Exams Success
      1,734 words
    • 43 14 The ramiliar < Player's-Sailortfigure symbolises t alt that and worthwhile in tobacco-manufacture c \n cigarette world »>t stands for Players Navy fR^T* Cvt amame rendered justly famous for.the excellence ,^»>,7 •nd^quslirytitjjgivesjtoi smokers' Pt*AYI«S'MAVy*CUT'CICA«ITTIjr JKOSKOPr^-^^AMOUS SINCE 1867 1 rl ACTUAL THICKNESS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MALAYA BORNEO
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous