The Straits Times, 4 January 1954

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Lstablishod 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANTARY 4, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 107 1 Dulles sees hopes for peace in Berlin talks NEW YORK, Sunday. Secretary ol State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, said today that weemenf lo f in |lcrlin W^^ powers reduce the threat ol atonic warfare itlon ol Europe becomes at long last a possibility," ho said in a
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  • 127 1 Margaret is eighth best dressed M\\ YORK, Sun. I»i:i\( is> m tRG \i:i i Is placed eighth in i he 1953 li s t of the arid'a ii essed women, compiled by (he New York j)ress Institute. i he Kin inv> oi Indsor !'H tenth plate. :intl thus oliiii.ilh relinquish
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 118 1 Grn. ntence <>n war I onvi IT. P. I Mr. Dalles said that during past year -our society of ■as gained a moral over the forces of .;>!!." The US he said, could be confident that thf New Year would make peace and justice more .•secure. Gen. Gruenthcr,
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  • 67 1 Partisans in Poland blast trains BERLIN. S\in. V NT! -COMMUNIST partimuis in Poland blew up one ira:n and wrecked a cond on Christmas Eve. a Bi rlin newspaper reported last night. The newspaper Telegrar •;a:n bound for Ea-st t;< rmany with i'>od was biown up by a land mine and
    AP  -  67 words
  • 53 1 troop immunist-led Vietminh Of thr Rod Riv nd-to-hand battle with Thai I nd d arms bJna, i and N 31«. y HANOI. Sunday. »8, continuing to mop up i forces in the southrr drlta, clashed today in strong rebel forces. The Binh,
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  • 38 1 r TAIPKH. Sun. Genoralis...wvi Kai-shek was re)iitcd today to or tending wit the second .seslion of Nationalist China's National Assembly schoduled o oprn on February 19 for the Mention of a president and rice -president. Renter.
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  • 32 1 oncrat illations from all over he world are arriving at Great Aissenden, Burk.s. for Mr. Clepent Attire, the Labour leader md former Prime Minister. vho to 71 today. Reuter
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  • 171 1 REDS MAY DEMAND A RANSOM NEW YORK. Sun. UNITED STATES experts, who have learned Communist methods from firsthand experience, said last night that America might have to pay ransom for the release of 30 of its natiui.als held by the Chinese Reds. The National Broadcasting Company told the story of
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  • 43 1 TAIPEH. Sun. The Ta Ta<> news agency, which speaks for the Nationalist Home Ministry, reported today that 23 divisions of Chinese Communist troops would be fully equipped by Soviet Russia along Soviet lines before March this year. A.P.
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  • 36 1 CAIRO Sun. President Mohammed Neguib has promulgated a new basic law for Gaza in southern Palestine piving the local inhabitants and Arab refugees a creater measure of self-covernment under overall Egyptain military rule.— Reuter.
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  • 35 1 TAIPEH. Sun. The Chinese Communists have infiltrated N'aiionalist-he'.d islands just iff the China mainland, a Nationalist dispatch reported here today The islands have beon held by Nationalists dofenders for four years. U.P.
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  • 40 1 A ROADSWEEPER in Trafalgar Square, London, looks up from his sweeping and gapes in amazement. Cor Blimey. Is someone stealing the lions? Ni>. Maybe a student stunt, a theatre prop, or something. Popper picture.
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  • 61 1 Six Reds stepped in out of the rain— and died KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. IIEAVY tain led to the killing; of the six Communist terrorists contacted in the Jementah area of Segamat. north Johore. early yesterday. They stopped in a temporary camp to shelter from the downpour. As they talked, their
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  • 111 1 AVA (IN SLIP) POSES FOR STATUE ROMK. Sun. 4YA r.ARDNKR posed i\. yesterday in a chilly studio for a statue with very lit 1 1 rlnthinc on. Miss Gardner wore a slip. Assen Peikov. a wellknown Rome sculptor, who is creating the statue for lisp in the motion picture "The
    AP  -  111 words
  • 149 1 The patrol, from 'A' Company, the 2/6 Gurkhas, crept through the deep jungle and surrounded the six terrorists. Within seconds, it was all over. The six terrorists were shot and killed before they had a chance to reach for their weaOne of the dead bandits
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  • 265 1 ANOTHER $5,000 must-be-won word puzzle contest starts on Page 11 today. Each day this week we shall publish a puzzle and in each one will he six words with a letter missing. All you need to do is fill in the missing letters with the
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  • 87 1 CANADA IS OUT FOR TRADE IN S.E. ASIA C^ANADA wants to expand her trade with South East Asia, says Canadian Senatei James A. MacKinnon. The senator, former Canadian Minister of Trade and Commerce (1939-48 i is in Singapore on a "personal factfinding tour." He said his governments' plan to gradually
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  • 32 1 KUALA LUMPUR. .Sunday. 4 PLATOON of the 2nd Bn. The Malay Regiment. killed two terrorists, including a woman, in the Slim River area of South Perak yesterday.
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  • 161 1 BUENOS AIRES. Sun.— A sroup of Argentines and one I Chilean will try an assault next May on the unconquercd Mt. Daulagiri (26.000 ft. t in the Himalayas. The expedition will b^ I headed by Lieutenant Fran- I Cisco Ibanez of the Argentine Army. It la
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  • 120 1 Young Omar receives his reward KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. rr»ERRORISTS ambush< d X Omar bin Kamal. lfi-year-old patrol leader in the "th Segamat Scout group and hit homeguard fathe r as they were cycling home to Kampong Pekan Jabi, two miles from Segamat. in November 1952. Omar's father was killed in
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  • 35 1 MADHII), Sun. Three oflV cer.s and live men of the .Spanish Air Force were killed l :l .st night when a bomber Hying from Albacete to Seville crashad. Thrre were no survivors
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  • 31 1 Kuala Lumpur has worst schools record KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. I PARENTS' protests against Inadequate aehosUng facilities In Kuala l.iimpni have exposed the Federal capital as the "blackest spot" In the Federation- .>,..
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  • 148 1 BROADER GUIANA PROBE IS SOUGHT GEORGETOWN, Sun. A COMMITTEE representing J\ 15 organisations, mainly tradn unions. asked the Guiana Governor. Sir Alfred Savage, yesterday to send a cable to Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the Colonies, stating thr.t the ternu of reference of the commission of inquiry were
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 36 1 LONDON. Sun.— A group at Soviet students has left Mascow by air for London to take part in the festival of the British Na'ional Union or students. Moscow Radio reporteo -A.P.
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  • 76 1 TOKYO. Sun.- A US Air Furo C-4G transport plane crashed inlo agrove of trees on the west coast ol Japan today, killma all four American members of the crew. Kuala Luirpur has the lar..'librr ol .students Racked from schools and the biggesl number of children ol school-going
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  • 124 1 COMMONWEALTH PLAN 108 TRADE j LONDON, i i —Fin I i monwc i > i, btill mwealth :ind Empire production and expanding trade tiff non-Communist world.— Beater, sacked from two Government feeder schools. 23."i boys and er seven v sion. bllan r-i c i .M-k> 1 and 480
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  • 69 1 tokvo. Sunday. CORPORAL Claude Bate tirlor r.mic irom Comma nit n tod:iy to a Japanese wife who»ed nnrontroHaM) ;iv she cluni: to him in the torridnr of Toky« arm] hoxpitM l. Kvoko Asaki. the Japanese i;ni irho u.iilcl more lhan three years for her
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 75 1 file***** I ll I****!/ I ||j| I jl If; ijj \V MM VtAB »n a(lractl« I BJIIIhlll I 0 lrr rd Wllrr and t^J j JIJI or Rra lion— (rum Uth^ *^Zp* till Zilh kMM] linclu- -C^, »lye). PUfr your ordrr* $C* S| r»rl» with u> or your V^/"^ HllillU
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    • 13 1 LONGINES The World* Most Honoured Watch Sold by ALL HIGH CLASS WATCH DEALERS
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  • 100 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. yyiTHIN a few years Kuala Lipis, capital ol Pahang for over half a century, will become :i M has-been" town. It will then be reduced to a mere district capital and a rail-link between the northern and southern parts of Malaya
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  • 168 2 Tiic Singapore branch ol tin- 1 Royal Bnguieers Association will hold Its annu.i! meeting In the nrmnastum at Olllman Barracks at 3 p.m. on Jan. 8 The need to develop the economii resources of eastern Pahang, and the difficulty of expanding Kuala Lipis to cope with increasing Government
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  • 125 2 WASHINGTON. Sun. The I United States will gi VP p a kis- i tan informal help fa contacting investigators who might be able to help solve the two-year-old murder of Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, diplomatic officials said today. The comment was in
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  • 109 2 U.S. soldier marries in Moscow MOM O\V. Sum till rlrrk in Ike Bill Xli I M BMB) BCTt .mil aH Amrrii.iii iiiny scrcatit urn.named l<«l;n .it thr British \iiihavs.ulor's nlihl.v, t iimm-i lit! inln (hapt'l for IBM iMiaMnii. It was a »liil«- ucddiin; romplrlr wild hridoiiiaul. The Msbop <>l lulli
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 111 2 The Queen 's lodge is blacked out ROTORUA. Sunday. MOOSE I.odue. the Queen's thrpp-day "holiday" iTI home at this famous New Zealand beauty spot, was plunged Into darkness for two short periods tonmht by an electric power failure. T)i- ire fnnlg]:: by :< fault tn the high tens on cable.
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  • 30 2 NEW YORK. Sun. A trrm de .yen.-d to hall the <-<>mm"n miri ;md other i i ailments has been announced hv Air Force officers hei A P.
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  • 103 2 lL r ORK will not start on Singapore's new si onn 000 library until the librarian, who is expected soon from England, ha.s a look at the plans. "The librarian must set the plans." an official toH tht> Straits Times yesterday. "After all. it will be
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  • 62 2 MOSCOW orised Xi (h hwin's Monitors said the Soviet for the sudden change tn th Most Moscow musical pro or songs about tractor statwi 1 P. LONDON. Sunday. Uj listeners j/e.^terdatj by nlnaSntncnjie to Watch b: broadcast to South-Fast Asia. announcer gave nn exp r modern music
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  • 143 2 A BOY. from Colombo, Covlon, has startled the world at music. Bohan De Saram, scon above, who played his 'cello on T.V., had never seen the instrument four years ago. Today, worldfamous cellist Gaspar Cassado acclaims him as a genius and Pablo Casals says: "There are
    AP  -  143 words
  • 46 2 PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island, Sunday. THE Providence Journal said today that Mr. Arthur Dean, chief U.S. nrq;otiator in Korea, is urging Washington officials to review U.S. policy towards splitting Communist China from the Soviet Union l .without military aptinn
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  • 39 2 BARBARA HI'TTON and Porfuio Ruhirosa, seen (above) were married in New York last week. Ru biros a, international playboy and former diplomat, was previously married to Doris Duke, another of America's rirhest heiresses. A P. picture.
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  • 107 2 ROME. Sun. Captain Giuseppe Alonzo, 66, hero of World War I, died here on Friday. Piloting a torpedo boat, he sank thp rirrarinaught 81 Istvan nf tin: Austro-Hungarian Beet A.P. iwnuuui military action. Mr. Dean made two points clear: 1. He does not agree with some
    AP  -  107 words
  • 206 2 WASHINGTON. Sundn THE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK for America this A very bright, though the rerord trade of last may not bo reached, said Mr. Sinclair Week* Secretary of Commerce, today. Replying to gloomy forecasts of thr ec< experts Mr. Weeks, in his annual report, said
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 140 2 THE Singapore City Council Water Department Labour Union yesterday asked the Water Engineer to find jobs for 142 redundai.' gers. The men were hired on a temporary basis for thr rxter.sion of water works. Mow that certain parts of the jcb have been completed,
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  • 108 2 SOVIET GOLD LINKED WITH SMUGGLING SALZBURG. Sun. -An inter- national gang wp.:> reported to be smuggling n.ckel behind the Iron Curtain and one newspaper linked its art' with recent deliveries of Soviet yold in London. Police headquarters in Salzburg announced that they and Munich police had seized a I <ar
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 33 2 PATNA. Sun.— Eight people were killed and six injured in head-on collision early yesterday between a passenger train and -.joods train al Raxaul. an Indian town borciering Nepr.l. Reuter.
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  • 109 2 SINGAPORE FUtl) 5 Mr- Cynthia Koek have her w °rk whrn amrnrimrrr Film Ordir.anro a: setted. Ml dims will thrr h adult exh > i •B' 1 (universal i r'np classification guide t n par^m v ma management oblisorl tn oxlurir fmm srrrrnins;- films.
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  • 102 2 /s\ C IBOR the actress, wears in r\p p. id Ii over tlic Mack pye foi she blamed Porflria Rubirow the Dominican ex-«lipk»ni3( who married Barbara Mutton thr mttiiooaireM /sa Zsj said that Rul hit hrr in I fit «f tempri when she refused to man
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  • 25 2 TRIESTE. Sun Thr jer ship Toscana lefl wth 725 refugee i mlgr; .a under the au thP Intrr-Gnvrrnmcnt., •rittrp for European von. U.P.
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  • 25 2 tokvo. Sun Pranpia c dinal Spcllmnn nf Nrw V arrived at thr key Far Yokosuka today lor tensive tour. I.P r^— 'i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 288 2 Sdails Times I lossnonS Hull H SSli pi PI 11 H 11 i|i ;9 [J_j ACROSS use (5 L ftUrk mnde by car* <4>. 8. Odd s »rt of cl-cle 9) "J' m drew mi »n" lAnaßr;i:ii. 13. Mountain substance on musi(loP cbl instrument tIOK 9. Keepinir ii pircr of
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  • 74 3 TOKYO. Sunday. AS I throng of upward ot 700,000 people who wanted to wMi Emperor Hirohito a happy \.u Ifear milled inside the Imperial Palace iunds yesterday and trampled to death nearly ore of people when imperial guards tried to the main palace pates. nds, pn
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  • 124 3 Elephants run amok n sideshow I ONDON sim 'I'llKl I elephants ran mok .it .i iinus at her* M'steidav bring frightened by i tn i they were making their waj to the Milling about, stampheir feet anil s\\ mi: :eir trunks thrv lumbered into a sideshow and brenghi it down
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  • 277 3 Spy-hunters leave to see Igor WASHING! SI i the I Publicity veto lias of any i by the nment Metropolitan police reported their latest count .showed IC and 13 Injured. ncy said one was s Ch ali > ral other chll- pped to their mothers' intured In n officer
    AP  -  277 words
  • 63 3 SEOUL, Sun. LIEUTENANT-General K s. Thimayya presentee; medal for bravery today to Corporal Thak'ur Sinch who ommander from anti-Communist war prisonThe citation said Thakur ard to his in'o a PoW compound on September 25 to rescue Major- and Major Qrewal, both seized by the prisoners as hostages.
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  • 41 3 THEY DON'T LIKE TO GET DIRTY— NEHRU BOMBAY. Sunday. INDIA'S Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, yesterday attacked educated Indian youths" disinclination for manual work and mentioned some Indian students studying dairy farming in America who had showed reluctance to "dirty their hands."
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  • 95 3 LONDON. Sun. RANDOLPH Turpin. British and I in pue middleue Uht b*xing champion, was fined El OIS17) at Ahergele. Wales. vesteTday for keeping a rifle without a firearms certificate. The Bench ordered the rifle a .22 to be confiscated. Turpin. 25, pleaded not guilty. A
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 63 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Sun.— Crew of the SS Permanente Silbercrow wo n thei r battle against the sea yesterday and sailed their crippled ship into Sa n Francisco harbour. The freighter, a cement carrier, has been slowly ailing with water from a "gaping I hole" in
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  • 121 3 HOMF. Sun. Kinc Tnh- huwan. Kin:: of Nepal, left by I plan fnr Cairn after a four-day visit to Rome. A.P. Mr. Nehru inaugurated in Hyderabad the 41st session o! the Indian Science Congress the country's principal scientific organisation. The Nizam of Hyderabad \\a-< among the guests. Scientists
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  • 94 3 x BEIRUT. Sun A committee to study the "Johnston Plan" for water development has been appointed by th>.' Arab League, according to the Beirut paper Star yesterday. Th# plan being studied wn.' presented to the Arab states and Israel last October by President Eisenhower's per
    AP  -  94 words
  • 88 3 CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Sun. i The Dominion Republic's Federal Health Department yesterday padlocked nine of 12 housing developments operate,! by a U.S. -owned .sugar company because they "are completely inadequate" and constitute "a public danger." The secretary ol Health said during the last two years i
    AP  -  88 words
  • 72 3 TOKYO. Sun. COMMUNIST China claimed copulation had topped the snn m.'.l'in mark. A N China News AgMICJ monitored here. howrvor. did not mention the date or the exact population figure. China held its cen.sus last July and it was presumed today's broadcast referred to the oi
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  • 58 3 THE ROYAL FEAST Tin: QDEEK, Qaeea Batata »f Taaga and the Duke or Edlabwgh efcaf togrthrr durinthe l<as| giVCI liv Oucrii Salole in honour of Hie Koval visit to hrr island kinurionj Tun thousand Mekliag piys were cooked for the banquet at which the jjiirsls sat on lllc ground native
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  • 62 3 Churchill's future is top question of British politics LONDON, Sunday. THIS week's edition of the influential weekly review Economist said the future of Sir Winston Churchill was the immediate question murk over British politics in the year now beginning. "Will he retire within the next few months and be replaced
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  • 231 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. riMIE Washington Post pubM. lLshed an editorial yesterday calling attention to the defence of the United States by Madame Pandit and said th#t Americans should be thankful for her statements on behall vi their country. "Disagreements with Prime i Minister Nehru ought
    UP  -  231 words
  • 666 3 SEOUL, Sun A semi-offl- I cial South Korean Government newspaper warned today that Japan must keep its national/-: I out of Korea for the protection k of both peoples unless the Japanese attitude changes. The English-language Korean Republic called the recent arrest of a Japanese
    Reuter  -  666 words
  • 138 3 LONDON. Sunday. MAJOR-GENERAL "Mike" West, former Commander of the Commonwealth Division in Korea, surprised Britons yesterday with a disclosure that several British soldiers had been courtmartiallcd in Korea for cowardice. Ir— i On a television programme called "Press Conference" he was asked about
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 BLACKSTONE HORIZONTAL ENGINES 10t*****.H.P. |Jl;ini:;nii:; Lister I'.'ih[iihm,tihi[ LlriJ HL-a
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  • 523 4 ht HAititY >iiijj:ii AN Italian artist who saw the photographs exclaimed. "It will be a second Taj Mahal." He was looking at a scale model of Brunei's S 4 000.000 mosque, a Saracenic edifice of marble and ?j mosaic and bronze, with its great gilt
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 4 The new mosque will rise on this site in B runei town. The kampong will be cleared the residents are now building new homes elsewhere and a sawmilj will be moved. Piles, 100 feet long, will be driven into reclaimed ground.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 f* C l l/1/ F Xl C' HOLLAND PAINTS >j||\|\L.ll J /792 /dm mem wop/cs <?#&&# Ptorfcr/OA/ si/pmoe <?MU/ry Stocks available of .ill these specialties: Iropiral flaattc Kmulsion Wmll- Damp Wall-rovers CHI.OBIB\ paints— SASTONKX K PLAS- Paint Rrmovrrs VERVE X I 'il lEX ffirrproof) «»il Paints Rl'RRni. A Stopper— SYMßA
      126 words
    • 296 4 If you want a smart, smooth-running trouble-free bicycle that will keep its gleaming finish for many years it* time you had a B.S.A. Stror.Rly made, yet light to ride and easy to control, this B.S.A. Sports Road'ter Bicrde is ideal for the long-distance cyclist. Smartly finished in gleaminc enamel, it
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  • 1839 5 Guns roared, men died on the prairie as thousands rushed to claim a a new life on Indian land AILONG the perimeter of a great p ijrvle of American prairie, men and women trembled with pent-up excitement •he taut silence before noon on i E t number 16, 1893. Poorly
    Daily Mirror  -  1,839 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 STEEL for safety! It is durable, strong, fire resisting, vermin proof and easy to keef> clean ii partitioning llftsfl She Wow DUNCAN ROBERTS LIMITED. 18H. Battery Road. Singapore I. as-41 l
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    • 4 5 rlO>IOIIII<»\% I "i:r«'«'n ln!(
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 120 5 Tf^ erim ff JJOtt Quixote dela Mancb Wsand)o]>inza jtf& v ]\\\\\\\l ..WWICx NOT WISHING TO SPOIL, HE I '>j ££>AD A P46A\^ mtjjr /AVvwl REMOVED, I MVEKfIMo THE BASIN HE '—^iSa '-'laceo? Pt?t^HiNo V^Wjf,. \vl uSED SmAVIN6 Customers he put 0r -*wP \-o oc s^^'l f along the highway Pl^^^:
      120 words

  • 28 6 OOH El passe* v illness, a ence 89, 1 1 Funeral 1" a ..v NfADAM Qoh SW( 8(i Iwlo in. Chi l 5-I-..4 Than) ed to al
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  • 34 6 2» H»rW. Slu < minimum i MR AN VM MIN ton Kin tendaiM c of the late Madam I .i-ok Imm wishes to tender und friends -vho sent telegrams, wreaths and scrolls, paid nlsht
    34 words
  • 16 6 </« i minimum) ES ft Kncinpcrs Levels Delivery: tx stork. rhe Scientific d., 35. Quay,
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  • 795 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Mon., Jan. 4, 1954. Standards in Education Superannuation is tin- >■■ fale that looms over hundreds hoolchKdren all over tho r'<- leration. They have failed in their school promotion examinations twice and they must go to make room for those have not failed in their tots.
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  • 423 6 Little Thing Looms Big Banning in Singapore of the film version of Graham Grene's btst-selling novel "The Heart of the Matter" is having repercussions out of keeping with eith°r the importance of the film or of the ban. Already the banning is being seized by the j left-wingers in Britain
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  • 129 6 Months ago Singapore City Council decided that all taxis must be fitted with meters by January 1, 1954. Fewer than half are so fitted today, Jannary 4, and those without meters ply just as those with naeten ply. And nothing happens. We do not ask that the drivers who
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  • 1941 6 The Communists' deeds are catching up with them 'THERE were very tfood reasons for taking my trip to the Far East. One hundred and fifty thousand Americans who were killed and wounded in Korea are the best evidence that what happens in that part of the world affects America. And
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 415 6 'THERE is no denying it. English is a universal language. It is the langu- 1 age of science and pro- 1 aress. For these reasons English should undoubt-; edly be the dominant! language in this country. The fact that Malaya is a eosmooolitan country makes 1
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    • 103 6 A FREE library Is needed in new village of Guntonjr. Ipoh. Ou r village hag improved in many ways making for physial comfort and well-being of its inhabitants; but little has been done for their intellectual requirements In a small village like this I here there Ls no
      103 words
    • 45 6 lyilEN the law is amended y to bring the S.T.C. buses in line with others many people may find themselves left behind bus after bus during the rush hours if the com pany does not increase the numbers of buses AN ORSKRVKR. Singapore.
      45 words
    • 310 6 Lord Norwich I SUPPOSK that M remember the <h most vividly .short stay heir- in th< period or our But history wil] r< I orel Norwich, or rat] Duff Coop many-sided En made < much more than men elans, if Alfred Dull had done no more tl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 551 6 Stnitt Time* Free Prtu I.»#M, our MfVWMSaHM at Moor,' SINGAPORE COLD SIOCAGt, ORCHARD ROAO, "ill IS»S»«'S .mall odvfrli.cmrnli «n<l cmwerl In boa number* Clov»ifird advrrtitcm*nti may iKo be hnnrfecJ to: CITY BOOK STOM LTD.. Winchrttcr Houl* Collycr Quo>. Singapore CITY BOOK STORE LTD. 93 Tonglin Road. Sinqapor* CLASSIFIED ADS. H..rrf.
      551 words
    • 24 6 Clock \/r> A Ksg/nl preteni /fl Aju lon all occasioi j^k ■f/ SwUs Jewelled /^H lever movement /^H It? (hiarnntccri. jLV from $32.- i^fl
      24 words
    • 82 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE. 'PHONE ***** f R- V. u/ViUiA V OPTICIANS^*""* K. E. MEYER na o. o. opt K. BELL DIP OPT.. A.S.T.C, F.A.OA FOR THE BEST TRIP IN THE WORLD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD 1 Consult AMERICAN LLOYD Whether it be sea. air or land bookm^s Inclmivc »oun. Hotr
      82 words

  • 395 7 By HARRY MILLKR KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. KKSS in the Federation will continue this year but over all plans elopment will hanu r the shadow of the shortage of money, ition will nol In- retarded hut the nature of
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  • 90 7 KUAI.A I.UMPUR. Sunday. rHE new Agent of the Indian Government, Mr. P. Madhavan Nair. yesterday urged Malayan Indians n be united and to maintain the traditions of their mother country. He was speaking at a farePty yen :n honour of dr T. V Hamakrishna Rao.
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  • 49 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A suspected housebreaker was badly slashed with a parang by a householder while taking refuge from police. The incident occurred on the outskirts of a kampong at the 2i milestone. Ipoii Road. Kuala Lumpur, at 4.40 a in. on Saturday. A man «;u detained.
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  • 195 7 THEYSEEK SEATS FOR ALL KUALA I.UMPUR. Sun THE Selangor division of the Malayan Trade Union, Council today decided to recommend to its central committee that MTUC seats on the Federal Legislative! c me:! should be repre- tentative of all workers. It suggested that one seat should be allocated to each
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  • 111 7 KOKTV IKilll people called at the new Klooil Transfusion Centre at the c.rm 1 il Hospital. Singapore, during tlie special session yesterday. Of these. ::n gave blood and the rest were enrolled as future donors. The 30 who save their hlood included 15 Chinese.
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  • 177 7 $300,000 IS 1954 SATA AIM THE SINGAPORE Anti-Tu-berculosis Association has prepared a comprehensive programme this year to raise $300,000 for the care and treatment of T.B. patients in the Colony. In his annual appeal for j funds over Radio Malaya last night. Mr. G. H. Kiat. chairman of SATA, said
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  • 225 7 day. \ltln>ii: h I tan .suit: in 11. i11. m. I am nut able I" ■cat it lliifiitiv." Mi he I. who tried for the scholarship last year, was told that Nile was too younc to make the trip to Kirn land But
    225 words
  • 177 7 <THE Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association has launched a New Year drive to rncruit more members. Mr. G. H Kiat. chairman of the association, yaid yesterday that much money would be neee'ed by the clinic during 1954. "S.A.T.A. Ls doins a very
    177 words
  • 22 7 Singapore Government was warned of increasing: unemployment In thp Colony by R. K"Simy. leader of the Traction Company workers. yesterday
    22 words
  • 155 7 'The new Malaya is better' KUALA LUMPUR Sun. THE new Malaya, more vigorous than the old. i.s facing its future boldly, sairt Dato Sir Roland Braddeil. at the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club's New Year dinner at the Majestic Hotel last night. "Don't you think it would a splendid New Year
    155 words
  • 173 7 THE NEW YEAR fire which drstroyrd the home of Mr. John Rodrigues. a Government rlerk in Singapore, may prevent his five children from going back to school next week a* their text books went up in flames also. The tive are Daisy and four other
    173 words
  • 164 7 Minimum Temperature (7 30 p m. dp. Jan. I to 730 am. on Jan. I): Sliißapore 74 decrees. Penan* 74. Kota Bahru 74. Kuala Lumpur 74. Ipoh 72. Kt.iinlan 74. Maximum Temperature (7.30 am to 730 pm. on Jan. 3k 91nsapore 8!1. Pcnane Bn. Kota Bahm (not I
    164 words
  • 107 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE [small English School. Kota Bahru. Kolantan. I has been renamed the Sultan Ismail College, the I Oovernment of Kelantan announced today. The collvge will be housed in a new building, with a stu-tU-iit.s hostel, costing about $200,000. The old building
    107 words
  • 28 7 KUANTAN. Sun. Mr. Vel lupillal Nadarajah. an old boy o: the Kin': Edward VII B bod, Taipins. has jraduatpd from the Institute of Civil Engineers, U.K.
    28 words
  • 28 7 PENANO. Sim Penanc I 'Quoen's Hall Fund rrarhrrl I $47,127 at thr "losp of thr yrar I iThL<= inrludrs $24,000 from the I IScttlPmfnt Oovernmmt.
    28 words
  • 333 7 IPOH, Sunday. \|K. Vernon Bartlett, journalist and former *1 Member of Parliament, said hrrc today he was struck by the extent to which victor? over Communist terrorism in Malaya depends on the aborigines. Mr. Bartlott. who U t.ourinc: thr Federation. Is particularly interested
    333 words
  • 53 7 KUALA KANGSAR. Sun.The M.C.A.-U.M.N.O. Alliance committee, which was formed here earlier this week for the Kuala Kangsar district has adopted a resolution to help flood victims in the area. This nlan of aid will be co- 1 ordinated with that drawn up I by the
    53 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 7 I 111. NAM allow is wanted for ■aestionini in Prnans police Hi- is Beej Krr l,ian. alias Chee Sens, Ifoni Prow, alias Yeans. < ar. tnnrsp. ace ahniit W, hricht .1 feet I inches, medium huilri. fair complexion. Information may hr civrn to any polirr oilier or
    53 words
  • 88 7 Withdrawn, yet they still want these 10c. stamps KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. THE Coronation 10-cer.t stamps, issued .n Malaya to commemo the Queen's accession to th< j throne were withdrawn on Dec. 31. M.nt copies were in greater demand bj pti ighoul the world tlrin pa'tci by thp Few numbers
    88 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 Pbs I i i psj vga \ew TABLE RADIOGRAMS t PRICE SB Cs>h Discoußf I Instalment Terms k "^*idßH By Ar nßcmcnt MODEL HX 428 A (Not Illustrated) •I a complctr radiogram for the price of a table radio. and 12" records and all three speeds. attractively styled radiogram has
      136 words
    • 109 7 Ar &&g tkt family Latest designs in LYSTAV $2/60 per yd. NAMRIT $3/20 TOBRALCO $2/60 TOOTAVIS $3/20 THE STORE WITH A $*<• TO OFFER Of the senses of man, none is more highly prized than of sight. If your eyes are Smart, but you have j4M headache or "Tired
      109 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 158 7 SINGAPORE T.i.i Morning Star; 7.:>j News: 7IS MelOtI) Mivii:.-. 8 Kin Him In The Sin: 8.: to Miliy HouewiviCorner; !i Ckw Dowa: mi Matinee; l.:m Ma«S; I.4f> Balliid Time: J Close- Down- BM CJcIhUIi. an I m- OrchMtn; 5.1 A GWMng All Children: 'i Uaiantn 1 CboMS; News 7 1.)
      158 words

  • 55 8 pOR the first time, some of the 40.000 Services r workers employed in Singapore and the Federation are to be put on the pensionable list by the Navy, Army and Air Force. The president of the Singapore Army Civil Service Union, Mr. S. T. V.
    55 words
  • 481 8 HE WARNS GOVT. TO HEED THE JOBLESS THE Singapore Government and big employers in the Colony were warned to heed the rising rate of unemployment by Mr. R. K. Samy. leader of the Traction Company workers, yesterday. He told about 1.000 petrol 1 dealer's employees at the Victoria Memorial Hall
    481 words
  • 53 8 Job of Assistant Director o: Education (Technical) was first advertised six montlis ago. no one has yet been appointed, the Singapore Direc- tor of Education. Mr. A. McLellan. said yesterday. "It is very difficult to get people who are well qualified technically to come out here."
    53 words
  • 23 8 valingam, postmaster at Kuan- tan. has been transferred to 1 Raub. He will be replaced by I Inche Yusof bin Mohamed
    23 words
  • 83 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THERE was very poor response to the anti-rabies vaccination here yesterday. Less than 120 dogs have been vaccinated in the two centres, said Lt.-Col. J. D. Daly, the Selanpor Veterinary Officer. He told the Straits Times: "This may be due to
    83 words
  • 54 8 After 190 days in the lockup ward. George Eric Morris, a jobless and epileptic accountant, has now been admitted into the Singapore General Hospital as an ordinary patient. A magistrate on Saturday ordered him to be unconditionally discharged after he pleaded <:uilty to a chare? of having no
    54 words
  • 37 8 A 14-year-old boy. Soh Hay Yam. was stabbed in the neck last nißht at Boon Tat Street. Singapore, during a quarrel with another boy. He was taken to hospital. His condition i s not serious.
    37 words
  • 37 8 \f R. FRANCIS WU. of Hong Kong, an international ally famous photographer, arrives in Singapore today to put on a one-man show of his works at the British Council hall on Wednesday.
    37 words
  • 38 8 About 350 people attended a Businessman's Service conducted by Archdeacon R. W. Woods in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore. yesterday evening. There were prayers for the blessing of God upon the commercial life of the City.
    38 words
  • 158 8 KUANTAN. Sun.— The State Agricultural Oltirc, the nr.-t department to move to Kuantan from Raub in the .shiltin; of the capital, will occupy the old Chuntt Hwa Chines" School building at Padanß Lallan^ temporarily this week. The exhibition will be opened by the Commissioner-Gene-ral, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald,
    158 words
  • 49 8 THESE THREE \IK.WIHI of the Somerset Light Infantry took part in a .successful nuht ambush on Dec. 27 tthen both terrorists contacted were killed. They, are, from left: Ptr. (irahani Davey, 2/I.t. Oliver Kiev (leader) and Pte Freil Ballard. Army A. P. picture.
    49 words
  • 68 8 The Hingaporo ship* and General Stores Employees' Union has asked the Straits Steamship Company to pay housing allowance for those not giv°n quarters by the firm. In a letter to the company, the union also asked for annual bonus for workers in the stores department. If
    68 words
  • 30 8 KLANG. Sun. A Klanu man P. Kunippiuh. 46. was ttned $70 or a month's ua<'! for allowing cattle to ttrav on a public road on October a
    30 words
  • 40 8 THIS LOOKS an m able contest, >'i s^ Jennj < heata p*li h i' lier partner. Mr at the jet-tofethei of the Kuala Lumpur l'-w liolo;:' Cl«il> Oil urdav niuht. Stl Times picture
    40 words
  • 137 8 THEY WILL FIGHT FOR AN ELECTED FEDERATION GOVT PENANG. Sunday. THE Pan-Malayan Labour Party will make firm A demands to have Icdcral elections introduced by the end of the year. Chairman of the party, Inche toon a. Sopiee, said today that it would take all necessary steps with other political
    137 words
  • 107 8 ALOR STAR. Sun. ABOUT 900 villagers of Bedong. seven miles from Sungei Patani. in Central Kedah, will go to the polls for the second time on Jan. 16 to elect two headmen for the local council. Five candidates will fight for two
    107 words
  • 56 8 There were three lallang fires in 30 minutes in Singapore yesterday afternoon. The first, near Tan Tock Seng Hospital, was put out by a fire engine from Central Fire Station The Army F!re Service dealt with the other two at the H'2 mile,
    56 words
  • 119 8 'Help new villages' call to church MALACCA. Sun. A CALL for greater efforts by the Methodist Church to help the new villages was made by the Rev. D. Raymond L. Archer. Methodist Bishop for South Asia, at the 59th anmiTT conference today. He also urged the church to develop
    119 words
  • 56 8 Terrorists fired at the sentry outside the assistant manager's bungalow in Ulu Remis estate in the Reniiam aria of Johore on Friday. An area security unit v. nch •aa rushing to the bi.ns.uow was fired on by six terrorists After a ten-minute onto the terrorists
    56 words
  • 96 8 KUANTAN PAHANG port < lie movi ami Mali Alter reading oi the I by the Johop branch of the United Leacue. many Paha lay have backed th providing all Muslii foua rites arc obsei Inche Wan Abdul A ku Abdullah. lor wrong with
    96 words
  • 128 8 KU.« yHE Civil Aviation Drpai programme in the Fodo Engineers have started work on the last three strips al Qua tiusang, Kelantan, Chukai. Pahang, and Uriah, Perak All arc expected to be com pleted before the middle ol the year wiic n the programme Is
    128 words
  • 69 8 Tii>- Singapore i ;ui(l City Counc I I has electt <i thi ior 1954 r. Manlkkam Mr 8. Dur i secretary. Mr. R asslstuni gem ra M. Chiilfinbt rai Mr. k. wor committ< Mes rs I' 1 Mandon K Pa Mandore s Kathami Mand dhlya C Oops 8
    69 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 497 8 NOTICES SUNGEI BIDOR TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in ">' v Capital Tfini." NOTH Of l>l> ">• N n 'hat I rtlMdend of I fnrr iAn n.-.are aill ">' holders vboae n«m< appear on the 10,-al Retire- on thr lltli 1V.4 Tin-. DivifieiKl Will lie pi thf 18th J?' 'fid the
      497 words
    • 387 8 j NOTICES CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE I DOGS All docs must be rellcensed for 1P54. at the Animal Infirmary.! K.imponc Java Road. 8.3n .1 m. to pm. (cloned Sundays and at 1 |].M r m. r>n Saturdaysi commenc- I rom Saturday. 2nd January, j ir>^4. 1 For every Dot Male
      387 words
    • 521 8 NOTICES I ENDER FOR SUPPLY OF MOTOR TRANSPORT SPARK PARTS Sealed lenders will be received not :.ter than 12.00 noon on 18th Jamarv 1954 at the office of the Mechanical Engim•r PWD. Federal Workshops, rlieray Road. Kuala Lumpur (or the supply »f Motor Transport spare parti for period Ist February,
      521 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 42 8 MUrj t Ink m I i i Bern roh il v Junior li.unli < < Nl'A Yt Photo i., it p vlirll P POWI CenMi: St. \.i.ii em < iiii.-.i.ii < Inn.-. .1 I i ni p m bcxly-bull(lln« pm > w i n d«i
      42 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1129 9 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. ■■••••j All othVr BLUE FUNNEL LINE D. P t. to proc.-ed. via other ports to load ana dlscharae coroa UVIRPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON I CONT.NENTaJ PORTS rv.., P- Shorn Penong G J3/3.4 Jan. 4 J. R 5/ 4 J. B 7/ B C 47/43 Jon. 4 Jon.
      1,129 words
    • 1070 9 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U K./CONTINENT •/totandl." for Bongkok "T 3 Java" tor "Cohsictiorg, Soioon, Hongkong, Monilo, Kobe Yokohomo 8/10 Jen II 7 Jan '.'Z" U mv for Kohsicrvang, H'kor\g 11/13 Jan. Kine for Diakorta. Kohsichong Soigon. Hongkong, Manila, Kob» "».l- V< i- k0 .5"l ma^ 22/24 Jan. 20/21
      1,070 words
    • 1127 9 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to> UK. end CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'horr Penong Rotterdom, Newcostle Hull 5/7 Jon. 8/ 9 Jan. Banledl tor Liverpool. Glisgow, Hombiirg. Rotterrlom G. 23/24 7/ Jan. 10/11 Jon. Benlowors for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hombure 12/18 Jon 19/21 Jan. 22/24 Jon. Senalder for Hovre. London,
      1,127 words
    • 1176 9 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL: No llltl ELLERMAN <k BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE, t-OTTIRDAM, HAMBURG t HULL LOS ANGUIS. SAN FRANCISCO, and tor IISA. North Atl^t.r Port, PCTLAND. 'iATTH VANCOUVER ond Cnnoon vio C'llo^Kw Accepting cargo tor C-r-.rol ft South CITY OF CHICAGO fLIIIIIInn P«rts Spore P S'rnm PenonQ
      1,176 words

  • 202 10 INDUSTRIALS CONTINUE FIRM: TINS EASIER Share market review Year-end turnover was very small By Our Financial Correspondent DUSINESS in fhe Singapore share market Inst week was at a low ebb but even so, considering the Season of the year, a slightly higher turnover occurred than what might have been expected.
    202 words
  • 90 10 IN the year ended Septemi A ber. Chermang Development Ltd., whose shares are held by .several local rubber companies, made a net profit of $226,162 which is equi' alent I to 31.4 per cent. Dividends totalled 20 per cent. At balancing date net liquid assets were $962,503, or
    90 words
  • 94 10 IN the year pnded July last Pahang Consolidated Ltd operated the largest lode mine in Malaya and earned a profit of €460.203, after payment of United Kingdom profits tax and deduction of maximum dividend of 15 per cent, on preference stock. This is equivalent to 122.7 per cent.
    94 words
  • 69 10 AT the annual meeiing oi Pcko tTennant' Creek) Gold Mines in Sydney on December 21, the chairman told shareholders that it was proposed to double the capital of £350,000 by an issue at par (2s. 6dj payable ls. 3d. on anplicai tion and Is. 3d. toward the
    69 words
  • 66 10 IN the year ended March last Sione Tin cF.M.S.) Ltd. incurred a loss but if. a s it la hoped, the sale agreeireH f«) r the leascb at a disappointingly small price, will soon be ratified, then the Board Will propose liquidation of the com- pany. In the
    66 words
  • 69 10 IN the year ended December. 1952 Southern Tronoh Tin Drcdeing Ltd. workins two dredces made a profit, aftep ijnnent of United Kinedoir prorits tax. of £137.403. eQU'.v.i'PH to 68.7 per cent, and paid dividends totalling 50 per cent At balancine; date net liquid assets equalled £193.820 o
    69 words
  • 766 10 IN the year ended December. 1952. Tronoh Mines Ltd operated four dredces to make a profit, after payment of United Kingdom profits tax. of £646.523. equivalent to 215.5 I per cent. Dividends paid totalled 130 per cent At balancing date net liquid assets equalled £936.367 of 15s. 7Jd.
    766 words
  • 209 10 TiE following list of business done in the Singapore share market from December 28 to December 31, inclusive, is reported by one firm of sharebrokers: INDUSTRIALS Consolidated Tin Smelters 24 Fraser Neavc ords $2.02 to $1.95 Gammons $2.90 to $2"95 Hammers $2.87 i.
    209 words
  • 128 10 LONDON. Sat. F spite of the absence of most of the principle overseas markets, due to the New Year holiday, all groups yesterday were very firm. A feature of the session was the rather sharp advance in the banking section following the announcement of an incrraae |n the
    128 words
  • 802 10 *nnntinliitj in 4i r lifts During the week there was considerable discussion as to the trend of rubber this year. Generally it was felt that, especially during the first half of 1954. prices would show a small improvement but that this advance would not reach the
    802 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 338 10 Jt\ CATHAY ORGANISATION J^jL m^ AT IK ACTIONS }W/ TODAY PHr J A A jrf 4~iT¥ r 11 am#l 4s f% All \I 9 _a^K I 9 I M DAILY/ J. I lll'lj 9.30* p.m. Great Songs... Great Dances... Great Star... Performances/ DON'T MISS... TECHNICOLOR < MdXTTAIRE- 01TD 3URISSE Oscar
      338 words
    • 257 10 NOW IrfHU. SHOWING "iWlll/ IM M?l Ft 1 HOWARD HUGHES gg»l* fflPfl 9l£g§ STEPHEN McNALLY |WL imffS** fIRTHUR HUNNIOUTT I^l3g7iE)[lWCll. ■JOP V Cc'orbyTECHNICOLOR Hire of Viewers 20c. plus rtepo i lOr n-fui nivui; STANLEY KRAMER has nbw created his masterpiece VomRMA (in i mi:i\ I'icti i:i jj ij fjff)fyj j
      257 words

  • 222 11 TWO-TEAM RACE IN THE FIRST DIVISION Liverpool still floundering LONDON. Sunday. rr\\\ Midlands rivals, olvcrhampton Wan--1 derers and West Broinwich Albion, arc raring from ;ill opposition in the first division. Both wn yesterday, whereas the two clubs (mediately below them, Huddersfield and nicy, were beaten. Wolves, who gained a forUMe
    AP  -  222 words
  • 72 11 FOOTBALI/S L v™* nnomv struck at the English league imme when fog caused three matches to be post- pr.'fd and three abandoned they had hern .started Arsenal were three goal.s up A<=ton Villa in their nip tie pirview when play topped after 28 minutea Tommy Lawton,
    72 words
  • 972 11 P W D L F A p\< P W D L F A pi.-, 28 iv 8 4 fi4 33 39 LeJcwtcr 2n 8 I fi2 40 34 romwirh 2fi 17 4 S fi9 3fi 38 Doncaste;- 26 II 3 8 43 30 33 Held 2S 13 7
    972 words
  • 308 11 LONDON, Sunday. ORITAINS "athlete of 1953". Gordon Pirie," said "yesterday that it was "almost certain" that he would accept a scholarship at an American university next year. It is believed that he will go to either Oklahoma I'niversity or the niversity of Southern I r<llif<irnio
    AP  -  308 words
  • 175 11 PARIS. Sun PERCY BASSETT, world interim featherweight champion, last night knocked out Jacques Herblllon. French lichtweisht champion, in the HIM round of a scheduled 10--round bout. Bassett. a fighting fury, floored Herblllon three times. The Frenchman went down for a count of eight under a
    AP  -  175 words
  • 84 11 LONDON. Sun. Yesterdays t'Ugb} league results were' Barrow 10 Halifax 0; Batley 11 Cork 5; Bradford Northern 1H Castleford 8; Bramley 10 Belle V'le Rangers 10; Featherst one Rovers '1 Doncaster 4: Huddersfield 34 Leeds 0: Hull 23 Oldham 3 Hunslet \2 Wakeneld Trinity 2: Keighley 21
    84 words
  • 325 11 LONDON. Sun. SEVERAL games in the rugby union programme yesterday had to be abandoned j through fop. i The England final trial at Twickenham was played, howover, England losing to The Rest by six points (penalty goal, try i to eight points (poal,
    325 words
  • 217 11 THIRD DIVISION (S) Aldershot 1 v Pk. R. 4 Rnurnrmouth 1 I.eyton O. Bristol 1 Southampton H "oventry 1 Reading 1 Crystal P»l. It Colchester (.iMingham Soulhrnd lps«irh 1 Millwall Northampton 4 Brighton Shrewsbury 1 Exeter Suindnn 0 Norwich Torquay 2 Wstlnrd WaNall 0 Newnorl 1
    217 words
  • 970 11 England plan to run five soccer teams By A Special Correspondent THE staging nf extra "B" Internationals for under-23 age group footballers, and special training for 22 specially selected players at the end of the season for matches against Yugoslavia. Hungary and the World Cup is only the beginning of
    970 words
  • 242 11 BELFAST, Sunday. A FIVE-FIVE draw, with each side scoring a" goal, A was a fair reflection of the All Blacks game with lister here yesterday. The tourists were faste behind the scrum but I'lster were their equal ut forward. Although on form with his defen&ive
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 59 11 MELBOURNE. Siro.^Wltl.sM cycling champion. RBg Harris. crashed into another rider la i the third heat of the "world .serins" match race here la^t night and suffered a badly gashed knee and an elbow injury. The match has been post- i poned until Harris is
    AP  -  59 words
  • 37 11 SI riAWAN. Sin. Stiner-i Wane Estalp Tamil Behool wen ch.impions of knockout soccer competition of thf Perak Indian School Teachers Union here Lumut Tamil School were runoert*up. Eieht, schoots took par. in thr t/iurney.
    37 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 perfectly a*t+<mf**ymi w* f >mpensat( t\ a^.imst every change M <£) \\}T* a£^Q >ns) to give you con- W If/ 4^^2r er any circumstance of /i«"y r V y^ff^S^a^^ T Iml A L I Z E D lV^^M BORNEO Jp *£*&ffis*yz"i KuXu^puT"' Ipnh Prn.n, and o>hc, Borneo branches.
      48 words
    • 376 11 '-———«<" «l<>ns p""' *V**V Stralts T *">e* I MONDAY j WORD PUZZLE k F' Cut out and p'n with oth t coupons. Posting instructions jppc.u below. -i Name .^f.'. V/* :^zft^& •••■■•■■^•-^■■>p::-»*- i 1 I'lQl iXr&ity£j*T" FILL IN bJu'^'^Bß missing I JL JL USING f BTXIP^H "LOW. I m^^^ I
      376 words

  • 159 12 By EPSOM JEEP REST BET became one of the few horses on the "Malayan Turf to win more than $100,000 in stakes and added money when he triumphed in the Commissioner-General's Cup over 1{ miles with topweiffht of 9.00 on a heavy track
    159 words
  • 44 12 rIE yrar's raring honours went to Shaw Stable with 42 winners and $336,000 in total winnings. Leading trainer: Jack Spencer, 60 winners. Champion jockey: Billy Ragby, 45 winners. Leading stakes winner: Skryne Primrose, $39,507 in slakes and added money.
    44 words
  • 193 12 JOCKEY Garnet Boueourr's i brilliant ridirm during the I Prnanc: Turf Cluh's Christmasrfew Year Mootins crotiitcd him with nine winners— almost a 'hirrl of thr total number of races daring four-day pro-!. gramme. i Bougoure rounded off neat season with a =rand hat-trick on
    193 words
  • 353 12 LONDON. Sun. r<HE HARUN IDRIS won the sintjlcs and doubles badminton titles in a tournament for M il.iv students in Britain. He beat Che Jallaluddin in the organised by 'he Malay Society and. partnered by Che Yussofl Zalnal. won the doubles fro:n Che Kha'ljah
    353 words
  • 98 12 DUNEniN. Sun AUCKLAND her OtafO by 32 runs in their Plunket Shield match here yesterday. Auckland .scored 153 and 206 and Ot.ico 22n and 1(17. K Childs took <our Otago first innings wickets for 54 runs, and D. B Clarke claimed five for 47 In
    98 words
  • 71 12 STORE K.O. HOCKEY DRAW The draw for the nuarter-nnal round of the Singapore Hockey Association's senior knockout hock.-y compel n km resulted: Winner of Latin Wanderers and i Onlverattj v r a.f. isi: raf, Ch;'.nci v BJtC.i winner of CSC I and REME v 9.CR.C; University lind team v Indians.
    71 words
  • 45 12 i SEREMBAN. Sun.- A Nfgrl horkey XI defer.ted Combined Malays by two goals to nil in a Keenlv.ontested game at the Tadans today. Both goaU, were netted by the! Oxford blue. M. Lewis. o flf penalty I bullies, one in each half.
    45 words
  • 354 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. CELANGOR SIKHS regained the Kf Gurdwara Cup by a clear-cut 2-0 win over Perak Sikhs in the Ust match of the third All-Malayan Sikhs hockey tournament on the Headquarters, Malaya, ground this morning. Selangor won the trophy in 1952 but last It to
    354 words
  • 231 12 PENANG. Run. THE first All-Malayan Cycling carnival to be held on floodlit tracks began last nlcht at Victoria Green. Singapore's 16 year old schoolboy, John Soh. who won the 50 miles round-the-island raco in the afternoon. cave another brilliant performance to win the two mile.^
    231 words
  • 63 12 From JACK FINGLETON (Exclusive to the Straits Times) CANBERRA, Sunday. THOSE AUSTRALIANS who try to see across the other side of the fence have known humiliation this week in the dictatorial refusal of the Australian Board of Cricket Control to see the
    63 words
  • 222 12 KINGSTON Sun I t FINE a;ticklng spill *bMa A yielded three wickets for three runs In eight balls enablfd theM C.C. to hold Jamaica to 226 lor six on the opening day of their match here yesterday. Jamaica had appeared to oe on
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 415 12 The Singapore Ho. key A.-snri,,. lion's "dollar-a-wallah" fund closes on Saturday. Contributions should be sent to Mr. Cecil Wong. 69 China Building. Singapore 1. to English cricket to suggest that Brisbane's Test the M.C.C. should revert to Melbourne in next Summer's series in Australia. Brisbane had
    415 words
  • 105 12 LONDON, Sui~ Tlie MX C committee will consider ai He next meetiiiß the Australian Board of Control's rejection of lhe;r request that Brisbane be omittel from the test venue.s on tiie next Encland tour of Australia. R. Ai;d. the MCC Secretary, eatd thai no
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 298 12 CAPETOWN, Su NEW ZEALAND built up the h«gc total their first innings on the day of tl>«> third against South Africa here yesterday. The hom< had scored five runs without Joss before stump drawn. When Now Zealand show SO 4415
    298 words
  • 139 12 NKW ZKAI.ANn— Ist INNS. (J. Rabone lhw h Van R>ne\eld M M. happlr Waite b Van Rvnrveld 71 M. I'iioir c M<(.lew h Adi mk II B. Sulcliffe c Waile b Ironside <>•> J. Reid b Murray I I .1 Keck run out I". .Mooney b Ironside 4 A.
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 34 12 Genial Youngsters beat th. Club Rangers 7-1 at Farrer Park Ir a friendly aocccr matcn nsterdaj Scorers lor Genial Youngsters were: Hainan (4), Rama i2i and Xavler Ahmad scored for Ranscis.
    34 words
  • 74 12 \i 1 1 1 KIMANATIIA.N K. 1 1 -old Imii I Cap p!.i> er lodaj c i Kt.i.ior upset with thi with which hr dispn .lack Arkinstall of \u in the imal ol Hie \:i( lonal l>awn i championships. Xi i-.liii.iii won i, In
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 42 12 THE (."ii... wicket: drawn. ihrir INDIA— Ist InnCOMMONM KM I II 1 i li IMM b 8 P. Bowlii DMMONM I M I ll I) R I c Gupte o Buntit f-.1-n-n i 1-n-K o
    42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 702 12 CLASSIFIED APS. .i niiiinurd from Pmfe (I SITI'ATIONn \< IM tn WotdM f\ (Hi" BM ■>'>••• FUROPEAN •itional Airline Minimum In sine i| perlence B I AN Ac KnowAnply n ,-ing quallfl lerience, »alanes ref|ir.:r< monial* t" B<^ XX. WANTtI) A M 1 rractnr floushint it Banang r- -■<■ Bvn
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    • 975 12 BISINKSS OPPORTI NITIKS I Word, U (Mln.i—Bm* i» r'l- I KISINESS Ooing Concern Bnrneo j to Sale. Apply Box A22OR. S.T. BUILDING MAINTENANCE M H'nrrf* Si (Mm.l—B ox S» ft, rxlrm. [8 VOl'R Bim.niNQ in a runrowi condition? Then 1* Is l >ni«' •i>u rant.irt for Inlcrlor <t Fvrinr Decorations
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    • 204 12 c:lassified ads. MISCELLANEOI'S ?ff Word, Si (Miit.)— Box it rt*. rxlrm. MASSAGE. Turkish Steam Baths, Ra treatment. Atr-Conditione.d Clinic, Mr. Cuthbert. 78. Thomson I Road. Tel. 4282. IF YOU live in Penanc you crn obtain your Esterbrook Renew Point Fountain Pen at Penanc Store. A?ent Donald Moore. SERVANTS AGENCY (Estd.
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    • 4 12 MORE SPORT— P. 11
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    • 43 12 0 i i For your health's Jake 55 drink No. 1 Beehive Brandy an old favourite for over 50 years in Malaya. A product of France. I|O| BEEHIVE BRANDY i IMPERIAL TYPEWRITERS SOLE AGENTS For Singapore and F© McMULLAN CO., LTD. C Simmons;
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 30 12 Mroont: sec. -b" i t.t.c, Parian; IMr. Mackenrlei. ■OCKEI! SRC. v Cahlr WireIf"-. s.R.C. p.idanc. C.S.C. v Indian Association. I. A. nd BASKK.TBM.I (.lohctrnll.M c\hilitlion. Happy World al X p.m.
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