The Straits Times, 2 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Lstablished 1845 SINGAPOR S \Tl RDAV JANTARY 2, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 12 1 No room for an 'enemy 9 state in Commonwealth
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  • 70 1 Malayans 'steadily winning their war' LONDON. I'll. Oliver Lytlclton, r>| State Colonies, last Britain's In "take heed, ill" thai she is illing In ;illo\\ ;i iniinisl slate lo be i(I wilhin llic i )iniii(tn Hi." si to the Colonies, thai the tnent 1< tnoitutional All must lu'lp •.rit y the
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  • 113 1 tl lIMIH\ li, i doors "I the Kremlin, Russia* most < losel? ;nirrir(i fortress s«mu back i"'l.i\ in admit the first *>f Ihousandx m Russian child- 'i Mow ow I; i (I id reported. n\i t.n (i. iv Moscow Ikmil t hildren will he allowed into
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  • 19 1 daaghtei Maatia Mrv l!» (Incurs during yesterday's fire. Another Straits Times picture on Pane 2.
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  • 52 1 New Year tiffin fire burns roof UMRE on Now Years Day left Mr. John Rodrigues, a r Government clerk, his wife and his ten children without a home. As they were eating a New Year tiffin 'the attap roof of their present house caught
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  • 266 1 (NOLULU, W Mis. LnArmstrong, wiir of band I outa i Satchmoi Armsi rong, was arrest) charge of smuggling ahni:; worth of mariiuana Into the United States in el ette and two cigarette stubs.— was burnt out. The lire which started at the rear corner of
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  • 43 1 TLHERAN. Fri. The Interior Ministry yesterday awarded a bravery medal to a 12-yea:--old Teheran .schoolboy. Sasan- j pur Rte/.arii. for tackling a CommunM dining U.S. Vice- j President Richard Nixon's recent visit t<> the Persian capi- j tal.— A.P.
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  • 32 1 LONDON. Fri The first Brii tLsh jet aircraft to be equipped as a tanker for refuelling j planes in flight will soon go for triaLs, it was announced here today.—Reuter.
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  • 95 1 Acid-throwei blinds Aga Khan's niece C \\NNFS. Fri rFIIR adopted niece of the Asa Khan was hlindrd in (he risht eye yesterday by an unidentified assailant who dashed vitriol in her face and gravely scarred her Iwautiful features. Yvonne Rlanr. 21. who won :i Riviera beauty contest last year. was
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  • 65 1 WARSHIP DAMAGE LONDON. Fri.- The Arimir- alty announced today that the j Royal Navy is investigating the cutting of electric cables aboard i the 26,000-ton aircraft carrier, H.M.S. Indefatigable and a i I leakage that spilled 1.000 gal- lons of oil aboard the vesseL The Navy said
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  • 37 1 NEW DELHI, Fri India's i Praia Socialist Party laM night expressed "grave concern" over reports of proposed j American military aid to Pakistan and its repereussons >in j Asia and Indo-PakLstan rela-tions.-Rcutor.
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  • 28 1 V car caught fire in North Bridge Road, Singapore, "n Thursday nient The nre was put out boob after the affirm] of a lire engine.
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  • 34 1 LONDON. Fri. The 05.000 adult male workers in the Bntish gas industry have bet n awarded a pay Increase ol one i penny an hour backdated to last October. Rent or.
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  • 117 1 i FIRST mad casualty thi.; year in Singapore was a Miss Tarn Gada ol Jalan Scuriiii. Johore Bahrd She m ilifhUjr injured ir, a ca r which crashed into a i post in Smith Bridge Road about 1.30 a.m. She was discharged from 'hospital
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  • 274 1 Did Beria pull gun on Malenkov? NEW YORK. Fri. LAVRENTI BERIA once all-powerful head of the Soviet Secret Polire. was neither arrested, tried, not executed he was shot down in a pistol duel in the Kremlin when he tried a personal coup to snatch Stalin's throne. That is the substance
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  • 25 1 HONG KONG. Fri. An Inriian Government delegation In PekiiiK today opened nepotiations with the Chinese Government about Tibetnn affairs. Peking Radio reported. Reuter.
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  • 28 1 HONG KONG. Fri. Two RAF' men. Charles Lewis. 20, and John Humphreys. 20. were sentenced t,, one month in gaol yesterday for assaulting a Chinese. U.P
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  • 28 1 HONG KONG. Fri. The Pope has contributed US$lO.--000 to help victims of a Christmas night fire that left about 60.000 Chinese in Hong Kong homeless.
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  • 335 1 NO CLUES YET IN THE 'BLOOD-DEBT MURDER MYSTERY shrouds th c "blood liebt" lor which 38-yrar-old Mr. Guok Blng Inn paid with his life in Singapore on Thursday. Police have been able to learn nothing of how Mr Guok came to owe such a debt. Mr. Guok's relatives refuse to
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  • 87 1 SIR GERALD NAMES THE TWO MAIN AIMS FOR 1954 KI'AIJI U'MPI'R. Friday. IN a New Year broadcast today the High Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer asked th** people for their support in achieving two objects finishing off the Communist terrorists and pressing on with political development. He added: *"I wish
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  • 79 1 LONDON, Fri. A CALL for the renunciation of atom weapons by all rations was made by Mr. Georci Malenkov. Soviet Prime Minister, in answering questions from an American journalist published in Moscownewspapers today. Tass reported. Mr. Malenkov spoke 01 "strict international control over implementation
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  • 102 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. DEMOCRAT Senators arr preparing to challenee the one man rule" of Senator Joseph McCarthy in his investigations into Communist activity and to right to restrict bia power. influential Democrats, early in the new session of Congress which opens on January 6. intend to
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  • 230 1 LONDON. Fri- Mr. Clemen< Attlee. leader of the Labour Opposition, yesterday denounced the Government's •inept" i handling of colonial affairs j and blamed it for the country's present 'precarious economic position." He declared in a New Year message to the Labour Party that the ruling Conservatives
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Fri— Mr. Leonard Lord, head of the Morri.s-Aus-tin motor combine, and Mr. Amo.s Brook Hirst, chairman of the English Football Association, are among the new blights in 'he New Year's I Honours list.— A.P.
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  • 54 1 LONDON. Fri— Marshal Kl--menti Voroshilov. the Soviet President, broadcast tonlfht 'i new year me.ssage to the ration wishing the people new successes in their peaceful con- .struct ion wui k. Marshal Voroshllov sain 1 t Soviet Government and peo] would continue by all means promote peace In
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  • 537 1 Ape-men appear again One 'speaks' to a girl tapper K. LUMPUR, Fri. 'THE three ape-like humans who frightened workers on th> Trolak Estate In Prmk were seen again yesterday in miles away, heading south towards the Slim River district, it wa.s on Christmas Day these three weird-look-ires two men and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 21 1 HO MOMG'S PALM TREE WASHING SOAP QtntU on tAt. k&ndi astd elnOf* <k*i V. rrtmnmir&J ftm HO HONG SOAP fACTOBY LTD
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  • 81 2 54 REDS KILLED IN ASSAULT HANOI, Friday. pRKNCH Inion troops killed 54 Communist rebels yesterday and drove back Red columns probing toward the isolated fortress of Dien Bien I'hu for the third time in 18 hours. A P'ronch spokesman said French and
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  • 349 2 BORN AS MIDNIGHT STRUCK KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. EXACTLY when the clock .struck 12 ushering In the New Year wife in Koala limpiir Rave birth to a girl, Born ai the Chinese Maternity pital. Kuala Lumpur, the olb 110/ baby is the fjff for Leon Thong, aged 41 THE 12.10
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  • 151 2 LONDON I>i A BRITISH soldnr. year-old Corporal Harry Partridge, landed from i troopship at Liverpool yesterday with his Chinese bride Brtty I ling from Hong Konc Corporal Partridge is taking his uifp to stay with his parents in London. Ho said: The first tin*
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  • 28 2 FOR A Singapore Eurasian family, Neiv Year Day brought tragedy when fire burnt the rnnf aj their house in Haig Road. Straits Times picture.
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  • 24 2 ROME. Fri. -Snow storms and bitter cold in Italy have brought death by freezing to six people in 48 hours. A.P.
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  • 39 2 General is first passenger on express from Bangkok PENANG, Friday. AN international express service from Bangkok will be inaugurated on Sunday with the arrival of the first train from the Siamese capital at Prai. Province Wellesley. at 7.02 p.m.
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  • 302 2 OKLAHOMA CITY. Fri. Fourteen youths, arrested in a candy shop across the street from the Central High School confessed to smoking marijuana, the police said yesterday.—A.P. un board as tne nrst omciai passenger will be General C. R. Seriroengrithi. general manager of the Thai State Railway Five
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  • 51 2 TREASURYMEN FOR SYDNEY REACH STORE Twelve British Treasury offl. cials and their secretaries ar- 1 rived at Singapore yesterday bound for the Common *ealth Finance Ministers' Conf >rence at^Sydm y. 3ir L- :> RoA-an, Second Secretary or the Treasury heads the delegation The party stayed overnißru i and will leave
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  • 27 2 TAIPEH. Fri. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek predicted in a New Year's message today that 1954 will be a "derisive year" for Nationalist! China. A. P. i
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  • 182 2 'MIRACLE' APPEARS AGAIN IN HOTEL ENTREVAIX. France Fri. HOTEL owner Jean Salvade said the statue of Saint Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, hied again yesterday. He railed in the town baker, thr baker's wife and the baker's maid to witness "the miracle." Salvade said that when he looked
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  • 51 2 SEREMBAN. Fri The second all-Malaya Malay Literary Congress here today adopted by a majority vote the official use of romanised Malay, for all literary purposes and in correspondence. The Congress aLso agreed that the use of Jawi be permitted at the wish of the individual
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  • 29 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A Netherlands Consulate has no w been opened here Mr. a. Worst, managing director of Lindeteve s (Maiava>, Ltt 1 has bee n appointed
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  • 87 2 LONDON Fri AMR. John F. Wilson who re--ITI ccives the Order of the British Empire In the New Year Honours list, blind since his schooldays has devoted his life to heiping his fellow sufferers particular- ly in Africa. He investigated the Incidence and causes Of blindness
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  • 185 2 others may follow him] fORPORAL Claud? Batch* nist captors today and side with th« comment tha other Americans would foil Batrhelor said he war; I but feared for his life, sayir still in the Red compound 1 He told newsmer he was unable
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  • 83 2 TWO PAIRS CHANGE PARTNERS LOS ANGELES, Fri. DANDLEADER Billy Ma> and his former business manager. Carlos Gastel. changed wives yesterday. The 37-year-old May and Mrs. Joan Gastel were married in West Hollywood. Gastel and Mrs. Arietta May. 37, went to Las Vegas. Nevada, and were married yesterday. Mrs Gastel told
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  • 53 2 CAIRO. Fri.— The Egyptian Cabinet wi" review the AngloEgyptian dispute over the Suez Canal at a special mooting on Sunday.— Renter PANMUNJOM, Frid irlor rejected his Cnrnrn returned to the V at it was quitr low him. ted to voturn a mo ng the 21 other Amr
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  • 13 2 LOS ANGELES ;oro,« bla U356. 500.01'' rinmac watershed mountains AP.
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  • 134 2 MEKN'F.- Morocco, Fnri POLICE here have opened an Inquiry Moroccan woman's complaint that Sidi J mcd. deposed ex-Sulta i of Morocco, had her h whipped to death for making love lo one of h cubines. The husband, a named Belkhir at th« Imperial
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  • 81 2 ROAD Clpwd" signs were put up at all roads bolonging to Singapore Harbour Board yesterday But policemen stationed clos to the signs contradict,! them by waving traffic on. Motorists wore puzzled. "What's the idea?" they asked. The explanation: Yesterday was the Harbo\j r
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  • 33 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. The U.S. State Department yesterday ordered the Rumanian Legation "to stop publication of a newspaper and other Communist publications in the United States at once"— A P
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  • 24 2 LONDON paced in IV merchant riurine 1053 Gross 50n.0n0 a third ed in 1952 and oi of the 1951 flgun
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  • 18 2 LONDON I Sir Pier day as Master ol I at Bi. bank. Re-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 I uay. t\.r. Thr 1,,H..r "OyMM Pfim f ,h« frminlnr inunirrpari of ihe "OvMrr j-, Prin<i»'. ami ha< thr idrnural Rolrx itMxiTts The "O\«irr Pr.nrr >orn I" hv miner, a rivfier. i pneumatic drill operator etc., in the irwMM te*t* ever devised for a wll»indinß watch, li came through unharmed,
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  • 57 3 NEW DELHI, Friday. lIR. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, the Indian Prime Minister, yesterdaj firmly declared that India mid not allow foreign troops on her soil under i> circumstances. if such the form of aggression lid isted "with all our might." Mr intriea
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  • 46 3 H in HOLLIDAY, who will iw scrn simiii iii thr comedydrama "It should Happen to on is shown her.- In :i new part) <»ui fit. It k of pale creen < hiffon. hai .i wide neckline and .i MTer bodice. Reutei picture.
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  • 29 3 So Barbara's wedding may not be valid YORK. Fri. 'I" the marriage th inican Ro- the Dominican aid not b< tatus Sal D( teneral, in nil Park Avenue— j
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  • 24 3 Fri. The -trrday d when two on Dec. 20 durli I ipan and the c able t.i p lor
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  • 3 3 < h
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  • 10 3 Ftl Lebanon's Abdullah ent wl American comI with
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  • 139 3 «c whs inaugurating an open ■n oj the Indian National rrade Lnion Congress at ion. Mr. N<hru said- "We rei as a non-war •NatHTMliy we hoped that aklstan. which is in similar inces as other Asian would belom to id if military from the United State,
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  • 54 3 I ONDON, Fri. Sir Walter Mnncktnn. Minister of Labour, terday made a fresh move I the deadlock over ited wage clainu which .ms to disrupt engineerIng and shipbuilding indusAlter two days of talks with Bering arid shipbuilding employers and with union •lie Minister said he
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  • 34 3 PTERDAM. Fri. The Assets Realisation c munition, of New York, yesly announced the purchase Holland-America Line ping company's v lam and Edam, both 0 tons. Tlie prices were 'd.— A.P.
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  • 29 3 BANGKOK. Fri— A nurrb-r itu Kong factories arc trying to move into 81am or alternatively to set up local plants here, according lo ofllources today. U.P.
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  • 27 3 LONDON, Fri— The Swiss In London. Mr. Henri rie Torrente, yesterday called Mr Selwyn Lloyd. Minister of State, for talks on the Korean .situation.— Reuter.
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  • 38 3 mis i Mi roin.iin. m a small w..y The mMmU. J"M<,|,bM,n I. -i.l.ft :.n,l (.roll Ilin.hl.llV hay, „iM an Jounced tbcte m^u-mml. I h.w .re lit tall and an- frith .1 in uv— Krutrr pn-lurr.
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  • 44 3 NEW YKAK. And what hotter wily to usher it in than kissing a pretty girl on the last stroke. These revellers in London embrace in what they thought was the dark They had forgotten the cameraman's flashlight. Popper picture.
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  • 52 3 BACK FROM RUSSIA BERLIN. Friday. I>KIVATE Homer Cox, an American who returned from Soviet captivity two days ago. told reporters today he spent a considerable time at Vorkuta. North Russia, with a Briton with whom he comersed in nrison "knock language" through
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  • 188 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. The Census Bureau estimated tothat ihc United States atlon, including armed s overseas Is now about 161.200.000. That is an increase of. about 2 700.000 lor 1953 and an Increase of about 10.000.000 since thi April 1950 census.— U.P. Each letter was given a
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  • 53 3 Lama buys a car CALCUTTA. Fri.— The Panchrn Lama of Chinese-occupi-ed Tibet today boupht a car the first ever owned by a lamn. The car will be dismantled and carried by porters across the Nathula Pass to Lhasa, where it will be reassembled and driven to Shigatsc seat of I
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  • 27 3 MOSCOW, Fri.— The Soviet Army paper Red Star has announced that Colonel-General of the Engineers Leonty Zakahrovitch Kotlyar died suddenly on Monday, aged 52. A.P.
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  • 33 3 THE HAGUE, Fri.— Dr. Albert president director of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and pioneer of civil aviation, died In hospital yesterday after a sudden illness. He was 64.— Reuter.
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  • 80 3 VIENNA, Fri— Austria's Su- 1 preme Court has rejected an appeal by Hitler's step-brother, Josef Mayrhofer. against his dismissal in 1945 from jobs with three insurance companies. Mayrhofer was dismissed because he had obtained the jobs through his relationship with the Fuehrer, the companies maintained, though
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  • 27 3 HAVANA, Fri. President, Batista of Cuba accepted the resignation of his Minister to Cairo, Lous F. de Almngro, who is under investigation by Egyptian authorities. A.P.
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  • 30 3 PARIS, Fri.— The Duke and Duchess of Windsor left for the U.S. yesterday aboard the British liner Queen Mary. They took along a maid and a valet.— A.P.
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  • 86 3 SANDRINGHAM, Fri. FIVE-YEAR-OLD Prince. Charles took part in a pheasant hunt ye.sterday with a stick instead of a gun. Clad in deerstalker hat. red coat and gunboots, he spenUtwo hours trumping through rainy Wolverton Woods with a royal party. With him were
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  • 113 3 LONDON. Fri THE CAMPAGN to rais. £1,000.000 to restore West- j minster Abbey ended last ni«ht> ■bout tliwmii short of Iti target But the fund will remain I open to receive uifts still com- < inn In mostly from overseas and there are still
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  • 352 3 A gay Europe greets New Year LONDON. Fri. yHE people of Western Europe danced in the New Year yesterday in the streets and squares, blotting from their minds for the moment the thought that 1954 could bring atomic peace or despair. From Moscow to London came reports of gay parties
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  • 68 3 HAMILTON. (North Island). Fri. Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh retired early last night and took no part in celebrations to see the New Year In. Earlier the Queen had a long drive in the hot sunshine and visited two caves. Early this
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 birds eye (Q) FROSTED FOODS S TURBOT AND BRILL Have you tried Baked Turbot? Dust the fish with flo'ir seasoned W ith salt •Bd pepper, then co:it with beaten egjj and breadcrumbs ami plait- in a greased baking dish. Put some sm:ill pieces of butter on top and bake in
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  • 219 4 iifHEN Singapore City Council elects a mayor, nominated members may have to go. This is believed to be among the suggestions which the City Council will be asked to consider sometime this year. The mayor is expected to be
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  • 126 4 Govt offices open PENANG, Fri. IT WAS "business as usual in Penang Government and Municipal offices today. New Year Day, but the staffs had practically nothing to do. Although there was officially no public holiday in the i Settlement, firms, banks and < shops closed
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  • 20 4 An Indian waylaid a Chinese cofleeshop assistant in Poh Hunt Road. Singapore, and robbed him of $18.
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  • 100 4 STING FOR A HORNETS' NEST And it caused a traffic jam Perched on top of a City Council tower wagon, the mien pumped cyanide ?as and insert spray into the nest and then smashed it with a wooden pole. Tin- call for the pest exterminators came from a Chinese club
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  • 138 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. KUALA LUMPUR is a dull city at night. Why can wo have more lights and neon signs as in Hong Kong," the j general manager of the Central Electricity Board, Mr. I J. Sharpies said today. He was opening the
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  • 68 4 Warning to all foreigners: Keep out of Malayan politics MALAY LITERARY CONGRESS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. INCHE Abdul Samad bin Idris, a member of the organising committee of the second All-Malaya Malay Literary Congress today warned foreigners against interference in Malayan politics. He said certain elements in Malaya today were trying
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  • 262 4 "Let the people of Malaya decide for themselves what kind of national language they want for a free Malaya," Inche Samad said. The two-day congress which began today in Seremban was attended by over 70 delegates and observers from 26 organisations all over Malaya. Among the
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  • 167 4 1,500 NAVAL WORKERS TOLD: YOUR JOBS SAFE ABOI'T 1.500 Singapore Naval Base employees have been told by the Superintendent of the Base. Commodore F. M. Walton, that they will not be dismissed from the Admiralty service even if there is a. redundancy of staff. In a memorandum to head.s of
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  • 33 4 Five men, one armed with a dagger, robbed a Singapore taxi driver of $13 on Thursday. The driver was walking to buy some food when he was waylaid
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  • 193 4 'Afraid he might harm me' SOH AH KOW, a railway labourer, told the Singapore Coroner. Mr. R. I. B. Pates, that he did not identify a murderer to the police because he was afraid. He said this at the inquest on Chai Lum, a
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  • 58 4 I PENANG, Fri. -A car ended up in the ditch with Its four wheels in the air after colliding with a trisha at Northam Road Penang, last night. The two occupants of the car were badly shaken but otherwise unhurt. The trisha rider was admitted to hospital
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  • 27 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, has revoked the appointment as Justice of the Peace of Dr Ong Bak Hin, of Malacca.
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  • 97 4 IPOH. Fri. IJOLICE questioned three 1 Chinese youths following the discovery of an abandoned car in a lonely spot off the 4th milestone Ipoh-Kuaia Kangsar road yesterday mornIng. The car was discovered on Wednesday afternoon by a patrol of the Kinta Valley Home Guard. Two
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  • 52 4 TAIPING, Fri. -No. 2 Supply Depot RASC played host yesterday to 180 pupils of Talping Boys- School and children of Pokok Assam new village at a New Years Eve party yesterday. Officers and men served children with refreshments There were games, a magic show
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  • 42 4 R.UALA LUMPUR, Fri— The Federation Government has called for tenders for the supply of up to 5.000 tons of good dry padi, to be delivered at the Government mill at Anak Bukit, Alor Star, before the end of January.
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  • 98 4 The United States Information Service will shortly give Singapore a feast of photography. From Jan. 4 to Jan. 10 the service will exhibit at the USIS Library outstanding photo- graphs by Mr. Francis Wu, In- ternationally famed photo- grapher now in Singapore. ALso on display
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 297 4 jfif^ SI.NSATIONAL JAII.KKEAK g^BA by 500 DKSPKRATK MLN o^ '**-»>^. f» dL »«<• woman: 11l \hU m HOWA(ID hughes f < "ij 1 STEPHEN McNALLY ARTHUR HUNNICUTT "^©iWQiL'gglllYOll o^tjecHmcoLOß Hik- of Viniri- 'ii (Is. plus dr|)i>sil In i rcfundahlc .1 in "AsSK.NMEVr PAKIS" lumnriow mi ".SI»KIN<iHI.I.D XIII.X" W.irmri olor
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  • 15 5 island Hub wmmtrn ihv stars o pionvvriny film
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  • 51 5 •AND MOST PEACEFUL, TOO' PENANG, Friday. OTRAITS BORN nines* arc proud to be the descendants of hardy pioneers with a background of nearly >oo years of Malayan history and acbieve- Dr. Cheah Toon I. ok. vice-president of the Pcnang Straits Chinese British Association, said last
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  • 207 5 Police rush to brawl at cabaret v RAL radJ and trail ratto a I and I] g upturned In about hln minutes ol the outbi nade. Ing from cute caused by man. laity, Ital when the ambu- ;ved. for extenfor anothor hour, rgel our association is ::ore and be ungrateful
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  • 72 5 Ml V HALUDAY lulps bride, Miss Patricia i«i <ut the calw :«t reception after Iheir it t ii Shawlands (ilasxow. on Dee M Ihe aritfc is the <l.muhtrr S1 md Mrs I E. AndrrSejaagm and Copen- hiK.'ii, Dcnniirk. and the nmm K tli«- MMI Mr. and
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  • 54 5 The lembl-| the weekly raand r for 1954. i atli for b t a woman for a child 12. Other foodstuffs: Tinn.-d r ttnoed Bib or both. not more than two katis. and i cooking nil. not BMW than ""n,, person other. IJM trader, shall have:
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  • 122 5 YOU have a lovely head of hair," dancer and star Laya Raki, 22. tells student Doris Proctor, 17, a! the Isla7id Club's Nero Year's Eve da7ice. In the background, signing ay autograph book, is film star Jack Hawkins and the Colony film magnate Mr. Loke Wan Tho.
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  • 189 5 At Kuala Kangsar, Selama IPOH. Thursday TWO MORE UMNO-M.C.A. Alliance branches have been opened in Perak this week. They are at Kuala Kanssar and Selama. There are now four Alliance district committees in Perak. 1 The other two are at Teluk J Anson and
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  • 47 5 IPOII. Fri.- Perak branch of i the British Red Croat and the Women's Service League organteed three Chriatmaa parties for children and tuberculosis patients at the I poll and Batu Kajah Hospitals. Father Christmas visited the children and present* were distributed to all patients.
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  • 56 5 KUALA UMPUR. Fri. The Ruler-ln-Councll lias Imposed an cdticatii.n rate of two pel cent "ii tin- annual value ol I noldln-'s within the Kuala Lumpur Municipally tor 19. r >:;. The rate la the same for j land.s. houses and balldinga lr the town areas of
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  • 68 5 PARIT BUNTAR. Fri. SO-year-old padJ planter, Ar.shacl, was cleared of I large ol enticing away a arried woman by the Circuit aglstrate here. The planter was alleged to kve married in Singapore a oman already married to anher man. But the court held there
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  • 49 5 Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Mask examination in theory will be held In Singapore on March 27. Entries should reach the Examinations Secretary, Department of Education P.O. Box. No. 746. Singapore, before February 6. Entry form.* are i available at the Education Office.
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  • 40 5 MOSCOW, Fri. Britain. Fiance and the United States today handed over to the Soviet Foreign Ministry Notes accepting Russia's proposal that the Berlin conference of the Bi{> Four Foreign Ministers should be held on Jan. 25.— Renter.
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  • 21 5 HONG KONG. Fri. The 1 14.000-ton Australian aircraft carrier Sydney arrived here yesterday from the Korean theatre, -U.P.
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  • 197 5 KLANG, Fri. A of mistaken identity led to a humorous incident at the Sessions Court here when a Javanese Home Guard, Jumali bin Maon. 25 was charged with causing grievous hurt to a 14-year- old Malay girl. It was alleged that
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  • 371 5 ONE MAN ONE WIFE BILL: MRS. FOZDAR ACTS Bigamy will land them in gaol POPIES of the proposed Bigamous Marriage Hill, drafted with the object of making "one-wife" marriages compulsory in Singapore, have been sent to the Muslim Advisor} Board, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Malayan Chinese Association.
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  • 64 5 4 return to MCA after resigning THi tour Singapore br.m'-h committee members of the Malayan Chinese Association who recently resigned have agreed to return t the commlttee Sir Cl Tan, president, n accept thon .is he considered they were really working In the Interests ol tion. The four men are
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  • 62 5 IPOII. Fri. a motor cyi 1 -.a front of the Jubilre Amusement Park in Cowan', street on Wednesday night, was mis ed by its owner .Who had ne for a walk in the The owner, a Chinese, left. the machine in the parking lot al about
    62 words
  • 54 5 rpoil. Fri. The Pera* Council ol State will opi n with a n ing in the Council chamber at the Perak State Secretarial mi \v Feto 17. There will be six meet i during the year. The ol are on Apr 7. June 9, Aug 25, Oet
    54 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES l For Outstanding Service or)^ Economy Here's th« 3 truck packed full of heavy-duty features foe ~*"^™^^ESB\ MfT^Bß^^Wi^^r hIR service and performance. ft>l Available in 158 inches chassis powered by the famous i__^_J t "'p=— THAMES COMMERCIAL TRUCKS s^^gAtfi: mbs»"!?.-==-, Power to speed the load over steep Rradients
      217 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 5 SINGAPORE DIARY 1 f Ton\V Irtiiinh teH 23fi Telok Aver Strwt.2 si 1 s.hoo! Ckaptl: 1 pjn.: telloinlilp mmttag in drarchj l porty .v the Khool, Buditorium 7so pm. Bpnkan: Mr.c 1 WoodsvlUe 3 pm. Ml Kin Ya "2 Straits ChIBCM M V.K. Anmml hUa Rfldt Veo Leader: Mr.J meetlni
      199 words

  • 9 6 IN M EMORIAM J» H, -mum) CAME Hr-rniP v
    9 words
  • 902 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Sat. Jan. 2, 1954. The Bid For Peace Malenkov h;'s lollowed Stalinist precedent in giving at New Year ;m interview to the bourgeoisie press. Thi> time the i lean International News Service was honoured, but the ia the same. Mr i Malenkov wishes the American people
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  • 421 6 The solution to Malaya's problems, said General Templor the day he arrived, does not lie in the hands of any one man nor alone in the hands of the Government here or in the United Kingdom. It lies in the handl of all Malayans
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  • 5 6 MALAY BEAUTY Foong Poll Kan
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  • 1075 6  -  <^EARCH of the Straits Times files the other day for contemporary reports of the Wright brothers' first flight at Kittyhawk. fifty years ago, was without result as reported at the time. And little wonder, for it seems that nobody took tho Wrights very seriously. In all,
    1,075 words
  • 99 6 From tlic Straits Times of Jan uar u 2. l'.tol A LADY Of coir. !y proport :nn landing at Johnston's Pier from tampan on Sri urday afternoon, mis; ed the pontoon, dropped into the water, and rli appeared from view. When she rose Iv was P'rciily Oahed
    99 words
  • 848 6 A MALAYSIAM NOTEBOOK 11HERE have been man) year greetings to mar.< thl* W 1954 Of the Christian ra But the greeting, spok. n n«t in the minds pf most Malayans i.s "A peaceful new Y ear for this, our country. Ultimately the Malayan cam-, Daign is ju- s t one
    848 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 380 6 (I ASSIFII I) ADS .4, «//l i minimum > CO' J(l H «rdt tl* (minimum) THg Fucacrrt-' M XVNUI M I Ml NTS JO H.,.rf. 1 minimum CAM and nah an.sL'l2 SITI ITIONS M Kin ft irir 1 1 in r for I Ba'.U rahi' n 1 WAN I
      380 words
    • 49 6 The German 2xB mm cine A/Xza-Jidioifiatic The only camera possible to cope with all branches of cinrmarograpfiic work. Its built-in exposure mctci eliminates waste of film Price $725 including case. Model S2T {without exposure metcri a $625 Pamphlets upon request. Sols Agents*— EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia St. Singapore-*.
      49 words
    • 25 6 Two's Company with PLAYER'S N?3 Qhe Quality A^ v Cigarette I- I WL W/^H QUALITY Kj^gj^ PU HIGH PERFORMANCE Wtt-mL\ Won/or AHv.AOI B) Di. RAI
      25 words

  • 114 7 vwmrm luuffhs untt thrills <*4 th< annual sou rnr<>% ered uith arete I ult to tit on g Malay buys found out to the crowd* amusement. Straits Times picture. THE START o/ the six-man Malay kulfli race. Ax the start It signalled, tiro
    114 words
  • 500 7 K. LUMPUR, Fri. feature of the rgency In ir>.>3 was Fall In the number lommunisi terrorist incidents, a Government spokesman told the Straits Times today. TOtal of incidents for the year. mated at 1.200. wa.s" the lowest since the Emergency bepan
    500 words
  • 150 7 on Jan. 4. the Aeneas on Jan. 5 and the Chusan on Jan. 8. Mails from Rangoon and Calcutta arrive »y the Anahua mi Sunday. Mails for Colombo and the United Kingdom will COM at ii p.m. on Jan. 7 and for Rangoon and Calcutta at
    150 words
  • 210 7 SEA GAMES ENTRIES A RECORD A RECORD number of comA. petitors entered for the 25 sailing and rowing race.": which were included in yesterday"s annual Singapore New Year sea sports. hilay kolehs, bugis prahus. sampans, yachts, dinphie.-. ships' lifeboats and fishing boats took part. csterday was fine but there was
    210 words
  • 44 7 A Malay civilian worker In the R.A.S.C. was fatally injured yesterday when he VK crushed between a landiiv craft and a jeKy at Pulau Brani. The man, Bujang bin Mohumcd. 41, died on the wa;, to the British Military Hospital.
    44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 7 A man tried to remove a I wheel Irom a van parked In I Clemenceau Road. Btalgapore, I at about 3 a.m. yesterday. f A mdio patrol later detained a man.
    33 words
  • 133 7 CMG for Wisdom 'honour for Malacca MALACCA. Fri. MALACCA, hailed the award Of the C.M.G. to Mr. G E C. Wisdom, .serving i Settlement Resident CommLssioner to be go honoured. Mr. Tan Hock Lin, general ■ecrftary, Malacca Youth j Council, said: "We are proud. We feel it Ls al->o
    133 words
  • 176 7 TWO TERRORISTS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT They flee from jungle and give up Xl MA M MIM R. Friday. "TWO Communist terrorists arc starting the New Year in the rijjht way. On New Year's Evp nnr of thrm rimrd trip bullets oi' two companions and fled from thr jungle
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  • 64 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. \!r :-hilimen Onrjitham. Unlvei sit y of Malaya, was today r lected President of the Pnn Malayan Students' Federation. Other officers elected were: Vice-presidents, Mr. A. Sorr:iath (Technical Coll g Kua'a Lumpur i. ?,!r. Jerry Goh i University of M*laya) unr l Mr. Lee
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  • 27 7 A discussion on "Does man ved religion o will he held ai ihe Bahr.l centre. 302-A Tanong Ka'ong Road on Sunday it 5 p m.
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  • 61 7 Five held in big lottery raid Font men ;tnd a woman, all Chines, believed to be "king pins" a a big chap- (m lottery rickct operating ii '■I'vuvit.i viclnitr, were h«-iri diirini.' a police raid *>n fI;K In Prinr* Phillip Avenue Singapore, on Wedncs»l:i v. Th pi>lnr soizrrl a lar*e
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  • 81 7 TERRITORIAL CHIEF GETS AN OBE KUALA LUMPUR. Fc those who receive i honorary OBE's In the New list was Tuan Mohamed Razalli bin lsa. Oranß Kaya M .m of Perak, territorial chrf of Larut and Matans:. "-> :.-ri the Settlement Office, Frrak. about 25 to and ~,erved in variin the
    81 words
  • 149 7 PENANG, Fri. OENANG police offer a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the you'h who wounded Mr Ooi phee Riew. financial clerk in the Supplies Department on R9*urday. Dec. 5. The wanted youth I* t iirefi about 16.
    149 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 163 7 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES if- Sw t BRITAINS BEST IN DOMESTIC APPLIANCES I. .Months (.uaiinl.T Mntf availahlr from aullion/rd dralrrs in Malaya i en, Kettles, Tra\plllng Irons, etc. 5 C C ICA/1P ff Pft ITn ifiSA. Cecil Street. t. d. IoAAU UU., LID. .Spore-1.Te1480.5~ World Famous /V^ Conductors .^33 V\__J and Orchtstr.s
      163 words

  • 956 8  - MULTI-MILLION OUTLOOK FOR THE NEW YEAR Steady trade and big development predicted LARGE-Sf'AI.E d lopment will take plar= in Singapore in 1054 Trade is expected to be steady. A ereat rirnl will depend on the price of tin and rubber and the entrepot business with Indonesia. said the chairman of
    956 words
  • 195 8 Rubber factory men form union KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. TVfR LEE MOKE SANG, Srlansor trade union official. ifl told lnorr than 100 rubber factory workers who I formed their own union here today "rely on your- selves He told them to depend fnlriv on their own
    195 words
  • 288 8 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR MALACCA 715 BUr; 7JO Nou.v 1 Sa'urcHv Date; 130 News; 1.45 J"2 I-iffM Music. 130 News- 2-5 o Tin,« tr.T Commentaries on the Harts from Racing Commentaries from Penan* 135 IModj Mixture: 8 Time for p?nanß Turf aub 6]5 rrhe Unflpr Turb
    288 words
  • 99 8 iv l ALA LI .MPI R. Fri. ON the last stage of his Necri Sembilan tour yesterday (ienernl Templer visited the Neeri-Selangor frontier village of Ilu Beranang and announced its promotion to a "Phase Three' 1 village. Immediately the polite hamled over defence duties to
    99 words
  • 23 8 PENANG, Fri Inche i Senawi bin Haji Zainul Abidin of the Krdah Civil Service ha-> beep promoted to the Malayan Civil Service.
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  • 70 8 PENANG Fri. A STUDY of Miss Chai May Chin, a local singer, won first prize for Yong Fei Mun ln the Penanf; Photographic Society's contest. About 400 plvyographs taken at the .society's picnic ln Tan- jong Bungah last month were entered. Second prize went to Chan
    70 words
  • 209 8 GO VT. TAKES OVER MISSION SCHOOL Jeachers will stay tor year IPOH. Friday. "THE Methodist Mission has handed over one of its girls' schools in Perak to the Government. When the new term starts the school will operate as a i Government English Girls' 1 i soho\)l. Situated in Kuala
    209 words
  • 70 8 redestnans halted runaway van IPOH. Fri. \l5-CWT van belonging to Shell company left on a slope near the Road Transport Department in Hiigh Low Street yesterday morning ran away and crashed int.) a stationary car parked on the opposite side of the road Then it continued downhill towards trafflc lights
    70 words
  • 138 8 MR. A. E. Blades, Director of the Special Branch, Singapore, said in a New Year message, that an "Operation Friendship" should be ■started between the uithorities and the people, particularly in i r,he fight against Communist infiltration into the Colony's industrial, social, and educational
    138 words
  • 58 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The talks yesterday between the Mentri Besar, Seiangor. and a nine-man deputation from the 1 newly-formed Seiangor Pa- rents' Action Committee, were described today a.s very satisfactory", by members *>f the delegation. They protested against the recent "sacking" of over-age 'schoolchildren rrom Seiangor 'schools.
    58 words
  • 57 8 The Air Ministry announced i yesterday that Inche Abdullah bin Abdul Ghani of Jalan Jumat, Singapore, was awarded the M.B.E. in the New Year Honours. Inche Abdullah i.s chief clerk to the civilian labour officer at the R.A.F. Maintenance Ba.sp Seletar. and has been with
    57 words
  • 266 8 New job pays a basic $912 KUALA LUMPUR, Fridaj THE Federal Legislative "mincil will soon hx\ r clerk of its own. At Present. Council worn Is nntm handled hofficer who also does the work of the Federal tive Council. Raia Ayoub bin Raja Haji
    266 words
  • 109 8 IPo; IPOH Malays have bi 102-acre rubber the (itmong Rapat arm the outskirts of thf I just over $100,000 to build M co-operative bousing pi Clearing work on ;> the land has alread; Tlie area is be] divided into quarter acn Mmc than 200
    109 words
  • 31 8 KUALA LUMPUR. PI H. A. Campbell, cha r: the Rubber Producers' C cil, will speak in tl Radio Malaya series day Spotlight' tomorrow. >\v the Malay:. i»-r industry.
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  • 117 8 GOC BACKS 'DOLLARS FOR DISCS PLAN 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. rpHE GOC Malaya, LieutGen. Sir Hugh Stockwel! was amonp those whfl phoned Radio Malaya last night to support the "Dol- I lars for Discs" piogra in aid of Lady Tempter's TB Hospital Appeal Fund. He was attending an uq Sergeants'
    117 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 Wjk Thousand? all over flip u,<rl(l know that i V *^E^ Wtr a7r lnP >"°' A i the skin** br-A frirnd. O* IT trHITFN^ •H.i^'-linc Snow' giiarH" your skin mO f m l"' mi 'li'^ r "i"t effert of Mrong «un •gt makf-i it lain-t anil irmr<- llalti-rinf;. liny ckin
      160 words
    • 133 8 'Sr 7 "Inner Cleanli- ness crmes first V_js/ .^f^ Mummy taught me that years a"o. Its quite 'xntinn— And Inner Clean- 7 line-s comes from Ip«tatt<><p°nTtful \\^f> taking Andrew t in a glass of cold first thing in the water and stir it. morning. Hundreds of tiny 7f n l
      133 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 300 8 Straits Time* Crossword rt BiT 5? m 29 Knemy aliens may suflcr II 'm?ay i n i 5 1 i 7 1 i il »<>«•* it; HI iH HI N »ni*wrs are employed in thu I^l I^3 t^^ «cience 1 10) lH^l 9 I I 3 Hardv i7K H^| g^j
      300 words

  • 1928 9 Queen and nobles rushed to pay homage to Tom Thumb, smallest 'general' CITIZENS of Bridgeport, Connecticut, all knew little Charlie Stratton, the bright-eyed, flaxen-haired boy who lived in a back street. Charlie was five years old, two feet tall and showed no sign of growing up. People felt sorry for
    1,928 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 /fat cSi for shopping, parking, easy driving, there's nothing to touch an AUSTIN SEVEN ■WMi AN you to -c free of igation, the Seven for yourself at any BORNEO M070R3 ;rs Ltd. Kuala -pur, Penang. )h, Seremban .acca. Butterrth, JesseJlon Kuala Belait IMMEDIATE HOME DELIVERY/ modeU of Ans- are available
      60 words
    • 13 9 By arrangement with (he Sydney Daily Mirror. >io\n\v lira 111 <»n ih«' prairi*'
      13 words
    • 211 9 f^L can do kKCO LAMPS S) ■•'Tun. MADE IN ENGLAND The difference n ILLUMINATING F. E. ZUELLIG .malata, LTD lINCtfOD! KUALA HlHflll DNANG Kestles wmGood and do jaod •fft Of\-¥ ftVtOAA^ "ll^^N«-.'e'l M.^ CHOCOLATE X0 COX U\W£- CROQUETTES M. Mr, QUALITY ENGLISH ici i^C' 3 BIS ITS I CLIVEp CAKES
      211 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 134 9 7 !%<W" ut sJ)on Quixote dela Mancha ari Sancboßinza It [BUT PON QUIXOTE WAS UNAWARE OF HUN6ER. HE WAS TASTIN6 SANOtf PANZA.SORE AT HAVIM6 Wi. VilfirT- y^ntOSl CIOUOS Or~^ KEN TQSSED IN A SLANKET, VCAS M.% WmTlWl Dust sanCK) ape ALSCHUNGRy-FOR/NMIS Mk\ _"^f"jk\ V »t V CJUS£D 8v rivo *a*/es
      134 words

  • 1483 10 COMMONWEALTH TALKS IN AUSTRALIA NO MAJOR POLICY DECISIONS EXPECTED THE British delegation to the Commonwealth A Finance Ministers' Conference at Sydney led by Mr. R A. Butler, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is now en route to Sydney by air. The senior officials in the party, who include Sir Leslie
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  • 143 10 LONDON. Prl. AFTER a somewhat irregular start j yesterday firm conditions prevailed throughout most sections of the Stock Exchange. During the early part. Kaffirs claimed most attention as they reacted in places on proflt-taking. then improved and then reacted again on further proflt-taking. Lasses, however, were limited.
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  • 88 10 CIR Doiißlas Mawson. formrr head of Adelaide University ireolopy department, said that Australia's uranium production would be greatly cheapened and simplified if a strike of pitchblende deposits at Myponga proved extensive. Pitchblende, containing up to 70 or 80 per cent, of uranium oxide, was the richest of
    88 words
  • 99 10 Uranium ore now beint: mined at Radium Hill contained only a .small amount of uranium compared with the uranium in pitchblende. A larpe refinery Is now beini built at Port Pirie to produce uranium oxide for export from the Radium Hill ore. Tests of a mineral found
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  • 169 10 THE HAGUE. Fri. VyORLD mine production of tin-in-eoneentrates in October was 15.500 tons, compared with 14.900 tons in September, aeeorriiap to figures issued today by the International Tin Study Group. The figures so far available for November show Malay V* I production at 4.765 tons. Indonesia's
    169 words
  • 81 10 MELBOURNE. J^ company to be known as Australasian Oil Exploration NL. is being formed with a capital of £Asm. Underwriting arrangements have been made for the whole of this amount. The company will be registered in Western Australia. It will explore areas in that State
    81 words
  • 97 10 JN November the Federation of Malaya exported 728 toas of copra, 31 tons of refined coconut oil and 5,958 ton.s of crude coconut oil. Imports during the same month were 821 tons of copra, ten tons of refined coconut oil and two tons of crude
    97 words
  • 83 10 ly extended tIM r,r| with inrtn the niiiin burden or r rirvrloprri n predominance fraction 'iinc Tobaccos favoured the In the afternoon Mib^rourntly avor;icM a •l.icrl to tti-Ai-'tlr nl tjons nrrl thr> li«t Wi I hold irreiiinr tendem I !l"!i:il ir. c Toy iirri the date and losses
    83 words
  • 94 10 IN November the F< of Malaya expi pound- of black I ■jounds ol green tea combined value of i il exports for months of th 2.347.592 pounds Of t and 23.409 pound.- 0 with a combined $2,881,501. Total exports in th< last year were 2,316.180 of black tea
    94 words
  • 60 10 In November tho i of Malaya rx; tons of palm oil and of palm kernels of a i I with 7.6:U tons of palm 1.145 tons ol palm a combined valur for the 11 months o: was 4f).0:;7 tons and kernels 11.178 tons I blned value of
    60 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 652 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA AppVutlnns "re llnMed UK »V>pnlntmeni to a Sent"- lei r- Lectureship In the Mefi<-ai Unll <r~, should posMsa higher ■in in Mer'l table t'nlversif. teaching r;ireh experience Furtt-rr in m;r. l>* ohlalned from r.'e^lstrar. Unl ersii\ < M ■r in. «ith whom applica- copies i
      652 words
    • 603 10 NOTICES NOTICE MR JACK Eillas will not be In '>nr employ afier the .list December lTil and he has no authority to nccrtiate ;iry business nor collect ar.v sums of money due to us. SAVOY RF.STAURANT LIMITED. MALACCA MUNICIPALITY" BATH FOR IST HALF-YEAR MM Notice II hereby elven that rates
      603 words
    • 864 10 COMPANY MEETING MONTAGUE i L. MEYER LTD. CONSOLIDATION OF INTERESTS MR. MONTAGUE L. MEYER ON FREEDOM FROM CONTROLS The annual ceneral meetinc o| Monta K ue I-. Meyer, Ltd. »a.s hem on December 21. at Brettenham House Lancaster Place. Strand. Condon. W.C.2. MR MONTAGUE L. MEYER Uhe chairman) presid'"The followinc
      864 words
    • 755 10 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received at the Office of the State Engineer. Pahang, at Kuala Lipis. up to 3.00 p.m. of the Bth January, 1954. for the Supply and Delivery of Road Metil from Chinta Manls Quarry at 77, 10 Mile Ben'ong Katak Road, Bentong.
      755 words
    • 151 10 SINGAPORE RED FUNNEL LINES HEAP ENG MOH SS CO., LTD. SOON BEE STEAMSHIP CO., (S) LTD. 33/35. Trluk Aver Street— 'Phone 3448. M.V ."GIANT. BF-E" OIRFCT BAfUNGI TO DJAKARTA A CIOUBON rORTNIGHTLT SERVICE A. Spore »ppr. .lan. 5 1.. S'pnre appr laa M.V. "GIANT. RNG" S\lll\(,n m PANGKAI H> TANDJONG
      151 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1196 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. ijm Uncipuiueed m Sm 0 ono,e) AM othVr BLUB FUNNEL LINE Beets f;;;;NGsT:T,v7RP p ooL" 1 Gi v A o s^w: ttstOSgraß Liverpool. D Pi horn Penong J. n 4 J.n 5/4 Jan. 7/ Mcnburtj f. *4s j on 5 j 9n 7/ •wi Lorvion, J-n 3
      1,196 words
    • 1090 11 ■BHB^MHHBHHMHpi^^ EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SC ANOINAVIAN/U.K. /CONTINENT "i.i. ji-.. Spore P. Sham P^nong Lalandia" for Bangkok 3/ 4 Jan Jeve" tor Kohnchong, Soioon Hongkong, Monila, Kobe A Yokohomo 8/10 Jon. 7/ 7 Jen. jnr K "hsirhong, H'kong 11/13 Jan. Kina for Diakarto. Kohsichong, Soigon. Hongkong, Monilo, Kobe Y
      1,090 words
    • 1175 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS ta U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. Shorn Penong Bennnnei for Avonmouth, Lc xton Rotterdam, Newcostle, Hull G. 13/14 5 7 Jen. 8/ 9 Jen. tented! for Liverpool. Glosgow, Hamburg, Rotterdom G. 23/24 7/ 9 Jen. 10/11 Jen. Benlewers for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg 12/18
      1,175 words
    • 1104 11 McALISTER *Sc CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** HAMBURG A HULL LOS ANGKCS. SAN FRANCISCO, and tor USA North Atlant.c Port. PORTLAND, SEATTU A VANCOUVER ond Conoaa via Colomoo Accrpting cargo tor C.ntral A South CITY OF CHICAGO Amerlcon Port, iporc p s>om Penang SUNNYVILLE G. 4-7/5 Jan. Peno-ig CITY OF
      1,104 words

  • 179 12 THE SAtURDAY FORUM ...OR ELSE MORE TERRORISTS WILL BE MADE is it realised thai tin smallholder ha had very unfair treatmeni riwnrm the so-called "emergenc Dvi umallholdei i to »band< i and liv( tr-'tn the holding an lHe mlghl ie curfew, tup ruhb. not permitted to bring food for mid-d
    179 words
  • 51 12 11 MTU retard to the amus- mc letter in your Korum on "self ir.acl cakes", <;in >nu thmk <>f aaythhti i>> heal this Mmi oul bakerj •The hc-t loafii town" Or this outside a Itu "Dryeleaniiif and dying all mHI tome" si I I HAD MAN. Sinsaporc
    51 words
  • 152 12 THERE are bundles of Christmas cards, which will soon br destroyed, lying In numerous home. Could someone please say Thn or what nstitut ons wouid like to receive them? V. K. V. Iwiton terrorists arc increasing? The pre-oceiipation QOV- rnim-nt would not have treated the smallholder liko this,
    152 words
  • 284 12 So hubby leaves home... MISS Eileen Ashcroff.s attack on the English man of action seems to me very unfair. I ;un not English nor a man of action, but I can see "here the criticisms lose their force. I grant that husbands are happier with a cang of men than
    284 words
  • 315 12 rIERE is a controversial opinion in the minds of the public regarding the genuine status of Dr. KuonK B. Li. who was unfortunately termed i a "fake"' because he did not possess the original certificates of the university or college from which he graduated.
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  • Article, Illustration
    102 12 11/ILLIAM James Jason Koh TT asks "what exactly is fanciful about Western names such as James. Williams, etc." I would like to make it clear to him that they are not at all fanciful when used by legitimate bearers e.g. Englishmen, but they are not only fanciful but also
    102 words
  • 100 12 I WOULD like to support •Malay Whips" contention that the Legislative Council or any other non-Islamic or, for that matter, any. other nonreligious body is not competent to consider the question raised by Mrs. Shirin Fozdar. The question of having more tnan one wife is definitely a
    100 words
  • 352 12 QUITE agree with Mr. William James Jason Koh that there is nothing to be ashamed of in having English names to a certain point, i.e. if one adopts the English names in full. In fact. I find English names pleasant to the ears. But to have English
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 12 y^PART from single lines, double lines, white lines, yellow lines, one way row tracks, pedestrian crossings, signs galore and so on, must we now put up with police "keep left" notices plastered on our cars? Let them paint the roads every colour of the rainbow, put traffic
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  • 139 12 TO MANY MEANS OF GAMBLING' rpnK mca heat A have replied to Mr Ehree Om n gardli >i> :rr>m the perak bl of the MCA. Why .should Mr nil accused of lacking con:.. not "attacking the Goven i for banning th< run by th< 1 not thl for the Chinese?
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  • 965 12 THE chairman of T.E.C.S.A.M.'s letter which appeared in your columns has failed to disclose the real nature of expatriation pay. Expatriation pay Is paid in some colonial territories (not all) on the principle laid down in Colonial No. 197 that "whore the salaries
    965 words
  • 75 12 I HAVE to In your i. ber 30 in which the of ihe Singapore Tra puny fci: LJnli n the company has demands submitti I union. This i.s not coi The demands have be ed with the uni. mittee on more than i aslon. considered reasonab>
    75 words
  • 198 12 As a teacher I feel sorry... set more wages. I n Chinese schools thry pet only the same i-n when they teach for ni. in v If th' tion Department thinks that the standard of Enslish in Chinese school. 1 Should be raised then the department should appoint preseni era
    198 words
  • 264 12 MALAY Hasten on board lo- I cal trade vwssels are not restricted to a 100-ton int. limit just they happen to be Malay.-., a.s was suggested in a letter. This limit is imposed upon the grade ot certificate held by the seaman. Malays, Chinese or any
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 152 12 OPENING IMTE ON 11th JANUARY 54 j^^^^ S W V====-jLoJa^> J-^7~ MOVADO SERVICE STATION MOVADO watches had been sold in Singapore and thr Fodciation of Malaya for rrany many years. These watches had Riven satisfaction to many thousands of Malayans and had contributed in no small way to the order
      152 words
    • 5 12 THE NEW Sr.&.C*. tiEcjMcAwa/i cooker
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  • 385 13 By EPSOM JEEP nHANGRILA, top throe-year-old of the 1953 "ii. who has now turned four, come* up ,r hi* biggest test when he tackles a top class sUyen in the ommissioner-(ienerars up over l{m. at Tenant today, concluding day the IVnanjj
    385 words
  • 324 13 -m\n ran dtaappaintbifly In the P O Cup race over (if. on Boxing Day when he was beaten a long way out. But he is In top form and is worth an--1 ther chance, In Race six. today. > (Torts hnve 6f. but 7f should be
    324 words
  • Article, Illustration
    297 13 Thursday morning and I am! Ident he will give a great] int of himself. Obvious form horsr to e<> tot Sweet Dream Every race seems to improve this mare. She ran very "well on Christmas j Day when she was beaten by two lengths by Golden Dolphin who
    297 words
  • 99 13 THE fourth post-war All-Malaya Malay Tennis Tournament •ffl be hold at Kuala Lumpu, ourmg the Chinese New Year noli- nh/^nV^Opr-n Singled Open Doublet. Handicap Singles Hl.nri.ran Doubles Veterans Doullaj and Junior sincles (to you, nf age an-1 uunde r Entry fees [or these events are thl wSm
    99 words
  • 118 13 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY I-UINTER Race i. t.U. CHAN. PATROL 1 haumaturry Sanrfrnid CHAN. PATROL Sangfroid Thaiimaturcv CHAN. PATROL rhaumaturit.v Sangfroid Race 2. 3.»S lIMSON Dewin Doneaater DONCASTER Dewin Tall I.lrht DONCASTER Tall Lifht Dewin Rare 3. 3.40 SWEET DREAM Blue Ribbon Mb WONDER LAD Golden Lotus
    118 words
  • 1086 13 The Treble Tote will be held on Races four, six! and seven. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race seven. Race 1—2.30: Class 2. Div. 2—6 Furs. Sea Girt Bougoure 9.00 Mr. M. van Breukelen Owner 2 304 Sangfroid Russell 8.12 Mr. Chan Lai Hong A.
    1,086 words
  • 328 13 LONDON. Fri. JOHN Kelly, of Belfast, who Is the European bantamweight champion, today wiu voted the best young British boxer of 1953 by the Boxing Writers' Club. Kellv. who L« ai, ha.«i fought 21 limes as a professional. Every flght was in Belfast and
    328 words
  • 49 13 HOCKEY VISIT BY CEYLON LIKELY THIS SEASON THE Ceylon Hockey Association are considering a A proposal to send a team to Malaya towards the middle of this year. Negotiations with the Malayan Hockey Council will begin as soon as the general committee of the Ceylon H.A. approve the project.
    49 words
  • 228 13 Toucan will like extra furlong rUCAN 'Race Seven) was putting in ht s best work at the finish when he was just l beaten out of a place in both his outings over 6f. at Bukit i Timah in November, and 7f may be Ms right distance. This five-year-old by
    228 words
  • 338 13 Krishnan beats Misra to enter singles final CALCUTTA. Fri. -Ramanathan Krishnan, 16-year-old Davis Cup player, defeated India's No. 1 Sumant Misra 6-1. 11-9. 6-2 to reach the men's singles final in the Indian tennis championships hrre today. He will now meet the winner of the Jack Kumar semi-final for
    338 words
  • 171 13 3 changes in New Zealand Test team CAPETOWN, Fri— New Zealand, who last the first two cricket Tests of the series, made three changes for the third Test South Africa which starts here tomorrow. Lawrie Miller, a batsman, and pace bowlers Bob Blair and Guy Overton were omitted. Their
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 119 13 NEW ORLEANS. Friday. SECOND seeded Tom Brown, of San Francisco, scored an effortless 6 2, 6 o, 6 3 win over Fred Kovaleski. of Washington D.C., yesterday to win the Sugar Bowl singles tennis title. Brown, who was edged by Gardner Mulloy, of Miami,
    UP  -  119 words
  • 126 13 NEW YORK. Fri. MAJOR Sammy Lee. America's Olympic highboard diving champion in 1948 and 1952. has won the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the amateur athlete of 1953. Major Lpp stationed in Korea with the United States Army Medical Corps, was In- 1 active
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 75 13 NEW YORK. FYI. A proposed 36-nole challenge match between the American Professional Oolfing Association .venlor. champion and the top sentor player of British professional coif will be played In England on July 3 and 4 The Bri'ish Oolf Writers Association will hold a ballot
    AP  -  75 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 490 13 Smalts Times |^TPRPAy"{ WORD PUZZLE *E' C«t out and pin with other coupon* t Mting initructions appear below Nlltlt wm dd nrl c I *w r lin-w V~rf~"~rfß^^ FILL I _Il !L_s L MISSING i 3 AjR AN C otters IJ^JI.J E_ using _s__S_l EjL' O M clues CLUES iOR
      490 words

  • 1597 14 Fairy, Winter Lady score for 'veterans By EPSOM JEEP SECURING a beautiful run on the rails in the straight, Carthusian came with a storming finish to beat the hot favourite, Harringay, by three quarters of a length in the Club Cup over 8}
    Reuter  -  1,597 words
  • 50 14 TOTAL POOL $227,300 I IISST: Xo. 15filin IS.-.1..V.2) SECOND: No. *****2 ($27,276) I MICH No. *****7 ($13,638) STARTERS ($3,896 each). Xos.: ::iull. ISO4A, *****2, *****4, •,M»93fin. *****3, *****7. CONSOLATION ($1,363 each) Nos.: tmftft, 1U307, *****7, BM3I, !*****t, >!>otBB, *****5. *****0, 17S 1.-,7. :t!)fif.«. TREBLE TOTE Ont ticket, $2,605.
    50 words
  • 508 14 (8) NIGHT WARRIOR 8 9 (87—57) Jones 8 (4) KISS AWAKE 8.8 (63—50) Hudson 9 (3) AJIT 8.12 (80—58) Russell 10 (7) BLACK PULOT 8.6 (62—59) West 11 (2) SEA WOLF 9.0 V 948— 281 J Sawyer (left, no part) 0 (Winner trained by Allan). (Won by: 4K,
    508 words
  • 94 14 SEREMBAN. Friday. SineajKyre Malays drew with Selangor Malays 2-2 ln the opening ot the triangular hockey meet here- today. The other team in the meet is Nccri Sembilan who had no fixture The ground was heavy alter a bta*] downpour and a drizzle fell throucboul the
    94 words
  • 257 14 KUALA LUMPU, Frl cELANGOR Sikhs beat Negrl Sikhs, last years champions, 2-1 in the opening match of the All-Malayan Sikhs hnckry tournament on the padanK today. In the second" game Prrak. after a shaky start, settled doxn to whip Pahang 4-1. Selangor netted their first
    257 words
  • 177 14 MELBOURNE. Fri AFTER Australia's Davis Clip win vesterrtay, a brass band playing triumphal music marched and counter marched across the arena on which the challenge round «as decided. Before the Victorian Governor, Sir Dallas Brooks, could present the trophy to Harry Hopman, the
    177 words
  • 387 14 KINGSTON, Jamaica. Friday. THE M.C.C. drew the first match of their tour in the West Indies in a two-day game against a Combined Parishes XI which ended yesterday. With Trevor Bailey and Denis Compton contributing 115 ln a third-wicket stand the tourists declared their first
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 139 14 MELBOIIt.NK nt P)AVIS CLP stars Lewis Head J 1 Australia) and Tony Trabert ll'nited Statesl said hrre today that they would not become professionals yet They were commenting on reports lhat Jack Kramer, the American promoter wax anxious that they should loin his professional
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 109 14 ALOR STAR. Fri pHENG Slew Yeong, a oChoolgirl won the women's singles title when she beat Llm Lee Good ln straight se's 11-5. 11-8 in the final of the Kedah .junior badminton championships played at Sultan Abdul Hamiri College hall last night. Thoy Pak Wnh. srhoolb"v.
    109 words
  • 102 14 IPOH, Frl. Pirak Police will field a strong side ;n their first round tie of the Perak Rutbv Unions knockout competition when they meet Kinta Asians -on the padang tomorrow. Police have five good pl.iyer- In their team ln Giles, Craig. Wrigh MOtll, K.i.ssim Azi2
    102 words
  • 546 14 BUT UMRIGAR IS 112 N.O. CALCUTTA, Inch INDIA'S captain. Polly imrißar. rescued his lan inniiißs of 100 not out against the wealth touring side on th«> opening day of the cricket "test' yesterday. Battlns first, India strug! all* day mainly aeainst the sp n bowling
    546 words
  • 10 14 rr buntar i Indian yrstrrd;iy nn tin* pub
    10 words
  • 66 14 NEW ORLEANS 1 HI s Santee of K;m the mile in 4 1 see. yesterday to bn 15-year-old Sugar Bo <ortl. Sagar Bowl official it is the third fasti evor recorded by an eaa runner. Baatee, a member 1952 I ".S. Olympic finished 30 yards ah
    66 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 714 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. nntlnnrd rrom Pair 6) II lIK'N in Ho,*, II lM,n «"t >» rl. rxlrm. PHiVATt: Tuition si Knslish a nio■r ichen. C o gp. 181 8,-)849. .«TAK I INd 1 vi.u i Book-kcr^mp. ryping by B S Mil inn; futol wltii 24 tenet. 107 BrlPClc R r and
      714 words
    • 3 14 MORE SPORT-P. 13
      3 words
    • 173 14 Reporters ihc world over have tptmianeousl) acclaim ETERNn-Mnnc DAK) The first selfwinding Caiendai watch on a ball-beanng. Eterna otter:- >ou a teU'Wuttng watch ot twofold value not only does It tell you The time. second by second but :t records iat ■iv day This new Eterna-Matic gives Bnal and decisive
      173 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 132 14 i TODAY PEXANG CYCLE RACING All-Malayan cycling carnival on Victoria Gretn 8 p.m. IPOH RI'GBY: PRI knockout eompeti12lh Royal l.ancers v West Vorks Coronation ground. KUALA i.r.MPi R RI'GGKR Srlaneor < i,. v Srremban (iarrison. padaiif;; R\s('l v Selangor Iniled. lIQ Malaya ground: Selancor \V v K\t\ Police Drpot
      132 words