The Straits Times, 1 January 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times Established 1845 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1954 15 CENTS
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  • 137 1 CAPITAL GLAD— AND SAD ir Gerald's promotion miled, but departure is regretted M \i.\ LUMPUR Thursday. on toda} welcomed tho appointSir Donald \lac(Hllivray us fli^h l>nt regretted the departure <»f cr;il(| Templer. 1 opting Ihe fsifl thai he is congratulated (icneral •is promotion In mn.inandcr of Army Group of Ihe
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  • 108 1 Te mpler's successor has served in East r l'lll i nver 1 id mi; the v 1 1 I leul nul ua^ (ir>l hi I lie Kirn a I p served In- I he IHi m 1942 h mc tin). here 1 on the Plan-. Operations .inrl Intellicenee Hi
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  • 456 1 'PROUD TO HA VE HIM' tile Suprer^' nder toda y i ppnint mm I r .11 iui fern i omma nd (Jie Lionp Ol ihr Central Ruropean sector «f sil\ri i mill Gruenther he «.iv proiifl (n br able to welcome i brilliant officer who ha* distinguished himself \i\ his
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  • 396 1 TEMPLER: 'THE MAN OF THE YEAR' LONDON. Thurs. TWO British news- papers today welcomed the new appointment of General Sir Gerald Templer. to command the Allied Northern Army Group In Central Europe, as a tribute to his ■'dynamic work"' In Malaya. General Templer's ap nl as H:uh Commlssiom r In
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 16 1 i «> PON. Thurs. Britain ■•ill import 8250.000 worth of German commercial vehicles A P
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  • 173 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. IHE HIGH COMMISSIONER. General Sir Gerald Trmplrr who today completed an extensive twodiv tour of Nrfiri Sembilan. told a village committee in fcyer Kunmc South: "The cost of living m Malaya now "is much too high and you people must crow more
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  • 23 1 The new Boss of the bandit fighters IT. GEN. (i K. BOURNE. i.» o/ Operations uhen Gen. Sir Go ale Trmplcr leaves Malaya.
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  • 85 1 WE'RE SATISFIED' THEY SHOUTED 4 COMMUNIST gunman walked into the Singapore itliico of the Hock I. or Bus Company yesterday ;md murdered the uonrral Manager, 38-yoar-old Mr. (»uok Si tiu Inn. The gunman with two armed Rod companions, who had boon keeping guard outside, escaped
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  • 611 1 WELLINGTON. Thurs. The Duke ol Edinbursh todaj drove through ihe silent streets ol Wellington, where the gly bin. tine hung to welcome Queen Elisabeth had glvei way ''<< flag* vl mast to shov New Zealand's grid at thi !l railwaj disaster. Reuter. They left a Communist pamphlet in
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  • 11 1 icishes all its renders a HAPPY NEW YEAR
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  • 96 1 KUAI.A I.UMPUR. Thurs. rightren mnrp communist pfrortats haw surrendered n the Federation, bringing h« total for December to SO, hp information .services re ■>ortrd ("day. The ii^ws of the.-c surrend.■i% had h f (i n withhold for security reasons, The eighth and trnth pUtnnns
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  • 950 1 THE QUEEN KNIGHTS THE MAN WHO KEEPS THE TRAINS GOING pHE QUEEN has conferred knight- hoods on Mr. John Sanders. General Manager of the Malayan Railway, and Air Marshal Georne Holroyd Mills, until recently Air Officer Commanding Malaya, in the New Years Honours List. Mr. Sanders becomes a Knicht Bachelor
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  • 57 1 PFNANG, Thurs Tan Teik Ouan, M, the bicycle shop owner who was shot by an unknown eiinman in Kampons Paya off Batu Lanchang Roari last nipht. died about two hours after admission to hospital. Tun wa.s hit in the .stomach, mouth and back by three shots. The
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  • 30 1 HONG KONG. Thurs. The] British Government has g £200.000 to the Hone Kong Government towards the cost of rehousing 58.000 victims of the Christmas Eve fire.
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  • 162 1 Now it's Sir Geo. Robey Comedian named in honour's list i.ondon. Thurs. ■Tin: Queen created four w peers and gave a knighthood to an ngrri comedian In her Now rs list pubd today. a "Bir" of a a In. New York whose worfcs have drawn mriic:locking and thousands. The i..
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  • 127 1 CIINGAPORC people awarded honours are: C.M.G.: Mr. Albert Walter Savace, Director General <>f Civil Aviation. Malaj ■< Borneo region. i)B.K.: (Civil) Dr. G*pal Haridas Senior Physician (lencral Hospital: Mr. \::>n Fdmund Grove Blade Senior Assistant Commi--sioner of Police. M.B.K. (Civil) Mr. Kin Senc,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 88 2 IHi g| „.v ii wtn riven nvarcls in the New Year Honours List. They are, from left: Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom, Resident Commissioner, Malacca; Mr. F.K.MeNamara Senior tastaUnt om missionrr of Police. Federation: Tuan Haji .Mohamed Razalli, Oranjj Mentri Paduka Tuan, Perak; Dr.
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  • 1096 2 New Year honours for Malaya's bandit fighters MR. F. M GROSSE THF FOLLOWING D i brief biographies of thnsr honoured by the Queen. MR. OWI N SANDI RS, 61, Genrra] Manager of I knight•he Ferirrateri 81 came Ti t;on ma i paiiLsn cognlsi General with the Hn!:.n Milit) ministration after
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  • 237 2 ELEVEN officers and N C O.'sl of the Fa: East Air Force receive awards m the Mew Year's honours list. A C'.B.K. goes to Group lin w t Beckwith, Command Engineering Officer of the Tern O F.E.A.F A second C.B.E. i.s awarded to Group
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  • 671 2 Mr. A. W Savage. Director Genera! of Civil Aviation. CM G came to Singapore in 1949 from Lagos. West Africa He has been connected with aviation since 1914. During the first World War. he was with R.F.C. He studied flying at the Graham White Flying School.
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  • 117 2 A member of the staff of the Commissioner-General's Office and Sarawak and Borneo residents are also in the Honours List. MR. T. M. COWAN, labour adviser to the CommissionerGeneral, gets the 0.8. E. MR. O. K. K. AWANG BESAR only native member of the North
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  • 97 2 LONDON. Thurs. BETWEEN 65 and 70 tons ol Russian sold has been sen' to Britain during the past flve years, it was learned from re! able sources here. There were two shipmentin November one of five and another of 15 tons The first was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 Q I mormons hincse (a mile Clmk f'dJj^lj^KßPßHißWpEaj prnhahlv helDiiet lit ihr latter half nf 1 wenty-five centuries in Time sssk ji ssfsx wstff a ssiifflC'S-5 Thr pmgi rrcl Ihr i.r :>s snic< the am it CandU dock la evidenced by the elegant and accurate iirist-,rnlchrs ir >ni hji rliAiwuiiin/i,,,,!™^^^^-.
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    • 69 2 THE STRAITS TIMES wishes all readers and advertisement clients A HAPPY \NB I'IIOM'LKOLS \L\V VIMS 1953 was a year of steady progress fir MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. Sal 1 are now nearly 70,000 copies per issue roughly three times those of any other English language daily. We arc grateful to readers
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  • 28 3 r.clrd hv .lap.i ncsc s< Imuli liildnn on arriving at Tokyo in n his way to Korea to ipeM Christmas with the troops. A.P. picture.
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  • 224 3 K\K\ri:f. Tliurs nj \\n to 1 1 ammodaU k^ .M). (in i people arc bfm_ hinil in hr grounds of the i k han Gymkh.i i In i f. r the ricuii n i>i m if-hing tlie Khan a linst pl.iti■iii n at
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  • 4 3 j r
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  • 46 3 BRITAIN MAKES NEW BID TO GET WIVES FREED LONDON. Thursday. |>KIT.\IN has made a fresh approach to the Kremlin 'Mo obtain exit visas for three Russian wives of British citizens, including; two who are reported to be held in labour camps, the Foreign Office said i
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  • 154 3 Wheel plan to beat London traffic jam LONDON. Thurs. -pUK MINISTRY of Tran.spor. JL Is considering a plan to ea«e i^ndon's traffic congestion by cutting the number ol in the central area I 20 instead of 60 and the num •■)> r ol buses by 40 per cent. The new
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  • 195 3 JAKARTA. Thtir.s. Tho Indonesia n Govn-nment has approvpd trade treaties with West Germany. Norway. Sweden, France. Australia. India. Pakistan. Czechoslovakia. Poiand and Yugoslavia. —UP. J t*Mt"rUit> The British Ambassador In Moscow. Sir William Hayter. had called on Ihe Soviet Foreipn Minister. Mr. Molotov. and asked permission for thp
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  • 279 3 LONDON, Thursday. J^RITISH industry was urged yesterday to step up trade with the Soviet Union, China and Kastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain. A confidential report drawn up by the East- West trade panel of the Federation of British Industries recommends that
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  • 51 3 PITTSBURG. Thurs.— Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke. head of the Pittsburg Methodist Diocese, leaves tomorrow for a round-the-world mission tour. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Wicke on the three-month tour. They will visit Hawaii. Japan. Korea, the Philippines. Malaya. India. Egypt. Italy. Switzerland. Germany. France and England.
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  • 61 3 LONDON. Thurs. Five German pilots who flew with the Luftwaffe during the war are to be trained in Britain for their commercial pilot's licences. When they graduate they will become the first pilots of a new German airline and the first Germans to fly in charce
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 149 3 Mass bid to scale Himalayas KHATMANDU. Thurs. If ASS ASSAULTS on some of the highest Himalayan peaks are planned for next spring and Sherpa Tensing Norkey, who was with last summers .successful British Everest expedition, may have another g<> at standing on top <>f the world. It may be third
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  • 51 3 SOUTHAMPTON, Thurs. Fire broke out yesterday in two liners docked here— the Britannic 27.666 tons and the Winchester Castle 20,000 tons. The fires were not connected. Mattresses and kapok life jackets were burned in the Britannic. No damage wa^ caused in the Winchester Cas- i tie.
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  • 232 3 MARILYN IS TOP AT BOX OFFICE HOLLYWOOD. Thurs. VfARILYN Monroe, who has won citi.tions from many Army and Navy units, today was named among the top money-makers of the screen. Marilyn was chosen among the winners by the Motion Picture Heralds 22nd annual exhibitors 1 poll. Here are the top
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  • 65 3 LONDON. Thurs- Randolph Churchill, journalist son of Sir Winston Churchill, was fined twice here yesterday for leaving his car in a no parking street off Piceadill>. Churchill was fined a total of 50 shillings. Renter. IHKKK MEN from the Police Reserve Unit searching the hushes in Henderson
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 aV'_?_I^BBBB^BBBl^BBaJ I_V.A J JP| There arc over 35 TYPES of OK ELECTRODES, each specifically designed to meet the exacting requirements of every individual arc welding application. SOLE AGENTS:ivvis nsnv si>iovs A iO. I 111. ENGINEERING DEPT.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 313 3 Slrails I iiims i rossuonl 3 ~S 6 7 I |8 ~io~ TT" ZE-Ll IP 111 W_l 1 H 1 1"1" l^> #>|IH 1 _|l 111 \<.K«>ss B. Doctrine* .-uin.i:.'M- <: In 1. PagH for ttß] lOli :ne in- UIVMM Ic'.tii 'ID. ducted i» tliese reference b 00..; <>.
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  • 82 4 Sir Gerald urges public service: Clean out the grafters 1954'S CHALLENGE: TO PREPARE FOR FREEDOM MALA LUMPUR, Thursday. r THK Hitfh ommissionor. (Jenoral Sir (Jcrald TempkT. in his New Year message to the 1 Federation*! (iowrnmont servants asked them to imct the 'new challenge" of 1951 by ridding the public
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  • 321 4 Councillor, teacher made J.P. n. Tot the M H M uncillor, wr bin R schoolteacher, havr the Settle- r Honours ■27 A former chairman ni thr- r.-n^irirf Chamber <>! It „n tl Legislative and 'in the S» ttlenv nl fttKi Municipal Council Rotary leader Mr. Van prt r i v:
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  • 132 4 i'KNANG. Thurs. "VfUNiciPAi, Councillor Dr. N K Menon (Radical Jelutonßi told the council at its rioetin Ily evening thai it hurt the eves to see election post' over the t<n\n. j_ "I want to know whether we have the power to ask candibotn
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  • 277 4 OXFORD, Thurs. DR. Victor Purcell, lecturer In Far Eastern history at Cambridge University, tonight warned against the possible effects of emergency controls to deal with the terrorist campaign in Malaya. He was speaking at the annual conference of the Le Play
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 124 4 WESTERN COOKING HARMFUL? Not so, women told PENANG, Thurs. rIE vice-chairman of the Penan* Territorial Association of Women's Institutes, Mrs. P. Franks, said last night there was no question of European women Interfering with kamponft life. "I hope I can dlwpcl the idea that they are doing: more harm than
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  • 23 4 Mr K. S Das, Indian lnteroreter at police courts in Singapore, has returned from three months 1 leave in India.
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  • 84 4 SEREMBAN, Thurs. The Van« Di-Pcrtuan Besai of Negri Sembilan. who fell ill three months ago, will attend to the duties of his State from tomorrow. During the Yam Tuan's illness, his 75-year-old uncle, Tunku Be.sar Sri Menanti, arteci as Reuent. The Tunku Be.sar became r|
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  • 278 4 Call for equal rights in Malaya PENANCi. Thursday MR. Heah joo Seang, president of the Pen. Straits Chinese British Association, declai today that Malaya is the only home of thr Qua Chinese and they owe allegiance only lo the Queen Speakinf?
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  • 58 4 The Commissioner-Genera: Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. It offering SlOO in prizes for the best essays n "Macbeth' b> Singapore students, jn conjunction of the play by the Singapore Arts Theatre. "Macbeth" will be staged at the Victoria Theatre from January 14 to 24. There will
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  • 34 4 Sua Ling Ha 1 alias Chia Liang Kah. was sentenced to six months' gaol In Singapore yesterday for house trespass with intent to commit theft, in North Boat Quay
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  • 23 4 I Council meeting JOHORE BAHRU. Thur.s The Johore Council ol Stat< will meet in the Council Chamber at 10 am on January ~<i.
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  • 221 4 Printers give notice of strike I WAGE TALKS FAIL THE Singapore Prin' ployees' Union y served a 14-day strike on Malaya Publishing Limited in accordance Colony Emergency Regul This followed a 1 meeting between a fi v union delegaticn and the manager, Mr S. R. Re. Dec 29 to discuss
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  • 46 4 Acquitting Ho Mr HOW( yoo Cl ire Second rate, said I grounds t o substant charge thai Ho drov. n Ho was alleged n a c.T r n suiting in a co Victoria STeet June 15. Tho cyclist, Oo fell and inj n
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  • 47 4 A Singapore youth, Cheng Lock. 19. will April to train at th< Bi Royal Naval Co l< mouth. England Mr. Cl cadetship n the Si pply Branch N ivy. H( rJck's School and SI H> pa senior Can k ninatlon .11 19:2.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 Mtitc3itiiiriiiiiic3iifiiitriiiic3iitii!iiiiitr?i:;fiiiiEiticaitiiii«iiiiic3iiiiiiiititiC3iiiiitiiiiiicaitiiiiiirMicaiiriiiiiiitrc3iii*iiiiiiiiC3iiiiiiiiiiiiC3iiiiiiiiiiiicaiiinitiit::- 1 We take pride in announcing that we have been appointed sole agents for these world famous German radios noted for their technical perfection, i *I tone and beauty. 1 j -v y^^^a^aa^^nUnß L^E\s. SIEMENS RADIO 1 MBVaWMiMIRfeM (FULLY BANDSPREAD) -g^ 10 v»lve s Prcss-BuMon Sp^fli I S^^^^WflL^MM^M I
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    • 9 4 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION My car must go to POPE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 388 4 SINGAPORE Musical Tnpestry; 945 OCBU vn wn« sele( lions; 10. News: 10 15— 11.30 7.15 Morniiiu Star; 7.30 News; 7.35 Chiistmas Crackers: 1. Rene Savard Melody Mixture; 8. Hlll-Bllly Half Orchestra: 130 News; 1.45 The Hiah Hour; 8.02 HotlMWlVW' Choice; 10. Commissioner; 2. 5. Racing from 5 News; K.;j CnriCtUUU
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  • 81 5 TAXIS AS USUAL TODAY— AND WITHOUT METERS But they're ordered and paid for iROt'T l.luo Singapore taxii will be on the colony roads as u>iial today, in spite of a City cil ruling that t;i\i meters are compulsory, T. A. Simon, president of the Singapore Hire taaociation, told Hu> Straits
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  • 61 5 Agricultural training for ketuas MBAN. Thurs. THP. nbilan branch iral .tiui Industit Authority is for kamK mbau i] stati >n. Each will will ■i it. SI S ()()0 !v n b lilt for kei aas and i In. \i J T. McCann, state nl Officer, said he I t hornugh
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  • 104 5 Border town elects headmen CHANOLOON Thf. people ol Chang town on the Kedah-Sla- border, went to thr la.M [ect two j mm to sit or. thr local counfhla was then- second tinn. A i out of th( Ci>tered electorate of 300 votrri. c Mr I I p Kin was ->i\
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  • 266 5 I hope the Councillors who are responsible for thLs decimoii will be kind enough to I give us a little grace so that we may get the meters for which we have paid," said Mr Simon. He added that he thinlcs tlm i authorities have misunderstood the
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  • 55 5 KOTA BAHRU. Thurs. Mr. Rahim Kadir. a teacher of the Ismail English School, and boys, Ail Aziz. Yasim and Mohamad Tahir. are now undergoing training at the Re- Qtal H.Q.. Taiping. i >■: return they wii: be in fe of the first School Corps to
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  • 50 5 KLUANG. Thurs. -A Marli Rani. 24. was sentenced to one 10l and $200 fine or 40 to) for .stealing four loaves of bread, two tln s of unswettened nr.'.k. one tin of ■<iwdor. two tins of potatoes and suga r and tea valued at $10.
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  • 41 5 PAR IT BUNTAR. Thurs. Hi. h':n bin ArshSjd, a driver the Headquarters Company, Malay Regiment, was lined $50 for negligent driving He collided with a cyclist at the 7th mile. Parit BuntarTanjong Piandang road, on September 30.
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  • 102 5 -if he has the qualifications HPHERE IS nothing to prevent a Malay seaman from iking command of a ship with a net tonmore than 100 tons, provided he has sary qualifications. Captain A. C. Benfield. -•rails Merchant Service Guild, said rday. me the Mary
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  • 11 5 IThur f-'t report tmrr, T rirtrrj lenti to 25
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  • 49 5 FEDERATION HANDLES MORE CARGO KI'ALA LUMPUR.. Thurs 0 handled at major ports in Thr Federation this year exceeded the 1952 total by 8:>.<lOO tons More than 1,600.000 tons of import and export cargo was handled by the six major ports. port Swettenham handled more than 950,000 tons of cargo.
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  • 67 5 IPOH, Thurs. For possessing terrorist documents. Chong POW Keow, 21, was sentenced to live yi.ii>;' gaol today by Mr E. V. A. Peers, President ol the idna Court. Police were said to nave found a Communist rla^. boxes Ol bullet heads and phOtOgrapha Ol
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  • 31 5 Chew Hln S" ari was llnrd sion in Singapore yesterday ror 'ailing to furnish part miOl the driver of his car i r^Tifstrd to do so by Traffic Toliee.
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  • 72 5 AWARDS FOR 25 WORKERS and their boss gets one, too MIS. \X L. TS( AMIS, Kuala Lumpur branch manager or Shell Company, who presented 25 employees with gold •Shell" emblems for long service with the company, was hin,self presented with a 30-year-service emblem by Mr. Khoo dim Seang, the chief
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  • 75 5 MALACCA, Thurs. "VOl'R case is not one of -1- adding water to milk but of adding milk to water," Mr Kamanatha Iyer, the Malacca Magistrate, told Ramnath Ram, a milk vendor, today. He Inn it him $500 for adulterating his milk with 60 per cent water.
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  • 68 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Thurs. A COCONUT tree with rot- ten roots collapsed and killed Lee Hee Leng, 4. on December 1. the Bukit Merta- 1 jam Coroner's Court was told] today. The tree fell on the boy while he was playing with j other
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  • 39 5 MX. I.FSI.IK S.VMAKAWH KRI MA helps liis bride Miss .Maud Seneviratne to tut the i-ake after their wedding at St. Mary's Church. Kuala I.umpur, on Wednesday. The reception was held at the Batten Hotel.— S.T. picture.
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  • 185 5 |>URGLARS stole a total of $3,061 in cash and valuables In .six theft ca-se.s reported to UN Singapore police yesterday. From a tailor shop In YlO Chu Kaiiß Road. $1,150 in cash pnd valuables valued at $611 w »»re stolen. The thieves forced open a hark
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  • 187 5 Smuggling to Singapore alleged "THE Indonesian Attorney-General has questioned A the director of the Dutch shipping company X.P.M. in Jakarta about "large-scale smuggling" of rubber to Singapore. The Jakarta report said that smuggling of rubber and "other agricultural products" took puce a few months ago
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  • 39 5 PENANG. Thurs.— A young woman. Che Nah binte Abdul Rahman, was charged in the Magistrate's Court here today with destroying another woman's identity card. She claimed trial and bail was allowed at $200.
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  • 65 5 THEY'LL PRAY FOR CITY'S BUSINESS ARCHDEACON Robin Woods v.ill conduct a Businessman's Service in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, on Sunday at 6 p.m. The object will fee to pray for the blessing of God upon the commercial life of th? city. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce has given warm support
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  • 202 5 'Welcome sign/ says Bingham BUTTERWORTH. Thursday. PROVINCE WELLESLEY Rural Board held Its last meeting here toddy after having functioned for nearly half a century. I "This Is not a matter for regret but a welcome sign of the people's growing need to be
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  • 49 5 An international vaiiety entertainment will be held in aid ol the Sri SrnpagaVinayagar Temple building fund, at the Singapore Badminton Stadium. Q-uuletnard Road, at 8 p.m. on January 30. The .show will be undei the patronage of Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald the Commissioner General.
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  • 24 5 KLUANG. Thurs- For driving a motor lorry without an attendant, Chan Nam Seng, 24. was fined $25 or 5 days' gaol.
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  • 25 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Thurs Rajah, driver of a lorry warcharged with Inconsiderate driving. He claimed trial and the case was postponed to February 5.
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  • 219 5 Back-pay day for over 700 clerks \BOUT 750 Singapore government clerks yesterday received sums ranging from $200 to $1,400 as arrears of pay based on the Yong Pung How arbitration award. They work in the IncomTax Social Welfare, Marine and Labour departments. Fo'.lowing the arbitration award to Fostal and G.C.S.
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  • 45 5 PENANG, Thurs— The Ptenans Muslim Recreation Club has siven 51. 622 to the proposed Islamic College of Malaya. The money was raised by the .soccer match for the Ikhbal Cup played between the MFC and the Penang Ramblers in April.
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  • 40 5 A benediction ceremony will be held at the temple of the Pure Life Society. Petaling. at 9 a.m on Sunday for Mr T. V. Ramakrishna Rao. the retiring Agent of the Government of India in Malaya.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 Now! ONE Brushing With COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Removes UpTo 857. 0 f Decay And Odour-Causing Bacteria! *"W <•#•***■») CLEANS YOUR BREATH while it jmk CLEANS YOUR TEETH tnd r I STOPS MOST TOOTH DECAY ONE Brushing with Colgate's Stops Bad Breath Instantly Your very first brushing with CoifMe'l MCh mornini;
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 63 5 Trlok \>rr M.Y.K. Combined picnic with church ihoii Youth Council holiday camp Tamil Mei.ih BSMT, Chant IY.ii:.- H.rt leaver 2J5. TUok A\er Street :.t 730 a in Gurkhui Band: Publ. peifoiiii■aea btlaog Park, oao p.m. toi 7 pin Tamil Mrlhodi>l liuuli Holy Communion with act of dedication. 1. Short Street.
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  • 31 6 V/ H m/f* SIH 'minimum i get of sympatti In her I MR. Ac M! t »nk nil Mendi as f° r aiatstance, p^^ i»hes and .ision of their wfidlne
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  • 25 6 IN MBMORIAM Jtt H nrW* J/rt minimum i FN CMFRISMFI) m' 1" re. i l .i 3 beloved Minhund »nd falhfr. CV>n»> but not en
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  • 21 6 29 H*i rtt */ft rtiit'irtni ftt) OAKiR H rnarhf B md other (Mf Horn and y.r,' <■ ■■f Agrni I f°
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  • 1338 6 Singapore, Frl., Jan. 1, 1954. When Templer Leaves The extension of Genera] Sir Gerald Templer's term as High Commissioner by five months serves Malaya very welL It is not the arrangement which the Colonial Office and the Wai Office originally had in mind. Genera] Templer was to have left Malaya
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  • 2340 6 It was brightest year for Malaya since the beginning of Emergency LAST year stood out as Malaya's brightest year since the Emergency began. The Security Forces went from victory to victory. More and more terrorists were surrendering or being killed. Things were less bright on the economic front. With the
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  • 457 6 Forecasts NEW YEAR ha.s bn usual iore<-a.sts, and economic and axti for 1954. And in 1954 every other year I havr the New Year's resoluti< cut them all out and I for future reference. A: 1954, as every that, come St. Valenti I shall have lost thrown
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 486 6 Straiti Tintct Krrc Prcti f S m wm*m*mm °t c**» I *»'V oui reprrsrntotivr at lit floor. SINGAPOrtI COLD SIORAII. Or'MABD ROAD. will r*crivc tm«lt •d>«ctnementt «no ©iMwtri ■c ho. Humbert. C.». «>>'»<! »dvf-tl«nnnti may «l>o k* h«nd»d to: CITY BOOK STOPI LTD.. Winchester HouM. Collv.r Quoy, ilngopot. CITY BOOK
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    • 75 6 DREADER'S igest The Reader's Digest loads its readers constantly Into new Helds of thought and discussion and aids them to understand more clearly the background of current trends and events. Many thousands of readers look to The Readers Digest as an arbiter of what is important and significant in the
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    • 74 6 6 RAFFLES PLACE. PHONE ***** Xx w ,J PTICIANS K. E. MEYER Fn a o d. opt. K. BELL DIP. OPT.. A.S.TC. F.A.O.A. fci P- Round Trips to w JAPAN A 21 day Cruise calling at HONGKONG YOKOHAMA i| KOBE j s.s. CHUSAN leaves Spore. 13th Jan., 1954 returns Spore.
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  • 32 7 Ringing in the new, ringing out the 01d.... licsc bells of cheer rang out clear and bold, At midnight last, to herald Photograph* by Sam Kai Faye
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  • 86 7 ipoh. Thurs. I, perak in a mess- ntrl Be>ar. has nmic and howand more tras the i menace <>f C<>mmuni>t terrorism, he >ays. "Trje flght against this menace ha s been carried out i throughout the year with an mounting measure
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  • 74 7 The hearing of the ca:;e aaainst G. A. Hardcastle, charged with inisappropriatin-; <1 .010.95 belonging to the Asian members of the Dockyard Fire Brigade Welfare Association. was at the Singapore second district court yesterday postponed to January 9 and 11 Hardcastle was said to have been
    74 words
  • 30 7 $100 fine for causing hurt KUALA LUMPUR. Tnurs. Munusamy. 2<> municipal labourer, was lined $100 for voluntarily causing hurt to Ra;ilir!K.i"i With I knife. Munusamy said RajuHngam threatened him first.
    30 words
  • 26 7 Si raits Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship. Singapore. uiil hold its annual mrpting and elections tn th*» church hall Kampnng Kapor. at 7.30! p.m. tomorrow.
    26 words
  • 743 7 MacOILUVRAY 'A SPLENDID CHOICE/ BUT... VILLAGERS' FRIEND From Straits Times Staff Reporters COUNCILLORS who have been in close touch with him, new villagers who have met him and Malays, Chinese and Indians joined today in M-uTt'tliiiy the departure in June of the
    743 words
  • 208 7 IN PERAK the man in the street, as represented by clerk, teacher, salesman and merchant was confident that the longer General Templer remained in Malaya the better it would be for the country Mr. John Emmanuel, labour leader in the State, said he felt
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  • 195 7 MR. J. SNOXHILL, senior Negri Sembilan planter and member of the State Executive Council, said he did not think Communist efforts were .sutlleiently mpprraarri for General Sir Gerald Templet to be removed. Mr. Lee Slaw Joo. president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Negri Sembilan. said
    195 words
  • 138 7 MR. S. Shunmugam, Malacca representative on the Federal Legislative Council, said: "I was hoping he would be allowed to stay on for another two years. It was the fervent hope of Malayans that he would .see the end of the Emergency.'' Mr. W.H C. Horn. Member for Malacca
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  • 113 7 JUANE'S DREAM COMES TRUE She always wanted to see Spore WIIKN KIRI Spanish dan i-er Juane Chicharro was a little girl in Madrid, she deamed of the day when she rould visit Singapore. The dream came true yesterday when Juane (above > and her partner, Antonin Garcia, arrived in the
    113 words
  • 93 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. RAYMOND Frois, chief Cierk at Bunesar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, today pleaded Ruilty in the Sessions Court to a charge of criminal breacn of trust of $8,482. Between June 6. 1952. and Aug 18 1953 FroLs was alleged to have taken $7,882
    93 words
  • 87 7 THHREE ape like human creaJ. ture.s, two men and a woman, have been seen on thrve different occasions in the la-st few clay.s near the Trolak Forest Reserve in Perr.k. They are covered in lo ie hair down to their waists and the men have moustaches of
    87 words
  • 55 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— A ninc--man deputation of the Selangor Parents' Association today called on Inche Othman bin Mohamed, Mentri Besar, Belangor, to protest against large .scale sacking of English .school students in Kuaia Lumpur. It also stronply criticised the Government for the large number of children of school-going
    55 words
  • 50 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Kuala Lumpur branch of the Malayan Historical Sonetv has <ie< vied to compile the history of the Queen's Coronation, the brunch .secr-'lary. Inche din. told the St. aits Times today. The society has started the preliminary work of gathering the necessary material.
    50 words
  • 21 7 Doped Nadeaan flneri U in Hmeapnip yesterday for pro-fe.'-Mn^ to tell fortunes by means ol birds and card* I
    21 words
  • 144 7 After training in England POUR MALAYS rrcrntly commission! d In the RAF r Rr-simrnt reached Chanpi yesterday on their return from Britain. iney win serve wun aquas- i rons of the R.A.F. Regimen; (Malaya) in Singapore, the Federation and Hong Konc The Malays. who
    144 words
  • 82 7 FAMILY PLANNING The Singap c and Hong Knnj .nning Association > have ;isreed to be jntnt sponsors ol Japan as a full member oj the International Plinni d Parenthood Federation, said Mrs Renee E yo.'. organising secretary o! the Sinsaporc body yesterday Mrs. Margery Butcher, formoriv
    82 words
  • 164 7 11 -HOUR CURFEW ON 6 'BAD' VILLAGES nf prople in Johnrr- farr a hlrak now yrar. A daily 11 -hour curfew has been imposed on six villager, in the Johorp Bahru District Ulu Choh. f.alons:. Benal, Kulai Seler.K and Kangkqr Pulni from today. The curfew hours are from 7 p.m.
    164 words
  • 27 7 IPOH Ahnnt, 400 children ol the Railway employees in Ipob were siven a party al ihr Railway R?rreation ciuh yesterday. It lasted for five ho'
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 (Tornc wine WINCARNIS will enrich the blood and build up new health and vigour. There is no better Tonic MWj/k i 'or the blood, the nerves FOR YOU. l3ij a rich mat •Jol^r WITH NOURISHING EXTRACTS r- <M| m/ IV//S3
      40 words
    • 162 7 SUGGESTIONS *jj if for I USEFUL NEW YEAR PRESENTS for Men. Gold Silver Cigarette Cases, Engine Turned Gold Silver Cigarette Lighters. Sterling Silver Ash Trays; g Propelling Pencils in Gold °4* and Silver. *i| Snake Pattern Key Chains, Gold Penknives Swizzle fc Sticks. Gold Signet Rings, Cuff-links ft and Full
      162 words

  • Entertainment Page
    • 43 8 •The Robe": filmed in CinemaScope is drawing audiences eager to see the new technique. The scene above is from 'The Robe', which, in book form, was a best seller in 1953. Below is Jean Simmons, a star of the film.
      43 words
    • 826 8 made for super screen WHETHER it is the novelty or whether the CinemaScope really marks a new step forward in the art of the screen, "The Robe" (which I saw just too late for review last week) the first CinemaScope film to reach Malaya, seems set already to break all
      826 words
    • 216 8 TARZAN-'MALA YAN TIGER L/IAT/l TURNER and husband No. 4 -huge (6ft. 4in.) Lex Barker have flown home to America from Britain with three European films behind them... and marriage ever after ahead. She has finished "Betrayed" an emotional drama made at Elstree with Clark Gable and Victor Mature. He has
      216 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 378 8 SHAWS ORGANIZATION txtemd tihu best wishes fa you for A REEL' HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR/ •SF MOVIE NEWS %S^ I REX tt*'n<'*'l Wdniffki Tnniffht That WnnnVrful Karl OfcrT SIPIT SARAWAK in JM Bk»r*»— >w i r An Exritini: DilTrri-nt 7 I, M^bSmTH t DRAMATK ROI.I tSr j Prod PIRWwwW r
      378 words
    • 325 8 XL A HAPPY NEW YEAR^ ALL OUR PATRONS"*/ CATHAY ORGANISATION THEATRES 5 SHOWS Ss Af "fl i i I i V Vi'*m! DAILY! 9 M|IT They gave you your best Chri' tmas ENTERTAINMENT! see them again TODAY!.... For A NEW YEAR j j^~ SPREE... T I I i Fred ASTAIRE
      325 words

  • 2114 9 Podgy stockbroker kept his mistresses on the loot from phantom oil ONE warm summer afternoon in 1922, a Chicago stockbroker named Uo Koretz— chunky, balding, bespectacled, about 40, took a group of wealthy clients for a short cruise on Lake Michigan in his luxury yacht. Five miles out, the sleek,
    Daily Mirror  -  2,114 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 170 9 r '1 |$AVESAFELY j REMEMBER TO '•buy GJ €hlfDaif\ FULL CREAM I POWDERED MILK I U VS3 I L: I /iNFLUENzA Take I VALDAI >Rf YOU HOLIDAYING IN ■ERTH. WESTERN AUSTRALIA? I I! use ot a B•• n <\e n Cm ot money t :uaranS "YOU PIR >YE RE B
      170 words
      136 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 175 9 ll %i#* o^f J>OH QllixotC dela Manck Wsandwl> i nza 10 iSQWttO A PINT AND P6ASTROUS JIIHI j>S('^y MIKACU.OUS Jg a HALP Of THE BBEW AT A GULP...^ CPFECT. IM TUP 1 IOUID QJm I |J7%" J* his KJtTvXN 'O *Ht 7Tf sJ\ BUT SINC£ TNE SQUIRE'S STOMACH WAS LESS
      175 words

  • 256 10 The following Schedule of Rate* of Charges for Water will take rflect on and from the January 19.54 Meter Readinss:BCHEDULE OF RATES OK CHARGES FOX WATER WATER Rate of Charge Description per 1.000 galls. 1 For all water supplied to Shipping and to Water Boats at Ciyde
    256 words
  • 253 10 TIN FALLS, RUBBER STEADY ifHE Singapore share market, closed lor the year ■1 yesterday at 1 p.m. very quietly after a morninc in which the turnover was very small. The market was without feature and prices were practically unchanged in all sections. Tin fell $1.25
    253 words
  • 43 10 The Singapore Produce exchange was closed ye-sterday. Uwl« and Teat: Closing prices at 1 p.m.: Copra: steady: January $40', buyers. $40 sellers; February $40 buyers. MO I sellers; March *39 r buyers. $40% sellers. Coconut oil: steady *62'- buyers •63. sellers.
    43 words
  • 28 10 Thr price of tin in Singapore yesterday was declared at $317.50 a pirul. down si.r». The market will be closed today hut will be open tomorrow.
    28 words
  • 178 10 There was a reasonably good undertone on a quiet Singapore rubber market yesterday on which January first grade closed at 57 3 8 cents a pound, unchanged on Wednesday. Closing prices at 1 p.m. yesterday were unchanged on noon. The tone was quiet. There was some trade and
    178 words
  • 294 10 FINANCE TALKS IN AUSTRALIA Frorr. Hall Romney LONDON. Thurs. IT IS generally agreed heir that prices of tin and rub- ber and other raw materials will be an important topic for discussion at the Sydney conference of Commonwealth Finance Ministers ney 1 week. In some quarters cnere is confidence that
    294 words
  • 38 10 f\F the free exrhance market hi .ionc Konc yesterday the US dollars was quoted nt I.TSS79 for ra.^h and S 884 for T.T. Marital *M quoted at 15. 23 and one tael of told at 250.375.
    38 words
  • 63 10 OHIPS lying alongside the Singa- pore Harbour Board wharves or expected today are: Thermopylae 4-5. Katons: C.P.. Cyclops fi-7. Star Arcturiis 8-9. India 11-12 Benrlnnes 13-M Nerkarslein 15-16. Ch«ndpara 17-18. riving Cloud 19-20. Cilv of Chicago 31-32. Myrmidon 33-34. Breronshirp 36-37. Astyanax 38-39. Olinda 40-4!. President MrKinlev 44.
    63 words
  • 228 10 I UWTO f),,nt Ol v MM IMJiMIIUI v B B Petrol iiM rru im, Con _i d .-mtu, i.' Pra*« .v Prer. oms. Ci.mirnon ni.sp. Park a > urt V. HaauneV j.u ion ,v en m Brevi r O. Chinese Bunk Raffles Hotel IM P:. s. Brn
    228 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1025 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMF.NTS iii« I APPLICATIONS are Invited from serving Government Officers for th« I Mppr.iniment of Clerk of thr- Federal I legislative Council on the saiar> E scale $912 x 3f. 1.200. Applicants should be not less than 35 years old should have had «t !«»»!t i year* Oovernmeni srrvir
      1,025 words
    • 575 10 NOTICE CHAPTER 216 (Pawnbroker*.) Inrrdrmird I>led«rd Oond* »nd Jewellery from the followJnf r»wnbrokrrs" Shop« I No 21 New Bridce Road. Chin Chong Put (Chop Thve Shen K >. No. 135 New Bridce R iad, Lam Joon Slong (.Chop Sam Foh). I No. 189 South Brirtce Road, Lam I Joon Chong
      575 words
    • 44 10 NOTICE Mr. T. A. Simon extenrls his fplirit;itions for the festive soa<;riii to all his friends, business BaatH nates, iinrt voters of the Rochoro Ward throwch whose support and encouragement has made it possible for him to serve them on the Singapore City Council.
      44 words
    • 43 10 MITSUI |J\ LINE EAST-BOUND POUND THE WORLD SCRVICI P" rcnoflq Singapore Hono Kf**fl Jop^w C.F. SHARP 6c CO., {M) LTD. "NION BUILDING. SINGAPORE TIL SJ96 78. 2109? L.I" jhrrp Co (m) Ltd. 'aviation division lAT A. BOOKING AGENTS ALL AIRLINES Union BLDC.SinGRPORE *l%
      43 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1102 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. 0 .ft, 1 in Singapore) AH ether BLUE FUNNEL LINE Dcptv Cillleil option to iiKMd vie ether pairs to lead end discharge cerge SAILINGS te LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON A CONTINENTAL PORTS Sai's P. Shorn Penong Liverpool Dublin K G. 11/14 Jen. 4 Jan. 5/ 4 Jan.
      1,102 words
    • 954 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/U.K./CONTININT ;;L.lendl." for Ronrjkok J^Tj'en MT 1 ""T' Jeve" for Koh»,chong, Soigon, Hongkong, Monilo, Kobe Kine for Diokorto. Kohsichong Soioon Hongkong, Monilo, Kob* •'MU'JI-'Mo^.hVichong; H^g VgLfc "^L^ SAILINGS TO CONTINENT ft SCANDINAVIA For Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam Homburg, Copenhegen, Gothenburg ft Oslo
      954 words
    • 1135 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS to U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS Spore P. S'hom Penang aenrwnes for Avonmouth, London, Rotterdom, Newcastle, Hull G. 11/14 1/ 7 Jan. 8/ 9 Jan. •enledi for Liverpool, Glosgow. Homburg. Rotterdom G. 21/24 7/ Jan. 10/11 Jan. tJenlawert for Liverpool, Antwerp, Rotterdom, Hamburg 12/18 Jon. 19/21
      1,135 words
    • 1150 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. TEL: No. ***** HAMBURG HULL LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, ond for U.S.A., North Atlantic Ports PORTLAND, SIATTLC t VANCOUVER ond Canodo vo Colombo Accrptinq enrqe. for Central I South CITY OF CHICAGO American Ports S pore p. S'ram Peno-1 SUNNYVIILE 7 mn Pc-n->g CITY OF BIRKENHEAD
      1,150 words

  • 808 12 HEALTH scares are blamed for the Brs| significant dip in more than 20 years in cigarette sales i n the United States in 1953 Consumption of cigarettes in the U S la>t year may be down by two to four pe r
    808 words
  • 70 12 ECONOMISTS in the United States are mostly optimistic about prospects in 1954. A «roup or 300 economists at a meeting of the American Statistical Association in Washington predicted that 1954 will he serond only to 1953 in over-all national prosperity. They forecast only a
    70 words
  • 175 12 U.K. seeks fats from sugarcane BRITISH research into the use of moulds to convert sugar and sugar waste into fat may lead eventually to a new commercial source of fats. At the Department of Applied Chemistry at the Manchester College of Technology, Dr. T. K. Walker is trying to rind
    175 words
  • 59 12 r'O new cement works costins: about £5 million are to be built in Britain by Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers. The works will each have a capacity of about 175.C00 tons ■a. year and building is expected to start this >ear. One of the works will be near
    59 words
  • 299 12 T^HE cargo ship of the future will be influenced more A and more by growing air freight traffic, and future freight-aircraft will have to be more efficient and economical to win and keep their superiority over surface travel. These opinions were expressed by Mr.
    299 words
  • 228 12 RESULTS of borin K operations to the south of lan* 1 being worked by Ayer Hitan Tin Dredging; Ltd. near Kuala Lumpur have proved the existence of low grade deep ground. This was revealed by Mr G W. Simms. chairman of the
    228 words
  • 193 12 4 MATERIAL made from pure zinc and rubber latex which can be brushed or sprayed on iron and steel parts to protect them from corrosion is now being supplied by a British firm in Liverpool. The protective coating can be applied over adherent rust. Zinc
    193 words
  • 194 12 'Locomotive' on rubber tyres claimed answer to jungle transport Mr. LeTourneau has reveal--ed that the heart of hi>: Tournatrain i.s his electric wheel," which canii a large pneumatic tyre and ha.s within its rim an electric motor and gear reduction. The electric wheels are built m different sizes to take
    194 words
  • 63 12 A new type ol conveyor beltIng 111 Australia, made by one of the leading rubber companies, i. s without the usual folded duck edges, and la similar to square-edge transmission belting. in manufacture the top and bottom plies extend beyond the bcvly of the belt and are
    63 words
  • 188 12 WHEN the British Industries Fair was started in 1915. early in World War I, it might have been thought to belie, superficially, the whole character of United Kingdom trade, according to the director of the 1954 8.1. F.. Mr. J. L. Reading. The
    188 words
  • 175 12 OUSINESS facilities for overseas buyers who attend D the 1954 British Industries Fair include shorthand and typewriting, interpreter and international telephone, telegraph and postal services on the spot. Buyers who show an official invitation or their own business card at any entrance to
    175 words
  • 88 12 /commercial production of Vv paper from .sugar bagasse has bvgun in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo. Brazil according to a report, from the Brazilian Government Trade Bureau. Initial production is said to be more than 20,000 pounds daily. It is planned to step up output rapidly
    88 words
  • 129 12  - COMMERCIAL NEWS VIEWS By Eric Woolnough Seria oilfield to supply Australian 'catcracker THE Srria oilfiold in British North Rornro and oil from the Middle East aro the plannrri of supply for one of Australia's first "catcracki plexes' catalytic cracking units. 1 The plant will convert oil fractions to motoi Construction
    129 words
  • 205 12 4 XUCLEAR 4 plant can bi and operated anywh< even in a remote barren region and pound of uranium do the work of L' lion pounds of coal. An American econom Guy Sims Fitch, ma comment In a n developed areas. -1 that to take quar."
    205 words
  • 56 12 India's import the brst ntl year i s substantially ed on the policy for 1 1 halt 'i' 1953, accordlni ports from New i Under the n< grouping, importers allowed to import a o| all ed items again si licence, while licenci fabrics, papei
    56 words
  • 51 12 R.I. copra exports drop by 7,000 ton? INDO-. were nearh th;i n the cording to tion in Jak West Q November Sweden md then Ho 5.50 D Inrion' tons "I copra in 'lie months of in.v with 286,849 The United 30.511 tor copra exports N noiinerri n Man Philippli the
    51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 317 12 TOUGH RUGGED EFFICIENT BOM DISK rio\UN<; HARROWS arr a Miit ni Xi to IM n.B.HP. They ran either b< towrd behind a trartnr. n r operatrd p ■.<.■< r lift ol crrtain makes KOMI HARROWS arc Widely and ri by many estates in Malaya j or the < mg and
      317 words

  • 673 13 Neo, Chay lead parade of 1953 sport stars IB) THK SPORTS KDITOR two YOUNG Singapore Chinese head the id€ of Malayan sports stars of 1053. They 12-year-old Neo Chwee Kok, the swimmer, d 26-year-old Chaj Went Yew, the weijfhtboth of whom represented Singapore in i he 1952 Olympic Games held
    673 words
  • 1325 13 (JANUARY beat SingaH M s Malaya comKual i I .mpur. PI Mat Negri I ome sou; hern n unns \A F beat 390 c Sanetar. rid drew to win pionship f:.f bea< Btaga--1 North heat South by F-elangor beat Ul Bl r FEBRUARY beat Ppnang become rhamptona.
    1,325 words
    12 words
  • 376 13  - PENANG TOOK 2 TOP TROPHIES OH KEE TIANG By IT has been a good year for sport in Penang. The Settlement's crowning achievement of 1953 was undoubtedly the winning of the Malaya Cup for the first time in 32 years. Mama mam K^ On the badminton courts Penang was again
    376 words
  • 368 13 By N. H. MOREIRA THE accent was on youth during: the past year of x sport in Perak and this was particularly noticeable in soccer and athletics. ~7Z~T— Though beaten in the Maiaya Cup soccer competition by Penang. the eventual champions, Perak have an
    368 words
  • 859 13  - YOUTH STARRED IN CORONATION YEAR SPORT SENTINEL By IT WAS fitting that, in the year of the Coronation of 1 the Commonwealth's young Queen, some of the finest achievements in Malayan sport should have been those of youngsters, many of them still at school. I~r Apart from Neo Chwee Kok,
    859 words
  • 498 13 SCHOOLS COUNCIL A STEP FORWARD BY NO YOOK TOON THE formation of the Combined Schools Sports Council was the biggest step forward In sport in Selangor during 1953. Soccer and hockey matches were olayed with Combined Schools of other .states. It Is hoped that these friendly fixtures will be extended
    498 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 535 13 r A I H HAPPY H AND PROSPEROUS 'I H NEW YEAR m THE STORE WITH A c<&/ TO OFFER a haitv nku year ALL FREE LISTS 4 SHOWS TODAY SUSPENDED il .i m i.-)-t;;;n ft. ls p.m. Wjyi *V* South-i;;ist Asia Film Co's |J O j^^B w Year Special
      535 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2 14
    2 words
  • 92 14  -  EPSOM .IKKP r.v rPWEIGHT Forest Beau and Oleander are doubtful starters for the CommissionerOeneraJ'a cup over 1 im. at Penang tomorrow, leaving a probable field of 13 for the big Probables md jockeys are: I l^-st Bet .Bousourei 9on liiirmi II Mi.lleyi Mul.arik iMcCIOUd) «-10 Itrnadsidr
    92 words
  • 67 14 r pnp. following «iii reptwanl Bh por^ the Federation in the first "home" international at Kip'i I.urr.prr or Jan l n V N Filial 'CSX'i. R. H Birth SRC). A lit =in<:h (LA.): P. Ppnnefather iPolirpi .S Vellupilhl lPoliC*>. E r>or;us.imv CSC'. WO B I
    67 words
  • 60 14 I ONDON. Thurs Punderland. i next to l»s' m ;!ie flr-t divi,.*on of the EncliMi football league tIS ""n i Malayan 1137,000) last nicht for Ken Chisholrn. 28--year-oid C:irdlfT City in^iric lefl '•n. a Sen. previnw*!'.' pl:ived fo>- Qu^en Park and Ptnrk Thistle in .he Scottish
    AP  -  60 words
  • 46 14 CALCUTTA. Thtirs. NarHh Kumar. Indian Davis Cup player reached the semi-final of the N,\Mrnal lawn tenni? rrmmpiotWil|>s j lnc vrw~rd.iv with b four-set utorv over the Sweddish ytar L<*in.irt Bercelln. Kumar won 6-2. 6-2, .s-7. fi-0. He now meets Jack Arkinstall of Austrnlia. -Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 180 14 KO' A BAHHI. TTiurs. GercU bemi 30 Bnt. Malay Reeiment 2-0 in knockout nocer fixture hrre ,^rnrel^s= Rpt half M'-rm-med MrK and Kirn ChuJ scored. TOR SALE in ».«rf. H (mm >— Box ill fte txtrm FOR SALE 100 comfortable cane rhairs with arms in
    180 words
  • 288 14 Big weight pull over Bend Over and Ivernia By EPSOM JEEP U VRRINGAY, a three-year-old on the upgrade. n should make a safe bet in the Club Cup race over Si f. for Class 2, Div. 1, stayers (Race Four) at Penanff today, third day of
    288 words
  • 144 14 SIAPA TAHU .should find his winning turn in a weak Class 2 field over B'/j>f- in Race Two today. Siapa Tahu. a Harrobye gelding came in a good third to Ivernia over 7f. on Boxing Day after losing valuable giound at the home
    144 words
  • 22 14 HEAVY rain fell in Penang froir 5.30 p.m. yesterday and the coinp for today's races will he yielding at best.
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  • 698 14 LIAC.I.E HAWK (Race Six) was a confident lip J over If f. on Christmas Day. This four-year-old ran up to expectations hut had the misfortune to come up against the remarkably-improved Summer Corn who sailed home a six-lencth winner. Eagle Hawk was putting
    698 words
  • 106 14 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1. BROWN BOOTY Demonic Dante's Idyll LUNDY ISLE Brown Booty Onion II SKYRIDER Brown Booty Peter 3.15. Race 2. SIAPA TAHU Madrid Remarkable REMARKABLE Sea Hawk Haydee MADRID Remarkable Slapa Tahu 3.45. Rare 3 l>l-.H.\R Takdeer Meath MEATH Hollywood Star Winter
    106 words
  • 766 14 The Treble Tote will be held on Races three, five and six. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race six. Race 1—3.15: Class 5, Div. 3 6 Furs. 1 492 Brown Booty West 9.00 Mr. Mrs. H. C Chionh Tjoa 2 700 Sabak Bernam Smith 8.13
    766 words
  • 405 14  -  1^ EPSOM .lEr:P OACING in Malaya during Coroi nation Year hit a high note in May a* Bukit Timah when some of the finest horses in training lined up for the richest race ever staged in Singapore the Coronation Cup over seven furlongs
    405 words
  • 481 14 GOOD TRIAL BY PURPLE AND WHITE By EPSOM JEEP PENANG. Thurs. pi-RPLE AND WHITE (late Mona's Kudai galloped lik* i, winner on the training track at Penang this morning when -he sprinted 3f. in 36 with jockey Hunter Russell in the saddle. Purple arid White Is nicely weighted with 7.10
    481 words
  • 510 14 Rosewall wins and Australia keep Davis Cup MELBOURNE, Thui AUSTRALIA won the Davis Cup, symbol tennis supremacy, for the fourth niece when Ken Rosewall hr;it ie s«i\ ts 6—4 in the decisive final singles match of i lenge round at the Kooyong courts here. For thp fourth day runnins there
    Reuter; AP  -  510 words
  • 15 14 The All-Malayar. ry< will held ri' 8 pjD. on Vi Green. Penanc. 'odav.
    15 words
  • 50 14 Ml I ltd I lj hus conduct,., \ii'tr.ili,t loda\. One newspapei i almost lifrsi/r " is, our Fornier ffteMedoi .s.-d.m.n „,i,l |.!l>r. «i||, m., "oil.l <hampi(iii li-.ilid Trail, i, lirc-s<t bailie ye < i.lin Lane, anotbei lian star, said: II they Mfkl to him ..t
    50 words
  • 95 14 Lock strikes form to tak four for KINGSTON THE M.C.C., hind the Combined Pan play oo Hie opt n their match nere yesten Hie I were 168. of which 88 w< I for 'lie Jamali tourists. Hie M.C.C. n (i.> for two uickr's by Tony try '.vi |l to LMio
    95 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 689 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (f nnUntiM) from l\ißr 6) TIITION in 14,.,rf, (I Ml) J >n in duo-controUed >*rs. Mpartalfy ronMri.' irri l"i I.imbrrta 130 Sophia 4.30 >ii i :ni. laj M .rn.nßi Book-keepi 'hand r B b M i for wlUl 24 irni-e. 107 Seles RATIO rit nd i months 70,
      689 words
    • 51 14 NOTICE IVlitlr ever; endeavoui Is maclr i" publish classified advertise menU on the dates reqursted it is not always possible to adhere to specified dates for j insertion due to pressure on space The publishers therefore ret,tr\r the rijrht to arrange alternative dates for Insertion without reference. >naii> TIMEM I"i:kss
      51 words
    • 52 14 MORE SPORT— P. 13 i for mant ccnmrica S SlrilC nirTIWE H (jrcat an^ ancient blscovert containing 1| Tj >. vital health otvino bcibs. M*W JLt"B Sole A^nts: T H E EASTERN AGENCIEJ (IM ARRANGE YOUR NEXT STAY STRAND HOTEL 25. Hcin-oolrn Si dtl, Singapore Central, all modern convenience*Moderate Charges
      52 words